THE MQgyiNG OKEGONIAX, 3IOXDAY, ATJGUST 21, 1905. 11 WANTED TO RENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO C elr advantage to Hit their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized Institution In Portland, hun dreds of tenant being weekly placed la suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank: leave the reat to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In all parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It io remain lone Idle. H. E EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER, Rental Department, 1S5 to 181 1st C WANTED TO RENT SMALL RANCH. CASH or shares, 10 to 20 acres; suitable for truck farming, chickens or berries; prefer place that Is etocked and near car line; refer ences. F 61, Oregonian. FURNISHED HOUSE OR FLAT, 2 MONTHS or more; references given. Address Y 6S, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old, at 211 1st St.. Phone Main 3C55. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. . Call at the "Fair Deal," 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. 3 R. R. TICKETS WANTED TO ST. PAUL or Chicago; 2 females, medium; male, light. Address P 71. Oregonian. TO RENT HORSE AND VERY LIGHT spring wagon for a few months; -state month ly rental. C 67, Oregonian. WANTED TWO LOTS IN SOUTH FORT land; good locality and cheap for cash. Ad dress P. O. box 460. city. WANTED GENTLEMAN'S TICKET TO NEW York City, via Denver and Salt Lake. E 71. Oregonian. WANTED MAN' S RAILROAD TICKET EAST via San Francisco. Address J 71, Orego nian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Phone East 2233. FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and mod em; rates 75c to $2 per day; -electric lights, belle, elevator; public and private baths; electric cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds. Strictly first-class restaurant In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington sts. F. Lange, Prop. Sam Baumann, Mgr. THE KING NEW BUILDING. HAND somely furnls"hed, equipped with every modern convenience; on direct car-line to Exposition; all outside rooms; heat, gas. electric lights, porcelain baths; very low rates; take 5th-st. car from Union De-pot to 309 Jefforson sC, near City Hall. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SM 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon, 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, ele vator; rooms suitable for two, $1 day, $4 week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in all Its appointments, hot and cold water in rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black, Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington st., between 10th and 20th; new, modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free baths; 60c 76c. $1 per day; restaurant in building. Take "M" car at depot. Phone Red 051. 212 7TH ST., COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel, Foutofflce and the aters: tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2230 184 N. 1STH ST. FOR RENT: THREE ELE gant rooms to transients; select neighbor hood, every modern convenience; parlor, reception hall, piano; terms reasonable. Phone Main 3416. THE HAMANN. Quiet, newly furnished rooms, 1 bloek from car line; reasonable; special rates for parties. 135 N. 18th sC Phone Main 1400. VNFURNISHED ROOM WITH ALCOVE; use of klithen and range: rent $5 a month. Inquire 640 E. 20th sC Phone East 1875. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING DIS tance, large front rooms, nicely furnished, $16 month. 292 10th, near Jefferson. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor; 50c per day. 309 Holladay. PRIVATE FAMILY, LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 395 12th sC THE DAKOTA HOUSE. Ill N. 7TH ST. Neatly furnished rooms, phone and bath; rates 35 cents a day and up. TWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE HOME, BATH, gas and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Main 4739. RYAN HOUSE. 209 5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Oppo site City Hall; transient. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS J1.50 per week; one block car, 10 minutes' ride. 160 East 34th sc SMALL FAMILY, THREE OR FOUR, NEW ly furnished rooms. .Apply 320 East 11th; several motor lines. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS FOR TOURISTS. WITH private family, on car line; reasonable. 471 Jefferson. ear 13th. FOR RENT ONE WELL-FURNISHED sleeping room, gas and bath; rent reason able. 292 10th st. 411 EAST PINE. NEAR GRAND AVENUE, large and neatly furnished room. $2 a week; gas and bath. NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING AND housekeeping rooms, close In; bath. 86 10th, near Stark. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family; $3.60 per week. 195 N. 15th. cor. Kearney. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; USE of bath, phone, gas; rates reasonable. 471 Taylor st. FURNISHED ROOMS, REASONABLE rates, 129 Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. MONASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping. 3.50 and up; transient. 23c 60c,- SL $2 TO $4 PER WEEK; 50C TO $1 PER DAY. 1604 4 th at., over Wells-Fargo Express Of fice. ROOMS TO LET THE JEFFERSON. 205 Jefferson sC, suite of 2 rooms, unfurnished. FURNISHED ROOMS, REASONABLE RATES. 129 Grand ave., near E. Morrison. Scott 1452. The Oilman Cheapest and best located rooms In Portland: $1 per week up. 1st and Alder. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS; PER manenC 209 E. 34th at. Phone East 3S71. FURNISHED ROOMS CLEAN. COMFORT able, $1.50, $2.50. 265 3d. near Madison. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR FAIR VISITORS private family. 642 Taylor st. A FURNISHED ROOM, WITH USE OF phone and bath. 445 6th. Rooms With Board. WANTED A PERMANENT COUPLE FOR the Winter in small private home. West Side, north of Morrison. L 66, Oregonian. "THE GLENDORA" BEST AND MOST reasonable resident hotel In the city; free phone; modern; all new furnishings. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE. GOOD TA ble; reasonable. 602 Clay, near 15th; mod ern conveniences. Phone Main 60P9. THE TOURAINJD PRIVATE BOARDING house, elegantly furalehed rooms, next door Portland Hotel Annex, 188 7th. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas. phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 895 12th st. LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM. WITH BOARD. In best residence part of city. 273 22d St., North. Phone Main 1091. CLEAN ROOMS. HOME COOKING. REASON able terms; easy walking distance. 487 East Ankeny and 9th. PRIVATE BOARDING-HOUSE. BACK PAR lor, bath, gas, phone; $40 per month, for two. 690 1st. ROOMINO AND TABLE BOARD AT MRS Parker's, cor. of 2d and Hall sts.; charges reasonable. FOR A FINE SUNDAY DINNER CALL AT The Glendora, 19th and Couch. Phone Main 6280. THE OZARK. 225 11TH SI-. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board THE WOODLAND. 265 0TH IN BEAI7TI ful grounds, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; has large, well-furnished rooms; rates by week or month; permanent; metis if de sired Phone Main 250. Rates reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewlng-roora; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supc, 510 Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR $8 month; with board, $20. If 69, Oregonian. 396 MORRISON. COR. 10TH-ROOMS. WITH or without board; transients; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD. 715 OVERTON. NEAR Fair ground. r. Flats. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN C-ROOM flat, 29 East 6th. oor. Burnslde; vacant Au gust IS: electric light and gas; rent $25.00. Apply 120 Front sc. Page & Sen. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN FLAT TO rant 1 month; 5 room, bath, phone. Apply today and Monday. 205 Clay sC 100 17TH ST.. NEAR YAMHILL MODERN 6-room lower flat, all conveniences. Inquire 189 16th sc. near Taylor. NEW UPPER FLAT. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. $12 per month. Inquire 361 Fremont st.. near Union ave car line. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vice, hot water to bath and kitchen. 22d and Johnson ets. NEW 4-ROOM FLAT. GAS AND BATH. Inquire 412 2d et- Phone Pacific 00. Housekeeping Rooms. "HE ONEONTA. 1S7 ITTH SI.. NEAR TA li ft 111 New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; (team heat, baths; free phone on each floor. COMPLETE HOUSEKEEPING OUTFIT AND tent. $1 per week; lovely place. Phone Scott 3754. Lewis nd Clark 'Cimp, Mount Tabor Heights. 4 NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath. gas. phone; 0 minutes walk t Portofflcc; no children. 325 7th st. S. TWO CONNECTING FURNISHED HOUSE kecplng rooms; pantry and sink; separate entrance: no children. 46S Everett st THE ALDER. 435 ALDER NICELY FUR slrhed rooms, convenient and quiet; bath, free phone; reasonable rates. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove; good location; $L75 per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. JEFFERSONIAN. 614 JEFFERSON ST.. 2 and 3-f 00m housekeeping suites, possessing all modern conveniences. BOW-WINDOW SUITE. GROUND FLOOR, furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. bath. 86 10th St.. near tark. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS WITH ALCOVE. two beds; furnished for housekeeping. In- quire 301 Third st. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Sherman. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, private residence, dose In; gas, bath, phone. IV 06. Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 495 Davis st.; gas and telephone. H 69, Oregonian. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Gas stove and electric lights. 264 Jeffer son, comer of 3d. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms; close In; bath. 6 10th, near Stark. SUITE OF THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. The New Grant, 2d and Grant. SUITE OF 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. The New Grant. 2d and Grant. 506 FLANDERS ST. UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished houfeekeeping rooms; no children. 3 ROOMS AND PANTRY. FIRST FLOOR; nlceiy furnished; strletly private. 226 Grant street. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, dose In. 86 loth sc. near Stark. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng. 265 N. 224 sc. or phone Mala 13S. SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS. RBASON- aoie; nam, gas ana pnone. 431 Main sc $12-THRE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FUR nished. 620 7th sc Phone Main 4529. 481 WEST PARK 3 FURNISHED ROOMS; light housekeeping. Phone Main 6007. Houses. HOUSES FOR RENT! 12 rooms. 321 7th st 3 G.00 6 10 6 8 8 22 6 6 0 787 Water at 15.00 62U Main st. 60.00 162 East 0th. North 15.60 East 10th and Stark ets.... 33.00 248 Ross st 26.00 412 10th st 40.00 95 11th st 125.00 7 East 12th et 27.1 1 East 12th st JW.e 301 17th st 26.00 324 East First. North HO oa 8 inese nouses are all desirable and in good condition. PARRISH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder sC FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. 6 ROOMS, porcelain bath, electric lighc gas. all mod ern improvements, cor. E. 22d and Coueh sts.; rent $30. Apply John F. Card ray. 731 E. Burnelde sC Phone East 211. STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE. SIX ROOMS, all large; hall and alcove; new, good lo cation; rent reasonable; must be good ten ants; lease 2 to 5 years. Phone Fair 104. FINE RESIDENCE. 100X100 GROUND. COR. 11th and day. for sale or will rent to- re sponsible parties only. Call 821 11th. or 291 Morrison eC; 9 large rooms. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. WALKING DISTANCE. $22.50. fine location; 3;room flac SC Johns, brick building, $10. Pioneer EmploymenC 215 Morrison. DESIRABLE B-ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD condition and In fine location, 412 10th St.; .$40. Parrlsh. Watktns Co., 250 Alder sC KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 10S5. Office. 110 N. 3d sC NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR E. 8th and Holladay ave.; $40 per month. J. P. Sharkey. 701 C of C. Phone Main 169. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 528 STEPHENS THOROUGHLY MODERN brand-new 8-room house, furnace, fire place. Apply 513 McKay bldg. FOR RENT MODERN 13-ROOM HOUSE, large grounds, on Johnson sC Wm. G. Beck. S07 the Falling bldg. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST.. $42.60 month. The Haly Investmnet Co.. 214 Ablngton. 106 3d St. ONE 7 AND TWO 8-ROOM HOUSES; ALSO 4 housekeeping rooms on East Ankeny car line. Phone East 427. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 19TH AND NOR thrup; modern, gas. Apply 671 . Lovejoy. Phone West 902. pwr. WEST SIDE, 17-ROOM HOUSE. SIGHTLY location; 1 block streetcars; 3 baths. R tx, Oregonian. TO FAMILY OF ADULTS. 10-RO0fM MOD era house in good location. Inquire 204 13th sC FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED houses for renc Hatfield & Smith. 165 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL NEW 7-ROOM house; gas. bath, large porch, attic Phone East 5. 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT; ROOM FOR chickens. Apply McCoy. 364 N. 20th. cor. Savler. NEW. 0 ROOMS. HANCOCK AND E. 26TH ets. B. M. Lombard. 514 Chamber Commerce. A NEW 6-ROOM -MODERN HOUSE; RENT reasonable. 85 E. 8th N. Phone East 1532. $10 FIVE JIOOMS. LARGE BASEMENT. Key Onell's Grocery, cor. Hood and Grant. FOR RENT A ROOMING-HOUSE OF 10 rooms. Apply Portland Trust Co., 109 3d. FOR RENT AN 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE and stable. 754 Water st.; rent $20. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $20. 70 EAST SEVENTH St., comer Stark. Phone East 2220. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 166 CLACKAMAS EX.. $20. Inquire 109 5th. Phone Main 1G37. FOR RENT 12-ROOM HOUSE NEAR UNION Depot. Inquire 412 2d sC; $30. 6-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT TO ADULTS. Apply 1004 Corbett sC FOR RENT. Furnished Bouses. ONE MONTH. $40 NEATLY FURNISHED ers. 675 Gaatenbeln, U or AlWna cars. Plt tenger, Money-Order Department, Postofflce. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR nished house, full of roomers; win ul fur niture on easy terms at a baixain. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FINE RESI dence and grounds; 10 minutes walk to Fair; either In flat, en suite or single. Phone Main &22S. FURNISHED 8-ROOM .MODERN HOUSE for reat for Winter: choice Vocation. No. 760 E. Barnside. Phone Union 4123. FIVE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH, pantry, fine garden, first floor, for house keeping. 108 Porter sc FURNISHED HOUSES. ANY SIZE AND Lo cation. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165 Third etreeC MODERN S-RObM HOUSE. FULLY FUR nished. Inquiry. 104 E. IStb, Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. $500 WORTH HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE of flats for $200 If taken at once; gas and wood stoves; rent $10; a snap; five min utes walk from Postofflce. Address Q 71. Oregonian. . SIX-ROOM . COTTAGE FOR RENT, $22.50; complete furnishings of four rooms for sale, $100; rent free to September 7 If taken at once. Inquire 5S6 2d sc. mornings or eve nings. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE 6-ROOM fiat for sale; three large bay-windows; mod ern; close In; call forenoons. Phone 2231. 84 N. ICth sc FURNITURE AND BUSINES OF A PAY Ing bath establishment; suitable for one or two ladles; owner leaving city. Phone Main S9S3. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE FURNI ture 7-reom house, one block from Hotel Portland; price $350. Phone Main 404 L RENT FREE 12 ROOMS C MONTHS BY buying furniture worth $123 Forenoon. Evening 6 to 7:30. 93 Union ave. 8 ROOMS. $400; 10 ROOMS. $609; 4. BLOCKS from 4th and Morrison. Inquire 16 4th. over Wells-Fargo Expre.-s Office. FURNITURE 9-ROOM HOSUE FOR SALE cheap for cash, close in. Phone Main 4613 or call 314 0th; no agents. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. ROOMS ALL RENT ed. moneymaker; must leave town; rent $17 J6. 428 Alder st. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE: FINE RESIDENCE location; full permanent roomers. SCO Coueh C Phone Front 671. FOR RENT-FLAT WITH FURNITURE for sale; centrally located; West Side. Phone Main I32L NINE-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location. 1SS 10th sc. comer Taylor. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT and furniture for sale; fine location. Phone Main .3107. 488 DAVIS. COR. 1TH WELL-FURNISHED 6-room flat; rent $17; centrally located; price $3C0. NEW FURNISHED FLAT FOR SALE. CALL 33 North 17th. Phone Mais 3014. GOOD FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE. $190. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th it. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A 6-ROOM house. $200. T 5, Oregonian. Cummer Resorts. NECAN1CUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS borne acoomraodattons, flue ocean view, and flswers. uMxIcra conveniences, noted for Its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necan icum Station. Emily Damann. Prop. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. COM pleteiy furntt-bed. at Ocean Park. Wat's., for Sept ember. $20. H. A. Klllam. care of Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. Stores. FOR RENT ONE OF THE BEST STORE locations on Washington sC; rent $ per month. N. L. Snafer. N. W. cor. 1st and Salmon eta. Offices. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE OFFICES QN 0th. near Washington; suitable for light man ufacturing. Inquire S. Morton Conn. 354 Oak sc. comer Park. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAX. u factoring purposes, two floors in brick building, comer 5th and Flanders sta. l'ovey Bros, tilass Co. OFFICES FOR RENT LARGE. BRIGHT and' centrally located. Inquire Trans-Continental Machine Co.. 354 Oak sc 400 SQUARE FEET SPACE IN LARGE OF flee, ground floor; bet location la city. W 62. OregOnUa. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE OR DESKROOM. phone included, fine location. 2Stt AMer sC DESK ROOM IN FINE SUITE OFFICES. Call 212 Allsky building. Monday or later. OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BLDG. IN quire White. 36S Dekum bldg. Stables. A NICE HANDY STABLE. TWO STALLS, one box stall and water; cheap. 459 E. Oak. LOST AND FOUND. LOST AUGUST 11. GOLD WATCH. OPEN face. engraved on back initials "J. S. B."; also Inscription inside back cover. Return to office KJIham Stationery Co.. l Wash ington sc Reward $20. No questions. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught cteaHag The Oregonian from the doors of Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST AUGUST 17. TAN SUFT CASE TIED up in guaayaack; reasonable reward for re turn to Police Station. W. C. Columbus. REWARD OFFERED LOST. AT THE Oaks, gold watch; name Inrtde, Emma I'etit. iteturn 10 3 so Florence sc LOST EXCURSION TICKET FROM PORT land to Baker City; reasonable reward if returned to 233 Sixth SC LOST-SPECTACLES. ON FIRST. NEAR Ash; finder please leave at nmn deacon building- Reward. LOST TWO SCOTCH COLLIE DOGS; RE- tura wo .Montgomery sc lei. Main 3156. Kewara. LOST A LADY'S OPEN-FACE WATCH, green and white bead fob; reward. 48$ Wean. Incton. FINANCIAL. THE CRESCENT LOAN Cu.. 217 OREGO nlan bldg., loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, moicrmen. conductor or other salaried employes, just on bis note, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable la con venient weekly or monthly payments. Par xnents suspended in case of aicaseas. Conn- denual. o inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal Ut tec. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Mala 6457. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rta vmi Afford: mflnv tnnniwl An f,tmf ture. piano or personal property; best terms in city, nwou io-u adibeus. nru it.o. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT -PLAN TO salaried people; lowest lates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716. tfis Dekum. sa ana nasn. sts. Phone S4. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on au Unas 01 security, w. -A. Hathaway, room iv, aaimiua otcg. rnonm i.iay LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND otner securities; lowest rates, a. w. Kins. room to wasnington niog. raone -Mam tiltu, LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE. pianos, other t curl lie. 443 Sherlock blcg. $20,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT IV sums to mill; so commission. O 81. Ore gonian. $.00,000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, rocrn S07, the FaUlng bldg. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBUR- Dan; tury terms. v. a. ward, the JUUky. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 5 AND e per cent. win. jucn&oim, 25 Falling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON AT.r. KINDS OF SE- cumy. win. aou. rm. w, Washington bldg, Etate funds loaned, b per ccnC W. E. Tionu, stats age. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Cora. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR BATES. i.a j-oruaso. jeas usice, it sa si FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city property or for building purpose. Any amount on from 3 to 10 years' time, with prlvlleg to repay all or part of loan after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building prog resses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong. Financial agenc 242 Stark streec THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get en his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.25. $25 Repay to us $ 0.05 or J 3.25 or $1.65. $15 Repav to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $L00. 210 M'KAT BLDG.. 102 3D. INVESTMENT PROPOSITION THAT WILL pay better than bank stock, with the lia bility feature eliminated; guarantees against less In ease of death and other valuable options: safe and sound; Investigate. W. T. Medders. general agent, 16 and 17 Labbe bldg. PERSONAL. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHED permanently removed by latest scientific methods; no pain, no danger, no scars, no detention from dally duties; wrinkles, hol lows, unshapely nose, ears. Hps, corrected; plttings. birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts, red veins, etc. removed by electric needle: dermatology taught for professional pur poses. 17-20 Selling-Hlrsch bldg.. Wash ton sc. bee W. Tark and 10th sts. Phone Main 700. Mme. M. Vaughn. G. D. D. B. B. Masten. M. D.. C M. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural correc tlonlsc beautlfier and restorer of youthful ness, may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessfully treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc, removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology In connection. Par lors 364 Morrison. Phone Hood 2S2. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE, HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th St.. two doors from East Ankeny; car line. Phone East 260. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cjeaneu. curled and dyed; best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. 106 6th. Portland. Or. Phone Clay 305. Residence. 240 Harrison. Main 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co,, 347 Washington, opp. Cord ray s. SEXINE PILLS POSITIVELY GUARAN teed for all farms of weakness or nervous ness; $1 a box. 6 for $5. Full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggisc cor. 2d and Yamhill -at.. Portland. Or. LADIES. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatmenc I teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used In your own home. Address 1401 1st ave.. Seattle. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. F.OB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. $2; 3 months', $5. Sent secretly sealed by malL Agents, Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland, Or. The "Matrimonial Register," 10c contains descriptions and particulars of several hun dred residents of Or. & Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Society. Russel bldg. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. AFTER ABSENCE of three weeks, will be in his office Monday, August 21. Dr. Lindsay makes a specialty of stomach troubles, rheumatism and femaic diseases. Consultation free. "BOOK OF NATURE "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modern Lover," "Rosa's Confession." "Marriage in Llgh Life." "Desperate Love." 60c each; lists free. A. W. Schmaie. 22U lc VIM. VIGOR. VITALITV DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Nature's great Ionic for either sex. 23e by mall. Albert Bcrnl. 24 and Washington, agrnc Portland, Or. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at EymeU's Pharmacy. r7 Morrison sc. between 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing and recovering; two stores. Washington and 0th and Morrison and 3th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KINDS OF waists, klmonas. muslin underwear, etc. bo lew cose Sing Chong Co.. 333 Morrison sc THE OREGON DETECTIVE SERVICE Offices 314-315 Columbia bldg.. 365 Wash ington sC Phone Main 5015. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bWg.. 3d and Morrlton. Portland. NATURAL CURE FOH NIGHT LOSSES; no drugs; no appliances. Address T. J. G., box 22J. Salem, Or. MRS. J. M. WOOD, SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE treatments at your home; rheumatism cured. Phone Main 5223. YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO GIVES face and scalp massage. 110 4th, ear. Washington. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; lists free. Coin Co.. 115 N. 11th. Sc LeuU. Mo. LOANS FROM $5.00 TO $100.00 ON REA sonaMe terms; strictly confidential. Box 715. city. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Hezner, 127 11th. Tel. Main 4S5S. MISS MAKI, graduate of Finland, massage and baths; ladles only. 406 Ablngton bldg. Watehes. diamond, easy payments; diamonds boughc W. H. Lesh. 513 Dekum. Clay 6U9. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED specialise Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 547S. NATURAL RUSSIAN BATHS. DAILY. Ex cept Monday and Tuesday. 25c. 81 E. 2Sth. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN BLDG.: gente all night; ladies all day. Main 193S. LA VIDA FACE ROUGE, FREE SAMPLES at Paris Hair Store. SOS Washington sc SHOES HALF SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. BOOKS BOUGHT. SOLD AND EXCHANGED at the Old Book Store. 220 Yamhill st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS CLIENT HAS been called EasC leaving furniture 0-room house, which we are Instructed to sell for any reasonable offer. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 105 3d sC BARGAIN-HUNTERS. LOOK AT THIS TEN rooms, furnished new 4 months ago at a cost of $600; do you want It for $373? If so, come early Monday morning. Room 123 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE-NEW GREENHOUSE AND flower garden; no competition; a splendid Income; a fine retail and wholesale trade Address W. B. Sims. Newberg, Or. - 17 ROOMS. CLOSE IN, COST $1600; GUAK antee net profits are $S5 per month. Do you want It for $9507 If so, come early. Room 123. Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE VALUABLE PATENT RIGHTS for Washington. Oregon. California, can be seen at Fair grounds. R 64. Oregonian. GOOD PAYING ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 rooms, well furnished, central location; $1500. Hatfield & Smith. 163 4 th sC $173 BUYS INTEREST WITH GOOD PART ner In best ground-floor real estate office In Portland. P 65. Oregonian. PARTNER ALSO GENERAL AGENT; $300 to $300 capital: manufacturing; enormous profits. Room 19. 225 laC FOR SALE GROCERY STORE. DOING good business, at Invoice. Call or address 548 Williams ave FOR SALE GOOD PAYING CIGAR STORE; good location; no agents. Inquire 449 Irv ing, after 11 A. M. $276 4-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; 233 1ST., near Madison; good location and doing good business. FOR SALE GROCERY AND BAKERY Do ing good bustneM; small capital. 415 N. 23d sC Bargain. FIRST-CLASS CIGAR STORE FOR SALE, reasonable; centrally located. W C3. Ore-gonlaa. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE EITHER ALL OR HALF IX tereet in a sawmill plant in Washington, on the N. P. track; 30,000 capacity, and Is now operating- and paying a profit of $2000 per month. Two miles of railroad, with lo comotive, cars and logging equipment, store, office, house, planlng-mill. etc.; more than 300.000.000 feet of the bent grade of Umber tributary that can be bought reasonably in small tracts at the time. Fine shipping fa cilities and other advantages too numerous to mention. Price $26,000; easy terms to re sponsible parties. Address J 63. Oregonian. BRING US YOUR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCES. Rentals a Specialty. We Need Your Business. You Need Our Blz-zl-ness. Methods Without Moss. SMITH BROS.. 122 6th Street, comer Washington. WANTED To Rent A 4 or 5-room furnished house. West Side preferred. SMITH BROS.. REAL ESTATE. 122 6th sC Phone Main 4080. GENERAL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE FOR sale Fine established -business; prosperous country town. Apply Prince Shoe Co.. 86 SS Fifth sc. Portland. FOR SALE-A FINE PROFFTABLE GRO cery buolness in the best mining district In the West; has cleared $25,000 in flTe years, and Is better now than ever before; climate very best, and city up to date; permit of fullest Investigation: reason for selling. Ill health; will take $12,000 to $13,000 to han dle. Address L 61. care Oregonian. FOR SALE THE LEADING ICE CREAM, confectionery and cigar store; has swell trade; only 20th century sanitary soda foun tain In the city; fixture alt right; agency Hazelwood ice cream. A first-class proposi tion and price right: reasons for selling will satisfy prospective buyer. Address Thomp son & Co., The "Dalles. Or. j GOOD SALOON BUY. doing a business of about $330 per month and getting better all the time: extra good location and cheap rent; reasons for 'selling, party has Interests In Alaska, that need his attention at once. No reasonable offer re futed. Don't fall to see this-. If you want a saloon. Room 125. Ablngton block. HERB IS A SWELL PROPOSITION S NICE, large, airy rooms on 13th sc. near Alder, the furnishings are extra nice Axminster carpets and golden oak and mahogany fur niture, cost six months ago $1250; we would like to realize $760. but will take an offer; I would advise you not to overlook this. Room 123 Ablngton blk. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. WIDOW OR UNMARRIED WOMAN WITH $1000 can make big Interest on money with valuable bonus, and be secured by leading Portland buMaes firms; unusual opportu nity; no agents. Address J GS. Oregonian. WANTED STEADY AND INDUSTRIOUS man to Invest $350 for half Interest In good pajlng legitimate business already estab lished; experience not necessary; references exchanged. A t, Oregonian. $230. WITH SERVICES. BUYS INTEREST old. reliable, money-making busine. guar anteed and secured, clear purchaser $125 month. Experience unnecessary. Call 205 Morrison sc. room 1. FOR SALE COMPLETE. PENNY ARCADE; also 3 fine large plan-orchestrions; all kinds coin-controlled machines cheap for cash; can be seen at 387 26lh sc. near Exposition. ' Peter Bacigalupt. HERE IS A GOOD ONE S ROOMS ON 7TH C. near Hotel Portland; extra well fur nished and making good money; the price I? $400. but we will consider an offer. Room 12S A bin: ton blk. COAL MINE FOR SALE. Email mine, well located, near railroad plenty of ccal of excellent quality; special terms for quick sale Fred S. Fogg. Ta coma. -Wash. FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING DAIRY Busi ness, horses, wagon and a nrat-claw milk route; a bargain to the right party. For par ticulars inquire l.u juaaiscn sc, Portland, Or. FOR SALV-CLEAN UP-TO-DATE STOCK of groceries and gents' furnishings In the heart of the Palouee country; a unap. For particulars address i. u. tox JZ. oakesdale. Wash. FOR SALE 12-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE, rooms full; beet location In city; will sell for cost If taken at once; sickness the cause. Inquire at 304 Washington st. PARTNER WANTED $750 REQUIRED. fully secured; duties easily learned; owner knowing the buslnese. will guarantee you $175 a month. Call 248 Stark sc NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 203 MA III CAM bldg.; capitalization $50,000. Companies In corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks, mines and real state handled. PARTNER WANTED CASH BUSINESS; owner prefers partner to hired help and VIII guarantee you $25 a week; $250 required, secured. Call 248 Stark st. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., ME chaaical and electrical novelties; all kinds of coin operating machines; expert repair lag. 354 Oak St., cor. Park. tp x-rtr tntp trial r- M Avw rvr vni'n roftnilnr Kftii.. wtii want vAnp mnn ji Mrtner wfco can put your hooe or a paying 1 .J4.u. C ale Anntiliin Ddrta 4ai era mj v vttra ( CONCESSIONS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE money, buy a concession 01 the Lewis and Clark Carnival Co. during Astoria Regatta. Doc. Waldron. i- upsnur sc A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME PROMI- nent snoe store tor saie. including nxiures. ail compwie. buica crj :uuii, ciKsp, in vestigate. N 64. Oregonian. BAKERY DOING A GOOD CASH BUSINESS. good location; reason for selling. Roing into the wholesale bread business. 231 1st. Good chance for the right party. STATIONERY AND KODAK STORE ESTAB Hshed, paying; very best location; sickness cause; nrst reasons 01 e caan oner accepted. Owner, box inso. iacoma. - , A MAN WITH S1K) CAN MAKE BIG IN terest and have security, highly rated: con tract note of Portland business firms. Ad dress H OS. Oregonian. FURNITURE AND BUSINESS OF A PAY- Ing bath establishment; suitable for on or two ladies; owner leaving city, l'hone Main 5085. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE-CHEAP: COUN trv town: two chairs, bath, modem furat ture: good trade.' Addreea Barber. Box 375, Portland, or. . FOR SALE $3000 STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise; a splendid location; hop cen ter; good caan Dusineaa. .Address x DT, Oregonian. SMALL-SIZED. GOOD-PAYING RESTAU rant and delicatessen for sale; good reasons for selling. Inquire on premises, 386 Mor rison sC FOR SALE A OROCERT STORE AND only bakery In city. 'Address G 53. care Or gvnuuz. FOR SALE OR RENT. REASONABLE. LAT- est big illusions out no fake, uui trade for phonograph. Address E 68. Oregonian. BATHS. DERMATOLOGIST. HAIRDRES5- ing estaofisfunem. ani iociira. lor sate on acouni sicxneas. i en. urrjtouian. HALF-INTEREST CASH BUSINESS PAY tng $75 monthly; 3230 required. J. V. Crelghton & Co., io 3d st. CAME TO THE FAIR. LIKE PORTLAND. and will put $500 In any good business, with services. 11 e. uregonian. FOR SALE SMALL MACHINE AND blacksmith shop, cheap; best location. C Mykol. South Bend. wasn. $100 DELICATESSEN AND RESTAURANT: furaisnea rooms, niicccn, gooa range, ice box. etc 312 Pine st. FOR SALE DELICATESSEN AND LUNCH room, doing xooa ousiness. Aaaress a, Hartung. 420 Jefferson. $2200 PURCHASES MANUFACTURING plant netting $400 month. J. V. Crelghton r- 1 r-.l- 9j $160 STOCK AND FIXTURES NICE CIGAR and tobacco stana coing gooa ousiness. can 155 North 6th today. SALOON. CORNER. FOUR NICE FURNISH ed rooms, piano; cell cheap If sold at once 335 Flanders. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. YOUR OWN FIG ure: good bustnees; sickness must be sold. 312 Bumslde. jruu SAt.iv j-"uai. itAiubK &uur, uu- Ing good basinets. Y 63. Oregonian. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND 35 ROOMS and dining-room that will seat 150 people, only one block from Hotel Portland, clearing now above all expenses $1200 per month; this Isn't any Fair proposition. It Is an old-established place and strictly modem, nicely fur nished and the best beds in Portland, barring none; this place is open for Inspection; look it over and make us an offer. Room 12TK Ablngton bldg. INFORMATION ON BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES. The Ames Mercantile Agency Is la touch with trade, city and country. They are In a position to give valuable advice regarding purchase 'or sale of a business. Only le gitimate propositions considered. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Ablngton Bldg. STORE EQUIPPED FOR DELICATESSEN cr meals, lunches or restaurant: thoroughly cleaned, made convenient for the business; will sell cheap; not strength for the work; most go. Answer soon If you want some thing ready and good store; eheap rent. V 63. care Oregonian. PLACER MINE. WELL EQUIPPED. WILL be raid on account of differences between owners, at sacrifice and on easy term. Will pay $20 per day per man. Splendid oppor tunity for profitable Investment. 313 Ore gonian building. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR MISCELLANEOUS Sup plies for construction and repairs Depot Quartermaster's Office. 36 New Montgomery sc. San Francisco. Cal.. August 10. ls6. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, suoject to the usual conditions, will be received at thla office until 3 o'clock P. M., Friday, August 25. 1905. Pacific Standard time, ana then opened, for furnishing hardware, muri atic acid, paint, brushes, carbultneum. cheesecloth, panes of glass, glue, llnserti oil, paints, puttv. resin, solder, steel sheet. The United Stateu-reserves the right to accept or reject aqyor all bids oc any part thereof. Inforntatlon and blank proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes con taining proposals to be marked; ' PropoBal No. 0258, to be opened August 25, 1905." and addressed to Major C. A. Devol, Quarter master. U. S. A.. Depot Quartermaster. - OFFICE DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER. Portland Oregon. August 1st. 1906 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 10 o'clock A. M.. Pacific time. Auk. 19. 100C. and then opened, for furnishing 2500 tons bay and 3000 tons oats at Portland. Or., for Manila. P. I. Information and blank proposals furnished at this ornce on application. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof; envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed "IropotMls for Hay and Oats," and addressed to Jense M. Baker. Captain. Qr. Mr. U. S. A. BIDS FOR OATS AND WHEAT THE ROCK Point grain pool will receive sealed bids for purehacK of 28.000 sacks of gray oats and about 10.000 buohels of wheat, on Wednes day. August 23. 1905. at S P. M.. at Rock Point Schoolhouse. Grain to be sold in ware house. Buyer to pay for sacks and grain to be delivered aboard cars by farmers before January 1. 1900. at buyer's option. The sales committee reserves right to reject any or an Dias. j. r. iiunt. ireswent. Shaw. or. T. B. Patton. Secretary. Macleay. Or. MACHINE SHOP-THE UNDERSIGNED, trustee of the GUI Gas Engine and Machine Company, offers for sale for cash the entire stock of machinery, tools, patterns, etc. of the above company, located at Nos. 2S4 and 226 Oak st. This la a most complete shoo for all kinds of repair work and for eoa-structl-on of gasoline engines. William A. Dalzlel. Trustee. Stockholders Meeting. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGA tlon Company. Notice of the Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders. Notice Is here by given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be held, pursu ant to the by-laws, at the office of the sec retary of the company, room 343 Worcester-building. Portland. Oregon, on Thurs day. September 7. 1903. at 12 o'clock noon, at which time there will be submitted for the consideration of the stockholders a proposition to amend article III of the Articles of Incorporation of the company by inserting immediately after the words, "21st. A line from a point near Ward ner, in the State of Idaho, to the Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head of Deadwood Gulch." the following. 22nd. A line from the terminus of this company's present railroad in St. Johns. Multnomah County, Oregon, to a connection with the constructed line of railroad of this com pany at or near Troutdale, in said county and state; 23d. A line from Wallowa, In the State of Oregon, by some eligible route to a point at or near Joseph, in said state." and at which time there wilt alo be submitted for the consideration of the stockholders certain amendments to the by-laws of the company. W. W. Cotton. Secretary. PORTLAND &. ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COM- pany. Notice 0 annual meeting of the stockholders. Notiee In hereby, given that the annual meetln': of the stockholders of the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company win be neiu. pursuant 10 tne ny-iaws, at the office of the secretary of the company, room 543 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., on Thurs day. September 7. 1905. at 2 o'clock P. M. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Dated August 7. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS ENERGETIC AND Ex perienced man in contracting and engineer ing; will invest and take active Interest with responsible contractor in construc tion work. Best references given and re quired. Address M 0e. rare Oregonian. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers ana .-uialysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley and Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. 2U1 Washington sC MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 283 STARK SC liflSl xaciliues; prices Hsuaaoie. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought. U0 1st sc Attorneys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I rnakn specialty of defeating tax uues. Carpet Cleaning-. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and cemprestjed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal, jjain East rSMH. Carpenters und Builders. New homes bullC old ones renewed; prop erty bought and sold. Gordon. 203 4th. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5ibl. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND. CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE MEDIUM, 7 YEARS IN PORTLAND. 3034 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. He will tell you your full name, age, occupa tion, whom and when you will marry and That you call for without asking a queation. Advice on business, health, mining and all afttlra of lite. It you are slek. call today. Hours. 9 A. M. to S P. M. Daily and Sunday. 30SJ14 WASHINGTON ST. PROF. ST. CHARLES, WHILE IN A trance, calls you by name, tell what you want to know, without a question; It pa a to get advice fnltu SC Charles. 343 Mor rison st, near Portland lKitel. GYPSY ZENOBIA Tells past, present and future. No matter what your troubles are she will he)p you. Room 323 Allsky bldg., Morrison and 3d. MADAME JOHNSTON CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader. I give facts reliable and Important on all affairs of real life. Readings. 50c. OS 7th sc. near Oak. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal and general commis sion merchant. Front sc. near Main, Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland. Or. ALLEN fc LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring; face and scalp specialise Red 1S42. 10 Benson bldg., 5th and Morrison. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions, cal louses. Ingrown and club nails; pedicuring, manicuring; face and scalp specialist. Red 1S42. 10 Benson bldg.. 3th and Morrison. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This Is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Minim. I MINING AND ORE TREATMENT n PStriv. I ing and construction of ore reduction works 1 ana genera mcmner- pianis; mechanical drafting. C D. Grove. M. E., McKay bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Dentists. NEY CHURCHMAN, dentist. 321 Marquaia bldg., Uth and Morrison. Phone Main lioo. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.: protects the living J. L. MItchel. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Morquam u.dff. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLF sale saddles and baroesa mfra.. leather a.r.1 saddlery hardware. 80-66 IsC Mala 1- THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. "W HoLU- saie caddie and harness mfrs.. sada.vry hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 3t& JOHNSON Si LUTHER. CUSTOM-MALU urnesi, wholesale and retail. 34 6th sC Junk. Hldeu. and Pelts. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF hides, pelts; wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sucks. 312 Front sc Leather and Findings. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO Es tablished looii. Leather and finai&ga. Stockton sole leather and cut stock. fu,l line Eastern Jumbos. lst Front sc THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SoLU ana upper leatners or .all kinus; cut atot. findings and shoe store supplies. 72-7-4 ita. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN it CO.. MINING. SA1V- mill. lodging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. A.l kinds repaired. 101 N. -itb. THE H. C. A LB EE CO., SECOND-HAND macninery. sawmills, etc 24S Grand an. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE JIO.NLMK.Nib; no agents, -u per cent saveti at Weeks. ,2Q Front, opposite Failing School, tako S car. Northwcbt Vluvi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MOKlUSoX sts. Call or ,nd stamp for Health BouK. OstCUDUtUj, DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 413-10-17 DE kum bldg.. Hd and Washington. Phones: Office. Aiatn 34V; realUence. Main lj0 East 102b. Examinations free. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMIiH. graduates KlrkviUe, Mo., Oragjutaa bldg. Phone Main 1242. Paints, Oils and Glass. KASMUSSKN & CO., JOBBERS, paints, oils, giaM. sash and doors. Cor. 2d and lay tor. PanuraEo tor Rent. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; STOCK ALSU ta&eu In oy tha month. 330 Sherlock b.dg. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FOKEIQM patent; lntringemvnt cast's. tHM Dtikuis. Rubber btouips. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 210 ALDER. TEL. Main 710. Rubber stampd. seals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE-S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; pertect retainer; positive cure; book free, AdarwM Dr. Pierctr. 2U0 Kuuruy kC. S. b Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH S lnch thick doors, fire and uurgiaj: yro jC wurn, aepostt vaults. Jail und vn-uu o?i. lockouts wpelieU; repairs. J. K. jJutls. tu od. Second-Huud jlauiiinerj-. J. SIMON i BRO.. DKALKKS IN ALL klBib ot econd-t)unu macbiner). piie. ca ble, belting, hardware. Micks, highest p;.. paid fur stray iron and niutals. ZH 5ror. Main 2M12. Showcases. Bunk und Sturo Fixtures, THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR, uth and lloyc Phone Main 14Ut. PORTLAND SHOWCASE Jfc F1X1URE CO.. 34 ti 1st. near Market. Phnu Clay 10 H. spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YKAKS POKTLAJNiL 3 most reliable medium; ail In trouble ca.l and get her vaiuuble advice on all urfai.s of Itle. businvse. love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 $3 1st; hours, 'j A. M. to S P. M. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE Ct -sulted. bli Selling-Hlrsch bldg. Main bt.U, Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FUKNITLKH moved, packed ready for shipping ax.JL shipped; all work guaranteed; laiga o-stoiy brick fireproof warehouse for sturuge. Of fice. 12b IsC C. M. Olsen. Tel. Muln 347. C. O. PICK, OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STALlv aHd Oak. Phone 500. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; coinui.idi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 3i N. FRONT sC. household goods and furniture, plums, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines acl all moveable articles at reasonable prices. VERY DESIRABLE STORAGE ROOM Ft. li mrehandi. Gauld & Kline Co.. 19 IS. Is' sz. Translations. MODERN LANGUAGES. PHONE MAIN 1379. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407 Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS' Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier... B. F. STEVENS Letttlrs of credit issued available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, SC Louis St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-cn-tha-Matn Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla. Stockholm. Sc Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Truft Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,060,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ing deposits received. Time certificates Is sued 3 to 4 per cent: special certificates r.:t under $500). 3i to 4 per cent on short cali. Call for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 100 Third St BENJ. I. COHEN PresUIe-t II. L. PITTOCK Vice-Presi t B. LEE PAGET Seertu-y J O GOLTRA AKslstant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1S50. Transacts a General -banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections mad, at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and all points in the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago. Sc Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin. Frank, fert. Hongkong. Yokohama, Manila and HoSi lulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1S4.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco. Cal. President HOMER S KIN Gen. Man. ot Branches. ..W. MACKINT fill Capital paid up ".Go v Surplus and undivided profits S?.523u1j A General Banktnsr and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit issued, available in all parts of the world. Interest paid on time deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manag-r J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manag:r UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available in all cities of the United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C. AlNSWORTn Vice-President W. B. AYEH Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLU