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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1905)
. ' THE aiORNDTG OBEGONIAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. ST TIE EXPOSITION Gem -State of the Mountains Celebrates With Great Enthusiasm. LARGE" CROWD ASSEMBLES Governor Gooding and Congressman French SjScak, Parade Is Headed by Automobiles and' Felic itations Exchanged. ORDER OF DAY, SEPTEMBER 8. S A. M. Gates open. 9 A. M. Exhibit buUdlBBs, Gov ernment exhibit and Trail open. 0 A. M. te 12 M- Concert. Adminis tration Band, Manufactures building. 10 to 11 A. M. Concert, Tenth In fant rj- Band. Government Terrace. 10 A. M and hourly thereafter Free mvlng pictures, Nebraska PavlHen, Afjricultural Palace. 11 A. M. Airship night. Aeronautic Concourse. 2:30 P. M. Letter-Carriers' day ex ercises. Auditorium,' Administration Band. 2:30 P. M. Grand concert. Royal Hawaiian Band, bandstand. Gray Beuleva rd. 2:30 P. M. Ornan recital. Professor F. TV. Goodrich, Forestry building. 2:80 P. M. United States Life-Saving Service exhibition. u"0 to 4:80 P. M. Concert, Tenth Infantry Band, Government Terrace. 5 to 0 P. M. Grand operatic cones-!. Ki rally's Carnival of Venice Company, en Rustic Steps. (Free.) 5:80 P. M. Government exhibit ctosers. C P. M. Exhibit buildings close. Machinery. Electricity and Transpor tation building remains open until U P. M. P. M. Grand masque carnival to be reviewed by King Xegero and Queen Columbia, Royal Hawaiian Band in attendance; reviewing stand at south end of Trail. S P. M. Grand olectrlcal illumina tion. 11 P. M. Gates close. 11:80 I. M. Trail eloses. Grounds dark. Further information may be ob tained from the official dally pro gramme. Idaho, the gem of the mountain, claimed the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion as her own yesterday, the thou sands of men and women, and even children, from the broad irrigated plvJng and ranges of the youngest commonwealth In the Northweast cov ering themselves and their state with laurels and honors. That Idaho has taken a most justifiable pride and In terest in the Exposition, and does not intend to allow Oregon to reap all the benefits and credit of this vast public enterprise, was vividly and indelibly impressed upon all who saw the Idahoans celebrate at the Fair yester day. In the book of history of the Ex position, Idaho and her people will have-a page alone, as never before has the Fair been the scone of much re markable enthusiasm. It was all Idaho yesterday, and the Lewis and Clark Exposition was an Idaho institution. Or at least It was captured in its entirety by the thou sands of .enthusiasts from the Gem State. No resistance was made, the people of Oregon gladly and most gra ciously surrendering the Exposition without the slightest evidence of re luctance. No keys were presented to the strenuous people from Idaho, as the gates were all open, so wide indeed that the hinges were almost torn from the sockets. They wore not looked upon as strangers from a far-off land, who merited a cordial reception, but as brothers and sisters of a neighbor ing state who were alike vitally In terested in the great Western World's Fair. Idaho's Great. Celebration. With the opening of the gates began the celebration of Idaho day. As soon as the turnstiles were ready to oper ate and the ticket sellers in tholr plaeofat the windows, the Idaho peo ple began to flock through the gates, as they wore anxious to start the ball a-rolllng, having only one day and half a night in which to cole brate the participation of their state. "Men and boys paraded the grounds dis tributing pamphlets and cards, which described the wonderful and mnrvelous resources and advantages of the great commonwealth of Idaho. The future was painted In printed words of a golden hue, and the past was exploited to substantiate the predictions. All Idaho Represented. The Idaho State building, at the side of the Lakeview Terrace overlooking the lake, was thronged from the Gem State from early morning until it was closed at night. Here all the Idahoans made their headquarters and met their friends. Every town of importance in Idaho was represented at the state building by more or less visitors, -who wore badges and insignia of their home city. Idaho colors were every--where, and It was an exceedingly un lucky visitor at the Exposition yester day who did not proudly wear the white, yellow and the purple. The state badges, on which -were inscribed the words "Idaho, the Gem of the Mountain," In neat, bold type, wer also very much In evidence. While the Idahoans made things bum during the morning at the Expo sition, they did not loosen up all of tholr wealth of enthusiasm until early in the afternoon, when they gave their parade. Then the people of the Gem. State showed others, the Oregon ians not excepted, how to be loyal to their Expedition. Fully 3000 men, womon and children marched through the grounds cheering and boosting for Idaho. The parade started in the vi cinity of the Idaho building at about 1:30 o'clock In the afternoon. It was led by the Idaho State Band, of 45 pieces, closely followed by Gov-' erifo'r .Frank R. Gooding and his official staff, in automobiles, after which came the rank and file. Executive Commissioner Robert M. McBrlde, who has done .so much in making the state building so popular at the Exposition, consented to walk at the head of the band, after- many requests that ho should receive the honor. The line of march was across Lakeview Terrace, through the Trail, across the Bridge of All Nations, and return by the same route to the Idaho building. Oration for Idaho. Governor Gooding rode in the first automobile in' the parade. All along the line ofimarch be received a hearty ova DAHQ tion from the thousands of people who witnessed the remarkable exhibition of tne Idaho snlrlt. The T.ioVm QtrA tj, a j which played almost Incessantly along i .mi oj. marcyi, was also heartily J cheered. The men of the rank and file ; were equipped with swagger canes, and i mnn. nf th.m v. - .. . - ... j "ivui wnicu uunners telling oi me resources of the particular part of Idaho in which they reside Wnrlv oil of them had their pockets full of little printed cards, which exploited the re sources of Idaho. These were scattered among the spectators to the parade by the thousands. The visitors from the different towns marcned together and they added to the life of the parade, by yelling lustily for their city and everything la gen eral that pertained to Idaho. The wom en were as faithful as the men, and marched the entire route- The littlo children ran alone- with fhelr fnthrs and mothers dointr what thrv rnnl.l in the great common movement to boost Juano. The marchers were also given great ovations by the people who wit nessed the parade. Those who participated in the parade adjourned to the pavilion annex of the New York building whero the Idaho day oxerclxos wore held. This large audito rium was packed with people, most of whom were from the Gem State, all of the available scats being taken. Sev eral hundred people were obliged to stand. When Governor Gooding, his party and President Goode walked to the platform, the audience ro.M to II feet. Music was furnished by the Idaho State and the Administration Bands. Justice Ailshie Presides. J. F. Ailshie, Justice of the Supreme Court, and one of the most prominent public men of Idaho, presided as chair man and Introduced the speaker. H made a few Introductory remark, which greatly pleased the audience. Jurtlce Ailshie is a natural speaker, and is perfectly at home before an as semblage. Ho has an unusually attrac tive manner of Introducing the speak ers. President H. W. Goode was tne first speaker to be introduced by Chairman Ailshie. He made an address of wel come on behalf of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. President Goode said when the Exposition was first started, Idaho was counted upon for support. He said that Idaho had done better than was expected. He told of the liberal pat ronage that had been accorded the Fair by the people of the Gom State. H spoke particularly of the Idaho press, telling how thoroughly they had ex ploited the Exposition. He also said a few complimentary words about tho Idaho building at the Exposition, and thoee who have it In charge. Prosident Goode concluded by Faying that Idaho had probably participated In the Expo sition with more enthusiasm than any other Ftate. Governor Gooding Speaks Governor Gooding was the next speaker to be introduced by Chairman Ailshie. Ho was glvon a tremendous ovation when he arose to speak. Gov ernor Gooding is distinctly and charac teristically IJahoan. "His speech was mostly devotod to his state, and almost every word he utterod was throbbing with pride for the Gem State. Governor BARON KOMURA IS INVITED TO VISIT THE PAIR. The f!lowIni: telejrTam wa sent te Baron Komura yesterday: Portland. Or.. Sept. 7. IMS. Baren Komura, Care Waldorf-Astoria New York City: The people f the State of Oregon and the City of Tortland will be especially grateful to yourself and party for including in your homoward itinerary the Lewis and Clark Cen tennial Exposition, where Japan leads all forelftn countries in the extent and magnificence of her exhibits, and the Pacific West has a complete display of her products for the first time. Such transportation facilities will bo af 'ordM as will allow no posible delay in your plans. We can assure yea of a heart' and cordial welcome en the part of all of our people. GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. Governor of Ore con. HARRY LANE. Mayor of Portland. H. W. GOODE. President Lewis and Clark Centen nial Exposition. JEFFERSON MYERS, Pres. Oregon State Commission. H M CAKE. Pres. Portland Commercial Club. WILLIAM D. WHEELWRIGHT, President Chamber of Commerce. G. W. ALLEN, President Board of Trade. " R. J. HOLMES. Pres. Manufacturers Association. Gooding could not be classed as an orator, but he Is an extremely interest ing talker. He said In part: "Too much praise cannot be given the management of this Exposition and to the people of Oregon, for the mannor in which they have conceived and carried out the idea of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. "History tells of no greater achieve ment of its kind, and on behalf of th people of Idaho I extend thanks and congratulations for this splendid Expo sition, commemorative of the adventu rous Journey of Lewis and Clark from the Missouri to the Pacific, which was so great a factor in saving the North west to the Union, and hastening its settlement and development into a mighty empire. "Idaho, tho youngest of the trinity of extreme Northwestern States, feela herself to be a part of this celebration of the exploration, settlement and de velopment of the Old Oregon country. We feel" proud of the splendid showing that has been made of our great re sources at this Exposition. I want to thank those in charge of Idaho's ex hibit, anl the ladles that have had charge of . tne social part of Idaho'x work here at the Fair, for the splendid service they have given their stat. T assure you that there are only words of praise .for you at home by all those that have visited the Fair" Congressman French's Speech. He was followed by Congressman Burton L. French, the youngest mem ber of the lower house of the National legislative body. Congressman French is serving his second term in Congress, and is only a trifle over 31 years of age. He Is a brilliant speaker, and tho audience was very much Interested in his address. He spoke at length on the question of undesirable immigration, sounding a warning in regard to coolie labor. He said In part: "The character of the population Is the most important factor in any state or in any nation. A river cannot rise above the rivulets which feed its foun tain head, neither can a nation bo greater than the average citizenship of its people. And right here let me say we cannot guard too zealously the qual ity of the people who come to our shores. At a time like thl6 when we ar bidding for commerce, wben we aro bid ding for immigration it is time to think, and time to act. We want people, we want immigration, but we want whole some immigration. Today. In my opin ion, the greatest problem that we havo to solve is the handling of the un- American element that Is flocking to our land. Last year over a million peo ple came, the year before ajmost a million, and during many years a num ber in almost like proportion. Most of these people are desirable, but som are not. Most of them make good citi zens, but others do not. In Idaho, we D ENTER have a. large population of Scandina vian and Germanic peoples. We have seme from the British Islands and some from France, and they are good peo ple. They are a class that we welcome to our shores. They make good citi zens for they are good citizens in the countries from whjch they come. And what is true in Idaho, is true in Ore gon and true In Washington. The Northwest Is favored beyond any other portion of our country. But because we i are so favored, we cannot be blind to i the dangers that threaten our country at large, aye, and threaten our own Northwest." Recites Centennial Ode. The last number on the programme was ! a recitation by Miss Maude Hammell, of Nes Perces. She rendered the Centennial Ode." composed by Mrs. Abigail Scott 1 Dunlway. Miss Hammell Is an elocutfon- I 1st of talent, and her rendition yesterday afternoon greatly delighted the audience. Open house prevailed at the Idaho build ing all of yesterday, and last night a re ception was held in it from 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Refreshments were served, and there was dancing in the pavilion annex of the New York building, both of which were crowded with guests. The decora tions were very lavish and pretty. Stinginess of Spokane Council. SPOKANE. Wash., Sept. 7. (Special.) Disgusted at the stinginess of the City Council In only voting them J400 to pro vide ontcrtainmont during Spokane week at the Portland Fair, the Spokane hostess and her assistants have agreed to meet tomorrow morning, and If the Council committee will not increase the appropri ation to $500, will resign in a body. The women are the most prominent in Spokane society. Mrs. Will Graves is the hostess, and among her assistants are Mrs. J. P. Graves, Mrs. E. O. Connor. Mrs. C G. Brown, Mrs. M. J. Gordon, the Misses Flournoy and others. The Council appropriated 52SCO for a Spokane booth and other exponscs. The women asked for iSOD to prepare special decora tions and to pay their expenses. The Council committee said Wi was enough, and the women have now given their ulti matum, with the time limit 9 o'clock Friday morning. Every woman connected with the affair has announced her Intention of resigning If the Increase Is. not allowed. Miss Marie Horgan Sings. Miss Marie Horgan. contralto soloist with the Wilton Lackaye Company, sang at the muslcale yesterday afternoon at the Massachusetts building. Miss Horgan is a New York singer of note, and has had a brilliant career in concert work. She Is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Helen N. Packard, of this city. Programme for Hawaiian Band. Whenever the nights are warm, the Royal Hawaiian Band at the Lewis and Clark Exposition will play at the bandstand on the Gray boulevard. On cool nights the band will play la the auditorium. Nebraska Exhibit. Free moving picture exhibitions. Ne braska Pavilion. Agricultural Palace, FINE MUSIC TODAY. Illinois Building to Have a Delight ful Concert This Afternoon. The selections to be rendered this af ternoon at the Etlers Piano House recital will prove pleasing to lovers of fine music. The choice of selections is especially fine and rendered by artists who will par ticipate, will certainly be very pleasing and satisfactory. Following Is the pro gramme: Violin (a) Asthore- Trotere (b) Love's Sorrow Shelley Mr. S. J. Story, accompanied by the Pianola (a) An den Fruhling Grieg (b) Eldorado .... , .'Bartlett Sporano solo (a) Serenata Tostl Cb) Etaraamente .....Mascheronl Miss Kathleen Lawler, accompanied by the Pianola Mr. Ii. P. Bruce at the Pianola. INT ANOTHER M Saturday Not the Best for Portland at Fair. WHAT THE MERCHANTS SAY Some Declare That They Cannot Closo on Saturday and AH ex press .Preference for a Change of J)nte. ADMISSIONS, 21,130. The reported admissions to the Ex position yesterday were 21,136. Much opposition has been aroused among the retailAraerchanta of the city by the choice of Saraday. September 3. as Portland day at the, Lewis and Clark Exposition, and It is probable that steps will be taken towards Influencing the Fair management to change the "date to j come other week day. Saturday Is. byl far the best business day of the week and it is the consensu? of opinion among ' LKTTER-CAKRIEKS BAND, NOW IN PORTLAND. dcalorg In all lines of merchandise that any other day would be preforable to Saturday. It has been planned to make Portland day the greatest event of the Fair, as It Is fitting it should be. The manage ment has expressed the hope that the attendance would reach the 6O.0CO mark upon that occasion and to bring this de. s4re to fulfillment the people will all have to work In harmony. One absolutely es sential factor in working up a record breaking attendance would be a closed town. It Is hoped that all merchants will co-operate In this matter and that every business house in the city that possibly can will close Its doors, thus giving Its employes an opportunity to attend the Fair and turning the tide of customers from their shopping to the Exposition gates. y Do Xot Favor Saturday. Practically all the business houses stand ready to carry out this programme upon any day except Saturday. On this one day, however, many proprietors say that it would be Impossible for them to sus pend operations and that they will make no attempt to do so If the Fair manage ment persists In naming Saturday for this occasion. Some tlrms arc not so decisive in their statements on this point, but all. with the exception of the Jewish mer chants, are united In their preference of any other day to Saturday. They believe that the matter has not gone far enough for a change to work disadvantageous!' In any way and conrtdently expect "some other date to be set for the Rose City celebration. Said W. P. Olds, of Olds. Wortman & King: "It Is my opinion that the retail men are united In tholr preference for any other day than Saturday for the ob servance of Portland day. The sales upon Saturday In many lines such as dry goods are double those of any other day In the week. In some departments they are three times as large. Under these conditions it can easily be seen that It would be a great hardship upon the merchants to close on this-day. I know that all firms, like ourselves, are loyal to the Fair and wish to co-operate In making Portland day a success, but we feel that the Ex position management should consider our wish in this matter. Furthermore, this course would bring two holidays together and many people would avail themselves Of thA nnnorttinlT" tn lantrA tVia vhn Otherwise would attend the Fair. Some stores absolutely could not close. We cannot state at this time whether we would close, but we would not like to do so." - Would Not Close Saturday. "We would absolutely refuse to close upon Saturday," said Henry Rob erts, of Roberts Bros. "Oun normal trade Is at least doubled upon that day, and we could not afford it. I think it would be more satisfactory all around if a change is made. The attendance would bo much larger any other day. We would be glad to close at any other time which might be set." R. M. Gray, of the Gray Clothing Company, was of like opinion. "You may 3tato" tor me that we would posi tively refuso to closo," he said "We are perfectly willing to close any, other day and would gladly help In any way we could, financially or other wise, but this is a matter that could be arranged to convenience the mer chants without inconveniencing any one else. If we are going to make Portland day the general celebration that it should be a change In date "will have to be made." "Eggort-Young Company Is much opposed to the date set." said Freder ick Eggert. "We think that some other day would do Just as well and are willing to. help by closing for the entire day if a change Is made. I be lieve that merchants are united on this point." - Difficult to Close Saturday. 'It would be difficult for us to close upon any day." said Louis Clarke, of Woodard, Clarke & Co.. "but on Satur day It would be absolutely impossible. Tt Ktms tn m thnt thn I." manor.A ment could easily see the mistake me are roaKing m sciung aaiuraay for this occasion. We would make no effort towards havinsr the Hnte changed because it seems unnecessary. it is Bimpij- a matter ot tact mat any Fair people would be blindly stupid if they should not choose some other-day. Saturday would not be generally ob served and it would simply spoil the day. John T. McDonnell said that McAllen 5c McDonnell shared the common opin ion. "We would be willing to close any other day and have no special preference. We- would not . like to close Saturday, but I would not state positively that we would not do so." "No more unfavorable day for us could have been chosen," said F. Dres ser, of Dresser & Co. ".We do more business on Saturday . than on any other two days. It would not only mean a big loss to us, but would great ly inconvenience our customers. foV we handle a great deal of perishable goods that could not be supplied upon Friday for Sunday. When asked if a change In date would be made. President Goode said that the matter had not yet been considered. "I cannot tell any thing .about it at present." he said. "I have no Idea whether another day will be set because I do not know how far the matter has gone nor how great Is the opposition to the present arrangement." JURY OP AWARDS. All the Members Have Now Been Selected. At a meeting of the committee of ex hibits. heW yesterday afternoon at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Sylvester Farrell. of Portland, was appointed sec retary of the superior Jury of awards, with H. B. Hardt. of the division of ex hibits, acting secretary. President H. W. Goode and Colonel Henry E. Dosch, di rector of exhibits, remain as members of the superior jury of awards. The oth er members of the jury are ex-Mayor Geoge H. Williams, chairman, and Theo dore B. Wilcox. The action of the com mittee of exhibits yesterday is thought to settle definitely the misunderstanding that arose between the Oregon State Commission and the Lewis and Clark Corporation. An agreement was reached last Saturday, when a committee from the Oregon State Commission called upon President H. W. Goode. Considers the Complaints. The committee on exhibits also consid ered the complaints that have been reg istered, concerning the provisions of the rules and regulations governing the awarding of the prizes and medals that the exhibitors furnish the division of ex hibits three samples of the articles to be passed upon. With the exception of a salmon exhibit In the Forostry building, and the California building exhibits, all the exhibitors at the Exposition have fur nished the division of exhibits three sam ples of the articles they have entered. The samples are now stored in a room In the Administration building, whero they will be passed upon by the Jurors. Realizing tho part the State of Califor nia has played In the Exposition, the committee of exhibits Is very anxious that the differences regarding the systom of making the awards be adjusted satis factorily to all. For this reason no de cision was reached yesterday, and an other meeting will be held this afternoon. Members of the committee will hold a consultation with Commissioner J. A. Filcher. of California, today, when it is expected he will give a full presentation of the reasons why the California Com mission refuses to acknowledge the regu lations governing the present system of making awards. California Takes Stand.. Sometime ago the committee on exhib its, in answer to a protest from the Cali fornia Commission regarding the furnish ing of three samples to the division of ex hibits, excepted wines and oils, these to be Judged whero exhibited. The California Commission is not satisfied with this con cession, and desires that all of the arti cles be examined at the respective build ings wherein they are exhibited. The committee selected the gold, silver and bronze medals which will be awarded the exhibits at the Exposition. On one side -will be engraved a picture of Lewis and Clark, with Columbia between them, viewing for the first time the Pacific Ocean. On the other side space Is left for the exhibitor's name. The diploma which will be conferred upon the exhib itors was also selected. The committee on exhibits Is composed of Theodore B. Wilcox, chairman. President H. W. Goode. Colonel Henry E. Dosch, Secre tary Henry E. Reed. A. H. Dcvcrs and H. L. Corbett. Control'Orcgon Savings Bank. Tho controlling stock in the Oregon Savings Bank was purchased yesterday by Walter H. and H. A. Moore, of Moro, Sherman County, Or., from Ralston and Morris. Walter H. Moore will assume the presidency of the bank, succeeding L. O. Ralston. Under the new manage ment. It is expected that the working personnel of the bank will bo changed. A stockholders' meeting will be held In a few days. Mr. Morris and Mr. Ralston will retain a share In the bank. The Moore brothers have been identified with, the banking business In Sherman County, but have disposed of most of their holdings there in order to assume control of the Portland institution. Despondent, She Tries to Drown. Being despondent and homesick. Miss Delia Dalton, of Kansas City. Mo., leaped from the forward deck of the steamer America at the foot of Washington street at noon yesterday into the Willamette River. She Intended to commit suicide. Miss Dalton was rescued from the wa ter by heroic efforts of Captain Shaver and Deckhand Tooley. of the America. The police were summoned and took the girl, who Is 17 years old. to head quarters. She Is now being cared for by Matron Simmons, and her parents In Kansas City have been notified. 3he had been rooming at the Witch Haael house? ED TORS 10 STATES AHE HERE Newspaper Men of Washing ton and Oregon Visit the Exposition. PLAN FOR THE RECEPTION Will 3reet at American Inn and Will Do Trail Under Guidance' of President Gorman, of ?he Tail Association. Portland is full of editors, the members of the Oregon and Washington Press As sociations being In this city to celebrate Friday and Saturday at the Lewis-' and Clark Exposition. The members of the Washington Pess Association, which has been holding its annual "meeting at Spo kane, arrived in Portland yesterday morn ing over the O. R. & X. They came in special cars, which were attached to the j regular train. There are also many Ore gon editors in Portland. 1 Visit tho Fair. Yesterday the editors spent in seeing the Exposition. In the afternoon they attended a reception at the Washington building, which was tendered them by the Pacific County hostesses, who have charge of the social events of this week. Mrs. F. A. Haseltine presided as hostess. Refreshments were served, and the mem bers of the association were received by the hostesses. The parlors of the build ing were prettily decorated with flowers and bunting for the occasion. A short but Interesting muslcale was rendered by South Bend talent. The Oregon Press Association will hold Its annual meeting this morning In the parlors of the American Inn. The session will begin at 19 o'clock. Nearly all of the newspapers of Oregon will be repre sented at the meeting this morning, which promises to be of much moment. In the afternoon the members of the Oregon and Washington Press Associa tions will hit the Trail In a body. They wlll be shown through the different at- rROGRAMJIE POR TODAY. 10 A. M. Oregon Prers Association meets in annual convention In tae par lors of the American Inn. 1:30 P. M. Members of the Oregon an4 Washington Press Associations mt at the American Inn, from whence thy will be shown through the Trail by PreMaent Gorman, of the Trail Associa tion, ami George I. Hutcbln. 8 P. M. Members of tho Press Asso ciation attend a reception at the Port land Commercial Club. tractions by President Gorman, of the irau Association, and Georse L. Hutchin. Several of the larger shows on the Trail are arranging special features for th n lertahiment of the newspapermen. To- mgm tne journalists will be the guests of the Portland Commercial Club at a re ception which will last from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock. 3rembers From "Washington. Tho members of the Washington Press Association who arrived in Portland yes terday morning were: Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wheeler, Times, Waits burg; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Balrd, Columbian, Vancouver; Blqe Eddy, Capital. Olympla; Mr. and Mrs. C H. O'Nell. Spectator, Pres cott: Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dealy, Mall. Medi cal Lake; A. P. and Mazle Haas. Leader, Llnd; C. E. Graham. Advance. Wenatehee; Minnie and Hazel Sargent. Tribune. Pull man; Benjamin Spwar, Press. Watervllle; James Goodwin, Citizen, Harrington; Mr. and Mrs. F H. Andrews. Forester. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. W. Shrader. Guide. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Foster. Courier, Sedro Wooley; Mr. and Mrs. L W. Pratt. Ledger, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. F. W".. Middaugh. Chronicle. Spokane; W. J. Harter Hustler. Hatton; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Weik. Record. Odessa; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Powell. Inland Farmer. Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. L E. Rader. Soundvlew. Olalla; Mrs. S. R. and Emma Clayton, Republic. Seattle; Richard Nagle. Reveille, Colvllle; Mr. and. Mrs. II. Lowe. Standard. Fairfield; Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Anderson. Journal, Orient. The reception committee, which will re ceive the Oregon and Washington Press Associations at Commercial Club tonight follows: C J. Owen, chairman; Hugh McGuire. R. M. Hall. W . J. Hof mann, L. Samuol. W A. T Bushongr. F. W. Baltes G. F. Robertson. BenJ. I. Cohen. A. H. Blrrell. C TV. Hodson, E. G. Jene. TV. H. Chapln. Thomas C. Dev lin. H. C. Eckenberger. F. X. Fuller. G G. Gammans. TV. P. Glafke. C. C. Chapman. J. iw. GUI. I. B. Hammond. F. TV. Istierwood, O. J. Kraemer, C. Lombard!, James Manner. G. TV. Morrow. F. A. Nltchey. W. E. Prud homme, H. S. Ramsdell. Dr. F. S. Skiff O. M. Smith. Seeks Divorce for Cruelty. Bertha Arllla Wertman has sued George W. Wertman for a divorce be cause of cxuel treatment. She alleges that he called her vile names and falsely accused her of visiting im proper places in Boise City.' They were married In Octdber, 1391, and have one child 10 years old. The defendant still resides at Boise. Wants Demurrers Dismissed. Charles F, Lord yesterday filed a motion In his suit against Francis J. IN A WOMAN'S HEAD M STRAITOE SENSATIONS CAUSED BY SHATTERED NEEYES, Dr. Williams' Plak Pills Afford Jtellel from Distressing Experiences Caused By Overwork. " Before I began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,1' said Mrs. Mary Reagan, of No. 86 Kilburn street, Fall River, Mass., recently, " I was in andHmt of bed all the time, but now I stay up all day and do all my own work. "I was badly run down, from over work. One day noises began in my head and. almost made me crazy. My head felt as if a tight baud had been put around it, aud the pressure and the sounds made me so uneasy that I often had to walk the floor all night when I should have been sleeping. " My stomach was in bad shape, and I had smothering sensations. At such times my body seemed bloodless, my hands were like chalk and my face turned yellow. The doctor said I had dyspepsia in the worst form. Then my nerves gave way and I was completely prostrated. At night I could not sleep, and in the daytime if I bent over to pick up a rug the smothering sensation would come on at once. "The first box of Dr. Williams Pink Pills that I nsed quieted my nerves so that I could get a good night's sleep, which was a new experience for me. Before I began to use them I was a nervous wreck and feembled at tha slightest sound. I was so weak that I had to sit down and rest everyfew steps when I went up stairs. Now I can run up a whole flight at once. The smother ing sensations have gone and the noises in my head have stopped entirely. My appearance has greatly improved, for friends who were alarmed on my ac count before, now say: How well you are looking 1' My husband spent over a hundred dollars on treatment for me that was worthless, but a few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills brought me sound, health." These pill3 are. guaranteed to be free from stimulating or harmful drug3 of any description and may be taken without fear of injury to the most deli cate system. They quickly cure ner vous disorders of every kind, check wasting diseases and build up strength. They are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box, Bix boxes for $3.50 by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenec tady, N.Y, Heney for 550,000 damages, asking that the demurrer filed by Mr. Heney to the complaint be dismissed because the latter and W. J. Burns. United States Secret Service agent, failed to obey a notice served upon them to appear before Thad Vreeland, notary, on Tuesday to be examined as wit nesses. There Is a statute -which pro vides that the evidence of defendants can be taken before a notary. School again sew cloties for the boy this time try a "Her-cules-Kaptwearout' ' Shower Woof Suit you could look the world over and not find better wearing, better appearing boys' clothes. A "Hercules" vill please your boy because It is a "mannish" suit long, loose double-breasted coat broad padded shoulders full back and nlentv of freedom across chest wide and tapering lapeb pants close around the waist but free in the hip and legs. A "Hercules" will please you be- cause it will outwear two "common" suits and cost no more than one. We will give you a "Hercules" free if you can find a fKread of cotton in the fabric yarn strong and closely woven colors absolutely fast. All pants seams double stitched seat and inside leg seams covered with tape impossible to break a seam cloth will give out before seam breaks. Pants full lined with cold shrunk Irish linen makes pants stronger, warmer, sanitary. Coat full lined with extra 3trong double-warped Italian cloth. Two sleeve linings instead of one where the wear Is greatest (patent applied for) first lining wears out rip it off new lining In place no trouble at all. Strong Ivory, buttons strong silk sewed button holes strong linen thread sewn through and through button and wound round and round neck removes strain from cloth and we are not skimpy whh thread. Waist band of elastic webbing. Un shrinkable materials throughout. Every stiit labeled "Hercules", dan' be deceived by imitations. For boys 6 to 16 double breasted two-piece Knee-Pants Suits only one price everywhere Five Dollars Mama af your clothes man ni ago cf your boy we will send a "Hercules" freg far Insytctten Daube, Cohn & Co. Chicag