Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 07, 1905, Image 1

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    VOL. XXT.2sO. 13,935.
Fred and Madeline Steffensen
Run Down on River by
When the Fox Struck the Frail Craft
the Third Occupant of the Boat,
Lillian Thurkelson, Was
Taken on Launch.
Ten feet away from twenty porsons on
the launch Fox, a brother and sister
struggled until they drowned, for nono
of the spectators daredgo b the rescue,
and, separated from their .punctured row
boat, they were unable to hela them
selves. Fred and Madeline Steffensonrof 95 East
Tenth street, were the victims of a river
accident that has been long expected.
Together with Mlas Lilian Thurkolson, of
467 Stephens street, they were rowing on
the river without a light. As the row
boat capsized and swung alongside the
launch, Miss Thurkelson was pulled from
her seat In the bow and saved.
The accident took place at 8:30 o'clock
last night, a few minutes after the Fox
started down the river to Claremont Tav
ern. On board were twenty men and
Were Rowing Up Itlver.
Off the Ash street dock the three young
people were making their way back to
the boathouse. They had not lighted
,the lantern which is placed In every rent
ed boat. Darkness had juBt fallqn over
the river and the stars and bridge lights
showed on the smooth water.
A moment later the brother and sister,
20 and 16 years old. -were at the bottom
of the "Willamette under forty feet of
water. Their bodies had not been re
covered early this morning.
In a neat little cottage on Bast "Wash
ington street a Norwegian woman, 56
years -old, sat on the porch awaiting the
return of her son and daughter from
their short outing on the river. The hoy
worked at the tinner's trade, and the girl
sewed at a 'dressmaker's. "With another
Fistor. to ranicyjod jL the TJnlen De
pot, they were the main supports of the
old mother. Her husband has been In Se
attle for several years. -
Mother Informed of Accident.
It was after 9 o'clock, and Mrs. Stef
fensen expected her children every min
ute. Instead there came her frlond, Mrs.
Thurkelson, whose daughter had been
saved, with the news that Fred and
Madeline were drowned. Late last night
the gray-haired mother sat, calling In
Norwegian upon God to bring back her
children. -
Naturally, accounts of how the accident
occurred vary widely. The point where
the collision happened is less than fifty
feet from the Ash street dock. The
steamer Modoc was lying there at the
time. Three men from her dragged the
river faithfully la an effort to bring the
bodies to the surface. It Is the custom
of all launches going down the river to
run close to the wharves at this point,
cutting off the turn in the stream.
Captain Reid's Statement.
Captain Jack Reod of the Fox said last
"I was running under a slow boll at
the time. The lights on the Burnside
street bridge were right In my eyes. Sud
denly I saw a boat head almost directly
toward me on my starboard bow. It was
not over-twenty feet away. I gave the
'stop' and 'back signals to the engineer,
but the rowboat turned across my bow.
There was no light to be seen qn It. Wo
struck the boat and it ran alongside, al
most scraping the Fox's side. I couldn't
leave the wheelf One girl was pulled out,
but before the launch could be stopped
the boat had drifted past the stern. I
was trying to get the launch close to the
man and clrl I could see In the water.
They were just a few feet away. I can't
swim a stroke, and none of my passen
gers Jumped after them. I could see them
away from their "boat. They seemed so
close and yet I Kuld not reach them.
They had gone down before I could get
the launch to the spot."
Mrs. Reed was on board with her hus
band. A rope was thrown out, but the
struggling forms could not grasp the sal
vation a few inches away.
Like every other launch on the river,
The Fox does not carry life preservers.
By a remarkable ploco of legislation,
launches of this size, the Fox is over fifty
feet long and often carries forty or fifty
passengers, are free of any kind of in
spection or supervision whatever.
Miss Thurkelson's Story.
Miss Steffensen was steering. Her
brother was at the oars, and Miss Thurk
elson occupied the bow seat. Only Miss
Steffensen, the youngest of the party, was
facing the oncoming launch. She was a
strong, robust girl, while her brother was
slight and delicate. Miss Thurkelson,
when seen at her home last night, said
she was able to seize the side of the
Fox when the boat capsized. "I saw
Madeline with her arms above her head
in the water, and I called 'Help, 'Help.
Nobody grabbed her, and both she and
Fred went downt The launch was slow In
getting to the place where they had
The Fox landetfMlss Thurkolson and
most of itB passengers at the wharf. Many
of the pleasure-seekers left the launch,
hut she continued to the tavern after a
time. The rowboat has a small hole on
the port side, just aft the rowlocks.
Miss Thurkelson's arm was sprained
while she was being lifted over the side
of the Fox.
George Robinson, Tt restaurant man, was
In the bow of the Fox. ,He says that
criminal carelessness was shown In handl
ing the launch, as it did not get close to
the drowning people In the water.
Eric II. Blgclow Meets Death While,
In Swimming.
Pursued by misfortune from his home
In Chicago, whloh he bad left for the
West In hopes of making his fortune.
Eric H. Biglow met his death, yesterday
afternoon. In Mock's Slough, while swim
ming with a friend. In the pocket of his
clothos left upon the bank was found a
picture of his mother, upon which was
written the day of her death. In another
pocket was an unmalled letter to his
Bweetheart in Chicago, tolling of bis bad
luck and inability to find sultablo employ
ment, but expressing the hopo that the
dark days would soon end. -
Biglow came from Chicago some months
ago am? remained at Baker City for a
time. From there he went to a sheep
ranch, but soon returned, to Baker City,
coming from there to Portland. For the
past week he had been working for the
McMonles Harness Company, and had
lived at 120 Knott street. Alblna. Yester
day afternoon. In company with George
Brown, the son of his host, Biglow went
to Mock's Slough to swim. After having
been in the water for some time the
swimmer suddenly threw his hands above
his head and sank from sight. His com
panion, bolng unable to swim, could not
go to this rescue, but called to a couple
of men rowing near by. These men at
tempted to rescue the body with jiples,
but wore unable to locate it .Cordner
Finley has arrangod withKugh Brady
to recover the body this morning.
Scvcntecn-Year-Old Boy Drowns
While Learning to Swim.
Floyd Havlrd. aged 17, son of P. C
Havlrd, an .employe of the Eastern &
"Western Lumber Company, was drowned
yesterday afternoon while trying to learn
to swim lioar the pumping station at
the Fair grounds. Young Havlrd, who
Jived near the entrance of the Fair
grounds, went swimlmng yesterday after
noon with a number of young fellows
from the neighborhood. Being unable to
swim, he was learning by paddling about
the water upon a board. While thus
engaged the board slipped from under
him, and he immediately sank.
The companions of the drowning boy
were too frightened to lond assistance,
but ran for the father, who reached the
scene a few minutes after his son had
sunk for the third time.
The body was recovered later In the
day and .taken to th e Finley chapeL
The funeral will be held at Knappa, on
the Columbia River, below the city, the
date not yet having been determined.
Moderates Say General Is Reckless
In Statements and Will Be De
feated for ..thePresIdency.
HAVANA, Aug. 6. Jose Miguel Gomez.
Governor of Santa Clara Province and
Liberal candidate for the Presidency of
Cuba, has given out an interview full of
defiance to the Palma, government. With
reference to the Vueltas case and the
Cuban government's assumption of the
right to Inspect municipalities' without
reference to the provincial authorities,
Governor Gomez says:
"I will not allow any one excepting the
provincial authorities to inspect the mu
nicipalities of this province. Should a
municipality be governed by moderates, I
would refuse to consent to this procedure
just the same and would deliver justice to
them if permitted.
"If the Supreme Court decides against
the contentions we are now maintaining,
we would not obey its mandates, because
of its partiality in favor of executive au
thority. The court would be certain to
be against us In order to Increase its
favor with the government."
lie said that of the force of 3000 rural
guards, half were inwardly In his favor.
Military officers absolutely deny this
statement, and say that the only company
of rural guards In which disaffection was
shown was that of Santa Clara. Province,
now removed to Havana, the Captain of
which resigned to avoid being disgraced.
The modbrates profess satisfaction at
Gomez's statements, which they term sen
sational and reckless, and which they as
sert will certainly defeat him, as the
Cubans will never elect a President who
has defied the court or sought to Inculcate
in the soldiers a rebellious spirit.
Cleveland Conductor Does Xot See
Engine Until Too Late.
CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 6. The fast
Pittsburg- flyor. No. 560, on the Cleve
land &. Pittsburg Railroad, crashed
Into an oast-bound SL Clair street-car
at 9:3) tonight, killing a child instant
ly and fatally Injuring six people, while
15 others, sustained injuries.
The accident happened without warn
ing, as the conductor had just crossed
the rallroaa tracks to see that the line
Vas clear, and had thrown, a safety de
raller switch to permit the car to pass.
The headlight of the train was not
visible, nor was Its rumbling heard
until It was but a short distance from
the crossing.
The conductor lot go the derailing
switch in time to throw the rear truck
of his car off the track, but not In time
to prevent the fro he end from being
struck and the car hurled around until
It stood parallel with the railroad
The car contained 43 passengers, who
were bound for their homes and for
amusement resorts along the car line.
Only a few escaped uninjured, and they
were persons occupying the rear seats.
The dead Cora May Martin. 2 years old,
daughter pt James Martin.
Fatally Injured Mr?. James Martin, crushed
about client; Gertrude Martin, 12 years old.
arm fractured and internal Injuries; Frank
"Williamson, motorman. chest crushed; Mrs.
Patrick Xldutl. skull fractured; Michael
Hussy, internal Injuries; Lucy Halter, 22.
Japanese Go Back to Ships.
ST. PETERSBURG, Aug. 6. A dispatch
from Godzyadanl, th Russian 'headquar
ters in Manohuria, says the Japanese, who
landed recently. . at Castries Bay, have
returned aboard their warships. All the'
buildings along the" shore -of the bay were
Eoor Material to Choose From
in Appropriations Com
mittee in Congress.
Guardian of Treasury Should Be of
Highest Integrity, Ready In De
bate and Well Informed on
Governmental Methods.
ington, Aug. 6. (Special.) The selection
of a chairman for the committee on ap
propriations for the Fifty-ninth Congress
will be one of the most difficult tasks
laid before Speaker Cannon at the open
ing of the coming session. It Is custom
ary&o nil vacant chairmanships of House
committees by promotion, and when -a.
chairmanship becomes vacant for any
cause it Is the practice to give that posi
tion' to the next ranking member. But
thls cannot be done in this instance.
The chairmanship of the appropriations
committee Is one of the most Important
positions In the House of Representa
tives. The requirements of the office are
many. The chairman must be or should
be a man of highest Integrity, a man of
discernment, a man wellacqua!nted with
Governmental methods and the manner of
operating the various departments of' the
Government, and withal a man ready In
debate, capable alike of meeting the at
tacks of the opposition and assaults from
members of .his own prty.
Every appropriation bill Is subject to
attack and criticism on the floor of the
House; it must be defended. Every ap
propriations committee, while framing a
bill, is beselged by dozens yes, hundreds
of members clamoring for appropria
tions for., their districts, and Is flooded
with demands for money from every bu
reau of the Government.
The chairman of this committee must
be able to sift the necessary Items from
the unnecessary; must be able to ward off
Influence that Is behind projects lacking
in merit, and must be able to stand by
and defend every Item of his bill when It
.is prought; Ino the House.
X6 Ordinary Man "vftll Do".
It is readily seen that no ordinary mem
ber Is competent to fill this chairmanship.
And It is extremely unfortunate at this
time that no member of the present- ap
propriations committee meets the re
quirements. If Speaker Cannon does the
right thing by the country and by his
party, he will not promote any member
of the appropriations committee to the
chairmanship, but will select some old,
experienced and tried member from some
other committee for this Important of
fice, which carries with It the title,
"Watchdog of the Treasury."
Representative Henry H. Bingham, of
Pennsylvania, is the ranking member of
the appropriations committee, and Is the
"father of the House of Representatives,"
being the oldest member of that body In
point of service. General Bingham was
first elected to the Forty-sixth Congress,
and has served continuously since 1S79.
But General Bingham has weaknesses
well known to his colleagues In the House
which totally unfit him for the chairman
ship, and he cannot be appointed.
Next In line Is Representative J. T. Mc
Cleary, of Minnesota, a fair, average Con
gressman. The greatest objection to Mc
Cleary is that he "Is not big enough for
the job." From the local standpoint, Mc
Cleary Is a good Congressman, but he is
not a leader, he Is not of large caliber.
He might, if appointed, make a fair chair
man, but not a great one.
Iilttauer Under n Cloud.
Following" McCleary comes Lucius N.
Uttauer. vof New York. He has served
only three terms In Congress, Is not espe
Ically well acquainted with Governmental
methods In general, has no .personal fol
lowing In the House, and does not possess
the characteristics of a leader of men.
Moreover, there attaches to Uttauer the
stigma of having become Involved In a
nasty Army glove scandal, which would
undermine his usefulness and lay him
open to continual censure. Though white
washed by an Investigation, tho impres
sion prevails that no man who has been
besmirched In a Government contract
scandal should be placed at the head of
tho mighty appropriations committee.
Walter P. Brownlow, of Tennessee,
comes after Llttauer. He Is followed by
Washington Gardner, of Michigan; then
In order are Frederick H. Gillett, of Mas
sachusetts; Walter I. Smith, of Iowa, and
Benjamin F. Marsh, of Illinois. All five,
like McCleary. are average Congressmen
nice fellows, but they are only average
men, and they are all men of brief serv
ice in Congress, not thoroughly familiar
with Congressional -and departmental
methods, and therefore not fitted for
chairman. Not one mombcr of the com
mittee has any especial following In the
House; not one Is strong enough (or
Need, of Reorganization.
This lack of material naturally gives
rise to the question: Ought not the
committee on appropriations be entire
ly reorganized, so as to include some of
the big. influential and powerful mem
bers of the House? The present com
mittee, was largely selected by Speaker
Henderson; he may have chosen men of
thin type so that he could dominate
them, and literally dictate the terms of
all appropriation bills. If so, his course
was to be condemned.
Tho committee on appropriations, vir
tually controlling every cent In the
United States Treasury, .stipulating-
how'lt shall bo. expended, ahd In what
amounts, ought to be '.made up of the
best material the House has to offer, i
It ought to Include tho brninest men.
the best-informed men, and the most
honest men In the entire membership
of the House. Instead of average mem
bers, elected to look after one district,
it ought to bo composed of men big
enough to look after the affairs qf the
Nation as well.
Men like Tawney, of Minnesota; Hep
burn, of Iowa: Burton, of Ohio; Dalzell.
of Pennsylvania; Payne, of New York;
Cooper, of Wisconsin; Grosvenor, of)
Oh!cv and others who have been tried
and who have made good, ought to he
given charge of the Nation's finances.
So great1 a matter ought not to be en
trusted to tho han&s.of men of smaller
caliber or less experience. If Speaker
Cannon did the right thing he would
reorganize the committee, and build It
up of such material as this.
Demands of the "West.
Incidentally it might be said that tho
groat West, with Its vast needs and Its
vqst and growing population, ought to
have representation on the appropria
tion committee; it has none now. Min
nesota and 'Nebraska are the only West
ern States now represented, not a
state beyond them has a voice on tho
appropriations committee, 3?hls Is not
right; tho West ought"nave no less
than three yolesyjjn-'the appropriations
committee, and Speaker Cannon, in all
fairness, should see that the West is
recognized on tho next committee which
he must appoint this Fall.
If the Pacific Coast should be accord
ed representation on the appropria
tions committee, California would likely
be tho favored state. Oregon, with two
discredited and disgraced Representa
tives, could not have representation
under any circumstances. Washington
might be remembered If the Pacific
Coast should get two places, but It Is
douotful, unless Representative Jones
Should bo transferred from the river
and harbor to the appropriations com
mittee. Mr. Cushman. during his career, has
many times spilt with Speaker Can
non and the House leaders; he has been
erratic and eccentric: he can not expect
favors. Mr. Jones, on the other hand,
has pursued a steady, even course, has
made himself solid, both with the Ad
ministration and with the Republican
leaders In the House, and he can havo
the best that Is allotted to Washing
ton. Mr. Humphrey, being a new mem
ber. Is not In line for high honors.
Idaho Lacking In 3IIneral.
Idaho can not have representation on
a committee like appropriations, for
Idaho cau not bring forward a big,
strong and deserving member. Repre
sentatlve French has not attained Jl?
Unction in any way; he has not mixed
-with, the big Republicans of the-Houae:
he Is not generally faowjje hrf lias no
cjalnx on' a olg cmittaV $005. Idaho
is as oaur- ox as Nevada, with an er--f
ratlc, eccentric Democratic member df
There is one lesson to be drawn "from
this situation, a lesson for every West
ern state. Send only good men to Con
gress, and when you send ahem there,
keep them In office. The" best man In
tne country, if elected to Congress but
one term, can not serve his state with
credit. Influence and power come only
with length of service, and then only
to men of large caliber and distin
guished personality. Big Congressmen
don't grow from mental pigmies; there
has to be good- stuff to startwlth.
This lesson Is especially applicable to
Oregon at this time, where two new
Representatives will have to be chosen,
but it applies with equal force to Idaho
and In part to Washington. The latter
state has made a splendid start with
Representative Jones; he gives -great
promise: he should bo retained. ff the
others nothing need be said.
Miss Roosevelt Is Presented With
a Gold Plate Amidst Great
MANILA. Aug. 7. A largo spectacular
parade was held this morning in honor
of the visit of Secretary of War Taft and
party. Ten thousand men were in line.
Including military, marines, sailors. In
dustrlals and thirty provincial delega
tions. The parade was three hours pass
ing the reviewing stand. There were 50
floats and SO bands in line.
Secretary Taft. Governor - General
Wright. Major-General Corbln, Rear Ad
miral Train and Miss Alice Rbosevelt
and the resident foreign representatives
were In the reviewing stand. Two floats
bore fountains of Jiang ylang and other
floats were profusely decorated with
At one stage of the procession a halt
was made and Miss Roosevelt was pre
sented with a gold plate amidst unbounded
At 3 o'clock this afternoon Secretary
Taft and party received a committee of
sugar planters who spoke of the sugar
Interests of the Islands. At 5 o'clock to
night. Governqr-General Wright held a
public reception at Malacanan Palace.
Governor Wright Issued a special lnvl
tatlon to Rear Admiral Enqulst and staff
of the Interned Russian squadron, to at
tend the reception to meet Secretary
Taft and Miss Roosevelt, and the Invi
tation was accepted.
4 :
Germany Will Await Action of In
terhatlonal Conference.
TANGIER, Morocco, Aug. 6. The Ger
man government has Intimated to the
t. Mi-amnpnt thflt It rirwc nnt
desire to secure ahd concessions pending
the International coniercnce.
Boycott on Special Dines.
YOKOHAMA, Aug. 6. The meeting of
Chlne. which It was announced would
he held today, resolved to boycott Amer
ican bankers, shippers and Insurance
agents, but deferred action wlth, regard
to otoer uses oi-ouames. .
Government Takes Control at
Request of the Citizens
of New Orleans.
City Will Be Divided Into Wards
and Marine Hospital Surgeons
Will Be Put In Absolute
Control of Sections.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Auff. 6. Fe
ver report up to 6 P. M.:
New eaaes . 2S
Total cases to date 533
Deaths 8
Tetal to date 105
New eub-focl. ....... -
Tetal sub-foci to date 03
WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. Active control
of the yellow fever situation In New Or
leans by the United States Public Health
and Marine Hospital Service will begin
Orders to that effect were wired tonight
to Surgeon J. H. White, the Marine Hos
pital officer now on duty In that city.
Those orders followed the receipt from
Dr. White during the day of several tele
grams which showed that the citizens of
New Orleans had promised their hearty
tnd unrestricted co-operation in the work
to be undertaken by the Federal Govern
ment, and would meet certain financial
requirements Imposed by the Marine Hos
pital Service as a preliminary to assuming
the responsibility.
Anticipating this outcome of the case
Dr. White has already determined upon
tentative plans for the work In hand. The
city will be divided Into wards, and each
ward will be placed In charge of a re
sponsible and experienced surgeon of the
Marine Hospital Service, -who will have
absolute control of the locality.
Already Surgeon General Wyraan has
given directions to a number of Marine
Hospital surgeons, to proceed to New Or
leans for assignment to work under Dr.
White. TheJe are all oftlcers who havo
had experience dealing wltn yellow fever
Pledge of Quarter-Million Dollars Is
Made hy Committee.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 5. The fever
situation today Is av great Improvement
over the middle of the week, and the-fact
that there were only two new sub-foci,
one up town and one down town. Is a
source of special encouragement. An ef
fort Is being made to determine the num
ber of cases of fever under treatment,
and. allowing ten days, which is a liberal
estimate for a patient to either recover
or die. It Is figured out that there are
now 233 cases under treatment.
The Marine Hospital Service has not
yet assumed control of the local sttua
tlon, but It Is expected to do so tomor
row. The conditions precedent to their
assumption, that the citizens of New
Orleans pledge themselves to put up $250,-
000 to defray the cost of labor and ma
terlal, has been met and Surgeon White
Is In momentary expectation of receiving
the formal order from Surgeon General
Wyman to take charge.
President Roosevelt and Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman have both been wired by the
citizens' committee of New Orleans that
all of the funds that the service may re
quire outside of Its own stated expendi
tures will be supplied by the people of the
city. This action was taken at noon at a
special meeting of the finance committee
held in the St. Charles Hotel.
' Surgeon White returned today from
Gulfport and Ocean Springs, where he
had gone to arrange for the Improving of
the camp at Fountalnbleu, on the Louis
ville & Nashville road, and stated that
he would probably not establish any camp
on tho Mississippi Coast In view of the at
titude of the people of Ocean Springs.
and Governor Vardaman's expressed de-
'crmlnatlon to abide- by their wishes.
The camps at Slldcll and Wyman will
be enlarged to accommodate such travel
as would have gone over to a camp on
the Mississippi coast.
Revenue Cutter Captain Ordered to
Proceed In Endeavors.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 6. Secretary
Shaw today telegraphed Captain E. C.
Chayter, of the revenue cutter Winona.
sustaining the latter's action In the en
forcement of the yellow fever quarantine
between Mississippi and Louisiana and
giving some general Instructions. The
dispatch Is in reply to one from Captain
Chayter, saying the friction between the
two states has become serious, and ask
Ing for an official definition of the reve
nue cutter's authority. Secretary Shaw's
reply today was as follows:
T think you are proceeding properly.
notwithstanding conflicting reports.
Promptly advise the name, general de
scription and name of master of eVery
private vessel placed at your disposal. We
will then give authorltv which will doubt
less protect. There may be some question
about your authority to arrest vessels
and to take them to Ship Island, but
there can be no doubt of your authority
to prevent both vessels and persons leav
lng the Infected district.
"I have directed Captain Ross to pro
ceed to New Orleans and exercise general
supervision over his branch of the service.
Pantrymnn on Steamer Advance
Contracted Disease in Panama.
- NEW -YORK. Aug. 6. One man died of
yellow fever, at. the New York detention
hospital today, making the first case of
yellow fever ever discovered on ships en
tering New York harbor this Summer.
and the second death. William Smith.
a pantryman, taken off the steamer Ad
vance, from Colon, last Thursday, with
nine other suspects, died today with an
acute case of yellow fever.
Seven other members of this party are
still under Inspection- xNot one of these
fever cases. Dr. Doty said, has come from
the fever districts In the United States.
Panama has supplied them all.
Thanks Extended President.
OYSTER BAY. Aug. 6. For his prompt
action m extending government aid to
the citizens of New Orleans and of the
state of Louisiana In fighting the epi
demic of yellow fever. President Roose
velt today received the thanks of the
citizens' committee In the form of the
following telegram:
"New Orleans. La., Aug. 6. The Presi
dent, Oyster Bay, L I.: We heartily
thank you for your prompt and generous
action which, although expected, was nev
ertheless gratifying, we pledge ourselves
to do our share and have wired Surgeon
Genoral Wyman that we would secure
and furnish all the funds the service may
Naval Brigade Vessels Return.
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6. Two ves
sels of the naval brigade, the Marie
and Wolverine, returned to the city to
night from the Rigolets, where they
had gone under orders "from the Gov
ernor to protect the fishermen In Louis
iana waters from the depredations of
the Mississippi patrol boats.
The incident is closed, now that the
Federal Government has charge of the
quarantines of the two states, except
for the case of the Tlpsey, and that of
two officers under arrest In St. Bernard
Parish, who were captured In Lake
No Change lh Archbishop's Condition
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6. Dr. Larue
announced that Archbishop Chapello
was holding his owji and there was no
change In his condition since last
Capsized Far Out on Lake, He Is
Picked Up Twelve Hours
Later Half Crazed.
CHICAGO. Aug. 6. (Special.) James
Tomllneon. 17 years ef age. Is the herd of
a thrilling experience on the lake Sat
urday night. He was picked up thl9 morn
ing In an exhausted and half-crazed con
dition by the crew of the trading schoon
er, after having been adrift, clinging to
a capsized 15-foot catboat. for more than
12 hours. ,
Saturday afternoon ye&ing- Tanlinson;
purchased the bot.t of a fttend and set out
to- look for a salt At o dock In tho
evening a puff of wind capsized the tiny
craft. Tomllnson removed hl3 clothing
and attempted to swim to the shore a mile
distant. A short way In he realized his
strength was falling and he returned,
then he shouted, but without avail.
Meanwhile the boat bounded up and
down the beach as the waves rose with
nightfall, darkness settled upon him and
the boy almost gave up the struggle.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum, temperature, S3
deg.; minimum, 61 dfr.
TODAY'S Fair and continued warm; north
erly winds. "
Difficult task before Speaker Cannon is se
lecting chairman of House appropriations
committee. Pa?e 1. .
President Roosevelt delivers a leng sermon
before Christian Brotherhood at Oyster
Bay. Page 3.
Great spectacle Is given at Manila In honor
of visit o Secretary of War Taft. Pag 1.
Yellow Fever at New Orleans.
United States Gox-erntnent takes control of
yellow fever fight at New Orleans. Pase 1.
Citizens promise hearty support and co-operation
to Marine Hospital surgeons.
Page 1.
Government organ at St. Petersburg repub
lishes article declaring America la Rus
sia's natural ally. Page 1.
Peace Conference.
M. "Wltte. Baron Rosen and party land at
Newport. R. I., to take train to Ports
mouth. N. H. Page 4.
Japanese plenipotentiaries will proceed on
board the Dolphin. Pago 4.
y rorrfgn.
General Gomes Issues defiant statements to
Palma government In Havana. Page 1.
'French fleet will be given a warm welcome
at Cowes. Page 3.
Commander Akyama reviews the battle of
the Japan Sea. Page 5.
Dome tic.
Bumper grain crop Is the prospect In the
United States. Page 1.
Chicago Federation of Labor unable to hold
an election because of the howls of the
minority. Page 3.
Telegrapheii' president confident that
strikebreakers employed will not go to
work. Page 4.
State Senator Farrls, of Missouri, cleared
of bribery charge In connection with
baking powder bill. Page 5.
Taciflc Coast.
Members of various state commissions spend
a pleasant day at Forest Grove. Page 3.
J. A. L. Bell, of San Francisco, shoots and
kill his step-father. Joseph Bartlett.
Page 5.
Pacific Coast scores: San Francisco 4-0.
Tacoma 3-5; Seattle 3-l.tos Angeles. 0-4:
Oakland 0-2. Portland 1-3. Page 10.
Horsemen await decision of. court. Page 13.
Seattle wing lacrosse game. Page 13.
Xewls and Clark Exposition.
Admissions 0SI7. Page 8.
Fair attendance should reach two million
mark In six weeks. Page S.
Small Sunday crowd at Trail. Page S.
Portland and Vicinity.
Harrlman dUcusses railway plans. Page 8.
Baptist clergyman -defends Rockefeller.
Page 7.
Rev. Father. Sherman criticises Emerson.
Page 0.
Dr. Sheldon speaks and First Congregational
Church indorses his action concerning the
Trail. Pago 14.
Bluff of Barber Asphalt Company is called.
Page 7.
Street-car on Pine street held up and con
ductor robbed. Page 8.
Saloon robbed, occupants beaten and two
men arrested and partially identified as
the-criminals. Page 10.
Launch Fox strikes rowboat and two oc
cupants drown, the third being saved.
Condition of the Grain Makes
Immense Harvests Almost
a Certainty.
Farmers Will Receive Many Millions
More From the Soli Thau Ever
Before in tin History
of the Country.
Kansas ......
Michigan ....
.Minnesota, ...
Missouri .....
Nebraska ....
North Dakota
.. 32.iiXHJ.C0O
.. ts.eoo.30t
.. 3l.CVi.
?.Ci.?0 j
South Dakota. .
Ohio :
"Wisconsin ....
. 43.0)
. 2i.eeoi.eoo
. 3.WO.00O
CHICAGO. Aufr. &-(SpeckU.) Aatertra:
farms will produce bigger and fettr crojtt
and return many mors rotlttMia Ik ravsu
to the farmlntr Interests thW year shaa
ever before In the htetry of Ue cMtr
All kinds of cropa wheat, earn. eate. 1t
and smaller grain and produce stapfrs -have
progressed to the stags wfeer this
prediction may be made witk ?carcety tH
slightest chance that the ftstal &lal g
ures wlil disprove its correetiMSs.
Railroad officials and stattetlclaas ag
ricultural departments la t& vactous
states of the Government Kraia-prtactaK
regions give their personal ant 0rfau
guarantee that the year KC6 is x be tftv
banner year In farm prosperity.
If there Is a dissenting vofo anywhere.
It Is drowned out by the etanwr f op
timism that comes from IrUstete. Inwa.
Kansas. Nebraska, the far Sattthwst. tfee
Pacific Coast and the wonderful Snrte?
wheat country of the Northwest.
Compares Well With 1001 Yield.
Possibly one 'nrheat crop that if
will exceed thatHf M05. In KOI th crop
aggregated 743.jh.ecO buabwlt. It saaj W
that one previous corn crop that tf SMC
when 2,5-M.COO.OCO busheds were- prodweett
will not quite be equaled by the yield of
this year. It is when ne takes th
wheat, corn, oats and hay ertH together
and contemplates what the grand total
of this year of grace is to be that th
story becomes a glorious one. TtMre n
er before was such a combination of Alie
ning figures needed to express the trthwt
of the Nation's horn of plenty.
Quite as much to the point. 1c not even
more, in casting up the ledger eC pros
perity. Is the prospect that prteos. com
pared with the success of the prodctton.
will be higher than they have been stao
war times. An estimate ef 13 states
farm products, based on present market
quotations, would represent an army of
figures that would be simply araasteg;.
Superlatives are in order alt along the
line to make the sttuatien sufilelentiy im
pressive. Millions More of Corn and Wheat.
According to figures emanating fronv
state capitals Saturday afternoon. 37
000.000 bushels more of com will he rats
this year than last In the States of Illi
nois, Indiana, Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska.
Michigan, Minnesota. Missouri. North XVl
kota. South Dakota. Ohio and Wisconsin.
The entire crop of corn test year, taking
official Government figures, waa 2.ST.OA
COO bushels. The record crop of aH years
was 2.523,000.000 bushels 1b me. Henee. IT
the other states of the Union do anywhere
near as woll proportionately as the II
mentioned., this year's corn ytoht wili
tower high above that of other years.
These same 12 stares are expecSed to
produce 114.000.000 more wheat than they
did a year ago. Of tho Winter wheat
States. Indiana. Illinois. Kansas. Obi-'.
Nebraska and Missouri make a nne show
ing in increases. Enough of the crop has
been gathered and threshed in good order
to make theso figures semi-Seal.
With black rust made practically innoc
uous In the Spring wheat country by fa
vorable weather conditions, with the har
vest already on In a largo part of tho
area, and with a larger acreage than
last year from which to draw, the tlgura
submitted for prospects In the Northwest
are not apparently overdrawn.
Tourists Are to Be Swung S000 Feet
In the Air.
SALT LAKE. Utah. Aug. S. (Spe
cial.) Over a cable 8690 feet la the air
passengers are to be carried across the
Grand" Canyon of the Colorado. Tho
Grand Canyon Transportation Com
pany, promoted by Utah men. ha heea
incorporated with a capital of J1.Wn
to bridge the chasm in this unique
Tourists will be taken from the fa
mous Bright Angel Trail on the Santa
Fe Railroad side of the river, across
tho Buckskin Plateau. The length cf
the cable will be 500 foet. The wire
rope will be anchored io the opposite
walls of the gorge, and a car will be
run back and forth.
An excursion of officials from Utah
and Arizona is being arranged for this
month, at which time It Is expected
the work will be started. Their aid is
being solicited to Induce Congress to
set aside a National Park In the Buck
skin Mountains, whlch would be
reached by the aerial tramway. In
this region Is one of the most pic
turesque 'spots In the world.