Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 25, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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Officers Are Elected for the
Irrigation Association
for Next Year.
. llrwT . .. riKiri
Some Arguments Over Various Top
ics Mark the Closing: Hours of
the Session Which Held
Its Gathering Here.
Resolution commending the Irriga
tion act was protested but finally
adopted without change from report
of committee.
Resolution favoring Immigration
commission not Introduced by advo
cates, who announced their purpose to
carry forward campaign to attain de
sired object outside the association.
Boise selected as next place of
Officers elected In conformity with
report of committee on permanentor
ganlzatlon: Goernor George C Par
dee, California, president; L. W.
Shurtlirf. Utah, first vice-president; J.
H Stephens, Texas, seoond vice-president
; E. L. Smith, Oregon, third vice
president; Colonel H. B. Maxson. Ne
vada, secretary.
Reception In evening at Commercial
Club, at which Mormon Tabernacle
Choir was heard In final programme
before leaving for their homeward
Fittingly the concluding entertainment
of the delegates and visitors to the thir
teenth annual session of the National Ir
rigation Congress was a brilliant social
function at which the famous Mormon
Tabernacle choir, of Ogden, rendered a
pleasing programme before its departure
to return home, after having captivated.
r.ot only music-loving Portland, but thou
sands of visitors from throughout the
United States and abroad in attendance
at the Exposition.
The final day was devoted largely to
consideration of reports of tho various
committees of the congress, and was
marked by vigorous expressions cn live
subjects, but without resulting: in any de-
-vlatlon from conclusions of the commit
tees before which the subjects were
threshed ouL The plank In the resolu
tions commending the irrigation laws was
the bone of contention in an animated
discussion, with those favoring an amend
ment to increase the acreage allowed to
Individual holders under reclamation proj
ects, but the convention decided by
large majority that the wisdom of tho
present regulation limiting holdings to
160 acres should not be questioned.
Smythe's Resolution Falls.
An attempt was also made to Introduce
the resolution of William E. Smythe, of
California, bearing upon the formation of
an Imlgratlon commission, but It was de
cided by those having the matter In hand
that the object could best be attained
wnnout precipitating a debate that would
undoubtedly have become acrimonious be
cause of the bitter antagonism offered by
some of the delegates to the consideration
of anything pertaining to Immigration and
colonization. Mr. Smythe Incorporated
the resolution in his address before the
congress in order that It might appear in
the published report.
Commercial Club Reception.
Harmony of orchestral election
floated out from the eighth 'floor of
the Chamber of Commerce building last
night, while handsomely gowned, beau
tiful women and the men who have
labored for the past four days at the
Irrigation Congress, met In the par
lors of the Commercial Club for one
of the most elegantly appointed re
ceptions of the Exposition period. The
splendid Mormon Tabernacle choir, of I
Ogden was heard for the last time on
their present visit to Portland, render
ing "Soldier's Chorus," from Faust,
(Gounod); "Italia," and upon encore
responded with "O, Ye Mountains
High," closing with "America."
Wlllard Weihe. of Salt Lake City,
violinist, rendered "Hungarian Phan
tasies," and other classical composi
tions and was enthusiastically ap
plauded, with '"Tne Cradle Song, as
an encore.
President H. M. Cake, of the Com-1
merIal Club, introduced the must- I
clans to the assemblage and paid a
tribute to the excellence of the cele-
brated musical organization of Oerden
and cave exDression to the aDtirecIa-
tlon of Portland people for their visit.
C. J. Ross, of the choir, gave a brief
address thanking the people for the
reception, and said that without as
sistance of the Commercial Club the
choir could not have made the trip.
Refreshments Served.
Refreshments' were served In the
main dining-room, ladles dining-room
and reception-room, while the large
parlors of the cub presented a scene of
rare beauty, with special floral deco- j
rations In profusion, arranged under
the direction of Manager Richardson.
It was a distinguished assemblage. In-
oludlntr no less than four Governors.
various members of both branches of
th TCptlonal Contrress nn.l manv otnl.
nent representatives of the professions
and of commercial interests.
Last Day of Session.
Proceedings of the morning session of
the Congress were opened by the reading
of telegrams from Senator w. A. Clark,
of Montana, dated at New York, convey
ing his good wishes and stating that only
ill health prevented his being present.
William E. Curtis, correspondent of the
Chicago Record-Herald, delivered an ad
dress on "Irrigation In Inla" that was
listened to with much Interest and teemed
with Information. He said In part:
The government of India has raccemfully
solved several of the Irrigation problems now
under Investigation by the Agricultural De
partment and Geological Survey of the United
States. The northern part of India Is most
developed. The topography In both India and
the United States Is similar and equally dl
verse. In some sections rain Is eo plentiful
that It puts more water in tanks than the
Volume of many of the rivers of India.
In India the water supply Is almost entirely
controlled by the Government. There are
some private enterprises, most of them for the
purpose of reaching land owned by the pro
jectors. A few sell water to adjacent farmers
on some plan such as prevails In Colorado and
California. But the government of India has
demonstrated the wisdom of National owner
ship and controls and derives a large and
regular Income therefrom.
There are different classifications, called
"major" and "minor" classes. The "major"
class of works Includes all extensive works
VttUt br government money and maintained by
government Fupervlslon. The "minor" works
are those of lees extent, usually constructed
to assist j)rt-ate entcrprlee.
LeMon From India.
The financial history of India will be par
ticularly Interesting to the people of the
.'nlted States, as our Government la Juit en-
rSSa ?Z"Z JJL,,?.
December 31. 1802. of the major works of India
Is as follows:
Cost of construction J125.003.703
Recelata water ratMl 7.707.&W
Receipts (land taxes) 4.000.0S3
Revenue (all eources) 11.S04.875
s.:::::::::::::::: 3!g
interest on capita invested 4.zu,ui.
Net revenue, deducting Interest.... 3,434.000
Profit on Investment (rxr cent).... 0.67
Net profit to government (per cent). S.04
In addition to these receipts en "major"
works, government revenues on "minor" works
amounted to $881,300 In our money. In other
words, the government of India has Invested
about (123.000.000 In Irrigation, damp, ditches
uu UUH:f equipment lor purpose oi
crops for farmers, who are exposed
tu uiuufiui, iuiu nui um uivn jl owvtuiusticu
"Its purpose, but It enjoy a net profit of
$3,300,000 after payment of expenses and re
pairs. The largest undertaking la the Chenab
Canal, which supplies 2.000.000 acres. The
possibilities of it Include 3.327.000 acres. It
waters the Rechna Doab, which was, until re
cently, a barren waste, the home of snakes
and lizards only, A few years ago It waa ab
solutely uninhabited. Today It Is the home
of nearly 800,000 happy and prosperous people,
working more than 200,000 farms. The aver
age population of this barren tract Is 212 to
the mile. The land was given to homestead-
PRESIDENT IS TKAXKBD Oar thanks are duo to and are hereby heartily tendered Hon. George C. Par
dee for his manifcld and valuable services as president of this congress.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OP COURTESIES' This congress desires to extend its thanks to the people of
Portland, and especially to the local committee of arrangements for The warm welcome extended, and the
courtesy shown during their deliberations.
TO INCLUDE TEXAS It is the opinion of the National Irrigation Congress that the National irrigation
law should be so extended by Congress as to include the State of Texas within its provisions, in so far as to
permit the Secretary of the Interior' to direct engineers of the United States Reclamation Service to examine
and report upon feasible Irrigation projects, and. when approved according- to the terms of the said law, to
superintend their construction, to the end that Texas may have the benefit of the same service that is now
extended to the other arid sections.
AI'PRECIATES IRRIGATION LAW This oongress desires to express Its high appreciation of the National
Irrigation law. and halls with pleasure the opportunities afforded under Its beneflclent provisions for home
making and hope that the several governmental enterprises now under contemplation as well as under con
struction will be pushed to a speedy and successful completion.
RIGHT OP EMINENT DOMAIN We urgently request the Congress of the United States to consider, and
If warranted by the constitution to enact suoh laws as will enable the Government of tho United States to
exercise the rights of eminent domain when necessary to carry out the purposes ot the National irriga
tion law.
SMALL TRACTS SHOULD BE RECLAIMED This congress favors the early reclamation of small
tracts of land whenever the cost per acre of same does not exceed the cost per acre of larger enterprises
of similar character, and whenever In the Judgment of the Reclamation Service it deems such reclamation
of sufficient importance to receive attention.
APPROVES FOREST SERVICE We approve, the creation of the National Forest Service In accordance
with the resolutions of previous congresses and advocate the maintenance of forest reserves and the ex
tension and protection of forest reserves where Irrigation is necessary on the stream systems affected. Wo
also indorse the effective and business-like administration of the Forestry Service under Its present head.
COMMENDS RECLAMATION SERVICE We also heartily approve the efficient and thorough work of
the Reclamation Service In carrying on tho work of National reclamation where works have been com
menced and are now being executed and have the fullest confidence In the honesty, ability and capacity of
the officials of that service. We recommend that the Reclamation Service and its representatives co-operate
with state officers In matters affecting tho state's landed Interests.
EXPERIMENT STATION WORK COMMENDED We thoroughly commend the excellent work belnp
carried forward by the irrigation and drainage investigations of the office of experiment stations. United
States Department of Agriculture, and recommend the continuance and extension of this work.
WEATHER BUREAU VALUABLE This congress endorses and commends the earnest, honest and
faithful work of the United States Weather Bureau of tho Department of Agriculture in establishing a
highly efficient cllmatologlcal service in each state, of the arid and semi-arid regions, which has proven
Itself of great value and utility to the engineers of the United States Reclamation Service, and to all Im
portant Irrigation enterprises.
FOR AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION As the continued prosperity of the irrigated region of the United
States will depend on the Intelligence and skill of the successive generations of farmers and horticultu
rists dwelling on the irrigated lands, this congress gives Its hearty support to the extension and perfect
ing of the American system of agricultural education, not only by strengthening the agricultural col
leges, experiment stations and farmers' institutes, but also by the better organization of the public schools
in rural communities through the consolidation of school districts and other means so as to secure the ef
fective Introduction of the teaching of agricultural subjects Into the schools attended by the masses of our
rural youth.
Irrigated lands throughout arid and semi-arid America are pre-eminently adapted to the culture of sugar
' beets, and sugar factories having already been successfully established In nearly all of the states therein,
it Is the sense of this congress that we favor such National legislation as will tend to preserve and extend
the beet sugar Industry, the full development of which will enrich our farmers, laborers and manufactur
ers to the extent of over one hundred and fifty million dollars annually, which amount the American peo
ple yearly expend for sugar now produced in foreign countries.
POSITION OF CONGRESS This cttngresc calls attention to the fact that thero is not nor has there been
any connection whntever between the National Irrigation Congress and th Incorporated company known as
the National Irrigation Association, ami It is hereby announced that no person, corporation or company
!nas been, or is authorized to solicit or collect money for or In bohalf of the National Irrigation Congress. .
STATEHOOD FOR OKLAHOMA We believe Irrigation where necessary of the utmost Importance to the
prosperity of any people, and realizing that Irrigation development and better local conditions may be
more effectively secured through state than territorial form of government, we extend the sympathy of
this congress to Oklahoma and Indian Territory in their endeavor to secure Joint statehood for their terri
tories, and we recommend that New Mexico should be admitted to the Union as a state without delay.
ital, public and private, cannot and will not be Invested in the reclamation of arid lands.- it Is the sense of
this congress that Government as well as private enterprise should both be extended, to the utmost, and
that Government enterprise should not unnecessarily interfere with prior private enterprise actually en
gaged in a particular field, nor should subsequent private enterprise unnecessarily Interfere with nor pre
vent Government enterprise from reclaiming arid lands.
ere like ours. Starving people In RTent num
bers were taken from the congested districts
and placed upon thl land.
Charles W. Eberleln, of California, read
the address of President James J. Hill, of
the Great Northern Railroad, who was
unavoidably absent from the Congress.
The full paper, interesting In all particu
lars, was listened to with the greatest
attention by the congress. In part It is
as follows:
Keep on demanding the repeal of the vicious
and fraudulent land laws still In force, by
which all our lands are being dissipated, by
which the pressure of population la made se
vere and by which a large quantity of lands
that might be Irrigated later will be found to
have passed Jnto private ownership. Inculcate
everywhere the gospel of the small farm.
Stop dazzling the eyes of the settler with
the notion that he can make his fortune In a
few years and then retire on his Income by
taking up a piece of Irrigable land. The
"get rich quick" system Is Just a objection
able ln farming as In a real estate boom or
In banking. The man who will thrive best
and acquire the largest means as well as
suck from each day's life the choicest bless-
lngs Is the man who proposes to himself a
comfortable maintenance as the reward of
earnest and unremitting labor. And out of
that Ideal and out ot It alone can grow
high type of citizenship, proof against all
the dangers of a restless time, and the sure
stay and certain hope of the republic
More Land Needed.
The need- of more land spaces for the home
builders Is created by the rapid settlement
of the country and precipitated and aggra
vated by the insane policy of land laws which
tend toward the exhaustion ot the public do
main by the land monopolist and speculator.
Except In a few selected spots, where tne
influenee of the railroad companies as coloniz
era nas Deen exercised to secure actual st
tlement on their lands, the Influx of actual
cultivators Is so small as scarcely to be reok-
I oned with. Those who go- upon Government
1 land In our day for the purpose of making
I homes are a handful. In contrast with this
the following table, giving the Increase In
I area of public lands passing Into private own-
'rah,P J'eaf J,ows h0" raPldl' our
patrimony Is passing away:
Year. Acres.
189S - 8.-1M.898
1690 0.182,413
1900. 13.4S3.BS7
1901 15.&62.796
1902 1U.4S5.D33
1003 - , 22.650.028
Doubtless Congress will consent to amend
the landlaws by the repeal of those employed
now -eolely to Increase the holdings of the
dishonest man to give rise to suoh scan
dals as have lately thrown shame upon the
American name; but If the future . to be
and of dishonesty will come only when there la
no longer any land left that Is desired by
the lumber king or the cattle baron. It is,
therefore, of the utmost moment that thete
lands capable of reclamation, which It was
not In the past to their Interest to acquire,
and which are at least partially and In a lame
fashion safeguarded by the law of 1902. should
be prepared as a patrimony for the days when
the land- hunger, that is as old and as inde
structible as man, shall find no food for Its
reasonable satisfaction.
Railroads the Pioneers.
To the transportation agencies of the whole
country, and especially to those of the West,
t!ie tfabject Is one of transcending Importance.
They were quick to realize this and to act
upon it. The great railroad companies were
pioneers in the campaign of educauon out ot
which emerged the first law to be passed by
an American Congress in aid of Irrigation
I "With that fierce Injustice which the demagogue
and the grafter have encourared, this was
even made one of the arguments against an
Irrigation policy. The railroads are today more
vitally Interested than ever; and not one of
them penetrating even the edffe of an area
reinject to reclamation Is Indifferent to Its
meanlnr. The railroad of today which Is
managed with Intelligence and efficiency sees
In the promotion of settlement, la the Mm of
new Industry. In the Increase of cultivation.
T effort which adds to the rum total
of human needs and the means of satisfying
them, the assurance of its own prosperity.
Creating a w World.
It Is a new world that Is to be called Into
existence; and the most that we who stand
nt the very Incipience of Its creation can say.
enough for man to ay or know. Is that it
must be good. Commercially, mentally and
morally the changes, the Incitements, the
endless Impulses from this great change will
be immeasurable: and our country will suffer
a higher and grander transformation than
that which came upon the nations when first
the discovery of this continent dowered them,
not so much with the wealth that filled their
baselees virions an with the new birth of
Imagination, of intelligence, of ambition and
of power that ever wait upon the unfolding of
opportunity and the opening of the closed
door upon a broader outlook over human life.
One Minority Hcport.
Chairman George E. Bars tow. of Texas,
from the committee on permanent organ
ization, reporteoTtbe following as the per
manent officers of the congress for the
ensuing year:
Governor George C. Pardee, California,
president; L. W. Shurtliff. Utah, first vlce
presldont; J. H. Stephens. Texas, second
vice-president; E. L. Smith, Oregon, third
vice-president; H. B. Maxon, Nevada, sec
retary. Fred J. Klesel, of Utah, presented a
minority report, reading:
"It Is, In my opinion, necessary, as a
matter of business, that the secretaryship
of the congress be bestowed upon one at
once competent and living within, easy
call of the chairman of the executive com
mittee. "I, therefore, oppose that part of the
majority report which nominates the sec
retary of the congress before the location
of the congress Is definitely decided
Mr. Klesel was formerly president of
the Irrigation Congress, and fought the
nomination of H. B. Maxson, of Nevada,
as secretary, declaring that Mr. Maxson
had been a disintegrating factor in Irri
gation Congress matters. The gentleman
from Utah was emphatic The matter
was finally referred back to the commit
tee, and the congress then proceeded to
the selection of the place of the next
Bolso Wins Convention.
Upon motion, the call of states was
agreed upon in nominations, and Alabama
named Denver. When Colorado was
reached Frank C. Goudy named Denver,
and read a hearty Invitation from Mayor
R. W. Speer and another telegram from
business bodies pledging the $S0CO neces
sary for the next meeting. He said Den
ver was one of the most hospitable cities
in the world, and wanted to show the
congress what It could do In the matter
of entertainment. It waa the great con
vention city of the United States.
Judge J. H. Richards, of Idaho, pres
ident of the American Mining Congress.
came to the platform and named Boise in
very eloquent speech, which elicited
warm applause. He declared that no
state In e Union waa more vitally In
terested In Irrigation matters than Idaho,
and thai the Gem of the Mountains ex
tended its heartiest invitation to the next
Irrigation Congress, saying that It was
one of the few states where everybody
men and women enjoyed equal rights be
fore tho law, and pledging the City of
Boise properly to entertain and care for
the Congress.
Eloquent Mining Man.
Hon. Joseph H. Hutchinson, who was
two years ago the nominee for Congress
man from Idaho on the Democratic tick
et, seconded Boise In an eloquent speech
In which he said that he was a child of
Colorado, educated In Denver, and would
always love that state, but he considered
it highly Important that representative
bodies like this assemble in sections of
the country where actual and great Irri
gation works were In progress.
Delegate T. F. Rooney. of Denver, sec
onded that city In a ringing speech. In
which he stated that Denver was an Ideal
convention city, and especially adapted
on account of Its splendid newspaper fa
Iowa seconded Boise, the delegate say
ing that Iowa was really the parent of
Idaho, and would, therefore, protect Its
Governor Prince, of New Mexico, sec
onded Denver, while General .Williams.
of North Dakota, withdrew Bismarck and
cordially seconded Bolae.
Delegate Jones, of Oklahoma, s&ld that
Governor Prince had virtually stolen his I
thunder, and also seconded Denver. I
E. L. Smith, of Oregon, declared that
Idaho was the dearest child of Oregon,
and tho ties binding-them together were
indissoluble, and cordially seconded Boise,
John Henry Smith. Of Utah, said he
It- tt., m nnv nnnort
"" " -- I
"Washington and Wisconsin seconded
Boise. A recess of 10 minutes waa taken
n sltnn. ntni ?ntc-n I OttS to CAUCUS And I
upon reassembling, Mr. Goudy removed
vi t- .i a arithdroitr fhnt iitv 1
from the race and seconded Boise, mak-
ing a motion that the Idaho city be made
Vi. nnn Uaiik AAloMInn OT tHft MniTTR- I
Wild and prolonged cheering greeted the
passage of the motion, and the gracious
uaiuiituvua v
act of Denver's delegation.
Report on Resolutions.
Governor Prince, of New Mexico, chair
man of the resolutions committee, came
forward with its report, declaring that
the committee had been almost Incessant-
, . ,.. ,., l rfnvw and until I
l'VJn.8,e5SJ0n foiLf" nLinr moveS
1:30 o'clock yeMcrday morning. He moved
It being evident at the m embers de-
sired to debate the various resoluUons
severally, an adjournment was taken to
2:30 o'clock In the afternoon.
Afternoon Session Delayed.
Adjournmont was taken to 2 o'clock
but when at that hour the delegates
assembled It was to find the Audlto
rlum occupied by another convention.
For more than an hour the delegates
and visitors visited on the narking ad
jacont to the convention hall and at
about 3 oclock gained admission to
begin the proceedings,
Proceeding upon the report of tho
resolutions committee, Zera Snow made
a strong plea In support of his res
olution for amendment of the recla
matlon law to permit holding of more
than 160 acres, which he again Intro
duced as an amendment to the report
of the commltteo. He declared that
his interest Is In behalf of pioneers
wno nave acquired more than 160 acres
of land and whom he feels should not
be denied the privilege of obtaining
Debate followed In which Delegates
Garnett and Raker, of California.
Windsor, of Arizona. Ross, of Wash
Ington, and others spoke pro and con
upon the subject, but when the amend
ment of Mr. Snow was brought to a
vote there was a small minority only
in Us favor. The previous question
was then moved, and while there
seemed to be general expectancy of a
clash over other features, the report
was adopted with few dissenting votes.
Abolish Sectional Meetings.
G. L. Shumway, of Nebraska, pro
posed an amendment to the constltu
tlon providing that sessions shall meet
in r-nr-ni --..inn -orhiM,
. . . ., .
YJ y ior
ouai nt occuuii luui, icttvuiir mfl
.a . . ... i ,
uiBuer opuonw wim mc onicera.
Report of the committee on organl-
xatlon was next taken up as passed In
the morning session. There was no
strong opposition to election of the
nominee for secretary. Colonel H. B.
juaxson, ot Keno, aunougn a motion
was made that all that portion of the
report witn exception of the nomlna-
tlon for secretarj be adopted. After
brief debate, personal privilege talks
and various references to the constl-
tution In an effort to find a loophole
for a decision without a decision, the
objections were all withdrawn and the
officers were all elected as recom-
Irrigation Information.
R. L. Gould, of California, Intro-
duced a motion asking tho nubllcatlon
of bulletins upon the progress and
conditinnn nresented that n
settlers under the different Govern-
nrntortic ttnrTn imiit.Hn t
"furnished to Congressmen In lots of
1030 for rifiitrlhntlnn In tb Rnn. f
debate! and was finally amended by
BUDStllUtlOn Of "Citizens."
Frederick H. Newell then Informed
the congress that tons of literature are
annually supplied members of Congress
ana tnererore the purpose desired is
already served.
The motion was lost.
B. p. Beard, of California, attempted
to introduce the resolution for an lm
migration commission, but was sup
pressed by the delegates who agreed
with the protest of a member of the
resolutions committee that no further
resolution shall be heard.
It developed, however, that It was not
iue wii.ciii.i-ju ul mi. siujum m aticuipi
to pass the resolution, in view of the
fact that it had already been rejected by
the committee and had not been brought
beforo the delegates In the form of a
minority report, as was at first Intended,
Instead, he desired that it be accepted for
publication as a part of the address de-
uverca uy nimseiL oa mo uroi uj ..
session, and as a Dart of the proceedings
of the section on rural settlement, which
v,i wal .Vint Virtue Tlti. rMillHt
vraa srantea.
Bural Settlements.
Chairman Charles W. Eberleln, of the
rural settlement section, submitted re-
Prt of that division. He reviewed tne
matter more consideration and thanked
ajvw vwa aau O - -"r
the Congress for its courtesy.
D. W. Ross, of Washington, then moved
that adjournment sine die be taken, and
that reports not heard be submitted in
the published reports.
Adjournment Sine Die.
Reports of tho section on engineering
"llu mccnanics. ana u-isu umi ui
n y Irrigation, were not heard, but
onlenK bf 'm the offldal proCeed-
GeTnQr Pardee. who had served with
em,nent faction to the membership
ag execulIve o tne industrial body, ex-
nwi hi. .nnHt(nn of th honor con-
fcrred by his re-election to the position,
hpfnrft ntrtnlnlntr the motion for ad-
inurnment. An Idaho delegation, rising
to a question of personal privilege, thanked
the delegates for the decision to nom me
noxt annual session at Boise.
Delegate Wallace, of North Dakota, vet
eran of the assembly, moved a vote of
thanks to the Mormon Tabernaclo Choir,
of Osden. and those who brought the
great musical organization to Portland,
which was received with loua acclaim.
There were still 150 delegates In the
Auditorium when, at 5 o'clock, for the last
time the tallsmanlc souvenir gavel souna
ed the echo of the small wooden mallet
Governor Pardee held In his hand, and
thft men whoso jrenlus has reclaimed des
erts and made barren wastes prolific of
the foodstuffs and raw material tnat man
kind demands, passed out Into the Dream
City, where their accomplishment affords
Instruction for the rest or tne worm.
New Executive Commlttco Organized
and Selects Officers.
Immediately after adjournment of the
Irrigation Congress, yesterday atternoon.
thft newlv elected executive committee
heM a meeting, and. upon recommenda
tion of the Idaho delegation, electee
Monte B. Gwlnn, chairman, ana .
Tlnoth seoretarv.
Mr. Gwlnn Is secretary of the National
Woolgrowers' Association, and Mr. Booth
Is president of the Boise unamoer oi
Follmvlnir is tho list of the new execu
live commltteo by states: Iowa, H.
Wallace: Texas. George E. Barstow; Ore
gon, F. S. Stanley; Montana, neroerc
Strain; New Mexico. L. Bradford Prince;
wvoming. r. a. .trice; .w "
man G. Palmer; Missouri, Matthias Schut-
tic; Colorado. Arthur F. Francis; .Minne
sota. John McAlDlne: Illinois. D. H. An
derson: Nebraska. G. L. Shumway; Utah.
Fred J. Klesel: Oklahoma. C. u. Jones;
Indiana. Cortez Knight; Nevada, is. L.
Williams; Wisconsin, a. j. toouani ww
Dakota. E. F. Chandler; California, a. u
Loveland: Washington. George E. Dixon;
Idaho. A. B. Moss: District or uoiumDia,
E. T. Perkins; Arizona, a. a. owier;
Pennsylvania, W. K. Krebbs; Kansas,
Otis L. Benton; Maine, Arthur C. Jack
The executive committee adjourned to
meet one day previous to the next annual
session of the National irrigation con
At the close of the meeting or the ex
ccutlve committee, the newly elected sec
rctary of the Irrigation Congress, Colonel
H. B. Maxson. of Nevada, met the Idaho
delegation and asked that they name a
man as assistant secretary for the next
congress, and W. T. Booth, of Boise, was
designated a3 first assistant secretary of
the congress, and will be the ornciai at
Boise who will have charge of all local
arrangements for the meeting of the four
teenth annual session.
Ruling of United States Commission
er Reversed by Federal Court
at Seattle.
SEATTLE, Aug. 24. (Special.) Lawyers
who have to do with Chinese deportation
case believe the ruling Judge Hanford
has Just made In the Sit Kow case will
be of extreme Importance. Sit Kow Is
the Astoria Chinaman arrested as
laborer while working In a cannery and
ordered deported by tho United States
Commissioner because he had gained his
original entrance to this country as a
Sit Row's father owned a mercantile
house In Astoria In 1SS3 and Sit Kow
came over to join him. Ho succeeded his
father when the latter went to China
and died there. In the meantime Sit Kow
had financial difficulties and though still
retaining an Interest In the business, has
become a laborer.
Judge Hanford rules specifically that a
Chinese of the privileged class, who, by
reason of misfortune Is compelled to do
manual labor, does not lose his right to
remain In this country. Should he return
to China he would rate as a laborer and
could be denied readmlttance. But the
I court rules an unfortunate Chinaman Is
enlUIed. to the right ot earning an honest
I u..i
I ut iii
u.., y,va hn ri in t nt
mttrtq rma tmnn t hi. oon-
tentlon. It has been argued before the
rrrt rnurt nf Anneals, but in of
I thn other cases the court had other
srrounda for admlttlntr the Chinamen.
I This time the question was the sole one
I upon which a fight could be made.
Lawyers believe the court s ruling will
I affect a number of Chinese cases pos
I slbly having more effect In the future
I than In the past. Under this ruling a
I Chinese merchant who actually engages
I In business but Is subsequently forced to
go to work, retains the right to live In
I America and such a ruling may relieve
I the small army of Chinese "merchants.1
Swift excursion steamer Telegraph de-
I Darts from Alder-street dock dally (ex
cept Friday). 7:30 A. M., returning from
Astoria 2 P. M.. arrive Portland 8:30 P. M.
I Sundays from Portland 8 A. M., arriving
I -fOruana S Jr. ju
"Wanted for Crime in Redding:.
I m,,.T. Wti.ii.r nlto V! -wTw.ia
wanted In Redding. CaL. on a charge of
embezzlement, was taken to Portland
yesterday afternoon from Seattle by Dcp-
uty Sheriff Kate, of Redding, and was
temporarily lodged In the County Jail.
Fletcher will be taken to Redding today.
If So. Xera About the Very law O. K. A N.
Seotember 7. 8. 9 and 10. the O. R. & N.
places on sale very low-rate long-Urao
tickets East, account L O. O. F. Grand
Tvrn Tnitfnr PhlladBlnhfa P. "Part Irv.
i uiars d asKing at uty xic&et unice,
I Third and Washington streets. Portland.
Angeles Woman Taken
Into Custody,
Created Sensation In San Francisco
by Chartering Skifr, Rowing to
Steamer and Climbing
"Dp Ropo Itadder.
Miss M. Frances Hale, a dashing red-
haired beauty of L03 Angeles, Cal., was
arrested as she stepped off the steamer
Roanoke last night, and had the detec
tive rorce ana the oracers at police neaa-
quarters on pins and needles before she
could be locked up.
Miss Hale created a furore In San
Francisco Tuesday by chartering a skiff
after the Roanoke had left port, overtak
ing the steamer and swarming up a rope
ladder In true acrobatic style. As she
stepped from the steamer last night sho
was met by Detective Snow, of the Po
lice Department; Detective O. H. Kulper,
of the Pinkerton Agency, and four Deputy
Sheriffs, all of whom desired the honor
of making the capture. Harbor Master
BIglln also aided In the .capture of Miss
Tries to Run Bluff.
She was taken to police headquarters In
a carriage, where she was told' a tele
gram awaited her authorizing her arrest
on a charge of embezzlement. A tele
gram was known to exist, and a search
was made for It without avail. Miss Hale
set her foot down and refused to be
locked up until either a warrant or "a,
telegram authorizing her arrest was pro
duced. The officers, after a search In
Chief Grltzmacher's office for the mes
sage, gave up In despair, and the patrol
wagon was dispatched for the police clerk
to procure keys In order to make a more
thorough search.
On her arrival at the station Hiss Hale
declared that she was Ignorant of the
reason for her arrest and demanded a
lawyer Instanter. She dispatched a note
by private messenger for Judge Sweek,
but he could not be .found. Then, taking
the city directory, she Inquired for the
name ot the best lawyer in the city.
Miss Hale took the police station veri
table bv storm. Captain Moore detailed
Sergeant Hogeboom to call the roll of
the first night relief, while he attenaea
personally to Miss Hale's affairs. Offi
cers In line while the roll was being
called paid little attention to reports, but
a great deal of attention to the woman
who was waiting quietly until the tele
gram was produced. The telegram was
finally discovered.
Miss Hale Is under an Indictment by
thf erand iurr of Los Angeles on a
charge of embezzlement. When arrested
Miss Hale had more tnan jiiw wonn oi
diamonds on her person.
Frances Hale Didn't Open the Door
of Hope.
LOS ANGELES. Cal., Aug. 24. (Spe
cial.) Frances Hale, who was arrest
ed tonight In Portland is wanted in
Los Angeles on an Indictment returned
by the grand jury Tuesday charging
her with obtaining money by false
pretenses. She left L03 Angeles about
a week ago after having given what
was Intended to be a nenenc to tne
Door of Hope, an Institution to reform
fallen' women. She sold hundreds of
dollars worth of tickets, had a big au
dience, nromlsed the Door or nope
J100 and half the gate receipts but
skipped out without paying mem a
cent. She was followed to San Fran
cisco by a Pinkerton detective but es
caped from him by boarding the steamer
Roanoke in the stream, after the vessel
Vmrt ntarted toward the Golden Gate, and
was hoisted up the side from the deck of
a steam launch.
Newman's School of Acting.
-Favorably known to the theatrlctl pro
fessjon of Portland has recently maae a
nnoniai arrangement wuu n
Garrison, of New York, to take charge
of the dramatic department. This en-
hnn rh already strong advantages
of the school for all those who are de
sirous of embracing a career upon the
Btncro Punlls desiring a course In dra-
rnr.ttr. nr vaudeville art or stage dancing
.-ni rnnault their interests uy mu.u.nm
a Dersonal Investigation of the facilities
at their disposal ui 1.73 -3vv-"
Phone Main 1885 .
Accommodations at Yellowstone Park.
rrv. -a'viin rn mnlntr Cora nan v. of the
Yellowstone Park. wishes It understood
that they are equipped ni";"""b
large number of people. There will be no
with them if persons will notify a few
days In advance of arrival of exact date
of tneir reacning uatum. n u. nw
The Wylie -0.. uarumer. jiuiiiouo.
Said the Great German Specialist.
It disappoints some people to be told
hof rotTe causes the disease. But It is
best to look squarely at facts and set
the face towards neaim-'iur mam
fun than anything else anyhow. A Cin
cinnati man consulted a Berlin physician
on nervous diseases, and says:
"Four years ago I was an habitual
coffee drinker having used It for 25 years
and being naturally ot a nervous tern
nomi.nt I became almost a nervous
nrcpk ereatlv suffering from Insomnia,
almost constanuy consupateu ana weiK"
Ing only 12S pounds.
I consulted Dnysicians ana toott meui
Hn all the Ume. out nau no renei.
About three years and a half ago I went
abroad and while In Berlin neard ire
quently of a great physician. Prof. Men
del, an authority on nervous trouble, so
I resolved ip consult him.
"Prof. Mendel surprised me very mutu
by asking at once If I was a coffee drink
er, and on my telling mm. x usea it wn
or three Umes a day he said. 'It Is poi
son After carefully examining me he
told me there was nothing - the matter
with me whatever but what could be en
Urely cured In 30 days by letting coffee
and other stimulants alone and dletlnir.
"I had a hard time following his advice,
I did not know what to do until I came
home and told my wife, who got some
Postum. We tried It but at first did
not like It: then we went over the direc
tions on the package together and found
we had not boiled It long enough. That
wa3 the beginning of the end of my
trouble, for the Postum was delicious
after that and I drank It regularly and It
helped from the start.
"In a very short time T began to feel
much better and In the last three yeara I
haven't been absent from business one
hour on account of 111 health, for my
health Is fine now. I have a good appe
tite, aleeo well and weigh lo pounds."
Name given by Pbstum Co., BatUe Creek,
Any nervous person who drinks coffee
will feel better from 10 days use of
Postum In place of coffee. Trial easily
proves this. There's a reason-
Look n each package for a copy of
the famous little book, "The Road to
m mm
Tens of thousands have known no
other soap since birth. For pre
serving, purifying, and beautifying,
the skin, for cleansing the scalp of
crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the
stopping of falling hair, for softening,
whitening, and soothing red, rough,
and sore hands, for baby rashej
and chafings, and for many sana
tive, antiseptic purposes which
readily suggest themselves to moth
ers, as well as for the toilet, bath,
and nursery, Cuticura Soap, as
sisted by Cuticura Ointment, the
great Skin Cure, is priceless.
Cotinus Soap ramblou diiet medleiail nd mol
Bent proprtia thrived from Cutlcvra, tht jfrtt Skis
Car, with Ui psrat of etaouicg ia(nUctg and Uu
KMMt f nililng ot Aowrr odor.
mr Scod far UJUI A boot & Sxla, Scalp, tad Hiix."
Get Up
In the morning- tired, languid,
and frequently with a headache
that is almost unbearable. You
have been nervous, restless and
sleepless night after night, and
gloomy and irritable during
the day. This nervous exhaus
tion affects the heart, lungs and
other organs that depend upon
the nerves for motive power.
Tlien the stomach fails to di
gest the food ; the heart action
is weak, and circulation poor,
and the kidneys and liver in
active. What you need is not a stom
ach, head, kidney or liver med
icine, but Dr. Miles' Nervine to
soothe and feed the nerves and
build nerve tissue.
"My wife was subject to severe men
tal strain, which resulted. In nervous
prostration. The first symptoms were
uncontrollable crying and melancholy
spells, which Increased to such an ex
tent that for over a year she would
have a spell every day cf from four
to six hours duration. She required
the constant attention of her physic
ian and attendants. She sufferec great
pain and anguish. The best physicians
attending her could give no relief, and
she finally became almost of unsound
mind. Jis a last resort I oegan giving
her Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Tonic, and
noticed that her spells next day were
not so severe, and they gradually dis
appeared altogether. She has had no
recurrence of the spells, and Is gain
ing in health and strength.
Dr. Mllea' Nervine Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It fails, he
will refund your monoy.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
We treat and cjra hundreds everr
month who suffer from Telvlc and
other dUeuaes of men, such as Hydro
cele. Varicocele, Stricture, Stomach,
Kidney and Bladder Affections, Vital
Weakness, Nervous Decline. Impo
tency. Kocturnal Losses and all that
long train of symptoms and troubles
which arise from youthful rrora or
other excesses.
We have a new specific treatment for
Gonorrhoea which Is prompt, sure, safa
and painless.
Syphilis and all blood taints we curs
to star cured, and do not resort to poi
sonous minerals.
Varicocele, Hydrocele, Plies. Rectal
Ulcers and Cancers we cure effectu
ally and without the use of the knife.
Consultation and examination free.
Write for symptom blank and book If
you cannot call.
Offlco Hours: 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.;
Sunday. 10 to 12.
St. Louis SS Dispensary
Cor. Zd and Yamhill Sts Portland, Or.
Every Woman
is interestea ana inouia zaow
about uie worm emu
MARVEL Whirling Spray
is new Ytfiail Srlac. nec
tion and Suction. Uest SaX.
eit Most CoriTenlent.
ItClMiin lnitiiUJ,
Aik Tesr drsnUt far it.
If be cannot snpply the
XARVKu, accept no
other, bnt send itamn for
lllaitrsted book ItciTes
fnll c&rtleulsnand ilirertlons la-
Tslixable to ladles. JIARVEI. CO.,
44 K- 3Sd T.. XEH TURK.
Woodard. Clarke X Co.. Portland, Oregoa,
These tiny Capsules are sup erlw
to Balsam of Copaiba,
Cubebsorlnieriionsc.itullUf J.
the same diseases without
Sold h? all drxtfisU.