Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 14, 1905, Image 1

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    -f-W1 VI rrf R
VOL. XLY.-XO. 13,941.
Four-HourTalk Brings
No Result.
Witte Shows the Tactics of
the Russians.
Japanese Declared to Be Obtaining
a Foothold on the Asiatic Conti
nent Under Formula Con
cealing True Purpose.
Thore was no f9sien ml the peace
conference at Portsmouth Sunday.
The following official statement was
"By mutual agreement of the pleat
potenUariee of Japan and RusMa, It
has been decided to postpone thin aft
ernoon's meeting until tomorrow morn
ing at 0:8."
PORTSMOUTH. X. H., Aug. 13. Xo
progress has been made with the peace
negotiations over Sunday. Thoy stand
exactly wnere they did last night. The
session of the plenipotentiaries, which
was to be held this afternoon, was
postponed by mutual consont out of
reverence of the Holy Sabbath, which
Is universally observed In Russia as a
day of rest.
The Russians had not been anxious
for a session today, and this morning
the Japanese took the Initiative. And
throxgh the intormodiary of Mr. Pierce
it was decided to postpone the sitting
until tomorrow morning. The situa
tion, therafo-e, remains the same.
It would, perhaps, not be too much
to say that the goneral feeling is more
hopeful,, in spite of "'open predictions
made by personages connected with
both sides of the negotiations that
before next Sunday the plenipotenti
aries will reach a point where a rup
ture will become inevitable. This pes
rJmistic view Is based upon the fact
that so far as known the two big bar
riers to an agreement remain as high
and unsurmountable as ever.
Reasons for the Optimism.
The real struggle is only postponod.
The main problems are no nearer solu
tion than when the plenipotentiaries
met The principal reason for optim
ism lies In the fact that, confronted
with the absolute rofusal of the Rus
sian reply to admit the discussion of
either indemnity or the cession of the
Island of Sakhalin, the Japanese pro
posed to take up the consideration of
the conditions seriatim. From this It
is assumed that the Japanese are pre
pared to yield or have reason to be
lieve a way will be found to overcome
the objections of their adversaries
when the crucial tost comes.
An intimation eomes from a high
sourpe that very strong outside in
fluences are at work on both sides,
and that for the moment the effort Is
to gain time. The plan of having Rus
sia practically satisfy Japan's claim of
reimbursement for the cost of the war
by the purchase of the Japanese mili
tary 'evacuation of Sakhalin continues
to be advanced. Such a solution would
permit Russia to say she had paid
neither indomnlty nor coded a foot
of territory.
Russia's Hand Is Shown.
The debate in yesterday's confer
ence over the first condition, the rec
ognition of Japan's "preponderating
influence" over Coroa. involving ner
right to control the administration of
the Hermit Kingdom, use the littoral
for strategical purposes, etc., was of
a- remarkable character. Indeed, the
position taken by Mr. Witte was sen
sational in the extreme. His attitude
shows the Russian tactics. They pro
pose to raise before the world the
specter of the "yellow peril?'
Russia alleges that Japan's present
purpose Is to get a foothold on .the
Asiatic continent, from wnlch to ex
tend her dominion. Mr. Witte made no
objection, but he declared the words
"preponderating Influence" did not ad
equately describe what Japan proposed
to do, and he Insisted that the lan
guage used should show Japan's true
purpose which he contended was to
make a Japanese province of Corea.
His argument ''might be summarized
as follows:
Plays on the Yellow Peril.
"Russia has no objection to Japan
taking Corea, but you must avow it
plainly. If it is to be taken. It should
be taken officially, so that the woria
will understand your purpose to take
possession of the persons of the entire
administration of the kingdom from
the Emperor down to the smallest of
the people. Corea will have no repre
sentative abroad who can explain the
situation from the standpoint of the
Coreans. All of which means "Corea is
to belong to Japan.
"So be it Russia will not objeot,
but Japan should avow a purpose
which is against the Interests of Eu
rope and America, and practically
against the interests of the United
States and China, and even of your
ally, England. If this is satisfactory
to you and America, Russia raises no
"You propose to destroy ever' vos
tige of the sovereignty of the Emperor
of Corea, but you desire to employ a
formula which will conceal your true
purpose. The country which will
suffer most is America, which will
understand It In about ten years, when
it Is too late."
Komura's Vigorous Dissent.
To this argument Baron Kemura dis
sented most vigorously, although in
the most friendly manner, contending
that Japan only sought to secure fer
herself in Corea the commercial and
Industrial positions tp which she 'was'
entitled and to aid fa its civilization
and development as well as te protect
the kingdom from administrative an
archy. The .fact that the Coreas question
should be the first to be discussed in
the peace con for once is strangely fit
ting, as it was ovor. Corea that the
long struggle between Russia, and Ja
pan which culminated in the present
war began. After Japan was forced
out of Port Arthur and the L4ao Tung
Peninsula in IS, oaeh became sus
picious of the other's Intentions in
Corea, and first in the LobanoIT agree
ment in 1S9G and later in the Nlssi
Roson agreement in 1S9S, they onterod
upon mutual obligations.
Former Negotiations Over Corea.
In the former, Japan secured the
right to protect the imperial family
and to build the Seoul-Fusan tele
graph, and Russia to establish the tel
egrapn from Seoul to the Russian
frontier. In the latter, while there
were mutual obligations to protect the
Independence aad the integrity of
Corea, Japan's industrial and commer
cial position in Coroa was recognized.
Ever since Coroa has been the bone
of contention, Japan has always beon
suspicious of Russian encroachment.
At last the continuation of occupation
of Manchuria and the Yalu lumber
concessions induced Japan to try to
come to a definite settlement with
Russia in the negotiations preceding
the war. Those proved futile, and in
the Japanese Imperial rescript declar
ing war, the Emperor of Japan said:
"The safety of Coroa is in danger.
The interests of the' empire are men
aced." Xow by a sort of inexorable logic,
tho fate of Coroa comes up at Ports
mouth for final settlement.
One of die Conditions Arranged in
the Preliminaries.
PORTSMOUTH. X. H.. Aug. 13. Tho
Japanese version of the origin and
history of the decision of the pleni
potentiaries to observe tho strictest se
crecy regarding the proceedings of
the peace conferonoe differ materially
from the Ttusslan. From an authori
tative Japanese source, the Associated
Press Is informed that secrecy was one
of the conditions preliminarily ar
ranged between the representatives of
the two countries at Washington be
fore the plenipotentiaries arrived In
this country.
One of the chief reasons advanced
by Count Casslni for not desiring to
have the conference hold in Washing
ton was that public sentiment In
America was hostile to the Russians,
and that the proceedings could not be
kept out of the press. Therefore he
Insisted if the conference was to be
held in the United States it was es
sential that the most rigid secrecy be
The matter was the subjoct of an
exchange of viows between Count
Casslni and Mr. Takahlra, conducted
through a medium which is not dis
closed, as a rosult of which secrecy
was agrood upon as a condition prece
dent to the conference.
"Moreover," said this Japanese au
thority, "all international procodent
and usage favored the rule of se
crecy." It would be manifestly Improper
for great international issues to be
tried in the newspapers day by day
and hour by hour. Publicity would
necessarily hamper and harass the ne
gotiations. In the peace conference
at Paris. following tho Spanish
American War, that rule obtained, and
It was not until some time after the
conference adjourned that the pro
ceedings became public
But in view of the world-wide in
terest and the enterprise of the Amor
lean Journalist, Mr. Takahira decided
that it would be proper to make to
the press at such tinies as were deem
ed adIsable brief formal statements
agreed to by both sides. All othor
statements publishod were to be con
sidered unauthonticated. It was to
secure the possibility of secrecy that
the United States placed at the dis
posal of the plenipotentiaries the
building on a Government reservation,
where the ontrancc could be cleared.
It would be considered remarkable
If Mr. Witte was not apprised before
arrival at Portsmouth of this prelim
inary agreement as to secrecy ontcred
into at the particular suggestion of
Count Casslni. At any rate when the
Question was raised by the plenipo
tentiaries at the first session of the
conference he assented and has not
since protested.
Mr. Witte, however, still insists that
he courts, on behalf of tho Russians,
the widest publicity of the proceed
ings. He said today In response to the
Japanese statements:
"I am not acquainted with the un
derstanding which may have taken
place before I was appointed plenipo
tentiary for the peace negotiations.
What 1 said and what I repeat Is that
the initiative of keeping the delibera
tions of the conference secret was
taken at the first meeting by the
Japanese plenipotentiaries. It Is true
that the Russian plenipotentiaries
made no opposition, because the Rus
sians did not come to America to de
Zend the rights of the press.
"There are so many differences pn
serious questions between Russia and
Japan that we would not undertake to
add more or less important affairs.
What I wish to make clear Is that if
.the Japanese have nothing to the con
trary. I am ready at any moment to
publish the full text of all the docu
ments concerning the peace conference
as well as the record of the proceedings."
. EXTRA 5E5510H
President Receives Numerous
Protests From Members
of Congress.
Atlantic Coast States May Be Visited
in October and the Mississippi
Valley Section at n
letter Date.
OYSTER BAY. Aug. 13. Notwith
standing the more or Ifss definite an
nouncement which has smanatod from
various sources during the last few
months, Congroes may not b called
into extraordinary session next No
vember. Indeed, the indications are
now that no extraordinary session
will be held this year.
This statement Is made on the au
thority of President Roosevolt him
self. He has not decided definitely yet
and will probably not reach a deter
mination until he shall nave returned
to Washington the latter part of Sep
tember. The chanees of an extraor
dinary session appear, howevor, to be
fading. '
Strong pressure is being brought to
bear upon the -President to Induce him
not to call an extra session. So much
interest has been manifested in the
subject throughout the country that
the President has received a large
number of letters regarding It, Many
Senators and Representatives have
urged against an extra session. They
point out thatpractically nothing will
be gal nod by an extra session that will
begin not more than three weeks be
fore the opening of the regular long
session, honce it will cause some in
convenience to many members of Con
gress in both branches.
Taking those things into considera
tion, the Presidont has reserved a
definite decision of the matter, the
chaneos being that the session will
not be called.
Abandonment ofFirst Plan.
Last Spring It was the President's
Moa to isstke ax the proper time aj
call for an extraordinary session of
Congress, to be held In Oetober, fer
the purpose of onacting. if possible,
railroad legislation. Incidentally, it
was expected that some reoommenda
tiotts might be made by the President
regarding proposod changes In the ex
isting tariff law.
The idea, of an October session final
ly was abandoned, and subsequently
the President made arrangements for J
a two-weeks' trip through the South
wost, beginning October 17. It then
was announced that the extraordinary
session would be after the November
If finally the Prosldont should decide
to call Congress together,- the session
will begin on the first Monday after
the November a lections, which will be
just three weeks before Ihe begnning
of the regular session in Decomber.
Visit to the South.
In this connoetion. It can be said to
be not unlikely, in view of the preva
lence :f yollow fever In New Orleans,
that the President may conclude to
make his trip through the South in
two sections, visiting the Atlantic
Coast States in October and Louis
iana. Arkansas and perhaps. Tennessee
on another trip to be made lator. No
definite arrangements to this end
have been completed, but the matter
is boing considered.
Senator Lodge, of Massachusetts,
who returned late yesterday afternoon
from his Europoan trip and was a
guest of the President last night at
Sagamore Hill, left today for New
York, whence he expected to go di
rectly to his home at Nahant, Mass.
"My visit to the President at this
time," said Senator Lodge." was of no
significance whatever. It was purely
a personal visit."
Continental Powers Cordial.
Being a member of the Senate com
mittee on foreign relations, the Sena
tor In his sojourn abroad manifested
a natural Interest In the attitude of
Europoan powors toward the United
States. He found everywhere In Groat
Britain and France evidence of a par
ticularly cordial feeling both in offi
cial circlos and among the people for
America, and that President Roosevelt
is hold by Europeans in gonoral In
iiigh regard.
The hope. Senator Lodge said, was
expressed everywhere that the nego
tiations for peace would be success
ful, but he notod that the feeling that
peace would be the outcome of the
present conference was not optimistic
"While I hope most profoundly, not
only Jn the Interost of the two bellig
erent nations, but also In the Interest
of the entire civilized world," said
Senator Lodge, "that a treaty of peace
may be negotiated at Portsmouth. I
really know nothing of the situation.
For a week I have not read the news
papers, and in my conversation with
the President we touchod on the sub
ject of the conference only incidental
ly and generally."
President Roosevelt and his family
attended morning services as usual to
day at Christ Episcopal Church. He
received no visitors during the day.
Pension for John MInto.
ington, Aug. 13. tSpeciaL A pension of
JS a month has Just been granted to John
MInto, of Salens Or., father of John W.
MInto. Postmaster "at Portland. This claim
was filed under the Indian War veteran
act, not because Mr. Minto felt In need
of assistance -from the Government, but
because he thought a Federal pension
would be an official recognition of his
services In the early Indian wars. Mr.
MInto. as shown by the record. Is now in
his S4th year and is one of the oldest
beneflclarlos under the Indian War act.
He has resided In Oregon for more than
69 years.
John MInto saw service in the Cayuse
War, as a member of Captain Levi Scott's
company of the First Oregon Riflemen,
and was one of the 16 men detailed by
Governor Abernathy to escort Hon. Jesse
Applogate to California. Applogate went
South, it will bo recallud, for the purpose
of obtaining ammunition for the soldiers
who were then in the field fighting the
Tho record shows that Mr. MInto
served from January 25 to March 7. lSi3.
and was granted a bounty land warrant
for 109 acres. His claim is one of thoso
that was tied up by red tape In the Pen
sion Office, having been once rejected on
technical and Ill-taken grounds.
Crowded Trollcy-Car Is Struck by
Bolt and Fourteen Persons
Are Hurt in the Panic.
NEW YORK", Aug. 13. Widespread
damage was caused by a thunderstorm of
unusual violence accompanied by a high
wind and a deluge of rain that burst
over New York and vicinity today. A
boathouse at the foot of Forty-fifth street,
whero a large number of persons had
taken shelter, was struck by lightning
and Miss Jeanette Freer, aged 20 years,
was killed. A dozen other persons were
rendered unconscious but quickly recov
ered, sustaining no injuries.
A Webstor-avenue trolley car, carry
ing nearly 103 passengers was struck
the lightning running down the trolley
pole. Although the car and Its occupants
were unscatned. a panic was precipitated
among the passengers. Fourteen persons
almost all women, were injurcd-in a fran
tic struggle to escape. Nine of them were
severely hurt.
Many small boats vferc capsized In the
harbor. The Immigrant, steamer John E.
Moore effected rescues.
Five hundred immigrants were In dan
ger for an hour when two barges on
which they were broke away from the
dock at Ellis Island and were blown down
the bay. pitching and rolling In the heavy
seas. Three tugs grappled the barges
and succeeded In holding them until the
storm subsided.
One death and three cases of prostra
tion resulted from the heat which was In
tense before the storm broke.
: .
Pari! o Boast(ul Workman's Re
mains Aj-o- Found.
BLACKPOOL. Eng.. Aug. 13. Two
liens, the property of tho city, were found
loose today In the yard adjoining their
cage, together with portions of the body
of a worklngman. It appears that the
man had made the boast that he would
onter the lions' cage Evidently in an at
tempt to carry out his boast he opened
the cage.
Rioting at Seoul.
LONDON, Aug. 14. A dispatch to the
Times from Toklo says that there has
beon considerable ferment at Seoul, the
merchants claiming that they have been
embarrassed by Japan's financial reforms. Japanese gendarmes, says the dis
patch, wore compelled to use force to dis
perse a mob which was threatening the
home office.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 75
deg.; minimum. 5S deg. j
TODAY'S Cloudy and occasionally threaten
ing, with possibly chow era; cooler; south
to weal winds.
Frace Conference.
Plenipotentiaries take a. day of rest. Page 4.
First question brought up Saturday was tho
status of Corea. Page 1.
Witte ues the "yellow peril" spook tvx an
argument. Page 1.
Secrecy of meetings declared by Japanese to
have been decided on aefore the confer
once. Page 1.
War In the Orient.
Russians are said to be retreating a crow tho
Tumen River In Northern Corea. Page 8.
Two expeditions sent to capture Russian seal
rookeries. Page 3.
By an overwhelming vote. Norway decides to
part company with Sweden. Page 1-
French sailors give an enthusiastic farewell
at Portsmouth. Page 1.
Extra session of Congress win probably not
be called by the President. Page 1.
Exports of the United States In manufac
tures the greatest In the history of the
country. Page 4.
Armours preparing for investigation of refrigerator-car
service by Congress. Page S.
Death list at New Orleans Is expected to
grow for a few days. Page 3.
Heavy storm with lightning destroys life and
property In New York. Page I.
Twelve killed and 25 injured In collision on
the Nickel-Plate road In Ohio, Page 2.
Pacific Coast.
Idaho wheat crop willrrobjhly be 4.E0O.0OO
bushels, the rtfHBB Page 3.
Mountain G-Hfcake River
run to Bage
quaHH Hanlln U
klllrH Page
mmWmmV Pace
and kills
rd place.
Page S.
ght Page 7.
Pase 14.
Los An
le 4; Ta
3. 'ta. Pag
Page S.
hlch Mr,
Party IcaoW.
About One in a Thousand
Voted Against the
Citizens or tho Principal Cities Tnrn
Ont en Masse "Willi National
Colors and Pictures of
Premier Mlchelscn.
CHRISTIANIA. Aug. 13. The Nor
wegian people, in a referendum vote
taken today, pronounced in favor of
the dissolution of the union with
Sweden with remarkable, though not
unexpected, unanimity. Of 43O.0CO voters.
320.0CO cast ballots. While the full result
will not be known for some hours, up to
midnight returns show that about one
person in 3000 voted against dissolution.
The difference between the total number
of voters and the number of votes cast
Is attributable to absentees, such as
sailors abroad and others who are out
of the country at present.
There were scenes of the greatest
enthusiasm everywhere. Thousands of
women who did not have tho right of
franchise signed petitions in the
streets Indorsing the dissolution. In
Christianla and other towns, the entire
population turned out, every one wear
ing long streamers of the national
colors and pictures of Premier" Mich
el sen.
One of the members of the Cabinet said
to the Associated Press tonight:
"The result surpasses tho most, san
guine expectations. The next official
steps will be taken after the Storth
ing meets. August 21, when the result
of the vote will be communicated to
the Swedish government. The Storth
ing will repeat the request that the
Ridskag declare the rlksukt in opera
tion and the union dissolved.
The Storthing will also" express a
willingness to negotiate concerning
the details of the dissolution.
'It Is tho earnest desire of Norway
to conclude the dissolution amicably.
Nors.y will never-rotrwA but ver?-
thing will be done to meet the wishes
of Sweden in other directions.
"If peace depends upon abolishing
the forts they will be abolished. Nor
way must remain a monarchy; the peo
ple do not desire a republic"
At midnight, returns from 173 places
showed a vote of 49,533 for and 37 against
Says Jury Had Formed an Unfavor
able Opinion in Advance
From Reports.
CHICAGO. Aug. 13. (Special.) Ex
Senator John M. Thurston, who is In
Chicago on the way to Washington, D.
C. from the Pacific Coast, said he had
completed a bill of exceptions to the
trial of United States Senator Mitchell
by the Federal Jury at Portland. Or.,
and would appeal the case to the United
States Suprqme Court.
Mr. Thurston expressed .the opinion:
that his client did not have an entirely
fair trial, because the Jury had formed
an unfavorable opinion of his case in
advance, owing to the wave of graft
reports which were sweeping over the
country and arousing public sentiment.
He further said that there are a num
ber of errors in the court records.
When asked how Senator Mitchell
took his conviction, Mr. Thurston Inti
mated that he felt It deeply, but had
never uttered one word of reproach
to him over the result.
Cotton Scandal Is to Bo Investigated
nt Washington.
WASHINGTON, D. a. Aug. 13. (Spe
cial.) The legal end of the cotton
scandal will be reopened Here this
week and Interesting developments
are expected. The special session of
tho Federal Grand Jury will resume
sittings Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Pack
ham, wife of an alleged beneficiary of
the leak, will appear and be examined.
A number of men and women em
ployed In vnrlous bureaus of the Agri
cultural Department will also appear
before the grand Jury. District Attor
ney Beach has Interviewed more than
fifty of these employes to ascertain
what evidence they could furnish. If
the bureau employes refuse to assist
the legal branch of the Government,
a number of 'dismissals from the pub
lic service will doubtless follow.
Episcopal Minister nnd "Wife Are
Victims Assailant Killed.
B ALSTON, N. Y., Aug. 13. Rev. Bernard
Schulte and his wife, of New York City,
were attacked at Mechanicsvllle last night
and probably fatally Injured by W. Curtis,
a negro, who was today shot and killed In
Saratoga while resisting arrest.
Mr. Schulte came to Mechanicsvllle re
cently to take temporary charge of the
Episcopal Church. Early last evening
Curtis presented himself at the door of
the rectory and asked for a drink of
water. Mr. Schulte was In the act of
turning back to get the water when the
negro felled the clergyman with a piece of
lead pipe rendering him unconscious.
Mrs. Schulte appeared at that moment
and the negro struck her down. He beat
her with the lead pipe. Inflicting probably
fatal Injuries. The clergyman and his
wife, lying unconscious and covered with
blood, were discovered by neighbors. A
policeman found Curtis in a negro colony,
at Saratoga today and arrested him. The
negro, however, broke away when the
officer shot and killed him.
Doctor Pinches Heart ot Italian Who
Was Frightfully Stabbed.
DE3 MOINE3 la.. Aug. 13. (Special.)
Left for dead and stripped for post
mortem examination. Louis Vlele, an
Italian, frightfully stabbed by a negro,
astounded the hospital corps today be
coming to life. The heart had ceased
beating and respiration had ended when
Dr. Wilbur Conkling Inserted his hand
In the wound which had been made by
a razor, pinched the heart and waited de
velopments. Suddenly a shudder passed over the
frame of the patient. The pale face be
came suffused with a swift inrush of
blood and the veins and arteries began to
pulsate. In five minutes the erstwhile
dead was living and the physicians pro
ceeded to sew the gaping wounds.
Local doctors declare that this case
has no parallel In the annals of medical
English Give Enthusiastic Farewell
to French Fleet.
PORTSMOUTH. England. Aug. 13.
The last day ashore of the French
naval visitors was marked by scenes
of enthusiasm unprecedented during a
week in which the English simply
smothcred their guests with attention
from seamen to Admiral. Enormous
crowds of excursionists thronged the
The closing function was a reception
given by Vice-Admiral Sir Archibald
Douslas. at Portsmouth, at the Ad
miralty House. The fleet will start
for France tomorrow.
VIce-Admlral Cuillalrd has issued an
autograpn message to the people of
England, thanking them for their
magnificent reception.
Idaho Senator's Wife Is Suffering
From Effects of Accident.
MANILA. Aug. 13. At 3 o'clock this
nfternoon Mrs. Dubois, the wife of Sena
tor Dubois, of Idaho, who was Injured In
a runaway, was very nervous and rest
less, but her condition is not considered
Taft Party Off for Ho Ho.
MANILA Ar.g. IX Secretary War Miss Awe Roosevelt and party
sailed at 1 o'clock today on the United
States Army transport Logan for Ilo Ilo.
Governor-General Wright. Major-General
Corbln and all the Insular commissioners
except Commissioner Ide accompanied
Traffic Delayed Over Fifteen Hours
on the Northern Pnclflc.
MISSOULA, Mont., Aug. 13. Rumors
were current here today of a serious'
wreck on the Northern Pacifie road
near Sandpolnt. Idahfo. The story was
to the effect that there had been a
head-on collision of a freight and pas
senger train, but passengers who ar
rived here tonight at 10:05 on No. 4,
which was due -at 8:45 this morning,
say they were delayed by tho derail
ment of two trains, one at Sprague,
Wash., and the other near Sandpolnt.
No one was Injured, but all traffic
was delayed over 15 hours.
Ohio Engineer Flees After Trying to
Kill Children.
BEREA. O., Aug. 13. After many
threats to take the lives of his wife and
nlno children, Adam Boyer, an engineer,
shot and killed his wife and shot at but
mlused his three eldest children on the
street here tonight.
Although pursued by his S-year-old son,
Frank, and seized by a neighbor whom
he frightened away, Boyer escaped to a
stone quarry In which he is employed. All
the male citizens of the town were called
out by Mayor Marting to hunt him down.
A posse was sent out in all directions.
James J. Cone,
STEVENS POINT, Wis.. Aug. 13.
James .J. Cone died here today of inflam
mation of tho brain, aged 70 years. Ho
was for a time the principal owner of
the Dostor mine at .Cripple Creek, which
ho sold. He was sole owner of the Ophlr
mine at Anaconda, Colo.
Lady Sherborne.
COWES. Eng., Aug. 13. Lady Sher
borne, wife of Baron Sherborne, died of
heart failure yesterday in the gardens
of the Royal YachC Squadron Clubhouse.
Lady Sherborne was very popular and
her sudden death has greatly shocked
the nobility.
Rev. F. Semple, D.D.
NEW YORK, Aug. 13. Rev. F. Semple,
D.D., Is dead at the Presbyterian Hospi
tal, aged 77 years. He was moderator of
the Presbyterian General Assembly of
Horaco S. Silsby.
ROCHESTER. N. Y., Aug. 18. Horace S.
Silsby, a veteran manufacturer, is dead.
aged S3 years. He made the first rotary
steam tire engine.
Allen W. VToed.
NEW YORK. Aug. 11 Allen W. Wood.
of Pittsburg, who was operated upon at
Roosevelt Hospital Thursday night, died
Miss Dunlap Hunt.
BREST, France, Aug. 13. An American
girl. Miss Dunlap Hunt, was drowned
while bathing today.
IS. IN Oil
Prussic Acid Found in
Chemical Tests Prove Pres
ence of the Drug.
Reasons Which Cause Husbnnd ot
Head "Woman and Investigators
to Declare That a Murder
Was Committed.
' The diagnostic stsns f death from
prasstc aeld are the olr of th body,
the wide-staring eyes, the clenched
teeth, covered with froth, ami th
livid, agonized faee. Death eomes at
once, so that the person drops Wrt to
the floor with a gasp. A good dose
causes paralysis of heart and resplra
ttoa. and sometimes produces con
valetons. One grain of prutute acid
eauses Instant death; 48 minim
of a diluted solution has been lciwwn
to produce death. Symptom la Mrs.
Van Dran's death eotaM with te
foregoing statement.
It is believed by those who haVe inves
tigated that Mrs. Minnie B. Van Dran.
wife of Kasper Van Dran, who was re
cently shot by Joe Young, wa murdered.
Yesterday afternoon Dr. Mary E. Parker
and Dr. Marie D. Equl made chemical
tests of the contents of the gingerale
which Mrs. Van Dran drank, and th?
test3 proved beyond any doubt that prus
sl acid had been placed in the botti-
from which- Mrs. Van Dran drank. Prr
Parker and Equl made three different
tests of tho contents of the glass from
which the dead woman drank, and each
tost proved the presence of this deadly
Not Due to Bottling Works.
At first it was thought that perhaps the
presence of prussic ald might have been
due to carelessness In the bottling works,
but a subsequent visit to the home of Mr.
Van Dran tends to prove that this was
not so although It is said that prussic
acid, or, as it is sometimes called, cherry
laurel water. Is used In flavoring soft
drinks. There Is. however, every reason
to believe that Mrs. Van Dran was d.--liberately
murdered, and that tho fatal
bottle containing one of tho deadliest
poisons known to chemistry was substi
tuted for the one which Mrs. Van Dran
had at home. Who would bo guilty of
such a dastardly deed. If it was done by
some one, remains for the police to ferret
Theory of Murder.
What makes the theory of murder al
most Indisputable is tho fact that both Mr.
Van Dran and his wife wero very fond of
gingerale, and that they always kept
several bottles at their home. It was tfco
habit of Mr. Van Dran to take home a
couplo of bottles of this drink. H did
so twice last week, and whether the b t
tlo contained tho deadly poison before
he took It home, or whether the real bot
tle containing the gingerale was takrt
and tho one containing the poison was
left in its place. Is a mystery that prom
ises to bo oneof the greatest in the his
tory of Portland. It has beon proved by
the skillful chemical analyses mado by
Dr. Parker and Dr. Equl that what tho
dead woman drank was poison, and to
prove further that they conld not be mis
taken as to the character of the poisor.
they gave a very small dose to a kitten,
and Its death, like that of Mrs. Van Dran,
was almost Instantaneous.
The shocking and sudden death of Mra,
Van Dran has almost prostrated herh'i
band. They had been out walking t
gether and ho had Just left her 15 minute
before, and when a telephone messago
summoned him home stating this his wife
way deud, ho was almost, crazed w;ti
grief. It was only the presence of mill
shown by the strickenwoman that av !
the life of her sister. Miss MontIth. fir
she, too, was about to swallow the dead y
draught when warned noi to do so. Aft---r
leaving Mr. Van Dran down town, bot!
women went to the Van Dran home. 33
North Seventeenth street- Mrs. Van
Dran complained of being thirsty and In
vited her sister into the house to have
a drink of gingerale. At first Mis Mon
telth declined, but afterward consented
While Mr. Van Dran will not admit
that he or his wife had an enemy that
would have taken such awful means of
getting rid of them, he le firmly convinced
that the poison was placed there for hlnv
Wlyjn Mrs. Van Dran and her sister left
the houye they believed that they left the
home securely locked and the windows
fastened. It was discovered by Mrs. Gore,
who was called to the Van Dran homo
later, that a window In the pantry where
the bottle, together with a bottle of milk,
some butter and a piece of Ice was In a
bucket, was open. This Is what lenda
strength to the murder theory-
Slnce Mr. Van Dran was shot down
by Joe Young, ho has had every reason
to belrevb. that the man who $hot him
would make further attempts upon his
life, and for that reason he has been
(Concluded on Page 4.)