THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1905. IS FOR KENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and rood ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the door; ele gant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. Oth and Washington. Phone Main 3311. F, Lange. Prop. Sam Baumann, Mgr. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D. BET. TAYLOR and Salmon. 1 block south Baker Theater Elegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and cold running water In rooms, free baths, rooms with pri'ate bath, electric light, ele vator; rooms suitable for two. $1 day. $4 week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-claw In all its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to sue", central location, facing Plaza. Phone Main 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black. Prop. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. JUST WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Large, beautiful outside rooms. elegantly furnished; will accommodate parties of 3 or 4 at CO cents apiece; hot baths free. Call at the Cozy. 103 and 195 7th st-. one block from the Portland Hotel. THE GARLAND. 621 Washlncton st., between 10th and 20th; new modern, all outside rooms; elec tric lights, phone, free baths; 30c. 75c, SI per day; restaurant in building. Hotel oxford european). cth and Oak New brick building, all modern con veniences, private bath suites, restaurant and bar In connection, bell service; rates reasonable. Phone Main 68. B12 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postofflce and the aters; tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2230 SV ANTED PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT roomers at "The Roycrest," 175 12th sC, ctsr. Yamhill New house, elegantly fur nished, hot and cold, water in rooms, free baths; best of service. LARGE, COMFORTABLE. FRONT ROOM, permanent, suitable for two gentlemen; private family; 5 minutes' ride from Post office; bath and phone. 308 Jackson st. Main 4281. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BAY WIN dowc, suitable for two gentlemen; also sin gle room with or without board. Mrs. J. Blumenthal, 405 3d st. Phone Main 1451. SVANTED PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT roomer- at "The DormerV cor. 13th and Jefferson, new, modern brick building; gas, bath and phone; at reasonable rates. THE HAM ANN. Quiet, newly furnished rooms, 1 block from car line; reasonable; special ratee for parties. 135 N. 18th st. Phone Main 1400. UNITED STATES HOTEL. 6TH. ANKENY and Burnside sts.. fronting on 3 streets; most central location in city; all outside rooms; 50c, 75c and SI per day. CLEAN. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; ratea reasonable, transient to traveling pub lic Opp. Hotel Perkins, next door to flor ibt'B. 268 Washington. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS' IN FINE PRIVATE home; close in; convenient to all theaters and business section; references. 161 14th et. Phone Main 2615. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAR FAIR grounds. Mineral Springs Hotel, 304 N. 26th, cor. Savier. M or S cars direct from Depot. TWO ROOMS, PRIVATE HOUSE. WELL located, on 3 car lines; bath, gas, phone; very reasonable. 5SS 3d. Phone Main 0454. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE; Fair visitors or permanent. 187 Chapman, near Multnomah Club. Phone Main 5220. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 293 Stark, cor. 3th. Phone Main 2057. 414 JEFFERSON NEW HOUSE. NEW furnishings, modern, rates 50c to $1.50 per day; special rates by week or month. 464 24TH ST. NORTH. BESIDE FAIR Permanent or transients, furnished rooms, en suite or single. $4.20 per week. "NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING AND housekeeping rooms, close In. $1, $2.50 and up week. 86 10th, near Stark. PERMANENT ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN, nicely furnished, gas, bath, phone; rates very reasonable. 468 Taylor st. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER NICELY FUR nlehed rooms, convenient and quiet; bain, free phone; reasonable Tates. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas, phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent. 395 12th t TWO ROOMS IN A PRIVATE HOME, BATH, gas and phone. 432 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone Main 4730. fFRONT SUITE. WELL FURNISHED, BATH, phone; 3 blocks Hotel Portland; transient or permanent. 246 7th. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY WINDOWS $1.50 per week; one block car, 10 minutes' ride. 160 East 34th sr, THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL. OPPOSITE Hotel Portland Double and single furnished rooms. Phone Clay 1957. TWO LARGE, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED rooms, very convenient, bath and phone; private. 251 10th. FURNISHED ROOMS. 50C. 75C. $1.00 PER day. 331 Gllsan st,. 3 blocks from depot. Phone Main 5882. 485 ALDER ST. TWO ROOMS. PRIVATE house, double beds, conveniences, central; $4 and $5 week. THE SHERMAN. 123 12TH.' COR. WASH Ington Nicely furnished rooms by tho day, week or month. LARGE ROOM. TWO GENTLEMEN. PRl vate family; board optional; near -car-Una. 126 N. 18th st. LARGE. AIRY FRONT ROOM, STATION ary washstand. bath and phone. 667 Irv ing st., M car. 69 HOYT ST.. NEAR 16TH ST. SEVERAL furnished rooms, direct to Fair; everything new, modern. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. E. Salmon st.. near Grand ave. 409 E. Salmon. TNICE. LIGHT ROOM FACING NORTH, $1.50 to $2.50 per week. 564 Savier st,, cor. 17th at. 474 JEFFERSON ST. NICE SUITE OF rooms for 2 ladles by the week; very reas onable. M 'NASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping, $3.50 and up; transient, 25c 50c. $1. WILLAMETTE. 144 6TH. HALF BLOCK from Hotel Portland Rooms, $2.50 to $5 per week. 2f ICE FURNISHED ROOMS, JUST CALL AND see; $2.50 per week. 491 GUsan st., corner 14th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR week; .prices reasonable. 18S Park. Phone 4041. FURNISHED ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR 2; prices reasonable. Inquire 651 Morrison st. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN. COMFORT able. $1.50. $2.50. 265 8d, near Madison. ROOMS; NICELY FURNISHED. IN NEW house; rent reasonable. 270 14th. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, .$5 PER week, at 325 7th st. Booms With Board THE GLENDORA" BEST AND MOST reasonable resident hotel In the city; free phone; modern; all new furnishings. THE TOURAINE ELEGANTLY FURNISH ed rooms, with or without board; next door Hotel Portland Annex. 168 7th st. FAMILY BOARDING-HOUSE, GOOD TABLE, reasonable 602 CUy, near 15th; modern conveniences. Phoni Main 5099. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board. 42 N. 21st at. near Wash ington. Phone Main 4451. PRIVATE FAMILY. LARGE FRONT ROOMS, bath, gas. phone; reasonable; Fair visitors or permanent, 395 12th st. GOOD HOME COOKING. PLEASANT ROOM or rooms, reasonable; central location. 487 East Ankeny and Oth. 215 12TH ST.. COR. OF SALMON-FUR-nlshed rooms with board; home cooking English family. TWO GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, BREAK fast if desired. Sunnyslde; references. X 48, Oregonlan. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE residence, rent $3.50 per week. 195 N. 16th cor. Kearney. BOOM AND BOARD. 634 MYRTLE ST., Portland Heights. Phone Main 3960. THE SOUTHERN 874-6 Yamhill. Rooms with or 'without board, single or en smite. ROOM AND BOARD. 715 OVERTON, NEAR Falr-grous- ' v C FOR KENT. Rooms With Board, MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER. house, very desirable, well-furnished rooms, board If desired. 2 blocks from Morrison car line, 2 from Washington line; con venient to Fair grounds. 637 Pettygrove su. bet. 20th and 21st. THE WOODLAND. 265 CTH-IN BEAUTI ful grounds, 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; has large, well-furnished rooms; rates by week or month: permanent; meals If de sired. Phone Main 5250. Rates reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supt., 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market sc. bet. 3d end 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out sld rooms; exceedingly low rates. HOTEL BROWN, 271 GRAND AVE. Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; ele vator, bllllard-room; transients; both car lines. ROOMING AND TABLE BOARD AT MRS. Parkers, cor. of 2d and Hall eta.; charges reasonable. 168 10TH LARGE, HANDSOMELY FUR slsbed front room, 1st floor, with or with out board. FINE ROOMS BY DAY OR MONTH. MOD ern. with hoard. S94 Columbia. Main 2219. THE OZARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO GENTLE men; phone and bath. H 50, Oregonlan. FINE ROOM AND BOARD, PRICE FOR 2. $45 month; nice home cooking. 500 1st st. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH-ROOMS. WITH or without board; transients; reasonable. FUU. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM flat, 29 East 8th, cor. Burnside; vacant Au gust 15: electric light and gas; rent $25.00. Apply 120 Front St.. rage & Son. 100 17TH ST., NEAR YAMHILL. MODERN 6-room lower flat, all conveniences. Inquire 189 16th st., near Taylor. Phone West 1442. NEAT. MODERN 5-ROOM FLATS INCLUD ing combination steel range. Halsey and Larrabee. Inquire 2SS Larrabee. 207 PARK. COR. TAYLOR FLAT FUR nlihed completo for housekeeping; 2 blocks Hotel Portland. MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER vice, hot water to bath and kitchen. 22d and Johnson eta. 207 PARK. CORNER TATLOR FLAT FUR nlshed complete for housekeeping; 2 blocks Hotel Portland. FOR RENT PLEASANT NEW 4-ROOM flat; gas and bath. Inquire 412 2d st. NICE FLAT FOR RENT. INQUIRE 230 Hall et. Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE keeping rooms In high-class building, center of beet downtown district, near Hotel Port land and Marquam Theater, for rent to mar ried couple; steam heat, elevator, telephone, gas stove for cooking. Inquire room 3, Washington bldg. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 1TTH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New bouse, elegantly furnished apart ments, In suites of 2. 8 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen; cteam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block on East Side; gas range, bath, etc. Logan blk.. 10S Union ave. Phone Union 3263. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath; suitable for 3 people. 164 Sherman. S car South. FOR RENT 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED OR partly furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, modern. 105 East 15th st-, near Aider. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, lower floor, clonets, telqphone, large lawn, walking distance. 431 E. Ankeny. 395 SALMON HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; private entrance; also large single rooms; rent reasonable; very desirable. TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms; also large, nice front room; reasonable. 488 Flanders st. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE Jceaplng rooms, on car .line; pleasant loca tion; conveniences. Main 37 SO. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping to couple - without children: good location. CG7 Irving st. $14-3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE- I keeping rooms In private family. 471 Ev 1 eretu between 12th and 13th. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WELL furnished, phone, bath, one block from Mor rison st. 533 Yamhill et. $2.50 WEEK TWO LARGE WELL-FUR-nlt-hed front housekeeping rooms; bath, phone. 46S East Oth South. 481 W. PARK-3 FURNISHED ROOMS; gas. bath, phone; suitable for light house keeping. Phone Main 0097. TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING OR furnished rooms: gas, bath and phone. 573 Main. Phone Main 4C60. $15 FURNISHED ROOM. GROUND FLOOR, with privilege using kitchen and dining room. 499 Williams ave. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room6, en suite er single; also front bed room. 67 N. Oth. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, MOD ern flat, lower floor, clot in. 95 N. 17th St.. cor. Flanders. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, dose In, bath. 86 10th, near Stark. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH conveniences, bath and piano. 395 Jeffer son st. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng, suitable for 3; bath. 322 4th st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In private family, coe in. 405 4lh st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 265 N. 22d at. Phone Main 1538. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AND housekeeping rooms. 309 7th at. Bouses, COTTAGES. HOUSES. FLATS. STORES, ROOMS AND ROOMING-HOUSES FOR RENT. List your property with us to be rented. The demand is greater than we can supply. Personal attention given to It by our rental department. 109 Third Street. Thone Main 433. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 729 Roosevelt st.. near 22d rL, vicinity of Fair grounds; rent very reasonable. A. H. Blr relL 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM DWELLING. Willamette Heights; beautiful view; on car-line, good service; all modern conve niences. Apply 1103 Thurman st FOR RENT THE FINE S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. cor. 1st and "Meade, dust newly reno vated: reasonable to the right party. In quire 700 let. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone Main 1685. Office. 110 N. 3d st. FLAT, 3 ROOMS. YARD. FIREPLACE. 293 Montgomery, $15 water Included. Drake's Agency, 205 Washington (employment).,. t.u G WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST. Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH, 17th and E. Morrison sta.; references. T. G. Thornton, room 2. Mulkty blk. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. 734 HOYT ST.. $50 month. The Healy Investment Co, 210-214 Ablngton. 100 3d st. NEW 0-ROOM HOUSE JUST COMPLETED on 23d, bet. Irving and Johnson; everything", modern ana up to aate. SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN HOUSE, BEARING fruit, lot 60x100; sale or rest. 609 McKay bldg. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST ANKENY car line; also S rooms. Phone East 427. FOR RENT 0-ROOM MODERN HOU8E. 330 Tillamook st Phone East 1441. CHEAP-OLD MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE close In. Apply 05 E. 8th North, FOR RENT 6-ROOX HOUSE, MODERN. Ffeoae Ewt 3264, FOR -RENT. Houses. FOR SALE OR LEASE ON LONG TERM. 7-room 2-story dwelling, modern improve ments. 503 Clay. Inquire 486 Market. Fursle&ed Rouses. FOR SALE A BARGAIN, CENTRALLY Lo cated furnished house, wits rooms upstairs and downstairs; furniture new and cost $750; will sell for $300; possession gives on or be fore September 1. 1003. For Information call at 27 Everett sL FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3- room moaern coiiage ia ceunwu; w from car line; city water, lawn, flowers and fruit trees. Inquire Madden, Printer, 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. FOR RENT CENTRALLY LOCATED F7JR nlshed house, full of roomers; will red fur niture on easy terms at a batxain. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FIVE-ROOM GOTTAGE. WELL FURNISH ed, nice yard and shade, everything In flrst-class order, neat and clean. 447 East Davis. FURNISHED 0-ROOM COTTAGE, NEAT and clean, close In; East Side; reasonable. Phone Main 6S7L FURNISHED HOUSES. ANY SIZE AND Lo cation. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 165 3d st. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trle lights, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. 306 17TH ST. PHONE Main 1957. or 434 Mohawk bldg. TEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FUKNI- ture for eale. Call 410 Couch st. NEWLY" FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM FLAT 'with bath. Phone Scott 1X2 1. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. $130 FURNITURE OF FLAT, IN GOOD OR- der. 6 rooms, bath, pantry; near scnooi: rent $22.50; Immediate possession. 205 N. 18th. FURNITURE OF A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE for sale. 371 Front st., near Montgomery, rent paid until September 1; price $125. NINE - ROOM HOUSE, FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location. 195 16th St., comer Taylor. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS. CENTRALLY located, well paying. Call owner, 216 3d it. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale; price $175; no agents. J 42, Oregonlan. FOR SALE OR RENT NEW, MODERN 7 room house; halls, attic, gas. Phone East 3. Summer Resort. NECANICUM INN. SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS home accommodations, flee ocean view, and flowers, modern conveniences, noted for Its excellent home-cooked meals. Get off Necaa leum Station. Emily Damass. Prop. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped In our care will receive special attention. N. D. Bain & Co.. Seaside. Or. WELL-FURNISHED 3-ROOM COTTAGE at Seavlew for remainder of season; d slrable location. 270 Washington st. Phone Hood 74. FURNISHED COTTAGE AT SEASIDE FOR balance of season cheap. Address O 50, cars Oreronlan. OfSeec. FOR RENT-NICE. LARGE OFFICES ON Oth. near Washington; suitable for light man ufacturing. Inquire S. Morton Conn. 354 Oak st corner Park. FOR RENT FOR OFFICE OR LIGHT MAN- ufacturlng purposes, two floors In brick building, corner 5th and Flanders sta. Povey Bros. Glass Co. OFFICE ROOM OR DESKROOM FOR rent; excellent location. Apply 411 Ablng ton bldg. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE OR DESKROOM. phone Included, fine location. 289 Alder sU OFFICES AND ROOMS. LEWIS BUILDING. White. 308 Dekum Wdg. LOST AND FOUND, LOST AT AMERICAN INN OR FAIR grounde. watch fob, with locket having monogram J. F. A one side, small diamond ether side. Finder please return 113 North SOth st- and receive reward. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE OREGO nlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its subscribers. Circulation Manager. LOST STRAYED FROM 193 KING ST., young white English bull terrier dog; bad on black collar, with owner's name and ad dress. Reward wilt be -paid If returned to 19S King. LOST-COLD MEDAL. BET. MORRISON and Washington, awarded to Miss Sadie Scott, donated by Rev. A. H. Lamboere. Finder return to this office and receive re ward. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mamie Smith. W. A. Smith (Mytterlous Billy Smith). LOST AUG. 7. RAILROAD PASSES AND ticket. Return to William KUIIngrworth. 303 Chamber of Commerce, city. Liberal reward given. LOST WHITE BULL TERRIER 6 WEEKS old black spots on belly, new collar on neck. Finder return Orpheum, 4U and Stark. Reward. LOST-$5 REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR delivery to Oregonlan office of small gold watch, open face, monogram "Nf M. R." on outside "of case. LOST STRAYED FROM PASTURAGE IN Columbia Slough, bay horse. 1350 lbs.; front hoofs broken. Notify iaman, pouisea &. Co.. and receive reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same cay. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST ALPHA DELTA PHI JEWELED class pin. Return to Security Savings & Trust Co. and receive liberal reward. BROOCH. BETWEEN OREGONIAN BLDG. and Unitarian Church, up 7th st. Reward, return Ladd & Til ton Bank. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH : SWASTIKA fob of sliver. Return S14 Savier. Reward. LOST-LIGHT OVERCOAT. RETURN TO 411 Fenton bldg. and receive reward. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE OWNER OF NICE CIGAR AND CON fectlonery store will tell at a bargain; everything up to date. 160 Madison. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE OF 12 rooms, good furniture, very cheap. Call on owner. 300 East Washington at. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. IN GROWING Washington town, long established, power plant. Address J 4t, oregsnian. HARDWARE BUSINESS FOR SALE; IN volce about $3000; flne opportunity; good rea son for selling. O 35, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED WITH ABOUT $3000 In a good, solid paying business; money well secured. N 50. Oregonlan. A SHOOTING GALLERY ON 6TH ST.. NEAR Gllsan St.. 2 to oaths' llcenee. Inquire 44 3d. between Ash and Pine. BEST LOCATED WASHINGTON-ST. COR ner lease, fixture and stock for sale. See Walling. 208 AlUky bldg. 22-ROOM UNFURNISHED FLAT. NEW. very convenient; for rent. Apply Calef - Bros.. 80S E. Morrison. PARTNER WANTED ACTrVE, WITH $2500; smctiy ursc-cjass, peroneal ouatneas. Ad dress K 47. Oregonlan ACTIVE LADY PARTNER WITH $15: strictly flrst-class. permanent business. B 50. care Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER JWITH $150 TO open concession at the Oaka; a winner. D 50, Oregonlan. $500 WILL HANDLE A 17-ROOM HOUSE; the balance can be paid at $15 per month. Phone Main 6090. FOR SALE FINE BUSINESS OPPORTONI- ty In St. Johns; easy term. Address T 48, care Oreronlan. $250 BUYS CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT AND cigar store, oesi locauou on .Morrison t. 312 Pine st. BAKERY FOR EALE FIRST-CLASS. RE. tiring from business. Derr & Geage, Vaacou- FOR SALE BLACKSMITH 8HOP AND toois, wiu yearsr jease. 1Q Belmont St.. East Side. 35-ROOM HOTEL. NEWLY FURNISHED, complete, for salt cheap. Call 251 YamhUl street. $376 PARTNER, CTH ST. CORNER SA- loon; plenty Business lor two. 64 N. 7th st. FOR SALE SALOON, GOOD LOCATION. DO- wt WQ 6WHHI. ACOrSM V 47, urefoSM. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE 0 rooms, $550; 23 rooms, $850; 5 roomr, $275; 12 rooms, $700; 10 rooms. $550; 92 rooms, $4350; 29 rooms. $1500; 6 rooms, $300; 5 rooms, $250; 20 roomj. $850; 6 rooms, $300; 10 room, $723; 6 rooms, $275; 17 rooms. $1200. A GREAT BARGAIN 67-rocm select board and room, cleared over $700 last month: have to leave city account of health: refused $7500 a short time ago; will sell now for $4500. JENNINGS &. CO. WANTED-$230 MONTHLY AND RAPID promotion for right man; oon't want you to Invest, but must have been fairly suc cessful In previous occupation: well edu cated, energetic ambitious and convincing talker: give reference, age and. experience. G 41. Oregonlah. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY GIVES information on business opportunities in any line of mercantile business: parties looking for locations, city or country, are invited to call; only legitimate propositions consid ered. Te Ames Mercantile Agency. Ablng ton bldg. OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME INVEST asd get a holding Is two or the great staple commodities of this Coast; a place to put your money to work; safe, profitable, per manent, strictly legitimate, thoroughly re liable. Full particulars by calling 633 Chamber of Commerce. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured Is from 3 to 6 days; consultation tree and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. AlUky bldg., 3d and Mgtrlsoa sts., Portland. PLANT GINSENG. THE MOST PROFITABLE vi au crops grown; we can luraisn wua or cultivated roots and seed for you to start with; write for prices; order your stock now for Fall planting. Peterson Ginseng Co., Garden City, Minn. FOR RENT CORNER SALOON. WITH bar; also Inside store and 16 rooms up stairs; new building, best corner in Lower Alblna; also a business for sale on, Wash ington st. Inquire owner, 440 Washington street. PARTNER WANTED FOR A STORE Ex perience unnecessary, but you must be will ing to do your share of the work; $850 required, fully secured; owner guaranteed you $160 monthly. Call 218 Etark st. A PROPERLY QUALIFIED PARTY CAN OB- tam an interest in & weu-csta&iiahea nrm; must be capable of taking charge of a de partment and have about $10,000. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY store, ice cream and lunchroom, double front, with billiard parlor in rear; doing a flrst-class buMneM; will sell at invoice If taken at once. 1661 E. 13th eC WHOLESALE COMMISSION BUSINESS The proper mas can acquire as Intertst Is a well-established house doing a rushing business; capital required $3500. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR ACTIVE AND reliable party to buy half-Interest In well established business; must have help, and prefer partner with $350; closest Investiga tion Invited. V 43, Oregonlas. PARTNER TO MANAGE MERCHANDISE business: an honest man with some energy; rare opportunity; $300 cash necessary; guar antee $100 month each; references exchanged. T 43, Oregonlan. COAL MINE FOR SALE. Small mine, well located, near railroad; plenty of coal of excellent quality; special terms for quick sole. Fred S. Fogg. Ta coma. Wash. FOR SALE AN IDEAL ROOMING-HOUSE, IS rooms, neat and clean, good location for R. R. shops. Call at place, 71 Harding st.. cor. Harding and Goldsmith sts.; price $400. FOR SALE THE BEST-PAYING TRANSFER business in Washington; leaving the stale; will bear closem Investigation. Address J. A. Day, care Hotel Seattle. Seattle, Wash. SPECIAL $1250, WITH SERVICES. WILL buy Interest in a business and make you $20) a month; duties easily learned; bank references furnished. Call 248 Stark st. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMING-HOUSE FOR sale, less than coet of furniture, 16 rooms filled; right down town: other business; very cheap; no agents. C 30, Oregonlan. $6500 NICE. CLEAN, WELL ASSORTED stock of drygoods and notions In a grow ing town; this wilt jay you to investigate. Henkle & Baker, 2JT Ablngton bldg. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED; IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, offer them through me to Investors. George M. Kellogg, broker, 343 Elllcott square, Buffalo. FOR SALE AT A BAROAIN A ONE-HALF Interest In a new sawmill with a dally capacity of 75.000 feet. Apply to William F. Oosslln 66 6th. Portland. Or. NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 208 MARQUAM bldg.; capitalization $50,000. Companies In corporated, capital secured, bonds, stocks, mines and real estate handled. . PARTNER WANTED STORE BUSINESS, must be steady, reliable man. satisfied with $18 to $25 weekly; $300 required; duties easily learned. 248 Stark st. BAKERY DOING A GOOD CASH BUSINESS, no routes, central located, good oven and flne fixtures; parties going Into the whole sale bread business. 231 First. WANTED ACTIVE. ENERGETIC MAN with business ability and small capital- to join advertiser in establishing orrice bust ness. E 30. care Oregonlan. MINING. Will cell an Interest In some of the beet min ing claims in Tonopah asd Goldfield district. Address Postofflce Box 455. 1150 BUYS OLD ESTABLISHED Busi ness, guaranteed and secured to clear pur chaser $100 month permanently. 205 Mor rison st. room 1. WANTED MAN WITH $100 TO TAKE half-Interest In a business that will pay $23 per week; good security for money. Call 88 N. Sts st. FOR SALE FURNISHED SUITE OF OF flces. best location, established clientage; opportunity for attorney or realty salesman. N 43. Oregoslas. THE BEST GROCERY PROPOSITION IN city; Investigate if you mean business; es tablished corner, fine location. V 43, Ore so man. SNAP SOUVENIR STAND. WASHINGTON st., for tale cheap; rent reasonable; must go to Europe. Phone Pacific 134, or 331 Mill. SNAP ROOMING-HOUSE 7 ROOMS. OAS. bath, teleohone: block from Portland Hotel i If taken at once, $400. 268 Morrison, room 30. NICE LITTLE RESTAURANT FOR SALE. doing fln business, from S30 to $40 a day; ror saie at a oargain. -v , uregoman. LOCAL CORPORATION NOW ORGANIZING offers ground-floor opportunity to right party witn capital, uau -w-s stara. room 3. tit iv?viriTT Wfct QlT.r ATT. unnpnv machinery; In good shape; well located; will sell at a sacrlfloe. R 17, Oregonlan. FOR SALE DANCING PAVILION AND ICE cream stand near Fair grounas; a mosey maker. Address H 49. care Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, cas get os his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. 14 -mo nth. Week. $30 Repay to us $1133 or $6.63 or $123. $23 Repay to us $ 6.03 or $3.25 or $1.63. $16 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $Lla 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 3D. TUB CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREOO sUs bldg., loans mosey to reliable sales men, trainmen, xsoiormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note. In eums of $10 to $100. Returnable la cos vesiest weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended Is case ot sickness. Cons dentlai. No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; easy pay ments; largest business Is 4 principal clt 1m. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Main 6437. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford; money loaned os furni ture, piano or personal property; beet terms Is city; rooms 218-220 Abtngtos. Red 1726. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $3 TO $500 oa all securities. R. L Eckersos & Co.. roosa 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP os all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, roosa 10, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 413. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 43 Washington bldg. Phone Main dlOu. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock bldg. Phone Clay 52S. Also real estate loans. $$00,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 6 PER CENT. Wa G. Beck, room 307, the Falling bldg. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR 3TJBUR bas; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the Allsky. Etate funds leasee, 6 per cent. W. . Thorn its, state agt Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham, Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE- FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANY WAGE-EARNER NEEDING MONEY before payday can get It from us. No com mlsslcs or lsterest is adva&ce; so mort gage or ladorser required. Repay weekly, mo&thly or semi-monthly In amounts from $1 upward, thus avoldl&g: payment of the whole amount out of any one payday, and have six months time if desired. Nelsos & Hlndley, 308 McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions asd responsible Ureas; easy payments asd strictly confides, Ual; also CHATTEL LOANS cs personal property; rooming-houses a ape clalty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST CO MP ANT. 203 Ablngton Building. f MONEY TO LOAN. Os improved city property or for building purposes. Any amount on "from 3 to 10 years? time, with privilege to repay all or part ot lean after one year. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building prog resses; mortgages taken up asd replaced. Fred H. Strong. Financial agent. 212 Stark street. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates; strictly con fidential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716, the Dekum, 3d and Wash. sta. Phone 224. FOR SALE, CHEAP SALOON. A NO. 1 location. Call or address 204-2U& 2d st. $50,000 TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATES. 'is roruana ixsan umc. 7 3d st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals lavited. PROPOSALS FOR FOUR BUILDINGS DE partment of the Interior, office .of Indian Ar falrs. Washington, D. C. July 29. 1903. Sealed proposal, indorsed, "Proposals for Buildings, Salem, Oregon." and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C. will be received at the In dian Office until 2 o'clock P. it. of Tues day, September 5, 1005, for furnishing and delivering the necessary materials and labor required to construct and completo two frame bams with plumbing and electric light, one frame employes quarters and one brick hospital, both with plumbing, steam heat and electric light, at the Salem School. Oregon. In strict accordance with plans and specifications and Instructions to blddors which may be examined at this office; the offices of the Oregon Statesman, Salem. Or.; The Morning Oregonlan, Portland, Or.; the Post-Intelligencer, Seattle. Wash.; the Chronicle San Francisco. CaL; the Improve ment Bulletin. Minneapolis, Minn.; the Con struction News. Chicago. 111.; the Builders' and Traders Exchanges at Omaha, Neb.; Milwaukee. Wis.; SU Paul. Minn., and Minneapolis, Minn.; the Northwestern Manu facturers Association. St. Paul. Minn.; the U. S. Indian warehouses at 265 South Canal sc. Chicago, 111.: 817 Howard st,, Omaha, Neb.: 602 South Seventh St., St. Louis. Mo.; 119 Wooster at,. New York, N. Y.; 23 Wash ington at,. Sas Francisco, Cal., and at the scnooi. For further Information apply to Edwls L. Chalcrafr, Cbemawa, Or. C. F. Larrabee, Acting Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR MISCELLANEOUS sup plies Office Isthmian Canal Commission. Washington. D. C, August 8. 1905. Sealed proposals, Is triplicate, will be received at the o ttlce ot the General Purchasing Officer, Isthmian Canal Commission, Washington. D. C. until 10-30 A. M.. September 7. 190o. at which time they will be opencu In public, for furnishing vehicles, vehicle findings, har ness, harness hardware and fittings, leather, harness soap, sponges; wax. thread, saddlers machines, toe calks, tire and spring steel, shears, manure forks, brooms, rakes, scythes, rubber hose, cotton duck, Manila rope, riv eln, bolts, tacks, white oak. white ash. white wood and hickory lumber, etc Blanks and full Information may be obtained from this office or the offices ot the Assistant Pur chasing Agents, 24 State st,. New York City; Custom-House. New Orleans. La.; 36 New Montgomery at., San Francisco, Cal., asd 410 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Tacoma, Wash.; also from Chief Quartermostar. De partment of the Lakes, Chicago, and the Commercial Club. Mobile. Ala. D. W. Rosa, General Purchasing Officer. PROPOSALS FOR MISCELLANEOUS SUP plles for construction and repairs Depot Quartermaster's Office. 36 New Montgomery st,, San Francisco, Cal.. August 10, 1903. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, suoject to the usual conditions, will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. Friday, August 23, 1005, Pacific Standard time, and then opesed, for furnishing hardware, muri atic acid, paint, brushes, carbollneum. cheesecloth, panes of glass, glue. Unseed oil. paints, putty, resin, solder, steel sheets, The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or anr Dart thereof. Information asd blank proposals will be lurntsneu on application. .Envelopes con taining proposals to be marked: "Proposal No. -62SS. to be opened August 25. 1905." and addreesed to Major C A. Devol. Quarter master, U. S. A., Depot Quartermaster. PROFOSAL3 FOR ROOFING SEALED PRO- poials indorsed. "Proposals for Re-Rooflng." will be received by the Superintendent ot the Oregon State Penitentiary for re-roofing the foundry buildings at the penitentiary (con sisting approximately of 2s0 squares), until August 22, 1903, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the penitentiary, and then publicly opened. Specifications can be seen at the office of tee buperlntendent of the penitentiary and Pugh & Lcgg, architects. Salem. Or. Bids must be submitted on forms obtained from the Superintendent, The Board hereby re serves the right to reject any and all bids. C. W. James. Superintendent. Salem. Or., August 8. 1905. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of general merchan dise located at Hood River. Or., amounting to about $20,000. Including atore fixtures, up to Monday, at 12 o'clock noon. August 14. 1903. A cash deposit ot 10 per cent ot the amount of bid must accompany each offer, the right being reserved to reject any and all bids. The property may be inspected at Hood River, asd an inventory may be seen at my office. Dated Portland. Or., this 29th day ot July. 1905. R. L. Sabln. Frost asd Anxeny sts. . SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at tne omce of the Lighthouse Engineer, Portland. Or., until 12 o'clock M.. Aucust 29. 1903. and then opened, for repairs to wharf at J,igrunoue Depot. Astoria. Or.. In ac cordance with specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information. may be had upon application to Major W. c jangsti, worps ot engineers, U. S, A, engineer. BIDS WANTED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF 35 miles of an Oregos river for floating logs. Including floating and delivery of -.mju.ihxi reet of logs. Address 5 49. card n..rnnl,n ' Stockholders' Meeting. THE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGA tios Company. Notice of the Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders. Notice Is here by given that the annual meeting ot the stockholders ot the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company will be held, pursu ant to tne by-iaws. at the otnee ot the sec retary of the company, room 543 Worces day. September 7. 1005, At 12 o'clock noon. at which time there will be submitted for the consideration of the stockholders a proposition to amend article III of the Articles ot Incorporation of the company by inserting Immediately after the words. 21st. A Use from a point sear Ward ner. Is the State ot Idaho, to the Sierra Nevada mine, at or near the head of Deadwood Gulch." the following, "22nd. A line from the terminus of this company's present railroad In St, Johns. Multnomah County. Oregon, to a connection with the constructed line of railroad of this com pany at or near Troutdale. In. said county and state; 23d. A line from Wallowa, in the State of Oregon, by some eligible route to a point at or near Joseph, In said state." and at which time there will also be submitted for the consideration ot the stockholders certain amendments to the by-laws of the company. W. W. Cotton. Secretary. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COM- pany. Notice cX annual meeting ot the stockholders. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders ot the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company will be held, pursuant to tne oy-iaws. at the office ot the secretary ot the company, room 543 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Or., on Thurs day. September 7, 1SC3. at 2 o'clock P. M. W. W. Cotton, secretary. Dated August 7, 1905. PERSONAL. LOANS FROM $3.00 TO $100.00 ON REA- sonable terms: stncuy connuentiau isox 713. city. COINS BOUGHT, SOLD: GET OUR PRICES; lists tree. Cols Co.. 113 N. 11th. St, Louis. Mo. CYCLOPEDIA BRITTANICA. 31 VOLS.. $35, at the Old Boole Store. 229 Yamhill at. TURKISH BATHS. 300 OREGONIAN BLDG.; gests all sight; ladles all day. Mais 193S. NATURAL RUSSIAN BATHS. DAILY. Ex cept Mosday and Tuesday. 25c 81 E. 2Sth at. TACH AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Rexnor. 127 11th. Tel. Mais 4838. MISS itAKI. graduate ot Finland, massage asd baths; ladles oaly. 406 Abingdon bldg. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds loughr, W. II. Less. 513 Dekum. CUy am. DR. PAU1. CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Mala 6478. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Aider st. Phone Maln4S3S. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR $0c AT HOLLA 3hs, S&Vii Jaylw, fcet, 34 Md 4 Us.. PERSONAL. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific methods; no pain, no danger, so scars, so detention from dally duties; wrinkles, hol lows, unshapely nose. ears, lips, corrected: plttlngs. birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair, moles, warts, red veins, etc.. removed by electric needle; electro-vacuo massage treatment; largest, most successful school ot dermatology asd only one Is Northwest under the direction of a graduate physician; suite 17-20, Sell-lsg-Hlrscs bldg.. Washlsgton st. bet, W. Park asd 10th sta. Phone Main 706, Mme. M. Vaughn. G. D. D. B. B. Mas lea. M. D.. CM. AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scicntinc. xeatural correc tlonlst, beau tiller and restorer ot youthful ness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face asd scalp suc cessful? treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc., removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology in connection. Par lors 304 Morrison, Phone Hood 232. NEWSPAPER. HALF-CENTURY OLD THE New York Herald, printed jfeD. io, iatw. announcing the anamination ot President Lincoln and war news; about 200 eopies left; mailed on receipt of 13c. A 47, Orego nlan. MRS. M- GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALL Kinds of feathers and Doos cieanea, cunea asd dyed: beat ot work; satisfaction guar asteed. 100 0th. Portiasd, Or. Paoue Clay 80S. Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $ I a month keeps your clothing cleaned asd pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sowed up. Prompt calls asd deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. LADIES. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatment. 1 teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used In your ows home. Addres 1401 1st ave.. Seattla SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and stomach troubles by hand-rubbing and hot baths; both sexen. 7 E. 11th st. Phone East 260. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat mest, $2; 3 months'. $3. Sent secretly sealed by mall. Agents, Wcodard. Clarke A Co.. Portland. Or. LADIES TO TAKE FACIAL MASSAGE AT their homes, by long-experlefleed masseur, who uses only Madam Yale's treatments and remedies. Address M. E. Gray. 308 S. 13th et. Phone Main 3628. The "Matrimonial Register," 10c. contains de scriptions asd particulars ot several hundred residents of Or. & Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Society, Russet bldg. "BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modern Lover," "Roea's Confession," "Marriage In High Life," "Desperate Love." 60c each, lists free. A. W. Schmale. 229 1st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorens Nerve Tonta Tablets; 23c a box. Write or call at Eysseirs Pharmacy. 227 Morrises at,, between 1st asd 2d. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las; repairing asd recovering; two stored, Washington and 6th and Morrison and 6th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. CLEARANCE SALE ALL KIND3 of WAISTS, kimonos, muslin underwear, etc., below cost. Sing Chong Co., 333 Morrison st. NATURAL CURE FOR NIGHT LOSSES; NO drugs; no appliances. Address, with stamp. T. J. a., box saiem. ur. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X-Radlum Medical Institute, Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. Portland. YOUNG LADY FROM CHICAGO GIVES face and scalp massage. Room 8, 110 1th St., cor, Washington. THE OREGON DETECTIVE SERVICE, OF flces 314-315 Columbia bldg., 363 Washing ton st. Phone Main 5615. DETECTIVE WORK. ANY CLASS; BOOKS experted. Box 311. Portland Postofflce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDG.: accordion aad knife plaiting and pinking. J. LINDELL, expert chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 5256. Ansayers ana Analysts. THE J. H. F1SK ASSAYING OFFICE Greenley asd Crawford, analytical chemists and metallurgists. 204 Washington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK st. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold duat bought. 90 1st st. Attorseys-at-Law. U. S. G. MARQUAM. 401 COMMERCIAL bldg. I make specialty of defeating tax titles. Chiropodist and Maslcuriss;. WM. DEVENY & ESTELL.E DEVENY. THE osly scientific chiropodists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Mais 130L This la the long-haired gentleman. He ts the man you are looking for. FOR CORNS. Bunions, Tired. Aohlng Feet, see Benjamin, the Foot Specialist. 7th aad Stark. Carpet Cleaning. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air combined; carpets cleaned on floor without removal. Main 5334. East 2304. Commission Merchants. HER3IAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber asd old. metal asd general commis sion merchant. Front sc. near Main. Port land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & Cd.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchaats. Sherlock bldg.. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sta, Portland. Or. Carpenters asd Builders. New homes built.! old ones renewed; prop erty bought and sold. Gordon. 208 4 th. W. L. BUCKNER, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Mais 6881. Cement Contractors. C. H. CARTER & CO.. 648 E. 20TH ST. Oldest cement contractors In city; cheapest and up-to-date work. Phone East 1875. Clairvoyants. VAN CORTLAND. CLAIRVOYANT. TRANCE MEDIUM. 7 YEARS IN PORTLAND. 303 WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 5TH. He will tell you your full name. age. occupa tion, whom and when you will marry and what you call for without asking a question. Advice on business, health, mining and all affairs ot life. SPECIAL READING. 50c 60c 50c FLORENCE K. WHITE. LATE OF NEW YORK CITY. Trance Medium and Scientific Palmist. Advice on bualnees. health, mining and all affairs ot life. Test circle every Tues day and Friday at 8 o'clock. Parlors. 288 Washington st,. opp. Perkins Hotel. GYPSY ZENOBIA Tells past, present and future. No matter what your troubles are she will help yeu. Room 323 Allsky bide. Morrison and 3d. MADAME JOHNSTON CLAIRVOYANT, palmist, card reader. I give facts reliable and important on all affairs of real life. Readings, 50c. 68 7th sr,. near Oak. Contractors. RAILROADS, GOVERNMENT WORK. C.V nals, wagon roads, ditches, logging roods asd general grading. Coast Contract Co.. room 10. L O. O. F. bldg.. Portland, Or. Uasdng. THE MATTTNGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng. 263 14th. cor. Jeff. Waltzing a specialty. Dentists. NEY CHURCHMAN, dentist, 324 Marquam bldg.. 6th and Morrison. Phone Main 17tK. DR. W. CLAUDE ADAMS. DENTIST 122 Grand ave.. Citizens' Bank bldg. East 533. Northwest Vlavi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON sta. Call or send stamp for Health Book. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO., MINING. SAW mlll. logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, casting. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4 th. THE H. C. ALB EE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Pastaraco tor Rest. CLOSE TO PORTLAND r STOCK ALSO .takes- la by tea month, 839 Sherlock bldg, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- saie saddles ana sarness mzrs.. 1 earner ana saddlery hardware. bO-83 1st, Mala 226. THE BRBYMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE- sale saddles asd harness mtrs.. saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th sr. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harsesB. wholesale and retail. 54 6th st. Leuther snd Findings. J. A. STROWB RIDGE LEATHER CO Es tablished 1638. Leather and findings. Stockton sole leather and cut stock; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1SI Front st. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE and upper leathers ot all kinds; cut stoc&. findings and shoe store supplies. 72-74 3:a. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. W.; protects the ltvtng. J. L. Mitchel. Sup. Sec. 012-613 Marquam biig. Marble usd Oranlte. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. no agents; per cent saved ut Week'. 720 Front, opposite Falling School; take 3 car. Mining. MINING AND ORE TREAT3IENT DSSItTN Ing and construction ot ore reductloa works and general machinery plants; BMckanuJU drafting. C. D. Grove. 31. E.. McKay bldg Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DE kum bldg.. 3d and Washington. Phones. Office. Main 349; residence. Mais 150m, East 1028. Examinations free. DR. L. B. SMITH. DR. CARYLL T. SMITH, graduates Klrkvllle. Mo., 40u Oregoslas bldg. Phone Main 1242. Junk. Uldeu and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS O? hides, pells, wool. furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Patent Lawyers. R. C WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; Infringement cases. 604 Dekum. Plaster Ornaments asd Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER, staff statues, ornaments, etc. 249 Columbia. Rubber Stamps. P. C STA31P WORKS. 249 ALDER. TEL Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; perfect retainer; positive cure; book free. Address Dr. Pierce. 206 Kearny at.. 3. F. Safes. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES WITH S lsch thick doors, fire and burglar-proof work, deposit vaults. Jail and prison wor. lockouts opesed; repairs. J. K. Uavls. U6 ud. Sawmills. SAWMILLS DESIGNED AND BUILT. PLANS and estimates furnished. G. H. Hamilton. 4 Si Maszanlta at,, Portiasd. Or. Tel. Scott iliJ. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, ca ble, belting, hardware, sacks; hlghst ptuu Said for scrap iron and metals. 241 Freer, lain 2002. Showcases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR, 6th asd Uoyr, Phone Main 1403. PORTLAND SHOWCASE i FIXTURE CO, 348 lJt, near Market, Phone Clay 1644. Spiritualist. MME. ADWARD. SPIRITUALIST MRDIUM. can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separaW. no mat-; the distance or cause; satisfaction guuran teed. Readings, 60 cents. Hours. IV A. M to 8 P. M. dally and Sunday. Parlor 14. the Berkshire, 232 1st sr,, corner ot Main. MRS. WALLACE, 23 YEARS PORTLAND S most reliable medium; alt In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of lite, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 247 1st; hours, U A. M. to 8 P. M. MRS. C CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST ME dlum. 145 6th. room 21. Tel. Hood leiX MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CON sulted. 69 Selllsg.Hlrsch bldg. Main 6179. Storage asd Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 1st. a 31- Olsen. Tel. Mala 347. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous brick warehouse. Front and Clay sta. FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St.. household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveable articles at reasonable prices. Translations. MODERN LANGUAGES. 1379. PHONE MAIN Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407 Wholesale Grocer. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. BANKS. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OR. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM .Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. . United Stateu Depositary. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts ot the world. Collections a specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNL (Established 1864.) HEAD OFFICE, San Franclseo. CaL President HOMER S. KINO Gen. Man. ot Branches. ..W. MACKINTOSH Capital paid up $4,000,000 Surplus and undivided profits $0,523,000 A General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Letters of credit issued, available In all parts ot the world. Interest paid on the dspeaits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened tor sums of $10 and up wards. WM. A. MACRAE Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL Assistant Manager UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Corner Third and Oak Sts. Transacts a General Basking Business. Drafts Issued, available In all cities of the United States asd Europe. Hongkong asd Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President J. C AINSWORTn Vice-President W. B. AYER Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT Assistant Cashier W. A. HOLT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Designated Depositary and Financial Agent of the United States. President A. L. MILLS Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier. ..B. F. STEVENS Lettilrs of credit Issued available in Europ and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago. St, Louis. St. Paul. Omaha. San Francisco and the principal points of the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn in sums to suit on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort-on-the-Main. Hongkong. Yokohama, Copenhagen. Cbristlanla. Stockholm. St, Petersburg. Mos cow. Zurich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trust Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000. General banking business conducted. Sav ings deposits received. Time certificates Issued, 34 to 4 per cent Interest on short call special certificates. Call or send for book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." Phone Main 453. 109 Third SL BENJ. I. COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK.... Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary LADD & TILTON. BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1830. Transacts a general banking business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections raadt, at points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Denver, Omaha. San Francisco and various points in Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange on London. Parts. Berlin Frank fort, Hongkong, Yokohama, Maslla and Honolulu.