12 THE MORNING OKEGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1905. IDAHO IS GROWING A. B. Moss Tells of Great Development. PREDICTION OF FUTURE Its Agricultural Resources Under Ir rigation Hold "Wonderful Poten tialities and He Believes It AVill Lead In Mining. "Idaho Is not 'booming, In the ordinari ly accepted sonse of that torm." said A. B. Moss, of Payette, at the Porklns last evening. "Idaho is simply growing and you do not have to 'watch Idaho grow.' It will double its population within the next ton years, owing to the construction of storage reservoirs and canals for the reclamation of our vast tracts of arid lands. Ton years from now Idaho will have a population of 750,000, and remombor that when the state was admitted only a few. yoars ago its population was less than 100,000. That is going some." Mr. Moss is one of the foromost citizens of tho intermountaln state. He has al ways beon active in politics, and in 189S was the Republican candidate for Gov ernor. He know at that time that he was going down to Inevitable dofeat as the loader of a forlorn -hope, but since then he has steadfastly refused to accept hon ors offered him by his party, knowing all tho while that a nomination meant an election. He has. always been "too busy." Proud of His State. "I'm from Idaho," said he, "and Tm proud of it. Show me the stato that has made more progress than my own. From tho eighth position among the mineral producing states a few years ago, we have jumped to third, and will be first in a fow more years. "And don't overlook this: There are more acres of arid land now being re claimed in Idaho; there are greator irri gation propositions now under way in that state, than in all the other "Western States combined. That's saying a good deal, but it's a fact. The Twin Falls en terprise above Shoshone Falls on Snake River, alone reclaims 270.000 acres of land. This canal is SO feet wide on the bottom, 122 feet on tho top, and carries a solid body of water ton feet in depth. I am told by Engineer Ross that not to exceed 1000 acres from this whole vast tract will bo lost to cultivation because it can not be covered by water. "What Irrigation Will Do., "But this is only one of the many irri gation propositions now under way. Tho Federal Government Is constructing a vast canal and reservoir system at Min idoka, farther up tho Snake River. Irri gation enterprises arc also under way on the Boise, Payette and "Welsor rivers, at Lewlston and elsewhere, that require the expenditure of millions of dollars. This means homes for hundreds of thousands of earnest tollers. "Go Into tho Idaho building at the Lewis and Clark Fair and look at the mineral display. See anything to beat it? Look at the Coeur d'Alene nuggets of pure lead and sllvor weighing a ton or two each. Some of thorn aro from "Wood River; but they are all from the same state. On the Political Outlook. "Politics? "Well, now, you make me blush. Of course, I know that the inter ests of Idaho are closely knit with those of Portland. This city is our mart of trade, and will always be the chief city of the Northwest So, the Interests are mutual and identical. Idaho chased off after strange political gods a few years ago when the Popullstic-Sllver craze struck us and the Fuslonlsts carried the state by about 16,800 majority. Two years ago Idaho was redeemed, and the state went Republican by C500. Last Fall Roose velt carried Idaho by 28,000 majority, and the lowest candidate on our ticket was olocted by over 16,000 majority. "Governor Gooding is a thorough busi ness man. He is clcancut and decisive. He knows what he believes and has the courage of his convictions. No grafts flourish under his administration. No minor state officials are growing ridicu lously rich in one short term. There are no exclusive franchises. Governor Good ing is, to state it briefly, giving the people of Idaho a cleancut administration, and I feel confident that he will be re-nominated and re-elected by an Increased ma jority two yoars hence, if ho can be in duced to again accept tho Gubernatorlsl nomination." "Infernal New York." London Globe. Here in London we cannot realize the torture of a hot Summer in New York. There is space here, even In the poorest quarters. New York is the nearest ap proach to the Black Hole of Calcutta that the Ingenuity of man has yet devised. Everybody who can afford to leave the place files from the hot weather as if it were a pestilence. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL, REPORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 15. Maximum tempera ture. 74 den:.; minimum. SI. River reading at 11 A. M., 0.2 feet; change In past 24 hours, none. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., .01 of an inch; total since Septem ber 1, 1004, 84.09 inches; normal, 4C.44 Inches; deficiency, 12.35 inches. Total sun shine August 14, 1005, 5 hours; possible, 14 hours and 13 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M.. 30.07. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. wl? "Wind. n "p 2. ? a I P3f ? STATIONS, : Baker City. Bismarck. . Boise Eureka.,. . 04 10.00"; 8NW Cloudy T ilOISE Cloudy PL Cldy. Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Pt. Cldy. Clear Clear Clear Pt. Cldy. Cloudy (Cloudy 0.00 0.00 10INW 20NW Helena. .. , 0.00 teoiw Karaloops. B. C... O.OO O S North Head. 0.00, 4!W Pocateile Portland. ........ Red Bluff.. Roseburg ........ Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake, City J.. San Francisco. I. Spokane ......... Seattle Tatoesh Inland... 0.00110 w 0.00 c 0.001 4 70 0.001 8 0.00! 4! 6 NW 0.00 0 0.00120 W 0.00'IOIBW 0.00 4 W O.UU!lS T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS. v Except a small shower at Port Crescent on the -Strait of Fuca no rain is reported dur ing the last 12 hours In the North Pacific States, but the weather is cloudy and un settled over the greater portion of Oregon and Washington. Jt is much cooler In Idaho and Montana and slightly warmer In the Sound Country. "The indications are for fair and warmer weather in this district Wednesday. WEATHER FORECASTS. "Forecasts made at Portland for the 28 hours ending at midnight. August 10: Portland and vicinity Fair and warmer. Jforthwest winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington What Is a House Without WINDOW SHADES? If your Shades don't work you might as well live outdoors. We Make Shades That Shut Out the Light, Run Straight and Smoothly, Wear Our Shades are made by skilled workmen from the finest materials, including hand-made oiled opaque and Hartshorn rollers. If you buy them your shade troubles are over. J. G. MACK &CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House PHIL METSCJIAN, Trcs. Seventh and Washington. luropean Plan Fair, -warmer, except near the coast. North vest winds. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair and warmer. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Room and Board." "House keeping Rooms, "Situations Wanted," 13 words or less. 1C cents: 16 to 20 words. 20 rents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or leni 10 to 20 words. 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, SO cents, etc flrst Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-hall; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY (range measure agate), IS cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at thlf office, should always be Inclosed In sealed envelope. No stamp is required on such letters. The Oreg-onlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken turoush the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. By J. T. "Wilson at 1M First street at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. At residence. Tt6 Irving street, corner 24th, at 10, o'clock A. M., by S. L. N. Gllman. At the Portland Auction Rooms, 211 First street. Sale at 2 "P. M. C. L. Ford, auc tioneer. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 3. R. A. M. Regular convocation of Portland Chapter. No. 3. R. A. M.. this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Masonic Tomple. Third and Alder streets. A. M. KNAPP. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE, NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at S o'clock. Third degree. Visitors wel come. M. OSVOLD, Sec WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Wednesday) evening. 8 o'clock. Matontc Halt. Burkbard building. E. A. decree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. DIED. STREICH At Willamette Station, August 14, 1905, John F. Streieh. aged 76 years. The de ceased leaves a wife and throe children, Mrs. J. JL Grusrie. of this elty; H. G. Streloh, of Osfakoah. Wis., and Fernle Etreich, of Portland. Funeral notice here after. PARKER At the residence of bis daughter. Mrs. Carrie V. Hall, 517 Guild ave., John Bates Parker, aged 7ft years. 0 months and 20 days. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DUNNING. MENTEE & GILBAUGH. li censors to Dunnlntr & Campion, undertakers and embalmers. modern In every detail, 7th and Pine, phono Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Undertakers and embalmers, have moved to their new build ing, Third and Salmon. Ladr assistant. Telephone No. 607. jr. P. ITNLEY & SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madlsos t Office of County Cor ner. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 9. P. S. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telephone East BI. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS, Embalmers, 27S Rus'l: East 1CS8; lady as. NEW TODAY. A FINE BARGAIN IN MERCHANDISE, ALL kinds; $50,000 business yearly; money maker. T. Wlthycombe, room a, Hamilton bldg., Portland, Or. ARE TOU LOOKING FOR A NICE FRAC Uonal lot? Look at East 12th and A?h eta. ?7M for inside: $1000 for corner; Improve ments all in. The Hart Land Co.. 109 Sher lock bldg. Holiday's Addition For sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement brkement; streets different and better than anything in the city; fully Improved; a very desirable lo cation; convenient to two trolley lines. See the modern, complete, unique, eight-room residence, ctrner 10th and Clackamas sts. Ready Sopt, 15th. Lots sold on advanta geous terms to homebuilder. The Oregon Real Estate Co. 884 Third St., Room 4. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles Insured. Abstracts Furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., t 6 and 7 Chamber of Commerce. Washington St, Corner front ing on throe streets. clnsA 'In. E. J. DALY. 222 Falling Bldfj. LOUIS H. BOLL Piano Studio will open September 1. Par lors 9 and 10, 342 H Washington et. Exclusive Carpet House c w. kxowl.es, ar . Streets, Portland, Orecron. $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AMUSEMENTS. o5" Theater Oktctlsa R.Y.T. J.SSQCUTIOI C. UWi, rruliial Morrison Street between 6th and 7th. Phone Main 86S. WELCOME! B. P. 0. E. TONIGHT The I'nniouK German Comedians KOLB & DILL Big Double BI1L The New Musical Comedy-Burlesques. The Skindicate The Kindergarten THIS 2S TH: LAST WEEK Comedy Pretty Girls Catchy Music POPULAR PRICES, 25c, 55c, 50c, 75c 3ELASC0 THEATER Jflrm (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. TWELFTH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. TONIGHT-ALL WEEK. AUDREY Dramatization of Mary Johnston's Novel of the Same Name. SUPERB PRODUCTION BIG CAST Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PRTppC Night 25c. 33c. Mkr and 75c 1 AVA -''-' Matinees-2Sc. 35c and 50c Next Week-THE GIRL AND THE, JUDGE THE BAKER GREAT SPECIAL BILL. THEATER ALWAYS COOL. KEATING & FLOOD, Managers. Barney's Trained Animal Only Trained Go rilla In Captivity. PrancU & Francis. Gray Mm Brother. J. II. Staunchfleld. Ixu1h A. Hanvry. New Motion Picture. Baker' Famous Orchestra. Performances dally at 2:S0 7:W and 9 P. M. Admission. TEN CENTS to any seat excepting boxes. STA R EUNICE DRAKE AND COMPANY MR. AND MRS. GEO. II. WILSON THE GOTTLOBS MABEL HOWARD GEORGE HARRISON MR. ROV McBRAIN THE STAROSCOPE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Dally matinees, entlro lower floor, 10 cents; box seats. 25 rents. GRAND MISS ANGELA MAY Assisted by J. Loul MacEvoy. COLE .AND COLE THE SILVRKEYS. HUNTRESS BILLY DURANT MR. FRED TURINTON THE GRAND1SCOPE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor, 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10 cents; box seats. 25 cents. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off atiHawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. See beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open 0 A. M. tc 9 P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. , Corner Vaughn and Twenty-Fourth. PORT LAND"" VS. SAN FRANCISCO ADMISSION. 35c August 15, 10. 17, 18. 10. 20. GRANDSTAND. 25c CHILDREN. 15o Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at box .office. TO NEWPORT MY THE SEA! Special ex cursion train Saturday. August 19. Don't ml ps it- Only a limited number can be ac commodated. Round-trip, Including all ex penses for two days, only $7. For informa tion call at 132 Third street, ' XEW TODAY. California-" Bliss Lands" Homescekers act promptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated land af. ?S0 to $70 per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City, two miles frora'BUss Lands. Alfalfa, com. grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.), 610 Parrot t bldg.. San Frantlsco. For Sale House Of ten rooms "with corner quarter-block, 100x100; entire property In excellont repair; cement walks, full cement basement, fur nace, improved streets, sewers, etc. ; beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, making: desir able home: or room for six flats or three houses without movlnc present house; good location for income property. Im mediate possession given. Inquire 115 2d St., N. W. cor. Hall, or 809 Dekum Bldg. NEW TODAY. THERIGHTBANKINGHOUSE Many a business man owes not a little of his success to the fact that he had the RIGHT BANKING HOUSE ' BACK OFHIM Don't let" another year go by hoping that you win be "Lucky." There Is no such thing as "Luck." Don't let another month go by without connecting yourself with the right banking houee. Don't let another day go by without send ing for our booklet of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Don't let another hour go by. after you read the booklet, before you call on us personally or open an account with us by mail. Portland trust company of oregon s Resources Over $1,000,000 100 Third Street. Phone Main 453. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK. Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA.... Assistant Secretary Administrator's Sale ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 Antique furniture, organ and books of the late C. L. Fay, at BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, corner Alder and Park. Sale at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. Parked Streets See article. Oregonlan. Sunday, and edi torial Monday. Portland already HAS PARKED streets, the very best and most complete residence streets (cement cross walks) in the city. See Halsey street, be tween East Fifteenth and East Eighteenth streets, and cross-streets to Clackamas. Holiday's Addition The very BEST and only EXCLUSIVE residence property In the Rose Clty- THE OREGON REAL ESTATE CO., SA Third Street, Room 4. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. Yv P. car line, one mile and a half east from the golf links; price from $150 to $250 per acre Inquire of John H. Gibson, OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 100 Sheilock bids. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x100. well located on a prominent cor ner; 5 good bouses; yearly rental $10SO Prtce 510.600. 23x100 Nice 5-room cottage; yearly rents $1S0: a nice little home or for Income. $1600. 00x75 A corner, with 2 good 7 room houses; yearly rent UGS. J1CS0. 50x752 good 7-room houses; yearly rent $420. $4200. These properties are all rented at reason able figures and are worthy of investigation. DAVID S. STEARNS. 240 Washington St, ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACRBAOE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with watar. A. C Churchill a Co., "Inc." 110 24 st. FOR SALE AT MOUNT TABOR. HALF acre, fronting 150 feet on car line, 200 feet on Royal ave.; bouse and barn. 12 large shade trees; very sightly; price $1250. Take Sunnyslde and ML Tabor car to the end and ask for letter-carrier's place. FORSALE NICE. NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE, full concrete basement, modern every way, en Union ave.; bargain if taken today; owner going away. Inquire owner. 052 Union ave. North. East 2400. FOR SALE S. E. CORNER 12TH AND MA son st. N. E.. with 3-room bouse, improved streets; price $500. , Inquire of owner oa premises. FOR SALE 5 OR 10 ACRES; A BARGAIN for cash. Inquire 4th st. and Hawthorne ave. South. Mrs. W. S. Falling. Mt. Tabor P. O. J LARGE HOUSE AND GRQUNDS; EAST btoe. ctose in; suuaoie lo-r sreau ramiarium or lovely home; cheap. Phone East 475. FOR RENT 500-ACRE STOCK RANCH; 130 acres under cultivation. Apply to Mrs. John N. Koontr. Chehall. Wash. FOR SALE LOT AND BUILDING KNOWN as The Waldorf. 117 13th St., near Alder. Apply to John Bain. 224 Stark st. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sell wood Townslte Cc Phone Union 1491. BOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences; price reasonable. In " quire owner. 731 E. Arti st. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. 6 MILES from Morrison ot, bridge. C K. Ballard, Mllwaukie. Or. FOR SALE PORTLAND HEIOTS. 5-ROOM cottage, at a bargain. Phone Main 5430. TWO BUILDING LOTS. EACH 35X100. ON W. Park st. Inquire 475 W. Park st. FOR RENT CONVENIENT SMALL SEVEN room house. Main 5430. FOR SALE TARMS. 100 ACRES RICH. FREE. DEEP BLACK soil; no better for bopt hay, grain, fruit and garden; plenty outside range; 05 acres timothy and clover meadow, 5 acres orchard, all kinds fruit, .part long-keeping Winter ap ples, all kinds email fruit; 40 acres ready to plow, more in pasture; some timber; large S-room hou!e. large barn. Implement and woodbou;e, dairy and sprlnghouse and other buildings; fine spring water piped to dairy house and barnyard; 4 miles from boat landing on Columbia River, S miles from good town and boat landing on Columbia River, 1 mile to school; R. F. D. expected; 5 mites to R. R.. IS miles north of east from Portland; 75 tons hay In barn, 7 cows, 5 culvert, good large epan horses, harness and wagon, tools and machinery enough to run the place; cream separator and dairy uten sils; for $4500. Address the owner. Box 23, Portland, Or. SO TO 040 OR MORE ACRES FINELY IM proved farms, well watered with fine springs and creeks; timothy and clover meadows; orchards, gardens, small fruits; good buildings; hay. stock, teams. Imple ments and dairy utensils; on good county road, near school, etc; S miles from WashougaL Can sell In tracts to suit Cheap if taken at once If you want a fine healthy home, cheap, address the Owner. P. O. box 23. Portland, Or. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 334-acro Valley farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 100 la cultivation; balance low bench partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords of fir and ash timber; electric light and telephone; close to ralL church and schools; 26 miles to Portland; $13 per acre; terms. 6 3, Oregonlan. STOCK FARM. 620 ACRES. FOR $8300; 5 miles northwest from North Yamhill. Or. All fenced and Improved. Not listed with agents. For particulars, address Charles F. Torrance, Forest Grove. Or.' For free conveyance call at Johnson's stables. For est Grove, or Williams" stable. North Yam hill. FOR SALE 10-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH, first-class soil, high state of cultivation; 7-room house, fine family orchard, best variety of berries; nicely located; good wa ter, well fenced. Inquire 352 Front St., except Saturday and Sunday. H. Sleslger. FOR SALE 10-ACRE FARM. 10 MILES south of Portland; 29 acres In cultivation, houses and barns; barn full of hay; all kinds of farming Implements. This place can be had within the next 30 days for $2750 cash. Address H 3D. Oregonlan. POULTRY AND DAIRY: FARM. 13 MILES from Portland. 40 acres; 30 acres under cul tivation; fine bottom land. Price. $2600; no agents. Address box 37. Oregon City, Or. FINE .POULTRY RANCH OF S ACRES: good houe and barn; all In cultivation; 7 miles from Portland. Inquire owner. 353 East 1st st. North, near Weldler. $1600 WILL HANDLE 1100 ACRES TIMBER and farm lands; Southern Oregon; ateo sail tracts. Owner. X 53. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. UP THE WTLLAM ette. Apply 918 E. Taylor st-, Portland, Or. TOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. $18.50 PER ACRE 700 ACRES ' IN ONE body on Cedar Creek. Clackamas County; 12 miles from Oregon City: cruiser reports 12, 1C5.00O feet fine fir and cedar saw-timber, large quantity cedar telephone poles, 12,000 cords fir wood; mostly rich poll. Apply 113 Ablngton Mdg. WILLAPA HARBOR TIMBER 3000 ACRES, spruce, ceaar, nr. nemtoca; o to siu; tracts to suit, W. W. Cheadle. agent. South Bend. Wash. 04 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County. Wash., for sale at a bargain If taken sooa. D. W. Faulkner. Anita. Ia, WANTED REAL ESTATE. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC.) WE BRING buyer and seller together: list your property with -us. We are doing considerable adver tising and will extend It further. Our fa cilities are exceptional. Bank references. Stearns bWg. Phone Main 2324. WANTED-FOR CASH. MODERN 5-ROOM cottage, full lot, walking distance; fruit trees and flowers; something cory. F. Fuchs 1J0U 1st, A SIGHTLY LOT. WEST SIDE; NO agents: cheap. Phone Main 1076. TO EXCHANGE. FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY TWO NEW cottages In Marshalltown. Ia.. and 160 ac;es prairie land la Lincoln Co.. Neb.; good busi ness here for sale also; no agents. J. O. Staats. S41 Corbet, WILL EXCHANGE LANDS IN SOUTHERN Oregon for city property or a business. Owner. Y 53. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT A FARM OF 86 ACRES: GOOD howe and barn; good water ami plenty of fruit; complete farming equipment, with 3 horses, eow. hay and grain for sale; farm well located one mile east of Newberg: both phones; rural delivery. Address M. P. El liott. Newberg. Or. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Steam bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. OREGON JONNIE. PACING RECORD 2:21. is light bay gelding, weighs 1050 pounds, perfectly sound, safe for lady's ue, afraid of nothing: also new Columbus speeding buggy and Kay saddle, harness, whip, robe; must sell, leaving city. Phone Mala 4330. Call, 23 N. 14 th st. TWO TEAMS. GENTLE. RELIABLE WORK bo es, bays and grays. 307u and 2S72 lba.; $000; would sell separately: also fine riding mare (Hambletonian). weight 1050. with good stock saddle. $60. T. P. Balfour. Lyle. Wash. FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES AND Ve hicles by the day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-band rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson tc. Cai day, 211 Washington st. HORSES. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL kinds of vehicles and harnera for sale or rent, Hubert & Hal. 260 Fourth st. FINE SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD. Ex cellent drivers and stylish; bargain. Phon Union 3432. FOR SALE CHEAP NO. 1 CAMP WAGON and team. Call Coulter. Grocer. 9 Union ave. FIRST-CLASS NEW BUGGY. USED ONLY four months; sell at half cost. 365 6th st. FINE HORSE AND BUCGT. SAFE FOR woman. 307 Falling bldg. Main 3407. Pianos. FOR SALE ELEGANT KIMBALL UPRIGHT piano; mahogany care; used four months; misfortune In family; cost $650: sell at your own figure almost; call and examine. Miss Lulu Peiton. 4b0 Davis st. MIsceUaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: gecd over old iron, tin or shingles; tor new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roonag Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. vnn rat.-rvV AVI. KPrrivn.tr A-vrn billiard and pool tables; easy payments: ws' rent taoica. wita privilege ot Duymg; mod em bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Ccllender, 49 3d st. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS SEVERAL good -cond-band engines, suitable for log ging or hoisting purposes to be had cheap. For further information apply to F. D. Kuettner, Astoria. Or. FOR SALE ST. BERNARD PUPS. VERY fine, worth $25; will sell what's left, tnale or female. $5 each If taken at ence. Apply WIIsor's, 72 Sixth st. TICKET FOR MAN. VIA SAN FRANCISCO and Los Angeles, to Denver; ticket for wom an also; one for boy, Kansas City or Topeka. B 61. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 50.000 NO. 1 SECOND-HAND grain bags; will sell In large or small quan tities. J. Simons Sc. Bro., 244-246 Front st. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons carrying capacity. 24-horsepower engine; will sell cheap. H 42. Oregonlan. FOR SALE REASONABLE TWO FIRST class tickets to New York; man and wom an. Write to F 00. Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE. 5-PASSENGER, 4-CYLIN-der. new auto, with complete equipment; a bargain. Ii 57, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine. Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. TICKET FROM PORTLAND TO DEAD wood. s. D. with stop-over privileges. E SH. care Oregonlan. ANTIQUES. COLONIAL AND "EMPIRE" furniture, grandfather's clock, davenport, 033 Washington. "" FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 027 L St.. Fresno. Cal. FOR SALE CANVAS TENT. NEARLY NEW. S2x52; seven-foot walls. 665 Weldler st. Phone East 2619- FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS TICKET FOR lady to New York, reasonable Y CO, Ore gon tan. GENTLEMEN'S (MEDIUM) RAILROAD ticket to Omaha. Neb. Q 49, Oregonlan. VALUABLE PATENT FOR SALE; CAN BE seen at Fair grounds. O 49. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE JERSEY COW. 4 GAL- joas. Apply u. Ji. wens, ADington bldg. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED PHOTOG R APH ER. RETOUCH ER and printer; well, experienced. Lucerne Stu dio. Dekum bldg. WANTED THREE GOOD. LIVE SOLICIT OR. Call from 1 to 3 P. M. 205H Morrison, room X WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY to right party. The Western Lady. 147 Fronxst. WANTED MAN THAT CAN RUN AND feed band resaw. Standard Box & Lum ber Co. COOKS. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS. BUS boys, help ot all kinds, at the National. 312 Pine. WANTED TAILOR FOR. PRESSING AND repair work, at Harris', cor. Cth and Alder sts. JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY. KITCHEN WORK for family of three. 4CS East Washington st. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; hlghes. price paid. 50 3d, Phone Pacific 46. WANTED BRIGHT. NEAT YOUNG MAN. Call this evening. 290 Columbia st. 7 to 7:30. WANTED AN ASSISTANT OR REGIS tered pharmacist. S16 Union ave. North. COOK. $75: SECOND. $50; KITCHEN HELP, waiters, etc Hansen's Office. 26 N- 2d. WANTED CARRIAQE PAINTER. APPLY Fashion Stable. 20th and Washington. WANTED MAKERS AND TRIMMERS. AP ply to Lowengart & Co.. 94 Front st. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED. TO CUT stock. Alvln S. Hawk Co.. Printers. WANTED A GOOD LATH COUNTER AT foot of Lincoln st. E 61, Oregonlan. WANTED RUNNER ' FOR house. Telephone Main 590. ROOMING- CARPENTER WANTED. Mfg., 531 Washington at. ROSE CITY LUNCH WAITER WANTED. GERMAN Cafe. 206 U Stark. HELP WANTED MALE. $1.0 $1.00 $1.00 FEE ONLY $1.00 $1.00 FREE FARE. Teamsters. laborers, rockmen, $2 to $2.50. Oregon. Washington and near Idaho. Any able-bodied man who wants work on R. R. coastructien will do." A year's work. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North 2d St.. near Burnside. $1.00 FEE. FREE FA UK. FEE $1.00 WANTED $250 MONTHLY AND RAPID promotion for right man; don t want you to Invest, but must have been fairly suc cessful in previous occupation; well edu cated, energetic, ambitious and convincing talker; give reference, age and experience. G 41. Oregonlan. LOGGERS FOR COOS BAY, FARE PAID. enip iith. mill hands; farm hands ami m lit ers; laborers and teamsters, R. R. East, $2 to $2.25, pass; plenty other work. Canadian Employment Co., 240 Burnside. Main 3074. 220 Morrison; Main 1323. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and. strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, Alisky bldg., Zd and Morrison sts., Portland. WANTED, AT LOS ANGELES. CAL. atiCKer men, band sawyers and filers, turn ers mill bench men and rip sawyers; delight ful climate, permanent employment; good wages to good men. Address box 1SS4, Ex aminer, Lim Angeles, Cal. WANTED SALESMAN TO TAKE TERRI tory and sell Monarch Acetylene Gas Ma chines and good opportunity for man want- - Ing a permanent business. Address 506 Ca ruthers st.. East, and leave your address. G. W. Armstrong. k MEN and women to learn watchmkg. en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made learn'g. Watehmkg Engrav. School, P. L bldg.. Seattle. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. SALESMAN WANTED FOR EXCLUSIVE agen.-y for fine underwear and seamless hosiery, from, factory to consumer. Call 319 Commercial Block. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the eervlces of an A 1 thoroughly experienced men's furnishing goods salesman. 'Apply at once. WANTED MAN WITH SOME EXPERI ence as detective, willing to undertake a particular piece of work. Q a. Orego nlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert instructions. Write for terms, Glllman's College, 627 Clay st,, S. F. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 3c per BUtp. P. Loratl. 14S 4 th. Clay 1503. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to sollelt busi ness. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. THREE MEN TO LEARN TO BE DETEC tlves and go to work at once. Room 14, 270 Washington st. Open evenings. WANTED A GOOD ALL-ROUND MAN FOR machine shop. Security Vault & Metal Works. 43 North Front st-. Portland. GENERAL BLACKSMITH FOR. COUNTRY. $50 per month and board. Address the IS. S. c L. Co.. II. Creek. Oregon. WANTED MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS care cow to work on small place near city. Apply Ames & Harris. 27 1st st. BARBER FIRST-CLASS. GOOD. STEADY man wanted, at good wages; steady Job guaranteed. T 50, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR TIMEKEEP er In factory Address, own handwriting, giving age. S 00, Oregonlan. MINERS HAND DRILLERS, $2 AND board. Canadian Employment Co., 248 Burnside. 226Vi Morrison. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM pies; $18 weekly: steady. Mgr. Empire. 4 Wells st.. Chicago. lit. WANTED OLD CLOTHES. SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 160 Front, Phone Pacific 92. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG PEOPLE TO FIT themselves for stenographers and book keepers; placed 207 In positions past year; can place you when competent. Behnke Walker Business College, day and night. "Catalogue CalL CHAMBERMAIDS. AVAITRE36ES. CITY. Coast, mineral springs, Hoquiam (cook. $60) homework; woman cook. $0 (restaurant); 5 hotel waiters. $35; second cook; dishwash er, $0. Drake, 205 U Washington. TEACHERS FOR SEVERAL DISTRICT and Milage schools. 207 Alisky bllg.. Port land. Or. C. R. B. Teachers' Agency. WANTED TEACHERS; COMMERCIAL. Sci ence, writing, $700: rural and grades. $450. Flak Teachers' Agency. Call East 344. SAY. DO YOU KNOW THE BEST PLACE to get help? At the National. Phone Main 1304. MAN AND WIFE ON RANCH; WOMAN TO atheist with housework. X 60. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADY ASSISTANT BOOK keeper and stenographer, .wholesale house; state age. experience and references. R HO, Oregonlan. WANTED A WOMAN COOK WHO THOR oughly understands the wont; references re quired!, a second girl kept. Apply at 835 Lovejoy at. WANTED YOUNG. BRIGHT. EXPERI enced photograph reception-room lady; must know the business. S01 Dekum bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLAS5 LADY REPRE tentatlves In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write COT McKay bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343Vi Washington sr.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO MAKE OUT bills and light office work; state what wagea expected, u -61, Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. MIDDLE-AGED .woman, country home, near elty. Denhton News Co.. 326 Johnson st. GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply to Mrs. L Frohman, Parlor C, Portland HoteL PRACTICAL YOUNG WOMAN TO HELP care for young child with whooping cough Call at 600 Tillamook st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; must be good cook. Call morning. 5S3 Johnson st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO cooking; to assist with children; good home. Call 182 1st st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. Call 1S5 East 13th. near Taylor. WANTED GIRL OR BOY TO WORK about three hours a day for board. 426 Washington. WANTED WAITRESS WHO HAS HAD some experience: Immediately. 426 Wash ington. WANTED NURSE GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework; good home and wages. 307 N. 19th st. , WANTED A RELIABLE BOOKKEEPER. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 2S7 Morrison street. WANTEDGOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call 166 East 10th. near Bel mont. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAMBER mald. Apply after 11 A. M.. 21 N. 3d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESLADY: aim fitter. H. B." LItt. 4th and Washington. COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID AND WAIT rcss at Brown Hotel. 2714 Grand ave. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD cook; $30. 433 East 15th st,. Irvlngton. WANTED A GOOD CHAMBERMAID. PARK Hotel. 350 GUsan sc.; good wages. WANTED TWO GOOD WAITRESSES. CALL at the Perkins Restaurant today. GIRLS WANTED TO FINISH PANTS, AT once. Room 210, Allsky bldg. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 454 Alder st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 365 13th st. Phone Main 5092. GOOD OPERATORS ON PANTS. 410 Washington st.. room 7". "WANTED A COMPETENT COOK. APPLY 554 Davis, cor. 17th st. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO WORK IN BIND ery. 207 2d st. GIRL TO HELP IN FAMILY OF THREE. . 100 H 3d. WAITRESS WANTED. 455 OLDER ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. TWO EXTRA WAITRESSES FOR TODAY $2 each and pass to Fair grounds, call b- -i 0; waitresses. $; wttree and chamiex maids. beaches, fare both ways. .,.1lA.NSEN's LADIES" AGENCY. 3434 V.akhlBgton st.. corner 7th. npsta'-s. TEACHER WANTED A PRIMARY TEA fl er for the Skamokawa School: term e z months; wage $45 per month : Krh- ' s commence Sept. 4th. Address C. L. S. cr man. Skamokawa. Wash. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; instruction given to In experienced. Apply Nutadter Bras.. Standard Factory No. 2. comer East Tay lor and Grand ave. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESCKS CHV bermalds. etc: city. Coast. Kan- and ko--try: plenty of work. CanaJlan Pari.. ZZGV: Morrison. Mala 132K. LADIES. CALL ON US. WE HAVE G- D positions big salary, easv work. New man's Theatrical Information Bur-a-. 331 4 Morrison. WANTED STENOGRAPHER IN LAW nee. permanent position. Address in . handwriting, stating experfenco and si x T 60. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. Ok:. waiters, chambermaids, general worker LouU Agency. 290 Yamhill. Main 541 SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. A YOUNG MAN WITH BEST or REFfT. ences and butm-s standing 1 wpen '. r a position; In especially fitted for ofnee tr. k. salesmanship and collections. Address O ll, Oregonlan. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED MAN OF t5 years" experience, position In hotel w.th. possible chance of buying whol or uxlt Interest. Address F 3W. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS PUKCHASIN J agent, secretary-manager, asutstant mana ger or city altman; thoroughly cornet : :.t. Address M 47. Oregonlan. A 1 MALE STENOGRAPHER WNT3 work taking from one to three hour- rc day; have own machine; compensation cn.a I. C 00. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKFFE er. bank clerk and business man. wants g od position. H 52. Oregoalaa. Miscellaneous. POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS. ALL-Rt ' ND machinist and toolrnaker; 2 year-' ex j:, ence in general machine shop and u "Io work; mobiles arl experimental work, g :i hand to assist inventor: either foremar. r Journeyman. AddreM Box L 52. Orrg aa. POSITION WANTED AN ELDERLY M.VN that can make himself ueoful around tla houee; can do painting, gardenia an-i Vis itor work. E 6. care Oreconliin. SITUATION WANTED CHEF COOK. TST class; 20 years experience; wlshos pos.'! n In hotel; out of town preferred. 151 N. 17th st. BARBER. FIRST-CLASS. WITH THE BF! experience. wi4tes a good steady position . a first-class barbr shop. Call 1&4H Mi -, CABINET-MAKER WITH 13 YEARS"1 FX perlence, furniture busings, wants xr., y raent with furniture house. L 5. OrH'r .r JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, 'armors also, ail kinds of help. Clay 513. 2sS Evvrett st. FOR SALE LADY'S TICKET ON STEVM er leaving Auguttt 10 for San Frsn U. ; berth reserved. V 60. Oregonlan. JAPANESE SCHOOLHOY WANTS POSIT I V In any place: wages $3 week. John. 2TJ Davis st. YOUNG GERMAN. JUST ARRIVED, wants a position of any gind. A M. Ore gonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION A i belboy. or hout-etvork'. D 61. Oresonlar.. SITUATION WANTED. KIRST-CLASK BAR ber shop porter. P 30. Oregonlan. A BOY WITH HORSE AND CART WISHES light delivery. B . Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DZ -sires position In city or out; Insuran.o work preferred. Y 33. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER, good references. Address 317 Selwood st. Domestics. YOUNG JAPANESE GIRL WANTS H1 S! work. Address mail to the Glendora Hot:! GENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED BY A good German girl. 2S4 Lincoln st. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED AS HOUSEKEEPFH. widower's family, by experienced Dar woman: best of references: wages t 250 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. SITUATION WANTED NEAT. CAPABLE woman, girl S. housekeeper, widower's fam ily. 230H Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED GIRL DESIRES SITU V tion. chamberwork. in first-class place. 23'j Yamhill. Phone Main 5-118. EXPERIENCED COOK. ALSO SECOND girl, together; private family. Inquiro 233 1st St.. room 1. MIDDLE-AGED LADY" WANTS PLACE A3 lnfantu' nurse or chamberwork. Call or al dress 85 E. 10th st. MRS. SEDORE. 300 GRAND AVE.. W"ILT, do family washing ot any kind, exe;t white shirts. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS AND STREET MEN WH MAKE useful souvenir, 2hc sells for lOe; sttmp.rs. 5c. H. S. Green & Co., 375 Wells st,. Ct caco. 111. SOLICITOR. CAPABLE TAKING CHARGE agencies for large bond & real estate corpora tion. Index. 007 Kohl bldg.. San Francises. AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS F R portraits; good employment for right artcj. Call 2S2 2d. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. $8 TO $10 dally. See Allen mornings, 107 Sherlock b.g. WANTED THREE BOOK, PICTURE OR novelty hustlers; a snap. S01 Dekum bldg. Wanted Photograph coupon salesmen; big jay; Exposition offer. Rembrandt Studio, 106 Ci. LADY AGENT SOMETHINO NEW. GOOD , seller, big wnges. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED TO KENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO tl elr advantage to list their vacant houses or flats -with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognized institution in Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quarters. We make no charga whatever, and landlords should take al vantage of this service by calling at cur rental department, filling In our informa tion blank: leave the rest to us; we w..l secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In all parts of city and suburbs; If u have a vacant house, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow it io remain Ions: Idle. H. E EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER, Rental Department, 1S5 to 191 1st st. WANTED TO RENT-SMALL RANCH. CSH or shares, 10 to 20 acres; suitable for tru k farming, chickens oV berries; prefer r'.a e that la stocked and near car line; reTer ences. F 61. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4 PARTLY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; private houra: yard; no objection to distance out, if on car-line; permanent; references. S 59. care Oregonlan. BY YOUNG MAN AND WIFE. SMALL Fl R nlshed cottage, or housekeeping rooms. n objection to suburbs; state locatlcn arl price: must be reasonable. D 80. OregonUr, WANTED THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, must be centrally located. Ad dress, stating price, G 27. caro Oregonlan. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 5 TO 7 ROOMS, for 2 or 3 months; give telephone number. G 60. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR Vis itors. J. V. Creighton & Co.. 15 3d st FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BCY3 all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st. Phone Main 5655. WANTED 15 TEAMS TO HAUL TIES AND timber. Address Proctor & Beers. Orient, Or. LOCATION WANTED BY DOCTOR DO YOU know of one? WriteJDr. Corn, Narka, Kan. J