- TIES srOHNING- OKEGOXEO", SiTUKBAY, AUGUST 12, 1905. 11 rem rent. Booms. 2CEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lichts and belle, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the door; ele gant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F Lange. Prop. Sam Baumann. Mgr. THE AUDITORIUM. 2C8H 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon. 1 block south Bskor Theater Elegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and cold running water In rooms, iree baths, rooms with private bath, electric light, ele vator; rooms suitable for two. $1 day. $4 week np; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in all Its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to cue; central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. Jl'BT WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large, beautiful outside rooms, elegantly furnished; will accommodate parties of J or 4 at 50 cents apiece; hot baths free. Call at the Cosy. IDS and 195 7th st.. one block from the Portland Hotel. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington st,, between 10th and 20th: new. modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free baths; 50c. 76c. 1 per day; restaurant lis building. Take M" car at depot, rnojjr itea HOTEL OXFORD (EUROPEAN), 6TH AND Oak New brick building, all modern con veniences, private bath suites, restaurant and bar in connection, bell service; rates reasonable. Phone Main SS. 512 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only - blocks from Portland Hotel, Postoftice and the aters: tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2239 LARGE. COMFORTABLE, FRONT ROOM, permanent, suitable for two gentlemen; private family; 5 minutes' ride from Post office; bath and phone. SOS Jaoksoa st. Main 4231. THK A.N.. . COR. 6TH AND JEFFER oon sts. New and nicely furnished suite; also one housekeeping suite and single rooms; prices reasonable; free porcelain bath. WANTED PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT roomers at "The Dormer." cor. 18th ana Jefferson, new, modern brick building;' gas, bath and phone; at reasonable rates. THE HAMANN. Quiet, newly furnished rooms. 1 block from car line; reasonable; special rate for parties. 125 N. 18th st. Phone Main 1400. UNITED STATES HOTEL. CTH. ANKENY and Burnslde sts.. fr )tlng on 3 streets"; most central location In city; all outside rooms; 50c, 75c and $ per day. CLEAN. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; rates reasonable, transient to traveling pub lic Opp. Hotel Perkins, next door to flor ist's. 288Vi Washington. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR FAIR grounds. Mineral Springs Hotel. 304 N. 20th, cor. Savler. M or S cars direct from Depot. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 233 Stark, cor. 5th. Phone Main 2057. 414 JEFFERSON NEW HOUSE. NEW furnishings, modern, rates 50c to $1.50 -per day; special rates by week or month. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. ALL CON venlences. private family, permanent. $10 month, 254 N. 20th, cor. Northrup. 387 TAYLOR. NEAR WEST PARK NICE, large, newly furnished rooms; tranalents; special rates to permanent people. 464 24TH ST. NORTH. BESIDE FAIR Permanent or transients, furnished rooms, en suite or single. $4.20 per week. THE ALDBR, 435 ALDER NICELY FUR nlfihed rooms, convenient and quiet; bath, free phone; reasonable rates. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 395 12th fit. TWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE HOME. BATH, gas and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th, Phone Main 4739. FRONT SUITE, WELL FURNISHED. BATH, phone; 3 blocks Hotel Portland; transient or permanent. 24GH 7th. 485 ALDER PLEASANT ROOM. PRIVATE house, double bed, conveniences; block from Belasco Theater; $4 wee. RYAN HOUSE, 209V4 .5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Oppo site City Hall; transient. THE" TEMPLE. 348, YAMHILL, OPPOSITH Hotel Portland DeuKe and single .furnished rooms. Phono Clay 1957. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS $1.50 per week; one block car, 10 minutes' ride. 180 East 34th st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH USE of phone and bath, $1.75 per week and tip. ill 7th et. 640 HOYT ST.. NEAR 16TH ST. SEVERAL furnished rooms, direct to Fair; everything new, modern. MONASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping. $3.50 and up:' transient. 25c, 50e. $1. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN, very close in. 20 N. 10th. FURNISHED ROOMS. 221 10TH ST. Booms With Board MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER house, very desirable, well-furnlshed rooms, board if desired, 2 blocks from Morrison car line, 2 from Washington line; con venient to Fair grounds. 057 Pettygrovo St., bet. 20th and 21st. THE WOODLAND. 205 6TH IN BEAUTI- ful grounds. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland: has large, well-furnished rooms; rates by week or month: permanent; meals If de sired. Phone Main 5250. Rates reasonable, PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms "with board; use of sewing-room; use of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, SupU, 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st.. bet. 3d and 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out slda rooms: exceedingly low rates. WANTED A PERMANENT COUPLE TO board for the Winter. In swell family resi dence. West Side, north of Morrison. C 51. Oreganian. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVE. Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; ele vator, billiard-room; transients; both car lines. "THE GLENDORA" BEST AND MOST reasonable resident hotel in the city; free phone; modern; all new furnishings. TOURAINE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board; next door Hotel Portland Annex. 168 7th. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE, GOOD TABLE, reasonable. 602 Clay, near 15th; modern con veniences. Phone Main 5099. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phono; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 895 12th st. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH ROOMS with board, good home cooking; reason able, central; on car-line. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH board, to gentleman and wife; West Side; very desirable. .391 10th st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR two, with or without board. 738 Main, op posite St. Helens Hall. 215 12TH ST., COR. OF SALMON FUR nlshed rooms with board; home cooking; English family. ROOMING AND TABLE BOARD AT MRS. Parkers, .cor. of 2d and Hall sts.; charges reasonable. FINE ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTH. MOD ern. -with board. 394 Columbia. Main 2219. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board: hot and cold water. FINE ROOM AND BOARD, PRICE FOR 2. $45 month; nice home cooking. 590 1st st, 393 MORRISON, COR. 10TH ROOMS, WITH or without board; transients; reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD. 715 OVERTON. NEAR Fair grounds. Flats. NEAT. MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS. INCLUD lng combination steel range. Haloey and Larrabee. Inquire 28S Larrabee. DESIRABLE CORNER FLAT; LEAVING city; 6ell furniture cheap. Call 34 North 10th. Telephone Mala 2300. NEW UPPER FLAT. 5 ROOMS AND BATH $12 per month. Inaulre 3G1 Fremont st.. near Union ave. car-line. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vlce, hot water to bath and kitchen. 22d and Johnson ete. 207 PARK. COR. TAYLOR FURNISHED complete lor housekeeping, 2 blocks' Hotel Portland. ' TOR KENT. rut. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 6-TtOOM fiat. 29 East. 8th, cor. Burnslde; vacant Au gust 15; electric light ond gas; rent $25.00. Apply 120 Front St.. Page dc Son. 190 17TH ST.. NEAR YAMHILL. MODERN O-room loner fiat, all conveniences, inquire ISA 10th L, near Taylor. Phone West 1442. Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE- keeplng rooms in hlgn-ciasfl poncing, center of beet downtown district, near Hotel Port land and Marquam Theater, for rent to mar ried couple; steam heat, elevator, telephone, gas stove for cooking. Inquire room 3, Washington bldg. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms: hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISH JCD HOUSEKEEPING rooms in beet brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices moderate. Logan blk.. 108 Union ave. cor. E. Alder. Phone Union 3203. 372 FIRST ST. TWO OR FOUR NEWLY PA- pered. furnltbed bay-wincow Housekeeping roomo. $15; also three unfurnished. $11; re spectable people only. FURNISHED HOUSEKEPING ROOMS. 8 OR more; desirable location. lower floor; large lawn, pbone. closets, bath; reasonable. 431 East Ankcny. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, stationery washbowl, bain, Shone, use of gas, range, walking distance. 99 MIU st. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlflhed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath; suitable for 3 people. 3S4 Sherman. S car South. $3.00 WEEK TWO LARGE FURNISHED beusekeepmg rooms; clean, coot, diib. not water, phone, lawn. Room 118 Abington bldg. 4S1 W. PARK-3 FURNISHED ROOMS; gas. bath, phone; suitable for light house keeping. Phone Main 0097. TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms; gas. bath and phone. 575 Main. Pbone Main 4060. 500 FLANDERS ST. LARGE. LIGHT UN furnished or partly furnished housekeeping rooms; no children. TWO NICELY FURNISIED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms in private family; rent reason able. 300 7th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; REASONABLE rates; electric lights and pbone Included. 301 Water st. TWO ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED; HOT bath, gas; light housekeeping; $10 month. GS6 Front st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, close In. bath. 6 10th, near Stark. FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $12 per raontn; o to 1. M. too ay. 185: Mill. 185& Mill 947 BELMONT ST.. SUNNYSIDE 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; rent $12; no children. FOR RENT 2 PARTLY FURNISHED . housekeeping rooms; no children. 153 N. 13th st. 'A SUITE OF 2 FURNISHED ROOMS, cheap. 400 East Morrison, cor. Grand ave., upstairs. 313 14TH ST. NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent; phone, bath. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. $2 and $8 each; light and coL 304 Front. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. The Newcastle. 492 3d st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AND housekeeping rooms. 309 7th st. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS. ALSO housekeeping. 12S N. 17th st. Houses. COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS, STORES. ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES . FOR RENT. List your property with us to be rented The demand is greater than we can supply. Personal attention given to it by our rental department. 109 Third Street. Fbone Main 453. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NEW, 7 ROOMS. lst and Schuyler $25 Aew, i rooms, 31 st im Broadway New. 7 rooms. 020 Hancock.. New, 0 rooms, 900 Broadway 20 B. M. LOMBARD. Phone 5692. 514 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. tuitv-aIciItc V. i f V. &l&AtM- t4r.Hr r-o nil raAll. ern improvements, cor. E. 22d and Couch -ete. ; rent $89. Apply John F. Cordray. 5l L. Burnslde st. Phone East -11. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 729 Roosevelt St.. near 22d st., vicinity of Fair grounds; rent very reasonable. A. li. isw rell, 202 McKay bldg., Sd and Stark. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM DWELLING. Willamette Heights; beautiful view; on car-line, good service; all modern conve niences. Apply 1103 Tnurraan st. FOR RENT A 7-ROOM NEWLY BUILT house. 571 East 26th and Brooklyn et ; Wood stock cor passes door. Inquire 575 East 20th ana Brooklyn. FOR RENT THE FINE S-ROOM HOUSE. rS. E. cor. 1st and Meade, Just newly reno vated; reasonable to the right party. In quire -700 l6t. MODERN COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS. PORCH. closets, sink in kitchen; near car line. In quire room 203 Falling bldg. Phone Main 2120. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1CSS. Office, lie N. 3d st. FLAT. 3 ROOMS. YARD. FIREPLACE. 293 Montgomery. $15. water included. Drake's Agency, 205 Washington (employment). NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. NEAR E. 8th and lioiiaaay ave.; $40 per month. J. P, Sharkey. 701 C. of C. Phone Main ISO. FOR SALE OR LEASE ON LONG TERM, 7-room 2-story dwelling, modern Improve ments. 3US Clay, inquire 4bo Market. I. a WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH, 17th and E. Morrison sts.; references. T. G. Thornton, room 2, Mulkey blk. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST., $50 month. The Healy investment Co 210-214 Abington. 100 Sd et. FOR RENT A FINE MODERN HOUSE. near east end of steel bridge. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon, JOB 3d. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE JUST COMPLETED on 23d. bet. Irving and Johnson; everything modern ana up to ante. FOR RENT MODERN 10-ROOM RES! dence, 15th and Schuyler. Apply 117 Ablng- xon DtGg. HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. BASEMENT. BATH. gas. ios union, near -a. Apply 704 (.usan. SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN HOUSE. BEARING fruit, lot ouxiuu; saie or rent, w aicKay mag. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST ANKENY car line; alto a rooms. Phone East 427. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 806 17TH ST.-PHONE Main 1057, or 434 Mohawk bldg. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED .V room modern cottage in Sell wood; 100 feet from car line; city water, lawn. Cowers and fruit trees. Inquire Madden, Printer, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. FURNISHED EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE IN host i-Mt!dfn! Itx-alltV- on VMr. to nrlvat family without small children. Apply 520 Morquam oiag. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED FUR nlshed house, full of roomers; will etl fur nlture on cosy terms at a .b&iKoin. Th Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg, SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN HOME. THOR oughly modern, well furnished; half-block of ground: nice lawn, fruit and roses. 509 Mc Kay hulldlng. FURNISHED HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS with piano, nice location, close in; price $25. Call at J. L. Wells & Co., 94 Grand ave. FIVE-BOOM COTTAGE. WELL FURNISH ed. nice yard and shade. everrthinr in first clots order; neat aad clean. 447 E. Davis. i FURNISHED TPUR-ROOM COTTAGE, ELEC-, I trie lights, bath, central Inquire 273 7UT.J TOR RENT. Furnished Houses. FOR SALE A BARGAIN. CENTRALLY LO- caiea lumisaea nouse, wm and .downstairs; furniture new and cost $750, will sell for $300; possession glren on or be fore September 1. 1905. For Information call at 27 Everett st. Houses For Rent Fnmltoro For Sale. W-ROOM HOUSE. PAYING PROFIT OF 111) per montn; long icare; wrap i. $2600 in March, will be sold for $1800. Finan cial embarrassment compels Mr. Bair to lose this $800. as the bouse must be sold to meet his obligations. See our display ad. la an other column. Our agent Is on premise. No. 239 Larabce st. L Gevcrtz & Sons, 1.3 1st st. $150 FURNITURE OF FLAT, IN GOOD OR- aer, o rooms, nam. pantry; avar wuii rent $22.50e immediate possession. 205 N. 18th. ' NINE-ROOM HOUSE . FURNITURE FOR role; fine residence location. ISO lutn bz, corner Taylor. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF C-ROOM FLAT reasonable; good location ea west bice. 2C2 7th et. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS AND HOUSE for rent; close In; cheap rent. Phone Mam 03 S3. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR talc; price $175; no agents. J 42, Oregonian. FURNITURE OF SEVEN ROOMS FOR $175; rent $20. Phone Main 3210. Summer Resorts. SEA CROFT. SEA VIEW. WASH. SEA View's select boarding cottage. T only home open for tho public directly facing the ocean. First-class table. Transients accom modated. Address Mrs. E. A Percy, P. O. Box 8. Hwaco. Wash. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS borne accommodations, fine ocean view, and flowers, modern conveniences, noted for its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necan icum Station. Emily Damann, Prop. WELL-FURNISHED 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT Seaview for remainder of season; desirable location. 270 Washington st. Pbone Hood. 74. ELEGANT NEW COTTAGE, GEAR HART Beach, for September; well furnisnea. u. A. Lewie, window 7, First National Bank. FURNISHED COTTAGE AT SEASIDE FOR br lance of seosoo cheap. Address O 50, care Oregonian. WANTED COTTAGB AT SEASIDE. PHONE f roni or aaaresa &i ciay st. Offices. FOR RENT NICE. LARGE OFFICES ON eta. near Washington; suitable for light man ufacturing. Inquire b. .Morton conn. 354 Oak sc. comer Park. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN", uractunng purposes, two floors In brick building, corner 5lh and Flanders sts. Povey Bros. Glass Co. FOR RENT 3 OFFICE ROOMS. TOGETHER or separate, on th and Waentngten sts. Ap ply Portland Trust Co. of Oregon. 109 or at. LARGE OFFICE. WITH USE OF RECEP- t Ion-room and phone. Apply 413-414-415 Mc Kay bWg- G ROUND FLOOR OFFICE OR DESKROOM. pbone included, fine location. S58 Alder st. OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BUILDING. Whit. 308 Dekum bMg. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANY WAGE-EARNER NEEDING MONET before payday can get It frcm us. No com mission or interest In advance; no mort gage or ladorser reauired. Reear weekly. monthly or semi-monthly in amount from $1 apword, thus avoiding payment of me whole amount out of any one payday, and have six months' time If desired. Nelson ti Hlndley. 3U3 McKay Mdg. LOANS MAD.E TO SALARIED PEOPLE noicuig permanent posjuans one rcpuDiaic firms; easy pajmenu and strleily confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-nouses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Ablngtss Building. MONEY TO LOAN. On improved city property or for bettdisg purposes. Any amount on from 3 to lo yer time, with privilege to repay ail or part of loan after one year. Loan approved from plans and money advanced as building prog resses; mortgages taken up and replaced. Fred H. Strong, Financial agent, 242 Stark street. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Cenftdential. Mnth. -month. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.53 or $&& or $3.23. $25 Repay to us $ 0.05 or $&5 or $1.05. $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or 1.00. 210 M'KAY BLDG.. Htt 3D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO- nian nicg., loons money 10 reliable eairs men. trainmen, rootcrmen. conductors or other salaried empioca, just on his note, in sums of $10 to $Iw. Returnable In con venient weekly or monthly pautenta. Pay ments suspended In cui of icne. Gaud dentlaL No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE. --". . '-"vw. Kf , fo ments; largest business in ill principal at' lea. Tolman. 223 Abington bldg. Mala 0457. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT l ure. piano or personal property; best terms In city; rooms 218-220 Abington. Red 1720. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co.. room 716. tae Dekum. 3d and Wash. tlx. Phoa 224, IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 To $500 on all securities. R. L Kckeraoa & Co.. loom 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $3 AND CP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Phone .uiay iiX LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Mam Clou. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock blsg. Phone Clay 52S. Also real estate loans. $400. C PER CENT. AND $700 AT 7 PER cent on real estate. Newton McCoy, room 715. Oregonian bldg. $700 TO LOAN. ALL OR PART. AT S PER cent, on good security. Address V 51. Ore . genlan. , JiOO.000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBUR ban; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the Allsky. State funds loaned, b per cent. W. E. Thomas, state agu, Multnomah Co., 400 fqm. Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl. rm. 9; Washington bldg. FOR SALE, CHEAP-SALOON. A NO. 1 location. Call or adores 204-206 fid st. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATES. The Portland Loan Ofilce. 74 3d ct. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonian from the doors of Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. LOST RETURN PORTION OF C. B. & Q. ticket to Council Bluffs. la.; suitable reward if returned to Mrs. E. W. Thomas. Hotel Armlnlus, 410 Morrison st. Phone Mala 5263. LOST AUG. 7. RAILROAD PASSES AND ticket. Return to William Klltlngsworth. S03 Chamber of Commerce, city. Liberal -reward given. LOST WHITE BULL TERRIER 0 WEEKS old black spots on belly, new collar on neck. Finder return Orpheum. 4th and Stark. Reword. LOST SILVER CHATELAINE CLASP. ON 3d ft., between Alder and Morrison, or on Morrison from 3d to 13th; reward. Room a. 3d ST, FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT . tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 47,4. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST-ALPHA DELTA PHI JEWELED doss pin. Return to Security Savings & Trust ana receive iioerai reward. ELK TOOTH STUDDED WITH DIAMONDS and ruoiee; iicerai reward it returned. War wick Cafe. 4th st. LOST LOST A CIRCLE OF PEARLS PFV Finder please leave with Sig. Slchel. 92 3d st. itewara. FOUND CORNER 1ST AND WASHINGTON sts.. a brown leather chatelaine bag. Apply iiv sin si. BUSINESS CHANCES. CIGAR. NEWS AND CONFECTIONERY, nooa corner jvcauon, lor saie. ill Wash lngton, " BUSINESS CHANCES. $1000 ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE, I will icil jny joas-csiuiiuro nuie ana insurant business; has steady income and extensive property list. F 31. core Oregonian. GENERAL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE FOR eole Fine established business: prosperous country town Apply Prince Shoe Co., bS SS Fifth su Portland. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME INVEST and get a holding In two of the great staple commodities of this Coast; a place to put your money to work; safe, profitable, per manent, strictly legitimate, thoroughly re liable. Full particulars by calling 533 Chamber of Commerce. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY GIVES Information on business opportunities Is any line of mercantile business; parties looking for locations, city or country, are invited to call: only legitimate propositions consid ered. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablsg ten bldg. FOR SALE A BOOK AND ART STORE OF 9 years standing, doing an elegant business, in a most flourlihtng Western town, without much competition; only reason for selling, poor health; will require about $9000 cash capital. For particulars address L 30. Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSE. DIRECTLY OFF WASH lngton. between 4th and Cth; 35 rooms, air full; doing fine business; steady roomers; net Income $500 month; furniture absolutely new; long lease; can be purchased, cost of furniture; no agents. S 40. Oregonian. DEPARTMENTS TOR RENT CLOAKS, skirts, suits, millinery, shoes, ladles' furnish ings, etc, in an old-established dry goods house, within COO feet of Postofflce; a rare opportunity; first-class people only need an swer. Addreas W 50. Oregonian. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured la from 8 to S days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. A PROPERLY QUALIFIED PARTY CAN OB tain an Interest in a weU-cstabltahed firm; must be capable of taking charge of a de partment and have about J 10,000. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Abington bldg. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY store, ice cream and lunchroom, double front, with billiard parlor in rear; doing first-class business; will sell at Invoice If token at once. 1001 E. 13th st. WHOLESALE COMMISSION BUSINESS The proper man can acquire an Interest in a well-established house doing a rushing business: capital required $3500. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Abington bldg. WANTED A BUSINESS MAN FROM THE East desires to locate here, and seeks an op portunity to invest from $50uo to $10,000 In some legitimate enterprise doing a profitable buslnesK D 51. Oregonian. COAL MINE FOR SALE. Small mine, welt located, near railroad; plenty of coal of excellent quality; special terms for quick rale. Fred S. Fogg. Ta coraa. Wash. FOR EALE AN IDEAL ROOMING-HOUSR 13 rooms, neat and clean, good location fur R. R. shops. Call at ptaee. 71 Harding st., cor. Harding and Goldsmith sts.; 'price $400. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED; IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, offer them through me to Investors. George M. Kellwgg. broker, 345 Eillcott square. Buffalo. CIGAR. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY store Owner wants a partner who Is active and honest and satlsAed with $26 a week; $3t0 required, call 245 Stark St. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN A ONE-HALF Interest In a new sawmill with a dally capacity of 75.000 feet. Apply to William F. Gossl 60 0th. Portland. Or. MAN WITu ABILITY AND CAPITAL DE- sires to become Interested In a promMng business in Portland. For particulars call upon m. G. Gosston. Co Cth st. NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 203 MARQUAM bldg.; capitalization $5o.(K0. companies In corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks, mines and real ostate handled. MINING. Will tell an Interest In some of the best min ing claim In Tonopah and Gotdfleid district. Address Postoffice Box 433. WANTED MAN WITH $10O TO TAKE half-Interest in a business that will pay $25 per week; good security for money. Call US N. Sth st. FOR SALE FURNISHED SUITE OF OF- flcca, best location, established clientage; opportunity lor attorney or realty salesman. N 49, Oregonian. FOR SALE A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER AND job printing plant, at county seat on Puget sountf; good DUJines. easy terms. Hex m. Olympia, wasn. mnniiv -rut- norp Pinvn pin 1 1 iruil ana cimirviivtivi j jwic in we cu . rem -7i; living-rooms; raui ue tmm. jppiy DO YOU WANT A 20-ROOM ROOMING boute? Good furniture, near Hotel Portland; clearing $200 month; $165. Address J 52. oregonian. FOR RENT RESTAURANT DOING GOOD bosinei.; excellent opportunity and not much cash required. Apply at once. 333 e. Bum side st. THE BEST GROCERY PROPOSITION IN cltr: Investigate if you mean buslne: es tablished corner, fine location. V 48. Ore gonian. SNAP ROOMING-HOUSE 7 ROOMS. GAS. bath, telephone; block from Portland Hotel; If taken -at once, $i00. 2tiS Morrison, room 30. LOCAL CORPORATION NOW ORGANIZING offers ground-floor opportunity to right party with capital, can iaii stare, room 3. PLANING-MILL FOR SALE ALL MODERN machinery; In good shape; well located; will sen at a menace, it 17. uregoman. FOR SALE DANCING PAVILION AND ICE cream stand near Fair grounds; a money maker. Addrefs 11 4B. care oregonian. 17-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. MAKING money; will sell for $800 cash, bal.' easy pay ments; a bargain, rnone jaain owtJ. row "CAT.vnnoMlXG-HOUSK OP 1 rooms, good furniture, very cheap. Colt on owner, tjuil vtasaiDgiou uu $750. WITH SERVICES. W.ILL MAKE YOU mnth In a rn!i business atwn fa full InvHtlnilon. Call 2tS4 Stark st. t-v-tj c it tt 1 v ii.TjnriAr T?rvnT."rr-TiriT-ct? good location for roomers and boarders; rent oniy jsv. I'uooe now j. GROCERY. ESTABLISHED CORNER. CEN- tral. low rent; nrst-cis in every respect $2500. T 51. oregonian. A SHOOTING GALLERY ON CTH ST., NEAR Oil ran st.. 2 montn licence, inquire -14 3d, between Asa ana i-ine. , BEST LOCATED WASHINGTON-ST. COR ner lease, fixtures and stock for sole, see Walling, 20s Aiuxy diox. J2-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT. NEW. very convenient; for rent. Apply Calef Bros., soo E. Morrison, BATH. HAIRDRESSING. MANICURING HS- tsblUhment for sale, on account of Qieknes u o-. care oregonian. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE AT invoice; must sen; gooa location; rooms rent $20. 312 Pine. ACTTVE LADY PARTNER WITH $1500 Krtctly first-class; permanent Dusinen. 50. care Oregonian. WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST SMALL li, oit Aiorruoa. . FOR SALE FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUN1 ty In St Johns; easy terms. Address T 4S, care orecomon. $50 WILL HANDLE NEWLY FURNISHED room house; Balance xiw izu per month. 45 Burnslde. HAVE SOME MONEY TO INVEST. GOOD paying Business; give details in letter. K. 52, Oregonian. $250 BUYS CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT AND cigar store, best location on Morrison at. 312 Fine st. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS. FRUIT ANT Ice cream stand for sale cheap. Q 51. Ore gonian. BARBER SHOP. THREE CHAIRS. FOR sale at a bargain; owner not a barber. 20S Morrison. X375 PARTNER. CTH ST. CORNER SA. loon; plenty business for two. 54 N. 7th st. A NICE 10-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE FOR sale, rent cheap. Call Pbone Main 4S5S. 311 1ST ST. CONFECTIONERY STORE FOR eaie cheap; 4 11-ing-reoms; low rent. FOR SALE BEST LITTLE RESTAURANT tacitly 2t6ji Yamhill - SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals laTiled. PROPOSALS FOR FOUH BUILDINGS DE partment of the Interior, office of Indian Ar falrs, Washington, D. C July 29. 1003. Sealed proposals. Indorsed. "Proposals for Buildings. Salem, Oregon." and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington. D. C. will b received at the In dian Office until 2 o'clock P. M. of Tues day, September 5. 1905, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and complete two frame barns with plumbing and electric light, one frame employes quarters and one brick hospital, both with plumbing, steam heat and electric light, at the Salem School. Oregon. In strict accordance with plans and specifications and instructions to bidders which may be examined at this office; the offices of the Oregon Statesman. Salem, Or.; The Morning Oregonian, Portland. Or.; the Post-lntelllgencer. Seattle. Wash.; tho Chronicle. Isan Francisco. Cal.: the Improve ment Bulletin. Minneapolis. Minn.; the Con struction News. Chicago, 11L; the Builders' ami Traders Exchanges, at Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee. Wis.; Su Paul. Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.: the Northwestern Manu facturers Association. St, Paul. Minn.; tho U. S. Indian warehouses at 203 South Canal rf. Chicago, 111.; 817 Howard sr.. Omaha. Neb.; 60S South Seventh st,. St, Louis, Mo.; 119 Wooster st.. New York, N. Y.; 23 Wash ington st. San .Francisco, Cat,, and at the school. For further Information apply to Edwin L. Chaicraft, Cbemawa, Or. C F. Larrabee. Acting Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. GEN- erai land Office. Washington, D. c. Notice Is hereby given that certain lands in the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation, situated in townships 5 and 0 south, ranges 7 and 3 west. In the State of Oregon, will be of fered for sale by separate sealed bids, which will be received by the Register and Re ceiver of the District Land Office at Port land, Or., commencing on October 3, at 9 A. M.. and continuing until October 10, 1905, at 11 o'clock A. M., and no bid will be considered that is not received during the period mentioned. The bids will be opened by the Register and Receiver of the Land Office mentioned, commencing at 1 o'clock P. M.. of Tuesday, October 10, 1000. The lands will be sold in accordance with rules and regulations, and a schedule particularly describing the lands to be sold, printed cop ies of which may be obtained on application to the Register and Receiver of the Land Office named, or upon application to the General Land Office, Washington, D. C Each bid must be accompanied by a certi fied check, for 20 per centum of the amount of such bid, which will be retained and credited as part payment of the purchase price should the bid be accepted and the purchaser pay the remaining amount due, and furnish evidence of bis citizenship, or be forfeited if the bid is accepted and the amount due and evidence of citizenship ore not furnished in accordance with the rules and regulations. J. H. Frlmple. Acting Com missioner. Approved: E. A. Hitchcock. Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR MISCELLANEOUS SUP- piles for construatlOB and repairs Depot Qaartermar-ters Office. 3G New Montgomery ,, Sea Francisco, Cal., August 10, 1903. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, subject .to the usual conditions, wilt be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. Friday. August 25, 1905. Pacific Standard time, and then opened, for furnishing hardware, muri atic acid, paint, brushes, carbotlneum. cheesecloth, panes of glass, glue. Unseed oil. paints, putty, resin, wider, steel sheets. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Information and blank proposals wilt be furnleed on application. JOnvelopes con taining proposals to be marked: "Proposal No. 2S, to be opened August 23. 1905." and addressed to Major C. A. Devol. Quarter master, U. S. A., Depot Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR ROOFING SEALED PRO- posals Indonnd "Proposals for Re-Roofing." will be received by the Superintendent of tne Oregon State Penitentiary for re-roofing the foundry buildings at the penitentiary (coa eistlng approximately of 400 pquaresj, until Auguet . 1905. at 2 o'clock P. M.. at the penitentiary, and then publicly opened. Specifications can be seen ut the office of the Superintendent of the penitentiary and Push iz Legg. architect?, Salem. Or.- Bids must be submitted on forms obtained from the Superintendent. The Board hereby re serves the right to reject any and all btda. C. W. James, Superintendent. Salem. Or., August S. 1905. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bios for a stock of general merchan dise located at Hood River. Or., amounting to about $28,000. including store fixtures, up to Monday, at 12 o'clock noon. August 14, 2905. A cash deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of bW must accompany each offer, the right being reserved to reject any and all bMs. The property may be Inspected at Hood River, and an Inventory may be seen at my office. Dated Portland. Or., this 29th day of July. 1903. R. L. Sabln. Front and Ankeny sts. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at tne office of the Lighthouse Engineer. Portland. Or., until 12 o'clock M Aurrust 29. 1909. and then opened, for repairs to wharf at Lighthouse Depot. Astoria. Or., in ac cordance with fipecincatiocs. copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, may be had upon application to Major W. C. Langtltt. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., jsngineer. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL TUES- day noon. August 15. at the president's of nee. Administration building, for the erec tion, or stock sheds for llvetnock show on Exposition grounds: clans and SDecificatlons on file In the office of the Director of vtorke. Administration bldg. BIDS WANTED FOR IJIPROVEMENT OF 33 miles cf an Oregon river for floating logs. Including floating and deliver' of m.Utxi feet of logs. Address S 49. earn oregonian. Masters' Notice. S. S. TOTTENHAM. CAPT. MANN. FROM Molt Neither the master nor the under signed consignees of the above-named ves sel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, loung & Co.. Agents. Stockholders' Meeting. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGA- tion Company. Notice of the Annual Meet lag of the Stockholders. Notice is here by given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will bo held, pursu ant to the by-laws, at the office of the sec retary of the company, room 343 Worces ter building. Portland. Oregon, on Thurs dar September 7. 1005. at 12 o'clock noon. at which time there will be submitted for the consideration of the stockholders a proposition to amend article III of the Articles of Incorporation of the company by inserting Immediately after the words. "21st. A line from a point near Ward ner. in the State of Idaho, to the Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head of Deadwood Gulch." the following. "22nd. A line from the terminus of this company's present railroad In Et. Johns, Multnomah County, Oregon, to a connection with the constructed una of railroad of this com pany at or near Troutdale. In said county and state: 23d. A lino from Wallowa, in the State of Oregon, by some eligible route to a point at or near Joseph. In said state," and at which time there will also he submitted for tho consideration of the stockholders certain amendments to the by-laws of the company. W. W. Cotton. Secretary. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COM oanri Notice of annual meeting of the stockholders.-Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of .the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company will Be new, pursuant to toe oy-iaws. &t ma office of the secretary of the company, room 543 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., on Thurs day. September 7, 1905, at 2 o'clock P. M. Av. w. (jotion. secretary, uaiea .ugust 1005. Miscellaneous. The undersigned has been appointed by the Ceunty Court of Oregon for Multnomah County administrator, with the will annexed. and has duly qualified, Alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at the law office , a T).lrtln AlntvArfh Mru-lr Prtrt. l - .... ------ - --- . V ... . V. verified within six months from date of this, notice. Dated Portland. Oregon. August 4. 1903. and nrst puoiisnea- aukuh o. imw. Admlnlstrator with the will annexed of the estate OC uaoette xcrKeau, umaecu. Chas. A. Petraln. attorney for administrator. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL not oe responsiuit: wwumku by my wife, Mamie Smith. W. A. Smith liystenous umj wtu;. AFTER THIS DATE I AM NOT RESPONSI Ne for debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. waiter ui. PERSONAL. Sees 314-315 Columbia bldg., 363 Washing ton It- lnone jima iuiu. COINS BOUGHT, SOLD: GET OUR PRICES; ltets frta. Coin Co 113 N. 11th. St. Louis. Mo. MISS MAKI. graduate cf Finland, massage DR. PAUL CROMWBLs THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium, 127 N. 12th, Main 3473. TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN BLDG. genu all night; ladles all day. Main 1S3S. NATURAL RUSSIAN BATHS. DAILY. EX cept Monday and Tuesday. 23c 81 E. 2Sth st. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE DIS- . IMtv li Phoat ala i&Sk PERSONAL. FACLVL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific methods; no pain, no danger, no scars, no detention from daily duties; wrinkles, hol lows, unshapely nose, ears. Hps. corrected; pitting?, birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts, red veins, etc. removed by electric needle; dermatology taught for professional pur poses. 17-20. Selilng-Hirsch bldg.. Washing ton ,, bet. W. Iark and 10th sts. Phone Main 0d. Mme. M. Vaughn. G. D. D. B. B. Masten. M. D., C. M. AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKB. GRADUATE dermatologlit; scientific, featural correc tlonist. beautifler and restorer of yauthful ness, may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessful treated: matura wrinkles, scars, blemishes, eta. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology in connection. Par lors 304 Morrison. Phone Hood 282. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL ' kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed; best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. IOC!- fltb, Portland. Or. Phone Clay 3C5. Residence. 240 Harrison. Main 444X DRES3 SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $ I a mania Keeps juur vjuiuuis pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. LADIES. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatment, x teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used la your own home, Addres 1401 1st ave., SeatlU SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING- fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11th st. Phone East 260. SEXINE PILLS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED for all forms of weaKness or nervousness: si & box; 6 for $5. Full guarantee. Addresser call J. A. Clemens on. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts Nerve Globules. On months treat ment, $2: 3 months. $3. Sent secretly sealed by malL Agents. Woodord. Clarka & Co., Portland, Or. LADIES TO TAKE FACIAL MASSAGE AT their homes, by long-experienced masseur. who uses only Madam Yale's treatments and remedies. Address M. E. Gray. 308 S. 13th st. Phone Main 3623. ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the firm of Lauders & Dillon was on the lit of August. 1995. mutually dlsralved. said business being Known as "Farmers Stables." 30S-10 Front st. MANICURING BY NEW ROTARY PROCESS. hand massage, vibratory body. face, scalp massage; free demonstration. viDraterium. rooms 28-29. Lewis bldg., cor. Park and Morrison sts. The "Matrimonial Register," 10c. contains de scriptions and particulars oc several Hundred residents of or. & wasn. wno wisn to merry. Interstate Introducing Society. Russel bldg. BOOK OF NATURE," "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modern Lover," "Rosa's Confession," "Marriage in High Life," "Deaperate Love," 50s each; lists free. A. W. Sen male. 22U 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Taoiets; c a box. Write or call at isysseu s -narraar. 227 Morrison sr,. between 1st and 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL- las: reoalrini and recovering; two stores. Washington and tlth and Morrison and 3tb. Sole agents lor Alexandre Kia gloves. A COMPLETE FORMULA AND THE (teaching of using It. for curing cancer with out a knife, can at :i4 Awier St.. cor. 01 3d. Phone Hood 1x1. BUSINESS MAN. MIDDLE AGE, WITH TWO thousand dollars cash, wisnes to eorresponu with honorable lady: view, matrimony. -N 52, Oregonian. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KINDS of WAISTS, kimonos, muslin underwear, etc.. below cost. sing inong to.. ku lorrison st. NATURAL CURE FOR NIGHT LOSSES; NO drugs; no appliances. Address, with stamp. T. J. G.. box 223. saiem. ur. - DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X-Radlum Medical Institute. Allsky biag.. 3d and Morrison. Portland. vniTvn T-ATY FROM CHICAGO GIVES face and scalp massage. noom a, uuft 1th st.. cor. wasmngton. IF MR. ENGLANDER'S SISTER LILLIE. OF San IrnnciJo. is nere iram iaer in me city. can up pnone west ihd. 1-1 VTPn TTIK ADDRESS B. Bl BAIRD (deaf mute), formerly of Wisconsin, iiox 31. La Fayette. Or. FACB AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOCR Hemes, ica nezner. ntn. in. jimu CYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA. 31 VOLS.. $33. at the Old Book Sture. 229 Yamhill st. DETECTIVE WORK. ANY CLASS; BOOKS expert ed.- Box 311. I'orttanu i-ostotnce. shoes Half-soled for soc at holla baugh's. 207 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers una Analysts. THE J. H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley and Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. -Vi vi wasmngton sr. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 20S STARK st. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought, 90 1st at. Attorneys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL bldg. I mane specialty 01 aeieating tax titles. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, ounioas, cai loujfaa. Ingrown and club nails: pedicuring. manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 Benson Mdg., bin ana Morrison WM DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE onlv scientific chiropodists: parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phono Main 1301. This is the iong-nairea gentleman. He is the man you are looking for. FOR CORNS, Bunions. Tired. Aching Feet, see Benjamin, the Foot Specialist, 7th and Stark; j. LINDELL, expert, chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized, itu jaarquam. Main aau. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air combined; carpets- cleaned on floor without removal. Main 5334. East 250 U Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER., PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old ston merchant. Front st,. near Main, Port land. Ur. V.U3II UUtauvci. u. t.uuJ1Aumciii3. tavt.OR. YOUNO & CO.. SHIP BROKERS -ni commission merchants. Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants, front ana uavis sts. rortiana. ur. Carpenters and Builders. New homes built, old ones renewed; prop . w. ) one 1 W. L. BUCKNEB. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. u siarx. Mam saai. Clairvoyants. PROF. VAN CORTLAND, CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE MEDIUM. 7 YEARS IN PORTLAND. 3tttti WASHINGTON ST.. COR. STH. ii will tell you your full name. age. occupa tlon. whom and when you will, marry and what you call for without asking a question. Advice on business, health, mining and all affairs of life, it you are sick, can toaay. Hours. 9 A. M. to a p. m. uoijy ana sunaaya GYPSY ZENOBIA Tells past, present and future. No matter what your trouoies are sne win neip you. Room o-'vJ AiisKy Diag.. aiarnson ana MADAME JOHNSTON CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader. I give facta reliable ana important uu u tumirs ul icui mc Readings, 50c. 03 itn st,. near uatc. Dentists. NET CHURCHMAN, dentist. 324 Marquam bldg., 6th and Morrison. Phone Mam lico. DR. W. CLAUDE ADAMS. DENTIST 122 Vi Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.r protects the ltvlnr. J. L. MlteheL Sup. Sec. 612-615 Morquom bldg. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes. ...llnr X. Vlnria ranalrari IfLl XT I V. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND ouuiiuj mnuiiiw, iu .to viraaa ava. Bobber Stamps. P. a STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOL8- sale saddles and harness mfrs.. leather and saddlery hardware. bO-Sd 1st, Mam, 22. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. IVHOtB- sale saddled and harness afro.. s&Mery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 Stir. sc. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADS harness, wholcsaio and retail. 34 otk. at. Leather and Findings. . A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHKR CO JtS- tabUshed 1858. Leather asMl nautla. Stockton sole leather and eut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. ISO Front - THE BREYMAN LEATHKR CO.. SOLS and upper leathers of all kinds; cut Mwc. findings and shoe store supplies. 73-74 3 to. Northwest Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sts. uau or send stamp for Health Soos. Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP, 413-1S-17 W!- Kura bldg-. 3d anl Washington. Ph at Office. Main S1U; residence.' Main 133. East 102!. Examinations free. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARXLL T. SMITH. graduates Ktrkville. Mo.. -1W Orcgoatoa .bldg. Phone Main 1242. Junk, ILhlev and Pelts. L. SHANK, i CO.. PURCHASERS Oi" hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbero. me lata and sacks. 312 Front U Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN &. CO.. JOBBERS. pulaj). 4U. giotM. sasn ana aoors. cor. u ana Taylor. Posturazo tor Rent. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; STOCK ALSO taken in Dy the month. S3u Sherioek Mdg. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT, DOMESTIC AND FORJEluN patents; infringement cases. i4 Dokosu. Plaster Ornaments and Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER, Stan statue, ornaments, etc ia CalusarMO, - Marblo and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS; no agents; u per cent Bavea at vii'. Tu Frout, oppolta Falling School; tako d er. Mining. MINING AND ORE TRKATMENT-DsWIGN- ing and construction of ore reduction, works and general mucninery plants; mecb&au .tl drafting. C. D. Grove. M. K.. McKay hMg- Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truw; perfect retainer; positive cure; boek fr Address Dr. Pierce, 200 Keuray -, S. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH 3- Inch thick doors, fire and hurglar-srooC work, dopodlt vaults. Jolt and tuUos. wwtic. lockouts opened; repairs. J. E. uavlo. M Jl 3 SECOND-HAND SAFES. IN FINE CONDI- tlon. for sale cheap. 84 3d st. Suwmllls. SAWMILLS DESIGNED AND BU1LV. PLANS and estimates furnished. U. 11. Hamilton. 174 Manzanlta t, Portland. Or. Tel. cott 613J. becond-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON i BRO.. DEALERS IN ,VLL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; hlghwM actio paid for scrap Iron and metals. 244 Float. Main 2002. Showcases. Bonk and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKK MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. Cth and Hoy, Phone Main 143. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CCv. 34S 1st. near Market, Phona Clay 144. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND' U most reliable medium; all in trouMa ca.l and get her valuable advice on aii affal: of life, business, lova troubles; abaaut friends a specialty. 217H 1st; hours, i A. M. to 8 P. M. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST Me dium. 115Vi Cth. room 2L TeL Hood IsHA 3IRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BK CON- sulted. Oil Selllng-Hlrbch bldg. Main 8179. Storage und Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping ar.d shipped; all work guaranteed; large J-swuy brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 1st, C. M. OUen. Tel. Main 347. a O. PICK, OFFICE SS 1ST. BET. STAR;C ana oak. 1'none auu. rmnua mu turaitu: moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick wurehouse. Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st,. household goods and furniture, ptanox trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveable articles at reasonable prices. VERY DESIRABLE STORAGE ROOM FOR merchandise. Gauld & Kline Co.. IS N. 1st s- Tramilatioiis. 3IODERN LANGUAGES. PHONE MAIN 1379. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark. Tel. 1407 Wholesale Crocera. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, ear. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. BANKS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OB PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities of tha United States and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C AlNSWORTIt Vice-President W. B. AYETt Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMKEIt Assistant Cashier A. M, WKlGHt Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR Deslgnated Depositary and Financial Agnt of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier... J. W. N2WKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier. ..B. F. STETEN9 Letups of credit Issued available In Eerept and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St Louls. St. Paul. Omaha. San Franclsos and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-oa-tha-Maln Hongkong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanlo. Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mas cow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General banking business conducted. Sar in gs deposits received. Time certificates issued. 34 to 4 per eent interest en short call special certificates. Call or send far book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 100 Third St. BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET - Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections msdb at points on favorab.s terms. Letters of credit Issued available .a Europe and all points la tha United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Franctsee nl various points In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Paris. Berlin Frank fort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and Hono lulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON Presld-tt R. L. DURHAM VIce-FresMent R. W. HOYT Cashl-r GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING . BUSINESS. United States Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit issued, avail able In alt parts of the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Established 1S34.) HEAD OFFICE. San Francisco. Cal. President HOMER S. KIN'S Gen. Man. of Branches... W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $1. 89.000 Surplus and undivided profits..... $J3.0t'O A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit lssud. available In at! parts of tho world. Interest paid on the deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manage- , JV X. BURTCHAELJi.ji.jt.. Assistant Manages