Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 22, 1905, Image 1

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VOL. XLV.- NO. 13,975.
Perkins Admits New York Life
Lost $300,000 on New
Orleans Traction.
Huj-hcs Dips TJp More Facts About
Jupjrllnp With Bonds More
Thnn Half of Premiums
Goes In Commissions.
JSW YORK. SopL 21. George W. Pcr
ktats. vJee-preseldent of the New York
Ltfe lswrattce Company and monitor of
the Arm of J. P. Morgan & Co.. was on
the witness stand before the special legis
lative cOBMitlttee probing Insurance com
jtaataa' methods, during the greater part
of today's suasion. When an adjourn
atont was taken he was still on the stand,
with a smtaber of questions pending to
reply to, on which he asked permission
to took op the records and submit tran
rcrtfrtfoas. There was nothing of a sensational
character In the testimony today. the
ajy development of moment being the
witness" disclosure in the New Orleans
traction syndicate, in which the company
PWtaliMd & toss of over $300,000. Ddmond
V. Randolph, treasurer of the company.
bd been questioned rather sharply re
garding this transaction, when he was on
the stand last week. Today the mattor
was brought up. when Charles E. Hughes,
ooonool for the committee, attempted to
probe the collateral loan account. The
boadc of the New Orleans Traction Com
pany had been, bought from the New York
Security & Trust Company at 85 and
wore subsequently sold at 75. Mr. Per
kins testified they were sold on December
St, IMS. to Fanshawe & Co. for $937,500.
Mr. Hughes found, under date of January
5. XCC a loan of that amount to Fan
shawe & Co.. and asked if the loan was
ade against these bonds. This Mr. Por
kins said he would have to look up, and
the Question was dropped for the present.
It was brought qui that John It. Hege
sa. president of the Metropolitan Life
inroraace Company, was carrying a run
ning loan with the New York Life of
SM.0) at IVs per cent interest. Mr. Per
kins did not know whether this matter
euae boforc the finance committee and
would also look that up.
Can't Explain 3800,000 Deal.
Witness could not explain why, after
the New York Llfo had bought J1.O00.O00
worth of bonds from J. P. Morgan & Co.,
SiS00.00J worth should be sold back to
that arm at the same price within two
days and no minutes of the finance com
mittee oould be found to explain 11
The transaction in Navigation Syndi
cate bonds of Doc ember 31. 1903, when Mr.
Perkins, for the New York Life, sold to
Mr. Perkins, for J. P. Morgan & Co.,
JSM.0M n those bonds, came up again,
when the warrant for the check of JS00.2C6
was produced. Those bonds were bought
b- k by the New York Life two days
htur. and the JtG6. Mr. Porklns testified,
was for the adjustment of interest. Mr.
Parkins would not acknowledge the trans
action was a loan. The total dealings
of the company with the Morgan firm
amounted to J38,2S6,076, with a profit of
Copt of Agency Inspectors.
The matter of the company's income
was for the present dropped, and the way
of spending the money was probed. The
agency system of the company was de
scribed, and at this time Vice-President
Thomas A. Buckner. who has charge of
the agents, was called. He stated that
the total salaries of the agency inspectors
were $125,000 annually. .Agency directors
get an average annual salary of $3000.
The latter receive about $100,000 annually
In bonuses. Mr. Buckner was unable to
answer many questions without referring
to the records, and will be called again.
Sartlor In the day. Mr. Perkins had been
questioned on the "Joint account" trans
actions of the New York Life, which he
was unable to explain last Friday. He
occupied almost the entire morning ses
sion and presented statements of each
account. Mr. Porklns took occasion to
correct his testimony of last Friday rela
tive to the Navigation bonds, until he
was asked if the object of the transac
tion between J. P. Morgan & Co. and the
Now York Life Insurance Company was
to remove the $500,030 bonds from the
Insurance company's books and reduce its
holdings temporarily from $4,000,000 to
$$,200,000. Mr. Perkins answered yes, but
"I did not mean that; I meant to say
No.' "
Before Mr. Perkins took the stand.
John F. McCullagh. of Albany, a clerk
for Andrew A. Hamilton, was called in
an attempt to probe further the $100,000-
check matter, but he could give no infor
mation, and was excused.
The investigation will be resumed to
Hare Not Beached Meat Yet.
Before the day's proceedings were begun
Mr. Hughes said he believed that facts of
more importance' and greater Interest
than any developed thus far still remained
to be brought out.
"We have not yet reached the meat of
this Inquiry," said Mr. Hughes. "In fact,
we have only started It"
The first witness today was John F. Mc
Cullagh. of Albany, who Is employed by
Andrew A. Hamilton. The checks for
$100,000 given by the New York Life In
surance -Company to Mr. Hamilton bore
McCullagh's name as an indorser, but the
witness said he knew nothing about the
checks except what he had read in the
newspapers. He did not know whether
Mr. .Hamilton appeared before legislative
coauBlttees, nor did he know anything
about his employer's account In the New
York State National Bank of Albany. He
did not know of any other account of
Mr. Hamilton's la Albany, but he knew
he was elected a director of the Albany
Trust Company about a year ago.
The' witness said ho did not know where
Mr. Hamilton's books were, nor did ha
now know where to find any of his em
ployer's canceled checks. Mr. McCullagh
said further that he knew nothing what
ever about the $100,000 paid to Hamilton
and concerning which Mr. McCall, presi
dent of the New York Llfo Insurance
Company, Was examined yesterday.
Mr. Perkins was the next witness. He
was asked to produce the check for $800,000
given to J. P. Morgan & Co. by the New
York Life Insurance Company for $800,000
bonds of the Navigation Syndicate. These
bonds were sold by the New York Life
Insurance Company to J. P. Morgan &
Co. at the close of the calendar year,
December 31, 1903, and bought back on the
next business day, January 2, 19M. The
check was offered as an evidence. An ac
companying check for $266, Mr. Perkins
said, he did not know about, but would
look it up. Rhe check Of J. P. Morgan &
Co. for $800,000 in payment for the bonds
'also was 'asked for.
Provides Capital, Divides Profits.
Mr. Perkins then presented" a statement
of the New York Life Insurance Com
pany's Joint accounts from 1S97 to 1903, and
a number of other financial statements
that had been requested.
Among the joint accounts, Mr. Hughes
found a participation of the New York
Life Insurance Company with C. T. "Wing
& Co., in which on the purchase of rail
road bonds for $1,780,000 the New
York Life Insurance Company received a
Drofit of $32,753. The witness did not
taiow what profits C. T. Wing Sz Co. got
In the transaction.
"From this account It looks as If the
New York Life put up all the money,"
said Mr. Hughes. "Do you know whether
that Is true or not?"
T do not. I am not the bookkeeper, but
I presume the accounts are correct."
Mr. Perkins was temporarily excused,
and Milton Monroe Madison, a bookkeeper
of the New York Life, was called. Ho
Identified extracts from the books of the
New York Life, showing that on tho
Wing & Co. account the New York Life
Insurance Company paid out $1,700,000.
Some, bonds were withdrawn by the in
surance company, leaving $1,230,000 bonds
in the joint account.
Mr. Perkins was recalled and said:
"We went Into this transaction to set
those bonds as cheaply as possible. I
fear, sir. that you are under the impres
sion that we wont into this business so as
to let others make money out of the
transaction, but that Is not so."
"We will skip the motive." interrupted
Mr. Hughes. "Let us get at the facts. I
do not wish to discuss the matter at all
with you. Let us "have tho facts."
"All right, sir."
"Did the New York Security & Trust
Company buy any bonds for your com
pany?" asked Mr. Hughes
"I cannot say, for that was four years
before I took charge of the finance de
partment of the company."
Again Divided Profits.
Mr. Perkins said that In-1898 the New
York Life Insurance Company took $2,100,-
000 of Chicago & Northwestern 3H per
cent bonds in Joint account with Goldman,
Sachs & Co., a portion of which were sold
at a profit for the insurance company of
Bookkeeper Madison was recalled and
testified that the profits were shared by
the life insurance company and Goldman,
Sachs & Co, and that if there had beon a
loss it would have been shared equally.
Mr. Perkins again took tho stand and
said that in another Joint account with
Goldman. Sachs & Co. the latter company
bought tho bonds, amounting to $1,140.0)0,
and that the New York Life carried them
until they were sold. The profits were di
vided, each receiving $12,184.
It was shown that the profits of the
New York Life Insurance Company from
1899 to 1901, inclusive. In joint accounts
were $3SS,282. A number of other Joint
accounts were gone over and then Mr.
Perkins asked and was granted permis
sion to make a statement.
Never Lost on Bond Deals.
"In these Joint accounts," he said, "wo
have never made a loss. Our profits from
1897 to date have been on these Joint ac
counts $635,922, and when the value of the
bonds withdrawn is considered, the
profits of every description run up to
JSSS.GM. There Is one other person, how
over, connected with the contracts I
would like to mention, In order to have
his name on the record, Mr. Hughes him
self. He is a policy-holder in the New
York Life Insurance Company, and as
such Is a party to all these contracts."
"Considering my vital Interest In these
matters." said Mr. Hughes, "I Intend at
a future date to probe very fully Into
After recess Mr. Perkins resumed the
stand and produced a bank book of the
New York Life Insurance Company show
ing the check for $266 and a deposit slip
showing the check paid the New York
Life Insurance Company for the Naviga
tion bonds on December 31, 1903, by J. P.
Morgan & Co. The check for $365, Mr.
Perkins testified, was for two days' inter
est at C per cont. which the New York
Life Company paid J- P. Morgan & Co. on
the $800,000. Mr. Hughes tried to bring
out that the $800,000 received from Mor
gan &. Co. was taken with the expectation
that it would be paid back, but Mr. Per
kins wouW not acknowledge it an a loan.
Can't Explain $2,000,000 Deal.
Mr. Hughes then passed on to the list of
transactions of the New York Life Com
pany with J. P. Morgan & Co, On Decem
ber 21. 1903, about $4,000,000 of bonds were
bought by the New York Life Insurance
Company from J. P. Morgan & Co. They
appeared in the annual report of the New
York Life Insurance Company. On Feb
ruary 16, $2,000,000 of these bonds were sold
back to J. P. Morgan & Co. for the same
price. Mr. Perkins could not explain this,
but would look it up. No minutes of the
finance committee on the subject could
be found.
In the collateral loans were two of $50,
005 each to John R. Hegeman, president of
the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company,
at Vt Per cent interest. One of these
loans had been repaid. The other, made
January 2. 1902. was still running Mr.
Perkins did not know whether this matter
came before the finance committee, but
would like to look it up.
The matter of the Interest on the $800.
000 check was taken up, and the original
warrant drawn for the payment of 00,265
was presented. It was signed by the as
sistant treasurer. The interest was
charged to Interest account.
Perkins Refunds His Profit.
The detailed statement of the purchases
of the NewYork Life Insurance Company
Concluded on Page 6.)
Brown, of Crook County, Has
to Be QuietetLby Threats
ofa Fine.
Wealthy Sheepman, Witness Jn Land
Fraud Case, Denounces Govern
ment for Prosecuting Rich
Instead of Poor.
Every now and then someone Is heard
to declaim against the alleged favoritism
of the courts. "The law Is'for the rich."
such agitators cry, "and Its penalties are
for the poor. The big thieves go free;
tho little ones go to jail." It remained
for a witness for the defense In the
Williamson-Gesner-Blggs land fraud trial
yesterday to reverse this plaint. Confess
ing himself a lawbreaker, this witness de
fied all Judge Hunt's efforts to shut oft
his flow of talk, which was hurtful to
his friends, the defendants; and he hurled
at the court and Federal counsel the bit
ter declaration that "the Government Is
ignoring the poor and trying to punish
the rich."
This extraordinary episode the most
sensational that has occurred In any of
the three trials of this case was the work
of one W. W. Brown, who gave his resi
dence as "Crook County." Owner of
10.000 sheep scattered over the hills near
Prlnevllle. Mr. Brown classes himself
among the "rich" stockmen of Eastern
Oregon. It is safe to say, however, that
the volcano he exploded was the last thing
the defendants were expecting yesterday
afternoon when Attorney "Wilson, of their
counsel, called him to the stand, along
with others to testify to the excellent
reputation which Representative "William
son and Dr. Gesner and Marlon Biggs
have borne among: their Crook County
neighbors. Bt't that they weAi Ignorant
of the weak spot In tholr witness' armor
Is incredible, for up at Prlnevllle It Is
well known that Brown has been com
pelled by Government Inspector Goerne to
pull down the fences with which he had
inclosed large areas of the peo ale's lands.
Apparently the defendants simply gambled
on the chance of Brown's being able to
give his testimony and get away from
the witness-stand unexposed. If so. they
IobL United States Attorney Heney had
Brown's record by heart.
In lleney's Clutches.
Mr. Brown'e direct testimony was short.
He had known the defendants for many
years; he knew their reputation and knew
it to be excellent. '"That Is all." said
Attorney "Wilson, as he turned tho wit
ness over to the Government for cross
examination. "You own a good many sheep, yourself,
don't you?" asked Mr. Heney innocently.
"Oh, nine or ten thousand," the witness
answered airily, as if such flocks were
everyday matters up about Prlnevllle.
"And how many acres of Government
land have you fenced up?"
It was thunder out of a clear sky, but
before Attorneys Bennett and Wilson
could make their shouts of -"Objection!"
heard, the witness began a flood of ex
planations and excuses. He had already
pulled down most of his fences, he said.
Besides, everybody up that way fenced in
Government land.
"You've been talking pretty freely
against the Government, haven't you?"
continued Mr. Heney. "Youlve been say
ing the Government was only after the
moneyed men?;
The witness saw ho was trapped, and
at first tried to evade tho question. He
talked In a streak, but ex-Judge Ben
nett finally succeeded In getting In an
other objection to Mr. Heneys question
and was promptly overruled. The Gov
ernment lawyer pressed tho witness.
"Yes," Brown at last admitted; Tve
said it often, and I said so this afternoon
In the presence of one of your detectives.
I am glad of It."
"The witness will confine himself to
answering the questions asked," ordered
Judge Hunt sternly. But it was in vain.
Brown bad got started, and he refused to
be stopped. Attorney Bennett shouted
out a motion to strike out all this testi
mony. r
"No," said Judge Hunt; t'Mr. Heneys
questions are relavent to show the wit
ness' bias."
Turns on the Judge.
At this word, Mr. Brown wheeled about
in nia chair, and facing. His Honor cried
"I ain't got no bias. That ain't so. I'm
Just telling the truth. The Government Is
going- after the rich and letting the poor
go. It ought to get after the poor, and
the rich ought to be 'let go'." And much
more, of the same sort.
"It also appears that we have here a
loquacious witness.' said Judge "Hunt with
emphasis, calling Brown" to order. "I
warn you again, witness, to answer coun
sel's questions and stop this talking. If
you mate any more speeches. I'll fine you
for contempt of court, and I'll do It
whether you are rich or poor."
This shot proved effective. The srarru
lous Mr. Brown subsided, answered &
few more questions and meekly left tho
stand. The crowd In the courtroom
breathed xnpre freely.
Points for Both Sides.
The battle between counsel for and
against the 'defendants waged hotly yes
terday, and the day closed with each side
claiming some points. The defense com
pleted its testimony late in the afternoon
and rested, and the Government opened
In rebuttal. Every effort Is being- mad
to give the case to the Jury before tomor
row night.
Representative 'Williamson's testimony
for the defense continued all the morning
and through much of the afternoon. He
made a good Impression, his answers be
ing given with emphasis and apparently
with candor, and Mr. Heneys long cross
examination leaving him apparently as
calm as when he took the stand.
Mr. Williamson contradicted much of
the evidence given by Government wit
nesses. Especial point was made
against Gaylord and Craln. who had
testified to a conversation with Gcsner
and Williamson on December 5. 1902.
On that day, they said, Gcsner had
read a. newspaper article about the
Government's pursuit of the land
frauds and told them ,. relinquish.
They said also that "Williamson & Ges
ner's cheeky h,. repayment of their filing-
Xe'es were given them on the same
day. In this the defense showed they
were mistaken. One of these checks
was dated on December 11. William
son testified yesterday and other-nrlt-nesses
corroborated him fully that ho
was absent from Prlnevllle on Decem
ber 10 and 1L Defendants' counsel
arguo that this slip discredits the, tes
timony of Craln and "Gaylord.
Mr. Williamson Insisted that the land
the firm, was getting Its neighbbrs to
take up was more valuable for timber
than for grazing. Tho grass, ho de
clared, was scattering.
School-Land Deals.
Mtrh time was spent by counselln
argjinnt over Mr. Heney's questions
about' the Representative's operations
In state school lands, Mr. Bennett con
tending that this was irrlvant. The
court, however, admlf ted rhe questions,
and the witness answered that ho had
induced several persons named to take
up state school tracts, -jv-hlch he after
wards purchased. This evidence, if it
goes to the Jury, will have weight as
showing that In 1902 Williamson was
engaged in other land operations, in
which his entrymcn sworo falsely that
the land was filed upon for their own
use and benefit, and not to be trans
ferred to another.
Mrs. Ollie Elklns nd Mrs. Mary Mc
Dowell, of Prlnevllle. corroborated
Williamson on minor points, and also
testified to the good reputation of the
defendants. On the latter point em
phatic testimony was also given by
Arthur Hodges, of Prlnevllle; J. N.
Duncan, of Albany; Ben Selling. Leo
Frlede and William M. Davis, of Port
land; by United States Senator Fulton
and State Senator C. W Nottingham;
by Judge W. R. Ellis, of the Sixth Ju
dicial District, ex-Prosecuting Attor
ney of Crook County, and finally by J.
E. Crumbagh, superintendent by Gov
ernor Folk's ai MJlntmont of the Mis
souri exhibit r the Lewis and Clark
Just ah. Good as Folk.
Mr. Crumbagh's tee'imony created
amusement Jn tho court room. He and
Defendant Biggs had been boys and
young- men together In Pike County.
Mo., and he said no young man -hi that
state stood higher than did Marlon R.
"Not even Governor Folk?" asked
"No, not even Jo Folk," tt e witness
stoutly asserted.
Government's Rely
Mr.' Heney began "his rebuttal by re
calling Dr. Gesner, who, against Mr
Bennett's objection, was compelled to
admit school-land deals of his own in
1902, similar to those of Williamson.
L. C Perry, a former witness, was
also recalled and testified that he had
a conversation with Dr. Gesner in June,
1902, in which the defendant had asked
him to file on a school-land claim and
transfer the same to Gesner. Dr. Ges
ner had strenuously denied that he
ever had such a conversation with
The Weather.
TODAY'S Increasing cloudiness; cooler;
northerly winds, shitting to southerly.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 78
deg.; minimum. 54. Clear.
Russia will allow campaign meetings. T. 1.
More disorders In Caucasia. Page 1.
Kern-ay may yet be a republic; still disputes
with Sweden about fortresses. Page 3.
Japanese envoys got better terms tfian ex
pected. Page 3.
Spain threatens to whip Morocco. Page 4.
Evidence that asphalt company financed
Venezuelan revolution. Page 3.
Four beef trust magnates plead guilty and
are fined. Page S.
Evidence of negligence on the Bennington.
Page S.
Miss Roosevelt guest of honor at Seoul.
Page 1.
Conger condemns sale of Chinese railroad,
concession. age o.
Fusion forces divided in New York. Page 4.
Sherrlck denies Uanleys charges. Page 4.
Philadelphia Council orders big loan against
Weaver's protest. Page 4.
Doing of dressmakers convention. Page 1.
More light on Insurance methods. Page 1.
Strange Intermarriage of two families,
x Page 1.
Fraud In Western Indemnity Company.
Page 1.
Pacific Coast scores Oakland 6. Portland 1;
Tacoma 4, Seattle 2: Los Angeles 6, San
Francisco 5. Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Dry days since prohibition struck Coos Coun
ty. Page- 6.
Creed likened to a wtfe by Dr. King before
the Oregon conference. Page 0.
San Francisco Jeweler robbed of bag contain
ing watches and Jewelry worth $10,000.
Page 6.
Washington's state levy will be the same as
last year. Page 6.
British warship will be asked to seise the
Sea Wolf and the Carmenclta. Page 8.
Commercial mad Marine.
Hop market demoralized by heavy selling In
Washington. Fag? 15.
Famine In Russia causes higher wbeat prices.
Page 15.
No grain chartering at San Francisco. Page
Advance in call money checks stock advance.
Page 15.
Good hop crop in Una County. Page 15.
Oceano goes aground near quarantine 'sta
tion. Page 7.
No signs of wreck on Oregon coast near Ban
don. Page 7.
Marine notes. Page 7.
Lewis aad Clark fxpesklea.
Admissions, 24,452. Page 10.
Tacoma day proves great success. Page 10.
AH are booming Portland day. Page 10.
Crowds . eagerly watch award of prizes at
Livestock Show. Page 10.
FarUaad aad Viciatty.
Witness Brown causes sensation In William
son trial. Page I.
Captain Berry's trial by court-martial prom
ises Interesting developments. Page 16.
Realty men want commission on sale of site
to Wells, Fargo &. Co. Page 14.
Temperance advocates discuss liquor traffic
Page 14.
Nease. who conducted the Warwick Club,
agrees to pay bla fine. Page 11. '
Tooze thinks he will get -Republican nom
ination for Congrcs In the First District.
Page 11.
pkNot Attempt to Raise the
Prices This Year, Says
They Take to American Article Like
Duck to Water-iAcIvocates . of
Crinoline Are Finally
Put to Rout.
Waists to be much smaller.
Hips t? be much larger; pad if nec
essary. Ante-bellum boopskirts not to return.
Prices not to advance If the patron
Purple to be the predominating
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. (Special.) For
the first time since it began to hold Its
sessions in Chicago, tho dressmakers
convention will not attempt to raise
the scale of prices on gowns. This Is
not because thero isn't a way.
"Wo are not yet strong enough to do
any effective work with prices." said
Mme. Baker, president of the associa
tion, today. Our membership Is of good
quality, but it is not numerous enough
to raise rates and keep them where
they should bo In competition with so
many modistes who do not belong to
the association."
"Well, we shall have to keep on get-
ting as much as we can," announced a
small dressmaker from Indiana. This
appeared to be the general opinion of
the delegates. They told of the In
creased cost of materials and labor,
and then appeared to relapse into short
trances reckoning up those of their
customers -who would, stand a "slight "in
crease in the bills.
Tho question of prices came up for a
moment during a talk on corsets, given
this morning by Miss M. E. Nolan, of
New York, who said shehad followed
Lord Robert's army tMrough South Af
rica selling American-stay to tho Boer
women. ' ,
Took to Them Like Ducks.
"What on earth "did you do that for?'
asked a startled Plnkerton detective,
wlr-ose duty It is to exclude all other
men from the hall.
"Orders." responded MI83 Nolan, with
military brevity. 'Tvo sold corsets In
China, Japan and all over the world.
And the Boer women took to them like
ducks to water. They never had heard
of 'straight fronts' until I came to
town. Before that they had been-wearing
horrid French things that twisted
them all up.
"The Boer women were willing to
pay lots of money for American cor
sets;" she continued. 'They thought
nothing of spending $30 to $40 apiece,
because they could have better forms
than ever before In their lives. Of
course American women have better
figures than anyone else, but you would
be surprised how chic a modern corset
would make those stout women look.
"There Is ono thing they wouldn't
do, though," Miss Nolan added,' paren
thetlcally. 'They would not use tho
hose supporters on the corirets."
A noisy Inrush of new arrivals un
fortunately drowned Miss Nolan's voice
at this point, and her story of how she
surmounted thia difficulty was lost for
" Hoopskirt Party Routed.
In the! final "battle of the hoopskirts"
at the convention the crinoline advo
cates were routed. It was not the In
nocent little hoops they and their
models showed that alarmed the dele
gates, but It was the fear that these
small beginlngs might develop Into a
monster such as that which tyrannized
over the world of fashion In the '50s.
Mrs. Belle Armstrong Whitney and
Mme. Ho sac pirouetted about the stage
in the "modified" hoops of their own
design, and Mme. Baker admitted that
they appeared extremely graceful.
"But," said she, "you and I, ladles,
may not happen to be blessed with such
charming figures as Mme Hosac and
Mrs. Whitney. Therefore, let us avoid
anything that may grow Into a monster
to make us 'all ridiculous. We shall
not support hoopskirts this year any
' Mme. Baker registered another strong
protest against the crinoline, becauso
It would make an additional garment
for women, who, she said, "already are
overburdened with clothes."
Madame Wade. Introduces Novelty
in Position for Sleep. -New
York Sun.
Mme. Wade gave the corset a complete
rest yesterday at the corset demonstration
In Masonic Temple. Furthermore, she
never once mentioned the diaphragm. She
concerned herself merely with the matter
of correct walking, sitting and sleeping.
But first, standing timidly Mme. Wade
Is occasionally timid behind a large green
chair all In her light bleu negligee, she.
said In a hoarse whisper:
"There's a man over there," at the same
time pointing.
There was. With brushes, brooms and
feather dusters they shooed him out. Then
the show went on.
Mme. Wade stood in her usual position
In the center of tho stage. She had the
blue negligee buttoned at th top, but
toward the nether extremity there ap
peared to be something or other lacking.
The moment Mme. Wade advances upon
the stage she begins almost automatically
to unbutton. It has become a second "na
ture, apparently.
She had taken only one or two medita
tive steps forward when tho negligee flew
open at the top, then further down, tnen
further and further down until all eyes
were opened In expectation of the same
old corset, only to be disappointed.
She was clothed altogether differently,
this time In white. At first It looked as if
she hod had her legs painted, but It was
only her white stockings. A peculiar effect
of pantalets was revealed where the fa
mous union suit left off a trifle previously.
She wore white shoes. Her principal gar
ment left off somewhat suddenly at the
kneecap. There was no ruffle on It. Only
a plain and genteel hem.
"Keep a straight line from the center
of the bust down." began Mme. Wade,
"and you'll bo all right no matter what
happens." She Indicated this line so that
there would be no mistaking It. "Then
walk on the ballsof your feet."
"Keep the tendons of your legs per
fectly firm,' she added, "and you will be
equal to any emergency. Many of life's
Ills may be traced Indirectly to a limber
leg tendon. Throw your chin well Into
the air. as if you owned the earth It
doesn't matter whether you do or not, so
you seem to.
- "Then walk straight ahead without car
ing whether anybody Is looking at you or
not. and everybody will look at you.
Don't turn your head to see whether
your bustle Is on straight or not. Wear
one of our self-adjusting bustles and rest
assured It will take care of itself. Fasten
all your pads on firmly and let It go at
"Put on one of our corsets," she con
tinued, "and wear It in the way I have
taught you to wear it, and let the rest of
the world take care of Itself. Now. I am
going to show you how to alt. No. Not
on the balls of your feet. You arrange
yourself gracefully with an arm thrown
over something. What's that?
"Yes. Or somebody. If you prefer. Hold
your shoulders In the same position as In
walking, never throw them forward,
never telescope" she showed how amid
laughter "then cross your feet if that
suits you and you are in a position of
perfect rest."
JC mattreBs was brought In and stretched
on a table, and some women occupied
themselves In covering It with sheets, and
putting two large, soft pillows Into pillow
slips. It was evident that Madame Wade
was about to retire It is generally sup
posed that she Is descended from South
Sea Islanders, she has so generous a dis
regard of clothing. All eyes gaped to see
what garments she would discard next.
Again they were destined to disappoint
ment. She climbed an a chair at the foot
of the improvised bd as she was. In the
modest little garment of the hem and her
stocking feet.
"Now." said 'she. In the position of a
swimmer about to dive, "I am going to
teach you how to sleep; but first," to the
assistants, "put one pillow at the foot and
the other at the head. My feet always
have a pillow to sleep on."
"Do you sleep on the balls of them?"
asked a voice. Madame Wade is death
on the balls of the feet.
"Practically," she replied., "Of course
I understand that people have been sleep
ing for several thousand years, hut they
have been sleeping wrong: It remains for
nw to reveal the true method," and with
that she flung horself headlong over the
first pillow onto the second, and, crump
ling that up la a. knot, rested her face on
It and momentarily slept.
Sna awoke with a start.
"You see." lifting her head up slight
ly. "I am sleeping in exactly the same po
sition In which I sit and stand. I am not
really on the balls of my feet, but I am
In the same position as if I were on them.
I know what to do with) my hands, too.
I put them under the pillow. How many
people know what to do with their hands
when .they aro asleep? How many of
you "wake wits benumbed hands from ly
ing on them, one way out from under
you sometimes, tho other resting most
uncomfortably on the hill of your hip?
"You can see my chin Is raised in the
position I hold in walking, my cheat la
thrown out, there is the good straight
line preserved from the center of the bust
down, and I am so comfortable I sleep
the whole night through without dream
ing a dream.
"That- la the true test of a good night's
sleep, not to dream. Now let me show
you how most people sleep, especially In
the very cold Winter tlme," and she dou
bled herself up ludicrously, her knees
meeting her chin, her arms and hands
doubled under her, tucking the pillow into
her left ear. She Imitates very well.
Everybody laughed.
Straightening herself, she assumed the
old position. But, first:
"Look." taking the pillow and tucking
it Into her chest. "Here Is thesupport
for the busts. Of course." Incidentally,
"according- to the papers I haven't any, so
it doesn't make any difference with me"
she was Interrupted here by peals of
laughter '"but those who have may pro
tect them from numbness by folding the
pillow as I have indicated and sleeping
on that.
"You see, you sleep on your stomach,
I should say your abdomen, so comforta
bly that, as I say. you He dreamless! tho
whole night long."
"You sleep In one position the whole
night long?" repeated a voice from the
"The whole-night long," afllrmed Mad
ame Wade.
Then she got up.
New York Capitalists- Coming to See
Pacific Coast.
NEW YORK, Sept. 21. George F. Baker
and a party of financiers, including Presi
dent Underwood of the Erie Railroad,
Fletcher A. Baker, Jonathan Thorne,
Samuel Thorne, George S. . Clark. Amos
T. French. Grant B. Schley, G. M. Lane,
Payne Whitney. Alexander Cochrane,
Samuel Hill, J. L. Greatslnger and J. C.
Stuart, left New York today on the Erie
Railroad by special train for the Pacific
On Saturday, when the party is due to
reach Minneapolis. It will attend a dinner
to bo given by James J. Hill.
Judge Delays Another Week, and
3Irs. Taggart Is 111.
WOOSTER. Obit, Sept. 2L-Judga
Eason anounced today that he would
not be able to give his decision In the
Taggart divorce case until Saturday,
September 30. He had previously Said
that It would be forthcoming on Sep
tember 23. but he has not had tizneo
go over the evidence, and a postpone
ment of one week was found necessary.
Mrs. Taggart. who is still In Wooster,
has been ill for several days and
threatened with fever, but it Is now ex
pected she will be out In a few days.
Chinese Customs Returns Increase.
v SHANGHAI, Sept. 21. The Chinese cus
toms returns for tha second quarter of
1966 show an increase of nearly SO per'
cent over those.of-1904. In Shanghai, the
increase, was -nearly 60 per cent. ,
Russian People Will Be Al
lowed to Hold Cam
paign Meetings,
Newspapers W'lll Also Have Right to
Discuss Measures, Roast Can
"dldates and Report Meet
ings of Council.
ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 22. (2:10 A.
M.) A project for granting the Russian
people., under certain limitations, the right
of assembly for the discussion of political
and economic questions a reform second Irv
Importance only to the convocation of the
representative assembly and wh'ch was
elaborated by a commission under the
presidency of Count Agnleff Is now prac
tically completed, and after a final review
by the Solskoy Commission on Saturday
will be immediately laid before Emperor
Nicholas. Its promulgation is confidently
expected early next week.
Though coupled with a number of re
strictions designed to give the authorities
oversight of proceedings In order to pre
vent discussion of treasonable or seditious
subjects, this, reform will mark a gre?$
constitutional development, the peopii
hitherto having had no general right of
assembly except at meetings of authorized
societies. The privilege granted by the
Emperor's rescript of March 3. permitting
meetings for discussion of popular repre
sentation, was a temporary measure and
was withdrawn when the national as
sembly rescript was Issued.
Under the proposed regulations, organ
izers are required to give three days
notice of a meeting and its purposes.
Special sanction for a meeting is not re
quired and the possibility of bureauaratio
delays is thereby obviated, hut the gov
ernment reserves the right to prohibit ob
jectionable meetings and also the right
to have a representative to see that the
discussions do not overstep the lines. This
representative may demand the names
and addresses of all the speakcra and the
assembly may be closed If the speakers
deviate from the announced programme,
or in case of disorder.
This second leading article of the bill
of rights demanded by the reformers will
make popular representation truly suc
cessful. This relates to the freedom of
the press and win probably not take the
form of a law at this Juncture, as the
government wishes to submit the matter
to the National Assembly for considera
tion. It is understood, however, that an
r Informal announcement will be soon made
to the effect that the enforcement of the
press laws will be relaxed during tha
campaign so as to permit of ample dis
cussion of measures and candidates.
It Is also understood that after January
1 next representatives pf the press will
be admitted to the sessions of the Coun
cil of the Empire, so that publicity may
be given to the proceedings of the upper
house of tho Assembly.
Strikes, Robberies and Discovery of
Rebel Arsenal.
TIFLIS, Sept. 21. All the woolen shawl
factories here are Idle, owing to the dec
laration of a strike Involving SC00 work
ers. Tatars attacked the Armenian quarter;
of Sbemakaha last Tuesday.
Advices from the Shusha, district state
that robbers frequent the roads and that
It Is practically impossible to bring pro
visions to the district.
Two battalions of Infantry, two compa
nies of Cossacks, a battery of artillery and
a company of chasseurs have been ordered
to Baku.
The police of Batoum- have discovered",
a quantity of rifles and ammunition des
tined for the Trans-Caucasian revolution
Caucasian Rebels Attack Mails, but
Are Repulsed.
BAKU. Sept. 22. (Special.) A band of
robbers attacked a mail and passenger
train last night. One passenger was
killed and 53 wounded. The robbers were
unsuccessful in capturing the mails, tha
Cossacks in charge firing and dispersing
First-Time Princess Entertain For
elgners Reception Given in
Visitors Honor by 31inlsters.
SEOUL, Sept. 21. Miss Alice Roose
velt and the ladles of. her party at
tended a women's luncheon at the pal
ace today. Om, the Emperor's consort,
who was hostess proposed a toast to
Miss Roosevelt.
The luncheon was unique for the rea
son that it was the first time in the his
tory of the country that the ladles of
the palace had entertained foreigners.
Mrs. Bunkers and Irs. Underwool. mis
sionaries, acted as Interpreters.
American Minister Morgan and Brit
ish Minister Jordan gave a reception
this afternoon in honor of Miss" Roose
velt, to whom were presented the mem
bers of the Corean cabinet, the diplo
matic corps. General Hasegawa, com
mander of the Japanese troops in Co
rea. and his staff, leading Corean offi
cials and prominent foreign residents.
Illinois Village Burning.
BLOOMINGTON. 111., SepCl 2L The vil
lage of Towanda, ten miles northeast of
here, is burning. As all the buildings' la
the heart of the town are frame and there
is no fire protection, it-Is believed nothing
can be saved. "