j - t m 10 TBjS MORNING OEEGONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. ' EgS King Nogero and Queen Co lumbia Will Inaugurate Manufacturers' Week. FLORAL PARADE TO BEHELD Prizes of Great Value Have Been Offered for Various Events. Friday Night Masquers Hold Sway. ORDER OF DAY, SEPTEMBER S A. M. Gates open. 9 A. M. Exhibit buildings. Govern ment exhibit and Trail open. 8 to 11 A. M. Concert, Administra tion Band, Transportation building bandstand. 16 A. M. and hourly thereater Free moving pictures, Nebraska Pavilion, Agricultural Palace. 16:33 A. M.Drawlng of prises awardd by 1905 Manufacturers Club, Manufactures building. 11 A. M. to 12 M. Concert, Admin istration Band. Manufactures building:. 1:30 to 2:30 P. M- Concert, Tenth Infantry Band, Tranrportatlon build ing bandstand. S;JW P. M. Idaho day exercises. Pa vtHon Annex. Administration Band. 2:e P. M. Grand concert. Royal Hawaiian Band, bandstand. Gray Boulevard. 2:e P. M. Organ recital. Professor F. W, Goodriefe. Forestry building. 2:M P. M. Untied States Llfe-Sav-tng Service exhibition on lake. 3 P. M. Drawing of prizes awarded by 1106 Manufacturers Club. Manu factures building. J:W ie 4:30 P. M. Concert. Tenth Infantry Band. Government Terrace. 4 to 5:30 P. M. Concert, Adminis tration Band. Manufactures building. 5 to 6 P. M. Grand operatic concert, Xlratfrs Carnival of Venice Com pany, on Runic Steps. (Free.) :M P. M. Government buildings V. M. Exhibit buildings close. 7:0 P. M. Concert. Denver Letter- Cat-rioTs' Band, Auditorium. S P. M. Reception by King Nogero to Queen CehimbTa, feet of Grand Stetrway, Royal Hawaiian Band. S:M P. 34. Review of flower parade by King Nogero. and Queen Columbia, Lake View Terrace, Royal Hawaiian Band. 11 P. M. Gates olose. HUM P. M. Trail closes. Grounds dark. Farther Information may be ob- tatned from the dally official pro gramme. Today marks the beginning of the Man ufacturers carnival week at the Exposi tion, and by tonight the festivities will be on In full swing;. The opening pro gramme Includes two drawings of prizes during the day and a brilliant Tecoptlou gives by King Nogero to Queen Columbia, and a floral parade in the evening. The reception will take place at 8 o'clock at the foot of the grand stairway, and this will be the first public appearance of tholr majesties. The King, attended by royal suite and the Imperial band, will leave the Forestry cathedral at 7:45 o'clock, and proceed directly to the placo of reception, Queon Columbia, accompan ied by hor maids of honor, and conveyed by a flotilla of gondolas, will arrive in the royal barge at the same time, landing near the bandstand. Immediately after the reception the royal party will pass up the grand stairway to a rovlowlng stand near the Sacajewea statue, where the floral parade will pass In review. Great preparations are being made for this lattor event and It is expected that It "will eclipse all past flower shows of such character. The distribution of prizes will be held 19:30 A. M. and 3 P. M. In the Manufactures building. Similar distributions will be also hold on Friday and Saturday, and during the three days of the carnival from 5000 to6009 prizes, aggregating In value $10,000. will be given out. On Friday night there will be a grand masque carnival, and on Saturday after noon a doll parade In the Manufactures building. Prizes are offered for these two cvontos, together with the floral parade tonight, as follows: DECORATED VEHICLES IN FLOWER PARADE. First Second Prlie. Prlxe. Total. Autos 50 Carriages, traps, phaetons, talty-hes, buggies, etc.. 50 MASQUERS. Groups National, not less than 0 -50 Historical, no less than C 50 CouBles Lady and gentle--man-Finest costume 25 Finest costumes........ 2? Most unique 25 Individual Finest costume 10 Most unique............ .10 Ben comic...' .. 10 Best Indian .... 10 Best frontiersman 10 Best prospector 10 Best negro 10 Best German...., 10 Best Irish gentleman... 10 Most characteristic 10 DOLL PARADE. First prize .... 10 Second prize........ 5 Third prize s 5 Fourth prize.. .T.. '. 3 Fifth prize 13 Sixth prize 2 Seventh prize..... 1 Elghht prize - 1 Total cash prize $380 23 S 75. 23 75 25 75 .25 . 75 10 35 10 35 10 25 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 . 10 10 '".V 10 10 s s ...... 3 3 O V. 1 S120 $500 The carnival will piid nn finfnrrintr nwht -with a ball in the Festival hall, which will be attended by the King and Queen. EDITORS OF TWO STATES COME Oregon and Washington Press Asso ciations Have Two Days. ".The members of the Oregon and Wash ington Press Associations will hold high carnival In Portland on September 8 and 9. All of the Oregon Association 'will be in Portland on September 8 and ready for the meeting, while the Washington dele gation will also reach the city bc same day. though later. The Oregon Association will meet for Its annual session at the American Inn on September 8 at 10 o'clock In the morning. In the afternoon, through the kindness of the concessionaires of the Trail, the delegates to both the Oregon and Wash ington Associations -will make an united advance upon that seat of mirth. The same evening the Portland Com mercial Club will give a reception to the joint associations lasting from 8 until 11 o'clock. Arrangements have been made with the Portland Consolidated Street Hallway Company to give the visitors a trolley rl over the city on September 8. commencing at JKe'clock la the ornlg. AHQ'S 8 G TTHEEXPDSITION Three Thousand Visitors Will Take Part in the Gem State's Celebration. GOVERNOR GOODING HERE Parade, With Three Bands, Exer cises In Afternoon and Recep tion at Xlght Will Bo the Programme, YESTERDAY'S ATTENDANCE 19.090. There were few special events at the Lewis and Clark Exposition yesterday, bHt the attendance nevertheless was vry creditable, 1U.090 people passing through the gates. Almost 3000 people will take part In the celebration today of Idaho day at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. For several days visitors from the Gem state have been pouring into Portland, and all of the Important cities of Idaho are repre sented. Governor Frank R. Gooding and his of ficial staff, arrived in Portland yesterday afternoon on a special train. They were met at the Union Depot by Commissioner Robert W. McBrlde, who represents Idaho at the Exposition. The party retired im mediately to the Portland Hotel, which Is their headquarters. In the party besides Governor Gooding are Adjutant-General David Wickers and wife, Col&nel and Mrs. S. B. Myers. Col onel and Mrs. George E. Roberts. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. John E. Mc Blrney. Lieutenant-Colonel and Mrs. S. E. Blbby. Captain and Mrs. L. N. Roos, Captain Joseph Spiegel. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Elmer, State Treasurer H. N. Coffin, Secretary of State W. H. Gibson. Auditor of State R. S. Bragaw. Colonel Allen Mil ler. State Mine Inspector Robert N. Bell, Congressman and Mrs. Burton' L- French and W. A. Goulder. On the train were also 250 excursionists from the Gem state, and the Idaho State band of 45 pieces. The first thing on the programme for Idaho's master celebration at the Ex position, is a parade which -wilT start In the vicinity of the Idaho building at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. It Is planned to have three bands In the pa rade. They will be the Idaho State band. Administration band, and the Lew Iston. Idatio. band, which will nrrh'e In ToT-innrt thi mnrnlnr. There are 35 pieces in the Lewlston band. There will be about 2000 people In line. The paraders will be equipped with swagger "canes and adorned with the state coiora. yeiiow, white and purple. The exercises will be held In the pa vilion annex of the New York building at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon. Presi dent H. W. Goode will deliver the ad dress of welcome, and responses will be made by Governor Gooding. United States Senator Heyburn and Representative Bur ton L. French. Miss Maude B. Ham mell. of Idaho, will give a reading, and an original poem will be recited by W. a . rtntjiflpr ot Boise. It is entitled "Idaho." The Idaho State band and the Lewlston band will furnish the music a Tiifht ViAHnnlnir at 3 o'clock, a for mil wvcntlnn will He tendered the neonle of Idaho In the state buliolng. There will oe uancing ium iciiiiuicuu, xio. A. B. Scott, of Idaho Falls. Is the hostess tl-ui nrpfilde over the social events. She will be assisted by Mrs. J. J. Pulse. of Grangevllle: Miss aiauae a. iiammeii; XTot? T5. MeGllnchev. of Payette: Sirs! Mary B. Chaney, of Pocatello; Mrs. Robert Hayes, of Pocatello, and Miss Elmlra Fry. of Moscow. Grangevllle Party Arrives. A party of 75 persons, men, women and children, arrived Tuesday night from nranireville. Idaho, to visit Portland and the Lewis and Clark Exposition. They will attend the Fair today, which is Idaho day, and will do their utmost to launch a boom for Grangevllle. The party traveled In Pullman coaches carrying banners con talnlntr the words "Grangevllle, Idaho." The cars were also decorated with bunt- Ins. En route 5000 cards were distributed. containing the announcement: "Who are wet Don't you know 7 we are from GranKevlIle Idaho, the largest city In the United States -without a railroad." A rail road is expected to be completed to Grangevllle next year. The excursionists spent two hours each at Spokane and IDAHO STATE BAND, SWAIX BEATTY, liEADEB, COMES TO THE EXPOSITION' FOR IDAHO DAY. Tacoma parading the streets, and shout ing their yell. The members of the party are as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan; Dr. H. V. Riggs and wife; Dr. S. E. BIbby and wife, J. M. Mulllnlx. wife and child. George Behean and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Pulse. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sascn berg, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones, Cyrus Holsclaw. wife and child. Fred McKcnzie, wife and child, Mrs. Dennis Hastings and daughter. Mrs. Wood and daughter, Mrs. J. A. Wilkinson. Mrs. E. R. Cawley, Mrs. Walter Hlckerson. Mrs. Bingham. Dr. T. W. Nickel and daughter. Judge Jacques, Misses Bunnell. Bralnard, Itlggs, Pearson, McKlnncy. Messrs. Wood. Frledenrlch, Harris, Crosby. Meyer. Thompson, Rogers, Maxey, Pearson, Keneloy, Amblor, Story and Robinson. 31AYOR OF BOISE IS HERE James A. Pinney, Pioneer of Oregon, Visits the Fair. James A. PlnneyMayor of Boise, Idaho, a pioneer of Oregon, and a veteran of the Rogue River Indian wars, Jn company with Governor Gooding, of Idaho. Is a visitor to Portland and to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, having arrived with a delegation of over 400 from Boise yester day to attend the Idaho day exercises at the Fair today. Mayor Pinney was among the many who went to California during the gold ex cltmcnt of 1S49, but In the succeeding year moved to Southern Oregon where he re- J malned until the Indian war broke out. He served until the Indians were put down, and In 1S51 went to Idaho, where he has been associated with the upbuild ing of that state since that time. After serving as Postmaster in Idaho City In the early days he went to Boise. In 155L when the village had WX Inhabitants, he was elected Mayor. Since his first election he has been at the head of the municipal government four times, and Is now serving his fifth term. He has seen his home city grow from 1500 to 1B,0X inhabitants. Mayor Pinney was -one of the Oregon pioneers to attend the convention of that body In Portland last June. In speaking of the growth of Portland last night he said that his recollection of the city In 1850 was that of a great number of stumps and mud. "The village, as I remember It," said the Mayor, "was all below Third street, and all backof that was brush and trees." x The Maror is now .0 years old. and Is In Portland to witness and not to take part In the Idaho day exercises. In his own words, he Is here as a pioneer of Oregon and of Idaho. Serenade by Letter-Carrier's Band. The Denvci. Letter-Carriers' Band par aded the Lewis and Clark Exposition early yesterday afternoon. They serenad ed the Administration building, the Ex position Postofflcc and The Oregonlan of fice at the. Fair grounds. The Denver Letter-Carriers' Band Is one of the finest musical organizations of Its kind In the WosL There are 25 pieces In the organ ization. Nebraska Exhibit. Free moving picture exhibitions. Ne braska Pavilion. Agricultural Palace. ST. JOHNS SQUABBLE ENDS Compromise Offered by Mayor King Is Accepted. The compromise offered by Mayor King, of the St- Johns Council, to the opposing faction, to settle the squabble that has been going on for several weeks by abid ing by the decision of one of the Judges of the Circuit Court as to whether Ed wards is a legal -member or not, was practically accepted yesterday. It only remains for the plan to be publicly rati fied at the adjourned meeting this even ing. Attorney McGarry, counsel for Shields and Edwards, announced yester day that the compromise proposed was satisfactory and the best way out of the difficulty. He said the matter will now be taken before one of the Circuit Judges in a friendly suit, and whatever the de cision both factions will abide tho result. If Mr. Edwards Is declared not a legal member, he says he will step out, when his successor will be elected. If he Is a legal member. It Is understood that he will resign, as he will be absent on busi ness too much to attend to the business. There will probably be a contest when It comes to elect a successor, but a more friendly spirit Is now displayed among the Councllmen. and it Is thought that they will be careful to avoid further dead locks. The minutes of several special meetings, when the Edwards faction was absent, will be expunged from the records as Illegal, and that will end the matter. A hearing on the friendly suit will be soon secured, as the papers will bepre pared at once. akx: rou going xArrr IX So. Jjmru Abi the Terr Lew O. R.' X. B&Ae. September 7, S. S and 10. the O. B, N. S laces on sale very low-rate lonr-tlnaa ickets East, account L O. . F. Grand Lodge meeting. Philadelphia. Pa.- Partic ulars by asklnfr at City Ticket Office. Thlri and Wuaingtea streets, Pertlaad. PASSED HER fi VETO Council Re-Enacts Plumbing Inspector Ordinance. . CAPTAIN WANZER BRAISED Resolution "Commends cx-CIty En gineer Forestry Building Ot tered to City Ijife-Prc-scrvcrs on Launches. The City Council again gave Mafcor Lane a taste of bumping the political bumps yesterday afternoon by passing: the Plumbing Inspector ordinance over his veto to the tune of 14 to 1. and' later unan imously adopting a resolution of praise for cx-Clty Engineer Wanzcr. whom His Honor had but recently removed from office. Incidentally, the body also did the rush act on a brand-new box ordinance by a sufficiently Inspiring majority to insure its passage over any possible veto, and none of these episodes were calculated to lessen the width of the gulf that is, ap parently, appearing In the Council cham bers. The passage of the ordinance over the Mayor's head providing for the appoint ment of Thomas E. Hulme as Plumbing Inspector and Harry Woodhouso as his deputy, went through without much cere mony, no time whatever being lost In de bate. AVanzer Is Praised. Wanzer was reserved for the last thing as a sort of dessert for a long-winded ' session. It was Introduced by Councilman Wills, and reads in this fashion: Whereas, Mr. Charles ""Vanifr. who served the Cltr of Portland In the capacltr of Cltr Engineer from January 1, 1005. to September 1 1. 1005. was faithful to his trust, capable In hl profession, vigilant In the performance of his duties and at all tunes courteous and ebllslnr In his official capacity, therefore, bo It Resolred. That the Council does hereby ex press Its confidence In the Integrity of char acter and professional attainments of Charles Wanzer. and It regret tcr his removal from ! public service. j Forestry Building Offered. Dr. Dav Rafferty and F. A. Spencer, representing the Lewis and Clark Centen nial Commission, appeared before tho Council and submitted a request for ac tion of the body based upon the legislative jneasure""provIdlng for the transfer of the Forestry building to the City of Portland, conditioned that the municipality purchase at least one acre of ground at present oc cupied by the structure. It was explained that these terms must be complied with by October 1. as otherwise the commission would be empowered to offer the building to Either the Oregon Historical -Society, the Oregon Pioneers", the Oregon Grangers, or any other public Institution of like character within the state, upon similar conditions. The matter was referred to the ways and means committee. Dr. Davis addressed the Council in be half of the district lying west of Union avenue and south of Killlngsworth ave nue, claiming that this portion of the city Is now entirely without fire protection on account of the recent dlsbandment of the volunteer Are department there, and is now at the mercy of the flames. He said the community wanted relief In some shape, and announced his Intention of' making a similar plea to the fire commit tee of the Executive Board. There was a reconsideration of the action of the license committee In re voking; the license of A. L. Loewen steln, 305 $4 Washington street; S. Weinberger, of the Imperial Jewelry Company, 54 Third street, and S. Ma zorosky, 8 North Third street, it be ing apparent that the committee acted solely upon the recommendation of Acting- Chief Gritzmacher, and not through any personal knowledge of the facts. They will be given a chance to explain some of the charges pre ferred" against them by 'the chief. Upon the question of the adoption of the report of the' liquor license com mittee relative to the revocation of the license of the Tuxedo - saloon, there vsc considerable difference of opinion, the action of the committee being- sus tained by only a bare majority. The vote stood: Ayes Bennett, Masters, "Mencfee, Preston, Rushlight, Vaughn, Wallace, Wills 8. Noes Annand, Beldlnsr. Dunning; Gray, Kellaher, Sharkey. Shepherd 7. The place was a till. open last night, but will probably be closed today. Jtkliglt's Qrdlaascs &md. Hushllgat'H errflaaaee for t'ae.yretec tlon of life e bat plylat; the water of the Willamette River was finally passed in preforence to one that had been prepared by Councilman Shepherd. Tho latter accused the committee of flim-flam work In connection with holding a meeting at an Irregular hour and adopting the Rushlight measure while-he was absent, but the contention was of no avail, although Annand. Dunning-, Gray, Preston and Wallace supported him in his ideas. Annand's resolution providing' that the two plaza blocks between Third and Fourth, Salmon and Madison' streets be Ttept clear of vegetable wagons and venders of other merchan dise was referred to committee. Kellahcr introduced an ordinance ap propriating $230 towards the drainage of sloughs on the East Side. A communication was read from Plumbing Inspector Hulme calling the attention of the Council to the neces sity of establishing a sewerage sys tem in the Brooklyn district. It was referred to the sewer committee. PHOTOGRAPHERS VISIT FAIR Today They AVIll Hear Critical Talk by Frank V. DuMoud. The Photographers' Association of tho Pacific Northwest, which Is now in con vention In Portland, met yesterday morn ing at Arlon Hall to listen to the pro gramme which had been prepared for pia occasion. S. E. GoodaU. of San Francisco, read a paper on "Cleanliness of Studios," In which he argued that the cleanliness of the studio and of the operator besides being a means of saving much delicate material was a commercial asset. W. H. Catterlln. formerly of Portland, spoke briefly on position of the subject and light effects In the studio. He told of the changes in methods in the past few years. D. H. Hcndee. the pioneer photographer of the Northwest, was elected to honorary membership at tho morning session. Fol lowing tho programme a demonstration of carbon printings was made at the Moore studio on Seventh street. The afternoon was spent by the visitors to the meeting at the Exposition where special attention was given to the art display. Today will be the most Interesting of the session. It Is thought, as several specially valuable numbers have been pro vided for the program. The afternoon will be given to demonstrations until 4 o'clock when F. Vincent DuMond. head of the art exhibit at tho Exposition, will make a critical talk on the exhibits In the convention hall. GONZALES DENIS GUILT Says He "Was in Biggs on the Day J. Ij. Anderson Was 3Iurdercd. Frank Gonzales, brought Lack from Denver to answer to a charge of larceny, and suspected of the murder of . L. An derson at Bonneville, denies having killed Anderson, and says he never kntfw the man and was not with him at BonnavUle. Gonzales says he Is not guilty of Any crime, and asserts that his previous repu tation Is good. He says his home Is io Mobile, Ala., and that when he was it Portland before he worked In the O. K. Coffeehouse. He left here on August 16. tho day of the Elks' parade, and walked to Troutdale. He caught a train there for The Dalles, and went from there to Biggs by train, and proceeded to Denver by easy stages arriing thero August 27. Sheriff Word, states that the article In the Salt Lake paper, which alleges that William Saxtonf with whom Gonzales once had trouble and J. L. Anderson are one and the same man is In error. Sheriff Word says Saxton Is In Leadvllla with the woman known as Marcellus Gonzales, supposed to be tho wlfo of the prisoner. The Sheriff says he Is still Investigating tho murder case, and expects some de velopments soon. KILLED BY ' ESCAPING GAS William R. Holmes Is Found Dead in Xjodging-Hbuse. From gao tha escaped from a Jet turned on by himself accidentally, Will lam R. Holmes, aged 65 years, died In his room at 200 North Twenty-third street, and his body was found by the landlady early yesterday morning. Coroner Finley took charge and Investigated. There will be no inquest. The remains will be shipped to the former home In Missouri. Miss Holmes and Mrs. Minnie O'Neill, living In Oregon City, are cousins of the unfortunate man; Holmes was here visiting the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Doyx rsE roox ore. For use on sewing machines, btcyclea and all purposes requiring a fineaubrtcaat the best Is cheapest In the end. Genulae Singer oil can. only be obtained at Singer store. Look for the red S. 254 Morrison St., 402 Washington st, 540 Williams ave., Portland. Oregoa. Xaln M., Orecon City. Or, BEECHEY GUIDES AIRSHIP YOUNG AERONAUT MAKES SUC CESSFUL FLIGHT. With Balloon or "The Gelatine" and Framework of Another Craft , He Makes Ascent. Another successful flight was made yes terday morning by a combination of the two airships at tne Exposition.part City of Portland and part Gelatine, with Lin coln Beechey. the 18-year-old boy aero naut, at the helm. The balloon of the Gelatine was used, to which was attached the engine and framework of the City of Portland. The balloon attachment of the City of Portland, which was badly dam aged last Saturday by being torn by a branch of a tree, Is still undergoing re pairs. As the weather yesterday was very favorable, and the flight of the City of Portland had been announced, it was de cided to use tho balloon of the Golatine. The ascension was made a few minutes after 11 o'clock In the morning. The air ship arose about 100 feet In the air. with the propeller and the rudder working per fectly. Beechey headed the airship across Guild's Lake, rapid headway being made. Upon reaching the Government building, the airship described a graceful figure eight around the towers, and then re crossed the lake. It made a bee line for the main entrance of the Exposition grounds, where It executed many maneu vers. Beechey hovered a few minutes over the newspaper row and the Adminis tration building, lowering and raising the airship at will. At ono time he was so low that the rope hanging from tho frame work lacked only a few inches of touching the colonnades. Beechey returned to the aeronautic con course direct from the vicinity of the Ad ministration building. After making sev eral circles of the concourse, the airship slowly descended, alighting within Ave feet of the place whence It began its Journey in the air. The general opinion I3 that the flight yesterday morning was the most successful and satisfactory flight that has yet been made. Not once, while he was in the air. did Beechey lose con trol of the airship, not even for a single minute. He directed It in any direction he desired, either with or against the wind. Several times, to demonstrate his absolute control, Beechey managed the airship In such a manner as- to have it re main stationary In the air. although a Might breeze was blowing. , The flight yesterday morning practically demonstrates that the propeller and en gine of the Gelatine are at fault. When Tomllnson made his flight and his airship failed to respond to Its propeller In the way it should. It was thought perhaps that the balloon attachment was out of pro portion to the engine. The engine of the City of Portland Is no larger than that of the Gelatine. The propeller of the Gelatine does not catch the wind as It should, although Its revolutions are much more rapid. The City of Portland, or the combination airship, will make another flight at the Exposition Saturday morn lngat 11 o'clock. Tomllnson is at work on the engine of the Gelatine, and he hopes to have It in condition to make an other flight wltihn a few days. COURT-MARTIAL FOR MINER General Stafr Will Follow Up Revel ations of Tnggart Case. WASHINGTON, Sept, 6. The War De partment Is awaiting the determination of the Taggart divorce suit now In prog ress at Wooster, O., before proceeding to take military action in the case. Gen. eral Miner, whose name has been drawn into the case by the Captain's attorneys, hag preferred formal charges against Taggart, and a recommendation has been made to the General Staff by the proper omcers tnat an inspector be detailed to make a thorough examination of the tes timony so far taken. The General Staff has simply suspended action upon this recommendation until tho determination of the suit, but.lt will undoubtedly be approved and upon the report to be submitted by the Inspector will' hinge the department's decision as to whether there shall be court-martial proceedings, and whether in suchase not only Captain Taggart but other officers whose names have been drawn Into the case shall be placed on trial. Sentenced, to Penitentiary. J. H. Boggess and tJEarles Peterson, two young men who pleaded guilty to entering the store of W. C. Kiltz at 283 East Morrison street, on August 6, with intent to commit burglary, were each sen tenced by Judge Frazer yesterday to two years In the penitentiary. They were both paroled during good behavior, with instructions to report at regular Inter vals to the Prisoners' Aid Society. They have been in trouble before, but not of ucb a serious character. The court de cI4e4 to give them one more chance. In the regular course of proceedings be fore the City Council yesterday. Council man Bennett introduced an ordinance reg ulating the sale of liquors in barrooms, saloons, hotels and restaurants and pro hibiting boxes, boths. stalls and private rooms, alcoves and other rooms In con nection with barrooms, saloons, hotels and restaurants In which liquors are sold In quantities less than one quart, and pro viding as follows: It shall be unlawful for any person to con duct, carry on. open, or maintain any res taurant, bar-room, or saloon within the City of Portland that has connected therewith any box. hooth. stall, or any private room, except as hereinbefore provided: provided. however, that this ordinance shall not apply to hotels or restaurants In which spirituous, malt, or fermented liquors are not sold In which any such box. booth, stall or prlvata roam is so constructed as to be entirely open upon the side facing any ball, hallway, passageway, or room, and the sides thereof Co not exceed seven feet in height. Appearances indicated that the measure had crept into the procedlngs like the vis itation of a midnight marauder, but the element of surprise was lacking, and It has since developed that it had received full consideration at a secret meeting of 11 members of the Council on Tuesday night, at the office of Councilman Sharkey. In the Chamber of Commerce building, and that there was considerable opposition to Its adoption in the shape presented. Sharkey, however, must have bolted the caucus, because the ordinance was no sooner Introduced than he was on his feet with a cry about class legislation, and made apparently strenuous efforts to have It amended In some way. Bennett contended that the only class that would be affected by Sharkey's pro posed amendment would be those who did. not Intend to conduct respectable places. He asked a suspension of the rules and that the measure be placed on Its final passage. Masters opposed any hasty action, on the ground that an ordinance of such grave Importance should be referred to the proper committee. "If It will not stand Investigation,' said he, "it ought not tc pass." Vaughn also spoke against suspending the rules. The motion to refer was lost, and the ordinance was Anally passed by the fol lowing vote: Ayes Annand. Beldlng, Bennett, Dunning. Gray, Kellaher, Mene fee, Preston, Rushlight. Shepherd. Wills 1L Noes Masters, Sharkey, Vaughn, Wallace 1. The saloon men were In high glee last night over the situation, claiming that the enforcement of the ordinance will have the effect of prohibiting the sale of li quor In the grillroom of the Portland Hotel by reason of Its not being on the main floor, and will also prevent the serving of liquor In any bedroom of that and other local hotels. Including the Hotel Oregon. Perkins and Imperial, while the box and alcove features would stop the sale of drinks In the Pantheon. Grant Scott'3 place, the vHoffman, Theodoro Trautman's cafe. FrahkHuber's and Dr. Brown's establishment, and that Its en forcement will arouse such an obnoxious sentiment In the community that It will kill all future municipal legislation rela tive to boxes and that matters will ulti maely drift back Into old conditions. Some of them were so bold as to assert that Mayor Lane was placed In the posi tion of not knowing whether he was afoot or hosoback on the proposition, holding that it would be up to him to order the police to raid the grillroom of the Portland Hotel as soon as it be comes a law, and that he would hesitate to do this. Joseph Dlcner Arraigned. Joseph Diener, a traveling salesman for Hlbbard. Spencer, Bartlett Company, who Is accused ot having In September, 1903. sold his samples, consisting of pocket knives, razor strops, scissors, rifles, etc.. was arraigned yesterday before Judge Frazer, and was allowed until Saturday to plead. The specific charge 13 embezzle ment. Diener sold the goods to Philip Stein,, a Third-street merchant. Articles of Incorporation. Incorporation articles of- the Continental Company were filed In the County Clerk's office yesterday by P. W. Henderson. G. E. Walling and J. X. Stevens; capital stock, J25.00O. The objects announced are to build, buy, own, lease, operate and con trol stores, houses, mills etc Anarchists Cause Panic. BARCELONA, Spain, Sept. 6. A panic prevails here over the anarch istic agitation. Tourists are abandoning- the hotels and leaving the city. The police have seized a Socialist pa per for applauding the recent bomb explosion here. Two Classes of Fair Women Some are fair because they happen so, others- attain the clear, rosy com plexion, soft skin, clear eyes, easy, graceful carriage to' their healthful bodies because they are careful what those bodies are made- of, in other words, they select food that will nourish. They don't eat "everything that comes along.' ' Every woman should read the little book in each pkg. of Q rape Nuts for "The Boad to Wellville" is the road to healthful beauty. ."Thre, Rcasem"