THE MOBXEfG OBEGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL. FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a rcoogalxed Institution in Portland, hun dreds ol tenants being -weekly placed in suitable Quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service toy calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us: we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses in all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, . flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow it to remain long Idle. ' H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department, 165 to 191 1st st. WANTED BT PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN. family of S; a modern furnished home of 6 to 7 room, for the Winter; possession Oct. 1;. wHl only consider West Side; must be reasonable; reference?. Q 5. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING FLAT OR bouse for four adults; good elevation. D .3 Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 37, Xl&ea for 2 years; Interest 0 per cent. For particulars address School Clerk. Linn ton, Or. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. LADY'S DRIVING HOHSE; WILL KEEP ta exchange for use. Hazelwlld Lbr. Co. PhORe Union 1273. SECOND-HAND WHEEL FOR BOY. 12 years, w4th ooaster brake, good condition. S 6, Orepontan. WANTED 4000 SACKS. CAPACITY 100 pounds, dried prunes. Address T 85, Orego nlan. WANTED 2D-HAND FLAT-TOP DESK, with drawers on sides. Phone Union 2S05. Wit CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT Ue of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED GOOD SADDLE AND BUGGY Phone East 4100. WANTED OBNTLE Phone Bant 4 ICO. SADDLE PONY. WANTKD TICKET TO BUTTE, MONT. Y 4. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. UNITED STATES HOTEL. Framing on three streets, flth. Ankcny and XwsM; moot central location in the oity; coot. oomXortaWc. clean quarters at econom ical prices; rooms 60c. 76c and SI per day. All rooros have outside windows and front oa street. Flfth-st. cars at depot to within ee Mock ' hotel. The Awdltoriiun, 2S 3d. bet. Taylor and Sal MM. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant fnrnMted. brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in rooms, free baths; room with private baths, electric light, ele vator; rooms for two. SI day. $3.50 week up; roaeonable by month; tourists solicited. NKW LANOE HOTEL. EUROPEAN PLAN, cor. oth and Washington; rates, 75c, SI and Jl.M per day; electric lights, bells and ele vator; fre 'bus to and from all trains; baths free, elegant cafe in connection. F. Lange, proprietor. Sam Bauman, manager, formerly of Omaha and St. Louie. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large, beautiful outside rooms. elegantly fnmtebed; will accommodate parties of 3 or 4 persons, at SO cents apiece; hot baths free. Call at the Cosy. 108 and 195 7th et.. one block from the Portland Hotel and 2 blocks from Postofflce. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington st.. between 10th and 2th; mcw, modern, all outside rooms; olectrlc tights, phone, free baths; 50c 75c. SI per da; restaurant in building. Take "M" car at depot. Phone Red 051. 22 7TH ST., COR. SALMON NICE LARGE atry rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks' tram Portland Hotel. Postofflce and theaters; tourist trade soMetted; prices reasonable. Phone Main 22M. TKE CLAY-TON. CORNER 10TH AND BURN sMe st.. two block fi north of Washington st. First -ea" and price reasonable; perma nent and transient solicited. Phone Main TOCKL.Y FURNISHED ROOMS IN STRICTLY mod urn home; every convenience; $4 per week for two. Take any Fair car to 742 Vaughn, oor. 22d, or phone Main 6199. SOP UTH NEAR COLUMBIA FRONT PAR lor for 2 gentlemen; aln single rooms; gas. bath. heat, phono; new house and flew fur attwre; reasonable rent, if permanent. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ALCOVE room, with the une of kitchen; suitable for two. $4 month; on oar line; bath and home privileges. Inquire 646 East 20th st. TOlR18TS WILL FIND COMFORTABLE reams with modern equipment. Including hot bathe, il 802 Columbia ffl.; prices 50c, 75c and SI per day. Phone Main 1084. THE DORMER." 13TH AND JEFFERSON Etegont furataned roome; steam heat: phone and bath; reasonable rates to permanent peo ple. VISITORS AT FAIR WILL FIND ELEGANT mum a with bath and use of parlors. 534 Morrison; take Morrison car at depot. FURNISH KD ROOMS CHEAP TO DESIR ahle tenant. with private family; uso of bath and telephone. Phone East 830. ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN IN FINE HOME wi Portland Heights; reasonable to perma nent parUw. N C Oregonlan. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE FURNISHED front room;' hot and cold water; first floor; hoc per day. 809 Hoiladay. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath. gas. phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 305 12th et. BKAUTIFt'L ROOMS. FINE LOCATION: convenient to theaters and business. 181 14th et. Phone Main 2615. Jla 13TM. COR. TAYLOR LARGE FRONT mom; bath; reasonable; no transient. Phono PacMe 14. References. THE A1.DBR. 45 ALDER NICELY FUR nlebcd rooms, qulot and convenient; bath and phone; very central. SAVE CAR FARE. Room at the Earl; uso of " bath; gentlemen preferred. 201 3d st. NIC FURNISHED ROOMS BAY WINDOWS $1.50 per week; one block car, 10 minutes' ride. 160 Bast 34 th aU If 13TH-FRONT OR BACK PARLOR; aleo single rooms, well furnlnhed; modern; permanent; reasonable. NKATLY FI-RNISHED SLEEPING AND hooMkeeoIng rooms, cleso In; bath. SO 10th. ar Stnrk. NICW.Y FPRNISHBD ROOMS FOR ONE OR more; rent reasonable; bath and gas. 254 13th s4. $S MONTH-6-ROOM HOUSE, ON 27TH AND Tillamook. &ts. See Roddy. Overland Hotel VlftRY PLEASANT WELL-FURNISHED room; gas, bath and phone; dose in. 381 14th K. , TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT heuMkoeplag; very reasonable. 430 Alder street. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN, CLEAN, comfortable, SL50, 32.50. 265 3d. near Mad ison. FtTtNlSMED ROOMS. REASONABLE RATES, 1SB Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms n Portland; SI per week up. 1st and Alder. ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 25 AND 50C per day. 514 Hoyt sL, corner 15th st. T.AROS FRONT ROOM; ONE OR TWO PER sons, near Hobart-Curtls, 200 14th st. Ml 12TH ST. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, walking dmance; all convenience. WANTED TICKET TO CHICAGO; MALE; tall, dderly. Phone Eaet 4071. OUTSIDE SLEEPING-ROOM, S10 PER month. 43J$ 1st st., room 19. H. OYl BEST LOCATION IN CITY. 0th-?t. car. ROOMS WITH PRIATB FAMILY. PHONE Booms With Board. JCICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR without board, private family. 272 HalL Phone Main 4264. PERMANENT ROOMERS AND BOARDERS wanted; gentlemen preferred. 295 10th st. Main 3S62. THE OZARK. 225 UTH SI-. ROOMS ' EN ult or sJ'gle, board; hot and cold water. ROOM WITH BOARD. 651 E. MORRISON: $& per week; 4ath. light, phone. Union 1615. N1CECT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ooara or wiinoui.; reaaonaDie rates, aw 7th. TOR XENT, Koorn With Boar PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 1TTH TEAR; rooms with board; -use of sewing-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Supt., 810 Flanders. "THE MANITOU." 201 13TH ST. -LA ROE. beautiful rooms or suites, steam heat, fine baths, abundant hot water, excellent meals. well eervea; permanent traae sohciiou. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH . .I-.. V1 nn. htnntr from car line. 39S 0th. Phone Main 490. "THE TOURAINE" PRrVATE BOARDING housc, elegantly furnished rooms, next door Portland Hotel Annex, IBS 7th. i PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, tath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair -visitors or permanent. 395 12th St. THE ILLINOIS. 1C8 10TH LARGE, handsome front rooms with board; first class table; permanent. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD; PRI vate family. 554 Couch at., cor. 17th. Flats. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE 6-ROOM flat for sale; three large bay-windows; mod ern; elose in. Phone Main 325L 34 N. 16th. FLAT MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. IN cludlng combination steel range. Halsey it, near Larrabee. Inquire 28S Larrabee. THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT, UNFUR nlshed; newly renovated. Inquire Flat D. ' 225 Market. Phone Main SIC MODERN 3-ROOM FLAT, COMPLETELY furnished, centraly located. Inquire 1C3 West Parle St., near Morrison. NICELY" FURNISHED FLAT. , WITH ALL conveniences; good location; two bloeks of Oregonlan. 361 Alder. UNFURNISHED UPPER FLAT. 6 ROOMS; bath. gas. fuel stub, renovated. Harrington, 68ft 1st, near Oak. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 6 ROOMS; Wst Side; cor. Madison and Stout st. In quire 247 Stout st. FOR RENT A MODERN FLAT. 273 14TH PL. corner of Jefferon. Phone Mala 3691. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 7-ROOM FLAT, tinted to milt. 135 N. 18th st. NEW MODERN C-ROOM FLAT, 088 13TH m. Call at 455 Market st. FLAT FOR RENT MODERN. 8 ROOMS. 348 2Sd st. North. Housekccplnr Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH S.. NEAR TAX hill New bouse, elegantly rurnlshed apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; sttaxn heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In beet brick block en East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan bile. 1084 Union ave.. cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3263. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN BRICK flat; single or In suite; suitable for light housekeeping; 1 block from 16ih-st. ear; rent very reasonable; gas, bath, phone. 508 Irving. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL ANY LB gitimate business, patents, real estate, tim ber lands, mines, etc.. or borrow money, call U. S. L. & T. Co., 14 Washington bMr. 372 FIRST ST. TWO OR FOUR NEWLY papered bay-window furnished housekeeping rooms, $13; also tnree unrurnisned. $u; re' spectable people only. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. FUR nlehed. unfurnished; beautiful location. Diekron. University Parte Phone Soott 1296. THE, LOWNSDALE. 50 ALDER-LARGE new elegantly furnished housekeeping, alto sleeping room; gas range, running water. PARLOR SUITE. COMPLETE FOR House keeping, piano, water, gas. phone; othur rooms. 440 Stb. cor. college. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas -stove; good location; 31.75 per week. 3S2 E. Yamhill st. ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED; GAS. BATH phone, walking distance; adult. 210 Grand ave. orth. Union 39M. . TWO VERY" NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms; gas, bath and phone. C75 Nam. mene .Main -toou. C45W WASHINGTON ST. TWO AND TH REE- room hourkeeplng suited; very desirable; nam. pnone. gas range. $14 THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms in private family. 41 Everett sL, bet. l-'tn ana Jam. 555 MORRISON FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; also single rooms; ut-e of bath Main 4008. FURNISHED ALCOVE SUITE. WITH FOLD- Ing bed and gas stove; also furnished front lienor. 3zz i4th. 2 CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. S PER momn. uniarmsnea. or Jiz lurnishea; bath. bi uoiumma si. 250 7TH ST 3 VERY FINE MODERN FUR nlnhod housekeeping rooms; steel range; cen tral; no children. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeping: sink In kitchen. 464H E. Burn- tuoe. cor. bin. FIRST FLOOR: GAS. BATH. ELECTRIC ncni; nice tocauon; iwo mocks ot Oregonlan. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ana steeping rooms; close la; bath. 86 10th, WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House- Keeping roems. transient; bath, electric light. 313 14TH ST. NEATLY' FURNISHED ROOMS. hifo noueFxeeptBg rooms; oatn ana pnone. FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 'l st. l'non Main 1S3S. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS. FIRST uoer. i-none, gas ana bath. 431 6th st. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WITH water, u per month. Call 187 Mill st. C NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. X'NFUR nlshed; rent $15. Inquire at 509 5th at. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING j oainr. m . mn. near (joucn. 215 10TH-3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS iot nouseKecping: waier in kitchen. FOR SALE FURNISHED TENT; CAMP rairview, i-enwns tieignts car. 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE- Krrping; uaui. zz 4in sc. FRONT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; call aft rrnwns. w uavja. Houses. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. ELECTRIC lights, gas and etc; large lot at Sunny- fiae in., vanauya & Walton, 270 Wash- ingion at. MODERN COTTAGE. FIVE ROOMS. BATH, basement S3S Madison t Inquire Wake field, Fries & Co. and John Klostertaan. 61 N. 21st. K A DDERLY TRANSFER CO., PROMPT uiu rcuaoio piano ana furniture movers. none Main loss. OIQce, 110 N. 3d st. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. ncou ana insurance. rnose Slain 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES- FOR RENT-SMALL COTTAGE AND BARN, ji per momn inquire at 3B Falling bldg ouiuoic ior cprrsman, on IS. ISith St. C-ROOM- HOUSE. 306 17TH ST. RECENTLY rrnoraira; new oainroom ana modern plurab- FOR RENT MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE, Beck. 307 the Falling bldg. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF 11 rooms; weu arranged for rooming-house 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST ff f. monlh- The Healy Investmnet. Col! 214 Ablnrton. 108U T.A t MODERN 7.ROOir JTOtlKP! nv fflirp $25 month. Apply L. T. Keady. B1-B2 UnlonJ Wlft., U &HU OULTK SIB. coin. 4 -room house, 3d. near Lincoln, In quire iMiivuin. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. lBTH AND onnrup; wuacra, gu. Appjy 7j Ixjvejoy, 7 ACRES. WITH 5-"ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR car ubc; rcauy 10 jiiuw. iiamngton. fH lot. FIVE BOOMS AND BATH, EAST SIDE; LOW rrai. ut tuuu iccvib airong, loo west Park. HOUSE. ICS MEADE ST.. COR. WATER. 12-ROOM HOUSE. ALSO MODERN 4-ROOM nax, n cist oiao. inquire lorenoons, 412 2d. FOR RENT A 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, o t x arjL eu Apply .0 ilU. mu TOX XBTT, nouses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. "STORES, ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUatiS FOR RENT. List your property with 'us to be rented. The demand Is greater than we can supply. Personal attention given to it by our rental department. 100 TtlirA R!Tt TVii-m Vain 453. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. ONE OF MOST DESIRABLE HOMES AT jiu J. iw, large grounds, . abundance; house has 7 rooms, with modern conveniences; Is sear car line and location Is very best. Hart Land Co., 109 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. SEC LARGE rcoma; all modern improve rate lb; ubi walls, window shades; front and back rard: fine ntlghborbood; corner E. 22d and Couch. Apply 751 E. Burnslde st. Phone East 211. FOR RENT 350 MONTGOMERY ST., A NEW S-roora house, modern. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR- Sissec souse, zuu Ol rooaisrs; wui u ivu--nlturs oa easy terms at a bat cam. Ths Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablnxtoa bldr. FURNISHED HOME. C ROOMS. BATH, 24 acres, within city limits; Hawthorne- ave. car: fireplace, porcelain tub. stationary washstand; $25. B 6, Oregonlan. FOUR ROOMS. LOWER FLOOR. WELL furnished, on East S2d it-: rent only $15 per month, worth $25. Inquire 1000H Belmont st. Phone East 3S30. 12-ROOM HOUSE: MODERN FINE RESI- dence locality; West Side; furniture almost new; to right party, boarders assured. Phone Main 1410. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FUR- nlsheo. large yard; $35 month. Call CS6 Front at. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 9B9 Montana ave. Houses For Bent Furniture For Sale. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR FUR- nlture; also take some on consignment. Port land Auction Rooms. 211 First at. Pheao Main 5C55. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF AN ELDGANT- ly furnished 7-room house In the very best pa.t of East Portland; furniture 6 months ago ooot $1600; will sell now for $856; house for rent; this cannot be beaten; this la no Fair proposition. Address O 1, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR A FtVE- room modern flat; 6 blocks from Pestofflce; flat for rent; will sell furniture at a bargain If sold at once; parties leaving city. Ad dress F 4, Oregonlan, or phone Mala 2SS7. FOR RENT 10 ROOMS: AN IDEAL HOME: walking distance; modern; furniture for sale, all new; must sell, leaving city. W 4, Oregonlan. VERY MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. furniture for rale, reasonable. Apply 309 11th sc. bet. Columbia and Clay. 12-ROOM HOUSE, BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS and fsrnlsned: rent reasonable. C li. Dodd. foot of Washington st. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED 4-reora cottage; reasonable; rent $14. 311 7th st.. near Columbia. NEW FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT: bargain; all or pari. 3C5i 13th st. Tele- phono Main 5570. 12' ROOMS. FURNISHED COMPLETE: MUST sell; rent 5Bv; lease; make oner. 440 5th, cor. college. 0 ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR SALE: nne reticence location. i ihi st.. corner Taylor, NICELT FURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE for September. 345 Clay sC Inquire 311 7 la St. Cummer Resorts. A SNAP THE ELEGANT SEASIDE HOME of Alex Gilbert. Seaside. Uermosa Park, be ginning Sept. 1st. for the balance of the sea son; ail tne oomiorts or a city some; anx ious to rent. Phone H. M. Carlock. Ex. 50. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS home accommodations, fine ocean view, and flowers, modem conveniences, noted for Its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necan I cum Station. Emily Damana. Prop. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. SEA. side, near Locksly Hall. furnUhed comi4ete. -city water, bath, modern. J S, care Orego nlan. Phone East i-.M). FOR RENT 3-ROOM COTTAGE. SEASIDE. bepteraber, $10. V 4. Oregonlan. mores. FOR RENT OR . LEASE TWO LATtOE stores. 145 1st and 228 Alder it., together or separate, inquire o. navj 1st st., room S. FOR RENT CORNER STOREROOM; UNION eve.; desirable for saloon. J. P. Sharkey, PART FINE STORE GOOD LIGHT; NEWLY painiM; 100X40. no i-root. Phone Main Offices. -OR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN utacturlng purposes, two floors In brick building, corner 5th sad Flanders sts. Povey Bros. Glass Co. OFFICES FOR RENT LARGE. BRIGHT and centrally located. Inquire Trans-Continental Machine Co.. 354 Oak st. LARGE TOP TLOOR FOR LEASE. MORRI son near Postofflce. Suitable for offices; el evator. J 2. Oregonlan. LARGE CONNECTING OFFICES. 309 AL der st.. over the Tavern Furnished.- modern, convenient; can't be beat. LODGE HALLS AND GOOD FRONT ROOMS. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. XTNANCLVL. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on from 3 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred IL Strong, Financial Agent, 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and respon sible firms; easy payments and strtetly con fidential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. H-Moath. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.05 or $8.25 or J1.G5 $15 Repay sow I 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 MKAY BLDG., 102 3D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO., 217 OREGO nlan bldg loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormea, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable la con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended In case of sickness. Con fidential. No Inquiries. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford; money leaned on fur niture, piano or personal property; best terms in city; rooms 218-220 Ablngton. Red 1726. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cit ies. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Mala 6457. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes Loan Co., room 716, the Dekura. Sd and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 415. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. 8. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Mala 0100 LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock, bldg. Phone Clay 52S. Also real estate loans. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room S07, the Falling bldg. MONEY ON MORTGAGE, CITY ORUBUR ban; easy terms. W. & Ward, the AUsky. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF Se curity. Wm. Ho 11, rm. 9. Washington bldg; State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas state ngt., Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. 450,000 TO LOAN .AT REGULAR RATES. The Portland Loan Office. 74 3d st. WANTED A LOAN" OF $400 ON- ROnn cr. curlty. P '6. Oregonlan. rXXSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKS. GRADUATE dermatologist; idenilflo, featural correc tloniit. beautlfier and restorer of youthfal ncas, may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated; mature wrinkle, scars, blemishes, etc. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology la connection. Par lors 364 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. DECORATIVE GOODS. Military and naval souvenirs of all descrip tions; guns, sabers, cutlasses, bayonets, lamps, chevron, etc.. etc; Just the thing for dens and coxy corners. These goods are practically given away. The U. a. Army Goods Store, cor. 7th and Oak (.Merrill's Cyclery). Open until Sept. 15th. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL Jonas of feathers ana boas cleaned, curiea and dyed; best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 100H 6th. Portland. Or. Phone Clae 305. Residence, 249 Harrison. Mala 4443.' Boole of Nature." "A Social Lloa." "Forbld dea Fruit." "Woman of Fire." -What -Dora Did." Agnes." "Dangerous Delights," "Her Fatal Passion," 50c ea. Headquarters for sou- . vealr post, cards. A. W. Schmale Co., 229 1st. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT, ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned ana pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cord ray" a. LADIES, DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous nair treatment, i teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used In your own home. Address 1401 1st ave Seattle. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE, HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th. sr., two doors from East Ankeny; car line. Phone East 260. MANLY VIQOR RESTORED BY- DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months. $5. Sent secretly sealed by zualL Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co.. Portland, Or. SEXINE PILLS POSITIVELY GUARAN teed for all forms of weakness or nervous ness; $1 a box. 6 for $5. Full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemeneon. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. MISS ENGLISH POSITIVELY CURES rheumatism: a!o chiropody, manicuring; electric and magnetic treatments; beware of tnose copying my ao. 145H tun. rooms -- The "Matrimonial Register," lOc, contains de scriptieDS and particulars of several hundred residents of Or. and Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Society. Russel bldg. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores, Washington aad 6th and Morrlsoa and. 5th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenx" Nerve Tonic Tablets; 22c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrlsoa st between 1st aad 2d. CURIOS PRIVATE COLLECTION ALASKA curiec. Russian Samovar 125 years old. coo- perware. etc., cheap. Phone West 072. 580 couch at. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg., 3d aad Morrlsoa. Portland. Consultation free. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 50c Ladles' skirts pressed. 20c Gilbert. 100 44 6th St., next to the Quelle. Phone Clay 300. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KINDS OF waists, kimonas, muslin underwear, etc, be low cost. Sing cnong uo.. 33S .Morrison at. DETECTIVE OR SECRET SERVICE WORK; strictly confidential; difficult cases solicited. Room 14 wasnington Diag. YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO GrVES face and scalp massage, iwa 4 lb, cor. Washington. COINS BOUGHT, SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; Hits free. Coin .Co.. 115 N. 11th. St, Louis, Mo. INFORMATION OF JOHN HENRY HORN! brook Is desired by his sister, Tessle Wagner. Watches, diamonds, eas payments: diamonds bought, w. li. Lesn, &I3 Dekum. ciay ava, DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist, sanitarium. 17 12th. Mala 5478. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 127 lltb. TeL Mala 483S. MISS MAKI, graduate of Finland, massage ana bains; ladles only. 40G Ablngton biug, TURKISH BATHfc. 300 OREGONIAN BLDG.: genu an nignt; laaies all cay. atain 1833. LA VIDA FACE ROUGE, FREE SAMPLES at Farts Hair Store. 30S Washington st. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 H Taylor, bet, 3d and 4th. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 229 Yamhill at. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO- nlaa will nay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the coors oc its subscnocra Circulation Manager. TAKEN BY MISTAKE FROM ANTLERS Hotel, Monday, Sept, 4. lady's rattan suit case, umbrella strapped on. Kindly address N. A. L. C, Convention Hall, or Antlers Hotel. LOST ROMAN GOLD SHIRTWAIST PIN. with letters L. S. S. engraved thereon. Finder will be rewarded If he. leaves the same at tne woodland, corner urn ana Maa isan. LOST-SMALL BLACK BITCH. WHITE ON the breast running between front legs; gray around upper Up; gray tip toes. Return to Quiatby House, and receive reward. LOST MONDAY AFTERNOON. BLACK seal purse, containing small amount money ana receipts, iteward If returned to u. It. Cheney. 14 3d, or Oregonlan office. LOST AN EXCURSION TICKET. CLARKS- vllle. Tena, to Portland and return, signed Innes Cheatham. Finder return to S. P. ticket offioe and receive reward. LOST AT OEARHART OR SEASIDE. OR.. gold bar breastpin, with two hearts set In pearls In center. Reward. 825 Kerby. or pnone Scott 6324. FOUND GREATEST BARGAINS IN THE city In blankets, underwear, khaki suits, etc U. S. Army Goods Store, cor. 7th and Oak (iiernira t'lcieryi. LOST BETWEEN 32 Dv AND 26TH STS.. A brooch set, with a diamond and pearls. Re ward If returned to 1135 Thurman. Phone Main 5908. LOST ENGLISH SETTER BITCH, THREE months ago. wnue witn liver markings. bowed In front; $10 reward. Wm. Gadsby & Sons. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. STERLING silver; chatelaine attached. Finder return to the Bellevue. 213V& 4th st. and receive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day, . Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST FOX TERRIER. BLACK AND white, bitch; name S. W. Fisher oa collar. Return to 720 East Ankeny. Reward. LOST A SPITZ DOG: WHITE. IF ANY- body finds It and returns to the St. Charles Hotel, they will be suitably rewarded. STRAYED-WHITE BULL TERRIER DOG year old. Return to 6S0 Glisan st. Reward LOST BROWN POINTER BITCH; WHITE paints Return to 143 Front st. Reward. LOST A RED IRISH SETTER, ABOUT TEN days ago. iteward. 102 13th st. , BUSINESS CHANCES. BUY A FEED AND BOARDING STABLE for $3400 and make $ISO net monthly. J. V. Crelghtoa Jfc Co.. 1KH 3d st- S1200-BEST PAYING BUSINESS ON CTn sL Apply Siegel's Grocery and Delicatessen store, 60 Vs 6th; no sgents. GROCERY ESTABLISHED CORNER; FINE business: invoice; six living-rooms; lease $35 month. X 6, Oregonlan. t- . -t rsr Tftf t nT t vr v with ciw rz more to take half Interest ta new furniture Store X tfi, wrcsvaiiu. FOR SALE FIHST-CLAS3 CIGAR STORE, centrally located, good estaoiisned trade, cheap, i 2. uregojuux, FOR SALE NINE ROOMS. NEWLY AND completely furnished; good money-maker; $300 down and $300 monthly payments. Call Aim si. wmnnu Tirrtr rmnn TrrrRViTimf. tav. lng well; $1500. Hatfield & Smith.' 1C3 johiui u FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN NSW furniture store here la Portland. X 97,"" Ore gonlan. y ' ALAMEDA CONS. MINING CO." STOCK FOB . aal low jTKfl U S. OcTitsk BUSINESS CHANCES. FLOURING MILL. . , . Full roller proceta fiounng mill, everlast ing water power, 14 seres of ground, good house and barn, plenty of fruit. In a good farming community, where there is a big custom trade commanded; running steady now, doing a nice buslnexa; the water power Is worth more than price asked for the whole proposition. Price only $3400; this Is surely a great proposition for one wishing to go in this business. 123 Ablngton blk. RESTAURANT. Nicely furnished and very completely fitted up In every respect; cost 9 month ago $2200: now doing a business of about $73 per day and can be shown up. on one of the best streets In the city. In good brick building: steam heat; owing to disagreement In part nership, will sell today for $750; Investigate at once. Roam 125. Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE THE BEST REAL ESTATE AND business chance office In Portland, well lo cated and furnished; high-class lists, cover ing thousands of dollars worth of property, together with a clean business record; can be had at a bargain If taken this week; part cash, balance to be paid out of the business. P S. Oregonlan. SPECIAL ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN. 32 rooms, very elegantly furnished, and swell location, doing an elegant business; high-class trade, lease, meam heat, modern in every way; we refused an offer of $5000 3 months ago; our price now, $3150; this Is a good place any time. Room 125 Ablngtoa blk. AN ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED WITH $500. half-laterest in an old established busi ness; experience not necessary; will guaran tee $30 week each; I want no partner unless he wilt work as earnestly as myself. Partic ulars at Interview. F 99. Oregonlan. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured la trosx 3 to 3 days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sis., "Portland. $4500 4 INTEREST MANUFACTURING business, this city; building lot. boxw. ma chinery and $4000 stock. This Is the only business of its kind oa the Coast. Offers un limited opportunities to the owners. J. il. H. Andereen. 101 Morrison. SPECULATORS. LOOK AT THIS. IS rooms, eleaantlr furnished: V4 block from Washington sr. on 11th at. This place has positively get to be sold. Do you want It ror $557 If so, speag quick. noom i. Ablngton bldr. A SNAP A SALOON. CENTRAL LOCATION, up-to-date fixtures, nve iurnlsnea rooms up stairs; price $2500; will take $1000 dowa aad balance on note. Owner leaving town. 44 3d. between Ash and Pine, hardware store. PARTNER WANTED BY A WELL-KNOWN. reliable real estate man; experience not nec essary bevond abilltv to show farms, etc. which Is easily learned; profits good, and small capital required. Call 24SH star su FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE NEW HOTEL; good location. 70 rooms: occupied every night; all furnished complete; cleared over $2U00 last month; long lease; price very cheap. Address D 75. Oregonlan. WE WILL BUY MILWAUKEE GOLD EX traction. Ore con securities. Standard (.on.. Highland G. M., Alameda and Portland Sz idano and Cascadia mining stoexs. r. Catterlln & Co.. 319 Ablrgton. WANTED PARTNER WITH $600. WORK logman preferred; experience not necessary; business permanent, and will clear $3000 yearly; suitable for man or lady. Address Partner. A 4. care Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED FOR A STORE Ex perience unnecessary, but you must be will lag to do you share of the work; $S50 re quired, fully secured; owner guarantees $150 monthly. Call 24SH Stark st. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE stock, with lease on old-established atand in Stayton. Or.; must sell before Oct. 1, 1905; Invoice $4500. Address X. J. uenlenadm. Stayton. Or. COAL MINE -FOR SALE. Small mine, well located, near railroad: nlenty of coal of excellent quality; special terms for quick sale. Fred S. Fogg. Ta- coma. Wash. SPECIAL OFFER. S-room house, near Portland Hotel, on 7th st.; well furnished; good buy at $575; our price, for two days, $225. Room 125. Ablng ton bldg. DRUG STORE FOR SALE DOING NICE business; would consider small Improved city property in Idanot on railroad, in exenange; only drugstore. Address W 91. care Ore gonlan. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL ANT LE- aitlmata bustnes?. tatnt. real estate, tlm ber lands, mines, etc: or borrow money. call U. S. L. & T. Co.. 14 Washington bldg. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale offer them through me to Investors. George M. Kel legg, broker, 345 Elllcott square. Buffalo. $800 AND SERVICES FOR AN INTEREST In a clear, profitable cash business, estab lished and permanent; will net you $100 per month; no agents, it m, oregonlan. PARTNER. OLD ESTABLISHED BUSI ness. small Investment; fully secured; owner understands business; purchaser clears $20 weekly. 205H Morrison si. room i. SOLID MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Partner wanted: must have S2250, and be satisfied with $200 a month; duties easily learned. Particulars 24SH Stark st. PARTNER WANTED CASH BUSINESS must be stead), reliable man. sa tie fled with $15 to $25 weekly; experience unnecessary $300 required. Call 24S Stark st. NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 208 MARQUAM bldg.: capitalization $50,000. Companies in corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks. mines and real estate Handled. FOR SALE-HALF INTEREST IN A GRO- cery business doing a safe and good buel ness, and good location. Address 335 Ros? st. Please can mornings. FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT. LOCATED IN the business district, seating capacity 80 established four years; will bear lnveatlga tlon. D 6. Oregonlan. can buy an established business, making good room xus Aiiwy otu. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE Ice cream parlors and two living-rooms, fur nished. In connection; a snap. 402 East Morrison st. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE AT GREAT saerlflce; choice new stock; will sell way be low Invoice price. See Lee. 31 1 Fenton bldg. 4 6th st. SMALL-SIZED. GOOD-PAYING RESTAU- rant and delicatessen for sale; good reasons for selling. Inquire on premises. 386 Morri son st. A WOMAN OF BUSINESS ABILITY AND A few hundred dollars can hear of the best opening In Portland. Address it 1, orego nlan. FOR SALE $3000 STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise: a spienaia location; nop cen ter: good cash, business. Address X 67, Oregonlan. WE WILL BUY OR SELL MINES AND MIN lng stocks of merit; also finance meritorious properties. J. c Lee &. Co.. 337 state st. Salem, or. A COUNTRY STORE EAST OF THE mountains, doing a good business. Inquire of J. D. Kenworthy at Wadhama & Kerr Bros. PARTNER. ALSO -GENERAL AGENT: $300 to $500 capital required; light manufactur ing; enormous pronts. noom 19. zsvii 1st st. $1250 GIVES YOU HALF INTEREST TN best paying1 aaioon in i-oriiana; investigat fully. J. v. creignion km.. ieai sa sr. RESTAURANT PARTNER WANTED; OWN er wants party to b cannier; 3300- required pay you $2o a week, can -itii stark et. QUARTZ MIND CAPITAL WANTED TO DE velop a high-grade proposition In S. Oregon. Write W. It. ituDie. ji wiiiiams ave. LADY WITH $300 CAN HAVE 12-ROOM furnished boarding-house In good West Side residence locality. Phone Main 1410. twi -error-- aspi nvK.THinr tm-tctj. esf brokerage office earning $700 monthly. J. V. Crelghton A Co.. 165H 3d st. FOR SALE LAUNDRY PLANT. IN GOOD Oregon town; good opportunity; Investigate at once, x o. oregonian. RESTAURANT FIRST-CLASS, SEATING 80 established four years; will bear lnvestlga lion, r u. oregonian. guarantee $S0 monthly. J. V. Crelghtoa c BAKERY FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS. HK tlrlng from business. Derr &penge, Vancou- FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years- lease. 410 Belmont et. THE ST. JOHNS CLOTHING STORE FOR sale-at invoice, n. xnecroua. st, Johns. Or. FOR SALE HURST AUTOMATIC SWITCH & igcai co. stocx cnesp. c z, oregoralaa. BU5IXESS CHANCES. HOTEL FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST Ho tels In Spokane, now doing a good paying basinets, situated on the corner of two ot the principal streets of the city; office very large, on ground floor; recently newly fur nished and remodeled throughout; elevator aad all modern Improvements; long lease; owner wishes to retlro from hotel life; will ing to submit books for Inspection to prove that ho uso Is a money-maker; no use an swering this ad unless you have a reasonable amount of cash; balance of purchase can be arranged. Address W. K. Allen, Postofflce Box 1582, Spokane, Wash. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. The Ames Mercantile Agency Is In touch with trade, city and country. They are in a position to give valuable advice regarding purchase or sale of a business. Only le gitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton Bldg. BIG MONEY MAKER. 26 rooms, new brick, steam heat, bat lo cation in the city, furnished with birdseye maple and golden oak; all Axmlnster car pets; this house Is positively clearing $400 per month; you can buy this place at actual invoice price. For particulars call at room 125. Ablngton bldg. SPECIAL NOTICE. Proposals . Invited. THE GOVERNMENT OFFERS THE FOL- lowing quartermasters Property -for Sale. Depot Quartermaster'a Office, 36 New Mont gomery Street. San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 6, 1905. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, wilt be. received at this office until 10 o'clock. Ai IT.. Pacific standard time, October 0, 1905, and then opened, for the purchase of 10.000 pairs of suspenders and 100,000 pairs cotton stock ings, light weight. The United States, re serves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Information Brut hlnnlr nroiMKUila will bo furnished on application. Envelopes' containing proposals to be marked, "Pro posal No. 6427, to be opened at 10 A. M., October 6, 1903." and addressed" to Major C A. Devol. Qr. Mr., U. S. A., Depot Quar termaster. Stockholders Meeting. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGA- Uon Company. Notice of the Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders. Notice Is here by given that tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be held, pursu ant to the by-laws, at the office of the sec retary of the company, room 543 Worces ter building. Portland. Oregon, on Thurs day September 7. 1905. at 12 o'clock noon. at which time there will be submitted for tbe consideration of the stockholders a proposition to amend article III of the Articles of Incorporation of the company by Inserting immediately alter tbe words. 21ar A line from a point near Ward- ner. In the State of Idaho, to the Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head of Deadwood Gulch," the following, "22nd. A line from tne terminus or mis company's present railroad in St, Johns. Multnomah County. Oregon, to a connection with the constructed line of railroad of this com pany at or near Troutdale, in said county and state; 23d. A line from Wallowa In the State of Oregon, by some eligible route to a point at or near Joseph. In said state." and at which time there will also be submitted for the consideration of the stockholders certain amendments to the by-laws of tbe company. W. W. Cotton, Secretary. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COM oanv. Notice of annual meeting of the stockholders. Notice Is hereby given that tne annual meeting of the stockholders of the Portland & Asiatic steamsnip company will be held, pursuant to tbe by-laws, at the office ot the secretary of the company, room 543 Worcester bldg.. fortiana. ur., on Thurs day, September 7. 1905, at 2 o'clock P. M. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Dated August 7, 1005. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting-. MISS O. GOULD. S01 MARQUAM BLDG.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assayers and Analysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley & Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. 204 vi Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK at. Best faculties. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA- lyst Gold dust bought. 80 1st st. Attorn eys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY" CARPET CLEANING, auction and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removat. Main 5334. East 2594. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE MEDIUM. 7 YEARS IN PORTLAND. 303H WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH. He will tell you your full name, age, occu pation, whom and when you will marry and what you call for without asking a question. Advice on business, health, min lng and all affairs of life. If you are stele. call today. Hours, 9 A. M. to 0 P. at. dally and Sundays. 3034 WASHINGTON ST. NOTICE. Prof. St. Charles, who will be burled at the Fair grounds September 29. will con tlnue to give readings at his parlors, 3433 Morrison st. While In a trance he calls you by yourname. gives you namea of sweethearts and friends, tells you how to control those you love, gives number of your family, tells you how to become happy and wealthy. If sick. Ic medicine don't help you. try st Charles" psychic powers. It pays to get ad vice from SU cnanes. SJdto iiornson st. near Portland Hotel. GYPSY ZENOBIA Tell past, present and future. No matter what your troubles are. one win neip you. Room- 323 Allsky bldg.. Morrison and 3d. MRS. P. L. NOBLE. CLAIRVOYANT. TEST medium; advice on buslnecs. 255 5th. cor. Madison. Carpenters and Builders. New homes built, old ones renewed; prop erty bought and sold. Gordon. 20S 4th. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, gener al jobbing. contracting. 330 Stark. Maln5SSl Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZOER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front st., near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Portland. Or. ALLEN LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses, ingrown and club nails; pedicuring-, manicuring; face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. WM. D EVENT & ESTELLE D EVENT, THE only scientific chlrpodlsts; parlor rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d at. Phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. J. LINDELL. expert chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 5256. Dancing. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng, 269 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltxlng specialty. Dancing and Elocution. Mrs. Nina Larowe's Hall. 23d and Kearney. Inquire till 1 P. M. and after 7. Main 2329. Harness and Saddles; THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale. saddles and harness mfrs., leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st. Main 226. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddles and harness mfrs., saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. 54 OCn st. Fraternal Iasuraice. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mltchel. Sup. Sec 012-815 Marquam bldg J oak, Hlies aad Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Marble snd Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS: no agents; 20 per cent saved at Weeks". 720 Froat, opposite Falling; School; take 3 car. BUSINSS DIRECTORY. Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S3S. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLB and upper leatners of all Kinas; cut shock, findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 5th. ' Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAW- ralll. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th.. THE H. C. ALBEE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery.-sawmills, etc 248 urana ave. Musical, WOULD LIKE FEW SCHOLARS. PIANO and vocal; terms -reasonable. Am a stu dent from Sherwood School. Chicago, III. Studio 575 Main." Phone Main 4060. VIOLLN. CORNET. CLARINET, PLVNO, guitar. Prof. E. A. Smltn. musical oarector, Columbia .University. 254 12th. Phono 4103. Northwest Viavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND , MORRISON sts. can or send stamp lor iieaim ooun. Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415U6-17 DE- Kum bldg.. 3d and Washington, .rnonea: Offlc. Main 349: residence. Main 1503: East 1028. Exams, free. Sundays by appointment Dr. Arnold Lindsay. 410 Falling bldg. Phone ciay 133; graduate of Klrkavtlie college ot Osteopathy. A specialist on rheumatism, stomach troubles and all female, diseases. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH. graauates jrKvwe, Jio., 4W oregonian bldg. Phone Main 1242. Paints, Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN &. CO., JOBBERS,' paints, oils, sjass, aasa ana aoors. cor. -a ana layior. F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER PAINT co. uenerai building material. 135 1st Pasturage for Rent. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; STOCK ALSO taken in by the month. 339 Sherlock bldg. Patent Lawyers. R. a WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement cases. -uh 'Jjeicum. Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stamps, eeala, atenclls.' .Rupture. Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; perfect retainer; positive cure; book tree Address Dr. Pierce, 200 Kearny St., S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH fri inch thick doors, fire- and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison work, lockouts opened ; repairs. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. ONE LARGE SECOND-HAND SAFE, IX fine condition, for sale cheap. 84 3d st. Second-IIand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO., DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, . pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; highest pricq paid for scrap Iron and metals. 244 Front. Main 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO., COR. 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 343 1st, near Market. Phone Clay 1644. Spiritualists. MMEJ. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaran teed. Readings, 50 cents. Hours. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M.. dally and Sunday. Parlor 14, the Berkshire, 232 1st sc. cor. Mala. MRS. WALLACE, 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of llfer business love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 1st; hours, 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST Me dium. 145 6th, room 21. Tel. Hood 1U4:;. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON aulted. 60 Selllng-Hlrpch btdg. Main 0170. MRS. STANLEY, WHO WAS AT THE OAKS and Seaside, Is at 107 4th. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and chipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 lat. C. M. Olaen. Tel. Main 547. C. O. PICK, OFFICE S3 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture mocd and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay at. FRED BICKEL, STORES AT 34 N. FRONT et-, household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool cheats, sewing machines and all movable articles at reasonable prices. VERY DESIRABLE STORAGE ROOM FOR merchandise. Gauld & Kline Co.. IB N. 1st et. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. TeL 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grodcry. cor. N. Front and Davis ate.. Portland. Or. BANKS. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at points on favorable terms Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Slcht exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho Montana and British Columbia. ":L- rnrinn tiH. Herlin. Frank fort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Manila and Hono lulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OR. J. FRANK WATSON .....President R. L DURHAM Vice-President R W HOYT ; Cashier OFORGE W. HOYT ...Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts ot the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, San Francisco, Cal. President HOMER S. KINO Gen. Man. ot Branches W. MACKINTOSH CaDltat paid up ...$4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $9,525,000 A General Banking and Exchange Buslneas Transacted. Letters of credit Issued available In all porta of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up- WM?A. MACRAE Manager j x. Burtchaell.... ........Assistant Manager UNITED STATE3 NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak sts. Transacts a General Banking Business Drafts Issued, available In all cities of ths United States and Europe, Hongkon? and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President, :....W. B. AYER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R- W. SCHMEER. Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent ot the United States. President...- - A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier.. IB. F. STEVENS Letters of credit Issued available In Furope and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers eold on New York, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paul. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums, to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-th Main, Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen, Christlanla, Stockholm, St, Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. - General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates is sued. 3 to 4 per cent; special certificates (not under 500). 34 to 4. per cent on short call. Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 109 Third St. BEN J. I. COHEN. President H. L. PITTOCK .Vice-President. B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA..... Assistant Secretary; f