Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 10, 1905, Image 1

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Pessimism Fills Atmosphere
About Envoys of War- t
ring Nations.
Wltte Is Firm Against It, but Might
Pay to Get Sakhalin Back.
Formal 3Icetings of Con
ference Begin Today.
PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Aug. 8. With
the probability that Baron Komura will
tomorrow reveal to the Russian plenipo
tentiaries the terms upon -which Japan is
willing to conclude peace, opinion as to
the outcome among those who are con
gregated here to "watch the preceedlngs
has become -decidedly pessimistic This
la due to tho crowing conviction that
Japan's conditions will not prove as mod
erate as was at one time anticipated,
and, especially in the matter of Indem
nity, may preclude the possibility of their
acceptance by the Russian envoys as a
basis of negotiation.
The firm attitude of Mr. "Wltte in pri
vate conversation against the payment of
indemnity and the insistent reports ema
nating from Japanese quarters that a stiff
war contribution approximating the cost
of the war. variously stated at from
5600,000,000 to SO0.000.O00, constitutes one of
Japan's demands, indicates a wide If not
an Irreconcilable difference between
Japan's Irreducible minimum and -what
Russia Is prepared to accept. Upon the
question of the payment .of a large indent
nlty the instructions of the Russian plen
ipotentiaries are believed to admit of no
concessions, although it is possible a cer.
tain compensation in kind might be .ar
ranged. For instance. It is suggested that
for the relinquishment of the Island of
Sakhalin, now potentially in Japanese
hands, the possession of which by Japan
would give her command of the -whole Si
berian littoral, Russia could -with proprl
ety pay a large sum.
Gloomy forebodings, however, may be
premature at this Juncture, as everything
indicates that the plenipotentiaries upon
both sides are sincerely desirous of con
eluding a treaty of peace.
Jarst fleeting is xnrormni.
The first meeting of the plenlpoten-'
tiarles today was of an entirely informal
character, so informal, 4m tact, -ihat
Baron Komura aidnbt brlng "his letter
of credence to the Portsmouth navy yard,
whereas Mr. Wltte was armed -with tho
original decree In Russian, setting forth
the powers conferred upon him, and also
with a translation of the document. The
latter he read. Baron Komura was em
barrassed and offered to send back to
the hotel for his communication, but Mr.
Wltte expressed his faith that the cre
dentials were full and ample, and It was
arranged that official exchange of cre
dentials should be made tomorrow. Later
in the afternoon, however, copies of the
credentials were informally exchanged,
In order that they might be examined
before the meeting tomorrow.
It is known that the credentials differ
slightly, in exactly what respect could not
be ascertained tonight, but the Associated
Press correspondent Is assured both by
the Japanese and Russian emissaries that
the difference is not essential and con
stitutes no obstacle to the official opening
of the negotiations. Indeed, the President
was officially Informed tonight that the
credentials were fully ample and satis
factory to both sides.
Arrangementfor Meetings.
It was decided today to hold two dally
vsesslons. one In the morning, beginning
at 9:80, and one in the afternoon, begin
ning at 3. To avoid delay and give the
plenipotentiaries and delegates time for
consultations between sessions. It has
been arranged that luncheon will be
served at the navy' yard and the envoys,
upon leaving their quarters In the morn
ing, will not return until the afternoon
session adjourns. Three secretaries for
each side will be In attendance to draw
up the protocols of the meetings, which
will be written in both English and
French. The French text, however, in
' cases of dispute, will be accepted in evi
dence (falre fol).
At this morning's meeting Baron Ko
mura spoke Japanese, his secretary, Mr.
Honda, translated it into French, while
Mr. "Wltte spoke entirely in French.
The official versions of today's meeting
given out by each side describe it as
"satisfactory," and other accounts indi
cate that, while everything passed off
amicably, considerable reserve was dis
played upon both sides. Baron Komura,
whom Mr. "Wltte had met in St. Petersburg
during the former's service as Japanese
Minister there, was pleasantly greeted by
the chief Russian envoy la, French, but
the Baron was obliged to shake his head
and turn to his .secretary, Mr. Honda,
who explained that Baron Komura had
forgotten the little French he knew while
in St. Petersburg.
Komura Still Hides Hand.
"While the Russian plenipotentiaries ex
pect the Japanese to present the Japan
ese terms Immediately upon the official
exchange of credentials tomorrow, they
admit they , are In the dark. Baron Ko
mura and his colleagues decline to give
any Intimation of their course of pro
cedure. Pursuing the tactics which they
have constantly followed in all their
diplomatic and military operations, they
ire carefully guarding all their plans re
garding the present meeting.
There was some disposition today to at
tribute Baron Komura's forgetfulness In
not bringing his credentials to a desire
to spar for time, and for that reason
some doubt was expressed whether the
Japanese would show their hand tomor
row, but the Russian envoys do not ques-
tlon Baron Komura's good faith and
frankly say it was due to a misunderstanding.
This evening the amenities were ob
served hy a general exchange of cards.
Mr. Wltte, Baron Rosen and his suite
sending theirs through the hotel office.
'while the cards of the Japanese mission
were left at tho doors of the members of
the Russian mission by a little Japanese
messenger boy. Commanders WInslow
and Gibbons also made their official calls
upon the two missions late this evening.
Correspondents Are Pessimists.
The Japanese and Russian newspaper
correspondents have broken the Ice and
have begun to fraternlxe. It Is perhaps
significant that the correspondents on
both sides are sending to thelc respective
homes dispatches of anything but an
optimistic character.
In the opinion of the Rupsians the Em
peror' manifesto promulgating tho na
tional assembly project -will materially
strengthen the position of tho Russian
onvoys by relieving the internal situation.
As the Russians like to smoke while at
tbe table, all the members of the Russian
mission tonight dined in their apart
ments, a practice -which they have de
cided to continue hereafter.
But Russian Council Votes Against
Cession of Territory.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 9. (Spe
cial.) Mr. Witto has sent a cable dis
patch to the Czar declaring it to be his
conviction that only humanity moved
President Roosevelt to take action lead
ing to the present peace conference. He
say3 the American people slnceroly
sympathize with Russia and that the
chances of agreement with the Japan
ese envoys appear brighter, since the
sentiment for peace on reasonable
terms which prevails everywhere in
the United States will do much to bring
about understanding.
At today's meeting of the Council of
Ministers and dignitaries at Peterhog
two votes were cast for continuation of
the war. A majority voted for pay
ment of a money indemnity and against
the ceding: of territory. A minister who
was present at the meeting said:
"In order to save millions of inno
cent lives and unending miseries which
must result from a continuance of the
war, we are ready to make sacrifices
for peace. But, If Baron Komura wants
our money, our land and our honor,
thus making peace dearer than war, ha
must take the responsibility for the In
nocent blood that will bo shed. "We are
all convinced of American sincerity and
are all grateful to Prosldent Roosovolt,
whose mediation is likely to save Rus
sia irom sunenng tne norrors of a
civil war, a foreign war and famine
Grand Dukes Will Blame Him
Whichever Way .Conference Ends.
iiKeiy that jut. witte's popularity in
America -will bo increased still further
by the report which is current among
the members. 'Of the .Berlin -diplomatic
corps to the effect that his appointment
as peace -plenipotentiary was tho result
of anintrigue wTiich aimed to bring
about his ruin. It is asserted that the
way Is greased for blaming- "Wltte, no
matter how the Portsmouth conference
turns out. The Ambassador of one of
the great powers said today:
"The situation in a nutshell Is, that
Wltte will be blamed if he does and
blamed If he -oes not conclude peace.
His appointment was sanctioned by the
Russian war party and the grand ducal
clique, to which he is most obnoxious,
in the fond hope that, however nego
tiatlonj 'result they will prove his po
litical undoing.
"If he agrees to the terms of Japan,
he -will be branded as a man who sold
out his oountry. If he falls to agree,
he will bo upbraided as Incompetent, as
a political Ignoramus and as a Are-eating
statesman upon whose head must
rest the additional bloodshed In Man
churia resulting from his failure.
Wreck Nonunion Shops and Rain
Missiles on Police.
NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Frequent out
breaks of rioting, calling for drastic
action by the police, marked the course
of the strike of the Hebrew bakers on
the East Side toJay. In an attack on a
bakery In Allen street 30 rioters broke
Into the place, completely wrecked It
and upset the barrels of flour and
dough In the street. The police reserves
had to bo called out before the rioters
could be dispersed.
A committee of 100 sent from strike
headquarters tonight to a bakers'- in
Orchard street to induce nonunion men
to quit attacked the shop, hearing- of
which hundreds of strikers rushed
from the meeting to the scene of con
flict. One policeman, -who attempted to
defend the nonunion men, was severely
beaten, but held His ground until res
cued, -me patrol wagon, bringing a
squad of reserves, was furiously as
sailed by the mob, who stopped the
horses and even dragged some of the
men from their scats. The rest quickly
charged the mob through a rain of bot
tles and bricks that poured from roofs
and windows. After ten minutes' hard
fighting the mob was dispersed.
Japanese Recover One of First Rus
slan Ships Sunk.
TOKIO, Aug. 10. (9:30 A. M.) The
Imperial navy department has an
nounced the successful floating of the
cruiser Varlag yesterday afternoon. In
view of the difficulty encountered.
there is a strong feeling of general
satisfaction over the raising of the
The Russian cruisers Varlag and Ko
rletz were sunk -by the Japanese in the
harbor at Chemulpo -on February 9,
Oyama More Careful About Attack
on Llnlevitch.
BATTLE, Wash., Aug. 9. Rev. John
C. Ambler. Episcopal missionary to Ja
pan, who returned to this country on
the Kanagawa -Maru this evening, says
tnat tn nls estimation Field Marshal
Oyama Is not withholding ,an attack upon
General Llnlevitch because of the im
pending peace conference in the East. It
(Concluded on Face 3.)
Mrs. Mackay Staggers Moss
hack School Board by
Getting Elected.
Jerome Asks Citizens to Run Him as
Independent Candidate, Though
All vPartics Want to,
Nominate Him.
NEW YORK, Aug. 9. A woman and
a man figure prominently in the polit
ical news of New York; the woman
because she has been elected to office,
the man because he hns evolved a new
The woman is Mrs. Clarence Mackay,
one of the most beautiful members of
society; the man. Is District Attorney
William Travcrs Jerome, who Is not
beautiful, but makes up for it In en
ergy. Mrs. Mackay Is the first New York
society woman to enter the arena of
politics. True, she Is only a member
of the school board, but .she is going
to control it and the selection of her
associates. The election this" month
proved that.
It Is an Interesting story, never fully
told, that of how a wealthy society
woman decided to onter politics. In
many respects it Is like that of tho
man, who, dissatisfied -with a Summer
resort hotel, built one himself that con
tained all the conveniences he decided
were needed.
School Board of Mossbacks.
The Mackays have a beautiful coun
try home at- Roslyn. L. I. Many other
wealthy New Yorkers live here, but
the town is absolutely controlled, so
far as elections go, by tho villagers.
The local school is In charge of nix
trustees, elected by the people for
terms of three years, two retiring each
year. The Roslyn temple of learning
Is antiquated and as much out of date
as an oil lamp or a horse-car. For as
long back as the memory of man run
e scnaoTin the' same old way. They
frowned on "new-fangled notions," and
were serenely certain that what -was
good enough lor tbelr fathers was good
enough for their children.
The leaders In the board are Dr. J. H.
Bogert. who has been president ever
since Civil "War days, and Dr. Peter D.
Leys. The latter was a comparatively
young member, having- only hold office
If years, but the older men bowed to
their rulings, and year after year Bo
gert and Leys have directed everything.
even Including the quality of the chalk
and slate pencils.
Mrs. 3Inckay "Butts In."
Unfortunately for the dictators, Mrs.
Mackay took an Interest In the school.
Many days she visited It, listened to
the recitations and finally became con
vlnced that the curriculum was too cir
cunwonoeo. finally sno plucked up
courage, and timidly suggested to Dr.
aogert tnat the pupils should learn
other things beyond the three Rs.
The venerable president of the board
failed to take her remarks In good
spirit. He declared that the children
were learning as much as their parents
ever did. and he (Dr. Bogert1) would
not allow any change and that settled
It. Whereupon Mrs. Mackay smiled her
sweet smile and walked away.
The next act In the drama was an
unexpected inspection of the Roslyn
school by a member of the staff of tho
State Board of Education. His report
endorsed the views of airs. Mackay.
and hauled the local board over tho
coals In great style. Whereupon Dr.
Bogert waxed angrier than ever.
"What does that woman want, any
way?' he demanded. "She is the cheek
lest thing in the world." Finally meet
ing her on the street one day, he per
sonally told her his views.
"The school Is run by the board." he
saw, and the board satisfies the neo
pie. If you are so anxious for reform.
why don't you get a board of your own?
wr pernaps you might like to be
member yourself?"
-fvna -sirs, .niacicay remarked, -with
anoiner sweet smile:
Doctor, your words are full of wis
She Defeats the Bosses.
-" Kitxj i iie president -was
astonished when he heard that Mrs.
aiackay had decided to be a candidate
Once her course was decided upon, the
society -woman put up what la tech
nlcally called a "whirlwind campaign."
&ne visited the voters In their houses
Issued personal appeals on the dainty
iaroor am stationery, rallied the ehll
dren as vote-getters, and gave all of
ttosiyn the exciting time of it Hf
The terms of two old members of the
board expired this year, and both were
canoiaates for re-election. John F. Rem
sen quickly rallied around the Mackay
oanner, wnne ur. L-eys declared that the
mistress or .Harbor Hill was shy on irram
mar herself, and consequently not fitted
for ruling a school. Seldom have more
than 1M votes been cast at Roslyn school
elections. Mrs. Mackay got 2S3, Remsen
251 and Dr. Leys S3. It was a sad blow
to tbe last-named, who peddled tickets all
day and could not believe the result when
It was announced.
Dr. Bogert still controls the board with
the hold-over members, but his term ex
pires next year and he realizes that, un
less he Is very, very good. Mrs. Mackay
will decree his official decapitation. And
he Is wondering exactly what she wants.
and what, is going to become of the old
traditions of tho school. Mrs. Mackay Is
quietly resting at Saratoga. She has not
outlined her plans fully, further than to
say that she believes In manual training.
She Is going to be very much In evidence
In the new board, however, and If she
cannot teach the young Idea to shoot In
her own way this year, is almost certain
to decree the election of up-to-date trus
tees next year.
Jerome as an Independent.
The man with the political Idea Is Dis
trict Attorney Jerome. He has not waited
for conventions, but comes out boldly and
announces that. If 3X0 citizens (the num
ber required by law) will sign his peti
tion, he will run as an Independent candi
date fpr District Attorney, regardless of
the action of the great political parties.
"In my four years of office." ho says, "I
have made a record upon which my fellow-citizens
can judge me. If they like
my record, it is In their power to re-elect
mo regardless of the wishes or whims of
any bosses whatsoever, and I can take my
office under obligations to no one except
the people."
Jerome's declaration has given new zest
to Midsummer politics. Already ha has
been promised far moro names than he
will need, and It would surprise no one
If he appeared on practically every ticket.
The Citizens Union Is formally pledged
to him, the Republican district leaders
say It would be foolish to put anyone
else on their ticket, and Charles F.
Murphy believes that Jerome's name on
the Tammany list would bring votes to
Mayor McCIellan.
In the meantime Jerome Is not, worry
ing, h fact he is so busy with his legal
duties" that he has no time to do anything
but work.
iooks Forward to Good Fight.
The District Attorney loves a good fight.
and will have all .the fighting ho wants
between now and January 1, when his
term expires. It will be the supreme test
of his powers. He will- havo to meet the
greatest aggregation of legal talent ever
assembled in defense of accused men in
this city. If he wins, he will be classed
as a great prosecutor. If he loses ho will
bo classed with the failures.
G. H. Hummel, ex-Supreme Court Jus-
tico Funsman and Benjamin Stelnhardt
will be tried in October for offenses grow
ing out of the Dodge-Morse divorce case.
Tho public prosecutor is investigating
the Equitable, and one branch of the
Criminal Court will convene September 11,
at his request, to take up expected In
dictments. The Town Topics and "Fads
and Fancies" revelations promise to de
velop a number of criminal actions. Six
prisoners are in the Tombs awaiting trial
for murder, several of the cases being
sensational. In addition 3S3 other ier-
sons are under indictment for -various
offenses. So It will be seen that Mr.
Jerome is very busy. "My campaign 7 he
repcatca ine otner day -when asked the
question. "Why, that's in the hands of
the people. I've told them Barkis Is will
ing, and if they want to keep me here
they must -elect me. I'm too busy to at-
t end -to It 'myself.'- All the jsame Mr.
Jerome is radiantly. supjmoly confident
that he will be re-elected.
Jerome's Banner Is Out.
NEW YORK. Acs. 9. Tho fir nnlltl
cat banners to be dlsDlavcd In inter
est of William Travera Jerome as an
independent candidate for re-election as
District Attornev. were snunonrfArf
day at Forsyth and Grand streets by a
icLciuij iunaeu organization. wnose
members are pledged to support Mr.
jeromc at tne pons.
Harper Visits Him to Arrange for
Great Extension of Chicago's
Vast Institution.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 9. The World-Newa
today says:
"At conferences now taking place at
Forest Hill between John D. Rockefeller
and President William R- Harper, of Chi
cago University, plans are being formu
lated for the further endowment of that
educational Institution by Mr. Rockefeller.
Dr. and Mrs. Harper arrived In Cleveland
today. The visit of the Harpers to the
home of Mr. Rockefeller Is said to be
one of a social nature, but It Is known
that plans covering the outlay of $30,000.
CCO are under consideration by Mr. Rocke
feller, who desires to make the university
the greatest seat of learning in tho
world. It is believed final steps in the
matter will have been taken before Dr.
Harper leaves, and his return to Chicago
will be followed by the announcement
tnat woric or enlarging me university will
be begun at once.
Harper's Health Improved.
CHICAGO. Aug. 3. President Wlinam
R. Harper, of the University of Chicago,
accompanied by Mrs. Harper, left last
night for Forest H11L the home of John
D. Rockefeller, near Cleveland, O. The
-visit. It Is announced, was purely social.
Dr. Harper said his health Is better than
It has been at any time since he was
operated on for cancer, and that he Is re
gaining his strength while teaching two
hours dally, besides attending to his offi
cial business at the university.
Brilliant Gathering at Manila To
bacco Men Tell Troubles.
MANILA, Aug. 9. Thousands of peo
ple attended the reception given to Sec
retary Taft, Miss Alice Roosevelt and
the other members of- their party by the
Armr and Navy Club tonight. Rear-
Admiral Enqulst, of the Russian Navy,
and hlfl staff, were present. The recep
tion was the most brilliant In the history
of Manila.
During the morning tho party. In auto
mobiles, inspected New Fort McKlnley
and reviewed the troops, in the after
noon the tobacco planters were given a
hearing. Previous to the evening recep
tlon, the establishment of the largest and
richest old Spanish-Filipino commercial
firm on the Islands was inspected.
Governor Denccn Xot Coming.
SPRINGFIELD, 111. Aug. 9. (Special.)
Governor Dineen will not visit tne iewis
tmd nrV Exposition. State Superintend
ent of Instruction Alfred Baylhw will be
sent as him representative.
'ortland Firm Will Dig Upper
. End to Point Below
Celilo. ,
Before Smyth & Jones Finish Work,
Further Appropriation May Al
low Other Deals Roess
ler to Havo Charge.
ington. D. C, Aug. 9. Smyth & Jones,
of Portland, will build the first seg
ment of The Dalles-Celllo canal on the
Upper Columbia River.
The Acting- Secretary of War has di
rected that the contract be awarded
this firm. It being the lowest bidder
who entered Into the recent competi
tion at Portland, Its price being $294,
261.70. When the contract is formally closed
between this firm and the Government,
and the contractors furnish a bond to
tho Secretary of War, to guarantee sat
isfactory completion of the work, the
firm will be expected to concentrate lt3
plant and forco of laborers at or near
Celilo and commence actual construc
tion as soon as possible. Under the
terms of the contract, the work must
be completed by December 31, 1903.
All Present Funds "Will Do.
Smyth & Jones will build what is
known as the first segment of the ca
nal, that portion extending from the
upper end of the canal to a point half
a mile below Celilo. This is only a
small portion of the entire waterway,
but Is all that can be constructed with
the funds now available. It Is assumed
that before this work is done Congress
will make a further appropriation to
continue the work, so that there will
be no necessary delay In construction.
If more money Is made available at the
next session of Congress, other con
tracts may be entered Into as soon as
plans are prepared, for the canal can
be built In sections and need not be
constructed continuously from one end
to tho other. But the manner of con
struction will depend largely upon the
way Congress apportions funds.
What Contract Covers.
The present contractors wih com
plete the upper end of the canal, all but
the guard gate at the point where the
canal enters tho river, and the gates
and operating machinery at the first
lock. They will excavate part of the
canal, partly through solid rock, partly
through sand or gravel. At other points
It will be necessary to build embank
ments where the canal crosses low
places. Wherever . needed, the canal
will be lined with cement, and Its bot
torn throughout will have a concreto
floor. Tho contractors will excavate
and build the first lock and prepare It
for the gates. Because of the cost, It
has been impossible to provide for the
gates at this time, but they will be
taken care of under a subsequent con
Engineer Xot Yet Chosen.
The Chief of Engineers has not yet
selected tbe engineer officer to super
vise the work on The Dalles-Celllo
canal, and unless some one is chosen
beforo the contractors make a start,
the work will temporarily be left In
the hands of Major Roessler, who suc
ceeds Major LangfltL. ' It Is probable.
however, that some officer will soon be
especially detailed to take charge of
construction of the canal and Incident
ally look after other Improvements on
the Upper Columbia and Snake river.
After Eleven Years of Happy 3Iar
rled Life, He Discovers Spouse
Is of His O-om Sex.
NEW TORK. Aug. &. (Special.) The
courts of this city are wrestling with
divorce suit filed by a Russian tailor that
beats anything of record; It probably has
no parallel In the history of the legal
This tailor, in his bill asking for the
annulment of his marriage, states that
he has been married to his present wife
11 years, but gives as the astounding
ground for his suit the declaration that he
"has just discovered that his wife is a
Eleven years ago this couple met and
were married In a small Russian town.
They soon came to this country, the hus
band opened a tailor shop and was sue
cessfuL His wife remained at home, do
ing her housework In order to economize.
and all through the H years she has kept
It up.
From all that appears on the surface.
the couple have enjoyed 11 years of mar
ried bliss; they have lived happily to
gether until now. The husband does not
state any of the details attending his re
markable discovery, merely making the
bare announcement, adding that he will
havo more to say to the court.
Meanwhile the wife has little to say In
self-defense. She makes evasive replies
when asked If her husband's charge Is
true, and dwells upon their long, happy
life together. She charges that some
other woman has won the affections of
her husband and that the present suit
is the result of a conspiracy to get her out
of the way.
The wife, aside from a masculine nose
and large, brawny arms and hands, pos
ec&ses outward womanly characteristics.
The eyes, hair, the soft voice and gentle
manner betoken a female. It Is now up to
the courts to decide the sex of the defend
ant In this extraordinary suit, and until
the decision Is handed down, no light can
be thrown upon the mystery-
lioomis Suggests Plan for Improv
ing Consular Service.
WASHINGTON. .Aug. 9. Francis B.
Loom Ik, Assistant Secretary' of State, who
has Just returned to this country from
Europe, arrived here tonight. After a
brief stay In Washington he will go to
Ohio for a month's vacatidn.
While In Europe, besides having a spe
cial mission to tho John Eaul Jones core-
monies. Mr. Loom is made an Investiga
tion of the consular ofllces of this coun
try. He said tonight that he was quite
satisfied with the results of his Investi
"I find," he said, "that our officers are.
considering the system, as efficient as
those of any other nation, and I believe
that Improvement is necessary only a3
far as the system is concerned. The cost
of living does not dimlsh and, as most of
the consular officers of this Government
live on their salaries, I think they should
be Increased E0 per cent. I think that
the tenure of office should be much longer
man it is now. The short tenure and the
removal, from office at the discretion of
the President keeps men out of the serv
ice who might be drawn to It, If .perma
nent rewards were offered as the result
of merit."
Tnft and Miss Roosevelt Busy With
Sights of Manila.
MANILA. AUJT. 10. This mnmtnc- fiAO
retary of War Taft and Miss Alice Roose-
ejt visited the trade schools. At 10
i'clock the Liceo de Manila, tha foromrwt
COlIece In Manila. ennffrrwT imnn r-
Taft the degree of honorary president. ,
At noon Kear-Admlral Train gave a
luncheon in honor of Mr. Tnft atio
Roosevelt and Rear-Admiral RnmiUt Th
party then visited the Cavlte navy yard.
being continued.
Pneumatic Tubes for Golden Gate.
WASHINGTON. Ausr. 9. Th Pneu
matic Tube Mall Delivery Commission
has decided to extend the Investigation
to San Francisco, and will start on a
visit to that city in a few days.
Root Sails for Labrador.
ST. JOHNS. N. F.. Ausr. 9 Secmnrv r,t
State Ellhu Root sailed tonight for Lab
rador. He hones to meet Goremnr r-
Gregor, who sailed a few days "ago, and
win prooamy cruise along part of the
coast with him.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 70
mj.; ciinimura, ui. irecipuauon. .none.
TODAY'S Fair and slightly North-
The War in tho Far East.
First meeting of. peace conference. Page 1.
Feralmism about agreement of conference.
Page 1.
Japan will submit terms today. Page 1.
Grand Dukes plandownfall of Wltte. Paae 1.
Japan raises cruiser Varlag. Page 1.
Bloodshed caused by great strike at Riga.
Desperate fighting- between Russian Jews and
soldiers. Page 2.
King Edward reviews French and British
fleets. Page 3.
President starts"bn speech-making tour.
Pago 5.
LoomlV plan to Improve consular service,
Pa 1. -
First contract let on Celilo canal. Pagel."
Heyburn's 'fight on forest reserve policy.
Page 4.
"Wu Ttnp Fang explains Chinese policy on
exclusion. Page 4.
President wants new laws against grafting.
Page 3.
Mrs. Mackay and Jerome as politicians.
Pa$ e 1.
Virginia Republicans nominate ticket.
Page 15.
Rockefeller will give $30,000,000 to Chicago
University. Page 1.
Denver bank falls under suspletous circum
stances. Page 5.
Archbishop Chapelle dies of yellow fever.
Page 3.
Xew York tailor says his wife is a man.
Page 1.
Thirteen killed In Albany disaster. Page 3.
Governor Johnson offers to arbitrate telegra
phers strike but Hill refuses. Page X
Increase of yoflow fever cases at New Or
leans. Page 3.
Pacific Coast League scores: Portland 8,
Los Angeles O; Seattle G, San Francisco
3; Tacoraa 16. Oakland 7. Page 7.
Driver stunned on trotting track recovers
and wins next race. Page 7.
Winner of Chicago golf tournament. Page 7.
Horsemen plan matinee at Irvlngton.
Page 7.
A. R. Diamond 'tells of effect of postpone
ment of racing. Page 0.
Portland defeats Los Angeles, 6-0. Page 7.
Pacific Coast.
Governor Chamberlain amazed at the natural
resources of Coos and Curry Counties.
Page 0.
Corvallls clubhouse visited by thirsty citi
zens looks like a saloon. Page 0.
Mrs. Charles Olson, of Washington County,
Idaho, accidentally killed by her hus
band. Pago 0.
Mysterious stranger cuts his throat in &
logging camp, near Kalama, Wash,
Page 6.
Louis McArthur. racehorse man, drops dead
at Mllwaukle Country Club. Page 6.
Commercial and .Marine.
Deadlock continues In. local hop market.
Page 15.
Fruit Inspector seizes Infected peaches from
Eouthern Oregon. Page 13.
Chicago wheat market strong but quiet.
Page 15.
Fall wool prices not yet fixed at San Fran
cisco. Page 15.
Irregular movement of stocks at New York.
Page 15.
Schooner Matthew Turner rescues ship
wrecked sailors from Guano Island.
Page 1.
China liner Nlcoraedla arrives. Pago 1.
World's Fair.
Angolus makes flight that Is partially suc
cessful. Page- 10.
Michigan" day celebrated. Page 10.
Yesterday's attendance. 18.316. Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Tone of speeches at Harrlman banquet dis
appointing. Page II.
Pickpocket Is captured at Exposition. Page
Road Into Central Oregon Justified by prog
ress of irrigation schemes. Page 14.
Municipal Judge orders four crooks to leave
the city. Page 11.
L Mayor appoints new Health Board: old board
says politics caused Its removal Page 10.
No clew to gold-brick thief. Pago a
Shipwrecked Mariners Taken
From Lonely Guano Island"
in Mid-Ocean.
Norwegian Barks Victor and Snlamla
Wrecked on Madden Isle and
Crews of 26 Men Saved by
the 3Iattlew Turner.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Aug. 3.-(SpociK)
Captain Jensen, of the schooner Mat
thew Turner, brings to this port a thrill
ing story of the rescue of 26 men. the
officers and crews of two ship-wracked
vessels, both Norwegian barks, ttt Vic
tor of 600 tons with ten men and the
Salamis of 10G0 tons with 18 men.
Captain Jensen on the evening of June
7 sighted bonfires on a low-lying Island,
a guano station named Madden. ltKO
miles from Honolulu. His ship whs malting-
but slow progress as the wind ws
light and about 9 o'clock a rowbont came
alongside with a portion of the crews
from the wrecked ships. The captains
reported that their barks hnd been caught
In a westerly gale on 2aa.y 10 and 30 ad
driven on the coral reefs where they
quickly broke up. Only a small amount
of clothing-, and provisions was saved.
As the manager of tho Island had ely
six weeks' provisions left for hla ferce
of 100 natives and six white men. he felt
that he could not care for an addition to
the company, so the appearance of tho
Turner was hailed with Joy.
The Turner hove to and nil of the men
with the possessions they saved from
the wrecks, stores and boats were token
on board and reached Honolulu In safe
ty. If It had not been for the food saved
from the wrecked -vessels, nil of the men
would have suffered from hunger. Cap
tain Jensen retains two of the boats as
The "Victor was a wooden bark with
Captain Donaldson in command. She
sailed from Launceston. Tarmanla. Feb
ruary 7. She was owned by O. Ribe, of
Grimstad, Norway.
The Salamis was an Iron bark. Captain
Isaak Larsen, leaving Melbourne. Feb
ruary 18. She was owned by Ij. Gunder
een, of Porsgrund, Norway.
China liner Arrives With a Ghnngo
of Men in Command.
The steamship NIcomedia, of the Port
land & Asiatic line, arrive up at Mont
gomery dock No. 1 at 10 o'clock Iwt nlrh
after a line passage from Oriental ports,
but with an almost entirely new list of
The run from. Yokohama. wa mnrti In
16 days andwas without particular lncl-
aent, j?or most of the way the weather
was nne wun northerly and westerly
breezes. The sea was a trifle rough tho
first two days out. but there was no
bad weather. Several days of fop wore
encountered on reaching this coast and
Just before arriving at the mouth f
the river,itfas so thick that the steam
er was aajlled to anchor in the opea
sea. It wiiJiAyo miles from the lightship
that the 'anchor was dropped, the loca
tion being- determined by sounding- as no
light was vlsiblo in any direction as tho
ship approached the Coast. It was 10
o'clock Tuesday night that the NIcomedia
anchored. Half an hour after midnight
the lightship became visible and as soon
as it was daylight the ship weighed
anchor and secured a pilot, crossing In
early In the morning. At noon she left
up from Astoria.
Except the captain and second engi
neer, all the officers are new to the ves
sel. Captain Wageman was chief officer
when the NIcomedia was here last, be
ing promoted whlio the ship was on the
other side. Captain Wagner, her former
master, left to take command of one of
the Hamburg-American liners on the
Atlantic Mr. Franke, the new chief of
ficer, was formerly on the Chinese coast.
Second Officer Welken was In the same
position on the Ara&onia and Third of
ficer Vlerck came out from Hamburg- to
Join the NIcomedia. The steamer's engine-room
Is now in charge of Chief En
gineer Eisenschmeld. from Hamburg" and
the third engineer I3 also Just from tho
old country. The fourth engineer left
the navy at Klao Chou to Join the mer
chant fleet.
Tho NIcomedia brings a rather light
cargo, measuring- about 2000 tons, most
ly tea, matting and sulphur. So far only
a small amount of freight has been f
fered for .the outward voyage. The
steamer Is scheduled to said for tho
Asiatic Coast August 15.
Captain Cochran's Boat Will Go Into
Service Next Week.
Next week will see the Bteamer Tele
phone In service on the river. Today
she will be Inspected by Local United
States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller,
and as soon as that operation is com
pleted. Captain Cochran will proceed with
the finishing touches. The first thing
to do will be to put the asbestos covering-
on the boiler, which will not take
Uover two days. A few changes have
to be made In the equipment to comply
with the provisions of the new law and
then the boat will be ready for busi
ness. Captain Cochran will announce
early next week the route that he will
put the Telephone on.
Mystery also surrounds the future move
ments of the steamer Telegraph, as Cap
tain' Scott has not, yet Informed tha
public what he proposes to do with her.
The Telegraph will go off the ways, of
the Portland Shipbuilding Company next
Ix)w Water Stops Service on That
IiBWISTON. Idaho. Aug. 9. (Special.)
Boat service on tho Snake River, between
Rlparia and Lewiston. is now totally
tied up and service is not likely to be
resumed for several weeks. Several days
ago- the steamer Spokane was taken off.
owing to the low state of water, but It
(Concluded on Page ltd