12 THIS "SLVKSi lix UKJEtf UIVIAN, THUliSDAY, ATJGrDST 24, -1905. HOGUE TO TE5TIFI Ex-Municipal Judge Is to Be Called as Witness. SUBPENA HAS BEEN ISSUED Charge of Keeping Open After Hours Against Proprietors of Tuxedo Saloon Will Be Hard I Fought Case. Ex-Municipal Judge H. W. Hoguc will oc the star witness of the city in the case against the proprietors of the Tuxedo sa loon, charged with keeping their establish ment open in violation of the ordinance. At 2 A. M., August 4, Mr. Hoguc was present in a rear room of the liquor dis pensary, and in order to secure, if possi ble, a conviction in the case. Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald has found it neces sary to issue a subpoena for the former Judge. Yesterday morning Judge Cameron asked Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald and Attorney John F. Logan when they wished to try the cases of 3IcGlinn and John Bon, proprietors f the Tuxedo, and It was Anally agreed to hear them Friday morning. It is presumed that a hot fight will be waged between the city and defend ants, as the latter have been so fre quently in court and have so often been convicted of the ofConse now charged, that it is understood they will lose their license if they fail to establish their in nocence in this case. It is understood that the defendants will sot up as a defense the alleged fact that ex-Judge Hogue was a member of a party In a rear room of the saloon, and that they refused to vacate when it came time for business to be closed. It is said the defendants will contend that they tried to persuade the party to leave, but failed, and that Policeman Slnnott, who was standing in front of the saloon, reported to Captain Bailey the alleged violation of the ordinance. The defense will also make Inquiry, it is said, as to why the police did not take any action in the matter from August 4 to August 16. A little game of "freeze-out" or draw- poker, engaged in by William Russell, V. C. Jackson, Louie Cohen and John F. Kettner, the latter a citizen, of SL Johns, received an airing. N. Burrelback. charged with permitting gambling In his saloon. The Gem, 191 Third street, was on trial with the others. Considerable evidence was introduced, after which Judge Cameron announced he will render a decision tomorrow mornlmr. Kettner admitted participating in he poker game, which was In operation, he explained, in the second story of the saloon through which entrance Is gained, He said that he was Just wandering arouna last faunday night to see what he could find In the line of amusement, when he thought he would get a beer at the uem. "Do you play any poker?" asked the Darienaer, according to Kettncr's story I seldom do," was the reply Kettner eays he made. Then Proprietor Burrelbach butted in, and suggosted that it would be a nice thing for Kettner to go upstairs and try nis nana at a little game, and Kettner, being In an Idle frame of mind, went. To mane a long story short, he said, he entered the game, remained with it for aoout one hour and quit $12 shy. He had but 20 cents when he concluded to ault. Kettner felt pretty "sore" when he got outside and thought over his loss, so he went to police headquarters and told Cap tain Moore of the poker game. In plain clothes. Policemen Kay, Jones and Evans were hurried to the scene, and "pinched" the whole bunch of players. Burrelbach and Cohen, two defendants. took the stand and swore that no poker game had been played that night, but they both got mixed In their stories and finally admitted they played about an hour. Cohen denied ever seeing Kettner, but Burrelbach admitted he sent Kettner upstairs, but denied telling him he could play poker up there. For one year J. F. Huffman had been operating a pharmacy on Sixth street, be tween uavls and HA'erctt streets, unmo lested, although he possessed no certifi cate of registration, as required by law. In some manner, the Examining Board ascertained this, and caused his arrest. Huffman was arraigned on the charge before Judge Cameron, and entered a plea of guilty. He was fined $50. and said that he would be unable until next Ue cember to seoure the necessary registra tion, but that he will immediately place a registered pharmacist In charge of the drugstore. ELOPES WITH YOUNG GIRL WILD WERNER AROUSES IRE OF MOTHER-IN-IiAW. Mrs. Schumlda Informs District At torney That Her Daughter Is Illegally 31arrled. Taken from her home without her mother's consent by Will Werner, to whom she was married in Vancouver, Wash., yesterday. Miss Stefl Schumlda has "become the bride of the man who Is al leged by Mrs. Schumlda to have two un divorced wives In Germany. Mrs. Schumlda. who says that her daughter is but 17 years of age, appealed to District Attorney Manning yesterday to have the marriage of her daughter annulled. She has also declared that un der no circumstances will she allow her daughter to live with Werner. Werner left Portland yesterday morning with his prospective bride unbeknown to the mother, and going to Vancouver he secured three witnesses and a marriage license and was married by J. E. Harris, Justice of the Peace. When the newly. married couple returned to Portland they did not receive the blessings of Mrs. Schumlda, but Werner was accused of not only illegally becoming the husband of her daughter, because the girl had not obtained her mother s consent, but be cause he had two wives in Germany who were anxiously awaiting his return. District Attorney Manning assured Mrs, Schmulda that he would look into the case and would try to straighten out the difficulty. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation were filed with the county Clerk as follows yes terday: Columbia & Chelan Navigation Company; principal place of business Portland; capital stock $100,000; dlrcc tore. Ernest A. Morch. of the State Washington, and Henry C. Munger and John J. Dubrille, both of Oregon. Falls ity Lumber Company, principal HOTEL ;ifth tnd Washington Streets EUROPEAN Booms, $1.00 to $3.00 Per Day Accordlnc to Locution. i. I". DAVIES, rre. St Charles Hotel CO. (INCORPORATED.)' FRONT AND MORRISON STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON European Plan Rooms 76c to $2.00 First-Class Restaurant In Connection The ESMOND HOTEL OSCAR. ANDERSON, Manager Front and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON Free 'bus to and : Rates Eu&pne,n ?5c stock $30,000; directors T. Scott Brooke, Mary A. Berry and C H. Farrington. Portland Road Oiling Company; prin cipal place of business Portland; cap ital stock 510,000; directors, Arthur E. Volffuth, B. O. Vclfjuth and John R. Oatman. George J. Gould has been elected presi dent of the Wabash Raiiroad, to succeed Joseph Ramsey. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 23. Maximum tempera ture, 72 deg.; minimum, 28. River road lnu at 11 A. M., 4 feet; change in past 24 hours, fall, 0.1 of a foot. Total precipitation, S P. M. to 5 P. it-, none; total since Septem ber 1. 1904. 34.20 Inches; normal, 40.00 Inches; deficiency, 12.40 inches. Total sun shine August 22, 1005, 11 hours and 58 min utes; possible, 13 hours and 40 mlnutos. Bar ometer (reduced to sea level) at 6 P. M., 29.07. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. gs wma. STATIONS. E "5 i ? 3 O o . I la? F 1 Bakor City Bismarck Boise S8I0.00I 61SW iClear 0.04 nw sw N Rain Clear Clear 0.00 Eureka Helena.......... Kamloops. B. C. 0.00J14 W.OOj 4 sw Pt CMy. PL CMy. 0.001 North Head ... COjO.00'18 NTS' Clear Clear Clear Pocatello... 0.001 4t8W Portland Bed Bluff , 2t0.001 fliNW 0rtl0.O010S 700.O0 8!NW SB'0.00 10!S Srtl0.0fl12lNW C20.00:20W S2io.oo?io;sw eaio.oajioiNW 0010.00! s?w Clear Rpseburg Clear Sacrarr-nto Clear Salt Lake City.., Clear San Francisco... Spokane Seattle , Tatoosh Island.. Clear Cloudy Clear ClowJy WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain has fallen in the Pacific States during the last 24 hours and the weather. except for the presence of light smoke, is generally clear at the reporting stations. The indications are for fair weather in this district Thursday. It will be. slightly warm er in Western Oregon and "Western "Washing ton, except near the coast, and coolor in Eastern Oregon and Southwestern Idaho. "WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 25 hours ending at midnight. August 24: Portland and vicinity Fair and slightly warmer. Northwesterly winds. "Western Oregon and "Western Washington- Pair, varraer, exeept near the coast. North west winds. Eastern Oregon Fair and cooler. Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho- Fair. Southern Idaho Fair. Coolor west portion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. BEHiNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, corner Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. By J. T. Wilson, at 345 North 18th St., at 10 A. M. Sale at Little Art Shop. 175 4th St., at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 1st st. Sale at 2 P. M. C L. Ford. Auctioneer. At GUmaa's Auction Rooms. 413 Washington Ht.. at 10 o'clock A. M. S. L. N. Gil man. Auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICES. MACCABEES All Sir Knights of the Mac cabees. Supreme Tent, who wish to attend the class initiation at the Auditorium on Thursday evening, August 24, must have cur rent password or receipt for July assessment. HASSALO LODGE; NO. 15, I. O. O. F. Members are requested to meet at our hall this (Thursday) evenlnc. at 70 o'elock. to pay & fraternal visit to Rlvervlew Lodge. MU wauKic. li. brown, Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. LARS EN In this city, August 22. Lars Eric Larsen. aged 40 years, 10 months. 11 days. Friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held from Holman's chapel, Thurs day, August 24, at 2:30 P. M. Mr. Larsen's late residence was .Blind Slough, Clatsop County. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. JONES At her late residence. 450 East 10th St.. August 22. 1905. Mrs. Nancy C. Jones, aged 00 years, 2 months and 8 days, wife of D. A. Jones and mother of Ethel Jowsr. Funeral will take place today, August 21, at 3 P. M.. from F. S. Dunnlnga chapel, corner of East Alder and East 0th sts. Friends invited. BARTENDERS' LEAGUE. LOCAL 339. Members are requested to meet at head quarter. 204H Alder St.. on Friday. Aug. 25, at 2:15 P. M., to attend' the funeral of our late brother, Andrew Thoeney. CHAS. GRASSMAN. S-c THOENY The funeral services of the late Andrew Thoeny will be held at Flnley0 chapel Friday, August 23. at 2:3 P. M. Friends, acquaintances and members of the Portland G rue til Yereln invited to attend. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. DUNNING. M'ENTEE GIXBATJGn. i ccssors to Dsnainr Campion, undertakers and embalmers. modern In every detail. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO., Undertakers and emb)mers, have moved to their sew build ing, '.Third and Salmon. Lady assls-taat. Telephone No. SO 7. . P. FINLEY ft SOX, Pan era! Director, cer. Sd and Madlsoi . Office of County Cor aer. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. P. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. TelephoBe East fiS. ZELLEK-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. rb straw, Ztt Kua'l) asi IMS; lad '(. PERKINS PORTLAND, OREGON PLAN Flrst-Class Check Restaurant Connected With Hotel. C. O. DAVIS, Sec and Treas. from all trains J to $3.00 Per Day : AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater Olrtctiea I. W. T. 1SS0:UT13I C. .tWt. rmldtat Morrison Street between 6th and 7th. Phone Main 868. TONIGHT AT 8:30 O'CLOCK. EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK. Bargain-Price Popular Prices Matinee Saturday Every Night 25c Any Part Theater. 25. 35. SO. 75 cents. H. L. LEAVITT PRESENTS The World's Greatest Hypnotist. Mind Reader. Magician and Entertainer IVIcEWEN FUN-MUSIC-COMEDY. IRENE FRANKLIN The Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist. SECURE SEATS EARLY. UT7J AQPH THEATER JJJ-iJUrLU W TeL Main 311 (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash, TONIGHT, 8:15 ALL WEEK I rill, ViiiVL, BT CLTDE FITCH AND 13IH VEEK BEUSC3 STOCK COMMIT THE JUDGE BIS rxooBcnoi Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PPTppC Night 23c, 33c SOc and 75c. IVlVrfCnJ Matinees 23c. 35c and 50c. Next Week Alice of Old Vincenne BAKER THEATER 3d and Yamhill OREGON THEATER CO.. LESSEES. GEO. L. BAKER. MANAGER. One WeekS" Mat Aug. 27 Matinees Sunday. Wed., Thurs. and. Sat. tNo Performance Saturday Night.) MUSICAL BURLESQUE The Recognized Leader of Them All The Fay Foster Co. EVERYTHING BEYOND COMPARISON. BEAUTIFl'L GIRLS. GORGEOUS SCENERY AND SENSATIONAL NOVELTIES. , PRICES Nights, 25, 35, 50 and 75 cerfta. aiatlitees 15, 25. 33 and 50 cents. Sale of Seats Opens Friday. Aug. 25, 10 A. M. THE GRAXD MB. JOSEPH CALLAHAN IDA RUSSELL THE TAYLOR QUARTET THE DO LANS LEONARD & HELD , FRED PURINTON THE GRANDISCOPE GENERAL ADMISSION. 10c. Evenings. Sundays and Holidays, reserved seats on lower floor, 20c Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10c Box seats, 2Sc THE STAR CLIFF DEAN Jfc CO. ONSLOW & GARNKTT THE MOZARTS DREANO WOODTHORPE WILLARD ROY McBRAIN THE STARO.SCOPE GENERAL ADMISSION. 10c. Evenings. Sundays and Holidays, reserved seats en lower floor, 20c Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10c. Box seats, 25c BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Corner Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth. PORTLAND VS. LOS ANGELES AD5USSION. 35c AUGUST 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. GRANDSTAND, 25c. CHILDREN. 15c Bex tickets and reserved seats on sale at box office. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE JL'U RTLAN 1 HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off at (Hawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. Sea beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from .top of tower. Open 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Rooms and Board -Housekeeping Itoomj." -Situations Wanted." 15 words or less. 15 cents: 10 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc first Insertion. Kacii additional insertion, one-half: so further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate). 13 cents per line first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, 'ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelopes. No stamp la required on such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through, the telephone. NEW TODAY. STARK STREET WE ARE AUTHORIZED BY THE UNIVERSITY CLUB To sell their property. 10S feet on Stark and 8S feet on West Park. For price Inquire F. Y. Andrews & Co., Agents Hamilton Building No. 131 THIRD STREET A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. T car line, one mile and a half cast from the golf links; price from $150 to $250 per acre. Inquire of John H. Gibson, OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 103 bnenocjc mag. GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodic! audits. , Clay 220. NEW TODAY. ARE TOU LOOKING FOR A NICE FRAC- uonai lot? Look at East 12th and Ash sts. $750 for intUe: J 1000 for corner: Improve ment all la. The Hart Land Co.. 100 Sher lock bldr. 140-L1GHT DYNAMO For Sale CHEAP Complete with attachments, including switchboard. All new and in first class condition. THE H. C ALBEE CO. 24S Grand Avenue. Phone East 64. California-" Bliss Lands" Homeseekers act promptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated land at $30 to 170 per acre, price including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulara City, two miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.). 010 Parrott bide. San Francisco. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts Furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., C and 7 Chamber of Commerce. LOUIS H. BOLL INO STUDIO WILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 1. Parlors 0 and 10. 342i Washington a. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRB TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outsifie. Somt acres with terms as low as 110 per month with water-, A. C Churchill & Co. Inc." 110 2d sc ALBANY. OR. FOR SALE. 10 ACRES BEST fruit land. 1H miles from Albany, all under fence; fruit consists of apples, prunes, peaches pear?, etc.; good roads, telephone, free delivery; a bargain If taken at once. M 73. care Oregonlan. TWO ACRES FINEST WATER-FRONT homeslte In Portland; magnlflcent view; twe Mocks from car line, tell wood Townslte Co.. offices at Sellwcod and at 222 Falling Mdg. Phone Union 1491. SUBURBAN HOME OF NEARLY IX ACRES la berries and other fruit; beautiful location, near car line; good buildings; running stream of clear water. V 29, Oregonlan. $600 NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE. CONCRETE foundation, full lot, fruit, flowers, chicken park; fine residence district; gas in street; owner leaving city. US Abingion Mdg. f27S0-$25O CASH; ELEGANTLY FINISHED new Si-room house, thoroughly modern home, poseessing every convenience, furnace, li re place. Morgan. S13 McKay bk!g. SIX LOTS IN ASTORIA. ON JOHN DAY River. 2 miles from depot; no trees, good roil; price $150. Address 434 Spokane avc. Sell wood. or. FOR SALE-THE CHOICEST HOMES IN Oregon at Beaverton. 8 miles west of Port land; 1 to 1C0 acres; fare 35 cents. Barnes & Cady. FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES; A BARGAIN for cash. Inquire 4Sth st. and Hawthorne ave. South. Mrs. W. S. Falling. Mu Tabor P. O. 9-ROOM HOUSE. VERY MODERN. LARGE grounds, with fruit and shrubbery: fine lo cation; $7000. Hatfield & Smith. 1G5H 4th st. A SACRIFICE GOOD 0-ROOM HOUSE, bam. Iron fence, corner lot. on Montaviila car line; price $1200. Phone Scott 3013. 50X100 LOT ON 42D ST. AND HAWTHORNE ave.; price reasonable; cash or terms, quire 49S North 2lst st.. near Vaughn In- st. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.-00 DOWN AND $3.00 a month; from S75.O0 to $200.00. Sell wood Townslte Co. Phone Union 1401. FOR SALE NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences; price reasonable. In quire owner. 731 E. Ash it. $2050 WILL BUY NICE LOT ON 1STH ST.. near Nob Hill district, suitable for residence or fiats. Phone East 1507. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. FULL LOT. 5 MIN utes' walk to car line; $400. 'Hatfield & Smith. 165tt 4th st. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 8 MILES from Monlson st. bridge. C. E. Bollard, MUwaukle. Or. BEAUTIFUL LOT. 50X75. ON NORTH 1CTH st., with or without house. Owner, O 74, Oregonlan. , IMPROVED ACREAGE NEAR CITY AND ear: call forenoons. 07 East 8th North, near Davis. FOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES-ONE OF THOSE FINE HOMES fourbut once In a lifetime. It took 20 years of hard work and lota of money to make this farm what It Is. It Is as repre sented. The soil is rich. deep, black and free; can be worked any time; fine for hops, hay. grain and all kinds of farm and gar den crops; free from frost and wind: 6 aeres choice fruit anl long-keeping apples; all kind choice small fruit: 65 acres fine timothy and clover meadow; 40 acres cleared, ready for plow; more part cleared, now In pasture; some timber; good large 8-room houie; large Implement, wagon, wood. hen. dairy and spring bouses: fine cellar: fine v clear, cold spring water now piped to dalry- all over houe and barn; spring water In every field; running water and fine water power- on corner of place; large barn; good county road to good town and boat landing en Columbia River. 4 miles south, 8 miles west of place; 1 mile to school; 4 miles to R. R. under construction; 5 miles to R. R.; proposed electric line on corner of place; mall to be delivered at door; near working mines and logging camps that take all products; plenty fish and game; good site for creamery asfi outing hotel; fine range for stock; good neighborhood; fine largp team horses, har ness, machinery, wagons, tools; 75 or $0 tons hay In barn; cream separator, cans, dairy supplies enough to run fans, and worth 52000; all go with the place for $4500; worth twice that amount. Without doubt the best bargain today. If you want this fine and lovely home, address the owner. Box 23, Portland. Or. FARM FOR SALE 11 MILES FROM PORT land. on Scholls Ferry road: 284 acres. 130 la cultivation; good ash swale land, suitable for timothy and grain; well tilled. 00 acres slashed and fenced, easily cleared, balance good timber; house and two barns, one 22x 116. the other 40x40. with two 16-foot, sheds; good orchard and well watered: $1500 worth personal property Included. This place lays well to divide; will sell half If desired. If sold eoon will make price of $55 per acre, in cluding personal property. Address owner, Frank Bornett. Tlgardvllle. Or. FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN FINE 254 -acre Valtey farm, about 2D0 acres bottom land, about 100 In cultivation; balance low bench partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beavcrdaxn; about 1500 cords of fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; close to rail, church and schools; 20 miles to Portland; S45 per acre; terms. S 3, Oregonlan. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE COMPLETE FARM 55 acres, level land. In cultivation. 700 Winter apples, modern improvements, elec tric car. fine roads all year: S miles east of Portland; growing crop, chickens, stock and Implements; fine water and piped; more acreage adjoining If wanted. 227 Front st. FOR SALE 40-ACRE FARM. 10 MILES south of Portland: 29 acres in cultivation, houses and barns; barn full ,of hay; all hinds of firmlnr mnlemcnU. This nlace p can be bad within the next 30 days for $2750 cash. Address H L9. oregonlan. 40 ACRES. 2H HOURS' DRIVE TO CITY; all crood solL level: S acres cultivated, bal sr.ee timber and pacture: on good county road: 4-room house; owner will sacrifice for SI 300. Oregon Associated Exchange. 165Vi 4 th St., room 35. FOR SALE 200 ACRES. WITH 30 HEAD of cattle, with 21 barns and good dwelling- . A '.,nV.ni1i1n-- nrlc. TA.l Apply to P. B. Gallagher. Perkins Hotel. Portland, or ona 1. o. 1C0 ACRES. 2.000.000 YELLOW PINB AND fir. part farm land, house, water, orchard; X1WO; KJICKltal CO.. vtaao.; o mues it. -iv. R. Shelly. .Metropolis Hotel. -oruana. FARM CHEAP; 107 ACRES. 100 UNDER plow. In heart of Willamette Valley; no agent's commUslon. Call T. J. Jackson. 100 5th sc. corner Stark. FOR RENT MIS CELLANEOUS. NICE NEW "BUS CARRY 14 PASSENGERS. Call New L&nge UoUU FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 20 ACRES NEAR SCAPPOOSE; good soil, stumpage on cedar and fir more than pay price asked for land; owner leaving state, must sill. Address X 71. care Ore gonlan. C40 ACRES TIMBER LAND. ONE BODY; 20.- 000.000 feet; Northwestern Washington ab stract furnished; price $3000. S. C White. Chehalls; Wash. W1LLAPA HARBOR TIMBER 3000 ACRES, spruce, cedar, fir. hemlock; $5 to $10; tracts to suit. W. W. Cheadle. agent. South Bend. Wash. 320 ACRES FINE TIMBER, NEAR PORT- land; $12.30 per acre. J I. G. sanistrom. 163H 4th st. ICO ACRES TIMBER LAND. CLACKAMAS Coenty. 28 miles from Oregon City; 5.O0O.IXX) feet; sold cheap for cash. Address L 74. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY RELINQUISHMENT OF timber claim or homestead. N 73. urego nlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED ONE OR TWO VACANT LOTS Upper Alblna or Alblna Homestead; can place them at once. Tatt Sc. Co., 122-3-5-0 Ablngton blk. WANTED 1 TO 0-ROOM COTTAGE. Highland district or Lincoln Park; want it at once. Taft & Co.. 122-3-3-6 Ablngton blk. W A NTE Bt 3 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE. IN UP per Alblna district; easy payments pref erable. Taft & Co., 122-3-3-0 Ablngton bldg. I AM PAYING $35 A MONTH RENT; WANT to buy and pay same installment. tnai have you? Address R 74. Oregonlan. TO BUY SEVEN OR EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE In suburbs, on Installments. .Address H 73. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. .FARMS IN OREGON AND CALIFORNIA to exchange for Portland property. Hatfield A. Smith. 165j 4th st- FOK SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bid?. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND Ve hicles by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exebanga. Tomllnsoa it Cleat day, 211 Washington it. HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL kinds of vehicles and harness for sole or rent. Hubert & Hall, 2WJ rourtn st. PEPCnERON WORK HORSES FOR SALE DV li. u. iiai9im. nun, imi wcuau. Phone West SIS. SEVERAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUG- gies and surreys. 571 Thurman, cor. lain. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, air to 1st: needs no oalntlng or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs tnere is nciing Deuer; guaran teed; Mastic roof pint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW ANI SECOND-HAND blUlard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures, cheap prices, urunswics Balke-CcUender. 49 3d stt FOR SALE CHEAP TWO FIRST-CLASS tickets to Kansas City, by way of bait Lake and Denver, for lady and gentleman; will require no signing. Inquire at once at 380H 1st st. T. J. Cole. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS-SEVERAL good 6rcond-hand engines, suitable for log- tin or holstinc nurnoses to be bad cheap. For further information apply to F. U. Kuettner, Astoria. Or. 0X12 NEW BRUSSELS RUG. 38 YARDS: new Brussels carpet, new matting, toilet set; cheap; also new Decker upright piano. cheap. K 73, care Oregonlan. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOlt SALE OR TRADE 10 tons' carrying capacity. 24-horsepower engine; will sell cheap. C G3. oregonlan. FOR SALE A LIGHT SINGLE-SEAT AUTO.. engine In front under hood, wheel steering. Call 763 Northrup st. Phone Front S74. FOUR GOOD STOVES G-HOLE RANGE. wood heater, oil stove, camp move; must sell at once, cheap. 02 Cleveland ave. A DROP-HEAD 405 SINGER SEWING MA- ehlne. nearly new. for J-o. if bought at once. Call at 354 Morrison st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tlnne s tools and machines. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine. Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. TICKET TO DAVENPORT. IA.. MIDDLE- age man. dark complexion, medium height. 64 Vaughn st. MAN'S FIRST-CLASS TICKET TO DEN- ver. Colo.. $10. Call Immediately. SSH Cth st.. room 11. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 027 L St.. Fresno. CaL BAKER'S PORTABLE OVEN FOR SALE; MMdleby No. 2. Inquire Star Bakery. The Dalles, Or. LADY'S TICKET TO ST. LOUIS. VIA DEN ver: middle-aged: medium, gray hair. S 71, Oregonlan. GRAPHOPHONE WITH 43 UP-TO-DATE records, for sale cheap. T 71. Oregonlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. 324 CHAM ber of Commerce, or phone Main 23C3. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. $5 PER month. J. E. Huxley. S2 4th st. FOR SALE STEAM WOOD SAW. APPLY 41 Union ave. and E. Pine st. YOST TYPEWRITER. NEARLY cheap. 415 McKay bldg. NEW GO-CART CHEAP. 427 JOHNSON. HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert Instructions. Write for terms. GUlman's College. 027 Clay sc. 3, r . California wine depot; headquarters bakers. cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines I perglass, P. Loratl. 143 4 th. Clay 1503. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit bus! call or write. GOT aicKay bldg. SALESMAN CLOTHING. GENTS' FUR nlshlngs; outside town: $75 month. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. WANTED SING LE YOUNG MAN AS TRAV ellng salesman: references. Call. 10 to 2 P. M.. room 14. 3S1 Yamhill. wivren-TnirxR man to learn bar ber trade: union shop some money re quired. oix wasningion si. WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY to right party. The esttrn- i-ady. 14 Front st. A FIRST-CLASS BUTTER-MAKER: MUST be able to give good references. ,2. Ore gonlan. MAN WANTED TO WORK ON RANCH near city; $20. Denlson News Co., 32G John son st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SAUSAGE-MAKER and pork packer. Stensloff Bros.. Salem. Or. WANTED OLD CLOTHES. SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 109 Front. Phone Pacific 92. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pactfic 4C FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages. 215 Commercial block. DISHWASHER, READY TO WORK. York Restaurant. 631 Washington. CLOTHING SALESMAN ONE WITH ABIL- Ity for selling, call li- 3d st. BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK AND as messenger. Q 4. oregonlan. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM, quire room 323 Ablngton bldg. IN- WANTED-FUIST-CLASS COATMAKER. O. Williams.. Baker City. Or. Al SHOE SALESMAN; NO OTHER NEED apply. The Chicago. 69 3d. A NO. 1 EDGERMAN: ALSO MACHINE man wanted. Star Box Co. WANTED - FIRST-CLASS helper. 2S4 Front st. BLACKSMITH HIGH-CLASS SOLICITOR, $30 TO $100 week, m is. za. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between the ages of 21 and 33. citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak. reaa ana write Engllsn. tor inxormauoa apply to Recruiting Officer. 3d and Oak 'ts-. Portland. Or. ALL. DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY ircaiea; ciscnargea positively curea m irora 3 to & days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts.. Portland. 200 MEN AND BOYS FOR PAIN'S GREAT spectacle, "Last Days of Pompeii." at the Oaks, two weeks, commencing August 2S. Apply 7 o'clock Friday night to Mark Fen ton, stage director, employed' gate, the Oaks. AN EXPERIENCED CANVASSER TO So licit for Singer Sewing Machines; none other but experienced canvassers need apply; salary $12. Apply to Singer Sewing Ma chine Store. 354 Morrison st. MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School. P. I. bldg., Seattle. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO MANAGE A branch office In Portland; $500 required; ab solute security and big money for the right man. Address V 62. Oregonlan. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. Y. 1000 MEN FOR NEW R. R. CONSTRUCTION; a years woric: tree rare. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 28 North 2d st. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS COATMAK- er. one first-class pants and vestmaker; steady work: union wages. McLeod. John son & Co.. Boise. Idaho. WANTED SAILORS FOR STEAMER BOUND for Japan; also for English ship bound for Australia. Inquire at Sailors Home, corner -a and Gllsan sts. CANVASSER WANTED FOR WORK AMONG business men. Apply In person, between 10 and 12. to Business Men's Clearing-House. 110 2d St.. city. . CANVASSERS FOR THE BEST PAYING proposition In the city; from $4 to $5 per day castly made, call at room 16 the Clifton. 295 1st st. WANTED AMATEUR AND PROFESSIONAL performers, singers, musicians. Newmans Theatrical Agency, 351H Morrison. Phone Main 1SS5. WANTED SPECIAL-EDITION ADVERTIS ing man: quick; splendid proposition; be fore 10, after 5. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED ONE OR TWO STOVE-PLATFJ molders. Apply to Stove Department. Al bion iron Works Uo., uc, victoria, is. BOYS TO CARRY PAPERS. APPLY. 12 TO 4. Oregonlan office. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 25 WAITRESSES. CAMP. $28: 6 (NEAT). EX position grounds. $1 (parses); men. women cooks (second. $17). waiters; tarmnande. $: mill, yard laborers, dishwashers. Drake's. 205i4 Washington. HOPPICKSRS WANTED - RESPECTABLM family campers: good yards; good accom modations. Address Geo. II. Finney. Ger- vais. Or. TEACHERS FOR COUNTRY AND VILLAGE schools at once. C. R. B. Teachers Agsncy, 265 Jlorrfcwn st. 100 HOPPICKERS. INQUIRE AT BUR- dette Pharmacy. Williams ave. and Cherry street. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRT OPER ator. male or female. Phone Hood 541. BOOKKEEPER WANTED FOR SMALL business. Telephone Union 2S64. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED. REFERENCED cook; first class; private family: wages $40. 230H Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED LADY MUSICIANS IMMEDIATE ly; 6 months' engagement. Call at 411 4th and Hall. Telephone Main 45C3. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. Call forenoon 28 East 15th st. South; Ankeny or Plne-st. cars. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2682. GOOD WOMAN TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework; permanent home place; wages moderate. 303 N. 23d st. CITY WHOLESALE HOUSE DESIRES SERV- lces of intelligent, trustworthy woman over 30. Q 65, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in family of two. Apply 40 N. 20th, near Washington et. GIRL TO ASSIST IN KITCHEN. GOOD wages; German preferred. Inquire Columbia Hotel. 1st and Clay. WANTED ONE GOOD UPSTAIRS GIRL and one good dining-room girl. Elton Ceurr, 11th and Yamhill. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. FIRST class chambermaid at once. Apply 270 6th st.; good wages. GOOD WAGES TO EXPERIENCED GIRL for housework: small family. 791 Over ton, cor. 24th. WANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND GEN eral housework: good wages. Apply 3b0 Montgomery st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES at Watson 0 Restaurant. 109 4th st.; wages $10 oer weeK. GENERAL HOUSEWORK STEADY PLACE five In family. 129 E. 20th st. S. Phone East 1035. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages to good girl. 67 N. Park st. WANTED A GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. Apply forenoon, 331 12th St., cor. Ment gomery. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN ON ranch to cook for two. Apply Q 73. Ore gonlan. WANTED CHOCOLATE DIPPER. EXPERI enced, at Aldon Candy Co.. 10th and Gllsan WANTED SALESLADY FOR SOUVENIRS. Opposite big barber chair. Manufactures bldg. EXPERIENCED month starter. STENOGRAPHER. $20 63S Chamber of Commerce. GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN Sons. Furriers. 126 2d st.. near Washington. WANTED MAKERS AND APPRENTICES. Apply to Lowengart & Co., 04 Front st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Inquire 304 Salmon, cor. 10th. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ALTERATION hands at H. B. Lltt. 4th and Washington. WANTED KITCHEN GIRL IN PRIVATE boarding-house. 340 Ankeny st., cor. th. A GOOD CHAMBERMAID WANTED AT THE New Lange Hotel, Btn and Washington. YOUNG GIRL WANTED FOR- LIGHT housework. Inquire at 311 West Park. WANTED COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY good wages. 715 Flanders, cor. 22d. WANTED-STENOGRAPHER AT Idaho. Address T 74. Oregonlan. BOISE, WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN KITCH en. 215 12th st.. cor. of Salmon. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Johnson st. Phone Main 6317. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Inquire 674 Lovejoy st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN light housework. 343 N. 23d. NEAT HOUSEKEEPER FOR FAMILY OF three. 628 E. Ankeny st. WANTED 50 GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS. Fits-Well factory. 1st. WANTED-GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK Apply uo ixivejoy st. WANTED A DRESSMAKER. APPLY AT 407 Mohawk bldg. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 731 Savier. WANTED HELP IN A SEWING-ROOM. 419 Ablngton building. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, ply 470 Park- st. AP SEVERAL EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS, Apply 171 3d st. AN EXPERIENCED COOK; GOOD WAGES, 674 Everett st. WAITRESS WANTED. HOTEL BERG, 13TH and Alder. WANTED SEAMSTRESS AT 735 PETTY-grove. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DEMONSTRATOR. EASY POSITION FOR agreeable experienced lady. $10 week and Increase: 11 waitresses, top wages, soma extras, no fee; 4 chambermaids, 5 cooks. extra waitresses lor air. - meals. $1.25 and pass., no fee. Call early. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 H Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. 50 GIRLS (10 SMALL) FOR PAIN'S GREAT spectacle. "I.ast Days of Pompeii." at the Oaks; two weeks, commencing August 2S. Apply 7 P. M. Friday to Mark Fenton. stage director, at. employes' gate, the Oaks. WANTED SIX GIRLS TO WORK ON FAIR grounds In lunchroom. Inquire at F. X. Clark's restaurant, opposite main entrance to Fair grounds. Call between 0 and 10 o'clock this morning. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER- alls and shirts; Instructions given to In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bros.. Standard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. FIVE WAITRESSES, DINNER AND SUP- per. and free pass; Administration res taurant. Fair grounds. Apply German res taurant, between 8 and 11 A. M. S67tj Thurman st. WANTED COOK FOR CLUB, OUT OF THE city; pay $-js per month; steady position. E. T. Hamer. Forestry Inn. 1 block from Fair grounds. Call 7 to 8 A. M.. Friday or Saturday. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general nouseworK. out of city; good wages and permanent place; Swedish or German preferred. Apply to 561 Irving St., corner of 17th. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM- orriuam?'. eic; ciiy. (.cost, tatr and coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parlors. 2264 Morrison. Main 1323. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL nouseworic: none out experienced need apply; good home for good girl. 173 E. 7th St., cor. Yamhill. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPR3- sentatives In Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- t?rs. cnamoermams. general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230U Yamhill. Main 5413. EXPERIENCED NURSEGIRL. APPLY 731 savier. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN WELL RECOMMENDED DE- sires position; would prefer one In store, but will take any respectable work. A. E. C. care Mr. Moody, West ave.. Mount Tabor Nl BARTENDER WISHES POSITION IN small town; A 1 references; can leave city immediately. R 73. Oregonlan. HARDWARE SALESMAN WANTS Posi tion: 8 years' experience; best of reference. E 74. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. AS MASTER MECHANIC OR REPAIR MAN. oy a practical macmnisi; competent to have full charge of boilers, engines and machin ery; keep up repairs, put in foundations and Install new machinery; six years with pres ent Job; Oregon. Washington or California; west of mountains preferred. Address War ren L. Bachtel. Ensley, Ala. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; ail kinds of help. Clay 513. 26S Everett st. IF YOU WANT COMPETENT YOUNG MAN to run gas engines or motors, machinery of any kind, repairing. B 74, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL- lege wants place to work for board and room. D 72. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WISHES POSITION In family. Japanese Mission, 121 N. 15th. Phone Clay S54. JAPANESE BOY WISHES SITUATION houdework and waiter, hotel, or bellboy. 273 . Burnslde st. GOOD JAPANESE COOK. WITH 10 YEARS experience, wishes position In family. Y 73. Oregonlan. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS POSITION In small family, do cooking; $3 week. S. N , 270 Davis. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation in family. X 73, Oregonlan. JAPANESE FIRST-CLASS COOK WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CAPABLE YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES SIT uatlon In confectionery, grocery or bakery. 230c Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. POSITION WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY wishing to do stenographic and general of fice work. J 74, Oregonlan. Dressmaking. MRS. MANFORD. AN EXPERIENCED dressmaker, wants day work; price $2. Phone Main 6349. Housekeepers. A CAPABLE WOMAN DESIRES POSITION as housekeeper In rooming-house or small family. Room 23, 171 N. I'ark. Phone Clay 716. CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN DE slres situation, housekeeper; widower or small family. 2304 Yamhill. Phone Main v5413. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED MASSEUSE WOULD AT tend Invalid; massage given at homes: suc cessful chronic diseases. C 72. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED MEZZO-SOPRANO would like to take position In some church as solo singer. Addres R 65, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED girl; strictly chamberwork. first-class place. 2304 Yamhll. Phone Main 5413. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS HOUSE cleaning or washing by the day. L 73. Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. SOLICITOR. CAPABLE TAKING CHARGE agencies for large bond & real estate corpora tion. Index, 007 Kohl bldg., San Francisco. LADY AGENT HANDLE HIGH-PRICED IL lustrated religious publication; big money for competent solicitor. G 73. Oregonlan. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $3 TO $10 dally. See Allen mornings. 107 Sherlock bldg. WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO C elr advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental desartmen:. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed la suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. Ws won't allow It to remain long Idle. H. E EDWARDS, HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department, 185 to 101 1st st. WANTED 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished housekeeping rooms, ground floor, for man and wife. In desirable resi dence location. Phone Clay 52S. from 10 to 5. LADY WISHES UNFURNISHED ROOM, with or without board; N. W. part of city; references exchanged: give price and loca tion. X 102, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. In good neighborhood: centrally located; must be reasonable. Ad dress V 74. Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE WISH 2 OR 3 FURNISHED rooms, suitable for housekeeping: perma nent: state price. Addrew J. H. McCall. 83 East 17th st. WANTED SUITE OF TWO OR THREE housekeeping rooms, some distance out. In good locality; must be reasonable. F 74, Oregonlan. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, for .man and wife; permanent: no Exposition prices'; state price. S 72. Ore gonlan. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; small family; no children: perma nent: $16; West Side. J 73. Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR YOUNG man In private family; south of Morrison, east of 15th. P 74, Oregonlan. WANTED A MODERN UNFURNISHED 6 or 7-room house; permanent tenant; West Side. Address V 73. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED MODERN 5 OR 6-ROOM flat; state location and price. Phone East 3620. D 74. care Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT FOUR-ROOM UNFUR nlsbed modern cottage; select neighborhood. Phone Main 4304.