nCE MOEETOSG OKJKGOiTCf, TUESDAY, SEPTEaiBEB 19, 1905. 13 'WANTED TO RENT. OWNBRS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant bouses or fliu with our free rental department. Oar vacant bonne directory baa become a recognised lntltutlon In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable Quarters. "We make no charge whatever, and landlord should take ad vantage of thin service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank: leave- the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want bouses all part of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, pteene the particulars. W won't allow It to Italia long Idle- H. EL EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER, Rental Department. 163 to 131 1st st. WANTJSO BOARD ONLY BT TWO YOUNG gentlemen In neat, clean and respectable plane, private family preferred; must be on West SMc and within five minutes walk trm Oregonlan bldg. Address D 17. Orcgo ntan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE tam 11 y for reboot girl: must be near Port land Academy; references given. Phone Front 2&17. WANTKD-rS TO G-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN. Went Side. State price and location. T 18. Oregonlan . FTOXl-HBD HOUSE BY FAMILY OF TWO a4lt. West SWe; references. F 33. Ore KMttan. WANTED MIS CE LLANEO US. WANTED MBN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 17. WANTED TO BORROW $1600; SECURITY, fnratattfngc and long lease of 70-room ho tel, beet location In city. S 19. Oregonlan. WANTED - SECOND-HAND SET LIGHT hack harness or heavy set buggy harness; atoo saddle. O 2S. Oregonlan. WANTED SMALL SAWMILL. SHINGLE mill, or opu to rhj- business on liberal tiisa A 26. Oregonlan. WANTED HOLSTKIN. OR PART HOL tta cow; mtu be gentle and good milker. V 26. Oregoneen. "WANTED TO BUY TEAM FOR FARM work. Address Ben Wanberg. 307 E. 7th st.. pHj-. WANTED TO BUY A SMALL SECOND- Mtfe. Add rem V 32, Oregonlan. Wit CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT-Xi- of ll k.'nds. Phone East 2233. FOR BENT. Rooms. ROYCREST! 13S Twelfth St.. cor. Yamhill. Handsome nw bowse with new furnishings through out. Every modern convenience; hot and enM water; hair mattresses, large receptkm room, wtth piano for guests. Sevoral suites for elwfes of young men or young women at moderate prices. Also single rooms. Phone Mai ISIS. XW LANGK HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. 6th and Washington: rates BOc, 75c. $1 jmc 4ny; electric lights, bells and elevator; tree 'b- to and from all trains; baths free; elegant cafe In connection. F. Lange, proptlotor; Sam Bauman. manager, formor ly oC Omaha and St. Vouls. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Fronting oa three Dtreots, 0th, Ankeny and Bnrn etde; mont central location In the city; oaol. comfortable, clean quarters at econom ical prloes; rooms fcc 75c and 51 per day. All rooms have outside windows and front a street. Fifth-st. cars at depot to within one Mock of hotel. THE AUDITORIUM. 2oSVi d. bet. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished, brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths; rooms with private baths, electric light, ele vator; rooms for two, SI day, $3.50 week up; rsaoonablo by month; tourists feollcitod. THE KING NEW BUILDING. HANDSOME ly fwrntahed. equipped with ever' modern convenience; all outside rooms, with heat, gs or electric lights, porcelain baths; rates AOc. 75c ond $1. including baths. Take 5th M. oar from Union Depot to SCO Jefferson, smu- City Hall, intone Black 1811. THE COZY. lM-lStt 7TH. OOR. OF TAYLOR a., on? Mock from Portland Hotel and two Mocks Irrom city P. O.. nice large outside sunny room at very reasonable ratee; Just the pteo for Fair visitors, a It Is run on the Bnronoan plan and good restauranta near by. THE GARLAND, Washington at., bet w eon 10th and 20th; isrw. modorn. alt outside rooms: electric Ughti. phono, tre baths; 50c, 75c. SI per nay; rsetam-nt In building. Take "M" car at depot. Phone Red 051. M2 7TH ST., COR. SALMON NICE LARGE itiry rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks xrsm Portland Hotol, PestoSleo and theaters; toerttt trade solloltbd; prlcea reasonable r-hone Mala 2299. ROOMS FOR RENT. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, beautifully furnished, large living room for giMt. hot and cold water In each room, bath and office telephone. Main 1158. or call at SrC 14th el. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE FURNISHED iront room; well lighted.- hot and ootd wator; Jtmt floor; 50c per day; good neigh borhood, see Hoiladay, near Steel bridge, U car. LARGE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. CEN t rally iocs tod, by day or week, transients so licited. The Prima Lodgtng-Houee. 130ft Sth m . between Washington and Alder st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. FREE bath and phone: three blocks from AVoh Ington on W. Park nt.. North. 50ft; prlxTite famlb. 13 1STH, NEAR WASHINGTON NICELY ftntiM rooms. Boc. TSc. si: bath. Phone . Cars direct to Fair. Mrs. Itob- TTHK DORMER." 13TH AND JEFFERSON XHgant fMmiehed rooms; steam heat; phene and bath; reasonable ratea to permanent peo ple. MODERN RESIDENCE, "WALKING Dis tance, front parlor, bedroom, including pi ano. SIS month. 282 10th, near Jefferson. DBLLXART NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, brick building, modern conveniences; restau rant nndoraoath. 20Sft Salmon st., near 1st. Fl'RNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE for gentleman, downstaris. gas, very central, S12. take M car from depot. 3SS Taylor. FOR RENT-LARGE FURNISHED OR UN furnished frost room, all conveniences, walking diotanee. 331 12th st. PRIVATE FAMILY, LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gaa phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. S05 12th sC SAVE CAR FARE Room at the Earl; use of bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 ft 3d at THE ALDER. 485 ALDER ST. NICELY fwralsbcd roome. quiet and convenient; bath, phone, central location. PLEASANT ROOM. WITH PRIVATE FAM-!!-. SV blocks Honth Hotel Portland; every convenience. 218 0th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR. mites; transient, brick building. 310ft 1st. Phone Clay 736. WANTED HIGH-CLASS TRANSIENT PAT rono to rent a few beautiful rooms. F 30, care Oreconian. IWft 1STH NO CAR FARE; VERY LARGE room, awttame ror witn bath; 5 each Phone Pariflc 140. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family, modern conveniences, very central. 96 N 10th st. 42 FOURTH FURNISHED ROOMS. LOWER Soar, walking distance, respectable location. reafronabte. M.EASANT ROOMS,, PERMANENT OR Transient; rates to parties. 364 Taylor, oor. Tark. OXB FURNISHED, TWO UNFURNISHED ttkhtiv. Si N. 12th st. Phone Main 3310. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. PERMA neat or transient, beard optional. Main SS93. FT'RNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES, 128 Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms in Portland; Si per week up. 1st and Alder. 471 ALDER CLOSE TO BUSINESS, PERMA nent or transient: reasonable. ONE SMALL ROOM. SUITABLE FOR ONE. IS per month. 30 Cth at. Ft RNISHED ROOMS. 329 MONTGOMERY. Tel Main 3253. Rooms With Board. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN cult or sl'.cle. board; hot and cold water. Fl R ST-t LASS ROOM AND BOARD. & TO S6.50 per week. 502 day. Fhone Main 5009. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED: MODERN. private home. 120 JSth, cor. unsan. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 13th st.,' cor. Morrison. 163 FOR RXXT. THE WOODLAND COR. 6TH AND MADI; son. located In the beet residence district; 4 blocks from the Portland; beautiful rooms with running water; reasonable; permanent. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEABj rooms with board: use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Supt, S10 Flanders. THE MANITOU," 201 13TH ST. LARGE, beautiful rooms or suites, steam heat, flne baths, abundant hot water, excellent meals, well served; permanent trade solicited. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, rath, gas, phone: reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 385 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 205 10th. Gentlemen pre ferred. Main 3662. THE ILLINOIS. lGSft 10TH LARGE HAND some front rooms, with board, first-class -bath, permanent. OCT. 1 BOARD AND ROOM FOR GBN tleman, front parlor for man and wife. 175 Fourteenth. 215 12TH 43T., COR. SALMON FURNISHED rooms with board; home cooking; English family. Flats, FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH. 3 BLOCKS from Hotel .Portland. Call at 244 7th St., bet. 10 and 1 o'clock. FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM FLAT. WITH every modern convenience; choicest idcb.ii mi. Phone East 1500. 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 262 STOUT ST. COR. Madison; fine place and yard. Inquire 261 Stout st. SIX FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GAS. bath, phone, fireplace. 703 Irving, bet. 21t and 22d. TWO NEW FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN 6 room and 7-roora. car service. Phone Main 3501. 4-ROOM FLAT. NEW. "MODERN. GAS, bath. Inquire aftenoons. 1 to 4. at 412 2a. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 6-ROOM FLAT, tinted to rait. 135 North 18th st. Housekecplnc Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 167 J7TH fin., NEAR TAV 'hill Now house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 8 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kltcbca; steam heat, baths; free phon on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side; gss ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan bile. lOSfc Union ave. cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3263. 372 FIRST ST. TWO OR FOUR NEWLY PA perod furnished bay-window housekeeping rooms. $14; also tnreo umura isnoa. w. fjiec tabic people only. FOR RENT 4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; gas range, electric lignt. Bam, phone and piano included. Call after 1 P. M., 100 11th ft. VERY REASONABLE TWO VERT NICE housekeeping or furnished rooms; gao, nam and pnone. i Jiain. viest swt. nished housekeeping rooms; laundry and batn. 1st bnerman, soutn ran iawi. THE TEMPLBTON, 200 FIRST ST. Nicely furnlnhed connecting front hojekteplng and single rooms;' rent reasonable. 4ft2 FOURTH S OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms or lower floor)-walking dis tance; respectaDie; rcasonaMe. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. RUNNING water, furnished for housekeeping; central and convenient. 2Z9 llth st. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove; good location; SL7S per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, suitable for office or dressmaking rooms. 107 3d and Wa-hlngton. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, free hot baths. The Talc, 281H Grand avc. Phone East 430L v- xt ' riroviciiii'n i jnti re trp t?m vn suite; very convenient for tourists. 61 Irving sc. cor. kir. 2 OR 3 ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlsked: housekeeping; wood or gas stovos. 464ft East Burnside. 430 QUIMBY ST.. BET. 18TH AND 11TH Newly furnlsiiea nouseKeeiing emira eem plete, S10 per month. 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. FURNISH- ed or unfurnished, or sell furniture; reason able. 105 East 0th st. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. NICELY FUR Dished, strictly private; reasonable. 226 fSrant st WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping roams, transient; batn. eleotrlo nght. FOR RENT TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 129 Grand ave. Seett 1452. Houses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORKS ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. Llet your property with us to be rented The demand is greater than we can supply. Personal attention given to it by our rent al department. 109 Third Street. Phone Main 458. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE HOMES AT Mt. Tabor, large grounds, with fruit In abundance; house has 7 rooms, with modern cenvenlenees; Is near car line and location is very best. Hart Land Co., loo baeriock bldg. FOR RENT NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. S12.50; new 7-room house. S3S: new S-room house, $15. O. M. Smith, 730 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSE large and beautiful grounds, en Hoiladay ave. Apply 229 Washington st. Phone Front KADDERLY TRANSFER CO PROMPT ana reliable piano ana furniture movers. Phone Main 1085. Office, 110 X. 3d st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rents ana insurance. 1'none xua jh&. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT CSS KEARNEY ST. near 21st. Apply to Wra. L. Brewster, 402 Falling bldg. Teiepnone iiain VS6. HOUSE FOR RENT MONTANA AVE AND Shaver; modern. 0 room, yard, fruit. SIS Albina car. Phone Main 354 . FOR RENT-MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE. large grounoa, on jonnson u wm. u Beck. S07 the Falling bldg. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE J25 month. Apply L. Y. Keady. 51-52 Union blk.. 2d and Stark stf. FOR RENT 1ST-CLASS MODERN HOUSE. fine lawn. S35. 649 E. Ankeny. Call 270 Washington. L. vanauyn. FIVE ROOMS AND "BATH. EAST SIDE. low rent to desirable tenant. Strong. 1G3 West Park. NEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE basement, bib 2d tu Inquire 24S Lincoln st. van Tt v.KT itnnpRv r.nnrwt house. Apply owner, 428 E. 34th st. South. $15 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. S30 E. 27TH Kenliworth curve. Phone Main 4529. C13 OVERTON 4-ROOM COTTAGE. SI per month. Call 588 Pettygrove. 1 FOR RENT 350 MONTGOMERY ST.. A new e-room nouse, moaern. WE HAVE HOUSES TO RENT. HAT- field & smith. 105ft 4th si NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, 448 10TH. inquire 40S Park st. MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSEL 44T MONTGOM cry eu November 1. Furnished Houses. FOR ONE MONTH AN ELEGANTT.TT yim nlAhed S-room houoe. choice neighborhood Deautuui jawn. silver, onina, linen, ever' thing complete; a snap for right party. Ad aress i n), ureronian. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR nlshed house, full of roomers: will tr.A rur. nlture on easy terms at a bat cam. The Amen Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg, FOR RENT-A NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM cukuc, u94wx lumimco, wiui oasemenx, bath, etc.. In xood neighborhood. Phone WELL-FURNIBHED S-ROOM HOUSE' KB tabllshed neighborhood. East Ankeny car une, tor a montns or longer. J 20, oregoaian. MODERN 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE for the Winter to adults: fine view. Call ISO xane and see the owner. FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT; ELECTRIC lights, bath; central. Inquire 273ft 7th at. TOR RXXT, T T-raletied Xo-oe. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. EIGHT rooms, ail improvements, .ai siae, uci. location; close to business center. O 29. care Oregonlan. He bscs For Kent Frlraro For Sale. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR- nlture; also take some on consignment. n land Auction Rooms. 211 First st. Phone Main 655. HOUSE FOR RENT TO RESPONSIBLE) party; part or furniture lor saie. lonuim on premise. 182 Lownsdale. Rent $45 per month. 12-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. FINE RESI- dence locality; rent $50; rurniture u new; suitable for boarders. Phone Main 1410. FOR SALE NEW 7-ROOM FURNISHED tel; a bargain. Phone Main- 5514. NEATLY FURNISHED SIX-ROOM HOUSE. fine location, rent J 17.50. central; must sett. 42S Alder at. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE. 1NCLUD- lng piano; rent 30. 314 . xaaison. I'bono Main 3546. SNAP FINE FURNITURE C-ROOM FL.VT. central; compoiied to sen; roaxe oner. ni Mill t. FURNITURE FOR SALE AND COTTAGE for Tent cheap, centrally located, call N. 15lh. FOR SALE OR RENT THE FURNITURE of a 5-room cottage. Baron Shoo Store. FURNITURE OF P-ROOM HOUSE CENTRAL- ly located. $375. Fhone went 2524. NEW 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT FURNI- ture for -lie. pnone Alain Wits. "tores. FOR RENT OR LEASE TWO LARGE etorea. 145 1st and ZSS Alder su. togetner or separate. Inquire No. 145ft 1st tt.. room 8. FOR RENT-CORNER STOREROOM; UNION ave.; deelrable for saloon. J. P. Sharkey, 701 Chamber of Commerce. STORE, 204 4TH ST., NEAR TAYLOR. A. II. Blrrell. 202 Mcxay bldg., sa tM -tarx. OfOeea, vor RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN. ufacturlng purposes, two floors in srick building, corner 5th and Flanders sts. Povcy Bros. Ula-i Co. LARGE TOP FLOOR FOR LEASE. MORRI- son near Poetofflce. Suitable for effloea; el evator. J 2. Oregonlan. LODGE HALLS AND GOOD FRONT ROOMS. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BUILDING. Inquire White. 303 Dekum bldg. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after on year. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong. Financial Agent, 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible Arms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; also T CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a tpeclalty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. ft-Menth. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.23 $25 Repay to us $ 6.U5 or $3.25 or $1.65 $15 Repay lew t 4.00 or $2.09 or $1.00 210 M KAY BLDG., 102 3D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO- mcn, trainmen, inotormen, conductors or other saianea employes, jun on bis note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable In con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended In case of sickness. Con fidential. No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 4U principal cit ies. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldcMan 0137. 1 - vc rr Tisv PivvrvT tt a xr -rn c&iarlea people; iohcii ram; imcuy confi dential. Employes' Loan "Co., room 716, the UCKum, a sua rtuu. bis. raoao t. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security, w. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. Klnx. room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main tiluo LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. plane, other securities, its Sherlock bldg. Phono Clay 528. Also real estate leans. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $5u0 on an securities, tu 1. isckerron & Co., room (t. Yfra&aingion otog. i noe iay 73. $500,060 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. u. jsecx. room nvt. xne xaiung Diag. MONET ON MORTGAGE, CITY OR SUBUR- ban; easy terms, w. a. wara, the Allsky. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- State funds loaned, G per cent. W. E. Thomas state agU Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. $50,000 TO LOAN AT ft REGULAR RATES. The Portland Loan Office. 74 3d. st. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS ' REWARD THE OREGO- nian will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its subscriber. Circulation Manager. LOST BOOK CONTAINING CERTIFICATE of oeposit and other papers of no value only to lGMsr. Finder will please return to Shaver Transfer Co., foot Washington. Reward. LEFT GOLD AND PEARL-HANDLE UM brdla In annex restaurant. 2S9 Stark it-; finder return aame to that number or Ore gonlan office and receive reward. LOST LADY'S HAND PURSE CONTAINING receipts, stamp pictures, watch charm, drug gist and Eagle emblem. Return to 312 Main st.; reward. LOST LARGE. BLACK LEATHER BOOK, containing my cards, papers, return same te 261ft Aider street and receive reward. J. W. Kays. LOST WHITE POMERANIAN DOG: AN swors to name of Dode; lame In left hind leg: return to 334 Sherman et.. and receive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresnes renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Halr Factory. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH FROM BE- lasco Theater to 3d and Washington, or on S car; return to 247 Ash tt.; reward. LOST RIMLESS GLASSES IN CASE marked Oregon Optical Co.. Harvey V. Mil ler, 208 Commercial block. LOST A PAIR GOLD SPECTACLES ON MOR rlson st. Return to Home for the Aged. Sunnrside. Reward. FOUND cSEPT. 3, VALISE ON TRAIN, taken by mistake. Address Hugh Johnson, General Delivery. LOST COTTON BELT IN TAN, WITH GOLD buckle. Return to 335 Morrison street and ret reward. TAKEN UP STARVED COW AT 310 VER roont street. Fulton, where she Is eared for; homelera . LOST AT FAIR GROUNDS ALUMINUM opera-glasM. Return Elton Court; reward. BUSINESS CHANCES. BUTTER AND EGG STORE: SALES $60 day; $1700 needed. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. lC5ft Third at. , FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 yearo lease. 410 Belmont st.. East Side. BAKERY FOR SALE FIRST-CLASH. RE tlrlng from business. Derr & Genge. Vancou ver. Wash. MILK DAIRY FOR SALE GOOD ROUTE, wagons and 6 horses. 50 cows. G 32, Ore gonlan. $700 BUYS ft INTEREST FINE WOODYARD. J. V. Crelghton &. Co.. lCSft Third et FOR SALE HOTEL FOLEY BARBER SHOP. Address A. O. Hagans, La Grande. Or. FOR SALE CIGAR FACTORY: GOOD, tabllshed trade. A 24, Oregoalas ES- RUSIXK88 CHANCES. LOOK THIS LIST OVER. SWELL PROPOSITION. 20 rooms Fine location and a money maker; furnishings extra fine; cost 6 months ago $2800: will sell for the extremely low price of $1600. . Room 123. Ablngton Bldg. GOOD BUY. 17 rooms Mostly housekeeping; central location and positively clearing $60 per month; good furniture and carpets; cheap rent. This I consider one of the VERY BEST BUYS In the city. The price Is $950. part cash, or will trade for city property. Room 125, Ablngton Bldg. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. EXTRA BARGAIN. 50 rooms Steam htat, electric call bells, running water la rooms, nicely furnished and the very best location in the city; guaranteed receipts S100 per day. This is without doubt the very beat buy In th- city. Fair or no Fair; rent very low; good lease, and the price Is right. Call for particulars. Room 12S. Ablngton Bldg. BUY THIS. 52 rooms Best location in the city, fine family house, steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; rent only $225; 3 years lease, and we positively guarantee that the house Is clearing above all expenses $S00 per month. You can buy this superb house for $4500, part cash. Room 125. Ablngton Bldg. A PICK-UP. S nice large rooms, very nicely furnished; cost 0 months ago $900. Do you want It for $400? If bo. come early. Room 125, Ablngton Bldg. SWELL FLAT. 0 rooms, extra well furnished; cost to furnish $700; party, leaving the city, will take $400 for quick sale. Room 125, Ablngton Bldg. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR- TUNrriEB. The Ames Mercantile Agency Is In touch with trade, city and country. They are In a position to give valuable advice regarding purchase or sale of a business. Only le gitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ON the S. P. R. R., an established furniture and bousefurnlshlng buelce; splendid location; 50x100. two floors and elevator; business cen ter of a large territory in a live, growing city; win sen for casn omy; gooa reasons for selling to parties who mean buslneed. Addrecs V 12, care Oregonlan. WANTED AN UP-TO-DATE HOTEL MAN with ample means to furnish a hotel In one of the thrifty, growing cities in one of the o"i ivmios districts in ra-3icsu n uiuut' WW, 1' J 4 life UUllUClu Mil CllJ ,MM1SUW rare opportunity to good hotel man; will make long-time lease. Address owner, I. o. box 609, Seattle. Wash. ROOMING HOUSES. We want rooming bouses of all elxes. Brln? mem in if you want to sell, we wa urge one Saturday and another Monday, and more buyers waiting. We mean Just what we say. uoom xzz, Ablngton block. VCVn sn.r n--put ri vnr ir-nnv. variety store, neno rute, best town In Northern "California. Present owner has con ducted place successfully for 14 years. Other business requires bbs attention. J fist the place for candymaker and wife. $0000; terms easy. Address J 10, Oregonlan. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated, discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days- consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. A-iiaaium Medical institute. 3d and Alder. entrance 253 Alder nr.. Portland. $750 STORE DOING A STRICTLY CASH business, now making owner $150 a month clear over all expeno. Other Interests torces. uwncr to sacrince same, iraui par; tlculars 24Sft Stark street- i WANTED PARTY TO INVEST FROM $1500 to s0w as cash payment In a tract of 6000 to Hx0 acre, seml-arld land: choice location for -cattle or sheep ranch; well watered; ex tensive meaaowa; part suitable for wheat taUlng. R 32. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW MODERN BRICK HOTEL. 70 rooms, best paying hotel during Fair; will be after: newly furnished: $1500 cash handles, balance easy; don't answer unless nave required amount ana mean business N 29. Oregonlan. MAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF company store In mining and sawmill town. Must have $5000 to $10,000. No other store within three miles. Addreos. with refer ences, age and experience. Mine Owner, care uregonian. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE NEW HOTEL: good location. 70 rooms: occupied even" night; all furnished complete; cleared over S2UUU last month; long lease; price very cheap. Address V 19, Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE stock, with lease on old-established stand In Slavton. Or.; must sell before Oct. 1, 1905; Invoice $4500. AddreM N. J. Gehlen. adm. fctaytca. Or. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS STOCK IN FUR- nlture factory. Purchaser gets employ raent. Also In woodworking establishment and fine retail yard system. Address Y 12, Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ON" ACCOUNT" of leaving city first-class saloon with estab- usned business; 3 years lease, good loca tion, reasonable rent. Address owner, O 32, urtgoman. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL ANY LE- gltlmate business, patents, real estate, tlm ber lands, mines, etc.; or 'borrow money. call u. s. u. & T. co.. li Washington bldg. GREAT CHANCE FOR LARGE PROFIT. without risk; guaranteed mining stock; write for Information. National Financing Co.. 203 Jiarquam Diag., 1'oruana. ur. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTY DESIR Ing to invest In absolute safe and very" profit able proposition; will bear closest Invest Iga lion. Li 52. uregonian. FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL 5IER chandise In good location: sales from $000 to SllXKJ per month. Address Lock Box 3, Tangent, Or. PARTNER; ALSO GENERAL AGENT; $300 to $00 capital required, fully secured; light manufacturing; enormous pronts. Room 19, 225ft 1st st. BECAUSE OF DEATH SELL VERT CHEAP nne large washington-st. roomlnc-houae. cen trally located; might take part land. C 32. urtgoman. A COUNTRY STORE EAST OF THE mountains, doing a good bthlnes. Inquire of J. D. Kenwortby at Wadhams & Kerr Brta. 1400 TAKES INTEREST MANUFACTURING concern; guarantee $50 month; money fully secured. J. v. crelghton & CO.. 165ft Third. with $1250 to make $250 amonth; duties CViiJ IC&liiCVI. KUIbUlUa OUI1K l A GOOD BUSINESS IN A LIVE TOWN. southern uregon, tor sue; reason tor sen lng sickness?; etock 5. 000. t 31, oregonlan. $300 RELIABLE PARTNER AVANTED Will pay you $25 to $30 weekly; experience unnecessary, can -tsft tstartc street, y $10U0 HOTEL OF 70 ROOMS. FURNITURE new, tons; ira-: ana oiuuicu whji gwu. r- r?-tlMlm- rIRlb Stark street.' SALOON MONEY-MAKER! ONLY ONE IN town of 500; 24 miles of Portland; good lea?. Owner. Main 1970. OAllW.i 'W v. J. , iv& U -J k- ne&s; a bargain; on account of sickness. L. FOR SALE BARBERSHOP. 5 CHAIRS. DO- jng g oa uuBiiic :. in. fi ROOMS. FULLY FURNISHED. GOOD location, reasonable rent; 91500. Hatfleld & Smith. 105ft 4th st GROCERY GOOD-PAYING, WILL INVOICE for cash, fixtures cheap, living-rooms; eick- STff RESTAURANT. GOOD LOCATION. snap If taken at once. William Wollcott. Piedmont car cams. $1500 PURCHASES DELICATESSEN. RE 165ft Third st. $350 PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE FOR PRICE of house and office furniture. Address E 26, Oregonlan. $225 TAKES BAKERY. LIVING ROOMS, barn, good oven: rent $12. Address A 32. uregonian. FOP. SALE FIRST-CLASS HOTEL RESTAU- rast. on account 01 aicaacaa; encap. 1 in. Oregon lan. CIGAR STORE NICE PLACE: CENTER OF city and always busy; price $500. Call 24SH HALF-INTEREST IN BEST PAYING Bus iness m city ror zw. can toosy. 31 Pin- st. SALOON GOOD STREET; GOOD TRADE $650-BEST BARGAIN IN CITY 12 ROOMS, UCW IX a-U CaSTUC J m, a O I 73 OU1 m BUSINESS CHAN CM. CIGAR STORE, CHOICE LOCATION ON best street. J. F. Soothe, 4ia commercial block. STOCKS OF CLOTHING WANTED Replies confldentlaL IL Heaker. 12T)i 7th, fortiana- FOR RENT-CARD PRINTING OUTFIT AT i per aay, can aw j?enm oius, r u - KTECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSAL FOR THE SALE OF SEWER bond for the City of Grant' Pass. Or. Sealed proposals for. the sale of sewer bonds of the City of Grant's Paso; Or.. In the amount or $19,000. payable 20 yearo after the date of Issuance, bearing Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and providing that said bonds and Interest coupons may. be redeemed at the end of ten. years from the date of issu ance, at the option of the Common Council, will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge. John Minor Booth, at Grant's Paw, Or., on or before the 20th day of October. 1005. at 8 o'clock P. M. These bonds are to be Issued and .sold un der and by virtue of an act of the Legislature of the State of Oregon, approved February 16, 1901, and entitled, "an act to incorpor ate the City of Grant's Paw, Josephine County, Oregon, and to provide a charter therefor and to repeal all charters In con flict therewith," and particularly referring to section 130 of article I.v ana suoamnons 35, 36. 37 and 33 of section 03. article VII thereof, and referring also to the amend ments to said charter filed February 21. 1303. particularly referring to section 16, which amends section 93, subdivision 35 of said act above. AU bids shall be addressed to John Minor Booth. Auditor and Police Judge, of the City of Grant's Pass. Or. The Common Council reeervea the right to accept or reject any or all bids or proposals and sell said bonds to the firm, person, company or corporation making the best offer or offers therefor. Said offers must not be below par. Dated this 19th day of September. 1903. John Minor Booth. Auditor and Police Judge. PROPOSALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF two main oewenr. one being 5S2S feet in length and the other 8640 'feet In length. Sealed proposals for the construction of two main sewers, one belnic 5523 feet In length. the other 640 feet In length. In the City of Grant's Pass, Josephine County, Or., will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge on or before the 20th day of October. 1905. at 8 o'clock P. M. All bid shall be addressed to the chairman of the sewer committee In care of the Auditor and Police Judge, and each and every bid must be accompanied by a bond In the sum of $5000. with the bidder as principal and two good and sufficient sureties that the bidder will, if awarded the contract, enter into a written contract within ten days, and give a penal bond to guarantee the faithful and complete performance thereof, and will In caee of refusal or neglect to do so within the time stipulated pay said city the sum of $5000. Plans, speclfleations and profiles are now on file with the Auditor and Police Judge. John Minor Booth. The Council re serve the right to reject any or an digs. Dated this 10th day of September. A. D-. 1905. Frank Fetsch. chairman; r. w imams, L. B. Hall, rewer committee. OFFICE ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION. Wehlncton. D. C. SeDtember 14. 1903. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived at the office of the general purchas ing office. Isthmian Canal CommtMlon, Washington. D. C, until 10:30 A. M.. Oc tober 4. 1903. at which time tney win De opened In public, for furnishing SvO wooden or steel flat cars. 19 70-ton steam shovels. 0 60-ton extra heavy rapid unloaders, and 12 unloading Plows. Blanks and full Informa tion may be obtained from this office, or offices of the assistant purchasing agent. 24 State street. New York City; Custom Houfc. New Orleans. La.; 36 New Montgom ery San Francisco, cai.; and -110 cnam ber of Commerce bldg.. Tacoraa. Wash. Also from Chief Quartermaster. Department of the Lakes. Chicago, and the commercial Club, atobiie. Ala. u. w. koss. uenerai .rur chasing Officer. THE ILLINOIS COMMISSION OFFERS FOR sale Its property on the Exposition grounds. consisting; of the Rest Pavilion. Abraham Lincoln Home, and all furniture contained therein, except exhibits, pictures -and loaned property. Offers will be received Irt writing, when accompanied by certified check ror 10 per cent or tne amount tnereor. xor an. or anj portion of the. above-described property, until SeDtember 23th. The Commission reserves the privilege of refusing any or all bids received, ana or sell ing all or any portion of said property at anr time ortor to SeDtember 25tb. All communication should be addressed to F;d H. Hand. Executive CoramUslaner. Illi nois State Building. Exposition Grounds. Portland. Oregon. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT the office of T. J. Jones, architect, up to 12 o'clock M.. on Monday. Sept. 25. 1005. for constructing an annex to the "Patton Home." U75 Michigan ave.. Portland. Or. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ot the architect. 334 East Third st. A certified cheek for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany the same. The board of trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Miscellaneous. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AG- rlculture. office of the Secretary. Septem ber 11. 1006. Notice Is hereby given that the Secretary or Agriculture naa unaer autnor Hv conferred br law Issued an amendment, described as amendment No. 1. to rule 2, to prevent the spread of scabies in cattle. Thin an lend lent withdraws from auaran tine the following area: The States of Washington and Oregon; all that part of the State of Kansas lying east of the western boundary lines of the counties of Smith, flu borne RuuelL ' Barton. Stafford. Pratt and Barber: all that part of the State of Colorado lying west of the summit of tna aiedtclne uow ttange or mountains in mer Countv. the west line of Boulder. Gil ntn. Jefferson. Teller. Custer. Huerfano and Las Animas Counties; and also that part of Colorado lying west of the ninth guki meridian west in Fremont County : the coun ties of Big Horn. Fremont. Sweetwater and Uinta In the State of Wyoming: all that part of the State of Texas lying eaet of the 100th meridian of longitude west of Greenwich and north of the 29th parallel of north latitude; the Counties of San Juan. Rio Arriba. Taos, JtcKiniey. uernauiio. aanta Fe. Valencia. Socorro. Lincoln, urant. bierra Luna. Donna Anna and Otero In the Terr! torv of New Mexico, and all of the Terrl tory of Oklahoma except the counties of wooawara ana ueaver. Tne -quarantine nlaeed br rule 2 UBon the above-described territory shall cease to be effective on and after September 13. 1905. on and after which date :nia amendment snan oecome anu be effective until otherwise ordered. Notice Is also gl-en that the Secretary of Agriculture has Issued an amendment, de- serlbed as amenoment :so. 1. to tne reguia tlons of the Secretary of Agriculture cover Inr the Inspection, disinfection, certification treatment, handling and method and manner of delivery and shipment of livestock which is the subject of Interstate commerce. This amendment modifies regulations 10. 19. 20. 21. 22 and 24. Copies of the amendment to rule 2, and copies of the amendment to the regulations nuy be obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry, whose address is Washington D. c. . M. Hayes acting Secretary or Agriculture. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH County. Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that on Monday. October 2. 1005. the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will at tend at the office of the County Clerk of said county and publicly examine the assess ment rolls for the year 1905, and correct alt errors In valuation, description or qualities of land, lot or other property, and It Is tho duty of all perrons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and If It shall appear to such Board of Equalisation that there are any tanas, iota or other prop erty assessed twice or In the name of 1 person or persons not the owner of the same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands. Iota or other property not as sessed, said Beard of Equalization shall make the proper corrections. B. D. Slgler, County Assessor. Portland. Or., September V. 1V0O. PORTLAND, OR., SEPTEMBER 14, 1005. The partnership heretofore existing Between James F. Johnson and James M. Luther Is this dar dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. J. F. Johnson continuing the business and will pay all outstanding claims against the Arm of Johnson & Luther, and collect all accounts aue tno arm or Johnson & miner. (Signed.) James F. Johnson, James M, Luther. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural correc- tlonlst. beautlfler and restorer of youthful ness, may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp sue cessfully treated; mature wrinkles, scars, flemishes, etc., removed. Sanitarium and senooi or cermaioiogy id connection, far lora 364 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. DETECTIVE AGENCIES CONFIDENTIAL Investigations; reports made on any Individ usJ. business or property; books expert ed best city references; charges reasonable; cor rcsponaence solicited. Oregon Detective Serv Icej offices 314-313 Columbia bldg.. 365 Washington st. Phone. Main 5615. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES lists free. Coin Co.. 115 N. llth. Su Louis. Mo. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and surgery, 3d floor. Allsky bldg. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32v SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 30c AT HOLLA baugh's. 267H Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. BOOKS BOUGHTTOLD AND EXCHANGED at tha old Beck stare. 22 Yamhill at. PERSONAL. ALL-FACIAL BLEMISHES PERMANENTLY resjoved by most scientific methods; eczema and acne cured under guarantee; scalp treatment, Tlbratory massage, electrolysis; dermatology taught for professional pur poses; consultation free. Madame Vaughn, graduate Doctor of Dermatology. Selllng Hlrsch bldg.. Washington at., between "West Park and 10th ats. Phone Main 706. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING- fora graduate, positively cures rheumatism. nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexes. 7 E. llth sr., two doors from East Ankeny; car line. Phone East 260. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL Kinds or leathers ana ho as cieansa, curiea ana ayea; best or work; satisfaction guar anteed. 100 ft 6th, Portland. Or. Phone Clay 303. Residence. 240 Harrison. Main 444X 'Book of Nature." "A Social Lion." "Forbid den Fruit," "Woman of Fire." "What Dora Did." TAgnes." "Dangerous Delights," "Her Fatal Passion." 50c ea. Headquarters for sou venir post, cards. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cord ray's. LADIES, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatment. I teach you n practical scientific principle, a permanent cur, used In yuur own horns. Address 1401 1st ave.. Seattle. SEX1NE PILLS POSITIVELY GUARAN- teed for all forms of weakness or nervous nesa; $1 a box. 6 for $5. Full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenaon. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill ats.. Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globules. One month s treat ment, $2; 3 months', $3. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland. Or. The "Matrimonial Register." 10c, contains de scriptions and particulars of several hundred residents of Or. and Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Society. Russel bldg. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonlo Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison at., between 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las; repairing and recovering; two ltwres, Washington and 0th and Morrison and 5th, Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. MISS ENGLISH. CHIROPODIST: ALSO cures rheumatism by hand rubbing and hot baths; pay when cured. 143ft 6th. cor. Al der, rooms 24-25; hours 10 to 3. STYLISH VISITING CARDS PRINTED TO order, 50 for 35c, 100 for 30e; business cards. 250 for $1. 600 for $1.75. Tho A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st. Dlseaeses of Women a Specialty X-Radium Medical Institute; consultation free; 3r ana Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder at.. Portland. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c Ladles' skirts pressed, sue uiioert. lUUft 6th St.. next to the Quelle. Phone Clay 305. BROTHER WILLIAM. THE QUAKER prophet, clairvoyant, meaium; tens tnee an thtngs; treats diseases. 313ft Washington. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KINDS OF waists, klmonas. muelln underwear, etc., be low cost, sing cnong co.. Morrison sc. NOB HILL GARAGE NOW OPEN FOR business; storage at special rates; expert repairing. 19th and Couch. Phone 2553, DETECTIVE OR SECRET SERVICE WORK; strictly confidential; airncuit cases solicited. Room 14 Washington bldg. YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO GIVES face and scaip massage, iivtx HQ. cor Washington. Watches, diamond, easy payments; diamonds bought. W. 11. uean. 013 uexum. ciay wj, JOHN HENRY HORNIBROOK INFORMA- tlon Is desired by bis sister, Lessle Wagner. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 ri. 12th. Main 5478. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. IdaReznor. 127 llth. Tel. Main 4338. MISS MAKI, graduate of Finland, massage and baths; lames oniy. 400 ADington oiug. LA VIDA FACE ROUGE, FREE SAMPLES at Paris Hair store. 308 Washington st. Facial massage, electric and magnetic treat ments. Parlor 21. 26Sft Stark. The Taeoroa. PETER ROY, FRENCH CANADIAN LIKE to hear from hln wife. 211 jenemon st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.;' acCOraiOa ana xaiie puuuag aiiu Assuyers and Analysts. THE J. H- FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Qreenley & crawtora. anaiyvicai cneniisu and metallurgists. 20 ft wasningtoa st MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK St. nest iacimies. x-riccs ttiuuuauic. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust Dougnt. uu ii su Attorney s-at-Law. tt o n MlROlIAM 404 COMMERCIAL. bldg. I make specialty or aeteaung tax titles. Carpet Cleaning. c.vitii- pmp T rr.RAVTXfi. Surttan an.1 comprefwetl air comomea; carpets cieanea on floor without removal, jutun oaj. xiat Carpenters and Builders. New homes built, old ones renewed; prop erty bought and sold. Gordon, 20S 4th. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, gener al Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5SS1 Chiropodist and Manicuring. permanently removes corns, buniono. cal louses, ingrown anu ciuu iuub, ycuicunug, manicuring; face and scalp specialist. Red . ... . si V. - WI.I. ,h fnn -I -nr. . WM. DEVENY Sc. ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific cnlrpodlsts; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the rnan you are looking for. J. LINDELL, expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 3250. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. THE GREATEST ADVISER OF TWO CONTINENTS. The Power of Control How to bo master and ruler of your own home and affairs. Is your husband, wife, or sweetheart In different to you 7 Are you occupying the position in life you are ably qualified for? Do you wish to possess the key to tho vaults of love, friendship, success and fame? Know the secret of control tho power to Inspire trust and confidence and win success In business, social or finan cial life. "Arise, throw off the shackles." Exchange sorrow for Joy, darkness for light. "Be master of your own destiny. ALL DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINE THIS WONDERFUL MAN TELLS YOU JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW WITHOUT ASKING A SINGLE QUES TION. HE WILL TELL YOUR NAME. VAN CORTLAND, 303 Washington street, corner of Fifth. GYPSY ZENOBIA Tell past, present and future. No matter what your troubles are, she will help you. Room 323 Allsky bldg., Morrison and 3d. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front at., near Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Dancing. :he mattinoly academy of danc- lng, 2C9 14th, cor. Jeff. Waltxlsg a specialty. Dancing and Elocution. ELOCUTION. DRAMATIC READING. Studio K. of P. Hall. Marquam bldg. Hours 1 to 5 P. M.. Mondays, Tuesday, Thursdays. Mrs. Ntna Larowe's Hall. 23d and Kearney. Inquire till 1P.M. and after 7. Main 2329. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF "WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mltchel, Sup. Sec. 612-015 Marquam bldg Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG... PARK AND- MORRISON eta. Call of tend stamp for Health Book.' BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Educational. KINDERGARTEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS, conducted by the Sisters of St. Mary's Academy and College. Fourth and Market streets; opened September 5. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. SO-SO 1st. Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. "WHOLE 'sale saddles and harness mfrs., saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 Sth st- JOHNSON &. LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, .wholesale, and rotalL 34 6th st. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO.-ES- tabltshed 1S5S. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock, findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 3th. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS; no agents; 2U per cent saved at weeks'. 720 Front, opposite Falling School; take S car. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAW- mni. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C. ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND maenmery, sawmills, etc 23 urana ave. Musical. VIOLtN. CORNET. CLARINET. PIANO. 0" -A VJ AW A. kMUIkU, UlIUIUM Mil IUI m Columbia University. 254 12th. Phone 470jL Osteopathy. DRS. ADLX & NORTHRUP. 413-18-17 DB. aum mag.. 3d ana Washington. Phones: Office, Main 849; residence. Main 1503; East 1028. Exams, free. Sundays by appointment. Dr. Arnold Lindsay. 410 Falling bldg. Phone. ciay 133; graduate of Klrksvllle College or Osteopathy. A specialist on rheumatism, stomach troubles and all female diseases. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graduates Kirkvuie. Mo., 4UU uregonian bldg. Phone Main 1242. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. giass, eaan ana aoors. cor. 2a ana Tayiar. F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER PAINT Co. uenerai building material. 135 1st. Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; intrlngement cases. 604 Dekum. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 219 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, teals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; perfect retainer; positive cure; book tree. Addreta Dr. Pierce, 206 Kearny st., S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH S lnch thick doors, lire and burglar-proof, work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work, lockouts opuned; repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3o THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. 84 3d st. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; bigbeat prtvw paid for scrap Iron and metuis. 244 Front. Main 2002. Showcases. Bonk and Store Fixture. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR, uth and HoyU Phono Main 1408. IORTLAND SHOWCASE Jfc FIXTURE CO.. 348 1st, near Market. Phone Clay 1044. spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 23 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble cait and get her valuable advice on alt affairs of lite, business, love troubles; absent friends & specialty. 247ft lt; hours. 'J A. M. to 8 P. M. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST ME dlum. 143ft Uth. room 21. Tel. Hood l'JU. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 09 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PLVN03 AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brlck fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 1st. C. M. Olsen. TeU Main 517. C. O. PICK, OFFICE 83 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phonu 596. Pianos and furnlturo mo.'ed and packed for shipment; commodl ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sU. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 34 N. FRONT St., household good3 and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold nad repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of. tho United States. President... A- MILL3 CMhler.:... J- W. NEWKIRK AfBlstant Cashier. .W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant uuaier...u. . oii.ju.ia Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago, St. Louis St Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-oa-tho Main Hongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrlstianla, Stockholm. -St. Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates Is sued 3 to 4 per cent; special certificates (not under $500). 3Vi to 4 per cent on short can. Call forbook of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 109 Third St. BENJ. I. COHEN President H L. PITTOCK.,... Vice-President B." LEE PAGET Secretary jT O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mads at points 'on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points la the United States. Sl"ht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on Nw York. Washington, Chicago, St. Louis Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and various polrrts in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris, Berlin. Frank fort, Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and Hono lulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President B. W. HOVT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit., issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNLV (Established 1864.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco. Cal. President ..-.HOMER- S. KINO Gen. Man. of Branches. W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,323,000 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued available in, all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE -Manager J. T. Burtchaell ......Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK" OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak sta. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available in all cities of th United States and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. . President J. C. AIN8WORTK Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President. ........... ..R. LEA BARNES Cashier V R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier.,. ,..A. 3L WRIGHT AsHletaat Cashier..:-. .....W. A. HOLT-