WANTED TO KENT. OWNERS AXD AGENTS "WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant bouses or Cats with our free rental department. Our vacant bouse directory lias become a recognised Institution In Portland, nun Cr64 of tenants betas weekly placed In suitable Quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this aervlce by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informs, tlon blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses in all parts of elty and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. Wo -won't allow It to remain lone Idle. H. B. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 185 to 191 1st tU YOUNG JAPANESE GENTLEMAN WANTS a nicely furnished suite of rooms with all nodcrn convenience; location convenient to buHtneac quarters; quiet neighbors; private house preferred; mention terms. Apply by let ter to A. Boshln. 447 Sth st. WANTED BOARD ONLY BY TWO YOUNG gentlemen In neat, clean and respectable piact. private family preferred; must be on West Bide and within five minutes' walk from Oregonlan bldg. Address D 17, Orego-ntan. WANTED TO RENT S FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping on West Side, but not necessarily very central, for use of lady and two daughters; will wast them for about nine mouths. Address A 21, care Oregonlan. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED HOUSE keeptng rooms or furnished cottage. Address Vat. I!b3 Lincoln st. Phone Padflc 103. WORKING MAN WANTS FURNISHED ROOM permanent; state privileges and price per month. Address O 20. Oregonlan. WANTED A MODERN UNFURNISHED 0 or 7-room house; permanent tenant; West Side. Address V 78. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 to 14 rooms, housekeeping iireferred; close in. L 21. Oregonlan. WANTED- TO C-ROOM HOUSE; MODERN. Went Side. State price and location. T 18, Oregonlan. WANTED THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, by adults. O 22, Ore gunlan. 6 TO 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, FULL Jot. West Side; prMlege buying. O 16. Ore gonlan. UNFURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE OR house of 5 to 8 rooms. Main 1970. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 2 N. 3d. Phone Hood '517. WANTED TO BORROW $1500; SECURITY. furataMngs and long lease of 70-room ho tel; beet location In city. S 19, Oregonfan. ROLLTOP DESK. ONE STENOGRAPHER'S desk, rues, chairs. For personal interview address P SO. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE OF 12 TO rooms, dose In; mut be cheap. F . Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY TEAM FOR FARM work. Address Ben Wanberg. 37 E. 7th st.. rlty. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tie of an kinds. Phone East 223S. FOB KENT. Rooms. ROYCRBST! ITS Twelfth St., cor. Yamhill. Handeome new house with new furnishings through out. Ever' modern convenience; hot and cold water; hair mattresses, large reception room, with piano for guests. Several suitos for dubs of young men or young women at moderate prices. Abo single rooms. Phone Main 1S18. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Fronting on three streets. Oth. Ankeny and Burmaae; moat central location In the dty; coot, comfortable, dean quarters t econom ical prices; rooms SOc, 7&c and $1 per day. All rooms have outside windows and front on street. Flfth-st. cars at depot to within one block f hotel. NEW LANOE HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. Oth and Washington; rates, 76c, $1 and tl.50 per day; electric lights, bells and ele vator; free 'bus to and from all trains; baths free: elegant cafe in connection. F. Lange, proprietor; Sam Baumaa, manager, formerly of Omaha and St. Louis. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large, beautiful outside rooms, elegantly furnished; will accommodate parties of S or 4 persona, at 50 cents apiece: hot baths free. Call at she Cozy. 188 and 105 7th St., one block from the Portland Hotel and 2 blocks from Postofflcc THE GARLAND. 21 Washington St., between 10th and 38th; new, modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free bathe; We, 75c. $1 er day; restaurant in building. Take "M" car at depot. Phone Red 861. 212 7TH ST., COR. SALMON NICE LARGE alr rooms, beautiful trees.- only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, PostotTice and theaters; tourist trade solidted; prices reasonable. Phone Main 2289. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ALCOVE room, with the utte of kitchen; suitable for two; $4 month; on car line; bath and borne privileges. Inquire 046 East 20th st. ' WANTED PERMANENT ROOMERS. SIN gle -or suites of roams, elegantly furnished, new; hot and cold water in each room; bath and telephone free. 207 14th st. THE ANOELUS. COR. STH-JEFFERSON STS. New. modern and nicely furnished suites and single rooms; prices reasonable; free porcelain bathe. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR Fair grounds; lawn, tres and flowers; Just what jvu want. OKI Northrup st. Phone Main 5228. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. FREE bath and phone; three Mocks from Wash ington on W. Park tit.. North, r8; private famll). "THE DORMER." 13TH AND JEFFERSON Elegant furnished rooms; steam heat; phone and bath; reasonable rates to permanont peo ple. - NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN THREB story brick, new and clean, respectable; $8 week and up. Hotel New Belmont, 188 1st. DELLHA RT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, brick building, modern .conveniences; restau rant underneath. 208 Salmon st., near 1st. LA ROE SUITE ROOMS. VERY PLEASANT home for couple, private family. minutes walk from P. O. Phone Main S&89 forenoons. FOR RENT NICE, LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor; &0c per day. 309 Holladay. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 305 12th st. 194 18TH. COR. TAYLOR LARGE FRONT rooms; bath; reasonable; no transient. Phone Pacific 140. References. SAVE CAR FARE. Room -at the Earl; uso of bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 3d st. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER ST. -NICELY furnished room, quiet and convenient; bath, phone, central location. PLEASANT ROOM. WITH PRIVATE FAM ily. 3tt blocks oouth Hotel Portland; every convenience. 248 Oth at- NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS fl.DO per week; one block car, 10 minutes ride. 160 East 34th at. LARGE WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. SUIT hWc for two; modern flat, dose In; rent reasonable 2GG 7th. TWO UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS ON first floor or will furnish to suit occupant. 14tf N. 10th st. ' j 402 FOURTH FURNISHED ROOMS. LOWER floor, walking distance, respectable location, reasonable. 43S 7TH LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen, $12; small room, $6; gas, bath, phone. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE ROOMS. $2 to ft. CO per wcok. 223 Market st-. cor. 1st bU ROOMS WITH PRIVATE FAMILY. PERMA nent or transient, board optional. Main 3S03. FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES. 129 Grand arc. near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland; SI per week up. 1st and Alder. PLEASANT ROOMS. RATES RIGHT. WALK Ing distance, 804 Taylor, cor.Tark. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. REASONABLE. S CAR to dopot and Fair grounds. 429 3d. THREE UNFURNISHED BOOMS IN BUILD ing: central. G 22. Oregonlan. 4ft ALDER-CLOSE TO BUSINESS, PERMA neat or transient; reasonable. $2 TO $4 PER WEEK. 180 4TH ST.. OVER Weils. Fargo Express office. FURNISHED ROOMS. 221 10TH ST., COR. Salmon. FOB, KENT. Roolne THE AUDITORIUM, 20S 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant furnished, brick building, .steam heat, bet and cold running water In rooms, free baths; rooms with private baths, electric light, ele vator; rooms for two. SI day, $3.50 week up; reasonable by month; tourists solicited. Booms "With Hoard PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Eupt 310 Flanders. "THE MANITOU," 201 13TH ST. LARGE, beautiful rooms or suites, steam heat, fine baths, abundant hot water, excellent meals, well served; permanent trade solicited. FINELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, suitable for four, with board, home cook ing. 205 Otto C. eor. Harris!; terms reas onable. Phone Main 5400. MODERN PRIVATE HOME WILL TAKE 2 or 3 gentlemen boarders: close in, West Side; permanent. M 22. Oregonlan. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent, S9S 12th st, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 206 ltb. Gentlemen pre ferred. Main 3SG2. ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO. HOME COOK lng, sice neighborhood; central, modern. 4S7 East Ankeny-8th. THE HAWTHONE, 221 13TH ROOMS WITH beard, good home cooking; reasonable, cen tral, on car line. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED; MODERN, private home; permanent or transient. 124 ISth. cor. Glisaa. ROOM WITH BOARD. 0S1 E. MORRISON; $5 week; 16th rt.; bath, light, phone. Union lelS. THE OZARK. 225 11TII ST. ROOMS EN Hiite or sl'.gie, board; hot and cold watsr. Flats, ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE C-ROOM fiat for Wile; 3 large bay-windows; mod ern; close In. Phone Main 325L 34 N. 10th. NEW LOWER FLAT. FOUR ROOMS. MOD em improvement., fine residence location, rent $20. Phone Bast 14S6. MODERN. LIGHT. PLEASANT FLAT, 7 large rooms, bath, newly papered. 24 ISth N. Main 4226. A MODERN FLAT. EXCELLENT LOCA tiofi: close In. Call 278 14th at., comer of Jefferson. 4-ROOM FLAT, NEW. MODERN. GAS, bath. Inquire afternoons, 1 to 4, at 412 2d. FURNISHED 4-ROOM FLAT, ELECTRIC light, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th t- MODERN S-ROOM FLAT. FRONTING RIVER near Steel bridge. Inquire 2SS Larrabee. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM b ill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; team beat, baths; free phone on each floor. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED SINGLE AND housekeeping rooms, good ear service; good view of mountains and river; cheap rent. 07 1st tL South. Take SUt-st, or S cars. 372 1ST ST. TWO OR FOUR NEWLY PA pered furnished bay-window housekeeping rooms. $1S; also three unfurnished. $11; re spectable people only. PHONE MORNINGS MAIN 4287 REGARD ing housekeeping rooms; fine home. Portland Heights; all conveniences; rent reasonable. COOL BRICK BUILDING. ARRANGED FOR housekeeping, unfurnished rooms, en suite and single. 211 Second. Salmon. ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED; GAS bath, phone; walking distance; adults. 248 Grand ave. North. Union SOW. ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITE: rooms large and airy: bath and gas; rooms newly painted. M4 Morrison. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove; good location; $L73 per week. SS2 E. Yamhill st. TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms; gas. bath and phone. J7i Main. Phone Main 4990. NEWLY FIHNISHD HOUSEKEEPING rooms, free hot baths. The Yale. 281 Grand ave. Phone East 4M1. $14 THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private family. 471 Everett st., between 12th and ISth. TWO NICELY FURJMSHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, including sink, water, and bath. &S0 Pettygrove. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite; very oeBvesisai xor imtnais. 001. Irving st.. oor. 17th. 2 OR 8 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSE keeptng; sink, kitchen, bath, gas. phone. 404 East Burnstde. FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, FURNISHED for housekeeping; two beds, piano; day or week. 220 11th et. 344 E. 2D. NORTH FURNISHED HOUSB keeptng rooms, electric light, near car lines. Phone East 2S70. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and steeping rooms, dose in; bath. tG 10th. near Stark. 418 MAIN ST.. COR. 1 1TH NICELY FUR mtsfced suite with gas range; free phone; no children. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, centrally located, private family. Main 4410. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madtson House keeping rooms, transient; bath, eteetrie light. SIS 14TH ST. ONE LARGE ROOM. NEATLY furnished for housekeeping, bath, phone. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSS keeping cloee in. Inquire 182 7th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AT S28 Montgomery t. Houses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS, STORKS. ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. List your property with us to be rented. The demand 1 greater than we can supply. Personal attention given to It by our rental department. 10s Third Street. Phone Main 46. rORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE HOMES AT ML Tabor, Urge grounds, with fruit In abundance; house has 7 rooms, with modern conveniences; is near oar line and location is very beau Hart Land Co., 100 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. SEX LARGE rooms; all modern Improvements; tinted walls, window shades; front and back yards, fine neighborhood; corner E. 22d and Coueh, Apply 751 E. BurneWe st. Phone East 211. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELECTRIC lights, gas and etc.: large let at Sunny elde $18. Vanduyn & Walton. 270 Wash ington st. MODERN COTTAGE. FIVE ROOMS, BATH, basement. 33S Madison rt. Inquire Wake field, Fries & Co. and John Klosterman, 01 N. 21st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 315. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1085. Office, 110 N. 3d ct. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 11 ROOMS, suitable for rooming-bouse, very central, Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 229 Stark sU FOR RENT MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE, large grounds, on Johnson st, Wm. G. Beck, 807 the Falling bldg. FOR RENT SEVERAL FURNISHED houses for the Winter. Continental Com pany, 208 Alieky bldg. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE, $25 month. Apply L. Y. Keody. 01-52 Union "blk., 2d and Stark sts. THREE NEW RESIDENCES IN BEST EAST Side location. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 220 Stark. NEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE basoment, 54S 2d st. Inquire 24S Llnooin st. TWO-ROOM HOUSE. OVERLOOKING THE Oaks, 3 blocks to car; $C. 85 E. 8th N. FOR RENT 800 MONTGOMERY ST.. A NEW S-room house, modem. Fnrnihhed Houses. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR. nlshed house, full of roomers; will il rur nlture on easy terms at a baixain. The Ames Mercantile Agency. A bint ton bldr. HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS FOR RENT AND FUR niture for sale, close In. arranged for 3 families; cbcap If taken at o 20. Ore- Ionian. XOK RENT. Furnish ed Honse. WANTED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS 1LlN. a 5 or 0-rooni furnished fiat for about 2$ ' months; most be reasonable rent; modem and on the West Side. D 21, Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT A NEW ly furnished 10-room souse suitable for roomers, with nice yard and porch, electric lights. Call at 12 7th sC 13-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN FINE RBSI dence locality; West Side: furniture almost new; to right party, boarders assured. Phone Main 1410. FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN 3-ROOM cottage, neatly furnished, with basement, bath, etc. In good neighborhood. Phone East 3733. WELL-FURNISHED S-ROOM HOUSE. Es tablished neighborhood. East Ankeny car line, for 3 months or longer. J 20. Oregonlan. 204 ISTH. COR. COLUMBIA NICELY FUR nished tf-roem house, modern conveniences. Morgan. 613 McKay bMg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM bouse for a year or mere. Phone morn ings to East 1213. FURNISHED HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. FROM November 1. Inquire 74C E. BurnsWe st. Phone East 1608. SNAP FINE FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT. central; compelled to sell; make offer. 331 'Mill st. Houses For Bent Furniture For Sale. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR rrtture; also take tome on eonilgnment. Part land Auction Rooms. 211 First cu Phone Main &C55. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSE In good condition. . with 2 complete folding beds, shades, curtains, carpets, etc; 3 min utes walk from Matfttoa bridge; ground rent $1.60; price $220. F IS, Ore con lan. NEW HOUSE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, six room-, strictly modern. $S5 to $45; would sell furniture. Phone Bast 3S7v. VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, furniture for sale, reasonable. Apply 309 11th sc, bet. Columbia and Clay. 7-ROOM COTTAGE, DESIRABLE NEIGH borbood; carpets, curtains and stove for sale reasonable. Phone East 2281. FURNITURE FOR SALS ROOMS, ROOM ers. walking distance, reasonable, leaving dty. 402 4th st. THE FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; house for rent. Call SSI Roes. ELEGANT FURNITURE OF S ROOMS. $125 If taken at once. Y 30, Oregonlan. NEW G-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT FURNI ture for sale. Phone Main 6S1S. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI ture for sale. S Union ave., N. Cummer Resorts. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS home accommodations, fine ocean view, and flowers, modern conveniences, noted for Its excellent home-oooked meals. Get off Necan leu hi Station. Emily Damaan. Prep. Korea, STORE. 311 STARK ST.. NEAR 6TH; brick building; high, full-sized basement; heated. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 246 Stark st. FOR RENT OR LEASE TWO LARGE etores." 145 1st and 22S Aider st,. together or separate. Inquire No. 14& 1st st., room S. FOR RENT CORNER STOREROOM; UNION ave.; desirable for saloon. J. P. Sharkey. 781 Chamber of Commerce. v FOR RENT 1ST-CLAS6 MODERN HOUSE, fine lawn. $SS. 018 K. Ankeny. Call 270 Washington. I. Vanduyn. WANTED TO RENT ROOM FOR MACHINE shop. K 22. Oregonlan. Office. VOB RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN. ufacturiag purposes, two fleers In briek building, corner 5th and Flanders sts. Fovcy Bros. Glass Co. FOR RENT-HALF FURNISHED OFFICE, every convenience; phone, etc 425 Chamber Commerce. Phone Green 462. LARGE TOP FLOOR FOR LEASE. MORRI son near Pestofftce. Suitable for offices; el evator. J 2. Oregonlan. LODGE HALLS AND GOOD FRONT ROOMS. AHsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BUILDING. Inquire White. SOS Deiettm bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated, discharges positively cured In from S to 5 days: consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder, entrance 25S AMer nc, Portland. MILL FOR SALE SASH. DOOR AND WOOD finishing mill, fully equipped, located among the lumber mills at Ballard. Wash.; ma chinery alone cost $46v; entire plant for sale at $S6Q0 by J. P. Wall, attorney, Bal lard. Wash. $1500 WILL BUT ONE OF THE BEST paying old established restaurants en Washington street if taken before the 2Sd; owner Is compelled to go to Alaska; full est investigation desired. Address B IS, Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE NEW HOTEL; good location, 70 rooms; occupied every night; all furnished complete; dearod over $3000 last month; long lease; price very cheap. Address V 18. Oregonlan. BARBERS 2-CHAIR SHOP. WITH BATH room. county seat town in best county In Oremm; fixtures, stock, etc, will Invoice $409; sell at a sacrifice on account of sick ness. Lock box 21, Mora. Or. A FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY, ICE cream parlor and nhort -order, will sell cheep; in good location, doing a good busisKva; near O. K. & N. shops. 116 Russell, Phone Scott 382. Stockham Bros. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE stock, with lease on eld-eetabltohed stand In Stayton. Or.; must sell before Oct. 1. 1006; invoice $4500. Address N. J. Gehlen. adm. Stayton. Or. PARTNER WANTS $600; MUST BK RELIA Me and sober man. for half Interest in le gitimate, fast growing bustnesi; .duties eas ily learned; references exchanged. N 22, Oregonlan. IF YOU WANT TO BUT OR SELL ANY LE gitlmale business, patents, real estate. Um ber lands, mines, etc; or borrow money, call U. S. L. & T. Co.. 14 Washington bldg. $2S0-PARTNER REAL ESTATE OFFICE. $226, partner for employment office. $100. manager, duties easily learned. J. H. IL ANDERSEN. 181 MORRISON ST. $1SD0-PART PAYMENT $ 40-room worklngmen'a hotel, rloars $150 monthly; cheap rent and worth double asked. J. H. H. Andersen, 181 Morrlron at. GREAT CHANCE FOR LARGE PROFIT, without risk; guaranteed mining stock; write for information. National Financing Co.. 203 Marquam bldg., Portland. Or. $1260 GIVES' YOU INTEREST IN BROKER age office earning $0)0 monthly; proper man needed more than cash. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 105 Third st. FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MER chandlse In good location; saka from $000 to $1000 per month. Address Lock Box S, Tangent, Or. WANTED PARTY WITH $600 TO $1000 TO lavest la poultry, near Portland; good se curity given. Express 77. Phone Main 3355. $1700 SECURES DELICATESSEN; ALSO butter and egg market; receipts $00 dally. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 165 Third st. FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS will sell cheap, saloon and restaurant doing good business. Apply SOS Irving st. 23-ROOM HOUSE: GOOD PAYING INVEST raent; osereo tor tew nays; $1150. Hatflcl tz. bmiin, jk&3 4 in su SALOON OWNER WANTS A RELIABLE man for partner: $1000 required; rare chance Call 248 Stark st- PRINTING PLANT, FIRST-CLASS. GOOD businefiti; also one Cottretl newspaper press. P 18. Oregonlan. FOR SALE RAILROAD LUNCH COUNTER doing good business. Call on or address A. Mosler. Reseburg. Or. FEW HUNDRED DOLLARS WILL SECURE valuable Interest In rich gold quartx mine A 14. Oregonlan. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. MUST SELL cigar store; last chance today; $150. 441 Washington. FOR SALE OR TRADE ROOMING-HOUSE, good loeallen. doing good buslaees. U 10. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS HOTEL REST A U rant. en account of siakness; aheap. T 10, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. ATTENTION! EXTRAORDINARY BAR galn Furniture, "lease and business of 00 welt-fnrnlshed rooms with running hot and cold water in every' room. 3 baths. T toil ets; has always made money; cleared $750 last month; this Is not a World's Fair proposition; owner forced to sell for pri vate reasons; reasonably worth $6000; will take $3200; located on car line near High ScheoL JENNINGS &-CO 332 WASH. ST. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. The Ames Mercantile Agency Is la touch with trade, dty and country. They are In a petition to give valuable advlee regarding purchase or sale aZ a business. Only le gitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngtoa Bldg. FOR SALE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. ON the S. P. R. R., an established furniture and housefurnUhing bualne&a; splendid location; SOxlOO; two floors and elevator; business cen ter of a large territory In a live, growing city; wilt sell for cash only; good reasons for selling to parties who mean 'business. Address V 12. care Oregonlan. I CAN MAKE YOUR TRIP TO THIS CITY the best business venture you ever made; our proposition Is a business to take borne with you; legitimate, permanent and profit able; you can dear $2000 each year on an Investment of $500. Call at 420 Commer cial bldg., 2d and Washington. FOR SALE RETAIL CANDY FACTORY; variety store, news route, best town In Northern California. Present owner has con ducted place successfully for 14 yearn. Other business requires hiay attention. Just the place for candy maker and wife, $9009; terms easy. Address J 10. Oregonlan. IF YOU CAN GIVE SIX HOURS PER DAY, duties light and agreeable, business perma nent and strictly legitimate, and can lavest $1000 for Interest and management, appoint Interview; the closer your lnvestlgaUon the more you will value this proposition. Ad dress J 9, Oregonlan. . FOR SALE FURNITURE AND LEASE SE lect 12-room house, vicinity 10th and Al der, clearing $300 month guaranteed; $1000, part cash. R 22. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN A GRO cery business doing a safe and good busi ness, and good location. Address 335 Rosa su Please call mornings. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. ON WASH lagtoa sL; 21 rooms; elegant new furniture; price. $1000; lease. Phone Red SSI. Thor oughly modern house FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY Ho tel doing a splendid business; owner must have money; will be sold at a bargain. 11 18, Oregonlan. $800 WILL SECURE YOU ONE-HALF IN terest la a photograph basinet; something entirely new; no experience required. J 18, Oregonlan. ' $1000 LETS INVESTOR IN ON GROUND floor, best coat mining propo4tle in the Northwest. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 185 Third at. , FOR SALE MILK SHAKE. ICR CREAM and soft drink stand en "The Trail." Fair grounds; became of sickness. R 21. Ore gonlan. A COUNTRY STORE EAST OF THE mountains, doing a good business. Inquire of J. D. Kenworthy at Wadhams & Kerr Bros. PARTNER: ALSO GENERAL AGENT; $09 to $CO capital required; light manufactur ing; enormous profits. Room 18. 22S 1st sc. CHANCE FOR YOUNG MAN WITH $20 and not afraid of work to make $26 weekly; experience unnecessary. Call 24S Stark sc QUARTZ MINE CAPITAL WANTED TO DE vdop a high-grade proposition in S. Oregon. AVrlie W. N. R&le, 731 Williams ave. WANTED FURNISHED ROOMING-HOUSE, . 10 to 15 rooms; must be cheap and cen tral; no agents. L 22, Oregonlan. OPENING TODAY FOR ENERGETIC MAN with $1200 to make $300 a month; duties easily learned. Call 24S Stark st.t BARGAIN UP-TO-DATE NEW S-ROOM COT tagc good lot. one block from car line; $1000; by owner. 847 Kerby st. $400-CROCRRY STORK. NEW. CLEAN 6tck, 14 new and clean rooms; rent only $48. J. 11. H. Andersen. 181 Morrison. CIGAR. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY store, cheap; good location; must sell, leav ing dty. Call S12 Pine, GROCERY GOOD-PAYING, WILL INVOICE, for cash, fixtures cheap, living-rooms; slck nean. N 22, Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE WITH LIVING-ROOMS. $600; corner store. Call at residence, S08 Clay, for Information. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT, owner going East. 240 Holtaday ave., east ead Steel bridge. $25 WILL SECURE 7-ROOM NEWLY FUR nlshed houfe; rent paid to September 23. 4Sd BurnsMe. MUST SELL MY CASCADIA AND ALA meda stock to raise Immediate cash. P 22, Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE NICE PLACE: CENTER OF city and always busy; price $S0t. Call 243 Stark at. $750 BUYS INTEREST GOOD-PAYING woodyard. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 186 3d et. STOCKS OF CLOTHING WANTED Replies confidential. H. Henker. 127 7th. Portland. FOR SALE TAILORING AND CLEANING business; price $S5. Phone Hood 1S33. FOR SALE GROCERY STORE AT INVOICE. Call or address 543 Williams ave $3000 LOT AND HOUSE. 9 ROOMS. 7 FRUIT trees; cash. Inquire 403 Clay. SALOON ON WASHINGTON ST. FOR SALS. H 7. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purpose. Any amount on from 3 to 10 .years time, with privilege ta repay all or part of loan after one year. Leans ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred II. Strong. Financial Agent, 242 Stark Street, LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and. respon sible firms; easy payments and strictly con fidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngtoa Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. -Month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $0.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to u $ 6.05 or $3.23 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 3D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO nian bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes, just oa bis note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended In case of slckaess. Con fidential. No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business la 49 principal cit ies. To 1 man. 223 Ablngtoa bldg. Mala 6157. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes'- Loan Co., room 710. ths Dekum, 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP oa all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main GIOQ LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 528. Also real estate loans. WANTED-$200 SECURED BY FIRST MORT gage on Improved Portland real estate. B 21. Oregonlan. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 8 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. MONEY ON MORTGAGE, CITY OR SUBUR baa; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the Alts Icy. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. HolL rxa. 0. Washington bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOAN'S. S AND C per cent, Wra. Deaholm. 225 Falling bldg. State funds loaned. O per cent. W. E. Thomas state agt-. .Multnomah. Co-. 400 Chain. Cora. MONEY TO' LOAN ON Al REALTY, $500 and up. "Portland Optical. 322 Alder. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATES. xne jforuana uun, 1 oa st, SPECIAL NOTICKS. Froposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR GYMNASIUM. SHOES DE pot Quartermaster's Office. 38 New Mont gomery st., San Francisco, Cat.. August 23. 1003. Sealed proposals, la triplicate, sub ject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock A. M.. Mon day. September IS. 1005. and at that hour opened, for furnishing and delivering at either the New York. Philadelphia. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis or San -Francisco depots of the Quartermaster Department. U. H. Army, free of drayage and securely packed for shipment, the following articles of cloth ing, equipage and materials, they being the .came for which bids will, be opened at each of the depots above named, viz.: 5000 pairs of gymnasium shoes. All articles must con form to existing standard samples aad speci fications. Standard samples can be seen at this office and specifications obtained here Quantities specified are subject to Increase 20 per cent, if desired by the department. Both early commencement and completion of deliveries are absolutely essential, and bid ders must state how soon they can com mence delivery and the rate per day and week until final completion of contract, including also the 20 per cent increase of same, if required. The Government re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereor. as the Interests of tho service may require. A guarantee la 10 per cent of the value of the articles bid for must accompany each proposal. Certified check will be accepted In lieu of written guaranty. Uaguaronteed bids, bids bafietl upon samples differing from standards or specifications, or bids for de livery at places other than specified above will not be considered. Prefesence will be given to articles of domestic production dr manufacture, conditions o( 'quality and price (Indudlng in the price of foreign produc tions or manufacture the duty thereon) be ing equal. Bidders, or their representatives, are Invited to be present. Bidders are warned against collusion tor maintaining Prices. Bids upon less quantities than ad vertised for will be considered. Bids re ceived after the hour set for opening will not be considered. Blanks for proposals and full lnforrcaUon will be furnished upon ap plication to this office Envelopes containing propomht to be indorsed. "Proposals for Clothing and Equipage, to be opened at 10 o'clock A. M.. September IS. 1005." C. A. Devol, Major and Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. SALE OF WATER BONDS SEALED PRO pasals will be received by the clerk of the Water, Committee of the City of Corvallls. Benton County. Oregon, until October Oth. 1805. at 6 o'clock P. M.. for the purchase of part of all of a $75,000 bond issue of said dty. Said bonds are authorized by special Legls , lative act of 1005. and Issued to pay for the construction of a gravity water-works sys tem, bear Interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, la denominations of from $100 to $1(40. payable semi-annually, and are paya ble at Corvallls. Oregon. In U. S. gold coin. 48 years after date of issue, at the rate of $2000 annually after 7 years, with option to pay entire Issue at end of 10 years or any time thereafter. The assessed valuation of the City of Cor vallls 11004) was $S34.S50. of which the ac tual value Is $1,250,000; population within corporate limits. 2400; no bonded debt; gen eral warrant Indebtedness. $22,000. of which $15,000 Is for construction of sewer system. Said Water Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bras. Each offer must be accompanied by a certified check for 2 per cent of amount of bid. to be forfeited if bid Is accepted and not completed. September Oth. 1C05. S. L. KLINE. Clerk. THE ILLINOIS COMMISSION OFFERS FOR sale Its property on the Exposition grounds, constetlng of the Rest Pavilion. Abraham Lincoln Home, and all furniture contained therein, except exhibits, pictures and loaned property. Offers will be received In writing, when accompanied by certified check for 18 per cent of the amount thereof, for all. or any portion of the above-described property, until September 25th. The Commlrision reserves the privilege of refusing any or all bids received, and of sell ing all or any portion of said property at any time prior to September 25th. All communications should be addressed to Fred H. Hand. Executive Commissioner, Illi nois State Building. Exposition Grounds, Portland Oregon. GENERAL DEPOT. Q. M. DEPT.. JefTer sonvllle. Ind.. Aug. 18, 1005. Sealed pro posals in triplicate, indorsed on cover "Pro posals for Q. M. Supplies." aad addressed to undersigned, will be receive here until 10 o'clock A. M.. September 19. 1905. for sta tionery, wagons, wagon parts, harness, ranges, range parts, hardware and miscel laneous euppllea. required for replenishment of stock, as per schedule, which will be furnsshed on application to this depot and the depots at San Francisco and New York City. Preference given to article of do mestte production or manufacture. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. J. M. Marshall. Asst. Q. M. Genl.. Depot Q. M. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF fice. Boise. Idaho. September 14. 1805. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 A. M.. October 4. 1005, for constructing, plumbing, hot-water heating aad electric wiring of a briek hospital at Boise Barracks; Idaho. Information fur nished on application. U. S. reserves right to reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Proposals should be enclosed In envelope, sealed, marked ''Proposald .for " and ad dressed to Major R. B. Turner, Q. M. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BLDG.. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 12. 1003. Sealed pro posals for dredging Gray's Harbor and Che balM River. Wash., will be received" here until 12 M.. October 12. 1905. and then pub licly opened. Information furnished on ap plication. F. A. Pope. Lieut. Engrs. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK hotders of the Multnomah Fair Association for the purpose of electing directors to serve for the ensuing year and for such, other busi ness as may properly come before the meet ing, will be held Tuesday. October 3, 1005, at S o'clock P. M., in the hall on the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce building. Portland, Or. L. H. ADAMS, Secretary. Miscellaneous. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH County. Oregon: Notice Is hereby given that on Monday. October '-. 1905. the Board of Equalization of Multnomah County will at tend at the office of the County Clerk of said county and publicly examine the assess ment rolls for the year 1005. and correct all errors is valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property, and It is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed, and if It thall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other prop erty assessed twice or In the name of a person or persons not the owner of the same. or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any latmn. tots ur ouier property not. as sessed, said Board of Equalization shall make the proper corrections. B. D. Sigler, County Assessor. Portland Or.. September 0, 1906. PORTLAND, ORt? SEPTEMBER 14. 1005. Tse partners nip Heretofore existing between James F. Johnson and James M. Luther Us this day dissolved, by mutual consent, Mr. J. F. Johnson continuing the businera and will pay all outstanding claims against the firm of Johnson & Luther, and collect all accounts due the firm of Johnson & Luther. (Signed.) James F. Johnson. .James M. Luther. PERSONAL. STYLISH VISITING CARDS PRINTED TO order. 50 forvaSc. 100 for SOc; business eards, 260 for $1. 500 for $1.75. The A. W. Schmale Co.. 228 1st, Diseaeses of Women a Specialty X-Radlum Medical Institute; consultation free: 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c Ladles' skirts pressed, 50c Gilbert, 100 Oth st,. next to the Quelle Phone Clay 303. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KINDS OF waists, klmonas. muslin underwear, etc. be low cost. Sing Chong Co., 333 Morrison st. DETECTIVE OR SECRET SERVICE WORK; strictly confidential; difficult cases solicited. Room 14 Washington bldg. A CHANCE TO EARN A THOROUGH course In. French, German or Spanish, X 21, Oregonlan. " YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO GIVES face and scalp massage. 110 4th. cor. Washington. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; lists free Coin Co.. 115 N. 11th. St. LoubJ, Mo. TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN BLDG.; gents all night; ladies all day. Main 193S. JOHN HENRY HORNIBROOK INFORMA- 110a is aesirea oy nis sister. Lessie Wagner. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. IdaRczaor, 127 11th. Tel. Mala 4333. MISS MAKI, graduate of Finland, massags and baths; ladles only. 406 Ablngton bldg. Facial massage, electric and magnetic treat ments. . i-arwr 21. 6avi Stark, The Tacoma LA VXDA FACE ROUGE, FREE SAMPLES at Paris Hair Store. SOS Washington sr. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF ttikecc ana surgery-, a noor, Alisky bldg. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DI3 eases. 434 Alder sr. Phone Mala 4S32L SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50o AT HOLLA baugh's. 287 Taylor, bet. 3d aad 4 th. I BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND" EXCHANGED 4 at ice uis hook more. s xaraolu at. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECICK. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural corrsc tloalst, beauttfler and restorer of youthful aess. may be consulted dally free; every affiictloa of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc, removed. Sanitarium aad school of dermatology la connection. Par lors 3C4 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. DETECTIVE AGENCIES CONFIDENTIAL Investigations; reports made oa any individ ual, business or property; bocks experted; beat city references; charges reasonable; cor respondence solicited. Oregon Detective Service, offices 314-315 Columbia, bldg.. 305 Washington at. Phone Mala 3815. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL Kinca 01 leathers and boas cleaned, curlea aad dyed; best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 106 6th, Portland. Or. Phoae Clay COS. Residence. 249 Harrisoa. Mala 4443. "Book of Nature." "A Social Lion." "Forbid dea Fruit," "Woman of Fire." "What Dora Did." "Agnes." "Dangerous Delights," "Her Fatal Passion." 50c ea. Headquarters for sou venir post, cards. A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 1st. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $ I a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed oa, rips sewed up. Prompt calls aad deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. LADIES. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatment, I teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used ta your own home Address 1401 1st ave. Seattle SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th sr,, two doors from East Ankeny; car line. Phone East 260. SEXINB PILLS POSITIVELY GUARAN teed for all forms of weakness or nervous ness; $1 a box. G for $3. Full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. drugglat, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. C. A. JACKSON MRS. IDA JACKSON. 83 Franklin st., Buffalo. New York, wants In formation of her son, C. A. Jackson, who was last heard from la Portland some time ago. Please communicate. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY OIL. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. The "Matrimonial Register," 10c. contains de scriptions and particulars of several hundred residents of Or. ar. 1 Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Society. Russel bldg. SUPERFLUOUS HAIJU MOLES. ETC, RE moved by electric needle; lady operator; II years' experience la Portland. Parlors 243 0th St.. near Mala. Phone Mala 1109. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25c a box. Write or call at Eysoell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison sr.. betweea 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores, Washington and Oth and Morrison and 5th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 5473. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A SCOTCH COLLIE. WHITE, BROWN . head, brown spot on each side, brown hips, black spot on tall; any one furnishing In formation as to whereabouts or bringing same to T. B. McDevltt. 352 Washington st.. will be liberally rewarded. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREOO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest aad conviction of any one caught stealing The .Oregonlan from the doom of Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. LOST SEPTEMBER 13. BETWEEN THE Marquam Grand and the corner of Oth and Taylor ms., a pink rock crystal breastpin. Finder will be rewarded by returning Nau's drugstore. LOST MONDAY MORNING. PORTLAND Heights car, gray waistcoat with gold fraternity pin. Return Greenley' & Crawford 204 Washington. Reward. LOST SMALL YELLOW MEXICAN poodle, quite hairy about head, shoulders and hips; brown eyes, black nose Phone Scott 2194; reward. FOUND WEDNESDAY EVENING. A NEW umbrella; owner call at 512 Savier St.. 7 to 8. Thursday or Friday evening; ask for Brown. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST BLACK HORSE. WEIGHT ABOUT 1250; information same rewarded. 480 N. Union ave. Phone Union 4S1. LOST-GOLD ROUND ROSETTE PIN WITH sapphire. Return to 3S5 Third, cor. Mont gomery, or phone Main 5S37. LOST A CRESCENT PIN, SET WITH GAR. nets. Finder please leave at Oregonlan; re ward. LOST BUNDLE SLIPS. FINDER RETURN Defiance Tea Co.; reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers und Analysts. THE J. IL FISK ASSAYINO OFFICE Greenley & Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. 204 Washington at. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 203 STARK st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought, 90 1st st. Attorneys-nt-Law. V. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed, air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main 5334. East 2501. Carpenters and Builders. New homed built, old ones renewed; prop erty bought and sold. Gordon, 20S 4th. W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, gener al Jobbing, contracting. 380 Stark. Main 5831 Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVBNY, THE only scientific chlrpodlsts; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg., 102 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking fqr. Clairvoyants. PROFESSOR ST. CHARLES AMERICA'S GREAT ADVISER. While in a trance calls your full name, gives names of departed ones, and tells you how to make life a success. If sick or In trouble he Is your friend. If others have failed, try one more. His advice never falls, professor St. cnaries is a graduate of the Chlro College of London, and a master of occult science. It pays to go to him for advlee. At a glance he knows what is wrong, and has an answer for you. Mediums are developed, and life is more endurable after a reading from Professor SL Charles, 343 Morrison St., near Port land Hotel. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE MEDIUM. 7 YEARS IN PORTLAND. 308 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. He will tell you your full name. age. occu patlon.' whom and when you will marry and what you coll for without asking a question. Advice oa ousiness. neaita. min ing and all affairs of life. If you are sick, call today. Hours, 9 A. M. to 8 P. II., dally and Sundays. 303 WASHINGTON ST. GYPSY ZENOBfA Tell post, present and future. No matter what your troumes are, ene win help you. Room 323 Vllsky bldg., Morrison and 3d. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front st.. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock: bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front aad Davis sts., Portland. Or. Dancing and Elocntloa. Mrs. Nina Larowe's Hall, 2Sd and Kearney. Iaqulre till 1P.M. aad after 7. Mala 2323. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects tho living. J. T. Mltchcl. Sup. Sec 012-015 Marquam bldg Northwest Viayl' Co. LEWIS BLDG., PARK AND MORRISON . etc. Call or send, stamp for Health Book. BUSINESS DlRECIOKXf Educational, KINDERGARTEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS, conducted toy the Sisters or St Mary s Academy and College. Fourth and Market streets; opened September 5. ' Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE salc saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. 60-36 1st. Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. WH OLE sale saddles and harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st- JOHNSON & LUTHER. , CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. 54 6th. st. Jonk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK"" & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallcw. old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. S TROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S5S. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1S9 Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers of all kinds; cut stock, findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 5th. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS; no agents; 20 per cent saved at Weeks. 720 Front, opposite Falling School; take S car. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAW mlll. logging machinery'; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 21S Grand ave Osteopathy. DRS. ADDC & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DB kum bldg., 3d and Washington. Phones: Office, Main 349; residence. Main 1503; East 1023. Exams, free Sundays by appointment. Dr. Arnold Lindsay. 410 Failing bldg. Phone Qay 138; graduate of Klrksville College of Osteopathy. A specialist oa rheumatism, stomach troubles and all female diseases. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH, graduates Klrkvllle. Mo.. 400 Oregonlan bldg. Phone Main 1242. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIOHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. -Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL; Mala 710. Rubber stamp?, seals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; perfect retainer; positive cure; book free. Address Dr. Pierce, 200 Kearny St.. S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH S lnch thick doors, fire and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prlsoa work, lockouts opened; repairs. J. H. Davis, CO 3d. THREE SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE cheap. 34 3d st. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; highest price paid for scrap Iron and metals. 214 Fronc ilaln 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LTJTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR, Oth and HoyL Phono Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 34S lat. near Market. Phono Clay 1644. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; alt In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of lite, business. love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 let; hours, ! A. SU to 8 P. M. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST ME dium. 145 Oth, room 21. Tel. Hood 104. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CoN sulted. 00 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. Main 0179. MRS. STANLEY, MEDIUM," 107 4TH. Phone Clay 337. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE, moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 123 1st. a M. Oisen. Tel. Main 547. C. O. PICK, OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 500. Pianos and furniture mo red and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 34 N. FRONT st,, household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. DESIRABLE COMMERCIAL STORAGE, close In; use of elevator; low Insurance; would receive and reshlp if desired. No. 241 Front St., cor. Main. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407, Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Pr. 5ku" BA MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON President. R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit iaaued, avail able la all parts of the world. Collectlonsr a spedalty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco. Cal. President HOMER S. KTNrj Gen Man. of Branched W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,525,000 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit Issued available In all par's of tho world. Interest paid on timo deposits, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE .Manager j. T. Burtchaell. . ......... .Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak sta. Transacts a. General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available in all cities of the United States aad Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. ATNSWORTH Vice-President... W. B. AYER. Vice-President R. LHA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A, M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent ot the United States. President... - A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available Is Europo and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London, Parla, Berlin. Frankfort-on-tbo Main, Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Christ lanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General bonking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates lar sued, 3 to 4 per cent; special certificates (not under $500), 34 to 4 per cent on short call. Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS."" Phone Main 453. 100 Third St. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vlce-PresldenS B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic- transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. St. Louis. Denver, umana, ban Francisco and various points in Oregon, Washington and Exchange on London, Paris, Berlin. Frank fort, Hongkong, lokonama. Manila and Hono lulu. JjnBjBjjnjjnM