Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 08, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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Of your newsdealer or
any Butterick Accnt,
or direct from the pub
lishers. The Butterick
Publlshinc 'Company
(Limited), Butterick
Building, New York.
Former Policeman Gets Into
Trouble Thereby.
Six Months in City Jail Awaits O.
C. Stratte If 31c Goes Back to
the Scnato Saloon and
Its Habitues.
J. D. Davidson, an ex-member of the
Portland Police Department, arrested for
ppeedtag Ms automobile above eight miles
an hoar inside the city limits, made a
bold attempt to "bluff Patrolman Crad
dock Into dropping the case, according
to the statement of the officer made to
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald yestor
day morning.
The attempt met with dismal failure,
however, and so strong was the case
against Davidson, that he failed to ap
pear In the Municipal Court yesterday to
defend himself. His bail of $25 was for
feited, and the case was thus settled.
Davidson was arrested by Patrolman
Craddock on Union avenue, and Is said
to have been, making 30 miles an hour,
actual time test by the arresting officer.
After being taken to headquarters. David
son sought Craddock on his boat, and
declared that a grave mistake had been
made, according to the statement of
Craddock to Mr. Fitzgerald.
"You have cause the arrest of the
wrong man; you have reported the wrong
number, and If you know what Is best
for yourself, you will drop the case."
is what Patrolman Craddock says David
son told him.
Craddock declined to accept the advice
given by insinuation, and took Davidson
to the City Hall, whore investigation
proved that Davidson owned the automo
bile reported by Craddock.
The case was called In the Municipal
Court, but Davidson failed to respond
to his name, and his ball was forfeited.
A bench warrant was issued by order of
Judge Cameron, for the arrest of I. Saw
yer, arrested one week ago for running
an automobile at 2 A. M. without llchts.
Sawyer was arrested at the order of
Captain Bailey, commanding the second
night relief, and appeared In court to
make an explanation of his case. The
matter was continued until yesterday
morning. In the man time a new charge
had been filed, under tho state law, as
there is no city ordinance prohibiting tho
operation or automobiles without lights.
Sawyer may be fined for contemnt of
court when brought in, as he was ordered
by Judge Cameron to appear yesterday
morning to hear sentence, or to stand
trial. If he pleaded not guilty.
C. A. McPhcrson appears to be having
a hard time to arrange to have his hear
ing on a charge of exceeding the speed
limit for automobiles in the city, and
for the third time In a week, yesterday
morning ho asked for and was granted a
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald
strongly objected to a third continu
ance, explaining that Patrolman An
tierson, the arresting- officer, haa to be
More than ever the Fashion Magazine of the world,
The Efelineator s October number marks the beginning
of a decided change or series of changes in its Fashion
News, in its illustrations, in its "make-up" and in its printing.
It contains more pages devoted to Fashions and Dress Topics
than any two other magazines.
Its Special Reports of New York and Paris Fashion News
are the exclusive contributions of Helen Berkeley-Loyd and M.
Edouard La Fontaine, the two recognized world-authorities on
Its fashion plates, beginning with this number, show no less than
five distinctly different forms of illustration the work of artists who
have no equal anywhere in their respective methods of delineation.
One of the most noteworthy of innovations is the printing of
sixteen of the fashion plates in two colors in addition to the
regular full-color plates.
Next month this color feature will be even more in evidence.
The Delineator has always given the most in quality and
in quantity for its subscription price it is now giving more '
much more than ever.
For example, 20 pages of Juvenile Fashions in this number
with illustrations by Carl Kleinschmidt, Anna BurnhamWester
mann and others.
Besides the Fashions and the Household Departments
which have made The Delineator famous some features
among the many deserve special mention:
Principal Portland Agents
taken from his boat oach time and that !
the city could not afford to brine: po
licemen into court so many times, leav
ing large districts without protection.
Judge Cameron thon granted the con
When Henry Hondrlckson is drunk,
Hugh Fitch is a bad man in his sight.
but when sober, Hondrlckson thinks
Fitch is a fine fellow.
It wa6 while he was "tanked up" that
Hondrlckson went gunning: for Fitch,
and locatod him on a wharf, whore
Fitch is boss of langshoromcn. Hon
drlckson appars to have been pos
sessed of a grudge against Fitch, who,
he thought, had given more work to
others than to him.
In order to save future trouble, Judgo
Cameron held Hondrlckson under $683
poacc bonds, which It Is improbable
he can furnish, and he may, therefore,
have to stay in the City Jail.
Six months -in the City Jail awaits
O. C Stratte If he ever goes back to
the Senate saloon, where reside Minnie
Anderson and May Smith. He was ar-
rosted by Patrolmen Seymour and
Wendorf on a charge of living: with
the women; and was found guilty by
Judge Cameron.
"I'm willing to give you a chance to
mend your ways and live a more de
cent life, but I suspend sentence on
the charge and If you ever go back to
the Soante saloon or to live with any
disorderly woman, there are six months
In the City Jail waiting for you," said
Judge Cameron.
"All right," said Deputy City Attor
ney FItzgorald. "If Your Honor can
make a good citizen out of him, I am
glad of it."
"I'll keep away from bad places and
gladly agree to serve six months if I
fail to keep my promise," said Stratte.
"When the lights went out and dark
ness was upon the face of the earth,
it caught Louis "Whitman at the ticket
office at Ihe entrance to the Lewis and
Clark Exposition, short $5. He had
passed over a 510 gold piece to George
Hlbbard, the ticket-seller, and had re
ceived in change J 4 -50. This, it was
explained, was because Hlbbard. being
in the dark and also rushed, mistook
the $10 piece for one of $5 denomina
tion. A moment before, the same thing
had occurred to another man.
"Whitman demanded his change, and
was angry because It was not forth
coming Immediately, so he swore a lit
tle. Just to let off some of tho exhaust
pressure. Then Policeman Grlf Rob
erts was called.
"Move on," commanded Grlf to
"Whitman, in a voice meant to inspire
"Chase yourself around the Exposi
tion site, If you please," loudly replied
Policeman Roberts refused to do so,
arrested Whitman and Judge Cameron
fined the erratic Fair visitor $10 yes
terday. A. Morton was fined $5 for allowing
workmen in his employ to spill .earth
from wagons along Taylor street, from
Seventh to West Park. Judge Cameron
delivered a warning to tho defendant,
saying that a repetition of the offense
would meet with stern punishment.
If So. Lr&rn About the Very Ijow O, S. X.
I tales.
September 7, 8, 9 and 10. the O. R. fc X.
places on sale very low-rate long-time
tickets East, account L O. O. F. Grand
Lodge meeting. Philadelphia, Pa. Partic
ulars by asking at City Ticket Office,
Third and Washing-ton streets. Portland.
Barrett's Extract ef Taollla
ia purity tad irt&cth pre-tlaaUy cuxrior.
Longshoremen Leave Session
of Federation of Labor.
"When Their Resolution Fails They
Leave the Convention All Offi
cers Arc Elected at the
Evening 3Iceting.
The final sossion pf the Oregon State
Federation of. Labor, which came to an
end last evening, was marred during the
morning by the bolting of the Longshore
men delegates, who became dissatisfied at
the refusal of the Federation to adopt a
resolution presented by them. The cause
of the controversy was the following res
olution, presented by Delegate John A.
Matson, of the Longshoremen's Union:
"Would Bar Sailors.
Whereas, the Sailers Union of the Pacific
ha inaugurated a war of extemtlaatloa
against all International Loncafeoreates and
Marine Transport-workers" Association locals
en the Pacific Coast, and by ceraMRlas with
their employers and the use of force and
numbers compelled eight locals to carreoder
their charters and hare threatened the
Portland locals with destruction and the or
ganization of a scab union, corwisilap of
members of the Sailors of the Pacific to
take the places of our members in this port
unless vre aubmlt to their nefarious and
underhanded scheme to turn traitors to our
parent organization and organised labor in
general by affiliating with a scab federation
organized by the Sailors Union of the raclflc.
"Whereas, The eight local in Oregon refute
to entertain or comply with the demands of
the Sailors' Union of the Pacific, but will
retain their affiliation with the L L II. &
T. A., and through them the American Fed
eration of Labor to render ail possible asM.t
once to the L L. M. & T. A. locale, to the
end that the integrity of legitimate longshore
unions may be retained and upheld. Be It
Resolved, That the Sailors Union f the
Pacific is hereby refused membership in the
State Federation of Labor, unless they at once
renounce their present poller of union-wrecking
and conduct themselves aa union men.
Decides It Has No Jurisdiction.
The State Federation decided that It
had no Jurisdiction In the matter and re
fused to adopt the resolution. The dis
pute between the longshoremen and the
sailors Is one of long standing and the
matter has occupied the attention of the
American Federation of Labor for some
time, and as yet they have been unable
to reach any definite decision as to the
merits -of the claims of the disputing fac
tions. At the evening session, by unanimous
consent of the delegates present, a reso
lution was adopted requesting the su
preme body of the American Federation
of Labor to come to an Immediate deci
sion on this controversy. The annual
election of officers which concluded the
cession, resulted la the reelection of
Charles H. Gram as president, and H.
G. Kundret as secretary-treasurer. The
other officers chosen were: "Vice-presidents,
H. G. Parsons, of Portland; J.
Laurensen. of Astoria; F. Carlysle, of
Pendleton; Sirs. F. Ross, of Portland,
and B. .V, Whims, of Salem; legislative
'flVr $1.00 a year
committee Harry Gurr, E. C. Caton and
T. M. Lea bo; auditing committee A.
Chcyne. T. Kendig and R. Brown: frater
nal delegates to the "Washington State
Federation of Labor J. H. Jones and E.
C. Caton; Delegate to the American
Federation of Labor T. M. Lea bo.
Opening: Session of the East Side
District Convention.
There is plenty of criticism and hatred
in the world; but what is needed is more
love," said Bishop William Fraser Mc
Dowell, during his address at the opon
Isg sossion of the East SWe District Bp
worth League last night at Unlvorslty
Park. "Have more love for mankind:
do what Christ would have you .do such
Is the thought I would leave with the
young people."
President Godfrey presided at the meet
ing, which was opened by a song service.
Sevoral special pieces were rendered, and
after Bishop McDowell finished his re
marks, refreshments, served by Univer
sity Park Chapter, were enjoyed by the
delegates and frionds. The., attendance
was large.
The first business session of the con
vention will take place this morning at
" K ' " ',Vi "
Iter. Clarence True IVHson.
9 JO o'clock. Committees will be appointed
and the routine work begun. During the
forenoon Dr. James M. King, correspond
ing secretary of the board of church, ex
tension, will ppoak. He Is one of the
most noted officials of the church.
An effort Is to be made to causo the
convention to go on record as favoring
a reforming of the present boundaries of
the district by Bishop McDowell, at the
annual Oregon conference, to be held In
Albany in two wcoks. Bishop Spellmcyer,
who presided last year, split the terri
tory, as a result of which the Epworth
League organization on the wast sido of
the Willamette River died out. Many de
sire a return to the former conditions,
so the present division may not stand.
Tonight Rev. Clarence True "Wilson,
pastor of Grace Church, will speak on
"How to House and Hold the Young,"
and he will discuss in detail whether or
not the Epworth League Is "a spent
force," as has been strongly Intimated by
some pastors and agitated to a degree In
official papers of the church. This In one
of tho most vital topics of the times. Rev.
Mr. "Wilson declined to state in advance
wtat view he takes, ,
"Safe Foods and
jMe under which The
in the interest of Pure Food. This question is more
widely agitated at present than ever before, and much that is sensa
tional anduntrue has been printed about adulterations in prepared
foods, etc The Delineator for more than a year has been conduct
ing a far-reaching investigation of its own, a yery considerable
expense, with the aid of the foremost authorities and the result
is this series of articles which every housewife and every parent
will read and value for its practical help in the home. The pres
ent chapter treats of Milk how to detect and guard against
impurities, etc.
To every one who cares for a child's mental training, the
article on "Education for Life Through Living" by Dr. William
H. Maxwell, LL.D., Superintendent of Schools, New York City,
will be worth many times the price of the magazine. It is pro
fusely illustrated from life. SupL Maxwell's great victory for
modern methods in child-education is so recent and so widely
known that anything on ihis subject from his pen is noteworthy.
He has been so widely quoted and so generally misquoted, that
these special articles, written for The Delineator, the first he
has ever written on the subject for publication over his own
signature, will attract the interest of every educator in the land
whether she be the mother in the home or the teacher in
the school.
There are a dozen other reasons why you should buy the
October Delineator its own pages tell them best
Principal Agents for Butterick Patterns and The Delineator
Sacred Black Cat's Delegates
Are Arriving.
Members High in the Order "Will Be
Initiated Into the Mysteries of
the Osirinn Cloister Tills
In the- past the black cat has stood
sometimes a portent of good, sometimes
of evil, but there is no doubt that the
sacred black eat of the order of Hoo Hoo
is a good omen for Portland and the
Northwest, as brought here by the 20)
members of that organization, who ar-
rivpl last nlpbf nrul hMTwIrmtu mnn whn
! will arrive today. There will be at least
1300 Hoo Hoo In Portland during the next
six days to represent their order at the
fourteenth annual convention. They rep
resent the lumber Interests of the United
States, and they come from all parts of
the country to see Portland and the Fair,
attend the sossiens of the convention and
Incidentally to see for themselves the
great forests of Oregon and "Washington,
from which Is to come no small portion
of the world's lumber supply. The pres
ence of these men means much to the
Northwest, and the City of Portland to
day will give a cordial greeting to the
order of Hoo Hoo.
Hnlf of Delegation Arrives.
Only about half the members of the
Cblcago-St. Louis excursion reached Port
land last night. The remainder of the
party stayed In the Puget Sound cities,
and will arrive this morning. Among
those who came last night were: C. D.
Rourke, of Urbana. HI., snark of the uni
verse; J. H. Balrd. of Nashville, Tenn.,
scrivenater, and two members of tho
house of ancients. B. A. Johnson, of Chi
cago, and "W. E. Barns, of St. Louis.
These, with A. H. Potter, of Portland.
Jabberwock. will be the only officers and
members of the house of ancients who
will attend tho convention, as far as Is
known at present Several trains from
the north will arrive this morning, and a
special train rrom the south, bringing tho
San Francisco and Los Angeles delega
tions. The "Washington delegates will
reach Portland at 5:30 o'clock this even
ing, bringing with them the famous black
cat, which will be drawn through the
streets from tho depot by a team of
Today's sessions are open only to mem
bers of the Oslrlan cloister, tho highest
circle of Hoo Hoo. The annual business
meeting will be held in the Elks' hall
this morning at 9:00. and at 2:30 P. if.,
tho Initiatory exercises of the cloister
will be held In the same place. At 8
o'clock the banquet to which all Hoo
Hoo have been Invited will take place
at the American Inn.
Join Oslrlan. Cloister.
The class to Join this afternoon Is not
large, as the requirements for admission
are very strict. Only those are received
into the Oslrlan. cloister who hav lma
How to Get Them" is the series
Delineator begins its campaign
membes of the order for two years, and
tne candidate must have served as vice
gerent, or must be recommended by some
one within the cloister, each member be
ing allowed to suggest only one name.
Nelson A. Gladding, chief priest of the
cloister. Is here, and will preside at to
day's meetings.
The preparations for-recelvlng the large
delegations which will arrive today have
been completed. The Ladies' Auxiliary
held a final meeting yesterday afternoon
and apoplnted subordinate committees to
take charge of the details of the conven
tion. Everything has been done to give
the visitors a most cordial reception and
supply them with every convenience. Bul
letin boards giving the detailed pro
gramme each day will be posted In the
Portland, Oregon, Imperial and Perkins
Hotels, the American Inn and the Hoo
Hoo headquarters. In the Canterbury
building. Third and "Washington streets.
All Hoo Hoo ladles eligible to attend
the banquet and reception given at the
American Inn on Saturday evening are
requested to register at their headquar
ters In Hotel Portland before noon on
Police Believe Boiler Becamo Part
Owner of Tuxedo to Hold License.
Sam Boiler has been taken Into the
Tuxedo saloon as a partner, and it Is
the belief of the police and Deputy City
Attorney Fitzgerald that McGlInn &
Johnson have permitted this In a last
desperate effort to retain the license,
which It Is now threatened, will be re
voked, owing to the disrepute of the es
tablishment. Boiler, McGHnn and a man complained
against as "John Doe," were arrested
yesterday, charged with assault and bat
tery upon Dan Connors, formerly a spe
cial policeman. He declares that they
suspected iilm of "tipping tho police
when the Tuxedo was open in violation
of the 1 o'clock closing ordinance, thus
bringing his saloon into Ill-repute, and
threatening to cause the revocation of
the license.
Connors, In his complaint, filed yester
day morning in the Municipal Court,
states that he entered the Tuxedo saloon
on business lato Tuesday night, when
Boiler, McGlInn and "John Doe" began
cursing him. He resented their words,
and was attacked, he declares.
Tho wordy, war led to a fight. In which
Connors alleges the trio hurled bottles
and glasses at him, and that, as he ran
from the saloon for protection, he was
struck on the back of the bead and se
verely injured.
Connors declares he never had anything
to do with notifying the police of viola
tions of the proprietors of the Tuxedo,
although he was a special policeman. The
establishment Is not located on what was
his beat.
For some time the liquor license com
mittee of the City Council has had In
mind the revocation of the license of the
Tuxedo, the proprietors of which have
repeatedly been found guilty In tho Muni
cipal Court of violations of the closing
ordinance, and even now McGlInn Is held
to the grand Jury on various charges. A
week ago he was fined $50 by Judge Cam
eron for keeping his saloon open after
The officials believe that the new part
ner, taken Into the business by McGlInn
& Johnson, Is a ruse to retain the license
of the saloon, should the committee de
cide upon final action. At such time, the
police believe. McGHnn & Johnson would
attempt to show that they had withdrawn
from the business, and that Boiler was la
sole charge.
Baron. Komnra Returning Home.
A. D. Charlton, assisfane general pas-
sengcr agent of the North era Pacific RaiK
road, yesterday afternoon received no
tification from St. Paul that Baron Kb
tnura and party have engaged accommo
dations on the Steamship Dakota, to sail
from Seattle September 20. and that tho
Japanese peace envoys and associates will
travel to the Coast by special car from
St. Paul. They will probably be accom
panied by high officials of the Hill lines,
possibly by President James J. Hill In
person, although this Information was not
contained in the dispatch.
Mr. Charlton's advice denotes that they
will arrive In Seattle several day3 before
the date of sailing of the Dakota, and
he Is of the opinion that the distinguish
ed representatives of the Mikado may;
be induced to visit the Exposition.
Very Ixj Ninety-Day Tickets East Offered
by O. B. X.
etmhf 1fi 17. th O -R. A -N- sails SfU
day special excursion tickets to Eastern
points: stopovers granted going and re
turning, particulars oi u. w. aunger,
city ticket agent O. R. & N. Co., Thlrol
and "Washington streets. Portland.
or 1
Stomach Diseases
Discard Injurious Drugs
A Harmless Powtrfnl CrraJcMe
Endorsed by Ltadini Physicians.
Send twenty-five.cents to pay postage
on Frit Trial Bottlt. Sold by leading
Wnm ra fntx Boowxr oh Kticicu.Tiat"xt
or DistAsc.
Millions of dollars a$
lost by not using Schilling'4
favoriaft- tneei
and nobody gains by usinj
anything else Instead.
CUXIOS. Antiquities. x4 SU,
Indian Scene Knives Relics, Carrings and Idol ia
"Ivory, Stone, Bronze, etc. War Clubs. Spears, Bcws.
Masks, Baskets. Bolos, Mats, Sknlla of all Naliona.
SIA1S aat M81NS efAalmal. WarXecak.
Nanre Body OmaaenU and Dress, Andent flint
Gons and Pistols, CoLes, Shields. Antique Silver and
Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesai Dealer.
The w tiny OtpurM art wptri
QUXE IN At H0miy
1m urn dimtec