fHB MORNING OREGONIAIC, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1905. NOISE 1ST PW UP DIRECTOR OF ELLERY'S BAUD NOW PLAYING AT THE EXPOSITION Confident of Nomination for Congress. Arrested on Bench Warrant, He Makes Promise.' DECLARES HE WILL WIN FINE- WAS OVERLOOKED' Ho and S. B. Huston, His Rival In the Elrst District, Pay a. Visit to Portland and Dis cuss Possibilities. Manager of Warwick Club Was Con victed Under Statute Affecting the Public Morals ot Poolsclllng. TODZE HOPEFUL t Two loading candidates for Congress frm the First Oregon District have crass cx! the border Into Portland In the last twe days S. B. Huston, of Hlllsboro, who trod the asphalt pavoments Wednes day, and Walter L- Tooze, of Woodburn, wh came to town yesterday. Bach candidate was confident that the HafMfblican nomination would come his way In the primaries next April, and that hte election to the office would follow as a natural sequence. Neither could see titat the other was in a position to win tho nomination. The third active candi date In the district. C. B. SToores, of Sa lon, w&r not In evidence, and his boom ors are expecting him to appear next. Says Everything looks Fine. "Everything looks fine, very fine," said Mr. Toozo, cheerfully. When asked polnt Maak whether he was going to bo nomi nated and elected, his .response was most oMiddent. l have .been an active Republican work. or ta the 'district for 15 or 20 years," said he. "from one ond to the other, and if any maa has a better acquaintance with the political conditions in it, I should like to see the color of his hair. It is not my habit to be optimistic about my own af fairs: In fact, I am generaly too pes simistic. In this case, however, I think my confidence is well grounded. I am go ing to be nominated and I am going to make a campaign before the people on principles, and not on personalities." "Hew about Huston's claims in the CounUos of Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Clackamas and Lane?" was asked. "I believe Mr. Huston overestimates his strength la those counties was the re ply. "If he has hopes of carrying Clack amas against me, for example, his hopes are mistaken. Then there Is Washington, hip home county, where many of my best friends live. I taught school five years in Washington County, and I think I am indulging In pardonable self-flattery when I pay I was well liked there. I shall carry tb campaign right into Mr. Huston's oaunty. and shall speak to the people from the stump just as I shall do In other oounttes." Thinks Party Will Bo United. The question whether the nominee, who ever he should be. would receive the united support of the party, Mr. Tooze saM would depend largely on the manner ta which the primary campaign should bo conducted. He believed, however, that there would be no Internal strife such as wouM convulse the party and defeat the Republican nominee. "The way to avoid such troubles," said he. "Is to avoid bitter personalities in the primary campaign; in fact, to avoid all personalities If possible, and to make the oamnaign on principles. Then those can didates who lose the nomination should rallr to the aid of the winners. If I ahall be whipped In the primary eleotlon. I shall take the Mump In support of the man who whipped me." N THE MUNICIPAL COURT MEMBERS OF WAITERS CLUB ARE UP FOR GAMBLING. Minor Offenders Come Before Judge Cameron, Who Takes Action Upon Several Cases. The gambling cases against W. S. Brown, manager of the Walters' Club, wMoh was raided by the police early Tuosday morning, and seven others ar rested at the time, came up before Judge Cameron yesterday. Attorney Freeman, for the defendants in the case, inquired of the. court as to why tne Walters' Club was selected for a raid, while the Arlington and Commercial Clubs wore not molested In the least. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald replied that the clubs cited would be taken caro of In case the charges of the Waiters Club wore substantiated. Judge Cameron Hstoaed to both sides of the case, and after considering the evidence introduced, took the matter under advisement. Frank B. Stevens, who was arrested on complaint of James A. Banford. charged with "raising" a check, was taken beforo Judge Cameron yesterday, and the caso wa continued for a hearing at this morn ing's session. C. H. Wilson, a colored man, was fined $W yesterday by Municipal Judge Cameron for carrying a concealed weapon. He is raid to have engaged in a fight with Joe Cunningham, also colored, and in the melee Wilson's revolver was discharged, and the arrost followed. S. Kelly, who was arrested on a charge of burglary, and whose case was taken under advisement by Judge Cameron, was discharged, owing to lack of evidence on the part of his accusers. George Derby and Viola Crawford, charged with a statutory offense, escaped pevere punishment by agreeing to marry, and the ceremony -was performed by Judge Cameron. Guests Prom the Falkc. The officers and crew of the German cruiser Falke were given a banquet and reception at Arlon Hall last evening by the local Deutscher Tag Society. Otto Schuman presided and delivered an ad dress of wolcome. Governor Chamberlain was then Introduced, and after a few in troductory remarks proposed a toast to Kaiser Wilhelra, which was drunk stand ing, with considerable acclaim. German Consul Lohan then proposed a toast to President Roosevelt, which was drunk enthusiastically. Captain Behnke, of the visiting warship, complimented the City of Portland In glowing terms for Its beauty, progress .nd hospitality. Mr. Resacher delivered a short address on the German navy, which closed the programme. During the evening the German and American na tional airs were played by the orchestra. Delegates to -Mining Congress. Oregon will be represented at the com ing session of the American Mining Con gress -which meets at El Paso, Texas, No vember 14 to 18 Inclusive, by representa tive men Interested in. the mining Indus try. Among the number win be J. Frank "Watson, president of the Merchants' Na tional Bank, who Is largely Interested in Eastern Qjgon mines and is a director of the organization; James H. Fisk. the min ing engineer, and E. A. Sessions. Richard "Wilson, the mining capitalist. Dr. Henry 6IGXOII Waldo Coe and Dr. C H. Itaffety. may j also be members of the Portland delega- tlon. while Southern ami Eastern Oregon . mining districts will have representation j from the ranks of oporators. J. Frank Watson will leave Portland about November 8 to attend a meeting of the directors to be held in Denver two days preceding the opening of the session, importance attache) to this meeting as preceding the establishment of a. perma nent home for the organization at Den ver. Idaho will send a strong delegation to accompan" Judge J. H. 21 Ic hards, president, who is serving the second term as executive of the association representa tive of the mining interests. CHAPTER 0F ACCIDENTS Boy Loses Foot and Iogger Has Toes Amputated. v An attempted suicide, a street-car ac cident in which a bey received a crashed foot which had to be amputated, and a man with his toes cut off at a logging camp kept St. Vincent's Hospital and the police busy yesterday. H. Anderson, a bartender for the El Rey saloon, failed In two attompts to take his life by gas asphyxiation. Despondent over family troubles and too much drink he turned on the gas In his room at 202 Second street with the intention of onding his troubles. He was saved by the proprietor who smolled the fumes. A second time he turned on the gas cover ing his head with a blanket which he placed ovar the wive. He was saved again by the proprietor and taken to St. Vincent's Hospital in the patrol wagon. Edward Walker, a 12-year-old boy. while riding on an electric freight-car at Twen tieth and East Ankeny streets, was knocked under the wheels and his leg from the ankle to the knee ground to pieces. He was taken to St. Vincent's Hospital whene the limb was amputated. Earl Keyne, a lumberjack from Knappa, cut his toes off while wielding an ax and was sent to Portland and taken to St. Vincent's Hospital at 2 o'clook yesterday morning where part of his foot was am putated. Funeral of Joseph Teal. The funeral of the late Colonel Joseph Teal was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the family residence at 629 Everett street. The services at the houw and the grave were private, only a few of the bosom friends of the deceased, who were invited, being In attendance.' Many beautiful floral offerings were sent, which bore evidence to the sympathy of many friends. Tho pall-bearers were Governor Chamberlain, Mayor Lane. F. T. Dodge, Wirt Minor, Dr. G. M. Wells, W. F. Bur rell, W. S. Page and C. F. Adams. Tho interment took place at Rlverview Ceme tery. Nominating Committee Named. The City Federation of Women's Clubs at its meeting yesterday afternoon with Mrs, Samuel, SSI Twelfth street, chose a nominating committee to name candi dates for office at the next aanuai eleo tlon. This committee consists of the presidents and vice-presidents of the six affiliated clubs. Mrs. Breyroan, as presi dent of the oldest qjub, was chosen chair man. The next meeting, at which the annual election is to take place, is set for October 2L v. Agrees to Return Cliildrcn. James Campbell was Intercepted at the wharf at the foot of Washington street last night by Policeman Robson as Camp-belP- was leaving for Astoria "riith his 5 y ear-old son Percy and his 5-year-old daughter Jeanette. Mrs. Minnie Camp bell, who obtained a divorce from her hus band last February, alleged at police headquarters last night through her at torney, W. M. La Force, that her hus FEIUtriXO. band had kidnaped the boy and girl from the. home .of Mrs. Dtravie at Fisher's Landlnr. Wash.. September 13. The chll dren had been put in charge of Mrs. Dun- vie while the mother had gone out to work. Campbell said that he had taken the children with the pormlfcsloa of the prom, cutlng attorney at Vancouver, Wash., In order that he might buy clothos for them in Portland. The caso was settled by Campbell agreeing to return the children and promising that he would not go near the hi again. MADAME NQRELL1 TO SING Great Soprano Will Be Heard at the White Temple. Tomorrow night at .the White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streots, Madame Jen nie Norelll, the Portland prima donna ljrrlc-colorature soprano, will make her first appearance in concert in her homo town, after Ave years' absence in Europe, where her artistic career has been a suc cession of triumphs, and the occasion will be one of the most notable In the history of Pacific CoafiX music. It is not every day that this part of the country sends out to the world so cele brated a concert and operatic soprano as Madame NorellL When she left Portland five years ago. where she is known as the wife of Dr. Edmund Barton, she bore with her the reputation of possessing one of the most beautiful and natural soprano voices ever heard jn the West, and for tho first season in Europe she further per fected herself in vocal art under the in struction of several celebrated vocal teach ers whose fame is world wltje. Appear ing in different European musical centers, Madame Norolli more than fulfilled her Portland friends enthusiastic predictions, and it is safe to say that she made posi tive and lasting successes, especially at Covent Garden, London, before critical English audiences. She has substituted, with every mark of credit, for Molba and ether equally renowned singers. The concert tomorrow night which -will mark the return to this city for a short tlmo of Madame Norelll will be largely attended and the audience ought to be a thoroughly representative one, as It Is doubtful If this distinguished songbird win sing in any other Pacific Coast city, this visit. It Is understood that among her audience will be found many representa tives of Norwegian and Swedish societies. The accompanlste will ho Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, and Madame Norelll will also be assisted by Mrs. Sherman D. Brown, violinist: Miss Grace Kemp, organist, and Gustav Oechesle, flute soloist. 'The pro gramme: Ormn solo "PilcHms Chora?." from "TannBaeuser" Warner Miss Grace Kemp. Redt. and aria "Ah For'e Lai," from "La Tr&vlata" Verdi Madame Norelll. Vl&ln solo (n) "Adagio" RIet (b) "Evening Song" i... Mucin lira. Shernuui D. Brown. (a) Prayer. "VUrt dArttrom "La Tosca" Pucdnl n)'Caro Nome." from Rigoletto". Verdi (a.) "1a Procession" Caesar Yean; (With organ obligate MUs Grace Kemp.) (b) Scandinavian eon "King Hak&a's Cradle Song" Auguct Elcenberr "A Rustic Lament (sung In Eng. -liin) Petereoq-Berger "Soft-Footed Snow" (sung In Swed ish) Sigurd Lie Violin 8olor- (a) "Berceuse" ...Godard lb) "Madrlgar .....y Slmonettl Mrs. Sherman 17. Brown. "Ardon Gl'lncensl front "Lucia dl Lam- xaermoor" Donlxetti (With flute nbllr&to. Guttav Oechesle,) Madame Norellf. Mihvauklo Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars. First and Alder. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea, and dys entery in all forms and in all stages. It never falls. For sale by all druggists. M. G. Nease, former manager of the Warwick Club poolrodma on Fourth street, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Dode Parrott on a bench-warrant issued by Judge Frazer, to compel Ncase to pay a fine amounting, with costs, to $235. In October, ISM, the Warwick Club was closed by Sheriff Word, under tho statute which makes It an offense to commit any act which is contrary to public mor als, or disturbs the peace, etc, commonly known as the nuisance statute. This was Invoked because theco la nb law prohib iting poolselllng' in this state. Nease was convicted In the lower court and fined $200. and the Supreme Court affirmed the decision. The mandate of the Supreme Court was received by .tho clerk of the State Circuit Court several weeks ago, and was not entered until September 15, when Henry E. McGinn, who appeared as special prosecutor in this case, assisting the District Attorney, called attention to the fact and had the mandate spread upon the records of the court here. District Attorney Manning did not ask that Nease be brought In and made to pay the fine, probably having overlooked the matter, so on Wednesday afternoon Mr. McGinn appeared and asked for a bench-warrant. Mr. Nease promised to pay the fine today and was released by Sheriff Word on his own recognizance. County Clerk Fields yesterday stated that he hod installed a system of separate records and Journals for use In keeping better track of criminal business, includ ing separate fee books, and he Intended to check up all fines .Imposed since he assumed the duties of the ofQce to ascer tain If tho collection of any fines had been neglected. PATH OLMAX WELCH'S CASE OXE OF MISTAKEN" IDENTITY. Case of Patrolman R. It. Ebberman Which Appears Serious Taken Under Advisement. Policeman R. L Ebberman, , charged with choking Maud Dunnlgan and pull Ing her away from the telephone when she was endeavoring to call the police. helping Joseph Baker to escape after choking Mrs. Sophie jWeatherbee and tearing her clothes, was tried by the Police Commissioners at the City Hall yesterday afternoon. His cose was taken under advisement after testimony had been submitted by Captain Bailey, Ser geant- Taylor, Patrolmen Wilson, John son and Price, for the prosecution, and by Ebberman himself and Maud Dunnl gan, for the defense. The commission will make its report in a few days. Policeman Welch, against whom a com plaint had been signed in "round robin" form, was tried on a charge of Improper and rude conduct toward Mrs. Laura Coykendall at tho Union depot. Mrs. Coy-. kendall testified that an officer had taken hold of her when she was at the depot to meet friends and that she had been handled roughly. Other witnesses test! fled that they had been arrested on false accusations. It was phown that a mis. take In the Identity of the officer had been made and that he had at all times con ducted himself In a proper manner. Over 50 witnesses were present to testify In Welch's behalf. The charges against V elch, preferred In "round robin" form. were signed by hotel runners and solicit ors, who are said to have a grudge against the officer on the ground that be has interfered with them in soliciting trade at the Union depot. He was ac cused of standing in with certain hotel proprietors to divert patrons to their places. The accusation was proved to be false. Mrs. Coykendall Insisted that Welch was the officer, and said after the trial that the reason he was acquitted was because the men who had been summoned as witnesses had been intimi dated. From outside sources it was learned that Mrs. Coykendall was probably right in her accusation that she had been mis treated at the Union depot by a police officer, but she mado a mistake in the name of the -policeman and the time on which he is on shift at that place. Ebberman's case in police circles Is looked at entirely different from that of Welch. It was considered in the case of the latter that it was a foregone conclu sion that he would bo acquitted, while It was thought that Ebberman would be ex pelled. The testimony against Ebberman was strong and the charges placed against htm at police headquarters the morning Bacon assaulted Mrs. Weather- bee were substantiated. Mist Dunnlgan, who on the morning of the assault ac cused Ebberman openly of conduct un becoming an officer in that ho permitted Bacon to assault the woman with wjiom he was living and of trying to prevent an arrest, yesterday reversed herself, sarinr that she was ''so excited at the time that she did not know what she was doing. She is engaged to Ebberman. Bacon, who was fined $30 In Municipal Court yester day on the charge of assault, did not ap pear as a witness. Mrs. Weatherbee was also absent. Chinese and Wife Arrested, Immigration officials arrested Lee Tick Tu, a Chinese, and Sing Far, his wife, yesterday. They had Just ar- RATIONAL TREATMENT r Stomach Diseases MEANS I Discard Injurious Prugs vox A Hmsiets Powerful Craio4 Send twenty-five cents to pay postals on Frtt Trial BottU. Sold toy leading druggists. HT CHHtC WtTMWT MY SWNATVRC: 'mm PiMccrr., new York. m rum umjtr cm Rjitthm. T iatwiwt GJycorone 1 11 J!iPWJ" V rilla f - . 4. the .. -s : ' " . . a he The above was clipped bodily from a two column announcement by the Portland Evening Telegram of a $5000 prize contest it has just instituted to ob tain new subscribers. This sweeping tribute was absolutely unsolicited. As ALL the business col leges of Portland use the advertising columns of the Telegram The Behnke Walker college being by no means the largest advertisers. the sweeping nature rived by train from San Francisco, and said they had come for a short visit to the Fair. When questioned by Inspector Bar hour, they could give no satisfactory reasons for being- In the country with out the proper papers, and their state ments were cbntradictory and Incrim inating. Ample opportunity was given them to furnish satisfactory evi dence of their right to be here, and at 2 o'clock yeBterday afternoon they were arrested. Railroad Expects Heavy Travel. According to advices received, at the ofnee of A. I Craig, general passenger agent of the Horrlman lines, there will be a very large attendance from all Oregon for Portland day, September SO, as a result of tho low rates an nounced. Special provision is being made to provide accommodations for the large movement that will take, place. The railroads are doing every thing' possible to help swell the at tendance, and the very low rates named with liberal return limit will prove an effective inducement. Funeral Directors' Convention. The third day's session of the Ore sron Funeral Directors' Association ad journed at noon to permit of the mem- bers attending- the Lewis and Clark Fair In a body. At the session plans for the betterment of the organization were discussed. It Is the Intention of the association to put itself on a par with any other legitimate business or ganization, and in order to accomplish this It is deemed desirable that the members work together In harmony and establish a uniform programme in business dealings. The organization is practically in Its infancy In this state, and the members have shown a willing spirit In the effort to promote soma - The cigarette which taught the merits of Turkish tobacco to the smokers of two continents The Turkish cigarette which enjoy to-day the largest sales of all the brands in all the vorld The Turkish cigarette which continuously satisfies more discriminating smokers than any other is LB f ' 1 A par, ivsct, rick, mOd bleed tbat never Yaries, never cfrappelat and lrV I , ant crystal, are amon the grand sigh let r Aet tft J M e eeo. AS SECOND PRIZES THE TELE GRAM OFFER SEC MONTHS' SCHOL ARSHIPS IN THE BEHNKE-WAIjKER BUSINESS COLLECTS OF PORTLAND. Theee scholarships were selected after considering many colleges, and were se lected because Tho Telegram believes that the Behnke-Walker College offers the beat opportunity to secure a business education of any college of Its kind in tho West. Theo scholarships are transfer able, and may be used, given away, or sold to any one In your district. ALL THE PRIZES OHFSEEDAKE TRAN3 FEItAB LJJ " of this indorsement came as a great surprise. It was in no sense a paid advertise ment, but was the verdict of that great evening daily it is a fair and impartial judgment after having investigated the best business colleges in the West. Come to Portland and take advan tage of this "best opportunity to secure a business education of any college of its kind in the West" For catalogue write direct to Department urlform scale to be adopted by the as sociation in the matter of trade items, which have varied in many respects heretofore. They have succeeded in having- a board of examiners appointed who will pass upon all applicants for permits to practice the business In this state. The association has pro vlded an expert embalmer. who gives " DRUNKENNESS" CIGARETTE AND TOBACCO HABITS CURED BY TRIB Each-package contains a full four-weeks' treatment and a guaranteed-cured.- Read what other people say of Trib. Mrs. J. S. Jbhnr son, La Grande, Or., writes: Your request for a reference about "TRIE$M received and will give you the words of praise only that your treatment deserves, and that is much. My son was a hard drinker and tobacco user for 20 years and has taken many advertised cores for both liquor and tobaccot but never stayed with it longer than one month at any time until I got "TRIB" for him. He took "TRIB" about ten months ago and has "not used either since the fourth day he commenced to take your treat ment. He has gained 20 pounds and is home with me every night he is in town. You may use my name to tell people "TRUS" is all you claim for it. Each treatment is guaranteed by us; it is our way of doing business with you. Price $12.50. ROWE & MARTIN, Washington, cor. Sixth SOLE DISTRIBUTERS ck to be dat Seventeen. demonstrations for the benefit of the members each day of tho session. The annual election of officers and the selection of a meeting place for next year will occupy the atention of the convention today. Murine Eye Remedy Cures Eyw: Makes "Wea E7 Btrons. Soothes Eye Fain: Doesn't Smart.