Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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m seized
Busy Day for County Inspector
Infected Apples and Pears Taken
Prom "Wholesalers, Groccrymcn
nnd Farmers Hop-Picking
Is Resumed.
FRUIT County Inspector noizes
ferae ewowUty of unfit apples and
pear 8.
HOPS Piektag rwm(Hl la this
s4ae. Levrer California Aattmaten.
EQ08 Prleee Hteadily advancing.
POCLVRY Farther advanoc rveted
la quotation.
BUTTER Some Front-s-troet oom
nriselnn men reduce prices.
WHKAT Grain standard fixed.
County Frak Inmctor JgM U. KeW had
the MRgM day f h official experience yes
terday. He condemn ad 87 boxes of apples and
pears Infected with Son Jfise male and oodiln
aaeta. idmi of tfceat ia the Merw and ethers
at the pubKc market,
Mx boxes of ngmliiM were esndemacd on
Front street, two baring been shipped la by
a applr walaa. Inty actor Held seat this
frK. wfetck wm only worm-, to the Boy.V
aad Oh-Vi- AM Society, as & part of It could
W saved.
The rest af tM staff seiaed was scale in
fect ad (fee taapaotar kereeeaed' the n
Ure lot. Farts am bexe of pears were taken
from one retail areeary mm and two wagon
leads. aaKtwarttac; 2 baxee of &ppiti. that a
farmer ataafcfat ia were put under the ban.
The rest of the frail was found la small tots
ia the grooaty Mores.
There mors a pood all-rewad Ineairy far fruit
the street jreaterdey. sad prices were easily
auUateiaed ta oeC Hate. Grapes were one
af the fa nances af the market. Museat were
eery Hearoe. bat enough Tokeys were on band
to r apply all aeedc Stacks were again a
armr aa the market. Ripe Bertlett pears were
eearce aad farmer. Boaanaa are d caning up
Lower Rwtimaton Arc Placed on the Cali
fornia Crop.
Hop-pasktag In again la fall headway since
the rata osneed and the beaeaeial effect ef the
xrupam y. apparent to alt. ae the hope have
bora tboraagalr deans od aad brtKhtened. J art
enough rata fell to do Rood In the yards, and
rower are gratMed that the predletiea of a
saner atona proved uatrue.
More evidence of the condition aad stae of
the California crop le at hand. The Sacra
mento IMm af September 12 said:
"The hop market in on the eve of opening.
,aad KTOwers Me awake aad vigilant, cteseiy
watching every preliminary Indication of the
price that Is to preveU. The crop la this sec
ttoa t coaUag down light. Few growers will
aoee the expected yield, as the vines are not
earrytaft- the oaeotlty anticipated. The quality
s raatced urn fate."
A Fulton. CaL. maa wim t the Water
rille TtaMM a loltawei:
In a roeeat laeae of yaar paaer you give
the eatiaiatod yMd of baps of Ed no ma County
av.tMO baln. That eitlmate waa made by
Jeave Jewell aad publluhad la the Press Detao
era: at Saata. Roee. Gal. Mr. Jewel bi a bear
In hopa. aad watte H ic a tact that Sonoma
County wOt have more baps than wore eaU
atated two ataatha ago (l,tK) balea) it la
uajaat aad atoard to place It at 29,000 bales.
The aaMt eaasorvatlvc growers and dealers of
tale coaatr ptaoe the yield at 17.000 bales,
after ptcMag begtas SapMatber 1. This esti
noate la very apt to be correct.
The Dapartaia at of AgriouKwe makes the
rollowtog rapart aa the hap movement in July:
lanpor Pound
For July 11.461
For V months to Aagaot 1 1.106.706
For July 40,810
For 7 moata ta Aagwat 1 1.3S6.015
tf ImporM for Jaly 2.183
Ot imports far 7 awntlai ta Awgutt 1. ll.tSl
The boar tax paid In Jtrty. was on
&Mi.m& barrele. a against S.SS,S79 barrels
in Jalr. 1W. eaowlag aa increase In July
tats year of 4&S.4a barrete.
Receipt! of Frchh Country Stock Are Light
and the Demand Is Strong.
Xgg quoted one ranged from 2r27 cents yes
terday for most of the day's basinetfi. though
some dealers noted prices one-half eoa
harher. Hecelpts af freeh country eggs were
v rry light aad the demaad for them was
Poultry aa an the whole about a half cent
bbher yastaraar wkh good average hens
quoted at ia12fi coats and Springs at 1614
There was no parttoul&r development in
the bnttar market, except a more noticeable
weakaeee ta prtoos on Front Mreet. One dealer
who ha-s beep aaotlng 27 cents yesterday of
fered kfe Mack, at 2S. Caoe Bay baiter is in
larger Mtpply aad obeese is also oemlng In
freely tcgwn that eotton.
Test Weight of Wheat Fixed.
The grata standard committee of the Pert
load Chamber of Commerce held a session yes
terday morning and agreed upon 50 pounds as
the test weight for thin reason's wheat, but
the samples were net decided upon.
The tone of the market waa unchanged and
conditions are p radically as the- were in
the early part of the week. Exporters quoted
club at W cents aad htuestem at 72 cents.
Dank Clearings.
Bank clearing of the Northwestern citlej
yesterday were aa follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $1,914,415 flSa.193
Seattle 1.U97.&S5 135,808
Tacoma S84.&O0 102.WS1
Spokane M6.742 58.571
Grain, Flour, Ford, Etc
FLOUR Patents, $4.304.05 per barrel:
straights. $4 If 4.25; clears. $8.75$4; Valley,
S Mfi II; Dakota hard wheat. ? 0.50 7.25;
Graham. ?8.22.75; whole wheat. $3.75(4;
rr flour, local, f; Eastern. $5.t035.00;
cornmeal. per bale. $1.00V2.20.
OATS No. 1 white feed. $23 24; gray,
?22 per ton.
TYUEAT Club. 00c per bushels; bluestem,
72c; Volley, 71c
BARL.E1" Feed. JUO per ton; brewing,
fl. rolled. $22 28.
RYE $1.30 per cental.
MILLSTVFFS Bran. $18 per ton; mid
dlings. 524.50; shorts, $13; chop, V. S. Mills,
flfi. linseed dairy feed, $18; alfalfa steal,
J 18 per ton. '
CEREAL. FOODS Rolled oata. cream. 80
pound sacks. $673; lower grades. $5 0.25;
oatmeal, steel out, 50-pound sacks. $8 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oat
meal (ground). 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per
barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; split
peas. $S per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes.
$1 4; pearl barley. $4.25 per 100 pounds; 25
pound boxes, $1.20 per ber; pastry flour, 10
pound aaaks, $2.50 per bale. .
HAT Eastern Oregon timothy. $14 15
per ton; Valley timothy. $1112; clover,
$80$; cheat. $7.5069; grain hay, $Se9.
Vegetables, Fruit, Etc.
DOMESTIC FRUTTS-Appleu. 00c $ 1.75
per box; peaches, 50800c per crate; plums,
C075c per crate; cantaloupes, 2576c crate;
crate; pears. $141-23 per box; watermelons,
4f lc per pound; crabapples, $1 per box?
grapes, muscat, $1.25 per box: Tokay. $1-65;
black. 75cfi$l: catabas, $2 per doxen; pear,
TROPICAL. FRUITS Lemons, choice. $6
0. 50; oranges. Valencia, fancy, $5.2B per
box; grapefruit, $3.50; pineapples, $2.30
dozea; pomegranates. $1(31 .25 per box.
pound; cabbage. lfilVic per pound: cauli
flower. 764pP0o per dezrn; celery-. 7500c
per dozen; corn, 8&0c per dozen; ucumoers,
30 35c per dozen; egg plant. $L50 per crate:
peppers, 7aSe per pound; pumpkine. lUlHc;
tomatoefl. 305c ptr crate: squash. 5c per
ROOT VEGETABLES Turnips, $1.23 ST 1.40
per sack; carrots, $L23 91.50 per sack;
beets. $1L2S per sack; garlic, 12Hc per.
ONIONS Oregon, 90c$l per sack; Glebe.
75c per sack.
P0TATOE6 Oregon extra fancy. 65 G 75c
per sack; common, nominal; Mereed. streets,
2a2Uc per pound.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. 7'0c per pound;
aprieots. 1212Hc; peaches, 10H12Hc;
pears, none; Italian prunes, none; California
flgR, white. 490c per pound; black. 4Se;
bricks. 12-14-ounce packages, 75 85c per
box; 98-ouace. $2 2.40; Smyrna, 20 e per
pound; dates, Fard, Cc
RAISINS Seeded. 12-ounee paokages 70
8c; lC-euaee. S4f9c: loose muscatels. 5i
7 tc: unbleached seedless Sultanas. 6ic:
London layers, S-crewn whole boxes of 20
pounds. $L65; 2-crewn, $1.73.
Butter, liggs, roultry. Etc.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 80 jf 32 He per pound. State creameries:
Fancy creamery. 25660?; store butter, 144?
16c: Eastern creamery, 20r27Hc.
EGOS Oregon ranch, 2S4f27c.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 134
14c; Young America, 14H15c.
POULTRY Average old hens. ISg'He:
mixed chickens. Ili34fl2c: old rooeter. 8
tc; j-oung roosters, lXthi&HMci Springs,
lH4f pounds. 13411 Sc: pound.
18j4c; dresced chlckem. 12d13c; tur
key, live. 20921c; turkeys, dreseed. choice,
19 (t 28c; geese, live, per pound, 8Sc; geese,
dreesed. per pound. 910ttc; ducks, 1314e;
pigeons. $lf;L25; rquabs. $2 2.50.
Hop, Wool, Hides, Etc.
HOPS 1SOT choice. 15c; prime, 14c; 1904
choice. 1S4J17C
WOOL Eastern Oregon average best, 19
21c; lower grades down to 15c, according to
shrinkage; Valley. 25 27c per pound.
MOHAIR Choice, 30c per pound.
HIDES Do hides: No. 1, Id pounds and
up, 184 17c per pound; dry kip. No. I. 5 to
lo pounds, 14918c per pound; dry calf. No.
1, under S pounds, 17918c; dry salted,
bails and stags, one-third less than dry
flint; (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored,
murrain, hair-clipped, weather-beaten or
grubby. 24J3c per pound lese). Salted hides:
Steers, sound, o0 pounds and over. 9918c per
pound; SO to 00 pounds, SVs ffflc per pound;
under S4 pounds and cows. S99c per pound;
salted kip. sound. IS to 39 pounds. 9c per
pound; salted veal, sound, lv to 14 pounds.
9c per pound; salted calf, sound, under 19
pounds. 19c per pound; (green unsalted, lc
per pound less; culls, lc per pound less).
Sheep skins: Shearlings. No. 1 butchers
stock. 2590c each; short wool. ' No. 1
butchers stock, 40950c each: medium, wool.
No. 1 butchers stock. M9S0e; long wool.
No. 1 butchers' stock, $19150 each. Murrain
pelts from 19 to 24 per cant lose or 12914c
per pound; horse hides, salted, each, accord
ing to size. $1.5998; do, each, according to
size. $19180; colts hides. 25980c each;
goat sklnc. common. 19915c each; Angora
with wool on. 25c9$l-&0 each.
TALLOW Prime, per pound, 393c; No.
2 and grease. 293c
FURS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1. $2.59
919 each; cubs, $192; badger. 25959c; wild
cat. with head perfect. 259S9c; house cat.
59 19c; fox. common gray, 84970c; red. $89
3; crooe. $5915: silver and black. $1999299:
turners. $S9: lynx. $4.S0: mink, strictly
No. L, according to size, $192.89; marten,
dark Northern, according to size and color,
$19915; marten, pale, pine, according to
size and color, $2,599-1; muskrat. large. 109
15c; skunk. 499 59c; civet or polecat. 5919c;
otter, large, prime skin, $4919; panther,
with head aad claws perfect, 295; raccoon,
prime. 39950c; mountain wolf, with head
perfect. $3.5095; coyote. 99c9$l; -wolverino.
$9S; beaver per skin, large. $598; me
dium. $89-: small. $19 1.50. kits. S0975&
BEESWAX Good, clean and pure. 29
22c per pound.
CASCARA SAGRADA (Chlttam bark)
Good, 8c per pound.
Groceries, Nuts, Etc
COFFEE Mocha. 26928c; Java, ordinary.
IS 9 22c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820e; good.
16lSc; ordinary. 199 12c Pr pound: Colum
bia roast, caves. 190s. $14.25; 50s. $14.25; Ar
buckle, $15.75; Lion. $15.75.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, $5.37 Vi;
Southern Japan, $8.50; Carolina, 5 96 Vie;
broken head, 2c
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails.
$1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.48; 1-pound
flats, $1.85; fancy, 191-Pud flats. $1.89:
Vi-pound flats, $1.10; Alaska pink, 1-pound
talis S5c: red, 1-pound talis, $1.89; soekeyes.
1-pound tails, f 1.85.
SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube,
fB.S; powdered, $5.55; do granulated. $5.43;
extra C. $4 S5; golden C. $4.85; fruit sugar,
SS.45: advances over sack basis, as follows:
Barrels. 10c; half -barrels, 25c; boxes, SOo
per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance
within if days, deduct Vic per pound; if
later than 15 days and within 80 days, de
duct c per pound; no discount after 30
days.) Beet sugar, granulated, $5.85 per 100
pounds; maple sugar 15918c per pound,
SALT California, $11 per ton. $1.60 per
bale; Liverpool. 50s, $17; 100s, $10.59; 209s.
$16; half-pound 100s. $7; 50s, $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts. 18ic per pound by sack,
lc extra for less than sack; Brazil nuts, 15c;
Alberts. 14c; pecans, jumbos, 14c; extra,
large. 15c; almonds, L X, L. l;c; chest
nuts, Italians. 15c; Ohio. $4.80 per 25-pound
drum: peanuts, raw, 7Sc per pound; roasted,
9c; plnenuts, 10912c;- hickory nuts. 7c;
cocoa nuts, 7c; oocoanuls, 35990c per dozea.
BEANS Small white, lfllc; large
white, 3Ac; pink. 88c; bayou. 4 95c;
Lima. 6$ic
Dressed Meats,
BEEF Dressed bulls. 192c per pound:
oows. 894c; country steers, 4 94H&
VEAL Dreeed. 75 to 125 pounds, 70
8c; 125 to 200 pounds, 490c; 200 pounds
and up. 894c
MUTTON Dressed, fancy. OH 4" 7 c per
pound; ordinary. 495c; lambs 797Ha.
PORK Dressed. 100 to 19. 7 97 He; ISO
and up. 096 He per pound.
Provisions and Canned Meats.
HAMS 19 to 14 poundB, 14c per pound;
14 to 16 pounds, 18e; 18 to 20 pounds,
lS&c; California (picnic). 9ic; oottage
hams. Sc; shoulders. 0c; belled ham, 21c;
boiled picnic ham, boneless, 13c
BACON Fancy breakfast, 19 c per
pound; standard breakfast, 17 He; choice.
lCc; English breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds;
15c; peach bacon. 14c.
DRY SALT CURED Regular short dears.
11c; dry salt. 12c smoked; clear backs, lie;
do 8alt. 12c smoked; clear bellies. 14 to 17
pounds average, none; Oregon exports, 20 to
25 pounds, average. Uc; dry salt, 12lc
smoked; Union butts, 10 to IS pounds over
age, none.
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels, $18;
half-barrels. $9.50; beef, barrels, $12; half
barrels, $6.50.
SAUSAGE Ham. ISc per pound: minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17c; bo
logna, lone. SUc; welnerwurst. Sc; liver, 6c:
pork. 9910c; headcheese. 6c; blood, 6c; bo
logna sausage, link. 4 He
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds,
per dozen. $1.25; two pounds, $2.35; six
pounds, $8. Roast beef. flat, pounds. $L25;
two pounds. $2.25; six pounds, none. Roast
beef, talt. pounds, none; two pounds, $2.35;
six pounds, none. Lunch tongue, pounds,
$3.15. Roast mutton, six pounds. $8.50.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered, tierces,
11c; tubs. HUc; 60s. ll4c; 20s. ll?ic; 10s.
lljic: 5s. ll'Hc Standard pure: Tierces,
10c; tabs. 10Uc; 60s. 104c: 20s. 10c: 10s,
10 c; 5s, lOjic. Compound: Tierces. 6c;
tubs, 0lc; 50s. 6Uc; 10s, 6ic: 0s, 6ic
TURPENTINE Cases. 86c per gallon.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7hc; 500-pound
lots, 7ic: less than 500-pound lots. Sc.
GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases ,23 He;
Iron barrels. 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c:
iron barrels or drums, 26c,
COAL OIL Cases, 20c; Iron barrels, 14c;
wood barrels, 17c; 63 deg.. cases. 22c; Iron
barrels. 15 Hc
LINSEED OIL Raw. 5-barrel lotn, 5Sc- l
barrel lota. &4c: oases, 59c; belled. 3-bar-el
lota, 55c; 1-barrel lots, 56c; cases; 61c
Coffee nnd Sagor,
NEW YORK, Sept. 14. The market for oof
fee futures closed steady, net unchanged to
5 points higher. Sales were reported of 00.
000 bags, including September, 6.95c; Decem
ber, 7.0037.15c; March, 7.2597.35c; May, 7.35
97.45c, and July. 7.45c. Spot Rio steady; No.
7 Invoice. 8 ll-16o; mild, quiet; Cordova. 10$
Sugar Raw, nominal; fair refining. 3 3-16(Ji
3V4c; centrifugal. 03 test. 313-1093o; mo
lasses sugar. 2!iS?3c; refined, nominal.
New York Cotton '.Market.
NEW YORK, Sept. 14. Cotton futures doeed
steady. September, lO.SGc; October, 10.46c;
November, 10.38c: December, 10.43c; January,
10.50c; February, J 0.53c; March, 10.57c: AprtL
10.60c; Mar, 10."C2c
Selling Movement in Stocks at
New York Ceases.
.Advance Meets With Xo Serious Ob
staple Money Market Quieter.
Corn, Grangers Lead the
. - 3Iovcment Upward.
NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Stocks were free
from any pressure to sell today, and the
money market snowed no evidence of urgent
demand to borrow. These were the condition
whleh prompted the room traders aad some
large profeteloaal operators to work for a
higher level of prices. That transactions were
mainly In the hands ot the profesjtoaal class
of operators was generally agreed and the
oommltaloa-houses put out a dally complaint
that business Is poor and the general public
not In it.
The fact that the advance in prices met no
serious obstacle makes the appropriate de
scription of the market that of strength. The
term Is correct for the general underlying con
dition and the upward tendency of prices itself
whenever the condition of the money market
is tranquil. That was the cae today, call
loans being made at S per cent or below while
the rates for time loons were about steady.
The tendency of events towards contracting
reserves was Ignored In the presence of this
tranquility of " the money rate. The great
strength of the buslaeco situation is the easy
explanation of the underlying strength ot
ptocks. It is a very general conviction la Wall
street that if easy money were assured, prices
of stocks would advance without difficulty.
The enormous grain crops promited oae of
the prime arguments for this view, aad It
was natural therefore that the day's move
ment should turn to the quarater of the mar
ket, where the grain movement would be felt
Owing to the conspicuous promise of the
corn crop aad doubtless also to the fact that
the stocks of com. caro'lag railroads have not
been Active In the speculation, the corn grang
ers led th movement. The buing converged
on Missouri Pacific. All of the Grangers aad
the Southwestern group generally, as well as
the Padncs and transcontlnentals shared ia
the movement, however. The operation of
speculative pools was discernible la somo
stocks of the group as well as In other quar
ters of the market. The abwrptlon of Erie
was or an enormous scale, and eaueed that
property to be associated la the current rumor
with the open admlseion that negotlatlona
were in progress for dlsposlag of the Cin
cinnati, Hamlltoa & Dayton property.
The reduction of the Bank of England rate.
Instead of the expected advance, was accepted
as a reassuring factor and revived expectations
of a further import movement of gold. Some
of the banks were said to be calling loans
today, and th oaoa movement evidently makes
It Imperative that banks should effect the
snowing of a further large loan contract km
for the coming weekly statement. Bat the
quiet tone of the market for money Implies a
fuppiy of fund from other sources, supposed
ly the trust companies, and this was the basis
of the day's confidence in protection from dis
turbances of credit .facilities for operations
ia stocks. Discounts rooe la London and Br
lln and the foreign exchange market here
snowed no farther important reoeoetoas.
Stocks developed renewed strength late in the
day and doted Arm at about the best prices.
Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par
value. $2,405,000. United States bond wore
alt unchanged on call.
Sales. High, Low. bid.
Adams Express 249
Amalgamated Copper 23.490 SIVs
Am. Car & Foundry 7t)0 3d 84 82
do preferred
American Cotton Oil j
do preferred
American Express 225
Am. Hd. & Lth. pfd. 1.600 88 82 82Va
American Ice 300 27 2ft -J
American Ltnoeed Oil 1
do preferred -- ?Va
American Locomotive 1.209 59
do preferred 1S
Am. Smelt. & Refln. 43,000 127 12S 12d6
do preferred 8,100 128 121 122H
Amer. Sugar Refining 1.600 186 18Si 180S
Amr. Tobacco pfd.. COO 1914 lOlfa 101rj
Anaconda Mining Co. 100 112 112 112
Atchison 11.S00 91 )i
do preferred 1.2W 105 10S 104t
Atlantic Coast Line 600 IttS 164 164W
Baltimore & Ohio.. 12,809 112H1UH 1125
do preferred ' 93
Brook. Rapid Transit 27.700 60? OS H
Canadian Pacific ... 5,400 166 16?i 196
Central Leather 300 41 41 41
do preferred 500 10l!i 194?; W4S
Central of N. Jersey 212
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 5.000 9l 51fc !i
Chicago & Alton 37
io preferred S
Chicago Gt- Western. 1.500 21 21 21
Chicago & Northwest. 6(0 214i 214 214
Chi., MIL & SC Paul 42,500 179fi 178 179
Chi. Terra. & Transit 17
do preferred S
a. a, c. & st. l. 200 199 100 m
Colorado Fuel & Iron 400 48 42 48
Colorado & Southern. 500 2a'i 2S 2S
do 1st preferred.... 300 9SU 02 02
do 2d preferred 2,200 42 42 42
Consolidated Gas ... 200 188 1SS 188
Com Products 19
do preferred 200 47 47 47
Delaware & Hudson 500 218 2174 217
Denver & Rio Grande 800 S54 3514 35
do preferred 100 80 89 SO
Distillers Securities 100 42 42 41
Erie 112.000 52 6H 52
do 1st preferred.... 1,000 SBJi S2 88
do 2d preferred 3,400 75 76 7K
General Electric 182
IlllnolA Central 1.000 179 178 179yt
International Paper.. 700 20 29 2oV4
do preferred 1.000 80 9 Stf
International Pump 25
do preferred 82
Iowa Central 500 2S 27 23
do preferred ...... ..... 56
Kansas City Southern 26
do preferred 54
Louisville & Naahv.. 3,000 140 148 148
Manhattan L. 600 166 106 165
Met, Securities 2.100 81 Si 81
Metropolitan SL Ry. 10.300 12S4 127 127
Mexican Central 500 23 28 28
Minn. & St. Louis 71
M.. St, P. & S. . M. 900 141 140 149
so prererrea i.wu iu. -"ie 16
a i.wu iu -"loo ltys
HOC .... 54. SOO 107 105 107
& Texas. 2,200 34 34 34
si 600 71 71 71
Missouri Pacific
Mo.. Kans. &
do preferred
National Lead 46
Mex. Nat, R. R. pfd 3S
New York Central... 5.300 149 148 148
N. Y.. OnL & West. 1.S00 53 54 54
Norfolk & Western.. 1.900 85 84 85
do preferred 91
Northern Pacific .... 1,900 211 210 211
North American 9s
Pennsylvania, 21.000 144 142; 148
Pacific Mall 65.3O0 45 44 44v
People's Gas 300 108 108 190
P.. C C. & St. Louis 92
Pressed Steel Car... 200 44 44 44
do preferred 96
Reading 48.600 118 118 119
do lec preferred..,. 91
do 2d preferred 1.100 95 94 94
Republic Steel 3.900 21 21' 21
do preferred 7.000 98 99 92
Rock Island Co. 29.000 33 32 33
do preferred 3,300 80 SO 79
Rubber Goods 100 34 31 33
do preferred , 182
SchlccBSheffleld 2.700 93 93 8
St. L. & S. T. 2d pfd. 100 67 67 67
St, Louis Southwest. l.OOO 23 25 26
An mrfrrA fiOO GZlL ! f-
do preferred
Southern Pacific .
do preferred . . .
-42,900 6S OS ac M'
Southern Railway ... 5.000 33 35
do preferred soo ioiu ioo 109
Tenn. Coal &. Iron... 2,900 86 S3ui sqx
Texas & Pacific .... 3.000 37 36 37
To!.. St. L. & West. 2.200 38 37 30
do preferred 1,000 30 57 SO
Union Pacific 02.100 133 130 1X2
do preferred g
U. S. Express 123 '
U. S. Realty 87
U. S. Rubber 1,300 60 46 0
do preferred . ids
L7. S. Steel 60.400 37 36 38
do preferred 16,800 104 103 104
Vlrg.-Caro. Chemical "BOO 31 31 31U
do preferred 000 108 107 ids71
Wabash 2,500 21 21 21
do preferred SOO 42 42 42
Wells-Fargo Express. 230 "
Wcetingbeure Elect, 166
Western Union 4,100 94 94 94
Wheeling & L. Eric , 600 18 17 17
Wisconsin Central ... 200 31 31 31
do preferred 100 69 69 69
Total sales for the day. 805,100 shares.
NEW YORK. Sept, 14. Closing quotations:
C. S. ref, 2s reg. 104 Ul Atchison Adj. 4a 99
do coupon 101 JD. & R, G. 4s.. .101
U. S. 3 reg.. ..104 JN. Y. C G. 3s. 99
do coupon 104 iNor. Pacific 3s.. 77
C. S. sew 4s reg.134 Nor. Pacific 4s.. 103
do coupon 134 'So. Pacific 4s... 95
U. a old 4s reg. 104 .-Union Pacific 4s.l0d
do coupon 105 I Wis. Central 4s. 92
Stocks at London.
LONDON, Sept, 14. Consols for money,
80 13-16; consols for account. S9 15-16.
Anaconda S (Norfolk & West. 87
Atchison 98 j do preferred... 94
do nref erred. .10S (Ontario & West. 35i
Baltimore & O. .113 Pennsylvania ... 73
Can. Pacific. ...171
Ches. U Ohio 156
C Gt- Western. 22
C, M & St, P. .183
DeBeers 17
D. & R. Grande. 55
do preferred... 92
Erie 52
do 1st pref. ... S5
.do 2d pref 77
Illinois Central . 184
Louis. Nash.. 152
Mo, Kas. & T..'35
N. Y. Central... 132
Rand Mines 9
Reading 61
do 1st pref. ... 47
do 2d pref.... 47
So. Railway..... 36
do pref erred... 104
So. Pacific 70
Union Pacific... 135
do preferred... 09
U. S. Steel 37
do preferred. . .106
Wabash 21
do preferred... I2
Spanish Fours. . . 92
Mosey, Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK, Sept- 14. Money on calL
steady, 293 per cent; doslcs bid. 2c: of
fered, 3 per cent. Time loons, steady; 60 dayr.
394 per cent; 90 days. 4 per cent: six
months. 484 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper. 4ex per cent.
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual bust
ntss In bankers' bills at $4.84&5-S4.S3 for de
mand and at $4.823394240 fer.GO-cViy bills.
Posted rate. $4.83464.84 and $4.86-1.86;
commercial bills. $4.82.
Bar silver 2c
Mexican dollars 17c
Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds.
LONDON, Sept, 14. Bar sliver, steady, 2Sd
per ounce. Money. 191 per cent,
Diecount rate, short bills. 2 per cent; threo
months' bills, 3 per cent,
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept, 14 Silver bare.
Drafts, sight, 3c; telegraph. 5c
Daily Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON. Sept- 14. Today's state
ment of the 'Treasury balances in the general
fund shows:
Available cash balance $130.930 624
Gold coin and bullion 67.3S4'720
Gold certificates 41.542.630
New Grain Weights AVII1 Be Adopted
Today Xo Demand for Ships.
Peach Season Closing.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14. (Special.) At a
special meeting tomorrow the members of the
grain trade of the Merchants' Exchange will
adopt the following standard of weights: No.
1 Chevalier barley. 52 pounds to the bushel:
choice milling wheat. 00 pounds; No. 1 mill
ing wheat, CO pounds, and No. 1 white-wheat.
6S pounds.
After a dull opening the local speculative
market for grain developed considerable
strength and closed buoyant at $1.33 for
December wheat and $1.02 for December
barley. Caota prices are firmer In sympathy
with futures. The advance In the latter Is
due to scanty offerings and the better tone
of distant markets. Deeplte additional char
ters of grata tonnage in the North, the local
spot market for freights Is dull and nominally
unchanged. Foodstuffs are firm and choice,
hay strong and lower grades cany. New pink
and large white beans are offered to arrive
at $2.80.
The California peach season Is drawing to
a close. Those now arriving are mostly Sal
ways of poor quality, causing a weak mar
ket. Good apples are in steady demand at
Pall prices, say $1.10 to $1.15 for best Bell
flowers and $1.25 Jo $1.35 for extra Oraven
stelns. Fancy plums are higher. Table
grapes, excepting eoedless, are abundant and
weak. Fine Bartlett pears are scarce. Limes
are firm and lemons easy.
The wharf market for potatoes Is generally
easy. There Is a moderate movement In ship
ping stock for Manila. Onion are steady,
pending development of the demand for the
next Aurrtrsllan steamer.
Dairy products are quieter. Receipts, IS, 500
pounds butter. 12,100 pounds eheese, 21,120
dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 23f40c; garlic.
Sc; Kreen peas. 293c; string beans., 19
3c; tomatoes. 25900c; ekra, 40950c; egg plant,
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 19922c; roost
ers, old, $494.60; roosters, young. $4.50f,30;
brollera. small. $292.60; broilers, huge $24f
2.50; fryers, $5.50; fryers, young. $39-1.
EGGS Store, 22925c; fancy ranch, 35c;
Eastern, 20921c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery, 26e; creamery
socoeds. 22c; fancy dairy, nominal; dairy sec
onds, nominal,
WOOL Son Joaquin, 12915c; Nevada, 159
19c; lambs. 12919c.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $20921.50: mid
dlings. $25.60928.60.
HAY Wheat, $0f?14: wheat and oats, $9&
12.60; barley. $690; straw. $690: okver. $7
10; stock. $54p5.60; straw, per bale. 30930c
POTATOES River Burbanks. 50975c: Sa
linas Burbanks. S5c9$1.10; sweets, $1.2691.03.
CHEESE Young America, ll912c; East
ern. 15916c.
FRUITS Apples, choice. $1.35; common. 60c;
bananas, $163; Mexican limes, $6.5096; Cali
fornia lemons, choice. $4.60; common. $1.50;
oranges, navels. $294; pineapples, $293.60.
HOPS 1004. 139 l$c; 1905, 14815c
RECEIPTS Flour. 21.165 quarter sacks;
wheat. 9849 centals; barley. 6054 centals; oats,
2045 centals; do Oregon, 678 centals; beans. 71
sacks; potatoen, 4810 sacks; "bran, 21S5 sacks;
middlings, 365 Kicks; hay, 1927 tons; wool,
172 bales; hides, 1162.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Sept. 14. The market for
evaporated apples Is firm, with little change
for November delivery under 7c for prime.
Spot quotations are unchanged, with common
to Rood quoted at 46c; prime, 797c:
chlee, 7e. and fancy Sc
Prunes appear to be somewhat unsettled,
aad some claim that lower offers are coming
from certain sources on the Coast. Spot quo
tations range from 4c to 7 He according to
Apricots are unchanged; choice are quoted at
66c; extra choice. SH6Sc.'and fancy, 9
Peaehes remain In very light supply on spot,
with fancy quoted 11C
Prices on new crop raisins have not yet been
announced, and recent reports Indicate that
they may not be made until near the end of
the month. Loote muscatels, 5&7c; seeded
raisins. 396c, and London layers, $191.13.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Sept, 14. The London tin
market was unchanged to a. shade higher, the
gain being on spot, which closed at 146 3s.
while futures were unchanged at 1143 10s.
Locally the market was quiet, with spot quot
ed at 8LS7S2.20c
Copper was unchanged at 60 for spot and
65 17s 6d for futures In London. Locally Lake
and electrolytic are still quoted at lC.316.37Hc
and casting l&.75S-16.12c.
Lead was unchanged at 4.&5-&4.90C la the
local market and at 13 17s 6d In London.
Spelter was also unchanged In both mar
kets, closing at 26 In London and at fi.80?
8.90c locally.
Iron was somewhat Irregular abroad. Mid
dles boro dosing at 48s 4L and Standard
foundry 47a 7d. Locally the market Is re
ported Arm and some dealers say they ex
pect an advance In the near future.
Dairy Produce La the East,
CHICAGO. Sept, 1. On the. produce ex
change today the butter market was steady;
creameries. 17920c: dairies. 1601Sc
Eggs, firm at mark. 17c; firsts; lSo; prime
first. 20c; extras, 21c
Cheese. HCHHc
NEW YORK. Sept- 14. Butter Steady, un
changed. 1
Cheese Easy, unchanged.
Eggs Firm; Western, extra firsts, 22c; firsts;
Wool at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Sept, 14. Wool Steady: ter
ritory and Western mediums, 2Sfj30c; fine
medium, 2e26c; fine. l&20c - -
Improved Demand for Wheat
at Chicago.
Revised Statistics on Russian Crop
Show Decrease of Nearly Two
Hundred Million Bushels
From Iiast Year.
CHICAGO, Sept. 14. The wheat market to
day was firm from start to finish. Wet weather
In the greater portion of the Spring wheat
country was the source of strength. Many of
yesterday's short sellers were eager bidders to
day, their evident conclusion being that the
unfavorable weather would check, temporarily
the movement of wheat from the farms. An
other reason for the Improved demand was
found la the publication of revised statistics
regarding the wheat crop ot Russia. Today" n
figures made 441. CO) buoheio as the total yield
as against a. previous estimate ot 534,000.000
bushels. On the basts ot the revised figures,
this year's crop wilt be 187.400,000 bushels less
than that of last year. Initial quotations were
practically the lowest of the day. December
opened c to 9e higher, at 83c to S3?
88 He For a time prices held comparatively
steady, but toward the middle of the ses
sion a moderate advance was reported. Many
reports were received from outside grain cen
ters, telling of urgent demand for cosh wheat.
For December the highest price of the day
waa reached at 884pS3c. The market later
eased off a trifle on profit-1 akin?, but the close
was firm with December at S8c.
Corn was Arm. Prices closed at almost the
highest point of the day. December opened
unchanged at a shade higher, at 43c. sold
up to 44c. and closed at 444y44c
Oats were strong. December closed at 2Sc
Provision were firm. A decline of 10c la
the price of live nogs was apparently Ignored.
At the close January pork was up 2fc, at
$12.29; lard was up 7c at $6.7796.S0. and
ribs were Sc higher, at $8.40.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
September $ Ji2 $ .82 $ .82 $ .62
December 88 .SftH .88 .88
May 85 .85 .86 -S5
Sept. (new) 52 .52 .52 .53
Spt. (OM) 32 .33 .8 .38
Dee. (oW) 45 .45. .43 .45
Dee. (now) 43 .44 .48s .44
September 20 .27 .205; .27
December 27 .28 .27 .25
May 29 .39 .29 .30
September 18.49 18.40 15.35 15.35
October 14.70 14.75 14.79 14.72
January 12.17 12.25 12.17 12.22
October 7.40 7.60 7.40 7.55
November 7.82 7. 7.39 7.82
January 6.72 6.82 6.72 6.80
September 8.45
October S.SO S.52 S.30 8.52
January 6.35 6.40 6.36 6.40
Cash quotations were as follow:
Flour Firm.
Wheat-No. 2 Spring. 876So: No. 3. 81
SSc; No. 2 rod. KJS2c
Com No. 2. 58r; No. 2 yellow. Sic
Oats No. 2. 27c; No. 2 white, 2360c;
No. 3 white. 27K929C
Rye No. 2. 63e.
Barley Good feeding, 36c: fair to choice
malting. 424Sc
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.04; No. 1 Northwestern,
Mess pork Per barrel, $15.35915.40.
Lard Per 199 pounds. $7.47.
Short rita sides Loose. $8.4593.50.
Short clear sMaa Boxod. $3.750.
Clover Contract grade, $11.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 37.700 43.000
Wheat, bushels 96.000 46,000
Corn, bushels 2fi.0G0 338.0U0
Oats, bushels 368,000 130.000
Rye. burihels 6.000 4.000
Barley, baskets 93.SOO 0,900
Grain and Prodnce at Nerr York.
NEW YORK. Sept, 14. Flour Receipts. 26.
00 barrels; exports. 18, SCO barrels; market,
fairly active and steadier.
Wheat Receipt". 26,809 bushels; spot, firmer;
No. 2 red. 87c elevator and SSc f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. 91c to ar
rive f. o. b. afloat. Early In the day wheat
was firm and higher on strength In the North
west due to rains and a bullish Russian crop
report. The otose was 9e higher. Sep
tember closed SSc; December closed SSc: May
doeed 9c
Hops and petroleum Quiet.
Hides and wool Firm.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept- 14. Wheat and
barley, steadier. Spot quotations:
Wheat Shipping. $1.4291.52; milling.
Barley Feed. $191.95; brewing, $1.0791.10.
Oats Red. $1.2991.42: white. $1.32
1.47; black. $1.1091.50.
Call board sales:
Wheat December. 31.33.
Barley December. $1.92.
Com Large yellow. $1.4091.42.
Minneapolis Wheat Market,
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 14. Wheat, Septem
80c; December. 81c; May. 84$4e; No.
1 bard, 84e; No. 1 Northern. 83e; No. 2
Northern. 0c
Wheat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 14. Wheat. September,
nominal; December. 6s 7d. Weather In Eng
land today was fine
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Sept, 14. Wheat Bluestem. 72c;
club, e&e; red. 63c
Prices Quoted Locally on Cattle, Sheep aad
The following livestock prices were quoted
yesterday In the local market:
CATTLE Beat Eastern Oregon steers. $3J
3.23; good cows. $2.2592.50; common cows,
$L6091.75; calves. 125 to 160 pounds. $3; 200
to 260 pounds. $3.604.
SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley.
$3.2590.60: medium. $3; lambs. $4.2594.60.
HOGS Best large fat hogs. $6.2&86.30.
Prices Correct at Kansas City, Omaha and'
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Sept. 14. Cattle "Re
ceipts. 8000; market, steady. Native steers.
$480; naUvo cows and heifers. $1.6395.23:
stockers and feeders. $2.3094.23; bulls. $28
3.25; calves. $396.50; Western steers, $394.75;
Western cows. $L7693.23. '
Hogs Receipts. 6000; market. 10c ' lower.
Bulk of sales. $3.0593.23; heavy. $596.23:
packers. $5.1096.50; pigs and light, $l.60fjo.20.
Sheep Receipts. 6000; market, steady. Mut
tons. $4.2685.25; lambs, $5.2587; range weth
ers. $4.2599.25; fed ewes, $3.50g4.50.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 14. Cattle Receipts.
4000; market, steady. Native steers, $3,750
6.10; cows and helfera, $2.7394.50; Western
steers. $394.83; Texas steers, $2. 733. S3; cows
and heifers. $293.40; canners. $1.&3 2. 50;
stockers and feeders. $2.2594.23; calves. $2.23
5.60; bulls, stags, etc. $2.23fJ3.50.
. Hcgs Receipts, 4000. Market, 60 lower.
Heavy. $6.05&5.15; mixed. $5-1095.13; light,
$5.1095.20; pigs. $4.6095; bulk of sales. $3.10
Sheep Receipts. 6000; market, steady. West
ern yearlings. $4.S0S5.20; wethers. $4.3034.80;
ewes. 54.25S4.30; lambs. $6.6096.80.
CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Cattle Receipts. 11,
000; market slow and steady. Beeves. $3,739
6.35; cows and heifers, $1.3534:60; Texas-fed
steer-. $3.2594.30- Wostera steers, $3.1093.83.
Hogs Heedpt. 18,000; market, 10915c Ioweri
Mixed and butchers, $4.f&35.35; gocd to
Downing, Hopkins & Co.
Established 1893
Room 4, Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce
choice heavy. $5.1095.53; rough heavy. $4349
5.C5; light, $395.35; pigs. $4.75ffi,30; bulk
of sales. $5-2095-40.
Sheep Receipts. 22,000; market, weak.
Sheep. $3.6595; lambs. $4.2597.65.
Forty-Seven Bales of Early Fuggles Br Ins
13 Cents at Salem.
SALEM., Or., Sept, 14. (Special.) The a rat
sale of 1905 hops grown in this vielnity was
made today when Catling Linn sold J
Pincus 47 bales of Early Fuggies at 13 coats.
The quality was choice
Mining Stocks'.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 14. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Alta $ .03Just!ce $ .94
Alpha Con 10 Kentucky Con... .01
Andes .21jMexlcan LOO
Belcher 20Occideatal Con... .ST
Best & Belcher.. 1.10'Ophlr S.25
Bullion 8S Overman S
Caledonia 37'Potool 94
Challenge Con.. .12 Savage 4S
Chollar 9Seorpioa 12
Confidence 75 Set?. Belcher 93
Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.25Slerra Nevada... .81
Crown Point 97iSllver Hill 83
Exchequer 4SLnlon Con.. .50
Gould & Curry.. .00Utah Con W
Hale & Norcross 1.95iYellew Jacket 12
Julia 00
NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Closing quotations:
Adams Con $ .SolLlttle- Chief $ .93
Alice 55jOntarlo 1.73
Breece 4SOphir .H
Brunswick Con.. .SUPhoenix 01
Comstock Tun... .97fPetoi U
Con. Cal. & Va.. LaufSavagc 47
Horn Silver l.S943irra Nevada'... .39
Iron Sliver 3.25'Small Hopes 39
Leadvllle Con4.. .W'Standard 1.99
BOSTON, Sept. 14. Closing quotations:
Adventure $ 5.00, Mohawk $ 55. SS
Altouez S.50;Mont C. & C. . S.SS
Amalgamated.. S2.13iOM Dominion. 2.2."
Am. Zinc 10.5WOcola 99.75
Atlantic 22.00, Parrot 241.90
Bingham 2.7;Qulncj 101.90
Cal. & Hecla. .. tS.00:8hftnnon 9.S3
Centennial ... 24.75Tamarack .... 117.90
Copper Range. S.23!Trlnlty 8.SS
Daly West 14.00tUnlted Copper. 38.50
Dominion Coat 76.00;U. S. Mining... 34.59
Franklin 13.2.VU S. Oil 10.90
Granby 7.2.i:Utah 45.09
Isle Royaie 20.30 Victoria 1.73
Mass. Mining. . S.00Wlnona 10.73
Mfchlgan 18.0OfWolverino 124.30
Marriage Licenses.
Mt. Tabor; Grace Deardorff. IS.
GRIMES-ROSE J. E. Grimes, 48. Che
halls; Bffle M. Rose, 2S.
41. Chetco; Harriet B. ShaoKer. 31.
HANSEN-JENSEN Oray Hansen. 49. Ce
Elum. Wash.; Marie I- Jensen. 29.
FOSTER-PBTTR3REW Richard Foster.
33. 245 Washington street; Ida Petti
grew. 2S.
M'LEAN-REES L. D. McLean. 23. 144
Nadrona street: Georgia W. Bees. 19.
HASKETT-SMITH David C. Haskett. 23.
Mt. Home. Idaho: Marie Smith. 21.
DONACA-GOODMAN William H. Doaaca.
2S. S64 Mississippi avenue. Delsima J. Cood
man. 21.
LEONARD-HAWKS R. 11. Leonard. Jr.,
36. Owyhee County, Idaho; LJIIte Hawvs. 24.
WILLI AMS-RICKERT Herbert Williams,
23. Troutdale; Mrs. Gertrude Rlekert. 19.
MUSA In-scow, foot of Mill street. Sep
tember 13. to the wife of Paul L. Muse, a
YOUNG At University Park. September 6.
to the wife of John Young, twine, boy aad
HICKMAN At Good Samaritan Hospital.
September 3. to the wife of Jacob Hickman,
35 North Seventh street, a daughter.
GRIMM At 810 Monroe street, August 26,
to the wife of Frank A. Grimm, a daughter.
JAHR At 106 Fargo street, September 7.
to the wife of Christian Jahr, a daughter.
DOWNING At 3S2 Roes street, September
18, Mrs. Isabel Downing, a native of Florida,
aged 55 years.
LIBBY At Crystal Springs Sanitarium.
September 4. John B. Llbby. a nattve of Vir
ginia, aged 54 years.
CLARK At St. Johns. September 12. Mrs.
Mao Ann Clark, a native of Pouitney. v t,
aged S3 years. 6 months and 10 days.
' DELAET At 214 Union avenue. Septem
ber 12. Francis Heno, Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Delaet. a native f Portland,
aged 7 days. Remains taken to Vancouver,
Wash., for interment.
BolldlnfT Permits.
MRS. E. ANDROSS Dwelling. Commercial
street, between .Beech street and Cook ave
nue, $1000.
E. P. M'CROSKEY Repair of dwelling.
342 Fargo street. $180.
C. S. HUNTINGTON Dwelling, Stevens
street, between East Thirty-seventh and East
Thirty-eighth. $500.
ESBERG. GUNST CO. Repair of stores.
Fifth street, between Morrison and Alder.
HERMAN EBERHARDT Repair of dwell
ing, Ross street, near Clackamas, $100.
T. O. SANDS Dwelling. Leo avenue, be
tween East Tenth and East Eleventh, $1890.
HERBERT KEMP Store, Union avenue
and Alberta street. $500.
PANY Brick vault. Seventh street, be
tween Morrison and Alder. $400.
W. MORGINSON Dwelling. East Twenty
eighth street, between East Main aad East
Madison. $2000.
THOMAS J. ELKINS Dwelling. Tentao
avenue, between East Fifteenth! and Bast
Seventeenth streets, $800. I
MRS. M. A. WILHELM Repair of dwell
ing. Johnson street, between Fourteenth and
Fifteenth, $1300.
Real Estate Transfers.
Adam Catlln and wife to C. H.
-Thompson, lots 5, 6, bloek 258.
Holladay Addition $ 1.800
L. . Lewis and wife to B. F. Kyle.
lot 2. block 5. Mount Tabor Villa M0
Land Co. of Oregon to H. D. Knopf.
lot 1. block 18. City View Park 390
T. S. McDanlel and wife to W. W.
Cox. lots 7. 8, block 13, East Port
land Heights 450
E. S. Marston aad wife to L. S. Wal
ters, lot 10, block 4, Market-Street
Addition 1,800
J. P. Menefee et al. to C. E. Grove
west lota 1. 2. block 228. Holla
day's Addition 3,800
M. R. Hershner and husband to A.
Petrie. lot 4. bloek 02. Woodstock. . 175
Thomas Medle to R. Medle, parcel
land along Mead and 5th -V 1
Manhattan Real Estate Co. to
Charles S. Sweeney, lot S, block 48.
city 100,990
William Fltedner et al. to same, lot
8. block 48. dty 200,900
Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to F.
Hastings, lot 5. bloek 8, West Pied
mont 330
J. L. Reeder and wife to Co-operative
Investment Co., lot 11. block
39. Woedlawn; let 5. block 12,
Highland Park, and other property. 50
B. M. Lombard and wife to Halite
H. Campbell, lot 9, block 00. Ful
ton Park 1
Emma M. Adams and husband to
Alice L. Gibson. 6 acres in sec
tion 14, township 1 south, range 1
east 1
F. M. Dunn and wife to R. H. Walls,
east ot 44 acres in J. Johnson
D. L. C. No. 33 590
Same to same, same 500
Clara A. Haettinger to Anna C
Haettlnger. west 10 feet .let 16,
block 68. Sunnyslde Third Addition 1
Elsie Cole and husband to Annie
Nutting. Subd. No. 1 of lot 1. block
3. Portland Homestead Assn. Tract 130
Charles Sweeney and wife to Sweeney
Investment Cc, lot 8, block 48,
city 1
H. N. Scott, trustee, et al. to M. J.
Lyon, lots 6. 7. 8, block 2, Lo
gan's Addition 1
Commercial Trust Co. to J. L. Rob- '
inson, lots 1. 2. block 3; lots 8,
0. 12. block C. Henry's Addition. 1
William Phillips and wife to Jessie
G. Burgard. lots 17, 18. block 2,j
Woodlawn Heights Addition 1
CD. Berry and wife to L. C. Bergor,
lot 8. block 2S, McMillsn's Addition 3,600
C Reed to Ellen R. Brown, 1 aere
beginning at southeast comer sec
tion 16, township 1 north, range 1
east 370
Judge Ryan's Eastern Visit.
OREGON CITY, Or.. Sept. u-(Spa-clal.)
County Judge Thomas Fl Ryan
left this -woek for Philadelphia, Pa., to
attend the Sovereign Grand Lodge of
Oddfellows, being senior representa
tive from this state which he has rep
resented at four consecutive grand
lodge sessions. Judge Ryan's col
leagues, J. A. Mills, of Salem; William
Green, of Eugene, and Joseph MIcelll,
of Rogeburg, started several days ago.
After attending the sessions of the I.
O. O. F. Grand Lodge, which conducts
its sessions September 17-23, the
Clackamas County Judge goes to
Providence, R. I., as an Invited guest
to a reunion of the Royal Arch Masons
of the New England States.
During his visit In the East, where
he will be absent about four weeks.
Judge Ryan will deliver two public
addresses on Oregon and its resources,
one address to be made at Providence,
R. I., and the other at Lowell, Mass.
Following the fraternal meetings.
Judge Ryan will be joined at Boston
by Charles Coopey, president of the
Albany. Or., Woolen Mills, when ma
chinery for re-equipping this factory,
recently damaged by Are, will be pur
chased. Upon returning to Oregon
Judge Ryan will immediately direct
his attention toward promoting his
candidacy for the Republican nomina
tion for State Treasurer.
General Slashing; 3lay Follow in
the Northwest.
TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 11. (Special.)
What may result in a general slashing of
the price of flour on the part of the man
ufacturers of the state was started today
when the makers of three brands reduced
the price 20 cents on the barrel. Pyramid.
High Flight "and White Rose have been
cut, the two former now selling at $i.5
instead of $4.75. ami the latter bringing
$4.35 in place of $4.55.
"All the manufacturers that have cut
prices belong to the Washington Associa
tion, ami it is not 'known at present
whether they intend to force the other
makers to sell at the same price or not,"
said one Jobber today: "but I expect the:
others to come around inside of a day or
two, ami it would not surprise me vary
much to see the price go still lower before
the rival concerns come to terms."
"Light Take at Hatchery.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Sept. 14. (Special.;
At the Salmon River hatchery this yeai
oaiy 1.700,000 Spring salmon eggs were
taken, as against 2.300,000 last seasnn. re
ports George Brown, who returned frorr.
the hatchery today. Operations pertain
lag to the Spring catch have been sus
pended, ami the force at the hatchery is
now devoting its time to hatching tht
eggs so that all will be in readiness foi
the Fall catch, when a larger catch is
Biggest Drive on N'orth Fork.
EUGENE. Or.. Sept. 14. (Special.) A
large log drive which J. B. and J. S.
Hills have been running down the Wil
lamette from near the mouth - of!
Fork is now arriving at Springfield. The
drive is the largest ever handled in that
river, ami a large crew of men have beec
at work with it for about four months
There are 30.060 logs in the drive, and
they will cut 13,000,000 feet of lumber.
The Portland I. Helneman, Joplln, Mo.:
C. A. Marsh. Waterloo. Ia. : A. H. Brady and
wife. Los Angeles; A. M. Mansfield, New
York; C. F. Otis. Chicago; L. C. Koster. C.
K. Smith, A. Christeson, San Francisco; W.
H. Ryan. Boston ; E. B. Del Dematyr, M. M.
Con ley and wife. Sen Francisco; W. A.
Williams, Chicago; L. S. Cates and wife.
Salt Lake; W. Llndenberger. Astoria; C. E.
Hall. New York; W. S. Evans, Knoxvllle,
Tenn.; A. F. Bridges. Chicago; E. F. Mc
Govern. San Francisco; J. Davis. Seattle;
W. G. MeCandles and wife. Pittsburg; F.
Goodman. Buffalo; D. Erdlich. New York:
J. M. Haley. New York; II. Keyoe. Minne
apolis; A. Hawkhurst. P. Hawkhurst. Chi
cago; General T. Buffum, St. Louis; G.
France. Carnegie. Pa.; Mrs. L. W. Foster, R.
R. Foster. Lo Angeles: H. L. Wakefield.
Minneapolis: P. Klein. Chicago; Dr. J. E.
Llttlenetd. Maine; F. Lithman. jr.. O. xour
ney. San Franeisco; S. A. Dunbar, Toledo,
Or.; C. H. Verclthers. C. W. Tozier and wife.
San Francisco; F. A. Langberger, Galveston;
C. Lewis aad wife. Gardiner. Me.; Mrs. Fri
day Wisconsin; M. Schrovedsky. New York:
Mrs. D. P. Patten. Miss IL Patten. Manella.
O.; Miss R. C. Hart. Cincinnati. O.; R. B.
Clark. Minneapolis; M. C. Harrison. Miss G.
Harrison. San Francisco; Mies M. Andrew.
Miss E. Andrew. C. S. Andrew. Cincinnati.
O.; J. W. Fordney and wife, J. Fordney, A.
Fordney, Mrs. J. B. Egerer. Saginaw; W. M.
Wheeler, St. Louis: G. Bettlnger, wife and
child. Mies O. Wunderlich. Los Angeles; Miss
B. Llghtner. Miss Waller. Miss Bullard.
Riverside; P. L. Davis, Oregon; E. H. Shep
herd. Hood River; D. McWllllams and wife,
S. M. Seeltgsohn. San Francisco; P. Larson.
Helena; Mrs. S. P. Marshall. Mlas A. Mar
shall E. Marshall. Miss M. E. Bunce. Mont
claim; G. F. Whyte. New York; Mrs. F. A.
Schirmer. C. T. Schlrmer. Boston; G. W.
Goetbals. U. S.. A.; A. Mackenzie. Washing
ton; W. A. Thompson and wife. Lacrosse; W.
K. Stewart, Chicago; J. Thleben, San Fran
cisco. The Perkins C. W. Tower. Seattle; A. J.
McPhersoa. Wallace; Miss M. McPherson,
Montreal; Geofcge Dunkle. Dickinson. N. D.;
R. D. Marlln and wife. Lenox. Ia.; John J.
Burns and wife, Los Angeles; L. G. Osgood.
Chicago; W. B. Tirrell and wife, Seattle; J
J. Miller and wife, Oakland. Cal.; C H. Law
son and wife. New York; W. C. Hagerty,
F. W. Neartoa, McMlnnvllIe; J. P. Roberts.
San Diego; Mrs. Towle, F. A. Gibson and
wife. San Franeisco; George W. Mills and
wife. Junction City. Kan.; A. H. Holgate
and wife. Redlanda, Cal.; W. G. Puddy, J. H.
McCalium and wife, San Francisco: John J.
Sweeney, Mrs. M. A. Rooney, New York; W.
Con ley and wife, Naponee. Ont.; D. W. Hol
lenbeck, Geneva. N. Y.; J. 11. Robbing, Am
ity; W. G. Beach. Pullman; T. II. Jolley and
wife. Alfred Jolley, Moscow, Idaho; Nicholas
Codd. Colfax; John Huffman and wife, Eu
reka. Cal.; Mrs. Walter Schumacher, Mrs. W.
A. Robinson. Walla Walla; R. Coats, Aber
deen; Fred C. Miller. Apple Grove, N. C;
J. H. Lenox. Walla Walla; S. F. Sutton and
wife. Vale; I. N. Woods and wife. Dallas,
Or.; J. Ennis. Walla Walla; H. E. Morrison
and wife, Medford; B. O. Webb and wife.
Los Angeles; N. F. Ficklln. Union, Or.;
George H. Cole and wife. Colony, Okla.
The St. Charles S. Swanson, city; G.
Murge and wife. Pendleton; Miss Edith Mc
Berney, Cambridge; W. Kirk. Marcus; O. E.
Garllck, Moro: O. W. Tucker. Warren; F.
Beandon. H. B. Beldelman; N. Linton, F.
Linton. Machlas; E. B. Feller, Monroe; E.
F. Flnke; Mrs. Sefers. Miss Sefers, Deer
Island; A. Barr; P. H. Wyman. Tacoma; R.
M. Tooder and family. Mrs. Larson, Mist
Larson. Astoria; B. Leader, Troutdale: Mrs.
C C. Klsper, EI Paso, Tex.? J. B. Wilson,
Astoria; F. L. Kent. O. Mattock. Drain; Mrs.
Wake. Oregon City; Mrs. C. D. Himyol, Mrs.
A. F. Myers. Clatskanle; E. P. Sheasley,
Beulah J. Atherton. Beryl Atherton, Yacolt;
B. Wilson and wife, Clatskanle; J. Carlson
aad wife: Mrs. E. J. Lew, J. H. Lew, Frank
Lew, Baker City; M. Blxby. Jr.. and wife,
Kelso; C. I. Hazen and wife, Houlton; C.
Hoy; John Foy. Sheridan; T. ColIInsan.
Hopewell; B. Eberman, Seaside; P. Morgan,
Wheeler; R. F. Allen and family. Forest
Home. Cat; L. A. Clements, Chatsworth,
CaL; Mrs. C. E. Cooper. Mrs. E. Harlow. H.
C. Harlow, E. E. Harlow, J. L. Harlow.
Pendleton; G. Kenolson. city; A. Anderson
and wife, Vancouver; H. Crondahl, Brook
field; W. M. Welker. Collins; J. Sauter. Mc
MlnnvllIe; P. Porter; J. Beerman. Currie; E.
B. Baldwin and wife, E. W. Hodson and
wife. Seattle; S. G. Kern, Rldgefield; H. M.
Pero. Albany; E. Gibson and family. Leonle,
Idaho; A. H. Rhode, McCoy; Mrs. R. Jones,
Echo: William Derig, The Dalles; L. E.
Bailey, Houlton; O. Alopaens. Astoria;
Emma Mall, Clay Center. Kan.; L. B. Nich
olson. Harrlsburg; William Alderman. Falls
City; B. Wilson, O. .Morris, Lebanon; E. C
Keyt, Perrydale: J. Ormiston; T. B. Smith,
Rltzville; Mrs. Jane Huntington, Catlln.
Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma.
American plan. Rates, $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma, Washington.
EnroDeon nlan. Rates 73 cent- in ti
per day. Free 'bus.