Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 20, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Indications That Klondike and
Nome Placers Will Be
Laid in Shade.
lcdgcs on Jfabesca, White and Cop
per IUvcrs Extend for a Hun
dred Miles and'tlie Ore
Is Very Rich.
TAtOOMA. IVask.. Sept. 19. (Special.)
H mm j- ara.tnhar. the noted copper mln
img expert, who arrived from the North
Jilawday. on the stoainer Victoria, and
wt 6 aow a guest at the Donnelly Hotel,
swtegs news that he has dlsoovered at the
headwaters of the Kabesca. White and
Cmftfr Rivers. Alaska, what he believes
to the world's greatest copper district.
Coper to there so abundant, he says, that
St enn he mined and transported by rail,
3W mlloe to Vajdez, and smelted at a
probable cost of 6 or t cents a pound,
thereby oHtttns In two the present aver
age roat of copor jtroduction.
Mining men. already aware of Mr.
Bratnoher's discovery, declare that It out--wetghs
in importance the discovery of
the Klondike and Nome ptaccr districts.
So Important is it that Mr. Bratnober
and hi associates wilt vigorously push
Afdonntent work and within two years
fcr expect to be producing dally 2000 to
SMt tons of copper ore running 10 to SO
per cnt In metallic copper. When this Is
accomplished the Industry will be only
Havcmcycrs Behind Railroad.
In connection with this development
John Roeene and associates will push the
handing of the Northwestern &. Copper
RIw Railroad, with the object of build
tog It to the Nabesoa copper district with
in three years. Roseae's railroad will
nrst touch the Bonanza group of copper
mines owned by the Havemeyers, the
New Twk sugar refiners, who are be
ttered to he among the Eastern moneyed
men who are backing Hosene in his rail
road proecL.
Two years ago representatives of the
Havener-or stated that if necossary they
tvottld build their own railroad to develop
the Bonanza group. Rosene's first section
of mllea from Valdez is now being
batK. Contracts will probably be let this
week for an immense amount of railroad
material with which to push construction
work through Copper River Valley next
Bratnober says he found the Tanana
River to he a glacial stream with half a
eoaen channels and everywhere very
shallow. In many places on the upper
reaches it spreads out four or five miles.
Twtr expert copper miners with 40 tons
of provtakms were left on Nabesca Creek
with Instructions to explore the region
thoroughly for the next two years.
Ledges for a Hundred Miles.
The copper of the Nabesna and White
Rivers. Mr. Bratnober says, is found In
amtgatotd. or greenstone formation, with
ledges extending eastward 100 miles from
Copper River. Mr. Bratnober traced
tbeee ledges aa far as Mount Atyati. a
very high mountain in the Alaskan
Range, where the greenstone formation
to lost under the glaciers of that moun
tain and Mount St. Ellas.
The ore Is of the same character as
Lake Superior copper ores. Nabesna cop
per is found in bands of greenstone in
shot-like shape, often carrying 10 to 30
per cent of metallic copper. There is
also he says much copper on the White
River where it Is In a slab-like shape,
and pieces were found running from two
to four feet in width and two Inches
thick. These slabs lay in seas in the
greenstone, making the most wonderful
surface showing Mr. Bratnober has ever
een in this or foreign countries.
Big: Nuggets of Copper.
Sight miles further up White River cop
per occurs in the same formations, nug-Ret-chape.
the nuggets running from a
half onnce to two ounces. The formation,
Mr. Bratnober says, is about 500 feet
wide, with vast quantities of copper ly
ing at the foot of the hills, where the
greenstone has become decomposed and
the capper ore has washed down In ra
vines below. The gravel Is full of native
copper, which lies on the surface in
plain view.
Mr. Bratnober says that one year's vig
orous development work, will develop cop
per mines which can .produce 2000 to 3000
tons of ore per day. The ore will be
hauled by railroad to Valdez and reduced
there by smelters. The construction of
the railroad, he declares, will quickly
make it the largest copper-producing dis
trict the world, the surface showing
undoubtedly the most favorable that has
ever been discovered.
The copper veins on Nabesna River are
three to eight feet wide and seem very
continuous. Mr. Bratnober believes that
both smelters and refiners will be built
at VnWoE within a few years, making
that the largest ' city on the Alaskan
Hurrying to Get It Ratified Before
, Diet Meets Hague Decision
Goes Also.
SEATTLE. Sept. 19. (Special.) The rec
ords of the Japanese peace envoys were
completed here this afternoon, and will
be carried to Tokk under the direction of
Y. Yamaza, director of political affairs in
the Foreign Office. S. Ishulji, one of the
secretaries, accompanied the party as far
as Seattle to assist in transcribing the
notes of the conference. The party sails
for Japan on the Dakota tomorrow.
Mr. Yamaza has charge of the bureau
which handles all the correspondence of
Japan with her Consuls and much of that
with her Ministers abroad. While tho
party will not confirm the statement. It
Is unofficially declared that Yamaza has
In his possession the draft of the. treaty
Itself, which the Japanese Emperor will
sign and subsequently forward to St. Pe
tersburg through American diplomats at
Teklo and tue Russian capital.
K. Ochala. who is returning with the
party, bears a report of the tribunal at
The Hague, at which was settled the dls
agreement over the taxation of buildings
Sa the foreign settlements at the five
treaty ports. He and M- Adachl, also with
the party, were interpreters for Baron
The dispute over taxation grows out of
the treaty of four or five years ago.
wherein Japan was given control of all
civil and criminal cases, consular courts
were abolished, and it was specified im
movable property in the foreign settle
ments would not be taxed. Japan wanted
to tax houses, and the foreign powers ob
jected. The tribunal at The Hague de
cided against Japan, and that country
The Japanese Diet meets late in Novem
ber, and the reports of the two confer
ences now being borne to the Japanese
Emperor will be explained to that body.
Under the Japanese constitution, the Em
peror has sole authority to make war and
ratify treaties, but he will explain dotalls
to the law-making body. This is the rea
son the party started home, even though
the notes of the Portsmouth conference
were as yet Incompleted. The work was
finally completed here today, and Mr
Ishuijl will return to rejoin Baron Ko--mura.
Capital Returns to Banks and Is
Eager for Investment.
TOKIO. Sept. 19. Despite the fact that
the ebullition of popular dissatisfaction
over the peace arrangements continues
unabated, there are indications that the
business contingent is slowly soboring
down. The capital Intended for new enter
prises, following the sucessful conclusion
of the treaty of peace. Is gradually coming
into the banks as deposits In amounts
which are likely to lower the rate of In
terest. The profound disappointment which has
prevailed has at least proved a benefit to
the extent of saving the people from any
feverish Intoxication, resulting in bubble
enterprises, like those which accompan
ied the close of the war with China. The
moneyed class has resumed the attitude
of cautious frugality which guided its
transactions during the war; the financial
outlook is not gloomy and capital is im
patiently awaiting solid investments.
Weary "With Traveling, He Avoids
Public Reception.
PARIS. Sept. 13. Count Wltte, accom
panied by his wife and daughter, and sev
eral members of the Russian mission, ar
rived here today from Cherbourg. Fol
lowing the express wish of the Russian
statesman, there was no formal reception,
and only a few Intimate friends gathered
at the railroad station. A large crowd res
pectiully saluted Mr. Wltte who bowed his
acknowledgement, lie appeared to be
much fatigued. Mr. Wltte will make a
brief stay In Paris, conferring with Am
bassador ICelldoff and probably also with
President Loubet and Premier Rouvior.
Antl-Japancso Plotter in Shanghai.
SHANGHAI. Sept 19. Yl Yonk Ik, lead
er of the Russian party In Corea, who re
cently escaped from that country and
was shorn of his military rank. Is sup
posed to have arrived in Shanghai. It is
alleged that he engaged with M. Pavloff,
former Russian Minister to Corea, In
plotting against Japan.
Komura Continuing to Improve.
NEW YORK, Sept. 19. The following
bulletin In regard to the condition of
Baron Komura was issued this oV&nlng:
"The Improvement in the condition of
Baron Komura continues without Inter
ruption and is quite satisfactory to the
attending physicians."
Troops Icave Yokohama.
YOKOHAMA, Sept. 19. The troops
which were sent here during. the recent
riots have been withdrawn to Tokio. ,
Mlhvaukio Country Club.'
Eastern and Seattle 'races. Tako Sell
wood and Oregon City cars. First and
If Saby Is Cuttlac Teeth
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy. Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing Syrup, tor chil
dren teething. It soothes the child, softens
the sum. allays all psia. cures wind collo
J.and alarraea.
The Gorman cruiser Falke. now visiting in Portland barber. Is one of the oldest veesls In the navy of the Kaiser, and her present voyage Is likely to be the last, for
the vcwsrt Is of the fourth class and was built seme IS years ago at Kiel. Germany. The Falke carries a complement f 169 officers and men.. and the local Deutcher Tag
committee has arranged a programme far their entertainment during their stay in this city. v
The paoHc will be permitted to visit the Falke oa Thursday. Friday and Saturday between the hours ef 12:30 and 2 and 5:30 and 7 P. M.. while on Sunday they will
be received between the hours of 12:30 and 7 P. M. The vesel HesVbetween the Bnrnslde and Steel bridges, and Is reached by the numerous launches plying on the river.
The pregramme for the entertainment of the sailors includes a banquet on Thursday night and a ball on Friday night at the Arion Hall.
What Russia Said About New
Hague Conference.
All Powers Accepted, hut Russia Pre
ferred Delay Till After JVar
Was Ended Hague Bureau
Takes Next Step.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19. It is not
b'olieved in Washington that the pro- j
posed second International peace con- 1 of drawing up an international arbitration
ference at The Hague will be held this ' treaty and also favoring periodical con--i.x,-
Tr i rinuhraH .isn that tht ! KTessis for the discussion of the questions
second conference will be convened at j
the call of the Emperor of Russia, as
has been Indicated in dispatches from
St. Petersburg;. It Is assumed that
what has happened in St. Petersburg
is that the Russian Government, hav
ing caused the postponement of tho
second conference on account of war.
Is now about to notify the administra
tive council that it is now willing to
proceed to the second conference
callod by President Rdosevelt. The
State Department so far has not yet
boon Informed of this decision, but It
Is disposed to aocopt the St. Peters
burg advices as conclusive on that
The next step In order if the normal
course Is followed Is a definite ac
ceptance by the powers of an invita
tion naming a specific date for the
conference, and this probably will
contain reservations by most of the
powors with the purpose of securing
limitations of the programme of topics
to be considered. This may naturally
be expected to consume many weeks,
and porhaps months, so it 1b Improb
able that the second conference at The
Hague will meet before the next cal
endar year.
Call From Hague Bureau.
It stem to the President that the high task
undertaken in seeking to bring about an agree
ment of the powers to meet in a second peace
confer nee Is virtually accomplished, so far
a It appropriate fr him to act, and tbat
with the geaeral acceptance of bis invitation
in principle the future conduct of the affair
may fitly fottew its normal channels. To this
end it is- irapftefted that the further and neces
sary interchange of views between the sig
natories of the acts of 1E&9 be effected through i
the International bureau under the control of j
the permanent administrative council of The
Hague. t
Those words of tho late John Hay, writ
ten December 16 last, as Instruction to the j
representatives of the United States to !
the Governments signatory to Tho Hague 1
Convention, embody tho last official ac
tion of this Government looking to a re- 4
convening of The Hague Conference. Ac
cording to the records of the State De- 1
partment, on October 21. l&M. Secretary '
Hay. by direction of the President, in- !
fixing no date and suggesting an ex
change of views as to the subjects to be
considered. It was distinctly stated that
the invitation was tentative. These ex
changes soon followed, and on December
16 of the same year Secretary Hay wrote:
AH Powers Accepted.
The replKa so far received Indicate tbat the
proposition has been received with general fa
vor. 2fo dissent has found expression. ...
The replies of Japan and Russia conveyed in
like terms a friendly recognition of the spirit
and purpose of the Invitation, but on the part
of Russia the reply waa accompanied by the
statement that. In the existing condlU6n of
thing in the Far East. It would not be prac
ticable for the- -Imperial gov cram tat, at this
moment, to take part in such a conference.
Therefore the President turned over to
the administrative council the conduct of
the further negotiations necessary to se
cure an enunciation of the views of the
respective powers to clear the way for
the recovering of the conference.
It is pointed out that in doing this the
President particularly looked to the gov
ernment of The Netherlands "to Issue the
call for the second conference, and it is
the present understanding that this will
be done."
American Delegates Propose Regular
Sessions of Hague Conference.
LUZERNE. Switzerland. Sept. 19. The
Universal Peace Congress began Us ses
sions today In the theater of the Kursaal
with 349 delegates In attendance. Jn the
large American delegation are Rabbi
Louis Grossman, of Cincinnati, and sev
eral members of New York and Boston
civic organizations and boards of trade.
B. F. Trueblood, of Boston, road the
report of the American delegates, who
presented a petition analogous to that re
cently adopted by the Interparliamentary
Congress at Brussels favoring a second
conference at The Hague for the purpose
relating to tne limitation or reaucuon oi
armaments and the protection of neutral
commerce against belligerents.
xne uninese ceiegate cvokco appause
by protestng against European military
demonstrations against China, where, he
said, peaceful Ideas prevail.
The opening session was devoted mainly
to organization. Elie Ducommun, of
Berne, was unanimously elected president.
Wants to Be Rid of Filipino Wife.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 19. A special to
the Star from Leavenworth, Kan., says:
Information has been received at Fort
Leavenworth that First Lieutenant S. S.
Burbank. Sixth Infantry, who left here
for the Philippines in February. Is to be
court-martialed. Lieutenant Burbank Is
the officer who brought suit In the Dis
trict Court here to annul an alleged mar
riago with Mrs. Conception Vasquez. a
Filipino woman. The suit Is still pond
ing and after many delays, covering a
period of nearly two years. Is set for trial
in October.
Pearsons Gift to 3Iontana School.
CHICAGO, Sept. 19. Dr. D. K. Pear
sons, of this city, has given $26,000 to
the Montana College and School of
Manual Arts at Deer Lodge, Mont. Some
months ago Dr. Pearsons Informed tho
trustees of the school that ha would
give them $25,000 if they would raise
an additional 525.000.
You can't help liking them, they are so
very small and their action so perfect.
Only one pill a dose. Carter's Little Liver
Pills. Try them.
Mother's Friend, by its penetrating and soothing properties,
allays nausea, nervousness, and all unpleasant feelings, and
so prepares the system for the
ordeal that she passes through,
the event safely and with but
little suffering, as numbers
have testified and said, "it is
worth its weight in gold." $1.00 per
bottle of druggists. Book containing
valuable information mailed free.
! Organizer of Insurance Com
pany Works the People.
Charges of Wholesale Fraud Made
by Policy-Holders of "Western
Life Indemnity Against
Its Officers.
CHICAGO, Sept. W.-(SpecIaL)-Charges
of fraud, misapplication of trust funds
and attempts to transfer assets to an
other concorn are made In a suit for
receiver and accounting filed late today
asamsi me present ana rormer omctais
of the Western Life Indemnity Company
; & Aasesment Insurance Association, with
vutvva m me .uasonic xempie. v. a. uray
. and E. I. Rosenfeld. the former being the
! organizer, are prominently mentioned In
connection with alleged fraudulent vot
ing of funds to themselves.
The defendant company is the succes
sor of the Knights Templar and Masons
Life Indemnity Company, organized in
1SSI. Hundreds of thousands of life bene
fits have been paid by the company, and
it now has more than 3).000.000 in poli
cies outstanding. Recently the concern
had 3SM.CC0 Invested In bonds and other
securities, which constituted a trust fund
In favor of the members.
The bill alleges that Gray was the or
ganizer of the company and that he was
the active manager until February, 1205.
It also declares that the first board of
directors was selected by Gray, and that
a majority of this board and all subse
quent boards were "dummies," and did
as Gray dictated.
Gray is alleged to have secured proxies
from thousands of members and thus con
trolled the directors. After securing this
control, it Is alleged. Gray had passed a
resolution voting himself the right by
contract to draw Jl for each 51000 In in
surance issued. Besides this, many thou
sands of dollars are alleged to have been
Improperly taken by Gray and his as
sociates by other fraudulent means with
out the knowledge of the policy-holders.
Last February. It Is alloged. Gray and
Rosenfeld entered Into a fraudulent con
tract whereby Gray should retire from
the active management, to be supplanted
by Rosenfeld. The latter Is now In con
trol of all books, papers and assets In a
Is to love children, and no
home can be completely
happy without them, yet the
ordeal through which the ex
pectant mother must pass usually is
so full of suffering-, danger and fear
that she looks forward to the critical
hour with apprehension and dread.
manner similar to the control of Gray
previously. Rosenfeld Is alleged to claim
j he paid JIS.CCO for the contract formerly
new oy Gray. Gray is now in Europe.
The complainants are Allen W. Field.
Jesse B. Streede and Addison S. Tibbits,
and the defendants besides the insurance
company, Rosenfeld t and Gray, are
George M. Moulton. John A. Crawford. L.
M. Martin, C. T. Drake, D. D. Bramble
and A. B. Huston. E. D. Moore and A. N.
Hislop. All the defendants are residents
of Lincoln, Neb.
The defendant company Is the succes
sor of the Knights Templar and Maaon
Life Indemnity Company, organized In
1SS4. and has more than $20,000 in policies
Women, from their sedentary habits,
are often subject to headache and consti
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Carter's Little Liver Pills -
Many people allow "false mod
esty" to stand In the way of taking
Trlb, the world's greatest liquor
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Absolute fearlessness will eventual
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We give you an absolute guaran
tee with every treatment. Price,
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Sole Distributors.
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"Had beeen trembled with dandruff a longtime.
After tislnx one bottle of Halrhealth I found tho
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Halrhealth quickly brings back youthful color
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cr white. Potltirely reaoTes dandrnir. kills tho
germ scd stops hair falllnr. Does cot stain skin,
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ture Fhllo Hay Co.
Fni Sup Gffir SU!
Slzn this coupon, take to any of the followinff
drojjjlsts asd get a 60c bottle Hay's Halrhealth
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hair. bath, toilet, both for 50c.; or sent by Patio
Hay Specialties Co.. Newark, N. J.. express pre
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Address -
Following druggists supply Hay's Halrhealth
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Smusik. aad Tf abiataa Ma.
tanuasa Bitters, the
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tvnl w thr, nusf Durjani Bitters.
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We are ndw manufacturing Orthopaedic
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Perfect Fit Guaranteed
Elastic Hosiery
Abdominal Supporters
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All shades and
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All kinds of aids
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under positive
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Woodard, Clarke & Co.
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We treat and cure hundreds every
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We have a new specific treatment for
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Syphilis and all blood taints we cur
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Write tor symptom blank and book If
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Office Hours: S A. M. to 8 P. 1L:
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St Lows sa
Cor. 2d and Yamhill SU-, Portland. Orv
unxiai ana Holy Uejiaioe.
8ATE- -UwytKiUbU. Ladle. ukOranltt
, la KJKU md Cold mtuUIs boxu. Male
wltliMMribbo. Tkem other. Xcfa
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1 ftf, Praolom, Tcattsoftlala
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oJinrmtftMm. fV 1.1 f. I ?
Mm ttb ;. .VsiMsea Sure, FX1UU