N 3c i VOIi. XLV.-NO. 13,945. t l PORTLAND, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS. CRISIS RESGHEDl PEACE PILE! Today Conference May Be Deadlocked. COMPROMISE IS ONLY HOPE Sato Says RoosevelJ; M'ay. 4 t Agai in Come to .Rescue. SENDlNGnHOME FOR ORDERS Adjournment TiH Monday 'IilkeSy, Tliat Gzar and Mikado Olay Send Instructions China Party to Negotiations. v PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Aug. j 17. The crisis in 'the peace conference has been reached and pessimism Is -again the note. But the darkest hour Is just before the dawn, and thre is still hope. Predlc- -tlonjB of a' final rupture tomorrow cer tainly Trill not be Justified unless Baron Eomuraflguratlvely picks up his hat and announces that It is useless to proceed further? Mr. Wltte "at least will not be precipitate. At tomorrow's session, after articled (the, limitation of Russia's naval power in the Par East), and article 12 (fishing rights on the: Rusidan littoral) are disposed of, he "will favor an ad journment until Mondayo .hear the last word. from St. Petersburg. The' pessimism tonight Is based onthe fact that no progress was made today. The exchange of views at the morning session oharticle 9 (remuneration for the cost of tbewar) showediaUopcejthat thej plenipotentiaries were aafar apart" as thl poles,, and It was passed over. Article 10 (the surrender of the interned Russian warships) was also passed, not, in the opinion of one of the plenipotentiaries wnemuue .assomaiea ure it &&imBtim tonIgnt. because Jft coCld ot a- 'j -Jtf v I have been, arranged, but because, with the shadow of the two main points In dis pute hanging over the conference, both sides were cautious and preferred to postpone it to the end. Article 2 (limita tion of sea power) is also adjustable after modification, and article 12 "will present no difficulties. So that tonight the situa tion was practically "where It was when Mr. Wltte last Saturday presented the Russian reply with Its non-poumus to articles 5 and S (indemnity and Sakhalin). Only Chance Is Compromise. The only chance now Is compromise Russia to yield Sakhalin, and Japan in demnity. Neither will yield both, and per haps Japan at the final show of hands will yield neither. Mr. Witte, under tho imperial Instructions given him before he left St. Petersburg, can agree neither to pay war tribute nor cede a foot of Rus sian 60il. St. Petersburg, therefore, in the last resort, remains to be heard from. Doubtless this- is tho reason why he favors a postponement over Sunday. Baron Komura probably will welcome an adjournment of two days In order that he also may lay the situation before his government before its final decision. The sudden revival of deep pessimism tonight was induced by the statements given out, when the plenipotentiaries re turned to the hotel that no progress had been made today. But to those on the Inside that was not surprising. Things have gone smoothly enough, only the impasse had been reached there had been the glint .of cold steel i nthe confer ence chamber. And the few words Mr. Witte said to Ahe foreign newspaper cor respondents were as usual not encourag ing. He looked tired, and said nothing had been accomplished. "Tomorrow," he said, "will finish arti cles 11 and 12." "What then?" he -was asked. "Then -we will go to dinner," he replied, as he excused himself to go to dinner with Assistant Secretary Pelrce. No very great hope was vouchsafed in the Japanese camp. Roosevelt May Do Something. "We are not bluffers," said Mr. Sato, and from an authoritative source the As sociated Press correspondent received a distinctly bad impression regarding the outlook. It was coupled, however, with an expression of the hope that, if it de veloped that the conference was going to pieces, President Roosevelt might again step In. "We have beard that the President, having brought us together, has washed his hands of further responsibility. But he is resourceful. He might do some thing." "What?" "That I cannot say." The Japanese view was explained. "We came asking only what we wanted. Our terms wore moderate. The world thinks so. It looks bad. I say so; I be lieve so. But the conference may yet be saved from shipwreck. Mr. Wltte has been gracious. He has done what ho can, but he has a future at home to consider." . Russian Envoys Confer. A very Important conference occurred in Mr. Wltte's rooms Ihortly before mid night. There were present Baron Rosen, the Russian plenipotentiary, and Mr. de Martens, Genera Yermoleff, Mr. Poko- tlloff, Mr. Shipoff and Captain Boussln, the five Russian delegates. It Is the first lime a full meeting of the plenipoten tiaries had been held since the conference began. The preliminary discussion of the Japanese conditions is already virtu- ally -ended. It Is not improbable that the Wlnal report and recommendations of the xyissian plenipotentiaries was passeu uu and transmitted tonight to the Emperor at Peterhof. It can be stated that Individual views of the members of the Russian mission differ as to -what point should be yielded If a compromise ds to be offered. Some" favor the surrender of Sakhalla.fipthers an indemnity. None is ready" tar give, up both, points : - -7- . CHINA PARTY TDO PEAGE TALKS i . K,- Railroad Question Cannot Be Settled f "Without Hej- Co-Operatlon. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Aug. 17. China has at least constructively become a party to the negotiations. Artlcle'T, relating to the transfer to China-Of the branch of the Chinese Easteff railroad. runnlngJ .nih frnm TTnrMn urhtfh vfls acrroed tOll by the peace plenipotentiaries "In prin ciple", yesterday. Involved, perhaps, la theWlrial settlement -prolonged ana com plicated negoUationaetBejiCJbiaid Japan and the 32)dn government, .and tRussIa. Russia nas agreed, to-gurrender the road to China and gAveupJhf-r conces sion obtained In 1898, b'StTxihiria roust as sent, and assent means whejnust agree to remunerate the Russian government, which guaranteed the bonds for the build ing of. the road, In an amount hereafter to be determined. Japan also has her claim for the rebuilding of the road de stroyed by the Russian army, the recon struction of bridges an -change of gauge. The matter remains primarily to be ad justed -by Japan and ..China,, and It is not unlikely that the former is already In communication with the Pekln govern ment.' The long dispatches sent by Baron Komura to his government on this sub ject after .yesterday's session makes this probable. Possibly an answer from China Is essential to final agreement upon aril-- cle 7, and this may bethe true reason -for postponement after "accord In principle had been reached. "Where China Comes In. China's JWsh to be consulted concerning artIcles.-of.ihe treaty affecting her .terriv tory mustr-be respected in this particular, at least. China may not care to assume th flnaiiclal burden involved ln5aKlng over th? road. She certainly coulSnbt raise the money without hypothecating the property. If Japanls convinced .that the road, will eventually become a paying commercial veure,ffihjnlght herself ad vance the money, or It might be raised for China by an "International syndicate and become a part of the system of Chi nese imperial railroads. If not, Japan may, and probably would, for the present, steg into Rusalas shoes, although she has 'polemnly promised China to restore Man ohnrin nnH to rrtflin the. railroad would be toV retain strategical oontrohfof Che The amount Russia will rcallxe-ia Jnv fusible. teSfenStSL jSjtfSlll anIS&ifoUj? otrtmiy a comparauejy aii traction oi the sum piiured Into it. By the terms of the concession, China had the privilege of taking over the road at the ond of 35 years upon the repayment of capital, con struction and deficit charges. Japan rec ognized that Russia was entitled to some remuneration. But the basis is not known. The Russian claim was founded on the principle of international law that a bel ligerent occupying territory can exercise the right of usufruct of private property during occupation, but cannot confiscate it as a spoil of war. Russia Backed Railroad. Mr. Wltte. In whose brain was born the conception of the Chinese Eastern railroad, was particularly competent to defend the rights of the company, which Russia claims Is distinctly a private cor poration, although making no concealment of the fact that It was backed by the Rus sian government because of political con siderations. The original concession ob tained In 1899 for tho Chinese Eastern. then simply the "cut-off" through North ern Manchuria, was obtained by the late M. Rothsteln, director of the Russo-ChI nese Bank, and Prince Ouktomsky, and a company was formed for the construction of the road. In 189S. after the lease of Port Arthur and Tallenwan (Dalny), was obtained from China, the concession for the southern branch was negotiated. It provided for a Chinese president of the road, and Shlng Kuchln, who had been the Chinese Minister In St. Petersburg. was president until he fell a victim to the anti-foreign Boxer uprising In 1900. The bonds Issued with the railroad guarantee were sold like government 4, per cent rentes, and are now In the hands of tho banks and general public like regular gov ernmont obligations. Although the loss on operation has been heavy, the Russo-Chlnese Bank always believed It would be come a remunerative concern. One of the big extraordinary Items of expense was the necessity of maintaining railroad guards. The south cm branch, which now goes to China, gave especial promise of being very profit able. CONFIDENT RUSSIA WILL YIELD Hayashl Argues She Could Not Con tlnuc "War With Success. LONDON. Aug. 17. Baron Hayashl Japanese Minister to Great Britain, said to tho Associated Press today that the pessimistic dispatches from Portsmouth were not worthy of consideration. "If the war continues," said he, "our forces will capture Vladivostok and Har bin, taking by force territory of greater value than the payments demanded by Japan, after which our army will en trench an advantageous line, from which It jfc-lU require "treble the number of the enemy to dislodge us. "We do not fear the threat proplalmed In Inspired articles that the war -will be come popular In Russlav-oEven If It should, how can the vast army necessary to drive us back be sustained by a .gov ernment that is unable to obtain foreign loans, while its attempts at home meet with only partial success, and famine and disaffection exist through the country. "The inspired dispatches contend that the Russian people would not suffer a sacrifice of Sakhalin, but-the retention of Sakhalin by Japan Is a greater point of honor to tho Japanese. It was once an Integral part of the Japanese empire. Coscludea on Pace 5J riimun nnunrn TBJSJOP BOYCOTT President Decides on Special Mission of ex-Ambassa-ddrto China. GOVERNMENT :GAN STOP IT . Recalled From Mexico, Conger Has 'V Conference on Boycott of Amer ican Goods-Thompson to . - Gojito Mexico. OYSTER BAT. Aug. 17. EdwlmH, Cen- 'geri of Iowa, formerly United States Min ister to China, and slnco- last April the American Ambassador tb Mexico, will re turn to China lnHhe near future, if prea- ont plans are "carried Into effect. His mis sion will be of a diplomatic nature, the specific purpose of which is to -allay ,lf possible, the. agitation aroused In parts, of the Chinese empire against e 'use1' by Chinese of American products. . . T--ir . .air. conger, wno nas Deen.scarceiy more than three months at his new post In tho City of Mexico, was summoned .to the United States to confer with the President about the Chinese boycott of American goods. He had a Jong -conference with the President today. While neither the. President nor Mr. Conger .cared to discuss for 'publication the nature of their inter view. It Is known ' that ?hoAmbassador 'wTll not return to Mexico. and tliat ar rangements are making- for his projected mission to?PekIa. Stands "Well With -China. Mr. Conger spent eight years -In China s the American representative. Helis wellkfjowniand popular among the offi cials of the Pekln government, and Is In fluential also among the Japanese, who arewregarded as likely to play an import-; anf role in tuo international affairs of China from this time forward. Whlleidefi nlte details of the projected mission are lacking at this time, it is known that Mr. Conger's presence In China will affect In no respect either the position or duties of TV. W. RockhlU. the American Min ister. - - "3 Jr-fe- - -Alter 5hi conjereficeAtatnii.njBiygreslaeat i&gain -re-r jnseIo'tfnqulrfus concerning his visit "It would be Improper for ne," he CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER Tlie Weather. TESTEUDATS Maximum temperature. 75 dep.; minimum. 00. Precipitation. O.efi et an men. TODAY'S Fair and warmer. Nerthweat wind. Peace Conference. Envoys fail to aeree on further article. Page 1. Crliis will be reaohed today and conference adjourn to Monday to await Instruction. Page 1. Sato ays llooserelt may aid to settle dis pute. JPace J. De Martens argues against indemnity. Page 1. Haj-aahl says Japan will win If war It re newed. Pago X. Foreign. Britain and Germany on point of breaking relation. Page 4. Report that Jews threatened to prevent teaaa to Russia unless rhe gives them equal rights. Page S. National. Ambassador Conger going to China to end boycott. Page 1. Shonts tra plenty of money for canal work till Congress meets. Pace- 4. Wood clc-aring up differences with Govern ment en Malheur project. Page 3j Politics. Reciprocity League to be organized for dual tariff. Page L Railroad Commissioner accuses high railroad official of perjury- Page S. Domestic. Drawing for claims on Uintah reservation. Page 4. Cruiser Chisago and gunboat Bennington have accident at San Francisco. Page 1 Virginia train runs Into open draw, drowsing many negroes, l'age . Yellow fever breaks out In new points in Gulf States. Page 4. Operators will vote on calling oS strike. Page 1. Sport. Seals defeat the Giants. Page 7. Pacific Coast League scores: Ban Francisco 3. Portland 2; Los Angeles 1. Seattle 0 Oakland 7. Tacoma 1. Page 7. . Pacific Coast. Seattle woman, threatened with arrest, near ly dies of fright. Page e. Fires In the Cascades east of Albany are cnecxea axier a struggle, .rage o. Lawyer Collins calls only on the dead as hi witnesses. Page fl. Masked man forces stage passenger to pass the bat near Son Mateo, CaL Page 0. Bristol Bay run of salmon Is larger than can bo handled. Page 6. Big deal on In hop market. Page 13. Oregon prune crop one-.thlrd of normal. Page 15. Actlre trading in stocks in opening hour. Page IS. Dragging wheat market at Chicago. Page IS. California grain standards fixed. Page 15. Harrlman places heavy orders- for rolls. Page 15. Log raft Impedes navigation. Page 7. Steamer Leggett arrives for another piling raft. Page 7. Steamer St. Paul expected to arrive early this morning. Page 7. Lewi and Clark Exposition. Metropolis of the West celebrates. Page 1L San Francltco day at Fair. Page 11. Louisiana and Tennessee unite at the Cen tennlal. Page 1L Illinois, the great state of the Middle West, has day at the Fair. Page 1L Portland and Vicinity. J. L. AndersoaMf- Kansas City, who had been employed In Portland, murdered near Bonneville. Page 3. Tr&ns-Mlsrlsslppi Congress favors a deeper Columbia. Page L Committee work Is well under way at the Congress. Page 10. Thursday sessions at the Trans-Mlssissippt gathering. Page 10. Co-operation by municipalities Is the keynote at the Civics Conference. Page 14. Van Dran mystery yet unsolved. Page 16. Heavy damages asked of Hume. Page 14. Special policemen ready to give battle to Mayor, Page 14, sara.""to discuss for publication my talk wKh the" President. We did con- sidenjthe9aJect of the boycott of AnlarlfeaJSpjoSrS In China which I un det5Pd 3 rather serious. The boy colt Iknow very little about, as It de- eloped after I left Pekln. but I should assumjL that vlt 'might be a matter that la, so Mr astfie agitation is concerned. well wlUiinttbe control of the Chinese v e r nnTp al.X-O I -course, the govern ment couldLdtoUind very likely would not If It could, compel Its citizens to buy American goods; but it could and probably would say to the Viceroys of nrovlnees where tho ant I-American. agitation was making Itself felt, that it roust. stop, .ana it uum aiuy, iuu. In. such a respect the Chinese are the most easily controlled people in the world." , A mono- Vir. ti1cctj dlsCUSSCtl bV the President andSr". Conger was that of the" HanUow jlcrfUV-rjyrtnir between Canton and Hankow. Mr. Conger strongly depreeaTed the feMnqulshment of the ro.idrjinuits. con.-esHions even for a large ckconslder jtlon. "What the American-SfiMna, Development Com pany may do as to the sale of the prop erty tothe'Chlnese'. government prob ay'wlll be 'announced In a few" days, but It Is suggested that Mr. Conger's proposed mission to China very likely has an Itnnortant relation to the Han kow Rallroadquestlon. Thompson Ills Successor. It Is expected that-Mr. Conger will be succeeded as AmCrtcaji. -Ambassador to Mexico by D. E. Thompson, who Is now Ambassador to Brazil. Mr. Thompson Isa. resident of" Nebraska, and was appointed. Minister to Brazil with, a view, to Buying him a more Im portant dlpl6m.iipost when the op portunity o'ffcre4jp,i Subsequently the American mIsslop5,'BrazIl was elevat ed to an Ambassadorship. Mr. Thomp son, it Is knownjghasvexprcssed a deslro to represent thsJtSlted States in Mex Ico, and that detis likely soon to be gratified. CORTELYOU OYSTER BAY Denies He YiH3cceod Shaw at the TrensWjMrepartment. OYSTER BAYSflRug 17. Postmaster General and Mrs. GObrge B. Cortelyou were guests for a few hours today of President ana Mrs. itooseveii. tne postmaster General, who Ik onjfils vacation, and Mrs. at their home In J:mpstfad. L. I. Mr. Cortelyou does expect to return to (Washington until ut the middle of September. Mr. Cortelyoi d thereport lhat he had been- sele succeed Secretary of the Trcasur IN6 STRIKE PimHAMSSTJjpnT; XTESHION TO RAILROAD OPERATORS. Result Known by Noon Today Tan qnary "Thinks Success Yet Pos sible Attitude of Ronds. SPOKANE, Aug. !S.-SpecJal.) Prelim inaries to calling off the strike of the railway telegraphers on the Great North ern and the Northern Pacific Railroads woro commenced last last night. At 12:30 Deputy President Tanquary, having charge of the Wcstorn division -of tho fight, received this telegram from Presi dent H. B. Perham, at ScPnul: "Take a vote by wire from strikers of your district. Ascertain whether or not strike shall continue. Wire me result.' "I shall take the vote early In the morn ing and we shall know the result by noon,' said Mr. Tanquary. "President Perham of course had been conferring with his associates on the ad visability of calling for this vote, and my advice was to take the vote. However, I oeucve .mat tne strike will be sustained. If the men will stay out, the railways can't- get enough men In a year to restore things. On this division there were 160 mombers of tho Order of Railway Teleg raphers, .now n are out. only 15 failed. Outside of them, the Northern Pacific has not been able to get ten first-class men. We- consider tho Great Northern and the Northern Pacific as one road and I don't think we would divide them In ending thelfctrike." Alfred Beamer, superintendent of the Northern Pacific, when asked what the attitude of his road would be in case the strlko was called off,- said: "There are some of the men we would take back, and some that we would not." GLADDEN AVILTi TRY TO CLIP MISSION BOARD'S AVIXGS. Will Flglit to Limit Committee. Power to Accept Gifts of Money Such as Rockefeller's. BOSTON, Mass.. Aug. 17. Special.) A resolution which will take from the execu five officers of tho American Board of Foreign Missions of the Congregational Church the power to accept gifts of money, and which is aimed particularly at John D. Rockefeller, Is to be Introduced by Dr. Washington Gladdan at the annual meeting of the board to be held at Seattle, September 1 to IS. Strong pressure will bo brought to bear by the ministers who fought the acceptance of the famous Rockefeller gift to have tho resolution Officers of the board consider 'the sub ject of the gift of nW.OuO closed and, as the money has been appropriated for va rlous uses In the mission field, they con sider they 'are Justified In saying so. It has been learned, however, mat a strcn uous effort will be made to govern the board In the future In the collection of funds .for mission work. ZICRlcr Relief Steamer Returns. BERGEN, Norway, Aug. 17. Tho Arctic steamer Terra Nova, which, un der the command of William S. Champ, sMrtrv of tha late William Zelgler. rescued Anthonj Flala and the other members of the Zelgler polar expedi tion, sailed today lor Lonaon. DUAL TARIFF IS THEIR II CRT Advocates of Reciprocity Or ganize Against the . t Standpatters. CUMMINS CRIES COWARDS Conference Adopts Plntform and De cides to Organize for New Pol icy After Cheering Iowa Statesman's AVords. CHICAGO. Aug. 17. The reciprocity con ference, called to devise means of better ing the trade relations between the United States and foreign countries, finished Its work today, arranged for a committee to prosecute the plans of the convention and formed a permanent organization styled the "American Reciprocal Tariff League." The "committee, which will consist of 15 members to be appointed by the chair, was given full power to organize and pro mote the work for which the convention assembled. The resolutions adopted advocate max imum and maximum tariff as a means of relieving the situation with which this country Is confronted and suggest that such reciprocal concessions be arranged by a permanent tariff commission to be created by Congress and to be appointed by the President. The principal speaker at today s ses sion was ex-Governor A. B. Cummins, of Iowa, who. In a speech full of fire and elo quence hurled defiance at the enemies of reciprocity! He brought the audience under his spell and, except when Inter rupted by the uproarious applause, he held full sway for three-quarters of an hour. Oother seakers were Edward Rose water, of Omaha; ex-Mayor W. C. May- bury, of Detroit; A. B. Farquhar, of Penn sylvania; s. Jr. Hower, ot Wisconsin; iu. S. Lockrldge, of Indiana, and a dozen del egates. The first speaker was A. B. Farquhar, of Pennsylvania. At the conclusion of his address the chairman called for'the report of the committee on resolutions, and Chairman EL N. Foes read the following resolution: Plntform for Dual Tariff. Th National Tteolproelty Convention, repre prntinsr more than 2C0 agricultural, commer cial and Industrial associations of the united States by del-gate assembled, at Chicago, August 16 and 17. 1005, hereby maKta tno fottoTvlnc declaration of principles: Whereas, the agrieu.tural, roanuractunns aa4 other Industrie? of this jcountry have ex paaded to such an extent that they can no longer depend upon the home market for the consumption of their entire product;. and. Whereas, the export trade has become a vital rapport to roanr of our Industries; and. Whereas, the present osunerclal attitude ot the United States, largely owing to our fail ure to carry Into effect the reciprocity trade provisions of Section IV ot the Dlngley law. le antagonizing foreign nations whose good will we desire and on whom we have hitherto depended as purchasers of our surplus prod ucts'. Therefore, he It Remlved. first. That this convention, recog nizing the principle of protection as the e taMlshed policy of our country, advocates reciprocal concessions by mean of a dual or maximum and minimum, tariff aa the most adequate and practical method of relieving the strained situation with which we are now confronted. Second, that the question ot tho schedules and Items to be considered In such reciprocal concessions preferably be suggested by a per manent tariff commission to bo created by Congress and appointed by tho President, which oball eonnlst of economic, Industrial and commercial experts. Third, that It Is the sense of this conven tion that our present tariff affords abundant opportunity for such concessions without In Jury to Industry, trade or tho wage ot labor. Fourth, that we urge action upon Congress at the earliest time poselWe. We recommend that a permanent organiza tion be formed under the strle ot American Reciprocal Tariff League; and that a com mittee of 15 be appointed by tho chair to have full power to organize and further pros ecute the work for which the convention has assembled. Said committee shall have power to Increase Its membership and to fill va cancies when necessary. Respectfully submitted. s E. X. F03S. Massachusetts. A. H. SANDERS Illinois. EDWARD W. PJCGE. New York. A. B. FARQUHAR. 'Pennsylvania. W. H. HARRIS. Kansas. FRANK J. HAGENBARTH, Idaho. WILLIAM LARRABEE. Iowa. MURDO M'KENZIB. Colorado. MARION SANSOM. Texas. CHARLES P. S ENTER, Missouri. CONRAD KOHRS. Montana. ' W. H. HATTON. Wisconsin. Committee on Resolutions. Hosewater a Standpatter. Edward Rosewater. editor of tho Omaha Bee. was Introduced. He said he was sec retary of the committee on resolutions of the Republican National Committee of liD0, and wished to contradict the state ment made In the reciprocity convention that the Republican party In its plat forms of 1000 and 1901 had pledged Itself to a revision of the tariff, and that it had violated Its pledge. He said: The Republican party's greatest pledge was a continuance of prosperity and we have got It. (Applause.) Now. the question Is. ore we at the crossing of the roads, or are we not on the- upward trend to the highest degree of- prosperity thte country Is capable of navingz But remember that there are methods of reaching the Republican Congress that must be pursued" by you here today, or you are not coins: to accomplish very much, lou cannoc accomplish It by denouncing the tariff as a graft. There is graft In church and there is graft In Masonry and other fraternal organ izations, but you could not denounce the church or Masonry because, men have been found in the ranks who ore grafters. There Is graft, of course. In connection with the tariff, but aa a principle the protective sys tem has built up the Industries of this coun try, and It Is because of the great Invasion of great American Industry to all ports ot th world that you have had the trouble which you are called together to consider. Ton never would have been here but for the fact that J1.500.000.C00 ot American products have found their way Into foreign countries within the past year. I believe In carrying out the letter and spirit of the Constitution, that reaches these oues tlona by reciprocity. I do not believe you can , do it by a double atandard. That Is precisely what you propose here, the double standard of tariff, which means simply a. minimum tariff, and nothlns else. Cummins Issues a Challenge. Governor Cummins, of Iowa, was the next speaker. He said: J. for ose, have a deep and abiding confi dence in the judgment of the plain, common people, and X want to settle this question In the good, old-fashioned way. Let us fight It out before the people. If we lose, let us abandon the attempt, and If we win, let those who are skulking In the shade of concealment retire to the places that are appointed for cowarda and traitors to the pollcle? ot our Government. Wo must meet It In one of two ways retaliation or reciprocity. On thin ques tion the stand-patters have raised the banner of the former and we march to the music of the latter. Many people think that this question Is con fined to treaties with particular powers. bt It Is not so, for It can be accomplished through general tariffs a well as through special agreTnent. Indeed. It can be truly said that with u. If attained In the near future. It must be attained through a general law by a revision of our schedules, for It has been clear to the dullest mind that no trade treaty, however advantageous to the people ot this country, can command two-thirds of the Uni ted States Senate. It Involves always and Invariably, whether attained In the one way or the other, some change In oar Import da ties, and here the trouble begins. The protec tive tariff was 'not originally Intended to exclude com petition, but rather to create com petition. With schedules arranged with any fair regard for this definition of protection. reciprocity would be already secured and re taliation would be the weapon with which to punish any country that refused to deal fair ly with us. There Is no conflict and can be none between protection and reciprocity. It Is Just as essential and Juat am beneficial to our producers to preserve and enlarge thetr markets abroad as It Is to preserve and en large their markets at home. The folly of maintaining a tariff echedtile that will enable us to-U $1000 of manufac tured merchandise In our own markets, bt which will prevent the sale of $10,000 of man ufactured products In foreign markets is so striking that It con only be explalnod upoa the hypothesis that we have surrendered to a senseless fear of disturbing commercial tran quility. The demand we make Is not new. The men who today are the exponent of the fftand-pat theory of government aro not pro tectionists, they are exeluslonbts. The first step toward reciprocity la to plant deep la the minds ot the people the truth that many of our schedules are too high und should be reduced, to create a sentiment that duttea can be changed without Imperilling business stability. So long as It is a popular system that makes the home consumer pay more than the foreign consumer for the same product from the same factory, there Is no hope for reciprocity. I appeal to the protos tlonfeits of the United States to stand by the old doctrine, to follow Blaine and Garfield. Sherman and MeKlnley, and not to confound the time-honored and time-tried policies ex emplified In those leaders of men and leaden? of thoiight with the selfish fallacies that are now proslalmed as the faith of the fathers. After several brief speeches the report of the committee on resolutions was taken up. The ilrst resolution was amended by agreement of the committee to read as follows: Resolutions 3fnde Stronger. Resolved, first. That this committee, rec ognizing the principle ot protection as the es tablished policy of our country, advocates Immediate reclDroiial concessions, by nvas of a dual or maximum and minimum tariff, as the only practical method of relieving at this time the Ft rained situation with, which we ore confronted. -Representative Holiday, of Indiana, moved that the second resolution be stricken out. This motion precipitated a spirited discussion In the midst of which the convention adjourned until afternoon. When the convention reconvened for the afternoon session, the question of the for mation of a permanent organization was again taken up. A resolution was adopted as follows: Wo recommend that permanent organization be farmed under the style ot tha American Reciprocal Tariff League, and that a""coraralt- tee or 10 oe appointed ny tne cnair to navo full power to organize and further prosecute the work for which the convention had as sembled. Said committee shall have power to Increase Its membership to fill vacancies when necessary. That tho chairman be requested to confer with the committee on arrangements nnd the various organlzaUons represented t this convention, and take the time needed far the proper selection of suitable members. With the adoption of this resolution, the conference' adjourned sine die. WARSHIPS DRIFT ON TIDE BENNINGTON BREAKS TOWTLINE -FROM CHICAGO Ill-Fated Gunboat and Goodrich's Flagship Ram One Another After Chicago Has Been Ashore. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17. Tha cruiser Chicago, flagship of the Pacific squadron, flyln- the flag ot Admiral Goodrich, went aground close to the lighthouse and fog signal station on Angel Island, In this harbor, today. She came from San Dlego with tho disabled gunboat Bennington In tow ond accompanied by the Navy tug Fortune. On entorlng the habor, she steered for the Mare Island Navy-yard by way of Raccoon Straits. A 'strong ebb tide was running, and in the current the tow-line on which the Bennington was trailing parted. Tha Chicago then took a sudden sheer for tho land, ana oerore nor neau way could be stopped, she ran her bows upon the beacn. The Bennington, on her momentum sailed ud close to the stern ot the strand ed vessel before her anchors took hold Then she swung to the current, safe, but dangerously close to the rocky beach of the Island. The tug Fortune soon got a line to the Chicago' and succeeded In pull- lnsr her clear ot the bottom, but when she came off she took a sheer that sent her straight for the anchored Bennington. The current of the tide carried her down across the bow of the anchored vessel and there was a smashing of metal when they came together. Then- the two ves sels, afoul of eacn otner, went uruun on the tide. Botn of the war vessels were consider ably damaged. Funeral of Bennington Seamen. VAXX.EJO. Cal., Aug. 17. The funeral ot Seaman E. B. Robinson, one of tho victims of the Bennington disaster, who was a son of Mrs. Emma Robinson, of Oakland, was held today from St. Peters Chapel at the Mare Island Navy-yam with full naval honors. Chaplain lie Allister officiated and an address was de llvered by Rev. Mr. Angwln of the Meth odlst Church. Admiral McCall and other officers of the Mare Island Navy-yard at tended. A quartette from the Lawtoa sang. The pallbearers were sailors of the Independence, headed by Lieutenant G. W. Browne. HURRICANE KILLS HUNDRED Sweeps Marshall Islands, Followed hy Great Tidal Wave. SYDNEY, N. S. W., Aug. 17. Con firmatlon of the report that the Mar shall Islands were visited by a hurri cane and tidal wave on June 30 has been received here. One hundred lives were lost. . CONGRESS FAVORS DEEPER 111 Major Langfitt Tells What Is Needed. WORK SHOULD NOT CEASE Speakers Criticise Methods in Immigration. DEBATE MAY BEGIN TODAY Second Session Marked by Address on Needs of Columbia Oriental Commerce, in Which Ex clusion Ijaws Figure. PROGRAMME FOR TODAY. Committee on xesolutlens meets to consider Chinese exclusion In Chapman School at 0 A. M. Congress meets In Bxpoaltlen Audi torium. 0:30 A. M. Addres. David R. Francis, president Louisiana Purchase Exposition. "Development of Mines and Mining." J. H. RIehards. of Boise, president American Mining Congress, Colonel T. W. M. Draper, of San Francisco; E. lit Benjamin, president California State Mining- Association. "Home Manufactures," H. D. Love land, of. Son Francisco, president Pa cific Coast Jobbers' and Manufactur ers' Association. "American Scenery and Its Influence on the World'B Travel." Rr. Roland D. Grant. Vancouver. B. C. "Livestock . Interests of the Trans MtsslsAlppl Region." T. H. Torallnson. ot Denver, secretary National Stock growers Association. Evenlnjr, 8 o'clock. AdmLlon Free. Illustrated lecture. "The Yellowstone National Park." Barry Bulkley. un der auspices of the Interior Depart ment. Auditorium. Need of liberal appropriations from Congress for the Columbia River is ob vious to the Trans-Mississippi Commer cial Congress and when Major W. C. Irftngfltt, United States Engineer, spoko yesterday before that body on tho bene fits which adequate appropriations would bring and pointed out tho results tho United States Engineers couid attain, tho congress manifested Its approval with hearty applause. A resolution, calling on, the National Government to hasten Im provement of the waterway will be urged by the "Washington, Oregon and Idaho delegations In the Congress and no doubt will be adopted. Leaders of tho congress in the last two days havo frequently remarked that tho further Improvement of tho Columbia River is the most Important river and harbor work beforo the Government on tho Pacific Coast and one of the most important In the United States, and they say this whether they come from Texas, where Galveston and Houston need ap propriations; or from Louisiana, whero New Orleans requires a deeper Mississip pi and a. more extensive leveo system Is needed; or from Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and tho Dakotas, where the Missouri River Is In need of better channel, or from the Upper Mississippi region, which desires a better water highway to St, Louis. Depth on Bar Increased Four Feet Major Langfltt's remarks wore confined entirely to the Columbia River, projects for which he has had in charge many years, until his recent transfer to Wash ington, D. C. The congress listened In tently to his address. He pointed out especially tho want of permanent chan nel Improvements In the Willamette and Columbia Rivers between Portland and tho sea, calling attention to tho need of permanent dykes as substitues for dredges. Major Langtltt also pointed out that there should be no stoppage In tha Jetty work at the mouth of the Columbia. He showed that the recent extension oC the Jetty has added four feet to the bar depth, but said that in order to finish, the breakwater, "the sum of $550,000 la needed In addition to the 5300.000 author ized but not appropriated by tho last session of Congress." Continuing, he re marked : Demand Less Than Others. "The necessity of this improvement Is almost self-evident. There is now but IS feet at mean low water on tho bar. "Vessels aro Increasing In draft each year and the delays which are caused by lark of depth and roughness of bar and which could be largely reduced by deeper chan nel, prevent the largest carriers from, frequenting this port. "The funds desired are small compared with the benefits to be derived and aro equally so when compared with approp riations for other somewhat similar ports. Thus, the total appropriations for tho Columbia River entrance, to July 1, 1903, aggregated only J4.425.745.S1, while those for Mobile bar and harbor aggregated $3, 017,647.60; Savannah bar and harbor, 57, 5G9.973.05, and the Galveston bar and har bor, 53,733.123.66. "That work on the Jetty should pro ceed without stoppage Is most Important) from the standpoint of early results a3 well aa that of economy and It Is hoped that? funds will soon be forthcoming, for the reason that money now available cr authorized will be expended by the end of the calendar year. Chinese exclusion, as rigidly enforced CConcluded on Page 10.)