Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1905, Page 15, Image 15

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Rumor Has it That a Ship Has
Been Taken for Portland.
Traders L-oolc for Lower Values and
Liberal' Soiling Movement in
Near Future Xo Activity
in the Other Cereals.
Ti HEAT 8b tp reported chartered
I r Portland lateg.
( V T SOsTerttw- are lighter.
BARLEY Small sales of feed re-
T- r', ri
" rs-De)n take a - off.
Stamp in caettaloui pas.
-, L';ETAjTL8a Heavy i-eoetpts of
--- tomatoes.
F VL.TRY Goad 4hmw for hens
a-3 Springs too numerous.
EC OS Seattle deeltues Portland
TTER iBuytng slew at late ad-
; n.-n'-rs out-rent In the wheat trade are
c - x -t a start be been made ta 106 ex-f-.
iu'incse from thfcs port. The report was
'- .z.w yeMerday that a sMp had been
-.: -i '. r loading here, but the particulars
v. --- -viir-J. One story had it that the iee
fx aKf r was the Saxon, now on the way from
L.-.tTi to the Sound. Another version w
1 5 .ve fffeot that a cargo had been sold for
t' e " amy of inverses, to be dispatched on
cr. - r -s account. At any rate, the local mar-k-.
.s rrstleaUy an an oxpert baste, though
ft'.zr-rs aay there Is no profit m bw!ne
et rfsent rates.
Wl c a cMsadantole quantity of wheat in
t-a aggregate hfi changed hands since the
r.ccjt -. opened, the majority of transactions
ha". o t-(n small. Up to tMe time farmers
r-'.r teen- firm, holders. bt It is believed in
t ? -s.l that a --elttog movement will soon
rr t ;n Dealers say there is nothing In the
X r - t. to warrant hoMtng back the crop,
a 1 lv.-n- -declare that moft of the farmers
K..e arrived at this eonctaslon. The one for
f'.E that is considered by many traders
as vc most important factor In the situation
ts "--t of France, rather than that of Ruwrta.
hm. of AgMt . 1. isald e-f conditions
t rrt
France the harvest continues under fa
- l.o weather condltlona. but progress la
c nviing to there being so mnett 'laid
r " -: WheatMUtog in the north and nortfc
r - - iDmeneed last week. Generally speefk
; -hr report as to the probable yield are
: s rev mlstlc than before, but It is agreed
p - z that the crops will be very variable
:.' A total of S90.W00.OOO bushels.
a r. . 310.flfrO.000 buehekf last year and 24.
C "i busiieta In MMHt. in expected by many,
v. in view of the exhausted condition of
f k- o'd wbeat. would aeeeasHate an im
r rai n of 3400.000 bushels to 32,000,008
t.E s In the now oeaeon."
r- ;-e ?i quoted yostarday by local dealem
-"- r --a tllty nnchanged m far as Kastern
J - - an! Waahmgton wheat are concerned.
t u.. 7971 cente wm. offered, and 74GZ
c -'s v.r bluestem. The offered price for
Vr , was reduosd to 74 cent.
"-s.-mg wa not active In the otbor cereal?.
I'.Sv,cr offerinRe isjcate) are .reported. Quoted
IT In thie market are $28tfr23.S0 for No.
1 whi;e fed Some aaes of feed barley have
" -c- made at 2080 and brewing is .uoted at '
Expect Hop Ilnldor to Weakon. Wicn the
ricklDs Time Comes.
Tire hop market enjoyed a holiday yesterday.
; res Elko' day at the Fair and as meet of
tv? dealers belong to that organisation, they
Tc-t in ne mood to do buslnee. Among the
a-r als at the Belvedere was Canrad Krehs.
cf Faitm. who paid:
II r picking in Oregon wlM not begin car
V t tV.-.n September 10 and peeslMy not until
Sc;ttniber 15. In California they are pleklng
f-gR'r,5 nw and will begin picking eJuetera
August 23. Growers in thte state will prob
a' j j ay one cent a pound for picking, which
C;-:ng an -average eeanen means about B0
-r-'s a box. It all depends on the weather,
h : wc . f r. If the weather if damp, the picker
v.. 1 gt from M U M cents a box; if It la
tr. ab"ut 46 to 47 cents.
I would advise the holders of Oregon hope
t .-land firm now. as the short sellers have
- is; n d their deliveries until the hist of
t". Is month, expecting the growetw wW weaken
:n acc unt af the need for picking money. I
tr-st r jne of the grwer are so unfortunate
as t be obliged to sell their hops to rar
7 . .. ng money, and. ha fact, am satlened that
rr r.f them are wall fixed finandalty and
r n t :tll Into the trap of the short sellers
c- . --1 y them with hops far below actual
a -ea
1 deprived a telegram -today from Lane, of
v x pf rstown. . JC. Y.. oaymg there has been a
2 t of sunbUght there and that the New York
c-" will be one-third to one-e.uerter short-"
FT.ry J. Ottenheimer, of Salem, would
!r.a it Impreeeed on the growers that they
err . ', be too careful this year In picking
tv r hops. "I would advtee them not to be
.3 li. great a hurry to begin picking." he
ce 1 Quality is going to be a matter of
great Importance this year and it is the
gr wers' interest for the hops to be ex
ct y right before they pick them. There is
a. tv ays a tendency e begin pleklng tent
car It will be found also that clean plck
irg Mill be r aaawtlal to seeuring good prices."
Jl- OttenheScner beMevos that the yield ef
"re ate M'lll be 100,000 bale. Plants that
r c sr-t out in his Independence yard This
ng. he says. wSH produce S00 pounds to
the aorp.
Prices Still Have ,a Wide I tans on Front
Street I'caehcs Scarce.
A.; kinds of prices were quoted on canta
2: -pes yeitterdajr. The average run of offer
ings brought 54.flO1.7. but some sales of
c grade stock wore made as low as 75
certs 2. crate. Watermelons did not move
;.'-e. on accounl Af the ratiC Receipts in
c uued one car from Loot and one from The
la f There was a. bag demand for peachec.
tt rrreipts -wore HgK and prices stiffened
vp somewhat,
receipts of temstoea were liberal from He
rat joints and, they sold at the plaza at
C.40 rents loose and on the street at 50
C3 -rts packed. A shlpinent of fine celery
can e jn from Phyatlup and was held at 78 it
8j cents a dozen.
.Says Apple Crop Is Good.
C C. Clemmons, a Kansas City apple mer
chant, is quoted in the Chicago Packer en the
ap; situation a follews:
"There are going to be more apples in the
courtry than the dealers, anticipate. 1 would
estimate a general" ylohi at about 50 to GO
per cent, or about 80,000,000 barrels. Some
sections In Missouri will be a failure. Kansas
witl have a very good crap. I have ius jrc-
eetved a letter from Montana. which- aays
there will fet a good orep out there, we are
receiving a geod quality of nH new tnm
Iowa and Western Kansas, but Mlaaouri ap-'
pies are Bet of good Quality." .
Production of Salt in 1004.
The reported product! of salt In the United
States during 1004 was 22,080.002 barrels (of
260 pounds), valued at 16,021,222, as pa red
with 1S.08S.0S8 barrels valued at isG.3S,
In 1808. This is Ue largest production ever
reported, except In 1082, hut the average net
jrtco par barrel 127.882c) is tower Utan that
reported la 198 (27.S7Sc) or In any previous
year, with the exception of 1002. when the
average net price realized was only 28.790c
per harret.
The mont noteworthy feature of the year
1004 was the increase ef 1.198,629 barrets in
the preeuctton of rock salt. TM Increase
was due in large part to the expansion ef the
salt industry of Louisiana, where reek salt
Is oeslty and cheaply mined In the "mounds"
wMch occu r in the sow thorn part of the state.
' The oMef salt-producing states are New York
and Michigan, and the combined output of
these two Mates amounts to about two-thirds
f the total production of the United State.
The five leading salt-producing MateA during
1004 were: New York. 8, 90. 60S barrels 189.04
per" cent); Michigan. 5.425,994 barrel (24. J
per cent); OWe, 2,485,828 barreia (11. IS per
cent); Kaaeas, 2.101.S19 barrel- (8.81 per
eentj, and LeHiMajia, 1,009,620 barrels 4.7
per cent. '
The aeteal eenmtmptlon of salt In 2004 was
28,1 18.X 71 barrels, or aheut 2.4 S times what tt
was 4.1 1SS9.
'ot ISight Kind of Chickens.
The strongest "Sema nd in the poultry mar
ket H for old hena, hut receipts are largely
made up of Springs, for which there Is but
Utile inquiry.
Eggs are quoted steady and unchanged.
Receipts continue good and stocks are aenpie.
Efforts were made yesterday to find a war
,ket on the Sound, but no response came to
the offers.
Butter is unchanged In price and rather
Grain. Plour, Feed. Etc
FLOUR Patents, f4.50f4.06 per barrel:
ctralghu. $44-2; clears. 8.7Stf4; VaMcy.
$S.OO4.10; Dakota hard wheat. J6.&8C7.3S;
Graham, ;s&04; whole wheat, $4 4. 26; rye
flour, local. fS; Eaotern. $6.&0SS.G9: eornmeal.
per bale. 51.0&C2 20.
WHEAT Club. 70071c per bushel; bfue.
stem. 74 V 74c; Valley. 74c.
BARLEY Feed. 520.&0 par ton; brewing.
OATS-No. 1 white feed. old. $28 per ton:
gray, old, $27; white, new, 2S2S.M; gray,
new. $22 per ton.
M1LLSTUFFS Bran, S19 per ton; mid
dlings. $24.80: shorts. $21: chop. U. S. Mills,
$18; linseed dairy feed, 916; alfalfa meal. 3
per ton.
CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream, 99
pound sacks. 5.76; lower grades. $60.3S;
oatmeal, steel cut. &9-pouad tacks. $S per
barrel; lO-peund sacks, $4.2& per bale; oat
meal (ground), 80-pound sacks, 47.80 per
barrel: 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; spilt
pea. ?f per UK)-pound eack; 25-pound boxes.
$1.40; pearl barley. $4-23 per 108 pounds; 26
pound boxes. $1.25 per box; pastry Sour. 10
pound sack. $2.80 per bah.
HAY Timothy, old. $1S15 per ton; new,
1112.50; clover. $t8; grain. JSgit; cheat.
Vegetables. Fruit, Etc
box; peaches, 057Sc crate; plums. 7&c$l
Ier crate; blackberrlee. 5c per pound: can
taloupes. 75e$1.7S per crate; pears. $1.589 2
per box; watermelons. IflVtc pt-r pound; crao
.apples, BOc per box; nectarines. 7&c per box;
grape. $11.50; Casabas. $2tf2.S0 per doseo.
TROPICAL FRUITS Lemor.. choice, $I.S0
oranges, Valencia?, choice $8; fancy,
$4 per box; grapefruit. $2.50ff per box: ba
nanas, 5fec per pound; pirveapples, $2.oi$3.38
per doe en.
dozen; beans. 104c per pound: cabbage, 1
l4c per pound; caulMower, 78990c Jer dozen;
celery. 7BSSc per dozen; earn. 5078c per
bag; egg plant. 010c; peas, 2fic per pound;
peppet. 1 per pound; tomatoes. 06'6Sc
pr crate; squash. Sc pound.
ROOT VEGETABLES-Turnips. $1.2&8T1.40
per sack; carrots, $1.2& per sack; beets.
SKT1.26 per sack; garlic. 12SK per pound.
ONIONS Red. $1.28 per bundred; yellow.
POTATOES Oregon, new, 7500e per sack;
Merced rweets, 3'c per pound.
RAISINS Loose muecatelp. 4-crewn. 7ic:
5 -layer muscatel raisins. 7 Vic; unhtraohed.
seedless Sultanas, 0c; London layers.
2-crown. whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1.85;
2 -crown. $1.76.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated. 78e
per pound; apricots. 9Vi12c; peachea. 18
llc; pears, none; prunes. Italian, none;
French. SVMSttc; flg. California blaaka, 5Tc;
do white, none; Smyrna, 20c; Fard dates. He.
Butter. Eggs. Poultry, Etc.
BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream
ery. 27tfe30c per pound.; state creameries:
Fancy creamery. 2&ttS9c; store butter. 140
16V: Eastern creamery. 2U27tsC
sEOGS Oregon ranch, 22c per dezoa; Bast
em. 2U-I21C.
CHEESE Oregon full cream twins. 13c;
Young America. 14c.
POULTRY Average old hens. lSt&fdSc:
mixed chickens. 12tfl2V:: old roasters,
10c; young roosters, llf llc; Springs, lfe "to
2 pounds. 14eHMtC: 1 to lVt pounds, HMlie;
dressed, chickens, 18914c; turkeys, live.
10c; turkeye. drefsed. choice, 2ue22i4c; geese,
live, per pound. 07c; geese, dreseed. per
pound, 8)c: ducks, old, 18c; dusks, gray.
12c; white, 13c; pigeons, $191.25; squabs, $2
Groceries, Nuts, Etc
COFFEE Mocha. 22Sc; Java, ordinary. IS
8T22; Costa Rica, fancy. I!f20c; good. I6
lSc; ordtnar)'. 10l2c per pound; Columbia
roast, cafces. 100s. $18.78; 60s. $13.75; Arbuckle.
$18.28: Lion. $16.28.
RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. $5.37t; South
ern Japan, $8.&tf; Carolina. 5gCVtc; broken
head, 2c.
SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis.
$1.78 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2.4U; 1-pound
flats, $1.85; fancy. 1 to 1-pound flats, $;
W-pound fiats. $1.10; Alaska pink 1-pound
tails. 68c; red. 1-pound tails. $1.30: sockeyee.
1-pound tails, $1.SS.
SUGAR Sack basic. 100 pounds: Cube. $6.85;
powdered, $5.00; dry granulated. $5.80; extra
C. $5; golden O. $4.00: fruit sugar. $8.50; ad
vance over eack basis, as follows: Barrels.
10c; half -barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100
pounds. (Terms: On remittance within IS
days, deduct 14c per pound; If later than 15
days and within 30 cays, deduct Jie per
pound; no discount after 80 days.) Beet sugar,
granulated. 5 40 per 100 pounds; maple sugar.
15lSc per pound.
SALT California, $11 per ton, $1.60 per bale;
Liverpool, 50s. $17; 1006. $18.50; 200s. $16-half-pound.
100s. $7; 50s. $7.50.
NUTS Walnuts. 13?4c per pound by sack, lc
extra for less than saok; Brazil nuts. 15c;
filberts. 14e; pecans. Jumbos. 14c: extra large.
15c; atmonde. I. X. L.. 10c; chestnut p. Ital
ians. 16c: Ohio. $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea
nuts, raw. 7frc per pound; roasted. 8c: plne
nuu. 10tf-12fcc: hickory nuts, 7c; ooeeanuts, 7c;
oocoanuu, 3500c per dozen.
BEANS Small white. 844c; large white,
3 He; pink. 3i4e31c: bayou. 44c; Lima, Cc
Hops. Wool, Hides. Etc.
HOPS Choice 1004. 1710c per pound.
"WOOL Eastern Oregon average best. 10
-lc; lewor grades, down to 15c, according to
shrinkage; Valley. 25 ft 27c per pound
MOHAIR Choice. Sic per pound.
HIDES Dry hides: No. 1 10 pounds and
up. 16flfec per pound; dry kip. No. 1 5
to 10 pounds, 11 ft 15c per pound: dry calf.
No. 1. under 5 sounds. 17 & IKr- drv
bulls and stags, one-third less than dry
Hint: (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut. scored,
murrain, halr-cllpped. weather-beaten or
grubby. 2Sc per pound less); halted hides,
steers, sound. 00 pounds and over. 0$10c per
pound; SO to 00 pounds. 8Vj0c per pound;
under 80 pound p and cows, S?0c per pound;
salted kip. sound. IS to 50 poundE.i Oc per
pound; salted veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds.
0c per pound; salted calf sound, under 10
pounds. 10c per pound; (green unsalted. lc
per pound less; culls, lc per pound leis).
Sheep shins: Shearlings. No. 1 butchers'
stock. 25 80c each; short wool. No. 1
butchers' stock. 404 80c each; medium, wool.
No. 1 butchers' etock. 80 80c. long wool.
No. 1 -butchers' stock. $11.S0 each. Murrain
polls from 10 to 20 per cent less or 129
14c per pound; horse hides, salted, each ac
cording to size. $1.50 8; dry, each, accord
lag to aiz. $.11.58: colts' hides. 25 Q 50c
each; goat skins, common. 10 15c each;
Angora, with wool on. 25c y$ 1.50 each.
TALLOW Prime per pound. 3ft 4c; No.
2 and grease, 208c.
' FURS Bear skl..s. as to size. No, 1. $2.50
10 each; cubs -$12; badger. 25&58c; wild
cat, with head perfect, 25650c; hourc cat.
5010c: fox. common gray. 50 y 70c; red. $&
5: cross. $515; silver and black. $109
20: fishers 55 HC. lynx. $4.5006; mink.
fUttly No. 1, according to size. $162.50;
marten, dark Northern, according to alze
and color. $10rlS; marten, pale, pine, ac
cording to slze and color, $2.50 & 4; rouskrat.
large. 1015c; skunk. 40S0c; civet or pole
cat, 5?10c: otter, large, prime skin. $0010;
panther, with head and claws perfect. $265;
'raocoon, prime. 3050c: mountain wolf,
with liead perrcot, $3.50 0; coyote, 0c$l;
wolverine, $0S; beaver, per skin, large, $5
-9(h medium. $804; tsaall. $101-50; kits.
BEESWAX-Good. clean and pure. 208J2c
per pound. . , .
Good. X3TX6c per pound.
Provision and Canned Meats. ,
HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 13 He per pound;
14 to 16 pound ISVrc; IS to 20 pounds.
IJVic; California (picnic). Oc: cottage, hams.
c; shoulders. 8e; boiled ham, 21c; belied
picnic ham. bonelees. 15c
BACON Fancy breakfast. 19c per pound;
standard breakfax. 17c; choice. 15c; Bag
Men breakfast, 11 to 14 pounds. 14.e; peach
bacon. 13V
DRY SALT CURED Regular short dears.
lOSic dry salt. ll$ic smoked; clear backs, lofce
dry elt. lic smoked; clear bellies, 14 to 17
pounds average, none; Oregon exports, 20 to
28 pounds average. llc dry salu 12ic
smoked: Union butts, 10 to IS pounds aver
age, none.
PICKLED GOODS Pork, barrels. $18; half
barrels. $0.50; beef, barrele. $12; half-bamds,
SAUSAGE Ham. ISc per pound; minced
ham. 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17Vc; bolegaa.
kmc. 8c; weinerwurst. Sc; liver, 9c: perk.
9c: blood. Sc: headcheese, 6c; bologna sau
sage, link. 4 He
CANNED MEATS Corned beef, pounds, per
dozen. $1.25; two pounds. $2.85; tAx pounds,
f 8. RooM beef flat, pounds. $1.28; two pounds.
$2.28: six pounds, none. Roast, beef, tan,
pounds, none; two pounds. $2.35; six pouadt.
none. Lunch tongue, pounds, $8.15.
LARD Leaf lard, kettle rendered, tierces
lOHc tubs 1031c: 50s 16c 20s 18TtC 10a
11 c. 7m 11-X. Standard pure: Tierces 8Kc
tubs V. 80 95, c. 2Att Sc 10s lUc 5s
10ic. Compound: Tierces 6c. tubs Cic; &8s
ouc io cy,c Ss 0c
I)rcsed Meats.
BREF Dressed butts. 102c per pouad;
cow. 804Hc: countr' steers. 405c
VE A L DrtHsend . 78 to 125 pounds. 0Vc07&c;
125 to 24f0 poundn, 4&0c; 200 pounds and up.
MUTTON Dreesed fancy, 6e per pound f
ordinary, 405c
PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. tgTUe; 150
and up, 007c per pound.
TURPENTINE Cases. 6Sc per gallon.
"WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 74c; 500-pound
lots. 7Lc: lem than 809-pound hu. Sc
GASOLINE Stove gatwltne. cases. 2SUc;
iron barrels. 17c: deg. gacoHne. eatws, 32c;
Iron barrels or drums. 2oc.
COAL OIL Caes. 20Wc; Iron barrets. 14c;
wod barrele. 17c; 68 deg.. easea, 22c; iron
LINSEED OIL Raw, 5-barrel lots. 2c; 1
barrd lota. SSc; casap, 6Sc; bolted. &-barrel
hHa. 64c; 1-barrel lots,' 05c; caeca. 70c
Prices Quoted Locally tor Lcadln- Lines
The following price on-ltveeteck were quoted
in the local market:
CATTLE Beet Eastern Oregon steers, $80
3.28; good cow?, $202.80; common eows, $1.59
01.75; calves. 128 to 159 pounds, $S; 209 to
250 pounds. $8.5004.
8HBBP Best Xaatern Oregon and Valley.
$8.26; medium. $8; lambs, $4.50.
' HOGS Best large fat hogs. $8.2506.59; Mock
and China fat, $tH.26; good feeders, $5.
Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and
CHICAGO. Aug. 19. Cattle Receipts 28,
990; market stow, 18e lower. Good to prime
steers. $5.4908; poor to medium, $405.26;
stockera and feeders. $2.2504.26; eows. $2.26
04.50; netfers, $205; canners. $1.2502.19;
bulls. $2,290X75; ealvec. $8f .75; Texas fed
steers, $8.5004.59; Westers steers, $3,590
Hogs Receipts today, 80,999; tomorrow.
22.999; market 19c lower. Mixed and butch
ers. $5.7506.25; good to choice heavy. $6.10
09.29; rough heavy. $5.5906; light, $59
08.89: bulk of sales, $5.SS 06.29.
Sheep Receipts 15.009; sheep strong and
firm. Good to choice wethers. $4.0005.49:
fair to choice mixed. $4.2504.59; Wostera
sheep. $4.5005.40; native lambs. $5,250
7.25; Western lambs. $607.55.
SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 16. Cattle Re
ceipts 4900; market slow, 19c lower. Native
steers. $S.7S5.49; cows and heifers, $2,650
4.29; Western steers. $804.49; Texas steers.
$2.7508.75: cows and heifers. $208.40; can
ners, $1.8902.49; stock erg and feeders, $2.25
03: calves. $2.5905.39; bulls, stags, etc
Hogs Receipt S909; market 10c lower.
Heavy. $5.75 05.55; mixed, $5.57 05.S2H :
light. $5.S905.9O; pigs. $505.75; bulk of
sales. $3.17 H 98.68.
Sheep Receipts 8209; market active and
strong. Westerns, $505.50; wethers. $4.65
05.15; ewes. $4.2504.35; lambs, $6.5007.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 16. Cattle
Receipts 11.000; market steady to 10c lower.
Native steers. $8.7805.59; stackers and feed
ers $24904.19; bulls. $208.36; Western
steers, $8.2504.56; Western cows. $203.28.
Hogs Receipts 9909; market 5c lower.
Bulk ef aales. $5.9506.19; heavy, $5.89 6;
packers. $5.9506.19; pigs and lights, $60
Sheep Receipts 2099; market 10c higher.
Muttons, $4.2505.65; lambs. $507; range
wethers. $4.5905.98; fed ewes. f3.SO04.O9.
Washington Crop Report.
The Washington weekly crop report say m
The warm weather wan beneficial to corn;
tomatoef, melons and hops. Corn has seldom
done so well as it has this season, particu
larly eweot corn In the western counties.
Hops have made very satisfactory develop
ment; the burrs are now of fair die and
growing well. The incect pests are under con
trol. Melons are being pfejeped In great quan
tity and of excellent quality from the Yakima,
countr'. Early potatoes have done well, but
the dry weather Is having a bad effect en the
late crop. Root crops, especially beets, are
doing well. Gardens are suffering from lack
of moisture, and apples and prunes are drop
ping quite badly from the effects of the heat.
Pasture, particularly on uplands, are becom
ing very short and dry. The weather is alt
that could, be desired for the harvesting of
grala. Winter wheat cutting is nearly com
pleted, and considerable threshing has been
done, with very good yielda both in quantity
and quality. The cutting of Spring wheat is
well along; probably three-fourths dene, ex
cept in late localities. In some of which It
will linger until the end of the month. From
present appearances the yield will be a medium
one. of excellent quality, the falling off from
the early expectations of an unusually large
yield being due to the Injury from not winds,
which in some districts -was considerable. In
other districts, howevor. there was little or
no Injury, and In such cases the yield will be
heavy. The warm weather ripened oats rap
idly. Cutting is well along, except en the
lowlands of Skagit County, where It has only
fairly begun. The crop protalaea to be a very
good one. although not unusually heavy.
Mining Stock.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows:
Andes $ .16tMexlcan $1.23
Belcher 13Occldenta Con.. .87
Best & Belcher. - 1.29;OphIr 0.25
Bullion .38. Overman 12
Caledonia 3tnPotes! "07
Challenge Con.. .ISjSnvage 59
Choltar 14fSocrpton 13
Confidence -S2jSeg. Belcher Oil
Con. Cat. Ss. Va.. 1.15lsierra Nevada.... .88
Crown Point (Silver Hill SH
Exchequer . .4 Sj Union Con 48
Gould & Curry.. .13-Utah Con 05
Hale & Norcross 1 .5 5 Yellow Jacket IS
Justice .93j
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. CJosIng quotations:
Adams Con.. $ .23;LIUle Chief, $ .C5
Alice 55 'Ontario 2.60
lireeec 49"Oohlr 6
jruftswioK con. . .17 Phoenix 02
Comstock Tun... .07Potosl 04
.. tai. &. va.. i. savage .88
Hern Silver 1.75 s4tt xvnda... v
Iron Silver S.40iSraait Hopes 28
oeaavuie ,ua .wo,anaard 1.40
Adventure $
10 Closing quotations:
5.25 'Mont. C. & C. .$ 3.00
34.13 Old Dominion. 27.13
24.U3fTamarack ......
60.00,Trlnlty '
14.0Unlted Copper.
78.00iU. F. Mining...
13.0 r. & OH
Cat. & Hecla..
Centennial ....
Copper Range.
Daly West
Dominion Coal
Frank Mn
Inle Reyale
Mass. Mining..
Michigan ....
S.5Wlnena 12.25
14.091 Wolverine .... 118.00
Wool at St, Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. l&r-Wool Steady: medl
um grades, combing and. clothing. 201231c:
light Inc. 21027c; heavy Jlne. 18822e; tub
wasaea. smzc.
Gives Firm Undertone to Chi
cago Wheat Market.
Pit Prices Strong Except During
Period of Liquidating by a
Prominent Long Closes
With a Gain.
CHICAGO, Aug. 16. Prediction of frosui for
South Dakota. Northern Nebraska and the
British Northwest helped cause firmness In
wheat today. It had a bullish undertone.
Influenced by reiteration of unfavorable crop
news from Russia, by similar reports frost
France and by bread riots in the south of
Spain. Damage from locusts in Argentina
became & factor la the aHuatlon later and gave
zest to a buying movement that began coa
after the opening. September started He off
to He up at SlH0lHe and was bid up to
S2Hc. A large line sold out by brokers sup
posedly operating for a prominent long.
checked the upward tread and caused a loss
of come of the advance, though the general
rontlreent remained unchanged. September,
after reacting to 81TifS2c. was carried back
by covering of short lines, touching &2Hc. at
which price the market closed firm, a gain ef
Corn opened easy, but acquired a firm tone
when the frost prediction for the Northwest
wan received. September closed flrra, H9&e
higher at 53Hc
The strength In other grain influenced a
steady tone in cats. September closed steady,
unchanged at 25-ic
Receipts ef hogs being heavier than antici
pated and their price 10c lower, the market
for provisioM ruled easy. September pork Is
down 17ic ktrd off 12 Vic and ribs down 10c
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Ooea. High. Low. Close.
September $ .SlH 4 .S2Vi $ .Sl $ .S2U
December 825 .efi .o3j
May S6h .SdJi .tils .MVi
Sept. (old) .52?; .534 .52H .53V4
Sept, (new) 52 .53S .52 .5'
DOC . (OM) 49 .443 .44 .44H
Mar 44U .44H .41 .44?
Dec (sew) 44Vj -H?4 -t
September .26 .264
.26 -25T4
.29; -2S
.28 -2sr
December 28 .27
May Sfi .29
September ..14.35 14.35 14.20 14.20
October 14.39 14.42H 14.30 14.50
September ..... 7.72 Vj 7.S0 7.67 Vi 7.671,
October 7.62U 7.70 7.77ia 7.77H
otMKr a 71. s tt. a a R an
October S.S2S fil$S S.72H 8.721a
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Steady.
Wheat No. 3 Spring. S5091c: No. 2 red.
Oora No. 2. 54 Vic; No. 2 yellow. 55 Vic.
Oats No. 2. 26c; No. 2 white, 27U27&c;
No. 3 white. 2OU029KC
Rye No. 2, 5Sc
Barley Goad feeding, 28e: fair to choice
maltlar. 3S09Oc
Flaxseed No. 1. $1.06; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy need Prime. $3.55.
Mees perk Per barrel. $14.20014.25.
Lard Per 109 pounds, $7.65.
Short ribs sides Looce. $S.55gS.6S.
Short clear sides Boxed. fS.7O0S.77t,.
Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, barrels 38,300 21.190
Wheat, bushels 307.000 78.590
Corn, bushels 541.500 297.290
Oats, buehebi 742.40H 34S.I90
Rye husbelfl 14.200 2.500
Barley. buaheJa 110, COO 50
Grain nod Produce at Netr York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. Flour Receipts.
90C-9; exports. 26.400; dull but steady.
"jVheat Receipts. 17.000; spot firm; No. 2
red. S84c elevator and SSc f. o. b. afloat: No.
1 Northern Duluth. $1.10?; f. o, b. afloat.
With few and unimportant exceptions, wheat
was firm today. Its main strength was due to
firm cables.
Cold weather prevails in the Northwest, and
the corn market Is strong. Laj-t prices showed
0ic net advance. September dored S7 5-10c;
December closed SS4c and May. 00c
Horn Quiet; olds. 10912c
Hides Quiet,
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. Wheat flrmer;
barley flrmer.
Spot quotations:
Wheat-Shipping. $1.4501.55; milling. $1.57
Barley-Feed. $101.05; brewing. $1.9501.10.
Oats Red. $1.1501.40; black. $1.40.
Call board sales:
Wheat December. $1.36.
Barley December. 10 Uc
Cora Large yellow. $1.40ei.42b.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 16. Wheat Septem
ber. lKS4Xc; December. S3U0S3HC May.
896c; No. 1 hard. $1.00; No. 1 Northern. $1.07;
No. 2 Northern. SI. 04b.
Wbeat at Liverpool.
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 10. Wheat September a.
7d; December 6r. 6Vd. '
The weather in England today was over
east. Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Wah.. Aug. 16. Wheat Un
changed; bluestem. 74c; club. 71c; red. 6Sc.
Advance In Union Pacific Slump in
National- Biscuit a Dis
turbing Factor.
NEW YORK, Aug. 16. There was a" pre
ponderance of gains again today in the move
meat of prices on the exchange. The mar
ket, neverthelres. continued spotty and un
even. For mznt time after the opening there
was a broad activity In the market which
enabled traders to operate In and out with
faculty and t-wept up & further large volume
of Mies to realize profits without any notable
effect on the price level, London discounts
hardened again today and buying for the ac
count of that center was not in evidence In
the absorptive power of the market. There
was a marked decline in animation after the
working off of orders accumulated over night
In comml:zlon-houjes. The market then re
lapsed Into Its professional character.
The vitality of the rumors regarding the
Northern Securities group seems proof against
all delays and disappointment-). Its renewed
Influence was seen today In the rise In Union
Pacific which would benefit largely by the
enhanced valuation of Great Northern and
Northern Pacific. The revived and successful
speculation In Reading up to a new record
level had a notable effect In encouraging
speculative spirits.
The slump In National Biscuit, which la
supposed to be due to differences of opinion
over Its financial administration, which threat
ens a rupture, -was of a disturbing character,
but was without effect on the market. The
Corn Products stocks had the benefit of the
reported ending of severe competition In the
glucose market. The rise In the Locoxnotlvo
clocks had a sustaining effect In the railroad
equipment group. The large demand for
Amalgamated Copper after Its prolonged In-
ertia removed one of the repressive Influences
on the market, but the United States Steel
stocks remained impassive. The market
broadened materially In the late trading and
the closing was distinctly strong.
Bonds were Irregular. Total rale?, par
value, $4,160,000. United States 2a declined Vs
per cent and the new 4s, U per cent on calL
Sales. High. Low. bio.
Adams Express 214
Amalgamated Cpper. 54.400 85ji 834 4;i
Am. Car & Foundry 3,160 37V 3dM 3?
do preferred D0i
AmericanCotton Oil 20
do preferred 02
American Express 225
Am. He & pfd. 699 40 30H 30H
American Ice 4.64)0 2 Sals 20b
Am. Llneeed Oil 190 10 19 18
do preferred 77 41
American Locomotive 1X.S90 52 50 - 51;
do preferred 1.4ft) 115 113 114
Am. Smelt, & Refin. 22.4U) ISO
1204 123ft
do preferred
39 1214
121V3 1215
144 144
Am. Sugar Refining. 12.500 1464
Am. Tooacco pfd
Anaconda. Mining Co.
do preferred
Atlantic Coast Line..
Baltimore & Ohio....
do preferred
2.700 16J
5.600 1174
1V2U 103
15.800 99
2,0O 104 V,
2.200 190
10.100 114
1U8J, HMVa
167b ItU
Brook. Rapid Transit S.80O
Canadian Pacific.... 5.190
Central Leather .... 1.400
70 70
159b 100
do preferred S00 l96fc 105
Central df N. Jersey. 400 218" 216"
Chesapeake & Ohio.. 20,900
Chicago & Alton.
do preferred 20
Chicago Gt. Western. 10.009 224
Chicago & Northwest, 1.SC0 224W
(JSI.. Mil. & St. Paul 38,200 1B0'4 184 INVfi.
Chi. Term. & Transit
do preferred
C.. C. C. i St. L..
Colorado Fuel & Iron
Colorado Southern.
do 1st preferred....
do 2d preferred....
Consolidated Gan....
Cora Products
do preferred
Delaware & Hudson
Del.. Lack. & West.
Denver & Rk' Grande
do preferred
Distillers' Securities.
do 1st preferred....
do 2d. preferred
General Electric ....
Hocking Valley
Illlnoto Central
International Paper..
do preferred
International Pump..
da preferred ......
Iowa Central
do preferred
Kansas City Southern
do preferred
Louisville & Nashv..
Manhattan L
1V8U lu6b 1024
4 46
31 ,
wo 450
500 86
6tM 0b
600 433,
17.490 48
4.400 S5b
1.899 75b
290 188b 1824
4.S09 178
2.290 22
176 17:
7' .1
5,399 151
imi 107
Meu Secvritles
8.900 H
88 S3V,
Metropolitan St, Ry. 29.609 189b 1
jiKn LtRirai .... -ssj
Minn. & St, Louis... 399 63 OS
J-, au f. & s. s. M.
do preferred
40U 141 140t; 141
Mlseouri Pacific 1S.50O 195b 109K
luwj. ez icxas.
do preferred
National Lead
71K 4V
.Northern Pacific
Mex. Nat, R. R. M.
New York Central ...
2S.SA0 155 15 lb
X.- Y.. Ont. & Wea
V 55
Norfolk Jt Western...
uo preferred
North American ftort ia,i iim
Pacific Mall 2.499 44 43
rennsyivaaia .
People's Gas .
. 26.509 146b H4?i 145h
M-u liKb 196b 1("H
P.. C. C. & t Louis
Pressed Steel Car... 3.000 49?i 46
do preferred
Pullman Palace Car. 199 255 255
Reading 154.400 112, 100b 112H
do 1st preferred 190
no h preferred 899
Republic Steel 509
do preferred 1.990
Reck Island Co.... 21.490
do preferred 7.000
Rubber Goods 209
do preferred
ST, LiS. F. 2d pfd. 8.198
Sc Louis Southwest. 8.490
do preferred , 2.6(0
Southern Pacific 24.300
d preferred l.09 119H
ceuuern naiiway ... j.hw
a preferred .....
Tens. Coal & Iron..
Texas & Pacific ...
Tot.. St. L. & West
do preferred .....
Union Pacific .
..151.SC0 13si 138b
do preferred 190 90
U. S. Express...
U. S. Realty 2C0
U. S. Rubber 1.70
do preferred
U. S. Sfel t2.$90 art
do preferred 17.400 194
104ti 104
34 M
v irg.-uaro. inemicai 200
do preferred ......
Wabash 1h
- do preferred 3.790
21 ti
w Mis-targ EttpresA.
Westlngbouse Elect.. 400 171b
Wrfltern Union 390 96
vvneeiing Be. u. Erie
Wlsoonsln Central ...
do preferred
23 b
Total sales for the day. 960,500 shares.
NEW YORK. Aug. 18. Closing quotations:
U. S. ref. 2s reg.104 ID. & R. G. 4s. . .102b
do coupon 104 N. T. C. G. 3bs. 00b
V. S. 3s reg 103: Nor. Pacific 3a.. 77 V
do coupon 198U Nor. Pacific 4a. .I06H
U. S. new 4s reg.l82b!So. Pacific 4s. .. 95
do coupon 132b Union Pacific 4s. 1057.
U. S. oM 4s reg. 194 Iwis. Central 4s.. 94
do coupon 104 Jap. 6s. 2d series 90
Atchison Adj. 4s 98'Jap. 4s. cer. . . 00
Stocks at London.
LONDON. Aug. 18. Consols for money.
90b; consols for account. 90 9-16.
ABAeenda. 8 (Norfolk & West. SS
Atchison 92 do preferred... 94b
do preferred. ..196b!Ontario A West. 57
Baltimore & O. .116;Pennsylvanla ... 74b
Can. Pacific 14 '.if Rand Mines 83 4
Che. &. Ohio... 5S iReadlng 56b
C. Gt- Western. 22b; do 1st pref.... 4Sb
C. M. & St. P. .180! do 2d pref 47 b
DeBeers 17 So. Railway 36
D. & R. Grande. 35 I do preferred... 102b
do preferred... 92 So. Pacific 60
Erie 48 Union Pacific. .. .133
do 1st pref.... 85: do pref erred 100
do 2d pref 77 it S. Steel 37
Illinois Central. lS2b' do preferred. . .107
Louts. & Nash.. 154 (Wabash 21
Mo.. Kas. Sc T.. 34' do preferred... 43
N. Y. Central.. .159 iSpanlah Fours... 92
Money. Exchange. Etc.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. Money on call easy.
19!2 per cent; closing bid. lb per cent; of
fered. 1 per cent. Time loans, steady and
dull; 60 daya. 203 per cent; 90 days, 308
per cent; six months. 301 per cent. Prime
mercantile paper. 404b Pr cent.
Sterling exchange, steady, with actual busi
ness In bankers' Mils at $4.87O04:875 fer
demand and $4.S470f 4.S475 for 00 days. Post
ed rate?. $4.5b04.S7?. Commercial bills,
Bar silver. C0c.
Mexican dollars. 46c
Government bends, weak; railroad bonds, ir
LONDON. Aug. 16. Bar silver, ateadr. 27 d
per ounce.
Money, lbSHi per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market fer
short bills is 1 15-16 per cent; do for three
months' bills Is 2 per cent,
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. Silver bars,
Mexican dollar, nominal.
Sterling. 69 days. $4.85; sight. $4.87.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as fellows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $056.944 $ 55.592
Seattle 946.512 200,377
Tacoma 498.972 13.088
... 451.267
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. The market for evap
orated apples continues firm at about recent
prices. Common to good are quoted at &Q
6c; prime. 7c: choice, 7sc; fancy. Sc.
Prunes are meeting with a moderate epot
demand, but rule firm, with quotations rang'
Ing from 406bc. according to grade.
Apricots are quiet, with buyers and sellers
apart In their views. Choice are quoted at
fSUc; extra choice. 80Sc and fancy,
Peache show little fresh features. Spot
s-jpplles are greatly reduced, with fancy still
quoted at llbe.
Raisins continue firm. Loose Muscatels are
quoted at4g6bc; seeded raisin-, 57bc:
London layers. 101.95c.
Potatoes Ripening Rapidly.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Aug. 16. (Special.)
George H. Brown, of New Era. an extensive
grower and dealer In potatoes, reports that
this crop Is ripening rapidly. He predicts
that this product will yield 75 per cent of
an average crop of splendid quality, the
vines not having been seriously affected by
vermin ef any kind. But for the exceptional
dry weather during Julr. Mrj Brown says
the Willamette Valley would this year have
produced a record-breaking cron of notatoas.
Two-Cent Advance Quoted in
California Market.
Strong Feeling In Wool Pending Ar
rival of .New Clip Better Spec
ulative Demand for Wheat.
Potatoes Are Active.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. (Special.) Lo
cal brokers report a quiet market for hops,
but are quoting higher .-trices for old and new.
Current rates tor the 1904 crop are new 18 to
20 cents, ami for the 1908 crop 14 to 16 cents.
Picking will become general in about two
weeks. The crop made good growth during
the week, and In some sectlam is looking bet
ter than at any time this seaeon.
The wool market la bare, and there to a
strong feeling pending the arrival of the Fall
Wheat was In better speculative demand.
following Chicago, and December rose to
$ 1.36b. Cash trade in the cereal waa quiet.
with much inferior wbeat offerlag. Barley
receipts were heavy, aside from a cargo from
Port Costa, en route for Japan, and both
spot and December were eaeter. Oats were
dull, but steady. New standard? for the sev
eral grades of barley and oats will be fixed
by the grain board tomorrow. Flour wad
steady, and feedstuffs firm.
Available supplies of fresh fruits are mod
erate. Selected chipping parcels are in de
mand for the regular steamer for Paget Sound
tomorrow at firm prices. Central American
bananas have ceased arriving, owing to the
yellow fever scare. Plenty of green Ha-
wallans are on hand, but ripe Mock is scarce
and firm.
Potatoes are active and firm, receipts being
light. The onion market is overstocked and
weaker. Garden vegetables were In good sup
ply and easy.
Butter was steady. Cheese was firm. Eggs
were easy. Receipts, 5S.500 pounds butter,
1700 pounds cheese. 27.S70 dozen eggs.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. 20080c; garlic.
33 4c; green pea-j. 34c; string beans'. 209c;
tomatoes. 40075c; egg plant. 50075c.
POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 18020c; roost
ers, old. $44.50; roosters, young. $4.5905.50;
broilers, small. $202.50: broilers, large. $30
2.50: fryers. $303.50; fryers, young. $30-4.
EGGS Store. 181728c; fancy ranch. 39c;
Eastern. 17024c.
BUTTER Fancy creamery. 25c; creamery
seconds. 22?; fancy dairy. 22e; dairy lotondu.
WOOL Spring. Humboldt and Mendocino. 28
0mOc: Nevada. 15-3U&C.
MILLSTUFFS Bran. $20.50021.30; mid
dlings, $25027.39.
HAY Wheat. $7013.30; wheat and oats, $00
12.50; barley. $609; straw. $900; clover. $70
10; stock. $506; straw. 30059c per bale.
POTATOES Early Rose, nominal; Salinas
Burhanka, 90o8$l.
CHEESE Young America. 1 04' lie; East
ern. 14b15bc.
FRUITS Apples, choice. $1.15: common. 40c;
bananas. 75c0$3; Mexican limes, nominal;
California lemons, choice. $4.50; com men, $2;
oranges, navel?, nominal; piaea poles. $1.7503.
HOPS lSf?20c per pound.
RECEIPTS Flour. 3ol4 quarter sacks;
wheat. 2070 centals; barley. 79,380 centals;
oats. 4256 centals; beans. 1977 sacks: com.
5C5 centals; potatoes, 3540 sacks; bran, 230
sacks; middlings. 220 sacks: hay. 5S6 tens;
wool, 7 bales; hides. 423.
Metnl Markets.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. A further advance
In the London tin market, where spot dosed
at 140 15s and futures at 149. met with lit
tle response here. Holders raised asking prices,
but buyers In the main refused to follow the
advance and the market closed with epot
quiet at 22.55036c
Copper was lower In London, closing at 60
5s for both spot and futures. Locally, the
market remained firm and it is reported that
email lota of lake and electrolytic for Immedi
ate delivery can hardly be obtained under 16c
Generally speaking. however. quotaUomi
range from 15.82b15.77bc for lake ami
electrolytic and 13.25015.50 for canting.
Lead was unchanged at 13 18s Od In London
and at 4.6004.70c In New York.
Spelter was higher at 2t 12s 6d In London,
hut remained firm at 5.7905.SOC locally.
Iron waa higher abroad with Glasgow clos
ing at 5ea Cd and MKklleshoro. 47s 4fed. Lo
cally, the market was steadier In tone, but
without change in quotations; No. 1 foundry
Northern la quoted at $16.25017: No. 2 foun
dry Northern. $15.75016.50; No. 1 foundry
Southern. $15.75016.75. and No. 2 foundry
Southern. $15.50016.25.
Coffee nnd Sugar.
vntv YORK. Auc. 16. The market fer cof
fee future closed steady, net unchanged to 5
points higher. Total rates were reperiea ot
91.750 bags. Including September. 7.15e; De
cmher 74rer Januarr 7.557.G0c: March.
7.70c; May. 7.80c; July. 7.90c. Spot Rio
steady: mild steady.
Stintr Raw frm: fair refining. 3403 17-32C:
centrifugal. 06 test. 404 5-32e; raolasaes su
gar. 3400 9-32c Reflaed nrm.
New York Gotten Matkct.
NEW YORK. Aug. 16. The cotton market
closed with a net decline- of 1 to 3 point in
response to lower cable. August. iw.tKte;
Rntimber- 10.14c: October. I9.2c: November
10.31c; December. 10.30c; January. 10.45c;
February. 10.4Sc; March. 10.52c; April. 10.54e;
May. 10.57c
Dairy "Produce in the East.
CHICAGO. Aug. 16. On the Produce Ex
change today the butter market was steady.
Creameries, 17020c; dairies. 19018c. Eggs,
steady at mark, cases included, 1340 15?4c.
Cheese, easy. 11011Hc.
NEW YORK. Aug. y?. Butter, flrra; eggs
and cheese, unchanged.
Marriage License).
Arthur P. Kerron. 27; Laura N. IJamo. 23.
Oscar J. ReynoMe. Helena. Mont.; Etta
May Dickinson.
Charles M. Blddle. 20; Inez N. Olson. 20.
Horace G. Potter. 33, Seattle; Margaret
Murray. 24.
y. Carl L. McAuley. Julia D. Stephenson, IS.
Harry H. Harris. 26; Eva Jacquemm. 20.
Verlln Ennls. 5S; Bertha. Haydon. 28.
Paris P. Pipps. 34. Beresford. S. D.; Char
lotte Sinclair. 2S.
Building Permit.
A. W'lnterbcrg, barber shop. Sixteenth street,
near Qulncy; $400.
J. GoWstane. barn. Front street, between
Hall and Harrison; $300.
Cardwell estate, foundation for flats. Fifth
and Harrison streets; $1325.
T. C. Relchle, dwelling. Frederick street,
head of Twelfth; $709.
T. C. Relchle. dwelling. Frederick street,
heaed of Twelfth; $700.
H. Hahn. dwelling. Marshall street and Cor
nell road: $10000.
A. O'Dten, dwelling, Heigate and Fortieth
streets: $500.
W. R. Smith, repair of dwelling. Kerby
street, between Gatte and Russell; $25.
Mrs. J. Gotzlan. dwelling. East Gllsan street,
between East Eighteenth and East Nineteenth;
Real Estate Transfers.
The Title Guarantee & Trust Company
to F. A. Ford, lot 14. block 4. Hol
iday Park Addition $ 750
J. Helm to M. T. Olden, lot 11. .Week 4.
Miriam -
D. Goodsell and wife to A. F. Flegel. ,
tract 14 and part tract 15. Ravena
vlew 1
William J. Hill and wife to J. H. Hunt,
lot 10 and east half let 9. block 1.
Midway Annex Addition 450
A. W. Lambertf trustee, to American
Trust & I Investment Company, 52.93
acres, section 36, T. 2 N.. R. 1 W. 1
M. K. Valatr et at. to L. H. , Seamann.
lots 7 and 8. block 1. Henry's Addition 30
H. B. Crouch to. J. Parker, lot 4. block
60. Sell wood 200
' 5C
a. -hock , tuitnoman nrt
. A. Allen and wife to E. E. Aaoh,
ta 1X talent- "i T.MMK
I. Mitchell and wife to O. N. Henderson
et al., lot 30, block 2. Arleta Park
No. 2
Scottish American Investment Company,
ita.. to L. is. Reeves, lot 15. block
81. Willamette Heights Addition
I. N. Woodle el al. tt L. E. Black, lot
. block 102. Stephens Addition
A. S. Bernard to I. M. Schefthoux. lots
28 and 24. Mock 6. Riverside A4'ditlou.
S. B. Webb to J. Helm, east half lot 3.
mock J.iJ. iarutneiw Addition
J.C. Roberta et al. to S. R. Hoy. par
cel tana eegmnmg at soutnwesc corner
lot 4. block 16, Hanson Second Addi
tion Same to same, lot 4, block 16. Hansen's
Second Addition
O. Peterson and wife to F. G. Davis.
west half lot 1. block 20. Aibtna
Arleta Land Company to M. Enrlgbc. let
20. block 4. Arleta Park N'o. 2
T. V. Stephens to E. M. Stephens, lota
1 ana suoa. j, jjLaatmutt & Oat
man's Little HomM Addition
G. E. Stephens to same, same
G. W. 'Watt et al. to L. E. Heeklnaer
t al.. east half lota 7 and 8. block 290.
HoUadav's Addition
3. MO
P. H. Birth and wife to I. Mogeau. lots
- etoca winamette lietgtstsi
"": ,k S",,Y a wt A. A. Baker.
acres .section 12. T. 1 S., K.
M. J. Hicks et al. to A. a. Ijmmui
northwott quarter lot 4. Woc-l, at.
Jonno ...............
The Portlund T. V. Tatum, Seattle; C.
Kr.patr!cK. H. a. Loveiami and wife, B.
Hart, ban JTrancisco; A. h. Hunter. Mr. C.
" MUlCaison. i.uh aii. h.. . 1 iain..iin
ban rranctseo; P. w. itnuituek. New lor.;
J- n . Ktenaro. . J. Kos-
ler. Dr. a.. vraiwiMo; K u.
Uoidtnwalte. 3aMienuNut; a. 0. Harbon
aia wire, 1. Sat tori. 1 Sartor- tv. carton,
ban Francisco; Mr. H. K1k. CnMau-o: it.
Kateo. St. Lent: J. J. u BriH 1 a,.r
d'Aiene; K. p. Jennings. Colorado; C. H.
rranuurr, neatting. i-a.; U. 1 t,u4in, Spo-
h. an; O. Kent and wife. Portland, 3te.;
S. !. Yates and wile. M. 5. iapiiBK. v t .
Mooti. j. ts. Case and wite. Han-Ma dt .
U. k.. ijttrHry. j. a. furaiey. Ft. Wayne; xl.
Alfrey, (.rawf-jrdsvlUw; h. duepue.u.
Hooa River; Mr, j. v. Baldwin. Lo Aa
gele; a. ti. Hull and -U, cnicugo; C. ju
i. inuie. Pittsburg, a. H. Duncan and wite.
-ia-,etand. O.; irs. M. Ntwmark F. New
mark. it. Wright. Lo. A navies; P. C. Torrej.
P. H. Kearnin ana Hlie. v ti. Witt&htp,
J. Jacobs antt nite. ban ifranctsco; A. iwa,
Net Xcrk; j4r. Klncatd. isoeton; Mrs. (j.
it. Sharo. itorttwn; A. K. Patrick. iaa Fran
cisco; Dr. C. v . KK-OMrdkon ana h H. i.,j
A. mcnarditOR. Wattatagton; .h. E. k. uot
wali. M. H. jfarcn, x-atiaueipnla; r. j.
P. ohanahan &an r'ntncbwo;' O. rl. Vool
ruff ami wit. r'nllaiteipniu; .;. ti. AtlaKeav
lee and wite. MUaourt; 1.. A. rnhlipe and
wife, ssan tmntiHo; o. s. rignt anu wur,
New vorfc; j. p. currier and wite, 11. Arn
old and wite. .jars. -M. H. ay. ir. 5i. j.
xemti.. u. t-rapr. .his ti. iraper. M.m l'.
Draper. San rranclsco; A. A. nice. New
tur; Mrs. a. r. uray. S. V. "ruy. St.
Loul; b. Woibacn. Grand lslana; r. .
rteming and wite, Kansas City; a. . Hous
man aud wife, bt. l.ouls; V. At. Dainey. il.
Murdecal. Baltimore. Aiu. ; in. W. fop, jiai
llmore. .Md.; j. H. Crombte. Port Uamole; S.
II. Hutcmnson. Chicago; cJ. c. Knotta una
wife. Canvllte. Hi.; jars. p. V. jMtrRham.
Chicago; V. Scnieseinger and wife. a.
ScnteMinger. G. Schleseinger. L. .Immrr
man, or. H. J. Sartori ami wife. P. carton.
H. N. Cowan. Mitwaukee; M. Condon. To
ronto; . j. AUCKHetl. i.aconia; ).. H. Scott,
j. Durham, c'nicago; Mrs. A. . Mead ana
aaugnter. Olympia. c O. Lrice, 5i. reave...
Sioux City; j. McVay, A. W. Hutchinson.
H. K. Rosa. Prince Auoert, Cai.; -Mr. U. C
DtckiiMOM. C. tMuy. New YorK; J. L. Ho
man. c. Kllon. .Hinneapolls; N. O. Hender
son. Pt. Susan. Wash.
The Perkins J. M. Cathcart and wife.
Sedeil. ill.; u. -i. Cornett and wife, Priae
vllle; E. K. blobatd. W. i. Slabald. caktwen;
S. Ittallantyner. calaweil; r: j. Hughes.
iort Ortoru; C. W . Myers. H. C. Thompeou.
PendkHua; A. C. Ames. Auerdeen; . tt.
Hariow, cnlcago; George W. Seal and wli. ,
Irene Seal coivtlle. w ash. , .Minnie Seal.
Awty; Emma WllKinson. Waila Walla; K. c.
Hwuton and wltr, Proeser; john j. Whit
man. l!95; I. W. Richer ana wite. Suu
water; Oliver Beers ana wife. Salem; El. a.
Howard. Blanche Cllae. Minnie J. Wagn.
Mr. Snow. &iMKane: Otto K. Carlson. As
toria; C. F. Lansing. Margaret Laiwing. i3
V. Llvingaton, Salem; Mn. Nora Bowman.
Weat Laity. O.; C. H. Bklweil. Island -it;
O. j. Reynolds and wife. Helena, Mont .
Mrs. H. J. Beck. Sadie Beck. S. W. Week.
Lexington; W. J. Alexander ami wife, Sedeli.
III. ; M. Slleon. Elgin; George Simmon. Se
attle; George rl. hua ana wife. -Haui.eia.
H. T. McClallen. Roeeburg; M. G. Brjan
and wife. Seattle; Mlse CotKerourn.
Nome; Mrs. A. M. Starkey. Oaklan. C.ii. .
Xr. A. McCormlck. Nahcotta; J. Anoerson.
'I he Unites; C. H. Reynolds, Walla Vaiia.
Tboinaa Moffett. Mortett borings; Robert
May and wite Walla Walla; J. H. Tempx
ton. Prinevilie; A. f. Rector. Chicago; J. t.
Crawford and family. The Dalles; tV. o
Campbell, Frisco; S. M. Stewart, j. D. Huni
mlirton. Worthlngton. Minn.; Sid Coyle and
wife. Lelah Coyie. Waila Saiia; u. Bui
nette. Chenalis; Isaac Burnette. Charles
Burnett. l. uoeeph Mo.; T. C. Kwgeis.
Dayton. O.; T. H. Johnson, Dufur; W. F.
Smith. Spokane; T. A. Trimble, ciarksville.
la.; Mlsa Beseie Gallagher. Seattle; W. A.
Johnston and wife. The Dalle; j. P. Ander
son. Tacoma; J. W. Gtlmore and wife. Glen
don. Mont.; S. W. Walte ami wife. Dans
ville. Va.; J. G. Morrison and wife. DetroU,
C. A. Miller. Seattle; S. S. McArthur, Dr
trolt; D. B. Zimmerman and wife. Somerset.
Pa.; William 'inornburg, alley rieaa. Ala.,
Erneet Maddox, Ellenwurg; G. C. Schleler,
Joeeph. Or.; P. J. Sullivan. F. J. Bowen
ami wife. Mies F. Kllburn The Dalles; G. E.
Ekeburg. C. W. Holinqulst. Rockford. 111..
William Bunch and wife. Minneapolis; l.oulM
Rudy. Stiokane; Mrs. E. G. Kilts. 51lsoula.
Mont.; Dan McLeod and wife. San Fran
cisco; Mrs. J. M. Orrell. Ida bi. Orrell. Alta
mont. III.; G. K, Andrews ami family. Den
ver; J. L Clark. Springfield. Mo.; N. li.
Breckenrtdge. Alaska; D. H. Booth. Mem
phU; Flora Kirk. Olympla; F. A. Jlott. F.
Page. BoUe; Mrs. K. L. Crenrlll. Kaytue
Cronfill. Medford; George W. Kemmer. Se
attle. The St. Ciiarlet-John Helsler. Dufur; J.
L. Hershmer, Hood River; Klrsch Brothers;
B. A. Curtice wife and child. A in boy . A
Straube, The Dalles; I. S. Smith, Irving
Hendricks. Ft. Canby; J. L. Larson. Denver;
J. F Mackintosh. Antelope; D. McL,ean and
wife. Cripple Creek; F. M. Molyneux. Cor
reetlonvllie. Ia.; A. McCarty, Echo; J. A.
Ewers. Hood River; D. Kauffman. Hubbard.
B. Mathews. Newport; Earl Hlkl, Kelso; F.
Haffen, Cape Horn; G. Herman. Seattl--,
Bert Sanders; A. V. Williams. Arthur Da
vis, Chelom; O. W. HeitJer. Dufur; Floyd
Yandrpool; A. J. Whttenock and wite. Van
couver; W. M. Thompson. Mrs. J. K. White
man; B. N. Peck, Chehalis; W. II . Flag.
siuiaOuM ill Ai-c c C I.mIIv Mra. Alva
Herel. Greeham; 3Irs. A. J. Taylor. Hazel
Taylor. Stiver City. Neb.; Albert Weteriy,
San Francisco; H. A. Lamb and family.
Woodland; G. F. Mills, H. A. Dore. Salem.
E. Klinger. A. Klinger; C. R. Houghani.
Mt. Angel; W. F. Llllard; E. Wllkenson.
Baker City; J. P. Walker. Pendleton; A.
Elliott and wife; Nellie E. Ray. Red Wing.
Minn.; J W. Ebner and wife. B. Keeadel.
Mt. Angel; W. H. McKay. Rainier; H. C.
Darby. G. I. Putnam. Salem: F. C. Schoeder.
Wood burn, C. K. Redman and wife. Cum
berland. Wyo.; J. M. Martin and wife. J. H.
Young and family. Eugene; W. R. Chlsholm.
and family. Clifton; John L. Martin; L. F.
Roley. Boring; E. L. Smalley. Walla Walla;
H A. Mudge. Astoria; W. W. Powers. Can
by; W. D Bradford; A C. Beneflel and wife,
Seattle: W. W. West. Denver; Thomas Caye.
H. Larson. Astoria; M. Smith and wife. Du
luth; Clell Hayden. George Hayden; A. W.
Porter. Stella; J. K. Coleman; Mrs. J. W.
Painter. Sylvanla Painter. Goldendale: Rolla,
Simmons. J. C. Davis, I. Brown; J. A. Mc
Lean, Sheridan; A. S. Fox; John H. Shaw.
Aberdeen; N. Lehman; Allen Adams. Car
son: C. A. Conner; L. M. Parker and wife,
Newberg; W. C. Motley. Portland: W. J.
Baumgartner and wife. Lawrence. Kan.; J.
Fiddler wife and child; George Lew. Bakf-r
City: Mrs. Frer. David Glenn; W. C. Garth
walte. U. S A.; Mrs. A. M. Johnson. Chester.
The Esmond E. V. Bloomfleld. Lebanon;
C. W. Hayes. Washington. D. C; J. SmltM
and wife. Aberdeen; W. S. Bryant, A. Deck
er. The Dalles: J. C. Dunkirk. The Dalles;
W. S. Miller ami wife, Claukanle; Mrs. N.
B. Boyles. A. Boyles. Orrln Boyce. R. Rob
inson. Toledo: J. Sawola. Kelso; L. J. Gray.
Woodland; L H- Andrews. II. D. Andrews.
Agnes Andrews. Mary Rtggs. Castle Rock:
T. A. Lindsay. Woodburn; J. D. Chlsholm.
'Astoria: J. Mattson. New York; H. E. 5Ie
serve Gray's River; C. Wilson. Aatoria; G.
W. Byers and wife. G. W. Byers. Jr.. Dun
dee; A. Y. Marsh. C. Stadelman. The Dalles;
J. W. Langdon, Walla Walla; G. H. Bowers.
I .a Grande; D. Laltl. Fairbanks; F. Doran.
.1. L. Carey. Roeklln: O. P. Weed. W. H.
Jerry. D. Malon. Seattle; W. Coach. Detroit.
P. W Dillon. Kelso: W. London. Kelso: W.
Tal1maa and wife. Mary Tallman. John Tall
man. Skamokawa; C. W. Flanders and wlf-.
Cathlamet; G. A. Ferguson ami wife. The
Dalles; II. McConnell, H. Heeck. George
Moore. F- Moore. Astoria; M. Case ami wife.
San Francisco.
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma.
American plan. Kates. $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly. Tma Wathlnctots.
European plan. Rates cont3 to S150
per day. Free buss .
It Babr I Cutting Teeth
Be sure and use that old and well-tried rem
edy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, fer chil
dren teething. It soothes the ohtld, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic
and dlxr:oea.
V. K. SeNweed to H. B. Crouch, same..
R. L. SoMb et al. to J. E. Scott, lot