-THE MORNING OREGOXTAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1905, GREAT CROWD ill SEASIDE SPOUTING WHALES ARE SEEN BY TEN THOUSAND. Portland Is Well Represented as Are All the Cities of the Northwest. ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 13. (Special.) lost favorable weather conditions Drought 10,000 people to Seaside today, the patronage easily breaking the record for the season. In fact, never in the history of this beach resort has a scone so ani mated been presented. The Itinerants hailed from everywhere, Portland's contingent, of course, predom inating, but Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Boise and Astoria were represented in goodly numbers. Early this morning the beach was fairly crowded. Upon the arrival of the through train from Portland shortly before noon, the popular strand was black with peo ple. Rooms in all hotels were at a pre mium, and to seat parties of Jour was quite Impossible In the dining-rooms. With high tide In the morning, surf devotees turnad out in hundreds. Bathing con tinued through the day. A school of whales played about the waters In plain sight of those on tho beach and excited considerable Interest. Occasional glimpses were caught l the mammals, and they were presumably of the gray species. They remained near Seaside for a full hour, by frequent spout ing manifesting their presence. The sight was unique, especially to Eastern visitors, who were at the seashore for the first time. Several attempts were made to launch the lifeboat late this afternoon, but a high surf prevented a successful trip. The attempts, however, were spectacular, and many fears were expressed among those on shore as to the possibility of the crew coming out of tho ordeal alive. Dressed In swimming suits and wearing life-preservers, the crew of Ave amateurs forced the boat Into the breakers. They reached a point 100 yards from shore and were suddenly slapped back upon the beach by a formidable roller. The second attempt was made, and this proved futile. Ine night train to Portland was made up of 20 coaches, and these were packed with the itinerants, every seat being taken and hundreds of persons being forced to stand. The crowd was well handled, however, the train leaving Sea side and arriving at Astoria on schedule. Hotel men pronounce today the best they have had In years. FIGHT SHY OF BATHS. Eastern Folk Don't Ijike Frec-for-A1I Show. Boston Transcript. "What is the matter with the public bath system in New York City? The Society for Improving the Condition of the Poor in the metropolis has been Impelled, It ap pears, by lack of patronage at the public baths, to institute a campaign of educa tion in the hope of Inducing the great congested throngs, minus cleanliness fa cilities, to take advantage of the gener ous provisions offered gratis by city and private philanthropy. A handsomely il lustrated calendar has just been got out. and is being distributed in the saloons and in the small shops of the vicinity, showing the attractive interior of the new MHbank Memorial Bath. The free inside baths In Manhattan, It is stated, now have accommodations for 20,000 bathers daily, but the actual attendance is but 6000 a day. In addition, tho public bath houses in New York seem to have been peculiarly the prey of vandals, who have visited the places merely for amusement, bent on mischief, and with the inclination to make playhouses of them rather than to use them for the purposes of cleanli ness. The discipline, essential, does not seem to have been well sustained, and the result has been destruction and waste of money and endeavor. The difficulty, it Is claimed by those who have had broad experience in public bath administration, lies in the fact that the bath privileges are provided free of charge. The consensus of opinion leans to the view that this plan Is a mistake, when the uneducated, and those lacking in finer sensibilities, have to be dealt with. The Ignorant, stupid poor have. It is conceded, only contempt for what Is offered them free of charge, and an im portant principle in scientific charity Is Involved in the pauperizing plan of provid ing even so essential a. thing as oppor tunity for cleanliness, free of cost. Much better results, it is proved, are had. when a small fee is collected, which dignifies the privilege acquired In the view of the patron. This contention Is supported by the ex perience of Philadelphia, where the ali-the-year baths have been on the fee plan from the beginning, and where the record is of constantly Increasing expansion and attendance, which is four times greater than at the outset seven years ago. It is stated by the superintendent of the Phil adelphia baths that many poor but self respecting working people patronize tho institutions who would not attend if they could get the service for nothing. Unfor tunately for New York, however, no charge can be made for the baths under the arrangement by which Its extensive and generous free public bath system has been installed. Recourse can only be had to the process of education, inculcating re gard for public property and Inspiring tho self-respect which makes personal clean liness an obligation. Value of Walking and Riding. London Chronicle. A brisk daily walk or a ride on horse back beats any more elaborate forms of physical exercise for simplicity com bined with efficiency. In walking, es pecially If the ground Is somewhat undulating:, a very large number of muscles are brought into natural and easy play, sufficiently, at any rate, to stimulate the circulation, which In Its turn compels full expansion of the lungs and due aeration of the blood. The professional or business man re quires no more than this to keep him fit for his duties, provided he follows the ordinary rules of "health in respect of bathing, eating, drinking and cloth ing, ir he is afflicted, with a sluggish liver. Indigestion or inactivity of the alimentary canal as a whole, a man may derive more benefit to health on horseback. But that is really a cura tive form of exercise. DAYLIGHT DOWN COLUMBIA. On "T. J. Potter," Queen of IUtct Boats. Don't Miss It. T. J. Potter sails for Astoria and North Beach as follows: August 15,S:15 A. M.; August 16. 3 A. M.; August 17. 8 Ai JL: August 18, 9 A.M.; August 19. 10:40 A. M. Don't fail to see the Lower Columbia from decks of this magnificent boat. Particu Sars and O. R. &. N. Summer book by asking C. W. Stinger, city ticket agent. Third and Washington streets, Portland. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 13. Maximum tempera ture, 75 dee.; minimum. 58 deg. River read ing at 11 A. M., 6.1 feet: change In past 24 hours, fall 0.2 foot. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to 6 P. M., none: total elnce September 1, 1D04, 34.0S Inches; normal, 40.41 Inches; deficiency, 12.23 Inches. Total sunshine, August 12, 1005, 9 hours and 24 minutes; possible, 14 hours and 18 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level), at 5 P. M., 20.07. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Light showers have occurred today alone What Is a House Without WINDOW SHADES? If your Shades don't work you might as well live outdoors. We Make Shades That Shut Out the Light, Run Straight and Smoothly, Wear Our Shades are made by skilled workmen from the finest materials, including hand-made oiled opaque and Hartshorn rollers. If you buy them your shade troubles are over. J. G. MACK &CO. 86-88 THIRD STREET Exclusive Carpet House IHIL METSCHAN, Pres. Seventh and Washington European Plan the extreme northern coast of "Washington, and scattering thunder ahowers are reported In Southern Idaho. Elsewhere in the Paclflc Northwest fair weather has prevailed. Cloud iness has Increased, however. In the Willam ette Valley and Sound country, and the weather Is becoming threatening In those sec tions. It Is slightly cooler In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho, but elsewhere In tho Paclflc Coaet States the changes in temperature have been slight. The indications arc for cloudy and occa sionally threatening -weather in this district Monday, with probably ehowers in North west rw-n Oregon and Western Washington, and thunder showers in Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and Idaho. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. S3 Wind. STATIONS, 1 Baker City Bismarck Boise Eureka. .issjo.ooi s:nw .IC6 0.40'12IK . 02 T. 30'SW lPt. cloudy iCloudy Rain 'Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear PL cloudy ICloudy , IO0O.OO14 N Helena.... ...... North Head PoeatfUn S0 0.00; ..lO4k.O0J2'S O.02X2lSE n tin) ti.jiVKT Portland Bed Bluff 02(000 SW Roseburt' 74K.00 4 XW Sacramento. s2;o.oo;n!s ftO..0 4'SW iC2O.O0'24'W IS2W.O0 14,V 72O.O0UGlS lOOi T. ,2&S Salt Lake City. San Francisco... Snokane Seattle Tatoosh Island.. T trace. FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portlad far the SO hours ending midnight, August 14: Portland and vicinity Cloudy and occasion ally threatening, with possibly showers; cooler; south to west winds. Western Oregon Cloudy and occasionally threatening, -with possibly showers north por tion; cooler; south to west winds. Western Washington-Cloudy and occasion-, ally threatening, -with possibly showers; cooler except near the coast; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon, Eaetern Washington and Northern Idaho Cloudy, with possibly thun der showers and cooler. Southern Idaho Probably thunder showers; cooler west portion. A. B. WOLLABER, Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Booms and Board." "nouse keeplng Room," "Situations Wanted," 15 words or less. IS cents; 16 to 20 -words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 centr, etc. No dis count (or additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today,' SO cent for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc. Qrst insertion, Each additional Insertion, one-half no farther discount un der ono month. "NEW TODAY" ( -range measure ngs-te), 15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregonian. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlan will 'not be responsible for errors in advertisements taken through tho telephone. NEW TODAY. SEVERAL REQUISITES Are necessary to commend a bank to the confidence and patronage of the public, but the MOST IMPORTANT are: 1. Safety of the funds entrusted to Its care. 2. Experience and conservatism, gained ONLY by years in the conduct of its busi ness. 3. Courtesy and fair dealing to its patrons. 4. Accessibility of location. All of the above are afforded by the OLDEST TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON PSRTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 100 Third Street. Phone Main 453. BENJ. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. Assistant Secretary For Sale House Of ten rooms "with corner quarter-hloclc, 100x100; entiro property In excellent repair; cement walks, full cement basement, fur nace. Improved streets, sewers, etc.; beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, making desir able home; or room for six flats or three housc-s without movlnc present house; good location for Income property. Im mediate possession given. Inquire 415 2d sL, N. W. cor. Hall, or SCO Dekum Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS tlas&.Real Estate at Lowest On rortlamJ 'RafM. Titles last-red. Abstracts Xuralshed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 6 as 7 Cfcg-nfrec oX CdBJKerec, Exclusive Carpet House C TV. KNOWLES, Mrt. Streets, Portland, Orejron. 1.00, $1.50, $2.00 per Day. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Portland Auction Room, 211 First st. Sale at 2 P. M. C. L. Ford. Auctioneer. By J. T. Wilson, at salesroom, ISO First St., at 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening. 7;30 P. M., Ma sonle Temple, 3d and Alder st. Work in E. A. de-rree. All M. M. welcome. By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BALL, Secretary. OREGON COUNCIL. NO. 15S2. ROYAL Arcanum, meets at Auditorium Halt on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers are invited to attend. F. C HOECKER, Regent. GEORGE S. BARRETT. Secretary. 718 Dekum bldg. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. NO. 14, O. E. S. Stated com munication this Monday. 8 P. M, Burkbard building. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. See. rV'ANHOS LODGE. NO. 1. K. OF P. Member? Take Notice. Special convention to night at 8 o'clock in Pythian Hall, eighth floor. Marquam Mdg.. for the purpose of con ferring the Knight Rank on ten candidates. Visiting Knights cordially invited. L. E. CROUCH, C. C. FRED P. HOHN, K. of R. and S. DEED. JOYCE At residence. 532 East Oak st, Au gust 13, 1005, John Thomas Joyce, aged 52 years and 7 months. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. HOHMANN The funeral services of Isabella Hermann will be held at the family resi dence, 409 East Salmon st.. at 2 P. M. to day. Friends Invited. Interment Columbia. Cemetery. SPENCER In this city. August 13, 1005. Har rold Nelson, infant eon of Mr. and Mra, Harry X. Spencer, aged 7 months and 6 days. Funeral will be heM today, August I- at 2 P. M.. from the family residence. 84 Corbett st. Interment Lone Fir Ceme tery. CAMPBELL In this city, August 11. 1005. Dorothy "Virginia, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Campbell, aged S months and 2S dayn. Funeral will take place today at ". M. from Dunning. McEntce & GI1 baugh's Chapel, 7th and Pins sts. Inter ment Lone Fir Cemetery. Friends Invited. Tacoma (Wash.) papers please copy. PEARSON The funeral services of Blanch Noma Juliet, aged 0 months and 24 days. In fant daughter of Mr. and Mr. N. A. Pear wan, will take place from the family resi dence. 451 Vancouver avenue. Tuesday. Au gust 15. 1005. at 0 A. M. Interment River view Cemetery. Friends respectfully in vited. DUNNTNG. M'KNXKE GILBAUGH. t3 cestors to Donninr & Campion, undertakers and embalmers. modem In every detail, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO- Undertakers and embalmers. have moTed to their new build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 207. J. P. FTNLEY SON, Funeral Directors, eor. 3d and Ma dim j . Office of County Cor aer. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 8. F. S. DUNNTNG, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Xady assistant. Telephone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO, UNDERTAKERS. Embalmers, 273 Rus'l: East 1083: lady as'. NEW TODAY. A Home for You A flnsf nt tar tVl nmM,ltlm I you to consider. Wo make a simple loan wnen we seu you ine lot, ana require you to put the money into the construction of a house. If you have $250 or less, and want a home, eee us. We save you money. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON 109 Third Street. California-" Bliss Lands" Homeseekers act promptly. Secure a. 20 acre farm of irrigated land at 350 to $70 per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City, two miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.), 010 Parrott bldg.. San Francisco. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. P. car line, one mile and a half east from the golf links; price from $150 to 3250 per acre. Inquire of John H. Gibson. OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 109 Sherlock bldg. Washington Street I want to sell my property on Washing ton sL: must sell at oncer need the money. Li 7, Oregonlan. AMUSEMENTS. Marquam Grand Theater ClrtxCea I.W.T.ASSOCUTIOI C. Eiffij. fmlint Morrison Street between 6th. and 7th. Phone Mala 88S. TONIGHT Continuing Every Night This Week. With Special-Price Matinee Saturday, The Funny German Comedians, KOLB & DILL Big Double BUI. The New Musical-Comedy Burlesques, The Sklndlcate The Kindergarten Tins IS THE LAST WEEK Comedy Pretty Girls Catchy Music POPULAR PRICES, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c BELASCO THEATER TIL CJUX3I1 (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. TWELFTH WEEK BELASCO STOCK CO. FIRST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT In Portland of the Romantic Flay AUDREY Dramatization of Mary Johnston's Novel of the Same Name. SUPERB PRODUCTION BIG CAST Matinees Saturday and Sunday. PRTPPQ Night 25c 35c. 50c and 75c A XVIVCO Matinees 25c 35c and 50c Next Week THE GIRL AND THE JUDGE STA R EUNICE DRAKE AND C03IFANY MR. AND MRS. GEO. n. WILSON" THE GOTTLOBS MABEL HOWARD GEORGE HARRISON MR. ROY McBRAIN THE STAROSCOPE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings" and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor, 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10 cents; box seats. 25 cents. GRAND MISS ANGELA MAY Assisted by J. Louis MacE-roy. COLE AND COLE COWLES AND ALDEN HUNTRESS BILLY DURANT MR. FRED PrRINTON THE GRANDISCOPE General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor, 20 cents. Daily matinees, entire lower floor, 10 cents; box seats. 25 cents. Lewis and Clark Obsefvatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIGHTS Now open. Take Portland Heights car and get off atlHawthorne Terrace, one block from car line. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. 3a beautiful effect of powerful searchlight from top of tower. Open S A. M. te 0 P. M. ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. NEW TODAY. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NICE FRAC tional lot? Look at East 12th and A9a sts. $750 for inside: 510O0 for corner; improve ments all in. The Hart Land Co.. 100 Sher lock bldg. BARGAINS IN Acre Tracts "Wo have for sale some 5-acret tracts at $65.00 per acre, $25.00 do.wn balance small monthly payments. These tracts aro well located, near 0. W. P. electric line. Lambert, Whitmer & Co. 404 East Alder Street. (Phone East 491) 4 and 107-10S Sherlock Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a cpedalty. within city limits or outside. Eome acres with terms as low as f 10 per month with water. A. C Churchill it Co., "Inc." 110 2d st. A NEW 9-ROOM RESIDENCE IN ONE OF the most sightly locations In city. West Sldo; convenient to 2 car lines; a beautiful home. $9500, or will sell lYz lots adjoin ing. Phone Main 4130. between 7 and 8 A. M. P. O. box 207. WEST SIDE. SOUTH OF MORRISON ST.. on 11th I have a new 5-room cottage, modern and a fractional lot. which will be sold very reasonable: price $2100,' $300 cash, bal ance $25 monthly. .Sen owner. Boston Bldg. Co., 1333 First at., cor. Alder. FOR SALE AT MOUNT TABOR. HALF acre, fronting 150 feet on car line. 200 feet on Royal ave.; house and barn. 12 large shado trees; very sightly; price $1250. Take Sunnyslde and Mt, Tabor car to the end and ask for letter-carrier's place. FOR SALE NICE. NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE, full concrete basement, modern every way. on Union avc: bargain It taken today; owner going away. Inquire owner, &2 Union ave. North. East 2440. FOR SALE FINE. LARGE 5-ROOM COT tage. with bath, fireplace, cement basement; corner lot. unexcelled car service; price $1SOO; terms to suit. Phone Union 105. 43d and East Salmon sts. $2750 HOUSE. 2 STORIES, BASEMENT, furnace, electric light, modem plumbing and firm-class fixtures, lot 100x100. Haw thorne ave. car line. Apply S5 1st et. 15 ACRES. WITH DAIRY BUILDINGS. 3 miles from Courthouse, for sale or exchange for Improved city or Holladay property, value $4000. K 50, Oregonlan. 3 NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE3. NOW under construction, one block from car line, 15 minutes' ride. $1600 each, on easy terms. Hatfield & Smith, 1554 4th St. FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE. ONE LOT. Hoyt. near 22d St.; long time; 5 per cent; also 2 lots, Thurman. near 21st.; reasonable. Addrcfa T 58. Oregonlan. $13.500 WEST SIDE. 17-ROOM HOUSE AND three baths; 100 feet frontage; magnificent view; streetcars one block. Address owner, C 52. care Oregonlan. MUST SELL: GREAT SACRIFICE: NEW 5 room cottage, bath, gas; built for owner; East Side, walking distance. B 63, Ore gon Ian. LARGE HOUSE AND GROUNDS; EAST Side, close in; suitable for small sanitarium or lovely home; cheap. Phone East 475. $12,500 WILL BUY GOOD INCOME Busi ness property, central location, on Front st. Henkle & Baker, 217 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE LOT AND BUILDING KNOWN as The Waldorf. 147 13th st., near Alder. Apply to John Bain, 224 Stark st. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sell wood Townslte Co. Phono Union 149L FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences; price reasonable. In quire owner. 731 E. Ash st. 100X100 5TH ST., NEAR POSTOFFICE; brings fair Income, on Investment. Louis Salomon. 112H 1st fU BARGAIN 6-ROOM HOUSE. FIND COR ner lot. West Side; owner leavlnr city; $1G00. East 2607. ACREAGE NEAR CAB. LINE. O MILES from Morrison st. bridge C K. Ballard. MUwankie. Or. 5-ROOM COTTAGE NEW. 1274 EAST 14TH and Aim-worth. Price. $1000. Take Wood lawn car. HOUSE AND FULL LOT ON 7TH. BET. Columbia and Clay; Tery cheap. G 54. Ore gonlan. TWO BUILDING .LOTS. EACH 35X100. ON W. Park, at, Ixtjulre 473 W. Park it. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FEW CHOICE BARGAINS. 5-room modern cottage. 1 block from car, full lot, porcelain bath, hot and .cold water; Installments at only $1350. 8-room house, up-to-date In every respect, fine corner lot, close to car; 31S50, install ments. Very choice lot In the choicest location In Holladay's Addition: price only $S50; street Improvements, eewer and water all In. Small house, 2 choice lots on . Mt. Scott car line; only $375; part cash; this is good bey. 5- room cottage, hard finish, 2 choice lots, all in" fruit, one block to Mt. Scott car; only $1050. part cash. 6- room house, modern In every respect, choice corner lot, street Improvements all in, nice lawn and garden: this is an extra good buy; $2000. installment). Small house, good lot, near car line, Mt. Scott; price only $375; Installments. Very fine corner lot. Holladay's Addition, one block to car: here is a bargain at only $800. part cash if desired. 7- room house, -best part of East Portland, on East Ankeny St.; modern In every re spect; furnace; this Is an up-to-date home; $4000; very easy payments If desired. 0-room modern house. Holladay Addition, on Broadway; full corner lot; everything in first-class shape; $3500. terms. 3-room house on East Ankeny car line, near West ave.. lot 50x117. lots fruit and flowers, full cement basement, ceilings all beautifully frescoed, large porches; price for a few daya only $1250. $350 cash, balance monthly. W have many other tcnall places on Mt. Scott that are good buys and on easy pay ments. We also have something at Highland that la very line for price. TAFT & CO., 122-3-5-6 Ablngton blk. 1004 Third st. 160 ACRES. NINE MILES FROM M'MINN ville. 4 mllos from another good town, on the Willamette River; fine farm buildings, well fenced with good wire fencing, good water system, with windmill: 16 acres bear ing hops, good drying plant; 12 acres bearing orchard; 70 acres grain land; balance pas ture; public warehouse on place, school and church near by. This hopyard produced 20.000 pounds of dried bops for five years; last year'a crop worth $C00O. This year's crop goes with sale, with Immediate pos sesion. Price $10,000. Write for particu lars. Warren &. Stater, McMlnnrllle, Or. $1000. EASY TERMS MODERN. SIX-ROOSI house, corner lot 65x100, block from car line. $8T0 Modern five-room house, fine grounds. $650 New four-room house, corner lot, two blocks from car line. We have several snaps In houses beeidea the above; easy terms on all. Fine lots on payments of $5 a month. SELLWOOD TOWNSITB CO.. Get oft! car at Tenlno st. Phone Union 1401. $175-$23 CASH. BALANCE $5 MONTHLY Get a nice small lot ckw In, across Madlson--; lays good; would build small house; BOSTON BUILDING CO.. 1384 1st St.. corner Alder. FOR SALE-S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; $3000; 7-room cottage; 5H0O Inquire Mon day. 720 Mississippi ave. Phon East 55S. FOR SALE FARMS. 160 ACRES RICH, FREE. DEEP BLACK soil; no better for hops. hay. grain, fruit and garden: plenty outside range; U5 acres timothy and clover meadow, 5 acres orchard, all kinds fruit, part long-keeping Winter ap ples, all kinds small fruit; 40 aeres ready to plow, more In pasture; somo timber; large S-room house, large barn. Implement and wood house, dairy and sprlnghouse and other buildings; tine rpring water piped to dairy house and barnyard ; 4 miles from boat landing on Columbia River. S miles from good town and boat landing on Columbia River, 1 mile to school; R. F. D. expected; 5 miles to R. R.. IS miles north of east from Portland; 75 tons hay In barn, 7 cows. 3 calveo, good large epan horses, harness and wagon, tools and machinery enough to run the place; cream separator and dairy uten sils; for $4500. Address the owner. Box 23. Portland. Or. SO TO 640 OR MORE ACRES FINELY IM proved farms, well watered with fine springs and creeks; timothy and clover meadows; orchards, gardens, small fruits; good buildings; hay stock, teams. Imple ments and dairy utensils; on good county road, near school, etc; S miles from Washougal. Can sell fci tracts to suit Cheap if taken at once. If you want a fine, healthy home, cheap, address the Owner. P. O. box 53. Washougal. Clark County. "Washington. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 354-acre Valley farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about ICO In cultivation; balance low beech partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 fcords of fir and ash timbr; electric light and telephone: close to rail, church and schools; 26 mllen to Portland; $45 per acre; terms. S 5. Oreronlan. 4SO ACRES. UNIMPROVED, 12 MILES south Hood River, near R. R. now building; price only $20 per acre, $2000 down, balance to suit at 6 per cent; 10 acres In heart of Hood River Valley; 4 acres strawberries; balance In clover; water right; price $2250. B. S. Cook tz. Co., 251 Alder st. CHOICE FARM. 300 ACRES. SO IN CULTI vatlon, good house, barn and orchard; fine spring of water; well fenced; R. F. D., phone, near good school; price $3300; $1000 cash, balance long time; must sell. Ad dress M 37. Oregonlan. A FARM 106 ACRES. VERY RICH SOIL. AT $G5 per acre; good house, barn and running water. 10 miles from Portland PostolIIce; a splendid buy. B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder at. 15-ACRE BERRY FARM AT HOOD RIVER. 14 miles from town; fine state of cultiva tion; early berries; a bargain. Owner un able to care for place. P. O. Box 207, Port land. 250 ACRES TOO MUCH FOR AN OLD MAN, but one of the best farms In Yamhill County; will sell one-half or the whole. Inquire of my agents, B. S. Cook & Co., 251 Alder st. 146 ACRES. GOOD FARM AND HOP SEC tlon, Willamette Valley, 10 acres good hops, springs, fine coil, house and barn; $0000. Inquire B. S. Cook &. Co., 251 Alder ft- POULTRY AND DAIRY FARM. 13 MILES from Portland. 40 acres; 30 acres under cul tivation; fine bottom land. Price, $2000; no agents. Address box 57, Oregon City, Or. $1SOO WILL HANDLE 1100 ACRES TIMBER and farm lands; Southern Oregon; also small tracts. Owner, X 53. Oregonlan. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands tKled. public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearnd bide. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. CM ACRES OF TIMBER. IN COWLITZ County, Wash., for sale at a bargain if taken soon. D. W. Faulkner, Anita, la. FOR 8ALE 160 ACRES TIMBER: 0.007.000 feet fir and cedar. Owner, E. W. WehtJe. 704 Minnesota ave., city. TO EXCHANGE. A LOT AT MONTAVILLA FOR GOOD cows or horses, or what have you? P. O. Box 207. city. Phone Main 4136, between 7 and 8 A. M. 0-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE. WITH YLXSO. clearing $75 monthly; exchange good prop erty. H 45. Oregonlan. WILL EXCHANGE LANDS IN SOUTHERN Oregon for city property or a business. Own er. Y 53. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. FOR SALS OR RENT HOitSES AND VH hleles by th day, week or month: harness, saddles and 200 new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchanga. Tomllnson & CsLaal day, 211 Washington st. A BIG BARGAIN TEAM GOOD HORSES for campers or farm; good wagon, fine har ness. See at Sodon's Feed Store, Russell and Flint sts., Alblna. GOING EAST. MUST SELL MY BEAUTI ful pair of drivers, hlj-b-steppers: good ac tion. Apply Tuesday, 230 Jefferson ot-. Dun lap. HORSE3. WAGONS. TRUCKS AND ALL kinds of vehicles and hameea for sale or rent. Hubert & HalL 260 Fourth st. RUBBER-TIRE BUGGY; YOUNG HORSE; new harness, cost $325. will eeU cheap; go ing East. D 54. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE GOOD WORK TEAM, weight 3100; also one good harness, reason able. 210 Montgomery. FINE SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD. Ex cellent drivers and stylish; bargain. Phon Union 3432. FOR SALES GOOD DELIVERY OR EXPRESS horse, cheap. Call 1212 Ellsworth St., Rich mond. N FINE HORSE AND BUOGT. SAFE FOR woman. 307 Falling bldg. Main 3407. Mtaceliaa eons. GENTLEMEN'S (MEDIUM) RAILROAD ticket to Omaha, Neb. Q 49. Oregonlan. VALUABLE PATENT FOR SALE; CAN BE soen at Fair grounds, O 49, Oregoalxa. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK! Cover it with Mastic roofing. In roHs. easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old iron, tin or shingles; tor new roofs there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastia Roofing Co., room 2. Hamilton bldg. GOOD STOVEWOOD, CLEAN AND DRY. nearly 2 cords, $2.50 per load, this week only. Two houses for rent or sale, small monthly payments. Brick will be sold less than cost; good shingles $1 per 1000. Five teamsters wanted. Mrs. Howe, 1200 E. Di vision st- Phone Union 173. FOR SALE NEW ANIr SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern car fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 40 3d st. FOR SALE TICKET VIA SAN FRANCISCO. Los Angeles. Salt Lake City, to Denver. Colo.; man ticket; Topeka or Kansas City, woman ticket; Topeka or Kansas City, boy. R 51, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 50.000 NO. I SECOND-HAND grain bags; will aell In large or small quan tities. J. Simons Sc. Bro., 244-246 Front st. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 tons carrylr.it capacity. 2t-horsepower engine: will sell cheap. H 42. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 12 II. P. WEBBR GASOLINE engine. Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP FTNE BULL TERRIER puppies; targe Ice box; nickel coffee urn. 412 Morrison st. ANTIQUES, COLONIAL AND "EMPIRE" furniture, grandfather's clock, davenport. 633 Washington. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tools and patterns. Address 027 L St., Fresno. Cal. FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS LADY'S R. R. ticket; dark complexion; St. PauL 3 61, Oregonlan. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. INQUIRE 300 North 13th st. Phone West 1072. FOR SALE LADY'S TICKET TO ST. PAUL. T 54. Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. SIX LUMBER GRADERS, $2.25 TO $3; 2 tallymen, $2.25, $2.50; 3 planer feeders, $2.25. $2.75; trimmermen, $2.50. $2.75; edg erman, $3; rough carpenters, $2.75; black smith, $2.75; 3 boys, $1.50; 25 woodsmen; 2 sheet Iron workers; man to take contract building brick englne-housa and dryklln (250.000 brick); others. 50 mill and yardmen, new mill, $2 to $3; no office fee. Office open Sunday forenoon. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 203 Morrison Street. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 FEB ONLY $1.00 $1.00 FREE FARE. Teamsters, laborers, rockmen, $2 to $2.50. Oregon. Washington and near Idaho. Any able-bodied man who wants work on R. R. construction will do. A year's work. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North 2d st.. near Burnslde. $1.00 FEE. FREE FARE. FEE $1.00. MORE MEN WANTED BY THE LARGEST lumber company In Shasta County; 25 pliers. $2.50 per day; 25 box factory boys. $1.73 per day; 20 common laborers, $2 a day; all work 11 hours per day; do not write, but come. La Molne Lumber & Trading Co.. La Molne. Shasta County, Cal. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT MAN OF good appearance, between 25 and 30 years of age and able to furnish good refer ences from previous employers; must bava eome business experience; give names and addresses of references; state age. G 50, Oregonlan. LOGGERS FOR COOS BAY, FARE PAID, ehlp lSth; mill hands; farm hands and milk ers; laborers and teamsters, R. 11. East, $2 to $2.25. pass; plenty other work. Canadian Employment Co., 240 Burnalde. 5Ialn 30T4. 226J.J Morrison; Main 1323. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 8 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, Allsky bldg., Sd and Morrison ats., Portland. WANTED, AT LOS ANGELES. CAL. Sticker men, band sawyera and liters, turn ers mill bench men and rip sawyers; delight ful climate, permanent employment; good wages to good men. Address box 18S4, Fr amlner, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED SALESMAN TO TAKE TBRRI tory and sell Monarch Acetylene Gas Ma chines and good opportunity for man want ing a permanent business. Address 506 Co ruthers st.. East, and leave, your address. G. W. Armstrong. THE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ence Schools have an opening for 2 good solicitors; must bo first-class, experienced salesmen; salary and commission. Apply 113 2d st., city. WAITERS, KITCHEN HELP, FARM hands; cook, $60; waitresses, $25, Hoqulam; waitresses, boarding cooks, housekeepers; family help; waitress. Coast. Drake, 205 "a Washington. MEN and women to learn watchmkr, en graving. Jewelers wk; only prac. school for Jewelers; money made leorn'g. Watchtnkg Engrar. School, P. L bldg., .Seattle. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding tor newspapers; experience unnecessary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHING salesman; must have good references. Ap ply Julius Shafer. tho Orogon Hotel, be tween 0 and 10 A. M. SALESMAN WANTED FOR EXCLUSIVE agency for fine underwear and seamless hosiery, from factory to consumer. Call 310 Commercial Block. COMPETENT OPERATORS. EXPERIENCED In railroad station work, for In and around Chicago: state age and experiance. Address J 43, Oregonlan. WANTED A SOLICITOR FOR AN ESTAB Usbed business; work to be with city retail merchants; salary and commUwton. Address P. O. Box 470. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice; expert Instructions. Writs for terms, Glllman's College, 627 Clay st., B. i California wine depot; headquarters bakers; cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines Co per glass. P. LoratL 143 4th. Clay 1303. YOUNG MAN OF INTELLIGENCE AND good appearance to take up a good paying business. 270 Washington St., room 14. COOK. WAITERS. DISHWASHERS. BUB, bus boys and help of all kinds at the Na- tlonal Employment Office, 812 Pine. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi-n-iss. Call or write, 607 McKay bldg. GENERAL BLACKSMITH FOR COUNTRY. $50 per month and board. Address the B. S. & L. Co., H. Creek, Oregon. WANTED YOUNG MAN OF GOOD AD dress as traveling salesman. Call 1 to 5 P. M-, room 14. 381 Yamhill st. WANT BRIGHT YOUNG MAN AS BELL boy; reliable and honest; bring references. Hotel Hood, 6th and EveretL WANTED AT ONCE. 2D-HAND MOVING picture machines, films, song slides. Room 11, 3314 Morrison. WANTED TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS, Op erator and retouchers. Lucerne Studio, 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED A GOOD CANVASSER; SALARY to right party. Tha Western Lady. 147 Front st. WANTED SHINGLERS TO TAKE CON tract of shingling house. 20th and Savler sts. ENERGETIC ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. Call 10 A. M. or 3 P. M. 315 Oregonlan bldg. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED; highest price paid. 60 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED OLD CLOTHES, SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 160 Front. Phone Paclflc 02. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING MAN; no other need apply. The Chicago. 20 MEN, READY SELLER, BIG PROFIT. 416 C. ot C. bldg. S-10.- HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK WAGES. $20. AP ply between 1 and 4 P. M. at S4S Belmont. WAITRESS OR GIRL WILLING TO LEARN. New York Restaurant. 631 Washington. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work. Call at 332 East 6th st. WANTED A COMPETENT COOK. APPLY 354. Davis, cor. 17th at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. 2 SALESLADIES. FAIR; 7 CHAMB5R maids. 16 waltrease? 35 cooks. tou Jglrte good wages; call early. See Saday aaiter. Lota of good places for today. Come uj early. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY, 348 Wash. st.. cor. 7th. upeuurs. Open. 8 A. M. Phone Main 22. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY 6 AMATKUR lady singers, professional and amMMr act ors, singers, musicians, novelty acts for Fair, dramatic and vaudeville shows. New man's Theatrical Circuit. 351 Vi Morrison. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; instructions given to la experienced. Apply Neustadter Broj Standard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. W'ANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOK lng and general housework; smalt family . good wages; references required. Call !a the morning or between 5 and S P. M.. at 52 X. 15th st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL. FOR GCN eral housework, email family, no eiHerrc ; good wages. 1508 H. Stark, or. West av.. Mount Tabor. Phone East 304. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM bermalds. etc.: city, Ceait. Fair and eoun PIentr of work. Canadian Parlors. 2264 Morrison. Mala 1323. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ENERGETIC tea and coffee saleswoman and demeBstrator at Exposition: give reference and salary ex pected. E 75. Oregonlan. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- worK, smau ramiiy, cottage; Clatsop Beach. Call forenoon or evening, 313 7th, cor. Salmon st. WANTED A WOMAN COOK WHO THOR- uusuiy unaersiaaos ue wonc; rerereeees re quired; a second girl kept. Apply at SSS Lovejoy st. WANTED BY AN ELDERLY COUPLE. A young girl to assist In light bouxewerk: good home; small wages. 515 20th st., Poruaad Heights. WANTED LADY NOT OVER 22. NEAT, quick, well experienced in photo reception room work, none other. S01 Dekum bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WATT- Louis Agency, 2304 YamhilL Main 5413. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRS sentattves in Portland and throughout stats; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bid. NURSEGIRL WANTED FOR AFTERNOONS and evening for baby 14 months old. Call room 5, Philadelphia. 3d and Salmon. WANTED RELIABLE LADY STENOGRA. pher. bookkeeper and clerk. Apply to An drew Kan &. Co.. 2S7 Morrison st. ABOUT AUGUST 20, NEAT GIRL FOR SEC ond work and to assist In caring for little; girl. Address B 56, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. YOUNG LADY, In our lunchroom. Call after 10:30 A. M. Swetland & Son, 273 Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3434 Washington st. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Mala 2092. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, MIDDLS-AGED woman, country Dome, near city. Dnuon News Co.. 326 Johnson st. GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKING AND housework. Apply to Mrs. L Froh-aaa, Parlor C, Portland HoteL NICE WORKING GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, small family, good home, privileges; reatoa- ablo pay. 426 Morrison. GOOD ARM WAITRESS, PERMANSNT place; $10 week. Answer Box V 53, gtvtnc name and address, phone. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSS work; willing to go to the beach for 3o days. Call 674 Lovejoy st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSHWORK. FAM lly of three; wages $15. Inquire memtags. 447 West Park st. HOUSEKEEPERS, WAITRESSES ANl chambermald at the National Htpiotrnin. Office. 312 Pine. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 657 Pettygrove st., bet. 20th and 21.it. WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR COMPE tent girl for general housework. Inquire SS N. 22d st. TWO TRAY WAITRESSES; NICE PRIVATE place; good wages. S74 Savler st. Phone Main 5SS6. WANTED REFINED LADY TO TAKE care of little girl. 10 years old, B 52, Ore gonlan. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GKN eral housework. 715 Lovejoy, N. E. corner 22d at. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR DINING room and chamber work. Call 251 7th it. COMPETENT CHAMBERMAID AND WAIT resa at Brown Hotel. 2714 Grand ave. LADY WANTED TO ASSIST IN TAILORING. 2314 Alder St.. between 1st and 2d sta. FIRST-CLASS COOK ONLY, FOR SMALZt family, $35. Apply Box W 5S, Oregoaian. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN for exclusive agency; flno underwear and seamless hosiery; factory to consumer. 311 Commerolal blk. EITHER SEX-SOLICITORS; SALARY $1M to $2.50 per day; expenses added, to travel, 101 N. 18th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED POSITION AS PURCHASES'.), agent, secretary-manager, assistant mana ger or city salesman; thoroughly comrtst. Address M 47. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP. er. bank clerk and business man, want good, position. H 52. Oregonlan, Miscellaneous. POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS. ALL-ROUND machinist and too 'maker; 20 year' expert, ence In general machine shop and outside work; mobiles and experimental work; goot; hand to assist Inventor; either foreman o? Journeyman. Address Box L 52. Oregonlan, A JAPANESE BOY WHO HAS EXFERI ence In domestic work wants a situation I speaks good English. Tel, Clay 177S; William. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CANt furnish domcotlo servants, farmers also; ail kinds of help. Clay 513. 263 Everett at. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO DO housework. Mayehlma, Japanese Mission, Clay 54. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION FOR HELP In family. Yamakawa, Japanese Mission. Clay S54. WANTEDBY YOUNG MAN. POSITION AS clerk In drug- store; registered. S 57. Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED BARTENDER: GERMAN! city or country. Address or call. 113 North 7th st. GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS GEN eral housework. Address S 3S. Oregoaian. ALL-AROUND CARPET AND SHADE MAN is open for engagement. J 33. Oregoaian. ALL-AROUND FURNITURE MAN IS OPEN for engagement. H 63. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers, WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER; good reference. Address 317 Selwoed st. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING NEATLY DONE; SHIRT waist suits, children's dresses; priees rea sonable. 26th and Lovejoy sts. Phona Main 3370. Domestics. YOUNG NORWEGIAN GIRL. 21 YEARS OLD. who can speak English very llttl. desires employment to assist In housework or tak ing care of baby. A 57. Oregoaian. SITUATION WANTED IN PRIVATE FAM lly as cook or general housework; experienced. Call forenoons. 14 N. 11th st. Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATION AS INVALIDS nutse or confinement cases. New Grastd Cen tra: Hotel. Main 1523. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WANTS PLACE AjJ infants nurse or chamberwork. Call or ad dress 65 E. 10th ct. EXPERIENCED ROOMING-HOUSE LADY, wishes position In rooming-house. Address Q 53. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY DESIRES A position; curio store preferred. A. B. C, 401 12th st.