EELB HOkXING OltjEGmjSTTUESDAX, SEPTEMBER 5, 1905. nifn rrnrrm UiTCT nnnTTMO I, J N rt tML nicL rjcruvimo It JOBS DELAYED Ym- Hitches in Washington Keep Appointments From Being ,:r. DAVITS, Pre. 'rH Announced. M'BRIDE AND BEAN BOOMS Uosebur Receivership and Also the Rcglslcrshlp of That Office Sought by Aspirants for Place In Oregon. Tw FeSeral jobs in Orogon are with hold from the faithful by hitches in Washington the-District Judgeship and the Roseburg Receivership. The Regis lcrshlp at Roseburg Is also up in the air. though B. L.. Eddy, of Tillamook, seem to have his hooks in it safely. What's the matter with President Roosevelt that he doesn't appoint the new Judge cither Thomas A. McBride or Jtob ert S. Bean? "Why Is it that a month ago it was announced from the Depart ment of Justice that Bean would prob ably be choson, and two weeks later from "inside sources" at Washington, that Mc Bride would be the man, yet that up to this moment, neither has landed the Job? Questions Fret the Boomers. These questions are fretting the gray manor of the Bean and the McBrldo boomers not a little, and they engage Sen ator Fulton's thoughts, too. The Senator came up from Astoria to attond the see slons of the letter-carriers. Yes, he was surprised at the President's delay, also He supposed the peace conference at Portsmouth had engaged so much of the President b attention that the Judge selec tlon had been relegated. ptovr that poaco was in sight, the Senator supposed that the appointment would be made very noon; he hoped right away. He did not know who would get the plum; he had roceU'ed no late news from "Washington on the subject. And forthwith the Sen ator was lifted up the hotel elevator to his sooond-floor room. Abou Middle of September. News dispatches from Washington hare announced that the President will pick the Judge about the middle part of the present month. Boomers of Bean and McBride wonder why the President has put oft the matter until that time. Once the Bean men believed their candidate had the Job corraled, for Attorney-Gen erai Moody preferred him to any other aspirant. But there came a hitch some where, and the McBride boom grew. Sen ator Fulton at first was inclinod to side with Bean, though McBride was his pref erence, when Charles H. Robb, assist ant to the Attorney-General, was in Portland looking into the eligibility of tne several candidates. Senator Fulton Is understood to have spoken highly of Bean and to have beon favorable to his an polntment. That was before it seemed that McBride had a chance for the office. Later, when McBride was trotted out and the signs in his favor Improved, Fulton lined up behind him. McBride is Fulton's candidate, and is receiving the whole of the Senators support. This does not moan, however, that Fulton is fighting Bean; only that he is pulling fr another man. And Senator Fulton has informed tne President and the department at Washington that McBride Is the man to whom the Job is due. Opposition to McBride. The opposition to McBride is understood to be based chiefly on two grounds: First. his advanced years, his age being 5S; sec ond, his close political relations heretofore with the McBride-Mltchell-Willlamson camp. It has been alleged that, owing to those relations, the Government's in terost might not He in his acting as Judge In the land-fraud trials. And the close affinity between the McBride element that centers about ex-Senator George "W. Mc Bride. Judge McBride's brother, and the Matthews machine of Portland, is under stood to have contributed to the delay In Judge McBride's appointment. Further more, the President has said that he de sires to appoint a "young" man say. be tweon 4 and 50 years. B. L. Eddy, of Tillamook, at one time was agreed on by Secretary" Hitchcock for Register at Roseburg. Several aspir ants were in the running for the Receiv ership, some of them being men who aid ed Senator Fulton's election In the Legis lature of 1908. Senator Fulton took up G. B. Hegardt, formerly engineer in charge of the Jetty work at the mouth of the Columbia River. That was sovoral months ago. Meanwhile the Roseburg Land Office Is closed, and business is pil ing up for the new officers when they shall be named. Photographers in Convention. Photographers of the Northwest met in Arion Hall yesterday for the open ing session of a convention which will continue fenir more days, closing Fri day. About 150 delegates are in at tendance and the convention bids fair to be successful In every' way. The hall where the meetings are held has been decorated with a display of pho tographs, embracing- the best work of artists in Oregon and Washington and Including a number of pictures from California galleres. Gold and silver medals and ribbonB will be awarded for the best pictures In the various classes. The committee on awards Is Struck Aune, of Portland; A. L. Jackson, of Tacoma, and Lewis Thors, of San Fran cisoo. The meeting: yesterday afternoon "was simply introductory to the work of the convention. Speeches of wel come were, made by President H. ID. Travers. of Salem, and Mayor Harry Lane. President Lewis Thors, of the California State Association, replied. The remainder of the meeting- was oc cupied by routine business. Three ses sions will be held today, the first be ginning at 9 A. M. Stranger Shoots at Walter. As T. C. Moody, a waiter in the em ploy of House's Tcstaurant, was re turning to his home on West avenue, North Mount Tabor, some one un known to him Jumped from tho brush near' the roadway and with a vile re mark fired two shots at him, which la lied to reach their mark. Moody says be has no knowl edge as to the person or the motive that led to the shooting-, and that the affair happened so quickly that he was unable to g-et a good look at his as sailant, who disappeared immediately upon firing the shots. The police will Investigate the affair today. St. Johns Council Meets. The St Johns Council, Mayor W. H. IClng presiding:, iaat nipfct met and ad journed until this evening without transacting any business, it being- La bor day. Most of the members of the Council were present. Councilman Leg gett was asked when tho end of the deadlock wag likely to take place. He aaid significantly that there would be an efid very soon, but he did not ven ture .zthzxs t& .Handing?' wouU take, EUROPEAN PLAN , tLN to W.W Per Day According to Lcfcalion. St. Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.)' FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Pimm Rooms 76c to $2.00 First-Class RestaHrant -in Coaaectlos m ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and from all trains Rates 75c t place. He did say, however, that Daniel Brecht, who had been voted for the past week to take Edwards' place. wouid never be olected, and that no man who favored liquor license could be elected. Councilman Edwards, the storm center of the controversy, was prosent. Mr. Edwards said that he .should leave the Council as soon as he had boon vindicated of the charges and Insinuations that had been made against him. It is also said that Coun cilman P. J. Peterson is about to Insti tute a civil action for damages against Councilman J. H. Shields, who road the charges against Peterson and perhaps a criminal proceeding would also be in stituted. Ills Offense Xot Criminal. Jay H. Upton, late clork for Judge Web ster, in securing legal businoss for H. H. Rlddell and others was guilty of nothing more than indiscretion, and committed no criminal offense. The most that can be said is that he should not have recom mended the employment of any certain attorney in cases that came to his notice while acting as a clerk In the County Court. Mr. Upton denies having rocelved any share of fees collected. District At torney Manning will Investigate the mat ter, only to ascertain if Mr. Upton haa done anything more than to assist attor neys to get business. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 4. Maximum tempera ture. 78 deg.; minimum, 49. River reading at 8 A. M.. 2.S feot; change 1b past 24 hours. fall. u.2 of a foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M- to 5 P. M., none; total since Septem ber 1. 1005, none; nermal. .14 of an inch; de ficiency. 14 of an inch. Total sunshine Sep tember 3. 1005. C hours and 57 minute; pos sible, 13 hours and 12 minute?. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at P. M.. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. is n : STATIONS. Baker City.... 78 0.001 SjN fCiear 72 0.00 SfSE itfotfdy 80 0.00 SjW (Clear 58 0.00 4NW ICiMdy 72 T J OtS (Cloudy 8 0.001 JfW JCleftr 82 T I 4 W jctoudy 78 0.001 SNWtClear H0 0.001 OS (Clear S20.00 6 ICkMMij K0 0.00 12tS (Clear 80 0.02 SSE fCtHJr r.S e.OQ 12 W iCIeudy 82 0.0 eW Clear 72 0.0ft' fl:NW (Clear SOfo.OOl 4fW )Clear Bismarck. ..... Boise Eureka Helena. North Head.... Pocatello Portland Red Bluff Rooeburgr. ...... Sacramento Salt Lake City.. San Francisco.. Spokane Seattle Walla Walla... T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light rata fell this afternoon la South eastern Idaho and a thuaderahower is re ported at Helena. Mont EM sew here In the Rocky Mountain and the Pacific Coast Status fair weather nan prevailed. It is smoky in the Pacific Northwest and la the interior of Northern California. The indications are for partlv doudv weather in thle district Tuesday, with high er temperatures east ef the Cascade Moun tains. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours ending at midnight, September S: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy. Northerly winds. A western Oregon and Western Washington Partly cloudy. Winds meetly northerly. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair and slightly warmer. Eastern Washington and Northern Idafac Fair. A B. WOLLABER. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Aider nnd Park ft s.. at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker fi.- .Co.. Auctioneers. At Residence. 403 Market St.. near car line Sale at 2 P. M. Gee. Baker & Co., Auctioneers. At Gllman'o. No. 413 WasMncten at.. i A. M. S. L. N. GHman. Auctioneer. At 271 First St.. by the Portland Anctfctn Rooms. Sale at 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. C. L. Ford, Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson at 01 Park street North at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auetleneer. MEETING NOTICES. A. & S. RITE, OREGON LODGE OF PERFECTION, NO. 1 Regular meeting In Memorial Hall, Scottish Rite CatbedrsJ, this eveniijg at 8 o'clock. By order VEN. MASTER. IVANHOE LODGE. NO 1. Tv. OP T.Tl-r: ular convention tonight at 8 o'clock la Pyth ian Hall, 8th floor, Marquam Wdg. Page rank. Visiting Knlghus cordially Invited. , , L. E CROUCH, C C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of R. and S. DIED. SPALDING Jn this city. September 4. 1005. uia byivester spaiding. aged 51 years, s months and 10 days, beloved wife of E. P. Spalding. Funeral announcement later. Cincinnati. O.. papers please copy. FUNERAL NOTICES. WHITE In this city. September 2, 1005. Mrs. Alasda II. White acra 40 rears. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Fu neral services 10:30 A. M. today (Tues day), September 5. 1005, at Holman's chapeL corner Third and Salmon streets. Interment, Rlverview Cemetery. DUNNING, M'ENTEE GILBAUGIL Suc cessors to Dunning Campion, undertakers and embalm ers; modern in every detail; 71 h and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady asMstent. EDWARD HOLMAN COM .Undertakers 'ai)d embalmers, have moved to their nevr build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 507. J. P. FIN LEY t SON. Funeral Directors, cor. Sd and Madison. Office of County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Et Alder. Lady asstntast. Telephone East 52. ZELLEK-BYRXES CO.. Undertakers, Era- halmer. 278 XihhmsUs Eat IMS. Lads- smI I jj Wind. 2. H HI I ? ? f PORTLAND, OREGON ."Xlrst-Clasf Check KeiUtrraBt Connected With Hotel. C O. DAVIS, Sec and Treat, to $3.00 Per Day : , AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater C Indira I. W. T. KS0CUT15I C. EiMl rmJiiit Morrison Street between Cth and 7th. Phone Main 868. TONIGHT AT S.20 O'CLOCK. Every UIght This Week, Except Saturday. special jaaunee datura ay. WILTON LAC&AYE Excellent Supporting Company. TONIGHT. Tomorrow Night. THE PIT" Thursday Night, TRILBY' Friday Nlrht. Saturday Matinee. Prlcr, 25c. 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. $1.50. .Seats now netting for the entire week. BELASCO TeL Main 311 14 th and Wash. Belaaco & Mayer, Props. 15TH WEBK BELASCO STOCK COMPAJfY. TONIGHT AT 8:15 P. M. ALL WEEK FIRST TIME IN STOCK Harriet's mX ,&&. Honeymoon Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PRTPPC Night 25c, 35c 50c and 75c 1 vAVi-0 Matlaees 23c. 35c aad 56c 'ext Week-JCDAH, by Henry Arthur Jones. BAKER THEATER 3d and Yamhill PHONE MAIN 1007. OREGON THEATER CO.. LESSEE. GEO. L. BAKER. MANAGER. THE HOME OF BURLESQUE. All Thl Week-Regular Matinees Wednes day. Thursday and Saturday. AN IMMENSE SUCCESS The Brigadier Extravaganza Co. Presenting EpMOND HAYES la tho WISE GUY An All-Star Olio of Vaudeville Pimriti.. PRICES Nights ; 25c 33c 50c and 75c Mat inees: 13c, 25c 32c and 90c XEXT WEEK KENTUCKY BELLES. THEATER 12th and Morrison Streets. Phone Main 117. "THE MOST POPULAR THEATER." TONIGHT, ALL WEEK-MAT. SATURDAY Russell &z Drew present the BIGGEST DRA MATIC HIT erer cored In Portland. CHARLES A. TAYLOR'S NEW YORK COM PANY la His Melodramatic Wonder Escaped From the Harem Company. Scenery. Costumes All of High Class. EVENING PRICES-15c 25c 35c aad 50a. MATINEE PRICES 15c. 10c and 2c NEXT WEEK QUEEN OF TOE HIGHWAY. THE GRAND LOTTIE GILSON, Assisted by Slgnor Dufree BRYDON'S DOG CIRCUS. FRANK CLAYTON. YIRDEN AND DUNLAP. BENNETT AND STERLING. FRED FURINTON. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission 10 cent. Sundays, eve nlnga and holiday, reserved seat en lower floor, 20 cents. Dally matlneea. entire lower floor. 1W cents; box seats, 25 cents. Sundays "'n iwwuays, continuous. THE STAR ORIGINAL MEXICAN QUINTET. EVA THATCHER. SEARLES AND ROCKWELL. KARL Jfc HAMPTON. ROY M'BRAIN. THE STAROSCOEE. General admiration. 10 cents. Rim),v, v n,nc nd holidays, reserved eeato os lower ww, T7 corns, ijany matinees, onure lower floor, 10 ct-nts; box seats, 25 cent. Sundays and holidays, continuous. Garrisson's Dramatic Company Will engage ssveral amateur performers for nls well-known stork company. GOOD SALARY SEASON'S WORK. For particulars call at .,,E,itX?f'S THEATRICAL BUREAU. sm Morrison St. Portland. Or. Phone Main 1685. NEW TODAY. $5700 DRYGOODS. AUCTION SALE, TODAY, 30 A. M." AND 2 P. M. AT 271 FIRST ST.. CONDUCTED BY THE r2R?L-i5SAUCTIO-V ROOMS, a L. FORD, AUCTIONEER. A. SCHUBACH. Prop. FOR SALE-5000 SHARES IRON SPRINGS Consolidated Mining Co.. Welser. Idaho? t a oacriflee; only 50 cents sbare if taken by September 10; treasury stock now selling at 85 cents and Is to be advanced to SI per share September 15. 1005; this Is a eaip; 202H8Srkflstt. Eg McKln!ejr a'1- Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines; A. H. BIRRELL t02- McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sta, GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Bleek General practice. ImrectJcaUass. Estate, work. Special and periodical audit. Phone Clajr 226. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. "W. p. car line, one mile and a halt east from the solf. links; price from $150 to $230 per acre. Inquire of John. H. Gibson. OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room aOfl Sherlock bid?. LOUIS H. BOLL PIANO STUDIO NOW OPEN FOR PUPILS. Parlors 9 and 10. 312 H Wazbisxton xL CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Room mad Board," "House keeplnj Rooms," "Situations Wanted," u word or Ice. 15 cents; 18 to 2t word, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc 'o dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, exceot "New Today." 30 cents for 15 words or leas: 16 to 20 words, 49 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc um insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; bo farther disco oat un der oae month. "NEW TODAY (gauge measure agate), 15 ir nni UKriiDD; 10 cents per une i or each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ad dressed care The Orrjgoalaa, and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed envelope. o stamp Is repaired on such letters. The Orejronlaa will not be responsible for errors In advertisements takes through the teiepuone. NEW TODAY, OLD GOLD. JEWELRX. BOUGHT. MADE -.-iianteu; ujamonu. precious lOCf. tt i iuu4tvi, wjicow, jewetry repaired. ufac jijtn, me jewejer. iz ua. near Aid It)R SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAIN'S lf REAL. E5TATP G-room modern new bouse, fine location. on EtlAt Taylor St.: foil cement nice fireplace and mantel, porcelain bath, elc- boi cjumaeiiers, snaflcs and curtain poles: new gas range; price only $5350; 5200 caeh, balance monthly. 8-room house. Highland district; modern In every way; 2loo. installments. .-rooci new house, just completed and ready to more right Into; full cement basement and modern in every tray; Hawthorne First wvuuiuon; oweu location; 22S00. Installments. -room modern up-tc-date heme; beautiful yard, rrult and flower in abundance; to see tli place means BUT; $2700. 5-room modern- new bouse on Mount Scott f rLporc'!aJla bath bot d cold water; only 51350; small payment down. n hare several small places with one or two lots that range in price from $300 to $650 mii on installments. x e nave lots vt imini r... cu. with all street ImprovemenU In, sewer and ga. right on ear line, very finely located: Prices of lots. IC'St m xrvk m kuiu bouse after your own plans; small payment f.T bAlncc monthly; this U an oppor- r jour own nome on rental V1P1VT T l"YT-e Choice lot on Eart 3d. Holladay's Addl "n, only isso. r-"ibi el7 flne ,ot HolUday-s Addition: only L"- Another for $725. Cement walks, sew 55 JJ?d water all In and all street improre- " , a iaai weea only two blocks liomestead. corner street Iranrovrmrnf n in nvn fk5 Cai?a ave5 heautiful corner ... . ACREAGE, in verr ereaK on car line, all fnriVtl0n located line: this la a map isr any one: rtwl nr J?T tra of acreage near Mllwaukls X e u on a very email payment and all time that Is wanted to paj- bal- sn ior psxucuian. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-8 Abinrton Block. 3 BARGAINS THAT PAWfW nr. uc-iti-,.. . ' mooern House, Holia- j '.' tatai uuemcni, rurnace. cement walk. hnniif,ii 3 , i ' 54500; our price for a few days, $3700, part 7-room new house. Holladay Park, up-to- 11 ". cement, casement and t 7: .urnace' porcelain bath, gu and 555 lVc .V!nt natures all In. walls all nicely tinted: If vou mi Knm. o roomn and lanre rtvTiflnn Tnn ti- tn. Nock, beautiful Jn int. e'Z!Lls?- h' one of the prettiest ?,fea w the price asked la this locality; will make no rii-i-nin-. - .wr,kin. .v.: JJf'l ror, l th'r: ' rtxxl buy at ,WJ- my price for a abort time only $5SS0. 1 AFT & CO.. 122-3-5-0 Ab In Eton BIk. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE a syrcinitr. witnin rlit- limit r- .1. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per er. a. -u, unurchiu & Co.. 'lac,' 110 2d st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS RTorrv ivn un r -.. .-,..,.. otic m, nne view, ror jess ttX. 1 oruicarj wi; treat sbap; EaiHem rw k i. m at ence i. A. 'InsUy. 211 Commercial blk. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND ABSO- up to oate; elegantly finished throughout: situated on two lots. In best '""" oi et isiae. Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5, or calt 109 Sherlock bldg. RA2E.r,n-.RGAIi-LARGE HOUSE. 100x100 eightly. moot derlrabie. less than ... rati It w. rUrl InliniA. JL "t . . . w-w-u., o. nu Male, AltOT- "n-1?' Commsrctal bldfj. Telephone Main run OAUK-iu aliTTLiE ESTATE: ilOIT v.,aU,r '.irjsc, mou to suit; near Lents and car; good jkj'.I; terms. Johnson & Van Z1""' JWS tMmmeroial bids.. Portland. Telephone Main 3CV2. 205 ACRES VALLEY LAND NEAR ABH SJS v "T8 "vated; price. $10,500: -" uo nsni years, u per cent: aap- MeWllllams & Hughes. L. B. 1S3 Ashland, Or. --ODERN RESIDENCE IN HOLLADAY electricity, cement walks and floor. Will uj unucr i a saencce. s i. Ore- goni&n. 2S0 ACRES GOOD T.jvn -srviw o.Tr rCi. . L , . r, iulr iana;.acces- v, . -A "Li" per acre. Hatfield Smith. J65H Fourth st. "ica GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH AND HOT r. 7 it "uroe iru". - blocks from FOR SALE NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE ON majuciic xicismu m a oargain; on easy installment payments If desired. X 0 Oreronlan. FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IX wcj" iii. o miies west of Fo-t- laniJ1 t0 160 crea: fare 33 ctauk Barne & Cady. FOR SALE TWO BEAUTIFUL NEW RESI- aences; & ana iu rooms; Anely located East Side, close In. Owner, phone East 67. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. THOBfmr.m.v modern; lot 50x100 feet; on 24th at.. West Side; $0300: terms. W SO. Oregonlan. SEE THIS TWO NEARLY NEW HOUSES. w. .w. c.ii uuuen. near car line; $1500. Hatfield & Smith. ie5tf -Un st. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN EVERY , ' lcrot. Xwnrr' on Wock south C52 Union ave. North. East 2-C6S. $2050 WILL BUY NICE LOT ON 1STH ST.. " ni uisinct, suitable for resi dence or flats. Phone East 1307. EELLWOOD LOTS. $3.00 DOWN" AND $5.00 Townslte Co. Phone Union H3L $5730 FINE MODERN HOUSE. NEAR 23D ca joumon; jimi casn. balance to suit at C per sent. A 94. Oregonian. FOR SALE NEW G-ROOM HOUSE. ALL uiuucra conveniences; price reasonable. In quire owner, 731 E. Ash st. ACREAGE NEAR CAK LINK. 0 yiUH brtdg. C. K. BsOlard, from Morrison Mllwauklc Or. $1600 FOR A 6-ROOM COTTAGE, CORNER u uuvtb, oiook rroza woociawn car line. ,3??.rOR 2 -?P JN ALB IN A: WALKING distance. Peelfle T 4 f r tr- 1. Houses built cn easy paymenU; lota furnished i uriucu. oi- oimerciai Diag. Main 1340. ACRE TRACTS EAST SIDE; HOUSE. ONE oioe. uwntr, 4i itcitay bldg. B3U ACRES IN HOOD RIVER APPLE BELT J. J. Lewis, KSH lt at. XOR SALE TXMRER LANDS. WILLAPA HARBOR TIMBER 3000 ACRES. yrucc. ccatr, or, nemioCK; $5 to $10: tracts to ult. W. W. ri.rM .v.nt oZ.,,: B.nd. Wash. ' WANTED-OOOO TO 5000 ACRES, GOOD TIM- Srv. pj " s; not over $10 acrs. G 94. Qregonian. 160 ACRES TELLOW PINE AND FIR r.VSS' reeJ: nw raUroad. river; $900. VfK. Oregcniaa. 320 ACRES FXNE TIMBER, NEAR PORT- f . icr acrs. ll. a. sahlrtron. CHEAP LANDS. TIMBER AND GRAZING. ij.ii or sir ir in ja say. rwaaatc TTWfirct S r0R sAlef asms. I help wanted-male. f GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED-NICELY equipped Chicken nnch vlthln r f,i,lray. ,?.l,oa aci teamboat wharf, oa, w.wv. m acres witn u acres under ..'"5 orccaru; gooa nouse and barn and chicken-houses with Incubators: live water: there m wits .s. team; wagon, harness, buggy, farming im- une cow i. jix) cnickens, pig f"" ' witn good terms. nuiwufuujr, iuiqi, asn. ryn ajuut-rvSE 354-ACRE VALLEY iA , . acre Dottom land, about ;w p tuiuvtuon, oaiance nearly level, part ly cleared and In cms: ,niif. fences and orchard: 1500 cords fir and ash. timber; electric light . "tL- c- 3 m nil. cnurcnea and schools; 23 miles to Portland: H5 per acre. - " pu. it, ii to, uregonian- EXCEPTIONALLY FIN Jb COUPLETS FARM 53 acres, tevel land, in cultivation, 700 Winter aDDlea. modem lmnrnv.tni.rt. tric car. flne roods all year; 8 mllea east of j-oruano; growing crop, cnicicens stock and uuiiiHotoo nn water ana pired; -more m.CTTge aajoming II wanted. 227 Front st- 720 ACRES AT $20 ON ROGUE RIVER. 40O acrra in nign otate or cultivation; $7000: Ideal ImprovemenU. Hap commercial and social advantage; oa railroad and electric power line. A lovelr nlace and home. Trtni or amalt tracts. Address W. N. Roble. 731 1C?. A(fnKS- pART BBAVERDAM. 100 CUL tlvatlon. 0-room house, water In hous and oarn. springs, orchard. cattle-heds. stores. r. .?'aoo, 00 oectric line, near Port, land; $55 acre, lis Abington bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTEDWEST SIDE PROPERTY FROM owner. $000 to $6000. north of Clay and of 10th sts.: also East Side, north of i..uuijiga j nancocK. eat to 20th eta., V'room house, must be reasonable, on U.UUIWIUU. vioaaixr oc commerce. WANTED ON FRONT on tttjst Wanted Piece of property on Front or Mum or w asmngton; will pay spot o wi impruTea property. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-0 Abington Block. THE DUNN LAWRENCEr COMPANY HAVE cah customera for desirable Inrfde business and residence property, suburban acreage or nicely Improved homes. Parties having o sen cneap. win please "Wk'ij it nu'.t rirsr. sc. PARTIES HAVING DESIRABLE SITntfRRAV 5e or nicely improved arce tracts on electric car line close to city, and are wlll- "4 " m reaaonaoie, please address il.. 'wra o, rir- st., city. HOUSE AND LOT OR FRACTIONAL LOT, ni. cme. iwv cam. Daiance on or before J years; owners or real estate agents. A oi. uregonian. TO EXCHANGE. BOARDING-HOUSE. ROOMS. PIANO: clearing $65 month, exchange for good property. O 100. Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE AHTOwnntf.i? good condition: what have you to trade? jvaorera u uregeniac. TO EXCHANGE FINE LOT FOR TEAM OF gravy ooraea. iat 3a st. , FOR SALE LAND MCKXP. LAND B CRIPS OF ALL X3ND3. GUARAN- uuui tinea, puouc l&nd crao tlce. Collins Land Co., Stearns bids;. CERTIFIED SCRIP. ANY SIZE PIECES: tawest prices, w. G. HowelL SSSChamber of Commerce. TOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE- nicies Dy tne aay, week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs far sale or exchange. Tomllnson & lassl day, 211 Washington st. SNAP-$100 BUY3 PAIR OF HORSES. S J" wcigat -iiHJ pounas; good, true workera. Call today. 23 N. 14th. HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL Kinds of vehicles and harness for sale or rent. Hubert & Hall. 20d 4th su NEW BAILEY BUGGY, RUBBER TIRES. jjeriecL conaiuoa; zast roadster. Apply Jame'Lyons. lis Union ave. DELIVERY WAGON WITH FINE PANEL top, ior uajcery, laundry, etc; cheap. C JU. Boss. 320 East Morrison. RUBBER TIRE TOP BUGGY, GOOD AS new; aio jigat spring wagon. Harris. Ock ley Green Station. FOR SALE MATCHED DRIVING TEAM: sorrel pony and fresh family cow. Tele phone Main 204 -i. FOR SALE HORSE, HARNESS AND BAK- ery wagon; wagon trade $12. A 2. Oregonlan. SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUG S' es ana surreys, on Thurman. cor. 18th. CAMPING WAGON READY FOR USE; SPE- ci price. Vi. u. U0O3, SZQ Ji iiorrtson. WANTED A BUCKBOARD VEHICLE FOR A aouoie team, box C 3, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; gooor-over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastie roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. RIFLES $2.75 U. S. SPRINGFIELD. .45 CAL- ioer Dreecn-ioaaers, just as good as new; cost the U. S. Govt. $10 apiece; the beat all round rifle la the world. Blankets, khaki suits, underwear, sttoMs, and thousands of other useful articUs too numerous to men tion. Kirk's U. S. Army Goods Store, in Merrill's Cyclery. cor. 7th and Oak sts.. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 49 3d st. ROLLER CHAIRS. BEST FOR INVALIDS. wmwuceaw. cripples ana tne agea. ror sale cheap. Apply to or addreM Roller Chair Con cession. Exposition grounds. FOR SALE TICKET TO SALT LAKE. ME- uium ncigai.. meaium weight, light eyto, dark hair. Call at Schiller's Cigar Factory. WE SELL ALL THE LEADING BRANDS or wnisKy and brandy at 10c National Wine Co.. The Quality Store. 5th and Stark. FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-SEAT AUTO ,ngme in front under hood, wheel steering. Call 783 Northrup st. Phone Front 874. FOR SALE BULL TERRIER PUPPIES. $5 cacn; wm mau nne aii-rocna dogs: all males. Address E. S. Hall. Woodstock, Or. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons- carrying capacity, 24-hoepower engine; will cell cheap. C CS. Oregonlan. GINSENG. ITS A MONEY-MAKER PLANT nsw; pnea list ior seea and plants on appli cation. B. W. Klbler, Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE VALUABLE PATENT RIGHTS for Washington. Oregon. California, can be seen at Fair grounds. R 04. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND GRAIN AND POTATO bags for sale cheap. In large or small quan tities. J. Simon & Bro., 244 Front. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE et tinners tools and machines. Address Box 137, Portland. Or LADIES' AND GENTS TICKETS TO KAN- sas city. Denver, via Seattle; medium. Ad dress L 1. Ore iron lan. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE eagles; Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. LADY'S TICKET TO ST. PAXIL. MINN.. MID- aie-ageu, meaium, iigai. aair. Aaarrss it 2, care Oregonlan. TICKET EAST OVER CANADIAN PACIFIC R. R. for male, middle age. Address S 3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS. WITH or witnout can. ico Miiwaukie St., San wood car. FOR SALE GENTS TICKET TO I. T. : flrst-claM, over Santa Fe Route. Q 1, Ore gonlan. DOGS BOARDED. ALL BREEDS FOR SALE; i up. tvenneis, is wasaingtoa sr. Phone Main 3273. TICKET FOR BALE COLUMBUS. O.; ME- aium. uaxic; xemaie. Aaaress ll l, orego nlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 32 ' CHAM- or or commerce, or phone Main 221. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES, $t PER montn. J. e. Huxley. 82 4th st. FOR SALE BLACK LANGSHAN CHICK- eaa. at on tana, ate. TWO ROUGH CARPENTERS, $3; BLACK smith. $3: 2 trimmermen 22.75 and S.1- : Umber graders, $3; 8 pliers. $2.50; 2 sash ona ooor macnine men, $2.50 and 3: 25 mill and yardmen. $2 up; 4 jrwampers. $2.50; n, iiging rujuer, men, common labor. $2.50; 2 box factory boy a; xm oiaera. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU, 205H Morrison Street. WANTED 10.000 WORTfTVn MTJV To buy new U. S. khaki raits for $1.30 per inn; wc per garment. The heet working man's clothes in the world for the monev. Blankets, shirts, underwear, guns and other anicies too numerous to mention, at a frac tion of what these goods cost the U. S. Govt. i Army uoods store, Merrill's Cycjsry. cor. ith and Oak sta. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the ages of 21 and 55. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habitat who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to RecrulUnr Officer. 3d and Oak sta.. Portland, Or. xiu t" I CKERS CALL AT KIRK'S U. S. Arm V Ston TiS anl r.v ,-vr..iti Cyclery), and provide yourselves with blan kets, khaki suits, hats, underwear, etc. etc These goods are sold at but a fraction of what they cost the U. S. Govt. A bargain awaits you here. s ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 3 days; consultation free and eirictly confidential; sent for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute. Allaky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. THREE JAPANESE BOYS WANT S1TUA tlons; one for hotel and restaurant cook, an other hotel or .ealoon porter, and another for cook for private ramtly. or any kind of work. GJ. Oregonlan. SALESMEN WANTED CASH ADVANCED weekly; good territory open; outfit free. Some are making $100 to $150 per month. Why no you? AddreM Washington Nursery Company. Toppenish, Wah. WANTED TEN TO WRITE. LIVESTOCK IX- surance; salesmen and insurance men only need apply. Call S to 10 A. M. Tuesday, room 10. 350H Washington at. A. J. Star key, general agent. TAILOR WANTED ONE WHO IS A CUT- ter and will work on bench, to manage small shop In connection with clothing store; good steady work to right man. Address S 2, Oregonlan. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en- graving. jewelers wk; only prac school for Jewelers; monsy made leam'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg., Seattle. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANTS bright young men. 18 to IS yeans of age: good future for the right parties. Apply to the superintendent. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN gooa income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars Prew Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO travel and learn good paying business, who can leave town Immediately. Call. 1 to 2 P. M-, room 14. 381 Yamhill. WANTED MAN AND WIFE FOR FARM and housework; man muot be able to milk cows; $500 per year for right parties. J. G. Wiest, Stella. Wash. LABORERS FOR BUILDING LOGGING railroad; fare to camp refunded; wages $2.25. Call at mill. North Front at.. Eastern & Western Lumber Co. COMPETENT OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED in railroad station work, for In and around Chicago: state age and experience. Address H 03, Oregonlan. TEN (10) MEN. ABOUT 5 FT. 10 INCHES IN height. See Kiralfy's agent outside of gate at Exposition from 10 A. M. to 11 A. M. Tuesday. Sept. 3. WANTED EVERYBODY TO TRY OUR wines: 5 cents a glass. National Wine Co.. the Quality Store. 3th and Stark. Phone Main 0409. AMATEUR ACTORS IT COSTS NOTHING to join wen-Known dramatic company; steady wora; gooa salary, ror particulars. Y 92, uregoman. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO CLERK IN grocery store; must live with parents; pre vious experience preferred, inquire at 293 ist. pWanted Men to learn barber trade: steady practice; expert instructions. Write for terms, Gluman's College, 627 Clay st, S. F, WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, SHOES. secona-nana iruniLi. bianKets; highest price paid. 60 3d. near Pine. Phone Pacific 46. California wine depot: headquarters baker?. cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 3c per gUM. P. Loratl, 14S 4th. Clay 1303- WANTBD A FIRST-CLASS FURNACE MAN; also a good Jobber. Apply to A. F. Clzek Sheet Metal Works Co., Tacoma, Wash. SALESMEN FOR FINE UNDERWEAR AND seamless hosiery: factory to consumer; es tablished trade. 311 Commercial block. WANTED BRIGHT, INTELLIGENT BOY for office work, about id years of age; mut write a good -hand. D 1, Oregonlan. "WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write, 007 McKay bldg. x WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO OPERATE advertising street sign. Apply Tuesday at observatory. Portland Heights. $75 permanent salary and expenses paid, reli able men. outside-or. tne city; pleasant worx. H. Henker. room 3, 127 7th. WANTED MALE JAP FOR HOUSEKEEP- lng; small family; terms must be low. Mrs. W. L. Tborndyke. St. Johns. ROCKMEN WANTED AT BUNKER HILL quarry. Take boat to Stella, Wash. J. W. Sweeney. Stella, Wash. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM- plea; $18 weekly: steady. Mgr. Empire. 4 Wells st.. Chicago, 111. TEN MEN" AS TEAMSTERS TO HAUL brick. Mrs. Howe Brick Co., 1200 E. Di vision. Union 173. WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST FOR city: state wages expected. Address M l, care Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address G. M. Campbell. SZ0 James st.. Se attle, Wash. A GOOD ADVERTISING SOLICITOR ON special edition of established paper. Call at U7i Front. EYEGLASS CASEMAKER. GOOD, PERMA- nent position, interest in business. K. J, Oregonlan. WANTED SHOEMAKERS: LASTER8, FAC- tcry hands. Apply Cap in Shoe Co.. Oregon City. Or. WANTED TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS; ALSO retouchers, ladies or gnts. SOI DeJcum bldg. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING MAN; none other apply. Tne cnicago ciotntng co. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN bakary. -Log cabin uzg. km., ii itusseii st. OFFICE BOY WANTED WELL EDUCATED. with wheel prererrea. ih, oregonlan. FTRST-'CLASB SALESMAN, CITY. CO UN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. FIRST-CLASS MEATCUTTER. IMMEDIATE ly. Apply Jones Market, 151 4th st. WANTED EDGERMAN. CUT-OFF MAN ana boys. Star Box Factory. WANTED A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED smelter man. O S9. Oregonlan. WANTED A FOUNDRY HELPER WHO can make cores. 424 Belmont. WANTED FIRST-CLASS RUBBER, KING'S Baths. 7th and Washington. FARM HANDS Abington bldg. WANTED INQUIRE 323 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING solicitor, with references. for Al proposition. Apply 0 o'clock Monday, 010 Chamber of Commerce. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO HELP WITH children and housework; good salary, C 85. Oregonlan. WANTED AT ONCE TWO EXPERIENCED ' salesladies. Apply 172 3d st-; none but Al apply. GOOD WAGES TO COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework, small family. 791 Over ton at. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOU3EKEEP Ing. Call at 106 East 33rd, or Phone Scott 331. WANTED FIRST-CLASS VESTMAKERS. Nlcoll, the Tailor. 108 Third at. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at 121 N. 18th sc . "RANTED 2 GOOD DRY GOODS SALES ladles who can do managing housekeeping as well as to sell; good salary." steady po sition; must bo ready to leave on short notice If satisfactory; full particulars and photo; expenses returned. Address Simsoa Bros.. Nome. Alaska. GIRLS TO COOK. SMALL FAMILY. $35; second girl, $25; also kitchen girl, dining room girls, chambermaids, 50 other posi tions. Scandinavian-American Employ ment Co., 270 Burnside. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given to inex perienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2, corner East Taylor and Grand ave. DOMESTICS. COOKS, WAITRESSES. CHAM bermalds. etc.; city. Coast, Fair and coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 226U, Morrison. Main 1323. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NEW house, small family: pleasant room. Call mornings 366 32d st.. Willamette Heights. Phone Main 333. FIRST-CLASS TRIMMERS AND MAKERS at the Palais Royal Store, 375 Washington st. Apply from 10 A. M. to 0 P. M. Alao ap prentices wanted. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK lng and general housework; good wages; 3 In family; references required. Call No. 52 North 15th at. V. ANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work and cooking, small family, good wages. Call Monday or Tuesday, Phone Main 5016. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, WAIT- ciiamoennaias. general woriters. St. Louis Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPR73. sentatlves in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write C07 McKay bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM. Ily of 3, no children; best wages; work easyi good cook and laundress. 340 E. Ash. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worn, email family, good wages. Apply 561 E. Burnside. Phone East 17S6. "WANTED EXPERIENCED REFERENCES "rBr--a; private family; wages $40. 230. Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. GIRL WANTED FOR HnnsBwrmv iv small family. Call forenoon 29 East 15th at. South; Ankeny or Plne-st. cars. "AXSENS LADIES' AGENCY. H3o Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2632. A POSITIVE. THOROUGH BUSINESS WOM- an to taite charge of a business outside ot the city. K 2, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL AS COOK AND GENERAL nouseworx in small family; wages $30 Call up Phone Main 2740. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. FAM- ny or j; one wno can go home nights preferred- 400J4 Morrison. CITY WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES SERV- ices ot intelligent, trustworthy woman over 30. Q 63. Oregonlan. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worit; tamiiy of two. Apply mornings, 254 12th st, lower flat. WANTED LADY PIANIST TODAY. SALARY weesiy; long engagement. Call room 11, 351 Morrison. " GOOD WAGES FOR COMPETENT GIRL FOR general nouseworic, family of three. Apply 88 North 22d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE worn; no cnuaren; no washing; wages $13. Apply 367 ICtb. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKS family of two; good home. Call 662 E. Main. cor. 18th. 25 GIRLS AND WOMEN AT CANNERY OF uregon racxing Co.. East Sth and Yamhill. Apply at once. WANTED A GIRL FOR KITCHEN WORK in a private Doannng-nouse. 340 Ankeny, corner 7th. WANTED LADY TEACHERS FOR NIGHT scnooi. Apply today, 300 South 14th ot., 0:30 to 5. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work and care of children. 540 3d, near Lincoln. WANTED TEACHERS FOR CHINESE Mis sion. Call at 310 Burnside st., or 2Q0tj 2d street, - WANTED A GOOD COOK. AT 722 FLAN ders Bt.. cor. 22d. Apply In the forenoon. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wprk. Call In the morning. 148 N. 18th. A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK 602 Johnson st. Phone Main 6317. GOOD HELP ON COATS AT THE BON TON Tailoring Co.. 1094 6th st. room 2. WANT CHAMBERMAID. MUST BE EXPBR lenced; private hotel. 304 Alder st. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSB work. Apply at 243 North 20th et. WOMAN TO DO WASHING. Johnson st. Phone Main 6138. APPLY 533 BOY WANTED TO DRIVE DELIVERY wagon. Call 382 Washington. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT MAKERS AT 427 Stark St. WANTED HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER. Oregonlan. F 3, WAITRESS WANTED AT ONCE, hill. 343 YAM- HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 700 PICKERS TO PICK 624 ACRES HOPS; all desired accommodations; grocery, bakery, restaurant, butcher shop; beautiful camp grounds; dance hall; pure mountain water, etc; reduced excursion rates, special train 15 cars. Apply Monday and Tuesday room 441 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. Krebs Broa. CHAMBERMAIDS. COOKS. WAITRESSES (city. Hood River, Walla Walla); house work, hop-pickers, farmhands; railroad graders, $2.25;' dishwashers, busboy, boot black. Drake. 205J4 Washington. FIFTY HOPPICKERS, LARGE YARD. NEAR Dallas; flne water, camping grounds, stores convenient. Apply H. L. Hart, 441 Sherlock bide, 3d and Oak sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PIANO PLAYER. Address Mls Fannia Hall. 120 Bridge St., Baker City, Or. WANTED TEN YOUNG MEN OR WOMEN to canvass city; salary and commission. Q 2, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A PRACTICAL GENERAL DRYGOODS MAN wants position In Interior town; can do slgnwriting. advertising, decorating and buy ing; have had experience as manager; will take management of drygoods dept. or en tire stock, ddrees at once, V 96, Oregonlan. WANTED A POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER or general oClce work by young man with experience; willing, to start on small sal ary can furnish good references; a good penman. M 2. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG MAN. GOOD STENOGRAPHER, wide business experience, best of references, both local and out of town. A 3, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED AS GROCERY CLERK and meatcutter; 15 years' experience. Phons Main 1871. Oregon City. EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN DESIRES position; permanent preferred. J 04, Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous, YOUNG MAN, 23. DESIRES. EMPLOYMENT mornings or afternoons; expenencea steno grapher; references. Address S 82, Orego nlan. V JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds ot help. Clay 513. 2)38 Evorett st. ' WOULD LUCE TO TAKE CARE OF FEEBLE minded ot insane person. Aaaress a. u., 407 N. 24th st., Portland, Or. SCHOOLBOY WISHES PLACE TO WORK for board and room when scitool begins; best of references. H 2, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS CQL- lege wants piace to worn .ior board and room. D 72. Qregonian. HONEST JAPANESE BOY WANTS Posi tion as -waiter and table in family. John, 415- Alder at, cor. 11th. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION, general nouseworK or garaen wonc a l, care Oregonlan. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A POSITION AS delivery man; well acquainted with streets. Q 94, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERATOR wishes a position; best of reference. R 94. Oregonlan. CARPENTER WANTS JOB, REPAIR OR day work. Main 5993 ' Em fit