THE MORNING OREGOXIASV .TUESDAY, AUGUST 29,, 19Q5. CHAMPEQN QFPEACE Congress of Parliaments Thus f Hails Roosevelt. WORKS FOR ARBITRATION Interparliamentary Union Will Sub mit Model Arbitration Treaty and Plan for Conrrress of Nations at The Hague. ' BRUSSELS, Aug. 2S. The opening of the Inter-Parliamentary Congress In the .National Palace this morning was the occasion of a notable demonstration In 'behalf of President Roosevelt and the success of the peace conference at Ports mouth. The session was hold In the Sen ate Chamber of the Palace. Large dele gations, representing practically all the Jeadlng Parliaments of the world, -were present The welcoming address, delivered by Minister of State Beernaert, aroused a storm of appaluse -when he referred to President Roosevelt's two conspicuous movements in behalf of peace in first calling another meeting of The Hague Conference, and, secondly, in bringing to gether the plenipotentiaries of Russia and Japan. Baron Favercau, the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, added natter ing tributes to the American President's efforts. The Congress then adopted, amid enthusiasm, resolutions of thanks to President Roosevelt, and the secretary was Instructed to cable the following: Thanks to Roosevelt, Peacemaker. "President RooseVelt, Oyster Bay. The Inter-Parliamentary Congress, at Brus sels assembled, sends greetings and has the honor to advise you that it has passed resolutions expressing its high apprecia tion of your, action in. calling a second conference at The Hague in the interest of international peace, and its profound thanks for your noble efforts in the in terests of humanity to terminate the Russo-Japanese War." King Leopold received the delegates to the Congress this- afternoon. He con versed with -each of the American mem bers, expressing his admiration or the United States and saying that he kept President Roosevelt's picture bearing his signature on his desk in his study. At the afternoon session the Congress discussed the American propositions of Representative Richard Bartholdt, of the United States, for a model arbitra tion treaty and a permanent Congress of the Nations. ' Mr. Bartholdt said: The status of our common cause in the United States never justified a more fa vorable report than it does at the present time. Two causes have mainly contrib uted towards this revival of interest In the 'p'aecc -movement the meeting of the Inter-Parllamentary Conference on Amer ican soil and the deep-growing disgust "with that barbarous war in the Orient. Under the Hague Convention, the Pres ident already enjoys a larger measure of discretion than the new treaties, in their amended form, would have conferred upon him. The failure of these treaties may prove a blessing in disguise. It justifies the hope that the outcome will be the approval by The Hague-Conference of- a. treaty wider in scope and yet more defi nite in detail. It is with pardonable pride we Amer icans point to the historical fact that It was- left to an American President not only to open the doors of The Hague again, but also to stop, in the Interest of both the belligerents and humanity, the war -between" Russia and Japan. Representative James L. Slayden, of Texas, spoke in favor of the proposition. Herr Von Plcner, president of Austrian Upper House, opposed Immediate action, owing to the magnitude of the subject. The Congress resolved to refer the treaty proposition to a committee with instruc tion to report within three months. Count Apponyl announced that ho would support plans for the pormanent Con gress of the Nations, and said that he would move tomorrow that a special com mittee report thereon within three months. Sent to The Hague Conference. This action contemplates having the projects for a model arbitration treaty and a permanent Congress ready for sub mission in the second Hague conference, which is expected to follow tho close of the Russo-Japanese "War. A brilliant reception in honor of tho delegates was held tonight by the mem bers of tho Belgian Senate and Chamber of Rapresentativos. ' Representative "V. A. Smith, of Michi gan, left tonight for Berlin where he will have an audience with Emperor William. GOLD COURTESY TO BRITISH Germans Receive Fleet "With Curios ity, Officials Are Cordial. BWINBMUNDB, Prussia, Aug. 28. The presence of the British and German fleets in these waters today brought an 'Influx of visitors, who evidently were prompted by curiosity, for, though their demeanor was in no way hostile, it was notably cold. Throughout the day there was a constant succession of visitors to the British vessels. Tho customary official visits were ex ' changed between the Admirals and the shor.e authorities, but no attempt at special decorations in honor of tho fleets was made. The authorities this evening gave a banquet in honor of the British of liers. The utmost cordiality prevailed tlurlng the banquet. WILL MANAGE MACEDONIA. Powers Inform Porte They Will Con trol Finances. CONSTANTINOPLE, Aug. 2S. A col lective note from the six Embassies giv ing notice of the appointment of Com missioners to control the finances of Macedonia was presented to the Porte today. Courtesy to Channel Fleet. BERLIN, Aug. 2S. The visit of the British channel fleet to 3erman Baltic ports, beginning with Swinemunde. has been received with every show of cour tesy and pleasure by the German naval authorities. The newspapers carefully avoid saying anything unpleasant and there is evident determination to greet tho visitors properly. German Marines Surprise Insurgents BERLIN. Aug. 2S- A detachment of marines and sailors from the German '.cruiser Buzzard surprised about 1000 In surgent natives, half of whom were farmed with rifles, near Kowonl, German teast . Africa, August 25. The Germans killed 73 of the insurgents and drovo tmany others into the river, where they were drowned. No German casualties Have been reported. iFrench Cruisers Held In Readiness. .TOULON, Aug. 2S. The French naval authorities have been ordered to hold pirwo cruisers in readiness to proceed to Morocco in case the Sultan's reply to the French-demands la reference to -.the dm-. prlsonment of the French Algerian mer chant, -Bouzlan. are unsatisfactory. Ev erything is quiet here. Panic on French Sugar Market. PARIS, Aug. 2S. There was another collapse in the sugar market today, ow ing to the sudden death, under circum stances indicating suicide, of Ernest Cronler, chairman of the board of direc tors of the Say sugar refinery, the most Important concern In the trade. Sharos fell 290 points from 976 to 580. The sugar market suspended operations. The for eign exchanges, according to report, have not been affected by the Incident. More Cholera in East Prussia. BERLIN, Aug. 2S. The official Rolohs Anzclger today says that since August 16. seven cholera cases, three of which were fatal, have occurred la the Elchsel district. East Prussia. Traffic from Elch sel has been placed under medical and police patrol. Police 3Ilnlstcr Killed by Bomb. VIENNA, Aug. 29. (Special.) Infor mation was received last night from Czestochan that the police minister there was blown to pieces by a bomb. The assassin escaped. KILLED BY BURSTING PIPE Two Dead and Three Dying From Scalding' Steam. DANVILLE, HL, Aug. 28. Two men are dead and three more in a dying condition as a result of the bursting of a 16-lnch steam pipe In the Danville electric light plant this afternoon. John Richards, Georgetown, and Will iam Thornton, Danville, died tonight. The others Injured are: Ed Caldwell, Georgetown; A. A. Tuttle and Samuel Nlccum, Danville. The men were stokers and clnder-plt worker's, and were preparing the pipe when the nipple blew off. All the men were married. More Coal In Canada. Halifax (N. S.) Herald. The biggest coal strike ever made In Canada was made yesterday, when Dep uty Inspector of Mines Neville uncovered the northern outcrop of the Mulllns seam near Lingan, about nine miles In a straight line from where the Capo Bre ton Coal, Iron & Railway Company is operating at Broughton. This discovery adds over 100 per cent to the Dominion Coal Company's proved coal areas on land, and assures numerous other lease holders of a profitable coal seam In their leases. The Dominion Coal Company holds the leases upon which tho strike has been made, and will undoubtedly proceed with their development. Tho scam is known as the Mullins seam and has been lost to prospectors for upward of 50 years. It showed six feet of clean coal, equal In quality to the poal of the Low Point areas, and its outcrop lino wljl measure from 18 to 20 miles, extend ing from Lingan to Mlra Bay, Its great est distanco from the coast line being at Broughton. This shows a land area of about 1W square miles, of 61S,520.O tons of coal. President Ross Is jubilant over tho discovery, as it adds a long lease of existence to the operations of the Domin ion Coal Company. The discovery has created a big sensation among mining men. The seam is only about 70 feet from the surface, but this Is only on the outcrop. Tho find also establishes the important fact that the Tracer and the Mulllns are two distinct seams, a matter about which there bad been some doubt. Entries on Uintah Reservation. VERNAL," Utah, Aug. 28. The land office here today began accepting en tries on the lands of the Uintah reser vation In the order determined by the Latest snapshot of the czar CZAR AND KAISER ON FORMER'S YACHT OFF BJOREO. The 'photograph from whloh the picture was made taken oa board the Czar's yacht Polar Star Just after the. Kaiser boarded it off BJorko Island recently. land lottery at Provo. At noon. 40 out of 111 entries permitted for the day had been made. Roy Daniels, of Provo, Utah, mado his selection near a new townsite, as did others holding early numbers. New Railroad in Wyoming:. SALT LAKE, Aug. 2S. A certified copy of the articles of incorporation of the Chicago. & Pacific Railway. Company, of Casper. Wyo., was filed with the" County Clerk here today. The capitalization la $100,000. It is the intention of the com pany to build a road from Casper, Wyo., to Ogden, Utah. Advance In Texas Oil Price. BEAUMONT. Tex., Aug. 28. The Texas Company today, posted an a'd vance of 2 cents. a barrel on the. pro duction of-allTexaa-oil -fields.. ILL ALONG COAST Yellow Fever Cases Scattered Far and Wide. IN MEMPHIS AND NATCHEZ Panic Prevails at IecvIIIc, People Distracted by Fright and Grief. Gulf Port Has Long Con cealed Epidemic YELLOW FEVER AT NEW ORIXANS NEW ORLEANS. Ar-. 2S. Tellow Xerer report to 6 P. M.: New cases....................... 45 Total cases to date -.1,768 Deaths S Total deaths 200 New foe! , IS Total feci 420 Remaining- under treatment 1S1 NEW ORLEANS. Aug-. 2S. One of tho deaths from yellow fever today is Sister Mary Engelhesta, of the Convent of Per petual Adoration, and her caso was not reported until de,ath. It is the first from that institution, though thore have been several cases in that neighborhood. Reports from the country tonight are: Patterson, six cases; Eighth "Ward of Jef ferson Parish, one case; Shrewsbury, one death; Hanson City, two cases and one death; Donal&sonvllle. one case (this Is a new development, and Is traced to Port Barrow, across the bayou); Port Barrow, one case; St. Rose, three cases; Pecan Grove, ono case; Good Hope Plantation, one death; Wav eland Plantation, south of Patterson, six earns; Belleseln Planta tion, west of Patterson, four cases. Gulf port reports one new case, and Missis sippi City none. Natchez makes no report of new cases, the people deciding to await the arrival of an expert before accepting the state ment that there was yellow fever there. Escatawpa, Miss., near Mississippi Point, reports four cases. Dr. Devron. In charge of LeevlHe, in a report on the situation there says: "I found things worse than Dr. Stark could have scon them a few days before. The people were In a panic They had no morphine, no doctor, and they were dying from too much experimenting with different remedies. I find that more than halt tho population of 5W people is sick. They are distracted, and many are on the verge of lunacy from fright and grief." Confidence has been restored among the people since Dr. Devren's arrival, and he now has two assistants and half a dozen nurses. NEW ORLEANS IS RECOVERING Steadily Gains on Disease Gulf Port Proved to Have Cases. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 28. Though New Orleans Is now In the midst of a period usually critical In yellow fever epidemics, there Is no present Indication that tho Federal authorities are to lose their grip on the situation. Monday always shows an Increase over Sunday in the number of new cases, because Sunday Is a good deal of a holiday for the Inspecting" force and only the doctors aro to be depended upon, but today's total was regarded as confirming the opinions expressed a week ago that there is little further chance that the disease will get away from those who are fighting It so stubbornly. The weather this morning was unseasonably cool, following a hot spell on Sunday, but It was not followed by heavy mortality. Unusual interest attaches to the devel opments in connection with the outbreak of- fever at Gulfport. The case of Mrs. Collins, which resulted In tho acknowl edgement by Gulfport of Infection there. Is taken to Indicate that yellow fever was present at Gulfport some weeks ago. Mrs. Collins reached here from Gulfport last Monday evening. She was taken 111 on tho train on her way over. Dr. Leboeuf, president of the New Orleans Medical Society, was called on Tuesday and saw at once that Mrs. Collins was suffering from yellow fever. Mrs. Collins expressed surprise when sha was told that she had yellow fever. She said she had lived In a house about a xnUe from the railroad station, close to a house In which two young men had been sick Just 14 days prior to her at tack. Sbo said that for several days she had noticed four or five doctors visiting the house, leading her to believe that a consultation was in progress. Subse quently it was announced that the sick ness was malaria. Dr. Wasdln was or dered to Investigate. The result was the turning up of three cases of yellow fever In the territory In which Mrs. Collins lived. As a result of the discovery of the cases at Gulfport and Mississippi City, numbers of doctors here who have patients on the Mississippi coast are now advising their return to the city. QUARANTINE CAUSES WRANGLE Health Board Resigns In Resentment at Governor's Action. LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. Aug. 2S. Four members of the State Board of Health today mailed to Governor Davis their resignations on account of friction that has arisen between the Board and the state administration and Governor Davis action yesterday In assuming full charge of tho quarantine situa tion. The Governor gave orders that special permits of the Board. Issued to Louisiana persons, be disregarded and that no moro charges be mado for health certificates. SUSPICIOUS CASE AT NATCHEZ City and County Health Officers Dis agree About It. NATCHEZ, Miss.. Aug. 28?-Clty Health Officer Dr. Fitcheli refuses to accept the diagnosis of tho county health offleffiers and other physicians that there Is a pronounced case of yel low fever In Natchez. Dr. Young, of the Marino Hospital Service, Is on his way to Natchez from Jackson on a special train. The suspicious cases are a negro and a Mrs. Einstein, living In the same block. CREW OBJECTS TO QUARANTINE Sailors on Gulf Steamer Mutiny, but Are Subdued. MOBILE, Ala., Aug. 2S. Pilot Will Dogan, who returned this afternoon from the lower bay,, reports mutiny among tho discharged crew ot the steamer Alps, which left this port Saturday bound for Port Union. The men mutinied when they found they were to bo detained at quarantine, and during the trouble the engineer of tho Alps shot one of the crew. At last accounts tho vessel was still in quarantine. Texas Puts Ban on Memphis. HOUSTON, Tex., Aug. 2S. State Health Offlcffler Tabor today quaran tined against Memphis. Tho restric tions affect only people from Memphis. Passengers coming through the Mem phis gateway will continue to be ad mitted to Texas. The quarantine au thorities have also placed tho ban on bananas. No Yellow Fever In "Virginia. RICHMOND. Va., Aug. 2S. After a medical examination today. It was offi cially declared that tho supposed case ot yellow fever In Lunenberg County was malarial fever only and that quarantine was therefore unnecessary. THE NORTH FOR HEALTH ARCTIC EXPLORATION AS CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Polar Climate Said to Have Benefi cial Influence on Sufferers From Tuberculosis. London Tid Bits. The so-called "cures" for consumption are almost as numerous as the victims themselves and scarcely a day passs without the hopes of thousands of suffer ers being raised by the advertised "dis covery" of some novel but "absolutely re liable" method of battling with the scourge. Each victim of tuberculosis, as every reader knows. Is only too willing to try any remedy recommended, and will cheerfully put himself to the Incon venience and discomfort of sleeping In a snowdrift or lying for hours in the light of somo "ray" machine it only he may thereby be restored to health. But so far. tho doctors tell us, no certain cure has been found, and it is therefore hardly to be wondered atvthat an experiment soon to be tried by Dr. Frederick Sohon, of Washington, Is being followed with the greatest posslblo Interest. Dr. Sohon has accompanied Lieut. Peary on two expeditions In search of the North Pole, and it Is due to this taste for explo ration and adventure that his attention was attracted to Arctic Circle as possess ing a climate absolutely antagonistic to every kind of pneumonia disease. Dr. Sohon Is now busy fitting out a magnifi cent vessel, which will shortly convey a number of patients suffering from tuber culosis to Greenland, where they will re main for at least three months, at tho end of which time ho feels perfectly con fident they will return permanently cured."" In the course of an Interesting Interview with the celebrated scientist regarding his proposed search for a consumption cure within the Arctic Circlo, the doctor evi denced much enthusiasm about the expe dition. He has no doubt whatever about its success. "This has been a pet scheme of mine for years," he said; "in fact, ever since I mado my first trip with Peary in search of the North Pole In 1S37. I have been laying my, plans for a long time, but it was only 12 months ago that I saw any chance of their being realized. Now. however, wo are all ready, and by the end of this month I hopo we shall bo well on our way to Baffin Land. "When I went to tho Arctic regions with Peary In 1S97," continued tho doctor. "1 was myself a sufferer from consump tion, and scarcely expected to return to my own country. But I recovered so rap idly that I was astonished, and It was in this way that I first began to consider the curative properties of an Arctic cli mate. According to my theory the germ of consumption can only exist in a climate that is nearly as warm as the human body, and though I made many bacterio logical cultures in Greenland I never found a disease germ. "The atmosphere to the very northern boundary ot Greenland and far above the Arctic Circle Is so clear that ono is un able to judge correctly the distance of even near-by objects. One may walk to ward a point apparently but a mile away and walk for an hour without seemingly getting nearer to It or even very far from the starting point. One may try to throw at a mark apparently within easy range, only to find that the strongest throw will cover but half of the distance. There Is no dust or other harmful at mosphere contamination. There is no dirt: tho rocks arc clean, and every bit of dead lichen or moss that Is not car ried away by the melting snow In Spring Is greedily held fast by the living roots. "Just to give you an Idea of the general conditions favorable to health, I may tell you that In the arctic circle meat never spoils when exposed to the air, and though if kept away from the direct sunlight. It may become coated with mould It will sot rot. In fact, nothing decays there $5.00 IN THIRTY DAYS What more liberal terms could you ask than this offer of the most satisfactory and economical of all modern ranges Buck's. A range with perfect baking and fuel-saving qualities, complete construction and finish throughout; these are the most essential requirements to be considered in the selection of a range. Above all, consider our inducive offer of any "Buck's" in our stock at the above quoted terms. BUCK'S AnEnviaMe Record of Over 57 Years THE BUCK'S OVEN The vital part of any stove or range. To this part of a range or stove is looked for successful results, and from the Buck's oven comes forth nothing but these results. Large, roomy and well ventilated, it bakes evenly; and its enamel-lined racks and door render it most easy and agreeable to take care of. WE MAKE LIBERAL ALLOWANCES IN EXCHANGE FOR OLD STOVES AND RANGES J dead bodies do not mortify, they simply disintegrate and disappear under the In fluence of tho elements. I was astonished when at Capo Sabine with Commander Peary to see the condition of tho cloth ing, skins and furs In the former camp of Lieutenant Greely. . "Then again, the arctic air Induces a prodigious appetite, and the taste runs naturally to the kind of food the sufferer from tuberculosis needs, which we wish to give him at home, but which ho has no appetite for and cannot assimilate. In the North man craves meat, and partic ularly fat meat. The Esquimaux are so full-blooded, from their exclusively flesh and blubber food that violent exertion always makes them bleed from the nose, and they also bleed from excitement or laughter. "Another remarkable thing in favor of consumptives Is tho Invariable and ex traordinary Increase In weight of a crew In the North subsisting on salt pork, corned beef, potatoes and bread. I might also state that on both occasions in which I have been to Greenland I have exceeded ray usual maximum wtflght, gaining the first time thirty pounds in two months, and tho second time nineteen pounds in six weeks. "In tho arctic region In Summer there Is a period of three months of never ceasing sunlight every hour in the twenty-four. Think of tho effect of a contin uous sun bath of fourteen weeks! Even above the arctic circle, during the Sum mer months, the temperature seldom falls to freezing. In July and August It never freezes, the temperature remaining from thlrty-flvo degrees to forty-flve de grees. There is no Increase of heat dur ing the day and no cooling off at night, for of night there s nono and the tem perature must remain the same. "We shall penetrate Into -the Interior of Greenland, going about seventy-flve miles up the Omenak FJord. a place that I have visited before and know welL Those who form the party will live on the boat, but there is plenty of game and other amuse ments to be found for those who are able to- Indulge In such exercise. The personal outfit T am recommending the travelers to take consists merely of ordinary light "Winter apparel. "These regions of perpetual sunshine, for which we soon Intend to jet sail, can bo reached within ten days from Nova Scotia, or less than three weeks from New York, and tho trip can be made In safety and comfort in a suitable vessel converted and appointed for the purpose. Togs along Newfoundland and Labrador will bo Inevitable, and bad weather as luck brings It. but then these aro tho usual chances of an ocean trip. "As a safeguard against possible severe Ayers Sarsaparilla Your doctor will tell you why he prescribes it for thin blood, weak nerves. He will ex plain wfiy it gives strength, courage, en durance. Sold for over sixty years. J.C. AyerOo., BUCK'S STOVES AND RANGES storms, unusual there in Summer, the vessel will never be beyond reach of a sheltered harbor that can be made on a falling barometer. The sea Is usually smooth, and Is always so when there Is any drifting Ice. Altogether we start under very favorable aspects all my pas sengers are full of enthusiasm and hope, and I feel absolutely certain that when we return each ono of them will be permanently cured." Russian Reserves Stabilizing. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 23. Telegrams from various centers, including Riga, Windau and Simbirsk, announce the be ginning of an extensive mobilization of army reserve men. Rumors are current HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softesl skin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all tha ; desirable after-effects of a Turkish bath. It should be on every -wash stand. 4LL GROCERS AD DRUQQI5T lW Made in all styles for men Wt yfl who seek the ma-Tyrnm of f S wearat the minimum of cost. e5 M FAST COLOR FABRICS B OLUETT.PEABODY&CO. M$ '1 lnaiTNKiiiacrtKip.T J? WLamo COLLARS IN THC $1.00 PER WEEK THEREAFTER The White Enamel Line of tho Impending resignation of Generi Durnovo. Governor-General of Moscow. "We treat and euro hundreds every month who suffer from FelTlo and other diseases ot men, such as Hydro cele. Varicocele, Stricture, Stomach. Kidney and Bladder Affections, Vital Weakness, Nervous Decline, Impo tence. Nocturnal Losses and all that Ions train ot symptoms and troubles which arise from youthful errors or other excesses. Wo have a new specific, treatment for Gonorrhoea which is prompt, sure, safa and painless. Syphilis and all blood taints wa curs to stay cured, and do not resort to poi sonous minerals. Varicocele, Hydrocele, PUes, Rectal Ulcers and Cancers we cure effectu ally and without the use of the knlfa. Consultation and examination free. Write far symptom blank and book If you cannot call. Offlco Hours: 8 A. It to 3 P. il.; Sunday. 10 to 12. C T a Hstflcal aotf Dispensary OL.LUW5 Surgical Cor. 2d and Yamhill Sts Portland, Or. C. GEE WO THE GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR. Formerly located at 2S3 Alder St.. corner Third, Has Moved To the large brick building at S. E. corner ot First and Morrison bis. Entrance 16 2 J First St. tffltaia.. ,m.i jjr C Geo o, ino urcu ,iuuc Doctor, U well known and famous throughout the U. S. because Ms won derful and marvelous cures haTe been heralded broadcast throughout th length and breadth of this country. He treats any andall diseases with powerful Chinese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vegetables that are en tirely unknown to medical science in this country, and through the use ot these harmless remedies. He guar antees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles. rheumatism. nervousness, stomach. Uver, kidney, female troub les and all private diseases. This famous doctor cures without the aid ot the knife, without using poisons or drugs. Hundreds ot tes timonials on file at his offices. Call and jee him. Charges moderate. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circular. Inclose 4c stamp. Address the C. Gee Wo Chinese Medi cine Co.. 162& 1st St Cor. Morrison. . . i i Please mention this paper. iititttKiiti.tieeisin, Big S it rtmeay xor uonorrht uiset. 3permatorrh Whites, unnatural charges, or any LatUmx lion ot mncoat THiEuxsCheMICAlC. brasei. Kon-Mtrlugi OalC by Xragistj or sent In plain wrap uj oxvrcys, prepoia, $1.00. or 3 bottle, f tal ft dj. I tY J Ounatt. J ffZSJ st to ttxtttvr.