8 THE MORNING OBEGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905 Entered at the Poetofflce at Portland, Pr., an second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. (By Mall or Expresa.) Dally and Bunday, per year 3"2 Sally and Sunday. lx months 0.00 Dally and Sunday, three months ; Dally and Bunday, per month .83 Dally without Sunday, per year 7.30 Dally wl.hout Sunday, eix months 3.90 Dally without Sunday, three monthfl... 1.85 Dally without Sunday, per month - n-f5 Sunday, pr year -'J Bunday. six months -JJ Sunday, three months ...... .00 BY CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week........! .13 Dally. per week, Sunday included JO THE WEEKLY ORECONIAN. Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year..... Weekly, elk raonthe ""j Weekly. -three months - " HOW TO RE1IIT Send postotflce money order, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, cola or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BUSINESS OFFICE. The 8. C. Beck with Special Agency Nevr York, rooms 43-30 Tribune building. Chi cago, rooms C10-C12 Tribune building. KEPT ON SALE. Chkaco Auditorium Annex, PoBtoffloe Jfews Co, 178 Dearborn street. Dallas, Tex Globe News Depot. 260 Main street Sen Antonio, Tex. Louis Book and Clrar Co,. 21 East Houston street. Denver Julius Black, Hamilton & Kend rlck, 606-912 Seventeenth street; Harry D. Ott, 3GC3 Broadway; Pratt Book Store. 1214 Fifteenth street. Colorado Sprlnars, -Colo. Howard H. BelL , Dea Moines. Ia. Moses Jacobs. COO Flltb tret. Golctfleid, Nex. C. Malone. Kansas City, Mo Rlckeecker Clear Co., Ninth and Walnut. Loj Angeles Harry Drapkln: B. E. Amos, BH "West Seventh street; Dlltard News Co. Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, 50 South Third; JL. Reeclsburser, 217 First avenue 6outh. Cleveland, O. James Pushaw, 807 Superior street. New Tork City L. Jones & Co., Astor House. Atlantic City, N. Ell Taylor, 207 North Illinois ave. Oakland, CaL W. H. Johnston; Fourteenth and Franklin streeta. Offden F. R. Oodard and Meyers & Har top. D L. Boyle. Omalta Barkalow Bros.. 1612 Farnam: Mageath Statlontry Co., 1S08 Farnam; 240 South 14th; McLaucblln & Holts, 1B1B Far cam. Sacramento, Cat Sacramento News Co 28 K street. Bait Lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 Weet Second street South; National News Agency. Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Canyon Hotel. Lake Hotel. Yellowstone Park Assn. Long Beach B. E. Amos. 6an Franclkoo J. IC Cooper & Co., 746 Market street; Goldsmith Bros., 230 Sutter and Hotel St Francis News Stand; L. E. Lee, Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W. Pitts. 1008 Market; Frank Scott. 80 Ellis; N. WlieatJey Movable News Stand, corner Mar ket and Kearney streets; Foster & Orear. Ferry News Stand. St. Louis, ilo. E. T. Jett Book & News Company. 800 Olive atreet. Washington, D. C P. D. Morrison, 2182 Pennsylvania avenue. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1005. A FEW WORDS WITH MR. IIARRIMAX. Mr, Harrlman's explanation for fail ure by his railroad system to pay any attention whatever to Oregon during many years Is substantially that he had more Important things to do. At torney Cotton's explanation, In effect. Is that it is because the United States Governent has collected $4,000,000 for .irrigation purposes In the State of Ore gon and has not spent it here, and that the Columbia River Is not as deep -as it ought to be, and the long-forgotten State Railroad Commission was a ter Tlblo thing; and Attorney Fenton like wise is much concerned about a 40-foot channel at the entrance of the river. The two "Billies" are great on team work. We rather prefer Mr. Harrlman's ex planation as being the most relevant and reasonable. We haven't the slight est doubt that he states, from his standpoint, the simple and exact truth. In something like five years he has raised and disbursed the immense sum of $180,000,000 for Improvements in road bed and rolling stock, for enlargement of terminals and for other similar pur poses related to Increased facilitation of business along lines already built All this is interesting, and shows what Mr. Harriman has done and can do. Having under way such vast projects, it is quite understandable why he should th,ink that the extension of a few branch. HneB In a remote and un important state like Oregon was no great matter and there need be no hurry about it, even after he had said he was going to build one or more of them. But, nevertheless, since from Mr, Harrlman's statement -we have, for the first time, an adequate conception of his enormous financial resources and the great range of his interests, it might have seemed worth his while to quiet the ceaseless clamor of a people as loyal to his system as the people of Oregon by devoting a small fraction of this gigantic sum to doing for them what he and everyone else knows should long ago have been done. It Is useless to multiply figures, but it is proper to say to Mr. Harriman, and to the attorneys who so valiantly cham pioned his policy of neglect and forget fulness, that the people of Oregon con tributed no inconsiderable share of this 5180,000,000 to the coffers of the Union and Southern Pacific systems, and tbey lind that a very small part of It has "been returned to this state even for so laudable a purpose as improving trunk lines. It may be said; to Mr. Harriman in all earnestness that Oregon desires and has always desired to work in harmony with him for development of the state, but it certainly feels that It has a right to receive fair and considerate treat ment from him "and his representatives. It has always been ready to do Its full share. But it is not now and never was willing to accept accountability for the sloth and Inertia which have marked all Harriman enterprises In this state for many years until a very recent period and it resents, as it should resent, the effort of his paid local oracles to convince him they cer tainly knew they could convince no resident of Oregon that there is noth ing here worth building any railroads for, and that the Harriman lines might as well pull up stakes and move overj to Puget Sound unless something is done for the Columbia- River some thing only inan indirect way connected with any possible plans of the Harri man railroad lines. We take it, -from their Temarks at the Harriman banquet, that Attorneys Cotton and Fenton are both greatly concerned about the open Columbia River for its entire length, and they seem to think that the people of Oregon are directly responsible for the fact that we have not now a. great water highway 1000 miles long from Lewlston to the Pacific Ocean. Mr. Cotton and Mr. Fenton rebuking the people of Ore gon for their lack of energy In opening up the Columbia River is a spectacle altogether novel and refreshing. In deed, it is to laugh. , While we are on this subject, it may as well be 6aid that the people of Port-, land have done somewhat more than their share in keeping an open river from here to the sea, having raised and spent from first to last for that pur pose something like $1,500,000. They have built a portage railway at The Dalles, and they have worked valiant ly, unremittingly, obstinately, deter minedly, in season and out, for the building of the canal at Celilo, and be cause of their unceasing agitation for that great project it looks now "as if they had succeeded In getting it. These .are thingB Oregon has done for itself, and no railroad for It. If The'Oregonian has presented these matters to the public with some spirit. It is because it has felt that Oregon de served to be placed In a correct attitude before Mr. Harriman. We think It im possible that he can have understood heretofore how much in earnest about Its own Industrial Interests and the de velopment thereof the people of this state are. Nor does he seem to have appreciated at Its full measure of value the desire of his patrons to be on friendly terms with him. To quarrel with Mr. Harriman is not likely to be productive of great good to Oregon, and possibly not to.hlm. We do not want It We hope he does not want it. But the time Is here for frank speech. That is the reason The Oregonlan makes IL -WILL EUROPE INTERFERE T In their first Important foreign war the Japanese gained every land battle and destroyed their enemy's fleet. This war was fought with China. .The treaty which closedSlt gave Japan control of the Chinesje territory which her armies now occupy; but Russia, Germany and France Joined in an ultimatum which required the Island empire to give up Port Arthur and withdraw from the mainland of Aula. Russia then took possession of Port Arthur and soon afterward acquired Manchuria by her own peculiar diplomatic methods. Ger many and France obtained footholds on the Chinese coast. England followed suit, though she was already estab lished at Hongkong, and the break-up of the Chinese Umpire was well under way when Secretary Hay Interposed. But for his vigorous diplomacy China would not be an Independent nation to day. These facts are known to everybody. The motives of the three nations which united to coerce Japan are not fio fa miliar to the world. All three acted from pure selfishness, but Russia, with long-sighted cunning, made the greed of France and Germany subserve her own ambition. That ambition was to absorb the Chinese Empire as she had already swallowed up Siberia and Cen tral Asia, and, with the overwhelming forces she would then control, to con quer India and dominate the whole world. Toward that end Russia marched without a check until the Japanese War broke out All Europe was fascinated and paralyzed by her insolence and apparent power. Con stantly .preaching the beauties of peace, Russia was steadily eating her way into the Celestial Empire, both from the west and the north, while at the same time her agents were gaining control of its business and finance. The small concessions to "her allies upon the coast could easily be disposed of later. If the Emperor William suspected the enormous ambition of Russia, he felt able to develop his own schemes of world-wide power rapidly enough to checkmate her. His aspiration for Ger many was then, and is now, exactly the same as that of Pobledonostseff and the autocratic clique for Russia. To displace England as the great colonial and commercial empire was only part of his plan, but that part required a base in Eastern Asia, and this Russia readily conceded to gain his support against Japan. As for France, she Joined the coali tion from a double motive. It was, for one thing, a safe and efficient way to please her ally. France was at that time Isolated. She scarcely ranked as a first-class nation, and Russia was her only friend. The mere invitation to Join the coalition flattered her self-esteem, but It also promoted her interest, for France dreaded then, as now, the development of a great Oriental power. The fear of the "yellow peril" is real in France, though Americans smile at it; and there is much in history to Justify her fear; but her Immediate dis quiet was on account of those colonies in Southeastern Asia which would lie at the mercy of the Mikado unless his power were shorn. Since the date of that coalition of Russia, France and Germany against Japan, the world has changed. William has pressed steadily forward developing the colonial power of Germany In Asia Minor, Africa, all over the earth; and wherever he went he found England already established as a hindrance and menace to his ambition. Just as the pio neers of French and British expansion used to meet and fight along the St Lawrence and the Ohio, so today those of Germany and England are face to face In Eastern Africa, in Persia and In China, Britain, not Russia, Is William's dread, but he is quite willing, for all that, to see the power of the Czar wane, provided it does not wane too much. Germany has schemes working out .in Turkey and Persia which are no more pleasing to Russia than to England; but on the other hand, the utter down fall of the empire of the Czar would bring on a revolution in Prussian Po land. William, therefore, will counsel Nicholas to make peace, and he cares little what the terms are. Russia has nothing to offer him to pay for inter vening, while France would now decline to join in a coalition to coerce Japan. France is no more friendly to Japan than she was ten years ago, but she Is much less dependent upon Russia and in much better relations with England. Edward VII negotiated an understand ing with France soon after his acces sion, which events have not weakened. English Influence is strong in Paris, and it is both anti-Russian and anti German. The smoldering hostility be tween France and Germany has also blazed up of late on account of Wil liam's aggressive acts. Thus the mo tives which drew the two Emperors and the young apd feeble republic toward an alliance ten years ago have almost disappeared. France still worries over her Oriental colonies, but she has learned that Japan is less dangerous to them as a friend than as an enemy; while, more than for her colonies, she trembles for her great Russian loans, which the approach of revolution imperils. Peace means safety to those enormous investments; therefore, France is for peace, and the terms con cern, her little. Add to this that Japan has now the active support of England and the moral support of America, neither of which counted in the previous crisis, and It Is difficult to see why she should not impose whatever condition?? of peace she pleases upon her beaten ene my. Russia has no right to expect those conditions to be easy. She brought on the war by her reckless dis regard of treaties, promises and plain justice. She has been utterly defeated, and now she must take the consequences. ARCHBISHOP CIIAPELLE. The church adds one more name to the long roll of her martyrs. The hu man race .glories in one more example of absolute devotion to duty. The re turn of Archbishop Chapelle to share the peril and alleviate the sufferings of his stricken flock will excite no wonder In his church; for there Is no record of plague or famine when the cry of his dying people, has not called the good priest home He heard the call and obeyed It and out of his love he came upon his death. The church will say of him that he died like a priest; the world, that he died like a hero; and the praise of the church will be of the finer significance. In these high examples of the priestly vocation like Archbishop Chapelle there is a quality more excellent than the hero's courage. The saints and sages of all times have called it the secret of happiness; the prophets have pro claimed It as the remedy for evil; the Savior taught it as the way of salva tion in this world and in all worlds. In the struggle for place and money we forget that it exists. The cynic, watch ing the harsh turmoil of labor, com merce and war, thinks he can prove that it Is not and never was; but the priest, dying among his people, restores our faith in love and its transcendent efficacy. His deed redeems our Nation and our age from the reproach of harsh materialism. Archbishop Chapelle In his life and in his death shows that now, as always since the first days of the church, there are men ready to deny themselves, to follow the Master in his hardest teaching, and demon strate by their deeds that his precepts are practicable, not merely in some ideal world, but here on earth. Archbishop Chapelle was a great prel ate, a high dignitary in the church and a man of surpassing ability in large affairs. His activities in Baltimore, Washington and in the missionary field are well -known. He earned the grati tude of the United States Government by settling the ancient quarrels between the friars and their tenants in the Phil ippines. He attained to a goodly age in noble service and died as a priest should die, ministering to his flock. WHAT CONDITIONS DEMAND BAIL ROADS? Serious differences are exposed be tween Mr. Harriman and his lieuten ants and spokesmen, on the one hand, and the whole people of Oregon, on the other hand. The railroad men say that tbey have built railroads wherever there has been settlement Oregon re plies that 59,000 square miles of her 96. 000 area are still without railroads, and will remain, even if all the proJectsMr. Harriman and Mr. Cotton foreshadow become facts. How oan It be disputed that from the margin of the Columbia south to the California border, east from the Cascades to the Snake, not one through line of railroad is even thought of by Mr. Harriman? The only attempts to help these settlers with their crops and products are the little stub roads from the Columbia to Hepp ner and Condon, and the Blggs-Shan-lko, or Columbia Southern road, that Mr. Harriman was driven to buy, and has held untouched from the time he secured control until now. Today the promise Is made, or repeated, to extend this road southward to Bend. If this Is done a tract 216 miles long from Bend to Ontario, on the Snake River, is left. In this 216 miles west to east and Its north-and-south distance of 200 miles, He Crook, Harney and Malheur Counties, with at least half a million acres of Irrigable lands, including the Harney Valley, 75 miles by 35; the Malheur country, with Its valleys and farms, where land is now selling at from $40 to $75 an acre; the great cattle and sheep ranches, such as the French-Glenn ranch, now under contract to the Co-operative Federa tion, with Its 100,000 acres of irrigated and irrigable lands. Klamath and Lake Counties are to pass, then, unnoticed, and Oregon is to surrender them to California. If Mr. Harriman, the Oregon presi dent, has closed eyes to the demands and possibilities of this splendid region, Mr. Harriman, the California president, can see three lines of road being pushed from his road into these counties. Sup pose Oregon does lose, suppose Califor nia gains, all the trade and traffic of one of the richest districts of Oregon, what then. The Southern Pacific loses nothing, for she "catches 'em a-comln or a goin'." For years the cry of the coast coun ties has risen. What can a railroad ask? Timber? We have miles on miles, where each one will load 1000 cars? Farm products? We have butter and cheese, and fruit and wool, and cattle, and hops, and honey, and cascara bark, and Ash, and hides. Is this all? No, for here are soil and climate which in vite to new Industry. Have you min erals? Coal and iron, fire-clay, building stone, granite, marble, placer mines, quartz mines, copper. Why, then, have you not had railroads before? Because until recently only the Southern Pacific was In touch or sight and they never talce it in hand to build until some one else shows clear signs of coming in. DANDELIONS FOR FOOD. A page in the August number of the Country Calendar is devoted to the dandelion, not as a pest but as a food plant waiting to be placed with spin ach, the herald of the Spring's largess in green things tempting toAhe palate. In this number of the Calendar is a half-page picture showing the dan delion tinder cultivation. Needless to say. the plant differs greatly in appear ance from the vagrant of lawns and roadsides. It is not the vagrant hang ing on to the skirts a plant of society but the well appointed guest, having a standing in the vegetable world and winning Its way to commendation through the stomach. Hear what a writer, accredited as authority upon the subject, says of this despised plant: The dandelion to not very widely grown, bat deserves more attention. The best market are Boston and the eurroundlng cltlot and towns. Aa we go outside New England the demand for It decreases. This vegetable U easily grown and has some advantages over crlnach. The writer goes on to say that from Eowlngs made In June or July, a crop will be assured the next Spring and will sell readily for a dollar a bushel, and that even at 50 cents a bushel the dandelion can be grown with profit. Most housewives "have experimented with this plant for food In a small way in the early Spring. But as yet no green grocer among us has offered it for sale, and no market gardener has ventured to cultivate It Since we are assured by this very reputable magazine, which makes green and growing things a specialty, that when properly cultivated, the dande lion is equal to spinach as a Spring delicacy; that when blanched like celery It makes a delicious salad and that it can be grown with profit we may look with favor upon It and sigh for the time when its winged seeds will be gathered and sown In orderly rows in stead of being left to sow themselves broadcast and take vigorous root where they are not wanted. Several months ago The Oregonlan re ferred to the Central Oregon region and the coast region as an "undiscovered country." It seemed at the time an Inappropriate term to apply to a sec tion of Oregon, scarcely more than a day's drive from the populous section of the state, and yet the development of the next few years will demonstrate that the words used were entirely ap plicable. Railroads across Central Oregon and to Tillamook, Coos and Curry counties will open up those re gions to settlement and the transforma tion that will result will be amazing. The people of the Willamette Valley have no adequate conception of the wealth of resources ia the coast coun try from the mouth of the Columbia to the California line. A few localities, where harbors have made Industrial dei'elopment possible, are already well known, but other portions of the state west of the summit of the Coast Range are entirely unknown, though abound ing In wealth of timber and productive ness of soil. The thousands of hills facing the moist winds of the Pacific yield pasturage twelve months In the year and the time will come when their fame will be surpassed, If at all, only by that of Eastern Oregon and lands upon which water has been turned. Formal requests from trade organiza tions of Eastern Oregon and Washing ton cities to the O. R. & N. Co. for a train to leave Portland about midnight seem to be based on a natural demand. Curiously, the railroads centering at Portland in putting on additional local trains have waited for petitions instead of anticipating the needs of the interior. A notable instance Is the Sunday train on the west side to Corvallls. which paid from the very start, and proved the need of Its service. While earnings of new trains are problematical, there is hardly a doubt that the one asked for by the rapidly growing district east of the Cascades will more than pay Its way. If the weather bureau stations, else where In the United States, are con ducted on the same lines as those In Oregon and Washington with which the business community Is familiar, extreme difficulty will be encountered in making any charge of scandal hold against Professor Willis Mobre, who is at the head of the department The work of Professor Moore and his asso ciates in this district has been the moat satisfactory ever given by the weather bureau and something more than mere rumors will be needed to convince the general public that there has been any wrongdoing in the weather bureau de partment of the government service. There Is an old-fashioned police meth od of running a vagrant or pickpocket or other undesirable citizen out of town. It seems to have lost its vogue In Portland. Therefore, we may expect to have a succession of burglaries, hold-ups and thefts until there Is noth ing left to steal or nobody left to hold up, or until Chief Grltzmacher "reor ganizes" his detective force. Mean while we are likely to hear any day of some sensational crime that will arouse the public to the need of action, and the police to doing their duty. AH Washington County, and the state as well, will felicitate Dr. C. L. Large on his auspicious marriage. After hav ing done so much for others in the line of pure philanthropy, it Is natural that It should occur to the good doctor final ly to do something for himself. In offering our congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Large, we do not venture too much, we hope. In the announcement that they are undoubtedly the best pleased couple In the world. Court tale-bearers at Berlin have been carrying to the ears of the Kaiser untruthful stories of nasty personal things King Edward has been saying about him, whereby the comity between nations Is disturbed. Methods of back biting village gossips evidently are ef fective around the German throne, else the matter would not have been treated seriously by an Influential London newspaper. Figures on Washington's estimated population given out from Olympla by the Secretary of State are more than Interesting. The rapid growth of some of the interior towns will surprise no one more Jban the inhabitants them selves. Our neighboring state is march ing ahead in seven-league boots; still there is no need to exaggerate. ' "I care not," said the famous Sam Ward, lobbyist "who makes the argu ment before a Legislature, just so you leave the wining and the dining of the members to me." He never made the blunder of Inviting his friends to a feast in order to lecture them. Now comes the semi-official an nouncement that Secretary Shaw will. begin working next Fall for the Pres idential nomination in 1908. If he fail, no one can blame him for making a late start Crossing wires and deranging the service at Spokane will not aid the tele graph operators in their strike. No labor cause is promoted by an act that puts human life in Jeopardy. William Travers Jerome will run In dependent for re-election as District Attorney for New Tork. Now we shall see how much New York likes being reformed. What does Mr, Harriman want with a 40-foot channel at the entrance to the Columbia? He Is doing very little to utilize the 24-foot channel. Automoblllsts are not the only men who can scorch these days. 0REG0N OZONE A Mlssourlan has discovered & method of raising corn without Irrigation even In the dryest weather. He plants pota toes, onions and 'corn In the same patch. The onions bring tears to the eyes of the potatoes In such quantities that the roots of the corn are kept moist and a big crop results. It Is a wonder that some one did not think of thid simple method long ago'. Tho ears of the corn must have been stone deaf not to have heard of it At a recent church gathering one of the ministers protested against the singing of those beautiful words: Have yeu had a kindness ahown? Pans It on. raia It on! in Sunday school to the familiar tune of Here's to good eld Tale Drink her down! Drink her down! It is quite evident that a song censor is needed in that Sunday school. A London newspaper, with the larg est circulation In Great Britain, has been calling upon King Edward every day for two weeks to step down from the throne and let tho people establish a republic. Still we sec no cataclysm of monarchic wrath smiting that editor. King , Edward sits placidly upon his throne, smokes his customary brand of cigars, reads the dally papers and the tuppence-hapenny magazines, en joys 'life and lets other folk enjoy life. What matter If one Journalist ba dis satisfied wltn King Edward? Let him be. That doesn't worry His Majesty. Edward is a good King; he attends Btrlctly to his own business, lets other men attend to the public business, and thev world wags on. If an editorial of the sort mentioned had appeared in a German or a Russian newspaper, the whole establishment, from the editor-in-chief to the office boy, would now be clanking chains, gnashing teeth, raging and Imagining vain things. Which shows how much better It is to be English If you want to revolute. When Mr. Kalusna, of Evanston, Ill grew tired of married life and sold his wife to his friend. Mr. Stephenlac. Mrs. Kalusna made no objection. She pre pared to leave her unhappy home and go with her purchaser; but when she learned that she had brought only $5, while the household furniture was of fered for sale at $59, she flatly re fused to be sold. The lady was quite right Surely no gentleman of gal lantry will Insist that she was a spite ful creature, though disobedient she was. No self-respecting wife should permit herself to be appraised at a mere one-tenth toe value of the house hold furniture. We have the word of the Sacrnmento Union that "Luther Burbank has opin ions not only on the culture of plants, but also on the culture of children." Since Mr. Burbank has produced tho spineless cactus and the thornless rose, may we not hope that he may produce the 6quall-less Infant? How to Live Long. In a book just published by a New Tork physician there Is a list of 16 rules, which, if followed closely, will insure long life. Here are some of them, with comments: "Live in the country." This Is excel lent advice. Rent your three-room flat to the peanut-stand man on the next corner, or lock It up for the Summer, and spend six months In your-bungalow at the seashore or in the mountains, or at your Italian villa a few miles outside the city. The country life, with Its round of golfing, autoing. yacht ing and other innocent diversions, will fortify you for your six months of store-clerking or street-carrlng. "Change your occupation often." Good! Quit working on the railroad at $L25 a day and work at bank presl denting for a year or so; then make another change and become president of the Equitable, or go and dig the Panama canal, or manage the New Tork Subway. A constant clinging to one occupation Is too monotonous. "Allow no pet animals in living rooms; they are apt to carry about dis ease germs." Very wise advice, and this is intended for the rich. Keep tho Angora cat in the cellar with the vege tables, and make the poodle pup stay in the kitchen. Also, hang the parrot's cage out on the front veranda, so that Polly's prattle may drive the neigh bors to the woods which will do them good. Here follow a few more rules for long life, which are not In the book: Hide in the fence corner when the Grim Reaper begins to whet his scythe. Quarrel with all the undertakers In town and determine that you won't patronize them. Don't worry about dying; living has worries enough to satisfy any reason able person, and the worries you don't use yourself you can give to your friends. The Fields of Far Awny. Ho, for the Fields of Far Away! Let us go back there, brother mine; Let us return for a dream and a day. Back where the beckoning vistas shine; Out where the -road leads forth and far Into the Bourne of the Days to Be; There where the wraiths of our mem ories are, , Lifting a finger to you and me! Down in the Fields of Far Away, How are the loved ones holding out? What are the old folks doing today? What are the boys and the girls about? Still docs the mother 3lt and croon Ballads of love to the brother wee? Still does the father's fiddle atune Stir with its melodies you and me? Lo! in the Fields of Far Away, "Father's asleep andth6 grass above! Mother bless her! Is bent and gray. Let us go back, and take our love; For you are the brother once so wee. And we ate the children that used to play. Mother Is waiting for you and me. Back, in the Fields or Far Away. ROBERTUS LOVE.- At Saratoga. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. The Saratoga season opens with the "hd" clear off. as they say. At the races Monday $250,000 is said to have changed hands in the betting on the Saratoga $10,000 handicap. And at night all the gambling joints In town were wide open and full of. business. Governor Hlgglns says that If the lid is off It ought to be put back on again, but he will wait for an official notification, and then give the village authorities a chance to act first WHY THE SUMMER IS HOT This Pioneer Snya It la Dne to the Absence of Smoke, Which Temper the Sun's Rays Hot Days In Formev Years. ALBANY. Aug. S. 1305. (To the Editor.) It Is the common remark that we are having a dry and hot Summer without precedent In the history of Oregon since the first settlement. I'll admit that It is perhaps the warmest weather continuous ly I ever remember of experiencing, due mainly to one cause the absence of smoke thanks to our laws and the faith fulness of the Forest Rangers. The Summer of 1S73 was a very dry one, but smoky, so much so that it was the common saying that the smoke was virtually the making of our crops in that it tempered the sun's rays. The Summer, of 1SS3 was also very dry. and the longest term of smoky weather ever known as my memory recalls. It extended from early in May to about the 15th of September. I was at the Warm Springs Indian Agency, and remember how. morning after morning wo could see the "sun spots" on the sun without the use of smoked glass. Only a few times that Summer did a south wind, for a day or two, drive the smoke northward and give a clear sky. The fires were on the Cascade Mountains, Ksouth of Mount Hood and sometimes a strong northwest wind brought the cinders of leaves, etc.. some 40 miles to the agency. September 1, of that year, I was In Portland with some Warm Springs Indian warriors, who took part in celebrating the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad. It commenced raining that night and ended the 3moky season. Going back to "pioneer days" I remem ber that in Oregon City where we then lived during the Summer of 1S49. it was so smoky that we could hardly distin guish the houses on the opposite side of Main street. The fires that year were. I think, mainly in the Coast range and western Polk and Benton Counties. I have heard some oldtlmers declare that the heat was so intense that it cooked the oysters in Yaquina Bay, a pretty "hot" story. During the Summer of 1966 a terrible forest fire raged in the Coast mountains, northwest of Forest Grove. Washington County. Night after night during the harvest days, we could see from Fred Grove's place the blaze of the burning timber around the headwaters of Gale's Creek. The Summer of 1S5G was very, dry. so much so that the grain crops were almost a failure. Here In Linn County, old settlors tell me that when cradling the short strawed-graln It would pull up by the roots. We had no machin ery then for harvesting grain, save some "chaff pliers" to do the thrashing, a machine for threshing, but not win nowing the grain. We usually tramped out the grain with horses. That year (1S59) after excessively cold, stormy weather during February and March, it cleared up the first of April, and from that on to in August we had only a few light showers. The night of August 3 it commenced raining and gave us four days of heavy showers, but did no dam age to speak of. From that on we had a beautiful Fall and an open Winter. The third and fourth of July, 1S66. were extremely warm days. Company B, First Oregon Infantry, was then on the home ward march from Fort Boise, Idaho, and on those two days made the march from the Payette River to the Welser River. The afternoon of the fourth a thunder shower came up and tempered the weath er. If I am not mistaken it was September the 13th, 1SSS. that was called the "dark day" In Oregon. There were fires in the Cascade Mountains, westward from Mount Hood. There wa8 a very strong wind from tho northwest, so much so that it carried cinders to Dayton, Yam hill County, and our place three miles south of that town. It was so dark that breakfasts were eaten that morning by lampllght as late as 8 o'clock. The days of forest fires and smoky weather are, we may hope, well over even though there have been many more seasons when smoke was thus a bless ing. Taking one year with another we have no need of smoke to hide, what we may call, our "Italian skies" in order to temper the Summer's heat. Judging by the past wo may expect a refreshing rain toward the last of this month, and give us added cause for thankfulness that we live in "God's country," as the Willamette Valley was ofton named by those delving years ago In the mines of mountainous Idaho. Ours is "God's coun try" now and we call it "Peerless Ore gon." , CYRUS H. WALKER. RICH MINES OF JOSEPniNE Salt Lake Expert Tells of What He Sees in Southern Oregon. GRANT'S PASS. Or., Aug. 6. (To the Editor.) A trip through Josephine County has shown me the wonderful mineral resources of this southern portion of the state. From Sucker Creek to Schelly Creek, a distance of 35 miles, Is a well mineralized belt, which, when opened up. should equal any metal-producing district In the West- Comparatively few mines along this belt are in operation, the principal being the Briggs property, the Takil ma Smelting Company's properties and the Monumental mine. From the first over $30,600 In gold nuggets has been extracted and the construction of a stamp mill la In progress. On the Monumental 30 men are at work and a large body of gold-bearing iron sulphides has been opened up. over 50,000 tons of ore are In sight averaging $12 pef ton. Extensive tests are being made at different reduction works to determine the most econom ical method of treating the ore. The principal mining district, how ever. Is that In the vicinity of Waldo, where the Waldo Mining & Smelting Company and the Takilma Smelting Company are working their proper ties. Tne principal mine is the Queen of Bronze, from which 5000 tons of ore have been shipped to the Takilma smelter this season, and about 5003 .tons more are in sight ready for shipment The Takilma smelter consists of a 42x96 Holthoff blast furnace, supplied with air from a No. 4 Connersvllle blower, and ha3 a daily capacity of 158 tons. A complete sampling mill, elec tric light plant and pumping system have been Installed and work has been carried on since June uninterruptedly. The superintendent of the plant Is W. S. Keith. E. M., a well-known Brit ish Columbia smelter-man, who has practically solved the successful treat ment of the alumina-magnesia ores of Southern Oregon at the Takilma smelter The matte produced is shipped to Tacoma for conversion to blister copper. Thft coke used is mostly ob tained from the Wilkinson Coal Com pany, of Wilkinson, Wash., though a small portion of Belgium coke is also burned. From the excellent showings already made It is reasonable to predict that the Illinois River mining district of Southern Oregon will equal any of the older districts in the West E. REYNOLDS. E. M., Salt Lake. HERE'S A NICE SKIN GAME How an Illinois Visitor Was Held Up in a Barber Shop. THE DALLES. Or., Aug. 9. (To tho Editor.) I am tarrying here for a few days after a visit to your Exposition, which I regard as matchless for beauty and merit But after reading the Ore gonlan concerning the bunco man I thought a brief note might enable some one to profit by my experience, which. by the wayt was very small compared to that of. others. My theory has been that there is no danger of these ani mals of prey if a man, day or night, would just "keep in the middle of tho road." But I am convinced that this old rule of safety is a back number in this age of" "frenzied finance" and "commercial strenuoslty." When I landed at the Union Depot in Portland I thought I must put on my "best bib and tucker," so as to represent my Illinois to advantage, for I surmised that Portland and the Exposition had that estimate of the State of Lincoln. Grant and Logan. So I first Inquired for the street-car line for the Exposi tion. Walking toward it from the, de pot on the left-hand side of the street. I came upon what seemed to be nn av erage barber shop that was at that time in charge of a white and colored man, the white seeming to be In charge. I had been a patron of the tonsorlal calling for about 40 years, and as a rule the service has its scale of prices the world around. I got a shave and shampoo, when the barber suggested a "tonic" for my hair that would keep it in good condition after it dried. When I was brushed I put my hand in my pocket for a half dollar, when he stopped the performance by putting in my hand a ticket calling for 95 cents. I looked about for the "cash" man. but seeing none, he said, "Just pay it to me" and I did. Now. that Is a very small bunco, but I put it down in my account book "bunco No. I." It was an ordinary shop, an ordinary service, but far above the average in the grade of its "hold up." "Keep in the middle of the road." day or night, but we must keep our eyes open all the same. I feel that my pocketbook was the safer after that, which had in It the amount that others, more unfor tunate, lost. The good advice of the best person heaven and earth ever knew is appli cable in Portland Just now: "Watch." I. VILLARS. Pastor M. E. Church, New Lenox, 111. WHAT UTAH HAS DONE. Has Remembered Jefferson in His Great Work of Discovery. PORTLAND. Aug. 8.-(To the Editor.) The Sunday Oregonlan illustrations of the various state exhibits at the Fair are both interesting and Instructive and are a timely move in the right direction. Not the least attractive Is that of Utah. Its educational exhibit, to which attention was not attracted by the Sunday article, particularly that from its manual train ing schools, admonish us that the older states of the West may have much to learn from the younger, and suggest whether or not-our own school system, with Its "higher education." might not well be simplified into more practical lines. I write to say, however, that Utah has quietly and unostentatiously reminded us tbat In our apotheosis of Lewis and Clark we have unconsciously Ignored the master spirit of our invasion of the Northwest In the collonades of the Government building Is a tablet by which we are told in substanco that Jefferson supplied tho country. Lewis and Clark showed the way. With this exception. I find no em phasis of Jefferson's conneotlon with tho historic event which we are honoring, save as furnished by Utah. Over the en trance of the Utah building (which, by the way, in its exterior Is a reproduction of Washington's Mount Vernon home) is a fairly good plaster bust of Jefferson, flanked on either side by like busts of Lewis and Clark. Beneath is a fac-slmilio reproduction in part of Jefferson's final letter and Instructions and authority to Captain Lewis, writ with his own hand, as ho describes It, "to give more entire satisfaction and confidence to those who may be disposed to aid." It has remained to Utah to supply that which seemingly has been overlooked by us. ZEBA SNOW. Where Are tho Portland People? PORTLAND. Aug. 9.-(To the Editor.) I have greatly enjoyed the fine concerts given by the present band at the Expo1; sltion In the evenings when it is cool and pleasant. I am unable to understand why there is not a greater percentage of that 110.500 Portland people going, turn about, so that there is a good audience all the time. I can assure them they are missing .some very fine music and "a pro gramme'varied to suit any taste. It may have been a mistake for the management to grant a concession for reserved seats near the stand, but. as it has done $p; I think they will be much better patronized than they are. If the management will be more liberal with the free seats placed advantageously. If they get a good crowd there, the patronage of reserved seats will certainly Increase and It will not be nec essary to help them In ways which tend rather to drive people away from that vicinity. I hope to see larger and appre ciative audiences in the evenings from now on. made up of people who live here as well as visitors. ROBERT C. WRIGHT. A HUMANPRESIDENT. Chicago Evening Post It means much to the country, doubt less to have a strenuous President; it means much more to the country to have a human President. The United States has a human President. Theodore Roosevelt made a visit to the crippled children's hospital at Coney Island. One of the elements of strength In Theodoro Roosevelt lies In his doing such things unheralded. Not a whit would he have cared If the news of his visit to those stricken children had never found Its way beyond the walls of the Institution. It was the intensely human side of Theodore Roosevelt that sent him to the bedsides of the suffering children. No American ever thinks twice about the President's motives where his heart is engaged. Is it not this above all else that gives him his tremendous popularity? It is the heart strength of the man that people depend upon to keep his head right. The President heard of the children at Coney Island from Jacob Rils. his friend, another man of human Impulses. Sympathy sent him to see the cripples, and his visit was a tonic-. The hospital patients and the President felt its upbuilding effects. One child called him "papa." It was a sound that was no stranger to his ears. What the President said to the child was Inaudible, but every parent can supply the words. Hypocrisy hides its head In the front of Theodore Roosevelt's humanity. His human side Is hs best side, and it makes the people hold to him. AVord to the Wise Is Sufficient. Starbuck Star. There Is a black, lawless Holstetn cow roaming the streets of Starbuck that is . creating a lot of ominous comment and excitement among our natives, and, un- less she reforms and ceases to rlddla shade trees and fences, and upset houses and overturn sidewalks, she 13 liable, tp awake some balmy, glorious morning and' find herself In a lamentable state of, chaos. A malicious, accomplished brute' she Is, highly educated In all the arts that go tq make a villainous and de splsable cow. Endowed with a 30-lnch tongue, and the power of balancing on her hind feet, she can easily reach the top-most branches of any tree In the state; consequently, after one of her as-i saults, there is little left of her victim5 but history and roots. For the benefit of cow and owner, this article j published. No charges.