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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN. KRUDAIT, SEPTEMBER . 8, 1905. - 3 TERROR RULES IN BAKU OIL FIELD: Bebel Tartars Kill, Burn and Pillage Without Any Restraint. RACE HATRED THE' CAUSE Outbreak Begun by Attack on Ar menians, Hcaches Climax in Total Destruction of the Oil Industry. BAKU. Sept. 7. (6 P. M.)-The situation here tonight shows no signs of ameliora tion. It hardly could be worse. The terror-strlckon inhabitants are fleeing irom the city, knowing that the garrison is utterly inadequate to protect them and. although the worst scenes of fire and massacres have not yet occurred in Baku Itself, none dare think bow far the ex cesses may proceed. The principal fighting- is not in Baku itself, but at Balakhan. whero hun Urede hae been shot by the Infantry and artillery and whore 1000 -were Sciilod or wounded during a despe rate attack on the military camp and pro vision depots. The troops sustained few casualties. A large number of workmen barricaded themselves in the Balakhan Hospital. The soldiers began the attack with rifle Are and then stormed the hos pital and completed thelt work with the bayonet. The entire oil and commercial quar ters of Balakhan, Sabunto and Bomanl Jiave boon wiped out by fire and the In habitants remaining behind were mas sacred and thrown into the flame. Blblebat continues to burn and is threat otted with the some fate as Balakhan. The consulates, banks and buildings in Baku are guarded by troops. All of the KngHsh residents and almost all other Inhabitants of the better class have boarded the ships and gone to sea to es cape from danger. All available steam ers have been omployed for this purpose Martial law has been proclaimed In tho city. Nobody is allowed on the streets after S o'clock at night, and Inhabitant of houses are "hold strictly responsible for shots fired from them. Artillery was employed against one house from which hots were fired. The walls were breached, the house was stormed and all the peoplo Inside were killed. There Is & gcnoral panic in the city. A whole army of hungry workmen driven in from the burned suburbs has flocked Into the city. There is the greatest desti tution, and measures for transporting the workmen from the city are imperatively necessary. Reinforcements of troops are arriving daily, and it Is hoped the authorities soon will have the situation better in hand. Following is a brief review, in sequence, of the events of the last six days as wit nessed at Baku: Beginning of Race War. On the afternoon of Saturday last re ports began running from mouth to mouth that the Tartars and Armenians were mftsaacrolng each other. Immediately thwe was great alarm and a panic pre vailed. Stores were closed and windows and doors were barricaded. Twenty min utes later sounds of rifle HrJng were hearfl from the various quarters the city, and fevrybody wished to ilee, but 'no one could leH whether safety lay within or with out the city. Two bours later patrols or Cossacks and other soldiors armed with riefls began to arrive from the "barracks, and these troops immediately engaged the rioters. The firing between the warring factions continued all of Saturday night. On Sun day the situation showed no Improvement and firing was in progress all during the day, the streets being deserted except for the combatants. No one dared to leave his house during the day. A carriage sur rounded by Cossacks conveyed the city authorities to the house of the Governor General. At 8 o'clock on Sunday evening the first reflection on the sky of fire In the "black town' quarter 7as noticed, and Jt was learned that the Nobel oil reser voirs were burning. Fires Surround City. Sunday night was more fearful than the preceding one. Fires broke out in several quarters and the firing of the troops was Uninterrupted. Fires also broke out in the suburbs of Balakhan and Sabunto. Telephonic communication between Baku end these points was destroyed, and it was impossible to ascertain what was burning on Monday morning. Many of the Inhabitants decided to brave the dangers in an effort to leave the city. They wont in cabs, surrounded by Cossacks, to the railroad station, and the flight from the city soon became gen 'oral, everybody who 'was able to do so .'leaving. By this time provisions had be ' come scarce and prices were soarln. On Monday night the burning, shooting, killing and plundering continued, and a refinery which was in flames beyond Biblibat lit up the sky In that direction. A big woodyard in Baku also caught Are and a strong wind fanned the flames, "which soon spread to Nikitln Circus and adjacent houses. The Are continued all of Tuesday, , breaking out In, several places, embracing the railroad station end a number of Armenian houses in dif ferent quarters of the city. Wednesday fugitives from Balakhan began to arrive here and told of the in describable horrors they had witnessed. All the oil works there, they said, were In tho hands of the Tartars, who were pillaging the houses of Russian and Ar menian workmen, carrying away every thing of value and burning the buildings. Many workmen, they say. will be left in poverty, and they believed that Balakhan would be totally destroyed. Vain Movement for Peace. At 5 o'clock "Wednesday afternoon tho situation was somewhat improve J. Tartars and Armenians were running through the streets crying1 "peace," and a little later a posse made up- of both races, with clergymen at its head, -went through the town. But these effort toward a cessation of the fighting: were not effective, for the firing- went on all "Wednesday nijrht. The soldiers, how ever, continued thecfforts to repress the disorders, and. by Thursday morninc matters were more orderly everywhere. The streets today are deserted and the stores, banks and other public plaoos are closed, hardly anybody van luring out A pall of heavy black smoke hangs over Baku and its suburbs. Th Josses in these six days have not yet been accurately established. lc was reported this morning that the Tartans, notwithstanding their participation in the "peace" procession, are opposed to the establishment of order, and that they demand a substan' tial sum ffonf the authorities In lieu of permission to continue their pillaginpr. Boats running- on the Volga will Uoubtless have to use naphtha instead of oil. The quantity of naphtha on hand j will be sufficient for the river boat? i for at least Ave months. It will take nearly a year to repair the damage hero. . , But Sot the activity of the soldier?. the bloodshed might have been great er. As It is, a'sreatvmany persons havo been killed. oil industry: PEAD FOR YEAR Tartar Rebels Massacre Thousands and Overpower Troops. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. .-(1:43 A. M.) Interracial warfare and incendiarism hav9 done tholr work in Baku and have completed ttie ruin for a yoar of the great oil industry of that Caspian port, though tho latest dispatches Indicate that the military have gained the upper hand in the town itself and that the steadily arriving reinforcements promipe to turn the tide in the outlying districts and to enable the troops to drive the Tartars Irom their positions around the city and to re-occupy the suburban towns. There is little left unburned above, tho ground in the outlying oil fields of Bal akhan, Romanl, Sabunto and Blblebat, from which the crude oil supply for the Baku oil Industry is drawn. AH the ex tracting plants, including derricks, pump ing establishments and the oil reservoirs in which the crude oil is stored, have been destroyed. The breaking of the res ervoirs unloosed a flood of burning oil, which It was impossible to extinguish. A large portion of the "Black town" quarter, in which roost of the roflneries wore located, was also burned. The financial loss has not yet been es tablished, 'but it will run. Into the mil lions. It is stated that the loss In crude oil, which will run waste until the rosor. volrs can be rebuilt and the refineries ,again started, will amount to S2Q0.O00 daily. Artillery Mows Down Rebels. frhe bloodshed also has been appall ing, as the troops, in their efforts to restore order, had to defend the ap proaches to the town of Baku nd were forced to flght a regular battle with the well-armed natives, in which artillery was employed. The Tartars and Armenians in tholr fury turned their weapons against each other. All the well-to-do inhabitants Aod olther by sea or overland to Tiflis. Unlike tho recent trouble at Odessa, the disorders at Baku cannot be traced to any underlying hostility to the Rus sian government. It is not a revolu tion, but an inter-racial war betweon the Armenians and the natives basod on the same causes as the struggle, in Armenia. Both factions offored a stubborn armed resistance to tho troops. The Tartars, after driving the Russian and Armonian operatives from the works in the oil Aelds, massacred those who were unable to flee In time, plundered their houses and then applied the torch. The dispatches spoak of several thousand killed or wounded in the fighting at Balakhan, where the Tar tars were Intrenched in force and more than hold their own for a time against the troops. Moslems Preach Holy "War. It is said that the green standard of the prophet has been raisod and that the Mullahs at Baku are preaching a holy war, as they did at Eristan a few months ago. The Moslems, however, have no special programme to carry out at this time, and it is expectod that order will bo restored In a few days with the arrival of sufficient -troops. It is thought, however, that the underly ing hatred existing between Armen ians and Tartars will not be abated. The statement that a Turkish omis sary Is working among the Tartars Is believed here to be untrue. The Mos lems In the Baku region are connected, not with tho Turks, but with Persia, to which country they belonged before the conquest of the region by Russia. It is expected that the arrival of the Shah of Persia at Baku in a few days on his way to Teheran will complicate the situation, and this belief probably furnished the inspiration for the Im perial order to the Viceroy of th Cau casus to stop the disorders at all costs. Scene of the Rebellion. The town of Baku , lies in a steop walled amphitheater on the southern shore of the Apsheron peninsula, with the oil Aelds on cither side, from which pipe lines convey the oil a few miles t othe refineries In the town. Most of these reflnories are looatcd In the so called "Black Town" quarter. The principal or Balakhan oil field, where the heaviest fighting has taken place, .Is 15 miles northoast of Baku. Sa bunto and Roman! are adjoining oil districts. Blblebat, a small but very rich field, lies on the opposite Or west side of Baku, Just outside the city limits. Most of the surrounding region Is inhabited by Tartar hill tribes, who, in addition to occupying the two dis tricts on the hillsides running down to the port, also oocupy the old forti fied section in the center of the town, which Is probably tholr headquarters. The Tartar quarters arc composed of dirty and squalid houses In crooked streets. Many of the streets are. wide enough to permit individuals to pass. ARTILLERY RUSHED TO BAKU All Petroleum "Works Destroyed and Products at Famine Prices. TIFUS, Sept. 7. All the naphtha works at Baku have been destroyed and all the factories and other works there are closed. The military authorities are hastening measures to cope with the disastrous sit uation at Baku. Artillery has been dis patched from here by special trains. The prices of benzine, kerosene and their residues have ripen enormously. The present supplies will be exhausted in a few days. The Tartar movement In Northern Cau casus is said to be directed principally against the government. Panic reigns in the whole of the Tiflis district and the people are fearful of an attack byVTartars. One Cossack was killed and another wounded near here last night. The assailants escaped. The po lice patrols have been strengthened and the authorities propose to organize a rural militia for the defense of Armenian homes in 11 of the Trans-Caucasian dis tricts where no troops are stationed. FAMINE IX NINE PROVINCES Government Asked for $20,000,000 to Feed Starving Millions. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 7.-The first Bitting of a ministerial conference called to deal with the famine which threatened a number of provinces was held today. It was attended by the Governors of the provinces, representatives the Zernst vos and Red Cross and philanthropic so cieties and marshals of the nobility. Re ports were presented showing that the distress is particularly acute in the prov inces of Saratoff, Rizan, Samara, Pens. Tamboff, Orel. Voronesh, Toula and Vi atica. It was approximately estimated that 36,500,00) pounds of cereals would be re quired to feed tho distressed population and the conference recommended that the trasury assign nearly $20,000,000 for these cereals. Gorky Candidate for Assembly. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 7. It Is reported that Maxim Gorkythe au thor, will be a candidate for election to the National Assembly. Britain Tells Roosevelt of Treaty. LONDON. Sept 7. The substance of the new Anglo-Japanese treaty has been communicated by the Foreign Office to the State Department at "Washlnirtnn through the British representatives at the different capitals. No details of the con tents of the treaty have yet been given out ber. - SEE .JAPAN'S HAND Purpose of Requests Secretary Root Will Make. HE WANTS MORE CONSULS Dalny and Harbin Arc Points Where They "Will Be Stationed Japan Must Tell China to Abol ish the Likln Tax. WASHINGTON', Sept 7. (Special.)- Secretary Root will at once take steps to ascertain the real attitude of Japan on the question of maintaining the "open door" in Manchuria. The Secreting will ask Japan for per mission to locate a consul at Dalny, which has been leased to that country. He will make the same request for a consul at Harbin, which will be again under the Jurisdiction of China. Russia refused permit to Consuls at these places because Dalny was declared bo a military fortress and Harbin likely to become the center of military opera tions. Secretary'Root will also aBk that the llkin tax be abolished. Negotiations wore progressing with China to that end"" when Russia dictated a refusal. If the request be not granted now, it wil be assumed that Japan has dictated an other refusal, and hereafter will dom inate China, as Russia did previous to the war. GROWTH OF PENSION ROLL Reached Maximum In January, Now Is Below Million. WASHINGTON, Sept. 7. The ponslon roll reached the maximum number in its history on January 21 last, the number being 1,001.196. The roll passed the million mark in September, ISM, and gradually Increased for the next four months. Tho doclinc began with the first of last Feb ruary, and by the following May had dropped below tho million mark. , These facts arc developed in a synopsis of the annual report of Pension Commis sioner Warner, covering the operations of hls office for the fiscal year ending June 39 last. At the end of the year the number of pensioners had declined to 998,111. a net Increase for the year of 3679. The report shows the following addi tional facts: During the year the bureau issued' 1KS.21S pension certificates, of which num ber over 50.000 were originals. The annual value of the pension roll on June 3. IMS, was J136.745.296. By tho term "annual value" is meant the amount of money required to pay the pensioners from the roll for one year. During the year 43.SS3 pensioners wore dropped from the roll by reason of deaths, and of this number 30,321 weresurvivors of the Civil War. On June 30. 1903, the roll contained the names of CS1.60S survivors of the Civil War a decrease of over G00O from the pre vious year. The total amount disbursed for pensions for the fiscal year .was J11.H2,SG0, of which amount $4,187,166 was for Navy pen sions and S3.409.93S was paid to pensioners of the Spanish War and $133,022,170 to the survivors of the Civil War, their widows and dependents. The total amount paid to Spanish War pensioners since 1899 la Jli.996.19S. The total amount of money paid for pensions since the foundation of the Gov ernment is $3,320,860,022. and of this amount $3,141,395,405 has been paid on ac count of the Civil War. The total number of claims allowed, original and Increase, under order No. 78, known as "the age order." since that or der went Into effect. April 13, 1901, up to June 30, 1905. was 5,612. Rejected Consul Comes to Report. WASHINGTON. Sept l.J. Martin Miller, whose exequator as an American Consul at Aix-la-Chapelle has been with held by the German-government, owing, it Is alleged, to certain publications ema nating from Mr. Miller while In journal istic life, has arrived In Washington and will report to the Department of State He declines to discuss the attitude of the Government toward his appointment. Mr. Miller expects to sail from New York Saturday for Alx-la-Chapelle. ' ALLEN FOR SUETS JOB SENATOR PILES RECOMMENDS HIS APPOINTMENT. Ankeny Agrees With Him on Man for Receiver at Olympla Allen a Convert of 1890. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. "Wash ington, .Sept. 7. Senator Piles today rec ommended the -appointment of T. N. Al len, of .Olympla, as Receiver of the Olym pla Land Office, to succeed J. O'B. Sco bey, resigned. OLYMPIA. Wash..- Sept. 7. (Special.) The visit here today of United States Senators- S. H. Piles and Levi Ankeny was the occasion for the announcement that Judge T. N. Allen, of Olympla, had been recommended by Senator Piles, Senator Ankeny concurring, for the position of Receiver of the Olympla Land Office, to succeed J. O'B. Scobey, who recently ten dered his resignation. Judge Allen came here from Kentucky during Cleveland's first administration to become chief clerk In the office of the Surveyor-General. After his retirement he entered the practice of law. He became a Republican in 2S96. Senators Ankeny and Piles thoroughly canvassed the needs of Olympia harbor improvements and held a long conference with committees from the Chamber of Commerce. They were entertained at din ner this evening by Governor Mead. More Bodies Washed Ashore. CLEVELAND, O., Sept 7. W. A. Haw good & Co., owners of the steamer Iosco, Hood's Pills Act on the liver and bowels, cure bil iousness, constipation, morning and sick headache, break tip colds, relieve uncomfortable fullness after dinner. rainless cathartic. 25c. Peptiron riiis srsrv r'coo the stomach, aid dirn?imn ana give restful sleep. Especially bene ficial in nervousness and anemia. Chocolate-coated, pleasant to take. Two bea : 50c. and $1. Druggists or mail. C I. HOOD COXoireU, Mm. ( HOOD ) "BABYSBOW" Display of the Finest Small Grand Pianos Hade. Chickering Quarter grands and the latest small quarter grands and parlor grands. The greatest number of fine new grand pianos ever displayed In a retail salesroom. Also uprights, specially designed up rightsPianola Pianos. Pianolas, Orches trclles. Pipe Organs, Parlor and Chapel Organs, in endless variety all at greatly reduced prices. Unprecedented opportunity for compar ison and selection. Substantial price reductions and easy payments. "A quarter block of fine pianos." Don't fail to visit this wonderful display. En trance 351 Washington, corner Park street. Eilers Piano House Largest, leading and most responsible Western dealers. Stores at Portland. (Retail 331 Washington street; wholesale. Thirteenth and Northrup streets); Boise, Idaho; Lcwiston. Idaho; Seattle. Wash.; San Francisco. Stockton and Oakland, CaL. and all other important points. which foundered in the recent heavy storm on Lake Superior, today recolved a telegram from Marquette, Mich., saying that the bodies of four men and one woman have been washed ashore at Pine River with life-preservers attached to them bearing the name "Iosco." The woman is believed to have been the wife of the cook. The Iosco carried a crew of 19 persons, all of whom undoubt edly perished. The total number of lives lost in the Lake Superior storm is now placed at -W. WALTZING ALMOST LOST Dancing-Masters Say Two-Step Is Supplanting It. NEW YORK, Sept. 7. Waltzing Is be coming a lost art, according to dolegates attending the twenty-eighth annual con vention here of the American Society of Professors of Dancing. The professors are. for that reason, doing ail they can to check the Insidious two-step. "The whole trouble," said the delegate from Terre Haute. Ind., "is that dancing is looked upon merely as a social time killer, when, as a matter of fact, it is a means of developing grace, of promoting physical culture and teaching the best manners. Wo dancing masters must stand together to prevent the waltz from degenerating, for It is not what It was ten years ago, just because Americans have grown so careless about IL They two-step through everything, no -matter AWARDED Grand Prize Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. The most complete assort ment of GOOD Shoes in the Pacific Northwest New Fall styles now on sale. ROSENTHALS 149 THIRD ST. Between Morrison and Alder SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes Tutfs Pills Cure AH Liver Ills. Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt's Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures t SICK HEADACHE sour stomach, malaria, indi gestion, torpid liver, constipa tion and all bilious diseases. TUTFS Liver PILLS v. v i v.5 Sole Agents lor Yonnfs Famous $3.00 Hats for Men Cipman. lUolf e 6000 Pairs Fine $7.509 $6.50 SILK PETTICOATS at $3.98 100 black and colored Silk Petticoats For today's selling at a price far below what equal values have been offered before. Colors are black, navy, reseda, changeable green and changeable blue. Good quality cular flounce, trimmed with two deep hemmed ruffles. "Worth every cent of $7.50 and $6.50 on sale today at We will introduce to the Portland public the improved Dressmakers' Bust Form The price f or this occasion is 98c The regular price is $1.25 Dressmakers' Bust Forms QO Regular $1.25, today . OW French shape sizes 30 to 44 inches, light weight, very desir able. Secure one before the sizes are broken. ipiiian,lUolfe$o. Artistic Picture Framing . whether It Is a -waltz, a schottlsche or a polka." One of the features of the demonstra tion before the convention was. the danc ing of "The Spirit of the Times," a fancy half march, half dance movement. It Is adapted for exhibition drills of children and the movements are planned in the form of a five-pointed star. The con vention will be In esslon today and to morrow. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD Dr. Menees, Xoted Physician. NASHVILLE. Tenn.. Sept. 7. Dr. Menees. one of the best-known physicians in the South, Is dead at his home In this THE WOMAN'S STORE NEW FALL Hardly have the Autumn leaves taken on the first tinge of red, but most of Portland's ladies are already wondering as to what will be the shades .and shapes of the new hats for the Fall and Winter season. The ques tion can be best settled here, as Madame Brooks, who has charge of our Millinery Department, has just returned, from the Eastern fashion centers with the first install ment of what will he the most splendid assortment of Fall Millinery ever shown in the city. You are invited -to inspect tha line. SPECIAL VALUES IN FURS A glance at the very special values we are offering in our Morrison-street window will convince yon that while "Silverfield" has the very finest furs, he also has them priced the lowest thus placing within the easy reach of all Fur' Garments that are sold with a guarantee show ing that there are none better manufactured. SALE OF NEW FALL SHIRTS We have just received and are placing on sale a splen did collection of New Fall Skirts of a light weight. Skirts of fine Scotch mixtures, shepherd plaids and gray and tan voiles all made in the latest full pleated styles for the Tal1 eitacrrn ' $15.00 SKirts $8.95 $10.00 SKirts $6.85 . 50c EMBROIDERED TURNOVERS 3.9c 5 We are showing a splendid line of pure linen, hand-emhroidered Turnovers, in a number of handsome designs. Eegular 50c values on sale at '. .-39 75c AND $L00 BELTS 33c We offer yon your choice of a splendid Una of Silk and Leather Belts, in desirable colorings, a fine assort ment of buckles. Eegular 75c and $1.00 Belts on sale at 33 CHILDREN'S WHITE DRESSES AT HALF PRICE We find it necessary, in order to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock, to sacrifice our line of Misses' and Children's White Dresses Splendid Dresses of lawns, organdies and linens, in the French Suspender, Russian Blouse and "Buster Brown" styles. Note the prices. $ 2.00 Dresses $1.00 5.00 Dresses $2.50 3.50 Dresses 1.78 9.00 Dresses 4.50 6.00 Dresses 3.00 10.00 Dresses 7.... 5,00 Values Up to $1.00 Pair rr Are on Sale Today at LtjQ The cleverness of our resident New York buyer, Mr. Henry L. Mersereau, and' the immensity of our purchasing powers are again demonstrated by a brilliant purcnase of ladies' Hosiery that will make a day of strenuous selling in our Ladies' Hosiery Department. 6ooo pairs to choose from, the. entire sample line of a leading European exporter; this season's and next season's hosiery; black and colors, all the newest shades Tans, bis , cuit, champagne, sage, Alice blues, gray, navy, brown, Dres den, emerald green, black lisle, lace boot and allover lace, some pretty fancy stripes, plaids, etc. Come early as there will be a big rush for these wonderful hosiery bargains.- One hundred extra feet of counter space. Extra help. rustling Taffeta Silk, knife plaited cir $3.98 Every woman uses a mirror, but the bust form is bet ter than a mirror. You make the waist right on. the form you see it from all sides. No "woman who is clever enough to make a waist or dress would be foolish enough to do without a bust form after she has seen its wonderfully practical use demonstrated. The manufacturer has made us a concession to en able us to introduce the bust QPEr forms at only After the introduction the price will be $1.25. city, aged S3 years. He was a member of the Confederate Congress, and has been a professor in the medical depart ments of several Southern colleges. " Mrs. Bennington Von Ynlkinburg. CHICAGO. Sept. 7. Mrs. Josephine Bennington von Valklnburg Is dead at Rockford. 111., aged So. .She was the daughter of Charles Bennington, the English composer, and a writer of consid erable repute. South End House Haided. To clean out the South End of all houses of ill-repute, Officers Jay and Jones mado a raid on a private residence at 5S9 Fifth street last night. On Information fur SILVERFIELD'S HATS Hfch-Srtdi Watck Refairiag Very Reasonable Prices Co, Hosiery nished by Officers "West and Porter, the residence was entered and the following arrested on a misdemeanor charge: A. E. Johnson, James Hunter, James Sher wood. Louise Thompson, Blanch "Webster and Llllle Stanley. Yokohama, Sept. 7. Arrived previously Kanagawa Maru, from Seattle, for Hong konsr. FOURTH AND MORRISON 7