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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
THE MOSNIKG OREGONIAy, FRIDjLT, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. IPS WING DOWN LIGHT Yields 'of Yards First Picked Fall Below the Earlier Estimates. ' RAWEST .NEARLY JGENERAL ltcocnt4JBrlccs Paid, Quality Consld ered, Show That Values Are Being Fully Maintained. Scarcity of Labor. Picking is now almost general la tha hdpyards of Oregon, though some of the largest growers will not begin until Monday morning, while favorable re sults are obtained at some daces, the reports from others are anything but en couraging, bearing out the predictions of many experienced hopmen. made some time ago. that the appearance of the yards was then deceptive. The vine ap peared to be producing fine, but it is turning out to be largely a top crop. In the Independence district, the yield 1b quite good is most places. Foreman Gibson reports a fairly gdod yield from the Ottenhelmer yard. D. B. Taylor will have one-third the yield of last year. At John Burton's yard, the yield is not as heavy as expected. James Griggsby will have half a crop. R. D. Cooper, vfcoee yard is better than the average, reports not as big a yield as expected. FUchard and Wolfo will have a very good rlold. The rick at Salem. The only report from picking around Salem came from the yard of Catlln & LJrfn whose crop is said to be coming Sown about 700 pounds to the acre. These rards looked as if they would pick 1300 to 1500 pounds to the acre. The Quinn yard at Aucpja finished picking "Wednesday and produced 300 boxes, where the same land last year rlelded 900 boxes Julius Wolf, of Sllverton. brought down the following reports from yards already picked around Woodburn: The Crosby yard, which raised 62 bales Si 1904. will have 35 bales this year; Mc Dormlck yard, 100 last year, 65 this year; Tamos Kennedy. 157 last year, 96 this rear; Jack Miller, 13 acres, 00 boxes !ast yoar. 400 this year; John Sing, 9000 pounds last year, 6000 pounds this year; IV. T. Grim, 15 acres, one-third short. The entire "Woodburn district is expected fall one-third to one-half ehort of last ear. The market is unusually quiet and not nuch is expected to be done until har restlng Is ovor. The sale of a lot of 112 bales of 1904's at Salem by Mark Skiff it 12 cents was confirmed yesterday. -Tullus Pincus 'declined to say who he bought for, but the talk in hop circles it Salem was that Paul HOrst got the tot. Mr. Skiff was communicated with tnd stated that the hops were of an in ferior grade, dirty-brownish In color and rome of them sack-dried. Hop men of this city who have seen the goods also Hiy they would not grade as primes. Mr. i Skiff has boon trying to get an offer on those hops since hops left 18 cents and this is the first offer he has had. He also says he has other 1304's left which he would not sell now. as he expects to see thorn worth 25 cents. He thinks this is only a momentary' depression. The lot In question was similar to a 70-bale lot of J90i's that was sold In "Washington three weeks ago at 10 cents. A Note worthy fact In connection with the Skiff sale is that this was half of a crop, the other half having been sold last Fall by Skiff's pardner at 29 cents. A small lot of 34 bales of fuggles, grown on the Smeed yard at Eugene, was sdld to a Portland dealer yesterday at 11 cents. A few othM" small sales were eald to have been made. PICKERS ARE SCARCE IX POLK Shortage of Labor at the Big Hop Yards. INDEPENDENCE, Or., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) Instead of 800 hopplckcrs, scarcely 200 arrived on the Krebs special train to day. This gives rise to apprehension of a shortage of hopplckers. In fact, a shortage exists and growers realize it. Others in the district as well as Krebs wore expecting the total number to be Fwolled muoh more than it was "by the special out from Portland today. None of the yards has an over-supply, and a nuniber are from 200 to 50 short, while the Krobg yard, up till today, had About one-third the pickers needed. Conrad Krobe is resourceful in getting help, how ever, and he is relied on to draw more yet from the outside. Picking is now on in the Cooper yards, Eurton. yards, McLaughlin, Doves & Griggsby, on the HIrschberg place, Mit oma, the Japs' yard, Davidson &. Hedge, "Whltaker. Rider, Damon. Mackay fc Co.. Brown, Huntley. Tom Fennell, Fitchard & "Wolfe. Porterfield. Hubbard & Jones, D. B. Taylor, "Walker Bros., Mattitxm, Walter Roys. Hopkins, Robinson Bros., Thomas Pomeroy, Slopor & Patton. By ers. H. C. "Wells. Fred Stump. Hill Bros., Ottenholmer and the big Horst yard. By Monday picking will bo on in the big Krebs yard, Rose's, Pe'rcival's, Grove's, and a number of other smaller yards. Pickers who come now are pretty oure of a Job and picking is clean this year. No sales, either of old or new hops, are being made. Livesley, who has an order for old hops, offered G. "W. Johnson, of Salem, 13 cents, which Mr. Johnson re fused. Mr. Livesley then offered to trade new hops for the old, paying 1 cent a pound difference. This offer was also de clined by Mr. Johnson. 3CEW YORK CROP VERY SHORT "Will Not Be Over 60 to 70 Per Cent of Last Year's. WATERVTLLE, N. Y., Sept. 7. (Spe cial.) The hop crop of New- York state . this year will not be over 70 per cent of last year and on" the whole will probably not exceed 60 per cent. Unfavorable weather has decreased the yield and .hurt the quality. Mould is seen in many of the yards and this, added to the blight that struck nearly all the yards, makes the outlook rather dubious. Only tho best and unaffected hops are being picked, so that the quality will be kept up to the usual standard. Sales so far have been of oarlies. at 20 and 21 cents. Dealers and growers are "both holding off on the late crop. Sale Heportcd at Salem. SALEM. Or., Sept. 7. (SpeclaL)-One aale wag made here today when Julius Pincus bought 49 hales from Breese Gib son at 13 cents. Like the Skiff lot, they are believed to have been taken lor Paul Horst,. . Bible Students' Convention. A Bible students' conx-'ention -will be held In the Woodmenjs Hall East Sixth and JCtwt Alder streets, beginning today and continuing Saturday and Sunday. The convention is to be under the auspices of ibe. Watch- Tower Bible & Tract Society, of Allegheny, Pa., and. an In vitation Is extended to everyone to at tend the meetings. The programme In lull follows; Friday, September 610 A. M., opening of con vention; address of welcome by w. A. Baker; . 11 A. M., praise and testimony discourse by John HarrlBon; 7:30 P. M praise service; S P. discourse from "Chart of the Ages," by- Benjamin H. Barton. Saturday. September 9 f A. M., praise, prayer and testimony service, led by O. IL Joy; 10 A. M., question meeting conducted by C. T. Russell; 3 P. M., discourse, "Bap tism," by C T. Russell, followed by Immersion; 7:30 P. M., praise service; 8 P. M.. discourse by Benjamin H. Barton, Sunday. September 109 A. M., praise and testimony sorvice; 10:30 A. M., dis course, "Spiritual Lessons from the Lewis and Clark Exposition." C T. Rue sell; 3 P. M., discourse. "To Holl and Back. Who are There? Hope for the Return of Many," C T. Russell; 7:30 P. M., farewell meeting and love feast. CHARGES INCOMPETENCY J. J. KaddcrJy Accuses Fire Depart ment In Specific Communication. J. J. Kadderly, a business man of Port land, In a communication to the Board of Fire Commissioners, which was read be fore that body at a meeting at the City Hall last night, blames the Chief of the Fire Department "with incompetency. J. J. Kadderly, at the Instance of Chief Campbell and the Fire Commissioners, will be asked today to fife written charges against the Chief, sotting forth speclu cally tho charges against him and the Fire Department In general. If Kadderly consents to file charges. Chief Camp bell will bring witnesses before the board and a thorough Investigation of the method of fighting the East Side fire on 'August 22 and of the Fire Department us a whole will be held. Mayor Lane, who acted as chairman of the board last night, was directly re sponsible for the communication being read. Kadderly complained to him of the actions of the Chief in private conver sation, and was asked to' submit his com plaint in writing. Chief Campbell refuted every statement made by Kadderly in his communication to the board, and demanded that an in vestigation be hold. "If the department, as charged by Kadderly, is in a demoralized- condition, a. ohange should be made." said the Chief. Among the routine roattors passed on by the board last night was the following: The water-tower at Sixteenth and Wash ington streets will be torn down and re built, thus cutting off an expense of $5 a month rental for property on which the tower now stands. A recommendation was approved and will be submitted to the Executive Board of the City Council pro viding for an extra set of propellors for the flreboat George H. Williams. Engi neers on the boat complained that the present propellors were too small for the engines. In his monthly fire report. Chief ampbcll said that 71 alarms of fire had been responded to in August and that a total of 2100 tons of coal had been used by the flreboat and engines. Recommen dations by the Chief that onglnos and fire apparatus be distributed Xo placos where it would be morev usoful was ap proved by the board. He recommended that better fire protection be provided on Portland Heights, Brooklyn and on East Ankeny street. PERS0NALMENTI0N. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dege, of Ta- coma, arc visiting the Exposition and are at the American Inn. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stockland have Just returned from a five weeks' trip to tho seaside, and had a fine time at the different beaches. They will now make Portland their home. Nicholas Rlss, of Lincoln, Neb., Sheriff of Lancaster County, was an interested visitor at the Exposition yesterday. He left for Tacoma last night, to take a prisoner from the Sound city back to Lincoln. Miss Hannah Lou Joseph!, -who has been for some years past connected with hospital work In New York City and for the past two years superin tendent of the House of the Holy Com forter, a New York hospital, reached Portland Tuesday afternoon to enjoy a much-needed rest at the home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Joseph!. S. P. Wilson, formerly a prominent Methodist preacher of the Oregon Con ference and pastor of Centenary Church, of the East side, before the stone building was erected, was in the olty this week. He is no longer a min ister, but a prosperous commercial traveler. His last pastorate in Ore gon was in Alblna. From there he wont to California, and graduated Into the business of commercial traveler. A. R. Underwood, proprietor of the Con- tral Hotel, of Monterey, Cal.. Is in Port land, accompanied by his wife, and Mrs. Kate Williams, of Brooklyn, N. Y. They are at the Imperial Hotel. They will vis It the Exposition for a. few days, and will then go to Seattle and victoria. This is Mr. Underwood's first visit to Port land In 20 years, and he expresses great surprise and gratification at the growth of the city. CHICAGO. Sept 7. (Special.) Orego- nlans registered today at Chicago hotels are: Great Northern C L. Hathaway. Port land. Morrison Mrs. H. Jacobs, E. Seber and wife, Portland. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. (Special.) North western people registered today as fol lows: From Portland R. L. MacCoy. at tha Holland. From Tacoma A. C. Tousey. at the Normandy. From Seattle H. R. King, at the Algon quin; G. McManus. at the Normandle: H. E. Llppman. at the Imperial; F. Jennings. at, tne au uems. From Spokane L. P. Larson and wife. at the Fifth Avenue. Mrs. David Stewart, of Chehalis. Is vis- King her sister. Miss Packer, at her nome on union avenue and Going Btreet, German Conference Election. The North 7aMrtc OArmnn onnfn. ence. with Bishop W. F. McDowell pro siding, opened its sessions yesterday. The following officers were elected: ev. . a iange, of Walla walla, secretary: Rev. Joseph Kipp, ofNdw bcrg, treasurer; Rev. L. Galser, of Davenport. Wash., statlsttcfti tary. Following the eleotion, the. North Paclfie German Mission conference was merged with the North Pacific German Conference. Rev. Dr. King delivered an address at the German Methodist Church last night. Creditors Take Tuxedo Saloon.' Ralph C Citron, attorney for the cred itors who are very numerous, took pos session of the Tuxedo saloon yesterday, under a chattel mortgage. Mr. Citron bays the indebtedness of Tom McGllnn and Ed Johnson, the proprietors of the ftlace, amount to several thousand dol ars, and that when the place Is sold it will realize about 10 cents on the dollar for the creditors. The bartender claims a. lien, the Chinese porter, and others are also creditors. r Begins Attachment Suit. The North Pacific Brewing Company began an attachment suit yesterday against George HaanpeL , a, "saloon keeper, .for ?52& GONE WITH SECRET Jortlan, of Equitable. Fame, Utterly Disappears. KNOWS ABOUT THAT LOAN legislative Committee Can't learn About Mercantile Trust Loan. Mutual Life 3ranv Makes Frank Admissions. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.-The affairs of the Equitable Life Assurance Society and the Mutual Life Insurance Company held the attention today of the Legislative life insurance investigating committee. In ses sion in this city. Nothing particularly new was develoDed in rairard to th Equitable Society, other than the state ment arawn rrom ono or the officers that the society does not know the present whereabouts of Thomas D. Jordan, thi former controller. """It was stated Mr Jordan was wanted as a witness to ex plain the loan of mart a to th Equitable Society by the Mercantile Trust vximpanj. it was also stated that James tu nyae. formerly nrst vice-president of the Equitable, later will be called as a witness before the committee. The lnaulrv into the Mutual Utn insur ance Company -was begun. Tho testimony drawn from an officer of this eomn&nv showed that the Mutual controls many trust companies, among them the Morton Trust Company, the Guarantee Trust company ana tho united States Mortgage & Trust Company. On deposit with these companies tho insurance company keeps hundreds of thousands nf dollars, acmlnvt which it does not draw. It was explained that the nrosDoritv of the trust comna. nles meant the' prosperity of the Insur ance company. The Insurance deposits draw 2 por cent and the trust companies nav as hltrh as 2tf npr cent dividends on the par value of the stock, or 5 per cent on the market value. Cromwell's Idea of Syndicates. Frederick Cromwell, treasurer of the Mutual Life, said the company had bought securities from syndicates; that officers of the company had also "bought securities from syndicates and received individual profits by selling these bonds to the company. He did not see that there was any Impropriety In the officers going Into a syndicate -when the company had gone In first. Mr. Cromwell was still on the stand when the committee adjourned until tomorrow. William Alexander, secretary of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, was the nrst witness cxamlnod. Mr. Alexander, who is a brother of ex-President J. W. Alexander, said the ntutuallzatlon of tho Equitable had been prevented by the suit brought by Francis E. Lord, a stock holder. It was brought out that Mr. Hyde had. bound himself -with Mr. Ryan to return the S2,m,0W paid for the Equitable stock, provided full delivery was not made Sat the expiration of the trust. AVbnt Has Become of Jordan. Mr. Alexander was questioned as to the whereabouts of Thomas D. Jordan, for merly controller of the Equitable. He said he did not know where Mr. Jordan is. because he is one of the men who knows about the unexplained $6SS.0 loan of the Mercantile Trust Company to the Equitable. On tho subject of fonnor prices of Equitable stock. Mr. Alexander said It had sold at 31000 a share 1 years ago. Recently Marcellus Hartley Dodge had told him he had purchased four snares at more than 33000 each. The Hyde stock was sold to Mr. Ryan at approximately $5000 a share. Mutual Life Bond Purchases. Questions regarding the relation of the Mutual Life Insurance Company to the Guarantee Trust Company were asked of Frederick Cromwell, treasuror of the Mutual. He said that every member of the fiscal committee of the Mutual, with the possible exception of Mr. Grannls, was a stockholder In this trust company. Mr. Cromwell quoted a transaction in which the Mutual had purchased several millions of Cuban bonds while the Guar antee Trust Company had bought 11.000,009 worth. Asked why the Mutual did not purchase all the bonds Itself. Mr. Crom well replied that the insurance company did not wish to assume all the responsi bility of possible loss. Mr. Cromwell said in reply to questions that the Mutual, which owned nearly half of the trust company's stock, would have lost through any losses of the Guarantee Trust Com pany. Mr. Hughes remarked: "I do not under stand what advantage trust companies aro to lnsurancecompanIes." Asked to describe the Mutual Alliance Trust Company. $10,000 worth of whose stock was owned by the Mutual, Mr. Cromwell said It was a small company. organized for business in the East Side of New York, and serving to aid the Mutual In buying large stocks of bonds, but that It never paid a dividend. Herbert H. White, secretary of the Con necticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. gave the salaries of the Connecticut Mu tual officers as follows: Prosldent. $12,500; acting vice-president. 312,000; secretary. 37500, and treasurer, 35000. He held that his company only made advances to agents when a new agency was started. William H. Kings icy. secretary-treasur er of the Pennsylvania Mutual Life In surance Company, of Pennsylvania, said that bis society s charter does not per mit voting by proxy. Profits Made by Trust Companies. Frederick Cromwoll. treasurer of ''the Mutual Life, was recalled. He explained that in a syndicate In which the Mutual Life . was concerned the Insurance com pany got all the profit. If any members of the finance committee went into It privately It was through some banking house and not through the Mutual. The Mutual, he said, has 2000 shares In tho Morton Trust Company and keeps a de posit there right along of 3100.000 or J300.O00, against which it does not draw. It has not been drawn against since 1S39. Mr. Cromwell explained these large de posits by pointing out that on all the stock the Mutual held it had a profit of 322.OX.000, and that its trust company stock formed a very large proportion of this. The deposits in the trust company helped largely to support the trust com pany, and they considered they were Jus tified In maintaining these deposits in or der to assist the prosperity of these com panies. He regarded the investments in the trust companies as very profitable. Syndicates for Managers Benefits. "Would It be fair to assume that syndi cate transactions are got up for tho benefit of the managers V tha witness was asked. Without any question." he replied. "Now, what good to you are trust com panies? You are well known as holders of largo money? You must have many, applications for loans." "We don't hear of the loans. We wish to Invest in railroad, companies and other large transactions." The Japanese bondjssue came up for special mention, and Mr. Cromwell said he was in it, as well as the Mutual, and with a profit of one-quarter of a million dollars. He often went Into syndicates, when the Mutual had gone first. "You don't know that alter using your .best Judgment on Investments of the Mu tual Life In syndicate transactions, there Is any Impropriety. In your making money out of the same transactions"' "No." It developed that the Mutual receives 2 per cent Interest on Its deposits In the Morton Trust Company. Twenty Per Cent Dividends. The United States Mortgage & Trust Company was next taken up. This com pany belongs to the Mutual Life, and was obtained at a cost of 31.665,130. The com pany oavs 20 ner cent on the mr v!u of Its stock, and 5 per cent on Its market value. Passing on to the Bank of Call fomla, the witness testified the Mutual held 5000 shares of the nominal -rain of VX0Av which had been purchased at the cost of 31,910.010. JAPAN TURNS ON AMERICA (Continued From Pace 1.) mainly of fanatics hired by agitators. He believes that the oblect of th mnht fs to deprive the city of light and then to ij Derate the prisoners in the Jails. RIGHT OF MEETING DENIED Closing orParc Was First Cause of Rioting:. TOKIO. SeDt. 6. fDelavM In Tranml slon.) The destruction "of small substa tions continued until midnight. It Is im possible to ascertain t he. r-rnnt nitmhni- destroyed, but It is estimated that IS were. wrecxea. j.wo or me larger police sta tions were also destroyed. The mobs gen erally prevented damage to adjoining pri vate property by dragging the police kiosks into the middle of the street heforn applying the torch. Shortly after midnight another attempt was made against the Kokumin Shlmbun offices, but tho police dispersed the at tackers, killing one of the assailants. The fact that the man tra ftif In tha Ktr angered tho crowd which demanded th arrest of the policeman. detachments of national troops mobil ized on account of the war were called out durlnir the nleht- The rrmcA re ceived the soldiers good naturedly and cheered them. The principal duty of the troops was the protection of the police. The anger of the crowds was chiefly on account of the closing of HIbaya Park and the denial of tho right to meet pub-llcls-'In the .park, which Is under the charge of the municipality. After the park was closed yesterday, the Mayor and Council met Immediately and protest ed to the government, and insisted that the park be reopened. It Is now claimed that all tha turbulence resulted from the Indiscreet closing of the pork. Students and young street rowdies seemed to be the largest participants in the disorder of the night. The firemen succeeded In saving the main structure of the Home Minister's residence. Only the outbuildings were de stroyed. It Is impossible to secure ac curate figures of the casualties. The JIJi estimates them at two dead and at 5(0 wounded in all. Including those se riously and slightly Injured, among whom are 100 policemen. The wounds are mostly slight sword thrusts and bruises made by stones The city Is exceedingly'qniet this morn ing, and It" Is possible that the trouble is over. BURNING POLICE STATIONS 3Iob Rampant and Government Calls Out Imperial Guard. TOKIO. Tuesday, Sept. 5. (Delayed In transmission.) The city continues In an uproar. Detached mobs attacked and de molished and burned 11 nutivinr- mUm -sub-stations. They easily dispersed and uisarmeo tne small guarding forces, and the work of destruction was anmnidhiwi without serious personal violence. leuing crowds of sightseers mingling with the rioters nil the main downtown streets. 1 During the evening detachments of Im perial guards wore ordered to central parts of the city to assist In protecting government buildings and offleinis Tt?nv- ades were established around the build ings and the public excluded. Street-car traff was suspended In the troublesome districts On account nf lnnhlllr m cars. Wild rumors are sweeping through wic cuy. it is impossible to guage the situation and the extent and seriousness of the crisis. Until today's events the majority of the conservative element seemed, to be' accepting the Portsmouth results. Now the aspect Is changed. STRONG MEN LEAD RIOTERS Populnce Resents Concealment of Terms of Peace. .TOKm Sept. 6.-(DeIayed In Transmis sion.) The only serious disturbance this morning was the partial wrecking of a printing office which was xwjtlng the Kokumin Shlmbun to publish Its edi tions. The crowd attempted to enter the building, but was prevented by Boldlers, and some fighting resulted. The police were withdrawn, and kept in the back ground, on account of popular disfavor. The soldiery and gendarmes are perform ing general duty, the soldiers guarding the foreign legations. Apparently there Is an outbreak of an-tl-iorelgn sentiment, but the government Is anxious to prevent the Injury of mem bers of tho legations and other foreign ers. A few foreigners 'have been caught by the mobs and roughly used. The Nlchl Nlchl says: "How can the government retain Its dignity In the appearance of such rioting? TJie members of the committee appointed at yesterday's meeting have good stand ing, and are not irresponsible agitators. The police exceeded their authority, with a result derogatory to the honor of Tokio. Popular Indignation was Bet on fire, .and the police finally were unablo to keep order. If the present conditions continue, tho contamination may spread and Innocents and their property be dam aged." An Irritating feature of the situation is the continued failure of the government to Inform the public of the exact results at Portsmouth Not a jingle feature of tho negotiations has been communicated officially to the people. The result has been much popular resentment. Tho peo ple argue that they fought and paid for the war, and are entitled to know the results. Arrests since noon yesterday number about 200. The police captured SO assail ants or tho Home IMnlster? residence and detained the prisoners within a com pound until morning, fearing that the populace might attempt a rescue. T'no total dead reported to -date Is four. HARRIMAN PARTY" ASSAILED Mob Stones Lyle and MoKnlght and Stops Schwerln's Riksha. TOKIO, Sept. 6. Delayed in Transmis sion.) The Harrlman party had an ex citing experienco last night, while at tending and returning from a dinner given by Baron Sone, Minister of Finauce, Dr. W. G. Lyle and J. C McKnlght were caught in a crowd on their way to the dinner and were stoned. Dr. Lyle being struck by a missile and slightly hurt. After the dinner was over a detachment of soldiers escorted the party to the Le gation. A crowd stopped R. P. Schwerin. vice- president of the Pacific Mall Steamship company, and assaulted bis runners, but they did not touch Mr. Schwerin. A crowd menacing a neighboring police Kiosk, filled the space In front of the American Legation and hooted and Jeered the soldiers escorting the Harriman party, who fixed bayonets', charged the crowd, cleared the street and guarded the WELCOME, OREGON AND WASHINGTON HART, SCHAFFNER 6 MARX Fine Hand-Tailored Clothes. Here you will find quite; a variety oif "varsity'? models. The "straight-' -front," the "box-back," the "body.fitting," etc. The one shown here is the "double-breasted varsity." Fall Suits Topcoats SAM'L ROSENBLATT & CO. "THE HOME OF STYLE AND QUALITY." Legation throughout the night. The din ner planned by the banks for today In t honor of the Harrlman party will not take place, owing to the disturbed conditions In the city. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. At the Southern Pacific offices it was said that no word had been received from Mr. Harrlman, at Tokio. His associates were of the opin ion that the hostile demonstration was in no sense personal. Mr. Harriman's visit to Japan, It was declared, was entirely for recreation and pleasure. SPIRIT OF REBELLION ABROAD People Hope to Cause Mikado to Re pudiate Treaty. TOKIO. Sept. 7. Japan Is aflame with the spirit of rebellion. The people are Joarnlng the extent of the concessions made to Russia to obtain peace, and pop ular resentment Is overwhelming. Mobs display their feeling toward the govern ment by attacking the police, and In riot ing last night two persons were killed and at least 500 wounded. Many citizens of standing have joined the rioters, and the sentiment generally Is In favor of making such a demonstra tion that the Mikado will step in and -repudiate the peace conditions. Pull details of the compromise with Russia have not yet become public, and when they are learned It Is feared that the fury of the people will be unbounded. RUSSIAN ENVOYS FEASTED WITTE PROPOSES HEALTH OF ROOSEVELT FIRST. Rosen Defines Russia's Peace Pol Icy and 'Root Speaks on Roose velt as Pence Emissary. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. George Harvey entertained at dinner tonight at the Met ropolitan Club the Russian peace envoys, Mr. "SVltte and Baron Rosen, and the members of their suites, and a company 1 of men distinguished. In the different walks of life. The dinner company num bered more then SO. Mr. "Wlttc spoke first, saying he had insisted upon being accorded the privi lege that he might have the honor to propose a toast "to the health of the Illustrious statesman, Theodore Roose velt." Mr. WItte's last words were drowned with cheers. Colonel Harvey followed Mr. TVltte and proposed a health to the Russian Emper or, which was drunk standing. Baron Rosen spoke next. He gave a personal estimate of the Russian Emper or. "When President Roosevelt whispered the word "peace," It found a hearty echo In the breast of the Emperor. "Peace." he said, -was the passionate desire of Russia, but Russia wanted tho peace that comes of right to the just man armed, and not the peace given to the beaten craven." Ellhu Root. Secretary of State, spoke briefly. He congratulated the envoys on the success of their mission, and person ally on the admirablo good temper they j naa displayed. He said it required more courage to make peace than to make war. "Men who cry most loudly for war," Mr. Root continued, "and who criticize the Inevitable concessions to honorable peace are tho weaklings who never fight. It is the antithesis of these qualities which has made our 'President such a fit ting emissary of peace. Only he who is known to be willing to make war is heard with respect when he Implores peace." General Horace Porter. "Wayne Mac Veagh, Dr. Lyman Abbott and Pres ident Arthur T. Hadley, of Tale, were among the speakers. RUSSIAN ARJtX "WAITS XEWS Japanese Continue Outpost Fighting Despite Peace Treaty. LAMATENZr. Manchuria. "Wednesday, Sept. C The result of the Portsmouth conference was-officially announced to the Russian forces here today. The army, however, is still without official orders from St. Petersburg to cease its warlike activities, and the situation Is Intense. The soldiers are waiting for an armis tice to be declared, and they cannot un derstand how Russia can talk of peaco while the Japanese continue reconnais sances In .force and outpost engagements. Tho fighting of September 3 In Cbrea can not be understood here. OXLX IiOCAIi DISTURBANCES Komura and Sato .Make Idght of Rioting at Toklo. NEW YORK. Sept. 7. Baron Komura. who Is In this city today, said he did not I consider the rioting in Tokio more than a local disturbance. , Mr. Sato, the official spokesman of the Japanese peace party, gave it as his be- ! lief that the disturbances arose more out ' of Irritation 'on the part of the people toward the Minister of Home Affairs- be cause he closed the Hibaya Park to them than from anger at the government on account oi the recent peace negotiations. Headquarters for ' - . 12.50 to $35 I A I I f l"l" A TIE FLAG China Makes Amends for In sult to United States. BOYCOTT KILLED IN AM0Y Consnl Anderson Finds Leader Is Philippine Citizen and Forces Him to Disown Movement. Others Follow. AMOT. China, Aug. 6, via San Fran cisco. Sept. 7. (Correspondence of tho Associated Press.) The Chinese gunboat Hsing Hang appeared before the Amer ican Consulate on the waterfront in Amoy today with the American flag at Its mast head and fired a salute of 21 guns as amends for an act of an insulting nature committed In connection with the flagpole of the Consulate about two weeks ago. The whole affair grew out of the antl Amerlcan boycott agitation, which has been In progress In Amoy for the past month or more. There are a large number of merchants In Amoy, who have business connections In Manila, more perhaps, than in any other port ofChlna. Many of the merchants have had difficulty In get ting into the Philippines since the Ameri can occupation and. as a result the feeling against Americans In Amoy is cijr oiLicr. ine ooycoit agitation in tne city took definite form about July 16, when the 3S merchants, composing the Amoy Chamber of Commerce, met and signed an agreement to buy no more American goods until the exclusion law was modified. That afternoon one of these same merchants bought a big stock of American kerosene and another a large stock of flour to tide them over the storm. The boycott movement aroused con siderable excitement, and on the night of July IS some miscreant. Incited by lcr pulled down the halyard of the American flagpole, scattered fllth about the foot and posted and anti-American placard upon the pole. The matter was taken up with the officials by Consul George E. Anderson on the morning of July 19, and has been threshed out between Amoy and the Vice-regal Court at Foo Chow, with some action from Pekln In the meantime. The local officials, while originally wil ling to make amends for the outrage, were afraid to do so publicly lest the agitators should go after them fdr bow ing to the foreigner. A flag saulte was Insisted upon by the Consul, however, and the pressure he was able to bring upon the provincial officials carried tho day and the salute was ordered. In the meantime the Consul found that the leader of the boycott agitation In Amoy was a citizen of the Philippines, in terested in the Philippine trade, the sit uation thereupon showing eltuer that this leader could be held amenable to Philip pine law for his boycott agitation or else would forfeit his rights to engage in the coasting trade as a Philippine citi zen. After a conference with the Consul, this person, who was formerly Chinese Consul at Manila, and bears the Spanish name of Engraclo Palanca, decided that he wanted nothing more to do with the boycott and prorased to urge other mer chants to gvc up the movement. On the mornng of August 2 the merchants held a mectng and deeded to have nothng more to do with the boycott. Consnl Says Boycott Is Dying. "WASHINGTON, Sept 7. ConsuI-Gener-y L'n INI L' uliLU Ld IPS A WE We guarantee a cure in every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consal teUon le. LteVconad.nUa Instructive BOOK FOR ilKN mailed free la PleWcureP the worst cases of plies In two or three treatments, without' opera tion. Cure guaranteed. If you cannot call at office, write for question blanks Home treatment suc cessful. ' Office hour. 9 to 5 and 7 to -8. Sundays and holidays; 10 to 12: . . . DR. W. NORTON DAVIS, & CO; Offices In Van-Noy Hotel, 52 Third it, ' Cor Plat. Portland. Or, PRESS ASSOCIATIONS 1 1 Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffher & Marx al Rodgers. at Shanghai, cabled the State Department today as follows: "The general opinion Is that the boy cott Is practically abandoned here, at least for the present, and the latest reports from other parts of China Indicate that the situation Id respect to the boycott against American goods is much im proved." None better uuJe None better ' ' I 'HE range of soft hat styles bearing "tha McKIBBIN label 15 so wide as to cover every possible soft bat requirement. Every McKIBBIN bat is guaranteed to be style and quality perfect. $3 'At representative dealers $3 1 avoids tMs it goes on and comes off like a coat. Every style all colors warranted. $1.50 and more. EK "We treat-successfully all private ner vous and chronic diseases of men, also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without m-.renry) to stay cured for ever. Wo- remove Sl'RICTURB- without operation oF Pln. in 15 days. We stop drains, the result of self-abuse,- immedfatfcly. We can restore the sexual vigor or. any man under 50 by meana of Iowa treatment peculiar ta oursel-ves. We Cure Gonorrhoea !n a Week The 'doctors of this institute are all regular graduates, have had many year3 experience, nave been known in Portland for 15 years, have a reputa tion to maintain and will undertake no case unless certain curt can be effected. 1 Coat j 1 Shirt 1 m EK I j CIitlETT, PEABODT fc CO. 1 3 2rkeraofCIntt and Arrow Collars. !