Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 25, 1905, Image 1

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Select Sites for
North-Bank Road.
Vice-President Levey Says It
Is Up to Business Men.
Shippers of Wheat From flic Inland
Umpire Have the Choice of
Whichever City They De
sire to Deal With.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Sept 24.
rcnAnigi While the fact that the
Northern Pacific is to construct a line
dVwa the north bank of the Columbia
JUver from Kennewlck to Portland has
olroady been publicly announced, Mr.
Levy supplies some of the missing de
tails which have been most eagerly
Mr. Levey left St. Paul Thursday
Might. Accompanying him was Ralph
34aJ5ki, a bridge engineer and expert,
-w4m oentinuod to Portland last night.
Mr. Majaskl com os from Chicago, and
hs the reputation of being one of the
best bridge oxports in the country. It
R-ill be his province to look over the
ro-wle by which the new line will enter
Portland, by way of Vancouver, Wash.,
ast-i decide upon the best sites for
brMging the Columbia at the latter city
and the Willamette at Portland.
Tfcc north bank of the Columbia,"
mM Mr. Levey, "will be occupied by
Fme railroad before a distant date.
It Is a natural route for the Northern
Pacific and the Great Northern where
toy they can reach -Portland. As is
wrtl kown, Tacoma and Seattle form
& rouRdaboHt line to Portland.
In View for Some Time.
"Good connections can be made with
the Northern Pacif c's main line at
Prs. We thought we would antici
pate the future a little perhaps by
building this line now. The new line
has been in view for some time. In
completing this extension, two bridges
will have to be built. One will likely
be constructed across the Columbia at
Vancouver, and to onter Portland an
other will be built across the Willam
ette. Mr. MajeskI has gone over to
-rArinii to study the situation. The
rsltos will be selected following his re
port. The bridge material has not yet
been ordered, and also will await Mr.
" Majeskl's conclusions. He is recog- I
nlzed as one of the foremost engineers
In the country."
"How long do you anticipate it will take
to complete the northern bank road,"
Mr. Levey was asked.
"Prebably fifteen months." was the re
ply. In answering the question whore would
likely bo any trouble over securing the
right of way. Mr. Levey said:
1 suppose there will be some trouble,
but I think It will not prove serious. It
oa be overcome without great difficulty."
"What effect will the new line have on
the Pugot Sound?" was asked.
Effect on Pugct Sound.
"I do not see that it will have any spe
cial effect upon Puget Sount," Mr. Levey
replied. "I do not anticipate that it will
work any radical change on the business
of that section. At the present time rates
from all Eastern points are the same to
Portland as to Puget Sound. The rates
made in the East now are common to
both Puget Sound and Portland and neith
er section has any special advantage.
"The new line will make the railroad
distance to Portland shorter. In addition
to the mileage that will be saved there
wtH practically be a level grade into
Portland, thus obviating the heavy haul
over the mountains to Puget Sound with
which we have to contend at present.
"In my opinion. Pugct Sound business
will be the same. That traffic which nat
urally is diverted to Portland will go via
Pasco to the Oregon city along the north
ern bank of the river."
Mr. Levey was asked whether Tacoma
or Portland would be Ihe principal port
of shipment, especially referring to the
immenoe quantity of grain, which annual-
lv comes to this city from the Inland
Depends on thp Shippers.
"I do not secwhy the new line shduld
divert this traffic to Portland away from
Tacoma," was his reply. "Wheat will go
to either Tacoma or Portland, wherever
the shippers wish it to be sent The
rates will remain the same to both ports.
As far as the Northern Pacific Railroad
Is concerned the relations of the two
cities will remain as they are now. with
on discrimination whatever. It will be
matter solely for the exporters to deter,
mine. The men who handle the business
will have the upper hand. As far as the
railroad Is concerned we will haul the
freight to cither Tacoma or Portland as
Is designated by those who export th
business. The rates will remain the same
"As a matter of fact, the future of the
two ports will be determined largely by
the business men. Take New York, for
Instance, it Is the men who handle the
business, who will decide this matter al
most entirely."
Property Bought In Portland.
In -reference to the purchase at Port
land of S3 acres of land for terminals.
Mr. Levey confirmed the story 01 tne
transfer of the property, but added that
he was not at liberty to state. The con
sideration was J1.500.0W.
Mr. Levey said that the property in
question lies along the company's present
terminals lh the Oregon metropolis. The
newly-acquired land consists of the two
blocks lying between Tenth and Twelfth
streets and running from the river south
to Hoyt street. He added that it would
be used as the company's freight termin
als and would not work against Tacoma
in any manner whatever. Questioned
whether the company had bought termin
als at Vancouver, Mr. Levey said:
The Northern Pacific has owned a tract
at Vancouver for some time. It will be
used as the terminals for crossing the
Columbia, the exact site of the bridge bc
inc one of Mr. Majoskl's problems. He
will also make the necessary surveys.
look over the field and decide the best
place for the erection of the bridge both
here and at Portland. He will also have
supervision of the construction of the
two bridges."
When asked whether he thought the Har-
rlman Interests would retaliate because
of the Northern Pacific's new line, Mr.
Levey stated that he knew nothing about
the matter whatever. In reply to a ques
tion whother the Northern Pacific in
tends to build a line up the Columbia
River from Kennewick to the Canadian
boundary, Mr. Levey . answered that the
road has no such extension in mind.
Increased Capacity at Tacoma.
Referring to the South Tacoma shops,
Mr. Levey was asked whether the com
pany intended to erect such a plant on
Its new property at Portland, and re
plied: "Woare going to Increase the capacity
of the shops at South Tacoma and get
ready for additional work. Orders have
been issued for the .construction of ten
new freight cars at the local point. This
order will go on indefinitely and means
that in Tacoma cars will be built to re
place those wrecked or damaged along the
entire line of the system. Instead of
dividing 'this work up among the shops
in the East or other cities. It will be done
in our own shops, at South Tacoma, and
will result small increase of the
work to be done here."
mm wrnts
Landlords Refuse Apartments
to Would-Be Renters
With Families.
a happy father at least once. Six re
ported twins, two triplets, and one man.
after drawing $100 the third day of the
first week, came back IS days later with
a request for another $100.
Whereupon the happy father was fired,
the rule was abrogated, and the ar
rival of young editors dropped off at
an alarming rate.
But somehow the supply of babies keeps
up, despite hard-hearted landlords who de
clare they do not adorn flats, and do
ar.noy childless tenants.
.Tanancw Fine Hoisted Over the
Kommandcr Group
ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 24. News
has been received here that the Amer
ican steamer Montara, having on board
Baron Bruggen. manager of the Kam
chatka Trading Society, was seized by
the Japanese near Nikolskoe, Behrlng
l.inn.i .m that the Japanese occupied
the Kommandcr Islands ana noistea we
Jananese flair. Neither the date of the
f-clzure of tho vessel nor the occupation
of tne island Is given.
The seizure of the Montara has al
ready been chronicled, but mere nas
- -t-t,t,- -i i7t I been no mention of any occupation or
' - t. . Knmm:tnA(,r islands. Rear-Admiral
vnariu humiminir more ana more 01 a.
Prominent Rcstnuranteur, an Admir
er of the Roosevcltlan Theory,
Offers Premiums to Em
ployes Who Marry.
Route Into Grangcvllle.
Official announcement was made by Mr.
Levoy that the Culdesac extension has
been decided upon as the route over
which Grangeville will be reached, and It
was stated by Mr. Levey that the con
tract for the road which Is, to open up
the rich Nez Perces country in Idaho
would be let by November, and that much
of the preliminary work would be done
this Winter. The annual construction
work will be deferred until Spring.
"Bids for the construction work on this
line will -probably be called for about
November 1." said Mr. Levey, and when
asked if work on the line would be com
menced this Winter, he replied that there
was much work of a preliminary nature
that could be done during the Wintor.
"The rockwork and the problem if get
tins through the canyons can be accom
plished this- Winter," said Mr. Levey,
"and by Spring, we will have a good
start towards the actual construction."
Mr. Levey will remain in Tacoma until
the middle of tho week, when he will go
to Portland, whore matters in connection
with the new line to be built down- the
north bank of the Columbia River will
demand his attention. '
problem for New York families to know
what to do with children.
In only two classes of homes are they
welcomed, the cheap, dirty, uncomfortable
in.mViiic nf the Inwrr East Side, and
In Drlvate houses.
It Is an actual fact that a man with
an Income from 500 to $200 a week, is
compelled to put in the hardest kind of
hard work, if he wants to secure a dwell
ing in proportion to his means, providing
he has children.
Landlords of the better class of apart
ments are gradually becoming converts to
the theory that children arc unnecessary
evils, and tenants who have them are per-
omntAi-ilv ordered to move as soon as
their leases expire.
This fact has been accentuated during
the past few days by the action Andrew
Bowse, owner of an apartment in tne
nrituKiiii Rlvern!de Drive section In
visiting four of his tenants.
Prompt AVIth Their Rent.
Vafh nf these men nald from $2000 to
13600 a year for their apartments and
nniA it nromntlv. But they had one or
two children apiece (to be exact, six In
the four families) and for that sole reason
h. -were told to look elsewhere for a
home. '
Andrew Garvan, one of the four who has
been ejected, declares that It is almost
imposslble-to find the kind of a home that
he desires.
"My wife and I have hunted all over
the city." he says, "and I am convinced
that there is a general conspiracy against
children among tho ownors--s. first-class
apartment houses.
"We have been rebuffed time and again,
when .we bad found places that suited us.
The fact that I am financially good
for any amoun. that 1 may agree to pay,
Is lest sight of because I have children."
Despite the fact that this Summer and
Fall has seen the opening on Manhattan
Inland of apartments with room for 200,
Four Blocks Are Destroyed in
. the Business Section
of theJDity.
the Kommandcr Islands,
Kataoka reported to the Imperial Navy
Department on August 26 as xoiiows.
The division disoaicnea to ivam-
chatka captured a number oi itussians
on board the American steamer .Mon
tara oft the "port of Nikollefsk, among
them Commander Esky.
Minister Grlscom. at Tokio, on Sep
tember 11. notified the state uepart-
ment of the character of the vessel and
giving August 16 as tne date. Tne
steamer, the Minister said, was taken
tn tVin Ynsukn naval station ana me
case brought before the prize court at
Yokohama, which had not renJered a
decision at the timo the report was
Tho Montara was engaged In carry
ing provisions from one point to an
other along the Siberian coast. Early in
the war the governments of Great Bri
tain and the United States entered Into
an agreement to protect the seals at
the Komraander Islands until the term
ination of hostilities. The Russian gov
ernment consented to this arrangement.
maklnsr the 2S-mile run to this city,
Quickly the apparatus was removed from
the, car3 and within three minutes after
the train pulled into the depot Acting
Chief Harper and his men were on the
scene and had several streams playing on
the big blaze. The Smelter City -firemen
went to work with a spirit and vim that
encouraged their tired brothers who had
been battling with the flames since early
.morning. The big steamer began pump
ing and with its assistance water was
directed Into the interior of the blaze
with good effect.
Losses From the Fire.
Blocks totally destroyed: Maule, York.
Barret, Woodward and Ogden. The fol
lowing is the estimated loss and insurance
given by the persons affected by the Are:
Symons store. Maule and York blocks.
Library bulldlnir. 370.000; Insurance. ?-.-
Baltimore block. $200; Insured.
"Washlnston block. $200; Insured.
Barret block, owned by A. H. Barret: total
loss; Insurance amounting to CO per cent.
George woodworth black, owned by os
A Pearlson: total loss: partly covered by In
Walkover. Shoe Company; loss JIG. 000; In
surance. 40000.
Clark block: damage. 5200: fully Insured.
Goldberg: block: damage, $1000; rullxy'In-
Renshaw block: damage. 52300; partly In
Ogden block: total loss; Insurance. $40,000;
owned by Hayes Cannan and James Davis.
Atlantic saloon; loss,; rally insured.
V. Straxsberger. cigar store; $300; total
loss, partly insured.
Emery SavlHe. Eureka meat market; total
loss. $300; partly Insured.
Casino saloon In Renshaw block; $200.
TV. H. Hayes grocery, damaged by water.
LJublbratich & Co.. damage by water:
small loss.
Fred Kuhn. Ogden block; cigar factory;
small loss.
Rlele. Barnaem & Reu. barber shop. Ogden
block; loss. S.'OO; no insurance.
Albert Boeltcher. shoe shop, Ogden diock;
loss. 3300; no Insurance.
Butte Clothing Company; loss by smoke,
3800; covered by Insurance.
A. Booth Co.. 510OO; covered ty insurance.
Rosenstein. Clark block; $300: Insurance.
Crown Tailoring Company; $200; fully in
sured. Reckslck Bros., bakery; loss. $1000; partly
covered by Insurance.
Ben Andersen, saloon. Ogden block: loss en
stock. $200; no Insurance.
H. R. Bartlett, confectionery store: los3,
$2000; Insured.
Blacks-confectionery store; loss. $3200; In
surance; $3500.
Brownfleld-Canty Carpet Company; loss.
$1000; insured.
Pamee block: damaged by heat; ao Insur
ance. Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Company:
Instruments and equipment; $1000; Insured.
Shod&Ir block; loss. $1300; Insured.
FIre-FIghtIng Apparatus Is Hurried
In From Xear-By Towns and
Entire Destruction of Mon
tana Town Prevented.
NIT 81 i BOM
four Officials Slain, Wu Ting
Fang and Prince Tsai '
and head
Cuban Liberals'
Action of
Jjlves Saved
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. The Cuban
Minister today received the following dis
patch from his government at Havana:
The members of the Executive- Board
of the Liberal party at Clcnfuegos have
addressed a communication to the Mayor,
who Is a Moderate, asking him to express
their gratitude to the municipal autnon.
tlesi. police and custom-house function
aries for the wav their lives were protect
ed Murine the occurrence Friday, which
caused the death of the brave chief of
notice while dolnc his duty.
-"There has been no disturbance since
thTlocal ona at Clenfaiegos. Therv is per
fcW orders throughout the Republic and
me uoveniucui uoi
iriinr1 It.
"The elections for the boards were held
vMterdav with strict legality 'and wlth-
dlsorder. in almost an me
out -any
COO families, rentals have gone up from boards the moderates won
S3 to 40 per cent based on last Winters
Hlots When Rent Is Raised.
On the lower East Eide this condition
of affairs has been met by numerous rent
riots, which hav.e afforded the police ex
tra work, and kept the neighborhood In
a turmoil for days at a time.
For example. In the congested ghetto It
has heretofore been porslble to rent an
apartment, so called, for 59 a month, con
sisting of two or three dark, dismal
clotete. Most of these have now been
raised to $14 or $15 a month, and the ad
ditional burden Is more than the family
can bear.
The writer two months ago looked over
some fiats on the upper West Side rent
ing for $65 a month. A week ago a visit
to the same houses revealed the fact that
the price had gone up to JTS.'
This la a case typical of present con
ditions. There seems to be no real roason
for the Jump, except the fact that owners
find they can get the money, and natural
ly ask for It-
New York City hag over 500.000 families
who pay $50 a mnth or under In rentals.
according to the figures of "the City Tene
mcnt House Commission. Two hundred
hmimnd or more of these come In the
class of $15 a month or under.
Henry Phlpps, the philanthropist, donat
ed J1.OW.000 for the erection of model
te'nament-houses and the location of three
has already been decided upon.
It Is understood that if tho project is
financial success Cthat Is If It pays two
ner cent on Ahe capital Invested), the
!Ph!pps project will be materially extend
ed. In fact a movement Is now under way
to Induce Andrew Carnegie to spend a few
millions In that way.
Despite the crusade against' children.
President Roosevelt still has admirers in
New York. The latest of these is the
proprietor of the aristocratic Cafe Martin.
who has offered $100 In cash to very em
ploye who gets married, and $50 to every
child born In Cafe- Martin families after
Twelve hours after the ordor was posted,
a waiter and a pantry girl were married.
thereby gaining $200. and the marriages
in the Martin servlco have averaged three
a week ever since.
"Every Man Should Marry."
"I am convinced It Is a good Idea and
I can afford the money," declared the
proprietor in an Interview. agree with
rxntoln nodfrev Shoots Bullet Into President Roosevelt that every man should
. timhai f VifMwh T-
Thirty Cases at Pcnsacola.
PENSACOLA. Fla, Sept- 24. Seven new
r-p of vellow fever were officially re-'
Dorted by -the State Board or tieaun to
nbrht. Thirty are now under treatment.
About 1000 Men Out on Strike Hare
Returned to Work Under
New Conditions.
CHICAGO. Sept. 24. (Special.) "Un
usual success Is attending our efforts to
establish the eight-hour day throughout
the country. Two hundred and twenty
four subordinate unions are now working
on an oisht-hour basis, or have arranged
to do so not later than January 1. 190C.
Reports from various cities throughout
the country lead me to believe mat tne
shorter work day for union printers win
be established in a large majority of
offices at the beginning of the new year."
This statement was made today by
James M. Lynch, president of the inter
national Typographical union, who came
to Chicago to attend a meeting of
Tvnofrranhlcal Union No. 16. Mr.
Lynch declared that the signing of agree
ments with a number or master printers.
has been delayed on account of their
agreements not expiring until October 1.
On that date he predicted a number of ad
ditional strikes will probably be called.
The latest bulletin Issued by tne oignt
hour committee of the International union
contains the following statement:
"Reports continue to show gains
throughout the Jurisdiction ana not a
single loss. Several thousand members
have nrocured the eight-hour day under
contracts negotiated without difficult'. At
least 1000 members previously on striKe
have returned to work under eight-hour
contracts. About 2000 members are now
out In Jurisdictions where partial settle
ments have been "made. Every union that
has made a demand for the eight-hour
day has succeeded in securing contracts
with some offices, and these contracts are
flot confined to smau omccs oy any
means. The loyalty or our memoers is
beyond question."
His Brain.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Sept. 24. Captain G.
M. F. Godfrey, assistant surgeon in the
United States Army, stationed at Fort
McPherson, committed suicide late Sat
urday night by shooting himself
through the brain with an army re
volver, at his residence at the post.
Captain Godfrey was a. son of Colonel two successive years."
, r 1 -K 1 V. I ... .
, has cost me a good deal, but it Is money
well spent.
"I am now considering the advisability
of offering ah annual Christmas present
of $300 to the man or woman in my cm
ploy, who has the largest family. To
make It more interesting, I will probably
i stipulate that no one person can be winner
E. S. Godfrey, commander of the Ninth
United States Cavalry, stationed at
Fort Riley, Wash.
Captain Godfrey was 35 years old
and a graduate of West Point He
came to Fort McPhersoiurom Wash
ington three months ago. lie is sur
vived by his wife and small son. The
cause' of the deed Is not known, but is
attributed by his brother officers at the
jpost to temporary mental aberration.
Mr, Martin's experiment recalls tne ac
tion of a. certain newspaper publisher
same years ago who ordered that when
ever a man In the editorial department
became a happy father he should be
presented with $100. as a gift from his
The rule was in force exactly three,
weeks. Ixr-that time, every .eligible "was
The Weather.
TPCTPnnirK-Mulmiim temDerature. 65
deic.; minimum. 57. Precipitation. 0.23
TODAY'S Showers: outh to west wind.
Chinese AnarchUt Throw Bomb.
ibmh V!l! four and wotinas ei v.oinese
!lr!oh rolnir aboard lo siuay loreigu
pUtles. Pare 1.
Wane Tal She will e Minister to Greatb Brl
tiin. Pae 1. r
Plan for reorranixatlons oi ine aines
Ary. PKe 1. . m
rsmiKtn n-mii H. Upperman neuncea to
death by -politicians, fate
v.m.- Yfwic manufacturers to Ex arrestee iot
conspiracy to violate the contract lebar law.
rage 3.
Prudent Roosevelt In worklns on his roes
ease to Ceasrtt. Page 1.
RUruids Involved In the Chicago reoate
cases are to be prosecuted. Pace 3.
Children are not wanted In New York apart
ment-hoases. Fare 1
Typographical Union meeting with success In
efforts for eight-hour day. Fage
Toaado sweeps Culabria, doing Immense dam
SUuchter of Turka and Armenians to ccass
In the Caucasus. Pace 3.
Court Cierixra muslon to tne uunganaa
Coalitionist Is hopeless. Pace 3.
nrftUh sovernment to estawun rant naval
base at Singapore. Page
Pacific Coat.
virWPraident Levy talks oa plans or tn
North Bank road. Page l.
RVHm McDowell Elves tne assignments or
Methodist pastors in ice uregon vraiereacr,
Ptre 4.
Da Haynes pleads for a "square deal" before
the First Baptist Churcn or beattie. mge
Fire in business section of Butte does $1.00,
000 damage. Page 1.
Strong sentiment in Cervallls against liquor
celling club. Page .
Thrw miners crushed to death In a Califor
nia mine. Page -i.
Boxing- game Is again permitted In Chicago.
Page 1&
Pacific Coast scores Oakland. 5-3. Portland
7-1. Tacoma M, Seattle -4-1; Los Angeles
h. San Francisco 4- Page 13.
Oregon Republicans write letters favoring
party reunion In Portland, October 12.
Page 3.
Local Democrats at war over nomination for
8heriff to succeed Tom Word. Page 13.
PertteBd aad Ttclalty,
C X. Howard declares thatdrlnic is destroy
ing United States. Page 8.
Hebrew School Synagogue dedicated. Page 9.
St. Johns. City aundl still doing business.
Page 8.-
Lytic engages Captain Charles Waaier to
build Nebalem road. Page 4.
Crack Eastern trapshooters do fine work on
local grounds. Page 13.
Trapshootlag match at Medfor dends. Page
Lewis ad Clark ZxposUioa.
Admlelsons. 17.168. Page 9.
Full programme for' Portland day i an
. nounced. Page 8. .
Five carloads of, Oregon fruit .-will be.'dis-
. trlbuted oa Agricultural days. Page e".
XI restock Saow'attracta-' great crowds:
iPage. . 4".
John Net!, burned
Frank Harrington and Robert Sim
mons, bruised by fall from roof, of
Barrett block.
Mell Pearl." colored, scalp wound.
Jack Carley, head cat.
W. Df Tracey, arteries cut In left
wrist and right hand badly cut.
Frank Robertson, volunteer Hremaa.
hands burned.
Chief of Police Mulholland. right leg
cut by flying glass.
BUTTE, Mont., Sept. 24- Fire, causing
loss estimated at about $1,000,000, today
consumed the entire business portion or
Butte lying between the Shodalr block
and Kenshaw alley, on the south side of
West Park street, and half destroyed the
public library.
The Are call was turned In at SH0 A
At noon the entire four-story Symons
structure was a mass of names and tne
public library and other places were burn
Ing simultaneously. At 1 o'clock Mayor
MacGlnnlss announced the Are under con
Had the blaze once crossed Main street
into the old buildings on the north side of
Park street or had It not been checked
at the Renshaw Hall building. Butte
would be suffering today from a $3,000,000
The alarm went In at 8:40 o'clock, and
First Assistant J. T. Shlnnlck and his
men went to work. At the first opening.
smoke, thick yellow and suffocating.
belched forth, making entrance imposs
ible. A cigar company occupied part of
the ground floor and basement of the big
Svmons "Dry Goods. Company.'. building-.
Firemen Bravo Dense Smoke.
At once the men realized that to, keep
the fire confined to the basement and
away from the elevator shaft was the
only hope of saving the building. Three
lines of hose, manned by crews who stood
the smoke with superhuman endurance.
advanced Into the thick smoke and poured
their flood Into the hole. Unfortunately
the basement of the Symons Company
store was drained, and the basement be
ing a double one, with a sub-basement
beneath it. It was impossible to flood.
The men could not advance to the
source of tne names, out several weni
through the rear sidewalk windows and
held the hose as close as they could to
the origin of the smoke. Finally with a
favorable turn of the wind which kept
the smoke back, the firemen broke In
the three doors on the ground floor and
poured the water In the direction of the
elevator shaft, which roared like a mill
race. A perfect geyser of sparks and
burning shingles spread Its torrents
across the roofs of buildings, starting
patches of flames from the Renshaw Hall
all the way to the Park building.
Locks Up Shop and Runs.
From 11 o'clock until noon the Symons
Company building burned free as a bon
fire and the department confined Its labors
to saving adjacent property. The Ren
shaw building seemed doomed, as did the
Lewis. King & Clark buildings. Louis
Rosenstein. In the Clark block, stayed un
til his plate-glass windows cracked, when
he locked up and fled.
Early In the course of the Are Chief
of Police Thomas Mulholland had
stretched ropes across Renshaw alley and
later across Park street from the Sho
dalr block to Bouchers, across West Gal
ena, at Colorado.
The Miner building, the Broadway.
Harvard, Argyle and other blocks were
licked by the Aames, but good work on
the part of the owners and the Arcmen
from the hill prevented what seemed
for a time a general conAagratlon. as a
stiff wind was blowing Aaming embers
By 11 o'clock every piece of lire appara
tus In Silver Bow County was at tho
scene of the Are. The departments from
the Rams. Corra, Parrot, Original, Gag
non. Anaconda and other mines respond
ed with alacrity and rendered great serv
ice. The Are battalions from the Centen
nial Brewerj. from Walkemlle. from
Williamsburg, the Butte Reduction Works
and other places, answered the general
alarm and lent valuable -assistance to the
Quick Run From Anaconda.
A. H. Wethey. general manager of Sen
ator W. A. Clark's Butte properties,
volunteered the use of the Are crews
from the Clark mines and the Butte Re
duction Works as soon as. he learned of
the extent of the Are. He also called up
the water works and offered to start the
,pumplng plant at the Butte Reduction
Works. If It was iouna necessary.
About noon telephone messages began
arriving from . Anaconda. Helena, Dillon,
Missoula and 6ther places, offering the
services of the Are departments of the
various cities. Anaconda was one of the
first to- volunteer and her offer was ac
cepted. At 12:23 three hose wagons and
a steamer, with full crews, accompanied
by Mayor McKenzIe and other citizen;
'were placed aboard a. special train, for
this city. . ,
. .-Exactly 33 mlnu tea "'were . consumed la
Explosion in Car Containing Mission
About to Go Abroad at Order of
Empress to Study Foreign
Political Methods.
PEKIN. Sept. 24. At the Pekin Rail
way station today,as a train carrying one
of the four missions ordered abroad to
study foreign political methods was leav
ing, a bomb was exploded inside a private
car, killing four minor officials and
wounding over 20 other persons. Tho
wounded Include Prince Tsai Tohe, who
is the head of the most important of the
missions, and Wu Ting Fang. ex-MIniater
to the United States, both of whom re
ceived slight Injuries.
The perpetrator of the outrage, who was
in the car. was blown to pieces. The
affair has created a profound sensation
and causes apprehension, regarding the
safety of members of the court and lead
ing officials of the government. The gov
ernment offices and railways are now
strongly guarded
The edict appointing the missions men
tioned in the foregoing dispatch was Is
sued July 16. A dispatch from Pekin Ai
gust 20 says the missions were appointed
to study foreign systems of government
because the Doawger Empress Intended
to issue a decree at the new yeac-for the
establishment of a parliament 12 years
Next Saturday 3Iorninc: His Per
sonal and Official Families
Go to Washington.
OYSTER BAT. N. T., Sept. 24. Presl
dent- Roosevelt will complete his Summer
aojourn at Sagamore Hill and return to
Washington next Saturday. The Presi
dent, .Mrs. Roosevelt and members oc
their family; Secretary and Mrs. Loeb.
and the members of the executive force
will leave here about 11 o'clock Satur
day morning on a special Long Island
train. They will go by boat from Long
Island City to Jersey City, and thence via
the Pennsylvania Railroad to Washing
ton, reaching the capital shortly after 8
The President is devoting considerable
time each day now to work on his annual
messace to Congress. For some time he
has been assembling data for tne mes
sage, but since the adjournment or tne
peace conference ne nas oeen writing mo
data Into definite form. The message
will not be completed until some time
early In November, because each member
of th Cabinet will nave to supply ma
terial for discussion of the work of his
department. This Information will be
contained In the annual reports of the
fTnhinet oflicers. which have not been
Three topics highly Important at this
time to the American people will De ois
kucchI hv the President In- his message.
They are the Federal regulation and su
pervision of lire insurance, tne relations
between this country and Venezuela and
America's Interest in the fiscal affairs of
the irovernment of Santo Domingo. Other
Imrjortant subjects naturally will be con
sldered, among them the scandals dis
closed In the Departments of Agriculture
and the Interior; the. work of tne uepart
mcnt of Justice In the beef trust cases,
thA regulation of railroad freight rates.
the progress made In the construction of
the Panama Canal and the conclusion of
map between Russia and Japan.
Much of the material for the discussion
nf thesf subfects tne president nas in
Reactionary Party in China Is De
void of Principles.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21. When the
dispatch containing the account of the ex
plosion of a bomb In a private car was
shown to Sir Cheng Liang Tung, Minister
China here, he expressed his horror
over the occurrence ami aaiu n
doubly unfortunate that It should occur
just at a time when all things seemed so
auspicious for China and her government-
There Is doubt about the. .perpetrators, or
rather as to the party that is responsU
ble . for the deed. Then the Minister
There are two parties in China, the
new reform party, which is desirous of
having the people and government
profit by the adoption of whatever is
found good in Occidental civilization
and methods, and the party that you
call anarchists iri this country. The
leaders of the latter are really devoid
of any principles, whether of govern
ment or anything else; envy and jeal
ousy are the mainsprings that actuate
their every movement, like your Presi
dent-killing' anarchists, they merely
seek to destroy."
Plans for Chinese Army.
LONDON. Sept. 24. The correspondent
of the Morning .TOBt at anangnai oaja
that Yin Tchang. the Chinese Minister
at Berlin, has been, recalled and will be
appointed to a command In tne army un
der General Yuan Shi Kal, Viceroy of
The same correspondent gives some in
teresting statistics regaraing tne xcui
ganizatlon of the Chinese "my. He says
that the empire will be divided Into 20
military districts, each with four regi
ments of infantry, one regimem. u v.tta..-
ana aruiiery iu
v.. on en L'l nt-t-i
iArtinn All the men will be enlisted
for nine years, ay v,uii.. .
have. 500.COO trained men ready for service
In the field.
Minister to Great Britain.
wicrnvRTON'. Sent. 24. Wang Tal
She, first secretary of the Chinese Le-
i.i 1 t k... tMienated a s Chinese
hand, and the last few days of his stay fi1Jat;rnto the court of Great Britain,
at Sagamore Hill are being devoted to the "' ch,nese Minister will make a for-
preparatlon of that part- of his- message announcement of the appointment
which will deal with them. Few visitors al..R"" ntft nenartmcnt tomorrow.
have been received since the adjournment
of th ocace conference, the President
dMlrlncr to be as free as possible from
interruption while working on his mes
sase. His last week here la practically
devoid of encasements. The consldera
ttnn of all matters except those of Ira
mediate importance Is being postponed
until the President shall have reached
.tananese Schoolboys Give Athletic
Entertainment in Her Honor.
SEOUL. Seot. 24. Miss Alice Roosevelt
and party attended the athletic sports of
Newspaper Suspension Removed,
rpnwin Rpnt. 25. (7 A. MO The decree
of suspension Issued 15 days ago asamst
the publication 01 tne newsytttfer .o
was removed this morning.
Chief Engineer Sent Over Proposes
Route of New Mexican Road.
GUADALAJARA, Mexico. Sept. 24.
Jamea M. Reld, cniet engineer 01 con
struction for the National Railroad, has
left here to make a reconnaissance of the
Japanese schoolboys. The party was re- route o the Guadalajara-Arme-
1. v..- f Via Tananow educational pom- '"" .....
celved by the Japanese educational com
mlttee. The entire party is now resting
after the strenuous weeks spent Irr Japan,
Manila and China.
The visit Is largely losing an official
character and the party will spend'-some
time at picnicking and riding In the hills
of Seoul and vicinity. x
Germans Repulse African Rebels.
-rtV7?T.T v senti 24. Tho. government
todayrecelved Information from Ger- jara to San Miguel Allende,
Ua Railroad. This snows tnac tne na
tional Is friendly to the new enterprise.
The road will be operated as a steam road
instead of by electricity, as It was thought "
Impracticable at the present time to oper
ate Its 22S miles by electricity.
McMiller, the man who has promoted
the GuacVrtaJara-Armella Railroad, has
been granted another federal concession
for a line extending east from Guadala-
stauon. 01
man ISjlSt Ainca. mat. iikiuuna uy uio
rebels at Mahcnge have been success
fully repulsed, that the Morrogo rebels
lost 350 killed and that the Grawerth
column- had arrivecT ifKllwa, after in
riietlnir severe losses on the rebels in
six fights.
Ran Into Open Switch.
the National Road. A separate company
will be formed to build this line, but In
time it will be merged with the Chamella
Rockusland In 3IexIco.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 24. It Is rumored
In railroad circles that the Rock Island
Company is seeking an outlet to the
Pacific coast of Mexico and i3 contem-
TOT4Ti-!CA"PnT.TR Rent. 24. A- Bier Four
freight train ran Into an open switch at plating the extension of Its. road through
v, a fltre -mile., northwest of this the State of Sonora. with that idea Ik
cltv today. Injuring two men. I. D.hler; view. The coast, it Is said, may be takex
' . " .," . n . .w I .v.- Oru.Tr Tlnnf-t nennle thu -Ht.
an iron moiucr oi'aeatitc. wuu hhj- uci uic, uj w ww -. - -
ine bis way, waa-eerlously Injured. . 1 Ids them tha desired outlet.
I'IMh S Si i"H I