1 MljS MORNING OREGONIAy, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905. AMUSE34XXTS. FOX SALK-XXAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HELP WANTED MAXE. HELP WANTED FEMAXB. WE BOOST Portland Day Not in the manner in which some business firms are attempting to boost itby cailirig it Bargain Day but by giving our employes a holiday under full pay and requir ing them to attend the Fair on September 30th, the day set apart by the management of the Exposition as JPortland Day EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE J. G. Mack b Co 86-88 THIRD STREET I'Ull MJSTSCILVN, Pres. Seventh and "Washington Swrcpsan Plan BAILY MBTBOnOLOCICAL REPORT. POKTLmIlXD. Sept. 21. Maximum teroper atraro. TS 4r.; mlflSmam, 54. River road tar at S A. M.. 1.2 reel; change In past 24 feapm. fall .! loot. Total precipitation, 3 T. X. to 3 P. M.. om. total since Septem W t, IfH. 1.4 tarHes; normal. 1.02; excess, ft. 4. Total mwpIUx September 2. 1U05. 8 kom m as mtames: posslWr. 12 hours and IT ariiMM. Barometer (reduced to sea u I P. X.. 28. PACtWC COAST WEATHER. v 01 ? 1 2 Wind. p (GBASSHKifi. 5 p 2 s s J. e o t IClear HWW.OSi 4NW ,s.ee! 4fw IClear Clear .tl 4(NW Clear .I12 NW .mi IClear Cloudy (Clear Clear Clear 'Clear IClear (Clear Clear (Clear IClear (Cloudy (Clear 4.d4lN s.ihi!io;nw S.( 4'N ). !N ,fM.l 4NE tt2.ei ;xw 7S. jw .04:16 B .0a 4SE WKATHKK CONDITIONS. Heavy has faJloa along the northwest VMktomM qpfmt. tat eleewhere In the Fa. rtrar Stat fair wather has prevailed. It iii in sowtliwt Oregon. Washington K Mateo. 1W fOoartonw are for increasing oloudl wns Pildaj ta Oregon, and for fair weather tm Mnfso aa WaAMlngton. except that show- will comtarse along the Washington coast. It win a cool or la Western Oregon, exe mpt oar the eoaot. WEATHER FORECASTS. JW"iM aoaaV a Portland for 28 hours mtao.lL at aaMsHgtat. September 22: lotUaa4 aad vicinity lacreartng cloud I -. cooler. Northerly winds, shitting to aoavtfaarty. matora Oregon Fartlr cloudy, with iai'ai aoar ta coast; ooolor in interior. Vtoaw aUMfeg to MMitherty. waMMagtoa Cloudy, with showers Winds sauting to southerly. Oregon Increasing cloudiness. Wmflfctagtaa and Idaho Fair. BDWAXD A. BEALS. Dtotrict Feroeatser. Whlcf Is Quickly Jailed. OOtBQON CITY, Or., Sept. 21. (Spe cail I W. S- Powors -was arrested to aiglK far larceny of clothing belong ing ttt compMion, which was taken trmm a roomlngr-house. Powers dls liwiat of the goods at a second-hand utoca. aad was taken Into custody and aYpt Ik Jail by Chief of Police Burns ax hour after the theft. CLASS!F!EDAD. RATES. "Rooms,' 'Room and Board," "TlouJie Vwplag: Rooms," "Sllnatlons Wanted," 15 rerd er lrs 15 cents j 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 1 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dls coant for additional insertions. CNDRR AU OTHER HEADS, except New Today," 30 cent forlS wordo or less; 16 to 20 word. 40 cents; 2 to 25 words, 50 coats etc. first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NinV TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, flrsr Insertion; 10 cents per line tor each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO . ADVERTISEMENTS, ad-dre-ed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in scaled envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonian will not bo responsible for errors In advertisements token through the telephone. NEW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE ever, exchanged; diamonds, precious etonea, looo aad aounted; watches, jewelry repaired. Dsole Myers, the jeweler. 143 Sd. near Alder. Butter! Butter! Our Other i Prices. Prices. Set creamery 53 -00c 65-70o Dairy butter. .... 40c Raaoh eggs 22-23e 80c 9eot KHgar-oured hams... 14c 10c Brealttart bacon 35o 18c Best of tea. lb S0c CO-TSc Lard. 5-lfa. pall 45 -55c 55-05o Chiekees .". 16c and 17c Spring Chickens 20c pound JIM Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 Yamhill Street Nob Hill Snap C&otoe lot, Marshall street, near luth; ce acttt walk, hedge fence; $2100. E. J. DALY. 222 Falling Bldg. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO NOW OPEN FOR TUPILS. Ptr tors 8 and. 10. S42i WashlBgtoa L . . Bo i telle. XefeOML KomlnpiB. C.....j Xortti Hed W Purrs d h HICVWoW'SM . Holt LwlwcUy M1 JTJSjSjftteOO . iPa9MMM nattf Wall Walla C. W. KXOWXES, Mrx. Streets, Portland, OreROn. 1.00, $1.50, 2.00 per Day. AUCTION SAI.ES TODAY. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom. ISO 1st St., at 10 A, M.. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At the Portland auction rooms, 211 First et Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. ForU. auctioneer. At Gliman's Auction Rooms. 413 Washington st.. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Oilman. auctioneer. At C31 Washington st-, by the Portland auc tion room. Sale at 10 A. M., sharp. C I. Ford, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. & A. S.' RITE Members are requested to attend the funeral of their late Brother Gustaf Wilson, Thlrty-eeend degree, at the Cathedral tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock. By order presiding officer. MULTNOMAH CAMP, W. O. W. Meets every Friday e-en4ng at Bant Alder and East Sxth Ktreetn. Alt Woodmen oordtaHy invited to meet with u. J. M. WOOOWORTH. Clerk. ALL MEMBERS of the Masonic Veterans Association are requented to meet at the Scottlfh RHe Ca thedral on Saturday. Scfit. 284. at 2 o'clock P. M.. to attend the funeral of our late brother, Gustaf Wilson. By order JACOB MAYER. Vlce-FreideBt. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. 0.,E. S. Regular eommunleatlon this (Fri day) evening in Masonic Temple, at 8 o'doek. Degrees. By order W. M. JENNIE IL GALLOWAT. SeoreUry. ' HASSLO LODGE. NO. 15. I. O. O. F.- Regular meeting this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Third Degree. Victors welcome. HENRY BROWN, Secrotary. MT. TABOR LODGE. NO. 42. A. F. & A. M. Stated commwalcatton this (Friday) evening Grand ave. and Burnfftdc AU M. M. oordlaMy Invit ed. By order W. M. GEO. P. LENT. Secretary. DIED. LA FLESH In this elty. September 21. 1MB, Captain T. J, LaFlesh, at bis late residence, 109 East Twentieth street. Notice of funeral later. LAFLJ28H At his late home, 100 E. 20th it.. Sept. 21, 1095. Thomas Jefferson LaFlesn. aged 00 roars, Z month. 18" days. Notioe of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. SCHWARZ In this city. Sept. 29. IMS. Carl Schwarz, aged 70 years. The funeral serv ices will be held at Finley chapel at 2 P. M. Saturday, Sept, 2B. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. CRAWFORD In this city. Sept. 20. 1005. at the family nldeaee. 03 East ll)th St., Char hut M.. infant daughter of William and Belle Crawford, aged 5 months and 2 day. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 3 P. M. today. Interment I .one Fir Cemetery. WII.SON In thlrt city. September 21. 1005. Gustaf Wilson, aged 78 years, 3 months. 18 days. Friends ntqwctfully Invited to attend th? funeral services which will be held at the Scottish Rite Cathedral, corner Lownsdale and Morrison streets, Saturday. September 23, 1I0S. at 2 P. M. Remains are at Hot man's chapel, corner Third and Salmon rtreets. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. DUNNING, M'ENTEE & GILBAUGIL Suc cessors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and embolmers; modern In every detail; 7th and Pine, Phone Main 430. Lady asMstant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO.. Undertakers cod embalmers. hare moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Xady assistant. Telephone No. 507. JT. P. ITNLEY & SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East S3. ZELLER-B YRNES CO.. Undertakers, Em balmers, 273 RusscU; East 1088. Lady asst. NEW TODAY. ' DEPOSITORS Like to fee that in bringing their business to a bank they aro helping to build It up In other words, they are giving something for what they receive. Wo want you to feel that way toward us. We want your account want to make our selves useful to you in any manner pertain ing to finances and we can do it with proflt to you and to ourselves. We want you to feel near enough to the officers so that when you want advice in regard to Investments you will freely consult with them and feel that any advice is gladly given. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 100 Third Street Phone Main 45a Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL 34K-S XoKar bW.TJaW Hrfc si,,.-. 5& ffisr" Theater lifKflM j.i.T.mocunoi C. Ktttc. rmitat Morrison Street between 6th and 7th. Phono Mala 80S. Tonight at 8:20 O'clock EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK The Musical-Comedy Success The (SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY. CHAPERONS PRETTY GIRLS CATCHY MUSIC GORGEOUS COSTUMES. HEAR THE LATEST SONG SUCCESS "THE WHOLE DAM3I FAMILY." PRICES 23c. 35c, 50c. 75c, 31 and 5L50. Seats Now Selling for Every Performance. SSH Theater y.w.T.inscunsi c riific, rmiftrt Morrison Street between 0th and 7th. Phone Main 886. " FOUlt NIGHTS. BEGINNING MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, That Exuberantly Mirthful Person, MAY IRVVIiN Tha Dispenser of Good Cheer, In , The Effervescent Comedy Success, "MRS. BLACK IS BACK." PRICES. 25c. 35c. 50c, 75c. 31.00, 3L50. Seats Are Now Selling. BELASCOlalli 14th and Wash. Bolasco & Mayer, Props. 17TH WEEK BELAECO STOCK CO. . SEATS ON SALE TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. TONIGHT 8:15 MATINEE TOMORROW CAPTAIN JINKS OF THE -By Clyde Fitch HORSE MARINES PRTPF Night 25c. 35c 50c and 75c AVlUJ Matinees 25c, 35c and 50c NEXT WEEK, "ON THE QUIET." COMING SOON WHITE WHITTLESEY. BAKER THE'ATER 3d and Yamhill Phone Main 1007. OREGON THEATER CO.. LESSEE. GEO. L. BAKER. MGR.V THE HOME OF BURLESQUE LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MATINEE. Merrymakers' Extravaganza Co. Funny Comedians, Beautiful Women. Hand some Costumes, Latest Songs. REFINED VAUDEVILLE. Special THE EXPOSITION FOUR Feature. EVENINGS 25c. 35c, 50c. 75c MATINEES 13c. 25c 33c. 30c Next Week. Starting Sunday Matinee. ITOLUAMS' IDEALS EXTRAVAGANZA CO. Empire Theater TnlUs iti Utnitsa neat Him 117 THE POPULAR THEATER. TONIGHT ALL THIS WEEK. MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. EDWARD R. SALTER presents a New York Company of Players In the Powerful Dram atization of Marie Corelli'a "Fabio Roman!" OR, THE VENDETTA, EVENINGS. 15c 25c 35c 50c MATINEES 10c. 15c 25c Next Attraction "The Convict's Daughter." THE GRAND DIETR1ECHS BROS. TKIO. ROME, MAYO AND JULIET. THOMPSON SISTERS. STEVE JENNINGS. PALMER AND ROBINSON. FRED PURINTON. THE ORANDISCOPE. General admission, 10c, evenings. Sundays. Holidays, reserved scats on lower floor, 20c; dally matinee?, entire floor 10c, box seats 25 SUNDAY, CONTINUOUS 2:30 TO 10:45 P. M. THE STAR MEDALLION TRIO. RICE AND EDWARDS. THE GLADSTONE CHILDREN. BEETS AND DOR. HAPPY ALLEN. ROY M'BRAIN. THE STAROSCOPE. General admission, 10c; evenings. Sundays, Holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 2&c; dally matinees, entire floor 10c; box seats 26c SUNDAY, CONTINUOUS 2:30 TO 10:45 P. M. TOR SALE REAL ESTATE RIVER VILLA. Rich, nightly acre tracts, ImpYoved. on ear line and river between Portland aad Oregon City. Cheap. Easy terma. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. Room 222 Falling Building. J. W. OGILBEE. ROOM 11. HSV4 FIRST ST. fivw-i uow. tixiuu leet. wit cooa neat 8room eattagc i'hrubbery. fruit, etc. near jsast Join ana rowel! ie.; nne oargala, part payment. SDC-ROOM COTTAGE, HOLLADAY PARK, owner leaving city; will soil beautiful new home cheap for cash: large Sronlaec boI- Ished floors: finely finished throughout: all modern conveniences; large ground. 50x240 xect; aa Meai place for fralt. garden or eaicKens; so agents. 818 Maltnomah st- HOUSE 10 ROOMS: NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lets. In best portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al hems will do well to investigate Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 100 Sherlock bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A desirable new 7-room house, all modern Improvements, heater, etc., magnificent aad unobstructed view of river and mountains; is enerea on reasonable lerme. A. ii. uirreil 202 McKay building.. 3rd and Stark. EAST SIDE HOMES 4 7-ROOM HOUSES and 1 e-room houie oa E. Third and Multno mah st., Jutt complete all modern, heauti- luuy nnnira. nne location; terms to suit. Parlh St Gourlay, owner, 183 MeMIIlea nt. NEW. MODERN C-ROOM HOUSE. BATH pantry, hot and cold water, cement basemat piped for gas; lot 50x105; a bargain. Qre- Kun Awi.iiiira ciciisngc JixVi Iiourth sU, 1 USUI ij. 10 ACRES UNIMPROVED CITY PROPERTY on electrle line near St. Jehno; 'choice tract at low figure; no better investment: J1000 caja ana pajasce on ume. uwner. 240 5th FOR SAIJS 10 ACRES, BEAUTIFUL FOR plotting. Inquire East 4Sth st and Haw thorne ave.. fouth. Mrs. W. S. FalUug, jat. moor x. yj. BARGAIN SALE b SIGHTLY LOTS AND new preity wrewn cottage, good loeatloa: - vtqnjian. SELLWOOD LOTS. J5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from J75.00 to $200.00. Sell wood xownsite Co. I'none East 4704. NICE LITTLE HOME. GOOD WELL-BUILT wrvuiu nuiKc, wi irjjLinv, targe irtut trees. DIRT CHEAP 5-ACRE TRACT IN OATMAN st ie uuamuu a jtue iiomw, No. 1. J4O0 G SG. Oregonlan. x GOOD-PAYDCG PROPERTY ON FRONT L: will aril reasonable. Answer 17S Ford from ilonlsoa ot. oriogs. C J5 Batlard, 10 FINE LOTS (25x100) NEAR WOODLAWN. ton bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE. JEW. 50x100 LOT. ON Aramty. xtoom ito neriock bldg.; no 800 FOR 2 LOTS IN ALBINA: WALKING Houses built on easy payments: lota furnished 11 ucstrcc 01 commercial oicg. Atatn 1910. FDR SALE 100x100. -BEST LOCATION IN Irrlngton; chtap. Address L 3S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Fine modern 7-room house East 22d and Wasco, price 13 COO; terms 300 cash, bal ance In monthly payments, ?30 per month: ureeta imprortd. cewer connection, gas and electric light, cement basements, cement walk; also nine improved lots in tame lo - ration; will be sold cheap, or will build couoo to suit purchaser on Installment plan. Also 5-acre tract n section line road cheap. Another S-acre tract. Powell's Valley road, touth of reservoir. J 400 per acre. 20 acres, 12 miles southeast of city, 12 acres la cultivation, price J1300 and other bargains too numerous to mention, William G. Beck. 307. the Failing. 1150 FULL LOT. FENCED. SMALL COT- tage. new; terms 5110 cash, balance $3 per month. $050 (-ROOM COTTAGE. NEW. WATER, run let, renced. garden. $200 cash, balance $10 per month; a snap for come one If taken at once; need the money. W. L. Green, at real estate office. Laurel wood.Mt. Scott car. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, wlthtn city limits or outside, Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill fc Co, "Inc" 110 2d st. $1450. PART CASH. 25x100, 1STH. BET. L-ovejoy and Marshall. Phone Main 800. FOR SALE FARMS. A VARIETY OF CHOICE FARMS, IM- proved aad unimproved, east of Fortlana. choice part of Oregon; nne roads all year; clso improved and unimproved city prop erty: you will make no mistake by calling on L. P. R. Lo Comptc 206 Allfiky bldg.. 82 years resident of Portland, as to re sponsibility; any kinds of reference fur nished; bowes rented, collections mada; also business chances. FOR SALE-FINE 354-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 100 In cultivation, balance nearly level, part ly cleared and la graes; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam: about 1500 cords fir and ash Umber; electric light and telephone: close to rail, churches and schools; 20 miles to Portland: $45 per acre, or will sell part; tsrms. B 75,. Oregonlan. 100 ACRES, SO ACRES UNDER CULTIVA- tlon, 40 acres beaver dam tana, orcnara. running water; mostly level land; 10-room house, large barn; north of Forest Grove. Price $35 per acre. Pfluger & Tschudy, room 14 Mulkey bhjg 2d and Morrison ata. FOR SALE STOCK RANCH OF 2400 ACRES near Coburg. 8 miles northeast of Eugene, Lane Co.. Or.; price low and terms easy. F. D. Chamberlain, Labbe bldg.. Portland. FREE GOVERNMENT FARM LANDS JUST opened to settlement: level valley land; no stone or timber; water and soil fifst-class. Room C6. Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Wash. FOR SALE 40 ACRES OF LAND IN WASH- ington uounty, pan oi it unaer cultivation, some fruit trees; also small house on place; price $400. F. Blrkenfeld. Estacada. Or. HOOD RIVER MOUNTAIN. 160-ACRE FARM for sale or exchange ror fortiana cottage and lot; price $2500. Inquire of John Lea land Henderson. Hood River. Or. 440-ACRE WHEAT FARM WELL WATERED. fenced hog tight; good buck loam soil. $23 per acre. Hemingway Bros., owners. Dufur, Or. FINE IRRIGATED STOCK. ALFALFA A2JD truit rancnes in Dest part oz xcano. jaeasoa & Record. Welicr. Idaho. FINE FARM. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND; great bargain, inquire aiternoona i to 412 2d St. v FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WE HAVE 1SC0 ACRES OF FINE TIMBER In Cook County; about 60.000.000 feet of white cedar, spruce, yellow and white fir, within two rollrs of Coqullle River, for sale We alto have 200 acres within two miles of Estacada which we will sell In 5. 10 or 20wicre tracts for fruit or agricultural pur poses. The Bank of Estacada. Estacada. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER CLAIM. REUN- qulsnmeat cruise o,uw,uw it., near me www Party leaving state on account of health. Arply Sam Tracy, 154 Grand ave, city. SNAP IN A HOMESTEAD. GOOD TIMBER. 4i miles to R. R. and Columbia River, close to Astoria, one mile to county road and HChoot: will relinquish for Improvements. Hi Union ave, room 0. Portland. 040 ACRES TIMBER LAND CRUISING -i. 000. 000 feet Marlon County. Oregon, for sale; all or one-half Interest. Inquire Powerr. Hotel Oxford, city. C0 ACRES TIMBER. 3.000.000 FEET FIR. fine location, large body adjoining; $7.50 per acre. P. O. Box 503. CHEAP LANDS. TIMBER AND GRAZING. Call or address B 510. Chamber . Commerce. WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED A 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE. ON weet Side Cash or Installment. Phone Main 4050. SMALL HOUSE AND LOT. BETWEEN Taylor and Sherfdan its.. E. of 5th at., at nco. o 3G. uregonian. 6 ACRES. NEAR CAR LINE OR W1LLAM otte River, bet. Portland-Oregon City. Y 35 Oregon! nn. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY 3 H acres near city, an unaer cultivation; gooa house, barn, orchard. Pfluger & Tschudy. room 14. Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison its. TO TRADE WELL-IMPROVED 120-ACRE farm for good cows er small dairy; balance long time Address E 32, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE 30-ACRE FRUIT RANCH aad furniture of 7-room flat for first-class rooming-house 193 Morrison st. GOOD MINING STOCK FOR REAL ESTATE. city or farm; If necessary will pay cash dif ference D 35, Oregonlan. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. FOR-SALE APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR acquiring title without residence to tim bered or prairie land, surveyed or unsur veyed. IL M Hamilton, The Portland, city. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN tesd. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Btearca bldg.. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED TO RENT. WITH PRIVILEGE of buying, chicken and dairy ranch, con venient to Portland or buy small timber prop osition that can be cut and realized en this Winter. K 3d. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Yehlclcles, Etc FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hlcles by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs tor sale cr exchange Tomllnson &. Cass! day, 211 Washington st. .HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL V kinds of vehicles and. harness for sals or rent. Hubert & Hall. 2 CO 4th st. mn aim cheap oxe LADY'S side bad die and bridle nearly new. Inquire Fashion Stables, 20tn and wasmngton sts. FOR SALE TEAM, OF 1400-LR HORSES. S yeam old; also 2 good camp wagons. Love- Joy and 2Ctb sL WAITED A GOOD DRIVING RIG. HORSE. "Harness and buggy. Apply 702 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE CARRIAGE! RIDING HORSE. pony and fresh family cow. Tel. Main 2041. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD HORSE FOR general farm work. F 35, Oregonlan. HORSE AND WAGON FOR $100 AT 05 5th atreet. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE BOATS 30-FOOT ELECTRIC launcher, worth $2200, for $900; 30-foot launch hulls. 1500; rowboata, $20 to $30; canoes. $30; 21-foot gasoline launch (new). 4Guo j6-zoot gasoline launcn, u. x. v Sherman, boat landing. Exposition groundc EDISON'S LATEST MOVING-PICTURE MA chine, about 50Q feet of film; 4 seta song slides, concert grapnopnone ana w recorai, all In good condition and a money-maker. Apply Goldendale Furniture company, ooia endale, Waah. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy paymeats: we rent tables, with armiege .or buying; moa ern bar fixtures; .cheap pries Rrwuwlck' BaUce-CoUesdor, It M it. Miscellaneous. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In Tolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed: Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldr. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, doing a fair business now; a!o tha lot shop Is on In Estacada. Or.; price. $700. F. Blrkenfeld. Estacada. Or. VIENNA CHAIRS. MATTING. BOOTH. gsaiw partitions, etc. for sale cheap. In quire of B. Campbell, at Natural Food Booth. Agricultural bldg. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE; 31 TABLES. -74 chairs, 3s stools. 4 roiitop desks and 333 yard carpet: all practically nw. Tele phone Fair 117. WE SELL ALL THE LEADING BRANDS of whisky and brandy at 10c National Wine Co.. The'Quatlty Store, 5th and Stark. FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-BEAT AUTO Engine In-front under hood, wheel steering. Call 7S3 Northrup st. Phone Front 874. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons' carrylBS capacity; 24-horecpower engine; will sell cheap. H 2S, Oregonlan. FOR SALB-3 PAIRS HEAVY WROUGHT Iron gates, cultablc for the front of a store. Apply N. C. R. exhibit. Fair grounds. FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD PRIVATE carnage, a closed Rockaway. to be seen at the United Carriage Co.'s office. FOR 'SALE AT A. BARGAIN COMPLEXS set tinners tools and macmnes. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUND IN first-class condition; must sell at once. In quire S62 Upebur st. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce DESK. TWO ARM- CHAIRS, REVOLVING chair, ail new, $o; cose sorter, 107 Sherlock bldg. STOCK FOR SALE VERY CHEAP IN AL- bert Bros. Mllllns Co. G 20, Oregonlan. CASH REGISTER, USED 2 MONTHS; COST $75.50. $15 security. O 33, Oregonlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 124 CHAM- ber of Commerce, or phone Main 2333. FOR SALE A LIGHT DELIVERY WAGON with top; cheap. .Phone Black 1814. RAMBLER TOURING CAR-Al CONDITION. - never solicited before; flee opening. 03S TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. $3 PER Chamber of Commerce. month. J. E. Huxley. E2 4th st, CHEF SECOND AND THIRD COOKS. BUS ONE 5x7 MULTIPLYING CAMERA. BOX 171. . hoye. dishwashers and kitchen help. National St. Johns. Office. 312 Pine. OFFICE BOY WANTED W. 32. OREGONIAN HELP WANTED MALE. - NOTICE WE WANT 3S FIRSTiCLASS RE- HELP WANTED FEMALE. liable men, no triflers need apply; light work, and advance; today only. Room WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE- 440. Sherlock bldg. eentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED AGENTS FOR COMPLETE RUS- elan-Japanese War book; good salary, sam- WANTED FOR OREGON CITY. A GIRL TO - pie free Address Globe Co.. 723 Chestnut do cooking and general housework; wages St.. Fhlla.. Pa. $40. Apply at 434 Main st. bet. 12 and 2. WANTED EVER YBOD1 To"" TRY OUR WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS COOKS, wines: 5 cents a glass. National Wine Co.. waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St the Quality Store, 5th and Stark. Phone Louis Agency, 2304 Yamhill. Main 5413. Main 61B0. : SINGERS. DANCERS. MUSICIANS; LONG THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANTS EX- engagement; Winter In Old Mexico; call perienced men tailors for work on ladles forenoons. Earl D. Jones, the Appleton. garments. Apply at once to Miss Barrett. ' 2d floor. v WANTED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER FOR rooming-house. 30 rooms, who can loan $220; MALE STENOGRAPHER AND TYPEWRIT- good wages. Address V 30, Oregnolan. er, one with no objection to leaving city. Ad- dress, giving age, experience, etc X 32, Ore- WIDOWER. MIDDLE-AGED; AMERICAN ; gonlac; no children, wants housekeeper; write full particulars to N 34. Oregonlan. . WANTED MEN FOR TARD AND MILL work; wages $2.00 per day of 10 hours. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK IN Inquire at office, Inman Poulsen Lumber small family. Call forenoon 23 East 15th at, Co. South; Ankeny or Plne-st, cars. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND SHIP- . ., HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, ptng clerk; young man; limited experience. 143 Washington st, cor. .th. upstairs. Clerks Registration Bureau, 2C5 Morrison Phone Main -682. ft . EXPERIENCED SWEDISH OR GERMAN Wanted Men to learn barber trade: steady girl; good cook; two In family; good wages, practice: expert Instructions. Write for Apply 740 Kearney st terms. Glllman's College, 627 Clay at, S. F. r"Z77n WANTED LADY PIANIST TO LEAVE THE YOUNG MAN OF ABILITY TO HANDLE city; $30 per week. Newman's Dramatic rental department for a leading real estate Agency, 351H Morrison. Arm. The Continental Co.. 2tfS Allsky bldg. .. ' . GIRL FOR COOKIING AND GENERAL 'WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, SHOES. housework; small family; good wages. 234 second-hand trunks, blankets; highest price 10th. Phone Main 1430. paid. 50 3d. near Pine Phone Paclflc 48. . -,rnr , WANTED FIRST-CLASS SUIT AND CLOAK $75 permanent salary and expenses paid, rella- saleslady. $15 up. Clerks' Registration Bu- ble men. outside of the city; pleasant work. reau. 203 Morrison it H. Henker, room 5. 127 7th. Portland. Or. WANTED NEAT AND CLEAN GIRL TO DO California wine depot: headquarters bakers. general housework; must be a good cook. cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5o Inquire 101 N. 12th st. per glass. P, Loratl. 143 4th. Clay 1503. , , WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MARKER WANTED DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE and distributer. Address Dalles Laundry people, long engagement big salary. New- Co., The Dalles, Or. man's Theatrical Circuit, 351 Morrieon. . . WANTED A GOOD WOMAN DISHWASHER WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDY-MAKER in a small private boarding-house. Call and Ice cream man; permanent Clerks' early. 251 Seventh st Registration Bureau, 2C5 Morrison et. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSE WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- Work and cooking In small, private family. land and throughout state to solicit burd- 427 Washington at. nets. Call or write, 007 McKay bldg. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED POLISHER WANTED OFFICE BOY. 16 YEARS OLD. and shlrtflnlsher. Address Dalles Laundry salary $3 pep-week. Apply 0 A. M.. Rem- Co.. The Dalles. Or. Ingten Typewriter Co.. 249 Stark st . YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT WANTED A BOY ABOUT 18 FOR GEN- housework, small family. Apply after 11. eral office and collection work. Apply by 50 Lovejoy street letter to F 34, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND. GBN- WANTED EXPERIENCED GENTS FUR- ral housework. Apply 251 St Clair at. ntshlag and dress goods salesmen. Roberts Phone Main 2504. . Bros.. 3d and Morrison. LADIES TO DO EMBROIDERY WORK; ROCKMEN WANTED AT BUNKER HILL only those, thoroughly capable need apply. quarry. Take boat to Stella. Wash. J. W. L 33, Oregonlan. Sweeney. Stella. Wash. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN FAMILY OF BOYS WANTED TO CARRY OREGON I ANS two. Apply mornings, 40 N. 20th st, near north of Alder st Apply .between 12 and 1 Washington. at business office, y GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL H0U3B- BOY 16 YEARS OLD. CAKE DEPARTMENT. work; family two; wages $30. 605 E. Main. 3rd floor. Olds Wortraaa & King. cor. 5th cor. 16th. and Washington. EXPERIENCED STARCH-WORK IRONBRS WANTED OFFICE BOY FOR WHOLE- -he star -Laundry, East Ankeny and sale house; must be over 16 years old. N Union ave. 36. Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED - KITCHEN WORK. IN WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERI- amall restaurant. Apply at once. 352 Baet enced smelterman; state qualifications. Y Rumslde 32. Oregonlan. WANTED-YOUNG WOMAN FOR DOCTOR'S WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR REAL ES- office. Address in own handwriting, J 33, tate business; must give city references. L Oregonlan. v 35. Oregonlan. . WANTED STENOGRAPHER. WAGES $20 FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. per month. Address with reference. E 33. Address G. M. Campbell. 320 James st. So Oregonlan. attic Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO SEW A GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ON collars In shirts, at the Fitx-Well factory. special edition of established paper. Call at 75 1st - Frnt WANTED GIRL COOK AND GENERAL YOUNO MAN TO LEARN THE DAIRY housework; no washing; good wages. 14 business. Apply Cottel Drug Co., 1st and Everett Grant sts. t . WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE SHOWMEN AND MUSICIANS. GOOD CIR- work; also one for second work. Apply 573 cus acts; call forenoons. Earl D. Jones, the Hoyt st. Appleton. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO HELP WITH WANTED GOOD SASH AND DOOR MEN children and housework. Phone Main 2348. to work oa odd and stock doors. C 13. Ore- 7 gonlan. DR. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF WOMEN aod - surgery. 3C0 Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY T" t r.Brm' to right party. The Western Lady. 147 A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; Front st no washing. Apply at once, 344 10th st. $60 TODAY BUYS NICE LITTLE COFFEE- WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO house and restaurant Andersen. 191 Morrl- cooking. Apply 6S9 Everett at. near 21st con. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER, BETWEEN WANTED A YOUNG BOY TO TAKE CARE the ages of 20 and 30. K 35. Oregonian. of exhibits. Apply at Lewis-Stenger B. S. Co. WANTED-LADY TO DO LIGHT HOUSE- work. Apply 312 Main st. at noon-hour. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WASHER. Address Dalles Laundry Co.. Tha Dalles, NURSE GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. Or. cood home, good wages. 307 N. 19th st STEADY POSITION.! GOOD PAT, TO WANTED WAITERS. APPLY CQMMER- first-class, reliable boy. 127 N. ICth st. clal Club, Chamber of Commerce bldg. .. WANTED BOY ABOUT 14 TEARS OLD TO GIRL WANTED-THREE IN FAMILY. AP- learn business-, salary $3 at first 235 Stark. ply mornings. Inquire 447 West Park. WANTED PRESSER AND TAILOR FOR COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- repalr work. Harris, ror. 6th and Alder work In small family. 107 N. 16th st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTER- GIRLS TO DO WORK IN FACTORY PORT- er. Addrees Buren & Hamilton. Salem. Or. land Glove Works. 210 Stark street. FIRST-CLASS TAILOR WANTED 142 19TH WANTED GIRL FOR COOK AND GEN- st, near Washington. Er. Wlnkelmans. eral housework. Apply 605 6th st. BRIGHT BOY FOR GROCERY STORE; AGE -SWCNTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH about 16. Inquire at 3S4 East Clay. housework and baby. 723 Glisan. WANTED GOOD DRAFTSMAN. CHARLES GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK AND CARE M. Hurst 215 Commorrlal block. of children. 363 E. 15th st. North. WANTED ONE GOOD CARPENTER'S WANTED GIRL TO HELP WITH KITCH- helper. Apply 29th and Savler st en and housework. 161 N. 16th st BOY WANTED F W. BALTES & CO?. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VESTMAKER3. printers. First and Oak sts. Nlcoll. the Tailor. 105 Third st. TWO TTRST-CLASS CARPENTERS WANTED WANTED GIRL TO COOK AND DO GEN- at 24th and GUsan. eral housework. 46 Ella at MEN WANTED $2.00, 10 HOURS. CALL WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE ISO Macadam st v work. Apply 6S0 E. Alder. BRIGHT BOY WANTED. APPLY AT 267 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN Waehlagton. small family. Call 5C0 1st. . BARBER WANTED STEADY JOB. 27i NV WANTED 2 SALESLADIES AND 1 WAIT-' -2d st C ... ress. 360 Washington. WANTED 3 RIGGING RUSTLERS, $2.75 per day: 4 chasers, $2.75 per day; S buck ers, $2.75 per day; J hewer. $4 per day? 1 scorer. $3 per day; 10 mlllhands. $2. R. A B., $4, pass south; 4 laborers, steam shovel. $2, pass youth; man and wife. farm. $450 per year and found; if you want work see the Canadian Employment Co.. 210 Bum side et. Phone Main 3074. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade; great demand for - grad uates $4-$5 day; many complete course two months; graduates admitted tb union and Master Plumbers' Association. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing School, New York. Cincin nati and St. Louis. (Day and night class.) For free catalogue addrees 239 luth ave.. New York. WANTED FOUR EXPERIENCED AND UP-to-date ealoarnen for canvassing' both farm ers and dealers on a legitimate, good-celling and money-making article; none but ex perienced men with good records need apply. Beall & Co.. 321 Hawthorne, avenue. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFUL Y treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. WANTED AT ONCE FOUR FIRST-CLASS nonunion iron moldera. Work, machine cast ing and water specials; state experience. Address or apply Paclflc Iron & Steel Works, 020 Ewlng St.. Fremont. Seattle. Wash. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN (SIN gle) to travel and learn good paying busi ness: who can leave town immediately. Call 1 to 3 P. M.. room 14, 381 Yamhill. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac school tor Jewelers; money made Iearn'g. Watchmkg Engrar. School. P. I. bldg., (Seattle ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAT EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars; Preso Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED MINING MEN TO TAKE MIN eralogy at Y. M. C. A. night school. $15 tor slxXmonths course. Personal Instruc tion. Term begins Sept. 23. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HARD CANDY and penny goods man: also strong young man to learn trade. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and GUsan ets., Portland. Or. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS; LIBERAL commission; newspapers, publications, "spe cial edltlono"; good substantial propositions. C3S Chamber of Commerce. MEN AND WOMEN LEARN THE BARBER trade: free transportation from Portland and Seattle to Holer's Syutexa College, 044 Clay at.. San Francisco. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: FRA- ternal publication; remunerative commission. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A LITTLE GIRL or an elderly woman to answer telephone and bell from 7 to 11 A. M. every day. Apply to Travelers Aid Association, 100H 6th st, room 3. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER, alls and shirts; Instructions given to inex perienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2, corner East Taylor and Grand av. DRAMATIC AMATEURS WANTED OF GOOD appearance, will receive actual saiga ex perience; salary and expenses paid; long engagement. Q 35, Oregonlan. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES 25 experienced sewers for their cioalt de partment alteration rooms. Apply this morn ing to Miss Barrett. 2d floor. A WOMAN (MARRIED PREFERRED) WITH references, for housework and waiting oa table; no cooking. Address Quarters "A," Vancouver Barracks, Wash. DOMESTICS. COOKS, WAITRESSES, CHAM- Dermatoa. etc; ctty, coast. .Fair ana coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors, 22U& Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworx; must be a good cook; wages $35 per month. Apply at Pacific Coast Bis. Co., 12th and Davis st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR LIGHT GEN eral housework. Mt Tabor, near car line; good home for right party. Inquire 273 Mor rison. ' WANTED CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED UN encumbered woman as housekeeper widow er's family, city. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. APPRENTICES BRIGHT. NEAT GIRLS TO learn the trade. Corsetlere. 143 11th st. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 461 Rodney ave. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 200 PICKERS TO PICK 624 ACRES HOPS: all desired acommodatlona; grocery, bakery, restaurant, butcher shop; beautiful camp grounds; dance hall, pure mountain water, etc.; reduced excursion rates. Apply room 441 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. Krebs Bros. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO KIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent Behnke Walker Business College, day and night. Catalogue CalL LAUNDRY MARKER. $12: COOKS. DISH waahers. ($10 room); waiters, porters, farm hands ($50 wife); tomato pickers, mill hands. Chinese cooks, waitresses ($10). chamber maids, housework. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED TEACHERS GRADES AND RUR al, $45; music, $65; shorthand. $125; elec tric engineering. $125; anthropometry, $123. Fish Teachers' Agency, 1200 Williams. WANTED A PIANO PLAYER TO GO ON the road. Call at or address Charles Mills, 230 Russell st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. COMPETENT EASTERN MAN DESIRES Po sition ($100 or n. over) as correspondent, ac countant or office manager; familiar with grain, stocks and general lines. J 36, Ore gonlan. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER OR GENERAL office man; prefer small establishment, mod erate salary, good references. H 33, Ore gonlan. CASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER: A YOUNG man of highest references and business ability, la open for a situation. P 34, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; U kinds of help. Clay 513. 263 Everet st RELIABLE MARRIED MAN WANTS Po sition any kind; handy with carpenter tools; can give good references. T 18, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED man in hide, wool and fur business; can give beat of reference. V 35. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED JAP COOK WANTS Posi tion In private boarding-house or family; $10 week and up. 5 34. Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION IN ANY kind of work In hotel, club or any others. R. Yuhl. Phone Main 5259. JAPANESE BOY WISHES SITUATION cooking and housework In family, city or country. R 36, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO WORK in saloon, hotel or housework, as dishwash er. D 33. Oregonlan. BY AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE BOY to work In hotel laundry. Phone Black 132. 244 Couch st JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO WORK In saloon, hotelor housework. D 33. Ore gonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. POSITipN BY EXPERIENCED AND THOR oughly competent bookkeeper; do uteno graphic work and capable taking entire chargo of office. M 23, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED stenographer, understands capitalization and punctuation thoroughly. A 35, Ore gonlan. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER DESIRES ADDI tlonal set of books. L 23, Oregonlan. Domestics. EXPERIENCED COLORED WOMAN DE sireti situation family cook, where second girl kept. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. GOOD COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER WISHES a respectable position. K 33, Oregonlan. Nurses. OSTEOPATH NURSE IS OPEN FOR Posi tion to attend lady or elderly invalid gentle man. Mrs. Ray Gadsby, M 32, Oregonlan, SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED woman as nurse, sickness or children; nurs ery governess. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. Housekeepers. SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER WANTED by middle-aged woman, with boy of 10. Widower's family. 230 Yamhill. Tel. Main 5413. Dressmakers. SEWING IN . FAMILIES. FIR3T-CLAS3 Eastern dressmaker; children's clothes a specialty; references. Phone Main 1292. PLAIN DRESSMAKING BY THE DAY; Ex perienced. Phone Clay 716. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTS POSITION to take? care of a baby. Apply forenoon Thursday and Friday. 330 10th st. near Market. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Photograph coupon salesman; a good thing. Rembrandt Studio. 106 3d st WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or fiats with our tree rental department Our vacant house directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed In suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses m all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to rtmaln long Idle. H. EL EDWARDS, HOU3EFURNISHER, Rental Department, 185 to 191 1st st YOUNG GENTLEMAN AND WIFE FROM the South, wishing to spend. Winter In Portland, would Ilka to secure' rooms with board In some very nice s&flned. private family; best of references furnished. O 35, Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM, CENTRAL. West Side, not over 10 minutes walk from business center! $26 per month; by lady em ployed. Address P 33, Oregonlan, with full particulars. TWO LADIES WISH BOARD WITH PART ly furnished front room in. private home, near Neustadter factory, reasonable. M 36. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 6 OR 7-ROOM MOD ern house, within 20 minutes walk of Post-office- D 36. Oregonlan. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR GEN tleman and wife private family. West Side. A 36, Oregonlan FURNISHED HOUSE BY FAMILY OF TWO adults. West Side; references. F 33. Ora gonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage or flat, state rent. W 35. Oregonian.