14 HE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1903. LARGE AUDIENCE FOB DR.SHELDON Adopts hesolution Indorsing Attitude of Kansan on Trail Question. PREACHES GOSPEL OF LOVE If Within His Power He Would Withdraw From Circulation All Books Except Biographies of Good Deeds. Congregation Approve Action. "Resolved. That we. the audience of 2000 people at the First Congregational Church, Portland. Sunday evening. Au gust C. 1005. heartily express to the Rev. a M. Sheldon. D. D.. our grate ful appreciation of his prompt decis ion in declining to speak In the Audi torium of the Lewis and Clark Expo sition, whereby he would have been made a party to a flagrant violation of the Lord's day and contrary to an ex pressed agreement, whatever the pre text, upon the part of the board of managers of said Exposition." This resolution was introduced last night Just after the Rev. C. M. Sheldon, of Topeka, Kan., had concluded his ser mon. The Rev. Mr. Sheldon had been Invited to Portland to deliver a sermon at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. This was before the courts had decided that the Trail should be open on Sunday. When Dr. Sheldon arrived here he found the Trail open, and declined to preach at the Exposition. He was offered his ex penses by the Exposition officials, but declined to accept the money, and In or der to defray his expenses he preached in the morning at the First Presbyterian Church, and in the evening at the First Congregational Church. The collections taken at both sermons wore turned over to the man who wrote "In His Steps." The resolution, however, was not down on the programme. Dr. Sheldon had just finished one of his characteristic sermons, takin- for his text Matthew xxill:23. Rev. E. L. House was about to announce the closing hymn, when Rev. C. E. Cllne, stepped forward and stated that he wished to present the resolution. Rev. Mr. Cllne then read the resolution. For an Instant Dr. House hesitated, and then remarking that he had no objection to the resolution being presented, he called for a standing vote. The church was crowded with people eager to hear Dr. Sheldon, and when the motion was put the entire congregation rose, passing censure upon the officials of the Exposi tion. Dr. House, in announcing the speaker of the evening, stated that he would not enter Into the cause of Dr. Sheldon's re fusal to preach at the Auditorium, or his relationship to the Fair officials. He an nounced that the collection which would be taken would be devoted to defraying the expenses of the celebrated Kansan, saying that $100 was needed, and hoped that It would be a splendid collection. It is not known whether the $100 was forth coming, but the collection baskets when the ushers were through passing them through the great audience, held a gen erous sum of money. Holds Attention of Auditors. Dr. Sheldon's sermon might have been disappointing to many present who, per haps, expected to hear a gushing and flowery orator. He Is not of that kind. Instead, he is a speaker of simple force, who has the power of holding his auditors to the closest attention throughout. The heat was oppressive, and the atmosphere extremely uncomfortable in the church, but in spite of this Dr. Sheldon held the closest attention to the end. His sermon was a plea to the people to be real, and he assured them that life was worth liv ing, and that the love of God is, after all. the biggest end of It all. He classed the scribes, pharisees and hypocrites with people of today who do not do the things they ought to do. "A passionate love of Christ." said Dr. Sheldon, "Is the sweetest thing of life, and those who have this find life worth while. No man can be a Christian and not believe that life is worth living. NHe must not be like the scribes or the hypo crites. They were shams, and people hate shams. They are the kind that empha size the least Important In life and min imize the most Important. We must be gin by loving something. "We live Just as big as the love we have, and in order to live big we must love big. There is no use to love a little God. He must be a great God, and you must love him with a great love. The tramp, drunken and sodden, should "not be passed by because you think him so low that there is no redemption for him. Remember that with love he can be saved. Would Tell of Good Deeds. "Booker T. Washington once said, 'You should not judge the Negro by the mean est and lowest of the race; you should judge us by the best of us.' This I be lieve should be the case with us all. Do not Judge a whole congregation by the meanest among them. Once while I was in New York I asked an editor why he did not print for a week all the good things that people did; the good things done by the big men and I was told that it was not news. I wish that the news papers would print what the good moth ers are doing, print what Is being done by the missionaries and by the great good men of the world. If I had my way I would take, out of circulation for a time all of the books In the libraries and leave nothing but biographies. I would have t..e children read of the good things that these great people have done. Dr. Sheldon made only one reference to tne xrau, ana is was only to draw a comparison. He drew the comparison and tie also brought forth applause and laugh ter. It was while he was taking people to task who avoided the common burdens of life. He stated emphatically that peo ple who shun burdens are useless 'and that people who are bearing responslbll itles are the real people of the world and those who are worth while. Dr. Sheldon also has some caustic things to say about the men and women who constantly talk nbout money and he said they are the useless ioik wno innamt tne worm. When Dr. Sheldon touched upon the liquor question and - spoke of the good work that was done in Kansas he was frequently applauded. He told of meet ing a streetcar conductor who had moved from Kansas to Portland and was going to leave, because Portland is a "rum hole." member of . Company K. Tenth United States Infantry, which is detailed- at the Exposition to watch Government prop erty. He was made treasurer 01 tne company by Captain Ingram, and In trusted with the funds of he company, with which provisions for the mess table were to have been purchased. Lenera downfall Ls said to be due to a woman with whom he ls supposed to have left the country. TRUE STANDPOINT OF LIFE Dr. Atkinson Teaches Icsson- From Question of Nazarcne. At the Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church. Twenty-third and Irving streets. Rev. Henry T. Atkinson deliv ered an Interesting and Instructive sermon yesterday evening on "The True Standpoint oX Life." That verso of scripture from the seventh chapter of St. Matthew. "And why beholdest thou the mote that Is in thy brothers eye and considorest not the beam that ls In thine own eye," was the text from which this theme was taken, and which is always productive of many fine moral lessons. Dr. Atkinson said: In the study of the picture of a landscape It ls nece.tsarj that one rhoutd occupy a cer tain definite standpoint In order Oiat 1U beauty may be fully revealed, for only then will the distances seem natural, and the com parisons between the various objects deline ated be true to nattfre. When Jesus wed the words of this text It was that he might illustrate the true stand point of life. Mingling with the people as ho did, acquainted as he was with their am bitions, their disappointments, their prone ness In many Instances to self-rlghteownesi, he knew that In rfany cases their discontents and their mliunderstandlngs were the result of false views because their outlook was from the plane of pure selfishness. In this case the Lord may possibly. In ac cordance with Oriental custom, have been interrupted in his address by come man who. with an exalted Idea of his own virtue, came to Jesus tq complain of the, as ho thought, wrong actions of someone else, but the only answer he received from the eearcher of all hearts was In toe form of a rebuke, "Why beholdert thou the mote that ls In thy broth er's eye, but consMerest not the beam that is In thine own eye?" A great deal of the trouble that exists In the world ls like a great deal of sfrfcoess, purely Imaginary. The man who Is never disappointed Is the man who ls looking for trouble. I have never yet been in. a town since I have been a minister where I did not a& some people who were ready to proclaim that particular town t be the most corrupt they were ever acquainted with. Some people eeem to think It a virtue to be able to find fault In everything, but the difficulty ls with themselves; It la the beam in a man's own eye which magnifies the mote that is In his brother's. Now. Christ's advice to him who suffers because of the mete in bis brother's eye la that he will have plenty to do" to cast the beam out of his own, and when that happens the question will be, not, why do not others do as they ought to do? but why do not I do as I ought to do? The Imperfection of others Is no excuse for aln In one's self, and the best way to purify the world Is for each Individual to begin with himself, for there is no mistaking the Scripture that "every man ehall give account." not of another, but "of himself, to God." PROHIBITION LAWN PARTY Multnomah Alliance Entertained by Mr. nnd Mrs. Paget. There will be a lawn party and re ception at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lee Paget Tuesday evening. August E, in honor of the Multnomah Prohibition Alliance. Professor 6. I. Downs has prepared an Interesting programme and a good attendance is especially desired In order that the September programme may be pre sented to all members and friends of the alliance, The stat chairman will present an account of the Temperance Congress" to be hold In connection with the Lewis and Clark Fair, September 18 to 23, and there will be other mat ters of Interest discussed. Mr. Pagct's residence is at Minnesota avenue and Jessup streets. Take St. Johns car and get off at North Alblna station, then go two blocks north. UP THE GREAT COLUMBIA Grandest of Scenery Observed Advantage on the Undine. to The Columbia River scenery, that un equaled panorama of the Cascades, ls best viewed from the steamer Undine. To Cascade Locks and return ls the most memorable scenic trip on the Const From Taylor-street dock, 8:30 A. M. Round trip, 51.50. CHEAP RATES EAST. The Canadian Pacific has announced a special rate of JS7.50 to Buffalo and return, account Foresters of America convention. Tickets on sale August 14 and" 15. good tor stopovers with final limit of 90 days. For full particulars call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. & P. A., Canadian Pacific 142 Third street. Portland, Or. Looking for Sergeant Ijefler. Sergeant Josepn A. Lefler, an Exposi tion guard, who absconded with $145 of his company's money last Wednesday .night. Is badly wanted by the postal au thorities and by the police. Circular let ters with a picture of Lefler have been Exemption Clause Is in Force PORTLAND, Aug. 5. (To the Edi tor.) Please Inform the undersigned If the exemption clause from taxes of 5330 on household goods Is still In force, or was the same repealed at the last ses sion of the Legislature? A SUBSCRIBER. The exemption $360 clause is in forca Only a Few of TJs Left. Philadelphia Ledger. "When President Eliot laid down the rule, "Always associate with your super iors," he marked out a lone existence for some of us. Pare food laws are good. The absolute purity of Burnett's Vanilla has never been questioned. 231 WASHINGTON ST: PORTLAND OREGON. MAKER OF MENS CLOTHES September Delin eator on Sale To day, 1 5c a Copy The Meier Frank Store Portland's Largest and Best Store PrincipalPortland Agents for But terick Patterns Outof-town visitors are Invited to make this store their headquarters. Parcels checked, information bureau, phones, waiting rooms Artistic Picture Framing to order at lowest prices Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Third Floor Sole agents for "Os termoor" Patent Elastic Felt Mattresses," Vudor" Porch Shades," Peninsular" Steel Ranges The 1 905 Felt Hats for Women The new Felt Hats are receiving their first display Today Very latest London, Paris and New York ideas The largest showing Portland has ever seen so early in the season Cowboy Hats in new leather shades, the Alice Roosevelt Felt Hat in blue and olive shades, new, natty Walking Hats in all of the leading shades trimmed with ribbon bows, " velvet and pompons, Polo Tur bans in felt and silk, navy, black, champagne and white; also fancy untrimmed shapes Let us show them to you On Second Floor. Manufacturer's Stock Eton Wash Suits 300 of Them $14.00 Values at $5.45 Our fifth great sale of manufacturer's stocks of new Wash Suits is announced for today The best bargain of them all writes the cloak chief from New York City you'll agree with him after seeing these handsome creations Eton Jacket styles, strapped, embroidered and button trimmed, collarless and elbow sleeves skirts kilt effect materials are etamises. linens and crashes, tans, gray, blue, brown, lavender, green, and fancy mixtures, all are splendidiy made throughout perfect fitting, and the pret tiest styles that have been offered at SI 2.50 and $14.00 each, all sizes, only 300 in ttfelot so better plan to come early if you want best picking No Mail or Phone Orders Filled $22.50 Silk Suits at $9.85 Great special lot of 70 attractive Silk Shirtwaist Suits in black, navy blue, mahogany, green and plum shades, checks and polka dots plain and fancy silks, a pleasing variety, all this season's styles skirts are full pleated Silk Shirtwaist Suits worth from $ 1 8 to $22.50, your choice today at the wonderfully low price of $9.85 each All our high-grade Silk Shirtwaist Suits and fine White Suits are being sold out at August Clearance Sale Prices Take Elevator to Second Floor $9.85 l 75c Veilings 39c Fine Chiffon Drapes for auto mobiling and driving, V2 yards long, striped borders; regular 75c values, 'JQ on sale for only) 3Z7& Plain and dotted Tuxedo Mesh Veiling, all colort; 25c value, on sale at this low q price, the yard, "only. ..-C Toy Dept. Spec'ls The Angelus Toy Airships, please the children 25 C Blue Hill Box Kites, ea. . .25 Keel Kites at, each 10p "Water Wings for swimmers, the best make, 25c and 3o "Buster Brown" Cameras. $1 $1.50 Dressed Dolls, each. 98 C "Buster Brown" and -"Foxy Grandpa' Rubber Stamps, the set, 50c and 25 Jap. Parasols, 25c and..,15 Victor Tennis Racquets. $1.98 Art Department Linen Squares with hemstitched border and drawnwork inser tion in 18-inch, 20-inch, 2-i-inch and 30-inch; great spe cial values for this q sale at, each. ...... Pilow Tops, for porch or ham mocks; many designs and colorings, great val., ea.9J Colored Linen Centers with tinted floral designs, f . special price is...'.. . OC Doilies, Centerpieces, Scarfs, of cream Linen Canvas, stamped for cross-stitch and Berlin embroidery all finish ed ; great values J at 36 Off Sheet Music 15c Lewis and Clark Esposition'March, "Just for Fun," "Teasing," "Blue Bells," "Where Rolls the Oregon," "Forestry March," "Down the Trail," and many others, today, at A fV each, copy 65c Belts 33c Ea Silk and Satin Girdle Belts, in black, navy and brown; reg ular oOc and 6oc ''n vnliiPK for. 33C Silk and Leather Crush Belts, black, navy, red, brown; great special values at.23 Black, brown and tan Hand Bags, fitted. with coin purse; regular 85c and Aftr $1.00 vames, for only. .OOC 40c Ribbons 23c 5-inch Satin Taffeta Ribbons, fancy Dresdens, dotted ef fects, two-toned Satin Taf fetas; 5-inch MousSeline Silk Ribbons in a wide 'range of colorings p- regular 35c and 40c values, on sale 0 at low price of, yard. Complete Stock of White Silk Gloves, two-clasp and elbow lengths, all sizes and grades. $1.25 Brussels Carpets $1.08 The Annual August Carpet Sale commences today and a very important event it is Housekeepers, hotel and hoardinghouse keepers are alike interested The saving opportunities offered come but once a year Orders will be filled in rotation, first come, first served Look to your Carpet needs at once Third Floor $1.25 quality Windsor Brussels Carpets, Oriental and two-toned effects ; the best wearing Carpet on the market; guaranteed to wear as good as any Body Brussels; regular $1.25 quality; sewed, laid and lined q ao at the remarkably low price of, yard (Third Floor V "O $1.15 quality Cordova Brussels, a splendid Carpet for parlors and dining rooms; Oriental and two-toned effects with beautiful borders to match; regular $1.15 grade; sewed, laid and lined at, yard Large Rugs, Any Size We are headquarters foriarge-size Rugs, Ax minsters and Royal Wiltons; best patterns at the very lowest prices. Third Floor 6 feet-by 9 feet Axminsters for, each. . .S16.50 8 ft. 3 in. by 10 ft. 6 in. Axminsters, ea. $26.55 9. feet by 12 feet Axminsters for, each. .$30.15 11 ft. 3 in. by 15 ft Axminsters for, ea.$45.00 Royal Wiltons at the lowest prices 6 ft by 9 ft. .22.50 10 ft. 6x12 ft.$51.50 8 f t.3xl0 f t6.S36.0O 11 f t.3xl3 f t.6 .862.50 9 ft by 12 ft.$40.00 11 ft 3x15 ft.$67.50 98c $ ! Brussels Carpet 84c Yd, $1.00 quality Brussels Carpets, with or without borders; Oriental and floral designs; 20 pat terns to choose from; excellent Carpet for all round wear; $1.00 grade; sewed, laid 04 and lined for this low price, yard.. . . .H?C 60c MELROSE INGRAIN 49c Melrose Ingrain Carpets, 60c quality, 12 beautiful patterns; the best inexpensive Ingrain on the market; sewed, laid and lined for AQn this very low price, yard t-PC Extraordinary Silk and Dress Goods Bargains 1500 yards of handsome India Silk, white ground with colored dots; desirable for Waists and Suits; regular 75c quality, is now placed on sale At the very low price of, the yard Xw $1.00 Silk Suitings 59c $1.00 Silk Shirtwaist Suitings in a big assortment of patterns and colorings; the best Shirtwaist vQf Suiting bargain ever offered at, yard $1.00 Figured Foulard Silk, for Waists and Suits; desirable patterns and colorings; yQ 19c the yard 35c Silk-striped Challies in a great variety of patterns; matchless value at yard Jacquard Sicilians in cream; desirable for Qf $2.00 Mohair $1.27 a Yard Mixed Mohairs in a large variety of patterns and col orings; splendid patterns for Skirts and Shirtwaist Suits and Traveling Costumes; $1,75, 41 I $2 values, reduced to low price of, yard P Great lino of $1.00 and $L25 Mixed Mohairs in the best patterns and colors; great special value 7Cfs for all the week at this low price, the yard. . . V $1.00 Dress Fabrics, Twine Cloths, Etamines and Voiles, in all shades; great special value for this IQp unusually low price, yard U-W 2500 yards of Mixed Dress Goods, Mohairs, Cheviots, Panamas; regular 50c and 75c values, in crond stvlos. for this twice, vard JJ o j J - i 1 - 2000 New White Lawn and Polka Dot Shirtwaists, Our $1.50 Values at 79c Each On the big special waist counters , Second Floor near elevators, we place on sale today 2000 new Lawn Waists in white and white and black polka dots, all new desir able waists that we have sold thous- ands of at $ 1 .50 each Pointed or round-tucked yokes, with lace and embroidery or rows of insertion down the front AH sizes up to 44, Phenomenal value while 9 Q they last at the low price C $3.00 Waists 89c Ea. Broken lines of French flannel Waists, tucked and button- trimmed Red, navy and black, nearly all sizes, regular $3 values, on sale at this low price, ea. 89c A Great August Clearance Sale of All Black Goods Rcmnanhs-on sale this week at ONE-FOURTH OFF REGULAR PHICES. Wash Materials Flowered Organdies, Etamines and Serpolets; handsome ma- J terial for Summer gowns; regular 25c and 30c values, at.. White and Colored Lawns, Swisses and Dimities; very best 1 fSf styles; regular 15c grade, on sale, per yard 200 White Embroidered Waist patterns; handsome styles; Cf regular $1.50 qualities, each 5,000 yards of Japanese Kiraona Crepe; all colors; great 1 C special value for this sale at, per yard wV 25c Fancy Voiles and Etamines for Shirtwaist Suits; best 1 Of styles; great value at, per yard CtKt Special lines of 40c and 45c White Waistings; all 1905 ma- 26c terials, on sale this week at, per yard Wv Grand Values in Fancy Flannels 2000 yards of fancy Waisting Flannels, all colors ; very best pat terns in large assortment; unequaled value, yard 27c 32-inch fancy embroidered Alpaca Waistings, desirable patterns and colorings for waists and suits; regular 50c value, yd.32c Clean up of 65 pieces 12Mc Flannelettes, very best patterns and colorings;' value extraordinary; only 65 pieces, remem- r ber, so you bad better come early; now priced at, yard. ..Ot Silverware, China Specials 4- piece Tea Sets, French gray finish, regular j r on $13.50 set, for. V U-O 5- piece silver-plated Tea Set, French gray finish; regular il!, S 1 1 .98 1 iui, iuc ati. ... d-mece silver-mated lea ret. S satin finish: regular $5.50 value, on sale for the low price of. Confection Stands, gold lined, each. .$2.39 Gold-lined Mugs, assorted styles, each. .9Sc $3.75 Cake Baskets on sale for, eaeh.$2.9S Bread Trays, burnished or satin finish, $3.00 values, now on sale for only S2.3S Candlesticks, assorted styles, now.. $2.29 $3.25 Syrup Pitchers on sale for $2.69 $12.50 Cut Glass Flower Centerpiece, best cut; a bargain at this price $10.49 $9.00 Nickel Chafing Dish for onlv..$7.19 $7.50 Nickel Chafing Dish for only. .$6.12 100-piece Semi-Vitreous Dinner Set, light blue decoration, gold edge; great special value at only $10.45 100-piece White German China Dinner Set, great value at this low price $14.95 100-piece decorated German China Dinner Sets. $19.35 $4.49 $1 Glazed Jacdiniers 77 $3.50 Louwelsa Weller Jardm ier now on sale for. .$2.65 100-piece white Semi-Vitreous Dinner Sets, great value at the low price of $6.37 100-piece Semi-Vitreous Dinner Sots, pink floral decoration, gold edge; great value at this low price $10.45 Monday Specials in Drugs, Jewelry Allen's Footease, sure cure for aching, tired, swollen and sweating feet: erreat special value at, package 1 Sleepers' ready-cut Lightning Fly-Paper, 3 packages for. . 'Boston Beauty Complexion Brush, best rubber brush, each, Fancy Mounted Combs in large assortment, extra special. Laundry Lists for a year; men's, women's and children household linens; keep track of your laundry; each.... Alcohol Gas Stoves, makes its own gas; absolutely safe... ...oc .23c .26c s and .25c -49c Sale of Cgoss-Stripe Madras Ciirtains Two, three and four-pair lots of high grade cross-stripe Madras Curtains at reduced prices Mostly tan and cream grounds with colored stripes in blue, green, red, . yellow These five lots: $ 1 .25 val. $ .97 $1.75 val. $1.15 $2.25 vol. $1.48-$3.00 val. $1.97 $3.75 Cross-stripe Curtains $2.48 Few more of the $1.50 Oriental Striped Couch Covers, 50 inches wider 3 yards long, fringed all around; great Q&A special value at this low price. $2.50 Hope Portieres, good, heavy designs, all colorings, for opening C five feet wide, on sale for, ea. P $4.50 Rope Portieres, made of heavy Che nille cord; all colors; for 2 Q full-size double-doors, at... $6.50 Eope Portieres, made of heavy hard cord, draped at the top with smaller cord; extra good s'tyle; special value at. .$5.20 sent out, in an effort to get information as to ?ais wnereauouts. iener was a