6 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905. U S N GODS Judge Hamilton Gives Warning to Law-Breakers. NO LIQUOR SOLD OPENLY "Reuben "Who Is "Rolled" In Town Goes Back to the RanchMo Work and Vote for Prohibition. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Sept. 2L (Special.) "Brectod to the memory of John Bar leycorn. Died at Coqullle City. Oregon, September S. A. D. 1905. Age unknown." Seh Is the inscription on a significant onelith standing in front of the saloon "door f the Hotel Coqullle. in the center of a Httle square of earth that in the rainy season Is a lawn. The grass Is all dead now. The hlll hMos are as brown as the deserts of Nevada. It has been one of the driest Summers ever known In Coos County. Bat tMe drouth is as nothing to the one SjNtsjgttratcd by Judge Hamilton at the opeatag of the Sr-tember term of the Cir cuit Court. The saloon men of the county stood be fore His Hoitor and pleaded guilty to -rlofeUJoa of the provision of the local op tion law. The court talked to the cul prits In a fatherly way and advised com pttaace. He said he would suspend seyi tance until the case now on appeal before tk Supreme Court is decided. If the de clebMi upholds the legality of the local option dcetlon he will administer the stsatanim fine of $50 for the first offense. Bvt be bold out the warning that if they oame before him again on a similar charge the ae would be ton times as great with a trm in prison. Wkh this admonition the offenders re turd home and with long-drawn faces rtewed the scene of happy days, turned the picture of the Parisian maiden with its foce to the wall, locked the saloon door from the outside, never to open again. That Is. if you wish to bolleve this Ac tio, alt right. It takes some time even for a bttad pig to get its eyes open. A day was spent in storing away liquors, and then the joints opened up with purely temperance drinks. The mahogany that onco shone resplendent with port and bourbon was now dogarded to the use of botlorxrifk and soda water. Surprise of the Old-Timer. Imagine the disappointment of the old timer as he leaned up against the bar and called for "something" when he was naadod out a weak solution of soda and toM that was all there was in the shop. Bad news should be broken to him gently. For SS years the historic 'town of Em pire ,had been ready to welcome the stranger with a drink. Now, for the first time In more than half a century, its saloon doors were closed, and the only relief for the visitor, no matter If his throat was aflame, was to jump in the bar. Empire Is dry with not even butter milk on sale. But ths story has not proceeded In chronotogioal order. There is a ray of "re lief in this picture of gloom. The court held that the amended charter of Marsh field passed by the Legislature last Winter after the local option election gave the town Council jurisdiction over, the liquor traffic. Many a life - has been saved in the last few days by an early morning tramp over the swamps to Marshfleld. The cKy of North Bend is dry as a one, that Is. If you believe the saloon men thomsdvos. And no doubt some of Utota have closed up in good faith. But the open charge Is made that others are "bootlegging." And if one knows the ropes he can manage to take on board a comfortable jag without going beyond the city limits. This forebodes only trouble. It Is mere ly a question of time till some one is caught and punished. If the prohibition law Se to stand in Coos the authorities wttl enforce It. That can bo depended upon. They put a stop to the operations of the htind-plg at Myrtle Point after it had been In existence and successfully dotted their efforts for several months. Big Struggle Next June. AH this is but the forerunner of the titanic struggle that is to come. No matter which side wins in the Supreme Court the battle will be fought over again next June. The question now before the court Is as to the validity of the last election. It is alleged that there were irregularities In the election notice, and on this ground the court may set the elec tion aside. If this is done the prohibition forces will make sure next time that the peti tion is filed in ample time for the Coun ty Court to give due notice. And the liquor men will take the same precaution la case the decision goes against them. Thej- have a feeling of extreme confidence that Coos County will reverse itself on the local option issue with another trial. But will it? If the election was held today there would hardly be change of a dozen votes from the result last time. The Coos County people are not change able in matters of conviction. The rural communities are opposed to the liquor traffic and nothing has occurred to alter their determination. In fact the opposi tion to the enforcement of the law has made them only more rigid in their pur pose. And who is responsible for the present condition of affairs? Every candid ob server will say that it Is the saloon men themselves. If they had been content with a legitimate profit, had conducted order ly houses, it is safe to say that the local option question would not today be a dis turbing factor in Coos County politics. The saloon has not been content to tell its victim a poor quality of goods, but it must first "dope" him and then roll" him. For 50 years the "Reubs" from she farm and the mines have been coming into town. Pitiful are the tales that are told of a Summer's wage gone la a night, of the wife and children left at home without bread. "Rcub" Goes Home Mad. The "Reub" knows his weakness. He comes to town and gets full, but ho goes home and votes for local option. If he was sure of being able to go off on a little spree without being robbed the result might have been different It was North Bend that lost the elec tion for the saloons last time. Thlsmay iwm paradoxical when it is known that North Bend gave a larger majority, two to one, against local option than any oth er town. North Bend maintains a hurdy gurdy. It was the flaunting of this vice In the face of virtue that turned the respectable element against the liquor traffic. It Is not too. much to believe that if the saloons of the county had been con ducted as they are in Marshfleld, Coos County would today bo "wet" instead of "dry." Marshfleld prohibits gambling, the alet machines and the dancehall. Marsh fleld regulates the saloon and places It upon a plane of decency. It is a far distance between the radi cals of both sides, the prohibitionists and the dive keeper. The one wants total abstinence, and the other free license. Between them tbre is no compromise, bat between them also is a temperance el eas.cn t tb&t ooatrol tbc situation.. XfeJ element would favor a saloon run under strict regulations, or It would approve of a moderate use of stimulants even with local option. It will vote for prohibition to do away with the dives and it will supply Its own needs from a private de canter at home. The fight against the saloons is not necessarily opposition to whisky. Prohibition Is the issue. The present dilemma keeps the politi cians guessing. It will take a diplomat with the art of John Hay to win a nomina tion next year. The question will "not be is he a Republican or Democrat or So cialist, but is he prohibitionist or antl prohlbltlonlst? Those whose views are known and those whose activity In the past has savored of the pernicious stripe are marked for slaughter. If will be a stable of dark i horses -that get the, word "go" next ApriL ' In the meantime the cemetery In front ot the Hotel Coqullle with Its dry goods box draped in black surmounted by a whisky bottle, bearing silent tribute to the deceased Barleycorn, correctly repre sents the verdict of the Coos County peo ple at the present time. But if Marsh fleld is allowed to run while the other precincts must remain dry it Is fair to predict that the whole county will be thrown wide open at the next electloji. ELECTRIC CARS TO SOUTH BEXD Portland Capitalist Asks Franchise From the City. SOUTH BEND. "Wash.. Sept. 2L (Spe cial.) Application has been made by J. "W. Mackenzie, of Portland, and I M. Dooly, of Hoqulam, for a franchise for a streetcar line for South Bend and to run to Raymond, three miles up the Wlllapa River. The line In South Bend is to be completed In a year and extended to Ray mond In two years. A $2500 forfeit will be put up. The South Bend lino will haul freight cars on its tracks and make available for mill c4tes several tracts below town which have not been accessible for rail ship ments heretofore. For several years the Simpson Lumber Company has been haul ing Its lumber through the city streets to the depot at great expense, and the car line will be a groat convenience to them. The line to Raymond will be an expen sive one tc build, but Mr. Mackenzie say? he has the capital ready to build. ASKED TO ARREST MIEflN PREMIER M'BRIDE PASSES RE QUEST ON TO THE NAVY. Consul Smith "Will Apply to Shear water's Commander to Seize the Carmenclta. VICTORIA. B. C Sept. 2L Captain Alex McLean, whose arrest is sought by the United States Department of Justice, through the United States Consul at Vic toria, A. E. Smith, on a charge of con spiracy in fitting out the sailing schooner Carmenclta, in San Franclscor In viola tion of the sealing laws, has not yet been arrested. Premier McBrlde this afternoon Inform ed Consul Smith that his government could hot act In the matter, and that such action should be taken by the imperial naval officers at Esqulmalt. All the ves sels being absent from the Esquimau sta tion, nothing was done. The Consul noti fied the "Washington Government to this effect. His Majesty's ship Shearwater arrived at Comox this afternoon from Behring Sea, and is due at Esqulmalt tomorrow. The Consul will then apply to the com mander of the British vessel to seize the Carmenclta and arrest McLean. WAR OX THE WISHKAH RIVER Ranchers Object to the Log .Monop oly In the Stream. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept. 2L (Spe cial.) James Stewart, owner of a large amount of water front on the WIshkah River, is circulating a petition among the ranchers of the Wishkah River Valley which is to be sent to the Secretary of j War when sufficient signatures have been obtained. The petition requests an in spection of the river and the maintenance of a 30-foot channel, in order that the ranchers may have the opportunity of getting their produce to market, which is now denied them. It Is alleged, by the Wishkah River Dam Company, which is using the stream for the conveyance of its. logs to the mills on Gray's Harbor to the detriment of commerce. Some time ago the ranchers brought suit in the United States Court to detormine tholr rights, and Judge Hanford decided that the river was not a navigable one. The Court of Appeals,, sitting In San Francisco, overruled this opinion, and the case then went to the United States Su preme Court, where it Is held up. The action in the way of the petition is to se cure immediate relief if possible. Mr. Stewart has also brought suit against the Wishkah Dam Company for alleged trespass and damages by reason of the use of the rivers banks, to which his property extends, which he alleges are used for the rafting of logs. This case will be heard in the Superior Court of Chehalis County. NO 3IARKET FOR SOCKEYES Thousands Gaught in the Fraser Bring Small Pviec. NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. Sept. 2L (Special.) Thousands of sockeyes were caught today in the Fraser River, but there is no market. The Japanese were selling at 3 cents and some at 2 cents. The tug Brie, with 10,000 sockeyes in a scow, was struck by heavy winds off the sand heads, while trying to make Blaine last night. The Erie get back to Steveston, but the scow and flsh struck. The steamer McCullough, with 10.050 flsh, also struck on the sand heads In the gale. The tug Fearless got to Blaine, but the market had closed on Fraser River sal mon, and the entire shipment were sold at about 2 cents each. Fishermen estimate the past week that fully three-quarters as -many salmon have gone up the river as did during the entire season of four years ago. Sues for Burned Wheat. SALEM. Or.. Sept. 21. (SpeclaL) a S. Brownell brought stilt against Salem Flouring Mill Company to recover the value of 1000 bushels of wheat des troyed by the mill Are in-1899. A simi lar suit Involving a larger quantity was brought through the Supreme Court and the farmers won. The question In volved Is whether the wheat belonged to the company or the farmers when It burned. Low Water Retards Mill Work. LA GRA"NDE. Or., Sept 21 (Special.) From the Grand Ronde Lumber Company at Perry comes the report that work at tha sawmill Is considerably retarded by the low stage of water irt the river. The water supply Is insufficient -to float the logs down to the mill. XOW-BATB SIDE-TRIP TICKETS. Holders of Lewis and Clark tickets sold east of Pocatello, Pocatello or Butte and the western boundary of Arizona, arc en titled to 15-day one-fare tickets to certain points on the O. R, N. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington streets, Portland. THE 8IE Agreement Reached fay Major-ity-of Equalizers. MEAD FAVORS THE PLAN If Sum tRa!sed Is Insufficient for Running Expenses of Washing , tori, School Fund Will " Be Resource. OLYMPIA, "Wash., Sept. 21. SpeclaU)-!-On the basis; of classifications practically agreed upon by the State Board of Equal ization, the assesaod valuation of the state will be fixed at 1330,D,003 in round numbers, and the levy will remain the samo as last year, 2& mills for the gen eral fund, with the levies for the school and military funds as prescribed by law at 5 mills and 1-10 mill respectively. Thlg valuation will raise for the general fund 5S00.O0O. or about $200,000 less than the apparent amount necessary to be raised by taxation in order to prevent an Increase in indebtedness. It is understood that the valuations about to be adopted are favored by the three members of the tax commission and Land Commissioner Ross, forming a majority of the board. Secretary of State Nichols and Auditor Clausen favor the adoption of last year's classifications to the increased valuations returned by thel county boards as near as practicable and the increasing of the levy so that J1.OM.O00 will be raissd to provide for the full amount of running expenses. The work of the board is being done In Informal session, but behind closed doors. The stand taken by the majority of the members of the board is the result of a conference summoned by Governor Meade, a few days ago. at which it wag agreed that it would be policy not ma terially to Increase either the levy or the valuation and await another year the efforts of the tax commissioners to In crease the amount of property on the tax rolls, borrowing. If necessary, from the permanent school fund for general state expenses. The valuation of $230,000,030 is practically that returned by the county boards of equalization, but is $32,000,000 more than the valuations fixed by the state board last year. On a valuation of $790,003,000 the amount raised for the school fund will be $1,650,003 and for the military fund $33,000. making a total with the general fund of $2.4S3,000 to be raised by the counties of the state, or an increase over last year of about $250,000. MURDER TRIAL ON AT VALE Henry Slegordcn Accused of Killing His Wife Last 3Iarch. VALE, Or.. Sept. 2L (SpeclaL) Tho September term of the District Court for Malheur County convened at Vale on the 11th Inst.. Judge George E. Davis presid ing. A number of minor cases .have been disposed of, seven of which were divorce cases. The trial of Henry Megorden for the murder of his wife at Nysaa. Or.. March 21. Is now on. Much trouble was experi enced in securing a Jury- Over 70 jurors were examined before there were 11 jurors in the box; The defense In this case will be temporary insanity. The most im portant witnesses are Robert and Olive Megorden, who were tit home when the tragedy occurred, and are now called on to testify against their father. Robert Megorden. who Is but 15 years old. while his sister Is only 13, witnessed the tragedy, and when Megorden was abusing his wife struck his father on the head with a gun. The next case on the docket is that of Henry Dobey, charged with attempting to oxtort money from Charles Becker, one of the largest cattle owners in the county. Dobey is alleged to have sent letters through the mall to Becker threatening to burn his hay and kill him, if he did not leave $750 at a place designated at 1 o'clock A. M. on a certain date. The grand Jury has returned true bills against Randal Sage, a wealthy stock man Ih the southern part of the county, for cattle stealing; Morris Fitzgerald, of Burns, for forgery; Charles Madden. Frank Jones and John Blanton, of West fall, for allowing gambling In their sa loons and also for selling liquor to min ors, and against Ben Payne for assault with a deadly weapon. POLES AND WIRES DISAPPEAR Telephone Company Returns Much Less 3Iileago in Idaho County. BOISE. Idaho, Sept. 21. (Special.) Stato Auditor Bragaw is in receipt of a letter from Assessor Daggett, of Nez Perces County, asking what became of part of the poles and wires assessed to the Pa cific States Telephone & Telegraph Com pany last year. The mileage then was 2(3 miles, and is this year only 1S7. Mr. Bragaw, In an interview, says tha assess ment Is made by the State Board, on the sworn statement of District Manager Bush. Continuing, he says: "If, as County Assessor Daggett points out, there are more miles of telephone line belonging to the Pacific States Com pany than are shown in the statement signed and sworn to by Mr. Bush. I be lieve that It is the ditty of the authori ties of that county to take the matter up for Investigation The law governing the duties of the board make no provision tor a subsequent assessment, and now that the equalization has been offected nnd the assessment against the company announced by the board, there is no rem edy, so far as I know. It appears to me that it is up to the County Assessor of Nez Perces Counts and the Board of Commissioners of that county to look into the matter." The Board of Prison Commissioners to day let a contract for putting in the steel work In "the new cellnouse at the penitentiary- The walls of the structure were erected six years ago, and it has remained In that conditldn. The contract for the steel was secured by Whitehead & Kallls Iron Works, of Detroit. The price is $5010. Others bids ranged as high as $14,500. The building is badly needed, all the cells of the two others being crowded. PENITENTIARY FOR FORGER Judge 3rcBrIde Sentences John Bramer at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 2L (SpeclaL) Eight years in the penitentiary was the sentence given by Judge McBrlde to John Bramer. who pleaded guilty In the Circuit Court today to the charge of forgery. Bramer a few months ago forged 12 checks and cashed them at various stores and saloons in this city. He Is only about 25 ycara of age. but Is said to have a criminal history. Before coming to As toria he was placed under bonds In Port land to await trial on a charge of assault with Intent to commit robbery. In that city he gave his name as George Sullivan. He Is' also said to have served time In Denver. Adolph Seaborg. who was indicted yes terday on the charge of larceny In a warehouse for stealing salmon from the LlHienberteT' cold storage plant, pleaded IS guilty this afternoon and was sentenced, to 14 months in the penitentiary. John. Edwards, who was Seaborg's boatpuller. turned' State's evidence and will be re leased. An Information was returned today against Joseph Burke, of Cathlamet, charging him with assault with a dan gerous weapon on John Hagbloom. Burke pleaded not guilty, and his trial was set for October 3. This case grew out of trouble over driving a fishtrap at Hun ter's Island, when Burke is said to have driven Hagbloom away with a. revolver. An Information waa returned against W. A. Stockton, charged with forgery In passing a bogus check for $25 on Ben Smith at Seaside. Stockton was allowed until Saturday to plead. EXPLOSION FIRED SNOW SHEDS Car Laden With Gasoline Causes Disastrous Blaze. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 2L According to reports received at Southern Pacific headquarters In this city, a long section of that company's snowsheds at Crystal Lake, CaL, with a number of cars and one or two station structures, were de stroyed by Are last night. When Brakeman C. H. Brown opened a car door preparatory to unloading some freight for Crystal Lake station an ex plosion occurred in a car laden with gaso line. The car caught fire and the flames soon spread to the snowsheds. Six out. fitting cars with carpenters' tools and 10 empty boxcars wero burned, snowsheds about 2500 feet long were reduced to arhes and tho blockhouse and watertank at Crystal Lake were destroyed. Brakeman Brown was hurt about the head and face and was taken to the Sac ramento Hospital for treatment. East ern trains have been delayed, but the line will bo open this evening. Expensive for the State. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Sept. 21. (Spe cial.) The state law which makes it a criminal offense to cheat a boarding-house-keeper is sometimes expen sive for the commonwealth. A stran ger who left a bill of $90 for board at the Crescent Hotel was located In Bel lingham. He was brought here from that place and fined $10 and costs, which he could not pay. so that the hotel man has his unpaid account still and the state is out the costs of get ting the man here. LOSES BUG OF JEWELS BAY CITY JEWELER ROBBED OF TEX THOUSAND DOLLARS. Well-Dressed Stranger Who Paid Short Call Is Suspected of the Robbery SAN FRANCISCO; Sept. 2L F. H. Mc Connell, a jeweler at 11 Post street, this morning sent his clerk to the safe deposit vaults, where he had deposited his val uables over night. When the clerk re turned with a bag containing $10,000 worth of watches and Jewelry, it was placed un der the counter. A few minutes later It was gone, and no clew to the thief has been discovered. McConnell occupies part of the real es tate office of Hooker & Lent. He lives in Berkeley, and his assistant, F. A. Leon ard, he for ten' years past brought the box from the safe .deposit vaults and placed it under the counter, where It re mained until McConnell arranged the goods in his window. Leonard left the room for a short time this morning, and during his absence a collector for the real estate firm who was In the place says that a well-dressed stranger entered and asked for a renting list. He looked at the list, but did not take it. and soon walked out. When Leonard returned, the box with Its val uable contents was gone. SURVEYORS ARE IN THE FIELD Working on Line to Connect Salem With Dallas. SALEM. Or.. Sept. 2L A party of sur veyors Is at work In the field between this city and Dallas. Polk County, making the preliminary survey upon a prospective railroad between these points. It will connect at Dallas with the Salem. Falls City & Western road. It Is not positive ly known, but from the facts obtainable It Is believed the party Is in the employ of the Southern Pacific. Want Payday Twice a Month. ANACORTES, Wash.. Sept. 21. (Spe claL) Because the members of the Shingle Weavers' Union employed In the mills of the Anacortcs Shingle Company, P. E. Borard and Burke & McLean, struck for a bi-monthly payday, 100 peo ple were thrown out of employment to day, as the owners of the three mills re fused to change from a monthly payday. The question of wages does not enter Into the cause of the walkout. The other three shingle mills are still running, tne employes having no griev ance in theunatter of paydays- Such a Polite Robber. TACOMA. Wash.. Sept. 2L Three sa loons in the burTness section of this city were held up and robbed by a genteel highwayman between the hours of mid night and 2 o'clock this morning. The man woru a black mask and carried a large revolver, which he flourished in a Arm but apologetic manner. In each in stance he politely requested the bartender and patrons of the place to hold up their hands, and when he had lined them up with backs toward the bar. the robber rifled the cash register and disappeared. Fire Wardens Called In. OLYMPIA. Wash., Sept, 2L (Special.) The State Fire Warden called In all dep uty wardens today in a letter sent out from his tifflce. He announced therein that the closed season for burning slash ings, chopplngs. etc.. Is terminated, and that it will not be necessary to secure permits for burnings during the remain der of the Fall. The announcement Is due to the recent rains and the lack of funds to carry on the Are warden service. Protection Costs Him His Job. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Sept. 21. (SpeclaL)-Chlef of Police J. EL Murchi son. of Steveston. was today dismissed .from his position by the Council. Acting Chief Thompson states that the dismissal is on account of 'alleged bribery in the matter of certain gambling- houses in Steveston. Collins Case at Ottawa. VICTORIA. B. C Sept. 2L A special from Ottawa says the Minister of Justice yesterday received from. Chief Justice Hunter the reports with all papers and evidence in the Collins extradition case. It was at once placed In the hands of the department for report. BEACK KATE XEDUCXD. Three BUars for Semi Trip Anaomaeed by O. JU X. Co. The every-day round-trip rata from Portland to North Beach points . haa been reduced by the O. R. & N. Co. from $4 to '$3. tickets on sale until Oc tober 15, with final return limit Octo ber 3L Particulars and O. JL Jb N. Summer book by aakl&g at Third and Wasalngtc sitmu, T erttesd. " GHUROH LIKE WIFE One Creed Not as Good as An otheiySays Dr. King. ADDRESS AT CONFERENCE Districts Will Not Bo Changed This Year, and Portland Methodist Pastors Will Probably All Retain Pulpits. ALBANY, Or., Sept. 2L (5pec!aL "The man who belongs to our church' but says ho thinks just as much of another is apt to think just as much of another man's wife." was an opening sentence in a brief but forcefu talk delivered this afternoon by Dr. J. M. King, D. D corresponding secretary of the Church Extension Soclety and one of the most prominent men In American Methodism. He was addressing his remarks to a mixed gathering at the annual Oregon conference, now in session here. . "Some people say that one creed is as good as another," he continued, "but such statement is a lie. They are equally good when based upon the Scriptures. I believe most firmly In sensible devotion to the creed and the denomination." " , Dr. King, who is nearly 70 years old. waa greeted with loud "amens" from all sections of the church, and continued until he outlined the six couth-conquering doc trines" of Methodism, as taught by John Wesley, and which must now be preached, he said, if the church has any power. Dr. King's address was a feature of the day, and tonight he deliv ered another, commemorating the anni versary of the Church Extension Society. His addresses will rank among the best of the conference. That this conference will not redlstrict Its territory, that the Methodist churches of Portland will remain dlvWed according to the windings or the Willamette River, are statements that may safely be made now. At the conference in Eugene last year Bishop Spellman reduced the number of districts from four to three, making the Willamette River the dividing line; the entire "west side" constituting one dis trict, the "east side" south to Harris burg another, and Southern Oregon a third. This division divided the City of Portland, with three churches on the west side and 11 on the East Side, and almost rcsulttM in breaking up the organized work of the Epworth League and kindred societies. In the laymen's conference last year It was stated that the object was to in crease the salaries of elders by lessening their number, and a strong protest against the change was made. Bishop McDowell is unacquainted with conditions in Oregon, however, and feels some re luctance to reverse an order made by an older bishop, and that within a year of the change. Because of this. Portland Methodists who are anxious to have the old districts reinstated, uniting Portland, will drop -their flght this year, with the understanding that next year, when Bish op Moore, of Portland, presides at the conference, the number of districts will be Increased to four, with the entire City of Portland In one. The City of Portland will retain the same Methodist ministers next year, as far a3 can be judged at present. Assign ments will not be made until the last of this week or the first of next, but there seems a disposition to leave Portland charges unchanged. A possible exception to this is the talked -of exchange of places between ReV. S. EL Memlnger, of Mount Tabor, and Rev. L. F. Young, of the Cen tral Methodist Episcopal Church. Portland's Methodist Churches will. In all probability, be Increased numerically within the next year. Dr. Ford, of Sunny ilde. Is urging the necessity of a church at Lents, and the Church Extension So ciety has Indicated a willingness to put $250 into such a fund. With this start a new church for the suburb Is practically assured. Dr. I. D. Driver, one of the best-known characters in Oregon, and a pioneer Meth odist, was today transferred from the ef fective to the superannuated class in the ministry. Dr. Driver, although peat SO years of age. is an active figure at the conference. The laymen's conference, a meeting that had its inception last year, will convene tomorrow in the Christian Church. ATTRACTED BY FARM COURSE Largely Increased Attendance at Pullman College. PULLMAN. Wash., Sept. 21. (Special.) Today the Washington State Agricultural College opened for examinations. For ten days students have been coming in from all parts of the state, and for the past few days there hag been an unprecedented rush. Few old students have returned, as they are not required to take the exami nations, and will not need to report for en rollment until Monday, but an unusually large number of old students will return and have already engaged all the rooms in the two dormitories. Agriculture seems to be the favorite study of the new students now entering the school, and promises to be more pop ular than any other branch. Mechanical and electrical engineering are second In preference, while the other departments are running about equal. There j Is a marked increase In applications for enroll ment In the school of business, and it is noticeable that a large number of the new students in this department come from Tacoma and Seattle. It will be several days before any accu rate estimate of the enrollment can be se cured, but Registrar Nalder declares there are twice as many new students as on any previous opening day. McMlnnville College Opens. M'MINNVILLE, Or., Sept. 2L (Special.) Active school work began at McMlnn ville College today and Indications are bright for a very successful year. Yes terday nearly 100 students 'were enrolled for regular work, and each Incoming tralrr brings a good quota of students. The number of old students returning Is un usually large. The college building haa been renovated. The facilities for the boarding club in the basement of the main building has been extended, and that in stitution" will accommodate many stu dents this year. A. C. Davis, head of the department of chemistry, has arranged for a new course in organic chemistry. . , PACIFIC COAST DEAD. Harvey W. Hawley. BERKELEY. CaL, Sept. 21. After an Illness of seven years, Harvey W. Hawley, aged 4S. a well-known newspaper publish er and manager, died today. Hawley started his newspaper career on the Northwestern Miller at Minneapolis: From 1SS3 to 1S32 he published the Denver Sun. and then took charge of tho Chicago Record-Herald. In 1S32 he was called to San Francisco and did managerial work on the Examiner. Mrs. Tboaias Dvles. OREGON CITY. Or., Sept. 2L Special.) Jennet, wife of Thomas Davies, Id last night at the family hone at Maple Lane. Jtast Howtll vh been la. Gltaiergaji- shire. South Wales, G. B.. November 14, 1M2. She was married to Thomas Da vies at Liverpool. May 4. 1S6S, and immediately started for America, reaching New York in the Fall of that year. After living In a number of Eastern states, Mr. and Mrs. Davies and family in 1S32 came to Oregon, overland, and located on a farm at Ma ple Lane. She is survived by Ave chil dren: J. R. Davles, Molalla; Thomas. Lewis, Mary and Sarah, all of Oregon City. Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mrs. J. D. Rcn ner and Mrs. T. B. Hanklns. of Oregon City, and Mrs. Sarah Sears, of Portland, were nieces of the deceased. Mrs. Martha Jane Alldrcdge. " OREGON CITY. Or.. Sept. 21. (Special.) Mrs. Martha Jane Alldredge died at the home of her son, John. In this city yester day, aged 75 years, from cancer of tho stomach. Mrs. Alldredge came to this state from Kansas with her husband 23 years ago. She Is survived by seven chil dren: Mrs. Mary Boylan, of Stafford; Joseph. Alonzo. Reuben, William, John and Frank Alldredge, all of this city. Thomas Duncan. - HELENA, Mont, Sept. , 21. Thomas Duncan, of Virginia City, a pioneer of the state, died today aged 54 years. Ho came to Montana in IS 64. Mr. Duncan was one of the 'Montana Republican electors at the last Presidential election. He had been for several years th& cashier of the Elllng Stato Bank at Virginia City. Doyle .Cannot Give Bail. OREGON CITY. Or., Sept. 21. (Special.) In default of $500 bail, J. C. Doyle was today committed to Jail, awaiting the con vening of tho Circuit Court in November, when he will plead "guilty to a charge of obtaining money under false frrefcjnses. Doyle was arrested here yesterday for having passed a check for $12.50 on a local saloon, when he had no money In the bans on which the check was drawn. Mastodon Tusk From Alaska. SEATTLE. Sept. 21. B. H. Svendson, of Alkl point, has brough to Seattle a mammoth tusk of a mastodon, found twenty foet underground on Paradise Hill, Hunker creek, Alaska. The tusk, of purest Ivory, Is of greenish hue and weighs 300 pounds and is twelve feet In length. IS CAMBRIDGE INSTRUCTOR TOLL ING FOR GOLD IN ALASKA. When He Gets a Stake He Will Try to Break the Bank at Monte Carlo. SEATTLE. Wash., Sept. 21. (Spe cial.) H- Chester Doerfeld, an Atlin mining man. brings south a remarkable story of a former Cambridge instruc tor's years of study over the percent ages of the gambling table and his in tense ambition to attempt to break the bank at Monte Carlo. William C. Cameron, formerly an in structor in dead languages at the Eng lish University, Is said by Doerfeld to ' have exiled himself for the sole pur pose of studying out a system which will beat the game. On his shelves in the professor's cabin in the Atlin dis trict are several volumes written in Sanskrit. Greek and Latin, which give him occasional solace, but most of his time has been spent on tables or per centage. "He has a number of pretty good claims, some of which I have attempted to buy," said Doerfeld. "But Cameron will not sell until he gets his price. He wants money enough to test his 'system.' He told me his passion for gambling Is hereditary and responsible for the loss of position and friends. But he Is as eager now as ever for an other trial. His ruling passion is an ambition to break the bank at Monte Carlo. "I asked him one day how he ex pected to beat the bank. He went to a trunk in acorner and took therefrom a mass of papers wherein had been In scribed a record for fifty years of the j losses and profits of the Monte Carlo i games. In some Instances he had the results by days. From this mass of figures he has evolved his table of per centages. Indicating the numbers he be lieves will win oftenest at roulette. He is only waiting In the Atlin district to sell his claims and get money enough to put the system to a trial." The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bow els, but do not purge. Pears' "Jtisfc soap," is good enough for some, but most women insist on having Pears'. Ask some girl with a good complexion wiiy? Sold by the cake and la boxes. The Pacific Slope People of the slope know a good thing when they get It. Hunter Baltimore Rye Gratifies and sat httes and never disappoints. Its quality and faultless flavor won for It the Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposition. teiA at an Aretel oefe m4 by Jobber. WX.XU5AJUH A ftO.V,aiUser,Xt. WWWWMni(iWMMiH i i If your boy slides dcrsm a cellar door once a day he slides down cellar doors, and anything he can slide on, twenty times once. Yet you buy him. a cheaply put to gether suit of loosely woven cloth made of twenty threads of cotton to one of wool and then wonder why he goes through it so quickly. Next time buy him a "Hcrculea Kantwcarout" Showcr-Frooi Suit will cost you no more than one "ordinary" suit but will last as Jong as two will look better all tho time and save you hours of mending. A "Hercules" suit free If you find a thread, of cotton In the fabric neitherun, rain nor wear will fads tho colors. Fabrics or linings will never shrink Coat and pants will always keep their shape. Coat lined with extra heavy double warped Italian cloth. Two sleeve linings instead of one outside lin ing wears out, rip it off and you have a now lining ready for wear. Pants full lined with cold shrunk Irish linsn makes them sanitary, stronger and more comfortable in cold weather. Seams double stitched with heavy silk thread Inside leg and seat seams covered with tapc cloth will wear down to paper, thin ness before a scam will give. , Look sharp for imitations "Her cules" label on inside coat collar and on sleeve. Made in double breasted two-piece Knee Pants suits for boys 6 to 16. Five Dollars everywhere. Sesd name o! your clothes sua ana af e el your boy and we will send job "Hercules" free far yoor lasaactiex. Daube, Cohn & Co., Chicago We are the discovers and original era of the only reliable and scientific system of Painless Dentistry. We ex-j tract, crown. All and clean or treat! teeth absolutely without pain and"guar-j antee all work for 15 years. Our worlsj Is the beat, our prices the lowest oon-i sistent with flrst-clasa work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plates are unde-j ttctable from the natural teeth and are guaranteed to fit. FILLINGS BOc, T5 aad Il.Otf GOLD CROWNS 5.0O BRIDGE WORK J.O FULL SET NATURAL TEETH. . .$3.0l Open for bmalsea aB.Ul S 'elecl rveaiass. Boston Painless Dentists IIH Xorrlaom St., Opp. Maler A Fraal nad Foctotfloe. HOURS 5:30 A. M. to 3 P. M. Bun ttay, i:S0 A. 2.L to 12:30 P. it. ! W treat and euro hundreds ever7 month who suffer from Pelvic and other dieaie ot men, such as Hydro cele Varicocele. Stricture. Stomach. Kidney and Bladder Affections, Vital Weakness, "erToas Decline, Impc tency Nocturnal Losses and all that Ions train of symptoms and trouble which arise from youthful errors or other excesses. We have a new speclnc treatment for Gonorrhoea which Is prompt, sure, saf and painless. Syphilis and all blood taints we cura to stay cured, and do not resort to poi sonous minerals. Varicocele. Hydrocele, Piles. Rectal Ulcers and Cancers wa cure effectu ally and -without the use of the knife. Consultation and examination free. Write tor symptom blank and book If you cannot call. Office Hours: 3 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Eunday. 10 to 13. St Louis SSS" DispcDsary ' Cor. Sd and Yamhill SU Portland. Or. Every Woman is iniereetea ana saotua Know . a docs we wonaenm MARVEL tthk-liM Spray The ner Ts$!sal Syrian. jnjec tana auction, uest ax est Host Conrenisat, If he cannot supply tbe aaxTKu, accept bo other, bnt send stamp lor Illustrated fcook tri4. TtrWea full narticalan and dtreeucct In. Talusble to forties. 51AXVKJ, c., 4 -ft K. 33W KT.. X8W VHRV. Clark A Ce ?artlaad. Ocas, TEETH