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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
MIM Wlm ibl Mil 1 I'll m iIMM I Hi i5 THE XOBKHIG- OREGKXtflAJf, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905. CAPTftIN BERRY'S CQURT-IfSIL Trial of Accused Officer Goes On Behind Closed Doors. MUCH NOT YET DIVULGED Attempt or the Gsptain to Take Pos session of Mrs. "Mack's "State room on the Transport Sheridan the Cause. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 2L (Spe cial.) While the court-martial of Cap tain A. P. Berry, which Is being held be hind closed doora at the officers quarters at Vancouver Barracks, does not promise as lively a scandal as that which the Captain Taggart trial savo to the world, nevertheless enough ol It Is coming out of the star-chamber sessions that are be ing held to warrant the belief that there Is more behind the court-martial of Cap tain Berry than has appoared in print. Factional lines have been drawn ever since the affair on the transport Sheri dan, when Captain Berry attempted to take possession of Mrs. Mack's stateroom. Since the court-martial of Captain Berry was ordered, these lines have dally grown more taut, and now friends of both par ties are lined up against each other. While thore may be none of the noisome details connected with the Taggart case brought oat In the Berry trial, and while a lot of stff that is brought before the trial board f officers may never appear In public prints, one thing Is sure, the case, when it Is through, will involve more than Captain Berry. Mori: Than Is Divulged. That the case has more behind It than two mere trial of Captain Berry Is In a moasurc proved by the studied reluctance on the part of the rank and file to discuss the case. There are many officers and enlisted men at Vancouver who were on the transport Sheridan when Captain Ber ry attempted to take possession of Mrs. Mack's cabin. They are fully cognizant of the other scandals resulting from this, but not one will discuss It. When an offi cer Is led up to remarking about the case, beyond calling It a "dirty, bitter case" he will not venture. Captain Berry's friends are almost open In their charge that there Is a conspiracy on foot to injure Captain Berry's standing In the Army. Case of Lieutenant Hamilton. Some time ago Lieutenant Louis M. Hamilton, of the Tenth Infantry, was court-martialed and tried behind closed doors. Just as the Berry trial is being conducted, and It Is rumored that Lieuten ant Hamilton's trial, and sentence, what ever It will bo when the papers are re turned, was the result of charges growing out of the Berry case. It was hinted very broadly today that this is not the only officer who will be confronted by a court-martial before the Berry case Is settled. DEATH OF GUSTAF WILSON Pioneer Passes Away at the Age of Seventy-Eight Years. Gustaf Wilson, one of the oldest pioneers of the state, passed away yes terday morning at the Good Samaritan Hospital at the age of 78 years. The direct cause of his death was the re sult of ailments common to old age. He had been ailing since June 1, and was taken to the hospital on the 4th of August. Mr. Wilson was born at the town of Uloaborg. in Northern Finland, In the year 1S27, and came to America when he was 15 years of age, having shipped on a sailing vessel. He deserted this ship and sailed on the ship Albania for San Francisco. He remained In California but a short time, when he located in Oregon, choosing Josephine County as his home. He resided In that part of the state for several years, during which tlVne he was active In politics, having been chosen to several responsible offices In 1853 he enlisted In the army, and served through the early Indian troubles In the state. After the wars he came to Portland, and, recognizing the Importance of this locality, he located In the then budding town. For several years ho was Russian Vice-Consul In Portland. Gustaf Wilson was a S2d degree Mason, and a member of the grand lodge for several years, and his fu neral will be held under the direction of that order. Before his Illness the deceased made his home at the residence of C F. Pear son, of 615 Marshall street. He leaves an adopted daughter. Miss Alice E. Wilson, who Is the only relative In this country. He married Mrs. Chris tine Wldenn in 1871, and survived her several years. The funeral will be held Saturday from the Scottish Rite Temple. ASK FOR FERRY FRANCHISE Three Propositions "Will Go Before St. Johns Council'. Three companies are asking for a fran chise, to operate a ferry across the Wil lamette River at St. Johns J. Brink, the St. Johns Navigation & Development Com pany and a company represented by some young men of SL Johns. Tuesday Coun cilman Lcggett, Llnqulst and Shields made an Inspection of possible landings on both sides of the river. On the West Side Blumauer & Hawks, who run the road house, will provide a landing for a ferry as they are anxious to see a ferry In op eration. The Council committee will re port at the next regular meeting. Mr. Brink offers to put In operation Im mediately a 150-ton ferry boat. T. T. Parker, representing the SL Johns Navi gation & Development Company, offers to put on & 50-ton ferry boat within 60 days after being granted a franchise. He has not yet divulged the names of the men who compose this company, further than to say they are SL Johns citizens. The third proposition has not yet been submitted to the Council, but will be ready at the next regular meeting." This latter' company will offer to pay for a franchise, and no doubt the other two companies will make the same offer. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR. Mr. C Rcbagllati will give instruction on the guitar and mandolin at the T. M. C. A. night school on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, beginning next week Apply to educational director, at associa tion building, for further particulars. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SIDE TRIPS. Holders of certain Lewis and Clark'tlck ets are entitled to 15-day one-fare tickets on the Southern Pacific as far south as Ashland. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington street. Portland. Saturday, September 30th, "Portland Day" at the Exposition Souvenir Tickets for Sale Here 50 Cents Each The Meier & Frank Store's 823d Friday Surprise Sale 30,000 Yds, Embroideries 7 4-Yard Strips, Values Up to $7.50 for 89c a Strip 64-Yard Strips, Values Up to $6.00 for 98c a Strip Otir Greatest Embroidery Sale will bring thousands of shrewd buyers to Portland's Largest and Best Store bright aid early tkis morning The grandest embroidery bargains ever pre sented await you 30,000 yards of beaatifnl new Swiss, Nain sook and Cambric edgings and insertions, 5 to 18 inches wide Embroideries for every purpose, skirts, under wear, infants wear and trimmings for" all sorts of wom en's and children's garments French and English pct tems in immense assortment A handsome lot of fine corset-cover embroideries are inclnded in the offering Two lots, 43yd strips, values up to $?.5Q a strip, on sale for 89c a strip; and -63-yd strips QACmi values up to $6.00 a strip, on sale for 98c a strip If you have present or future need for dainty embroid ery don't miss today's great sale See Fifth-street window display 98c Strip Kitchen Goods 13-inch Chopping Bowls 14 Double Chopping Knives 12 Dover Egg Beaters, each 7 Wire Egg Beaters for, each. . .2J Cloth Hooks, special, dozen. .lip Mop Sticks, special, each...ll Tea Strainers, special, each...6 Bowl Strainers, special, each. .8 Asbestos Mats, special 4 Gas Lighters, special 8 Wax Tapers, box for 4 Gas Mantles, 9 and 16 Basement. Sliver and Nickelware Specials Rogers' "1847" Cold Meat Forks, 75c values, each 58 Rogers' "1847" Pickle Forks, hest 45c values, for, each 3S Rogers' "1847" Tomato Servers, reg. $1.50 values, each.. .$1.29 Cut-Glass Jelly Dishes, reg. $L75' values, for $1.49 Cut-Glass Bowls, best cut, $5.00 values, for, eachT -3.38 Cut-Glass Vases, beautiful cut, 10 in., $3.50 values. $2.69 Xickel Chafing Dish, new model, $10.00 value, for $7.79 Nickel 5 o 'Clock Teas, wrought iron stand, $3.50 values. . .$2.69 Handsome Nickel Baking Dishes, $4.50 value, for $3.48 Nickel Macaroni Dishes regular $3.75 value, for $2.99 Salad Fork and Spoon, handsome style, $1.25 value 98 Silver-Plated Cracker Jars, best $2.50 value, for, each $1.89 The Meier Sb Frank Store's 823d Friday Surprise Sale 500 Women's Umbrellas 98c ea. You will soon have need for one or two of these iow-priced-um-brellas The rainy season is ji o t far distant and for ordinary use these 98c umbrellas just fill the bill 500 of them for today's Surprise Sale Values range from $1.50 to $2.50 each Gloria and union taffeta covering, steel rod and frame, bulb runners and new patent Kup runners Immense variety of handles in natural wood, sterling silver and gold trimmed, pearl, copper and gun- metal handles The Best umbrella bargain offered this season See window display Today only at, each . 98c "Willamette" Sewing Machines , Are strictl' high grade in every particular; full ball-bearing, easy running, best head, full set of lat est attachments; handsomest wood work and fully guaranteed for ten years. Prices range from $15.00 to $35.00, and are superior to "agency" machines you are asked to pay $35.00 to $75.00 for. Sec ond Floor. Bargains in the Picture Store Colored Medallions; green and gilt frames; size 10x16 inches; regular $1.75 values, for Matted Pictures, in colors and black and white; 100 subjects; size 8x10 inches and 10x10 inches ; value extraordinary at this c low price Oil Paintings and -Water Colors, in black frames; heads qq and landscapes; $3.00 values O-JC Ornaments, Ink Wells, Paper Weights, Trays, etc. ; values a up to 50c each; on sale at this low price. . . . . , . New and complete line of Pyrography -Outfits and Materials: Largest assortment in the city. Artistic picture-framing to your order at low prices. Women's 65c Hosiery 39c A Friday and Saturday Hosiery Jfe'! oaie mat is oi great importance to shrewd buyers 200 dozen wom en's plain gauze or lace lisle Hose in white, champagne, French blue, navy, Dresden, tan and black, very best styles and qualities, selling regularly at 50c and 65c a pair Your choice Friday and l q Saturday only at, pair 7 v Misses' fine three-thread Maco Cotton Hose; double knee and sole "Hermsdorf Dye;" all sizes; best 20c values for, pair 12 Boys' Heavy Cotton Hose, 2 and 1 rib triple leg; double sole; fast dye; the best 2oc school hose on the market; sizes b to j c a 10; your choice, at this low price, pair. Women's Knit Underwear Specials Women's Mixed Wool Union Suits; high neck, long sleeves; ankle length: gray or white; regular $1.50 values; on sale for a few days at this low price V Women's Imported Swiss Ribbed Vests; high neck and long sleeves; medium weight; pure white and ecru; all A'ir sizes; best $1.00 values fortius low price 02C Boys' School Clothing The most satisfactory school clothing for boys will be found in our complete stock Every desirable style and material More than your money's worth in every gar ment No trouble to show goods Second Floor Boys' all-wool, two-piece double breasted Suits; brown and gray mixed tweeds and c&ssimercs; ex tra well made; ages 8 to 16 years; best 35.00 suits on sale QC for j.Oj Boys' all-wool School Suits; tweeds, cheviots and casslmeres; good, serviceable mixtures; ages 8 to 16 years; regular $4.00 r valuts. for BoyF all-wool School Suits; dark, brown or gray; plaids and mix tures; ages 8 to 16 years; great value ....... J.VAJ Boys' School Suits. In dark tweeds, cheviots and casslmeres: doublu- breasted coat; pants double seat ana Kneeages 8 io 16 years, ex tra good valuo at ..$8.00 sod $&5e Boys' corduroy Knickerbocker Trousers; ages 7 to 16 Tears: ex tra good quality at, pair.'. ..fL56 Tbo "Herculos" Rainproof Suits for boy. S to 15 years; gTay and hrnwn nlnlilK anil TnlvtnrM? full linen lined; greatest school suit vaiue on in xnarxet ai c.e Table Linens 72-Inch Bleached Satin Satin Damask Tublo Linens; very large variety of new designs: three great special values, at. the yard. $1, . , 51.25. and pl..59 Hemstitched Satin Damask Tea Cloths; 26x36 Inch; regular $1.25 value, for. each OSc Hemstitched Satin Damask Table Cloths; 2x2 yards. 91.3S each; 2x2 yards, $l.0Sj 2x3 yards, c j QQ each .70 Hlgh-grado Hemstitched Satin Damask Table Sets; cloth and 1 dor. Napkins to match; $10.00 values. SS.45 set, $12.59 values, $9.05 set; $15.00 values 911.45 set; $20.00 values'5 J4 95 Groceries Low Priced 3 cans Babbit's Lye for 25c Quaker Puffed Rice 10c 2 pkgs. H. O. Oatmeal .for. .... .25c- Postum or Fig-Prune Cereal 2c 2 pkgy. Grape-Nuts . 25e 1-lb. frame New Comb Honey 15c 6 pkgs. D.omlno Matches ..25c 6 pkgs Press Matches 25c 2 cakes '"Bon Ami for 25c -Daisy brand Summer Sausage". 30c 3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins 25c 3" pkg. Crystal Salt...... .-.25c 7 bars Victor Soap 25c Durkee's Salad Dressing 10ct 25c Royal Salad Dressing. .35c, 45c 11 cake Standard Soap 25e Shrimps. 1 and 2-lb. cans.-.MOc, 20c 3 cans Pioneer Cream.. 25c 2 pkgs. Knox Gelatine,., 25c 18 pounds Granulated Sugar 91.00 Olympic Pastry Flour 20c 2 pkgs. Graham Crackers 25c Quart Cooper's Olive Oil 91.00 3 pkgs Saratoga Chips 25c 2 Jars McLaren's Cheese 25c Victor Flour, none better 91.35 Schilling's Baking Powder 40c Royal Baking Powder 4c 1 lb. Libby's Sliced Beef 25c 2 cans Veal or Ham Loaf 35c 1-lb. can Lunch Tongue... S5c 3 cans Von" Camp's Soups 36c Pint botie Blueing 5c 2 cans Libby's Chipped Beef 35c 25-oz. can K. C. Baking Powder. .. .39c 1 box No. 1 Macaroni for U..49c 1-lb. can Ground Chocolate .35c 10-lb. sack Graham Flour 25c 10-lb 6ack Rye Flour 35c 10-lb. sack Farina for 35c 10-lb. sack Steel-Cut Oatmeal 45c 13 lbs. Wheat Flour 30c 10 lbs Rolled Oats 49c 10 Jbs. Pastry Flour 3Se Phone Private Exchango A. The Meier (3b Frank Store's 823d Friday Surprise Sale 2000 Pairs Women's Fall Shoes Remarkable Value at $2.1 7 a Pair New up-to-date Fall and Winter Footwear for women at man ufacturing cost is the 823rd Friday Surprise Sale attraction in the Shoe Store today 2000 pairs Every pair of the lat- est model and best leathers Shoes for street and dress wear. All sizes and widths, and styles to please everyone; patent colt blucher or lace, vici kid blucher and lace, via kidpatcnt tips, large eyelets, dull or kid tops, vici kid patent tip big cher lace, new low cut styles, box calf walking shoes; all the above styles in light or heavy soles and guaranteed equal to the best $3.50 footwear on the market An opportunity for every woman to supply her Winter shoe needs at a great saving Today only your choice at this low $P 9 price of, pair p m!f 1 I See Fifth-Street Window Display School Supplies at the Lowest Prices Headquarters for School Supplies of All Kinds Pennies Saved if You Buy Here Legal Cap pads, special 8 Blotters, all colors, per tlozen.3 Pens, all kinds, dozen 7p Large School Sponges, each.. 4 Parrafine, paper for lunches, 20 sheets for.. 5 SCHOOL CASES School Cases, made of veneered wood, cloth covered, brass cor ners and catches, leather han dles; special values at 12 in., $1.25 values, each 85 14-in., $1.50 value, each...$l.lo 42-in. leather School Straps; great special value at 5i 34-in. double School Strap, with handle, 15c value for 10 Third Floor. 7x11 Slates, special, each S Flag Slate Pencils, 2 doz 5 TVood Slate Pencils, 5 for 5 Pencil Boxes, with lock and key, each, 4. 8 and 12 Lead Pencils, with erasers, per dozen 10 Traffic Lead Pencils, 3 for 5 c Faber's 5c -Lead Pencils, 2 for o Rulers, all kinds, 1, 2 and 5 Pencil Boxes, with pens, pencils, eraser and ruler; special.. 19 Carter's or Thomas Irfk, bot..4 Boys' Knives, with chains ..19 Penknives, 'assortment of handles, special at, each .19 Penholders, each 2 Celluloid Eyeshades 1) Ruled Ink Tablets, each 3 Large Ink Tablets, each 8 Students' Notebooks, each, 4-8 Composition Books, 4, 8 and 19c Drawing Books, 4p, and 12 Leatherette Cover Composition Books, great values, each,.19 Stenographers Notebooks, 4 Erasers, 3 for ojfr Faber's Emerald and Kneaded Erasers, each 4i Andrews' Wool Felt Erasers .5 Standard School Crayons, per box X 7 School Crayons, colors 4 and 8$ Bcgk Straps, with handle ....8 Pencil-Tablets, each 3 Meier & Frank Scratch Tablets, none larger, each Lead Pencils with erasers, per dozen 10 Special Sale of Infants' Wear "Baby Things" at special prices Useful apparel that young mothers are interested in Infants' White Flannel Wrappers; neat styles; $1.00 and $1.25 values, for. 73 Infants' "White Cashmere "Wrappers and Kimonos; all white or pink and blue , trimmed; $2.50 and $3.00 a JQ values, for $lOJ Infants' "White Dresses; nainsook and cambrics.; trimmed in dainty laces and embroideries; great special values. 97 "White Embroidered Flannel for infants skirts; regular $2.00 values 1.43 Special lot of Infants' Soft Soled Shoes, Moccasins; regular 50c and 60c JlQn values, on sale for, pair O-C Special Values in the Book Store "The Digressions of Polly," new book by Rowland: $1.08 "Rolfe" Shakespeare; limp leather edition 65 Complete Cynics' Calendar, 1906; special 65 "My Mamie Rose," by Kildare; special at i -.79 Paper Novels; hundreds of titles; best authors; each. . . : . , 8d Five-volume sets of standard authors; special, set. . 1.00 "Peck's Bad Boy Abroad," new edition; special. 68 My Mother's Cook Book; great value . 19 New Census Dictionary; leather-bound; special $1.50 "World's Brightest Gems of Music ; special 75 Laundry Lists; everybody needs them; each 19 Lunch Boxes Brownie Lunch Boxes: 10c values, each 85 12c values, efch 10 15c values, each 12 Telescope Lunch Baskets: 25c values for 1 19 35c values for 29p Gilmore Folding Lunch Boxes, 25c values for, each 19 Indian Clubs and Dumbbells at reduced prices: -lb., 25c value 19 3,4-lb. 30c value 25 1- lb., 35c value, 29 lVollb., 40c value 35 2- lb., 45c value..: 39 School Paints in tin boxes, 5$, 10, 15, 20p and 25$ box. Bed Pillows Special $1.10 Ea, Great special sale of Goose Feath er Bed Pillows, weighing, 3Y2 pounds, each covered with blue and white striped ticking, thor oughly cold blasted and well filled; exceptional value at, each $1.10 Blankets and Comforters, com plete stock, all grades, at the low est prices. Third Floor. Men's Black Thibet Suits for $13.35 Today and tomorrow men's all-wool black Thibet Suits, extra quality sack suits, regular and stout sizes, chance to buy a fine dress suit for very little money Our regular $18.00 vaiue The exclusive clothier would ask $20 or $22.50 for the same gar ment For two days only at $13.35 Sale of Women's Neckwear Women's Neckwear of the best styles in great variety and at special low prices All the season's latest novelties in matchless assortment New Taffeta Silk Stocks, embroidered, in. white, black and pastel shades; eyelet ef fects, with tabs; regular 50c values, ontsale at this low price -C Heavy "White Linen Cuff and Turnover Sets, in Hardanger work and sheer linen, em broidered in mercerized cotton ; AjQfs . light blue and white; 75c values. . T&G Fancy Yokes madcof bias bands and feather stitching, also Val. lace and insertion, -with stock combined; regular 35c and 50c values, on salefor wOC Black Cashmere Stocks, with double tabs; narrow white embroidery turnovers . . JC Silk Lace Braid Stocks, fancy designs, in navy, brown, green, light blue, black and white; 75c vaiue for. 47c Black Stole Ruffs trimmed in narrow liberty silk juby Ort vruching and accordion pleated ends; $3.00 value V 07 New effects in Maribou Feather Boas and Sets, in white, black, light blue and lavender ; $4.50 to $25,00 "Priestley's" Cravenette Raincoats fornien and young men; plain grays, olives and fancy mixtures ; every good style. ff g in all sizes; each, $12.50 to fJ.UU Men's Double-Breasted Suits ,in fancy worsteds; neat dark pat terns, for business wear; extra values, suit $15.00 Men's Double-Breasted Suits, of fine grade overplaid, cheviots and tweeds; best makes; gnind values at, suit $18.00 Headquarters for Overcoats, Short Top Coats' three-quarter Coats, Long Coats, coverts, worsteds, tweeds, cheviot; allgrades. Handkerchiefs Regular 35c and 40c values on c sale at the special price ot . jC Few more thistle lawn Handkerchiefs, very dainty and pretty, unusual value at this low. price rt each, ..JyC Lewis? and Clark souvenir Handker chiefs -of flne japonet ,and silk em broidered. , Regmlar, 15c values . on sale for, each. JC 8000 children's - school Handkerchiefs, alt pure linen, all initials. Regular 10c Values on' Bale for, each C $2. jg Screens $1.8? Special lot of 00 three-fold Oak Screen's, filled with sllkoline, sepa rate rod for shirring in filling. Very best patterns and colorlntfs. c , Q Regular $2.50 values for l.oi 90 Oak Fire Screens, fille'd with pretty stlkoline. Regular $1.50 values, on sale at this extraordinarily on low price . , .OyC Another great lot oX.IndIa Stools, gold en oak. The best Jl.25 values on sale at the low price of OzfC Custom shade and drapery worlc our specialty. Sest materials and work manship. Lowest prices guaranteed. Third floor, ' ( I 1 " -