Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 10, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Van Buren Captures a Difficult
Drive and Cuts Off
Three Runs.
McLean Is the Star "With the Stick.
Hoffman, the New Third Base
man, Makes a Good
Yesterday's Result.
Portland 6, Los Angeles 0.
Tacoma 16, Oakland 7.
Seattle 6, San Francisco &
Standing of the Clubs.
"Won. Lost. P.C
Seattle 6 2 .750
Tacoma 4 3 .571
Portland 5 4 .6
Oakland 4 4 -500
San Francisco 3 0 .375
Los Angolea.... 2 C .250
With Will Essick pitching the Ftea
dlest kind of ball yesterday the local
bunch trimmed the Los Angeles team
in the second game of tho series, for not
only were tho visitors beaten but they
were sent to their hotel runlosa.
The fact that the Angels' portion of
the scoreboard was decorated with a
string of horse collars can be directly
attributed to a phenomenal catch. It
was nothing abort of that, by the old
reliable Eddie Van Buren, who cap
tured an almost impossible drive from
the bat of Captain Dillon, which he
turned into a double play, retirinc the
side, when It looked as though the vis
itors had cinched at least one or two
scores. It was by long odds the pret
tiest catch of tho season and was ex
ecuted after a hard run.
The sixth inning witnessed this feat
when with Bernard on second and
Smith on first, Dillon caught one on the
beak and the sphere flew toward the
flagpole. Van Buron scratched gravel
in the direction of tho ball, and the
men on the sacks thinking it an impos
sible catch dug out for the plate.
When the Giants' speedy center-fielder
overhauled the ball and pulled ldown
with one hand, Barney had crossed tho
pan and Smith was in the act of turn
ing third, which made it possible to
"complete the double with ease. This
was the only instance when the locals
were In serious danger of allowing a
score, for although Essick was found
frequently he held the visitors safe.
Bernard. Smith and Brashear were the
only ones who found the curves of the
blonde at all to their liking, and this
trio secured almost all the hits ac
quired by the Angels.
Mike Mitchell's Ilomc Run.
Another thing that tickled the crowd
was a home run swat by Mike Mitchell,
who scored the first run of the game
by lacing one out of the lot via the
right field fence, as the first man up In
the second inning. After Mitchell had
made the circuit the locals 'scorCd two
more tallies before being retired. Jud
Smith made a pretty stop of Schlafly'sl
'drive, throwing the batter out at first,
and Householder flew to Bernard.
After two wore thus disposed of, McCre
dle's men made It three for the inning.
When McLean singled and Hoffman
walked and both tallied on Bill Es
slck's two-sack drive to right field.
Hoffman Makes a Hit.
Hoffman, the new third baseman,
made an excellent impression on his
first appearance, for ho fielded his po
rtion excellently, and secured three
bases on balls and a hit in four trips to
the bat, which gives him a perfect
average for tho day. He Is a fast man
on the paths as was evidenced when
5ie fccored all the way from first on a
two-bagger to right.
Schlafly and Atz made several neat
stops and throws, getting their man in
each instance. McLean was again the
star with the stick, for the big fellow
laced out three corking hits and scored
two of the local runs. Mike Mitchell
was also there with the stick and his
homer was the signal for a demonstra
tion on the part of the spectators.
The locals amassed three more In the
eighth on an error by Flood and hits
"by Householder and McLean, the lat
ter's being a two-bagger, and some bad
playing on the part of the Angels who
permitted Householder and McLean to
Ecore after both were caught between
the bags. Dillon and Brashear found
fault with the rulings of Umpire Davis
and were bounced.
Marse Grvin will essay the task of
making it three straights from the An
gels today, while Baum or Tozier will
try to score a win for the other side.
The score -follows:
AB. R. IB.
Atz. es. 4 0 0
"Van Buren, cf 3 0 1
Fleming. If. 4 0 O
Mitchell, lb 4 12-
Sehlafly, 2b. 4 1 0
Householder, rf. 4 11
McLean, c ........... 4 2' 3
Hoffman, 3b. ......... Ill
Essick, p. 4 0 1
Totals S2
6 9
AB. R. IB.
PO. A.
12 0
3 2
Bernard, cf.
Flood, 2b....
Smith, 3b. .
Dillon, lb. .
Eagar. lb. ,
Brashear, es
tToman. ee. .
Cravath. rf.
Roes. If. ..
Spies, c ....
Gray. p.
Totala ....32 0 8
24 14
Los Angeles 0 O00O0
Hits 1
12 10 2
3 0 0 0 0
t 0 0 1 1
Portland 0
Hlto 1
Struck out By Gray. 2; by Estick. 4.
Bases on balls Oft Gray, 4; off Essick. '
Two-base hits Essick, McLean.
Home run Mitchell.
Double plays VanBuren to Atz; Spies I
Left on bases Portland, 6; Los Angeles,
Stolen bases Hoffman Brashear;
First base on errors Portland, 3.
Time of game One hour and 35 minutes.
Umpire J. Ira Davis.
Kid. Mohler's Jaw Is Broken and
Park Wilson Hurts His Hands.
SEATTLE, Aug. 9. The visitors were
taken Into camp again today by the homo
club. Seattle' got hits 'when they were
needed and San Francisco's errors were
made at critical moments.
Kid Mohler was injured in the first ln-y
pi&c by JjttJ .111, -sJfi.Atxuk
in the left temple. The upper Jawbone was
fractured and he "was removed to a hos
pital. Park "Wilson also received two badly
bruised and dislocated fingers later in the
game and had to retire. The score:
Seattle 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 6 10 1
Ban Francisco OOillOOOO 3 S 4
Batteries Wheeler, Henley and Wilson
and Shea; Roach and Blankenshlp.
Umpire Perrlne.
Three Pitchers of Oakland Team
Fare Alike.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. Poor de
livery by three pitchers, coupled with
a record-breaking number of errors
"by Oakland, gae the first game of the
present series to Tacoma by a score of
16 to 7. Oakland was batted for 15 hits
and made 11 errors.
After allowing nine hits lit six in
nings. Hogan was replaced by Pierce,
who pitched two innings and In turn
was relieved by Schmidt, in the last in
ning, but without improving the for
tunes of the Oakland team. Brown was
batted for 12 hits.
A three-bagger by Sheehan in the
'ninth cleared the bases and contributed
three of the six runs made by Tacoma
in that inning. Kruger made three
errors on first base. The score:
R. H. E.
Tacoma... 20000611 616 15 2
Oakland... 0000S310 0 7 12 11
Batteries Brown and Hogan; Hogan,
Pierce, Schmidt and Stanley.
Umpires McDonald and Bray.
"Will Ask to Have Lea true Reduce
Admission Price to 25 Cents.
R. a Hill, sporting, editor of the Ta
coma Ledger, Is spending a few days In
Portland, and yesterday witnessed the
local club trounce the Angels. In speak
ing of the baseball situation In Tacoma.
Mr. Hill said: "At the league meeting
to be held in Portland next week, tho
Tacoma magnates are solng to make a
determined effort to have the admission
fee of 35 cents reduced to the old figure
of 25 cents. They argue that the reason
of Tacoma's lack of support toward the
Tigers Is due entirely to the 10-ccnt in
crease, and they intend to make an
effort to have the old standard renewed."
In answer to a query as to the sale of
Bobby Kecfe, Mr. Hill said that as far as
he knew no sale had as yet been con
summated, although the club has a .flat
tering offer for the young star.
A meeting of the officials of the Pacific
Coast League has been called by Vice
President McCredle. to be held In this
city next Thursday, August 17. At this
meeting many Important affairs will be
"brought up before the directors, and it
is quite likely that a successor to Presi
dent Bert will be chosen. Vice-President
McCredle has been mentioned as a suc
cessor to Bert, but the Judge states that
hln law practice will not permit his con
sidering accepting the position. Just who
will be chosen Is not known, for there are
no avowed candidates In the field at pres
ent. J. F. Morley, of Los Angejes; J.
Cal Ewlng and Clay Hawbacker. of Oak
land: Henry Harris and Teddy Goodman,
of San Francisco; Dave W. Evans, of
Tacoma: A. Lou Cohn and J. P. Agnew.
of Seattle, and W. W. McCredle and B.
C Ely. of Portland, are the magnates
who will probably attend the meeting.
Umpire Davis 31arrlcd.
J. Ira Davis, the popular umpire of the
Pacific Coast League, is now a benedict,
having been united In marriage to Miss
Lycy M., Travers, of this city, at 7
o'clock last evening. The ceremony took
place at the procathedraL Rev. Father
McDevltt officiating. Eddie Davey acted"!
as best man and Mrs. Wedemeyer ' was
matron of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will
remain In the city until the bridegroom's
duties as umpire call him to another town
of the circuit. . .
Boston 5, Pittsburg 3.
PITTSBURG. Aug. 9. Young kept the
hits well scattered and, had it not been
for errors, Pittsburg would have scored
only one run. The score:
R.H.E.1 R.H.D.
Pittsburg .. .3 7 3 Boston 5 9 4
Batteries Hildebrand and Carisch;
Young and Needham. "
Umpire Klein.
Chicago 7, Xew York 2.
CHICAGO, Aug. P. Three of Ames'
passes today were turned Into runs by
steals, long files and timely hits. Wicker
kept the hits well scattered. Attendance,
200. The score:
R.H.E.J R.H.tx
Chicago .. .." 9 3 New York ...2 7 1
Batteries Wicker and O'Nell; Ames,
McGlnnlty and Bresnahan.
Umpire O'Day.
Cincinnati 8, Philadelphia 3.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 9. A base on balls,
a wild throw, three singles and Titus'
fumble gave Cincinnati four runs and
the game in the third inning. Attendance,'
2200. The score:
, R.H.E.1 R.H.B.
Cincinnati ...Sll l Philadelphia ..3 7 3
Batteries Chech and Schlei; Duggleby
and Abbott.
Umpire Emslic.
Brooklyn 5, St Louis 4.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 9. Babb's long out
field fly along with a triple gave Brook
lyn the deciding run today. Attendance,
1200. The score:
R. H.E.J - R.H.E.
St- Louis 4 10 21 Brooklyn .. .5 12 2
Batteries McFarland. Taylor and
Grady: Scanlon and Bergen.
Umpire Bauswlne.
St. Louis 12, Washington 4.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. St. Louis to
day hit Hughes hard and, with the as
sistance of Washington's mlsplays. ran
away with the game, which was with
out feature. The score:
R.H.E.) R.H.B.
Washington .4 7 5 St. Louis ....12 12 2
Batteries Hughes and Klttredge; Pelty
and Roth.
Rain Postpones Three Games.
BOSTON, Aug. 9. Boston-Detr6!t game
postponed; rain.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 9. Cleveland-X-nadelphla
game postponed; rain.
NEW YORK, Aug. 9. New York-Chl-cage
game postponed; rain.
Old Lacrosse Game Decided.
(Special.) Judge Henderson handed down
a decision today in the matter of the dis
puted game of lacrosse between West
minster and Vancouver, played In 1903.
The decision was In favor of Westminster
with a fine of $20 on Vancouver.
PIhco Reserved for Lighthouse.
ABERDEEN. Wash-, Aug 9. (Spe
clal.) The advance guard of the Gov
ernment party to allot lands in the
Qulnalt' Indian agency left here last
night to survey the allotments. It is
understood tho Government has re
served 12 -acres of land at Granville
point. In the agency, on whlct 3"-flatj-bona
jeIU Efc..fttaMliTifl,
Stunned on Racetrack,
Rises to Win Again.
Veteran Driver Ignores Injuries in
Mix-Up and AYIns Xexf Race
and Great Popular Ora
tion From Spectators.
BUFFALO, N. Y.. Aug. 9. Ed. Geers.
the dean of Grand -Circuit drivers, had a
close call at Kenilworth Park this after
noon. The veteran was In the sulky back
of King Direct In the 2:04 pace, the feat
ure of the day, when in the third heat at
the head of the stretch King Direct,
pacing strongly, stuck his hoof through
the wheel of Locanda's sulky. There
was a tangle of horses, sulkies and driv
ers, almost Immediately swallowed up In
a cloud of dust. When the scene cleared
up, Geers- was seen prostrate on tne
ground. Snow was on his feet, making
his way to the Judges stand. Locanda
had been safely caught and King Direct
had started on a wild runaway, dragging
along a somewhat shattered sulky.
Soon stable hands and others, including
a physician, were at Geers side. It was
found he had suffered a bad cut of his
leg and was stunned, but he speedily
recovered his breath and his first words
"Now, don't make a hurrah of this
thing and scare everybody to death for
To show ho was all right, Geers then
came out and back of Turley in the 2:11
trot, which followed, won the deciding
neat, being given a tremendous ovation.
Locanda had two heats in the 2:04 pace
when the accident occurred and, as the
Judges found both drivers blameless and
placed the horses in tho final heat, the
AUerton stallion got the race. Locanda
was favorite at JS0 -to $10 on the field,
and ruled favorite throughout. Sum
maries: 2:08 trot, purse $1000, three heats Snyder
McGregor won erst and third heats In 2:03
and 2:OOV4. Norman won second heat in
2:05. Direct View was third. Topsey and
Luna also started.
2:04 pace, purse $1500, three heats Lo
canda won first and second heats in 2:03
and 2:05. Anldroris won third heat in
2:084. Nervolo was third. Bell M.. Hazel
Patch. King Direct and Nathan Strauss also
2:11 trot, puree $1000. three heats Turley
won second and third heats In 2:0SV and
2:09;. John Caldwell won first heat In
2:00. Robert Mc third. Lady Gall Hamil
ton. Major Greer. Nora McKlnney and Mil
lard Saunders also started.
2:17 pace, purse $2000 Bolivar won second
heat in 2:0SH. Charlie Patch won third
heat in 2:09V HaL T. won first heat in
2:034. Cept. Derby. F. J. Park. Black
Patchen, Bonnie Wilkes. Afbula and Red
Nightingale also started.
Main Event at Saratoga Proves Easy
for Whitney's Horse.
SARATOGA. N. Y., Aug. 9. The fea
turo of today's race programme, tho
Grand Union stakes of $10,003, was won
by H P. Whitney's Battle Axe, who
won without diffculty by a length
from Sandy D., who was a length and
a half ahead of Jerry Wernberger. Re
sults: Five and one-half rarlongr Avisos won.
Bivouac faecond. Ruth third; time, 1:07 3-5.
Steeplechase, gentlemen riders, short course
Jim Newman won. Presgrave second. Punc
tual third; time. 4:34 2-5.
Grand Union Hotel stake, six furlongs
Battle Axe won. Sandy D. second, Jerri"
Wernberger third; time, 1:14.
One mile and three-sixteenths Wire- Tea
won, Bragg second, Oarsman third; time,
2:01 1-5.
One mile Lorctta M. won. Ascot Bell sec
ond. Our Sister third; time, 1:41.
Seven furlongs Pat Bulger won, Grazlallo
second. Councilman third; time, 1:27.
Proceeds Will Bo Used to Pay tho
Feed Bills of Owners "Unable
to Meet Tli cm.
If the horsemen who are at Irvlngton
racetrack carry out their present plans,
there may In all probability be a Sat
urday afternoon matinee given. A num
ber of the prominent owners and trainers
yesterday discussed the question of giv
ing a horsemen's matinee and if con
sent can be gotten for the uso of the
track for Saturday afternoon a splendid
card will be arranged and a day's racing
without betting will be the feature of the
If the programme can be arranged It
isvthe Intention of those who are behind
the scheme to have, in addition to the
regular races, two gentlemen's races. A
committee of horsemen will get together
this morning and discuss the plans. If
they go through between 10 and 20 of
the hanusomest thoroughbreds now
stabled at the track, ridden by Jockeys,
sporting the colors of their owners, will
glvo two street parades. The first will
be given Friday at noon and the other
Saturday morning. The regular price
of entrance wlU be charged at the gate
and this money will be divided among the
horsemen and will help toward paying
feed bills that have accumulated since
the enforced abandonment of the races.
It is understood that the association will
contribute $500 toward paying the feed
bills of horsemen who are unable on ac
count of the races being stopped. topay
their feed bills.
End of .Qualifying Round ln Na
tional Tournament.
CHICAGO, Aug. 9. Dr. D. P. Freder
icks, of Oil City. Pa., won the gold medal
ocore today In the 36-hole qualifying
round of the 11th National golf champion
ship at the Chicago Golf THub links with
a total of 155, which Is the competitive
record of the course. He had a clear
margin of five strokes over Champion H.
C. Egan and W. C. Fowncs, Jr.. of the
Oak Mount Club. Pittsburg. Only one
stroke separated the young experts of the
Wheaton Golf Club, D. E. Sawyer and
Hugh Campbell, who made respectively
1C3 and 164. Fred Herreshoff, of Ekwa
nek. runner-up In tho National tourna
ment of last year, had 163. Walter J.
Travis, of Garden City, was 166, four
strokes better than his old rival, J. D.
Travers, of Nassau.
Considerable surprise wns expressed
over some of the names that were shown
in the-llst of those who failed to qualify.
Walter E. Egan, former runner-up In the
Eflers Piano House Is Closing Out
Numerous Pins Used Pianos at
Simply Sacrifice Prices Over 30
Sold During Past Three Bays See
the List of Choice Bargains Yet to
Be Obtained.
The past three days have solved the
piano problem for many homes In Port
land and vicinity.
The closing-out sale of reliable, used
pianos. Is what many have been waiting
Price cuts no figure with us Just now;
we must have these pianos out' of tho
way to make room for the balance of
our World's Fair display.
Prices named are for cash, but any
instrument will be sold on easiest of
monthly payments for the additional sim
ple Interest, or we will rent any of these
pianos with the privilege of applying six
months' rental payments toward purchase
at these present sale prices. Tnls Is a
chance that does not come frequently.
It will probably be several years before
such a collection of really good Instru
ments will be offered again at such a
sacrifice. Come in without delay and
Investigate this matter for yourself.
Among the assortment still to be had
is a beautiful Chlckcring upright in ex
quisite colonial case, used less than a
year. $352.00 ($10.00 monthly. If desired)
buys it.
A fine mottled walnut Knabe. practical
ly new. Price $250.00 (paid $9.00 monthly).
Beautiful large-sired elegant mahogany
case Lester,' the $500.00 style, now $265.00.
(Pay $S.O0 monthly.)
Very fancy oak case Fischer upright,
sells regularly for $365.0), now $lSi50.
(Pay $7.u0 a month.)
Another Fischer, dark case, $112.00.
($5.00 a month.)
Largest-size fancv mahogany Emerson.
Sells usually for $37a.O0; price $1S7.S0. (Pay
it.vj a monin.)
very pretty mottled walnut. largest size
Hard man upright, excellent condition
throughout. Price $190.00. (Same terms.)
Very largest oak case, fancy carved,
Ludwig upright, exactly as new, $153.00.
laamc terms.)
Very fine, nearly new. mottled mahog
any Estey upright. $200.00. (Same terms.)
Largest size, fancy mahogany, Conover
upright, exactly as new, $212.00. (Same
A very elaborate Conover Pompadour
Grand, or as now called. Conover "Sym
phonic" (?) Grand said to be a $1500.00
piano. Our price to close out, $345.00.
(Payment of $10.00 a month.)
A very cood KIncsburr. to close out now
$133.03. ($6.00 a month.)
A fine mahogany Hale upright, $118.00.
(Same terms.)
A large-size mahogany Singer upright,
$140.00. (Same terms.)
Left on sale a verv fancv brand-new
jaacKiey upngni. jiao.w. (same terms.)
a. atcaman upngni piano, surely worth
$100.M. We will close It out for $15.00. (Pay
$100 a month.) Another upright, orlca
An Everett upright, in very good order,
$195.00. (Pay $4.00 a month.)
A very fancy rosewood, lante size Vose
A- Snn Annul tn nnv tITft IY rPav CM
a montn.) Anotner very fancy and vir
tually new, j;v-W.
Harrington mottled walnut case, splen
did order, $115. (Pay $5.00 a month.)
Please bear In mind that Ellcrs Piano
House guarantees every Instrument ex
actly as represented, and If not found
exactly so, money will be cheerfully re
We will ship any of these pianos subject
to examination and trial to any part of
the States of Oregon, Washington. Idaho,
or California, upon rccolnt of denoslt. to
show good faith, equal to one-tenth of
tne saie price of the instrument. In
ordering please mention second choice.
We have also a larce number of verv
fine organs for homes and churches that
we are closing out at Just about half
price, on payments of $2, $3 or $5 month
ly. Send for list or call and see them.
Another Inducement: Any of these In
struments will be taken back at Eilers
Piano House toward payment of any new
high-grade piano, and we will allow tho
full amount paid to date of return at any
ume wnnin two years from date of pur
Hundreds of homes yearn for a nlano
to enliven the hours spent Indoors, but
not caring to Invest in a new piano, they
nave oeea compeuea to xorcgo tne pleas
ure they would seek. Here is the onoor-
tunlty for these homes to be supplied with
a reliable musical Instrument at virtually
half price and on terms of payment hard
ly equal to ordinary rent.
Call immediately, or telephone or write
rAKiiibAx, soi wasmngton street. Port'
land. Or.
plon, failed to get in with a total of 173.
Former National Champion L. N. James.
of Lake View, was fused out with a total
of 173.
Charlotte Smith, of Portland, Taken
Sick at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. (Special,)
Charlotte Smith, an actress, 20 years old,
was found unconscious In her apartments
at the Winchester Hotel by an attendant
who became alarmed at noon today be
cause the young woman had not left her
room. The entrance of the attendant was
none too soon. Miss Smith was found
to be in a critical condition. She was
carried to the Central Emergency Hos
pital, where Surgeon Hill found her suf
fering from peritonitis.
Miss Smith arrived here from Portland
three days ago. She expected to get an
engagement at a local theater, but there
was some delay In completing the ar
rangements. It was thought at first that
this fact may have had something to do
with her condition, but Dr. Hill is quite
sure from his diagnosis that her ailment
is the result of weeks of neglect.
The young woman Is extremely pretty
and is said to have some histrionic talent.
She responds quickly to treatment, and It
Is believed that there Is a chance for her
recovery, although her condition is criti
Railroad Reported to Bo Badly Man
aged Now. .
BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 9. A report of
the greatest moment to the commercial
interests of the Pacific Coast has been
r?Mvwl tV the PlUlfi rVlmmo..!',!
Museum from J. W. Evans, Its director;
wno is at ranama in ue interest of the
coast s export traae. Evans report
dated July 5. and Is as fnllnn-a-
"Generally speaking matters are very
dcu nere, so lar ua ouaneas is concerned.
the dimeultles oi landinir mrriw.
causing a block everywhere; ever since
vne umtca ouiies iook over me railroad,
matters have been growing worse and
houses here have cabled to San Francisco
cancelling orders placed some time ago.
Then again, the reduced railroad rates
hAvi mpnM thf market tn th 'PTint or,A
importations from the Pacific Coast are
latiing oil in consequence.
Census of Lane County.
EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 9. (Special.) Asses
sor Keeney has completed his census
enumeration for Lane County. He finds
the population of the county to be 23.740.
The population of the towns of the
county inside their corporate limits Is
given: Eugene, 575; Cottage Grove.
1410; Springfield. 635; Junction City, 565;
.Florence, 255.
Pass Examination in Pharmacy.
EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 9. (Special.) The
State Board of Pharmacy held a session
In this city j-estcrday for the purpose
of examining applicants for certificates
who reside In this part of tho state. A
meeting for the purpose of examining
applicants In the eastern part of the
312 "sHJ i held at rn jjejoi s-ptsm-
This is our Annual Clearance Sale of all the odds
and ends broken lines that we cannot renew and
patterns we have decided to close out. The housewife
will find useful bargains for every part of the house.
ber 12. The successful appllcnts at the
examinations held are:
Seniors Helen McKlnney. Woodburn; Will
lam Arxnltage. Portland; Edward R. Apple
gate. Drain; Charles Littler. Albany; Rob
ert W. Swanton, Roseburg; Lloyd S. Howe,
Eugene; William Vose, Portland; Qeorss
Candland, Ontario.
Juniors Ernest W. Haas, Salem; Dolph
Tuggle. Ashland; Walter H. Johnson. Wood
burn; A. T. Woolper. Portland.
Killing; Trout With Dynnmlto.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Aug. 9. (Spe
cial.) Complaint is made of the use
of dynamite to kill fish In the Satsop
River. It Is said several thousand of
trout were killed In this manner in
that stream recently. The attention
of the state authorities has been
called to the reports.
Thieves Steal Hides and Pelts.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Aug. 9. (Special.)
The wholesale and retail butcher shop of
Lucks Bros., at Canby, was entered and
robbed last night. There were taken a
large number of beef hides and sheep
The Portland S. Wtlletts. New York; W.
B. Gilbert and wife. Cairo. 111.; E. D. Smith.
Miss Smith. Miss Martin. Elizabeth. N. T.;
A. H. Hawley. C H. Pomeroy. Seattle; J. E.
Rldgeway Jr.. Philadelphia; H. Ive3. New
York; J. McGlffert and wire. G. W. Daw,
T. W. Sim, J. B. Harvie. Mrs. E. B. Gar
land. Mrs. G. B. Houser, G. B. H0U3er.
Troy. N. Y.; H. M. Wheeler. Grand Forks;
Mrs. Stevens. Mrs. Conn. A. A. Allen. Ta
coma; H. Brown. Cincinnati. O.; W. Phillips.
Ban Francisco; T. Llndsler, C L. Payne.
New York; Mrs F. L. Borgwardt, B alters -aeld;
Miss Murray. Bakerafleld; F. W.
Churchouse. San Franclico: W. Da Laus.
Grand Rapids; P. P. Weil. Ft. Wayne. Ind.;
W. B. He7burn. Wallace. Idaho; Mrs. B." B.
Cory. Fresno; Mrs. C. L. Morrill, Miss E.
Morrill San Francisco; P. C. Stohr. Chi
cago; M. Gale. A. V. Meigs. San Francisco:
Mrs. H. L. Carson. Miss H. Carson. Miss A.
H. Carson, J. B. Carson. Mrs. C. II. La
Boyteaux. Mrs. C. T. Evans. Philadelphia:
E. WlUetts and wife. Mrs. J. G. Dutcher.
New York; C. Rosenfeid. Evansville, Ind.;
J. Oppenhelmer. Cincinnati. O.fc S. F. Stein.
Chicago; H. Hellbron. Owensboro, Ky.; L S.
Bloom. New York; E. G. De Wald and
wife. San Francisco; M. Swesskind. New
York; M. H. Newmark and wife. V. New
mark. C. P. McFarland. F. II. Sample. Los
Angeles; Mrs. F. Hawley.Mlss Hawley. Mrs.
J. F. Uuelsel. Kansas City. Mo.; M.
Shnader and wife. H. Abrahamsoa and wife.
H. R. Robertson and wife. Oakland. Cat;
W. D. Gill and wife. Baltimore. Md.; E. M.
O'Brien. Chicago: U. S. Illff. Denver; C. A.
Ross and wife. Minneapolis; J. C. England.
San Francisco: W. E. Borah and wife.
Boise: A. H. Heller. Chicago: II. E. Lewis.
San Francisco; J. W. Judge. San Franclco;
C. B Hurtt. Boise. Idaho; J. R. Meyer.
San Francisco: H. E. Hutchinson. Los An
geles; W. E. Guerln. wife and child. Bend.
Or.; J. E- Howard. Chicago: C. M. Levy.
Tacoma; C. H. Parrlsh. San Francisco? Mrs
D. W Grubbs. Mrs. O. E. Falk, Louisville.
Ky.; A. B. McDonald, Chlppence; A. L.
Goodwlllle, Mr. and Mrs. Whltconr, Miss V.
M. Whitcom. Bend. Or.; J. D. Easton and
wife. G. W. Nauman and wife. W. B. Nau
xnan and wife. Miss Northey. Miss Johnson.
Miss Carson. Miss Weiss. Waterloo; J. M.
Robinson. Olympla.
The Perkins R. J. Greer. Moro; J. M.
Boone and wife. Prinevllle; J. C Ellsworth
and family. South Bend; W. A. Williams.
Castle Rock; Sam G. Campbell. Hood River:
V. C Harmon. Chehalis; B. F. Jones. To
ledo. Or.; L Schwartz. J. Peiser. San Fran
cisco; O. P. Barnes, Chicago; Mark Bailey
and wife. Oakland. Cal.; C. A. Barry. Pull
man; J. "B. Buckholr. Centralla; Mrs. B.
Holt. Miss J. Whitney. Miss Brown. Mis
Bergman. Stockton, CaU; J. N. Plckrell. Col
fax. Wash.; W. A. Samuelson and family.
Colfax. Wash.; P. J. Harding and wife. M.
F Russe. James .Clyde and family, San
Francisco: L W. Pitman and wife, H. C
Pltman and wife. Indianapolis; T. McEwen,
Victoria. B. C; A. Johnson. Ashcroft. B. C:
W. Washburn and wife. Etta Washburn. D
C Rowe. Mrs. J. McReavey. Minneapolis;
Charles L. Cornell and wife. Stillwater; J.
C. Headlef. O. C. Potter. Sioux Falls; H. r.
Turner and wife. Spokane; C. E. RIdeman
and wide, Cumberland. Md.: B. Gormle-r.
Prinevllle; B. C Doyle. Philadelphia; Miss
Helen Hovey, Lewlston, Idaho; T. C. Gu.
Los Angeles: B. M. Lashet. Armour. S. D..
Caroline Purcell, Broken Bow. Neb.; M.
Aronsos. Fremont, Neb.; James Barnes;
Omaha; Mrs. E. C. Baldey. New York; C. C.
Roberts. Chicago: S. J. RleTimond, C. R.
Brown. J. M. Holman. The Dalles; Edward
Campbell and wife! San Jose. Cal.: L. M
Carter. San Francisco: J. G- Witherspoon.
Louisville. Ky.; R. Brandenberg. San Fran
cisco; E. E. Owens. Payette. Idaho; M ra
il. W. Mosgrove. Gladys Mosgrove. Spo
kxafi; T. W. S titers aad wife, Mtddletoa,
Or.; D. W. Titus and wife, Lltchflel.l,
Neb.: Mrs. John Terkum. St. Johns. Wash.:
Wesley E. Richardson. Minneapolis; Mrs.
Amelia Cormlck. L. A. Loomls. J. N. Glover.
Narchotta; Elmer Hale. South McAllister,
I. T.; William A. Gllmore and wife. Nome.
Alaska; F. B. Walte, Roseburg; W H.
Churchill. Kansas City; E. Thomas, Colorado
Springs; G. W. Roberts and wife, F. I.
Gales. Tha Dalles; L. O. Vaughn. Mis
Vaughn. Los Angeles; Ida. M. -Peterson. Em
ma Peterson, Spokane; G. W. Seal and wife.
Irene Seal. Colville: Minnie Seal. Addy; J.
II. Howe and wife. Lewlston; C. H. Reyn
olds. Walla Walla; W. R. Neal. Los An
geles. Tho Imperial L. H. McMahon. Salem; L.
L. Merriman. J. R. Dean and wife. Chicago;
Mrs, H. Lawson. Miss Blanche Lawson. Mrs.
Allen McNltt. Salt Lake; Sam John.on and
wife. Denver; Mrs. D. E. Rand, Hood River:
J. H. Forney, Moscow; Leila L. Kinney.
Benny Kinney. Balls ton; A. L. Maltbee and
wife, Watervlllo;. Mrs. E. Hunter. Seattle;
Myrtle Wilson. Independence; Rosa Perkins,
Mrs. C. K. Andrews. Bonner's Ferry; II .
William Thellson and wife. Salem; S. H.
Crawford. G. C. Ellis and wife. La Grande;
Fred Roth and family. San Francisco; T.
M. Blizzard Derby; Jack Brown. Pendle
ton: M. Mostert. St. Paul; R. M. Leathers
and wife, Ajtorla; Foswitt and family. Se
attle; O. B. Newcom and wife, Marshall
town; J. B. Potterson. Pittsburg: E. E.
James and family, C. W. Taggan. Seattle;
B. Bar and wife. Con tr alia; E. B. Lowo
and wife, Oakland; F. A. Olsen and wife.
Seattle: Robert Stetz. Petaluma; W. G.
Lee. Auburn; William Donovan. Park City;
Albina V. Wilson. Spokane; Kathryn
Schmelzar. Rochester; Clara Engle. Stewart
vllle; Annie M. Kane, Margaret E. Kano,
Chicago; Henry L. King. Connell; Mrs. M.
S. Hyde, Grace E. Hyde. Jessie L. Burns,
Boston; P. W. Olsen and wife. Frank
Stoner and wife. Fred Roberts and wife.
Misses Roberts. Joe Davis and wife, L.
Chrlstensen. Cokville; O. Rogers, Seattle;
Fred Murphy Mrs. J. D. McAndie. Antelope;
G. Keller. M. A. Keller. Monmouth; Mrs.
Hills. Mrs. Puryear. lone; C. F. McKlnney.
Burns; F. G. Roberts, San Francisco; H.
A. Dunbar. Eugene; Dr. Gillls and wife,
Salem; J. A. Seavy and wife. Eugene;
Flora L. Noragan. Cleveland; William T.
Shields, wife and daughter. Oakland; H. G.
Van Dusen. A. C. Lee. Astoria; Elma A.
Ranch Leutonla; Ffalla Mitchell. William
Mitchell. Syracuse; Mrs. Lily B. Collins.
Sacramento; O- P. Ferrell and wife. Reno:
H. W. Reed, Lytle; I. J. Stran. KlamaT;
P. C. Rawllngs. Eugene; C. A. Carpenter,
San Francisco; A. H. Greenburg. F. Smth.
Seattle: W. P. Kilbourne. Winnipeg; W. H.
Kearney, city.
The St. Charles Charles Relnheimer.
Washington; W. C. Smith and wife. Ostrander;
Miss G. M. Nugent, city; H. Glenn. The
Dalles; H. Kemp, city: M. A. Darwin and
wife. Astoria; Misses William; M. Norton.
For the Sensation of All Sensations
Which will be seen for the first time on the Pacific Coast, commencing
Monday evening, Angust the 28th. Arrangements have been made
with Woodard, Clarke & Co., Fourth and "Washington streets, to es
tablish a special ticket office for the sale of reserved seats. The
opening day of sale will begin Thursday morning, August the 24th,
at 9 o'clock. It was this marvelously beautiful spectacle that made
Coney Island famous. It will require a special train of 30 cars to
bring the production to Portland. 350 performers on a great open-air
stage. Gladiatorial contests. Awe-inspiring eruption of Vesuvius.
Total destruction of the city. Gorgeous $2000 nightly display of
Pain's marvelous fireworks. Five acres of scenery, 100 artists, amphi
theater seating 10,000 people all to be seen at
America's most beautiful and interesting amusement resort. Take
the 0. W. I & By. Co.'s cars, fare 5 cents. Everything open daily
until 1 o'clock A. M.
100 Miles by Trolley, $1
- Personally conducted, leave First and
,, Alder streets every day except Sunday, at
9:40 A. M., return at 4:20 P. M. With two
hours for lunch at the Estacada Hotel, on
the Clackamas River.
Ontario; C McRae. Vancouver; R, Bryar.
Clatskanie: V. Wheeler; J. D. Pane Per-ap-"
vanla; I. EC Bedler and farollr. F A Dsfal
and family, A. Rolierts. The Da.!es i
Cochran; . Wilson. Chicago; F Tc-r.
uuttevuie; x. u. fi.verson. HUUboro, u
TTllifl ft X' Pormft - TV T-wv-
city; J. W, Wlteon. Canton; P. L. Davlsi. R.
A. Brown, city; G. D. Horner and wife A
Horner; B. C. Bowden. MayfleM; J Js -
son. G. II. Hansn. Chicago; C. B. Marti, I
Lincoln; E. Jaquls, Eloeia JaquU. L an
Jaquls. Ida Jaquls. RlversW; F. A U: "a !
and family. Mrs. A. Allen. The Dalles M's. I
E. K. Mattock. Mrs. M. P. Hilton ."lO a.
Hrs. A. jrngo. air, tr. .La Bounty. Ta .-a,
R. Du Bote and wife. H. Du Bol.-v Clnc.-nat..
C. M. Plowman. Oregon City' P. L riv.s.
city; Orpha Boyd. Prinevllle; T Wal a-t
wue. tan Francisco; J. 1. oa&om. TTie
L. R. Traver. Salem: J. M. Fldler. l"at ".3.
J. M. Vroches. Etna; V. Wheeler. C-'.'-al
(juarry; J. . Van CIve. Scappoose. it u .V
len. Edith Allen. Delta Allen. The ra..f,
Capt. W. RowllnxH and wife. Medford A, B
Comstock. Nellie Berguson. W. IL Smith aS
wife. The Dalles; W. Taylor. Wal.a Wa a.
tr. tr. belling and wife. Mary Morgar. Uttz.
cada: F. Wilson, wife and daughter
Miss Wilson. Aberdeen; B. S. Baker and wi"e. i
Hoquiam: Mrt. II. C. In low. Orient w L.
Reney and wife, Kelso; C. E. Henstey and
wife; J. Skehan. IT. S A.; F. J Baldwin, i
San Franctoco; P. E. Clark. Corvallls J.
Baker. Coos Bay; H. McCoy, White atmca.
A. Kopper. Salmon River; J. T. Preston. San
The Esmond-T. T. Tlilotson and wife. La
Camas; G. F. Davis. Cast la wood. P War
ren. Montavilla; Mrs. E. W. Dixon. Fisher;
Miss G. Lathrop. Salem; Miss I. Laver.
Camas; L. J. Gray. Woodland; A L. Bell.
Eugene; A. C. Clark. Kausa.1 City. W H
Harmon. Maysvllle; L. E. McKee. Gr: Jen
dale; L. F. Dietrich. Vancouver. C Keagis.
Lodl: R. A. Donaldson. Spokane. C J Gib
son. The Dalles; "Mrs. Campbell. Miss Camp
bell. O. Gallagher. Freewater; C Martin
dale. Kelso; J. W. Sampson and wife, Grand
Island; J. Carty. G. Barter. Rtdgefle'.d. A
L. Morgan. Rainier; C. Young. Camas L
Turner. Independence: A. C. Sly and w'fe,
Stevenson: J. H. Sly. Michigan; W C Hep
pard and wlfo. Vancouver; Mrs. Sauisfcurv.
Seattle; T. J. Myer. Salinas; F C. M:sr.
Seattle: S. P. Delander. Centralla, G C
Kohler. Seaside; S. P. Fisher and wffe.
Walla Walla; I. S. Stlmson and wife. Spo
kane; L. Churchill and wife. Welser, Ida L.
"Wheeler. Detroit! L. Gandon, Eld'-rad- C
W. Noblett. Needy; B. Shelter. Marshfifli.
I. Nevins. Cap? Horn; G. II. Evans and wife.
Salem: G. Fox. Hood River; D. T., Stephens
and wife, Ilwaco.
Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. "
American plan. Kates. $3 and up.
Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Washlnarton.
European plan. Ratea 73 cents to $2.50
per day. Free buss.