Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 17, 1905, Page 11, Image 11

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Representative Men of West
Express Views on Live
issues of Day.
Delegates Receive Royal Welcome to
Dream City, to Portland and to
Oregon Begin Discussion
ot Industrial Subjects
Theodore B. "Wilcox, of Portland,
George E. Chamberlain, Governor of
Albert E. Mead. Governor of "Wash
ington. George C Pardee, Governor of Cali
fornia. Charles "W. Fulton, Sonator from
H. W. Goode. president Lewis and
Clark Fair.
Ruftte P. Jennings, of San Fran
cisco, chairman executive committee
of the Congress.
John TV. Noble, of St. Louis, ex
Secretary of the Interior.
L. Bradford Prince, ex-Governor of
New Mexico.
John E. Frost, of Topeka, Kan.
TV. D. Wheelwright, president Port
land Chamber of Commerce.
G. TV. Allen, president Portland
Board of Trade.
H. M. Cake, president Portland Com
mercial Club.
Though tho Fair attractions enticed
many delegates from the convention hall,
at the opening session of the Trans-Mlss-Issippl
Commercial Congress, attendance
Tvas large larger, in fact, than on tho
first day of the congress at the St. Louis
Exposition last year. The hall was gaily
decorated with colored bunting, and on
the walls hung such mottoes as "Trans
Mississippi States Should Supply Oriental
Markets," "Commercial Supremacy of
American Republic in Pacific Ocean,"
"Just Transportation Rates," "Liberal
Government Aid for River Navigation."
The hands of the clock pointed to 10
o clock, when Kufus P. Jennings, chair
man of the executive committee, rapped
for order and opened the congress. After
Invocation by the Rev. J. TVhltcomb
Brougher, of Portland. Mr. Jennings pre
sented the president, Theodore B. "Wilcox,
of Portland, who prefaced his remarks by
saying that he was proud of tho distinc
tion accorded him and his city by tho
presence of so large a number of delegates
and a so widely representative class of
men. "While the latchkey always hangs
out In the West," said the speaker, "we
asmre you 'that we of Portland have
taken the latch entirely off and thrown
John W. Noble.
it away, and while you are here the free
dom of tne city is yours."
Mr. Wilcox said, in part:
Latent Resources Await Industry.
Srarce fifty years have passed since first
our honored ploneors braved the dangers and
privations of frontier life to earn the fortune,
the freedom and the health which the land
of the netting sun affords. And as yet the
great tracts of arable land are but sparsely
pfttled. the treasure of the mountain side
but barely touched, the waste places are stir,
waste, the forests still stand, and the mag
nificent rivers remain unsubdued to the uses
cf mankind; but the advancement that has
been made Justifies the hopr of the pioneers
r.rd stimulates us to renewed effort day by
day. Our needs are many and our merits
are great, but our population Is sparse, our
wealth but limited, and our Importance, singly,
in the halls of Government, but email and
unavailing. "What, then, Is there for us to
do but to combine our Influences and work
together by all fair and honorable means for
the things we need?
For the improvement of our waterways, for
rood land and mining laws, for Irrigation of
arid lands, for our livestock interests; for tho
Isthmian Canal, for Oriental markets, for
statehood for our territories and a complete
territorial government for Alaska; for all the
tMnge we need to advance the Interests of
cur particular elates or sections, and to make
the trans-Mlsslpslppl region as a whole great
In wealth and Influence, as it is In territorial
extent. And yet, my friends, we are but a
part of one great whole.
"Westward Movement of Population.
The speaker then referred to the vast
and ever-growing Oriental trade and de
clared that It was the universal, absorb
ing topic now before the commercial
Alaska, he said, demanded and muBt
have recognition for Us wants and speedy
relief. From a gold output of $700,000 In
1890 that territory in 1KM produced $20.
300.000, and was today the leading factor
In the great salmon canning industry.
Tho speaker paid tribute to the Lewis
and Clark Fair and the great work It is
accomplishing In exploiting and making
known to the world the gigantic resources
of the vast Northwest and the Pacific
Coast. In closing Mr. Wilcox said:
Let us exert every fair. Just and honorable
means In our powor. and your sons and their
associates will continue to work with my
sons and their associates long after you and
I are gathered to our fathers and until this
great West shall be populated with happy
homes on every plain and hillside, until the
waste places shall be made to blossom and
to bear, and until the center of population in
this great United States shall be moved over
to this side of the Mississippi River,
Welcome by Governor Chamberlain.
President Wilcox then introduced Gov
ernor Chamberlain of Orogon, who, amid
loud applause, began by extending the
hearty welcome of the State of Oregon
o the Congross In a few excellently
chosen words. During the delivery of
his address Governor Chamberlain was
accorded the olosest atentlon, his re
marks being frequently applauded. ThJB
waB especially the case when he made
reference to the exclusion of Chinese
laborers from tho United States and the
rigid enforcement of existing laws.
After referring to the magnificent de
velopment of the Pacific Northwest and
the hopes of the future. Governor Cham
berlain said:
Of all questions that vitally affect the vast
territory which lie between the Mississippi
River on the east and the Pacific Ocean on
the TVest. our Senators and RepreeentaUves
In Congress have usually been able to act
In perfect harmony without regard to politics,
or party, and It Is cafe to say that but for
this unity of Inteerct and of action the
reclamation of the oeml-arld landn which form
so large a part of our domain would have
been postponed Indefinitely, or would have
been delayed eo long that the development of
the country must of necessity have been re
tarded for a long term of yearn, whilst Im
provements of our rivers and harbors would
have been delayed Indefinitely at the expense
of our commerce. Until the Trans-MIsrfwippi
CongreM made Its appearance as a factor for
good In the development of the TVest and
the South there was a lack of unity and of
purpose among those who represented us ia
the halls of Congress an well as In commer
cial and other bodies which had for their ob
ject the development of each particular sec
tion; but now each of the states embraced
within the territory from which delegates to
this congress come makes common cause, and
all have found that acting unitedly everything
la possible and easy of accomplishment which
goes to the making of a richer country, a
happier and a more prosperous people. But
much remain! yet to be done, and some things
to be guarded against. In the first category
I call attention to the tardlncrs with which
the semi-arid regions are being reclaimed, and
in doing this I do not mean to be understood
as claiming that tho officials In charge of the
Reclamation Service are doing nothing.
Washington Executive Is Eloquent.
Governor Mead of "Washington was
George E. Chamberlain.
Governor of Oregon.
next presented by President Wilcox. Ho
spoke forcefully and his address was one
of the best of the session, being frequently
punctuated by applause. He paid a tribute
to the sterling manhood and dauntless
courage of tho pioneers of the North
west and began his address as follows:
From the dawn of the morning when
Lewln and Clark began their ei-entful Jour
ney to the moment when the sound of the
gavel called together the 16th annual ses
sion of this congress, there are no brighter
pages in history recording deeds of daunt
less oourage. patient perseverance and loyal
devotion to country than those chapters de
scribing the upbuilding of the great North
west. After roferring to the great good the
Congress might accomplish in various
ways by energetic and harmonious ac
tion. Governor Mead pleaded for decisive
action on the irrigation question as one
of vital Importance to the great Wost.
He closed with the following words:
In bidding you welcome to the Northwest
David R. Francis.
in behalf of the $00,000 people of the State
of Washington, we are not only confident
of the successful outcome of this session. but
we are mindful of the rich contribution re
ceived at your hands when the great influ
ence of this organization was brought to
bear upon the Congress of the United States,
whereby the system of National irrigation
was placed upon the Federal statute books
in the enactment of the reclamation law.
President Goode Is Felicitous.
President Goode of the Lewis and
Clark Exposition followed In a .searty
address of welcome which nut the en
tire audience In good humor. Said Mr.
"We have had many Congresses at this
Fair, all of them good, but I consider this
by far the most Important of all. The
initial purpose of this Fair was. of
course, to celebrate the acquisition of the
vast Oregon country, but underlying all
was the purpose of exploiting this great
section and letting all people know our
wonderful natural advantages. How we
have succeeded In this endeavcr we will
leave for you to decide.
"On behalf of the Lewis and Clark Ex
position I extend to you the heartiest
welcome to the city and the Fair."
United States Senator C. W. Fulton, of
Oregon, created considerable merriment
after saying that he intended his remarks
should be founded on a rock of truth by
narrating that, when notified the day be
fore, of his being on the programme for
W. D. Wheelwright,
President Chamber of Commerce.
a speech he was Just In the act of land
ing a nine-pound trout. Senator Fulton
then complimented tho Congress upon
the excellen personnel of its membership
and trusted that when the delegates de
parted from Portland they would carry
with them lasting impressions of this
Commercial Bodies Join In Welcome.
Judge H. M. Cake, President of the
Portland Commercial Club, was the next
speaker to welcome the Congress to the
city. Judge Cake was in an especially
happy humor and delivered an able and
eloquent address which was liberally ap
plauded. Among many excellent things.
Judge Cake saldr
"Integral parts of a great Nation, ono
people under one flag, with a common des
tiny, the States represented here today
are dependent for their growth and pros
perity upon the energy and spirit of their
citizenship, and are bound together by the
mutuality of their Interests. Only in the
helpful and continual co-operation of all
can they successfully overcome the handi
cap of Eastern wealth and Influence, and
secure their proper recognition in the
parceling out of National appropriations."
President TV. D. Wheelwright, of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce, fol
lowed with an able address, setting;
forth the necessities for the develop
ment of the country from a business
man's viewpoint. Said he in closing:
TVe need sew laws; we need a Just enforce
ment of all laws, both new and old; we need
a new policy In our treatment of foreign Ra
tions that will grant the weak every privi
lege that we yield to the strong, and. more
than all, we need an awakening of public
conscience to keep this great nation in the
path of rectitude and honor.
And so I appeal to you in your deliberations
to regard principles as well as poHcite. to
observe the rules of ethics as well as the
George C. Par doc.
Governor of California.
Albert E. Mead
Governor of Washington.
considerations of business, to look upon the
greatest good to the greatest neneor. and
simple. Justice to all men. aa the end and
aim of enlightened government.
G. W. Allen, presldont of the Port
land Board of Trade, was the next
speaker. He stated that he doslred to
call the direct attention of the mem
bers of Congress to two questions
which he regarded as of the most vital
Importance to the sreat Northwest.
These, he declared, were river and har
bor Improvements and the reclamation
of arid lands. Mr. Allen thought those
questions should receive the pressing
attention of the Congress. His remarks
were logical and to the point, and his
address was well received.
Necessity for Deepening Rivers.
Mr. Allen insisted on National appro
priations for r Ivors and harbors, and
set forth Portland's claim to recogni-
L. Bradford Prince.
3IaJor W. C.
tion for tho Willamette and Columbia
rivers, as follows:
The City of Fortland. Ideal In location, near
the confluence of two navigable rivers. ad
the natural outlet for the surplus products of
the Columbia River basin, vast in extent and
rich in resources, and also the entepot for
the rapidly growing commerce with the Ori
ent, is vitally Interested In this Question of
appropriations for river and harbor Improve
ments. With a deep-sea channel of M ft
in the rivers from Portland to the fiea, and
a -40-foot depth of water at the mouth, of the
Columbia River, both of which are entirely
feasible, there Is no reason why Portland
should not become, by leaps and bound, ono
of the greatest commercial cities In this great
country of ours. We would, therefore, re
spectfully ark due consideration of Portland's
claims 'in this regard.
State's Claim on Reclamation Fund.
Mr. Allen touched up the Harrlman
railroads for their sluggishness in Ore
gon; likewise the Reclamation Service.
Said he as to Irrigation:
It Is now three years since Congress passed
a law providing for the Irrigation of arid
lands. Since July I, JW1. about $23,000,660
have been paid into the fund for Irrigation
purposes in the trans-Mlsslsslppl region, and
Oregon has contributed over $1,000,000 of that
ram and more than any other state has con
tributed; yet not a single shovel of earth
has been turned nor a single project -been
determined upon by the department In charge
of this work within the State of Oregon.
While other states and territories which
IT. M. Cake.
President Commercial Clnb.
contributed much lees than one-half of the
reclamation fund are being favored with
projects, all placed under contract for con
struction and calling for an appropriation of
(16,270,000 out of the total fund of $23,270.
000, and while other statea have projects
which have been approved and for which bids
have been received for construction work,
calling for $5,700,000, thereby more than ex
hausting the present available fund, yet
nothing whatever has been done for the arid
lands In Oregon In the way of actual woric
of reclamation. TVashlngton, which contrib
uted over J2.KO.000 to this fund, has been
treated with similar neglect at the hands of
tho reclamation nervice. This etato of af
fairs, it seems to us. demands some action at
your hands. All that we ask In this regard is
fair and equitable treatment by the powers la
control. Justly proportioned as to time and
amount as our Just deserts would eeem to
Gov. Pardee Captivates Delegates.
George C. Pardee, the doctor-Governor
of California, was next introduced, and
received somewhat of an oration. Gov
ernor Pardee has the happy facility of
becoming en rapport with his audience at
once, and his extemporaneous address
captivated his hearers and elicited warm
applause. Said he:
"All the states of the Pacific Coast are
one country one people and their Inter
ests are identical. We have but one aim
one ambition that Is to advance the In
terests of the entire Pacific Coast. On
the Escutcheon of Kentucky Is that grand
motto: 'United we stand, divided we fall.'
With all our great resources, we are yet
poor In population. While this Nation
and this Coast doesn't want undesirable
Immigration from Asia, neither docs It
want undesirable Immigration from Africa
nor Europe!" (Tremendous applause.)
Amazed at Progress of Northwest.
John W. Noble, ex-Secretary of the In-
Charlos W. Fulton,
United State Senator.
terlor, next followed with a brief address.
General Noble Is the first vice-president
of the Trans-MIsslsslppl Congress, and re
lated a story of how when a youth ho
came near becoming a pioneer of the
Northwest. In fact, he had started for
Pugct Sound, but somehow got sidetracked
at Keokuk. Ia., and thus was now paying.
Portland, his first visit.
In closing his brief address. General
Noble said: "I have watched the west
ward Journey of the ship of commerce.
May her prow be made sharper In her
efforts to push across the Pacific to the
Oriont. I am amazed at the stato of
progress this Northwest country has
made. The present development is mar
volous." Exposition Finest of Them All.
Ex-Gqvornor L. Bradford Prince, tho
famous New Mexico orator, who has at
tended every American exposition and al-
Kanjr Ya Wei,
most every commercial and mining con
gress ever held, began his talk by Biblical
quotations, and surprised almost every
one by his aptitude and roady knowledge
of Scriptural lore. "
"It Is good to be here," quoted ho from
the New Testament, and Immediately fol
lowed it up by a remark made- by Sheba's
Queen to King Solomon, In which she
said: "The half has not been told me."
The speaker drew a parallel of the vast
change from the Oregon of Lewis and
Clark to that of tho present time, "and
yet." sakl .he, "this tremendous change
has been brought about In a comparative
ly short time by American energy and en
terprise, and the work Is still going on.
I have seen all the expositions ever held
in the United States. While this Is not
the largest, nor does It claim, to be so. It
Is the finest, best and most beautifully
situated of them all."
Kansas Delegate Reviews History.
Last of the speakers was John E. Frost,
of the Kansas delegation, who was called
to the platform from Beneath the banner
of his state. Mr. Frost narrated the
origin of the congress, tracing its history
back to the Deep Harbor Convention at
1SSS, a gathering the object of which was
to promote Improvement of water channels
to the Gulf of Mexico. Out of that con
vention sprang the Trans-illsslsslppi Con
gross, IS' years ago. After the session had
ended, members of the congress crowded
forward to the platform to hobnob with
the speakers.
G. W. Allen,
President Board of Trade.
Captains of Commerce Make
Up Membership.
Distinguished Personnel of Congress
That Hns Been Intrumentnl In
Advancing Western
- Oriental trade.
Chines exclusion.
Encouragement of merchant marine.
Improvement of rivers and. harbors,
iaclttdlng Columbia River. Missouri
River, channel from St. Paul to St.
Louis. 50-foot channel at New Or
leans, 35-foot roadstead at Galveston,
extension of Mississippi levees.
Irrigation and work of Reclamation.
Enlarged, powers for Interstate Com
mission for regulation of railroads and
transportation rates.
Improvement and. development of
Creation of Mining Department of
National Government.
Portland has filled the role of hostess
to roans conventions during; the last
few months, but is now entertaining
the most representative body of promi
nent and distinguished men, both in
the public and industrial world, ever
assembled at one time on the Pad lie
Coast. The presence of so many men
of note, can be directly attributed to
the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Con
gress, which convened in tho Audito
rium xt the .Fair yesterday morning,
with the Lewis and Clark Exposition as
an Inducument for a large attendance
of the oftlecrs and delegates of the or
ganization. Upon the platform of tho Auditorium
wero seated the most prominent of tho
thousands of earnest and public-spirited
citizens In nearly every walk of
life, ' who are pulling together In the
concerted and harmonious effort to win
for the West the commercial supremacy
of the world. Among those on the plat
form were three Governors and ono
United States Senator. Ex-Senator Diet
rich personally represented Governor
Mickey, of Nebraska, who was unavoid
ably prevented from attending the con
gress. Ex-Governor L. B. Prince, of New
Mexico, was also on the platform.
Among tho other prominent rae'n in
public life seated upon tho platform
were: Prosldent Theodore B. Wilcox.
Henry E. Clark, of Omaha, president of
the Missouri River Improvement As
sociation; N. G. Larlmore. of North Da-
.kota, the most extensive wheatgrower
In the Unltod States and the world; Ru
fus P. Jennings, of San Francisco; ex
Governor David R. Francis, of Mis
souri, who last year served In tho ca-
John Barrett.
paclty of president of the Louisiana
Purchase Exposition; President Goode.
of the Lewis and Clark Exposition;
John W. Noble, vice-president of the
congress and ex-Secretary of tho Inte
rior under President Harrison; W. C,
Fox, of the Bureau of American Repub
lics at the Exposition: ox-Mayor
George 31. Williams, W. D. Wheel
.wright, president of tho Portland
Chamber of Commerce: H. M. Cake,
president of tne Portland Com
mercial Club: G. "W. Allen, president of
tho Portland Board of Trade; R. J
Holmes, president of the Portland Man
ufacturers' Association; Tom Richard
son. secretary of the Portla'nd Commor
clal Club: John E. Frost, of Topeka
Kan., a leading industrialist of the Sun
flower State; Arthur F. Francis, sec
retary of the congress, and Dr. J. W.
Brougher. of Portland.
Ex-Governor Francis did not arrive
until near the end of the exercises. He
was to have delivered an addressTmt
was so occupied visiting the Exposi
tion, that he could not be located to be
notified of the Invitation to participate,
While 100 delegates were appointed
to the Trans-MlsslsslppI Congress, and
nearly two-thirds of them are In or on
the way to Portland, there were not
more than 20 delegates present at tho
opening of the convention yesterday
morning.' This was due to the. fact that
a majority of the delegates, who will
attend, have been delayed en route to
Portland. Moet of the tardy delegates
are expected to arrive in Portland to
It Is stated that each stato in tho
trans-Mississippi region will be repre
sented by a dozen or more delegates at
the congress, who attend without com
pensatlon. their sole object being the
upbuilding and development of the
West and the United States.
James J. Hill, president of the Great
Northern Railway. Is scheduled to de
liver an address on "Oriental Trade'
at the Trans-Mississippi Congress this
morning, but It Is very Improbable that
he will be present, although no word
has been received from him. It is un
derstood' that his wlfo Is seriously in
In St. Paul, and that he will not be
able to attend.
Kang Yu Wei, ono of the most intell
igent and Influential of the Chinese in
the United States. Is slated to deliver
an address at the session this morn
Ing. Kang Yu Wei Is one of tho right
hand men of the Chinese government.
For several years he has been in the
United States studying business mcth
ods of this country, with a" view to
eventually Introducing them Into
China. He Is a thorough scholar, and
speaks many different languages, in
eluding English, very fluently.
About 200 delegates, arrived In Port-
Organ Recital Concert
The World's Most Famous Organist.
The musical season will open this week with two grand pipe-organ re
citals at the new Trinity Episcopal Church. Elaborate arrangements have
been made by the committee in charge. "The reel tubs will he Thursday
nnd Friday evenings: On this occasion the grand Kimball pine organ in
stalled bv Ellers Piano House will be heard for the nrst time. The organist
will be the great Clarence Eddy. Mr. Eddy's repertoire is enormous and
remarkable for the variety of style whk-h It illustrate. He hns probably
opened more organs than any organist in the world, and he has been
enthusiastically received at Berlin. Vienna. Paris. Rome and other Euro
pean cities. Mrs. Grace Morel Dlckman, contralto, of Rutgers Church.
New York, will sing. Her success everywhere has been instantaneous, ami
she is jecogwlaed as one of the mwt gifted singers of the day. having not
only a phenomenal voice of the true contralto quality, but rare personal
charms, coupled with genuine musical temperament. Mrs. Dicknutn is h.
pupil of the famous Jullani, of Paris, and Alberto Randegger. the great
singing teacher of London. During the Paris Exposition of 13W she mng
at various official functions, and the Parte .New York Herald, in speaking
of" a solre given by the American Art Association there in honor o, Mrs.
Phoebe Hearst, said: " 'Summer Night.' by Goring Thomas, and the 'Air
de Prophet.' bv Meyerbeer, were charmingly sung by Mrs. Dtckman. who
has a tine contralto voice." Only a limited number of tickets will be sold,
so there will be no overcrowding. Tickets on sale at Eilers Piano House,
the J. K. GUI Co. and Woodard, Clarke & Co.
land late yesterday afternoon. The
delegates from Denver and Kansas
City were particularly representative.
Among the most prominent of the late
arrivals are ex-United States Senator
Harris, of Kansas; Fred W. Fleming,
of Kansas City; Assistant Attorney
General Melville, of Colorado; James
F. Callbreath. of the Denver Chamber
of Commerce; State Senator Hill, of
Colorado, and John F. Hill, of Colorado.
Secretary of the State Commercial As
sociation. Judge J. H. Rlcharils. of
Boise, prstdent of tho, American Min
injr Congress, and ex-Governor James
H. Poabody. of Colorado, will arrive
this morning.
Frederick C. Torrey. an artist of San
Francisco, Is a guest at the Portland.
Carleton H. Vaughn, a young bosinese
man of Hood River, is at the Imperial.
E. H. Shepherd, a Hood River fruit king.
is "among those present" at the Portland.
S. A. Hutchinson, of Chicago, a railroad
passenger traffic man. Is a Portland guest.
E. T. Staples, a Southern Oregon min
ing man, arrived from Ashland yesterday
to participate in the Elks' celebration.
Sciplo Craig, ot the Citrograph. Red
lands, Cal., and Mrs. -Craig, are here In
attendance at the Trans-Mtek8!pil
Commercial Congreas.
Rev. Roland D. Grant, A Victoria. B. C.
clergyman ami lecturer, 1 at the Port
land, having come to speak at the Tranw
Mlssisslppl Commercial Congress.
J. B. Case, of Albilene. a Kansas cap
italist and politician, is registered at the
Portland. Mr. Cae corners as a delegate
to the Trans-Mlseitslppl Commercial Con
gress. Judge Frank J. Smith, of the District
Court of Idaho, who has been at Seaside
for several weeks, left for Boise last
night to open a term of court at Cald
well. The Kansas City delegation to tho
Trans-Mississippi Congress arrived yes
terday and is quartered at the Portland.
It consists of Colonel Fred W. Fleming
and wife,. E. B. Yates and wife, H. B.
Topping and N. P. Todd.
Mrs. H. F. Alciatore. a resident of New
Orleans. Is visiting friends in Portland
and Clackamas County. H. F. Alciatore
was formerly Chief Clerk in the Weather
Bureau Office here and now occupies a
similar position at New Orleans.
Miss Clara Jones, principal of the Kl
loardvllle School, of St. Louis, and Mtas
Agnes Jones, ot the Longfellow Scliool,
of St. Louis, who have been visiting Port
land and the Exposition during a portion
of their vacation, departed yeterday af
ternoon. They will vtelt Seattle and. Van
couver on route home.
Among the delegates from Kansas to
the Trans-Mississippi Commercial Con
gress, which is holding session at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition, are Judge
Samuel Kimble, of the twenty-nrst judi
cial district; J. B. Case, who has extensive
creamery Interests in Nebraska and Kan
sas, and A. J. White, one of the most
prominent of public men in Atchison
Charles Ashley Beecher, with Mrs.
Beecher and (two daughters, are tho
guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. Whltcomb
Brougher at 201 Eleventh street. Mr.
Beecher is one of the foremost citizens
of Stockton. Cal.. and Mrs. Beecher is
a sister of Dr. Brougher. They will
be in the city about two weeks visiting
the Fair and the various points of
Interest in the vicinity of Portland.
J. B. Riddle, owner of the townnite of
Riddle. , in Douglas County, is visiting
Portland, ami Incidentally taking In the
Elks celebration. Mr. Riddle is also
proprietor of the hotel and ie an enthusi
astic advocate of his section of the coun
try. From the first issue of The Ore
gonlan to the present day it has always
been a visitor to Mr. Riddle's family, and
he soys that in the early days his father
used to receive It over fifty miles of
trail by pony express.
'CHICAGO. Aug. IS. (Special.) Oregon
lans roglHtored today as follows:
Auditorium J. H. Wellor, Portland.
Ka!serhof C. D. Clymor. Oregon City.
Grace H. C. Lumann. Portland.
Great Northern A. R. Specht. Portland.
Wlndson Clifton S. H. Herbert
NEW YORK. Auc. IS. (Special.)
Northwestern people registered today a
From Portland E. D. Frost and ' wife,
at the Imperial. ,
From Seattle J. B. Melkle, at the Gre
noble. From Tacoma Mrs. A. N. KIttelson, at
the Park Avenue.
Salvation Army Demonstration.
Grand officers" demonstration will be
held at the Scandinavian Solvation Array
Hall. Fourth and Burnskle streets, to
morrow night at S o'clock. The brass
band from Corps 4 will render music
Staff Captain Lino. Lindstrom will lead
the meeting assisted by officers from Ta
coma and Seattle. The officers will be
dressed in the costumes of Sweden and
Norway. Refreshments will be served.
Many persons Keep Carter's Little Liver
Pills on hand to prevent bilious attacks,
sick headache, dizziness, and find; them
just what they need.
Contralto Soloist.
Territory. Added to Portland
Must Pay.
Assessor Slgler Is Now Preparing to
Put All the Property on His
Books to Collect
The district between St. Johns and
Portsmouth, and the territory between
Sunny? Ule and toe base of Mount Ta
bor, added to the limits of the City of
Portland by a vote of the peop at
the election held in June last, will bo
placed on the assessment roll by As
sessor Slgler for the year 1SM5. The as
sessment law provides that property
shali be' assessed as of March, and the
Assessor is now making what is known
as the 19)5 assessment, which is mado
to Include all property owned by per
sons, corporations and firms In March.
1JJ5. This time had passed when tho
new territory had been added to tho
City of Portland in June of the present
year. But the City of Portland collects
its tax In advance; that Is, it calk the
tax collected beginning the first part of
the year li8, about February 15, the
1908 tax. The county, state, state school
and other taxes collected at the same
time based on the idea that the assess
ment was on property in existence in
the year 19&5, are'callej 190. taxes. A
sessor Slgler Is of the opinion that aa
the city collect: its taxes in advance,
the new territory is liable for the pay
ment of taxes tne next time taxes aro
collected. If this were not done the
new district would escape paying
taxes for the next year and a half ami
some people might inquire: "What is
the use of becoming a part of a growr
ing and proierous city like Portland;
If it la not to pay your share of the tax
burdens?" The point, however, slmplo
as It seems Is not entirely clear and.
may cause some dispute of a legal char
acter. Former Portlantler Dies.
1dward H. C. Taylor, whose death took
place In St. Poul Sunday night, was welt
known In this city where he resided for
eleven years ami was connected with
several well-known companies, among
them the Oregon Railroad and Navigation
He was born in Geneva. New York, in
1840. In his youth he studied law. but
gave up his profession to Join the Fourth
Michigan Cavalry when the Civil War
broke out. He served until the battle of
Gettysburg, when he was wounded,
having risen to the rank of Major.
In lfifT he moved to Stockton. California,
where he was married. He left California,
and came to Portland in 1S72. accompanied
by his daughter. Miss Carrie, well known
here, his wife having died before he came
to Oregon. He was allied with Ben Hol
laday In the Oregon Steamship Company
which he left to engage in the wheat ex
port business with Henry Hewitt. In
1S75 he married Hortense Van FrMah, a
daughter of Prosper Van Fridah and ste
ter of Paul Van FrWah, of this city.
When the Oregon Steam Navigation
Company joined with the Oregon Steam
ship Company to form the Oregon Rail
road and Navigation Company, Mr. Tay
lor went into its service as chief clerk in
the controller's office. Later he became
auditor of the Western division of tho
Northern PaclHc. and upon the completion
of that line, was transferred to St. Paul
where he resided until Kis death, occupy
ing the olJlce of auditor of traffic receipts.
Holes In "Wooden Pavements.
The nrst rain after the lone dry spell
has revealed the poor condition of the
wooden block pavement on Fourth street
takl less than a year ago. Holes are to
bp tKen everywhere, and 15 were countd
at the intersection of Fourth and Aider
streets. At Fourth and Morrison, at Yam
hill, Taylor, and further along, holes in
the pavement are common.
On "T. J. l'otter," Queen of River Boats.
Don't MNs It.
T. J. Potter sails for Astoria and North
Beach as follows: August 15. S:15 A. M.;
August 1. 9 A. M.; August 17. 8 A. M.;
August IS, 9 A. M.; August 19, 10:4 A. M.
Don't fall to see the Lower Columbia from
decks of this magnincent boat. Particu
lars and O. R. & N. Summer book by
asking C W. Stinger, city ticket ngoat.
Third and Washington streets. Portland.