12 THE MORXiyg OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTE3IBER 8, 1905. DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Marriage Licenses. LUTZ-JONES Claude Allison Lutz. 22. 20 Grand, avenue; Edith Elizabeth Jone. 18. SULLIVAN-LUSK Joseph Sullivan, 59, San Francisco; Kathryn Lurk, 50. BROWN-GRIFFITH E. L. Brown, 33, Hast ings. Neb.- Ella Griffith. 30. AMES-KELLENDONK A. G. Ames, 24; EUaaheth Kellendonk. 10. GAY-CARSON Willis B., Gay, 33. Arleta; Marie Helen Carson, 29. SMITH-MASTBRSON-Davld A. Smith, 3S, Vance-aver. B. C; Laura Mastorson, 25. DALBY-TIBRNEY William S. Dalby, 34, Vancouver. B. C; Martha Tlerney, 20. FBH REX BACKER - EARHART William Fehrenfeuohor. 20. 427 Washington street; Mat tie Emrhart. 28. DOUD-LAUGHLIN Smith Milton Doud, 39; Neva Maude Lauchlln. 21. GARDNER-POST John D. Gardner, 52, Bea verten; Grace lone Post. 28. RAVKN-KASER Arthur C. Raven, 20, 203 Btevonth ft reel; Aramlnta Kaeer, 20. Deaths. OBBBRT At 028 Guilds avenue, September 5. George, infant son of Mr. ana Mrs. William Gafeort, a native of Oregon, aged 2 years and . a MMM. Births. LAMOREE At 015 Rodney avenue, August 3t. to the wife of Henry Lamoree. a daughter. Building Permits. S. p. Waist, repairs roomlng-bouee at 401 BH Morrison street; $225. Van ATwttne. tearing down of rooming-house, TtHK-man Htreet, between Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh; $50. Van AistiBe, repair of dwelling, Thurman street, between Twenty-sixth .and Twenty seventh; $559. A. L. Howard, dwelling, McMillan street, between Crosby and Margin; $1300. A. L. Howard. dwelling. McMillan street, between Crosby and Margin; $1300. C P. Onborn, dwelling, East Twenty-third awl CHnton; $700. Henry RaltheJ, dwelling, Vance avenue, near JJaneoek; 11700. W. P. Thomas, barn, East Twenty-sixth. near Division; .$900. E. Brasses, repair of dwelling, 770 Thurman street; $559. Judge Maltory, repair of restaurant and more en Stark streeti between Third and Fourth; $100. Real Estate Transfers. The Land Co. of Oregon to William Iroren. lot 12. Mock. 14. City View Park $ 230 M. M. Spauiaing et al. to U. A. Mac kat, letB 3, C. 7, 8, block 78, Couch Add 12.000 J. W. Waif et al. t A. Delovage, lot 8. bteek 18. Coach Add S.300 J. K. Balnea and wife to H. Briner, 1 acre in Sec 7, T. 1 S.. R. 2 E... 450 Thorosa Barns to F. Burn E. let S. Mock 226. City of E. Portland.. 1 Marie Kalus and husband to F. C Parrtao, lot 2. block CI. Couch Add. 1 River View Cemetery' Association to J. H. SteHln. lot 13S. in Sec 9, Cem etery 200 W. M. Morrow an4 wife to Anna H. T. Cooper, subdivision "B" of lot 1. block 14 Portland Homestead Tract 400 C. C. Vance and wife to Nellie M. Thorn, lots 1. 2, block 4, Pleasant View Add. 1,250 C F. PaulMn and wife to M. Walsted. lot 11, block 107. Norwood Add... 600 KonrtoUa Adams and husband to A. C. Moofor, lot 6, block 3, Adams' Add 1 Mary Xtteeon to IC. D. Wagnon. Jr.. aad wife, lots 8, 4. block 2, Alblna H eight 1,600 Mfiry P. Montgomery, exooutrix, to D. W. Ward, lots 1. 2. 3, -I. block 12, Original AlMna 2,000 C. K. S- Wood, trustee, to Peter Kerr. WMdlvMod of W. of W. Vl of X.K. of S.W. fc. Sec 20. T. 1 S.. R 1 E.. containing 10 acres 1 W. J. Burden and wife to Hazel D. PvHon. lot 8 and N. lot 4. block 1. Mtrttm 1,700 Ida By and husband to Luey E. RoUIsm, lot 2. block 120, Caruthors Add. to city 3,000 J. F. Haphes and wife to J. E. Wln- de. Mr 8. 4. block 279. Alkens Add. 2.500 T. A. Xtsgg and wife to Julia Noaene, ! 1. 2. block 5, Klnael Park 1,800 X. G. flafclntrom and wife to E. J. Xtr, lt IS. Mock 1, Maplcwoed Add 175 J. C. flfotmone and wife to O. II. Sim mons, tout 8. 4, Mock 280. Alkens Add. to K. Portland 10 Bon Soiling, trustee, and wife to P. flporl. lot 11, 12, Mock 8, Laurel wood Park 230 JC C. Johnpon and wife to T. S. Mc Daniel, lots X5. 87. block 22 and amdry lots in Irvtngtan Park 1 It. L. Dwrkam and wife to tame, sun dry lots In Irvingten Park 1 lmtm9Mt Co. to Flora 1. Riggers, lot 14. 17. 21. 28, 25. 27. 28. 31. 88. Mock 42, Irvtngton Park 1.100 M T. Durham and husband to J. H. Knddlosoii. sandry lots in River dttfo i M. C. Moore to H. T. Durham, sun dry lots In Riverdate 1 P. Kelly et al. to same, sundry lots in Rivet-date X Point View Real Estate Co. to G. Frank and wife, lots 81. 82. 88, 84, Mock S8, Point View 308 Whoa weak, weary and worn out. Hood's EanmjMultla is Just the meaicine to restore strongln. DAILY MKTHOHOLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 7. Maximum tempera tare, S deg.; minimum. 5. River reading Rt S A. M.. 2.4 ft; change In past 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, S P. M. to 3 P. M., none: total since September 1. 1903, none; normal. 0.26 of an Inch; deficlencs". 0.2C of an Inch. Total sunshine Septemmber 8, 1905. 1 henirs and 22 minutes; posotble. 18 hours end mlnutos. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at P. M.. 80.02. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. 2 a 50 Wind. 3 5 Z , STATIONS. H us - 7 S a s-s 2 S ? c - o 33-3 Baker Cltj- iso-s.ooi SISW Cloudy Pt. Cldy. Pt. Cldy. Clear Cloudy Cloudy IRain Clear Pt. Cldy. jCIear iClear Clear ICloudy (Clear ICloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. Cldy. 23mark Boise Baroka Helena Kamloops. B. C North Head Pocatcllo Portland Red Bluff Roeeburg. ....... Sacramento Fait Lake City... San Francisco. . . . Spokann Seattle Tatoesh Island... "Walla Walla 7410.00 SiE 010.00 4IXW (0410.00 4 XW 800.00 4',NW !00i0.32'. .1 5S0.08'20'SE 18210.001 4 W SOIO.OOi 0 W 04 0.001 4 IS K2i04)0t 4'XW ISSIO.OO! 41S 410.01 12IE lOSIO.OO'Sn'SW 70k00'10iSW 70,0.18 12 SW RSt0.42l 4IXE 8419.00! 4 IS ' WEATHER COXDITIOXS. Daring the last 24 hours moderately heavy rains have fallen In the Sound Country and along the ooast from Cape Flattery south to the Columbia River. It is slightly warmer In the interior of Northern California, but Msowhere west of the Rocky Mountains the changes in temperature have been unim portant. The indications are for showers Friday in Northwest Oregon. Washington and North ern Idaho. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hoars ending at midnight. September S: Portland and vicinity Showers. Winds mostly southerly. Western Oregon Partly cloudy with show ers north portion. Winds mostly southerly. Washington and Northern Idaho Probably howers. Southerly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. NXW TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged; diamonds, precious stones, loore and mounted; watches. Jewelry repaired Uncle Myers, the Jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. A Great Bargain Six acres of land on O. W. P. electric Mne; 3 acres cleared; new house with S fin ished rooms on lower floor, second floor un finished, a beautiful place; excellent soil, gootf water, etc. This place will be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. KNAPP & MACKEY, Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELU 292-S McKay fcldc. Third and Stark tic. J. G. MACK & CO. 86-88 JTHIRD STREET We are showing advance patterns of the celebrated WELLINGTONRUGS These Rugs are Wiltons, made by the Biglow Carpet Company from the finest worsteds 'and the most permanent dyes. The designs are exact copies of famous Oriental weaves, and in beauty of pattern and color ing, as well as in wearing qualities, these Rugs far eclipse anything hhherto made. Size 9x12 Price $60.00 - "EXCLUSIVE CARPET HOUSE" PHIL MISTS CXIAX, Trea. Seventh nnd Washington European Plan CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "Rooms,' "Rooms and Board." "House kerplnc Rooms," "Situations Wanted." 13 words or less, 15 cents; 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. 'NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion; 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ad dressed rare The Oregonlan, and left at this office, should always be lnclowd In sealed envelope. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oresonian will not bo responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Gllma' A act km Roomc, 418 Wasfclag ta street, at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Oil man, auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at Mlearoom. 1S4 First street, at 10 A M. J. T. WHsom. aacttoweer. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First street. Sales at 10 A. M. and P. M. C. L. Ford, auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MT. TABOft LODGE NO. 42. A. F. & A M. Stated eommtKrieattoa this (FrMay) cve4ifr. Grand ave. and P.Hrnlde; K. A. deKree: alt M. M. cordially inrKed. Uy order AV. M., Geo. P. Lent, eecretary- MULTNOMAH CAMP. "VV. O. AV. Meets ever' Friday evening at Hart Alder and Kast Sixth streetn. All Woodmen cordially invited to meet with w. 3. M. WOODWORT1L Clerk. HASSALO LODGE NO. IS. L O. O. F. Reg ular meeting thir (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. First degree team take notice. Vis itors welcome. Henry Brown secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Multnomah Fair Association for the purptee of electing directors to serve for th ensulag year and for Mtch other busl nojp as may properly corae before the meet ing, will be held Tuesday. October 3. 100S. at S o'clock P. M.. in the hall on the second floor of the Chamber of Commerce building, Portland. Or. L. H. ADAMS, Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER NO. IS. O. E. S. Regular communication thin (Friday) evening In Masaalc Tem ple, at S 'dock. By order IV. M., Jennie H. Galloway, secretary. Regular meeting Juanita. Circle. No. 275, "ft, of , Friday eve.. Sept. 8. Artisans Hall. Abington Mdg. TRACY HARRINGTON, Clerk. DIED. THOMPSON In this city. Septemebr 7. 1005. Julia Lauretta Thompson, aged 5 years, 10 months and 2 days. Notice of funeral later. KING In this city. September 7, 1103. David King, aged 70 years. Funeral announce ment later FUNERAL NOTICES. BIRDSALL In this city. September S, 1005, Benjamin A Blrdsall, aged S2 years. Friends are Invited to attend the fuaeral services at his late residence, 70S Northrup street, at 2 P. M. today. Interment in New York. KAMINSKY In this city, September 0, 1005, at the family residence, 1K6 Front K... Mar cus Kamlnsky, aged 73 yean. 8 monthe and 5 days. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M. today, Friday, Sfptcmber S, 1D05. Please omit flow ens. DUNNING, M-EXTEE Jt GILUAUGH, Suc cessors to Dunning & Campion, undertakers and r mb aimers; modern In every detail; 7th and Pine, Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and embalmers. have moved to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FINLEY SON. Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office, of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 JEast Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone Kast 52. ZELLEK-BYRNES CO. Undertakers. Em balmers. 273 II u sell; East 1088. Lady ass't. NEW TODAY, CHICKENS! CHICKENS! At Your Own Price Our Other Prices. Prices. Best creamery 35 -00c C5-70c Dairy butter 40c .Ranch eggs 22"4-25c 30e Best sugar-cured hams. . . 14c Kit Breakfast bacon 15c 18c Best of tea, lb 30c 20-75c Lard, S-Ib. pall 45 -55c 55-05c All Goods Retailed at Wholesale Prices. LA GRANDE CREAMERY 264 Yamhill Street C. W. KXOWI.ES, Mjjr. Streets, Portland, Oregon. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. o?ar,duara Theater ClrtctJM i.v. T.mocunoi C. EiHic. fTMldict Morrison Street between 6tb and 7th. Phone Main 80S. Lat Evening Performance TONIGHT. Final Performance TOMORROW AFTERNOON. THE NOTPD ACTOR Wilton Lackaye IN "THE PIT" Repeated Owing to the Enormous Demand for Sats. PRICKS Matinee and Night: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seat Now Selling for Both Performance'. Marquam Grand Theater Saturday Night, September 9. THE CHARMING ACTRESS JOSEPHINE DEFFRY IN THE EMOTIONAL DRAMA A Broken Heart Uonitj Kisfct, Sept. 11 A Wicked Woman TcmSxj Klffat. Sept. 12 A Deserted Bride POPULAR PRICES-25. 35 and 90 coals. Seats Now Soiling. BEI.A$CQTcLMain311 11th and Wash. Belaseo &. Mayer. Props. 1STH WEEK BE LA SCO STOCK COMPANY. TONIGHT-AT 8:15 P. M. ALL WEEK FIRST TIME IN STOCK Harriet's as 1'iayeu uy Mary Mannerfng By Leo Ditrichsteln Honeymoon Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PRTppC Nlght-25c. 5c. 5c and 75c 1 iVlVJO Matinees 25c. 35c and 50c Next Week J CD AH, by Henry Arthur Jones. 12 A Iff IT!? THEATER DMiX iMTfc 3d and Yamhill PHONE MAIN 107. OREGON THEATER CO . LESSEE. GEO. L BAKER. MANAGER. THE HOME OF BURLESQUE. Tonight and Tomorrow Matinee I -aft Two Performances of the Great Brigadiers .Extravaganza Co. An All-Star Olio of Vaudeville Favorites. PRICES Nights: 25c. 35c 50c and 75c Mat Incet: 15c, 25r. 35c and 50c. Next Week. Starting Sunday Matinee, WHALLEN & M ARTEL'S "KENTUCKY BELLES" ALL FUN. MUSIC AND PRETTY GIRLS. rjLfpipr THEATER JuiUrlills 12th and Morrison Streets. THE AlOST POPULAR THEATER." Tonight Every Night and Saturday Matinee Chas. A Taylor New York Company in Escaped From the Harem Next Wevk. Commencing Sunday Matinee. S.pUmber 10 Five Nights Only Mr. Chas. A. Taylor Dramatic Masterpiece Queen of the Highway Company. Play and Equipment First-Class. PRICES Matinees Saturday and Sunday. 10. 13 arl 23 cents. Night prices, 15, 25. 35 and 5u cents. Phone Main 117. THE GRAND LOTTIE GILS ON, Assisted by Slgnor Dufree. BRYDONS DOO CIRCUS. FRANK CLAYTON. VIRDEN AND DUNLAP. BENNETT AND STERLING. FRED PCRINTON. THE GRANDISCOFE. General admission. 10c Sundays, evenings and holiday?, lower floor, 20c; balcony, 10c Dally matinees, entire lower floor. 19c; box seats, 2c Sundays and holidays, continuous. THE STAR ORIGINAL MEXICAN QUINTET. EVA THATCHER. SEARLES AND ROCKWELL. EARL & HAMPTON. HOY M 'BRAIN. TOE STAROSCOPE. General admission, 10 cents. Sundays, .evening- and holidays, reserved eeata on lower floor, 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10 cents, box seats, 25 cents. Sundays and holidays, continuous. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND VS. SAN FRANCISCO ADMISSION. 35c SEPTEMBER 0. 7, 8, 9, 10. . GRANDSTAND. 25c CHILDREN. 15c Box tickets and reserved seats onsale at box office. NEW TODAY.. THE EDITORS OF Oregon and Washington Are cordially welcome to any courtesy the "OLDEST TRUST COMPANY IN OREGON" Can extend them during their stay In Port land. Call on us and get acquainted. We will be glad to meet you. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON RESOURCES OYER $1,000,000 109 Third Street. Phone Main 453. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary FOR SALE SIXTH ST. 100x100 Brick Building LOUIS SOLOMON 1124 First Street. ' ... LOUIS H. BOLL -PIANC STUDIO NOW OPEN FOR PUPILS. Parlors J and 10. 312 Washington st. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE WHO WANTS TO GET ONE OF THE GRANDEST PLACES IN THE CITY? CtostTla on the Eat Side, about 2 rain utes walk from buslaess; a very stylish. Queen Ann 7-room cottage; beautiful lot with surroundings' charming to behold; broad porehee. fall concrete basement filled xlth wood, furnace, stationary laundry, depart ments for fruit and vegetables; also neatly constructed cold storage room. The houee has every modern convenience, gas. electric lights, porcelain bath, hot and cold water. In fact a place fit for a Queen. Price only Wm. Most liberal terms. Will be wilting to accept WOO down, balance In monthly Installments of $20 and p with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. S1506 For very deeirabte quarter block, sit uated sot far from the Fair grounds. Worth at least $9000. ?10oe For a 'O-acre place, fronting on electric car line, borders a nigged mountain from the side of which flow many wrings of cryetHng waters, which contain minerals f many kinds. One spring rends forth a distinct flow of oil. Two rippling brooks pat through at each edge Into which flow the wator from the springs bringing to the observer a charming fondness for nature'. own magnificence. It's on this spot there Mtevid be situated a great sanatarium to restore to full health thoe suffering from many allmenu. The water, the climate and the ecenlc grandeurs are enough to restore to full health the mcM completely wrecked Invalid. We ask that the general public investigate this. It's comethlng wonderful. fS30 For a very exeeellent l'i-acre place at Oak Grcve: nice cotttage, rich soil, all kings of frultt and berries. Jt50 Neat cottage, with 150 feet front, one of the beat streets In Wood lawn. THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. 1IPH First Jreet. NEW 7-ROOM MODERN HOME, FINE Lo cation. Montgomery st.; furnace; stone walks, yard, etc: now rented, m per month: worth 73500; party going away will aell n-xt few days, $3350. cash. 6-room cottage, near 11th and Montgom ery; renld $20 per month; cheap at $2250; $75 cash, balance rasy terms. The cannot be duplicated on the West Side. Hurry up. F. O. NORTHRUP tt CO.. 211 Commercial Block. ON COWLITZ PRAIRIE. 79 ACRES. ALL under cultivation, buildings: good orchard; good water; fine location;' 1H miles from Toledo boat landing; fine large prairie. Also 1C2 acre on the prairie; living water on the place; fine stock ranch: 50 acres can be Irrigated from eprlngs; 123 aeres un der cultivation, balance pasture; large house; 2 barns. This Is a tine large prairie, the btt of water; good places for two families; wMI sell cheap. Addrem A. Mutrie. Wln Jock. Lewis County. Wash. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $18 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co.. "Inc." lie 2d 4U HOUSE 19 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In host portion of West Side. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH FINE BASEMENT ana tnree lots, 26 chickens and plenty of fruit, together with the furniture, which iaeludea fine piano; 5 blocks from car in North Mount Tabor: If sold quickly, will take $1700. D 7. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS-FORCED SALK; wwi riRHiij quarter DfocK on 1 Be Hetgnts" muit be eoWi very low figure; part cah. balance long time. Inquire 54 Hawthorne Terrace, next to 'Observatory." A MODERN RESIDENCE IN HOLLADAY i'arie. eignt rooms, furnace, gas fixtures, electricity, cement walks and floor. Will be sold by owner at a sacrifice. S 1, Ore gonlan. $S0 BUYS FULL LOT. 2 HOUSES. 7TH t.. near Jefferson, renting $82 per month; nwet be quick. InqHlre Mr. Payne. 229 Stark st,, with Wakefield. Friej. St Co ELEGANT 11-ROOM FLAT FOR SALE AT & bargain: good mosey-maker; must sell owing to other buwIiK&s Interests. H Oregonlan. FOR SALE A 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; i-wie; ctexc in; price Mr. II. Downing, 641 Commercial si; Albiaa ear. FOR SALE-TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW RE3I dnes; 8 and 10 rooms; fine located. East Side. ckve In. Owner, phone East CT. FOR SALE-ONE SMALL COTTAGE. NEW ly built, very cheap. Inquire at SOI Grand ave., bet. Shafer and Mason streets. SELLWOOD LOTS. $3.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Seltwood Townslte Co. Phone Union 1401. $5730 FINE MODERN HOUSE. NEAR 23D and Johnson; $3000 cash, balance to suit at 0 per cent. A 91. Oregonlan. FOR SALE-NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences: price reasonable In quire owner. 731 E. Ash st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS-HOUSE PLEASANT ly situated, 5i fruit trees, modern lmpreve xnenta. Main 5130. ACREAGE NEAR CAK LINE. 8 MILEd from Monison at. bridge. C K. Bollard. MUwaukle. Or. $000 FOR 2 LOTS IN ALBINA: WALKING distance. Pacific T. & A. Co., 27 W. 1st st. Houses built on easy payments; lots furnhed If desired. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1910. A GOOD 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN ALBINA; on car line; price $1450. Phone East 2607. 3H ACRES IN HOOD RIVER APPLE BELT. J. J. Lewis. 145H 1st st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. WILL.WA-'HARBOR TIMBER-3000 ACRES, cpruce. cedar, flr, hemlock; $5 to $10; tracts to suit. W. W. CheadU. agent. South Bend. Wash. WILL PAY CASH FOR TIMBER CLAIM Lo cation or relinquishment, 5,000.000 feet and up; flr and cedar. Address L 5, Oregonlan. 1(50 ACRES YELLOW PINE AND FIR 3.000.CO0 feet; near railroad, river; $900. V 62. Oregonlan. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER, NEAR PORT land: $12.50 per acre. H. G. Sahlstrom, 165H -th st. CHEAP LANDS. TIMBER AND GRAZING. Call or address B 510. Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. FOR SALE APPROVED LAND SCRIP FOR acquiring title without residence to tim bered or prairie land, surveyed or unsur veyed. TL M Hamilton. The Portland, city. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Suaros bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED IN THE HOOD RIVER OR Taklma districts1. 50 to 100 acres of land suitable for .Apple-growing; would biry 10 to 25 acres of orchard already act. Address. Box 435. Detroit, Mich. WANTED TO BUY A HOME WITHIN walking distance; must be cheap for cash: . state price and location. Address C S. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE FARMS. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED NICELY equipped chicken ranch within few rods of railway lUtlon and steamboat wharf, on - Columbia River; 20 acres with 9 acrea under plow, balance pasture; land lays nicely; soil ve7.ch; large bearing orchard; good hoiue and barn and chlcken-houees with tscubators; live water; there go with place the crop, team, wagon, harness; buggy, farming im plements, two One cows. 300 chickens, pbj and a row boat; price $1500 with good terms. Inus & Wlllocghby. Klama. Waah. FOR SALE FINE 354-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 100 In cultivation, balance nearly level, part ly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords flr and ash timber: electric light and telephone; close to rail, churches and schools: 23 mile to Portland: $45 per acre, or will aell part; terms. B 75. Oregonlan. STOCK RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER. Eastern Washington. 1JXO acres; plenty of good stock range; including upward o GOO horses; land very productive; fine irriga tion proposition; price low. eay terms. In quire The Title Guarantee & Trust Com pany 240 Washington street, cor. 2d. 720 ACRES AT $20 ON ROGUE RIVER. 400 acres la high state of cultivation; $7000: ideal improvements. Has commercial and social advantages: on railroad and electric power line. A lovely place and home. Ideal for n all tracts. Address W. N. Ruble, 731 WHtiams ave. 152 ACRES, PART BEAVERDAM, 100 CUL tivatioa. 8-room bouse, water In house and barn, springs, orchard, cattle-sheds, storcw, graded school, on electric line, near Port land; $55 acre, lis Abington bldg. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE 200 ACRES bottom land, well grassed, fenced and wat ered; 400 acres outside range, railway and river shipping facilities on property; prlco $2200. M 3. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES. 2 MILES FROM M ILWAUKIE; 4 acrea onion land; a bargain If sold before October 1. Inquire of City Marshal of Mll waukle on Sundays. FINE FARM. 12 MILES FROM PORTLAND; great bargain. Inquire afternoons 1 to 4, 412 2d st. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE FOR VACANT OR IM proved city or country real estate, office bueinefet clearing over all expenses' $250 monthly: suitable for lady or gentleman. Address O 5. Oregonlan. I OWN BUSINESS HERE. CLEARS BE tween $300 and $500 each month; will ex change for $3000 worth of Portland real estate- perfect bargain. Owner, Phone Main 4539. wanted to exchange new, modern 7-room house on East Side for farm near Portland or house on West Side; pay differ ence. Address 423 East 34 th st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL Es tate Apartment house, lease; clears $30 per month; price $1400; close In. T 4. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE AUTOMOBILE, good condition; what have you to trade? Address O 2, Oregonlan. BOAPDING-HOUSE. 0 ROOMS. PIANO; clearing $J5 month, exchange for good prop erty. O 190. Oregonlan. PROSPECTOR WILL TRADE OR SELL gilt-edge mining stocks. What have you? G 3. Oregonlan. HAVE SOME CHEAP BUILDING LOTS TO trade. What have yot? H S. Oregonlan. FOB. RENT FARMS. FARM IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY. GOOD terms, cash rent. Apply 018 East Taylor, st.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE OR BENT HORSES AND VE hlcles by the day, week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Cassl day, 211 Washington st. LADY'S PONY. PERFECTLY SOUND AND gentle, not afraid of trolley cars or auto mobiles, easy saddle horse. Apply Hill Military Academy, 25th and Northrup sts. FOR SALE A GOOD DELIVERY HORSE, gentle and perfectly sound; 8 years old; also a nearly new wagon and harness. 735 Williams ave.. city. HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL kinds of vehicles and harness for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall. 208 4th st. NEW BAILEY BUGGY. RUBBER TIRES, perfect condition; fast roadster. Apply James Lyons. 113 Union ave. RUBBER TIRE TOP BUGGY, GOOD AS new; also light spring wagon. Harris, Ock Iey Green Station. FOR SALE MATCHED DRIVING TEAM; sorrel pony and fresh family cow. Tele phone Main 264. FOR SALE BUGGY HORSE. GENTLE FOR lady; cheap. 245 Front sL Miscellaneous. STOCK IN PRODUCTIVE GOLD MINE FOR rale at par, on valuation of $80,000 working under letwe and bond for oae year; 148 acres mineral land; 10-atamp Freser & Chalmer mill, complete sawmill buildings, etc.; water power and steam; 10 average samples give value of $0 per ton; ore chute 300 feet long, assays. $52; cost of mining and milling low; all tunnel work and plenty of ore overhead. For further Information call at 291 McKay bldg. Phone Main 3157. Ui.u:s YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2, Hamilton bldg. WANT TO SELL TWO R. R. TICKETS. 1 lady. 1 gent, to St. Paul. Chicago, Detroit and Toronto, Canada. Dark, fair, size me dium. Address P 4, Oregonlan. FOR SALE LADY'S AND GENTS TICKETS to Pueblo. Colo.; N. P.. via Billings, Denver; both medium, young, dark. Phone 1871 Ore gon City. WE SELL ALL THE LEADING BRANDS of whisky and brandy at 10c National Wine Co.. The Quality Store. 3th and Stark. FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-SEAT AUTO Engine in front under hood, wheel steering. Call 7S3 Northrup st. Phone Front 874. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 19 tons' carrying capacity, 24-boruepower engine; will oell cheap. C CS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TICKET TO BOSTON OVER CA- nadlan Pacific male, medium, light, young. Address 209 llrth st. Phone Main 4614. GINSENG. ITS A MONEY-MAKER PLANT now; price list for seed and plants on appli cation. B. W. Klbler, Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE VALUABLE PATENT RIGHTS for Washington, Oregon. California, can be seen at Fair grounds. R C4. Oregonlan. FOR SALE TICKET TO SALT LAKE. ME dlum height, medium weight, light eyes, dark hair. Call at Schiller's Cigar Factory. SECOND-HAND . GRAIN AND POTATO bags for sale cheap, in large or small quan tities. J. Simon & Bro.. 244 Front. FOR SALE CHEAP FLAT-TOP DESK AND revolving chair; almost new- Call 440 Sher lock bldg. morning. 10 to 12. FIRST-CLASS TRANSPORTATION TO ST. Paul; lady; brunette; medium; less than half. J 6,' Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tinner's tools and machines. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. MAN'S TICKET TO DENVER VIA LOS AN- geles; bargalnT F 8, Oregonlan. Hood 1635. Phone TWO FIRST-CLASS TICKETS FOR ST. Louis via St. Paul; male and female. P 7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWLNO MA chlne, excellent condition; $23. R 7, Orego nlan. FOR SALE COMPLETE FURNITURE FOR 0 rooms In A No. 1 condition. H 4, Orego nlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM ber of Commerce, or phone Main 23C3. TICKET. FIRST-CLASS. TO ST. LOUI3; male, light, medium. R 5. Oregonlan. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. $5 PER - month. J. E. Huxley. 82 4th it) FOR SALE GENT'S TICKET TO BRITISH Columbia. F 7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE BLACK LANGSHAN CHICK cos. 800 Montana, arc FOB SALE. Xlscelraneoua. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod em bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 19 3d st. FIRST-CLASS TICKET. BURLINGTON; male, medium; best route; cheap. V 5. Ore Ionian. HELP WANTED MALE. 1000 MEN TODAY to call at cor. 7th and Oak sts. Kirk's U. S. Army. Goods- Store, to purchase khaki suits, blanket, bats, underwear, guns, etc Remember these goods are first-class. Gov ernment inspected, and sold for a fraction of what you could buy inferior goods for elsewhere. The sale closes September 13. Buy now. THREE HOUSE CARPENTERS. $3; SAW yer. email mil!. $3.50; boom man in city. $2.30; scaler, $2.73; 2 fallers. $3; 2 buck rj. $2.75; 0 swampers. $2.54); fireman, $2.25; 23 mill and yardmen. $2 up; boys. $1.25; others. Lumbermen's1 Labor Bu reau. 205 H Morrison. IMMEDLVTELY BRIGHT' YOUNG MAN TO travel in Oregon; good opening; $70 per month; expenses and small commission; common sense required more than experience; enclosed stamped envelope for reply. Ad dress T. H. Davis. -fiVS Arcade. Seattle. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; sent for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. AUeky bklg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. W ANTED. AT ONCE DRUG CLERK. REG fatered in Oregon; good Willamette Valley store; state wages expected, whether eenlor or Junior, when commence; references; drinking men not wanted. O C Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE. BRIGHT YOUNG men over IS to prepare for postofflce and railway mall clerk positions; good salary; examinations soon. Write N. H. Oliver. 322 Alaska bldg., Seattle. SALESMEN WANTED CASH ADVANCED weekly; good territory open; outfit free. Some are making $100 to $150 per month. Why not you? Address Washington Nursery Company, Toppenlsh. Wash. MEN and women to learn watchmksV en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg., Seattle. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Pre Syndicate. Look port. N. Y. WANTED AT ONCE. CHORUS GIRLS, skirt dancers, pianists, musicians, actors, for dramatic companies, vaudeville circuit, etc Room, 11, 351 Morrison. WANTED MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AS .hipping clerk; willing to start at $0 per week; married man preferred. Address, with references, V 6. Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN WANTS TO SELL GROWING country practice; expenses from beginning by contract work; very cheap. Frank W. Wood. M. D.. Glencoe. Or. COMPETENT OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED In railroad station work, for in and around Chicago; state age and experience. Address H 98, Oregonlan. WANTED BOY. GROCERY DELIVERY. $7 week; boy collector and work in store, $8 week. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 285 Morrison- st. WANTED MEN OF NEAT APPEARANCE and ability for a house-to-houte canvass; salary only. Call at 33 2d st. Ask for W. H. Matheny. WANTED ACTIVE AGENTS FOR RUSSIA Japanese war book; good salary; wimple free. Address Globe Co.. 223 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. WANTED EVERYBODY TO TRY OUR wines: 3 cents a glass. National Wme Co.. the Quality Store. 3th and Stark. Phone Main 6409. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practlce; expert Instructions. Write for terms. Gillman's College. 827 Clay st.. S. F. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, second-hand trunks, blankets; highest price paid. 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Pacific 48. BAKER WANTED A GOOD STEADY AND sober baker, understanding small stuff and cake baking. O. K. Coffee Houw, 2S2 1st st. $75 permanent salary and expenses paid, relia ble men. outside of the city; pleasant work. H. Henker. room 3. 1274 7th. Portland. Or. SALESMAN. EXPERIENCED. FOR PORT land and vicinity; Portland wholesale ltquor house: commission basis. K C. Oregonlan. 20 BREAD BAKERS WANTED AT THE Butternut Bread Co. Inquire 281 1st or 290 271 Front; good wages and an open hop. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glam. P. Loratl. 143 4th. Clay 1503. SALESMEN FOR FINE UNDERWEAR AND amless hosiery; (actory to consumer; es tablished trade. 311 Commercial block. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS FOR CITY and country. Call or write. P. A. Lyman. Mgr.. 320 3tohawk bldg.. Portland. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit buit necs. Call or write. 607 McKay bMg. WANTED TO HIRE TEAMS TO HAUL wood In the city and will buy horses. Kirk Hoover, 313 Water st. WANTED COMPETENT STICKER MEN; steady work; good wag. The Wheeler, Os good Co.. Tacoma. Wash. WANTED OFFICE BOY: APPLY IN OWN handwriting. Willamette Boiler Works. Front and Everett sts. SOLICITORS GOOD PROPOSITION. GOOD commission, good opportunity. Johnston the Tailor, 504 Washington. ROCKMEN WANTED AT BUNKER HILL quarry. Take boat to Stella, Wash. J. W. Sweeney. Stelln. Waah. WANTED DRUG CLERK. REGISTERED, city: rtata axe. experlen-e and wages. Ad dress L S. Oregonlan. WAX3ED-A YOUNG MAN AT THE AR llngton Club. Call between 10 and 11 A. M.. Alder-st. entrance. CASHIER IN RESTAUR A NT. SALARY $100 per month; $700 needed. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 1654 3d st. WANTED MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS POR ter work to take charge of Erlckaon Concert Hatl under contract. AV ANTED SAILORS FOR MANILA AND Australia. Apply at Sailors Home. cor. 2d and Gllsan sts. BOOKBINDER WANTED FIRST-CLASS forwarder and finisher. The Y. S. Delllnger Co., Astoria, Or. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Addrees G. M. Campbell. 320 James st.. Se attle. Wash. WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY to right party. The Western Lady, 147 Front st. A GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ON special edition of established paper. Call at 147 Front. WANTED DELIVERY BOY. AGE 14 TO 10; must have wheel. R, M. Gray, 280-271 Mor rison st. WANTED TWO GOOD WAITERS. AP ply Commercial Club. Chamber of Com merce. WANTED BILLING CLERK; MILLINER ralesman. See us for positions wanted. 110 2d st. WANTED AT ONCE. A BLACKSMITH'S helper. Columbia SIfg. Co.. 200 Front. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. Apply 733 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BARBER WANTED; GOOD WAGES, steady Job. Call at 31 N. 2d. TWO BRIGHT BOYS. 16 YEARS OLD. AP ply before 0 o'clock. 171 3d st. WANTED GOOD HUSTLER FOR HOTEL runner. 41 North 3d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BARBER; STEADY work. 200 Madison at. WANTED AT ONCE BOYS OVER 16 YRS. of age. Roberts Bros. BUTCHER PALACE MARKET. 2C0 YAM hill it, $18 a week. WANTED-BOY TO LEARN CANDY. Busi ness. 353 Morrison. WANTED SAUSAGEMAKER AT ONCE. Fulton Market. MEN TO WORK ON FARM. INQUIRE 323 Abington bldg. BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE. N 5, ORE-gonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. SALESLADY, SOUVENIRS. $7 A WEEK; cook. $40; 2 cooks. $30; 2 chambermaids; 0 waitresses: houseslrle. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 343 Washington st,, corner 7th, upstairs. GARRISON'S DRAMATIC CO. WANTS SIX clever amateur performers and musicians; good salary: long engagement. Newman's Theatrical Information Bureau, 351 Mor rinon. WANTED 130 GIRLS TO MAKE OVERs alts and shirts; instructions given to inex perienced. Apply Neustadter Bros., Standard Factory No. 2, corner East Taylor and Grand ave. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages; 3 In fam ily; no children. Call 1503 E. Stark. Take Mt, Tabor car to West ave EXPERIENCED NURSE OR NURSERY governess; references. Mrs. Richard Nunn. 777 Flanders St.; will nurse who called at 8 A. M. Monday please phone. LADIES. DO NOT DRUDGE FOR OTHERS; $10 will teach you to manufacture an ar ticle; 300 per cent profit; Immense sale-. Particulars S 7, Oregonlan. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM bermalds. etc; city, Coast, Fair and coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors, 2264 Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED TWO ENERGETIC LADY CAN vassers to work with lady manager; excel lent proposition. Apply at room 11, 30OJ,4 S. 4th st. WANTED LADY CLERK, EXPERIENCED dress goods; German-speaking preferred. Clerks Registration Bureau, 203 Morrison street. NEAT APPEARING GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must have some knowledge of cooking. 374 E. 8th N. Take Broadway car. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO EXPERI enced salesladies for oult department; also corsets, underwear, fancy goods, etc. Apply 171 3d. W ANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRB eentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT era. chambermaids, general workers. St, Louia Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GERMAN GIRL IN A GERMAN family to assist in general housework. 574 Bast Taylor street. Phone East 2005. WANTED RELIABLE NURSE FOR YOUNG baby; references required. Call at 812 Mar shall t-, between 10 and 12 A. Al. WANT TWO WAITRESSES IN NICE, PRI vate boarding-house; good wages. S74 Savier st. Phone Main 59SG. WANTED WRAPPERS AND PACKERS; also good strong boy. The Modern Con fectionery. 13th and Hoyt sts. COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; NO laundry work. Call mornings. 423 Pacific et.. cor. East 6th, Holladay Add. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call forenoon 29 East 15th a:. South; Ankeny or Plne-st, cars. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 143 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2002. WANTED LADY CANVASSER WITH SOME experience, one living with parents pref erred. Apply 326 Alder st. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, German preferred. 510 Misls slpple ave.. take L car. WANTED GIRL AS COOK AND GENERAL housework in small family; wages $30. Call up Phone Main 2740. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 10 LADIES OF refinement; special work; good salary. Ad dress L 7, Oregonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINER TO go to Juneau. Alaska. Apply 200 Columbia bldg.. office Dr. Loeb. WANTED A GIRL BETWEEN 14 AND 1C years to take care of a baby. Apply 74 28th St.. cor. Everett. CITY WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES SERV Ices of intelligent, trustworthy woman over 30. Q 05, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; no - cooking; pay $20; good: place. Call 0S1 Hoyt st. WANTED EXPERIENCED IRONERS; BEST wages; electric Irons. Opera House Laun dry. 332 Alder st. GIRL WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY FAC tory. Apply Pacific Coast Blsoult Company, 12th and Davis. GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework; small family; good wages. 181 Marshall. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES at Watson's Restaurant. 100 4th st.; wages $18 per week. i WANTED PARTNER IN HAND LAUN dry; little or no mcney required. K 8, Oregonlan. A GOOD COOK. APPLY FORENOONS AT 722 Flanders St., corner 22d, or telephone Main 2500. WANTED LADY TEACHERS FOR NIGHT sehool. Apply 350 14th st. today, 0 to 5 o'clock. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR DINING room and chamber work. Call 251 Seventh street. YOUNG GIRL OR SCHOOLGIRL TO ASSIST In housework. 1001 Vaughn et. Phone Mala 01 03. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. $0 a week, at the Bristol, 4S0 Washington. THREE EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. Commercial Restaurant, 48S Washington st. WANTED GIRL OR MEN FOR WAITRESS and dishwasher, boy or men. 129 North 6th. COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general housework at 307 North 22d st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work. rfl 3d. bt. College and Lincoln. ASSISTANT FOR OFFICE. NO EXPERI ence; $10 per month. V 7. Oregonlan. YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In flat. 461 6th. cor. of Jackson. WANTED A COOK. ALSO LAUNDRESS; good wages. Apply 674 Everetf st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VESTMAKERS. Nicoll. the Tailor. 108 Third st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework." 706 Flanders st. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply at 248 N. 20th st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work; no cooking. 491 Davis. WANTED GIRL TO KEEP STOCK. ALLEN. King & Co.. 346 Washington. WANTED 50 GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS AT Fltz-Well Factory. "5 1st st. WANTED A GOOD COOK; FAMILY OF 2. Apply at once. 67 N. 17th st- 5TENOGRAPHER, $15 PER MONTH TO BE gln with. T 7, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 575 Hoyt st. ' WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS at 163 12th and Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 300 North 24 th st, GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOU5E work. 350 Jackson st. WANTED WAITRESS AT NEWPORT RES taurant, 53 3d st. WANTED COOK. 601 LOVEJOY ST. TELE phone Main 671. WANTED A WET NURSE. 331 DAVIS. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. CHAMBERMAIDS. 25 WAITRESSES, CITY, Exposition (off Sunday). $5, lunch, dinner. Hood River. Walla Walla. Astoria, all $23 (fares); cook. $35; chambermaid. $23 (Springs): woman, Idaho, $40; ranch couple, $65; nurse; 50 housework: 500 hop-plckcrs. mill teamsters; railroad (log) graders, $2; farmhands; restaurant; boat cooks; negro, $14. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent, Behnke Walker Business College, day and night. Catalogue Call. HOPPICKERSt GET YOUR OUTFIT AT Kirk's JJ. S. Army Goods Store, cor. 7th and Oak sts.; blanKets, shoes, hats, under wear, etc; khaki suits only $1.30; can't be bought elsewhere for thrice that amount. MEN AND WOMEN TO TRAVEL, SALARY $18 per week and expenses; local people. $00 per month. Call Tha Appletoo, 71 North 6th, room 23.