THE MORNING OREGONIAN, 'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. PAT GBQWE HIT! PURSUING IN Elusive Kidnaper Dodges Half of Omaha Police Force. SHOOTS WHILE HE FLEES !Pusil!ndc Follows Him, but He Es capes After Disabling Only Po liceman Who Knows Him. Search Continues. i OMAHA, Neb.. SopC 6. During- a run ning flght between police officers and a man believed to be Pat Crowe, the alleged kidnaper o Eddie Cudahy, and a com panion. Just before midnight tonight. Pa trolman Albert Jackson wa? shot through the log and the two men made their es cape. None of the other officers was in jured. A large dotail of offleers was Immediately sent to the spot to try to locate the fugitives. The fight occurred la Iower Sixteenth street, where the men were discovered by Officer Jackson in a saloon. Only One Man Knows Him. Ever since Crowe returned to Omaha no vera weeks ago, Chief Donahue has had a force of officers, most of them in citizen's clothing, seeking to capture hltri. This task was extremely difficult, because n.e of the officers knew Crowe, Jackson 4ing an exception. It was learned by the police yesterday that Crowe was in Omaha and extra efforts wore made to locate him. Jackson and Officer Leahy Wore sent to Lower Sixteenth street. Where Crowe was believed to be. Shoots Policeman and Flees. .- About 11 o'clock tonight Jackson saw a man whom he recognized as Crowe with a companion in a saloon at Sixteenth and Dorcas streets. He sent Leahy for ad ditional officers, meantime watching the man himself. The men left the saloon just as a oar carrying additional officers came up, and Jackson started to follow them. Seeing that they were being fol lowed, the two men opened Arc on Jack pon. one bullet breaking his leg. The other officers started in pursuit, joining in the fusillade of shots being sent after the fugitives. The latter, however, made good a temporary escape. Half the police force was sent to the district In which the. shooting occurred and was put to work to locate and arrest the pair. This they had not been success ful in doing up to midnight. Jackson Sure It Was Crowe. While the police have no positive knowl edge that one of the men was Crowe, they So not hestitate to beMevo that such is the case. Officer Jackson, who was ac quainted with Crowe, says that there can be no doubt of the identity of the man. He, says the man recognized him, and, realizing that he was an officer, took a desperate change of gottlng away by using his revolver. That the fugitive is a desperate man there is no doubt and every -offbrt is being made to seoure his capture, as well as that of his companion. ILL INNOCENT AS BABES RAILROADS DENT THEY FAVOR REFRIGERATOR LINES. Answers to Summons of. Interstate Commission Deny Rebates Are Given Armour Company. WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. The Armour Oar Lines Company has been granted by the Interstate Commerce Commission an extension until Soptember lO, In which to JMe Its answor to the inquiry concerning rates between refrigerator lines and rail roads. The time in which to answer as sot orig iR&lly expired yesterday, and the replies which oame in were made public today. The Southern Railway, the Atlantic Coast 14ne, the Central of Georgia, the Atchison, Topoka & Santa Fe and the Pennsylvania have filed their answers. AH except the two last named declare they are in no waj responsible for the charges made by the Armour Car Lines, and. although they do not publish -refrlg-iwtlon charges, they state expressly that their tariff rates do not Include refrigera tion. The Santa Fe makes the same claim concerning its business relations with the refrigerator linos. The Santa Fe denies that It, or any of Its agents, undertakes the business of the refrigeration of ship ments of fruits or vegetables, or that the Santa Fe Refrigerator Dispatch Company arts by or under the authority of the ro pondent. It is set forth that the Santa Fe Refrigerator Dispatch, which controls the business of refrigeration on the Santa Fe lines, has not acted for the railway in tho application or collection of refrigerator charges. The road denies emphatically that by way of rebates or other dc-ices It has collected a lower rate or charged more from some shippers than from others for the refrigeration of fuits or vegetables in transit. Refrigeration charges are not published, says the respondent, for the reason that it does -not engage in the business f rofrlgeration, and that it does not make or collect any charge therefor. tPUSH CASE AGAINST ROADS "Witnesses Summoned in Livestock Discrimination Cases. CHICAGO. Sept G. Soptember 15 has been selected as the day when the Gov ernment will push the charges made re cently against 18 Western railroads by members of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Subpenas were issued today by District Attornoy MorriBon for a num ber of witnesses to come to Chicago and testify In the case on that date. In the bill of complaint against the roaus. ii is aeciarea uiai a nigncr rate for the shipment of live cattle Is being charged than for the shipment of dressed meats from Missouri River and Minnesota points to Chicago. Ensign Wade Too III for Trial. WASHINGTON, Sept- 6. In a telegram to the Navy .Department. Admiral Mc Calla, Commandant of the Mare Island Navy-Yard, announced that, having Just undergone an operation for appendicitis, Ensign Wade, engineer officer of the Ben nington, would not be in condition to stand trial for some time. The court was to convene September 15. Kurtz Defends Loomis. COLUMBUS. O.. 'Sept, 6. In a cable gram sent to President Roosevelt, Charles L. Kurtz, a former active poli- ticlan in Ohio, requests a personal in terview to make a. statement In &t fense of .Francis B. Ixom!s, former As sistant Secretary of State, who It was charged had secured his appointment in 1897 as " minister to Venezuela through politicians and men Interested In rich concessions in Venezuela. Mr. Kurtz said In his telegram: 'Mx. Loomis is entirely innocent of any wrong thought or act In the mat ter. ,1 never had any Interest In any business, or any scheme or concession in Venezuela." t SALMON HAS RESIGNED Another Official HcaS Struck Off by Roosevelt's Ax. WASHINGTON, Sept. 6. Dr. David E. Salmon, chief of the Bureau of An imal Industry, bas tendered his resig nation to- take effect October 1. The resignation was announced by Secretary Wilson at noon, but he de clined to state whether the severance ia due to the charges filed recently against Dr. Salmon, of which the doc tor was exonerated. While the announcement was made that the resignation was purely volun tary, there is a well-authenticated ru mor that President Roosevelt was not satisfied with the condition shown by the investigation. XOW OPEN TO SHIP-OWNERS Government 'Will Let Inter-Island Business by Contract. WASHINGTON, Sept. G The Philip pine Government has decided to discon tinue the operation of the 17 coast guard ships and turn the inter-Island water traffic of the Government over to com mercial lines of steamers. To accomplish this purpose, specifications have been pre pared and within a few days proposals will be invited both in the Philippines and this country, for carrying the mails and Government passengers and supplies over 21 routes in the Islands. This plan is practically a return to the methods of transportation in vogue under Spanish rule. When the United States established civil government, the 17 coast guardshlps were purchased and put into commission. Previous to this, four com mercial companies, owning lines of steam ers, conducted the business; but since then the Government ships. Including the operation of several transports belonging to the Quartermaster's Department of the Army, have been carrying the malls and all of the Government passengers and freight traffic Some time ago complaint was made to the Philippine Government by the owners of merchant steamers that their business had been ruined through the use of Gov ernment ships. The Civil Goi'ernor ap pointed a committee to investigate, and the action decided upon is in accordance with the recommendation of this commit tee. There is a double reason for asking American ship-owners to enter the compe tition for the shipping trade of the islands, one to prevent a combination among the commercial lines now established there by which an exorbitant price might be se cured for the transportation of the mails. Government freight and passengers, and the other to meet any possible complaint on the part of the American ship-owners that they had been excluded from partici pation In this business. The proposals are so drawn as to extend for one year, the period in which steamers" may be put into the trade, giving time for the construction of light-draft steamors, the type required in those waters. e TELEPHONES IN. RESERVES System Will Be Used to Give Warn ing of Forest Fires. WASHINGTON. Sept. 6. (Special.) For better protection of forest re serves, the Forest Service, In co-operation with the Weather Bureau, will install a system of telephone lines and stations as rapidly as possible. The first system is being intalled on the aig Horn forest reserve In Wyoming. This will enable the forest rangers to notify the Weather Department when forest fires break out. In so large tin area as the Big Horn reserve, whiuh comprises 1,151. 680 acres, the value of rapid communication is obvious. The statement on this subject issued by the Forestry Service says: "It is highly important that this sys tem of fire warning may be extended to other reserves. The putting out of a forest fire may often depend upon immediate knowledge of its origin and whereabouts, so that this new fire alarm device ought apparently to pro duce excellent results," Mercy to Delinquent Middy. WASHINGTON. SenL G Following ho recommondation of the Navy Department, the President has commuted the sentence in the case of Mldshlnman Robert Alinn Jackson, of the Navy, who was tried by e court-martial and sentenced to dismissal for absenting hlmsolf from the ba'ttleship .Missouri witnout leave, to reduction to a lower class. Every member of the court signed a recommendation for rtom Jackson was appointed to the Academy irom Virginia. The French army will noon be uniformed in khaki. The characteristic Vepl In to disap pear and will be replaced by a gray helmet for full drero, with a eoft bat for service use. No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. The best thing you can do is to take the great alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress frdm Dvspcptk, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi e ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongc Pain in the Side, TORPID IIVER. They 1! Jiegukte the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small PM. Small Do. SmK Frio. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORES ' "THE DIFFERENT STORE," FIFTH, SIXTH AND WASHINGTON THE FOREMOST DEPARTMENT HOUSE WEST OF CHICAGO MANY an eye will see this announcement that perhaps has never seen the store from which it emanates. To such we are utter strangers, and our statements may pos sibly suggest the addition of a grain of sale for flavor. "OH! THAT'S ONLY AN ADVERTISEMENT," many such people may say. But give us your complete attention, please, for one moment: "We want you to understand that every assertion and intimation of value that's made under the name that heads this store bulletin is just as fearlessly and positively honest and true and above board just as absolutely DEPENDABLE as tho' made by us, looking you SQUARE IN THE EYES across a counter in the store. "We would as soon think, of going home at night leaving the store doors unlocked as to make a statement in. these columns not ABSO LUTELY TRUE! Either procedure would leave the business unsafe and retard BUSI NESS BUILDING, in which we are earnestly and everlastingly engaged. So when we say, COME TODAY, EXPECTING; A HOST OP UNUSUAL AND TIMELY VALUES, ALL BEARING THE 'HALL-MARK" OP CORRECT STYLE POR PALL, COME EXPECTING NO. DISAPPOINTMENT. IP YOU CAN'T COME, PHONE "PRI VATE EXCHANGE 12," OR MAIL YOUR ORDERS. Another SPECIAL SALE OF ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS Royal Corset Salon Second Ploor. Broken Hues of Royal Worcester Corsets, about 20 styles to select from, in low, me dium or high bust and Princess hip styles; in black Italian cloth or white and drab coutille. Sizes 18 to 30. This is a bargain in corsets such as is seldom offered, as there are values up to $0.00 in . the showing Special sale price, each, only 576 N. B. These Corsets cannot be returned or exchanged under any consideration. Children's Wool JACKETS REDUCED Second Floor. This week to make room for more "Winter goods, we shall sell children's "Wool Jackets at less than cost of material. These Jackets are made of fine wool .ma terials, in navy, red, green, cardinal, tan and brown, and are trimmed with plain or fancy braids, gilt buttons, -fancy stitching and shields. Sizes 2 to 0 years: Our regular $L40 to $2.25 value Special at, each f . . . 69 Our regular $3.50 to $4.50 value Special at, each $1.37 Our regular $5.00 to $6.00 value Special at, each $2.28 Our regular $7.50 to $10.00 value Special at, each S3.49 A Quartet of Exceptional HOSIERY VALUES .First-Floor Shops. "WOMEN'S $1.00 HOSE, 55. Black lace brilliant Lisle Hose, extra size, finished foot, double sole. Regular value, $L00 Special, the pair 55 CHILDREN'S 25c HOSE, 18. Children's black fine ribbed Lisle Hose, seamless or finished -foot, very dressy. Regular value 25c Special, the pair..l8 WOMEN'S 35c HOSE, 2o. Fine Maco Cotton Hose,vgood Fall and Win ter weight; spliced heel, JTrench toe; double sole. Regular value, 35c Special, the pair 25 WOMEN'S 75c IMPORTED HOSE, 50. Fine Imported All-Lace Lisle Hose; assorted patterns; full finished. Regular value, 75c Special, the pair. . .' 50 In Knit Goods Aisles Women's Underw'r for Less -.. First Floor. WOMEN'S 75c VESTS, 59. White Swiss-Ribbed Vests; long sleeves; very neatly finished; a new garment. Reg ular value, 75c Special at, each.... 59 WOMEN'S 75c VESTS, 49. White Mercerized Lisle. Mesh Vests; low neck, no sleeves. Regular value, 75c Special, each .i 49 WOMEN'S 50c UNION SUITS, 35. "White Lisle Union Suits; low neck, no sleeves, knee length. Regular value, 50c Special, the suit . 35 TRUTHFUL ADVERTISING A POWERFUL FACTOR IN BUSINESS BUILDING RIBBONS MARVELOUS SPECIAL VALUES IN TODAY'S SALE. A Great Sale of Ribbons at 33 Cents Beautiful Print Warp Taffeta Ribbons, 4 inches wide; our 50c value. Aso Fine -Taffeta Ribbons, with fancy colored bor ders and white background; our 60c value Special at, the yard 33 Elegant Print Warp Taffeta Ribbons, in large floral designs; worth 50c. Fine New Louisine Ribbons, with the one edge effect for making ruffles; worth 50c. Roman Stripe Ribbons, 5 inches wide, in as sorted colors. Our 75c value. Beautiful All-Silk Jacquard Ribbons, 4V to 5 inches wide, in pinks, blues white . and black, etc. Our 60c value. Fauci' Striped Ribbons, in insertion design, elegant quality. Our 50c value." The finest lot of Ribbons we have ever of fered for the" money. They are suitable for neckwear, fancy girdles, sashes, cushion ruffles, dress trimmings and all decorative purposes. On sale "X all this week at, the yard xJxJK. Special September Sale of Table Linens, Towels and Autumn Wash fabrics Domestic and Wash Good Aisles 1st Floor. Prices are away under market value. Linens have advanced steadily, and are go ing higher; nothing can prevent it. We could not land linens here nor buy in open market today at the prices we contracted to pay for these, weeks and months ago. A scouring of the New York market by bur resident New York buyer proved this fact a few days ago. Many of the retail prices at this sale average as low as present wholesale prices. Better stock up on all Fall needs in these lines while this sale is on. We com mend tho following items to good house keepers everywhere within shopping distance of the store, by mail or personal visit. HANDSOME TABLE DAMASK POR ?1.05. A new importation of Bleached Satin Dam ask, of Irish manufacture, very heavy quality, 72 inches wide, ill a variety of handsome designs. This linen was im ported to retail at $1.25 Special sale price, the yard 1.05 NAPKINS, to match table damask, full din ner size Special at, the dozen.. .3.48 HUCKABACK TOWELS POR 25. 250 dozen Huckaback Towels, hemstitched, with all white or colored borders; good, large size Special sale price, each. . .25 $ Great Special Sale of Women's Neckwear First Floor. Truly extraordinary values. Every piece is new and desirable nothing old-fashioned or shopworn. Fine Embroidery Turnover Collars; our 25c and 35c values Special, each 18 or 4 for , 50 Pretty Collar and Cuff Sets, embroidered on fine quality linen lawn; our 60c value Special at, the set...., 35 or 3 for... . $1.0O Fine Embroidery Linen Stocks, button In back with fancy front; our 50c value Special at, each ,..35d or 3 for... $1.00 Beautiful Linen Stocks, with front tab, trimmed with Valenciennes lace; our 50c value Special at, each. . .. 35 or 3 for $1.00 Never a Failure in GLGRIAS Out of the thousands of pairs of "GLO RIA" Shoes, we have. sold, not one but has proven a satisfactory investment to the wearer. This is the remarkable record of "GLORIAS," and this one thing has been their best advertisement. "GLORIA" SHOES ?3.50 A BIG SAVING IN THE BUYING Of5 Women's walking skirts Grand Salons Second Floor. acy) and the leading f MIRS!4n "RocfpTTl c f"trl a ontnrc the lot embrace cheviots, Panamas, homespuns, etamines, serges, worsteds, herringbone effects and fancy mannish mixed tweedish effects. All are in the newest round-cut styles and not more than one or two of a kind in the lot. Some cravenetted materials are" in cluded. These latter are especially adapted for wear in this climate. Tle greatest bar gain ever offered in America in Walking Skirts. Values to $15.00 J T 3 "7 special today only at a choice of the lot for ."W Timely Topics of Economic Importance to Housekeepers The Big Third-Floor Shops a Vast Clearing House for Bargains of Domestic Interest. KITCHEN FURNISHINGS. Electric Egg-Beaters Special at, each.. 36 Wire Soap Baskets Special at, each.... o Crown Bread Sets--Special at, each. . . 76 Round Trays Special at, each 7 Smajl Willow Clothes Baskets Special at, each 60 (J Medium Willow Clothes Baskets Special at, each l75 Large Willow Clothes Baskets Special at, each Sod Kitchen Brooms, good quality Special at, each ; 25( Black Satin Stove Polish, no dust, does. not burn Special at, can 19 Clothes Pins Special at, the dozen. . . . l Wood Toothpicks, extra quality Special at, the box 3 SEMI-VITREOUS CHINA DINNER SETS. Carnation decoration, full gold line, fancjn shape 50-piece set, regular value $7.20 Special, the set S. 5.79 60-piece set, regular value, $9.00 Special, the set. $ 7.50 100-piece set, regular value $14.40 Special, the set 11.55 AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SETS. Dainty decorations, full gold line, 100-piece set Special at, set $18.00 100-piece Haviland China Dinner Set Special at, set $27.00 SOUVENIR CHINA. Unequaled assortment, lowest prices; thou sands of articles to choose from. Values from 10 $ each up 'Kerchief Bargain Fine Embroidered Handker chiefs for 29c First Floor. Beautiful Embroidered Swiss Handkerchiefs, some with elaborately embroidered scal lops, some with hemstitched border and embroidered; all are very dainty and extra good value at this price. Buy your Hand kerchiefs now for the holidays. These are just as fine and nice as any you will pay 50c for later Special sale price, ea...29 New and Fashionable Dress Stuffs Below Value - A Remarkable 3-Day Sale That Starts Today. Handsome Dres3 Fabrics Blacks and Colors: This store is a power in the Dress Goods markets. The large and stead ily increasing business which is so deservedly our portion, has great weight with famous mill-folk and their agents. We own, our fabrics for less than other Portland stores, and keep them from owning at any price the best lines which we control. Special pricings Annex Fifth Street, First Floor. COLORED DRESS GOODS SPECIAL POR TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. This section offers Two Big Specials for Today, Friday and Saturday's selling. New Scotch Plaids, in silk shotted effects, the latest fabric shown; new check, shadow effect suiting; new -worsted suiting, "hard finished," in every" wanted color. Our regular unequaled 5Qc value Special only, yard 41 46, 48, 50 "and 52-inch New Suiting, in Panamas, granites, worsteds, herringbone cheviots, shadow-plaid Panamas, shepherd checks and novelty plaids. Unequaled $1.00 value Special only, yard .79 The Black Dress Goods Store offers new Silk and Wool Crepe de Paris and Imported All-Wool Voiles for Today, Friday and Saturday's special selling. Regular $1.00 grades Special, yard . . 78$ Regular $1.25 grades Special, yard . . 07i Regular $L50 grades Special, yard:.$1.21 Regular $1.75 grades Special, yardS1.38 Regular $2.00 grades Special,, yard-1.59 These are by far 'the best values offered in the city at the regular price. STORE OPENS AT 8 A. M. STORE CLOSES AT 6 P.M. No store can give bargains honest bargains on everything in every department all the time. But a store like OLDS, WORT MAN & KING'S may so concentrate its efforts that the various sections may become subfoci of extraordinary values the year 'round. We have established an entente cordiale between the great Salons of Dress on Second Floor (to use the language of diplom- great makers of -women's garments in the Dili lmmonea niirnViocn- f Vin-m or A nttv complete control of the entire Northwestern market enables, a modus vivendi of low prices. It is one of the fortunate trade chances which came to us through the favor of a leading manufacturer that allows of our making the following price on the handsome- Pedes trian Skirts which -we place on special sale today for the day duly at the advertised price. Skirts "for a song." The lot is too large and varied for de tailed description. Suffice to say, every skirt is cut in the very latest design, all made up in exquisite and masterly workmanship, with" every late and popular idea in trimmings, including plaits, strappings, buttons, etc., and plain Hailored effects. Materials in A Thousand New Hats Came in Tuesday from New York to the Bijou Saloons Annex Second Floor. Mr. Frank M. Hamburger, manager of the millinery shops, arrived home from his two month trip to the great Eastern style metrop olis on Monday. With him came Miss Eisen hardt, the new head-trimmer, who comes to us from one of the leading Eastern stores with an enviable reputation for taste and knowledge of correct millinery styles. Miss Eisenhardt is by far the best trim mer ever employed by this or any other Port land house. We cordially invite Portland ladies to come in and consult her regarding the new Fall Hat they have in mind. Man ager Hamburger has fairly outdone himself vin his purchases 'this season of smart mil linery from leading and authoritative houses of prominence in the world of fashion. That the prices are lower than equal values will he quoted elsewhere is a. certainty. Wa can positively assure Portland women that here are to be found the largest assortments and greatest variety of charming millinery that will be or are offered by any Western house. The" price range is so wide it is bound to cover every size of purse choose as you will 98 to $25, and you're sure of the best value at each respective price to be found in the city. An Unusual Sale of Splendid New Silks Opens Today in the Silk Store. Fifth-Street Annex First Floor. Continuing. Three Days Joday, Friday and Saturday Only When a Portland store is given business that should naturally belong to New Yorkf there must be good reason for it. In the case we cite we think the reason may be summed up in one word Values. One day last week two ladies tourists from New York City came shopping to our "Silk Store." They both have accounts with one of New York's largest and leading retail silk stores. We sold them silks and makings for three-gowns, and they assured us they were positive they saved more than enough to pay for the making by purchasing here. So are we. This store does not get all it could for a piece of silk, rather it aims to give best possible values. Sometimes like all stores it gives unusual bargains, of which the following is a fair example. There are thousands of yards of silks in to day's offerings. New All Pure Silk Plaids, in all the new Scotch colorings; also in the swell satin barred effects. Splendid $1.Q0 values; Special only yard 79 Regular $1.10 value 23-inch warranted Black Taffeta, all pure silk and unmatch able for durability and wear Special only, yard 83 19-inch All Pure Silk, Colored Taffeta, white, ivorjv cream and all new Fall colors to choose from. Regular 85c value Special only, yard 69 $5 Silk Umbrellas $2.95 All-Silk Umbrellas about 150 of them of fine plaid taffeta, with best paragon frame, with improved lock rib and steel rod; made bythe best umbrella manufac turers in the world. We positively guar antee them to- be the best $5.00 value on the markets-Special sale price, ea..$2.98 F: a o 09 e 6 a 4 O OS o 00 e a e 0 a