Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1905, Page 16, Image 16

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The Meier Sb Frank Store's 818th Friday Surprise Sale
The Meier (a Frank Store's 818th Friday Surprise Sale
Council Passes Box Law Over
His Veto.
By Strict Party Afote, City's Legisla
tive Body Decides to Keep
the. Incumbent in Office, )
Despite Lane.
The Mayw passed a bad day with the
City Council yesterday, receiving a severe
Jolt at the outset by having his veto of
the box ordinance overruled to the tune
of .12 to 3. and another hard slap later
on in the shape of the passage of the ordi
nance continuing the Plumbing Inspec
tor and his assistant in office. The lat
ter measure went through by a strict
party vote of 14 to 1, and indicates in
eloquent terms just how the Council feels
about certain things. It is conceded that
the passage of the box ordinance over
the Mayor's veto was done more for the
purpose of teaching him a lesson than
anything else, as Masters and Bennett
each subsequently introduced new ordi
nances equally as stringent as any that
have been in existence, so far as restric
tions on the liquor traffic In boxes Is con
cerned. In fact, it was announced at
the start that the Idea was to pass the
ordinance over the veto and repeal It
afterward, adopting In Its place one even
more severe In general features.
Consideration of Ordinance.
Consideration of the box ordinance was
the first In order, and in view of the
presumed Importance of the matter, fully
three-score or more members of the Mu
nicipal Association were on hand to lend
moral support to the proceedings. The
liquor Interests were apparently unrep
resented. Conspicuous among those pres
ent upon behalf of the movement to sus
tain Mayor Lane In his veto of the ordi
nance were John Bain, Miller Murdoch,
Secretary Stone, of the Y. M. C. A.; C.
"W. Nottingham, H. R. Albee. F. A.
Frailer. IV. H. Mart ell, A. S. Pattulo
and others. In addition, about a dozen
or more ladles graced the assemblage
with their presence, both the lower floor
and the galleries of the chambers being
particularly well-filled with an expectant
throng, some of whom were unable to
restrain their feelings at various stages
of the proceedings, mou especially while
Councilman Vaughn was making an elo
quent appeal in favor of upholding the
After Deputy Auditor Grutze had read
the Mayor's reasons for returning the or
dinance to the Council without his signa
ture, the matter was presented to the
body in the shape of a question whether
to pass it over his head, and upon this
point Councilman Vaughn arose and un
dertook to explain his contemplated vote.
Sharkey liaises Point of Order.
Sharkey Immediately called him to or
der, claiming that the question was not
debatable. Vaughn was going ahead any
way, when Masters Insisted upon a ruling
on Sharkey's point of order. The Mavor
was undecided, and asked for light, saying
he could find no rule prohibiting debate,
and appealed to the Deputy Auditor for
Information. After a vain search all
around, the Mayor said that inasmuch as
he could find no such rule he would per
mit remarks from the Councilmen, pro
vided they were not too long.
Vaughn then continued in deliberate
fashion to explain ostensibly his reasons
for upholding the Mayor, but in reality to
put in a good word in behalf of the moral
sentiment of the community. As one of
the opposition Councilmen afterward re
marked, he "said one word for the Mayor,
and made a whole Fourth of July speech
against the boxes." He was frequently
interrupted by applause, while on the oth
er hand members of the Municipal Asso
ciation did not seem to take kindly to the
explanations of Councilmen Wills, Ben
nett. Sharkey. Rushlight and Gray, voic
ing their difference of opinion by occa
sional interruptions, to such an extent
that the latter member took occasion to
score the Municipal Association in round
terms, denying, among other things, that
it represented any considerable portion of
the moral sentiment of the community,
and that the people were averse to being
represented by any class that would deal
in vituperation and misrepresentation.
Accuses Municipal Association.
Councilman Gray became visibly aroused
at this stage, and accused the Municipal
Association with having published ante
election reports to the effect that he In
tended to vote in favor of repealing the
old box ordinance. This he denounced as
a falsehood, and denied also that the box
ordinance was an issue in the campaign.
Councilman Masters, in explanation of
his vote, gave his reasons for sustaining
the Mayor, and finished by calling upon
ex-Councllman Albee) who was present on
the floor, and who was the reputed author
of the old ordinance, to tell -the members
something about the early history of the
measure. Mr. Albee denied that there was i
ever any understanding between the pre
ceding Council and a committee from the i
Municipal Association relative to any mat- ,
ters affecting boxes in saloons. The entire
subject, he said, concerned the boxes in 1
restaurants, and upon this point he ad
mitted that it was the understanding that
liquor could be sold in those kind of boxes
having a floor space of not more than 160
square fet.
Says It Was a Joker.
One of the Councilmen. in explaining
his vote, had said that W. W. Cotton,
who was mainly instrumental in drawing
up the ordinance after the conference in
question, had put in a Joker in such a
way that It amounted practically to a
nullification of all claims of the saloon
Interests, and Mr. Albee concluded by con
tending that tho present ordinance, in Its
amended form, would pull this joker out.
and he hoped it would not prevail, because
it placed the saloon-box traffic In a worse
position than It has ever been In Port
land. He closed with an appeal to the
Council to sustain tho Mayor's veto.
The ordinance was passed over the
Mayor's veto by the following vote:
Ayes Annand. Bcldlng, Bennett, Dun
ning, Gray, Kellaher. Menefee. Preston,
Rushlight. Sharkey. Shepherd, Wills 12.
Noos Masters, Vaughn, Wallace a.
$4 Allover Embroideries 89c Yard
2200 yards of beautiful allover Embroideries comprise one of
the most desirable Friday Surprise Sale bargains we have ever
invited you to share in A great special purchase made by our
lace and embroidery buyer now in New York City She refers to
them enthusiastically as by far the best values she ever pur
chased 2200 yards, Swiss and nainsooks, French, English and
eyelet patterns, magnificent designs for waists, yokes and trim
ming purposes The big Fifth-street window display gives you
the best idea of what really wonderful values they are Sale
commences promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow Better HQ
plan to be here early Regular $3 and $4 values, yard
Art Dept. Specials
500 pillow Tops, tinted designs; j q
special values at, each Dresser Scarfs. 1Sx4S Inches. Q
Great special value, each lC
Broken lines of Pillow Ruffling. Good
colorings. Great special value, 0
piece -C
Broken lines of Pillow Cords, 3-yard
lengths, finished with tassels. .
mixed colore, great value, piece. IOC
Carlson & Currier's famous Embroid
ery Silk, complete stock, all kinds, all
shades. Best silk on the market. Second
300 White Shirtwaist Suits
Phenomenal Values Only $2.65 Each
Clecm-Up of Dress Trimmings
White Brocaded Bands, embroidered
In sold, -lnch wide; narrow
black spangled bands. plain
straight bands, fancy braids,
black, blue, white, preen, gray,
'pink, white and gold braid;
great odd lots; marvelous values
for this clean-up sale at, yard. 5c
Wide black Braids, suitable for
suits, in patterns to separate
black crochet bands, two Inches
wide; great values at this Q
low price, yard OVC
Persian Bands on silk, -lnch wide.
Dresden Braids, cream Brilliant
Silk Braids. 1 inch wide; plain
and fancv black silk Trim
mlngs. etc.: great value. yd..lC
Persian Medallions and Bands and
Chiffon Appliques, reseda green
brown, white, blue, black: also
plain and fancy black silk Braids;
great special values at yard.. 23c
Our entire stock of Embroideries
on sale at greatly reduced prices.
All grades, all widths, all styles.
Hundreds of embroidery bargains
await the shrewd buyer.
Meier Frank Store's 818th Friday Surprise Sale
LaceN Curtains $3.79 Pr.
500 pairs of high-grade Lace Curtains make up a Friday
Surprise Sale of great importance to housekeepers having
curtain needs to supply. An advantageous purchase from
at leading importer enables us to offer magnificent Irish
Point, Swiss Renaissance and Duchess lace curtains at less
than half their real value. Variety of 30 beautiful patterns
to select from; all are full size; curtains we sell thousands of
pairs of annually at $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50 tf J Q
pair. Your choice, tomorrow only, per pair P
See Fifth-street window display. Custom shade and drap
ery work our specialty. Best materials and workmanship;
lowest prices guaranteed; all orders promptly executed.
Women's Tan Hose 37c Pair
100 dozen women's tan Hosiery, plain and lace llsles, allover lace and. lace
boot effects; also embroidered boots, all sizes. Every pair our stand
ard 50c values. Your choice at the low price of, pair ....5iC
"Women's white lisle allover'lace and lace boot Hosiery. Exceptional cv
valueB at. pair 23c, 35c and DtC
Misses' black ribbed Hose, all white foot, all sizes. Best 38c values, i q
on sale for. pair OC
Great special values In boy' and girls' Hosiery. All styles and grades at
low prices.
Knit Underwear
"Women's white cotton ribbed drop
stitch Vests, low neck and no sleeves;
all aizes; best 25c values, for.... 18c
"Women's black ribbed laco-trlmmed
umbrella Drawers all -sizes; great
special value for this sale. at.... -43c
"Women's Union Suits, low neck and no
sleeves, knee length, ecru only;
greatest value ever offered at. .23c
Buy a "Willamette" Sewing Machine
$26.50 Model $19.49
The greatest sewing machine value on the market
"The Willamette" drop head, automatic lift, best head,
Greatest Living Organist to Play
Finest Organ in West.
Don'c overlook It. This evening at 8:15.
"Opening rocltal of Trinity's fine new
organ. A limited number of tickets for
sale at J. K. Gill's. Woodard, Clarke &
Co. and Eilers Piano House.
Very Jxw 'inety-Dny Tirkets Eat Offered
by O. R. & X.
August 24, 25, September 16. 17, the O.
B. & N. sells 90-day special excursion
tickets to Eastern points; stopovers grant
ed going and returning. Particulars of
C "W. Stinger, city ticket agent O. R. &
X. Co.. "-. "Washington streets,
ball bearings, easy running; a machine that compares favor
ably with the best $50 and $65 agency machines; 10-year
guarantee covering every part; handsome piano-finish
woodwork; full set of modern attach
ments and an expert to teach you how
to use them. Greatest values at
$ 1 9.49
Muslin Underwear at Cost
1 H LVl SJf IKl
Bargains in Corset Covers
Dainty Corset Covers, made of fine Cambric, Nainsooks and
Lawns, trimmed in fine Valenciennes laces, Torchon laces, clus
ters of fine tucks and insertions, headings and ribbons; blouse
fronts, plain and fancy backs; thousands of the prettiest styles
at saving prices. Mail orders promptly filled.
35c and 40c Corset Covers at the very low price of, each 27
50c, 60c, 65c Corset Covers at the low price of, each 43
75c and 85c Corset Covers, wonderful values at, each 59
S 1 .00 Corset Covers reduced to $ .69
$1.25 Corset Covers reduced to $ .89
Portland's leading cloak and suit store offers for tomorrow an un
usual bargain in white lawn Shirtwaist Suits, 300 of them in this
season's most attractive styles, an entire new lot that has never
been shown before today The waists are tucked in yoke effects
and trimmed with Valenciennes lace and medallions, others are
box-plaited and embroidery trimmed, skirts are kilt effect or clus
ters of tucks, finished at the head of hem with Val. lace, all sizes,
32 to 44; every suit in the lot great value at $6; d C
See Fifth-street window display Choice tomorrow H
$ 1 .75 Shirtwaists at 98c Today
2000 more white lawn and dotted Swiss Shirtwaists for today, to
morrow, Saturday, remaining stock of well-known manufacturer;
trimmed side pleats, French knots or wide insertion, but-
ton front or back, all sizes, every waist $1.75 vol., choice
All white Linen Suits at half regular prices
All organdy and mull White Dresses at half-price
All colored Shirtwaist Suits at half regular prices
All colored Wash Skirts at half regular prices
Women's and children's official souve
nir Handkerchiefs. Great value i r
at (3 for 25c)
Women's Swiss embroidered hem
stitched and scalloped edge Hand
kerchiefs. Great assortment to select
from. Regular 35c and 40c. for... 35c
Just received, a full line of Japanese
linen hand-drawn Handkerchiefs.
Very pretty novelties at each cr
25c, 33c and JUC
Men's Fall Suits to Order
We are prepared to take orders for custom made suits and overcoats
for Fall and Winter; 600 styles of new materials to select from; all the
latest weaves and designs for business and dress wear. Our custom made
clothing' is guaranteed satisfactory In every particular. It is made up by
the leading wholesale custom tailors in the country. Perfect fitting, best
linings and findings. The saving amounts to fully one-third on what the
exclusive custom tailor asks you to pay for garments of equal grade. No
trouble to convince you. Second floor.
Great Sale Boys' Clothing
Boys 2-Piece Double-Breasted and Norfolk
Suits; Summer styles, many of which are of
desirable weight for Fall wear; the entire
stock at greatly reduced prices. 2d Floor.
$3.50 values $2.60 $3.75 values $2.80
$4.00 values 3.10 4.5 0 values 3.65
$5.00 values 3.95 6.00 values 4.85
$6.50 values 5.15 7.50 values 6.10
$8.50 values 6.95 10.00 values 7.95
Entire stodk of Boys' "Washable Suits; Kussian
Blouse, Buster Brown, Eton Sailor, Sailor
Blouse Suits, with Knickerbocker trousers;
also Kilts? best materials and patterns;
all grades Ualf-D
of a. ivv
Boys' $1.00 Laundered Blouses 75
Boys 7oc Laundered Blouses 5y
$ 7.85 values $ 6.85
10.00 values 7.95
12.50 values 8.95
$13.50 values?, $ 9.85
15.00 values 11.95
20.00 values 15.85
New Washable
Glace Gloves
The f anions "Yalliers" Washable
Glace Kid Gloves; colors, white,
pearl, mode and tans; you can
wash them in soap and water
witty satisfactory results; all
sizes. Per pair $1.75
Full line of Women's Silk Gloves,
with double tipped fingers; all
colors and sizes; unusually good
values at this price; pair. . .50
Women's Pure Gum Rubber
Gloves; black, white, maroon;
for dish-washing, etc., etc., $1.00
- values; all sizes; pair 73
Veilings Reduced
Tuxedo Mesh Veiling, plain and
dotted effects in gray and black,
regular 25c value, on sale Q
at this low price, yard -C
Ready-made Chiffon Veils, IV2
yard lengths, with striped bor
ders, 50c values, each 29p
$ 1 .50, $ 1 .75 Corset Covers now $1.18
$2.00, 2.25 Corset Covers now $ 1.42
.50, $4.00 Corset Covers now $2.63
$2.50, 2.75 Corset Covers now $1.79
$3.00, Corset Covers reduced to $1.98
$5.00 Corset Covers reduced to $3.12
Women' fine Gowns, made of Cam
brics, nainsook and muslins, trimmed
in fine Valenciennes laces. Torchon
laces, Swiss and nainsook embroide
ries, blind and open-work effects; clus
ters of tucks and insertions, beading
and ribbons with" low. round and square
I necks, high and V-shaped necks; yoke.
bishop and .empire styles; full width
and lengths. Here are some great spe
cial values:
75c-S5c Gowns -50
51.00 Nightgowns - -78
U.2G Nightgowns iS -S7
Jl.C0-H.7f. Gowns $1.10
52.00-52.25 Gowns ,.130
520-52.75 Gowns .-..u 5I-C3
53.00-53.53 Gowns ....S2.1S
53.73-54.00 Gowns
54.50-55.33 Gowns .U2
56.00-5C.50 Gowns 4.18
Women's fine cambric, nainsook and
muslin Dr&wers, Val. lace trimmed.
Torchon lace trimmed, fine Swiss, nain
sook and cambric embroidery trlmmoJ;
olind and open-work effects, beading,
35c-40c Drawers, pair. $ .22
rt. DC. T rntr- C ItT
51.23 Drawers, pair S .SO
51.30 Drawers, pair S1.18
51.75-52.00 Drawers, pair 81.40
52.50-52.25 Drawers, pair S1.S0
Drawers worth up to 57.50 pair on
sale at -ery low prices.
Mall orders will be promptly and
L carefully filled, write loaay.
Women's White Petticoat Bargains
"Women's fine "White Skirts, camhric and lawn body, separate
dust ruffle and fitted waistbands ; full lengths and widths; made
with wide flounces, trimmed in very fine Valenciennes laces,
Torchon laces and fine embroideries ; clusters of tucks, insertions
and hemstitching; an immense variety for your choosing. Some
of the big values. Mail orders promptly filled.
All Our $1.25 White Petticoats oi sale for $ .89
$ 1 .50, $1 .75 White Petticoats on sale for $ 1 .2 1
$2.00, $2.25 White Petticoats on sale for $ 1 .42
$2.50, $2.75 White Petticoats on sale for $ 1.89
$3.00, $3.25 White Petticoats on sale for $2. 1 8
$3.50, $3.75 White Petticoats on sale for $2.33
$4.00, $4.50 White Petticoats on sale for $2.99
$5.50, $6.00White Petticoats on sale for $3.59
$6.50. $7.50 White Petticoats on sale for $4.69
$8.00, $8.50 White Petticoats on sale for $5. 1 8
$10 Petticoats $6.98 $12.50 Petticoats $7.22
Values up to $35.00 all at wonderfully low prices.
Specials in
Toilet Articles
Stationery, Jew
elry, Etc., Today
Rice Powder, the best and purest pow
der for the face and nursery: g
regular 25c value, today, box.. IOC
"4711" Perfumes, quadruple extracts In
bulk, all odors: extra special value
for today at thla low price, O
ounce 6JC
Coke's Dandruff Cure and Hair
Tonic, today, bottle OOC
La Premlera Imporiea Laame m
Soap, special value, cake C
Fancy mounted Back Combs, in
shell. larKe variety, each 6W
1000 cans Graves' famous Talcum y
Powder, today, can c
Indian Sachet Bass, of burnt ,Q
leather, special, each
Bathasweet Bath Powder, great j r
value today, each uu
Elk Pins, suitable for the occa- r
alon. today, each
Pearl and Turquoise Bead Neck- q
laces, special, each 17t
Crepe Paper. Elk colors, roll 8c
10c Writing- Tablets Cc
Lewis and Clark 8ouvenir Paper, j e
great value, box
Basement Specials Today
Silver-plated Fern Dishes, medium size. $3.00 value, for. .$2.43
Silver-plated Nut Bowls, regular $7.50 value, for $6.13
Silver-plated Butter Dishes, regular $4.00 values, for $3.24
Silver-plated Cake Baskets, regular $2.00 values, for $1.59
Silver-plated four-piece Tea Sets, regular $8.50 values. . .$6.98
18-inch nickel-plated Towel Bars, for this low price, each.. .42(i
jtfetal Towel Racks,, these are great value at, each 12J
Patent Toilet Paper Holders, grand special value at, each. . .12
Nickel-plated Tooth Brush Holders, each 12
The "Sternau" Coffee Machines,, 2V-pint size; great Cf
special value for this sale P 3vJ
Nickel-plated 5 o'Clock Teas, on wrought-iron stand, CC
great special value at p-lJU
Salt and Pepper Shakers, sterling tops, each 25
8-qt. Tin Sprinklers, each. 32
Patent Sink Strainers, ea.l6
Paraffin Wax, package.. .12
Tin Graters for, each 5
17-qt. Tin Dish Pans 32?
Patent Eggheaters, each.,12p
2- qt. Lipped
3- qt. Lipped
4- qt. Lipped
f-qt. Lipped
2- qt. Lipped
3- qt. Lipped
4- qt. Lipped
6-qt. Lipped
Sauce Pans 19c
Sauce Pans 33c
Sauce Pans 27c
Sauce Pans 33c
Preserving- Kettles. 10c
Preserving- Kettles .23c
Preserving- Kettles.37c
Preserving- Kettles. 33c
5-qt. Covered Sauce Pans 53a
7-qt. Covered Sauce Pans 60c
10-qt. Dish Pans, great value.. -47c
14-qt. Dish Pans, great value... 59c
2-qt. Granite Iron Coffee Pots... 30c
1-Qt. Granite Iron Teapots.... 2Sc
7-qt. Granite Iron Teakettles. .67c
Brussels 1 1-4 Yards Long, 2t Inches Wide 75c
Brussels 1 1-4 Yards Long, 22 Inches Wide 55c
Velvets 1 1-4 Yards Long, 22 Inches Wide 75c
Velvets 1 1-4 Yards Long, 27 Inches Wide $1.10
Wiltons 1 1-4 Yards Long, 27 Inches Wide $1.25
Velvets 22JAx27 inches. .30c Brussels 22x27 inches . .25c
Trunks and Traveling Bags Largest and Best Selected StockThird Floor Take Elevator
Carpet Samples
Suitable for Rugs
Men's Wear Bargains Today
90 dozen Men's wide silk Four-in.-Hands in the very best OQc
patterns and colorings; great assortment, reg. 50c vals.,
200 dozen Men's fancy lisle and cotton Half Hose, every good pat
tern and color, in all sizes. Best 25c and 35c values 1 ftr
on sale for the exceptionally low price of, pair 1
Men's Twilled Pepperel Night Shirts, full size, splendidly CJr
madeall sizes; great special value at : T
Men's Lisle Thread Underwear, tan, blue and pink, all size jfQ
shirts and drawers; regular $1.25 value for
Men's New White Pleated Golf Shirts, each. 79
Men's 50c Lisle "Web Suspenders, best patterns, pair 29
Men's Lisle Half Hose, black and tans, .pair
Men's Madras add Percale Golf Shirts, each 69?
Men's and Boys' Bathing Suits at reduced prices.
, Sole Portland agents for the famous
((MnWOt HAT "Hawes" J3.00 Hats for men. New Fall
nufTJ XtXtxJ models now ready. Derbys and soft
atyles Black and tans.
Curtain Swiss
10,000 yards of dotted, striped and fig
ured Curtain Swiss. Best 15c quality
on sale today at this low price. .
yard He
10ZA .all-woor gray Oregon Blankets,
full size and weight, the -
best 53.00 values, pair $2.55
10- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Blankets,
extra heavy 54.25 value, for ro tr-r
this very low price
11- 4 all-wool gray Oregon Ct
Blankets 55 value, pair Jp'K.S
6-lb. all-wool mottled Blankets, extra
heavy. 55.50 value, on sale c .
for this low price, pair $4. be
55 white wool Blankets, 10-4 c .
size, great value, pair p4.Z
56 white wool Blankets. 11-4 ce
size, great value, pair 1
57 white wool Blankets, 11-4.
extra heavy, pair $DUj