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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1905)
THE MOBNiyc OKEGOyiAlT, THURSDAY, SEPTE3IBEB 7, 1905. NOW FOR BOUQUETS - Peaces Envoys Win Applause on Journey South.- "HURRAHS" AND "BANZAIS" Crowds .Greet Them at Portsmouth, Boston. and Kew Tork Round offFcstivitics Awaits Will Visit Roosevelt. BOSTON. Sept G. Bot,h the Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries, to gether, with the members of their re spective missions, left Boston today on special trains, bound for New York. Crowds of people had assembled at the South Station and. as the trains passed out, that bearing- the Russians ubout 1 o'clock and that of the Jap anese two hours later, enthusiastic demonstrations occurred. Mr. Witte re spond od to the cheers by appearing on the rear platform -and making & brief speech through Mr. Rojestvensky. He gave expression to the pleasure which Ills Journey had accorded, his thanks at the cordiality of the greeting and his regret that he must leave so soon. Baron Komura, with several mem bers of the Japanese mission, visited Harvard University during the day and was entertained at luncheon at the Colonial Club in Cambridge. At the railroad etation the Japanese departed amid cheers from the Americans pres ent and a chorus of "banzals" from a large body of their fellow countrymen. ENVOI'S LEAVE PORTSMOUTH Given Farewell Cheers by Crowds. Commemorating the Treaty. PORTSMOUUTH, Sept 6. Life in the picturesque section of New Eng land, which for the last four weeks has centered around the proceedings of the peace conference, began slip ping back into normal channels today with the departure of Mr. Wltte and the Russlon mission on a special train for New York, and of the mem bers of the Japanese entourage who did not go with Baron Ko tnura last night. Mr. Wltte was up early this morning and before he had taken breakfast a crowd had as sembled on the hotel veranda to see him off. He shook hands with each of the persons- gathered about him and when he started he was given cheers and cries of "atileu." Mr. Takahlra, who headed the Jap anese party, was also hoartlly cheered. At the Navy Yard the work has al ready begun of restoring the general store to Us former condition. The furnlturo will be shipped back to Washington, Including the table on which the treaty was signed. This piece of furniture may be preserved by the Department of State and also the chains on which the plenipoten tiaries sat. The building will, how ever, continue" to " be "known as the 'Poaco building." Mr. Pelrce, the Assistant Secre tary of State, will remain here this week to wind up the Governments business in connection w-ith the con ference. Captain McR. Window, command ing the Mayflower, was among the last to take leave of Mr. Wltte. The Russian plenipotentiary thanked Cap tain WInslow In his own and the Em poror's name for the hospitality which Mr. Wltte and his mission had enjoyod aboard the Mayflower, and presented him with an autograph pho tograph. In perpetuation of the his toric part which the Navy Yard has played in the last month it has been suggested that a bronze tablet be placed on the walls of the peaco build ing commemorative of the "Peace of Portsmouth" brought about within its walls. FAREWELL VISIT TO ROOSEVELT Will Be Made on Saturday Both Missions Thank Him. OYSTER BAY. Sept. C. Baron Ko mura and Minister Takahlra, the. Jap anese peace plenipotentiaries. It was announced today by Secretary Locb, will lunch at Sagamore with the Pres ident next Saturday. They will come down from New York on the naval yncht Sylph. The game evening, Mr. Wltte and" Baron Rosen will dine at Saga more HI1L 'They, will come from Long Island City to Oyster Bay in a private car. The reason for the Russian en voys coming by train Is because of Mr. Wltto's preference for railroad travel. The following are the telegrams received yesterday by the President from Baron Komura, and from Mr. Wltte and Baron Rosen announcing the signing of the peace treaty between Russia and Japan: Portsmouth. N. H.. Sept. 5. IPOS. Te the Prealdont: I hasten to inform you that the treaty of peace has Juet been trlciiod. Humanity la under a laotln? debt of grati tude to you for the Initiation and successful ooacluston of the peace conference. X beu to be permitted to add my own thanks and ilnoe .-acknowledgment. KOMURA.. Motel Wentworth, Newcantle, N. II. Sept. 5, 1005. The President: We have the honor to In form ypu that vre have this day signed tne treat- of peace with Japan. It Is not for u to thank you for what you have done In the caure of peace, as your noble and generoua efforts have been fittingly acknowledged by our august noverelgn. We can only express to you . and to the people of the country our personal nentlment of profound gratitude for the cordial reception you have done ve the honor to extend to us and which we have met with al tho bands of the people in this sountry WIXXE. ROSEN. BIG RECEPTION IN NEW TORK Envoys Have Several Days of Strcn- oiouR Enjoyment Ahead. NEW YORK. Sept. 6. Thousands of persons greeted the Russian peace en voys when they arrived at the Grand Cen tral station this afternoon at 5:35 o'clock on a special train from Boston. There was a great demonstration when they left the train and hurried to the St. Regis Hotel, where they will remain while-in this city: Mr.Wltte and Baron Rosen were read ily recognized, and men and women pushed tlrelr way toward them. -The crowd hecame so great that tho party was brought to a-standstlll. Both clasped many "hands as they .slowly made their way to the sidewalk. The Russian envoys, and the members of their party will" be' lavishly entertained while In this city. The first of a series of functions' in their "honor will be given tomorrow night a dinner at Che Metro politan .Club by George Harvey. Tho Japanese envoya arrived tonight at S o'clock on a special train from Boston. Baron Kancko. Japan's confidential rep resentative here, with his secretaries and two score of Japanese students, was at the station to greet the envoys. Another great -crowd was on hand to cheer the re turning- plevlpc tes, tlxla-ab4 -vKvcrct rv. ice-men, detectives and a heavy- guard of umxorrned police had to make a way for ,the Japanese party. The Russian envoi's spent the evening quietly in their hotel. x KOMURA AT HIS ALMA, MATER Feasted and Toasted hy Harvard - and Boston People. BOSTON, Sept 5. Baron Komura; the Japanese chief peace envoy, and those of Mis pa'rty who came here last night; were the. .guests at breakfast today of the Nanrwa, -Dining Club, .an association of leading Japanese merchants of this city. After the breakfast, which was an in formal a'ffal?, -J3aron Komura and 'his suite went to Harvard University, of whlcTmnstltutlon the Baron is an alum nus. The party was driven la a tallyho di rectly to Harvard Law School, where Professor John C. Gray, of "the Law School, and J. D. Greene, secretary to President Eliot, met the visitors. The Baron and his -party were enter tained at luncheon at the Colonial Club, Professor Gray presiding. This was an Informal affair, the Baron and others making brief speeches. Baron Komura talked of affairs in Japan apart from the signing of the peace treaty, and expressed his pleasure at be ing able to revisit the scenes of his stu dent life. At the conclusion of the lunch eon, a toast to Baron Komura was drunk standing. Baron Komura, accompanied by Profes sor Gray, made a short call on Professor Christopher Columbus Langdcll, dean pro fessor of law emeritus at the Harvard Law School, who was an active professor when the Baron attended the Law School. The party returned to the hotel In Boston, and from there after a lew min utes, departed by special train for New York. A crowd of several hundred was at the station when the Baron and his friends were conducted to the train, and they were greeted with loud cheers. As the train drew out. Baron Komura stepped on the platform of the observa tion car, waived his hat and bowed In response. Russia Putting, Treaty In Effect. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept 6. The news of the signing of the peace treaty result ed immediately in an unwonted outburst of active work at the Foreign Office. All the articles of the treaty are being copied today. Each ministerial department will be supplied with an official copy to the end that every proiislon of tho treaty shall be understood thoroughly by' each Minister, particularly in its bearing on the changes provided for by the treaty, which must be carried out by the different Ministers and departments. The carry ing out of the provisions will be proceed ed with at once. Today some orders to this effect were made. Publish Anglo-Japanese Treaty. LONDON, Sept 6. The Anglo-Japanese troaty, signed August 12, Is not yet ready for promulgation, some for malities In printing, etc., having to be carried out At the Foroign Office to day it was said the troaty would be ready early next week, but before pub lication it would be communicated to the powers. Although the powers in terested are not yet in possession of the terms of the treaty, their represen tatives in London express themselves as satisfied, as it is generally under stood the troaty does not interfere in any way with existing rights. Condemns Anglo-Japanese Treaty. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept 6. There is much . comment in the morning pa pers on the Anglo-Japanese treaty, which it is claimed is not conducive' to peace, because it upsets the balance of powor in the Far East and makes Groat Britain and Japan predominant The Novoe Vremya expresses tho opin ion that It is directed against German doslgns in the Far East while the Svlct declares that the treaty shuts Russia frcm the Pacific and the open sea anywhere in Asia. Tho Bourse Ga zette takes a similar view. Nobel Prize for Roosevelt in 1900. CHRISTIANIA. Sept 6. All the Norwe gian papors this afternoon express rogret that it will be impossible to forward to President Roosevelt the Nobel peace prize this year, owing to the requirement that the candidates for the prize be nominated before February. It is expected, however, that Mr. Roosevelt will be chosen for the prize in lf6. Name Street After Roosevelt. VIENNA, Sept 6. The Municipal Council proposes to perpetuate the memory of President Roosevelt's suc cess In restoring peaoe by re-naming a street Thoodore. Roosevelt Strasse. and cabling the thanks of the City of Vienna. The proposal has been form ally introduced and is set down for early consideration. BLAGK CUTS ON HE FIRST SPECIAL HOO HOO TltAIN ARRIVES TODAY. Reception Committee Is Ready to Receive tho -Visitors and Pro gramme Is Completed. The fourteenth annual concatenation of the "house of Hoo Hoo will assemble in this city next Saturday, when an assem blage estimated at 3000 will be In attend ance at the conclave. The emblem of the black cat will be seen everywhere in the next few days, for the delegates will com mence to arrive In tho "World's Fair city at 5:20 this afternoon, when the Chlcago St Louis special, with tho Eastern contin gent will reach Portland. They will be met "by the members of the local reception committee, who will "conduct them to tho Hoo Hoo headquarters, and afterwards to their hotels. The delegation from "Washington, ac companied by the big black cat will reach here tomorrow afternoon at 5:30, and they will be met by the reception committee and a band. All the final arrangements 4or the reception of the visiting members of the order were completed last night ana the programme will be carried out In Its entirety. It is the intention of the local fraternity to make this reunion a memorable one in the history of the order, and they are sparing no pains or expense In the effort toward this end. The Oslrian cloister, the higher degree of the Hoo Hoo, will hold Its annual busi ness meeting tomorrow morning at 9:00 o'clock. In the Elks and Knights of Pyth ias Hall. Initiations to the elevated rank will be held in the afternoon, and tho evening will be devoted to a '"banquet to be tendered the newly initiated members.' Saturday will be taken up with business and social meetings. The order of Hoo Hoo proper will as semble In concatenation Saturday morn ing, at.:the regular hour of the order. S.-09 A. M. The programme for the coming week constitutes a concatenation on the roof of the Armory, business meetings and a trip to the Oaks In the evening on Monday. Business sessions and a moonlight excur sion up the Columbia will occupy Tues day, and Wednesday will be given over to seeing the Exposition V and hitting the 'Trill. v. TIE BRAT Veterans of the Blue -Show Effects' of Age. GREAT PARADE IN DENVER Many Fall Out of Line-Exhausted and Watch Sturdier Comrades. Ex - Confederate Creates Applause With Flag. DENVER, Sept 6. The main event of the Grand Army Encampment was the grand parade which occurred today. To the veteran the prlvilegd'of again keeping in step with comrades of the bivouac of '61 is one for which no hardship seems too great . to' undergo, no order too sovere to undertake. Many who marched the two miles today were exhausted when the end was reached, and many others, weak ened by age, fell out of line long beforo the Journey was completed. These tot tering old veterans, regretting their inabil ity to remain in the parade and giving ev ery evidence of their feelings, would be cared for by the persons nearest at hand, led to a place where they could rest and recover from their exhaustion, it was a common slzht to see a gray haired old soldier sitting on the curbing gazing wistfully at his more sturdy com rades as they passed him by. Tho ovation given the marchers was un stinted. The streets were packed with people, and the windows and roofs of buildings along the line of march swarmed with humanity. The cheering was continuous, and the grizzled old war riors were kept busy bowing acknowl edgments 'and raising their hats in cour teous salute. The column formation for the great parade was as follows: Order of March. Platoon of mounted police. George "W. Cook band and drum corps. Grand Marshal Colonel George, El Ran dolph and staff. Commander-in-Chief John R. King. , Chief of Staff J. J. McCurdy. Senior Vice-Commander G. "W. Patten. Surgeon-Goncral V. R. King. Adjutant-General J. E. Gllroan. Junior Vice-Commander E. B. sailings. Judge Advocate-General O. L. Moore. Chapialn-In-Chlcf J. H. Bradford.. Colorbearers. Assistant Quartcrmaster-Geaeral J. H. Holcomb. Executive committee, council of admin' Istratkm Colonel S. C. James. Cetenel L. W. Cefllns, General J. "W. Hersey, Gen eral W. H. Armstrong, Colon ei J. C "Wlnans. General George "W. Cook, chairman of the Denver executive committee. National Association of Civil War Musi cians Drum and Fife Corps. Disabled National officers in oarriagos. The various state' departments In the following order: Illinois. Wisconsin. Pennsylvania. Ohio. New York, .Connecti cut Massachusetts, New Jersey, Maine. California, Nevada. Rhode Island. New Hampshire. Vermont Potomac, Virginia. Maryland. Nebraska, Michigan, Iowa, Indiana. Delaware, Minnesota, Missouri. Oregon, Kentucky. "Wost Virginia, South Dakota. "Washington. Arkansas. New Mexico. Utah. Tonnessee. Louisiana, Mis sissippi, Florida. Texas. Montana. Idaho. Arizona, Georgia, Alabama. North Da- nuui. muian jerruory, uKiaaoma. Colo rado and Wyoming. Light showers had fallen during the night, but the weather cleared this morn-. Jng, and the annual Grand Army parade has never taken place under more favor able auspices. Arrangement Most Perfect. Three hours were consumed by the pro cession in pansing the grandstand. Col onel Harper Morchood. chairman of the . parade committee, estimated that 1S.O00 members of the Grand Army participated In the parade Kansas carried off the honors for the largest representation, having nearly 2500 men in Use. The most perfect arrangements portble for communication and emergency service were provided. Telephone station? were placed along the route of march and phy sicians were In attendance every block or so. A horseman was unseated by his frlghtoned mount and In falling broke a finger. A surgeon stationed near by had nsen the accident and the man was astride his animal and in line again before the procesoSon had progressed two blocks from where the accident occurred. General Donaldson, of St Louis, was stricken with heart failure, and was car ried to a hospital 'in an ambulance. His recovery is doubtful. Ex-Rebel Waves Union Flag. There were many interesting features connected with the parade, but perhaps the most impressive was the appearance of an ox-Confederate soldier in the gray uniform of his fighting days. ' A great cheer rent the air an he stood alone in a carriage waving the Stars and Stripes and bowing to the multitude Both the National Encampment of the G. A. R. and the annual meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps will open tomor row morning. Numerous schemes for entertaining the hoots of visitors were worked out by the committee on entertainment A reception was tendered Commander-in-Chief General King at the Brown Pal ace Hotel, by the Ladies of the G. A. R. Spanish Wnr, Veterans Reunion. 3IILWAUKEE. Wis,. Sept 6. The seoond annual reunion of the United States Spanish "War Veterans begins its sessions at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning and will last three days. Tho first day will be taken up with ad dresses of welcome and responses and reports of officers and the appointment of committees. Friday the election of officers will take place. The great parade will occur on Saturday .and this will be followed by an old-time camp fire at one of the parks where speech making and singing of patriotic songs will be held. About5000 delegates "and members are expected to attend the reunion. MAIL-DRIVERS. ' ON STRIKE Refusal of Higher Wages Tics Up - New York Mall Wagons. NEW YORK. Sept 6. Threo hundred drivers of mall wagons quit their jobs to night More than a score of them desert ed their wagons at the Mail-street en trance of the general Poatofllce after they haff received word that the strike had been decided upon. It Is an echo -of tht trouble over wages some weeks ago. The leaders pf the men say that the agree ment: the bosses made with them has not been lived up to. They also demand, an Increase of wages. Acting Superintendent of Malls Fox said at' the PostoOce after the men" had left the wagons, that although, there were ISO mall routes to be4 delivered to railroad etatidns and -branch offices up to 3 o'clock Thursday morning, he thought thero would be, no difficulty Jn keeping, the serv ice running. All .of the .men are employed by the New York-Mali, Compaayj-. The.215., jicii .in con- WEARING ference tonight in view of the question of strike decided unanimously, according to the statement of the president, Thomas Landy, to go on strike. "The understanding was," said Landy. "that all of the men were to ret J2.10 per day. Tho men driving the one-horse wagons are content with this agreement but the drivers of the two-horse wagons want JZXO a day. "We reported this fact to Mr. Travis, but he took no action." WILL NOT GRANT EIGHT HOURS Employing Printers Solid Against Demand of Union. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Sept 6. The United Typo the La e of America continued Its convention here today. The one ab sorbing topic of discussion and conversa tion was the demand of the printers for the eight-hour day. The convention Is solidly opposed to the demand. There seems to be no sign of weakening tho position of the executive committee taken yesterday, namely, not to grant the eight hour day under present conditions. This afternoon a telegram from J. TV. Sramwood, secretary of the eight-hour committee of tho International Typo graphical Union, announced that Presi dent Lynch and Vice-President Hayes, of the eight-hour committee, would be in Niagara Falls tomorrow. It was resolved that the courtesies of the convention be extended to Messrs. Lynch and Hayes when they arrive. Shooting at Union Meeting. NEW YORK. Sept 6. One man was shot and a riot narrowly averted last night during a meeting of tho Progres sive Marble Polishers' Union. Con flicting stories of the shooting are told by members, but the police ar rested a walking delegate, whom they charged with felonious assault on Francisco Valentin The trouble, it is said, arose over the attempt of the Italian clement In the union, of which Valentir posed as a leader, to oust the walking delegate. Refuse to Accept Arbitration. NEW YORK. Sept 6. The Amalgamat ed Sheet Metal Wofkors. who are on a strike In this city for an Increase of wages, decided at a mass meeting last night to disregard orders for their return to work, pending arbitration. The order was Issued by the executive committee of the general arbitration board of the Build ing Trades Employes' Association. The unions declared the strike to be an inex cusable violation of the arbitration agree ment It is expected that the employers will now declare a lockout and endeavor to nil the strikers places. GOES AFTER PLSTT 3IAE WOOD SAYS SHE "TIPPED OFF" OFFICIAL SECRETS. - Helped Him to Prevent Payne From Recommending Post Checks and Saved Him Much Cash. OMAHA. Sept. 6. Mae a Wood to day mod a civil suit in the District Court against United States Senator Thomas C Piatt and the United States Express Company for $25,000 for al leged services rendered to the defend ants. Miss Wood's petition alleges that while she was employed by the Gov ernment in the Postoffice Department nt Washington, she rendered services to the defendants by "tipping off" the inside workings- of the office and by assisting to keep out of Postmaster General Payne's annual report of May. 1902. a recommendation of tho "post check" system, thus saving the ex press company several hundred thou sands of dollars. In the affidavit Miss Wood sets up the non-residence of the defendants and asks tho court to grant a garnish ment of the express company. NEW RULING AT STANFORD Students Without Diplomas Will Have to Stnnd Examination. STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. Sept. 6. A new regulation that will affect the graduates of a number of High Schools and private preparatory schools In the state of California and other states from which Stanford Uni versity receives Its students, was an nounced tonight from the office of the register of the university. Hereafter no students will be admitted to the university without examination, unless they can show a diploma from some preparatory school which gives a four year course. In California there are not many of this kind, but In Oregon and Nevada there are a large number from which many students come to Stanford every year. Many of Stanford's mcJst prom inent men have in the past come from Portland, Or., and as the new rule will Interfere with every preparatory school In Portland. It is feared that many good men will now turn from Stanford to other universities where entrance is easy. The reason for putting this new regulation into practice Is to maintain the policy of the university toward a smaller student-body. NOT HURT JYTHE TAINT But Mission Board Admits Rocke feller Row Affected Receipts. BOSTON. Sept 6. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions has completed Its accounts for Its business year and. in antlcpatlon of its 96th annual meeting. -Which will be held., .at Seattle September 14 to IS, today issued ' the -following financial statement: The total receipts for the year amount to JS12.149. With the exception of two yeari. when' Urge debts have been paid, this la the greatest ran the board has ever received In one year. In view of the falling- off In lepa c!e durlnr recent years. It Is noticeable that there has been a rain of about $30,000 from that source during 1WH-03. Aside from the receipts from the auxiliary women's board. . there has been also a caln In donations ' ffftm AiifkIi.. imA Inill.Mn.l. On account of certain emergencies and un usual conditions In the foreign fields and the Inevitable growth of a. prosperous work, the expenditures for the board hare been con siderably above those of former yeari, so that the account closes with a deficit or S1S8.S27. It U expected that this will be somewhat reduced by payments from th auxiliary societies within a few weeks. "While the controversy over the acceptance of tho gift from John D. Rockefeller has probably affected the receipts of the board In some measure, the Interest of the pastors and church members In the work of the board Is said to be on the Increase and the officials look forward to the next year with confidence. Burned hy Gasoline Explosion. CHICAGO. Sept 6. Special.) Henry Cheatham-, chauffeur for M, J. Spiegel, and Mrs. Cheatham were burned, probably fa tally, in an explosion of gasoline while the couple was filling Spiegel's automobile in a barn, at Kenwood, this afternoon, They were rescued from the barn, which took fire, by fireman, and hurried to a hospital. The .Denver Mc Elo Grando his estab lished through Pullstaa standard sleeping car cervice? between Portland and Denver, leaving Portland at SOS P. M.. spendlnr seven hours la Salt Lake City second day and arriving in Doaver afternoon of fol lowing day. For rrvfcUeM aU at 1M Thirst strMt. LOST IN LIFEBOAT Seventeen Men of the British Steamer Tropic Drown. ASHORE ON ROCKY COAST Storm Drives Her on Beach In South America and. Men Going lor Aid Ncver Returns-Ship Escapes Damage. CHARLESTON. S. a. Sept 6. The Brit ish steamship Tropic. ZM0 tons. Captain Barber, arrived" in this port today after a voyage lasting nearly three months. The second mate, purser and 15 seamen are missing. Sailing from Valparaiso. Chile. June 23. the Tropic met with bad weather at once and on June 23. while of Cape Putu and about 15 miles from Constitution, the ship went hard aground not over .SCO yards from the beach. High seas were running. The second mate, purser and 15 seamen put out in the first lifeboat for Constitution for aid, but never returned. All night the seas dashed over the Tropic and the 20 men on board momen tarily expected the end. Morning brought hope in the sight of men on shore, but there seemed to bo no way to get to the ship. The captain, with a kite, sent a cord to shore; next a line and next a hawser was landed. On this the men went ashore. When the storm abated some what the vessel was found to be undam aged. A naval court exonerated the cap tain and crew. The grounding is accredited to a devia tion of the ship's compasses and the prevalence of a strong Inset current off Putu. In latitude 35: south and longitude 72:20 west The Tropic was 23 days over due. BOGUS VOTERS CUT OUT Philadelphia List Purged of 48,000 Xames Illegally There. PHILADELPHIA. Sept 6. The asses sors of the 1HH election districts of the city, whose duty It Is to place In voting lists the namos of all qualified electors, completed their revision of the lists to day. Unusual Interest was taken In their work, because of the allegations that more than 50,030 fraudulent names had been placed on the lists. For the last two months the policemen and other employes, under the dlrccton of Mayor "Weaver and the City Party, have been making a can vass of the city for the purpose of purging the lists of Illegal voters. The police made reports alleging that more than 60, C names were on the lists In violation of the election laws. The assessors set yesterday and today to revise the lists. The number of names stricken off by the assessors will not be known for sev eral days. The secretary of the City Party tonight estimated that at lease 43, 000 names had bpen dropped. SPEAK OUT ON RACE QUESTION Maryland Republicans Oppose Both Disfranchisement and Equality. BALTIMORE. Sept. 6. The Republican State Convention, which met here today. wa3 presided over by Secretary of the Navy Charles J. Bonaparte. The "dis franchise amendment" to the state con stitution was denounced in the platform adopted, which also said in part: T"he Republican party of the State of Maryland favors no social equality among the races, favors no negro domination over white people here or elsewhere and can be depended upon to guard against the establishment of either of these con ditions In Maryland." EXPECT B00MJN ORIENT Railroads Say Close of War "Will In crease American Trade. CHICAGO. Sept. 6. Officers of the big railway systems operating between Chi cago and the Pacific Coast are enthusias tic over the proppects for Increased trade between this country and tho Orient The fact that the war was settled through the interposition of American authorities, they say. will create a friendly feeling toward this country In the Far East. Speaking of the prospects. J. C. Stubbs. traffic director of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific and. Oregon Short Line, said today: We look fer a boom In trade between this country and the Orient. Japan and China have awakened as never before, and will need a great quantity of supplies. The fact that the United States figured so prominent ly in the peace negotiations has stirred in terest in this country with Japan and other Oriental governments, if our manufactur ers and merchants take advantage of our friendly relations, a big Interchange of busl nes with tlfis country must result. With peace and a friendly feeling in the Orient and American ownership of the Hawaiian and Philippine Islands, the United States ought te become a factor in the Far Easfand we expect a boom in traffic for our roads be tween the Mississippi Valley and Pacific Coast ports. Scven-Ycar-OId Boy Hero. PHOENIX. Ariz.. Sept 6. News has been received here of a terrible accident at Gila Bend, resulting In the death of Mrs. D. "Wintermute and babe and the slight Injury of her 7-year-old son. who proved a hero. A lamp exploded while Mrs. "Win termute was lighting It and she was burned so badly that she died in a few hours: The baby was on fire when the brother dragged her to the arms of res cuers, though- fatally burned. The boy placed a small hose In action and worked so desperately to savo the property from burning that he narrowly escaped death himself. The woman might have been saved from death but for a vicious house dog. which kept the rescuers away until too late. Ayers Cherry Pectoral A regular medicine. A strong medicine. A doctor's medicine. A medicine that cures hard colds, severe coughs, croup, the grip, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia. J.O.iLTSC.. XOTU,Xas. RHEUMffllSM Rheumatism does more than anj other dis- VixiwiUsi ease to rob life of pleasure and comfort. It is so painful and far-reaching in its effects on the system that those afflicted with it find themselves utterly unable to enjoy bodily comfort or any of the pleasures of life. Some are bound hand and foot and suffer constantly with excruciating pains, swollen, stiff joints and muscles, and . , . , often distorted, crooked I had been troubled with Rheumatism for two limbs, while others have had, b!e-:L1und"L5 treatment of P" which they live in constant were so stiff that I could not use them.. I was un iear and dread of the next able to do my household work, and was truly in a attack, when, at the least ex- pitiable condition. S. S. S. cured me after using posureto damp weather, or it for awhile, and I unhesitatingly give it the slight irregularity of any credit it so much deserves, kind, the disease will return. Sta. A., E. Liverpool, O. Mrs. M. A. Decker. The cause of Rheumatism is a sour, acid condition of the blood, produced bv food lvinf undigested in the stomnrh -nonr "Korr-ol ofinn tn.t.o and a general sluggish condition of the system. External applications, such as liniments, oils, plasters, etc., do not reach-the cause and can only give tem- eta liuizueuis, oils, piasu sss tern of all foreign matter. It cures the disease permanently and safely because it contains no harmful minerals to derange the stomach and digestion-. Book on Rheumatism and any advice you wish, without charge. THE SWIFT SPEGIFIG CO,, ATLANTA, GAm Q3ie Hind "You Have Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" are hut? Experiments that trifle with and endanger the .health off Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ib contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Tie KM You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over SO Years, THE CSNTAUR COMPANY, T7 MURRAY STRCKT. NtWtOHH CfTY. IN A WEEK . tatlS? rieeVconeal7 rnstructivrBOOK FOR m2n mailed free la pUWeWcurPeP the worst cases of piles la two or three treatments, without opera- tlCIf yo" cannot "caflat office, write for question blank. Home treatment sue cess fill. Office hours. 3 to 5 and 1 to 8. Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12. , DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices In Van-Noy Hotel, 52 Third at. : Cor. Pine. Portland. Or. h KUL M,LL10M aoy I 1 8 PREVENT ALL SUMMER BOWEL TROUBLESjB M li- . n0 lallure. ."uui? with nlKht baahf'Uness aVeralon T to society, which deprive you of your manhood. UtfFIT YDDAUSSMfrSm excess and strains have lost their iLnn n V skin DISEASES, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine wL K?MntP rneed Prostate! Sexual debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kid. SeyanTLiver Toubfe'? fu?ed Without MERCURY OH OTHER PIOSOSINQ D,Dr:SwSfkshmetho5seUSI l?Si2?2d scientific He uses no patent Aos tsumS oV ready-made Preparations, but cures the disease by thorqugh medical treatment Hia New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who isrrlh their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope. Consultation freo and sacredly confidential. Call . c or address DR. WALKER. 151 First Street Co-rner YamhUI, Portland, Or yuLxi.j acne, inc uioou must De cieansea ana puri fied before a cure can be had. S. S. S. attacks the disease in the right wayit neutralizes the poison and filters out every particle of it from the blood, stimulates the slncreric'h Bought, and which has been has home the signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this Signature of We treat successfully all private ner vous anJ chronic diseases of men. also blood, stomach. Heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We euro SYPHILIS (without mercury) to stay cured for ever. We remove STRICTURE without operation or pain, in 15 days. We stop drains, the result of self abuse, immediately. We can restore the sexual vigor of any man under 50 by means of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. We Cure Gonorrhoea In a Week The 'doctors of this institute are aU regular graduates, have had many years' experience, have been known la Portland for 15 years, have a reputa tion to maintain and will undertake no case unless certain curu can bo ef fected. .....inftn V or- Vnrr nn fTnrtml Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, Bright's disease, etc. Kidney and Urinary Complaints; painful, difficult, to frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such, as plies, tistula. assure, ulceration, mucous and bloody discharges, cured without tho knife, paia or confinement. ' Diseases of Men rinn nntann- trletit. stricture, unnatural lvai lm- Cure guaranteed. emissions, dreams, exhaustln drains.