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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
THE MOKKIXG OREG02Q23J, FRIDAY,. SEPTEMBER 22, 1905. on a, sacrifice and an out. Cleveland played an almost -perfect fielding: same. Attendance, 7G0& Score: JLH.ELI R.H.E. Cleveland ....1 6 Philadelphia J 4 i Batteries Joss and Wakefield; Plank and Powers. OCEMO ON Commuters Take Brace and Play Snappy Game. mm IS HIT HMD SPIT Goes Aground at Cliff Point Early "in the Morning. WUBkH SAVES SHUT.-OUT- HIGH TIDE AT THE TIME St. Ix) uls 5, Boston S. BOSTON". Sept. XL St. Louis won a poorly played same today. Boston's hita were the better bunched, but the visitors made theirs in conjunction with the mis plays of the locals. Attendance, 3400. Score: R.H.HI B.H.E. St. Louis 5 7 5jBoston 3 7 4 Batteries Buchanan and Spencer; Gib son and 'Armbrustcr. Chicago 3-6, Xew York 2-2. NEW YORK. Sept. 2L Chicago won Big; JPortland Backstop Slakes tho Glrcuit on a Sacrifice and an (Error in tho Seventh Inning:. rAcinc coast league. Yentcrday's Rsult. Oa6. S; Pertlervd. 1. , HiMMm. 4; Seattle. 2. Hr. Aftgolcs. 6; San Francisco, 5. Standing of the Clubs. Wen. Loot- P. C Oa.Vton4 30 20 .000 ierU 28 21 .323 AnsolfS 22 21 .,512 7hm 21 25 .457 3le 20 24 .435 8u FratMlso 20 25 .444 SAJC- FRAJCCISCO, Sopt XL (Special.) QaldtMtd wn today's game from tho OtaM by hard hitting and snappy flold teg. The Commuters scorned to take new life rra the warm weathor, while the mon from Oregon looked like a bunch of 4tac4 vtolots at the end of the game. The Jto&l score was, Oakland S, Portland 1. MoLoan saved Portland from a white wash, making the round on a sacrlflco and aa onr in the seventh. Garvin lost his raslna early in the game, going to pieces to tke fourth Inning. He braced for a time, fettt in the last Inning Oakland hit Mm alBMst at will. Four times he was Tapped t for a two-bagger. The score: OAKLAND. AB It BH SB PO A E Vms HUtren, of. 3 2 4 0 2 0 0 KinnSr. rf. 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 WlfiTT. t 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 MMtitmaa. lb. 4 1 2 0 13 0 0 Kelly. 2. 3 0 0 0 2 3 0 JtMtefcrfls, Sb. 2 1 1 2 1 3 0 psmaks, sb. 4 12 114 1 Bwm, C 4 0 0 0 4 1 0 p. 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 JtaakrU. lb. 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 744 S3 8 13 3 27 10 1 PORTLAND. AB R BH SB FO A E At Mi. 4 0 2 0 1 4 0 3Cree. rX. 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 'Brn,. r. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 MtMHiq. lb. 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 Ctfjaflr. Sb. 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 at, . 4 i o o s 'i o aufMwfe. mi. 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 Smaw. b 4 0 1 0 2 2 1 rv. b. 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 SMilt 30 1 S 1 24 11 2 SCORE BY INNINGS. Pw4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 UaM Mta 000220010 S OaMattfl 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 2 8 Bate Mti 0 2 1 4 00 3 3 13 - SUMMARY. T w-bft e Wt Mesklman, Van Haltren, .IHWiray. Ifeerg. SafiOaf Mis Kruger, Van Buren, Kelly, mm liaee errsr Portland. 1. First kase R called balls Oft Iberg, 3; off WLt. S. Laft r bases Oakland 7. Portland 7. Struck By Iborg 1. by Garvin 8. Pmfcli play Kelly te Francks; Schlafly m Ate t Mitchell. WIM pilebes Garvin 2, Iberg 1. Mmr mt laune One hour and 25 minutes. Umpire ft rlne. AXGBLS THERE WITH BIG STICK Win Out Against Errorless Ball of San Francisco Team. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 21. Los Angeles tofe&tod San Francisco today by superior featitag. Tho visitors played errorless "fcftM. and Toman made both of the er rors credited to the home team in the jtfih lnatag. Both pitchers were wild, Gray giving seven bases on balls and WfceeJoc six. Bernard secured a home Tm lit the third inning with two men on 'bases. The score: b a Les Angeles 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 16 S 2 Sut Francisco 0 0001200 25 6 0 Batteries Gray and Spies; Wheeler and Umpire Davis. IE1GERS WIN IN THE TENTH Vickcrs Strikes Out Thirteen Men, but Allows Eight Hits. SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 21. A bad orrr by Bennett, of Seattle, and a fage hit by Tacomo, in tho ninth in King today tied the score with the fee ib e toam. In the tenth three more hits scared two more runs, and the ITigers won out. Vlckera of Seattle streak out 13 men, but was touched up fer eight hits. The score: R. H. E. Seattle ...0 10010000 0-2 S T&ma ..0 00100001 24 8 Batteries VIokers and Blankenshlp; Brown. Emerson and Graham. Umpire McDonald. , Householder Is Now a Seal. LOS ANGELES. Cal., Sept. 21. (Soe alal.) Eddie Householder, formerly of the tPoruand team, has been, signed by J?arko Wilson, of tho San Francisco itsam. and played in right field In to day's frame hore. Spencer, who has been playing right field, will be kept t&s tne uuuiy ncioer. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Philadelphia 8-1,' Pittsburg 3-6. PITTSBURG. Sept 21. Plttinger's good Ttahlng defeated Pittsburg In the first "game, and the ease with which Brady was found In the second reversed the re st. Attendance, 5600. Score: First game R.H.H.I ' R.H.E. 'Pittsburg 3 4 3PhIladelphla ..S 12 : Batteries Phlllippe, Flaherty and Peltz .Pittlnjrcr and Dooln. - Second game R.H.E.I ' R.H.E. Pittsburg 6 12 . 0PhIladelphIa ..1 4 Batteries Lynch and Gibson; Brady and Munson. Umpires O'Day and Kletn. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Detroit 5, Washington 1. WASHINGTON, SepL 21. Detroit easily defeated Washington In the opening game here today. Mullln and Kitson were puz zlcs to the local batsmen, while Hughes was tut hard. Attendance, 1300. Score: R.H.E.! R.H.E. Washington ..1 C 4DetroIt 511 Batteries Hughes and Hcydon; Mulun, Kitson and Warner. Philadelphia 2, Cleveland i. t PHILADELPHIA. SepL 21.-iln the trlghth inning, with the score tied.-Monto 'Crocc doubled .and scored, the winnta? run ) both games of today's double-header with New xoric xtmoiy oatung won toe J double -victory, and long hitting was a. feature in both contests. Attendance. 6000. Scores: First game R.H.B-1 B.H.E. Chicago S'9 OJNcw Tork ....2 .5 0 Batteries White and Sullivan; Cbesbro and Kleinow. Second game ILH.Hi R.H.B. Chicago 6 9 ljNew Tork ....2 7 3 Batteries Smith and McFarland; Orth and Kleinow. PORTLAND BOYS OUT OF GA3CE Holman Is Conditioned and Good dell Has Minor Injury. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cai.. Sept. 2L (Spoelal.) With the season Just fairly beginning and the first, game yet to be played, the freshman squad from which It is hoped to develop a team that will defeat theUniverslty of California young stcrs, has suffered a severe setback in the loss of two promising men, one of whom will probably not be able to got Into the game at all, and the other perhaps only tempararily disabled. Raymond Holman and Lane Gooddell are the unfortunate athletes referred to. both from Portland, the former having been the crack quarterback on Hill Mili tary Academy ever since its establish ment, and tho latter having served the Portland High School well for several years at end and fullback. The immedi ate cause for Holman's Inability to get Into the game is an unusually heavy course of studies which a deficiency in entrance credits makes necessary. De spite tho fact that the freshman material is unusually large and excellent tnls year, in the opinion of the critics the former H. M. A. jnan had fine prospects of, being the third successive Portland boy to lead the freshman teams at quartor- back. Gooddell's Indisposition is not of such a serious or permanent nature. A slight attack of blood poisoning arising from a trivial scratch which he received in his foot. Is the immediate cause of his re tirement from the field. Aunough una ble to participate In practice now, with proper care the High School bos ought to be able to get Into his suit again soon. Gooddell has an excellent chance to make a position on the team. WENTWORTH'S TI3IE FASTEST Makes Best Record of Year In Close Race. COLUMBUS. O., SepL 2L What is said to be the best time record that the Grand Circuit has ever known was made at -the Columbus track today, when 16 heats wore trotted and paced to an average of 2:07 11-16. Wentworth's victory in the 2:06 trot was the sensation. Gtrge G. took the first heat and led past the half in the second. There he broke and Went worth nosed out Dr. Strong, the favorite. Wcntworth took a record of 2:0i4 when he won .this heat. The time is the .fastest of the year and equals the race trotting record of last soason. Time by quarters: 31. 1:01. 132, 2:04. Albert C stood best in the summary at the end of the fifth heat of the 205 trot carried over from Wednesday and "was de clared the winner. Results: The 2:15 claea. trotting, purse 51000. three in five Albert C- won third &nd fourth heats In 2:09. 2:11. Evelyn Bird wen first and second heats in 2:10V. -:00Vi. Bereazelle won fifth heat la 2:11 U. Board of Trade. 2:0b pace, nurse 42000. three heats Citation won first and secend heats in 2:06. 2:00. Peruna wen third heat in 2:00. The 2:12 trot, purse S1000. three In five- Mainland won second;, third and fourth heats In 2:llfe. 2:09V. 2:00Vi.. Helen Norte won first heat In 2:09 V. The 2:0G class, trotting, purse 51200. three heats Wentworth won second and third heats in 2:04. 2:07 George G. won first heat in 2:00);. The 2:06 class, pacing, purse 51200. three heats Maude Keswick ''jwon three straight heats in 2:04&. 2:04. 2:00. Races at Gravcscnd. NEW YORK, Sept. 2L Gravesend race results: About six furlongs Ke&ter wen. Lochlavar second. Bell Indian third. Time, 1:11 4-5. Mile and a sixteenth Jocund won. Work men second, Voladay third. Time, 1:50 4-3. ! lve and a hair ruriongs Jacobite won. Arkllrta secend. Raven, third. Time, 1:0S S-C. The Hindoo stakes, about one mile and six furlongs Merrj Lark won. Cairngorm sec ond. Chrysolite third. Time, 3:03 1-5. Mlie and a furlong Grenade wen. The Southerner seoond. Arsenal third. Time. 1:50 3-3. About six furlongs Midas won. Lawsonlan second. Larable third. Time, 1:12 1-t. BEATS TWO RAGING RECORDS Dan Patch Paces Mile to Sulky and Wagon at Allentown. ALLENTOWN, Pa., SepL 21. (Spe cial.) Dan Patch, unbeaten son of Joe Patchen. at the Allentown fair today oroKe me worja s recoras within an hour. First ho paced a mile In 2:01 flat, taking two seconds off the world's record on a half mile track to a sulky Later In tne afternoon he went against the world's -wagon record on a half mile track of 2:114, held by his sire. Joe Patchen, and reduced it to 2:35 flaL The feats were witnessed by 5,000 people. Association Football. The last practice of the Portland As soclatlon football club, before the tour nament next week, will be held at the' baseball grounds. Twenty-fourth "and Vaughn streets, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o clock, when all association plnyers, whether members of tbeelub or not, are asked to attend, as the eleven to represent -Portland at the tournament will be chosen Monday. Portland is showing up very well- this season In the kicking game, especially In the back division, and is being picked as winner against the strong Ilwaco Club. Finals in Tennis Tournament. Tho finals in the Irvlngton tennis tour nament will be played oft this afternoon and tomorrow, when Ewing and Wicker- sham will contest in the men's singles, Ewing' has a small handicap over his op ponent, and a close and exciting contest is expected. The men's doubles betwen Ewing and Herd man and Rohr and Wilder are also attracting attention. Good Prospects at McMInmille. M'MINNVILLE COLLEGE, Or.. Sept. 2L (Special.) Frospects for a strong foot ball team this Fall are very good. Thus far nearly all of last year's team has reg istered, and several promising new ,stu dents have signified their Intention to try lor position. , Three Hundred Tons of CoaL-3Inst Be Lightered Before Vessel Can Be Floated Arrangements for Lightering Made. ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 2L Special.) The British steamship Oceano Is hard aground on the sands on the north side of the river and will be compelled to lighter 300 or 40i tons of coal before she can be floated. While being taken to the quarantine sta tion, shortly after 6 o'clock this morning, the Oceano ran her nose on the sand spit on the south side of the channel at Cliff Point, about three-fourths of a mile be low the quarantine station. The vessel draws U feet forward and 16 feet aft, and she ran onto the spit until she hangs amidships, with her bow and stern both In deep water. At the point where the accident occurred the channel is not over 850 feet wide, and the red spar buoy that formerly marked this spit has been gone for more than a year and a half. Captain Da vies came to Astoria this evening and made arrangements to begin lightering the steamship In the morning. As the vessel grounded at the top of high water, it is expected that not less than 303 tons of coal will have to be taken out. NO SIGNS OF WRECK FOUND Llfc-Snvlng Crew and Tug Make Fruitless Search. MARSHFIELD, Or.. SepL 21. (Special.) The life-saving crew reached Port Or ford at 3 A having made a thorough search without finding any trace of a wreck. The steamers Alliance and Break water arrived in at Marshflcld at 9 A M., both reporting no signs of a wreck. Tho Tug Triumph went out from Ban don at 4 o'clock in the morning and searched un til 1 o'clock, and saw nothing. Two boys say they saw something they thought was the raft of a steamer lying beyond a point, and it Is possible the castaways have been picked up. CAMMON'S LICENSE SUSPENDED United States Inspector Passes on Spencer-Dalles City Incident. rv FRANCISCO. SodL 2L Captain John Birmingham. United States Super- islng Inspector of Steam vessels, toaay sustained the decision of the local inspec tors of Portland. Or., In the case of Cap tain E. W. Spencer, but ordered tho sus pension of the license of Captain G. H. Cammon. The captains were In charge or the river steamers Cnarles R. Spencer and Dalles City at the time of their collision on the river below Portland, May 31 lasL Rcgulutor Lino Will Tow Dredge. Manager Talbot, of the Regulator line of steamers, reports a heavy traffic In wheat from tho Upper Columbia and says he anticipates that the amount of wheat shipped out of the KHckatat this year will be double the amount of last year. In order to remove the sand at the up per and lower approaches to the Cascade Locks. Manager Talbot has offered to tow a dredge to that place for the Govern ment without charge. His offer has been accepted by Major . W. Roessler. United States Engineer. and It is expected that dipper dredge No. 2 will be towed to the Cascade Locks some time next week. The dredge is now at work on the Wil lamette above Salem but will finish there Monday or Tuesday of next weok. Rcgulnr Traffic Resumed. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 2L War be tween Japan and Russia having come to an end, the Toyo Kisen Kalsha, or Jap anese Steamship Company, is to resume Its regular mail, passenger and freight service between San Francisco and the OrlcnL It was officially announced today that the service will be resumed on Sep tember 28, when the steamship America will leave Kobe for this city, arriving here on October 17. On the return trip she will leave here on October 27 for Hongkong. Steamer America Catches Fire. The Steamer America caught fire near Llnnton yesterday morning sup posed to have started from sparks from the smokestack. It burned fiercely for a time, but quick work with tho fire apparatus by the crew soon quenched the flames. The Jossle Harkens stood by to render assistance if necessary until tho flames were extinguished. Captains Will Be Tried Today. The cases against Captain Sherman, of the Bailey Gatzert, and Captain Bough maun, of the Telephone, for exceeding the special limit in the harbor will come up for trial this morning at 10 o clock. lively time Is expected as Harbormaster Biglln is determined to enforce the law regulating speed within the harbor limits. Three Vessels Chartered. Three vessels were reported char tered yesterday. The Arthur Fitger to load lumber for Australia, chartered by J. J. Moore at 32s 6d. The Ellbek by Kerr Glfford & Co. to load wheat for South Africa and tho Dumboyne to wheat for Europe. British Steamers Get the Business SEATTLE. Sept 21. Special. Brit ish tramp steamers have been char tcrcd to carry the 23,000,000 feet lumber to be cut by Puget Sound mill for delivery to the government at-Pan a ma. Cheaper rates is given as tho reason. Russia Charters the Garonne. ODESSA, Sept 2L Tre government has chartered the American steamer Garonne, which, with the Angara and the volunteer fleet Dtearaer St Petersburg, Kostromla and Nlzhnee Novgorod, will start for Jap an soon to repatriate the Russian prison crs. Pilot Steamer to Be Repaired. ASTORIA, Or., Sept.2L (Special.) The pilot schooner Joseph Pulitzer left dp the river this morning for Portland, where new masts will be placed In her. X Flotilla Bcturns to Port. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept XL The tor pedo-boats Fox and Davis and the tor pedo-boat destroyers Farm gut and Preble have returned from Santa Cruz. Captain Meyers Fined Hcavllj SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 2L Captain William Meyers, of Jths steamer Led ana. w, -mn-ntfiiil cesibautSeB of ttvl& euabtr asd low price. Thk cosbtBatieii u what makes McKIBBIN HATS iir choice with joogei el hit value cveryw&erc today pleaded guilty In Judge De Haven's court, to having permitted the escape of Chinese cook. Captain Meyers expected fine of 5101 but was fined 550). his viola tion of the law Involving the necessity of Imposing the heavier penalty. Saunders Applies for Papers. SAN FRANCISCO, SepL 21. Captain J. W. Saunders, of the steamer Manchuria, who was deprived of his master's and citizen's papers, today applied In the Su perior Court for first-Intention papers. Marine Notes. Work on the steamer Newport is being rushed by the North Pacific Steamship Company. She was placed In the drydock at Oakland Creek yesterday. Tho tug Daring, at Aberdeen, recently hit a snag In the harbor, loosening her wheel. She Is now on the marine railway. having a new wheel fitted. The American ship Berlin was moved osterday from Band eld's dock to Mont gomery docK ro. wnere sne will oe loaded at once with wheat for San Fran cisco. The German ship Oregon was shifted at o'clock yesterday afternoon to the Ore gon Water Power Company's dock, where she will complete unloading her cargo of cement. The Swedish ship Clan MacFarlane was moved yesterday afternoon from the stream to W. P. Fuller & Co.'s dock, where she will begin today to discharge her cargo, a large part of which is glass from the Belgian glass works. Captain Sid S cammon resumed his po sition as captain of Tho Dalles City 3'esterday morning, his license having been returned to him by the Inspectors. He will take out the Dalles City on his run to The Dalles thlsmornlng. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Sept. 21 Condition of the bar at S P. M., modeate; wind norm; weatner clear. Arrived at 5 and left up at 8:20 A. M. Steamer Columbia, from San Francisco and steamer Roanoke, from Los Angele and way jwrts. Arrived at 7:30 and left up at 10 A. M. Steamer Acme, from San Francisco. Arrived at 3 JO P. M. Schooner Monterey, in tow of tug Dauntless, from Monterey. Arrived at 4 P. M. British bark Drura- cralg. Arrived at 4:43 P. M. Steamer Whlttler. from Puget Sound. Barge Monterey up at 5:45. SAN FRANCISCO. SepL 21. Sailed at B A. M. Schooner Virginia, for Portland. Arrived at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Su Paul, from Portland. Arrived Steamer Daisy Mitchell. Coos Bay; steamer F. A. KUbum, Coos Bay; steamer St. Paul. Astoria. Sailed Steamer Sierra, Honolulu; ship, Wil liam Mitchell. Taooma; steamer Leelanaw, Seattle; ateamer Virginia. Portland; steamer May. Llndauer. Gray's Harbor. LONDON. Sept. 20. Sailed Mera. from Ham, bur?, for Seattle. HONGKONG. SepL 20. Salled-Ernpresa of Japan. Vancouver. Via. Shanghai, Nagasaki. Kobe and Yokohama. LINE ON THE SWINDLERS Spanish Government Given Address In 3Iadrld. ' CHICAGO, Sept 2L A letter received yesterday from Madrid by Julius Rotben burg. 4S0O Prairie avenue, may aid tho Spanish government m running down the Spanish prisoner gang of swindlers whose world-wide operations have extended over a period of several years. It will be turned over to Berth old Singer, tho Span lsh Consul, with the request that the Mad rid authorities bo notified. The letter purports to bo from a friend who Is in a Spanish prison for -bankrupt cy, and it requests help to recover 3210.000 in checks, payable to bearer, which aro said to be hidden In a secret compart ment in a valise which, with other pieces of luggage, has been seized by the au thorities. In order to recover tho money. the letter says, it will be necessary for Mr. Rothenburg to go to Spain and pay the registry fee for the luggage, and, as a reward, one-third of the 5210,000 is prom lsed to him. "The prisoner" signs only "R" and en- Joins Mr. Rothenburg not to write In re ply, but to telegraph to a trusted servant. whose addres is 4 Hileras Scgundo, Mad' rid, Spain. Then follows tho postscript 'Above all, for superior reasons, an swer by telegram and not by letter." CUBA SENDS AN APOLOGY American Coat of Arms. Defiled hy Unknown Miscreant. WASHINGTON. Sept 21. Mr. Qucsada, the Cuban Minister, this morning person ally handed to the Acting Secretary of State a copy of the following cable re celved from Scnor Offarrlll. Secretary of State of Cuba: "This morning the coat of arms of the United States Consulate at Clenfuegos appeared defiled. Express to the Secre tary of State how deeDlr the government de'plores this occurrence, which must not be Interpreted as a demonstration of hos tillty on the part of the Cuban Vcople to ward the American people, but as an Iso lated act due to a criminal hand to the end of creating difficulties to the gov ernment An immediate and scrupulous Investigation has been instigated to pun lsh the author of such repugnant action.' The Cuban government has also apolo gized to Charge d Affaires Slopcr at Ha vana. Changes on the Great Northern. SPOKANE. Sept 21. Harry M. Adams, assistant general traffic manager of the Great Northern Railroad at Seattle, while in Spokane today announced several changes. H. A. Jackson, commercial agent of the road and general freight and passenger agent of the Spokae Falls Northern, becomes assistant general freight and passenger agent at Butte, succeeding Archibald Gray, appointed gen eral freight and passenger agent of the Wlllmar St Sioux Falls Railroad, at Sioux City, la. E. S. Blair, general agent at San Francisco, comes to Spokane as gen eral a rent. Frederick. Rodsew, of Sioux III ' .HaHUfBHBWI Ill . Ill 1MMW m III mM Hodges Fiber Carpets and Rugs Our fall showing embraces many new patterns and colorings, which are absolutely new and, , novel in designs. Many handsome effects in floral, Oriental and domestic designs. In Axmin sters our splendid showing and the unlimited display offers an attractive assortment for selec tion. Bundhar Wiltons in a variety of patterns and colorings, many of which are exclusive. Body Brussels in floral and conventional designs. Tapestry Brussels in many new iloral and scroll effects. An extensive line of Ingrains in many new and well executed patterns and rich colorings. ' . French Wiltons, Amakins, Bundhar, Wiltons, Axminsters, Smyrna, Body Brussels, Tapes try Brussels, and Ingrain Rugs in all sizesf in Oriental, domestic, and floral designs. Eco nomically priced. Today and Tomorrow City, goes to Walla waua. n asn.. as district nassenger and freight agent. James Young, general agent at Milwau kee, succeeds Mr. Blair at San trancLsco. W. C. Wilkes, of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, at Moscow, Idaho, becomes traveling freight agent 01 tne Great Northern at Spokane. FUSE WITH REPUBLICANS Bay City Democrats Appoint Com mittee for Conference. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 21. Tho Democratic Municipal convention met tonight with Thomas W. HIckey pre siding. After the appointment of the usual committees a resolution was adopted, authorizing fusion with the Republicans. A committee of five was appointed to confer with the Republi cans on the selection of a municipal ticket Another committee was namea to select supervisors. The convention adjourned to tne cau of the chalr BAD BOYS ARE SENTENCED Gang Thnt Ha3 Terrorized Castle Rock Is Broken Up. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Sept 21. (Spe- riai "Pok" fHarrv) Zenor. FranK uavi9. William Reynolds ana itoy naywaru. ut Castle Rock, have been sentenced at Ka- lama, the first three to four years eacn In the State Prison at Walla Walla, and the last named to the Reform School at Chehalls. Sentence was suspended In the cfl-oe of Frank Davis, and ho Is to be re leased on 5500 surety on condition of good behavior. The boys were tried for bur glary- Last November the boys iook a ladder and gained an entrance to a resi dence through an upstairs window and took a number of article?, among wmcn were two valuable watches. Zenor was not with them at tho time of the robbery. but he took the watches and disposed or them In Portland. "Peg" Zenor is aooui 24 or 23 years old. Keynotes ana uavis are apparently about IS or 20, while young Hayward Is only 15. The boys have been in a gang 01 rougn young leiiows wno nave comuuucu u. number of depredations during the past lew years, iieyiiuiu? uuu uoj " & . weeks ago went into the pasture of a neighbor, a Mri Merrill, and brutally slashed several $ws with a knife. Tho I ,tV HEFE WEARE AGAIN All the boys and girls of Portland and vicinity. Commencing with tomorrow, Saturday. September 23, and every Saturday and Sunday hereafter, and during the present Summer season, at THE OAKS You can come in our beautiful resort free of any admission to the grounds. Tell all your friends, in and out of school, that Saturday and Sunday is open to all children. Eemember, you take the 0. W. P. & Ry. Co.'s cars from Pirst and Alder streets. They take you direcfto the main entrance, rain or shine. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ADULTS Watch the papers for our Great Free Day and Night for the Ladies D'Urbano's Soyal Italian Band every afternoon from 2 to 5. Every evening from 7 to 11. Popular prices will prevail for the. rest of the' season at The Famous Oaks iavern A cafe that has no superior in America. "The Oaks" open daily , from 9 A. X. to 12 P. M. Admission -to grounds 10 cents Children 5 cents. CARPETS AND RUGS A HANDSOME DISPLAY OF FALL PATTERNS In our carpet department on the second floor is shown the most complete and artistic assortment of patterns in floor fabrics of e-ery description. - SPECIAl SALE--Portieres, ,next day they went into Mr. Merrill's barn and cut and stashed anotner nne young cow to sucn an extent mm uju animal bad to be killed. TURKEY KED IS A FAVORITE Grand Ronde Farmers Are Pleased With the Yield Shown. LA GRANDE. Or. Sopt 21. (Special.) The threshing season has- nearly closed, there being but a few days of work left In the heavy wheat-producing section on the sand ridce. The general yield has not varied greatly from the early esti mates. Fields have been irregular and the output for Spring-sown grain ranges from 15 to 25 bushels to the acre and for Fall from CO to 40 bushels. The new variety known as Turkey Red has. been quite extensively produced and among a good many of the'farmers It Is considered a first-class kind for the coun ty. For Fall-sowing grain its especial quality' Is that of standing severe weath er and low temperature. Nearly all fields of this variety have shown good yields. The wind storm a few weeks ago did some damage In shattering grain but this loss as compared with the whole yield will not be extensive. Many farmers have their fields ready for Fall sowing. The preparations for Fall seeding are much earlier this year thaa usual. One of the best general grain yields of the season in Grand Ronde Valley was harvested by F. D. GaskllL who lives about four miles from La Grande. Ha had 160 acres which yielded a fraction over 50 bushels per acre of flrst-grado wheat J Newspapers Left In Lurch. ABERDEEN. "Wash.. Sept. 21. (Spe cial.) The ordinance recently passed by the Council requiring Itinerant merchants to pay 515 a day license has been prolific of good results to local business men. but disastrous to the newspapers. A Seattle firm which dumped a" lot of goods here paid the ileense a week, but suddenly de- Sisters Are Exonerated. ABERDEEN, Wash., Sopt 2L (Special.) A letter alleged to have been sent by the Sisters of St. Dominica, who control St Rose's Academy, to School Director Rob erts, who was temporarily Jn South Bend, and which he declared he never received, came back from the dead-letter office to- Navajo Rugs and Blankets Grilles and Curtains day. The letter contained the informa tion which Secretary MacFarlane, of the School Board, required to secure an addi tional S1000 from the state for school sup port, based on the attendance at all schools. It was asserted that the Sisters -withheld the Information because of thotr op position to the public schools. The re turned letter exonerates the Sisters. Consul at Snn Francisco. GUAYAQUIL, Sept 21. Miguel Aristiza bal has been appointed Consul of Bcuado at San Francisco. Tired Nervous When you feel languid, tireHj, nervous and irritable, your vi tality is low your supply 0$. nerve energy, exhausted, and your system-running down for, lack of power, The organs of the body are working poorly, or not at all,, and you are not getting the nourishment needed. .This soon' impoverishes the blood and in stead of throwing off the im purities, distributes it alf through the body.' .This brings disease and misery. Feed the nerves x witfi Dr. Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a nerve medicine, that nourishes and strengthens the nerves, and see how quickly you will get strong and vigorous. "My wife Buffered with nervousness previous to a recent attack of typhoid fever, but after her recovery from tha fever, she was much worse, and could hardly control herself being exceed ingly nervous jshen the least excited. She was very'restlcs3 at night, and never had a good nlght'3 rest Sho also suffered much from nervous head ache. Dr. Miles Nervine was recom mended by a friend. After the first threo doses sho had a good night's rest, and at tho end of the first week s treatment she was wonderfully Im proved. Continued use of Nervine has completed her enUro cure." OTTO KOLB. 1021 Chorry St., Bvansville, Ind. Dr. Mttsa' Nervine Is sold by your druoalotlVho will guaranteo that s flrct bottlo will benoflt If It falls, ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co"., Elkhart, Ind HAND iSAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softer km, and yet efficacious in remorraj any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all tht desirable after-effects of a Turkish I bath. It should be on every -wasb j stand. ! tLL GROCERS' AND DRUGGISTS 1TOL-M1DYH These tiny Capsules are super km to Balsam oi wplMjLA CubcbsorlnjectionsundJ.IIDil 1 CURE IN 4 HOUB(Ay the same - diseases witel Inconvenience, ' Sold Sjf all JrM2iti3. vrco arc noa5eKpcwMii8n of sexual sttsogth bodily rigoc need Damiana. B ittrs.I t is mare's great restorative. Made from the enaine Mexfcaa plaat. Send for arraiar. 323MarfcetSc, S. F. All drnggitu ALL MEN AND WOMEN r: 1 1 hi 3