14 TILS MORNIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905. EMPIRE WAITING LUD Central Oregon J-las Rich Re sources and Irrigation Schemes Progressing. SETTLERS ARE ON THE LAND One Company Has 140,000 Acres Covered by Canals Railroad's Delay Hinders Devel opment Work. C. C. Hutchinson, land commissioner, of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company, does not think much of Mr. Harriman's policy of first getting the country developed and then having a railroad follow the people. Mr. Hutchin son represents a firm that has built can als and ditches in Central Oregon, a fer tile country which he claims Is farther away from a railroad than any other valuable lands W the United States. He believes that a railroad into Central Ore gon Is necessary to the development of this rich section of tho state and refutes the statement that the country is not sufficiently populated to warrant the O. R. & X. Company building a branch line from Shanlko to Bond. "It is nonsense," said Mr. Hutchinson yesterday afternoon, "for railroad men to eay 'develop the country and then we will build a railroad. It takes a railroad to develop and open a rich country such as is In Central Oregon. Settlers can not be Induced to take up farms so far from traffic, for there is no chance to dispose of their products. Here Is an in stance, just as soon as a railroad is built into this section of the country. I know a number of financiers who will built a beet sugar factory' with a capacltj of 1000 of beets a day, and it will take COOO acres to grow beets enough to keep this factory supplied. "Replying to the speeches of Mr. Har riman. Cotton and others relative to Cen tral Oregon, the lands of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company, aro as fol io ws:- "The Pilot Butte segregation, 84,707 acres; Oregon Irrigation Company segre gation, 56,007 acres: the Deschutes Irri gation & Power Company segregation, 74,198 acres. "The canals of the company now cover or will cover by the first of April, 1906, the two first segregations of 140,714 acres. The company has sold up to date about 20,000 acres; many of the buyers are ac tive settlers and are now on the ground preparing the land for next season's crop. "The company took up this matter of developing the work February, 1904, but did not commence active work until about August 1, 1904. The company has spent up to. July 1, 1905, over $530,000 and it has before it a total expenditure of probably about 52,250.000. "It is a hard thing to sell lands to Eastern people who have been accus tomed to the benefits of transportation and to get them to go in and buy land 70 to 100 miles irom railroads. We feel that with a railroad we would not have half enough land to meet the demand the coming year. "We think that it Is a benefit to the settler and to the State of Oregon to have this irrigation work done by private capital instead of by the National Government, as' the landes cov ered by the canals of the Deschutes Irri gation & Power Company will average to the settler $10 per acre, while the Gov ernment cannot cite a case in all of Its extensive irrigation works where the lands have been brought to the settlers for less than an average of $30 per acre. "In the Twin Falls irrigation proposi tion in Idaho, (a private enterprise) of which the lands were sold to tho set tler at an average of $25.50 an acre, tho demand was so large that there were not lands enough to go around, so the lands had to be drawn by lots. The soil of the land covered by the Deschutes Irri gation .& Power Company's ditches is as good, if not better, than that under the Twin Falls system, and equal to the Taklma country where the lands are now selling for from $100 to $1000 per acre. "By the aid of transportation we would have a settler on every SO acres of land of the 215,000 acres inside of two years. With Irrigation SO acres Is a large farm and no doubt within a short time the average will be 40 acres to the family. "Beyond the lands of this company lies a great plain south of the Paulina Moun tains, which Is 100 by 200 miles in extent and on which the sagebrush grows as high as ten feet In places, and this coun try would be ' all opened up and farmed if It had transportation. There is a great lake under this land and water can be gotten by going down from five to 15 feet for wells. "There are other Irrigation schemes In the same territory which probably cov ers 100,000 acres all of which have set tlers, or the lands are ready for the set lers. "The railroads should anticipate busi ness Instead of waiting for the country to develop before building a road. "It Is hard to tell how much population Central Oregon would have with trans portation. Crook County is one-half the size of the State of Ohio and no doubt with transportation Crook County In live years would have a population of 20.000 people having now about 7000 population. Central Oregon is the best part of Oregon as you will see in time." PERS0NALMENTI0N. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Guerln, Jr., and child, of Bond, are registered at the Portland. C. M. Levey, of Tacoma, assistant to President Elliott, of the Northern Pa cific, Is a guest at tho Portland. Judge Edward Whltson, United States District Judge for the Eastern Washing ton District, of Spokane, is a Portland visitor. H. H. Newhall and family are spend-, ing the heated term In tholr boathouse. anchored in the Willamette River near Fulton. Harry J. Parklson. wife and son. of San Francisco, are staying at University Park, and visiting the Exposition. They may make Portland their" home. JuSgo J. W. Robinson, of Olympla. "Wash., is in the city to attend the meet ing of the lawyers of the Pacific Coast, and is a guest at the Portland. District Engineer Holdon, of the East Side, Is taking a vacation, and his terri tory north from Holladay Addition Is being looked after by William Kerrigan during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Countryman, from Ellendale. N. D., came last week to see the Exposition, and are guests of friends here. Mr. Countryman got his start In the rich soil of Illinois and has reached the stature of 6 feet and 9 inches. Mr. and Mrs. John I Rose, who arrived in this city last week, drove a team from San Diego, CaL, a distance of 1429 miles to see the country all the way long, and to visit the Exposition. They have been so well pleased with their experiences that they will return the same way. D. M. Randies, of the Historical De partment of Iowa, Des Moines is. ja Portland and will Temaln in this "vicinity for two weeks. This is his first visit to the "Far West." He spent a portion of yesterday forenoon In the rooms of the Oregon Historical Society. Yesterday he met a brother, now a resident of Gilliam County, whom he had not seen since 1SC0. Hampton I Carson, of Philadelphia, Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, and one of the foremost lawyers of that state, is at the Portland. He Is .here to visit Oho Exposition and to deliver an address at the meeting of the Pacific Coast Bar Asso elation today. A luncheon was tondercd him at the University Club yesterday by Wallace McCamant. J. H. Keathey, of Minneapolis, a whole sale dealer in breads tuffs, visited Port land during the week past for the first time in four years. A'gentleman in the city then told Mr. Keatlcy about the pros pective Lewis and Clark Exposition, arid secured a promise from him that he would return In 1903. He came last week to fulfill that promise and Is more than pleased to see existing conditions and particularly the Exposition, with which he is greatly taken, pronouncing it tho best in all respects of any yet held. NEW YORK, Aug. 9. (SpecIaL)-North-western people registered today as fol lows: From Seattle Miss Furth, F. K. Struve, at the Wolcott; J. J. Doheny, at tho Na varre. From Spokane Dr. G. T. Ponn, at tho Albert. CHICAGO, Aug.v9. (Special.) Oregon lans registered today as follows: From Portland Mrs. V. Countlss, J. H. Vbgt, at the Auditorium; A. B. Murray, at the Kalserhof; C. K. Phillips, at tho Grace. From Oregon J. B. Ward, at tho Audi torium; J. O. Mitchell, at the Sherman House; J. J. Farrell, at the Morrison; W. W. Frye. at the Palmer House. From Salem R. C. Davis, at tho Ma jestic. From Oregon City H. J. Pratt, at the Kalserhof; F. A. Norton, at the Great Northern. WOULD BUY CITY ITER THAT IS SOLUTION OFFERED IX MOUNT TABOR SITUATION. Mnnngcment of Suburban Plant De mands Portland Furnish Water to Annexed District. "There Is but one real solution to the water famine at Mount Tabor," said J. M. Arthur, of the Mount Tabor wator jjlant yesterday, "and that is for the Portland Water Committee to lot us have Bull Run water enough to supply" that portion of Mount Tabor which was voted annexed to Portland." Mr. Arthur went Into details yesterday In explaining the situation at Mount Tabor and the efforts he has been making to give- the people water. He took over the plant more than ten yars ago, not from any choice on his part, but because he was compelled to do so. For many years it hardly paid expenses, but It has done a good business for some time. The situation Is one of great perplexity and constant annoyance now that water is short and must be shut off every night to allow it to be stored In the reservoir.- "I simply have not the water to in crease the present supply," continued Mr. Arthur, "as the Paradise Springs are not supplying near as much this Summer as last, besides that district has grown rapidly In every direction. If I am al lowed to take water from upper Mount Tabor reservoir to supply the district annexed to the city it would leave enough to furnish the remainder of the district. This is what I have been trying to do for some time, but have not succeeded. But If the people of Mount Tabor will back me up I believe I can get the relief necessary. It will not cost the city a cent. I will make the connection and pay for the water. I shall again urge the members of the water committee to allow me to make this connection at my own j ejiiiuu&e. i nave nusuanaea ine spring an that Is possible, but at tills dry season the water Is low. There Is some other water near Mr. Buchanan's residence which I tried to use, but could not. To save the spring water we use this out side water for the bollor. We have mailed letters to consumers forbidding theu-use of water for irrigation in order to sup ply the people for domestic .purposes, but allow some to be used to save valuable plants. "With the certainy that Mount Tabor and Montavilla will come Into the city, there Is no 'encouragement to extend the plant, or secure more water, as that would take up the Income for the next ten years. I would not be Justified In going to that enormous oxpense. There are only about three months in the year during the Summer when there is a shortage. Wo have been shutting off water at night to save the supply for consumers on the higher levels. The greatest single con sumer is the Portland Sanitarium, which requires daily 500 gallons of water. I have urged the managers to reduce the quantity for the benefit of the nnio in the surrounding territory." This is the situation as set forth by Mr. Arthur, who said that he would take the matter up at once with thn Pnrtirmr Water Committee and see if he could not be allowed to connect with the Mount Tabor reservoir, having a 3-Inch main near the reservoir, it would not take long to make such connection. There are be tween 4000 and 5000 people affected. Water being shut off at night leaves tho district helpless in case of fire. MR, HARRIMAN DEPARTS Special Train Starts With Railroad Magnate to San Francisco. E. H. Harriman terminated his visit to Portland at 3 o'clock yesterday af ternoon, his special train at that hour starting on the trip to San Francisco over the line of the Southern Pacific, the private car of General Manager O'Brien being attached to tho five wheeled-palaces that constitute the reg ular traveling office and hotel of the dominating figure In the railroad af fairs .of Wall street. Mr. O'Brion was the. only official of the Oregon lines ac companying the financier across tho state, and at Ashland E. E. Calvin, general manager of the Southern Pa cific system, will meet tho train to ac company his chief to the Bay City, where he will romaln most of the time until Wednesday next when with mem bers of his party ho will sail for the Orient on a trip of recreation. Yesterday, irf company with other visiting officials, some calls wero made at offices of the Oregon lines, some time being Jevoted to going over matters with "General Manager O'Brien, and In consultation -with Traffic Director Stubbs and Assistant Traffic. Director Stohr. A number of tho officials were at the depot to wish Mr. Harriman a pleasant voyage on his trans-Pacific so journ. Last night two special cars were at tached to the O. R, & N, train for the Interior, occupied by Traffic Director Stubbs, Assistant Traffic Director Stohr General Freight Agent R. B. Miller) Mrs. Stubbs, and private secretaries of the officials, for a trip of inspection over the O. R, & N., including the Idaho country about Lewiston. Jt Is the intention to complete the trip la about on jycek, , WATER BOARD UNDECIDED TIE VOTE ON EXTENSION OF SUBURBAN 3IAINS. Action Upon Numerous Petitions for Additional Water" Service and Mains In Residence Parts. . There was a lot of discussion before the Water Board yesterday relative to per mitting any further extension of mains beyond the city limits, aad resulted In a tie vote upon the proposition, with the Mayor undecided. The question came up In tho form of various petitions of residents for per mission to take up an okl pipe and relay another pipe lino located on the south side of the Section Line road instead of tho north side. ' it being set forth that six, out of the nine residents lived on the south side. Bates and Raff e to favored granting EL L. Peterson. Mrs. Corbln. Crooks and others the privilege of con necting with the city mains, white Ladd and Josephl opposed. The Mayor took the matter under consideration. Bids for laying 672 square yards of as phalt pavement on the dams at reservoirs three and four were opened as follows: Warren Construction Company; S9 cents a square yard, or$6&2S; 'Trinidad Asphalt Paving Company, $1.44 a square yard, or $840,60. The bids were referred to the superintendent and engineer for exami nation. The following petitions were granted: Oregon Real Estate Company, mains on Clackamas street; E. B. Foley and others, on Cleveland avenue betweon Fremont and Beech streets; G. M. Hawes and others; Clinton street, between Twelfth and Fifteenth; C. Radtke and six others, on Waverly street, between Peninsular avenue and Bayard street, and H. H. Crosier and others, Eist Washington, be tween East Thirty-fifth and East Thirty sixth streets. The petitions of W. J. Christmos and others, R. Price and others. H. H. Brown and others and M. E. Thompson were denied on the ground that the present In come to be derived would not justify laying the mains. It was recommended that the mains petitioned for by R. L. Cates for streets In the Ladd Addition would cost $44SO. and that mains should be laid only from Hawthorne avenue to Maple street; thence easterly through the alley to Poplar street, and thence north to Haw thorne avenue. This main will cost $1K, and is considered amply sufficient to supply the 16 dwellings along the route. The following petitions for mains were referred to the superintendent and engi neer: O. A. Neal and others. J. E. Smith and others. C. B. Aitchcson and others. A. R. Compston, William E. Williamson and others, Fred KInderf and others. O. L. Lehman and others. F. C. Goodwin and others. Multnomah Real Esate As sociation and others, A. Wright and oth ers, and F. Henshaw. The report of Superintendent Dodge shows that the receipts for July were $51.19L39: expenditures, construction ac count. $lG.9f&44. and balance on hand July 31. 8S.771.56. RESCUED FROM REEFS (Continued Front Pai-e 1.) was thought that the steamer Lewiston could make regular runs, owing to the fact that she was Just rebuilt. WTord was received from Captain Works to night that the boat reached Almota and had to tie up. owing to the stage of water; being toe low to get ovr shallow places. The steamer returned to Riparia to remain until the river rises. The river is the lowest now In nianv years, and at the Lewiston dock, of the w. it. s t. company registers five tenths above zero and Is still falling. There Is little prospect for a rise within neveral weeks, or at least until rain falls. Aberdeen Shipping Notes. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 9. -Special.) The steamer; Norwood, which is In port from San Francisco, has been placed on uia.v is naruor run yesieroay. i lie Norwood brought 100 tons of freight and 44 passengers. The tug Cudahy fouled and wrenched her rudder In the harbor making neces sary a new rudder and other repairs. She Is on the Llndstrom Marine Railway. The llghthouFc tender Manzlnltk Is In the harbor to look after some displaced buoys. s The schooner Watson A. West now here was fined $500 for a violation of the marine laws In regard to her papers. It was a slight technical neglect and after a prom ise to obey the law hereafter, the fine was remitted. Sailors Nearly Starved to Death. CHESTER. Pa.. Aug. 9.-Thirteen Scot tish sailors taken from the fcver-strlckoo. British steamer Barn ton. who are now In Chester Hospital, tell an unusual tale of suffering. They say that stores could not be procured In foreign ports, and when they were at sea all meat became unfit to oat, but they either had to accept It or starve. After the men entered Chester Hospital they began to rave for food, and Insisted on being given a full meal. The doctors found that the worst of their sufferings was In being nearly starved to death. Calms Delay Last DlrlRo. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. P. The ship Dirlgo arrived at the Sprockets sugar refinery from Honolulu today, with a cargo of raw sugar." The Dirlgo, accord ing to Captain Goodwin, practically drifted from Honolulu to the Delaware breakwater, a distance of 14.000 miles. The run required 156 days. On several days the Dirlgo, which Is one of the fastest clipper ships afloat, made only 50 miles. The weather on both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was calm and sultry, with Incessant rains. Only two vessels were seen until- close to land. Halcyon, at Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. -(Special.) The lumber schooner Halcyon ar rived at the dock of the Washington & Oregon Lumber Company this morning where she will take a ull cargo of 40000 feet. The cargo goes to to Tower Bros., of San Francisco. Big Cargo on Hazel Dollar. EVERETT Wash., Aug. 9.-Thc new steamer Hazel Dollar cloarcd today with 4,000.000 feet of lumber for Kobe and Shanghai. It Is one of the largest car goes ever taken from the Sound. Marino Notes. Frank A. Jones, National president of the Marine Engineers of America, W. J. Brady. Jr., president of the San Francisco branch, and J. J. Searcy, business agent of the same organization, are In the city seeing the Exposition. They leave for Seattle In a few days and later go to Alaska. The bark. Star of Bengal, arrived at Astoria yesterday from San Francisco. She will receive her cargo at the Port land Lumber Company's mill. The steamer Newport has been lifted on the drydock for some minor repairs to her hulL t Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Auk. O.-Condltlen of th. bar at 5 P. iL, smooth: wind northwest, weather doady. Arrived at 3 and left up t 7 A aL steamer 5sahJafl, ir-ya Sts loa; m If you will give it the tobacco expert's test, you need not leave anything to your imagination. Just smoke it with your favorite 10-cent cigar both at once, a few puffs of that and a few of this, and make your own comparison. If the Cubanola doesn't prove to be actually a better smoke than the other, your favorite 10-cenbcigar is a good bit better tnan the average, that's all i eo: Arrived at G:20 A. 51. and left up at 1 P. 51. Steamer Rlrt Dollar, from Sen KrancUco. Arrived at 7:13 A M. and UP up at I" M. German steamer Nicomedla. from Hongkong and way ports. Salle.i 11:30 A. "M. Steamer Elmore, for Tilla mook. Arrlvtil at 12 51. American hark Star of Bengal, from San FranclecA. Ar rived down at :30 P. M. Steamer Ilfonl San Franelftco. Ahr 9. Hailed --Schooner Sec.ttota. for GoteraM River. Salted at T. 51 Steamer F. A. Kilbcrn. for Port land and eoast porta. Sailed !at nisRt--Steamer Franclx II. Lesgett. for Portland. Arrived last night Steamer Itedendo. ;roro Portland. Queen5town. Ahr. 8. Arrived Si earner Teutonic from Jew York San Francisco. Aug. 0- Arrived Steamer Homer, from Gray's Harbor; steamer Uma tilla, from Victoria: transport Buford, from 5Ian!la. Sailed Steamer T. A. Kilbsrn, for Astoria; steamer Enterprise, for Honolulu. THE HARRIMAN BANQUET: And an Interpretation Thpreof by Joseph Gnton. PORTLAND. As. 8. To the Editor.) The Oregontan J to be congratulated Ux; Its frank ana' trutafol review of the Harriman banquet in this morning editorial. And it s a nit that there are no more friends of Portland than Mr. Wilcox, in that larse party of banqueter, to defend the real Interests of the city. He alone seems to have had the courace and backbone to beard tho Hon In his den. Xow. to be frank about It. did any of that large party of gentlemen (barring the wine and feaptlng) really believe that 5Ir. Harri man wants a thirty-foot channel from Port land to the' sea? What doe he want with it? He owns all the country on the Paeiflc Slope from Mexico up to the Columbia. River. He has a sreat harbor nod vat terminals at San Francisco, a central point together to the outgoing and lacomln? commerce of an em pire of wealth and production. It is vastly more profitable to make one line of ocean eteamers handle this commerce across the Pa cific Ocean than to divide It between two lice one at San Francisco and one at the Columbia River. That Is one reason wjsy be don'.t want the Columbia River improved. But here is another and a greater reaon. If a thirty-fool channel is opened- from Port land to the eea. it will be the strongest pos sible rearon why the ChtcuRo & Xorthweatern system ebould extend a line from their pres ent "Western terminus to Portland, Oregon. Eltr.fr of those great railroad systems can com ma n transcontinental business enough to sup port a trans-Pacific line of ocean steamer' from a thlrty-fect channel in the Columbia, and they can be reasonably expected to take advantage of such an opening to push their lines to this city. But that it Just what neither 51 r. Harriman nor Mr. J. J. Hill wlU permit to be done If they Jointly or severally can nrevent it. If 5Ir. Harriman owns the Northern Pacific railroad system, in addition to hki other lines, or it Mr. Hill owned, in addition to his pres ent lines, tho Oregon Railway & Navigation and Oregon Short Line systems, then cither of those Imperial magnates would be red-hot for a thirty-foot channel In the Columbia and they would get It. too. Does anybody with a thimbleful of brains who reads the dally pa pers think for a moment that Mr. Harriman and Mr. Hill, or either of them, cannot con trol Senators enough In the United States Congress to get all the money necesfary to roako a thirty-foot channel from Portland to the sea? The kind of men now in the Sen ate (and the Senate controls' Congresd) are the kind of Statesmen manufactured is the pri vate offices of tho railroad kings. The sooner this city and the State of Ore gon awake to the necessity of taking- vigor ous and effective steps to protect Its own commercial Interests, the xooner will a pro tect be respected by Mr. Harriman. "What Portland ought to have done long ago was to have made terms with Mr. Harriman for his Corvallls & Eastern road, and gotten over the Cascade range on an ea?y grade into the heart of Eastern Oregon, where feeders to a main line could have been run out in alt dlrctlons. 51r. Hammond offered very easy terms, and even better terms could have been secured If be had been met in a reasonable way. It may be eald that Portland had no money to handle that proposition. But that is xot true. A city that can give away fran Chiiitr rc- -r-TM-g- -icb hava. been. told, The same tobacco made into cigars in the ordinary way would make a good chaser, and pleted on a huge scale, the Cubanola is not only considerably better than the average 10-cent cigar, but it costs the smoker only half as much. CIGAI Cubanola cigars are delivered to the dealer in perfect condition, direct from, the humidors, every box sepa rately cased in a dust-tight, weather-proof, paramnc wrapper. The -Triangle A on the Cubanola box stands for perfect cigars. It is a merit-mark that means science, system and cleanliness in every process, and bettor cigars for. less money. Cub emotes are sold by all dealers in good cigars. Trade Supplied by MASON EHRMAN & CO., Portland, Ore. fix million dollars In cash, could easily have bought the Corvallls road. A moiety of the lum for which the street railroad franchises have just K-en .'old would have purchased Hammond's road and extended It from the Santiam to Portland, and frcm the present terminus a Detroit over the Hiountalrw to Prinevllle. ieavtng an unmortgaged track on which five million dollars could have been ralMd to extend the line to the lake re regions of Southeasrcrn -Oregon. Xow, If Mr. Harriman does extend the pres ent Columbia Southern from Shanlko to the Southern part of the State. Portland will' be Kablo to get the wrong end of the poker. For' whenever a San Francisco railroad king gets. a railroad out Into the great plateau of Southeastern Oregon, the track is pretty eure to run down grade all the way from the region of Bend to San Francisco Bay. Pit: River drains Goose- Lake, in Lake County. Oregon, and practically ail the plateau coun try south of Bend on the Des Chutes; and It is a dawn-grade pull through the Pitt River Valley to the Sacramento near Redding; and that Is the road Mr. Harriman' trains will run if they ever run anywhere out of that South eastern Oregon rip Ion. Mr. Cotton eeemt to think that nobody in Oregon knows anything about the State but himself, while in fact there is a lot of peo rle here who got out here a generation almost besore he did. and jfnow enough about the re towce of Oregon to knoy that his defense of his client if not well taken. The resources of Oregon, and the ability to furolsa traffic for rallroada. are not surpassed by any State In the Union. But these vast IntereTite have been neglected by the people and their representatives. It Is unreasonable to expect that either Mr. Harriman or 3Ir. Hill will actively support any effort to secure a thirty-foot channel to the sea. Neither will either of these gentlemen ever permit the con st ruction of a canal at The Dalles. That echeme is now in a bad shape- Tnere is a portage read built and owned by the State, but there are no beats above the falls to bring boMness to the road, ami It Is doing nothing. The State will not go Into the steamboat btMlnessv and private capital Is not likely to put boats on the upper river against the opposition of Mr. Harriman and 5Ir. Hill. So that, when Congress meets, and more money Us asked to prosecute work on the canal. It is very likely that a Unite States Senator living along the Illinois Central I Harriman) railroad, will arise la his "place In the United States Senate and explain, pro bono publico, that inasmuch as there is at preient a State portage railroad around The Dalles of the Co lumbia ready to do all the business which may offer, and Inasmuch as said railroad has not done any business, or had any ofTer of any business, and Inasmuch as there are no steam boats on the upper Columbia to bring traffic down the river to either this road or to a canal, therefore there Is no need for further appropriations to thin canal project. Hao. the portage road proved a knock-out of The Dalles canal? Ask Joe Teal. J. GASTON. Opp Mine Sold to Xeiv Yorkers. MEDFORD, Or.. Aug. 9. (Special.) The control of the Opp mine, located six miles from 5ledford. today passed Into the hands of R. P. Murphy and associates, of Albany. X. Y., who closed the deal with J. "V. Opp for his Interest, amounting to TOpor cent of tho stock of the company. First payment was made on a basis of S125.0CO for the block 'of stock and the buyers will get possession September 1. Fostorn & Gunnel!, managers of the Oregon Belle mine, owned by Smythe & Kc'b. of Amsterdam. X. T., negotiated the deal -with the buyers and It Is rum ored that a fifth stamp mill, to be oper ated by electricity from the Condor plant on Rogue River, will be Installed at once. This Is the mine which astonished the owners by showing a rich pay streak of high-grade ore In April last and which has excited great Interest In mining circles since that time, the Indications being very favorable to a continuance of the richer ore. the deposit having been found at a depth of ISO feet below the surface. Idaho Iiabor Dny Proclamation. BOISE. Idaho. Aug. 9. Governor Good ing has lmucd his proclamation desig nating Labor Day and urging the people to observe It. By authority of law, I. F. R. Gooding. Gov ernor of tho State of Idaho,- hereby desig nate Monday. Sentember 4. IS05. & TjW 1 4V. Vllh th EUriKMS.flf nrvp-.t-i tha SZ1- average 10-ceht cigar for it's a genuine long Havana filler in a pure Sumatra wrapper. But blended in hundred-bale lots, made up by the American Cigar Company's exclusive and perfect sys vtem, under one control from plant to pur every operation begun and cral welfare by wholesome recreation from toll and by encouragement of friendly rela tions between all classes of citizens. It is recommended that all establishment of in dustry within the etate be clooed on that day and that In every way possible employers co-operate with employes in worthy recogni tion of the dignity of labor and in becom ing observance of labor's holiday. In testi mony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed hereto. Done at the Capitol In Bote, this 4th day of August. 1006. F. R. GOODING. Governor. (Seal.) By the Governor. WILL H. GIBSON. Secretary of State. Mocllps a Popular Place. ABERDEEX. Wash. Augr. 9. (Spe cial.) Although Mocllps. on ' Xorth Beach, was only started this year, the new hotel lacks accommodations for all who have been desirous of stopping there. Fifty peraons were obliged to eaeoeosoeoeooooooooeoooooeeotioosBooeeceoooescooeeos The Canadian Bank of Commerce Capital $8,700,000. Rest $3,500,000. Portland Branch, 244 Washington Street. E. A. "Wyld, Manager. TRAVELERS LETTERS OP CREDIT " Available in all parts of the world. 118 Branches in Canada and the United States. INCLUDING SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE VICTORIA VANCOUVER NANAIMO t - NEW WESTMINSTER DAWSON (Yukon) Drafts Issued on Any Branch. Transfers of money to or from any part of Canada by letter or telegram. A General Banking Business Transacted. eees9008eooooooeoo9ocooo9OO9cooooasooo9a9ooe The Best Hot Weather Medicine SALE TEH ES3LL10H BOXES A YEA" JF jfii jf Tfe f 'f PREVENT ALL SUMMER BOWEL TROUBLES nr Biliiliilii gocanemcuu mood DOlSOC. Tit.i,. l$rrrZc.. Ho failure. troubled witn night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash fulness, aversion to society, whicn deprive you of your mannood. YOU FOR BUSINESS OR MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MKN, vrdo from excesses and strains have lost their MAXX.V I1 OW'ER BLOOD AND SKXS DISEASES. Syphilis. Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. Gleet. Stricture. Enlarged Prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kid ney and Liver Troubles cured without HERCUll V OR OTHER POISOXINQ DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures tho disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men woo de scribe their trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letter answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER. 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Or com iiiilHHl spend the night in the open air or about tne hotel corridors Saturday. There Is a large representation from the Sound cities at Mocllps. Transferred to Const Artillery. VAXCOUVER, TVash.. Aug. 9. (Spe cial.) Second Lieutenant Charles M. Allen, Seventeenth Field Artillery, has been transferred to the Seventeenth Company, Coast Artillery. He wil leave for hie new station in a few days. Garrison Fires Royal Snlnte. "VICTORIA. B. C. Aug. 9. A royal sa lute of 21 guns was fired by the garrison today in honor of the anniversary of the King's coronation. Prompt relief In sick headache, dizzi ness, nausea, constipation, pain In tho side., guaranteed to those using Carter's Little L.iver Pills. liiiiiiilfis WSSF Twenty Years of Success In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsical swellings, Brlght's disease, etc. Kidney and Urinary Complaints, painful, difficult, t frequent, milky or bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured. Diseases of the Rectum Such as piles, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mnmn.i and r j bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pala or Diseases of Men glUet. Stricture, unnatural 1ni:fi-i lm Cure guaranteed.