THE MORNING OREGONIAN; THURSDAY, SEPTE3EBER 7, 1905. 3 STILL KILLING JEW Kishineff Toughs Sack -5lay Wholesale. and RED FLAG STARTED FIGHT Police Stop Parade and Race War Begins Baku Wrapped in Flames and Smoke Whole Vil lage Is Massacred. ST. PETERSBURG. Sopt. 7. (2:50 A. M.) The nwg from Baku receivod up to Uie time of the filing of this dispatch Is of the gloomiest charactor. The Armen ian and Tartar warring factions now ap pear to be entirely beyond control. The Pireets of Baku seem to be unsafe for the Inhabitants, and the force of troops to b Inadequate to restrain the anarchlal tendencies of tho combatants In the sur rounding reglou. According to reliable reports the troops have been forced to withdraw from the Btiburb of Balakhon. where Tuesday the rioters set Are to tho oil works, and that place Is now In the hands of the Tartars, wb have completed the "work of de struction and who. It Is said, massacred the inhabitants who did not accompany the troops In the retirement. Telephonic and railroad communications between Baku and the suburban oil centers are cut. and late last night It was reported that the wires Into Baku were down. Tropos Can't Subdue Kiots. The viceroy of the Caucasus has dis patched reinforcements of troops from TtMs. but owing to the conditions throughout the whole of the southern part of the Caucasus, with these rein forcement the troops will be inadequate to cope with the situation. In the subur ban region the light is desperate and the popsters are using artillery. Representa tives of the oil Industry here are utterly dapondont. and they declare that on the ormIa of the telegrams so far received, more than half of the industry In the Baku region has boon wiped out and that th Are Is making rapid inroads into the remainder of the oil territory. The Baku representative of a prominent company has ttegraphod to his St. Petersburg headquarters as follows: "It is no longer a question of saving our property, but one of getting out alive." Concentrating for 2w Fight. A precs dispatch from Baku, approved "by ttoe censor, says: "The rival factions are concentrating in their quarters here. The situation Is exceedingly tense. Murders are frequent. Cannonading Is heard from time to time. In the most turbulent quarter the patrols have been flrod upon. Balakhan is on Are. and the Armenians are surrounded "by armed villagers, apparently Tartars, and the cannonading there Is unceasing. "The Are continues in the Black Town quarter and in BlblebaX. Energetic meas ures and heavy reinforcements of troops are immediately necessary." Other advices state that a hot fight la going on between Armenians and Tar tars at Bibiebat, and that great fires are Btni raging at Sabunto and Nomanl. fed by Immense tanks of naphtha, of which there arc 1600 In that region, and that the conflagration at Baku, where up to last evening the tanks of the Society of Baku were intact, Ls steadily increasing. Under Iheee conditions, with fighting on the street, and with a hurricane blowing, tho advices say it will be almost impossible to extinguish the tires. Oil Men's P'an for Roller. Oil men who assembled at St Peters burg yesterday formulated measures which they deemed imperative, and which they presented to Finance Minister Kokovsoff. These measures, which prob ably will be laid before the Emperor, after detailing the causes leading to the present situation, ask that the oil works he surrounded by troops, and that the in flammatory elements, namely, the Arme nians and Tartars, be entirely excluded from the oil region. The oil men declare that they do not hold the workmen re sponsible, and that the regrettable events were not caused by the workingmcn's movement, which ls economic and polit ical, but that their causes are deop-rooted in the long-continued general disorder wMeh has reigned In that region, owing Wy to hatred among the races. TOUGHS STILL KILL JEWS Bed Flag Starts Massacre in Kishi neff Jews Defend Themselves. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. . Private advices from Kishineff say that street fighting continues there. Roughs are sacking the Jewish shops, killing or wounding many of the inmates. It is said that more than a score df soldiers have beon killed. The Jewish self-defense committee is active In organiz ing resistance to the troops. According to details of the disorders of September 4, received by the Min istry of the Interior, the affray, though originating In an attempt of the authorities to disperse demon strators at the funeral of a Jewess, developed into a combat between Jew ish manlfostants and socialist work men and a mob of rowdies and anti Remltos. The official dispatch does not mention any persons being killed, and it Is believed there were no fatal ities. According to the dispatch, the police did not interfere with the parade so long as it was orderly, but, when red flags appeared and revolutionary cries were heard, the police and troops com menced to disperse the manifestants, who answered with revolver shots, which attracted a great crowd and a racial fight began. Among the wound ed were three policemen who were stabbed. Order was quickly restored and thoreafterall was quiet. About 7 persons were wounded. FLAMES LIGHT BAKU AT NIGHT Smoke From Burning: Oil Works Covers Whole City. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 6. Private advices from Baku, Caucasia, today, say that the "Black Town" district of that city ls still burning and also the works at Blaknan. Bibiebat, Noma! and Sab unto. The losses amount to millions of rubles. Baku Is overhung with dense clouds of smoke and the flames of burning buildings illuminated the city all night long. It is alleged that the disorders were started bj Armenians, who, disguised as soldiers, fired on the Russians and Tar tars The Persian Consul was asked to act as a pacificator, but he replied that conciliation was impossible with the Ar menians who had killed 200 Persian sub jects. EXTER3UNATE WHOLE VILLAGE Tartars 3Iassacrc Every Armenian In Mnnkend. TIFXtlS. Caucasia. Sept. 6. A dlspatchj from Euzabethpol .lays that all of the Inhabitants of the Armenian village of Mankcnd. in the District of Zangcsursk, have been massacred by Tartar nomad. Other villages of the district are .sur rounded by Tartars, and the Governor is urgently appealing for reinforcements. The Viceroy of the Caucasus today In formed the Governor of Baku that rein forcements will be sent to him from Tiflls and Instructed him -to proceed against the insurgents with the utmost military vigor. PEASANTS BURN AD ROB Not Enough Troops Available to Suppress Them. TAGANROG. Russia, Sept. 6. Agrarian disorders arc spreading In this district. The rioters are committing acts of Incen diarism and robbery and the -authorities are unable to suppress them, owing to lack of sufficient troops. - Wltte's Nephew Murderer-Suicide. ST. PETERSBBURG, Sept. 6. A sensation has been caused in Moscow by the suicide of Mme. Wltte's neph ew, M. Khotinsky, who shot a girl through the heart and turned tho re volver on himself, inflicting a wound from which he died after he had been taken to the hospital. Khotinsky was a volunteer In a Dragoon Regiment. Four of his brothers died under some what tragic circumstances. Raid on Rebel Headquarters. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept 6. The police today raided a private house in the Vas allyostroft quarter, broke up a secret meeting, arrested 21 participants and seized a quantity of arms and revolu tionary proclamations. Bomb Wounds Police Official. BIEIOSTOK. Russia, Sept. 6. A bomb was thrown today at the Commissioner of Police. The Commissioner was wounded. Female Rebel Hangs Herself. MITAU, Russia. SepL 6. Uselle An derson, a female political prisoner, com mitted suiolde here today by hanging. RAM AIDS THE MOSQUITOES BUT SANITARY PRECAUTIONS CHECK YELLOW FEVER. Daily Downpour at New Orleans Fails to Revive Breeding Places of Stegomyia. YELI.OW FEVER AT NEW ORUIANS NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 6. Repert en ynllow fever to 6 P. M.: w caes 31 Total cases to date 2,142 Deaths 4 Total deaths 2PS New roci 0 -Cases under treatment... 317 Cases discharged ........1.527 NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 6. Dr. White's warning to the people of New Orleans to be on their guard against excessive rain falls during September, which would tend largely to multiply the breeding places of stegomyia, bids fair to be borne out so far as precipitation is concerned, though the reduction In the number of new cases of fever during the past ten days does not Indicate that the mosquitoes are tak ing advantage of their opportunities. After a forenoon of clear and pleasant weather the heavy rain again set In to day, filling gutters throughout the city and creating fresh ponds and pools in every vacant- lot. For ten days there have been showers nearly every day.' Infection, however, is spreading more and more slowly, and the conclusion drawn is that screening of cisterns, oiling and salting of gutters and fumigating of premises have accomplished the destruc tion of millions of mosquitoes, which otherwise would now be depositing their larvae in the new breeding places. Dr. White and Dr. Warner-both testify to the Invaluable assistance that has ben rendered In the campaign by the women's organizations. Many representa tive society "women have foregone vaca tions to render assistance la the cam paign. There has been some demand here for a quarantine of the city against the coun try on account of the danger of reinfec tion, but Dr. White Is opposed to such a move and does not believe it will be effec tive. However, all avenues of Ingress to the city are being watched. The following reports from the country have been received: Jefferson Parish Kcnner, four cases; Hanson City, Ave, three deaths; Kinlin's Camp, two cases; Fisher's Camp, two cases; Shrewsbury, one death. St. Bernard Parish Terre Aux Boeuf, one case; near Slaughterhouse, one case. St. Mary's Parish Patterson, 12 cases; Amelia, six new cases; Tallulah. 21 cases In all; Lake Providence, nine cases. MORE CASES IN PENSACOLA Doctor Arrested for Opposing State Health Officers. PENSACOLA. Fla., SepU 6. The num ber of new cases to develop In Pensacola today showed a decrease, although phy sicians are still Investigating a number which will probably be pronounced yel low fever tomorrow morning. One fully developed case was reported, the patient being Herman Pinneya, an operator of the Western Union, which office is located in the Infected district. This makes a .total of 17 cases, of which 11 are under treatment. Dr. S. M. Gonzales was arrested upon the charge of opposing the State Health authorities and circulating false reports. Dr. Gonzales openly stated that there was no fever in Pensacola, that the present scare was only for the purpose of getting graft from the people, and that there was not a word of truth in the bulletins ported. The doctor served In Cuba dur ing the Spanish-American War, and re ceived much commendation for his sani tary work in Havana. FIRST DEATH AT VICKSBURG Out of 115 Cases, Only One Proves Fatal. VICKSBURG, Miss., Sept. G.-One hew case of yellow fever was reported today, making a total of 115, ten of which are still under treatment. An autopsy per formed today on the body of a quarantine euard, who died south of the city last night, shows that death was due to yel low fever, the first fatality to occur In this vicinity. Fever Cases on Isthmus. WASHINGTON. Sept. 6. According to the summary of yellow fever conditions in Panama, as compiled by the Isthmian Canal Commission, there were 16 cases and two deaths from the disease in the canal zone during the month of August. There were 14 cases and Ave deaths dur ing this time in the Republic of Panama, making the total on the isthmus for the month SO cases and seven deaths. New Cases in Mississippi. JACKSON. Miss.. Sept. 6. Mississippi's yellow-fever record, for the past 2i hours ls: Vicksburg, two cases, one death; Gulf port, one case; Mississippi City, two cases discovered during convalescent period; Pearling ton, oae nw: cm. H T IN Mi How Insurance Companies Manage Elections. PROXIES BY THOUSANDS No Questions Asked. When Voters Come to Vote for Directors. Rapid Promotion of McCall's Son. NEW' YORK. Sept. 6. Ex-Governor Frank Black, of this state, appeared as counsel for the Equitable Life Assurance Society before the joint legislative com mittee today, when the committee com menced its investigation of 1fc insurance conditions in this state. The committee is composed of Senators William W. Arm strong, chairman; Frank J. Tully and Daniel .J. Rlordan, and Assemblymen James T. Rogers, Robert Lynn Cox, Will iam Wemple. Ezra A. Prentice, secretary and John McKeon. Before the hearing opened Mr. Black said! "We have nothing to conceal and no one to protect. We seek no legal tech nlcalltles to evade answering any ques tions. We will aid In every way the progress of the inquiry." Paul D. Cravath was present In the In terests of Thomas F. Ryan, and Thomas C. Gulliver as counsel for J. H. Hyde. Make Them Truly Mutual. Senator Armstrong, In outlining the pur pose of the Investigation, said: Our object will not be to punish anybody for wrongdoing in the part, bat to jcet at all of the salient features of the modern In surance business, so as to suggest to ths next LfglsUture an adequate law that will not only protect the policy-holders In all life Insurance companies, but will likewise pro tect Insarance companies' management from abuse at the hands of designing persons. As most Insurance companies are mutual in theory, we shall endeavor to pass a. law that will compel them to be mutual In fact. Then the officers of the companr will al ways be working for the Interests of the policy-holders, instead of working for the in terests of themselves by the formation of subsidiary companies to divide the profits of the main company. A large number of the preeent Insurance laws are good. It will be our aim to make them better. Several of the members of the New Tork Life Insurance Company who had been subpenaed appeared before the com mlttee. as did several officers who wore not summoned.' With them came tho com pany's books covering tho business of the lost ten years. The officers present were: John A. McCall, president; George W. Perkins. T. A. Buckner, D. P. Klngsloy. vice-president; Rufus W. Weeks, chief actuary; E. R. Perkins, second vice-president; John C McCall, secretary; E. D, Randolph, treasurer, and many junior of ficers. Vice-President Perkins said that no Ie gal counsel was present to represent the company and that none was needed. James M. Beck represented the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York: his law partners, Frank Lawrence and Frank H. Piatt, the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Company, and Richard V. Lin 'daberry, the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. Officers Hold Many Proxies. Vice-President Grannls testified that there had 'been only one case In the last five or six years of votes cast by proxy in the Mutual Life Insurance Company's elections. He estimated that President Richard A. McCurdy, of the Mutual, and himself held about 20,000 proxies. Mr. Hughes asked who was general manager of the Mutual, and received the reply that this position was filled by Robert 8. McCurdy, son of the president of the company. Walter G. Oakman. himself a trustee of the Mutual, who testified that he had served as an Inspector of the elections in question, was asked how he knew that the olectors were genuine policy-holders In reply he said that there was no ex amination of credentials, no presentation of policies or any other way of certify ing the right of a prospective votor to cast his ballot. Mr. Oakman stated that he relied on officers of the conmanv. who. he said, were" always present during the two-hour election period, to tell him whether the electors presenting them selves were entitled to vote. George M. Cummlngs, the president of the united States Mortgage Trust Com pany, who had acted as a Mutual election inspector, said that in .all cases tho in spectors accepted the statements of voters as to their eligibility. JlcCall's Son Provided For. The amounts of salaries paid to officers or the xew lork Life Insurance Com pany were given by John C. McCall. sec retary of that company. He said that he was a son of President John A. irrf'nll of the New York Life; that the day after he graduated from Harvard In 1899 he went to worK ror the iew Tork Life In suranco Company at a salary of $2500 j year as assistant secretary, and that h now received 214.000. Tho rrMMnt, 1 ary. he said, was 5100.000. Thjusalarles oi tne nrst vice-presments were J-5.00J, $35,000 and 540.000. and of the three second vice-presidents, J30.000, $21,000 and $13,000, respectively. There were, Mr. McCall said, about 25. 000 nroxles In the office at h! made out in the names of the president and vice-presidents. Edward R. Hodes snmsrnl tnr tv c tual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of New Jersey, which does business In New iorK. tic sau mat the salaries paid to the officers were very low, but the fig ures were not given. The MetroDolitan TJf Tntnm rv.,-n pany was represented In th wl(nM.hnr by Vice-President Haley Flak and by Frederick H. Eckcrt, controller. The latter said that in an election in ISM, out or sj.joo votes cast, all except three four were x'oted by proxy. Mr. Flsk said that the nresldent's raIai-v n-a nmvn his own 175,000, and the leaser officers from tjs.wq down. Charles W. Camp, of the Mutant "Re serve Life Insurance Company, was the last witness examined at today's session, AMERICAN IN DUNGEON 3Iinc Superintendent Imprisoned In Panama Through Rival's Plot. DETROIT. Mich., Sept "6. Ered Walker. of Pontiac. Mich., has been released by Panama authorities from an unjust im prisonment, and is on his way home, ac cording to information Just received here. It ls the belief of many of Walker's friends that his Imprisonment was the re sult of the pernicious activity of certain American financial interests operating in Panama mining regions. Walker was sent to the Isthmian republic to superintend and Inspect mining property, leased by private interests In Detroit and Pontiac Before operations were well under way. It developed the validity of the lease had not been conclusively established. Walker dis appeared. It is alleged. He was finally located at a prison In the mountains, miles from the Pacific Coast, in the Prov ince of Veraguez. Here it ls said he was submitted to outrageous treatment, and very little food was given him. Bats and worms crawled about the filthy dungeon The environment quickly told on his mind and body, and before relief came he became enfeebled and demented. i When it was discovered that Walker had been thrust in prison an appeal was carried to the United States Consul at Panama, and a demand made for Walker's release. The prisoner was carried from the cell almost a wreck. He was taken to Panama and given medical treatment. His relatives were notified and a guaran tee of expenses for his return was Imme diately cabled. The whole affair will be thoroughly In vestigated. Those most interested main tain the valid! tv of their suspicions that the mining superintendent was put Info prison to get him out of the way, and the move was instigated by rival mining in terests. FRANCE READY TO ACT "Will Not Let Germany Prevent Ven geance on Slorocco. PARIS. Sept. 6. The government still awaits word from Fez regarding the Sultan's answer to the second ul timatum to Morocco, the time limit of which expired yesterday. The firm in tention of the Ministers ls to enforce re dress without reference to outside in fluences. Unofficial Intimations have been re ceived that Germany does not sympa thize with a French military demon stration against Morocco, as likely to complicate the general Moroccan ques tion on tho eve of the conference. Nevertheless there is a positive deter mination here to keep the redress of the outrage of the arrest of the Al gerian citizen Bouzlan entirely sepa rate from the general question of Mo rocco, and to pursue the question of redress to the end. Whether both military and, naval demonstrations will be made awaits the final word from Fez. But both branches of the service are prepared for eventualities. The ineffectual results of the demon stration of the American squadron at Tangier to securo the release of Ion PerJicaris when he was held a prison er by Ralsull inclines the authorities here to favor a military movement striking into the interior, instead of at the coast. The Temps this evening printed a dis patch from Tangier, saying that couriers from Fez report that the Sultan ls seek ing to reconcile the French Minister by granting partial satisfaction of the de mands of France so as to prevent the de parture of the legation. PEARY'S LAST MESSAGE Started From Greenland to Create Base at Cape Sabine. NEW TORK, Sept. 6. What Is believed to be, the final word from Commander Robert E. Peary before his return from bis attempt to reach the North Pole, was received today by Herbert L. Brldgman. of Brooklyn, secretary of the Peary Arc tic Club. The message came from Etah, North Greenland, and in it Co'mmander Peary stated that his ship, the Roosevelt, would leave that port on August 18. the date of the message, with 23 Eskimos and some 200 dogs to establish a base at Cape Sabine for the final dash into the frozen zones about the pole. Commander Peary added that the machinery of the Roosevelt had been overhauled and that everything was in readiness for the Ice fighting. All on board were well. LEFT FOR NORTH AUGUST 21 Last "Word From Peary Brought by Steamer Erik. ST. JOHN, N. F.. Sept. 6. The Peary expedltlon's auxiliary steamer Erik returned' here from Cape Sabine, Green land, last night, reporting that the Arctic ship Roosevelt, with Command er Peary on board, left Cape Sabine for the north August 21. The officers of the Erik fear the Roosevelt will not get very far north this Winter, con ditions in the northern waters being very adverse. On the voyage to Green land the Roosevelt proved an emi nently satisfactory vessel. TAFT PARTY STARTS HOME Sails From Hongkong to Amoy dn ' Return Trip. WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. The Bureau of Insular Affairs today received a cable gram from Colonel Edwards, dated at Hong Kong, as follows: "All well. Sail today at noon for Amoy, China. Cable is broken." This is taken to mean that Secretary Taft has started on his homeward jour ney on the steamer Cores. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD TV. A. Gill, Telegraph Manager. PHILADELPHIA. Sept 5. William A. GUI, formerly a district superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph, with head quarters in this city, died at his home at Cheltenham. .& suburb, today, aged 9 years. Mr. GUI entered the employ of the Western Union as a messenger and event ually became superintendent of the sixth district which embraces Eastern Penn sylvania, the southern section of New Jersey. Delaware and a part of Maryland and Virginia. He retired In 1M2. He was president and general manager of the Philadelphia Local Telegraph Company, a director in several other companies, and at one time a vice-president of the Bell Telephone Company. A widow and five children survive him. General T. T. Crittenden. MADISON, Ind.,t Sept 6. News has been received here that ' Brigadier General Thomas T. Crittenden. Col onel of the Sixth Indiana during the Civil War. died at East Gloucester, Mass.. last night Yokohama Waits lor News. TOKOHAMA, Sept 6. The peace terms are not known exactly, but It is believed that the abandonment of the indemnity will causo general and prolonged disappointment There have been no demonstrations. The peo ple are quietly awaiting the official announcement of the text of the treaty. Postoffice Clerks Reject Scheme. CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Sept 6. The National Portofflce Clerks' Convention to day defeated the organization of. the pro posed Mutual Benefit Association. The matter was under discussion several hours. The negative vote was the result of inability to secure enough signatures to assure the success of the mutual insur ance feature. Give Up Hope of OHro Jeannette. CLEVELAND. Sept 6. Up to late this afternoon, the owners had received no word to account fpr the steamer Iosco and her tow, the "four-masted schooner Olive Jeannette. which It Is now certain foundered in the Lake Superior gale and added the 36 lives of the crew to the storm's death list bringing the total to 39. Harrlmam Party la, Japan. -TOKIOt Sept. 1 Dtiyed ia.trcnsmls- Sole Agents for Young's Famous $3.00 Hats. !er Men Eipmaiv Ololf e 9. f 7 3 Swell Gray Suiting $1.25 Anyone who is at all in touch with the fashion knows that GRAY SUITINGS are the correct things for AUTUMN TAILOR-MADE SUITS. Many people, however, do not know how scarce these fabrics are on account of the unpre cedented demand. We are fortunate in having a -good supply of swell gray tailored suitings. If you are interested come here today, as our assortment is now at its best. Many of -these gray suitings we will not be able to duplicate. Very moderately priced at Sunburst Petticoats Special at 1.75 200 New Sunburst Petticoats, made of fine imported black mercerized sateen, finished with tailor strapping ruffle and dust ruffle. Extra special for today at $1.75 September Sale Entire Stock of Lace Curtains Every housekeeper in our city should be interested in this, great lace cur tain sale, comprising all this season's newest patterns in renaissance, Irish point, Battenberg, Arabian, Nottingham, Brussels, Cluny and novelty effects in white, cream and Arabian color. Kegular price $1.00, special at 79 Regular price $5.00, special at S53.98 Regular price $L50, special at ..S1.19 Regular price $6.00, special at S4.79 Regular price $2.00, special at $1.49 Regular price $6.50, special at S4.98 Regular price $2.50, special at '...S1.98 Regular price $7.50, special at $5.95 Regular price $3.00, special at .n. $2.39 Regular price $S.50, special at J$6.59 Regular price $3.50, special at S2.68 Regular price $10.00, special at 57.95 Regular price $4.00, special at. . $3.19 Regular price $12.00, special at $9.79 Regular price $4J50, special at $3.39 Regular price $15.00, special at $11.75 Cipnian, CUoIfe $ Co. Artis.tic Rcture framing slon). Tho Harrlman party from tho United States. Including E. H. Harrlman. president of the Southern Pacific Com pany, and family; H. P. Schwerln. vice president and general manager of the Pa cific Mail Steamship Company; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goelet and others, has ar rived at Toklo. The visitors, who are on a pleasure tour, are the guests of Minister and Mrs. Grlscom at the American Legation. The entertainments which have been planned In their behalf Include dinners by Premier Katsura. Minister of Finance Armsukl. Baron Mitsui and Minister Grlscom, and a garden party by Swasaki. First Performance In America. NEW YORK, Sept 6. The "Beauty and tho Barge" was given Its first American production at the Lyceum theater here this evening. The play, which has had AWARDED Grand Prize Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. The most complete assort ment of GOOD Shoes in the Pacific Northwest. New Fall styles now on sale. ROSENTHAL r 149 THIRD ST. Between Morroe aad Alder SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes A Big Surprise Sale of o rc Ready-to-Wear Hats at O Come as early as you can. It is worth while getting an early choice. This surprise millinery sale offers 150 hand-made ready-to-wear Street Hats of fine quality silk and chenille braid, on five of the leading polo, small pointed and- .round turban frames; the brims are tucked chiffon; a very light weight hat for immediate wear, also heavy enough for the entire Fall and Winter months; fully trimmed with velvet and orna ments. Colors black, brown, reseda, navy, olive, cardinal, etc. You will find this millinery offering a and rare bargains at, special vJJnmade Waist Patterns Regular $4, $4.50, $5 $5.50, at $2.95 A clean up in our Unmade Waists. Our entire stock of lawn and linen waist patterns, only one or two of a kind; some very exquisite designs. Regular $5.50 to $4.00. Choice today jjr QJ- a long run in England, is a farce In three acts, and Is the Joint worlc of W. W. Jacobs and Louis K. Parker. Nat C. Goodwin returned to his first role of a low comedian and was weir received by the audience. Dies to Prevent Train-Wreck. KAYSVILLE. Utah, Sept. 6. Alma Barnes, & sVctlonhand on the Rio Grande TORIC A COMPARISON of the regular flat lens and the Toric is all that Is necessary to con vince you of the great advantages of Toric lenses. The slight extra cost should not hinder you from ordering a pair. Drop in some day and let us explain to you their advantages. OREGON OPTICAL CO. Headquarters for Toric Lenses and Shur-On Eyeglasses! 173 FOURTH STREET, Y. M. C. A. BLDG. Q. P. RUMMELIN & SONS ESTABLISHED 1870. Hih-Grtik Watch r Viry Reasenablft Prices $ Co. genuine surprise $2.75 . . Another New Shipment Kimona Flannelette IDC The Japanese never designed more beautiful patterns than are printed on these fleecy, pretty flannelettes. The colors are tan, Nile, brown, gray, cardinal, green, pink, etc. The designs are Japanese, Persian and floral ef fects. Your choice to- "f E day, at IDC September Linen Sale $1.00 Table Damask 79 85c Table Damask 67d $2.00 Table Napkins 31.49 $5.00 Bedspreads $3.25 $2.00 Bedspreads S1.49 $1.50 Bedspreads $1.25 12V2c Huck Towels 9 20c Huck Towels 16 p 25c Turkish Towels 19 20c Turkish Towels 15 Western Railroad, was fatally wounded by a train today, while trying to remove a maul he had left across the rail. He did not notice the tool until the train Was close at hand, and feared that It might cause a. wreck. He died within two hours at a hospital in Ogden. There is a professor in France who owns & collection of 020 human heads representing every known race of people. LENSES FURRIERS No. 126 Second Street, bst. Washington and Alder Streets We are shewis? & complete assortment of FUR COATS In Alaska Sealskin, Persia Lamb Otter, Astrackax, Etc NECKPIECES AND . MUFFS la AH the Fopwlar Fwrs. We kave a large stock ef Memited Rugs m Tiger, Leopard, Palar Bear, Black Bear, Etc