. -" - - - r V . - t Jinwitt" Ji temim TOL. XLV.-NO. 13,962. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RIOTING IN TOKIO AGAINST TREATY Mobs Attack Police Stations and Many Are Killed and Wounded. JAPAN ANGRY WITH ENVOYS Tiro Killed and 500 Wounded In Conflict Terms Condemned Throughout Empire Re action Favors Treaty. TOKIO, Sept. 6 (10 A. M.) Rioting broke out here last Tueadny night In connection with, the dlmmtl-ifnetlon over the reult of the pence settle ment. There were several clashes irlth the police and It Is estimated that two -were killed and COO wounded. The riot ing, ceased at inldntcht. Police stations were the only property destroyed. TOKIO, Sept. 6. (3 P. 91.) It still continues quiet here, but trouble la feared tonight. TOKIO CROWDS ARE RIOTOUS Mob Office of Government Organ and Hold Mass Meetings. TOKIO. Sept- 6. The first turbu lence attendant on the popular anger over the torms of peace arranged with Russia took place today. A mass meeting to protest against the action of the government was called to take place at Hibiya Park, but the metro politan police closed the gates and at tempted to prevent the assemblage of the people. The municipality protested against the action of the police, and .finally the gates were thrown open and a largo crowd gathered and voted in favor of resolutions, declaring the na tion humiliated and denouncing the terms upon which the treaty of peace was arranged. The crowd was serious in its con duct, rather than angry, and the police handled it discreetly. The gathering eventually dispersed in an orderly manner. Later on, however, a crowd attempt- ! d to hold a meeting In the Shintomi Theater and the police 'dispersed it A portion of the crowd then proceeded to the office of the "Kokumln Shim bun," the government organ, and be gan hooting. Three employes of the paper, armed with swords, appearod at the doors of the building and checked the attack, and the police again dis persed the crowd. It was thought that the trouble had passed, when sudden ly a portion of the crowd made a, rush at the building, hurled stones and dam aged some of the machinery. Several persons were injured during the attack, but the police eventually cleared the streets of the crowd and arrested a number of tho rioters. The disorder is not general and the situa tion is not serious. Similar meetings have been held at Osaka and Nagoya, which in round terms denounced tho government and asked them to resign. Tho general sontiment throughout the country seems to favo reactionary measures, but it appears clear that the majority of the people will eventually accept the result of the peace conference, however, disappointing it may be. DEVELOP COREA'S RESOURCES Shibusawa Advises Japan to Make Best of Bad Job. TOKIO, Sept. 2. (Delayed in Trans mission.) Baron Shibusawa, discuss ing the peace settlement, declares his dissatisfaction with the terms, but says the Corcan and Manchurlun prob lems have been settled and the purposo of the war realized. "The terms are of Inadequate value." he says, "and the extent of peaco im perfect and unsatisfactory. Still Japan secures paramouncy in Corea. Baron Shlbusawa does not believe the financial basis of Japan will be en dangered by failure to secure indem nity; he has strong confidence in Jap an's productive power and energies; he Eaid: "Let them be applied to the develop ment of railways, mines and other in dustries in Corea. This is not th time to brood over the past and look for future gloom, but it is the time to seize the advantages the future holds. Commercial and Industrial depression following in the wako of an unsatis factory peace is a result 'that cannot be stopped, but it is most unwise to givo ourselves to despair over an It sue which none can alter." A news agency quotes a prominent General as expressing disgust over tho outcry against the peace terms. He declared that the war was not fought for the purposo of securing Indemnity. He says, .Japan has tho power to fuljy recompense herself for the- cost of the war by industrial and commercial de velopment. HAS ONLY ONE DEFENDER Treaty Almost Unanimously Con demned by Japanese Press. TOKIO, Sept 1. (Delayed in trans mission.) The Kokumln is the only metropolitan paper that defends the terms of peace settlement The paper declares that the purpose of tho war has been accomplished and says: 'The war has not been fought to gain money. Russia has been stripped of the control of Manchuria and driven north. More than the aim and pur pose of tho war has been gained by our recognized ascendency in Corea, '"and every reason exists to thank our dele gates and feel especially grateful for. the good offices of President Roose velt" The Nlchi Nlchi calls the. result an Insult to the nation. The J1JI says that it already has ex pressed discontent but now that the die has been cast. It hopes that the government will make adequate pro vision to care for the thousands of families bereft of their breadwinners, and also of the veterans who have been permanently crippled. The Nippon pronounces tho peaoe which has been concluded, the bitterest dose the nation ever was compelled to take. It advises the people to take a lesson from it and gain wisdom and strength to prudently prepare against a similar contingency in the future. Count Okuma, leader of the pro gressive party. In discussing the set tlement, said he was unable to recon cile himself to the result because the conditions preventing Russian aggres sion in Corea and Manchuria wore In sufficient "They leave," he said, "an ample root for Russian ambition in the fu ture. The conditions prevailing before the war are liable to repetition at any time. Both nations agree to evacuate Manchuria, but, if China is unable to maintain order there, Russia will have an opportunity to sow seeds of war, instead of removing .causes for a fu ture dispute. It leaves the conditions exactly as before hostilities began." REACTION BEGINS TO SET IN Conservative Press Turning Opinion In Favor of Treaty. TOKIO, Sept 2, 3 P. M (Delayed In Transmission.) Under a vigorous defense by the conservative Journals supporting the government and a full er and better appreciation of the sit uation confronting the country, pub lic sentiment is showing some evidence of reaction. The argument that it is Impossible for Japan to continue tho bloody war merely for the purpose of securing indemnity is proving effective In allaying dissatisfaction. It is be lieved that when the government is free to explain fully the conditions of the settlement and the logic apper taining to them, their sentiment will largely increase. The entire nation is keenly disap pointed at the outcome. Nowhere throughout the empire has there been a step taken toward the celebration of the conclusion of peace. The radicals continue their campaign against the government demanding the punish ment of those responsible for the com promise. Tho forthcoming Diet is cer tain to be turbulent, and it is predioted that the Katsura government will bn forced from offlc The declines in the market and the unsatisfactory crop conditions, coupled naturally with the heavy obligations of the government, have created a- fear in some quarters that a financial de pression and unsatisfactory business conditions are impending. A prominent banker said today to an Associated Press representative that tho Tokio Exchange was an inac curate barometer of roai conditions, hb lately tho exchange transactions have been largely speculative Th August settlement waa the largest in the history Qf the xchange. Tho re cent decline, he said, was the result of conditions within the exchange and not a correct reflection of goneral condi tions. The banker added There is plenty of monrr la the country and undoubtedly we will weather any diffi culty -which may occur. The repatriation of the army will occupy at least 10 months, there being In round numbers a million of all arras and In every department. This will cost many million yen. The government mar seek a domestic loan, but the disap pointment and depression over the result may show that the people are unwilling to subscribe. However, the government pos sesses considerable money and probably will manage the matter without embarrassment. I believe that much of the prersent agitation will pass away when the people appreciate the conditions. We win mere than we started In to fight for. and occupy a highly satisfactory position before the world. The cabinet and elder statesmen acted wisely, although It I probable that public senti ment will blindly demand that somebody be sacrificed. Knowing the temper and expec tations of the people, the government has shown wonderful and commendable courage by estopping the war. JAPAN CONDEMNS TREATY. Whole Nntion Disappointed and Out- break May Occur. x TOKIO. Friday.' Sept 1. (Delayed in transmission.) The press telegrams out lining peace terms are, further influencing sentiment againJl the settlement The radicals and hot-heads continue to urge various expedients to express the popular disapproval. There has been no -violence and no scenes of turbulence, although, as a precautionary measure, the police re serves have been increased. The police are carefully watching tho developments of the situation, and the force will be doubled should any violence occur. If it does, its speedy suppression is assured. Tho government continues silent The conservative" element predicts that the country will approve the settlement when Its conditions are fully understood. It declares that the present agitation does not present either the ultimate sentiment of tho people or a sufficiently strong mi nority to merit serfbus consideration. Possibly public opinion will become definite when the government Informs the people of the actual results of the Ports mouth conference. There has vet been no information given outTOgardlng the nnai adjustment or the most serious is sues. Telegrams from Kobe, Nogoya, Osaka, Sasebo. TKanazawa, Hlmeji, Kioto and Tokoma express popular dissatisfac tion and dejection over the result. The minor radical papers have thrown oft all restraint and pronounce thft TfnA RttlpTnnt- i rr-iM) V... mlliatlon tho country has ever suffered. xncy even advise a refusal to ratify the treaty, through various expedients. Few flags aro appearing in the capital. In some Instances where enthtiKlnstlr Mti- zens have displayed flags their neighbors nave aavised their removal. The higher middle classes, including commercial and financial men, remain strangely silent but their disappointment is evjaenu -j.ne general market reflect ing the attitude Of denression. cWlln. sharply at the opening today and trading was siuggisn. The bulk of -the people continue apa thetic, while the hostility of the radicals grows. Great Chagrin at Nagasaki. NAGASAKI,' Sept 6. The peace news was received without enthus iasm In the chief centers of Kin Rhin Province. There is a general feeling or chagrin that Japan has been de prlved of the. rightful fruits of vie torV and there Ik dlsnrinn'ntmpnt c neclallv At the fact that nirmnnnt insecurity from Russian aggression haa not oeen securea. The diplomatic failure is considered to be due to the negotiation, comas tmcfox prematurely LETTER-CARRIERS 0F0UND1R1E National- Association Accepts Site Offered by Colo rado Springs. , 160 ACRES IN THE -TRACT Vote on Question of Acceptance Is i Unanimous Large Endowment for Its Maintenance Will Be Raised. COLORADO STRINGS OFFERS SITE FOR LETTER-CARRIERS' SA20TARIUJL "The Merchant' Association of Colo rado Springs. Colo., has the gratifica tion of tendering to the National letter-Carriers Association for the pur pose of establishing a National sani tarium for lettor-carriers one hundred and sixty (1C0) acrea of tho best lo cated land In the State of Colorado. "Together with the Chamber f Commerce and city, state and Na tional officers, who have worked and will work with the one purpose of securing- every poeslble advantage for the National Letter-Carrlers sanitar ium In Colorado Springs; we Invite you to accept the land and locate In this dty. "The Merchants Association of Colo rado Springs will be found ready to .aid you In this commendable under taking." Extract from formal offer raade by Merchants' Association of Colorado Springs. Under the turquoise skies of Colorado will rise a monument to the charitable character of the National Association of Letter-Carrlers as a refuge for invalid members of the fraternity. It will be two or three years. In all probability, before any definite steps will be taken In the direction of making use of the munificent donation of the people of Colorado Spring.", who presented to the organiza tion 160 acres of land adjoining the tract upon which stands the ChlMs-Drexel Home for Union Printers. Preceding recess at the close of the afternoon session of--the. bjennlah conven tion of Letter-Carrieni, the Offer of the Merchants Association of Colorado Spring- was submitted to the dolegates, and when the evening session adjourned the special committee, composed of. John C. Bunton, of Hoboken; B. J. Curlin, of Lynn, and C. B. Ingalls, of Oswego, re ported a recommendation that - the offer of Colorado Springs be adopted. An offer was- received from the Fraternal Con. gress Home at Lao Vegas to accept In valid members of the association, and some delegates were ardently in favor of the proposition. In preference to an at tempt to establish a home devoted ex clusively to letter-carriers. There was prolonged debate, a fefc members being opposed to any venture In the direction of maintaining an institution of such a character. One Cleveland delegate main tained that the white plague is not diffi cult of cure anywhere In the country, and that so few members of the associa tion would patronize the home, if estab lished, that it would be a waste of money. - Generally, howevor, the carriers seemed to be agreed as to the desirability of hav ing such a home, but the objections were raised because of doubt about ability to maintain It. That large sums will be forthcoming for its endowment was the belief expressed by several, the chairman of the committee stating that he is au thorized to pledge now toward the im provements contemplated, from one man. Response Was Unanimous. ' "When tho vote was taken it was prac tically unanimous In favor of accepting the report. At the close of the session the delegates were entertained with stere optlcon views of the site donated, its en SUMMARY OF MEASURES UNDER CONSIDERATION BY NATIONAL LETTER-CARRIERS' ASSOCIATION Following Is a brief summary of the measures Introduced before the Na tional Letter-Carriers' Association that, have been referxrjd to" various com--ml t tees: . Readjustment plan for Mutual Benefit Association. ' ' Insurance plan with increased rates for aged carriers and provision for pensioning superannuated members. Memorial to Congress concerning bill to Increase salaries of letter-carriers. 1 Providing for loans on real estate at 50 per cent of value as Investment for funds of Mutual Benefit Association. Providing that chief collector give all of time to duties of that office. : For change in insurance TatcsA ' Providing for election of delegates to biennial" convention by state con vention. Providing for committee of five to draft laws to govern a sovereign convention composed of delegates selected. by conventions of the various states. , Defining duties of state presidents and vice-presidents. Amendments to constitution and by-laws concerning various features. Request concerning change In the office time of carriers, and also con cerning steps to have publishers send papers in proper shape. Recommending that the United States own the horses and carta for col lection purposes, as recommended previously by the Postmaster-General. Favoring more strict observance of July Fourth. In relation to allowance of time of subcarrler after regular appointment. Requesting arrangement of time so that carlrer will have five, minutes after last trip each day. ' Demand for credit for handling mall matter sent out by other depart ments of Government. Asking proper protection for keys of ecHectors. Provision that Postal Record be mailed direct to residence address of members Instead of to postoffices for distribution. Reimbursing state vice-presidents for expenses lnnirred in visiting, state branches. - Amendments to Jaws governing M. -B. A., and other -branches of th organization. . . , " Plans for promotion of carriers. . Provision that carrier have privilege of-trial before-Federal Judge when charged with an offense making him liable to dismiss!. - vironment and Colorado scenery. Among other illustrations was one showing the source of water supply for the tract, which is guaranteed free water rights, freedom from taxation and other advan tages besides the gift of the acreage. "With considerable enthusiasm a resolu tion was adopted congratulating Presi dent Roosevelt on the conclusion of the treaty of peace, and voicing the apprecia tion of the letter-carriers for his diplo macy in bringing the two nations to an amicable relationship. Adopts Retirement Plan. After two years of careful labor the di rectors of the Retirement Association have succeeded In formulating their plans to an extent that the health Insurance features of fraternal Ism. will be Introduced in the association as an auxiliary.' This question was decided yesterday afternoon, at the conclusion of more than seven hours of debate, in which every phase of the problem came under strict scru tiny, and was finally disposed of by a good, large majority. Briefly stated, the report recommended three divisions of the plan retirement and annuity system: sick and accident benefit plan. In which the age limit was raised to 65 years from 60 years; plan of retirement on pay with out establishment of a civil pension list, by means of a scheme whereby superan nuated or totally disabled letter-carriers may be relieved by the first substitute carrier, who shall receive 60 per cent of the full salary of the disabled or super annuated ' carrier, and the Incapacitated carrier 40 per cent. In the case of a car rier receiving $1000 a year, he would retire on J 403 a year, which, as the dif ferent speakers remarked, would be suf ficient to keep him from becoming a pub lic charge, or an object of charity. Among those taking part in the debate of the afternoon were John C. Bunton, .vice-president, who presided at the after noon session; John J. Goodwin, president of the board of directors of the Retire ment Association, who presented the re port; Charles H. Wilson, of West Bay City; Messrs. Trciber of San Francisco. Newman of Denver, Holland and Hanlon of Boston. Conncn of Chicago. Swan of Providence. Johnson of Columbus, and -Ingalls and Davison of the executive board. Form Women's Auxiliary. Today there will be reported to tho as sociation the organization of the Ladles Auxiliary, which seeks official recogni tion, which Jrt, Is understood will be given. Officers chosen at the organization were: Mrs. Fred Heffleflnger, L6s Angeles, pres ident; Mrs. C. M. Carl, Toledo, vice president; Mrs. W. C. Wheeler. Portland, secretary; Mrs. Bernard Curtln, Lyna. treasurer; Mrs. McGeoy, Pittsburg, ser-geant-at-anns. The accompanying ladies of the mem bers have thus succeeded in organizing an auxiliary that it is anticipated will "become an Important social division of the association. 4ts formation has long AIMUSTTXG I.Sri CKACi: KATES. Th- committee or. Mutual Benefit Association, which has tho duty of adjusting In-jurance rates. Is ai 'fol lows: A. T. -Watklns. Louisville. Ky.. chairman: Thomas Doud. secretary. New York City; Charles H. Beavis. Detroit: Fred Lander, Milwaukee; A. E. Kllnk. Portland: B. F. Desmond. Boston; C F. "Wilson. "West Bay City; "W. J. Loomls. Seattle: "W. J. Mangan. South Omaha; Charles F. Ferry. St. Louis; Alexander McDonald, Grand Rapids; Adam Baker. Des Moines; Frank Emerick. Chicago; D. K. Lorn berg. Minneapolis; J. S. Krause, Elk hart; De- La Fountalne, San FrancUco; H. Storch. Cincinnati; W. J. Sanborn. Loa Angeles; George Slater. Brooklyn: C. M. O'Brien. Cleveland; L. V. Craven. New Orleans; "W. H. Denny, Buffalo: A. J. Taylor. St. Paul; A. p. Hansen. Omaha; A. B. Rose. Colum bus; J. T. Rub lean. Spokane; W. R Miner, Boise, and members of the M. B. A. board as follows: S. E. Gra ham. Kansas City; Chris Loughwood, Detroit; C P. Kelly, New Tork City: Wilmot Dunn, chief collector, Nash ville. been contemplated and the Portland con vention will be memorable for Its becom ing an accomplished fact. Parade of Lctter-Carricrs. At 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon there will be a parade of the visiting members of the National Association of Letter Carrlers, headed by the St. Louis Letter Carriers Band and with other musical organizations in the line. After appear- (Conclcded on Page 14.) 0 UT EE MS Government Will Go Ahead With Klamath Irrigation Project. ABANDON MALHEUR WORK Xcvrell Says Government Will Xq Longer Coax Owners of Wagon Road Lands and Other Large Holdings., OREGON! AN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Sept. 6. (SpedaL) The Govern ment Irrigation project in the Klamath basin In Oregon Is certain to be built and construction will commence at an early day. This assurance Is given by F. H. Newell. Chief Engineer of the Reclama tion Service, who was recently in Klamath County and at Portland. Mr. Newell is unable at this time to say along what lines the Klamath project will be con structed. Its exfeirt and aggregate cost depend entirely upon tho amount of land that Is signed for. If the owners of large ranches are will ing to co-operate with the Klamath Water- Users Association, and will divide their land Into farm units and dispose of them according to the terms of the reclamation law, every irrigable acre In Klamath Ba sin for which there is water will be re claimed, but. on the other hand, if these large landowners are" unwilling to sign for their lands, the project will be built upon restricted lines, and possibly ot more than J2.00Q.O0O will be expended, not withstanding that more than W.COO.COO have been set apart for this work. Promnt Action Expected. Mr. Newell says the small landowners in Klamath Basin, men who' understand and- appreciate the value o f Irrigation, have already signed for their lands, and he expects before long the Secretary of the Interior will put his approval on the Klamath Water-Users Association, and immediately thereafter the Reclamation Service will undertake the construction of the project, which will water vacant pub lic lands, and the lands whose ownership came Into thi Water-Users A-nsocIatlbrtr; Mr. Newell questions whether many large landowners will meet the require ments of the Government, but. If they do notr they will not receive one drop of wa ter from the Government canals. No ef fort will be made by the Reclamation Service to persuade these owners to sign for and subdivide their lands. If they care to, all right; If they are unwllllpg. as they Indicated to Mr. Newell, the Gov ernment will go ahead and water all lands but theirs. - Leavo Out Large Owners. After going over the Klamath Basin and talking with farmers and landowners and studying the project with his engi neers, Mr. Newell says there Is apparent ly nothing which stands. in the way of the construction or the Klamath project. For tunately, the lay of the country Is such that the project can be built In segments, and the failure of the large landowners ffo sign for their lands will not hinder work, nor will it Increase tho cost of the project to those persons who do sign ulti mately after Irrigation has been demon strated a success, and it is shown that a small Irrigated farm will support a fam ily. It Is believed the large holdings In the Klamath Basin wll bo subscribed to the Government project, but until those lands are voluntarily subscribed they will be, left out. There is to be no coaxing. Malheur Problem Hopeless. Mr. Newell speaks disparagingly of the situation In Malheur County. He seems thoroughly disgusted with the manner In which the owners of wagon-road lands under that project have acted, and, while he does not censure them, he clearly in dicates that, unless those persons change their tactics, sign for their lands on a fair basis and act In absolute good faith towards the settlers of Malheur County, these settlers must suffer. Mr. Newell is now convinced that it was a mistake to have ever urged the wagon road landowners to sign for their 33.000 acres of alternate Sections. When they became convinced that the Government wanted their lands, they became more, and more Independent until now they Im pose terms which the Government cannot accept, for their acceptance would de feat the project, therefore the Govern ment will exert no more pressure upon the wagon road people if they fail to sign for their lands. The money set apart for the Malheur project may be turned to someXother lo cality. There are many projects In.other states where this money could be ex pended 'immediately, and even now there is talk of diverting the Malheur allot ment because of the apparent Inability of "the Government to get reasonable terms from" the wagon road owners. Will Let Yakima Alone. In the Yakima Valley in Washintgon the Government has also changed Its policy and will nd longer urgo landowners and owners of private Irrigatlorfystems to adjust their differences. It has offi cially announced that untM the 'conflict ing rights of irrigators along the Yak ima Valley are adjusted on a souad business basis the Government will not undertake reclamation In that region and puts it up to the people themselves to say that the Government should build and when it shall hulld. Mr. Newell says the present situation in the Yakima Valley is so complicated and Involved that it would be utter folly for the Government t9 attempt to enter that field, but, if the pending conflicts shall bo adjusted and. work la this direction ki now. under way WILL LEAVE then the Government will be able to build storage works on the headwaters of the Yakima River and its tributaries and practically double the irrigated area In the valley. For the time being the Wash ington office -will not concern itself over the Yakima situation, but will leave that matter in the hands of the supervising engineer, D. C. Heney. in charge of the work In Oregon and Washington. LAST JAPANESE VICTORY Russians Driven From Positions at Front With Heavy Loss. TOKIO. Sept. 2. (Delayed In transmis sion.) An official report says: "The Japanese army attacked the Rus sians at Chyongtuyang on September 1. The Russian forces consisted of four bat talions, six guns and several hundred cavalry. The district was mountainous and difficult, but Anally the Japanese ar tillery successfully attacked the Russian left and occupied their position at 9 o'clock In the morning. Tho Russians strongly resisted west of Chyongtuyang, but were forced to retire at 11 o'clock. "Another Japanese detachment defeated the Russians at Heanlnkokal and pur sued them. Japanese casualties were one officer killed, and five officers and 60 men wounded. Tho Russians left 10 dead on the field." FINAL DEFEAT OF RUSSIANS Japanese Crush Remnant of Army on Sakhalin. TOKIO, Sept. 2. (Delayed in transmis sion.) An official report announces the complete and crushing defeat of the rem nant of the Russian forces, after five hours severe fighting at Nalbutu, on the west coast of the Island of Sakhalin. The Russians killed numbered 130. The cas ualties of the Japanese were slight. Japanese Advance in Manchuria. ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 6. Telegraph ing to Emperor Nicholas, under date of September 5, General Xlnlevltch reported that the Japanese, September 4, started to advance along the Mandarin road and commenced constructing entrenchments, but retired after meeting the Russian ar tillery fire. The General also reported an offensive movement by several battaliqns of Jap aneseaccompanied by cavalry and artil lery in North Corea. September 3, but the result was not announced in time to be sent off in the dispatch to the Emperor. Russian Defeat in Corea. TOKIO, Sept. 6. The Japanese defeated the Russians in a series of sharp en gagements In Northern Corea, on Septem ber L FALL FROM FERRIS WHEEL Man and Wife Dashed to Earth. Wife Dead, Husband Dying, ST. PAUL, 8ept. 6. In the presence of thousands, of visitors at the State Fair late this afternoon. Mr. and-Mrs. F. R. 8eventhal of Eau Claire. Wis., both aged about 50 years, fell from the upper car of a Ferris wheel to the ground, a dis tance of nearly 100 feet. Mrs. Seventhal was instantly killed and her husband so badly-fnjured that he may not live. The accident created a scene bordering on a panic. The car was descending and the seat In which they were suung orouc, precipitating them to the grouna. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER Tho "Weather. YESTERDATS Maximum temperature, 76 dec: minimum. 54. TODAY'S Cloudy and threatening. Prob ably cooler Winds shifting to souineny. The Peaco Treaty. Serious riots In Tokio against terms of Deace. Pago 1. Public opinion In Japan almost unanimous aralnst treaty, race l. Conservative element strives to bring- reac tion; Page 1. Fighting continued on Sunday. Page 1. Czar dismisses naval officers who aurren dered. Page 1. Envoys given ovation in Boston and New York. Page 4. Foreign. Terrible state of anarchy In Caucasus Page 3. Bomb-throvring in Russia. Page 3. Slaughter of Jews In KlshinefT. Page 3. Franco prepares to whip Morocco. Page 4. More cholera In Germany. Page 5. National. Dr. 8alraoa resigns by Roosevelt' request. Page 3. Railroads answer charge of discrimination in refrigerator rates. Page 4. Mae Wood tells how Piatt killed post check system. Page 4. Government will immediately Irrlrate Klam ath Basin, cutting out large holdings. Pago L $ Chlnee boycott Joclarci more serious. Paso 1. Domestic. Insurance investigation brings out Important facts. Page 3. Grand Army parade In Denver. Page 4. Health measures killing yellow fever despito rain. Pago 3. Mission board's' report on tainted money. Page 1. Pat Crowe shoots policeman and escapes. Page 2. Folk'a party all pay fare. Page 4. Sailors lost off South American coast. Page S, Sport. Manager Coffrotb says referee for BrlttOet son Cgbt has been chosen. Page 7. Pacific Coast. Fire breaks out with renewed fury in forests of ZJnn County. Page 0. Oregon convict labor will not be pleased on long itrn. jrage o. Reclamation. Statistician Blanchard sayn ex perlment farms may be established In Klamath. Page S. CoBuacrclal. and Marine. Local poultry market demoralized. Page 15. California wool trading light. Page 15. Further fall in atock prices. Page 13. Chicago wheat market affected by weather reports. ag& 10. Crew refused duty. Page 7. Comeric sails. Page 7. Paciae Mall steamer may come. Page 7. World's FaJr. Manufacturers Carnival .begins tonight. Page 10. Idaho will have big celebration today. Pago 10. ' Yesterday's attendance at the Exposition, 10.090- Page 10. Fortlaad a4 Vicinity. Lettr-Carrler accept Cclorado Springs offer of cite for home. Page 1. Jury finds Joe Young guilty of assault upon Kaspar van uran.'age n. Republican' discuss Frank C. Baker's peace plan. fJLS e v. Miss Lucie Arcjier Chamberlain, daughter or Governor, fcna tnsign Blair. TJ. S. N., married. ii'ag v. CounclL pacres plumbing Inspector ordinance over Mayors veto, page 10. New box ordinance passed by Council. Page" 10. Marlon R. Biggs Is III: land-fraud trial may b delayed. ,Page 10. Oregon State Federation of Labor opposes Chines. Japanese and Corean immigra tion. Page 11. Hop bears p!n,great stampede. Pare 14. BOYCOTT HURTS THER NATIONS Millard Says Chinese Move ment Is Growing More Serious. BOXER ORDERS REVIVING Correspondent Long Resident In tha Orient Says aiovement Is PolIt- leal and Bockhlll Was Misled About It, i TACOMA, Wash., Sept. S. (Special.) Various reports of the Chinese boy cott against American-made goods were brought by the steamship Tre mont, which arrived from the Orient today. Probably the best-posted, pas senger fin the subject was Thomas F. Millard, special correspondent for Scribner's Magazine, who has 3pent tha most of the past four years in study ing conditions in the Orient. He de clares that the boycott'is of a more se rious nature than this Government Is aware. Mr. Millard, says: "The boycott Is working an injury not only to the United States but all foreign countries. At tho outset our country was probably the only one af fected, but matters have changed. Th newspapers owned or subsidized by Germans. French and English, for a while poked fun at the boycott, but when It began to hurt their countries, a different opinion was expressed. Those firms which handle American made goods also .sell the products of other countries and it is impossible for the boycott to damage the trade of one country without seriously affecting that of another. "It is even hurting the Chinese in dustries, which label their products with American chops or trade-marks. When the movement started; tho pro moters never intended to let It go so far. Most of the Chinese are of such an ignorant class that, when they get started. It is like givhfg a bull mora rope.". Mr. Millard Is of the opinion that tha boycott was inaugurated for political purposes and not for commercial. In some parts of China he says the condi tions are similar to those existing ber fore the Boxer uprising. Some of tha old Boxer orders are now being re vived. "If the Chinese government wanted to," ha continued, "It could stamp out this boycott. In Northern China It was easily squelched. Viceroy Yuan Shi Kal put his foot down on the plans of the agitators. They feared that, if tha order of the Viceroy was disobeyed, they would be beheaded. I am of the opinion that, if the other officials had taken the matter Into hand as flrm,ly as Yuan Shi Kal did, the boycott would have been ended before this." Mr. Millard believes the United States Government has not been informed properly regarding the boycott. He says Minister Rockhill has been given a wrong street as It were and "did not know what was keeping the pot boil ing." Chinese Trade for Pacific Ports. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept 6. (Spe cial.) The Sun Ning Railway, in, which Portland Chinese merchants ara Interested, will dredge out the harbor of Sam Gbp, about 300 miles from Hongkong, construct wharves and ask that steamship service between north ern ports and China be extended, to that point. The road Is projected to tap the southern part of Canton Province and will furnish a new and rich traffic. It is proposed by the Chinese cap italists to divert this to Northern American ports. The policy of the rail way promoters 13 strongly against tha American boycott. FIGET LIQUOR WITH LI PREACHER -LAWYER OF OHIO IS COMEfC TO OREGON. Resigns From Ministry and 'Returns to Law to Work for the Anti-Saloon League. CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. (Special.) Rev. Cyrus M. Van, Pelt,- pastor of Ox ford Methodist Church, Hamilton, O., to day handed his resignation to the trus tees of his congregation, explaining that he had accepted an. offer from the Anti Saloon League of Oregon to represent tho league in that state as its attorney. Mr. Van Pelt for several years was rec ognized as one of Ohio's, most able law yers before. he entered the ministry. He has been a- leader In the fight for' local option in this state, in which he has been partially successful. He announces that he will employ the same methods in Oregon that he employed here, and will strive, .through rigid prosecutions to en force the liquor laws wherever they ara in force. Mr. Van Pelt is a firm believer in the Influence of women over men at the polls, and will solicit the aid of women's tem perance organizations in his Oregon work. Interned Cruiser Prepares to Go. VALLEJO, Cal., Sept. 6. The Russian cruiser Lena will leave here Saturday for San Francisco to be docked, paint ed, and scraped. She then will return for three days to the Navy-yard to take on her suns i