10 TJfcEB MOJttHlim OJttlSGOiVlA, AUGUST 7, 1905. JLOi AND EAT OCCUPANTS Two Masked Men Hold Up Bartender and Patron of- Place. USE BUTTS OF REVOLVERS Because Bobert Eggert, Bartender, and J. C. Hoyt, Visitor, Do Not Hold Up Hands Quickly, They Are Assaulted. Two masked men hold up the bartender, Robert Eggert, and J. Charles Hoyt, a visitor, at the Corner saloon at Twonty llrst and Thurman streets at 12:30 o'clock this morning and after hitting the oc cupants of the saloon with the butts of revolvers they robbed the money drawer of $35. John Lambert and Charles Kuhne, both natives of Germany, were arrested by Detective Relsing- and taken to the station, where the former was positively Identified by Hoyt as the man who hit him over the head. Both men entered the saloon shortly be fore 12:30 o'clock wearing masks, and ap proached the bartender and bis compan ion who were sitting at a table. They were commanded to throw up their hands, but failing to do so at the command they were struck over the head and told to pay attention to business. Both men bled profusely and when the police arrived the barroom resembled a slaughter-house. The floor and the bar were covered with blood and the clothes of Hoyt -and Bg 4 gert were smeared with it. While one of the robbers covered both men with a revolver the other went be hind the bar and removed the money. Patrol-driver Price. Patrolman O'Brien and Detective Resing t reached the saloon a few minutes after the hold-up took place. Lambert and Kuhne were placed under arrest before they had left the barroom. Hoyt Is posltlvo that Lambert is the one who hit him, but Eggert is unable to say positively that either of the men is the one who committed the robbery. Eggort was dazed when taken to the sta tion, partly from drink and partly from the blow received. Lambert and Kuhne claim to be wait ers worklrig at the Seven-Mile House on the Linnton road, and to have, walked inv from that '"place since 10 minutes to 11 o'clock. They said last night that they were abje to prove an alibi and denied that they had anything to do with the Jjold-up. AWAKENING MESOPOTAMIA 3Iodern Civilization to Annex the Cradle of the World. New York Evening Mail. Unless the expectations of merchants and commercial representatives are sore ly disappointed. . Mesopotamia is about to undergo another of those remarkable awakenings which have left their im press in history in the Chaldean, Assyr ian, Babylonian and Saracenic, empires. The -productive possibilities of this re gion, which under Intelligent direction have never proved -wanting, are believed to be as great as modern Egypt's. Its territory of 180,000 square miles Is be lieved to be capable of supporting a pop ulation of 45.000,000 Instead of the 1.500, 000 that now occupy It. The delta of the Euphrates and the Tigris, comprising an area of about -5,000,000 acres, should bo one o,f the richest regions in the world. XTow it Is partly swamp, and partly desert. Mesopotamia is away from the track of modern commerce, and Its ancient ir rigation plant has been allowed to fall into almost complete disuse. It Is with out a railroad and practically without canals, and it has highways only in the north. All these things are to come to it. The railroad It will have in five years, when the Bagdad line is com pleted from the Bosphorus to the Persian Gulf. Transportation by mulo and camel back. It Is thought, may be replaced by automobile. As Consul Ravndal says: "Experiments In the Soudan and Con go Free State have proved its feasibil ity. In the plains of Syria, Mesopota mia and Arabia oil motor freight cars would seem to have a future. Petroleum is comparatively cheap, owing to the proximity of the Caucasian oilfields." The ancient caravan routes will be come the basis for regular highways. The Sultan has authorized Sir William Willcocks. former director-general of reservoirs In Egypt, to examine into the ancient Irrigation system of the Tigris and Euphrates, and the latter prophe cies that the construction of these great canals will create along the line of railway a country as rich as Egypt, whose rents will pay for both railways and canals and leave a surplus which only those can realize who have been in intimate touch with Egyptian agricul ture." Wheat is believed to be indigenous to Mesopotamia. It is expected to return to its old heavy yields. Cotton also should do well there. The principal mart, Bagdad, -which has a population of about 200,000, sent to us last year wool, carpets, galls, gum, mohair and licorice root to the amount' of about $650,000, or more than double the export of the pre ceding year. Once undertaken, Mesopotamia's re clamation Bhould bo rapid, for, as Sir William has said, with steam and elec tricity and labor-saving machinery at its disposal civilization .should be able "to accomplish In a score of years as much as a whole dynasty of ancient kings could have accomplished with hun dreds of thousands of prisoners." Thus our consul looks, forward: "When the shriek of the steam engine echoes past Vr of the Chaldces, and the train tra verses the wastes where Nebuchadnez zar's sway flourished, it may, indeed, be said that modern civilization has an nexed the cradle of the world's earliest life." The world will be glad to have Mesopotamia stand for something more than a memory. POWER GOING TO WASTE Work That Electricity Can Do in in Farming Districts. New York Sun. It begins to look as if local electrical companies in all the hill regions of the "United States might revive and extend home and farm industries. A New Yorker with interests in Northern New England recently came back from a visit to the hill country of Southern Pennsylvania and Northern Delaware with visions of wealth. What he had seen down there filled him with astonishment at the slow ness of his New England neighbors. He found the country .full of old mills abandoned because the coming of manu factures on a large scale had made it Impossible that the small mills should live and prosper. Some of these sites had poorly chosen- rug will mar the finest room. We have a fine selection of Bigelow Wilton Rugs Size 9x12, in the most correct Persian and French designs, perfectly adapted for parlor, dining-room or library. Price $40.00 J. G. MACK & CO. Exclusive Carpet - Exclusive Carpet House House 86-88 THIRD STREET nCXZi MXZSCXAX, Tvm jwhtj am rtwumi num. pmtuuk. urn European Plan' been abandoned for fifteen or twenty years. Their dams were almost gone. Others were still in use only to make cider In autumn or to saw a few thou sand feet of lumber. But the power was all there ready to be harnessed for use. Some he found that had beon bought up and turned to account by companies generating elec tricity for light and power. One such was paying enormous divi dends and yet furnishing light and power so cheaply that the neighboring farmers were not only lighting their houses, and barns with the current, but were using it instead of windmills to pump water, and applying it Instead of horses or man power to their cornshcllcrs. The New Yorkers inquiries as to this particular case shdwed these facts: Tho owners of the company had bought a long abandoned mill site on a stream that had three other mill sites In active operation from one to four miles above. The cost of the mill site and generating plant was $18,001 The annual wage account was hardly more than J30W. The ordinary expenses for repairs were light. When running at full power the plant was able to furnish 3700 lights, and the total Income was $100 a day. In other words, on an initial expendi ture of $18,000 the annual profit, when interest, wages, repairs and incidentals were taken out, was well on toward $30.(X and the company was piling up a handsome surplus after paying Its big dividends. All this was going on in a country where the farmers are not rich and where they have been accustomed for generations to counting the cents as some folks count dollars. Looking a little further Into the matter, the New Torker found that the company doing business at the old mill site stood ready to light the public roads at low prices and to furnish public and private lighting in villages. There seemed no reason why that single mill site should not do half the work of all the farmers within miles and have energy left to light tho country roads and village streets. Since the New Yorker's investigation another inadequately managed water power on the same stream has been bought up and developed. Local experts prophesied ruin to the purchaser and es timated that his dam and race would not yield him more than 60-horsopower. He Is now getting 250-horsepower, and tho dam and race are not yet doing all that is expected of them. With all this before him the New Yorker Is expected to do wonders In his New England Summer home. All . about him abundant wator power Is going to waste, while the farmers light their houses with kerosene and their barns not at all, shell their corn by hand or by hand driven machines and pump water for house and stock by cantankerous windmills. He hopes to change all that and to set the streams to work at these domestic operations. "Whether the Yankee house wives will get down their old spinning wheels and long forgotten looms from the garret and turn out cloth for their husbands' coats he is not yet ready to prophesy, but he has a notion that in genious New Englandcrs can at least make full use of the olectrlcal power at their doors. Adrenalin From Coal Tar. New York Sun. An article In the Journal of Physiology by H. D. Dakln, of the Lister Institute, who says he has discovered how to pre pare adrenalin from coal tar products, has attracted much attention In England. Adrenalin Is the active principle of the suprorenal capsules of the body. These little organs, which are like cocked hats in shape, are situated one above each kidney. Until 1893 their purpose was un known, though It was shown that they were essential to life, for if they become diseased muscular prostration and death followed. In 1693 Pro feasor Schafer and Dr. Oliver obtained from these glands a very active Juice which from its -powerful effect on all the mu.'cles made many re gard It as the body's natural tonic Taka tnlne, a Japanese scientist. In 1901, ob tained the active principle of this Julco in pure crystalline state, but until Mr. Da kin's discovery all attempts to produce artificial adrenalin failed. How to "Tell" a Roasting Ear. , Eldorado (Kan.) Republican. Grabbing a roasting car from a basket in front of a grocery store, stripping off a part of the husk and Jabbing your 'soiled thumb nail Into tho grains of corn aoesn t prove a thing; besides, nobody knecsr where your thumb was immediate ly preceding the Jabbing. Eight roasting ears properly cooked and served yesterday showed eight different breeds of corn. No two ears were alike. Small yellow or white grains In both straight and crooked rows: large yellow or white grains straight and crooked. Some of the ears were soft and creamy, while the grains on other ears were like bullets. Can't tell a thing about a roasting ear till you get it salted and buttered and begin gnawing it off the cob. It's in the Rug The beauty and good taste of a room de pend largely upon the floor coverin g. A $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 por Day DAILY METEOROLOGICAI. REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug-. 6. 1005. Maximum tem perature, 88 deg.; minimum. 61 deg. River reading at 11 A. M., 3.8 feet; change In pa 24 hours, fall 0.1-foot. Total precipitation. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., nope; total since Septem ber 1. 1004. 34.03 inches; normal since Sep tember 1, 1P04, 43.34 Inobes; deficiency, 12.26 inches. Total sunrtilne, August 5, 1005. 14 hours and 37 minutes; possible, 14 hours and S7 raitmtfe. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M., 30.00. PACIFIC COAST 'WEATHER. Wind. Jo STATIONS. Baker City Bismarck... Boise Eureka Helena. i Kami oops, B. C North Head Pocatello Portland Red Bluff.. ..Z... Rpseburg. ....... . Sacramento Salt Lake City... San Francisco.... Spokane.......... Seattle Tatoosh Ieland... 1 04 K). ' S40. .004 4:SE .O05 6.NW ,00j 6'NW .O0.10,N .00" 4INW .00 4'S .OOI2flVNW .00' 4'NW .00.12 SW .001 4 N .ooi s!n .00 6N .00 4 NT .00)26: W .091 4VW .oo.io'nw ,Oil0 sw (Clear 'Clear Clear -Cloudy Clear ICloudy "T iClear Clear Clear 'Clear (Clear .Clear Clear IClear iClear Cloudy OSO. 62,0. 000, oste. 600. WO. SSiO 104 ;o. 000 ! oe'o. ( oo:o. 1 cs;o I oo!o, . so-o C2.0, WEATHER CONDITIONS. No rain haa fallen In the Pacific States dur ing1 the last 24 hours and the skies are clear at all station except along the Immediate coast, where it la cloudy or tossy. The temperature west of the Rocky Moun tains have risen and they are now from 3 to 10 degrees above normal. The Indications are tor fair and continued warm weather In this district Monday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. Ore son and Washington Fair, continued warm, except near the coast; northerly winds. Idaho Fair and continued warm. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. "Rooms," "Room and Board. "House keeping Rooms, "Situations Wanted. 15 words or less, 15 cents; IS to 20 words, 20 cente; 21 to 25 words, 25 erat, etc. No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except Xew Today' SO ceaU for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words, 40 cents: 21 to 25 words, 50 cents, etc flrtt Insertion. Each additional insertion, one-half; so further tnscount un der one in oath. "NEW TODAY (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO AD VERTISEMEXTS, ad dressed care The Oregonlan. and left at this office, should always be Inclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregoalan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction Rooms, ISO 1st eL. 10 A. M. J. T. Wilson. At residence. 163 10th st.. near Morrison. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker. Auctioneer. At the Portland Auction Rooms. 211 let e. Sale at 2 P. M. C L. Ford, Auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. CAMELIA CHAPTER, NO. 27. O. E. S. A stated communication this Monday) evening. 8 o'clock. Hill's Hall, corner Russell and Williams ave. By order W. M. ESTHER KANE. Secretary. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Work In the E. A. degree. All M. M. welcome. C E. MILLER, Secretary. RED MEN meet on Mondays and Thursdays. S P. M.. 170H Second st. Visitors welcome. FUNERAL NOTICES. CLELAND In this city. August 5. 1005. Sarah Cleland, widow of John Cleland. of TSnnlshtllen. Ireland. Funeral Monday. Au gust 7. at 2 P. ZL, from tho residence 6S9 Hoyt street. Friends invited. Services at the grave private. , DUNNING. MENTEE GILBAUG7T. t s cessora to DbshI&c & Campion, undertakers and etnbalxaers. modern in every detail, 7th aad rise. Pbose Mala 438. Lady assUtaat. EDWARD HOLM AN CO-, Undertakers aad ejffbalmers, bare Bored to their stow build lag. Third aad Sabmoa. Lady anlstsat, XelepkoBe No. 07. jr. P. UNLET SOX, Fsnerai Directors, tor. M aad Madlsot 4 OfBc of Comatr Oar- Lady insists nr. TelepbaM No. $. F. & DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 Sat Aider. Lady nsiUtswt. Telephoao East 52. ZKXXER-BTKNES CO, UNDEBTAXXB8, EmkalBHrs, 27S Kes'lj Kact lCMj lady m'C AMUSEMENTS. "EST Theater DI-kIIcs i.w. t.a:jocuti3i C. Umz. fmlisat Morrlsoa Street between 6th. and 7th. Those Main S6S. THE FAMOUS GERMAN COMEDIANS, KOLB & DILL TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT. Ia the Merry Musical Comedy-Burlesque, " I. O. U." Balance of Week. Beginning Wedneeday Night, I3IU DOUBLS THE SKINDICATE" . . AND "THE KINDERGARTEN. Two Burlesque as Funny as "L O. U." POPULAR PRICES, 25. 35. 50. 75 Cents. Seats are now selling for the entire week. BELASCO THEATER TIL 111311 (Formerly Columbia Theater) 14th and Wash. TONIGHT AT 8:15. First Portland Production of LADY 11th Week Belasco Stock Co. BOUNTIFUL Arthur W. Pinero'a Powerful Play, Mag nificently Staged. MATINEES SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. PRTPPQ NIght-25c to 75c A XvlVHoJ Matinees 25c to 50c. NEXT WEEK "AUDREY" THE BAKER GREAT SPECIAL BILL. Theater always cool. Keating & Flood. Mgrs. HANYEY 4t BOYD'S MINSTRELS Hm Duley. Harry Boyd. Geroin Company, uoul iianrey, Jean uon, orona 1 nale Sensation Act, MoTing Pictures, Baker's Orchestra. Performances dally at 2:30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. No advanced prices for big show all seats selling for Tea Cents, excepting boxes. STA R DEYELO. BENDING BOND A. GASTON HARVEY. MASSONEYvi WILSON. RICHARD HENRY MILLER. MR. ROY M'BRAIN. THE STAROSCOI'E. General admission 10 cents. -Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats on lower floor. 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor, 10 cents; box seats, 25 cents. GRAND ALB INI. NELLIE M'GLTRE. AUERN & BAXTER. M'LEAN & MACK. ONSLOW & GARNETT. MR. FRED PURINTON. THE GRANDISCOPE. General admission 10 cents. Sundays, eve nings and holidays, reserved seats ori lower floor. 20 cents. Dally matinees, entire lower floor; 10 cents; box seats, 25 cents. A FORTUNE MADE IN THE SHOW BUSINESS. Full Information gratis. Moving Picture Machines. Films, Song Slides for sale and rented; performers, singers, musicians for all occasions. NEWMAN'S THEATRICAL AGENCY, 351 Morrison. Phone Main 188. Lewis and Clark Observatory HAWTHORNE TERRACE PORTLAND HEIUHTa Now cpen. Take Portland Heights car and get off atlHawthorne Terrace, one block from car 11ns. No climbing. Electric elevator Most magnificent view In America. Be. .beautiful effect of powerful see-chllght from ADMISSION. 10 CENTS. " NEW TODAY. FOR SALE IN ONE OF THE BEST RESI dence districts on the East Side, house of six large rooms, modem in every respect; new carpets, ehedes. electrical and gas fix tures; gas range and water h rater; rope por tieres, etc.; easy payments. If desired. Ad drees R 35. care Oregonlan, and give your telephone number. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A NICE FRAC tlonal lot? Look at East 12th and Ash ets. 450 for Inside; 51000 for corner: Improve ments all In. The Hart Land Co.. 100 Sher lock bldg. TO RENT FIN Bv LARGE, NEW BRICK store. Salmon rt, between 1st and Front. Apply to Bernstein & Cohen. 31-34 Washing ton bldg.. 4th aad Washington sts.; reason able rent. FOR SALE 10 ACRES, CHEAP. INQUIRE 48th and , Hawthorne are. S. Mrs. W. S. Falilnc. Mount Tabor P. O. The World's Richest Men Seldom realize more on their accumulations than 3 per cent. We pay 3 per cent interest on savings de posits and 34 to -4 per cent on Special Cer tificates of Deposit. Tour funas. deposited with us, are on a par with the best Investments. YOUR ACCOUNT, LARGE OR SMALL, IS SOLICITED. (We will remove to our permanent bank ing house, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. sts., next month.) PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Resources Over $1,000,000 100t Third Street. Phone Main 453. BEN J. L COHEN President H. L. PITTOCK Vice-Preoident B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. GOLTRA Assistant Secretary Kolladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage. all convenience-, full cement basement, strstts fully Improved. A very dlrable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots told oa advantageous terms to hoa builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co 83 Third -. Room 4. California-" Biiss Lands" Homeseekers act promptly. Secure a 20 acre farm of Irrigated land at 550 to (70 per acre, price Including water rights one fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa. Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare City, two miles from Bliss Lands. Alfalfa, corn, grain, deciduous fruits, vege. tables, hogs, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from. Bliss Lands (Inc.). 010 Farrott bldg., San Francisco. For Sale Ten room bouse with corner quarter-block. 100x100; entire property In excellent repair; cement walks, full cement basement, fur nace. Improved streets, sewers, etc; beau tiful lawn and shrubbery, making desir able home; or room for six flats or three houses without xnovln-r present house; good location for Income property. Im mediate possession given. Inquire 415 2d st N. W. cor. Hall. A Snap Two to five-acre tracts on the O. W. p. car line, one mile and a half east from the golf links; price from 51E0 to 50 per acre. Inquire of John H. Gibson. OWN ER, at Stanley. CITY address, room 109 s tier lock Diag. Washington Street I have an excellent buy In good loca tion: am very anxious to sell. -X la, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE The Waldorf Thirteenth and Alder. Apply to John Bain. 224 Stark -at. MORTGAGE LOANS Ox PerUaad Real Estate at Lowest Sates. Titles Iasved. Abstracts Fursis-hed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co., C asd 1 Csuuabcr f Coamsrw, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACRE TRACTS "WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outMde. Some acres with terms as low as $10 per month with watr. A. C Churchill & Co., "IncV 110 2d sc G-ROOM HOUSE. FELL LOT. ON CAR LINE. residence part Eaet Portland. 52200. one-third cash, balance terms to suit. Modern new C-rooBX elegant cottage, beautiful lot. six blocks from Bursslde bridge. East Side. 3200. Several half lots same vicinity. Cul ver. 43H 1st. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, witn ail modern conveniences; on js. sa. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 carllnes; lor sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish & Gourlay. on premises. Phone East 150. THREE LITTLE COTTAGES FOR SALE AT 5700; lots 50x100; cash or Installments; also 0-room house, lot 100x100, $1500. half cash, balance on terms. If mid at once; also 2 acies. 39th st- Phone Union 173. 31575-4550 CASH. BALANCE GOOD TERMS; two nne jots. Aioina. cio$ in; corner Fred erick. Eaet 12th. cheap: almost your terms. Owner. 2t0 Park St.. 10:30 forenoons; here few days only. NINE-ROOM HOUSE, VERT MODERN. ifsc RtTjuuus in irun ana snruDDery; ii minutes from center of city; a bargain; on easy terms. Hatfield & Smith, 105a 4th st. NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FINE BRICK basement, 50xl00-foot lot. $1000; $200 down, balance small .monthly payments. Mrs. R. Downing. Phone East 2007. 10 ACRES. 8H ACRES IN CROP. FENCED, no house, on good road, i mile from end Montavilla car line; snap at $2150. half cash. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder at. 1COX10O FEET. GLISAN. BET. 23D AND 24th. $70CO. provided residence will be built thereon costing at leaot -SGO0O. Frank C. Baker, owner. Hamilton bldg. 5I40O-FOR SALE BY OWNER. A NICE 4 room house, a good barn. lawn, fruit and flowers; good location; two car lines; terms to suit. 91 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE THE CHOICEST HOMES IN Oregon at Beaverton, S miles west of Portland: 1 to 160 acres; fare 35 cents. Barnes & Cady. FOR SALE A FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS, lots well Improved and cultivated; in center of Milwaukle. on Monroe at. Geo. Siegner, MUwaukle. Or. BUT FROM THE OWNER; SAVE COMMI3 a Ions; several feur and five-room cottages tor sale on Installments; same as rent. U 33, Oregonlan. $3O00-2OTH STREET. NEW TWO-STORY house, attic, gas and electric fixtures, fur naee heat; rents $35: terms. G 37. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 ACRES ON JOHN 90B creek and Estacada car line; $150 per acre. Iniulre 127 E. 16th. Phone Main 1610. $1500 BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK. ON 12th M.. West Irving ten; streets Improved. D. Miller, 303 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS FOR SALE CASH OR INSTALL xnents. half down, balance Installments. Mrs. Howe. Phone Union 173. SELLWOOD LOTS. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 a month; from $75.00 to $200.00. Sellwood Townslte Co. Phone Union 1491. FOR SALE NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL modern conveniences; price reasonable. In-' quire owner, 731 E. Ash st. H ACRE LOT FOR SALE. ON MOUNT Scott line, for $300. by H. Tlmm. 652 3d St., South Portland. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE, 0 MILES from Morrison er bridge. C K. Ballard. MUwaukle. Or. NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 600 Claekamas St., Holladay Park. Key at 657. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS, West or East Side. Apply forenoons 440 3d st. FOR SALE FARMS. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE FARM OF 160 acres level land, near Portland, on North ern Pacific Railroad; 10 acres cleared, bal ance heavily timbered; this farm would make an ideal Summer home, as a fine creek runs through the land, affording the best trout flrhlng tobe found west of the Rocky Moun tains; price. $22 per acre. Owner. J. A. Wil llame. Yacolf, Wash. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FINE 334-acre Valley farm, about 200 acrea bottom land, about 160 In cultivation; balance low beech partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fences and orchard; some beaverdam; about 1500 cords of fir and ash Umber; electric light and telephone; close to roil, church and schools; 20 mlled to Portland; $45 per acre; terms. S 3. Oregonlan. 20 ACRES FINE LAND; GOOD HOUSE AND barn. 20 miles from Portland. 3 miles from station and boat landing, nearly all under cultivation, small creek running through plsce; plenty of water for Irrigation purposes; a snap for $3500; easy terms or will trade for city property. V 41. Oregonlan. 67 ACRES ARABLE LAND, 6 MILES FROM Corvallls. railroad and school 1 mile, county road, mall route, telephone line, well fenced, no buildings; would make good homo for one with money to build: price $2000. Address owner, O 40, Oregoalan. TO EXCHANGE. ICO ACRES OF GOOD LAND ON COUNTY road. 3 mlltfl from large town, house and barn and some cleared, some fine timber; price $1000 for house and lot; will mak up difference with vacant lots or first mort gage. W 44. Oregonlan. 63 ACRES NEAR MILL CITY. OREGON, fair improvements, valued at $1500. would exchange tor house and lot In Portland. B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. 40 ACRES GOOD LAND. 14 MILES OUT. cash value $1200. for vacant lot. Further particulars. William Lindsay, llj Union av. 0-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE. WITH PIANO, clearing $75 monthly; exchange good prop erty. H 45. Oregonlan. LOTS IN OAK GROVE TO EXCHANGE FOR scrip. D 45. Oregonlan. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER FOR SALE 160 ACRES FIRST claes spruce and cedar; Pacific County; H mile from tidewater; tributary Columbia River. Karl Johnson. 1253 Franklin ave.. Astoria. FOR SALE CHEAP QUARTER-SECTION timber land, 12 miles from S. P. railway, Douglas County; large body of timber ad joining. Apply 375 East Burnside et. 614 ACRES OF TIMBER IN COWLITZ County, Wash., for eale at a bargain If taken soon. D. W. Faulkner. Anita, la. WANTED TO BUT LOGGING CHANCE: close to Columbia or Willamette River. J 35. Oregonlan. CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM i. HOMESTEADS for location. Inq. 70S Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed. mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. N WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED RESIDENCE LOT IX Ex change for 5 acres land and some cash. Phcne East 1546. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 15 MILLION FEET OF TIMBER. WITH right of way, half mile Columbia River. C04 Goldsmith. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Harness. 100 VEHICLES IN STORAGE. CONSISTING of express, furniture and delivery wagona, hacks, buggies, carts and surreys; they must be sold regardless of cost. S3-&3-S7 Union ave., between Stark and Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND Ve hicles by the day, week or month; harness, saddles and 200 new and sscosd-band rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson & Coast day. 211 Washington st. FOR SALE GOOD RIDING AND DRIVING mare; well broken; also rubber-tired buggy. 1163 Thurman. st. Phone Main 1217. FOR SALE TWO HEAVY WAGONS. NEAR ly new, three sets heavy harness and 1 new express wagon; cheap. 154 N. 5th ct. CAMPING WAGONS. HARNESS. HORSES For rent and for sale. Hubert & HalL 266 Fourth sr FINE CAMPING WAGON AT SPECIAL price. Inquire of C L. Base, 320 East Mor rison st. FINE HORSE AND BUGGY. SAFE FOR woman. 307 Falling bldg. Mala 2407. FOR SALE. Pianos. A GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE; $100; wui deliver to purchaser. Phone East 1352. $175 BUYS $350 PIANO. MAHOGANY CASE, comparatively new. 165 Park. Miscellaneous. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. Zn rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roof- there Is nothing better; guaran teed; Mastic roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE NEW AN1 SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments: wo rent table, with privilege of buying; mod era bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 40 3d C FIRST-CLASS 20-STAMP MILL. PRACTICAL- iy new, complete in every detail; 1000 pound stamps: for sale at a fraction of its real value. For particulars address K 43. Oregonlan. A RARE BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE A rooming-house, rooms, fine furniture. ga, bath and telephone, only 1 block-from Hotel Portland; price $500. Phone 4041. BIG LOAD SAWED WOOD WILL BE SOLD this week for $2.50; regular price $5. Brick for sale at cost. Mrs. Howe. 100 E. Division st. Phone Union 173. FINEST AND BEST-PAYING LAUNCH ON Willamette River; price reasonable; terms. Address Harry Randies. 405 1st st. Phone Main 4750. ANTIQUE MAHOGANY FURNITURE, carved, and 4 post beds, bureaus, chest, ta bles and desks; genuine antiques. 633 Wash ington. GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE OR TRADE 18 tons carrying capacity, 24 horsepower engine; will sell cheap. H 42. Oregonlan. 3 FRESH YOUNG COWS AND CALVES for sale. Inquire at 123 Lown?dale st.. bet. Washington and Alder. West Side. AUTOMOBILE. CADILLAC MODEL "W"; detachable tonneau; A 1 condition: cheap for cash. A 44. Oregcnlan. FOR SALE ST. BERNARD PUPS. VERY fine, will sell for $5 and $10 each If taken at once. Call 72 6th st. TWO SHEET-METAL WASHING MACHINES Never been used except on trial; all sat isfactory. 145 N. 13th. FINE 3-ROOM HOUSEBOAT. ALMOST NEW. with some furniture: very reasonable price. Apply Sellwood Ferry. FOR SALE 12 H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine. Al condition and a bargain. 324 Chamber Commerce. FOR SALE GAS ENGINE MACHINERY, tool? and patterns. Address 927 L at., Fresno. Cat. NEW LOT OF TROUT FISHING TACKLE at a sacrifice; never been used any. 143 N. 13th. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE A BEAUTY AND a bargain. Owner. 100 Sherlock bldg. Phone 5S5. MOTOR BICYCLE, GOOD AS NEW; WILL sell for half price. Call at 333 Ankeny st. 3 SECOND-HAND SAFES. IN FINE CONDI tlon. for sale cheap. 84 3d st NEW KITCHEN UTENSILS, hand prices. 115 N. 13th. SECOND- FOR SALE JERSEY COW. 561 CLINTON St.. cor. 13th. ' GASOLINE LAUNCH FOR SALE. PHONE Union 12S1. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MAN OR WOMAN TO QUALIFY for road position paying from $20 to $30 per week and expenses. Free samples. Experience unnecessary. Address at once, with stamped envelope and references. F. W. Potts, Sykes blk., Minneapolis. Minn. MEN. 1000 MEN. For new R. R. construction. Eastern Oregon. Washington; year's work; laborers, team sters, rock and station men; free fare. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North Second St., Portland. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; dischargee positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts., Portland. WANTED FOR SPOKANE. WASH. CLOTH -lng salesman; must be competent and a man of good appearance; no other need apply; good salary for right man. Apply Monday, bet. 12 and 1 P. M. Room 609 Hotel Im perial. WANTED YOUNG MAN IN LARGE wholesale house; must write good hand and be good at figures; must reside with parenta; none other need apply: good chance for advancement. Address N 43, care Orego nlan. SALESMEN WANTED TO TAKE EXCLU alve agency for high-grade underwear and seamless hosiery: established business; good opening for bright men and women. 311) Commercial block-. MEN and women to learn watchmkg, en graving. Jewelers' wk; only prac school for Jewelers; money mods learn'g. Watchmkg Engrav. School. P. L bldg.. Seattle. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unneceseary; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport. N. Y. STATION MEN. ROCK WORK. Good prices, all winter work, free fare. Particulars from HANSEN'S OFFICE, 28 North Second st. HARNESS MAKER WANTED ALL-ROUND man, must run Landes machine and do car riage trimming; wagea $3 day. W. Jeffrey, Redding, Cal. WANTEDS-YOUNG MAN. 17 OR IS YEARS, for office In wholesale house. Must write good hand and live at home. T 41. Ore gonlan. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN OF good address as traveling salesman. Call 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., room 14, 381 Yam hill at. WANTED TWO MEN WHO HAVE GEN eral experience in working in smelter; must be men not afraid of hard work. H 34. Ore gonlan. Wanted Men to learn barber trade; steady practice: expert Instructions. Write for terms. Gillman's College. 627 Clay st.. S. F. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wince Sc per glass. P. Loratl, 145 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busl nsra. Call or write. 607 McKay bldg. COOKS. WAITERS. CARPENTERS. BHE3P herders. hoppickers. dishwashers; work for all. Call early. National, 312 Pine. FIRST-CLASS SLEIGHT OF HAND PER former to Bally-Ho for "Haunted Swing" on the Trail. Exposition Grounds. WANTED MAN TO RUN ELECTRIC MO tor In tunnel; must have experience with traction motors. O 44. Oregonlan. "WANTED AT ONCE. SECOND-HAND moving picture machines, films, song slide. Room. 11. 351Vi Morrison. MAN THAT CAN SELL THINGS TO TRAV el: average commissions $150 monthly. Ad dreea D 47, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN BAR ber trade: fine chance; some money required. 506 Washington st. WANTED 10 TEAMS AT TENTH AND Taylor street, at $6.50 per day, to haul dirt. E. M. Skinner. WAN WANTED TO WORK ON FARM Used to driving big teams. Inquire 323 Abington bldg. WANTED CABINET-MAKER FAMILIAR with furniture. Call Portland Sprlngbed & Furn. Co- wanted a GOOD CANVASSER: SALARY to right party. The Western Lady. 147 Front st. WANTED 3 YOUNG MEN; $15 A WEEK; give phone number; $50 required. E 42. Or egonlan. RUNNER FOR HOTEL. APPLY AT OUT slde Inn. opposite main entrance to Fair grounds. WANTED OLD CLOTHES, SHOES. HIGH est price paid. 1C0 Front. Phone Pacific 02. MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, SHOES WANTED; highest price paid. 50 3d. Phone Pacific 46. WANTED A GOOD ALL-AROUND BUTCH er. Apply to W. W. Irvin. Aurora. Or. A.T IVAN WESTROM'S GROCERY. 222 Crosby et, a clerk with good references. FIRST-CLAS3 SALESMAN. CITY. COUN try; big wages; 215 Commercial block. WANTED ELEVATOR BOY HOBART-CUR-tie, 265 14th et. YOUNG MAN, NEAT, LUNCHROOM. 20CK Sl&rk et. HELP WANTED MALE. 1000 STATION MEN FOR THE V. V. & E. R. R. from Midway west; 1000 day laborers and teamsters, at top wages; 1HX ItaMsas wanted for steady work, will kwt 3 years; free transportation from Spokane aad Seat tle. Apply to C. W. Renard & C.. 50MW Main ave.. Spokane. Wash.; 18 W. 5Iala si., Seattle. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED 150 GIRLS TO MAKE OVER alls and shirts; Instructions given ta In experienced. Apply Neustadter Bres.. Standard Factory No. 2. corner East Tay lor and Grand ave. WANTED IMMEDIATELY SIX AMATKCR lady singers, actors, singers. raBsletaas, tor Fair, dramatic and vaudeville shows. New. man's Theatrical Circuit, 351, Morrieot. DOMESTICS. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAM bermaids. etc; city. Coast. Fair an4 coun try; plenty of work. Canadian Parte?. 226'i Morrison. Main 1323. HIGH-CLASS MODISTE. JUST FROM Et - rope, aesires wojnan partner with 3U); ex cellent opportunity for right party. Addrets N 43. Oregonlan. WANTED-A WOMAN COOK WHO THOR- ougniy uncerstands the work; references re quired; a second girl kept. Apply at SS5 Lovejoy st. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO LIGHT nomeworx. xarnlly of two. and assist li store: good wages to right party. Apply 213 N. 23d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves in Portland aad throughout stata: good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. WAIT- era. cnamDcrmaids. general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230& Yamhill. Main 5413. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking: wages $30. 603 Spokane ave.. phone Union 23U3. WANTED TEN YOUNG ENERGETIC SOLI- citore. salary and commission; no has-beens wanted. 63 North 6th. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2602. GIRL WANTED TO DO COOKJNO AND housework. Apply to Mrs. L Frohman, Parlor C, Portland Hotel. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES AT tne Bristol. 4&0 Washington; $a per weeX Come ready to work. WANTED THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and general housework. 34d Clifton, cor. 7th. WANTED THREE YOUNG LADIES. $12 A week; give phone number; $50 .required. Q, 47, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework and attend school. 211 6th. cor Salmon. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work; small family; good wages. 570 Hoyt wt GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages. 340 Hasealo st.. near Steel Bridge. LADY WANTED TO ASSIST IN TAILORING. 231H Alder St., between 1st and 2d sta. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. Apply 434 Salmon. YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST IN MASSAGE parlors. llOVs 4th. cor. WanhingtoR. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GDXL. Apply to 105 20tlt St.. corner Kearney. STEADY YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework. 546 4th. near Lincoln. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply 155 10th st,. corner Morrison. WANTED-GOOD UPSTAIRS GIRL. ALTON Court. 11th and Yamhill sts. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOCSS work. Apply 689 Eaet Alder st. WANTED GIRLS. EXPERIENCED SHIRT makers and finishers, at 75 1st. WANTED-PANTRY GIRL AT THE SINS ley Restaurant. 230 1st st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD wages. 400 Morrlnon fit. WANTED YOUNG GIRL. HELP WITH housework. 667 Overton. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. HO-bart-Curtis. 265 14th st. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; WAGES $25. Apply 3S0 Montgomery. WANTED A CHAMBERMAID. THE Vic toria, 7th and Gllsan. WANTED KITCHEN HELP. 1SG 5TH ST. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. STEWARDS. $40; FIVE WAITERS. $33 I Ho tels), employer. Tuesday; cooks, farnthaadui waitresses, city. Hoquiam. $25; washwoman, dishwasher. Coast; housekeeper, chamber maids; woman cook. $60. Drake. 205Va Wash ington. SITUATION WANTED MAT.E. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED POSITION IN OFFICE: CAN give satisfactory references from house u with eight years. Addrese G. F. Powell. Eu gene. Or. AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND accountant, with Al local references, desires position; can furnish bond. Address W 41. Oregonlan. Mlsceluvneooa. WANTED. SITUATION A YOUNG MAN with 15 yean experience In the foundry and machine shop business, desires to se cure an opening either manufacturing- or mercantile line; is thorough bookkeeper with good exeoutlve ability and has had consid erable experience In handling labor; a fair draftsman with a knowledge of pattern work and machine shop practice. Address Q 35, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY STRICTLY SO ber man of good habits; private place or for light work on ranch. X 35. Oregonlan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestlo servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Clay 613. 263 Everett it- WANTED EMPLOYMENT BY EXPERI enced packer In wholesale hardware store. P 42, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK WANTS situation In family. Address P 47, Orego nlan. JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do cooking. 45 N. 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position in city or out; best of references. S 35. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER; good references. Address 317 Selwood st. WANTED POSITION AS CLERK IN DRUG store; registered. N 46. Oregonlan. liursee. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED NURSE. STT uatlon: will care for babies. Invalids; con finements; references. Main 1235. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. NEAT HOUSE keeper, would like to take care of flrrt class home for widower living In CaMfor rla. B 47, care Orejconian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING NEATLY DONEw SHIRT waist suite, children's dreeees: prices reas onable. Phone Main 3370. 26th and Love Joy sts. HARDANGER SHIRTWAISTS MADE TO OR der. (Forenoons.) Miss Don ford. 363 2d et. Miscellaneous. REFINED GERMAN LADY TEACHER. RE cently from Berlin, wishes room and board In good Portland family In exchange for les sons, language or music Address R 47. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS PRIVATE 3ECRE tary or companion: quiet, refined,: beat of references; $25. S 43, Oregoniste. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS DAY work or sweeping and dusting. Addrese STS Park. . Phone Main 2616. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN WILL DO day work. Phone Main 4603. WANTED AGENTS. 10 LADY OR GENTLEMEN AGENTS. PORT land and suburbs; article used in every fam ily: good seller, big profit. Apply room 303 Allsky bldg. ADVERTISLNG SOLICITORS. $3 TO $10 dolly. See Allen mornings. 107 Sherlock bldg. Wanted Photograph coupon salesmen; big pay; Exposition offer. Rembrandt Studio, 108 3d. WANTED THREE BOOK. PICTURE OR novelty hustlers; a snap. SOI Dekum bids.