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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
THE MOEJtfUfG- OKEGONIAK, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF . THE OREOONIANS TELEPHONES. Ceuating-Roem Main 067 Managing Editor ,..Maln 636 Eund.j- Editor Main 6235 City Editor Main 16 Seoletr Editor Main C2S3 Coraposlng-Room Main CSS Superintendent Building Rd 2826 East Side Office East 01 AMUSEMENTS. MARQCAM GRAND THEATER (Morrison at, bet. 6tb and 7th) Tonight at S:20 cfoteek. tVttton Laokaye In "The Pit." BELASCO THEATER (14th and Washington) At 6:16 P M-. "Harriet's Honeymoon." BAKER THEATER (Third and Yamhill) At 8.15 P. M.. Cromwell's Brigadier Burle- quera in "The Wise Guy." EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) At 615 P. M.. "Eocaped from the Harem." GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) CenllNBouA vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) CeslUwous vaudeville. 2:30, 7:30. 9 P. M. THE OAKS" (on the O. W. P. & Ry. Co." Mae) From 8 A. M. to 1 A. M. RECREATION PARK (2th and Vaughn) At S.S P. M.. baseball. Portland v. San Fran- cfeco. Bethant Church Dedication. Beth any German Presbyterian Church, located la the beautiful valley west of Portland, will be dedicated Sunday, with all-day service. Sunday school convenes at 10 A, M. At 11 A. M.. Rev. J. V. Milllgan will preach, and In the afternoon at about 2 o'clock. Rev. W. S. Holt, D. D., will preach and declares the pulpit vacant by the resignation of Rev. W. C. Laube, re tiring pastor. This will be followed by the dedication services, which will be par ticipated In by Rev. "W. C. Laube, re tiring pastor; Rev. Alfred Herforth, in coming pastor; Rev. August Relnhard, pastor of Zion German Church, and other pastors. People's service will be held at P. M. Bethany is the first German Presbyterian Church to be established west of the Rocky Mountains. Witi. Hear. Reports. At the meeting of the Arleta Improvement Association this evening in SummorvlUe Hall reports wt!L be received from committees on streetcar facilities, water and stock run ning at large. These comlttees were ap pointed at a meeting held a month ago. The committee on permanent organization will submit a constitution for adoption, followed by election of permanent offi cers. Residents of the entire district, em bracing Tremont, Arleta, Stewarts' Kern Park, and as far eastward as Lents, are invited to be prosent and take part in the forming of this push club. Suits to Rbcovbk Possession. The Portland Rowing Club has started a law suit in the East Side Court to recover possession of a rowboat In the hands of G. L. Goul. The rowboat is valued at J60, and the complaint alleges that Goul holds It unlawfully and he demands possession and damages and disbursements of the suit. Goul says he is the owner of the craft and will make a fight to retain possession. Mrs. Km ma Watson has sued W. L. Per kins for possession of the premises at 68 Bast Sixteenth street north, which the oontptaint says he has retained unlawful pore carton of from September i. Ba.skbai.Ii Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Today, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Recusation Park. 21th and Vaughn. Portland vs. San Francisco. RacBATKN Park, 21th and Vaughn. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. Baseball Todat, 3:30. To Rbopon East Alder Street. City Engineer Taylor made and examination of East Alder street yesterday with a view to reopening it between East Sixth and Ninth streets. Alder street has been closed for about two years, and the sur face of the condemned elevated roadway between Seventh and Eighth has been used as a lumberyard, against the pro tests of property-owners. Proceedings for repairs were pigeon-holed months ago, and until now nothing has been done to repair and reopen the closed street. ' Will Hold Reunion. Members of the Reorganized Church of the Latter Day Saints will hold a reunion at Montavllla. beginning today, to continue until September 17. Pfomlnent ministers will attend this gathering. Sunday eve ning, Joseph Smith, son of the founder of the Mormon Church, will spoak In Wood ward's Hall In Montavllja. He also will speak in Knight's of Pythias Hall In the Marquam building Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Reduced Seaside Rates Via the A. & C. R. R. To Clatsop Beach, onlt 8 for the round trip. Tickets Good Until October 15. Trains at Union Depot, 8 A. M. Dailt. See the Majestic Columbia River And the Broad Bmnt Pacitic Ocean. Information at 248 Alder Street, Or Telephone Main 903. Portland Literature in Demand. J. G. Carroll, who Is representing the Ex position Bureau at San Francisco, writes that there is a great demand for Port land literature In the Bay City. Mr. Carroll Is supplied with a large number of the Portland Chamber of Commerce publications, which he Is distributing among those Interested with whom he comes In contact. Biblical Convention. Rev. Charles T. Russell, editor and lecturer, will open a biblical convention this morn ing at 10:30 o'clock, in the Woodmen of the World Hall, the sessions to continue until after the 9th. Admission Is free, and no collection, so It is announced. Multnomah Camp. No. 77, which usually meets this evening, will give up the hall to the convention. Recovering From Operation J. Thom as Hlckey, Assistant Secretary of State for Washington, Is recovering at St. Vincent's Hospital from an operation performed for an abscess by Dr. Rockey. Mrs. Hlckey Is at the hospital with her husband. The operation was successful, and Mr. Hlckey will soon be able to leave his bed. Free! Free! Free! Thursday, Friday and Saturday only. Every lady visiting our booth. Agricultural building, Lewis and Clark Exposition, and leaving an order on her grocer for a three-pound tin of our famous M. J. B. coffee will be presented with a handsome coffee null. M. J. Brandenstoln & Co. Suit to Recover Monet. T. K. Faw cett and J. K. Johnson, doing business as the West Coast Laundry, has commenced suit in the East Side Court to recover $168 from W. F. Williams, of the Wil liams Laundry Company. Low Excursion Rates East. The Northern Pacific has named very low excursion rates to Eastern points and re turn. Full particulars at the ticket office. 255 Morrison street, corner Third, Port land, Or. Temple Beth Israel. Dr. Stephen S. Wise will preach this evening on "Life's Best or Worst: Which Shall It Be?" at the services which will begin at 8 o'clock. Strangers are always welcome. Seats for the coming holidays in the Ahaval Sholom Synagogue can be had of the seat committee. G. Asher, 220 First street, or Simon Abraham, 148 Front street. Phone Red 923. Full description of Britt-Nelson contest received by rounds at the Milwaukee Country Club. Take Oregon City or Sell wood cars at corner of First and Alder streets. Have you a trip to the East in view this month)? If so, call at the Northern Pacific ticket office. 255 Morrison street, for full information as to rates, routes, etc Special excursion tickets will be sold to points East by the Northern Pacific Full particulars can be had at the office. 255 Morrison street, corner Third. Call at the Northern Pacific ticket of. lice. 255 Morrison street, corner Third. for lull particulars regarding low round- trip excursion rates to the East. For Rent. Two nice Inside office rooms. Inquire superintendent of Ore gonlan building, zoom 201. Conference or Grangers. An effort will be made to have all the Granges. Patrons of Husbandry, appoint conference commutes to consider the framing of an ordinance that will be satisfactory to farmers and the People's Market As sociation, and meet with Pomona Grange, at Pleasant Home, Wednesday, Septem ber 20, at 10 A. JL J. J. Johnson, master of the Evening Star Grange, has ad dressed letters to the masters of all the Granges in the county asking them to appoint committees for this conference, acting on their own authority where there Is no meeting of the Grange held and asking the committees to attend the meet ing of Pomona Grange. Dr. Gibson Goes to Belunoham. Rev. J. H. Gibson, pastor of the Grand avenue United Presbyterian Church, has resigned his pastorate, to take effect the first of next month. At that time he will go to Belllngham, "Wash., where he will take charge of the United Pres byterian Church. The transfer Is made by the General Home Mission Board, which placed Dr, Gibson In charge of the Portland church several years ago. Rev. Mr. Manning, of Everett, Wash., will succeed Dr. Gibson to the Portland church. Monet for a Widow. There was rift in the cloud of bitterness In the St, Johns Council last night when, during the recess. Councilman Peterson annouced that a '-widow in St. Johns needed assist ance. A hat was passed, and a consid erable sum of money was raised In the room and sent over to the woman. All feelings of bitterness were .forgotten while the money was being raised, and both sides contributed liberally. A. O. U. W. Members of Portland Logde. No. 27, are requested to attend lodge tonight. Past Grand Master Work man Ralph Feeney, will be present and will entertain you. Refreshments will be served. By order C. T. Spooner, Mas ter Workman; attest T. H. Fearey. re corder. For Salt. --Ford automobile, model F, perfect running order, seats five persons, folding top. new tires, two cylinders, large gas searchlight. This machine is a bar gain for J700 cash. O 8, Oregonlan. The Calumet Restaurant. 149 Seventh. Fine luncheon. 35c; dinner. 50c AT THE THEATERS Trilby." Svengall Wilton Lackaye Talbot Wynne Hale Hamilton Alexander McAUstcr A, H. Stuart William Bagot Frank Dekura Gecko Edmund H. Reardon Due de la Rochemartel.. George Spink Theodore de la Forge.. .K. Davenport Anthony Staso Berlni Lorrlmer Fred Hurst Colonel Kaw. Walter Pennington Phllllpe Edward Hemmer Reverend Thomas Bagot. .G. O. Morris Trilby O'Ferrall Jane Oaker Mrs. Bagot Ada Rene Mme. Vlnard Ada Gllman Angele Beulah Watson Honerlne Louise Evarts Mlml Ellie Scott Llsette Agnes De Lane By A. A. G. One night ten years ago I sat in the old Garden Theater, In New York, and saw the original production of "Trilby," with Wilton Lackaye at the top of his new fame in the unspeakable Svengall. A lot of things happen In ten years, and last night I again sat In a thoater. this time the Marquam. and saw that won derfully horrid creation of Wilton Lack aye's acting genius. It was the same Lackaye in the part, ten years older, per haps a more finished actor, but essen tially the same, and his Svengall was the same. All the others who were In the cast were different. The years have scat tered that original company, some of them may be dead. Virginia Harned, the original Trilby, has probably forgotten the lines, although there was -a big re vival of the piece in .New York last Spring. Burr Macintosh who that saw his Taffy will forget It? has been a soldier and a war correspondent since then, and is now a famous photographer and maga zine publisher. At this moment he Is one of the members of the Taft party some where in the Orient. The others who played that night have gone their ways, some upward, some downward, until only Wilton Lackaye remains to do again that terrible death scene. "Trilby!" What crimes have been com mitted In your name, poor, unhappy girl! Rare old George Du Maurler. who wrote you Into being, did not foresee what was going to happen to you. How many brands of shoes, face powder and corn plasters have borne your name, and how many "troupes" have taken liberties with you In the one-night stands? Yes. "Trilby" has had her vicissitudes. but it seemed as if her earlier and better days had come again when Jane Oakes gave her beautiful performance of the part at the Marquam last night. Miss Oakes Is not so great an actress as Vir ginia Harned, perhaps not so fair of face, certainly not so statuesque as to figure, but I think that somehow she makes a more pathetic and lovable Trilby. The others of Mr. Lackaye's company do not make out so well as one might wish, excepting Ada Gllman, a most ex cellent character actress, In the role of Madame Vlnard, and George Spink, who made the small part of Zou Zou one of the best In the piece. Hale Hamilton and A. H. Stuart were tolorable as TaXXy and the Laird, respectively, while no great fault can be found with Frank Dekum's Little Blllee. After all's said, however, it was good to see the old play so well presented, and the big audience was properly satisfied. Tonight and tomorrow afternoon "The Pit" will be repeated. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apartments for parties. Open all night. 205 Washington, near Fifth. When in Seattle, "The Rathskeller." & high-class place to eat. Sea food; Eastern meats. Large orchestra dally. Genuine French dinner, with wine, Kte, at 83 Fifth street, near Stark. Administration Restaurant, Fair grounds 50c dinner all hours after 11 A. M. See popular prices on bill of fare and quick lunch; not necessary to carry your lunch. CLAREM0NT TAVERtf. Launch Fox leaves foot Morrison street, Merrill boathouse, 2, 4, 6:30, 8:30 P. M. EXCURSION SEPTEMBER 10 Via ocean steamer City of Puebla, Seat tle, Vancouver. British Columbia, etc Four days' outing. 523.75; all expenses. Including berth and meals. 249 Washing ton street, rnone Mam 223. SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT By week or month, at low rates. Th Singer Is acknowledged the lightest-running and roost convenient of any. Try one and be convinced. Only at the Singe? stores. Look for the red S. S54 Morrison St., 402 Washington el. 540 Williams ave., Portland. Oreroa. Main SU Oregon City. Or. If Bar X CwKkyc Teeth Be rar and sm that old and well-tried rem edy. Mrs. WlntloWs Soothing Syrup. lor chil dren teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all fain, cutm wis collo and alarrao. THOMAS F. RYAN S IN Holds the Controlling Interest in Equitable, Which He Discusses. NARROW ESCAPE EN ROUTE His Private Car Icavcs the Track and Barely Avoids Going Over an Embankment In South ern Oregon. Thomas F. Ryan, who recently ac quired a controlling Interest in the Equit able Life Assurance Society by purchas- '' .SBSSSSSSMiBBHiSSBHsEuL sssVllBssssHHBssssssssnBsxaSt":I " : THOMAS F. TIYXS. EQUITABLE MAGNATE. WHO IS IN rORTTANIl. Inc ttvr t? fiO (VY) the 502 shares of stock In the corporation belonging to James H. ' Hyde, arrived here yesterday morning from San Francisco on his private car Pere Marquette, and with his party is at the American Inn. "This Is my eighth visit to the Pacific Coast," said he last night. "I am as tounded at the progress of the country since my last visit In 1ML and the evi dences of prosperity to be seen on all sides. "As to the Equitable Life, my purchase of the control of its stock and Inducing Mr. Morton to take the presidency, was only a public duty which any number of other men would have readily performed had they been aware of the connquences of a continuation of the dissensions among the old officers and some of the directors. I happened, from my relations to some of the parties engaged in the conflict, to have a better view of the situation than some others. That was alL Praises the Equitable. "There is not the slightest doubt about the strength of the Equitable. It Is as Bound as the Bank of England. It will hereafter be run as an Insurance company pure and simple, with an eye single to the welfare of its policy-holders. As to the Investigation by the New York Legis lature, nothing could be better for the policy-holders of the Equitable. Mr. Mor ton will afford the committee every fa cility and will aid in every way to the end that a full and thorough Investigation shall be made. If anybody connected with the company has been guilty of wrongdoing he should suffer; if anybody has anything in his possession belonging to the company he must give it back. "We insist, however, that the investigat ing committee shall demand from all the other insurance companies that the com mittee be given the same facilities for an insight into their management as the Equitable offers. We feel that this Is not only fair but clearly in the Interests of all policy-holders. The management of all the great life Insurance companies must become an open book, or confidence, which Is the very foundation upon which they exist, will not soon be restored. The Federal Government should have prac tically the same supervision of life In surance companies as it has over 'National banks. The officers and managers of these companies have in their keeping a trust of the most sacred character and they should not object to the strictest supervision of their conduct consistent with the best interests of their business. ' I am quite sure that President Roosevelt has given this question much thought and I hope he will express his opinions to Congress in his usual vigorous and straightforward way." Relative to the adverse comment of some of the newspapers regarding his purchase of the control of the Equitable, he paid: "Oh, that can't be helped. It will all come out right In the end. when they see that the directors Mr. Cleveland and his co-trustees are electing mean to stand by Mr. Morton in his determination to have a through housecleanlng. put the company on an ecoiiomlcal business basis. reduce the cost of Insurance to policy holders, manage the company in their interests and with due regard to public sentiment. The new management must in this way appeal to the public con science; it will then commend confidence everywhere." Taboos Subject of Xawson. Mr. Ryan considers that there Is no question about the beneficial effects the new management of the Equitable will hare upon its business, and thinks it will have a tendency to clear up a bad situation. Laws on and "frenzied finance mat ten are tabooed subjects with him. and he wants it distinctly understood .that he will not discuss them in any way. shipe or manner, although re- questej to do so at least 20 times since he left New York, August 14. He came to the Coast over the North ern Pacific, and has been making a tour of California and the Pacific Northwest, and expresses great confidence In tho future of the whole region, especially Oregon, which he thinks Is Just awak ening to its wonderful possibilities. Mr Ryan Is an ardent admirer of the pro ducts of the soil, and passed a consid erable portion of his time yesterday In specting various departments of the Exposition pertaining to the different state exhibits, expressing 'the most pro found admiration therefor. His party had a narrow escape from a serious smashup about 11 o'clock Wednesday forenoon near Myrtle Creek, a small station south of Roseburj While passing- a cattle guard, the pri vate car jumped the track and ran fully 1800 feet along the ties sklrtlnc a 15-foot embankment before the train could be stopped. Mr. Ryan did not ap pear In the least disconcerted by the episode, although everything in the car was badly shaken up. He will remain here several days seeing tho sights of the Exposition. STRIKE INA BAKERY. Employes Refuse to Work "With a J Nonunion Mnn. A strike has arisen among the Butternut Bread Company because of the employ- XafsSpclSBBBswHsBsisssssBissssssBssBssssl ??MS9MBSSSSSSSSSSBBfl0KCS3BKtBSSSSSsl J ment of E. G. Wagner, a- nonunion work man. Wagner, whose wife Is In the hos pital suffering from a stroke of paraly sis, came to Mr. Pfaff. manager of the company, seeking employment, and al most as an act of charity, since the man was almost penniless. Mr. Pfaff hired him and he went to work Friday night. This caused trouble among the union employes of the company, and Mr. Pfaff discharged the men that had caused the most trouble, employing nonunion men to take their places. Wagner again went to 'work Sunday night, and last night at 5:39 more of Mr. PfafTs employes left the company. Mr. Pfaff states that at the time of the strike a year ago the cmpoyes of the company had agreed to work with nonunlonlsts. ROUND TRIPT0 ASTORIA Swift excursion steamer Telegraph de parts from Alder-street dock dally (ex cept Friday), 7:30 A. M., returning from Astoria 2 P. M., arrive Portland 8:38 P. M. Sundays from Portland S A. M., arriving Portland 9PM CASTOR I A For. Infants and Children. Ths KIna You Have Always Bought Signature of The One Who Knows No matters how Intricate or complicated a thing may seem. It is simple to the one who understands It thoroughly. Hav ing learned piano-making In my father's factory, having studied piano-playing with some of the great teachers, I should know something about a piano, and perhaps this is the reason I have so little to say about pianos, yes much less than these dealers and salesmen recruited from all sorts of trades, such as bartenders, bankers, dish washers, etc It Is amusing the notion that some people will get about pianos after listening to these piano "experts." If you want the truth about pianos, call on one who knows. A. W. MEYER 74 Sixth street. Bear Oak. GORDON Thirty years ago, when JB people wore Hats like 75 this, the word "Gordon" meant superiority. It does yet. Gordon Gloves Ct T - TEETH Ji S12.VU yiiLLt 7 eUARAKTJEED FOX M.M. XvMlsss. U Cktfs.7 cad Thurnt-y. u&lll s, kn 1'rafcB. D. IK sU REIGN OF Exposition Sees Pomp and Splendor of Royalty. ARRIVAL OF THE QUEEN Merry-Making Follows the Coming of the Regal Entourage to the Kingdom of Frivolity at tho Fair. With all the pomp and splendor of roy alty King Nogero and his queen. Colum bia,, came Into their own at the Exposi tion last night, and during the remainder of Manufacturers' Week will govern the Kingdom of Frivolity. To many people the very name of manu facture conveys a meaning of Industrial Ism and work which Is foreign to any pleasure, but this was disproved last night with the appearance of the King of Manufacturers. Nogero I, his Queen and his royal entourage, for & merrier band of merrymakers never before awoke the laughing echoes of the Fair. The reign of King Nogero at the Expo sition began last night with a levee In honor of Queen Columbia. Attended by a goodly number of courtiers, clad In the doublet and hose .and armed with hal berds, and escorted by the Imperial Band, the King marched from the Forestry ca thedral to meet the Queen at the water landing. Through the unfortunate cir cumstance of other engagements on the part of the royal party, the reception of the Queen was slightly delayed, but this only served to excite the Interest of the royalty-loving crowd at the Fair. Alter the arrival of the Queen In her barge, the royal party, attended by their escorts, ascended the grand stairway and took their places for the second event of the evening, only to find a laxity on the part of several of their subjects. Their principal function last night was to re vlew the floral parade, but, owing to va rious reasons, many participants were unable to enter the parade. Under such circumstances, the King Immediately de cided that the parade would be postponed and consolidated with tonight's festiv ities. Tonight's programme will, therefore. In clude a floral parade, followed by the grand masque carnival, which will be open to every one. The prltes to be awarded will be as follows: DECORATED VEHICLES IN FLORAL PARADE. First Second Prise. Prlre. Total. Auto 30 $23 473 Carriages, traps, phaetons, tally-hos, buggies, etc.. 30 25 75 MASQUERS. Groups National, not leas than 0 50 25 73 Historical, no less than 6 50 23 75 Couples, lady and gent Finest costume 23 10 33 Most unique 25 10 35 Individual Finest costume 10 .. 10 Most unique 10 10 Best comic 10 .. 10 Beat Indian. 10 10 Bent frontiersman 10 .. 10 Best prospector 10 .. 10 Best negro 10 10 Best German 10 .. 10 Best Irish gentleman... 10 .. 10 Most characteristic 10 .. 10 HALF THE BATTLE The most expensive element in business is time. "What you do with your time determines what you will get out of it. This being the case it is best that you waste nothing that is so valuable in the selection of a Piano, but go straight to Soule Bros. Piano Co., 372-374 Morrison street, and purchase one of. their high-grade instruments. You can make no mis take in selecting one of the numerous Pianos they handle, and will save at least one-third in price. Soule Bros. Piano Co. 372-4 Morrison St., Cor. W. Park. The Portland Do you lore rood music? Toa can select your choice from a port folio or 03 pieces of popular rausis of the world, and Professor Am sterdam and hT'i Hungarian orches tra will render it for you. Everything to eat and drink, and it costs no more in the Portland Hotel Bathskeller than elsrwhere in the city. Every weekday night from 130 to 12. When You Eat, Eat the Best Yon Will Plnd the Best at the Fair at little Hungary Restaurant Oa the lAke. SUMMER RESORTS. The Seaside House Is now, open to guests. Flrst-Cljus Service fat Bvery Way. Beautiful Walks and Drlvea. oa the Premises ' With Kaattxa; axd FtaUss; t7arsKi Free bus meats aU tralM. ' Connoisseurs Understand That There Is Nothing Better Than YELLO WSTO N E "Whiskey. Old, mellow and delightfully palatable, it is the ideal stimulant ROTHCHILD BROS., PORTLAND, OR., Sole Agents HOTEL AND RESTAURANT GOODS LOEWENBERG & GOING CO.,,., .KJES mm i vriiiiH luun i h i 4 ry Jjj 133 We io crown and fcrtdjework without pain. Our 18 years.' experience In plata work enables us to flt your month comfortably. Dr. W. A. 'Wise has found a safe way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. "Wise la an expert at sold fllllnj and crown and brldcework. Extracting fre when plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists Falllnr Bulldlnr. cor. Third and "Wash. St. Open cyenlnga till 0 o'clock. Sundays from 9 to 12. Or Main 2Q2S. DR. W. A. "WISE. EDDCATIOXAX. THE LARGEST ENROLLMENT "We have ever had on any 2 days in September took place on Monday and Tuesday of this week. This is not all ; we have more students registered to begin next Monday than have ever entered in September before in an entire week. Reputation brings us students by the score, and places hun dreds of graduates in positions each year. It pays to attend our school. Investigate critically. You owe this to yourself if you think of patronizing a business college. Call, telephone or write. Catalogue, business forms, and penwork free. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Washington Streets - Just Like Writing Gregg Shorthand characters easy to write because based on handwriting. No shading. i o- t mmsi x- No angles. No position. Practice the above sentences. Greii shorthand Is modern. No shading, no position, no back strokes, no hard an gles. Based on natural handwriting. Easiest to learn: easiest to lead. Only authorized teachers In Portland. LESSONS BY MAIL, $15. Write for (free) Illustrated catalogue. HOLMES I I BUSINESS COLLEGE 27-31. Y. M. C. A. Bids., Portland. Or. BRUNOT HALL JL Protestant Boarding- and Dar School for Girls CrUflcU Admits to Smith. Wllssly and Other Colleges. Unusual Advantages ' In Music Piano. Violin and Vocal Fine Art Studio. Writ tor Illustrated Catalogue. 1'or Further Information Address Julia P. Bailey, Principal 2209 PACIFIC AYEIUE SPOKAHE, WASH Portland Academy Am Elementary School, including the Primary and Grammar grades. A Secoaelary School, or Academy proper, -which fits boys and girls for Eastern and Western Colleges. A. Beardlasr Hall lcr girls. , Fqr Catalogue address Portlamd Academy, Portland Oregon. We are headquarters for French ranges, portable and brick set; cabinet bake ovens, retlnned and copper restaurant utensils, steel ranges and cook stoves. No Kitchen Complete Without an annunciator to tell the serv ant, maid and the cook your wants. "We can so wire It that tho m!stres3 needs but to press her foot on a button con cealed under the carpet underneath the table to summon the waitress. All kinds of electrical wiring and materials to be had here. Western Electric Works No. 61 SIXTH St. Portland, Or. Phone Main 1696 Peace Declared Unconditional surrender of other bifocals to victorious KRYPTOKS WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 5 SIXTH STREET, Oregonian Building A. P. Armstrong, I.I.B., Principal Behnke-Walker Business College PORTLANP, OREGON If you are thinking of attending business college you cannot afford to Ignore the beat one In the NorthwesL Our graduates are all employed. We nave placed more than 200 pupils In lucrative positions during the past year. The proprietors are business men and take an active part In teaching dally. We can help you. Call or send for catalogue. Free. Day and night In session all the year. Willamette University Nine Schools and Colleges, 45 Professors and Instructors; new and thoroughly modern labora tory equipment. College of Liberal Arts in creased its attendance 60 per cent during the past year. Opens September 26. 'For cat alogue and particulars, address, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY, Salem, Oregon. The Allen Preparatory School Corner East Tweltth and Salmon sts. Fita l6r all Eastern colleges and scientific schools. Pine opportunities for outdoor sports. Filth year begins September 25. 1905. For catalogue addreM MARGARET V. ALLEN. Principal, 012 Kelly St.. Portland, Or. Telephone Main 6432. HOUSTQiNSCliOOL Cannon HUI, Spokane, Wash. Incorporated boarding and day school for boys above age of eight. New buildings on elevation near city. Dry and invigorating atmosphere especially beneficial to those from Coast region. Teachers college gradu ates. Careful supervision and preparation for college or business. Address EDGAR F. STRONG. PRINCIPAL. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Nineteenth annual session begins Sept. 15. 1303. Address S- E. JOSEPH!. M. D.. Dean. 31 Dokum bldg. Portland. fichwab Printing Co. BXST fTORK. JiZASOKAILT FXICXS X47K STARK STREET DK. X. r. WIST.