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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
THE MORNiya OBEGQyiAN THURSD AYV SEPTEMBER 14, 1905. RULES IN C1UCT Engineer Lewis Says They Should Be Submitted. 1 AGREEMENT IS IRONCLAD State Officer .Points to Terms Of fered Settlers by &Jq Deschutes Irrigation & Power f. Company. SALEM. Or- Sept. 13. (Special.) Be oause tfee Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company has already embodied in its oMttraets with settlors many rules gov erning the supply and-distribution of wa. lor. State Engineer Lewis thinks it Is ttaae general rules were adopted on the subject and approved by the State Land Board. This recommendation he made and strengiy urged at the meeting of the Beard tait Monday, when the company presented its request that the State Land Board apply to the Government for a patent to the 77,000 acres the company ctoimc to have roclalmed. Manager J. O. Johnston, in behalf of the Irrigation company, argued that the adoption of rules and regulations is a vary serious matter, for the rules when once adopted will probably remain In force for many generations, hence the 'board should not act hastily. , Tne ironclad agreement which the com pany na Incorporated In Its contracts, whoreoy the settler makes the terms of toe contract a part of the deed from the Ktate. even though the state refuses to recognize such contracts, seem to form tne chief basis for Mr. Lewis desire that mln be adopted In the near future. He to of tne opinion that if the company can make rules in Its contracts it can also .submit tbem in the form of rules for the approval of the State Land Board, and that making general rules Is no more serious a matter than Incorporating agreements in contracts made by settlers before they acquire title to land. The contract which the reclamation company makes with settlers fixes the sstonnt of water to be furnished, the tne within which It may be furnished. and the purposes for which It may be "nsed. It contains agreements rogardlng tn waiver of claims for damages in case of fattnre of water supply for certain oaupeis and aleo agreements resrardinjr the dletrtbtrtion of water pro rata In case of ! iiiiiniii v : After making various other provisions repardlag the use of water by the settler, tn contract closes with a section author izing the State Land Board "to Incorpo rate this contract in Its deed for said premises: and in the ovent that the same Is not so incorporated, then this contract amy be treated as an exhibit to said deed and a part thereof to the same effect and Intent a If therein written and incorpo rated." Still stronger provisions are contained i tne release of Hen which the company iftsnec to settlers before they can secure eene from the state. In this document it fc stipulated that if the State of Ore poo snail neglect or refuse to embody the i-rns ana conditions r the contract In it deed, then the settler, his heirs and nartgni; agree that the contract shall for ever be deemed, between the parties tnereto. to be a part of the deed as fully as U written at length thoroln. anything In said dood to the contrary notwith standing. la speaking of this matter today. Gov ernor Chamberlain said that he does not believe that settlers will be bound by agreement made in the contracts, nor tnat the contracts can be made effective a part of the state's dcods, If such agree ments dUTer from the provisions of the law and the rules and regulations to be approved by the State Land Board. If. however, the agreements are found Ao be binding forever upon the occupants- of the land, he does not believe the State Land Board will Issue deeds unless the con tracts are first canceled. The Governor says that If intending set tlers have been roauired to make agree ments not contemplated by the law. the state eaa correct the matter by refusing to tosnc deeds to such settlors. KOSHBURG FAIR OPEXS. Creditable Lot of Exhibits and Good Racing Programme. ROSBBURG, Or.. Sept. 13. (Special.) The twelfth annual District Pair was opened here today under favorable aus pices. The pavilion exhibits are bettor and more extensive than evor before snown here. The blooded llvostock is also the best ever exhibited here. In the live stock Mnc. the exhibits are porhaps Iosb extonslve than at some former fairs, but this is more than made up in the value of the pure-blooded animals now to be seen on the grounds. The horticultural products exhibited cannot be excelled anywhere. The agri cultural section Is also well filled. In the domestic, fancy work and art depart ents. unusual Interest is shown, and the displays are very comprehensive. Good racing programmes have been ar ranged for each day, and some very fast fcorsea are now at the track, which Is In excellent condition. A feature of local latere is saddlohorse racos scheduled for each day. A Mght shower has cleared the atmosphere, and a successful fair seems assured. SHINGLES ARE ON THE RISE Effect or Agreement of Millmen to Shut Down for Three Months. TACOMA. Wash.. Sept 13. (Special.) A second advance In the price of shingles Is announced by millmen. This Is, in part, the effect of the recent agreement among bJngte manufacturers on Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor to close their mills for ree months, beginning December L A month ago the prevailing price for Eastern shipment was J1.25 a thousand. Today local firms are taking orders at 51.15. Shingle men state that Jobbers have awakened to the fact that the manufac turers mean business. The close of lake traffic about November 1 always has the effect of Increasing prices, but never so early as at present. The prospective car shortage, too, encourages Eastern dealers to buy heavily. Shingles are-at least 10 cents higher today than a year ago. PETITION AGAINST SALOONS Forest Grove Council Has It Read and Defer Action. FOREST GROVE, Or...Sept. 12. (Spe cial.) At the meeting- of the City Couticll last evening City Recorder' King, who Is about to move to his farm near town, resigned his office and J. C Clark wa olectcj in his place. Mr. Clark has served two terms in the posi tion and is familiar with the duties. A petition which had "Been circulated by the W. C. T. U., ana which had tho signatures of over 100 voters and 440 women citizens, was presented praying the Council to put a stop to the sale of liquors In" ommerj:lal cluba- and otjcr uha'uthbrjiedr places,"" of Sfolch there are two ' or three now running publicly. The Mayor anj a majority of the Council said they were elected on the license issue and had attempted to license saloons, but the temperance people had tied their hands so far by injunction and they did not consider themselves responsible for present con ditions. They now had two suits pend ln in court, which would probably be decided in a couple of months, and they were not in favor of any more lltlga tlon until they had a decision of the Supreme Court denning: their rlshta in controlling- the sale or liquors. No ac tion was taken on the petition. . GIRL HEROINE AT BEXD. Terribly Burned in Saving: Life of V a Babe. BEND, Or., Sept. 13. 3r6ce Kever, of Bend, is a candidate for the Car "negle medal for heroes. By her prompt action she saved the life of the baby xf- Mrs. Rowlee, for whom she works as nurse g-irL In doing- so she suf fered severe burns upon her arms, back and side and risked her own -fife in saving- that of her charge. In lighting- the alcohol lamp, the g-lrl ignited the bottle of alcohol with which she had filled the lamp. The bottle burst and the flames spread quickly over the baby. The glri ex tinguished the flames on the child's clothing-, and her own dress caught fire. Running- out of the room, she put the Infant In the arms of Mrs. Rowlee, and ran towards the river to extin guish her burning- dress. A tub of water stood on the porch, and she tipped this over, quenching- the flames. Grace Kcver is but 15 years- old. In addition to the painful bums on her body and arms, there are blisters on her neck and her hair Is singed. She save no heed to her own danger until the child's safety was assured. Nothing- but her prompt action saved the life of the baby. ELECT! HI TO SALEM PORTLAND CONSOLIDATED PEO PLE BEHIND THE PROJECT. Plant of Citizens' Light & Traction Company at Oregon State Cap ital Is Purchased. SALBM, Or., Sept 13. (Special.) Man ager "Welch, of the Citizens' Light &. Traction Company, In this city, who re turned from Portland tonight, announces that the party of Eastern capitalists be hind the Portland Consolidated Railway Company has purchased all the Interest in the local plant heretofore owned by L W. Anderson, of Spokane, and the firm of Rhodes, Slnkler & Butcher, of Philadel phia, and will take Immediate possession. Among the principal projects of railway extension contemplated by the new man agement Is the connection of Salem and Portland by electric railway, to be pro moted in the near future. Extensive building of lines out of this city and southward through the Valley is also con templated. Negotiations for this sale 'have been pending for some time, but have been conducted very quietly. The Philadelphia capitalists who sold out their interests came to Oregon two weeks ago and looked over tho property here and since that time have been In Portland arrang ing the details of the deal. The consid eration of the sale Is" not known, nor was 1 the amount of the Interest sold made public The local company Is capitalized atJ $206,000 and owns not only the electric light, streot railway and electric power plant but also the gas plant The com pany has an option on water powers on the Santlam near Mehama and through its agents has an option on the purchase of a source for a water supply for a new water system for Salem. Since the present management took control of the local streot railway system, many Important improvements have been made. Heavy rails have been laid, larger cars of greater speed have been put In use and the old narrow-gauge tracks have been made standard gauge. Ralls and ties have Just been purchased and distributed for an extension south ward to the county rock quarry and the line will in all probability be extended immediately to Liberty, four miles south. Plans of the new owners of the oon trollng Interest concerning tho com mencement of construction work between Salem and Portland are not known here. SOME SAMOANS DISSATISFIED Talk of Revolt From German Rule In Updo. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Sept 13. (Spe cial.) Captain Sangberg, of the schooner Oceania Vance, who reached here a few days ago from Apia, Samoa, after a voy age of 40 days, says that there is much discontent among the natives of the Island of Upolo, of which Apia is the chief port with German rule, and that a revo lution was talked of when he was there. One cause of dissatisfaction is the fact that in the island of Tptulla, where Amer icans are In control, labor is much bolter paid. Pango Pango Is the chief town on the Island of Tutulla, and has the finest port of any of the islands. While at Apia, Captain Sangberg wit nessed a feast of natives of all the Islands at which 20.000 persons were present The occasion was the dedication of a Catholic church composed of cement and built by the natives. The wrecks of several warships which went ashore at Apia during the hurricane of years ago are still to seen. Captain Sangberg, on his arrival here, turned-over the Vance to Captain Jorgen sen. whose leg was broken shortly bofore tne vessel sailed. Jor-Apia. Found "With Bird on Him. ALBANY, Or., Sept 13. (Special.) Frank Caldwell, residing south of Albany, appeared in Justice of the Peace "W. S. Rlsley's court today and pleaded guilty to killing Chinese pheasants out of sea eon. The Justice Imposed the minimum fine of $15 and costs. Young Caldwell was found crossing a field with the bird in his possession last evening. Deputy Game Warden L A. Munkers made the discov ery, and let Caldwell go on a promise to plead guilty today. This is the second ease of violation of the game law to come before Linn County courts this season. Large Fruit Dryer Destroyed. EUGENE, Sept 13. (Speolal.) The large fruit-drying establishment of HenBlll & Stlnson, on their fruit farm. six miles north of Eugene, burned at an early hour this morning, and Is a total los. This was one of the largest fruit dryers in this , county and was only a few year's old. It was worth about $7003, and wai covered by In surance. Find an Apparent Shortage. OLYMPIA, Wash., Sept 13.-SpeclaL) Experts who are going over the County Treasuver's books since 18S3 have discov ered, it is reported, an apparent shortage of $1065 during tho administration of George Geibach, from 1K3 to 1BS7. ' Mr. Gelbach is now in Idaho. Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar rhoea .Remedy., curea diarrhoea and dys entery -in all forms and in all stages.. It never falls. For aale by all drugguts. FOR GREATQRCHARD Rich Tract Near Lewiston to Be Irrigated. PLANS ARE NOW COMPLETE Portland Capital Back of Company That Has. Secured Control of -10,000 Acres of tho Finest Land in Northwest. LEWISTON. Idaho. Sept 13. (Special.) Through filing of condemnation pro ceedings in the District Court here today for land on Craig Mountain, news became public of a big Irrigation project that is under way for this section of country. The project Is of vast importance to this community and involves the expendi ture of a large sum of money. Hartman, Thompson & Powers, well-known invest ment bankers of Portland, are at tho head of the enterprise. Suits Just filed involve the condemnation of lands which will be the initial reservoirs of the proj ect and plans for early work on canals and laterals which will bring water over land comprising 40,000 acros south and east of Lewiston are being rapidly pushed. Mr. Powers, who has been looking after the enterprise, has been in Lewiston many times, but his plans have been worked out so quietly that up to this time no statement has been issued by him or by his associates. "With Mr. Powers are strong capitalists of Portland, San Francisco and Lewiston, and no stock Is being sold nor any company organized to handle the project the financing of the same remaining in first hands. F. D. Warner, of Portland, Is manager here for Mr. Powers, but could not bo seen today relative to plans of the enterprise. There Is perhaps no finer body of land in the entire Northwest than that which lies In the district south and east of Lew iston, and while these lands are seml arld In nature, there has been no year when a crop failure has been recorded. The promoters have quietly secured a large area of land. The plans are under stood to be to convert the lands into orchard tracts, making it the largest irrigated district adapted to deciduous fruits In the entire Columbia and Snake River Basins. SECRETARY NICHOLS IN A HUFF , Resents Apparent Intent to Undo tho Work He Had Accomplished. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Sept 13. (Special.) That the members of the State Tax Com mission are attempting, without author ity, to dictate the polio of the State Board of Equalization, when the law of 1903 made them members of the board this year only to enable them to gain informa tion for their own work, were assertions made by Secretary of State Nichols, at a short, but warm, sosslon of the Board of Equalization this aftornoon. Mr. Nichols, who, under the provisions of the law, has served on the Board of Equalization for five annual sessions, took affront at a motion made by Chairman T. D. Rockwell, of the new Tex Commis sion, that it was the pense of the board that the counties of the state should bo reclassified for the purposes of equalizing the .state taxes. Mr. Nichols, apparently, took this motion to be a criticism of the classifications of last year, at which time the board was composed of himself, the State Auditor and the Land Commis sioner. Mr. Rockwell said that he believed he had a right to make a motion, and that he did not consider the making of it to be an attempt to dictate to the board. Aud itor Clausen and Land Commissioner Ross attempted to smooth matters down by pointing out that the board was not ready to take up the matter anyway, inasmuch as all county reports were not in. Rock well thereupon withdrew his motion, but Nichols left the room. A private conference was immediately called of the members left by Auditor Clausen. It was decided that a motion to reclassify was not necessary, that the board should proceed to classify the coun ties without reference to last year's work and without terming it a reclassification. ABNER WEED HAS SIGNED TJP Government Requirements Nearly Met on Klamath Project. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.) Abner Weed, of Dunsmulr, Cal.. signed up his entire excess land holdings, amounting to 7400 acros, with the Klamath Water-Users' Association this afternoon. This makes 72 per cent of the total excess land under the lower project whose owners have signed the excess deeds, only lacking 3 per cent of the amount asked by the Government LIKE 11 SPONGE HEAVY RAINFALL QUICKLY AB SORBED IN THE PALOUSE. First Sloisturc That Has Been Pre cipitated in That Section Since Juno S3. GARFIEl3p. "Wash.. Sept 13. (Special.) Rain for the first time in SI days has been falling In copious showers through out the entire Palouse country since morning. Tho wheat crop here is one of tho largest in the history of the Palouse, but not a drop of rain lias fallen since June 23, on Inch falling on that date. Since 6 this morning rain has been falling until the rain gauge registers one inch in 12 hours, the parched earth drinking it In quickly. The oldest pioneer wheatgrower says this is the llrst year in the history of the country but what rain has fallen at har vest time. Senator McCroskey, the wheat king, aays this Is the longest dry spell ever known In the Palouse country. "I have raised wheat here for 18 years," he said, "and this Is my first dry harvest experience. Indications are that the rain will continue through the night" No Damage to the Grain. COLFAX. Wash.. Sept 13- (Special.) Nearly half an inch of rain fell through out the Palouse country since 1 o'clock this morning, stopping all harvest work. No damage is feared to the grain, which is unusually hard and dry, but the rain will bo of inestimable value to Fall pas ture, late fruit and sugar beets. This is the first rain that has fallen In more than two months, and the ground was dryer tlian It has been in many years. Insures Start for Fall' Grain. THE DALLES, Or., Sept 13. (Special.) The last 24-Iiours has .seen the breaking of the . long and unusual dry spell throughout Wasco County. Over half an inch of rain has fallen In . that time, which, according to the weather record, is more than the ordinary fall at this reason. This Insures a splendid start for the Fall grain, the seeding o which Is now going on throughout the grain-growing belt Forest Fires Checked. GRANT'S PASS, Or., Sept 13. The first rain for over three months fell In this city and over Josephine County yes terday. Because of the unusual dryness, the deep dust and parched condition of things generally, the rain is of great ben efit Forest fires, burning in the sur rounding mountains, are checked by the heavy showers, and the atmosphere is cleared of the dense smoke. CAR HITS A PATROL WAGON Bay. City Policeman Will Die of Numerous Fractures. SAX FRANCISCO. Sept 13. Policeman Thomas F. Bean, while on a patrol wagon tonight, received injuries that will result In his death. The wagon was on the way to secure a prisoner, when it was struck by an electric car. The vehicle was dashed against a telegraph pole and bad ly damaged. Bean was pitched Into the door of the Harbor Emergency Hospital. He sustained fractures of the head, legs and arms. The driver, George Shepston. was badly hurt Acrobatic Youth Tumbles. ALBANY, Or., Sept 13. (SpedaL) Wil lie, the 9-year-old son of OHe Saltvelt was performing acrobatic feats with some companions today, when the former fell, suffering a severe fracture of tho left thigh. The boy was near the top of a lad der, which his companions were holding in an upright position, and fell to the ground. HAMILTON IS IN lilt RE3IITTANGE 3IAN WAS OUT OF FUNDS. Kept In Seclusion of Union-Street Lodglng-Housc at- Seattle and ' Alarmed -His Friends. SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept 13. (Special.) James Hamilton, the son of Sir James Hamilton. Brigadier-General In the Brit ish army and a nephew of the Duke of Abercorn, has been living In seclusion In a Union-street lodging-house. Young Hamilton himself made his presence known and offered the explanation for his disappearance that his funds had given out and he was waiting 4for a remittance. Money must come either from the Duke of Abercorn or from ex-Mayor Grove, of Redding, Cal., another uncle. Hamilton's semi-annual remittance of 5300 Is due late this month from the Duke of Abercorn. and the young Englishman will use the money to go to London to Join his mother. In the meantime T. Wiedemann, who has known young Hamilton since he came here with his mother and her coachman husband who she married after Sir James Hamilton's tragic death, is taking care of the remittance man. ROBBED OF HER JEWELS. Mrs. G. W. Dnvis Loses Handbag and Contents on the Fljer. TACOMA. Wash., Sept 13. (Special.) Mrs. G. W. Davis, of Portland, was robbed of a handbag containing Jewels valued at $430 while making the trip from Seattle to Tacoma on the steamer Flyer last night. Mrs. Davis remembers having the Jewels when she left the Lincoln Ho tol. In Seattle, and believes she was robbed while at the dock In Seattle, where there was a large crowd. Today Mr. Davis no tified the Seattle police of the robbery. Included In the stolen Jewelry was a sunburst worth $3W. Diamond earrings worth 51000 were saved, Mrs. Davis having taken her husband's advice to wear them. Dead Body by Roadside. GRANT'S PASS. Or.Sept. 13. Yester day afternoon the body of a man was found dead by tho roadside. In the lonely pine woods along Rogue River, seven or eight miles below here. A farmer coming to Grant's Pass for supplies discovered the body. The bloodstains about the body, and the condition of the road, would indi cate that murder had been committed. The dead man's Identity Is not known, but it Is believed he was either going to or from the hopflelds on the Lower Rogue and Applegate. Boy Will Recover From Shock. WOODBURN. Or.. Sept 13. (Special.) Ben Eldrldge. of Champoeg, who was struck by lightning as he was returning from the flophouse to the house, will re cover. But little hope was at first enter tained that he would survive the great shock. The electrical bolt struck the left side of his face and descended through his body. The report that a Portland woman hop picker was struck by lightning near Hub bard turns out to be Incorrect Hops Benefited by the Rain. WOODBURN. Or.. Sept 13. (Special.) The rains helped the hope and the outlook seems brighter, provided the rains cease. East of Woodburn the yards have mostly made as good a showing as last year, but west of this city the output shows a shortage of one-third from last year, and in some instances one-half. There Is Always Sunshine at The Most Beautiful Eesort in All America, The Oaks It is even delightful there when it rains. On Tuesday night, 100 Great Tire Chiefs from all over the United States and Canada came out while the rain was pouring down in torrents. Yet they were ahle to enjoy A Bide on the Chutes, a Whirl on the Giant Flying Machine, Go "Up In The Air on the Perris Wheel Bump the Bumps (and so did their wives, and sisters and sweethearts). Bide to the "Oaks Tavern" on the Miniature Railway, Dance until Midnight at the Spacious Pavilion, and went home "All Aflame With Enthusiasm" At the enjoyable time they had at "The Oaks." So don't let' the weather keep you away. Try a ride on the 0. W. P. & By. Co.'s cars 5 cents. Admission to the grounds 10 cents, Children 5 cents. Por the rest of tho Summer Season you can remain until 12 P. M. SPECIAL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Wednesday, September 20th, from 9 o'clock A. M. to o'clock P. 3C Free admission to "The Oaks" to all the Girls and Boys of Portland from 4 to 15 years. Grand Children's Carnival Day and Pageant. Prix for the saoct beautifully decorated Baby Carriage and Go-Cart. Cinderella will present her Golden Slippers to any girl from 8 to 16 years who can wear them. Now on exhibition at the Knight Shoe store, 294 Washlnstoa Street. HONOR HIS MEMORY American Board Commission ers at Walla Walla. SEE WHITMAN'S GRAVE Vigorous Defense of the Whitman Story Is Presented at the Colr lege Memorial Chapel by President Capcn. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Sept 13. (Special.) The elaborate preparations of the citizens of Walla Walla to entertain the delegates on the way to Seattle to attend the annual convention of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions were marred this after noon by the necessity of leaving out the exercises arranged to take place at the Whitman monument A bad engine In Montana made the special train of 10 coaches four hours late and the 200 dele gates who expected to spend two hours near the scene of the massacre of the martyred missionary were only able to catch the glimpse of the monument and grave in the approaching twilight while the train made a two-minute stop for their benefit . Early this morning a special train left here with a committee of citizens to meet the visitors at Wallula headed by Presi dent S. B. L. Penrose, and Mayor Gil bert Hunt. It was 5:30 P. M. when the special train bearing the delegates pulled Into Wallula and was Immediately switched on the O. R. & N. tracks arriv ing at WTaila Walla at 6:15. They were met at the depot by a committee and citi zens and driven to Whitman College gym nasium, where a banquet had been pre pared In tholr honor by the ladles of the Congregational Church. Covers were laid for 250 guests. At 8 o'clock the guests were ushered across the campus by college students to the chapel of Whitman memorial build ing, where the exercises- of the evening took place. The platform was occupied by officials of the American Board and members of the local committee. A choir of 30 college students furnished music The large room was crowded to the doors by delegates from New England. New York and Middle West, and college students and citizens of Valla Walla. President Penrose Introduced Presi dent S. B. Capen, of the American board, as the first speaker. After voic ing the appreciation of the visitors for the hospitality received, he gave the address on "The Significance of the Whitman Commission," which was to have been delivered at the monument this afternoon. It was a vigorous de fense of the Whitman story and the great servlco rendered by tho Ameri can Board missionary to the United States. Dr. Penrose was congratulat ed on his work In helping found a Christian commonwealth. A. E. Dunning, editor of the Congre gationalism said the making of the na tion was In the hands of the youth of the West as the East Is practically cast In a mold. Roosevelt's peculiar power developed In such surroundings. David P. Jones, the Mayor of Minne apolis, spoke on the responsibility rest ing on educated men and women, tell ing students they would help Whit man most by using their education to advance good citizenship. Dr. Dawson, tho London evangelist, said the battle of the missionary must be fought not In Asia. but. in the pews of the church. The dramatic feature of the evening wa the sending of a telegram to Dr. Pearsons, on motion of Dr. Patten, sec retary of the board. They agreed unan imously tc wire him that "193 Congre gatlonalists, on tholr way to the meet ing of the American board, stopping at Whitman, send greeting, rejoicing In what you have done for this institution as a memorial for one of our hero mis sionaries." The change of programme necessi tated the omission of the recollections of Mrs. N. A. Jacobs, the sole woman survivor of the great massacre, which were to have been read by herself. As the delegates marched out of the building In procession they were cheeren by an enthusiastic crowd of the students who had assembled on the steps to bid them farewell. The special train which bore the guests away left the depot at about Id o'clock. NORTHWEST DEAD. Thomas Morrow. PULLMAN. Wash., Sept 13.-(SpecIal.) Thomas Morrow, a prominent young business man, died here last night, of peritonitis, after an Illness of but three days. Two hours after Morrow's death his wife gave birth to a baby boy. Mor row had been hero five years, and was unusually popular. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, and will be burled by that order. He left a widow and two children, the eldest aged IS months. Mrs. J. R. Trembath. OREGON CITY. Or., Sept 13. (Special.) Martha, aged 63 years, wife of John R. Trembath, Sr., died suddenly at the fam ily home here this afternoon of blood poisoning resulting from an abscess. Martha Wills waa a native of Cornwall, "Clothes don't make the man ut they often make or mar his pleasure." Every man owes it to himself and to his business to wear clothes that look well, that " -are just right and yet dress within his means. Every garment we make exactly repre sents an original custom made model, the cost of which would be prohibitive except to the very wealthy and yet when it is reproduced and the cost spread over a number of garments, the price is moderate. "MACKINETTES" WAISTCOATS' -TROUSERS OVERCOATS Our style book, "Deeds in Cloth," b sent on request. ROSENWALD & WEIL CHICAGO England, where she was born. In Feb ruary, 1812. When 19 years of age. she was wedded to Mr. Trembath, and In 1S71 came direct to Oregon, locating at Oregon City, where she resided continuously. Nine children were born, six of whom, three, daughters and three sons, together with the husband, survive- her. The chil dren are: Harry W. Trembath, Mrs. Charles E. Murray. Thomas Trembath, Frank Trembath. Mrs. J. G. Beaullau and Miss Llllle Trembath, all of Oregon City. Mrs. Imcina H. "Warner. EUGENE. Or., Sept. 13. (Special.) Mrs. Luclna H. "Warner, aged 81 years, died yesterday at her home In this city. She had been a resident of this city for 15 years, coming here from Manchester, la. She was a noble character, of Chrln tlan disposition and had made many warm friends. Her husband. P. H. War THE XXTH CENTURY CfThe highest type of FAMILY SEWING MACHIN E the embodiment of SIMPLICITY and UTILITY the ACME ol CONVENIENCE. Expert Sewing-MacHine Repairs Also sewing-machine oil of absolute purity and the best Needles and Parts for all machines at Singer Stores. Sewing machines rented or exchanged. At the Singer Stores Si? Morrison. Street 402 "Washington St. 540 Williams Ave. roniXAND, OREGON. MAIN ST.. OREGON CITY. OK. The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, and S-z- sonal supervision since its infancy. '&ccU4t 5Jiow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but? Experiments that trifle with and endanger the .health of Infants and Children Experience against Erperlmenttj What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drop3 and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates thai Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CtWT'AU COM. A NY, TT MUllMYtTMtT, NEW YeiMtOflY. - $15.00 to $40.00 3.00 to 7.00 3.00 to 9.00 - 15.00 to 35.00 NEW YORK ner, one daughter. Mrs. W. E. Brown, and one son, M. O. Warner, survive her. Search for Missing Heir. SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 13. (Special.) John B. Marks, now In Pittsburg settling up an 51SO.00O estate left by an uncle, is looking for his brother. Walter, who Is entitled to one-third of the estate. Wal ter Marks was at one time a hardware clerk In Seattle, but trace of him has been lost by hla family for the past three years. He Is believed to be somewhere In the Northwest. - Join Hands on Removal. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Sept 13. (Spe cial.) The Advancement Association of Hoqulam and tho Chamber of Commerce of Aberdeen "have decided to act together In the matter of securing the removal ot the county seat from Montesano. SEWING MACHINE J Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of .1