Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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E. J- Dawne Wants Share in
Divorced Wife's Money.
After Being Appointed to Alaska
"Judgeship, the Discovery of His
Numerous Forgeries Made
v Him a Fugitive.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 4. (Spec!al.)-If E.
J. Dawne returns to Orogon to claim a
husband's interest in the estate of his
former wife, Mrs. Frank Kellogg, he will
have an opportunity to plead to grave
criminal charges now hanging over him.
Though his crimes were committed
more than 20 years ago, prosecutions have
not been barred by the statute of limita
tions, for the reason that Indictments
were filed within the time required by
law, and thus the running of the statuto
was. Btopped. The forging of mortgages,
upon which he secured loans, is the- of
fense committed by Downe, the resource
ful doctor, lawyer, pfoacherv and gam
bler. The publication of dispatches today an
nouncing that Dawne is still alive and
contemplates claiming a husband's in
terest in the $80,000 estate left by the
late Mrs. Frank Kellogg, has recalled the
career of a man who came to Oregon
entirely unknown, and who secured rec
ognition and high standing in three pro
fessions, though qualified in none. "With
out a dollar's worth of property, he se
cured money in abundance, and is re
puted to have procured 540,000 in all upon
forged mortgages. Without any claim
upon any political party, he secured a
strong indorsement for appointment to a
Judgeship in Alaska, and was appointed
by President Cleveland. It was Dawne's
recommendations' that called forth from
Grover Cleveland one of the severest
criticisms ever written by a President of
the United States.
Jjaivyer, Doctor and Preacher.
Dawne came to Salem in the early '70s,
claiming to be a graduate in law and
medicine and a Methodist reacher. He
claimed to hold a diploma from the med
ical school at Little Rock, Ark., and
when the medical department of "Willam
ette University was organized he was
elected to fill two chairs. His lectures
to his classes were above criticism, hut
it is said that he copied them from med
ical text books and journals and read
them to the students. He practiced med-
Mclne and never got into trouble because
of his ministration of drugs. His good
fortune in this respect was probably due
to the fact that he was always careful
not to give medicine that would injure.
and if he found a case to be serious he
managed to make a plausible excuse for
turning the patient over to a good physi
His Fine Sermons.
Dawne was pastor of the Methodist
Church, South, in this city, and delivered
sermons that were models of excellence.
He always read his sermons, and it be
came known in the latter part of his ca
reer that he copied them from the print
ed sermons of a well-known Methodist
Though he practiced law here he never
-took the leading "part 1n the trial of
cases, and. therefore, did not disclose his
-ignorance of 'the principles of jurispru
dence. He was above the average as a
speaker, and was in demand In "Western
Oregon as an orator at public celebra
Ben Hayden. the pioneer lawyer, Indian
fighter and farmer, used to take delight
In flaying Dawne before Juries, for he
could easily see through the thin dis
"A doctor without a patient, a lawyer
without a client, a preacher without a
congregation, and a broker without a
dollar," was one of Ben's famous de
ecriptions of E. J. Dawne.
Wrote Mortgages on Farms.
It was as a broker that Dawne mado
his great success. "When he needed
money, or wanted It, rather, ho would
write put a mortgage on a farm In Yam
hill County, or some other prosperous
locality, and go to some local capitalist
with the story that his client wanted to
borrow $3000 to $5000 on it, as tho case
' aiight be.
The farm, the owner and the name
were all fictitious, perhaps. Dawne would
not only make a mortgage, but would
back it up with an abstract of title that
was perfect His client was always will
lng to pay usury, and he had no trouble
in finding men who would yield to tho
tempting rate of Interest, and loan money
without spending a few dollars to have
fhe title thorougmy Investigated.
"When the time came to pay. the In
terest, Dawne always had It ready. "When
the time came to repay the principal his
alleged client wanted an extension of
time, and was ready to pay a bonus.
Cleveland's Denunciation.
After Cleveland's .election in 1SS2, Dawne
secured a recommendation for appoint
ment to a Judgeship in Alaska, and had
on his petition the names of some of the
best-known Democrats in Oregon. One
of the signers wrote a personal letter to
Cleveland after the appointment had been
made, telling him of Dawne's incompe
tence, and asking that the appointment
he revoked. In reply. President Cleve
land wrote a long letter denouncing the
treachery of the man who signed the rec-
. ommcndatlon knowing the applicant to
. he incompetent. This letter was given to
the press and was published throughout
tha united states.
' Soon after Dawne went to Alaska his
forgeries were discovered, and he fled to
parts unknown. His wife, who was the
estimable daughter of the late William
Miller, secured a divorce and later mar
ried Frank Kellogg, now deceased. Her
father left her his fortuno of $80,000, and
It is to secure a share of this that Dawno
Is now supposed to be preparing legal
proceedings. It Is asserted that Dawne is
In Madagascar, and that he wrote a let
ter to his former wife after her father's
death, when he learned that she had
fallen heir to his property. Dawne al
leges that the divorce proceedings are
void, because there Is no proof of publica
tion of summons.
Will Respect His Clulms.
The facts In the matter have come to
the notice of Claud Gatch, executor of
the Kellogg estate, and W. H. Holmes,
his attorney is of the opinion that, al
though it is improbable Dawne will ever
come back to Oregon, yet his claims arc
- such as the executor must take into con
sideration in managing the property so
as to protect himself.
tTaylor Alleges Cruel Treatment,
Though 3Iarrled 25 Years.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.)
The divorce suit of Moses Taylor, the
wealthy Athena rancher, against Isabella
Taylor, which has been pending a year in
the Supreme Court, has been settled, the
decision in favor of the plaintiff by Judge
Ellis, of the Circuit Court, having been
By the terms of settlement Mrs. Taylor
Is to receive farming property near Athena
valued at 312.000. residence property In
Athena worth $2500, and half of the house
hold effects. She is also given the care
and custody -of the two youngest children,
for whose support and education Taylor is
required to pay Into her hands an addi
tional sum of JG500.
Taylor was granted a dlx'orce from his
wife on the grounds of' cruel treatment
and incompatibility of temper. The two
had resided near Athena for over 25 years.
and in that time had amassed a fortune
conceded to be over $103,000.
Taylor was convicted In the Circuit
Court in June of attempt to commit arson
on the farm of John Bannister, a neigh
bor. The case has been appealed, and is
now pending in the Supreme Court.
Packers Predict 800,000 Cases Will
Be Put "Up.
SEATTLE, "Wash., Aug. 4. Within tho
next few days the secondhand final spurt
of the sockeye salmon run on Puget
Sound should commence, unless the pack
ers have placed a wrong estimate on the
run. The first spurt has Been gradually
falling awny the past few days, and yes
terday the canneries of the Sound failed
to secure a sufficient number of salmon
to operate to any extont.
The first half of the season, as the
last ten days may be termed, was fully
up to the expectations of the packers,
and the number of cases of sockeye sal
mon packed on the Sound to date is esti
mated at 300,000. On this basis, if the
second run should prove to be the heavier
of the season, as now predicted by trap
operators and cannerymen, the total pack
should reach the 00,000 mark. This Is the
opinion that is being expressed by local
people interested in the fishing Industry,
and some of the more sanguine are even
estimating the total pack at 900,000 cases.
Furious Because His Net Hnd Been
Cut In Two, He Uses
a Rifle.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.) As
the tug Samson was returning from Fort
Stevens last evening, and when opposite
Flavel. Ave hullets were fired Into her
puotnousc Dy someone in a nsning-Doau
Pilot Copeland was at the wheel, and
while the bullets struck near him, he was
not Injured.
Who fired the shots is not known, but it
is supposed to have "been some fisherman
whose net the Samson had run down.
Shot in Back of Head at the Pyx
BAKER CITr. Or., Aug. (Special.)
The body of a young Chinese cook at tho
Pyx mine was brought to this city today.
and preparations are under way to have
it prepared for burial In China, accord
ing to the usual methods. Tho prevailing
opinion is that "Wong Pol You was mur
dered, if appearances can bo trusted. He
was shot in the back of the head in such
a manner that the theory of sulcldo is
wholly untenable. He was murdered
either for his money or because of race
prejudice.. The indications are that this
is one of the blackest and most Inexcusa
ble crimes that has been perpetrated In
Baker Cpunty for some time.
Fishermen Get Money Twice on 800
Pounds of Salmon.
ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. 4--MSpeclal.) A
Seaborg, a fisherman, and John Edwards.
his boatpullcr, were arrested by Sheriff
LSnrllle tonight on the charge of steal
ing about 800 pounds of salmon from the
T. Llndenbcrger cold storage plant.
Edwards has confessed to the Sheriff
and District Attorney. He says they sold
about 400 pounds of fish last night to Lin
denbergcr, and before leaving the build
ing stole the fish they had sold and about
as much more. They then sold tho fish
again to the Tallant-Grant Cannery. Sea
borg and Edwards will be given a pre
liminary examination tomorrow.
Old Man With Bad Check.
ABERDEEN, "Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.)
J. B. Forbes has been arrested in Ta
coma on a warrant sworn out here by
Manager Furtherf, of the Vulcan Iron
Works, who charges that Forbes gave
him a worthless check. Forbes is 64 years
old. and said he was from San Pedro,
where he says he conducted a newspaper.
He gave the name of a man In Seattle
as reference, who, when called up by tele
phone, said that Forbes was all right.
An officer will go to Tacoma to bring
Forbes here.
Friends Cashed Bad Checks.
PENDLETON, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.)
Alex Freeman, pf Bozeman. Mont., Is
wanted here fop passing bogus checks.
Freeman was in the city a few days ago,
and while here met a former acquain
tance, Joseph Owenhouse, who kindly
cashed a check for P0 for him. Elmer
Turner was a gullible friend, too, and
gave away ?G0 In the same manner. To
il ay the victims were notified that the
bozeman Commercial National Bank had
refused to honor the checks, as Freeman
had no funds there.
Robbed Lewis and Clark Houses.
ASTORIA, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.) The
preliminary examination of F. Peterson,
arrested yesterday for stealing a number
of articles from O. t. Peterson's ranch in
the Lewis and Clark district, was held
in Justice Goodman's court this after
noon on an information charging him
with larceny in a dwelling. He was com
mitted to the County Jail in default of
J ISO bonds to await the action of the Cir
cuit Court.
31. Miller Hurled From tho Top of
a Light Pole.
PITYALLUP, "Wash., Aug. 4. (Special.)
"While connecting a light wire at the
top of a 25-foot pole about 10 o'clock this
forenoon. Mac Miller received in one arm
a current of 2000 volts of electricity. The
shock hurled him" to the earth. He was
carried to the offices of the Tacoma In
dustrial Company, by which he Is em
ployed. He died tonight.
Drs. Karshnar and McCracken found
him internally Injured and bleeding from
the lungs. Miller is about 30 years of
age, and has a wife. He is a nephew of
"W. "W. Weller.
Found Dead In His Bed.
OREGON CITT. Or., Aug. 4. (Special.)
Craig Cunningham, aged 65 years and un
married, was found dead in bed at his
home at Redland. Coroner Hohnaa was
notified, but after making an investiga
tion .concluded that death resulted from
heart disease. An Inquest was deemed un
necessary. Cunningham has no known
relatives la this part of the country,
Second Line to JJoos Bay Said
to Be Assured.
General Opinion. Is Expressed That
Southern Pacific Will Build to
Forestall Invasion of Ter
rltorjvljy Competitor.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Aug. .-(Special.)
The announcement that the Southern Pa
cific would build from Drain to Coos Bay
was received here with a broad smile by
those who have studied the railroad situ
ation here. The laugh does not come
without doubt or syniclsm. but on the
other hand it Is an expression of confi
dence the announcement Is taken to mean
not only one, but two railroads.
It is the belief of many that this news
that the Southern Pacific would build was
precipitated at this time to head off an
other railway's movement. It Is said
within the month announcement would
have been made of another road to build
to Coos Bay. The belief is Just as strong
that the new line will be a reality, that
the Southern Pacific has waited too long
and that two roads will be in competi
tion. It Is pointed out that for more than
30 years the people have been praying the
Southern Pacific to give an outlet to
Southwestern Oregon, and that its cor
poration has always turned a deaf ear to
the needs of the state.
Tho fact is cited that the company nev
er builds except to protect its own terri
tory, and that it would not extend at this
time except for some such reason. There
is apparently no greater need now for a
connection with the main line at Drain
than there was 20 years ago. and the well
known policy of the Harriman people la
not to build branch lines until there Is a
prospect of other roads entering the Held.
Has Boomed the Country.
Others take no stock In the rumors that
Coos Bay will be the terminus for more
than one railroad, and say that the
Southern Pacific is and has been the only
one substantial promise for relief in the
way of railway transportation. Be these
questions as they may, everyone Is re
joiced that the railroad will build. The
effect upon the community is marked.
Th coming of the railroad has been Its
one topic of conversation on the street
since the announcement was made. It
has greatly stiffened real estate prices.
and several deals under negotiation were
quickly closed. The most important was
the sale -of the Lyman Noble tract of 120
acres, two miles west of Marshfleld, to
Charles Hilton, of The Dalles, for J15.000.
Wires have been received from persons
in Spokane and Seattle withdrawing all
their property from the market.
Concurrent with the railroad news Is a
rumor that Frank B. Walte. of Roseburg.
has secured an option on the. property of
the Southern Oregon Company of 100,000
acres. Mr. "Walte declined to be inter
viewed on the subject, but there Is strong
ground for belief that a deal is in way of
Mr. "Walte said: "I am fully convinced
that the Southern Pacific Intends to build,
but the owners will make a mistake by
Inflating real estate values. Prices are
already high enough, and what we want
Is more people.
What Bankers Think.
J. W. Bennett, president of the Flana
gan & Bennett Bank, said: "I think the
bullaing of the road from Drain to Coos
'Bay will be a profitable Investment for
the railroad company, whose line will bo
fed by the rivers and bar harbors on -the
coast, and its construction will stimulate
the development of the vast resources In
the territory through which It passes."
"Cashier McFarland. of the First Na
tional Bank, said: "The announcement
that the railroad will build is cood news.
I have heard nothing but expressions of
approval and confidence. The road will
greatly stimulate developments, and I
think direct railroad communication will
benefit Portland even more than Coos
Cashier Wlnsor. of the Bank of Oregon,
said: "The announcement Is all right.
Tho building of the railroad Is what we
want It will enlist foreign capital to
help develop our resources."
Manager Robertson, of the Pacific
States -Telephone Company, said the an
nouncement means a city here of 25,000
people by the time the railroad is built.
Dr. McCormas said: "I think l has been
the deliberate plan of the Southern Pa
cific to build In here, and that this was
the intention two years ago. when the
survey was started. I have looked for no
other road. The main line of the South
ern Pacific from Portland to San Fran
cisco will be through here."
Mayor Sengstacken said;. "It is good
news that we heard. I have every reason
to believe that the announcement means
business. It will be a great benefit to
Coos Bay to have railway communication
with the interior."
Attorney Seabrook said: "I have seen
only the press reports. If It is true that
the Southern Pacific means to build in
here, it means a great thing for this sec
tion, and also for the Willamette Valley.
In fact, the whole state will be benefited."
United States Engineers Examining
Conditions of the Port.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.)
Major Mlllis, of Seattle, of the United
States Engineers, headed a party of Gov
ernment officials which came today to
look over Grayjs Harbor and report as to
its needs. Aifeamer was chartered, and
a large number of Hoqulam, Aberdeen,
Cosmopolls and Montesano went down
the bay and Inspected the port.
The Government officials will make a
report o the War Department. The
Chamber of Commerce has adopted a
motto, "Thlrty-fooji-tffiannel to the sea,"
Quarry Workman Killed by a Fall
ing Boulder.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug.' f. (Special.)
-John Holden, an employe of the Colum
bia stone quarry, at Fisher's, was killed
today by u huge rock which broke loose
from the precipice above where the men
were working, and, rolling down, struck
another large rock, which caused it to
bound, striking Holden on the top of the
head. He was killed Instantly.
Holden was about 45 years of age, and
lived near La Camas. He left a wife.
Prior Rights of Way.
LA GRANDE, Or., Aug. 4. (Special.)
Two more suits have been filed by the O.
R. & N. Co. In addition to the injunction
proceedings Instituted last week against
the Wallowa Valley Railroad. These per
tain to tho validity of the deeds given by
landowners below Elgin to the new rail
road Incorporation. The O. R. &. N., as
plaintiff, alleges prior rights of way.
Dissolves Seining Injunction.
ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. 4.-(SpciaI.)Word
was received here this afternoon that the
Superior Court of Pacific County," Wash.,
sitting at South Bend, has dissolved the
temporary Injunction granted a few days
ago against EL C Elliott, in the suit
brought by Andrew Peterson. The suit
was brought to restrain Elliott from oper
ating a selno net on certain sands on the
north channel of the Columbia River op
posite this city. The motion for the dis
solution of the Injunction was based on
the contention that a contest over the
ownership of the grounds is now pending
before the Washington State Land De
partment: that the defendant had the
prior right to the property through having
filed the first application to purchase it.
Answer of Wallowa Road.
LA GRANDE, Or.. Aug. 4 (Special.)
The- Wallowa Valley Railroad Company,
represented by W. J. Cook, has Ramsey &
Oliver, attorneys, busy preparing an an
swer in the Injunction proceedings Insti
tuted by the O. R. & N. Co. Mr. Cook is
in La Grande, and expects as soon as the
answer Is ready that Judge Eakln will set
a date for a hearing, and he is confident
an order will be mado dissolving the in
junction. Mr. Cook claims that the O. R.
& N. Co.'s rights had lapsed, and that he
then secured rights which are now ahead
of any one else.
For Independent Telephone.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.)
City Treasurer Locke and others have ap
plied for a franchise for an independent
telephone line. The Council Is In a mood
to grant It, having complained, to the
Sunset Telephone Company that their ser
vice is Insufficient. The ordinance for the
new company's franchise was laid over
for a week.
Invite Portland Councllmen.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Aug. 4. (Special.)
The Council proposes to Invite the Coun
cils of Portland. Tacoma and Seattle to
the dedication of tha City Hall, which will
take place in about two weeks.
Boy Drowns at Sunday-School Pic
nic,, and Girl Witness Falls
Dead Soon Afterward.
ROSSLAND, B. C-. Aug. 4. (SpeciaL)
I. M. Hayden, local superintendent
for the Kootcnay Power & Light Com
pany, was electrocuted this evening.
He was working on tho Silica-Jumbo
circuit of the company, and was re
pairing' some wires on top of a pole.
As the joining of the wires was almoBt
finished, he sent a lineman named Neil
back to the Black Bear mine, half a
mile away, and directed him to tele
phone to the substation to turn on the
Hayden lingered longer than he
should over his work, and when tho
current passed through his body he
fell back, with his face upward on the
wires. He lay in this position for fully
15 minutes, with the current slazllng
through his body and burning- tho
J. D. McDonald, general superinten
dent of the power company, was pass
ing on horseback and saw Hayden's
predicament. He hurried to the Black
Bear mine and telephoned to the sub
station and had the current turned off.
Haydens body, sustained by the wires,
still remained in midair. A lineman
climbed a pole, tied a rope around the
body, and it was lowered to the ground.
Hayden was about 45 years of ago
and leaves a wife. He came here about
a year and a half ago from Spokane.
Reginald Mcintosh, the 13-year-old
son of Harry Mcintosh, proprietor of
the Hoffman House -and the Halcyon
Santltarlum here, was drowned in the
Columbia River yestorday afternoon
while on a picnic given to the Sunday
school of the Methodist Church.
At the mouth of China Creek there Is a
port of basin, and In this several children
were bathing. Outside the basin the Co
lumbia River runs with a strong eddy.
The lad got into this eddy and In endeav
oring to get out exhausted himself so
completely that, when he did get out. he
sank to the bottom In about eight feet of
water. Some mill men brought him to the
surface after he had been in the water
for 15 minutes. All efforts to resuscltato
were futile.
Flora Lucella Agnew, the 13-year-old
daughter of George Agnew, a grocer of
this city, was found dead In her bed
chamber this morning. She had attended
the picnic of the Methodist church at
China Creek on Thursday and saw the
body of Reggie Mcintosh after ho
drowned. The supposition Is that she was
overwrought by the excitement of the day
and the tragic death of young Mcintosh,
and that this resulted In heart failure.
The parents of the girl hesitated to call
her at the ununl hour this morning, and
waited until ?:30. -supposing that she was
fatigued and was enjoying a good sleep.
"When they entered the room she was
lying on the floor with her hands against
her breast and had evidently been dead
for some time.
Bridget Grant vs. O. H. & X. Co.
ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 4.-(Speclal.)-The
O. R. & X. Company has taken an appeal
to the Supreme Court In the case brought
against It by Bridget Grant and others to
determine the title to a tract of water
frontage between Fourteenth and Fif
teenth streets in this city. The case,
which was an equity proceeding, was re
cently decided by Judge McBrlde in favor
of the plaintiffs. The point at Issue In
the case Is the. construction placed upon
a quit-claim deed given several years ago
by the late James Taylor to the predeces
sor of the defendant company. At the
time this deed was executed the tldeland
in question was held by the state. Subse
quently It was bought by a ilr. Rogers,
who sold It to Mr. Taylor, the latter In
turn felling It to Mrs. Grant,
for Infants and Children,
Castona is liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. It destroys AVorrns and allays Feverishness.
It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teeth
ing" Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
wc cmiuieeMMNT. tt auMurtTKtr. ru torn cmr.
The Fir at Complete Piano.
Prices of Pianola Piano $500
Pianola and Orchestrelle Recitals
Mead Dismisses Eight Involved
in Election Scandal.
Rented a Room In Walla Walla and
Registered From There While
Actually Residing; In Pen
itentiary Quarters.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Aug. (SpeciaL)
Governor Mead's Investigation of the elec
tion registration pcandal Involving eight
guards at the Walla Walla Penitentiary
has led him lo advise Warden Keea to
disrates the eight men.
The men Involved arer-Coarles B. Wood,
Captain D. II. Woolery, H. Kinsman, R.
R. Hazleton. T. F. Donohue, Fred Scott,
W. H. Dixon and C. L. King.
Last May the guards rented two rooms
In the Statesman building. In Lewis pre
cinct. The Penitentiary, where the guards
are supplied sleeping quarters, is not in
the precinct. AH signed the election regis
tration book as residing In tho Statesman
building, nnd subscribed to a purported
oath as to their qualifications. They were
subsequently charged with ( perjury, but
the case was dismissed by Judge Brents
on the ground that the oath was Improp
erly administered.
Governor Mead then took up the matter
and asked for statements from both sides.
Ho obtained a record of the court pro
ceedings and a statement from the counsel
for the defendants. In a letter to "Warden
Kees the Governor says. In part:
"The doctrine that bodily residence Is a
place coupled with an Intention to make
such place a home Is generally recognized,
but here these men, while actually bodily
resident In their quarters at the Peniten
tiary, have sought to create a residence In
a place apart from there, and by methods
that do not indicate good faith.
"They might have thought they had Jus
tification for doing as they did. Neverthe
less, their actions with regard to the elec
tion laws of the state were reckless and
Impudent, nnd showed a disposition to
trifle with the provisions of the statutes.
Such conduct and such an attitude, on the
part of men occupying the positions of
grave responsibility they are. cannot be
tolerated. If any class of men should
show respect to the laws of the state. It is
that class having authority over persons
who are being punished for transgressions
of tho law.
"It Is a matter of extreme regret to me
that this thing has happened. I have al
ways heard the, men named spoken of in
the highest terms as men and officers of
the Penitentiary This Is particularly true
of Messrs. Wood. Scott and Donohue,
whom you appointed on my recommenda
tion. Nevertheless, I feel that I cannot
defend their conduct. I am compelled to
advise you that It Is your duty to dismiss
from the service of the state not only
these men, but every employe of the Insti
tution who has sought to gain a voting
residence In Walla Walla by no mope con
clusive evldenco of Intent than the more
hiring of a room In the city and visiting
It occasionally."
Boys to Camp at Fair.
ASTORIA, Or.. Aug. i. (Special.) The
Boys' Brigade of the First Congregational
Church of this city will leave here on the
morning of Monday, August 21, to visit
tho Lewis and Clark Exposition. The
brigade will be under the personal charge
of Rev. Mr. Mahone, pastor of the church,
and will spend a week In Portland, re
turning on Saturday afternoon. While
there, the brigade will camp, Inside the
Exposition grounds, will be under strict
military discipline, and on two days, at
least, will participate In the Exposition
programme for the entertainment of the
Fair visitors. The boys will be In uni
form, and will be equipped with cadet
rifles. About 60 members are expected to
attend the encampment.
Signature of
Eilers Down-Town Fair Exhibit
The Pianola Piano
The First Complete Piano
The Pianola Piano embodies an upright Piano of the highest type
perfect in tone, action and appearance, and the means by which, any
one can play upon it at any time, any one of 14,516 different compo
sitions, covering practically the entire field of music. The Pianola
Piano is now generally recognized as "The Piano of Today.' Grands
and uprights of every representative make, of later models than can
be found in any other collection of used Pianos, are being exchanged
for it at a rate which shows that cultured people buy Pianos not for
looks, but for music.
As the Pianola is the only piano player having the Metrcstyles
so the Pianola Piano is the only instrument of its type which can be
equipped with this device considered by many of the world's great
est musicians as indispensable.
to $1000; of Pianolas $250 and $300.
Dsat Neglect tfee Kldaeys. At the Ttort Indication ef KSAaer TwsM Segia
UsJag Doan'i Ktdaey Pills,
has Cured TbouaasAs at
Mrs. A. Hill, residing at 33 First street,
says: "I suffered considerable for a year
or more from aching pains in my back,
extending down, through the loins and in
the region of the kidneys. I had to be
careful in doing any work about the
house which required stooping or lifting,
for If I moved suddenly I used to suffer
severe twinges of pain In my back. I
used planters and several remedies, but
found little relief until I got Doan's Kid
ney Pills. They helped mo from the first
and finally cured me."
A TRIAL FREE To prove what
Doan's Kidney Pills will do for you we
will mall a trial box free on applica
tion. Address Fostor-Milburn Co.. Buf
falo, N. T.
For sale by all Dealers. Price SSc'
rrtmrnntee n cure In everv case
tation tree. Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR Mh.N mailed fxe
plain wrapper.
We- cure the worst case3 of plies In
tion. Cure guaranteed.
If you cannot call at office, wrlto
Office hours, 9 to 5 and 7 to 8. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12.
Offices in Van-Xoy Hotel, 52tf Third at.
Cor. Pine. Portland. Or.
Kidney and
Such as piles,
ntood nolson.
. v !;cirr-ri.'? Ko failure.
Tub vn ML- troubled With night omissions, dreams, exhausting drains. hash
fulneJs. averK td ocTety" which deprive you of your manhood. YOV
affiilCfwoo from excessee and strains have lost their MJlXLI
T.,nr. .vn cu-tv titsi5ASES. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urlaj
meet strietnrft Enlarged Prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kid-
niy and Liver Troubles cured without
DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism tUKiaj. if
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific He uses no patent noa
-vr- nr anaratlons. but cures the disease by thorough medic?
treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Dlseuses sent free to all men who d
scribe their trouble. PAtiexts cureu at noma, xerms reasonaoie. au isiten
answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Cai
on or address
J DR. WALKER, 181 First. Street, Cower Yamhl!!, PortfcrHL
Purchasable on moderate monthly
351 Washington, corner Park (Eighth) Street.
Many of the dally -woes o-wJ
hood are due to sick kidneys; W u
many women fall to reoogalx xtdn
trouble when they-, have it. asd 3tkS:
diseases in fatal lfineglected too
When c woman's ;baclc nctiM fro:
morn to night
When she feols worn out after
bit of work aha baa to do-
When ah cannot bend or .attx-erta
out stttferlng twinges of pafcv
When she ha constant sa
dizzy spoils, bearing -down palaa ft&c
urinary troublos
When she has ny or all of tliea
aliments It ls.a sure sign tc 3rfd-
neys aro not doing- their duty.
acid and other poisons that th ki&aeys
should filter out of tha blood, ar carry
ing dkMOM lntovry Prt at Im ay-
KKrd this as a. danar signal.
amnlca tho kldners rji the co OJ
your many aches and pains, and. to cai
tha Icidneys use a kidney xafedlcln.
So&n's Kidney Pills cere elcic kid
neys and our them permanently. Tb
kidneys becln to do their irorx prs
erly, and pure blood, the greatest, sys
tem regulator, restores the hoH-
to health and strength.
a Modern Kidney SpectSe, tcalck
Feol JUVt Sere at Hesse
Kldner diseases cause"
than any other human arJlicttea. This
is because they come on so slleuUyl
and are. therefore, neglected.
When the kidneys are well, they
move from the body every day narl
on ounce of urto aold. and other pofsoa-i
ous waste.
When the kidneys are sick, this poi
son is carried by tha blood to evet
part of the body. It causes rheuma
tism, gout, neuralgia, sciatica, gravel
stone In tho kidneys, heart disease, in
digestion, diabetes and Bright dis
Doans Kidney Pills act proms
and give complete relief, because the 3
Influence Is exerted directly upon th
diseased tissues. This medtoia.
been curing sick kidneys for 75
Fester - Mnbr Oe., atriTato, S Y3g.
We treat succeasfully all private nerj
vous ana enronic diseases ot men, aec
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney acc
throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS
(without mereurvl to stav curert for J
ever. We remove STRICTCrK wlthouj
ODeratlon or pain. In la Java.
We stop drains, the result of self4
abuse. Immediately, we can restcre tht
sexual vigor or any man under 30 hj
mean of local treatment peculiar tc
We Cure Gonorrhoea
In a Week
The 'doctors of this Institute ara all
retrular graduates, have had mar
years' experience, nave been known, li
Portland for 15 years, have a put a. J
tion to maintain and will undertake nc
case unless certain cure can b ttA
we undertake or charge no fee. Consul
two or three treatments, without open,-'
for question blank. Home treatmeat suc
Years of Succes!
In the treatment of cbronlo diseases, such ax HverJ
stomach disorders, constipation, iiiarr&ai
uropsical swellings, fright's disease, etc.
Kidney and Urinary
painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or!
oioooy urine, uaaaiurai uiscoarscs spoeuuy curcu.
Diseases of the Rectum
fistula, fissure, ulceratloo. mucous and
bloody discharges, curea witaout the knife, paia
Diseases of Men
gleet, stricture, unnatural losae. i-
Cure guaranteed.
ausKCUnr u otueb fOiSO.XBfl