Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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S'ie comes again as she came to Ten
n ' on, and through Tennyson, sixty
yeir? ago. Woman is to supersede
sr.?n eliminate him. Her spokesman
at Chicago the day before yesterday
Mr Bodine. superintendent of compul
bov education at Chicago declared
that "man. like the Indian, is dying
Ojt and being driven out." Woman, he
sai'J is to be ipreme in industrialism.
Wc.nan is to take charge of all things
in car economic life, save stump-pull
Jr.g, barnyard work and mines, and
m. r is to be "forced to return to the
sx. and to those fields of labor where
rr.v is nhyslcal endurance will save
n .1 m his struggle for survival' We
u pose man deserves no better fate.
am congratulate woman on such a
But we wonder how long woman
tthom nature made to temper man.
as vie have been told will be able to
survJe this degradation and indeed ex
tinrtlon. of poor, despised masdullnlty?
There has been trouble here, and
herein, from the beginning trouble al
was between the sexes. It began with
the termination of the first honeymoon.
Aiam upbraided Eve. and Eve thought
Adcm a brute. But what follows, in
experience? Man can't get on with
woman nor without her. Woman can't
get on without man nor with him. The
poets take it up and attack the dis
rensations of Divine Providence. Mil
tin's Adam exclaims; "Why did God,
who peopled highest heaven with spirits
masculine, create at last this fair de
feet on earth? Why did he not find
srr.e other way to generate mankind?"
And one of the great characters ere
nted ay Shakespeare wonders why
there shouldn't have been some other
On the other side. Tennyson's "Prln
cess," speaking for woman, disdains the
vrole arrangement. Unquestionably
this method, for continuation of the
race, would be odious and unpopular
Ies?rvedly so If there were any other
-nay Only the necessities of the case
r reserve it from hopeless vulgarity.
And yet the necessary place of man and
cf w oman. and of their relations toward
each other are dependent upon it. Not
in the ideal, but in the practical, world.
It is indeed, a most clumsy, bungling,
maladroit and unphllosophlcal way of
getting into the world; that's certain.
It always has been a question, since
ir.en and women began to think,
whether it is worth while to persist in
continuation of the human race hy
these processes. No wonder John Stu
art Mill, in one of his most serious and
thoughtful essays, exclaimed against it,
and marvelled that Omniscience, which
ought to include Omnipotence, hadn't
found a better way. So reasonable is
the protest that The Oregonian is much
inclined to agree with the "advanced
-woman." and with the protest of her
se!f and of her champions, against the
man. Make him an outcast. Reduce
hJji to the insignificance that befits his
i.n.ture. Look at your salmon. What
does "he" amount to? The lady Is the
in dispensable factor. Which shows us
v.hy the bridegroom makes so Insig
nificant a figure.
In "The Coming Race," Bulwer Lyt
ton puts woman foremost, as does her
champion at Chicago making man
"poor Indeed." Again, as we read this
vrst literature, we are filled with won
der to know why man has been toler
ated so long, and again with wonder
to know how long woman will be able
to survive the decline and fall, the
degradation and the extinction of man.
We are to have woman suffrage in
Oregon, which is another step towards
his repression and extinction.
And yet In "The Princess," one speak
er raises a discordant note. Of course"
he is a barbarian. He stands for the old
order, yet they soon howl him down.
But he manages to say, nevertheless
This is ftxt
As are the roots of earth and base of all;
Man for the'JJeld and woman for the hearth;
Man for the sword 'and for the needle ehe;
Man with the bead and woman with the
Man to command and woman t obey;
All else confusion. Look you! The gray mare
Is 111 to live with, when her whlnney shrills
From tile te sculler', and her small gsodxaan
Shrinks in his armchair, k. t. 1.
This old stuff, however, rot no favor
in the new realms established for the
exaltation of woman and the suppres
sion of man. The problem changes Its
aspects, but still Is eternally the same.
We suppose there must still be houses
and homes and families; that it will
be the duty or the lot of woman to
keeD the house and to bear the chil
dren and be their chief guardian dur
ing their Infancy; while it will be the
duty of the man to go forth in the world
and to strive how he can to make pro
vision for the home and for the family.
"This Is fixed." Or. if it be not fixed,
"the earth's base is stubble."
A final wonder is how the refined
ladles who are to push and crowd the
men out of every genteel and desir
able employment, as the Chicago phil
osopher tells they are to do, and to
push the men off into the heavy and
degrading occupations, suited to their.
lower Instincts, are going to find hus
bands worthy of their ideal? And how
are those brutalized men, upon whom
the race must depend for perpetuation
unless that system of Incubation they
have at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion can be developed much further, on
purely esthetic and transcendental
lines, than it yet has been to be es
topped from pulling down this fair Ideal
of womanhood to their own baseness?
But. doubts like these would ruin any
system of philosophic sociology.
The primary election law is the law
of the state, and party action must' be
taken under Its regulations. How it
will "work" remains to be seen. We
shall know better after a while.
The chief apprehension, on the part
of Republicans is that the candidates
nominated bv pluralities under it will
not be able to command the party Vote,
All know that Judge Williams, running
for Mayor last June, could not.
The probability Is that under the con
vention system Judge Williams would
not have been nominated. The other
candidates, all having votes in the con
vention. would have combined, almost
surely, against the man who had more
votes than, any other. So the prob
ability is that Judge Williams, had
there been a convention, would not
have beeir successful, but the delegates
would have united on some man who
would have been able to secure the
support of all. Then his election would
have followed. This has been the usual
way though there have been excep
tloris to s"uch results.
But never mind. The present primary
system is the law. We shall know even
more aoout it ana us consequences
within a year.
How manj citizens of Portland have
even thought, much less expressed, Mr.
Thurber's conviction that "the trans!
tion of the Portland of 1876 to the Port
land of 1905 is one of the romances in
American development?"
The worst of it is that, from some
cause or other, the Portlander is more
apt to repeat an everlasting grumble
that Portland is without public spirit
and that you must go to Seattle or to
Tacoma to find an energetic, growing
community. It takes one from afar off.
a citizen of the nation, more than of
one corner of It, one with open eyes
and open mind, to see Portland as it
deserves to be seen. Why is it? Prob
ably, for one reason, because of the
spirit of self-satisfaction and exclusive
ness which marks those first citizens
who jiow represent bj descent not by
Individual vigor the men of force who
gave the city Its start Present own
ers of inherited possessions are fain
the world over, to take credit to them
selves for what their' -progenitors ac
quired and transmitted. Of this young
Mr. Hyde, of the Equitable, Is a notable
Another reason is the want of per
spoctlve. We are too close to the city
in which we live. Cities are like moun
tains. One must get some way off to
appreciate size, position, beauty. We
fall to take in all that constitutes the
city of today.
Again, most of us are too busy lay
ing the bricks to take in the design
and symmetry of the temple we are
building. That is one of the benefits
to Portlanders of this Fair of ours,
We are forced to lay down the trowel
to show our friends around. As they
are filled with admiration, and express
their appreciation of our city, we first
doubt, then wonder, and by degrees
each says to himself, am I so blind as
not to have grasped what Is now so
plain? But yet each bee has been add
lng his cell to the hive, and storing
it, and the labors of all have created
the "romantic development" of which
our friend speaks.
From the 20,000 people of 1876 to the
11B.0OO of 1905 Is surely growth enough
in numbers to satisfy anyone but an
Inhabitant of the Pacific Northwest.
Number alone ls the smallest gauge of
growth. Mining camps spread from one
tent to a city of shanties in a night
and die out as feet when the lode gives,
out. Industries alone are no sure base
for real growth. Suburb and outly
ing districts of Chicago, the center of
shop, factory and warehouse, hav
sprung into good-sized cities, while we
have looked on. They constitute no
cause for proper pride, but make the
hard problem of the city of this gen
eration. They cry for de-population to
give to their present Inhabitants all
that makes life worth living. Wherein
men. lies tne romance or Portlands
growth ?
In the concentration, the aggregation
of attractions, solid and enduring,
which have started the Rose City of
the Pacific in healthy and promising
development We have not yet at
talned the full stature of the city that
is to be, but conditions tend to a con
tinuous development. In many places
this great Fair would have seemed too
ambitious, and Incongruous, out of
place in sc young and comparatively
small a community. Our friends do
not think so. certainly they do not say
so. But they tell us, with one accord,
that the enterprise befits its lovely set
ting. From them fall words of appre
ciation for the successful effort to cre
ate so great a gathering of things of
beauty, of usefulness, of promise. They
recognize the eyes that have seen the
possibilities, the courage that has over
come the difficulties, the good sense
that has inspired .the management of
the great enterprise. It Is not from our
visitors and friends that come the,
croakings and forebodings of lowered
values and stagnation when the Fair
is done with. It is from them that are
heard the prophecies of continuous pro
gress, of growth in population, HI com
znercfi and la industries, Lo follow tb.
lines aye, all of them, by which the
Portland of 1876 his been transformed
Into the Portland of 1905. Let us then
not be faithless", but believing.
We find several things In the letter
Ex-Governor Geer, printed today.
that merit particular attention. He has
strong belief in party regularity. He
didn't especially like the nomination of
Mr. Ellis for Congress in 1S96, but Ellis
was the nominee of the convention
and entitled to support No matter
what his views on the great questions
of the day questions vital to. the very
existence of the republic he was the
Republican nominee, and Mr. Geer sal
lied valiantly forth and broke a lance
or two with the sound-money cham
pions who were trying to persuade the
people of the Second Oregon District
that free silver was all wrong and the
gold standard all right This was In
1896, when Mr. Geer had opulent dreams
of ease and comfort in the office of
collector of customs for the district of
the Willamette. In 1897, he declined
heroically to be .a "miscellaneous can
didate" and In 1898 a grateful and de
lighted constituency finding voice In a
state convention nominated him for
Governor. Thus we see that virtue
is Its own reward if you happen to
be around when paj'day comes along.
We are gratified to observe, too, that
the ex-Governor dispels the haze of
doubt that has enveloped one other
important Incident in the history of
state politics. "Speaking as one citizen
of Oregon," he says . . "who through
a voting experience of thirty years, has
never yet exercised the privilege, so
often enjoyed by probably better men.
of scratching a name from a Republl
can ticket I desire to express my per
feet willingness to permit the direct
primary law to proceed along its way.
etc. This will likewise be gratifying
intelligence to Mr. Furnish, who has
heretofore been a trifle dubious about
the strenuous regularity of Mr. Geer's
party affiliations. But let that pass,
The ex-Governor is on the band-wagon
and has always been there, though per
haps not always on the front seat He
has simply sought a little occasional
diversion by slipping down under
neath It
The point Mr. Geer makes, then, as
we understand it. Is that the bolter will
always bolt under any system; and that
he himself 1b no bolter. The direct pri
mary is here to stay, at least for the
present, and we shall have to get along
with it as best we can. The party
bosses don't like it or profess to be
uneasy about it but so far as anybody
has observed, there is no great occa
slon for them to get excited. It was
tried once in Oregon, and strange
things happened. One swallow (of
whisky) doesn't make a Summer, but
it may sometimes be considered a very
satisfactory sign of approaching Sum
mer weather. Neither the professional
politicians, who have the offices and
want to keep them, nor the professional
tribunes of the people, who have had
the offices and want them again, know
what the next direct primary will do
to or for them. We shall all have to
wait and see.
A most noteworthv gathering has as
sembled in the Auditorium at the Ex
position. No better place could be
found to create and stimulate that sym
pathy of Interest which Is trans
muted, first. Into Influence, thence into
, Where else could the extension of
Oriental trade be better considered
than In the port set in the full stream
of commerce between East and West?
Many In this great gathering have
profited by the deepening of water
ways and the widening of harbors.
They have the chance to help In sim
ilar benefits for this Pacific Coast
States are represented whose resources
in mine and forest are at the mercy
of national laws. Where better than
here and now can evils be exposed and
the better way be shown? Range and
ranch thegrowIng, breeding, and rear
ing grounds of the nation's food sup
plyare here by their delegates to up
hold every effort at the control and
"regulation of transportation from the
West to the teeming populations of the
Eastern states. How great soever may
be ,the longing of the states of the
Atlantic seaboard to see the trans
Isthmian canal an accomplished fact
their Interests are small compared with
those of the Pacific in cheapening and
hastening the transport of their wheat
flour, timber, fish, and meat into the
markets of the world.
Alaska stands at the door of the
states of the Pacific slope, tied to them
by the Interests of their brothers work
ing in its mines and fisheries, dependent
on their capital and enterprise for its
development Here then, at first hand,
with full and intimate knowledge, can
its needs be explained, its possibilities
expounded, the structure of Its civiliza
tion, the legislation demanded for its
improvement considered, with sym
pathy and understanding.
Each state here represented has its
special needs and interests. In legis
lation their common action becomes ef
fective. But even beyond and ahead of
this stands the need of friendliness and
sympathy among these young com
munities. Not only, as Mr. Wheel
wright well suggested in drawing closer
the commercial and business ties of In
terest but In raising the tone of com
mon life In spirit in morals, in en
lightenment The topics are abundant
the men who deal with them are among
the most distinguished in the nation.
The session has opened with every evi
dence of good will and earnestness.
Oregon has extended her most hearty
welcome. She desires that the memor
ies of this great gathering may be of
unmarred pleasure and far-reaching
Speaker Nixon has been renominated for
hi sixteenth successive term as member of
the Assembly. The nominating speech was
made by his Democratic opponent In 1808.
who is now a Republican. The seconding
speech was made by his Democratic opponent
in 1900. who Is now a Republican. In other
rural counties there are more and more
former Democrats who are now Republicans.
Except In the cities is the Democratic party
In the State of New York dying out? New
York World.
Speaker Nixon, who comes to Port
land today to take part in the exercises
on New York day, may be able to
answer the question. Doubtless it Is
dying oUt not fast enough to suit some
people, but still it is going rapidly. It
will have to hurry, though. If, lh the
race to the political graveyard. It gets
ahead of the two Nw York Republl
can Senators.
AH Oregon delighted to learn
that Governor Folk, of Missouri, is
coming to Portland, no matter what
happens la Missouri. Likely enrph it
will not happen, but you never can
telL Folk needs a vacation, and de
serves one. for he has been leading a I
lively existence since he became Gov- I
ernor. Contemporaneous with the an-
nouncement that Governor Folk Is soon
to start West we observevin an East
ern paper & statement that he smokes
20 cigars a day. Reformer Jerome, of
New York, is said to be an inveterate
smoker of cigarettes. We have no first
hand information about Reformer La
Follette. of Wisconsin, but it Is easy
to imagine that no prohibitionist could
possibly acquire exalted position In a
state woere. as some one eald, there
Is a schoolhouse on every hill, and two
breweries in every hollow." AH this
Is not especially pertinent to the ones
tion of Governor Folk's eomlnr to Ore-
gon. except as It may possibly suggest
to some of our local reformers a plan
to persuade him to swear off.
One explorer has Just been rescued
from the perils of the great white North
and another has set the prow of his
ship toward the forbidden sea. The
sentiment that pushes the Polar navi
gator out and that which rescues and
brings, him in represents a determina
tion not to be baffled and not to fall
In a common duty of humanity in pur
suit of a- purpose to perform the im-
possible. "We have been," says Public
Opinion, "orettv well natlnflod that
there Is no nole at the North Polet
that there is no mysterious habitable
continent there, no 'Simm's Hole.' no
open solution to tremendous physical
problems. But we are determined for
our satisfaction that some human foot
shall tread that unvlslted spot in the
Arctic waste." It is thus that we cheer
the outgoing adventurer, listen patient
ly for tidings that we do not expect to
hear, of the success of his quest and
when he is too long silent send a ship
fully provisioned to bring him home.
Olvmnla sent to the Lwl and rriarV I
Exposition a fine body of men and
women business men. professional
men. all classes and types of the high-
toned citizenship of a substantial and
attractive city. Olympla has a peculiar
relationship to Oregon in that it has
traditions and sentiments in common
with old Oregon. Many of Its pioneers
were Oregon pioneers. Identified in an
Important way with early Oregon his
tory. It may not be news to the peo
ple of Olympla that Portland and Ore
gon generally sympathized with them
In their recent struggle to keep the
capital there; but it is truth, and It
was under the circumstances a proper
and natural feeling without any bias
whatever against any aspirant for
capital honors. Oregon hopes that
SM.I L-t - - , . . . I
i ma. prosper always ana inai I
the legislature miv decide nmi Hav I
to erect a capitol worthy of the great
state the present capitol Illy represents,
In assessing the elements of growth
in Japan "after the war," Fredric
Courtland Pen field says:
The Mikado" subjects demand no luxury of
food, dress or home surrounding;; they have I
no dissipations that absorb an undue amount
or time or moner ana the percentage of
adults who may be described as belonging to
the Idle class through affluence. Indolence
or disability Is probably the smallest of any
nation In the world.
When it is added that these facts con
solldate into a cohcrete security value. 1
the ease with which the Japanese rov-
ernment has secured loans aggregating
S360.000.000 is explained.
The returns at the hour of closing
show about 22.000 people holding tick
eta for the Utah land lottery where
the drawlne comes off thin wpek De
tailed statistics are not avAlIahl. hnt
It would be Interesting to know how
many of these "sooners" are bona flde
landseekers with Intention of doing
anvfhinsr hoMdM mkinr a miiv- turn
either In land or with the gold brick
or shell game.
Mr. Bodine In a sensational speech at
Detroit mourns because society Is dy
ing out at the top and indicts fash
ionable mothers for gadding about and
fashionable fathers for going to clubs.
Let him not be discouraged. We can
afford to lose the top If only we pre
serve the root and branches. Fortu
nately the fashionable class are, after
all. but a small percentage of the
The latest census of millionaires
shows that there are forty-nine of them
in Russia and none In Japan. Perhaps
this Is another,reason why affairs have
turned, out as they have. "HI fares the
land, to bartering ills a prey." Every
body knows the other line of the famil
iar couplet and can make the appli
cation wide or narrow, as suits him
The magnificent stone foundation
which was laid for a capitol building
at Olympla a dozen years ago, is now
being used as a cowshed. Any visitor
who has viewed the old foundation and
the building now used as a state cap
itol can hardly fall to be impressed
with the belief that the cows are being
sheltered in the wrong building.
Next Sunday eery householder in
New Orleans, obedient to Instructions,
will burn sulphur for two hours. While
this disinfection Is going on. the most
sluggish Imagination will mark the
similarity to another densely populated
place, where the horror of the mosquito
is unknown.
The agitators who for three years
were loudly proclaiming the need of re
form in the Williams administration
now say the police department must be
let alone. Yet It Is the same police de- brings every muscle of the body Into
partment only worse. What the re- play. We've a lot of college boys pre-fnrr-
,in-,v. i. u naring for places on their football
other fellow.
The announcement from Washing
ton that the government's stock -of
silver bullion is exhausted shows how
conditions have changed In nine years.
The Republican leaders who think
there is no demand for tariff revision
ought to cet a pointer or two from the
reciprocity convention In Chicago.
Any sort of a parade Is welcome to
the populace. The Elks In line yester
day did & rare thing; they presented
something new.
A gigantic trust of car-building con
cerns is scheduled for next month. It
Is only natural that they should be
Perhaps General Linlevltch, next to
the Czar himself. Is most interested in
the result of the peace conference.
For a few hours of unseasonable
wfAtnrr. Weiitrn. Qrgron. rives, thinks.
One of the best advertisements of Port-
land Is the Portland,ceraent which seems
to grow everywhere and Is In univeriUl
What with the founding of Universities
and the hiring of lswnmower men. John
D. Rockefeller la said to have spent more
than he has earned during the past three
months. How can he afford It?
The unimportance of Vice-Presidents is
pathetically emphasized by tho fact that
the newspapers still spell the first name
C( the iate Garret A Hobart with two
t'a" when one was all that VlcerPresi-
dent Hobart used.
McConkey. of Pittsburg, has re-
ceivea a decree or divorce, nis compiamt
against Mrs. McConkey Deing tnai our
lng his recent Illness his wife asked him
nineteen times a day what undertaker
he would prefer at his funeraL Some
men never seem to appreciate properly the
tender solicitude of their wives.
The best evidence that some people
are crazy Is that they act that way and
don't know it.
It is a distinct relief to be assured that
Governor Folk and his entire staff, ' all
dressed in full uniforms cut from the
i bolt of goods, so mat mere win
not be several hues of Diue. are com
ing to the Exposition In SentemDer. ine
Generals will be distinguished from the
Colonels by their calling cards, and If the
Governor is in uniform you can recognize
him by his smile that won't come off.
An esteemed local contemporary may
be excused for stating that E. B. Chester.
the imnoIs corn expert of Champaign,
I1L. comes from Champagne. Corn pre
supposes some kind of liquor.
A Portland man has Invented a device
that will make change In coins In any
amount from one cent to $100. If he will
add an Imorovement that will change a
penny Into a twenty-dollar gold piece, and
will kindly leave his address at this of
fice, he will hear of something that he
may use to our advantage.
An eccentric old man at Putnam. Conn-
some time ago had a monument erected
to himself, surmounted by a statue of
hi orson. whiskers and all. Recently
he held communication with the spirits
and was Informed that his whiskers were
too long. He went to a barber and
remedied the matter, and then called In
a marble-cutter who trimmed the whls
kers on his statue. This Is anotner argu
ment for the smooth face. It costs money
to trim marble whiskers,
It was eminently fitting that the battle
ship .Kansas, named for a Prohibition
. i w. .1 I A n-l , K Vuittla
state, snouiu ue cmowu "
at -water. This ought to satisfy both the
prohibitionists and those other persons
who hold that It Is a sin to use cham
pagne In that way at the prevailing
high price
College Men's English.
An esteemed correspondent desires
that we say something about the English
cj college men. This reminds us of a let
... thnt n rtva bv a farmer down In
th Ozark Mountains, as follows: "Dear
Sur Wood like Jessie's hand In marage.
She and I are in luve and I think I nede
a wife Yures. Henry." The old farmer
replied this way: Friend Henry You
don't need a wife. You need a spelling
book. Get one and study It a year. Then
write me again." This was cruel, but it
was kind. Our correspondent says that
the English of college students and
graduates Is atrocious. We have nothing
to say as to that, but our friend the
Unofficial Autocrat remarks that perhaps
the English of college men would be
more nearly In accord- with the Queen's
own students nowadays would devote
Potion of their time to the study of
books and ease off gradually on foot-
". rbwing ano poie-vauiung.
rntr-ruah or the stroke-oar or tne
champion high-Jump man should not de
pend altogether upon his muscle.
Couldn't-Lose It.
He chased about the country.
From Missouri to Connecticut,
In manner that was strenuous.
But not exactly etiquette;
He took a train for Hartford
On a long and lonesome lark and saw
The cities of a dozen States,
Clear down to Darkest Arkansaw;
He sped across the prairies
In a fashion apt to vex us and
He paused In Oklahoma.
But he soon repaired to Texas and
Continued on across the plains
To lovely Callforny. Oh,
He couldn't linger long.
But took a vessel bound for Borneo;
And then he went away again
And headed straight for Panama.
And thus he changed his residence
A dozen times per annum. Ah,
He never could be satisfied.
Although he tried Bavaria
And many European climes
He couldn't lose malaria!
How Swimming Reduces Weight.
New York Sun.
"A man who swims and Is vigorous
In the water can get himself into con
dition more quickly by that form of
exeroie than any other." said the
bathhouse man. "I've seen men take off
as much as six pounds in a single after
noon In the water, and from two to
four pounds from the weight of a man
only moJerately fat Is not an uncom
mon afternoon's work. We have a scale
here and many of our patrpns weigh In
their bathing clothes before and after
the dip. and there Is always a decided
loss except where men are very thin
or else In prime training. Water ex
ercise doesn't leave so much soreness
aa ervmnaslum work, either, and it
teams from this bathhouse. They have
a trainer "who watches their work, rubs
them down and looks out ror their
He Made Her Talk.
Washington Post
A Washlngtonlan well known so
cially and noted for the ugliness of
his features, spent the week end at a
fashionable house recently. Among
the guests at dinner one night was a
haughty young woman whose fad this
8umraer Is a silent pose In the midst
of social gayety.
"I'll wager I can make her talk,"
said the Washlngtonlan as he took her
out to dinner.
After an hour's hard work at light
and airy persiflage on the gentleman's
part his companion concealed a yawn
and said earnestly:
"I wish there, were some nice men
Passing Taft.
Chicago Tribune.
No surprise will be felt among those
who know him to learn that Unrequired
some time for the Manila procession to
ry &Xt&ry TslU
David It. Francis and Ills Work In Crentlnp nnd
Islana Purchase Exposition.
PORTLAND, Aug. 16. (To the Editor.)
The Lewis and Clark Exposition is hon
ored by having as Its guest a man of
remarkable ability and untiring energy,
the man who made the World's Fair of
ISOt David Rowland Francis, president
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
Although many notable and able men
contributed to the building of the great
est Exposition ever held. It was David
R. Francis who marshaled all of the
forces, overlooked all of the plans and
directed all of the energies. Once Mayor
of the city of St. Louis, once Governor
of the State of Missouri, a member or
the second Cleveland Cabinet and a mas
ter of millions all achieved hy - his own
effort Mr. Francis was fully capable of
successfully directing the giant task he
undertook when he assumed the presi
dency of the Universal Exposition. "Our
Dave," aa he Is called by his thousands
of admirers back In Missouri, was always
the official head and guiding spirit In
every movement connected with the ex
penditure of the $50,000,000 that made the
Exposition the grandest ever conceived.
Thl3 amount of money was all expended
within four years and the results ac
complished startled the world. Mr. Fran
cis received no salary for the work to
which he devoted four of the best years
of his busy life. He gave up his private
business to devote his time and money
to an enterprise the success of which
meant much to his home city.
There are very few men in the work!
who could have stood the strain of active
management of so gigantic an enterprise
for four long years In -such an energetic
manner as did Mr. Francis. Physlcally
as well as mentally, David R. Francis Is
a giant, and for this reason alone was
ne aDie rrom tne Beginning to tne very
end to sturdily stand at the helm through t
calm and storm. And there were many
storms to be weathered In the making of
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. When
the first serious reverse confronted the
administration, that of apathy toward
the Exposition on the part of the sev
eral great European countries, it was
David R. Francis who stepped into tho
breach. Quick action was Imperative and
within a few hours after a meeting of
the Board of Directors. David R, Fran
cis was on his way to Europe to visit
her Sovereigns. During the time he was
there he had long and satisfactory au
diences with the King of Great Britlan,
German Emperor, the President of
France, the King of Belgium and the
Prime Minister of Spain, the King of
Spain having been out of the capital at
the time of the flying visit
The results of this flying trip was
shown by the participation on a gigantic
scale, which embodied the expenditure of
millions of dollars, by the countries vis
ited. Great Britain. Germany. France
and Belgium erected handsome bulldrngs
and made extensive displays tne like of
which will never be seen for many years
to come.
The fact that Mr. Francis went to the
sovereigns of Europe practically as an
American citizen, unannounced and
certainly unexpected, and that he was
constantly In a nurry where tne ous-
tiinr- f tho wt Is not understood and
little liked, makes his achievement all the
more wonderful. On this trip Mr. J?ran- ngnt m assuming me iun. ui miu..
cls was only accompanied by his prl- lng the Western .orM's Fair for a
vate secretary, a man the public has i week or so. FRANK L. MERRIIK.
Chicago Journal.
One billion. Think of handing over 51.
000.000.000 to the man who's thrashing you,
so that he will stop. It is Intimated that
Japan will demand that much indemnity
from Russia.
In Russian money It Is about 2.000.000,000
roubles. In Japanese mpney It is about
2,000,000.000 yen.
Put yourself In Russia's place and
search yourself for the price of peace.
No doubt you would decide to pay It on
the Installment plan, or. If you are up to
the devil-may-care finance of an ordinary
American municipality, yau will consider
bonding the debt and letting posterity pay
the principal.
But suppose you decided to tackle the
debt yourself. If your income is a
year and the great majority of Incomes
are much below that It would take you
l.OOO.COO years to pay It. to say nothing of
the Interest. And you'd have to go with
out eating besides.
Now the Standard Oil Company would
be better prepared to meet such an emer
gency. With Its net earnings .it could
wipe out that bin for a billion in 20 years.
If it met a bad year or two John D.
Rockefeller could help It from his private
If Russia accepts the indemnity now
suggested, she will be paying 513.33 1-3 for
each person speaking the Russian tongue.
The Indemnity will be equal to Russia's
estimated stock of gold and silver. It
will be equivalent to the value of one
sixth of all 'the gold produced In the world
since 1492.
This sum that the Japs will try to get
Is equal to J2 a head for every white In
habitant of the earth. It Is a little short
of the total coinage of the United States
mints since they began to turn out
money. It Is three times the world's an
nual production of gold. It will amount
to about Jii for every memoer oi tne
yellow race on earth. The population of
North America Is estimated at 100.000.000.
If we had to pay It. we'd be assessed ?W
a head.
It amounts to about 530 for every square
mile on the earth's surface. The receipts
of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition
were about 510.000.000. It would take,
then. 100 expositions of that kind to earn
such an Indemnity.
Even the Czar, wealthy as he Is, would
have a hard time to pay 51.000.000,000. His
personal Income Is said to be. 512.000,000 a
year. It would take him the remainder
of his life and all of the Czarewitch's to
get a receipt In full from the Japs. But
there Is no danger of Nicholas assuming
the burden. He will make the peasants
pay It
As an instance of the magnitude of the
proposed Indemnity, take the building and
loan associations of the United Statesv
To meet the payment would require near
ly twice their total assets. It would take
about two or three times the value of
all the coal mined In the United States,
more than two wheat crops, or practically
five times the dividends paid annually on
all American railroads; or, take your
choice of these: One-third of all the pen
sions paid since 1S61; nearly ten times the
surplus of all the railroads.
A billion lo about half the amount of
the money In circulation In the United
States. It Is equal to the annual revenue
of Russia It Is almost as much as the
total bank clearings of the United States.
It Is double the bank deposits of Russia.
It Is as much as one-eighth of the re
sources of the more than 9500 banks of
the United States. The aggregate of cash
In the United States Treasury Is only
about one-third more. It Is larger than
this country's Interest-bearing debt.
If Japan gets her billion she will be
able to buy about 340 battleships like the
His Last Card.
Harper's Weekly.
A certain venerable archdeacon engaged
as a new footman a well-recommended
youth who had served a3 stable boy. The
first duty which he was called upon to
perform was to accompany the archdea
con on a series of formal calls.
"Bring the cards. Thomas, and leave
one at each house," ordered his master.
Alter two hours of visiting from house
to house the archdeacon's list was ex
hausted. .
"This Is the last house. Thomas," he
said; "leave two cards here."
"Beggln your pardon, sir," was the re-
ftly. "I can't I've only the ace o spades
Directing- the Lou-
heard very little about, but who was
an active worker during the long- years
of preparation, being always within
call of Mr. Francis and even accompany
ing him on his present trip to the Lewis
and Clark Exposition Collins Thomp
son. It was a common occurrence even
in the early days of the pre-exposltlen
period to see Mr. Francis dictating cor
respondence to Mr. Thompson on the
street-car when tne president was on
his way down town.
When it was found that there was
not enough funds with which to finish
the exposition. Mr. Francis was the
head of a committee that went to
Washington and secured a loan of 34.
600.600 from the United States Govern
me"nt And It was Mr. Francis who saw
to the prompt payment of the loan to
the" last dollar. From the first day of
the exposition, every land had Us dig
nitaries within the gates, and it was
the duty of President Francis to re
ceive these guests, to make speeches
of welcome, and to offer some form of
personal or official entertainment. A
half dozen speeches a day, besides at
tending to the executive work, were
accomplished with little effort. And
then after a hard day one could see
him enter the Tyrolean Alps about 11
o'clock at nlgrht with a party of guests
to listen to the sublime music rendered
there by an orchestra of SO pieces, pre
sided over by a conductor brought all
the way from Austria. Mr. Francis
loves good music and he hardly missed
a night at the Alps during the fair.
If only for a few minutes. But even la
this pleasure resort business was not
put allele. hTo rush of work was so
great that Thompson met the president
mere wun me u s turriiuiiueiH.-o
yet to be signed and President Francis
would reaa and. sign sometimes as
many as 100 letters, at the same time,
enjoying the music and taking part in
the conversation.
Tiiere were weeks that President
Francis did not 3leep at home, and late
at night his depot wagon could be seen
wending its way to the exposition dor-,
mitories to the rear of the Adminis
tration building, where the officials
from the president down to the chiefs
of departments had quarters for their
convenience. Although retiring late.
President Francis was always up and
astir early, his energy fresh for an
other day's work. . . .
The wonderful vitality of the man as ex
emplified by these four years of strenuous
labor was the marvel of everyone who
came in contact with the prosldent of the
exposition, from the foreign commission
ers down to the tiniest messenger boy.
And it is still more remarkable when
It I? considered that his work was a
labor of love, without any benefit other
than the thanks of the millions who
saw the product of his directing gun i us.
It has been said that one catches the
exposition fever after having onca
been connected with such an enterprise
and hates to give up the fascinating
work. Such may be the case with Mr.
Francis, and his visit to the Lewis and
Clark Exposition may be the result of
; his not being vaccinated as it were.
' There Is no doubt that ne would ae-
New York World.
By the retirement of Rear-Admiral
Charles E. Clark today the United
States Navy loses another of Us veter
ans of two wars.
"Clark of the Oregon" will be the
name by which posterity will delight
to honor him. He had seen long and
distinguished service before the war
began, had foucht at Mobile Bay when
barely out of the Naval Academy,
had been wrecked off Vancouver Island
and with a small party of -survivors
had been attacked by Indians. When
war with Spain threatened, duty and
opportunity found him waiting In
command of the battleship Oregon on
i the Pacific Coast. He was ordered
East with his ship. Think what an .
Isthmian canal would have meant in
those days! Thirteen thousand miles
down the South American Coast,
around Cape Horn and up the South
American Coast again he ploughed at
record speed. Would the Spaniards
get across the Atlantic ahead of him?
the whole nation was asking. It was
a race with the promise of a fight for
a prize.
And Clark had his fight. When It
came to the blockade the Oregon held
Its place with the others. Then Cer
vera made his desperate rush to escape.
His cruisers were driven ashore all
but the Colon, the flagship, with the
Spanish Admiral on board. But run
as fast as It could, the Oregon and
the Brooklyn stuck at its heels. There
was no escape.
Clark could take his ship half-way
round the world without straining a
bolt; he had taught his men to shoot:
he knew what sound engines were
worth. And after the war was ended
he became again the plain and simple
officer, earning due promotion but de
clining the ceremonious office or repre
senting tne navy at iving .cuwumo
coronation. Ship and man will be long
honored wherever the American Navy
ls known.
Susceptibility of Widowers.
Washington Post
A widower Is a tame animal and
stands without tying. No woman can
scare him. He Is overconfident and
that Is his great weakness. He has
been through It all and Is not to be
caught a second time. He feels im
pervious to the appearance of woman
In any form or guise. The widow finds
him really a rather knotty problem.
He presents difficulties that are whol
ly absent in a man who has never felt
the matrimonial halter draw. He looks
upon the widow with amused Indiffer
ence. But a young and attractive
woman who has never been married
quickly arouses his sympathies. He.
In nine cases out of ten. shows re
markable endurance of her siege of
his heart, and we all know that it Is
but a step from endurance to pity and
thence to embraces. His doom Is
quickly sealed.
How Paul Jones Countered.
London Chronicle.
"What! Paul Jones the pirate!" must
have been the shocked reflection of many
an honest Briton on hearing that the
United States was about to pa belated
honors to the famous "renegade." He
himself, by the way. rather neatly coun
tered the English government's denuncia
tion of him as a pirate. He replied that
he had looked In a dictionary and found a
pirate defined as "an enemy of mankind."
and "as England was then at war with
the whole of America, the greater part of
Europe, and much of Asia, not to speak
of a bit of Africa, she. In point of fact
came as near being the enemy of mankind
as could well be conceived, and that Eng
land was therefore the pirate, and not
Paul Jones."
A Kathleen Marouvncen Loan.
New York Tribune.
An English debtor, on being sued, ad
mitted that he had borrowed the money,
but said that the plaintiff knew at the
time it was a "Kathleen Mavoureen
"A1 Kathleen Mavoureen loan?" ques
tioned the court with a puzzled look.
"That's It, your lordship one of the 'It
may be for years, and It may be forever'
i sort"