10 THE MORNESlx OKlS&OZVIAJr, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, lUUiT. ELKS PARADE T THE EXPOSITION Best People on Earth Have Glorious Day at the Centennial. FINE STREET PAGEANT Exercises in Oregon State Building, Reception, Clambake and Hit ting the .Trail Are .Fea tures of the Day. ORDER OF THE DAY, AUGUST J7. 9 A. M. Concert. Administration Band. Transportation buiMlng band stand. 10 A M. and hourly thereafter Free moving pictures, Nebraska Pavilion, Agricultural Palace. 10:0 A. M. lIMnols day exercUes. Illinois Pavilion. Administration Band in attendance. 1 p. M. Civics Conference, Audi torium. 1:M P. M. Concert. Tenth Infantry Band, New York building. 2 P. M. Mueicale at Illinois build ing. 2: P. M.-UuMana and Tennessee day exerdfioii. Oregon building. 2;8 P. M. Grand concert, TJlorke's Band, bandstand. Gray Boulevard. H&O P. M. Organ recital C"y Pro feVoor F. W. Goodrich. Forestry build lug. :0 P. M. United States Llfe-Sav-ing Service drill on lake. P. M. Opemtic concert on Rustle Step. 8 P. M. Grand electrical Illumina tion. Further Information may be ob tained from the oflialal 'dally pro gramme. In step with the music of crashing bands, with banners waving- and cheors ringing from thousands of spectators, who occupied every possible vantage on the curb and in the windows along the line of parade, the assembled Elks of a dozen states marched through the streets of Portland yesterday and had the time of their lives. There must have boon 200 of them; mostly on foot, many on horseback and a large number In automobiles and carriages. Vhey were garbed in all manner of fantastic costumes, and presented a striking spectacle. The parade was led by General Owen Summers, as grand marshal, accom panied by his staff, they being preced ed by a platoon of police. There wore four divisions, the first headed by De Caprlo's band, was led by Exalted Rul er Charles E. McDonell and his staff, and consisted of 600 Portland Elks in white caps, Japanese kimonos, car rying Japanese parasols and fans. The second division kept time to, the music of The Dalles band, and was in command of T. B. McDevltt. It com prised lodges from The Dalles and Sa lem, and a large number of visiting brothers from other states. lodges in Third Division. The third division was commanded by W. J. Riley, with the Third Regi ment band setting the pace. Those who marched in this division were 200 members of Astoria lodge, with white hats and purple shirts, as their distin guishing uniform. Others who were marshalled In this division were mem bers of the lodges at Eugene. Albany, Roscburg, Ashland and Pendleton. The fourth section was directed by E. House, with ithe Pendleton band playing Its bravest, followed by tho ladles of the reception committee in carriages. Baker City lodge also in carriages, Infirm members in automo biles. Seattle find Tacoma lodges in automobiles, and Vancouver, Wash., lodge on foot. One of the features of the parade was a water wagon bearing the in scription: "We're on the water wagon now, but wait until we hit the Trail." Elks Draw Rickshaws. Perhaps the prettiest things In the pageant were a dozen rickshaws drawn l j brother Elks, in each of which rode a little girl dressed in white. Repre sentatives of the lodges at Grand Junction. Colo., and Salt Lake also oc cupied Important places in the parade. The Salem delegation In broad brimmed straw hats of the "harvest Land" variety, drew much attention. Each contingent bore distinctive ban ners bearing devices touching on some local matter of Interest. The parade moved at 11:30 o'clock from the Armory, and its route trav ersed 30 blocks. More than half an hour was required for it to -pass a .given point, and thousands of specta tors thronged the line of march. It was the most picturesque parado ever given here, and was admirably handled. After It was over, the Elks adjourned to the Exposition grounds, where the set events of the day took place. The day was an ideal, one for marching and nothing occurred to mar Its success. Formation or Parade. The complete formation of the pa rade follows: Two mounted police. Platoon of police. Grand Marshall O. Summers. ' Chief of Staff J. H. Upton. Aides, Brothers Sandford Whiting. E. W. Moore. L. H. Knapp, S. C. Spencer.' S. Hart, William Reid. E. A. McPherson. FIRST DIVISION. Bxalted Ruler Charles E. McDonell. Aides. De Caprlo's Band. 00 members of Portland Lodge No. 142. B. P. O. E..Jn gorgeous uniforms gotten up for this special occasion, typical of Jap anese costumes, kimono?, fans and um brellas, together with other Fpeclal attrac tions. SECOND DIVISION. Brother T. B. McDevltt. Commander. Aldos. L. E. Juston, C. N. Rankin. J. C. Friendly. D. Soils Cohen. The Dalles Band, Professor Spltzner. Dalles Lodge, No. 200. 200 brothers In uniform f. Salem Lodge. 300 strong, with dazzling uniforms. Visiting brothers from outside the city and state. THIRD DIVISION. Brother W. J. Riley. Commander. Aides, Frank J. Smith, George B. Febort, Joe Malley. C. E. Ernst. Third Regiment Band. Astoria Lodge. 200 members. In their own original uniforms, which are unique. Brothers from Eugene Lodge. Brothers from Albany Lodge. Brothers from Roseburg Lodge. Brothers from Ashland Lodge. Brothers from Pendleton Lodge. All in their own original uniforms. 5 ELKS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE STREET v oLv ttSfI it y!kys rife, FOURTH DIVISION. Brother E. House. Commander. Aides, L. C Henrys, Charles Lohmlre, John Cordano. J. R. Coopey. 15 and. - Womfn of reception committee In tally-ho. Baker City Lodge In carriages. Infirm members in automobiles. Seattle Lodge. 200 strong. In startling costurmTs. Spokane Lodge, with new Ideas. Tacoma Lodge, to see It grow ("watch" the size of, the lodge). Vancouver Lodge, always military. Turk trumpeters, imported at great expense from Vancouver tor this special occasion Came With a Rush. It was trying hard to rain when the antlcred herd reached the Exposition grounds but after they were all there the weather didn't get much of a chance and had to content itself all afternoon with frowning clouds and an occasional .shower. Such a rush of people as struck the enlrance shortly after noon has eeldorc been witnessed in Lewis and Clark annals. Every turnstile clicked rapidly, sounding not unlike the drum ming of a Gatllng gun as the throng poured in. Between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock it was estimated that there wore more than G000 admissions. To all parts of the Exposition the Elks and their friends scattered. All collected, however, under the colon nades to attend the exercises which were held at 3 o'clock. The exercises were to have been held at the Oregon building, but tnere was not sufficient shelter on the broad veranda of that building and as rain was expected every moment the Colonnades were se lected and a apeakor's stand hurriedly constructed and decorated. Exercises Arc Entertaining:. The exercises were entertaining and there was nothing tiresome or ster eotyped about them. Music made up most of the programme. There were but two speakers and neither waxed seri ous or eloquent. President Goode spoke In a light vein In welcoming the "Best People on Earth" to the Fair and said he wished to turn over the grounds to HOP-PICKERS them without reservation, a courtesy that had never before been extended, having been saved oxprossly for the Elks. Governor Chamberlain, who welcomed the visitors on behalf of the state was briefs and facetious! He referred to Presldont Goode s proffer of the "grounds and advised that good, care be iuK.t-ii ui mem. Several pieces by the Administration Band were followed by the singing of several numbers by Louts Hanvey, tenor, who was ropeatedly encored. For a time It appeared a6 if Mr. Hanvey had an afternoon's Job on his hands. The Casino Comedy Quartet also sang several very pretty selection, closing with "Auld Lang Syne," in the chorus of which the assemblage was requested to Join. Reception in Oregon Building. The exercises at an end adjournment was made to the Oregon State building where an informal reception was given In honor of the Elks and ladles. At 5 o'clock this reception was concluded and a procession was formed for an in vasion of the land of the clambake. Over on the Government peninsula clams and many good things had been treated to that process which produces such toothsome morsels and which Is known as a clambake. Headed by the band , a thousand or more Elks and guests inarched across the Bridge of Nations, where the time was pleasantly epent until 7 o'clock. Now. along about this time, some people would have been thinking about home when their appetites were van quished and a delightful six hours had been spent. But not so with the Elk. They weri Just commencing. Tholr next move was to lilt the Trail and the Trail had not been so hard hit for many a night before At 9 o'clock special flra works were displayed for their benefit. Until a late hour the crowds remained at tQ.o Fair. Elks' day finally closed when the "Exposition did. Two Thousand Visiting Elks. At least 2000 visiting Elks were In the city for the day, according to es timates made by local members. Dele gations came from Eastern and West ern Oregon. Astoria, Seattle. Tacoma, Olympla and other Washington points. Some came from as far as San Francis co and intermediate point. From East ern Oregon the La Grande and Baker City delegations made a particularly good showing and received many high compliments during the day and even ing 'for trie fine appoarance they made in Captain Riley's division of the parade. LAWX FETE IS GIVEX. Reception In Honor of Governor and .Mrs. David R. FrnnHs. The lawn fete and reception given Gov ernor and Mrs. David R. Francis, of Missouri, by President and Mrs. Goode j last night was more of a success than the threatening weather gave promise of In j the early afternoon. Centennial Park. ' Just west of the California building, was ; made gay with the aid of Innumerable j Japanese lanterns and electric lights, and ! the refreshment tables on the lawn added FROM SALEM. to the scene of festivity. About 400 in vitations were issued and the acceptances were many. President and Mrs. Goode received and presented the guests to Gov ernor and Mrs. Francis unassisted. DeCaprlo's Administration Band played on the lawn during the evening and a short programme provided for the enter tainment of the guests Included solos by M. and Mme. Begue, of the Metropolitan Grand Opera Company, of New York. Sev eral trail features were also much en Joyed. The air was not nearly so chilly at the Exposition grounds as It waa in town last night, nor did as much rain fall, making it quite possible to enjoy an outdoor affair without any danger of being uncomfortable. All the state com missioners and their families were pres ent and Governor and Mrs. Francis re newed many pleasant acquaintances of last year made at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Nebraska Exhibit. Free moving picture exhibitions. Ne braska Pavilion, Agricultural Palace For those wlio are nervous and run down Hood's Sarsaparilla la the Ideal bulldlng-un acdlclne. . - , ; t PARADE AND THE DAY AT THE EXPOSITION ,S FRANCISCO M Large Body of Excursionists Arrive in Portland. FINE PROGRAMME PLANNED Citizens or the Bay City Will Hnvo One of the Biggest Demonstra tions of Any Municipality ' at the Centennial. ADMISSIONS, 23,8 1 9. Attendance of, Elks and members of the eongreecos swelled the admissions i loathe Exposition yesterday to 23.S19. t as shown by the records of the turn- f 4 Miles. 1 1 i San Francisco has a representation or hand for Us day at the Exposition tomorrow, commensurate wlh the greatness of that city. More than 490 San Franciscans have already regis tered at the California building, and still more are due this morning. All week they have been coming In private parties and organized excursions The big San Francisco special train with 125 people aboard got InO'ester day morning. The excursion Ts that organized by the various trade organ izations of the Bay City, and Is made up of representative citizens and their families. Including Governor and Mrs. George C Pardee. The first thing the excursionists did upon reaching the city was to take cars for the Exposition. Nearly all registered Inside the grounds at the American Inn and spent the day seeing the Fair. From expressions made b various of the visitors, they find the Portland Fair even brighter than the bright colors In which I- has been painted abroad. Today's programme Includes exer cises and a big reception In the Cali fornia building. The exercises will begin at 3 o'clock, when Colonel Henry E. Dosch will welcome the visitors to the Exposition. Response will be made bv J. P. Currier, vice-president of the Manufacturers' and Producers Associ ation of California. k F. J. Coster; direc tor of the Merchants' Association of California. wIlK make an address on the subject, 'Benefits of This Exposi tion to the Pacific Coast." There is no programme after today. Most of the excursionists will remain forsabout ten days before returning homeward. The personnel of the San Francisco special Is as follows: Car No. 1 Grove Lawreaee. Mrs. Grove Lawrence. A. E. Coo lot, Mrs. A. B. "Cookt, Mm. K. 11. Ham, K. M. Ham. Jr.. Mrs. Amelia. Haas. Captain W. J. Gray. Mrs. W. J. Gray. Captain Gray's . two sons. Luther Elklns, James 11. Gllhuly. W. Johnston. Mrs. W. Johnston. Joseph S. Anderson. M. O. Btigbee. Mrs. M. G. Bugbee. William P. Carl. Mrs. W P. Carl. M. Moses. F. V. Lovejoy, J. J. Coalson. Mrs. J. J. Coulson. John F. Cannon. Ed Rlebe, Mrs. 1L C Warwick. James F. Sirlft. Car No. 2 C. F. Butte. C. F. Lurraan. Mrs. C. F. UraaB, William Carroll. Mrs. Will lam Carroll, Anthony Tyraclo, H. D. Love land. Mrs. H. D: Loreland. Mrs. A. W. Scott. Jr.. Charles Van Damme. Mrs. Charles Van Damtne. Mrs. C. H. Phllpott. Mrs. P. W Barton. W. E. Allen. Mrs. W. E. Allen. Mrs. M. Breughten. Mrs. Leo Heringhl, Miss -C. Diamond. H, Meyer. Andrew McNalr. I. 5. Cohen. Mrs. I. S. Cohen. Mrs. A. T. Moore. John J. Newbegln. Mrs. John J. Newbegln. Car No. 3 L. M. King, secretary Mer chants' Association of San Francisco; T. C Frledlander. secretary Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco; J. Wetherbee, Frank Brown, General Von Ecglr.ger, Mrs. W. Alexander. E. C Stoutenburgh. Mrs. E. C. Stouten burgh. Miss Charlotte Stevens, Mrs. J. B. Bocarde. Mrs. Julius Klein, Julius O. KIMn. Miss Emma Wolff. Mrs. Callundan. "VV. IL. TCtllls. B. C Wright. Mrs. B. C. Wright. J. W. Richards, R. F. Wells. Dr. George D. Seuns, MiM Emma Gloss. Mrs. Richardson, IK ?rs. Mis Mary Watson. MIsa Rose Watson. B. Hart. Car No.' 4 Mr. J. C. Spencer, William B. Gerard. J. Witt. Mrs. J. Witt. J. A. Quill. Mm. J. A. Quill. Walter Toraaslal, Ed Wil son. Mrs. Kit Wilson. Mark Dennlson. Al bert Wehrll. Mrs. Albert Wehrll. C. A. Howe. Mrs. C. A. Howe, Miss Nellie Wlnchell. Thomas G. Taylor. M1m Laura Taylor. N. A. Wagner. Mrs. K. SchetaeVDr. F. M. Hack ett. Mrs. F. M. Hackott. Laurence Cheno weth. V. C. Mattel. V. H. Tomaslnl. Miss Casbolt. Mlos Taylor. Mrs. N. A. Magner. Car No. 3. Tran-Mississippi delegation car Rnfs F. Jennings. Hamilton Wright. C. Ulrsch. I. Borles. Everett N. Bee. Colonel T. W. M. Draper. Catherine Sartorl, Gov ernor George C. Pardee and Mrs. Pardee, Fred J. Koeter. P. J. Voa Lolicn Sels. George W. Dickie. A. R. Patrick. H. S. Sheldon. K. IL Be Jamli. Laura Sartorl. F. S. Judah, Dr. Edgar R. Bryant. E. G. Denniston. I. Sartorl. H. W. Furlong. A. E. Sbarboro, Mrs. A. E. Sbarboro. Commissioner From tile Philippines. RAN -FT ANfTRrn Aiitr. Ifi Kn- dal.)-C. W. Rosenstock. representa- r ,1.. r-u k Lr. r tlve of the Chamber of Commerce, of Manila and Ilo Ilo. and Commissioner from the Philippines to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, arrived here on the Mongolia yesterday. Mr. Rosenstock is very enthusiastic over the future of the Philippines and the success that has marked America's colonial policy. He will go direct to Portland. He says the amount of public Improve ments in the last year exceeded all records. There is also an Improvement in the crop situation. African 31. E. Church Conference. Yesterday was the opening day of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Puget. Sound division of the African Methodist Epimopal Church, and three meeting were held in the Bethel Church at (S North Tenth street. In the morn ing the annual sermon was delivered by S. J. Collins, of Tacoma. after which a business session was hchl for organiza tion. The afternoon also was given over to the business of the Conference. Re ports from the different Churches showed an encouraging growth. Organizations from Seattle. Ravensdale. Wash., Spokane and Portland were heard from. Rev. F. G. Barr delivered a sermon In the evening, and Rev George Jackson, of the Zlon Church. Portland, made a speech of welcome t'o the visitors, after which a reception wts given the guests by the Portland churchmen. Dr. Strong Will Spcnk. Dr. Joslah Strong. President of the In stitute of Social Service and one of the leaders of sociological study, will deliver an address on "The New World Tend ency" Friday niRht at S o'clock at the Temple Beth Israel. Twelfth and Main street. The usual Sabbath eve services will be held come. Strangers are always wel- I DON'T The Woodard - Clarke 1ST STAND TRIAL Forfeiture of Cash Bond Not Permitted by Court. TUXEDO CASE TO BE HEARD McGIInn and Johnson Required to Appear In Municipal Court on Charge of Keeping Open After Closing llours. Municipal Judge Cameron and Dep uty City Attorney Fitzgerald spoiled a neat game of McGIInn & Johnson, pro prietors of the notorious Tuxedo sa loon, yesterday morning by declining to permit them to forfeit ball In the cum of S25. The case was continued, and notification wil be sent the defend ants that they must appear In court ami stand trial, or suffer a. heavy fine. They arc charged with keeping their estab lishment open after hours. When the case was called, neither McGllrin or Johnson answered to their nam os, and a search of the premises by Bailiff Goltz failed to reveal them. Three ofher similar cases had been called, and In each bail of $35 was for feited. x . "I don't want to forfeit ball of 525 In the Tuxedo case," remarried Judge Cameron. "That Is far too small, I think." "I thoroughly agree with. Tour Honor rogardlng the matter," replied Mr. Fitzgerald. "McGIInn and Johnson are persistent violators of the law. To them the law Is nothing, but a thing to be evaded. They have been here re peatedly for this offense, and I do nut propose to permit this case to go by the forfeiture of any such trifling sum as 525." "I think the case too flagrant to per mit of ball forfeiture when there Is but 525 up." said Judge Cameron. "I think these defendants have been breaking this law too frequently, showing an utter disregard for it. and I am going to mark It continued. Noti fication will bo sent McGIInn and Jonnson. and they must appear here." There are said to be reasons why Mc GIInn and Johnson were not required to put up heavier ball by the police. The complaint against the house was not signed by Captain Bailey until August 14, although the alleged vio lation of law occurred on the morning of August 4. At the time of dlscovery of the alleged violation, a man prom inently identified with city affairs was present in a rear room, at 2 A. M, Although the police deny the state ment. It Is said tnat this man requested that no arrest be made. No arrest fol lowed, it Is alleged, until develop ments made further delay inadvisable. McGIInn and Johnson have been re- petaedly fined in the Municipal Court for violations of the ordlnnnce. and even now have cases on appeal to the Circuit Court. It was In their estab lishment one night recently that sev eral women. Including some society folk, were found by the police and re moved to headquarters. A young girl was picked up from the floor, too in toxicated to stand. . John E. Blazier, Fred Sechtem and R, Hagen. charged with keeping their saloons open after closing hours, for feited $25 ball oach. Their cases were not nearly so flagrant as that pt tho Tuxedo. Charles Lockyer. charged by Cashier Fred Smith, of the Oregon SavIngsJ tiniiK. wun larceny oi situ. was ar I snl. n cse et fof hearing ! tomorrow. He is the man who claims to be unable to remember anything In connection with the money transac tion. He la able, however, to remember other things. Gee Kee waa fined 520 for being caught' by Sergeant of Police Hoge boom at' 13 . Second street, Monday night, with lottery tickets in, his pos session. Rosa Gordon Is charged by Mrs. M. Schwartz with pouring a pailful of hot water from a window, covering the complainant with it. This occurred in South Portland and is said to be the outcome of trouble originating on ac count of children of the two families. Thq case will be heard tomorrow. John Knox was a witness against Clara Bennett, or Lamb, nine years ago, in a criminal action in which she .and a man were accused of murdering an infant by means of strangulation with a piece of string. When the Ben nett woman saw Knox In a saloon at Third and Ash streets Tuesday night she began vllllfylng him, he alleges. Therefore, he swore to a complaint yes terday 'charging her with using ob scene and abusive language, and the case will be heard today. WILL UNITE WHOLE COAST Plans Forming for Central Organi- zatlon of Development Leagues. The Pacific States will work together In a manner, which. It is believed by those Interested, will1 bring about results for the Pacific Coast region not to be at- i talned In any other way. A Pacific States I Progress Association Is planned, to be ' made up of the commercial association LOSE YOU Don't lose faith, but try HOFFMAN'S HAIR TONI0. A thorough treatment will destroy all germ diseases, will cure Dandruff and stop Falling Hair. It ig pronounced by all the most efficient Hair Tonic on earth and i guaranteed by the makers. Even if you have tried every other known oil advertised remedy, don't despair try HOFFMAN'S HAIR TONIC It will save the hair will kill the dandruff germ. It will please you; YOUR MONEY BAOEL IF IT FAILS. All good barbers apply it, all good druggists sell it. The following druggists sell and recommend it. of the various states. Already the- move ment Is under way and for moro thn a year Rufus P. Jennings, of tre i:i fornla Promotion Committee of San Fran cisco, and Thomas Richardson, manger of the Oregon Development League, h u been working up an Interest through -t the entire Pacific States region Mr. Jennings, who Id attending the Tra-.s-Mfssisslppl Commercial ConKreas, Is cx" utlve officer of the California Prora tion Committee, the central organiza tion of 152 Chambers of Commene ai development associations in t'aI!fornl , Organized effort has been found so satis factory and has brought such good ro?.r3 in California that Mr. Jennings bc!"3 the Pacific Coast will pront by a strcr. central organization. "The time Is ready for the entire Pa-f-flc Coast region to work together t:.r.ugh an organized body which shall unit- Us cornmerciar Interests and look it f : Its advancement." said Mr. Jennings I .?.t nl?ht, "More than a year ago th a was advanced for centralized effort oi the part of the Pacific Coast States at I the Immediately tributary region w! - commercial interests are In tints-in w :i those of the Const. The Pacific C ;-,t region is already in harmony, j.-.y .zi see it at this Exposition. We of Ca..- fornla think this Fair almost as mi. " ours as It Is yours, for we realize- th it our Interests are mutual. The P Coast Progress Association will - rj:-tal-lze this progressive sentiment thre.g": organization Into effective action for t!i' benefit of the "whole Coast. It Is pr-vo- I that all tho Chambers of Commen e a-: I commercial organizations of eac h st i.t shall unite Into state central organiza tions. Then these state organlzat1--.13 wllllform the Pacific States Pr..gnss As sociation. Such state organizations al ready exist In the California Promotion Committee and the Oregon Dei rlopm- League. Others are being formM in th- other states so that all states m.ij J-ln together on an equal basts of representa tion." The states which will work together are California. Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Nevada. Utah ami the 'IVrritory of Arizona. The co-operation .of th Pacific States through a central organiza tion. It Is believed, will be of the greatest value in fortifying the Pacific fast rep resentatives In Coflgres at Washington. When one state requires ay needful public Improvement the other states will all lend their aid and co-operation. The association will define and promote steps for the advancement of the whole Coast region. It will co-nperate with local or ganizations of the entire Coast. Mr. Jennings will address the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce Auguat 21. and the Seattle Chamber of Commerce Au gustus, by Invitation. THREE STATES KJlETtCISES AVILL HE HELD IX THEIR CELEBRATION. Illinois, Louisiana and Tennessee Select Today as the Occasion nt the Centennial. Three great states will divide honors at the Lewis ami Clark Exposition today. They are Illinois. Louisiana and Tennes see. From enclv state there will be ntajiy representatives on hand. Most of tho who will participate are former resfckntts of one of the great commonwealths. Rep resentatives are here, however, direct from each state. The Illinois celebrations will be hold in the Illinois building. Louisiana and Ten nessee will hold exercises jointly at th Oregon state building. The Illinois exer cises are to be held at 10:30 o'clock in tho morning, and the other exercises at 2 JO P. M.. so that there is no conflict in time. Illinois exercises will open with an ad dress of welcome by Governor Georga Chamberlain. President Goode will wel come the visit rs on behalf of the Expo sition. The other speakers on the pro gramme are: Alfred Bayliss. reprefenthtsr Governor Deneen; James F. O'Donnell. an eloquent Illlnolsan. and W. T. Vaughn, president of the Illinois Society of Oregon. In the evening the state building will b the scene of a pretty reception. Tho re ception committee Is composed of Fred H. Hand, R. R. Tiffany and P. A. Peter son. The Louisiana and Tennessee exercises will .be held under the auspices of tho Dixie Society. J. G. Moreland, vice-president of the Dixie Society of Tennessee, will preside. Governor Chamberlain, Jef ferson Myers and Colonel.. H. E. Dosch. of the Exposition, will make addressed of welcome. Tom Richardson, of the Portland Commercial Club, will speak on "Louisiana. " and Colonel W. H. Washing ton, of Nashville, -will deliver an address on "Tennessee.," An address will also bo made by the Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, on lie subject, "Tennessee, From a Whi lom Resident." Selections by a .quartet, composed of Mesdames Hamilton and Picket ami Messrs. Hollowell ami Mills; a violin nk by Miss Alma Sellgson. of Richmond. Va.. and a vocal solo by Mrs. W. Boyd Ham ilton, of Portland, will be among the mu sical numbers of the programme. CLARENCE EDDY TONIGHT Greatest Living Organist to Play Finest Organ in West. Don't overlook it. This evening at S:15. Opening recital of Trinity's fine new organ. A limited number of tickets for sale at J. K. Gill's. Woodard. Clarke & Co. and Ellers Piano House. , The Denver & Rio Grande has estab lished through Pullman standard sleeping car service between Portland and Denver leaving Portland at 8:15 P. M.. spending seven hours In Salt Lake City second day and arriving In Denver afternoon of fol lowing day. For reservations call at 121 Third street. Drug Co. R HAIR