Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 08, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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Tells Why He Wants Chase
Returned to Portland.
Thinks His Bartender Can Give In
formation Tliat "Will Lead to
the Apprehension of Mur
derer of His Wife.
That Fremont R- Chane, who is held
In San Francisco on a charge of embez
zlement preferred by Kaspar Van Dran,
knows something about the mysterious
murder of Mrs. Van Dran is the firm
conviction of Kaspar Van Dran and of
the Portland detectives. The charge of
embezzlement against Chase is, in the
opinion of detectives and of Mr. Van
Dran, a matter of minor consideration
only. When Chase is brought to Fort
land, the charges of embezzlement -will
be withdrawn and he will never be
brought Into court on that charge. The
real object In bringing Chase to Port
land will be .to explain his actions be
tween S and 9:40 P. M. of the night on
which Mrs. Van Dran was murdered. In
the only interview which Kaspar Van
Dran has given he eald last night: "The
3harge of embezzlement against Chase
will stand until he can be brought to
Portland, when I will withdraw It- That
In as things stand notf, I have every
Intention of withdrawing It. Although
I am positive I have been robbed and
treated shamefully by Chase -and his
friend, Kinney, while I was In the hos
pital. I have no exact knowledge of the
amount of money and stock that was
taken by them. I have never had a set
tlement with Chase and do not know the
exact amount of money that has been
taken from me.
His Opinion of Chase.
Understand, I make no direct
eharcres that Chase poisoned my wife.
but I flrmly believe that he was indi--J
rectly Implicated. His sudden disap
pearance, coupled with the lies that
lie lias told me, and the conferences he
has held with Kinney and others who
sre known to be friendly with Joe
Young, look suspicious. I picked the
man out of the gutter and thought he
was my friend, but from recent cir
cumstances I learned that he waa
Trlcndly to Toung while professing to
me that that he was not. I have
learned that Chase, Kinney and Toung
and a bondsman who put up the money
fer Young's appearance in court met
In rooms over 'Joe Young's place, and
that there weight was brought to bear
by threats and otherwise to make
Chase leave the city. Instead of going
aponly on the steamer Spokane to San
Francisco, he bought tickets to the
leasldc on the river steamers, checked
his baggage on the steamer Spokane,
ohanged his name and took the
steamer at Astoria for San Francisco.
Chase's Kelation With Young.
"Chase's known relations with
Young, the. amount of money he is
known to have had when lie left Port
land, his fear of Young for some rea
son, and his associations with Kinney
show that he left the city, not because
lie was short In his account, but for
some other reason.
"My wife was never poisoned by
gingerale that was carried to the
husc from the saloon, nor by the gin
gerale that was carried to the house by
any one whom I know, but I believe
that the poison was substituted while
me bottles lay in the bucket. Chase,
on the afternoon of the death of my
.wife, relumed from a fishing trip with
Kinney and two women. The men
oame to the saloon and gave me a
trout. They then left the place, and,
although I expected them to return
soon, they did not appear until 9:35 or
9:45 P. M. They will have to explain
whore they were during the intermission."
Portland Detectives Arrive in San
Francisco After Bartender Ac
cused of Embezzlement.
SAX FRANCISCO, Sept 7. (Special.)
Detective Day of Portland arrived at po
lice headquarters today with a warrant
,fer Fremont Chase, who was recently
arrested on an order from the chief e
police, on the charge" of embezzlement.
Chase Is also suspected of other offenses.
Detective Vaughn went to Sacramento to
obtain the signature of the Governor to
",tho papers for Chase's extradition.
Day pays the police of Portland have
been unable to find any motive for the
.poisoning of the wife of Kaspar Van
Dran, Chase's former employer. It Is be
lieved that Chase, If he chose, could
throw considerable light on the mystery.
Chase does not Intend to go back with
out a struggle. He has employed Attor
ney W. T. Hume to look after his inter
ests and pome action will be taken when
Dotectlve Vaughn arrives with the ex
tradition papers.
Pronounce Him Well Enough to At
tend Court Sessions.
.After Drs. K. A. J. Mackenzie. George
Wilson and A. R Mackay had pronounced
Marlon R. Biggs, one of the defendants
In the land-fraud cases, in no danger of
serious consequences by attending his
trial In the Federal Court, Judge Hunt
directed that the defendant be brought
Into court forthwith In order that the
case might proceed; and after this had
beon done, the Judge made a ruling hold
ing that Juror E. Presnall. of Salem, was
Incompetent to serve as the 12th member
of the body, and excused him. "
Counsel thereupon rroceedod tn
other Jurors, with a view of completing
the venire, and finally agreed upon John
Ji. Jtjaiiey, a jnercnant or forest Grove,
and the jury -was thereupon sworn to try
the case.
It being so Jiear the hour for adjourn
ment when this had been nrr-nmnitetia
Judge Hunt decided to continue the case
until 5:30 o'clock this morning, at which
hour District Attorney Henev dhu t-.
cced to make his opening statement for
tne uovernmenu
Colic and Diarrhoea A Eemedr That I
Prompt and rieasaat.
The prompt results produced by Cham
berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
i-iemeuy losemer Twin us pleasant taste
have won for It a nlace in mnm- hnn.i.
holds. Mr. W. T. Taylor, a merchant of
winsiow, Aia.. 'u nave used
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera, and Diar
rhoea Remedy for myself and also with
men on my place, for diarrhoea and colic
and it always gives relief jfroraptly and
"loiMjnt1v TIYn- Gu1 Vl ill rimers.-..
Today, Meier St Frank's 821st Friday Surprise Sale
1 2 Silk Petticoats $5.95
High-grade Silk Petticoats for the cost of the material shonid at
tract an army of enthusiastic buyers bright and early this morn
ingAll new, desirable skirts from a leading mannftctnrcr who
shows his appreciation of the immense regular business extended
to him by throwing onr way annually two or three unusual of
ferings like we announce for today's selling Skirts of style and
quality made with deep-pleated graduated flonnce with double
row of niching, plain or tucked ruffle with ruche Colors are
brown, copper, tan, mode, lavender, gray, navy, black, and a
great assortment of changeable colorings Skirts that we sell
thousands of at $10.00, $1 1.00 and $12.00
each, regularly Today only your choice at xl Q
the phenomenally low price of ir
See Fifth-street Window Display Mag Orders Promptly Filled
Today, Meier Sb Frank's 821st Friday Surprise Sale
Men's New Fall Suits $ 1 2.M
New, up-to-date clothing for men was never so economi
cally priced as for today's 821st Friday Surprise Sale
150 Fall and Winter Suits, garments that have been in the
house only one week to be sold at a price fully six dollars
below what you are asked to pay at the exclusive clothing
store for suits of equal style and quality All-wool fancy
tweeds, cheviots end worsteds, three and four-button
round-cut sacks in the very best patterni, grays, browns,
plaids, and black and white effects, Italian and Venetian
linings, hand-felled collar, every suit splendidly tailored
and perfect-fitting, all sizes On sale tf 1 O
today only at the very low price of P J
See Morrison-street window display
New Fall and Winter Overcoats and Raincoats Now Ready
Second Floor
1000 Pairs Lace Curtains
Arabian Cable Nets
$2.38 a Pair
A Lace Curtain bargain for today that must in
terest economical housewives; 1000 pairs of
handsome Arabian color cable net Lace Cur
tains; antique lace pattern borders and insert
ings; 12 designs to, select from; 50 inches wide
by 3 yards long; grandest
curtain values ever offered
at this low price, pair
Custom Shade and Drapery "Work our spe
cialty; best .materials and workmanship ; lowest
prices guaranteed.
Sole Portland agents for the famous "Oster
moor" patent elastic felt Mattresses, in all sizes.
Better than hair mattress and cost less. 3d Floor.
tn; du mcnes wiae
Our New Fall Footwear Is Now Ready
The most complete stock we ever presented for your choosing Smart, new Fall and Win
ter Footwear for women, the largest, best, and most com
plete showing we ever made Shoes of standard make from
the most reputable manufacturers in the land, shoes that we
can 'guarantee as to wearing qualities Every new style is
represented in all grades Satisfactory shoes at fair prices
are always obtained at The Meier &. Frank Store
Women 's patent kid Blucher, welt sole Shoes, with new f
low 5-inch top; very swell; all sizes and widths, pair.. $?-UU
Entire new line of Women's Button Boots, in patent kid, patent colt
and vici kid; low top and regular cut, pr $3.00, $3.50, 4.00
New line of gunmetal Shoes for "Women; the most practical Shoe
for Fall and "Winter wear: new shaDes: nair. . to S4.00
Immense line of Women's $3.50 Footwear in all leathers and lasts;
by far the best values for the moaey in the city.
Women's $3.00 Footwear in all leathers and styles. Patent colt, kid
and gunmetal leather; the styles and quality you are asked to pay
$3.50 and $4.00 a pair for at other stores.
New Fall Footwear for Men, Boys, Misses and Children.
To Portland and Portland's largest
and best store. Parcels checked, in
formation bureau, waiting room,
'phones, etc., all the store's conven
iences are for you to use as often as
you please. Souvenirs in immense
assortment and at the lowest prices.
Program of Events for Today
Morning Business meeting of Osirian. Cloister.
Afternoon Initiatory ceremony Osirian Cloister.
Evening Annual Osirian Banquet.
Business sessions to he held in Elks' Hall.
Are the superior to any "Agency" machine on
the market; every "Willamette" guaranteed for
ten years, and the prices half what " agency"
machines cost you. Most improved models, best
head, easy runing, ball bearings," complete set. of
attachments; handsomest wood work; 15 models;
$15.00 to $35.00 each. See them on 2d Floor.
Hoppickers' Gloves, three grades,
best styles, all sizes ; greatest val
ues ever offered; plain heavy
canvas, 8? pair; heavy
canvas Gauntlet, pair. . . . C
Heavy canvas with leather I 1
tips, pair
Men's, women's and children's
light weight Kid Gloves for hop-
pi eking; all sizes; value 1 Q
extraordinary, pair fC
35c, 40c Ribbons 17c Yd.
3000 yards of extra quality all-silk Satin Taffeta and Taffeta Rib
bons, 4 and 5 inches wide; all the newest shades; 35o f
and 40c value on sale at this low price, yard C
Special lot of print warp and pompadour all-silk Ribbons in a
big variety of colors; regular 75c value on sale ATkt
today at, yard . HOC
New importation of "Perrins" real French Kid Gloverfvery
new style in all grades, per pair $1.50 to $3.50
New Evening Coats
$25.00 to $100.00
intention is called today to our magnificent showing of new evening
Wraps in green, helio, tan, black, reseda, brown and white broadcloth.
Empire effect in plain and fancy trimmed All are high-grade gar
ments of the very latest fashion The variety and values unequaled in
the city Beautiful new Costumes for party and evening wear are
arriving daily Silk, wool and ace Novelties imported and domestic
models The grandest display of fine apparel we ever made
New Suits and Coats
Don't buy a new Fall Suit or Coat until you have seen the matchless
assortment to be found in Portland's leading cloak and suit store. Every
new fashion and material in all grades; the very best values for your money.
New Raincoats, Walking and Dress Skirts, . Waists, Petticoats, etc. New
Fall Coats, Suits and Dresses for blisses and Children.
White Marseilles pattern' Bed
spreads, 2 yards . wide, hem
med; extra special TQ
value at 07C
White Marseilles pattern Bed
spreads; extra large size; hem-
-med; great special tf (L
value at H
White fringed Marseilles pat
tern Bedspreads, for metal beds )
extraordinary value J
White Marseilles Bedspreads,
hemmed, double bed size; hand
some spread; regular G fK
$2.50 grade 3p&mJsJ
White fringed- Marseilles Bed
spreads; best $3 A
grade, each wIO
Today's Specials in Drug Sundries
Extra Sperm Oil. special value at, bottle 4c
Superior Bay Rum Hair Tonic; great value at. bottle lOo
2000 rakes of Cutlcura Soap; special at, cak 16c
$000 bars of Fairy Soap; It floats; cake . 3c
Cream of Castile Soap; great special value at, bar 4a
Lily Bouquet Soap, nicely perfumed; 12 cakes In a box, box 33c
White's famous Tooth Powder; great value at. bottle 16c
Vlolette Je Parma Toilet Water, sprinkler top; bottle- 33c
Dkayed Toilet Paper; special value at. dozen rolls v.- 3Tp
Indian Sachet Bags and 10 ounces Sachet, very lasting, each lflc
Chip Plato Glass Hand and Stand Mirrors, each 8c
Today, Meier & Frank's 821st Friday Surprise Sale
$1.75 Dress Nets 59c Yard
Today's great surprise sale offering of Dress Nets is of import"
ance to women who are contemplating pnrchasing a fine waist
or gown for dress or evening wearSpecial purchase of 1500
yards from a well-known importer enables us to offer values
up to $ 1.75 a yard for 59c a yard Figured and dotted effects
in white, cream, and ecru 45 inches wide Pleasing varity of
patterns On sale today only at this exceptionally
low price Yard
Buy Your Blankets Here at Saving Prices
No advance in blanket prices at The Meier (b Frank Store Instead special reduced prices
on just the blankets you want and at a time when you want them-Take advantage 3d Fl.
10- 4 Oregon gray, all-vool Blankets; extraordinary value at the low price of pair S2.70
11- 4 extra -heavy all-wool dark gray Blankets; great special value at, pair 4.21
10- 4 all-wool mottled Blankets, pair $3.85 11-4 all-wool mottled Blankets; pair.: $4.67
11- 4 natural gray Blankets, extra value, pair, $3.50. Best values in the city. Third Floor.
10- 4 white wool Blankets, pink and blue borders; regular $5.00 values for, pair 4.27
11- 4 white wool Blankets, pink and blue borders; regular $6.00 values for, pair 5.21
Extra large white wool Blankets, pink and blue borders; regular $7.00 values for, pair 6.05
Silkoline covered Comforters, full size; best patterns and colorings, filled withflanated cotton; great
values at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.25 and $2.50 each. Third Floor.
$3.00 Couch Covers $1.98 Each
50c Flannels 22c
Fine quality 36-lnch Scotch Flannels,
In stripes and embrojdered dots, very
Lest colorlngu for waists, klmonas,
etc.. 40c and G3c value for,
yard C
18-cent Swansdown Flannels, for
dresslng-eacqucs; big variety of the
leading- shades and patterns; best
value In town at this low tr
price, "yard -C
Sale of
Continues on the second floor. Corset
Covers, Gowns. Skirts and Drawers of
the' best ctyles and qualities for your
choosing: at prices below manufactur
ing cost. The best muilln underwear
bargains of tho year await o'ou Sec
ond floor. t
75 double-faced Couch Covers, two-tone effects, red, green, and
tan; also Bagdad stripes; 60 inches wide by 3 yards fl? QO
long; best $3 values on sale at the low price of
Heavy double-faced Tapestry Couch Covers, Oriental patterns;
beautiful colorings and combinations ; 60 inches wide by 3 yards
long; regular $5.00 to $6.75 values on sale at the O
low price of s.' q0OtJ
High-grade Oriental Couch Covers double and single- it fT L O
faced; fringed on the ends; regular $9.75 values J.OO
Custom shade and drapery work onr specialty. Best materials
and workmanship. Lowest prices guaranteed. Third Floor.
Towel Bargains
100 dozen union linen huck
Towels, 18x38 inches; best
value in town, at, 1
Hemstitched linen huck Towels,
best 25c values; buy 1 Q
all you want at Z?G
Hemstitched linen huck Towels,
best 40c grade on sale
for a few days at Ov
"Bubdry" Bath Towels, only
towel worth a name, 3 sizes,
each....50S 75& $1.00.
Silk Gloves
"Women's elbow-length, double
tipped Silk Gloves, in mode,
pongee, champagne, reseda
blue, white and red; Q -best
$1.00 values for. ..CMC
Complete line of "Women's twb
clasp Silk Gloves, in red.
green, tan, navy andT)lack;
best 50c values in all A)
sizes, pair . . TwC
-Odd lot "Women's Kid Gloves,
P. El and bverseamj
mode, white, black;
great value, pair
"Lindsay9' Incandescent Gas Lights
Complete for 89c Each
There was lively selling of "Lindsay" Incandescent Gas Lights In the
basement store all day yesterday, and why wouldn't there be when
opportnnity is offered to bny a high-class, economical burner with
white opal globe and best mantle; complete, ready to set on
erne iot at tr .vr?PTtirnnllv lnw rriro nf
o" jww r-'-tmM"'-J " ' ' y w
Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled
Specials In the Basement Today
No. 8 Granite Tea Kettle, $1 val.68c
2-qt. Granite Coffee Pots, 45c val.37c
2-qt. Granite Tea Pots, 40c val. .33o
2- qt. Granite Sauce Pans, 25c val. 19c
3- qt Granite Sauce Pans, 30c val. 23c
o-qt. Granite Sauce Pans, 3oc val. 27c
10-in. Granite Pie Pans, each 12c
9-in. Granite Pie Pans, each 10c
All kinds of Granite and Nickel-
ware sola iiere at tne very lowest
prices. Basement.
2- qt. lipped Granite Kettles, 25c val.l9o
3- qt. lipped Granite Kettles, 30c valSo
5-qt. lipped Granite Kettles, 35c val.27c
5-qt. covered Sau9e Pans, 65c val..52o
4- qt. covered Sauce Pans, 60c val. .47c
7-qt. covered Sauce Pans, 75c val.. 60c
10-qt. Granite Dish Pans, 60c val.. 48c
14-qt. Granite Dish Pans,' 75c val.. 60c
2- qt. Granite Pudding Pans, each. .14c
3- qt. Granite Pudding Pans, each. .16o
Agents for "Peninsular" stoves.
Women's Knit Underwear
Wopaen's "Harvard 31111a" Vests, medium vrelgrht, high
neck, long- sleeves, silk and cotton rouced, all rt Q
sizes: J1.25 values VOC
Women's high neck, long sleeve Corset Covers; extra
flne quality, all sixes; hest $1.00 values on-sale -p7
at this low price , - OC
Women's heavy ribbed cotton fleece lined Vests and
pants, pure -white, -well made and finished, all 57
sizes: trracri value at C
Children's Fall Underwear, all the hest styles and grades
at the lowest prices.
Stationery Dept. Specials
Oregbn XX White Wove Envelopee,-5 or 6-inch;
great value at 2 packages for
Visiting Cards, linen or plate finish; special vahie
at package -
Cards printed or engraved at low prices. The greatest
showing of Souvenirs in the city; every new Idea in
silver, metal wood, leather, etc., included- Souvenir
Spoons in magnificent variety. View Books in all sizes.
Our prices always the lowest.
Tempting Values In Handkerchiefs
"Women's plain hemstitched' pure linen Handkerchiefs , in. and 4
- and i-inch hems ; the quality other -stores ask you to OQ
pXy 50c for; our. special price, each , Ges
"Women's" fine hemstitched embroidered, all-linen handkerchiefs;
splendid assortment of patterns; regular 20c and 25c 1 A
values on sale today at this low price, each
"Women's Swiss hemstitched and scalloped edge emhroidercd Hand
kerchiefs, large variety of patterns; regular 35c and 40c
values on sale today at, each J
Special lot of Japanese linen, hand drawn work Handker- 2
chiefs; all new patterns; great special value at, each
Lindsay Sew -on
Hose Supporters
The Lindsay Sew-on Hose Support
ers, in pluk, light blue, red. lav
ender, yellow, black and white;
regular 50c values, on sale jq
for, pair OC
The Lindsay Pin-on Hose Support
ers for women, all the leading
colors regular ooc values
for, pair
New lot of Bone and Shell Hair
Pins. 1 doxen in a box. 15e, Mt
and 23e a box.