Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 25, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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The Meier (8b Frank Store's 819th Friday Surprise Sale
The Meier b Frank Store's 819th Friday Surprise Sale
75c-$1 Ribbons 39c Yd.
$ 1 4 Silk Petticoats
Police Chief Gritzmacher Is
sues the Order to His
He Is a Protege of Joe Day and
of Snow and Kerrigan, but
That Fact Fails to
Save Him.
Patrolmen of the Portland Police
department are determined to "clean
out" the "stool-pigeons." many of whom
have been Infesting- the city and in
cessantly perpetrating burglaries,
sneak thefts and other crimes, under
the protection of members jal the head
quarters staff of detectives.
War against "stool-pigeons" serving:
members of the detective staff was be
gun by Patrolman Scallcn, who re
cently arrested "Bob" Lucas, Detective
Day's "pigeon," and this arrest was fol
lowed quickly by that of Frank Lamb,
who was taken into custody Wednes
day night by Patrolman Wade, of the
first relief.
Lamb's arest. which was not accom
pllshed until Patrolman Wade fired
several shots at the fleeing form, had
caused consternation among the de
tectives. Lamb has served as a "stool
pigeon" for a long time, trying to
act in that capacity for Kerrigan and
Snow and Joe Day at one and the same
time. Because of his policy of attempt
lng to work for three detectives at
once, frequent clashes occurred be- ,
tween Kerrigan and Snow on the one 1
hand and Day on the other. Of late, i
it is said. Lamb has been pretty loyal
to Joe Day, which aroused the anger
of Kerrigan and Snow to a high pitch.
However, Kerrigan and Snow did not
arrest Lamb, although Chief Gritz
macher had issued an order, command
ing the entire force to round up all
members of the vagrant classes and
drive them from the city. It is said
Kerrigan and Snow hesitated to ar
rest Lamb because they feared a fight
would result with Joe Day. It. there
fore, remained for Patrolman Wade, a
man who has been on the force but
three months, to obey the Chief's or
der and arrest this "stool-pigeon."
Lamb was arraigned before Judge
Cameron in the Municipal Court, and
pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy.
31e desired leniency, he said, and men
tioned something about having a
chance to go to sea on a sailing ves
sel. He said he had an opportunity,
but disliked to take that sort of a
proposition. His case was continued
until tomorrow. Lamb was also ar
rested for enticing a white girl into
Chinatown. Detectives have always
come to his rescue heretofore, but it
is said they fear to attempt negotia
tions now, as the entire staff is in dis
favor with the administration, the pub
lic and the powers that be at police
The recent arrests of "stool-pigeons"
are remarkable, as heretofore patrol
men have feared to interfere with these
worthless criminals, else they might
encounter trouble, worked up in one
way and another by the detectives, for
revenge. Strong backing of the uni
formed men by the Mayor, the Chief
and the captains, is said to be respon
sible for the good work of the men
who perform the real work of the de
partment, x
Despite the gray hairs that crown
the head of G. Foster, and his pleas
ant face, he is Just a plain vagrant,
and was ordered out of the city yester
day when he came before Judge Cam
eron. "This old man was picked up by the
police last night without a cent of
money, and with no abiding place."
said Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald
to Judge Cameron. "He'll have to move
out of here we've got no use for him."
Foster admitted he was "broke,"
and said, he was en route to the Palouse
country In Eastern Washington, to se
cure work.
"'You'll have to cross the city limits
before 2 o'clock today or be rearrested
and brought in 'here to serve out a
term in Jail," said Judge Cameron. "Be
careful, for we can't have vagrants
i-romising to "niKe," the old man
.hurried out of the courtroom, and down
the street, toward a string of boxcars
in the Terminal yards.
Nick Burrelbach. proprietor of the Gem
saloon, 191 Third street, was fined 515 for
permitting a game of poker to be operat
ed ' in that establishment last Saturday
nignt, ana Louie Cohen, V. C. Jackson
and William Russell were fined $5 each
for participating In it. with John F. Kett
ner, of St. Johns, as a "sucker."" He lost
J1Z and reported the game to Captain of
Police Moorer who promptly had it
Three Chinese, who engaged in a came
of chance in a store at 135 Second street
recently, were fined $5 each by Judge
Cameron. They entered a plea of guilty.
through ex-Municipal Judge Hogue. They
were arrested py Policeman Craddock
George Faulkner is a "fresh" youngster.
who is employed by a messenger com
pany, and rides a wheel on sidewalks
whenever It suits his fancy. Policeman
Thompson arrested him for this act
Wednesday night, and Faulkner got very
"'Don't get fresh with me," was a sam
ple of the language used by Faulitner
toward Policeman Thompson, when the
arrest was made. The defendant admit
ted using this sentence, and others of
like effect. Judge Cameron disliked this
manner of the young man very much, and
gave him a severe lecture, admonishing
him to behave himself differently in
future, or suffer a heavy penalty. This
time he was fined ?1.
The handsomest ribbons the season has produced are offered at less
than half their worth for today's 8 1 9th Friday Surprise sale 3 000
yards in the lot and it wouldn't surprise "us a bit if every yard is
sold out before half the day is gone Magnificent ribbons for
sashes, belts, opera bags and trimming purposes 7-inch mottled
taffetas, extra fine quality assorted colors; 6-inch pompadour taf
fetas, all new figures and designs; 6-inch taffetas with special
designs in flowers, figures and Dresden effects Beautiful ribbons
worth 75c and $ 1 the yard Your choice while it
lasts today at the phenomenally low price for the l Q
buyer of, per yard
See Fifth-street window display.
The highest grade silk petticoats can be bought here today at a
price you would expect to pay for ordinary ones 200 of them
An advantageous purchase made by the cloak chief from a lead
ing manufacturer Petticoats of the finest quality, plain, colored
and changeable taffeta silks, splendidly made and in the very best
styles, very deep plaited flounces with wide ruffles and double
row of niching Skirts of "quality" that we guarantee will give
the wearer perfect satisfaction in every particular Colors are
light and dark greens, three shades of blue, two shades of brown,
red, tan gray, castor, garnet, black and a big
assortment of changeable colorings Every
skirt in the lot regular $14 value Today only
See big Fifth-street window display.
35c and 40c Handkerchiefs 25c Ea.
"Women's Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and
scalloped edges, very handsome assortment of patterns ; y
regular 35c and 40c values on sale at this low price, ea.
Lewis and Clark official souvenir Handkerchiefs for wo- f
men and children; regular 15c values for, each C
Men's 25c Lewis and Clark Souvenir Hankerchiefs 2 for 25 $
$1 TO $2 BELTS
"Women's silk and leather crush Belts
and Girdles, all colors, black brown, and
tan, all sizes; $1 to $2 values, ea. .79
New Dolls at Special Prices
New importation of Dolls has arrived. "We want all the little
girls and their mammas to see them. Probably these special prices
will be an inducement for you to come. Third.Floor.
Handsome new dressed Dolls; 35c values, each 25
Prettily dressed Dolls; regular 50c values, each...,, 33
New Red Riding Hood Dolls; 25c values for, each 19
New rag Dolls; regular 25c values for, each 19
25c Indian Dolls, each 19 25c Rough Rider Dolls, each 19
To every little girl, accompanied by her mamma, we will give a set
of Paper Doll Patterns free of charge.
Greatest line of bojV Automobiles ever shown" in the city; many
models ; prices up to $35.00. Third Floor.
75c to $1.50 Hosiery at 43c a Pair
1000 pairs of women's high-grade Hosiery make up a Friday and
Saturday sale of unusual merit. Fine French lisles in black, black
with embroidered ankles the majority of the lot
are light colors, champagne, white, French, blue, -
Dresden, red and tan, all sizes; regular 75c to fcLC
$1.50 values today and tomorrow at, pair
93c EACH
"Women's leather Hand Bags, fitted with
card case and purse, gilt and gunmetal
frames; reg $1.25 and $1.50 vals. .93
Men's 50c ?5c Neckwear 25c
We expect a great invasion of economical men in our fqrnishing-goods
department today and tomorrow The greatest neckwear sale we ever
planned will attract an army of eager buyers 400 dozen men's four-in-hands,
medium and wide styles in the swellest patterns shown this
season, made of the best quality silks, plain and fancies, stripes, plaids,
figures and assorted ideas, light and dark colorings, made reversible
and French fold; ties that find ready sale at 50c and 75c
each you can buy today and tomorrow at this phenome- J if
To prevent dealers from buying these up we are compelled to limit pur-
Don't Forget the Muslin Underwear Sale
It offers the grandest values in dainty lingerie you ever
had the opportunity to buy A manufacturer's entire stock
of skirts, corset covers, drawers and gowns at prices down
to cost of materials and making The choosing is just as
good today as the first day of the sale You can't go wrong
in buying liberally of these fine undermuslins 2d floor
Thousands of muslin, nainsook and cambric Gowns, in the pret
tiest styles, lace and embroidery trimmed; 85c to $6.50 values
for, each -. - 50 to $4.18
Cambric, nainsook and muslin Drawers, most attractive and
serviceable styles, lace and embroidery trimmed; 35c to $2.25
values, pair .' 22 to 1.89
Immense display of Corset Covers this season's most desirable
styles prettiest effects; 40c to $5.00 values 27 to $3.12
Fine white Petticoats thousands of styles lace or embroidery
trimmed; values up to $35; all at exceptionally low prices.
White lawn Waists are selllnp like July and no wonder, when handsome
waists like we are offering can be bought for SSc each. Tucked, embroid
ered and lace trimmed styles. Great variety for your choosing. All slzos.
Every waist In the lot regular 51.75 value. Your choice today and QQ
tomorrow at this low price 7(10
Odds and ends of women's taffeta. Silk Waists, black and colors; good
styles: sizes 32, 34 and 36 only. Values In the lot up to $7.50 -y n
each. Your choice at
Great bargain In high-grade silk Waists Second floor.
Sale of "Hurt" Kitchen Goods
For today and tomorrow we have gathered up a thousand pieces
damaged Kitchen Goods of every description and will offer same at
exactly half price. Included will be found tinware, -wooden ware,
enameled ware, nickel ware, granite ware, galvanized ware, etc..
eic. fiunareos or articles needed in every Home. The majority of tne
of slightly
pieces are dented or mnrred but really Just as serviceable UA. r nnrrr
as the perfect article. Today and tomorrow riAlr
43 Wash' Boilers, copper bottoms, all-copper and copper-rim T
boilers, slightly dented; choice today only at this low price. HALF PRICE
100-dozen pairs women's double tipped. 3-dasp silk Gloves;
brdken line of colors, all sizes, extra value at $1; your choice OjC
Women's elbow length -silk gloves, double tipped in champagne, white,
reseda, cardinal and brown; all sizes; the styles and quality a?
other stores ask $1.25 per pair for. pair OtC
Sole Portland agents for "Perrlns" real French kid gloves. The new Fall
and Winter styles are now ready. Regular or elbow length in new shaded
and efrects. Every pair of Perrln3 gloves are guaranteed to give satis
factory service. Prices range from $1.50 to ?30 a pair.
Five days' outing. Seattle. Tacoma,
Belllngham. Vancouver. British Columbia,
etc. Aboard ocean steamers. All ex
penses, 23.75. August 26 and 3L Informa
tion and tickets. Pacific Coast S. S. Co.,
349 Washington si Phone; Main 229.
Additional Trips to the Beach Arranged for
Popular Steamer.
The T. J. Potter leaves Ash-street dock
for Astoria and North (Long) Beach
rints as follows: August 22. 23 and 24, at
A. M.: Friday. August 25, 9:40 A. M.;
Saturday. August 26, 1 P. M. Particulars
and O. h. & N. Summer book at City
Ticket Office. Third and Washington
streets. Portland.
IT Baby U Cuttlnp Teeth
Be sure and use that old and wcll-trld remedy-
Mrs, WlnfeloWs Soothlnc Syrup, for chil
dren teething. It soothes the child, eofteni
the" surat, allays "'" "'-. " wind colic
arid jllp
Friday and Saturday Sals of
Women's Fine Neckwear
Money saved by taking advan
tage of the great August Clear
ance Sale bargains in the Wo
men's Neckwear Section
Broken lines of women's fancy lace
beaded and plain silk Stocks, light
blue, pink, red, black, cream and
white ; 50c to $1.50 values
on sale for, each 2C
Linen, lawn and grass linen" hand-drawn work Cuffs and Turn
over Sets, simple and elaborate designs, also embroidery AQ
and heavy linen cut-work sets; values up to 75c for JV?G
"White allover embroidery and imitation Irish crochet lace i c
Shirtwaist Collars; great special values at 1C
Batiste, Venise and Rose Point Lace Cape Collars, large sizes
and effective patterns, very handsome styles; $6.50 QQ
to $8.00 values on sale for. &dryO
New black chiffon and liberty silk Boas $1.25 to $15.00
New line Jjiby Neck Ruchings "and Bolting Cloth, wide ruffle
effect, all colors, yard 25 to $2.00
4-lb bars of White Castile Soap, largest piece soap made; great ape-
clal value at this price, bar 07C
Pure White Castile Soap and Wash Cloth for 7c
Hard rubber Dressings Combs, coarse and line, each .....i....8c
Pure Bay Rum, superior quality: great special value 19c
Shampoo for washing and cleaning the scalp ..12c
Wood back Hair Brushes; gray bristles; special, each 10c
Violet Sachet Powder, extra strength; special, ounce .....39c
Ideal Hair Brush best money can buy; $1.00 value S9c
Hand or Stand Mirrors, plate glass; special Se
World'j Fair Toothpicks, best wood pick made, package 4c
Pure Machine Oil, extra quality, guaranteed not to gum 4c
Satin Skin Cream, none better for the complexion, box 10c
Boys' Clothing Bargains 2d Floor
Boys" all-wool 2-pIece double-breasted Suits, In dark
mixtures, ages 8 to 16 years; regular 53.50 co Crt
and $3.75 values for fr.OU
Boys' Percale Blouses, bent patterns and color- .tr
lM) a.11 Mica, vujuwi ............... w
Boys z-piece &uiis. gopc serviceaoie mixtures, weu
made, ages S to-15 years: regular $3.50 Qq
values for ?"o
"Entire stock of boys' Washable Suits, Russian blouse,
sailors, kilts, .very host styles and materials; all
wash pantg at one-half price IIAliF-PItlCB
Vnttr linn nt T? npfftrfl frr hnvn nnt clrlR neon 51 to 12
l.vS years, latest styles and materials at prices from
C3t-.A-jr wew aii ouiis ior ooys sanors. Busier arowns, jxua-
rVST'-jr.'1 l T! ... am nA - ..t.
Young Men's Suit Specis
Our entire stock of young men's Summer Suits on
sale at groat reductions materials nnd styles the
beBt, many of which are desirable for Fall wear
Young men's $10.00 Suits for, each 9 6-9S
Young men's $12.50 Suits for, each 9 SJS5
'Young men's $12.50 Suits for. each... 9 OJSS
Young men's $15.00 Sulto for, each $10J)5
Young men's $16.50 .Suits for, each 913.15
"l hot"" ' iwiUHiiilpwillWBgw'iiu ipmiiwm wag mmmtmm
i mm
33l3 Per Cent Off
Our entire stock of Hammocks on
sale today and Saturday at
one-third off the regnlar prices all
grades and this season's very best
styles Third Floor.
Great special reductions ph Re
clining and Folding Go-Carts. Best
models, large variety Third Floor.
Latest Fiction S1.08
The Missourian, by E. Lyle; The In
difference ot Juliet, dv Grace S.
Richmond; John Henry Smith, by
Adams; The Little Conscript, and
many others all $1.50
Copjiights sold here at $1.08
Subscriptions taken for all the
leadinsr magazines and fashion jour
nalsDelineator 15c copy.
Women's White
Suits, Dresses at
Half Price
Our entire stock of White Suits and
Dresses on sale at one-half regular
prices: high-grade "White Linen
Suits; plain tailored and embroid
ered effects; this season's leading
styles, values $7.50 up to $44.00.
White Mull. Organdie and Jet Dresses;
very handsome creations; 1905 styles;
made up very prettily ith lace,
fagoting, etc., etc; vames up to
$35.30 for HALF-rniCE
Women's madras, percale and galatea
Shirtwaist Suits, skirts kilt effect
and full flare; all the. best colors
and combinations. $3.50 t -q
values, on sale for ........ 1 .DO
Children's and misses' apparel of
every description Is marked at August
clearance sale prices Suits, dresses,
novelty garments, etc
Men's Outing Suits Price
Choose today and tomorrow from our entire remaining stock of men's 2-piece Outing
Suits at half regular prices Suits are all of this season's make Styles and materials the
very best Values range from $7.50 to $22.50 Your
choice today and tomorrow only at fjlf
one-half their real worth Each at tlwC
Summer Suits Beiow Cost
Entire stock of men's Summer Suits, many of which are de
sirable for Fall wear, on sale today and tomorrow at prices below man
ufacturing cost, fancy and plain cheviots, unfinished worsteds, tweeds,
homespuns, etc., single or double-breasted coats, good patterns, all sizes.
$10.00 Suits for $ 7.35 each
$12.50 Suits for $ 9.15 each
$18.00 Suits for $13.95 each
$20.00 Suits for $14.85 each
$25.00 Suits for $ 1 7.85 each
$30.00 Suits for $21.15 each
$13.50 Suits for $10.10 each
$15.00 Suits for $12.15 each
Headquarters for "Waiters' Coats, aprons, tuxedos, vests, trousers,
etc. ; complete stock at the lowest prices.
You Buy Reliable Linens Here
Knit Underwear
Women's flno ribbed lisle Union Suits,
high neck, long sleeves, ankle length,
high neck and quarter sleeve, or low
neck, no sleeve, knee length, hand
finished with silk, all sizes; regular
SI. 25 vulues for this sale at 83c
Women's knee-length lisle Tights, fine
ribbed, pink, blue or black: m
great value at rlC
Woman's Richelieu ribbed lisle-thread
Vests, low neck, no sleeve, white,
pink or blue; all sizes; reg-
ufar 35e values for fOC
Broken lines of men's and boys' Sum
mer Underwear on sale at greatly re
duced prices, today and tomorrow.
All our 90c grade of Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen,
very best patterns, in great variety; sale price, yard. .
All our $1.25 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Table fl
Linon. full 72 in. wide, new natterns: sale nrice, yd. P
All our $1.50 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Table fl
Linen 2 yds. wide, superior qual. and patterns, yd. . . t
$2.50 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Napkins at doz..
$3.50 grades of Bleached Satin Damask Napkins at, doz. .
75c grades of Hemstitched Damask Traycloths, each....
85c grades ot Memstitcned uamasK Taciotns, eacn
Fringed Marseilles pattern
white Bedspreads; great val
ues, very best patterns, su
perior quality, each... $1.43
Bleached Hemmed Turkish
Bath Towels; 35c grades for
this sale, each 27?
High-grade sets Satin Dam
ask Table Cloth and one dozen
Napkins "to match, all nicely
hemstitched. Special values at
910.00 Table Sets for 7.15
Tabic Set for... S 020
915.00 Tabic Set for $10.05
$20.00 Table Set for....' $14.10
Great Sale of Rugs
Australian TVilton Rugs, Oriental
color combinations; size 27x54
inches; $2.00 values $1.58
Handsome, serviceable Fiber
Rugs, dainty colorings and artistic
designs; two sizes a,t very low
27x60 inches for $1.47
36x72 inches., for $1.87
Reversible Smyrna Rugs, fring
ed on both ends ; floral and Orient
al designs; big variety to select
26x54 ins., $1.25 vals. $ .83
30x60 ins.t $1.50 vals. $ .97
36x72 ins., $2.00 vals. $1.52
Sewing Tables
100 Folding Sewing or Card Tables,
nicely finished, great values
$1.25 values for 98i
$1.50 values for $1.23
Camp Stools, with back, 50c values
for 39
35c values for, each 24 i
Light and durable great values.
$1.75 Rattan Suit Case $1.25
S2.75 Battan Suit Case $2.25
$3.75 Battan Suit Case. $3.00
Full lino Japanese Suit Cases, Tele
scopes, Straps, etc. Third Floor.
Specials in the Toy Store
Portland's all year round Toy Store offers special values in
Toys that will delight little f oik. Third Floor.
"Buster Brown" or "Foxy Grandpa" Rubber Stamps,
25c values for 19; 50c values for 39
Handsomely painted Circus Wagon, $5.50 value... $3.23
Iceland Toy Freezers, practical article, special '.' $1.24
Mail Box Banks, with combination; $1.25 value for 98
Pantagraphs for enlarging pictures; 35c values for 25
Sand Car with 9 feet of Track; great value at 25
Registering Trunk Banks, 65c values for 49
HUMPTY DUMPTY'S Circus Toys, very amusing
65c set for 55d
GREATEST SHOW $us set for 98